Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1895, Image 1

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' : . - , " - . 1 THE ' OMAHA ; DA.ILY BEE. ' ; : ,
1 t
ESTABLIShED tTUNE 17 , 1871. OMAhA : ! , SA'l'UUDAY MORNING : , : MAUOli 16 ; , 1S9. SINGI.J.B COPY JTYJ OJ N'L'S. i
: Spanish Minister Startled by the Radical
Elan Taken by Thits Government.
lie Al0 Imh' that SIhh : Comlnnllrrs
Uo Uln'n Jxj,1IcIt In.trlctlnl ot
to Interfere wIth LegItIiiito
. l.rJllllto
A Incrl'luI . Commercc.
MADRm , March l-Secretary Gresham
- fs taking up the case ot the flung at the
Aliancl hy a Spanish gunboat on the high
seas oft the coast at Cuba In a very Orm
manner The following cablegram for pres-
ontaton to the government at Spain has
been received here by Unied States Minister
Taylor :
Taylor , Minister , Mnllrll I This depart-
ment Is informed that on the Sth Inst : the
United Slates mal steamship Alalca 01
. her homewlrll voyage from Colon to New
York , when six miles from the coast of
Cuba off Cape Ia'sl , was repeatedly tired
by Sl'anlsh with ohid shot ,
upon ) a ' : gunboat wih sold
which Cortunntel fell short The Wind-
warll Ilssnge where this occurred Is the
natural Knd usual hhhway for vessels lb-
Inl between Ports oC the United States and
the Cnrrlhean fea. Through It several
regular lines oC American mal and commercial -
mercial steamers pass weekly within sight
of Call : Iaysl. ! They urn wel Knowa and
their voyage embraces no Cuban port of cal
Forcible Interference with them can not
but be claimed lS a belligerent act , whether
they IU ' S within three mie ! oC the Cubln )
coa'st or not , and cnn , under no clrcum-
stanceM uc tolerated , when no state oC war
exists. This government wl expect PromPt
disavowal oC the unlluthorlzed let ant duo
expression oC regret on the part oC Spain ,
ant It must Insist that Immediate ant Ilosl-
tvo orders be given tQ &lnlsh naval com-
manllen not to interfere with legitimate
Aml'rlcan commerce passing thrugh ) that
channel anll prohibiting al acts wantonly
Imperiling life and propel ty IlwfUlr under
. ' . the flag oC the l'nlel States ou wil
communicate this to the minister of Cor-
elgn affairs and I urge the Importance oC u
Ilrompt and satisfactory response
alt isit [
CALLS 1' A .SFA . SlmpgNT A I.'Am.
WAShINGTON , March -Senor Muru-
aga , the Spanish minister , had not been Informed -
formed up to 1 o'clock today either by lila
government or by the State department oC
the United Stales' demand upon Spain
through our minister at Jatrlt lie . was
purlulng his Investigations of the Alianc
nfalr al11 ( had received telegraphic and mal
reports Cram the governor oC Cuba , all of
which stated that there was no Information
ot the Spanish gunboat , although the officials
along the eastern coat oC Cuba , where the
supposed outrage occurred , had been on the
"For my part , " said the minister , "this
looks very much like a sea frpent affair .
Every now and then a captain states that he
has coca the sea serpent and came near blng
swallowed by It , Captain Crossman Is no
doubt a worthy omcer . but It looks very much
as though he had had a dream as to cooing
a Spanish gunboat There are no nfdavls
, . _ ns yet , and the proper eourse would be to
- exact afdavis from the crew and pasenors
of the Alianca and find out oC they agreed
with the statement at Captain Crossman "
The let , , : Cram the captain generl 1 of
Cuba received by Minister 1uruJga says that
everything Is quiet In five provinces and
that the only danger comes from the poss- :
bliy of shipping arms , nmmunllon and men
from the United States. The people oC
Cuba , reports " the captain general , are en-
i trely opposed ! o al detuibances : . this being
' . the case even with the leader of the farmer
! f' revolution .
I' Senor Iurunga was asked how tlls report
. ' ' from the captain general could he reconcied
f. with the statement ot Colonel 1 lerrlrdo at
Tampa , who has just arrived Cram Cuba , nail
who. as published In Associated press dispatches -
patches , said that the revolutionists had held ,
a constitutional convention . chosen a eom- :
maIHler-ln-ehlef and envoys to foreign gover-
meats , and were about to choose a president
for the new republic and Issue a declaration
oC indeiendence. '
"It Is probable such things could have
occurred , " said lhe minIster , "and all mention
oC thcni be withheld hy thc captaIn general
In writing to me 1 Is part of the Insurgent
plan of spreading false reports. " ,
The minister also denlell the report of the '
killing of 500 Spanish soldiers at the battle
oC Veglnta , saying that such n cAlamity I'
would have been quickly repotted to him.
