- - . . nru.iiiuur i.- . _ 8 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIT E OMAHA DAILY BEE : . SATURDAY , 1\rAnCII lfi , 1SO. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -1 , COUNTY COM nSSIONERS nOT - Wrought Up Once Moro by Statements from r Board of Iloalih SAY TI1AT WRONG STORIES ARE TOLD Contcmle.1 that County IAUoln ! ; , Moro Thnn Its Only hy the l'oor-Cl'nter Street UORII ( JrR.lln - 1I1111111C88 , none YClIlorllllY , - : Yesterday the county commissioners met at 10 o'clock. It was ( osignecl to have a hearing of both sIdes regarding ; the pro. test ot a number ot residents ot Batavia Park against the chang ot the license of Oallhas Jetter to run a el\loon In that neigh- 2 borhood. c ThIs Is the some saloon for the running I at which without a license C.V. . Woolridge : . Is under indictment hy the grand jury. The people at the neighborhood object to a chang ! ot the license to Jl'tter on the grouni , ] that he does root reside In the vicinity and t allows the saloon to be run In a disreputable manner hy IrresponsIble parties. Attorney Yates appeared before the commissioners but Jetter was not present. The board declined ] , upon 11101l0n of Stenherg , to go Into the matter unless both parties were present , or at least until they had satisfied thcmselves that they could refuse the license after hearing one side , In & ' the event or the applicant not appearing L after notification. The subject was therefore , deferred ! until 2 p. m. , A communication was received from D. r W. Morrow : , the assignee or the contract S. which was awarded to g. J. llzgerald for ! : - grading Center street road , staling . that he hall reasIJlgned all or his Interest In the work to 1.1morl'aux Bros. As the time for the completion at the work had long since expired there was consilierable discussion as . to whether new bills for " the halance of the work shoulcl ( not be advertised for. Jenkins advocated this course , but on motIon Sten- hnrt' . " vIrn , , lIpr1 Ih" attention of the hoard - ; ' ' the ' fact : - - Iatiile --1 rivaB as low as they coulll possibly get. the work done for and that I.amoreaux Bros. were responsible parll& " , the asslnmcnt ! was approved auth Lamoreaux Bros. will be permitted to complete - plete the joh. St. Vincent de Paul association In n com- munlcatloll called attention to the case oC James Walsh , n hllllll man In the county hospital. The association has located II u hrl'ther of this man In Ireland and he Is willing to take charge of James provided the unfortunate call be procurell transportation - tlOII to that coulltry. The assocIation will semI him to New York hut asl\Cj that the cbunlY commissIoners allow $ 5O for expenses from that city to Ireland. The mailer was referred to the charity commillee with power tt act. The ( finance commIttee allowed claIms amounting 10 $3 2.28 , among ; which was 1111 . Item of $ 8.,13 to Charles Unlll for collectIng - Ing delinquent taxes. Sheriff Drexol's bill ot $1,741.48 for the care ot criminals and Intano at the county Jail during January and February was also approved by the same commllll' At 2 o'clocl the commIssioners reconvened. 4 The application or Dalthas Jotter for a renewal - newal of his license was refused on till ! ground ! that his bond was insufficient , one of the sureties a woman , having notified the board that she desired to withdraw her name from the Instrument. . , A. P. AI\Crluml and Samuel Will were appointed - pointed to direct the county graders ; during : "be balance of 189 lit $10ler \ lIay. ? BOARD OF HEALTH CRlTIClSED. lIIr. Jenkins then proceeded to pour some . ; more hot shot Into the camp of the cIty c Doar(1 of HOllth. ! lIe was armed with . a copy of Thursday evening's The , from whIch lIe read an article giving Dr. Towne's account of the pitiable condlUolI In which he had Ills- r covered the Anderson family on Twenty- . Ighth avenue. "When I read that article yesterday , " said Mr. Jenldns "I Immediately determined to Investlgato It , not , however , that I believed there was any truth In It , as I knew It cam Lut through the Board of Health , hut be- _ ; cause I wanted to show up still another of the malicIous attacks made on thIs commIs- sion. And hero Is what I have dIscovered This man Anderson applied to the charity store for the first time on January 12 , and received 73 cents worth ot groceries. On the ' 20th ot the sam month ho received $3,29 In groceries ; on February 2. $1.61 ; February 8 , liO cents ; February I 22. $1.6G. Every time he applied up to this date he received assistance , A few days later ho carne 111 such an Intoxicated - cated condition that hd could hardly walk. and was refused. That was the last heard ot him at the charity store. His boy receives $2 per week for work for the Associated CharIties , anti the family , I am Informed , re. eelvo $4 per month for rent , or get their house