Senor Muruaga was naked I any bteps
would bo taken concerning Colonel lerrnrdo
' or others at Tampa lie said the proper
course would bQ for the Spanish consul lt
Tampa to report the Clcts to the Spanish
legation here , whereupon proceedings could
be taken before a magistrate for the arrest
of Colonel Flerrrdo for a breach of the
neutral laws
As saon as the complete ' text oC Secretary
Gresl am's demnn.1 on Spain vat , ' received
hero It was taken b ) a re'presentatve oC the
Associated press to Senor Muruaga , the
Spanish mlnlstcr.
"I am nstonlshe.l , " saul he , "that this
course has ben taken when as yet only one
Ildo of the story has been toll and any action
must bo based on the ex 11arte statement of
Captain Croesman " The minister scanned
the text oC the demand forwarded to Spain ,
( onlmentng on the severity of the language
that "this government will cpect prompt
dlslown ! " and expression of regret on th
part 01 Spain with "imnitliato aUI positive
orders" 10 SI1anish naval conimnailders .
Senor Inruaga has rlceh'll no copy of
the statement from the State llpartment )
or any intimation that this step hall ar woulll
bo taken , nor laid any word from his gov-
erment been i eceiveJ. I had gone di-
rety to lnlstl'r 'a'lor at Madrij , to bo by
him I cciii mann lent ed to S ia I a. Senor Mur- i
uoga m.aid the course would b for Spain to
make her reply to Jlr , Taylor , \ ho waull
communicate It to the State ilepartmnejit.
"will 811aln apologize Minister Muruaga
wa\ asked .
"That remains to be seen after Spain's
sile of the story I learned , " sall he , "Cer-
tainly there wi be no reply until all the
facts are known , not alone Cram Captain
Crossman , but Crom the commander oC the
pauistm gunboat alleged ta have done the
firing. " 10ne
The minister was In doubt as to how Man
the e facts could be learned , In vIew oC the
Inabll ) thus Car to cOlmunlcato with the
I3panlsh war ship. When these facts arc
. known , snll time minister , Spain \1 bo
able to act intelligently on Limo whole ease ,
and not on the I.arlnl case made out \y
Captain ( 'rossrnan . Siain . woull unilouhtell )
rest Upon the rccognlzed Principles at Inter-
natanll law , that 1 country lalnt.llnclI her
sovereignty over tIme vaters vhthin her
watlr wihin juris-
dictonal limits . Ju this aspect ho regarled
the demamid surpristmg In relr.1
Icmllll surlrlsl\g \ ascrlng that In-
ter/erence / with American
wih ships caunot but
bo lllmell as a belligerent act , whether
they pan within three miles of the Cuban
coat or not This Is cousldered a denial of
the recognized ! sovereignty of Sllaln over the
jurisdictional wtcr of Cuba.
"Dut In any fVrli , ' falll thc minister ,
"thero was another very Inllortant onshIH-
atol\ to bl observtd . I time United States
malle thl llemanll thou I I cEcntul that
the United States hou1 take stOpl tl lire-
nnt the hlPIlng DC lnurgent gcods 1mm-
tendel to bo uSed against Spain. jCO 1 hall
already becu cstablthltl that three 'aehts-
the l.agonda , Barcoa amid Amadis-weme
loaded . ! whim Insur\nt IJods at I"crdlnan , I
1.11 'he laid been lpn'heJlel hut sub-
Ilulllntl' reieath , 'The arms wore Ilut
' Iu 1 warehouse \endIng aim attachmnemmt .
When this was seltelMr \ , lonlen , In
charge of them , had shipped them to un-
" 1WO pQlnts I was notorious , the mimimmis.
te salll that the strife was going on. H I
\01 evldeat that SpaIn should protect Iler-
iclt Qr IbQlhl"laye tb proltcton 01 the I
UnIted States It , tleeore , a demand
waR made by the United States , It would be
opportune to consider what protection woulll
bo given Spain "
The State department officials today admit
time correctnels at the Jallrll cable showing
that Secretary Gresham has made a protest
antI ! a demand for a disclaimer ( antI an
apology on the Part oC the Spanish overn-
ment for the firing upon the AllIanca , I
Is too early yet to expect a response from
MInister Taylor , and when It does come I
la rather expected that It will Indicate a lie-
sire by the Spanish luvernment for a proper
opportunity to ascertain the facts , before
taking acton In the matter . But this . it Is
saul at the department , viIi scarcely avail In
the Ilresent case , unless the lressage conveys
coma assurance on the part ot the Spanish
government that It has instructed . its naval
commanders to refrain from furthlr Inter-
ference wIth vouch n'lng the American na ,
Time hotable feature of Secretary Gresham's
dispatch Is found In his statement that when
an AmerIcan vessel Is on her usual route' '
time fact that she Is Inside or outside of the
three.mle limit does not affect the meris
of the cafe.
From this I Is apparent that the secretary -
tary has taken his stand emi the 11eclslon of
time Alabama claims commIssion , which was
praclcaly n new dictum In international
law , for It hall been the rule previous to
that decision to regard as heyonll question
the right of a nation ta detain suspicIous
vesels rasslng within the limit of three
mies Cram its coasts over which its marine
jurlsllcton extended. 1 will unioubtcdly
cost Spain a biter effort to accept the force
at this doctrine , for If the right to stop suspicious -
picious shills In Cuban waters Is defied the
task at malntnlnlnl an effective blockade
against filibustering will he extremely dim-
cult , I not Impossible , without recourse
to a Corlol acknawledgment ot the belligerency -
ency of the insurgents , The Spanish ga\-
ernment would hi. exceedingly lath , OR arc
nearly mill nations la such cases , to make
such an acknowlcdgment , for not only woull
It Immensely strengthen the re lon
moral ) ' . but I would result In eanrerrln
upon them certain very Important aIds In
the prosecuton oC their warCare. I was
for just such a privilege that Admiral da
Onion struggled E hard In thc Brlzllan rl-
bellon : , only to meet defeat through the success -
cess of the efforts 01 the Peixoto govern-
mcnt In persuading the United Slates against
a formal recognitIon of his belgerency ,
Secretary Grcshnm came to the Slate department -
partment looking very weal as the result
af his Ilnes : , hut ! determined to keep Curt her
nelotutons In hiM own hands Looking to
thc future , I ! s ful ) ' expected , In view oC the
prompt action of the Spanish mlnlst here
In promlsl In m'nnce thnt I If Spain was
In the wrong she would malI all proper
reparatoa , that the Incident will be speedily
and peacefully settled , If , however , the
Spanish goverment shouh he stung by the
urgency shown hy the Unlte States In mal1-
lag that Issue Into refusing ta meet our 11e-
mamnis our minister , Mr. Taylor , may not
unllly emand his passports , and unless
cooler counsel comIng from rome disInterstej
and friendly nation prevails nn ugly comnphi-
caton may result , ending In the presence oC a
considerable fleet of United States naval
vessels In Cuban , \ters to protect shipping.
A telegrm received nt the Navy depart-
mlnt today from AdmIral Meade announced
his arrival wIth his squadron at La GualrJ , 0 :
the coast oC Venezuela lIe has now with
him the flagship New York , the trllle screw
flyer lnneapols and the CIncinnati. He
could reach time Cuban coast In a day or
two and there his fleet might be reInforced
quickly by the Atanta and Raleigh now at
Colon , the Montgomery on the Honduras
coast , and the Columbia , about to call ( roam
Now York ! In a few days making a fleet oC
seven splendid new steel ships.
NEW 'YORK March 15.-Although Senor
Mmmrunga , the Spanish minister nt Washing-
ton. says that the story or a Spanish man-
of-war having fired on the Alianca of the
Colombia Inc looks like a sea serpent story
the officers oC the ship , when seen this alter-
noon by the Associated press reporter , were
very emllhatc In their denunciations or the
attack. First Officer Benjamin Coring , who
was In charge DC time ship , described the at-
tack made oil tIme American steamer by the
Spanish man-oC-war. . "It does not matter , "
said he , "what time Spanish minister may
think about I , but 1 can tel you this Is no
fish atory Time Alianca was about three
leagues off the shore at 6:30 : on time morning
at Murch 8 , and Cape Ma'sl was abeam. I
was not time officer oC the deck , as ! r. Hus
sel was emi the bridge and the captain was
looking aroun . Wimen about three miles
off wo hoisted our ensign and dIpped I three
times , amid the oncoming steamer answered
with a similar salute Shortly afterwards I
recognized her to be a Spanish man-oC-war ,
'We kept on our course , which was n little
Carther off land than usual , being fully three
leagues from the shore.
"J was standIng aft when we slgnale and
was very muck surprised when the warship
opened urn on us. The first three shots were '
evllcnty blanks , ns 1 saw no shots touch the
water . .