free , I do not remember which. "at course none ot thIs was given ! ; to the ' reportc'rs who wrote this article ; It 1\'ould not bo In IIlIe with Iho polley of the Board of Health to say a word about It. Its policy Is to glorify ! Itself for doIng ; nothing , and abuse the county commissioners on every Ilossibio occlIslolI. "Whatover relief the poor are receivIng comelJ front the county ; the city does noth- lag. Why Dr. Saville has time allll agaIn como to II ! ! to endorse his prescrIptions , so that the medicines may bl' charge'3 to the' ' count } . . The next thing ; he \ yihl want Is , that we IIIIY his alary " 1\11' Stenheg agreed with Jenkins that the city was shirking . Its duty , hilt so far as the cases rcporteJ were concerned , The Bee was always wllllnp ; to give both sides of i the question , and he did usot rear hut that the ' judgment of the pUblic would acquit the board at IIIY neglect ot the sick or unfor- tunatl. Mr 1.I\'CSl'Y said that he hall got tired of paying : attention to the reports circulated In this wa ) ' . It the commissioners were to follow up every one or them they would have no limo to do anything elsl' No one even applied for aid who desen'ell It anti went away without It It ho knew It , anti out of . twenty cases paraded 111 Ihlll WilY by the city authorities there was scarcely one that ( there was anything ; In. . Peer reel ! provokes 1lyspepsla. Pure food , made with Ir Price's lIal.lnl Powder , Ilre- vents it . . . CHOSE A DAD NIGHT , Chicken 1'1110\1'8 'l'raeelt 10 Umiliu hJ' 'l'rnc'kll III tie l'r"KhoIlU / \ \ ' . Tom Brewer oC Glcnwoo' , In , Thursday ' night matc a tour of hIs neighbors' rarm yards anti ! gathered together 140 fine clilekens. lIe immediately came to Omaha with the Intention - tention ot selling th 'm , lIut ho has a ) crooked wheel In his wagon , and by this mark . his route to Omaha could bo plainly traced ; In the fresh HnoWhen the neighbors awoke yesterday morning they discovered their lessee and also the wagon wheel 1 tracks Four ot them got on horseback , anti two uf them In liuggles ! , anti followed the tracks to this city . lIfl'wer was selllnl some ot the chickens on lower Howard street when he : was l'olllrd ! : out to IIn oll1CE-r and arrested When he was taken to the station he con- rented to go ! back to Gienwooll without requisition . sillon patleTs IInel . acknowledged ) that he stole , the ehlrllell8 lie even wl'nt further than ' that. and sale that he had been stealing chIckens rrom hIs neighbors for a year While the ( IJllfluers wen' on their way rrom , Glen wood , John 1lnrahl ot Sarl' coubty WUI ! : also following " the tracks of wagon wheels to Omaha Ills roops had been nl.oheJ , ot six g 'n ( ' , tcllty chickens anti several pigeons . The tracks led to I'd Corree's house ' un " 'Clt Farutain street , nod warrant for i4. his arrest was worn l out , . . ' " 11'.110 ; : Out lI..hl rUI' 01111'11I1'1 , ; . n. I. . " , 'ooll'hlse , who was cited to nl ) ' 1) , pease before Judge Scutt to show cause why , ' , ho houllJ not he 1)III1IBho for contempt of court , wall > 'esteidav urtl'rnaoll disohuargud , the cOlllplalnlll ! : w Jt tnrHII ( till lug ! to make . out U I'I1IIl' III the opinion or the 'OUI't. " 'oolrlligeVIIS cited upon un atItuInvit mud ( ' \/y John Pluth , one or thiu wltlleSSl.'s who tl'lItttletl "rCol'lI the Gram jury 1I1III1I8t , 'oolrldlf" for Bl.'lIIng liquor without a 11. ' conse. l'lath claimed that Woolrl.u ! hnl ! I threatened him , and warned him to 1II\'e his iesidence . - - - "Drown's Bronchial Troches" lire widely known as an admirable remedy for bronchitis heats lIeS8. coughs and throat troubles Sold I nhy lu boxes . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' DETECTIVE PYDUn 'S 3ILL8. Tr11nl : to Jllnke R Good ThIng Out of Spl" ! tug for thuu . COllnt1' Charles Tietz , who has been keeping n 81\Ipon on the old Military road , Is on trial In Judo ! Scott's court charged with selling liquor without a license Jlahneman Pyburn , one ot the witnesses against Tietz before the grand jury testified to having bought beer at Tietz place on February 18 and 24. Being asked his business at present : \Ir. l''burn answered that he was In the employ of the county attorney as a sort. ot special detective to collect evidence against parties who were selllnp ; liquor without license , and that ho expected to lIe not only paid for his services by the county commissioners , but also to be reimbursed by them for the amount ot money expended by him In buying drinks at the olrelllllng gill mills lIe has a bill before the commissioners for $1iO for labor and illicit fire water. County Attorney lIa1clrlge says that P'hurn told him that Chairman Williams ot the county commIssioners had no objections to his employment as detective , anti thereupon ho went to work. But. his opinion Is that all 1''hurn could collect would bt' his fees as ! a witness before the grand jury. These amount to over $20. Chairman Williams de- tiles that he gave Pyburn any authorIty In the matter or collecting evIdence whatever Pyburn's itemized bill would Inlllcate that he Illaces the value of his services pretty high , considering that all he claims to have lone was to' visit grog ; ShOps antI absorb their liquid contents at the county's ex- I-tense. For lnalanc , ho went out to FUty- fourth and Dodge streets on February 10 on time motor , IIcllOll nIl 6/ / cents worth of booze and charged the county $5 : ; for the service anti alMs his liquor bill allli care rare. On February 13 hemalleanotherltrlp. ; but this lime the cars were not good ; enough , so ho puts In II $ l.liO charge for buggy hire anti bar expenses oC 60 cents. On February Iii anti 19 he plunged the county In debt to 111m to the extent ef $11.0G hy making two trips to Paul andlary : Johnson's Illace In East Omaha. Of this $10 Is for his time , 65 cents for liquor and 40 cents , sr fare. Charles Tlet7.'s pace ] was visited hy 1'- burn on February 16 and 17 nt $5 her visit Here , either the liquor was good ; or the evidence , vas , difficult to get for he charges $1.6G for the amount gU7.zll't ! But It was at C. A. Jensell's resort. on the olll Military : road that Pyburn got In his deallly work . Here on two visits , cacti at $ G , ho claims to have paid $3,0 : ; for drlnlu. In IIddltlon ( to these IImounts pybnrn says that the county Is indebted to him for $ G.25 , paid out by him In Its interest In procuring the attendance of witnesses In various WIlYS. All at this Is In addition to the rees whIch Pyburn earICd In his capacity as witness be- fore the grand jury , and what he Is oarnlll ! and will continue to earn as a witness In the criminal court. Chairman Stenber ! of the finance com- mltteo ot the county commissioners signifi- cantly remarked when the matter was called to his attention by a Bee representative , "The blll Is not allowed yet. " lituiitiet lJy \ \ .uor. Theodore Williams complains In a petition In the county court that Christ Martlc flooded him out or his premises on March 5 of the present 'Car. He says than In thc fall or 1894 Martie who owns a tract ot land adjoining - joining his Illnce , constructed a large ! ponll or artificial hake on his own premises , which of course he , \\'lIlIams , did not object .to GO I long as Martie kept the water to himself. This ho says MarUc did until the Gtil of this month when he delIberately cut a hole In thc dam whIch confined the water , which poured over the plalntlff's land , causing damage In the sum of $300. lo'OIlIl1It for tutu Plaintiff In Judge Ferguson's court yesterday a JurY brouht. ! In a verdict for $1.250 In favor of the plaintIff In the case ot Dancrolt Sons & Co. against Dietz. " . School days are hero again. In , all the schools Dr. Prl e's , Is the favorite baking powder. ' , . . .t , AN.\'U U.'CJ . . 'IEN8. : A testimonial concert to Jules Lombard Is I to be given Monday evening and the Interest thIs concert Is arowslng testifies more than I anything else to the sterling worth of the beneficiary Mr. Lumhard has sang In season - son and out for numberless charIties of Omaha. He has always Inclined a wllllllg carte to those who needed help , and In the musical colony of Omaha there Is no worthier artist who may be honored by such a concert as the one of Monday bids fair to be. "Tho Girl I Letl Behind 1\1e , " with Its In- dians , Its toot soldiers , Its splendid actlllg company , Its magnificent scenery , wlll delight - light the patrons or Doyd's theater for three nights and Wednesday matinee , beginning ; Tuesday , March 19. While 'Delasco and yles' beautIful love story wlll appeal to the heart of the spectator , the mammoth stage pictures will charm the eye. The story ot Kate Kennlon's love of the brave and manly Lieutenant Hawltesworth , who , to blot out the charge ot cowardice mndo by a companion - panion ofilcer who Is hImself guilty of the charge , faces what seems almost - most certain death to save a massacre threatened - ened garrison. The rescue scene at the end or the third act surpasses In Its stupendousness - ness amI daring any effects yet attemptell on the m.tnge It requires a very , large eon- Ilany to play the new "Girl I I.ett' Behind Me " The more prominent ot th player are Maud Harrison , Lottie Alter ; : Jiines E. Wilson Maclyn Arhuckll' , Myron " . Calico , Byron Douglas and Timomas Oberle : Little Edna fleming will appear In "A I.lt- tie lIerolne" for tllO last time at the : Empire at time matinee today at 2:30 : when any reserved - served seat may be obtained for 25 cents. The engal'ment ! ; closes with a production of "The Governess" tomorrow afternoon T. . time 1'1\1'1110 C ouSt hllll11 'c8C1'rn I'oiiitg Via time Union Pacific , the World's Pic- tornl IIno. Head the time. To San Francisco from Olnahn , 6n ! ! hours ; to 1'0rUand from Omaha , 65 * hours : first class through Pull- : man cars Dining car servIce unsurpassed I Free reclining chair cars Upholstered Pull- man colonist sleepers dally between Council Bluffs Omaha and San Francisco via C. & N. \ \ ' . and Union Pacific syetem without change , connecting at Cheyenne with slllll- lar cars for Portland ; also daily ( between lean&3S City and PorUand , connection nt Cheyenne wIth similar cars for San Frau- cisco. - Corresponding time and service to Cola- rllllo , Utah , \Vyomlng , Idaho and Montana points. , HAHIlY 1' . nEUEL , City Ticket Agent , 1302 I.'arnam St . I ) I l' 11 IOOI NSEN-Elllle , a go 77 ) 'enrs , 3 months : ( lieu , \lurch : H , 1S)5. ) : I.'unl'ral Stuumday after- moon nt 2 o'cillcl from reblclence or AIr . Casper Stlbole , 2G17 # Grant etl'let. Intel"- I1IUllt , Sprlnswl'lI cem trr ' . EN"H.LE-Thomns , of pneumonia , March 13. 18 5. Funeml Hattum'thuy March IIlth , 2:30 : II. Ill" from time homo of hili sons , 9th unll JU'lIl'a etsu , NOl'th Omuha. Interment - moist 1'ol'ollt 1.lIwn. Friends invited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! Many of the Loyeliest Women ! i and Brainiest Men i ) : ( This country has ever produced have been : Crom a product of the pine tree , and combines . victims to Consumption Said a great orator , i all the healing properties of that evergreen. It ) : ( . in speaking of the death of a brilliant young nets directly upon the diseased lung tissue , . W statesman : CI Consumption licked the blood healing the disease , whilst it destroys the germ i from off the altar of his heart , and the ' that produced the mischief. 'I'he Ozone sends . I . ' , ( twilight of his life cattle before the 11oon- the red blood aU through the system , loaded I ) : .t . ) : ( hour. " It is not , however , the dc.aths that with the rich nutrients furnished by the palata- . ! ) : have occurred , but those that'may he prevented , ble , nourishing properties of the Pure Norwe- ) : ( ; that most concerns us now , Your life , the life gian Cod Liver Oil , of which Ozomulsion is . of wife sister the life of . 0 your , daughter or ; your compounded w ) : ( : ( . . it brother , father or son , may depend on prompt How careful we are when a loved one is sick . relief The healthy do not need a healer. It is to secure a reputable physician I We want to I ) : ; t the sick who need help , and need it now , before be sure there arc no mistakes made You will . ) : the stealthy lung trouble has gotten beyond make no mistake when you buy Ozomulsion for ) : ( O control ' ' any of your family who are suffering from Con- . Ozomulsion is the most perfect preparation sumption 01' weak lungs , from coughs , colds , ) : ( ever discovered for the healing of diseased lung scrofula , impure blood , 01' any wasting disease . tissue and the building up and fortifying of the It will do aU that is claimed for it , and more. ) : ( ) : ( . system which is fast yielding to the advance of It is perfect , pure and palatable It is the . this disease. It is compounded of Ozone , Cod kind physicians prescribe. Sold by aU ) : ( ) : ( 0 Liver Oil and Guaiacol. Guaiacol is prepared druggists. - Q ' Thin pale women get plump and beautiful on Ozomulslon. ) : .1 ) : ( . T. A. SLOCUlIE CO. , ISX Pearl Street , New York City . . . o .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For Sale by KUHN & CO. , 15th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JlA'UI HItO . l'lnhllll ) Ih. . I'rlero BO"II , III1WII , town , SPECIAL ADVANC1 SALE OF 'IEN'S NEGLlOEI SlIlHTS. \\0 are now showlllg a full line ot Man- hattan , 'lIson Bro ! . . United brand and Blackston ! shirts , and on Saturday we will ml1lw a special cut In prices on these dllYer- cut IIncs. These fancy shirts arc all of the newest designs and some of the patterns are strictly confined to us.'e show merest styles than all of the other houses put to- gethe FIne sMt negligee shirts , 25c ; worth 50e. Mascot laundered shirts , 50c : worth 76c. Special " values In white laundered : shirts : $1.00 shirts nt GOc. Elegant madras , sateen and percale fancy shirts at SOc , worth 7Gc. Elegant laundered shirts , late styll'S , 7Gc. l.aunderl1 fancy percale shirts , 3Gc ; worth SOo. SOo.Our Our fancy laundered shirts. collars attached - tached and detached , Is probably one or the strongest lilies shown. We arc showing a full hin . ot Manhattan shirts at $1.00 and $1.GO each. See our display ot shirts In the 16th street shoW wIndows. SPRING CLOTHING. Our new spring stock for 1895 Is now placed upon our counters and Is ready for your Inspection. \Ien's : spring suits from $2.50 up. Boys' long pant suits trans $1.50 up. , Men's all wool trousers from tile up. Boys' knee pant suits from : lGc up. Children's all wool JunIor suits , $1.50 up. Wo show the greatest line wet of Chicago - cage or line and medium grades et all kinds ot