First Ofcer Coring warmed up as he de-
tailed the story oC the firing , and said : "Now ,
mind you , wo dId not slow ; not a bIt j but
we kept rIght on our way. After firing the
three blank shOtK time Spanish boat was In
our wake nbaut three miles off and she hauled
her head to the leaward , BO ns to let her
guns train on us , when she fired three shots
at Intef'als of a quarter of an hour , two
of the shells dropping 400 yards cn our star-
board quarter nml time third one a similar
distance , , on our port IUarter
"We kept going , and we soon showed the
SlmnlAh sllipper a clean hair oC hecls In
less than an hour aCer limo fusla e wo lost
sIght of the Spaniard , and she seemed to be
IHllklng at not being able to bring us ta a
mmtamudstihl. There Is no truth In the state-
ment that on our future yoyages we arc
golmmg to be armed there Is
' goln ! , as no necessIty
for our doing so , far Wl can run away from
any Hpanlsh warship afloat , )
"An oncer oC thetas steamship Alien
' line nmade an assertIon .that that steamcr hal
us In slht from early morning on the day
of the outrage 11tl sunlown , This Is er"
roncous , for when wo hall outstripped the
Spanish warshlll we coull only sea the smoke
of tIme Allan , as ahe was hul down , not e\'en
a 811r to be ceemi This was 8:30 : a. am. , anll
" 't only tlseernld imer Identty as we pauel
her at tUO ) : o'clock In the evening , wlln wo
were going la Fortune inlet , "
81colul Olcel' F. W. Ii , Russel lul Third
Olcer lohra ) ' each detailed the occurrences ,
cgrroborating the statement oC Officer CorIng
Ing , hut gl\lng no new facts
eatltaln Crosman at the ntcamshlp Aihi-
alca left time steamcr today , complalnllg of
Iiimmcsmm . I was sall at the omCl ot limo
Iulama lalroll company time ultmatum , of
the secretary of state tlemanlln nn apology
from Spain was probably Limo oleial answer
to Captain Crossimisim's affidavit , emmA that ( n
dispatch sent to Mr , Gresham by the prcsl-
dent oC the company Welnesllay e\llng In-
Corlell the secretary oC state that one ot the
coimmpa mmy's vessels pased thmroimgh'Immilward
\.lsage monthl' : that one wonll be ort Cope
la)8Inorthwarl tomorrol and another would !
11.58 through there Sunday , and that a regard
for life amid property urged the adoption of
ome Iml1I1ato measure to cOlpel Sl'aln to
Ilre\'cnt any additional . outrages.
" ummims. . ' , , Snffrmigo Itlhl icfatml .
"IIII' 'o/\o 111 1\\1111.
S.\'H\ I'TO : , Ca ! , : Ialch )5-There
Wil sumac clever 10bb'llg 110ne In the state
Nenah al11 the womcl oC ( 'aliformula 11 but
Ul'llu'ell the right oC sulrage tola ) ' , A
lot tmmiglmt UIO time house pal , cl a lull cal- ;
felTing the I IgImi on oil women toot ! 'fhls
bill was dlratl.1 In time senlte toilay'Imile
t\\rl olll.onlnts were uhsent the bill wus
rl'l'onshlHIII 1111 paHltl h ) ' n vote of nlne-
tl'l'n tim fotmr 'he OlillIlntH oC lime mnemis-
mmmi' IU1 l'll , however , and Herurll thc lIe-
Cl'at oC the bill II uute ' '
cut bl ) u \ute ot tlwt ) 10
UC'CI ' , _ _ _ _ . _
.lom emmualt'm If (1111 ! hUIII'I ) II\h In
\t Sun Framnrisco-Arrived---Cimlna , ( rein
) OIollm : : all Hong Jong.
At New 'orl-Arrlyeti-5tate 01 Nebraska ,
from GIJ.ow : Jhlnelanl , trom . \ntwerf.
. At liverliool-rrlvcd--AdrIatk' , from Ntw
' .orXomsl1c ; , from New York
At lhrmuueii--Arrlvtd-Emmms ! , ( remit New
Yn , 1.
At Copcn\agcn-Arrh'cl--naumwr'l , ( ruin
1,1\ York fir Stetn ,
York .t l.hbJn Arrived- Bolivia , from New
At Iamnbimrg-4rrlyed--1tussIa , ( ruin New
' York
Presence of Mita at New Orlels Only
Preserves Quiet on the Levee
lcethlof of time Uovrrnur with the Vimlto
lcethl/ "lh tho'hlo
tcrcwmumeim nnll the lerchnntM ( 11 to
I'roduco Sitiqfartury 1icsmmlti-
Settement Ellis ccll Shortly ,
NEW OHLEANS , Much l-In the last
twenty.four hours there has been no change
In time labor sUmmation In this ciy , All day
long work has Ilragrcssetl on the wharves ,
but as before It was the negroes , or at best
"black nail tan" gangs who loaded the ships
emu "hlch the fght11 took place on Tuesday , ,
and they were unler time protection at bodies :
oC state troops , fully armed , and lirepared to
SU\ress any of the riotous clement.