ehlldren's novelties , Junior , reefer and kill suits , at prIces the very low st. TWO DRESS GOODS SPECIALS A double fold wool dress goods that has been retailed at 25c a yard , special prIce for one day for one dress TIC A DRESS PATTEHN. We will sell all our 75c , 85c and 98e 47- Inch all wool ser e. In colors only \ and only - one dress to a cuitbuner , " AT SOC A YARD. This Is unquestionably the bargain ot the season. , PUSHING DOIIIESTIC PRICES DOWN. Wide sheetlngs at 7e , at ge , at lOc , at 12e ; actual value 12c up to 18c. Lawrence L. L. yard wide muslin 3c. Kearney line muslin 3c . Pepperell R line sheeting 4 % c. Yard wide bleached muslin 3y'c. : Lonsdale mill remnants Sc Cotton flannel 3 % c. PUSHING LINEN PRICES DOWN. lOc and IGc linen crashes Gc and 8c. 5e buck towels cut down to 2c. lOc and 15c Turkish towels 3c and 5e. lOc linen huclt or crepe linen towels , 10c. SOMEThING , NEW ON THE BARGAIN COUNTER. Keep your eye on It. New and better bar- gains , every day. Wo are makIng a special effort , on our fine linen bed spreads , white goods ! , dotted Swisses , lInens , linings and flannels , and In order to sell out this Immense stock we art : PUShING PRICES DOWN , DOWN 40e wash embroidery silks lOc n dozen. 25e stamped splashers for 12c. 30e stamped dresser scarfs for \fie. \ IOn to 15e tooth brushes , side and steel combs , Gc. Spool cotton 2c ; worth Ge. CHEAP DOmeS SATURDAY NIGHT. trout 7:30 : to 9:30 : p. m. , $ G.OO ENCYCLOPEDIAS FOR 25C. 500 copies of the latest editIon of the Encyclopedia - cyclopedia Drillalllca , finest Ipather binding ; . regular $5,00 book , for 25c a copy. This sale lasts for an hour and a halt and we positively will not sell a copy before 7:30 : and none after 9:30 : P. m. at 25e. Buy "Coin" the greatest book on the finan- del lJuestion ever written , Finest separator creamery 19c. Country butter 7c , 9c , lie and 12e. We will sell you line huller for 15c. Sail pork 6c ; sugar ; cured bacon 8c , picnIc hams , 6c ; pickled pork , 7c ; corned beef , 3c ; sugar cured , No. 1 hams , 9c ; boneless ham , 8c. hAYDEN DROS. , Pushing the prices down , down , down. . 'rJl'ro Is l'rlllmll1r No other 1l1lt"I'n 1.111" So universally patronized hy tIme very high- est class of travel ns the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Hy. The character ot Ih train lIel'\'lce anti equipment Is' recognized ! ; and IIpprfelatell by those who are satisfied ] ollly with the best Try It on your nexl eastern trip. TraIns leave Chicago as follows , lows : 8:09 : and 10:30 : A. III. , 3:2G : , 5:30 : and 8:45 : P. M. dally anti 11:30 : 1' . \1. : dnlly excepl Sunl1ay. M . S. ( ] ILES , T , P. A. , Cl1lcago. C. WILBEH , W. 1' , A" , ChIcago . ' UlIlel ( : Leaves Omaha 4:45 : i. uui . today Arrives ChIcago 7:55 : a. m. tomorrow. . The Durllngton's "VesUbul ) Flyer" deem ; 1. TIckets and full InCol'matlon at 1321 Far nam St. ) ' - HEY DEFERRED IT ONE DAY' hearing or the SllIIrloy Rioters Set for This 1III1rnln : ; : . JUdging from time appearance ; ot the police court room yesterday Sheell'ytown was depopulated , as the room was crowdl'd with the friends or the Poles who tool part In the trouble last Tuesday , amid whose pre- I1l11lnar hearing was expected to tllle place yesterday morning. The uUdlencc , however , was disappointed , for upon the application of County Attorney Daltlrlga the hearlllg was postponed until this morning ; at 10 o'clock.Ir. : . Oahlrlgo said that he antic- Ipated that the case 'ould continue for three days or a week before It was finally IlIs- posed oC , and his work In the dIs- trict court was so arranged It would be Impossible - possible for himself or one ot his assistants 10 ho Ilresent throughout the trial If It was begun " then. Attorney Smyth , who appeared for the defendants ! reluctantly can- sentoll to this IIrrnnJement. lIe desired the mailer to be dl&posed or us soon as posst- ble. PrIest " Karmlllsl l has not yet reached the end of his troublS. Late Thursday nfter- neon a new complaint wus sworn OUI. chargIng - lag hIm with an assault with intent to kill. The complainant Is John K07.lcltl , one of the men who was struck hy one of the bullets fron\IIarmlnskl's gun. KozickI was hit In the leg' just above the knee , but /ustalned / , only a slight lIesh 'o\lI1d. Another warrant has been suel1 : ; on the complaint of Joseph Inda , who Is the man who withstood the charge upm the side door of the clmrch when the prlest's sllpport- also ] stated that last August when Karmlnskl first came to Omaha he went to him anti naked him what kInd of a priest he was Karmlnskl replied that he was n Catholic prIest. Nowicki said ho then asked whether ho hall been appolnte1 to take chare ! ; of St. l'aul'lI church by BIshop Scannell , amid I Karmlnskt told him that he hlld not. hut vas appolntl'eI by Arehhlshop Vllatto Now- Ilcl I < l thou told him that he dill not believe he . was a Catholic Ilrlest at all , and told him \ that IC hue did not vacate there would hoI I trouble. I ' 1'HI IHItMT SIlIJ'I'IIEIIN IWUl'l I : \"I" Hock hbll.l , Hhort lt Line RIIII Flutll.t . . 