The troops left the armories at 8 o'clock
this morning amid took up positions emi the
Il'er Cront at the landings occullle.1 by limo
Prince , Harrison amid West India & Paclne
lnes , these being the poInts at which trouble
was deemed most likely to occur. Ships of
several other foreign lines arc \elng loaded
by their own crews , amid the domestic hues
arc being loaded by their regular gangs , but
against these there has been no protest In
short , the military program was precisely
simiar ta that ot Thursday , At sundown the
troops were withdrwn , but were ordered to
resume Iluty tomorrow morning.
During the day Governor Foster hell a con-
Careco with commltels representing the
whlto ecrewmen and the merchants , but In
neiher ' meetn , was any result reached The
merchants adhered firmly to the position set
forth In the address adopted by them emi
Tuesday , They said they had not sought this
trouble , but now that they were In I they
wee determlnel to see I through , antI woult
nat recede In any case. The governor said I
Il woull remain unti trouhle Is settled , and
Is sanguine of being able to erect a settle-
mcnt 'ery shortly.
IBACB 10Hl IU S 01'oL , , I IUnG ,
Steps \11 10 1Ikel tl Iunlh time l'artmes
Uult } ' cit time I.yncllll'
WASHINGTON , larch l , -The folowing
was receIved at the State department ( roam
the governor oC Colorado , aimd a copy has
been furnished to the Italian embassy :
DENVEII , Colo" , March 15 , 1Sfi.-To the
HOnorable Secretary oC State , \'asimiimgton ,
1) . C I
: nm Just In leCellt ) oC 1 detaied account -
count by telegraph from time sherIff at 'Val-
senburg. I does not dirrem I ' materlal\ from
the newspaper l'e\lt , Inquest hell and I
nm informed thorough in'stigatiomt made.
vldence In wilting sulMcrlbed by witnesses
anti led In olce of district court , Sheriff
fUl'ther reports thut therc has been no
trouble of any kind since and no danger :
that he Is thoroughly able to Inlntaln
Peace amid no danger of ul1rlslng oC Amer-
ican or Ialans , Ant In receipt oC tele-
grant from ambassador for Italy , saying In
part : 'Plense give 0l'del'3 for immediate
acton against murderel's IC Italians , ' Jm-
mediate action viil be urtecl
meilate ncton wi on proper au-
thorites looking to arrest amitI punishment
or guilty partes , The acting Italian consul
InCorms u ! that he leaves tonight for " 'al-
senburg I have given him Huch t letters as
he asks for to the shEriff. From every lS
source of immfornmation . I urn satisfied that
everything Is quiet. Have taken steps to
ascertain natonalty of deceased.
Governor of Colorado .
- -
ONLY XI : 0 ; ] ' TO TEI.T TiE 1'.tLf ,
Irlt.h ShIll 1oom In " 'reckoci by I SU..CI
t(1111 In Ihe 111111
POR''IAND , Ore" , March IS-The follow-
Ing dIspatch comes front : [ arshfeld , Ore :
Daniel Clark and Thomas Ioore , supposedly
the only survivors aC a crew oC ' ' '
sun'I'ors I thl'I-one
perlons Crom the British ship Yeoman , ar-
rived here last night on the schooner Leeds
The Yeomnn sonic February 23 In latitude I
: U north , longItude 45 west , Sh was bound
from Antwerp to Hedonllo Carlt ! related
the details oC time wreck I ! follows : "While
shol'tenlng sail 1 sudden squal arid a heavy
swell hike n html wave struck us , capsizing
the ship As the sea swept the deck I was
carried overboard . A lul followed and the
shIp righted I got on time ship again to
mind no one on deck Time cook was lying In
the gale ) ' wlh his head split open and
hardlY alive. Captain Ferguson and the
second mal were rowned. A the shut was
sinking I decided to abandon her , and cut
loose I lifeboat from the davits , got the
cook Into It and pulled ofT'e were four-
teen la's In the boat before the schooner
Ieeds sighted us and picked us up , during
which time we surere'l more than language
can express. \'e had to fare nIl the time
on slxleen biscuits without n drop of fresh
water. 'Ye ate two Ilsculs apiece each Ilny
until they were exhausted and would drink
salt tvater. 'Ihls made emir mouths and
thloals get us IW I ! I beefsteak We
could not speal , our nlmes IUI our eyes
were swolen shut " 'I were so hungry that
we ate the uppers oC our shoes amid sucked
blood out oC each other. " Int
Hero Mr , Carlt exhlhlld his leg , which
showed great med , hlotche , certr'lng the
truthfulness oC his star\
( ontnulng , he said : " 1 have been nrounl1
the Horn nln times , but this was the
m'oughiest trip I "vel' eXllerJencel0 lest
four men overboan ) In a gale off the Jlorii
anll Paul ' Hesehmig " fell CII the topsail 10rl
and was killed . _ , _ . _ _
tonvlrlol : tiI lfjI'1 In 1 Illr ' ,
WINCII STI < R , YI" , March I , -Thorntol
1nrkll' , time nero ! who atemlted to assault
Mrs. : lulY Mclon , a lady living near ld-
thietosvmm , Va , ' llreh 5 , wns trIed today
bcflre Judge . 'itkhmmsomi . A
JUdg.tlnson. sIluad of militia
wCl'e statonell 1\'oun,1 the prIsoner In the
e'oumm't , whie olhers stood uard on the oul-
stile , 'fbi , ' trlallastod I mm boa I live Imoim ms. 'rhe
jul' retUf11 II forty milules wlh u vel'
diet oC guilty . JUdge tkimmsomm
Iull Atdlson ut ommie
I sentllred Iarlel' 10 be 1IIIIell on P'rlday.
Allrl I 19 The < xltemelt his subsided amid
' ' trouble
no fUlthel' la G anticipated !
1 er lie I toly In I tie 'mird.
n.\XYJ.l.I , 1) , farch 15.-Mime l Moore
of Shel ) coumity wnB shot amid Instnll ) '
1.le.1 this murllg by John 111mmlr nt the
iutt'm'mc home about two miles from
lutl'r's Ihout mies Junc-
tal Ciy. I Ifulmer dalns thnt I whel he
welt home II Counll Moore trylmig to get
Into lila honse mind shot him , not knowing
who I WIS , :1001' wnl about 21 years oC I
age , Ills ho'l' was left out In the Ylrd umttll
dlyllhl , lamnlr Is Unllll' an'est I he unt I
idiot mind wOUltell by Moore icometiming illco
somethlll 110
n 11unKerous yemim. ago maim. Moor.1 flther Is u very
1 \ 1"\rlt I ho I h'l Illht. 111 10 1)1
lilutY. 01\1" , Iarch 15-B ' ' ,
lI IIY \ " ' 15-By l'euslng to .
sIgn \ll ll the m'eqtmimt'd three tla't ( . Cloy-
emmmor ltenfrots' haH uiloss'emi the elvil '
el'IOl' HenCro\ Ilowed cIvi rlghls
bill tl meet a legal dent h. hail the nuns- '
, nwas'
I' hlcolo I lass' , olon.1 men could have
ohtatl"l damngfS for being , reCuled admlt-
titmice tl 11111 places where white are
IllvlcgL'1 cimurmtt'tema ai' Cram mlxll colors
emi passenger ( olrhel II defeat hums ro-
sule(1 ( In a dlcllel , protest / being lulle by
the llgrol's generally ) ' , I1l1 much chlgrll
to rlllublcll Iioltcilns , who fostered the
IJII _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NOt , liii 11..t JCiretloii In I'tllrl'r"r , ,
OOS'J'ON , Mass " , Iurrh l5.-jleforf the
iglslatlve conlllll'e on metropoltan aC-
Cal : at time State house tOdl ) the hearing
oil ! the IIUl to anwlI ] Boston's city charter
\I "I.ntlu II , JCEle N , Cove ciy'harter
) ) ' oC time city \1 Immmmc'Imt Illi a Prominent
' 11lrln' . c'tmmtcmt . : a sensation ly Ia'lng
\111 limed lllI nut hel'n arm hOle t election
II H" * ton tim nh'el years to hiM Imowle ge.
nor nn hon I1 ccit'nt oC votes II aimy ward
dlrlnl I the Satmu' i' ; ! lOll . 11) wnrc
111. ( "a' ' 5 (1' 1011 I I I'uol ,
COIlT ; lnl'8 , 0 . March / ) j.TII coal mine
0lh'Itor5 oC Ohio imuvi' Corme.1 . a pool , and
oil limO coal outllt wil be distrIbuted by a
board of contra ( ) oC
a repmeseumta-
tn ( I Out eu1 10m/IOtet / mmles I agelclfl reprselta- ,
\'UrIOUR citIes vomnhuietc'd hallous '
( tl'l rOIHI'd ) \allous l'oml'a- '
hlpB wi be Ilolehed , IVhlJ hlndreds of
thoufalllp oC dollars Innuulr amid enaiihimmg
the ( 'Ollanle& to pa ) llel'igl'l to their
C mnim icy cc .