11m. . To mill points In Kansas , Okillhomn , Indian Territory , 'I'e > 01l8 and all points In aouthern California. Only anenlght out to all points of Texas "The TexaslLlmlted" leaves Omaha lit 1i:11i : a. m. , dallyexcept Sunday , landing passengers at all points : In Texas 12 hours In ad\'ace of all other lilies Through tourist cars via Ft. Worth and m Paso 10 Los An. I gelp-w. For full particulars , maps , folders , etc. , call at or IIddrcll Rock Island ticket . ol1lce , 1602 Farnllm sit CIIAS KENNHDY G. N. W P. A. _ _ un f ! Wt-a tta a a 8tJi. a a a s a . . , ROYAL has the highest leavening power of any powder examined , and is pure and wholesome No other powder gave results so satisfactbry. I . FLOYD DAVIS , IV1. S. , Ph. D. , 2 Chemist of Iowa I State Board of health. .nc u .n c. " ; = : : : : : : , , r. ; " " 'oo.vt . " . . . . . . . : ' ' ' 'f'r. ' " . . . ; . . " " . , . . , lIiu'um . Urltltlll ! C. , 1cs , Two cupfuls cold bolhd rice , one pInt hour . ona teaspoonful sugar , one.halC tea- t Jloonrul suit , oua and ulle-halt teaspoonfuls 1I0)'al lIaltlnf\ \ Powder , one egg , little mc.r tim UI one-half 11111t mllll , Sift together ! flour , sugar sail anti powder : acid rice rree tram lump , diluted : with beaten eKg and milk : mix lute 'lI1ooth batter. Have jrlddle well heated , make cakes large , bake nicely browum serve a \III \ baltic syrup , a IIre""rnlt hulls , One and one hair pints flour one half pint corn lIIeal ( white ) , one leallOOnCUI ! saIl two teaspoonfuls ItO ) al Baking Powder , one t61M" spounCul lard , thre -lJuarters pint milk. Sift together flour , cons meal , fait and l'o\\c1erj ; rub In I.rel cold , add the milk , mix smeotbly [ Into rat er llrmcr dough than u5ual. Flour - ' N 4'AI . .4 _ . . . . " " " " "f' ' ' ' 4'Jq ' _ _ ' ' the board , turn out the dough , give It one or tile turns to rompleta Ita sllloothnel8. Divide It , tllIIs prepared , Into pieces size of an egg : again divide these In hair , which roll omit undel' the hand until they are long anti , half the 1he : cf one's little linger. Lay on greasell vallnt tin so that tlley 110 not touch , wa.h bent ( O'U1 Ith milk , bake In hot oven seven or tlM minutes , . . I'rcnch haul , I One quart : ! flour , one tearpoonrul salt , two teaspoonfuls Royal flaking I'owder one table- ' 1loonCul lamd nearly one pint IIIl1k. SIft tiour salt and powder together tlloroughlY ; rub III 1.lId cold , add milk , and mlJt Into rather limier dough than ordinary , Flour board lurn ( out dough. and Immediately give It one or two quick , ylgoroua knladlnga to complele Its D1oothnn . NQ'Y divide II ers were enterlnp ; He was badly beaten about the bead. HIs complaint charge as- sault , with Intent to 110 great hOlllly InjUry , allli Is Issued against Simon N , tzel , Jaebb'\Netzel1AuguBt Netzel , Frank $ zcupan- lell ; " Frank Rtdwelskl ! , Adam Ji' Przanowskl Valtluty ! Kula and Vallenty Gallik. All but SImon Netzel. Kuhn and Gallik hiavo I ! been arrested already and are out on $1,000 bond To the latter charge they pleaded not gullly , and were released on bonds of U.OOO e3ch. All who have ben ; arrested will he tried toether. ! County Attorney Dahlrlgo says he wlll lake charge at the prosecution If he III able. . The defendants will be looked lifter by .Attornpy : Smyth and Judge Baldwin H" . A little side Issue to the trouble occurred Thursday .nlght which necesltatel the issuance - ance of another warrant yesterda It took place between women solely , Mrs. Paullna Trawltzlcl lives at Twenty-fifth and Dancroft streets , whIch Is situated In Sheeley. She has a sick boy and Thursday night determined to call In the priest. She called Priest Wen zowskl or the Polish church at Sevell- teenth and Center streets. She claims that when he arrived the news spread rapIdly and soon a crowd ot women belonging to the opposite faction surrounded her house and comllleneed to hoot anti chare ! that the priest came there for immoral purposes. She Idenll- fled three women and yesterday swore out a complaillt charging them wUh disorderly conduct. The women are : Mrs. Albert Stawnlk , frs. Jacob Zioltwwski and frB. Maggie : \ ; Inda. Dargnczewsld the man who was shot In the legs ! and who Is now at St. Joseph's hospital I , Is reported to be getting along ; very nicely. His leg ; hils not been amputated and the physicians are determlnell not to cut the leg ; off unless It Is absolutely necessary , as the man positively refuses 10 allow It to be done. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NO\vldd Unll 11111 1' " , . . Joe Nowlc111 called at The Dee office allll stated that If the law does not oust Prlellt Kllrmlnskl from the church he will take steps to see that he Is compelled to leave the ellurch , even If he has to \lse force to do It. He saId he would stand by BIshop Sellnnell If he had to die for doing ! so lie . ' _ , ' n'.Q . , . 4'An . ΒΌ . . . . . _ ' " " " " - - - ' ' . - - - , . into Illeces size of an egg , then each piece In hair , which form under the hands Into appearance of short , thick rolls tapering sharply at each end Put two of there plecel together ! bide by shll' , lunchIng cnd together a little , lay them on greased baklllg tin , walm over with umiilk Bake III hot oven Iltttl'n mlnutea , S Hints cuts i'iistry. I Make ) pastry with clean cold hiaumds nip your hand > In cold water ( after washing them III hot water ) before you begin , or your crust will not he good Crust may be made of butter or clarified drippings or lard i butter la better and costs but a trlll more . Look to the oHn ; Ir It II too cold It will mallo your crust heavy , It too hot It will burn it . 'fry It by baking a tiny piece of crust In It lint Make a little hole In tOIl crust Or 1ea\ \ Isles to lei out gai . , " . " " jI\ , , . ; . , : : . . , ; . . ; > I it 1'0A.lvlulllJr : , . , ' Offered by the ChIcago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , the short IIno to Chicago A clean train , made up allli started from Omaha. Baggage checked rrom residence to destination. Elegant train service and cour- teous emplo'es. Entire trains lighted by electricity nnd heated by sleam , with elec- tl'le light In every berth. lnest dining car service III thu west , with meals served "n la carte " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. mn dally from UnIon Ilellot. City Ticket Ofilee , 1MI Farnam streot. C. S. Carrier. city ticket a cnt. . l'1,1191111t to Tmsko Time Northwestern hub fast vestlhuled Ciii- cage train that glides cast from the Union Depot every aftorumoon at 5:45 : and , into Chicago at 8:4G : next mornirmg with SUllller and la carte breakfast Every part or tbt train Is RIGHT. Other eastern trains at 1:0G : a. m. and . I p. 1. daily-good , too. City ticket office. , 101 Farnam street IVa"IT lHtn'1Tl . Retail merchants are jubilant over the fail of smsosv Mrs. Luchesl has taken charge ot the Murray news atand. Postmllstt'r Martin has hall his ofilce fixed np and wi put In a telephone next weele. A horse belonging to II farmer named : \laglre fell near the postofce and broke his leg yestermlsy. The postal authoritIes are keeplnp ; a tme table now on letter carriers to guard against theIr working over eight hmours. Them will be a meeting or the South Side Improvement association tOlllght atl01G South Eleventh street Business of Importance will bl ti'ansacted The ladles' of Saratoga Congregational ! church , corner 2Gth and Ames avenue , will give I New England 11nner at the church on ' Friday evening March IG , from I to 8 o'clock. There wIll net be any enernl ! parade on St Patrick's day In Omaha. The anniversary - sary of Iroland's patron saint comes on Sun- day thIs year and I will have a quiet ob- . servallcP. A letter received yesterday from Judge BlaIr , who for the past three weeks has been holding court In Sarpy counly , states that ho will hear motions this morning In court room N. . G , at 9:30 : a. m. The jury In the case of Joseph Wachter , time German who sulcldell Thursday returned a verdict to the effect that the man took his own life while In a fit of temporary aberra- tion. The funeral will occur this afternoon - noon lit 2 o'eloclt from Coroner \llIul's : under- tllklng rooms. On March 1 Rev. 1.loyl Knight died at Yutall of Ileumonla , at the age of 77 'ears. Rev. Mr. KnIght was the brother-In-Inw of , .11ev Robert \Veldensal , one ot the pioneer mInisters ot this city. The body will be brought ! ; to Omaha today. 'fhe interment . . wi take place In Forest Lawn cemetery. A mcetlng at those interested In the organ- Izaton at a strong Nebrllslca divisIon or the "Trav lers Protectve association" will beheld held In the Commercial club rooms at 7:1 : : this ovemslmmg Jobbers , manufacturers , commission - mission merchlillts , commercial travelers , salesmen and buyers are eligible to memLer- aim Ill. shil.There There Is a rumor abroad now that the re- cent departure of James Shet'an for the est Is E'lgnlllcant , and that he goes liS the envoy extraorlinary , and booster plenipoten- tary for the Jlclcsonlans to secure I place for Charley COlllloyer on the Missouri \ River comml&sloll , a position now held hy Richard Berlin of this city . It Is whispered that I that plum cannot be picked , IInother one wi be reached ror. Children Cry fOf Pitcher's Castoria , Children Cry f : Ptoher's ! Castorla. Crdy' ' Children Cry < itcher's Castorla AMU EMEN'T8. BOYD'S I1TOHT LUMBARD WITH RAND TESTIMONIAL CONCERT , Monday Eve" , March 18th. . TPNIHIPU TO MR. JULES LUMBARD huT TilE 011616 Glee Club , , \BslalCt ly the J'allll IIHlenl talent or Oimialma . the soloists Illg IIS , T . , J. I100IH1S CAI'T. . JOhN KfNZ1 , V. S , A. , UANIL I. WIWLIf , .lr BOYD'S THREE NIOHT8 WED" MATINEE 1'.oue1my , " 'ot 10"1.IC ' ' rst IJ' . March 19 , 20 , 21. TI OI AT .tMhIitItN UlAIA . THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME. ( Company No , . , , Performd : 500 EIghts In NbW YOllt l'ICLHEN'I'IIl ) WITI A HlllmAlT. . IIHI . . A . -OAIANY ( ) Ho.HlmlNU wr.Ji'FNi,0t114 ! : STAIE EI'I'tOTH. : HTAm Muummigi'iiment of ClIAltI.Itl iIOIUI\N. MUlul h1M. l Tic , CIIII.It < . I4Tb1FE 25c , 35c EMPIDE "ld 50 teuitu . - Telephone 1531 ' ! 