- - e
'CIIH'Uf' 0.111111 tl I mid ,
NBW YOHK : [ alch 15-'he lum P
$1(11,0 In rch ! was trllsCerred today from
leVOlhlj banks to the aubtrcaury
It.1r.1.f.s TUU 71ilfIflL' JUl 'If.'i ( fl :
IT.tT.IM , TlmllnJ ImJ'l .
lUl Two l'oople Rf R nt811 ' , R TrIvIal
( J'marrel. I
MINNEAI'OLIS , March 15.-A special to
the Tribune front Carlen , llln" , snyuc : An
awful tragedy occurred At MUrcgor , about
thirty malIce west ot here this mornln A
Camly of the name ot.'Jennell consisting
oC father , mother Iml , tour children , the
oldest 12 and the 'ounkest n babe , lived In
a cabin and kept I \ small , store. Two
Italians who were elearinig l UI' 1 homestead
near by hind trouble with Jeanete over
some aW logs , which reulell 11 I quarrel
last mmlght. 'I'he Ialals , Nick ulII Angelo
Crlstelo , brotimers , returned this 10rnlll
to renew the Iluarrel with riles and hot-
Iuns , Nick hot Jelnete with the shotgun
tenting Il alling wound In hll side , anti
Angelo shot Mrs . Jennete with the nIle .
hlowlll the top of her head oft , killIng
both Ilstlnty , The chidren were In bed
lt the timn. The murderers esemmpeml to
the woods . The cbin iiresemmtttl I sickemmin
sIght blood and brains being slckllinf
over the wnl ! munch foor , The children
were shIvering with terror About noon
the murderers came to ; lcGregor amid said
theY were Iollg to Aitkin to give them-
selves up , hut the local omeers hlll them
until the arrival oC thq simerift , who lt once
took them to AikIn to the cunt ) ' jail . The
Jeaneles were I much respected Clml
him the neigumborhooci mind Intense exciement )
11revll lellhborhoo,1 , : reason for time mur-
derers' return was that thl ' were ICra11 of
leln ! Iynchrd by wOOlsm < n In camp Iround
the scene oC the mur er ,
11SI IX 'IJ'/m nUlt 10 .sI'JUL.fTIuN.
l'ro.pccUvo I 11\11 on limo Cloo of this
"nolllnRr time imiceimilt'o .
NJW YOItK . : llreh lOn oC the lend.
InS bulon brokers In thlA city , speaking oC
the recent advance In slh'el' , slll today to
the Associated press Wall street reporter
that I WitS le to Ipecblntve buying In
Ionlon , which market governs ! the price oC
the metal here. Th chief factor In the
rise was expectation that peace would he
made between . Chhm mmnd Japan , which
woul Increlse the demlud for silver , In-
depelient of an ) ' war nd ! lnlty that might
be called for , by opening ul the Chlnele
trlle to the worh1 So Car as his InCor-
maton went the 1.lIon banks wih con-
nectons In the east \vere not stocking imp
with silver. Notwlthsandlng ( thut fact he
believed time white melal would reach a
hlher level. The oferlngt of sliver In
tills market ho declared to be about UI to
the average , and slll _ that there WIS no
evidence that the smelters were holing
back their produets for a rse , TIme output
of Illver hal decreased laterlal ) ' within
the past two years Ind that fuel , he stated ,
must be lulten Into consideration II basinI
lilly calcuiltons its to the 'pr sent orerln
of silver . compared wih those of a date
Ilrevlous to two years ago ,
- .
Question of IU Elaht iIonrfltt : ) ' to Io Sub-
mhlfd to n "nlo ofh , ' ' 'mhlc' . ,
Nfl\V YORK March 15-Two ; thou and
striking electrical warkerl fnd building I
wOlmlen will go bock to york tomorrow. 1
These men are In the Omlllo of BuIlder I
John Downey. Time executive commitee oC I
the board oC walking delegates and Downe
held a meetng discussing the mater that '
lusted nil da' \\'llam' J. O'Brien , presl-
dent oC the board oC walking delegates . an. ,
nouncet that at a meetng oC the New York
council oC mediation ' and concilIation
'Ihunnlay night Bishop Potter , I'resident .
Sh'ong tif the Electric contrctors , Master I
Workman Haadle oC the Dotherhood of ,
ElectrIcal workers anti rest Crossley oC
the Social Reform club ; tried to effect a
settlement by arbItration , ' Doth Stlong
Ind HOIIHe ) ' admitted thnt Bishop Peter ,
had exncted a promise to put the questIon
at the addition oC the ellht-hour workday
to nn Immediate vote tot their respective
asentblles. , - _ "
t , . .