'ONIGII'I' . H:15. : A SOUTHERN ROSH Matinee Saturday. ' ' . I : . ' . . , ; ' : ' < - " L3 : d . . , - , - - - - - - - - - , - _ ' . / , -1./1 THE NORTH POLE - - Appears ) to travel southward fur his health , Splendid weather to sell Spring clotlics-is'nt i ? More apt to attract your attention with apparel thatl keep ) yon comfortably warni Never mind light and ( cool- ing stuff-for a fortnight at lcast. Wcl \ , then , let us put YOl into a drcssy ( Spring Overcoat - coat for a mere 5 to 10 dolar ( : , Credit hal to a possible doctor's bill and thc other to drcss ( reform For palry four dolars ( a neat Spring coat of black or light brown Cheviot For six-fiI'ty a splendid ( bhck Cassi- mere silk mixed Ov rcolt. For scven scvcnty.fvc a lovely Back Clay \Vorstel . top coat-rycry one hued and tri mined wel ( and suit tble for a display of drcss ( , ' 3-4-5 dollars is what you save : buying hcre A'taior tualy charges 30 to 43 dollars for a iiidc- to.measure ovcrcoat-an cxhorbiant pricc ) , indced-our ( , finer cass overcoats arc likely as well tailored aid ftel and cost but one third of that 1)11Cc. ) SprIng CItl1ogncs arc flatty-Yostr Add ross ? . , - - - - aajpjjj ) I . . . . hGUPIENEI . : t5mt mar'u'Iou1l : ; ; ; : Frenci ) Cures the effects 01 I /.4.a. Ilcitiet ) ' CALTHOS rrc , ants Eelr-abuse , , M legal gimarnumlee . timat t.tIuoe will - excesses , . . . . . . " 01. ii'hnrw. ' smt..lon. : , - emnisslonmu , Impotency , ( OItl 'dp.rmu.rrIu.'urlcoeeie ' , \'arlcocele and consti. " itt' 't'OmtK io'C Vlnr. ' , 5 cOISt. . . , . Ii . . " sIa'ctl .tVtJ.afuJtCt. patlon. One dollar n , , , , . . 4 , ; : palo box , by six Tlg for f5 GOOD' , For , J note AdutrVON Ari.n 55d MOP. , , CO. uM. , . . . ) , _ .i MAN DRUG CO. ' - - - - - - - - - OUR GReAT JARCH SALe OF FUTrTU6. Folding Beds . This week we are showiug au Upright , " " , , Fol din ' r " 'j . . , I FoldilO , ci .l Bed 1 Exactly lke cut all quarter- cd oak with French bevel I ) , . mirror x8x40i ; elegantly , carved i inside measurement i tt e1 4 ft. 2x6 ft 2. It has a first ; : . , rb' P' ' clas . II cls woven wire spring , I , _ _ _ _ 1tb which is adjustableal has ' clamps to hold bedding in camps bedding I _ I1 . place. This bed is actually i worth $50 and two years ago $75. We bought all the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ ; i factory had , at less than : cost to manufacture. Sale Price only $24.50 'Vo a.o solo agents tom' the Success Combination : Foldin Bod. The : Folding \Vou'ld's Fait' winner. Tim beut bed in the world , BOSTON * STOR6. N , W. Cor. 16th and Douglas 5ts. = - . cLi1ro1:4E . : : ! J"UN'PF'ii.Is . being t hotly's ua01 rrlcll by IholRal\1 I Irrolllnr of rrU lathes Iny mmmommthule' cauau . , H H II Is Ha' : . nuud relmabmo. muover tails , gnmraimtco : wlh everY bottle , Ilre 10 a day. ' 1lla iiicdicutmo II Jar superior . , t Inarallco bollu < , lall . rlmbl.nel'cr , , pills uimuoverY bottlu hlooatc llet 1)"U' losa us utrt'ngtti. . sold by aU teadlnt . nrllll811 Prce $ .i.O ( la , . lvury belle < \.0' bOllo U your drl.lsl tOCR 101 IIVO : 1 HJal 4U.OI Ild wo will 10rIarl you it bullt ly uxprass. OAMOLE JUNIPER 00. JUN.p'a WCbtcru Olhico. Omaha , Nebl'a"k , - ow E R FROM GASIJE DIRECT FAOM TH TANK. -P' THAN STEAMm . No Holier. No RleUI No J'IJIICel' . ' ' IJEST l'O'Elt fur Corn timid Feed Mills , 1ialia lOWmt Cor 111 1118 Ilaln : ; Hay , lunlln ! : feplrtorH , CreamerIes , . . , , . ' OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES I Stationary or Portaoi6. 1 to 12 I I' . 8 to 0 I P. fnd for Cntnlolue , Prices , etc dl'rlLlnl work to he done , . chulcao245 . THE OTTO CAS ENCINE WORKS Omaha , 321 So. 15tb st. a:11 : do 1S'ulnut St. . , 1'lLELJtDEI1'h1IA. i'A - - - - DtilDImLI II lDL lDEELJ1Ld o 0 i El Ripa1s Tabules. ULi Li Carry a vial in your vest pocket 0 E UEl and Your li i's insured against [ the tortures of dyspepsia and all . o of al. [ D kindred ailments. Olte gives re- g , D lie DU fllparmu 'aLulel Boll by druggist' , or by . mal . . ft the price HA cele < 1 box ) I. sermi Ie 1'1. II. C I . . , . . . . Y . flo to et. . N. Y. _ _ _ _ peal thrmlral ' , Company _ _ _ _ SNI\t _ _ It. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ [ JLJE' ' _ 'Dl ' _ ii iin ioo , . , . , , . , . . , , i , ' . ' , . ' . , , , . . , . , ' If t ; 1' : - * 1 . ' " .J : " - " - ' . " ' ' ? ' -