SCeNE OP IlS . JEiraLIR : 'UU }
, . , ,
t " '
"t' -
- , " ; ? 'r'
Torrlble Explosion II Nitro Glycorlne In I. m "
Mlchlmxmiim Faotci "
JlchlRI l"aer T'
HOUGHTON , MIch. , March 15-About
I 3,0 launls oC nitro glycerine exploded at
the HancAcle Chemical wOrks near Dollar
ha ' toda ' . All the buildings of the
bay today. Al buidings com-
pan were wrecked. 'I being durinI noon
hour , only one man " Dominick Christian ,
was I pl " d. Several were Injured by flying
de rl ! 'rho cause oC the ' explosion is 'I
'mysler ) ' , Christian's duty was to attend
the mixing oC acid and I'cerlne He was
lii the nitro glycerine vault when the ex-
ploslomm accurred. Not even I Particle of
his remain could be Cound. In time packing
house near by were large quantities oC dy-
namie , and In 1 malazlne adjacent was
stared G , O poul18 of'tiymlamtte , but It was
not dlsturh . alhough windows were bro-
ken at Calumet , ten miles nortim At Houghton -
ton , three mies south , the explosIon was
scarcelY heard
" , - _ e _
Each CompnlY Will IJIsI98n' of . its Own
1' m ocicict mind 110 h. AJotmfnt ,
COhIJMBUS , 0" , Marclm 5-The Ohio coal
operator anti m'epresemmtatlves of the Ohio
coal roads held separate sessions today and
adjourned unti next ' 'ueSa ) ' aCternoon ,
'rhe original proloslton of the operators to
establsh a central sales agency has been
abundoned Each company will make Its
wi Is
own sales and report the same to the board
anl reprt
of control , 'hen the sales oC any company
exeeel Its apportionment tM excess will be
turned Into the [ ' : ol , In thIs way the com-
panIcs will not lose their Identity and busi-
ness wi he curried on as llretoCore , with
the excepton that the price , wi bo fixed
and the output dlstrlbule through the
hoard of control The operators' al80cla-
tion will he maintained separate from the
Ohio Coal 'frailic mmmsociatlomm hut there wi
be 1 working agreement \etween the two
organlza tons. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
lwrl'l IJl . ' ; L.f TEST L.-1 1 ,
Governor hchloa ! 1111 i AU hut Three or
liii , I.cglslntlvo ItCI&lrl'
SIOUX FALLS , S. D" March 15-Speclal (
Telegranm.-Govermmor Sheldon his signed nil
his passcd by the I'ec\nt legislature except
thllo , which he vctoe ] , These wcre : Semi-
mite lull Ilrov\lnl that Il judge nun' fHISpel1
Ientence oC IncorrlRlble' 'outh when com-
mi lell to the reform 'Scim ol and fn.1 them
to the 10ml COI' the Fllenllcls , for the rea-
Ion tha there II a mistake In the bill . as It
repeals the Wl'onl act ; senate bill covl'rlng
the division oC ! act distrIcts , vetoed be-
cause of error In draCtng It ; 1110111 com-
mitee bill compelng InterlockIng s'Slell
s'ltim switch towers , vetoed OB ermtaihimmg un-
wih swich \to < cnlalnl
necessal ) ' expense emI 4 ( OIIJnlcs ,
Ironch ( ' 11,1111& U IIr ) I ; the Jorlnfcsr ,
ABI.l NE , Kan" , AiaIcim 15.-'rhe colony
( remit northern eentrllltn ; ' [ s as elllrnls
which to In the
went glmoptqn , province
oC Ahliertmt , Britsh CQlulJbla , 1 year ago , Is
to lie followed In I ( e4' days hy 1 large
party from Concol'II\C \ ( 'de. GreenleuC anti
. ' which Is take
othcr towns Time trolwhich to tlke
them Is already ) ' 1 < lnll ldimeti , Inll wIll con-
m.lmmt oC about .Iwellt . ' ulel oC household
1oods , stoell , Implement , ete" unll three
100 <
Passenger cOlch s pC : the eml runts uml
their ftmmtmilles. 'lho 'PElt > ' II malle till of the
ll'ench Calladlanl ww ) etled In central
Ianlaa fifteen years ; ; Mammy uf the
emlglants lre wel ufP 'I'imey , however ,
commmdtlem' better l'romlfE for the future Is
I Imeld out In the far ' morlmw st than here , mcnd
< hwrst
hlvf disposed oC every Interest In order
to hlve mlhel' neel , lor : excuse 10 come
hack. _ _ _ . _ , _ _
VIicl'mmaIn , t I'r r ofCI\I"I"r. : ,
FAIItDtJltY , 1J atch 13-Quite u sea-
taton wns sprnng on thl citizens here today
when Deputy Sher.Hanna undertook the
tuck oC serving WI'US mi.lft-two ' people
who , I Is alleged , have L.en CrllUen ers or
ur1 e'ondemctlumg g tnhlnr lIens imere. He bud
tonlht not Inlehl 1mb' job . owing 10 the
tact ! thnt the most oC those wantel had
11.'ald oC It und pal I haste qui the tomyim
Some lively tmes are looked Cor , as the
lulhorltes wil raid the dens lS fast 11
time > ' van ( pln ( beam .
- '
Mo"t In i.oemiti. Vstvrit , _ In nl'crgl" ,
. \ r.ANTGa" , : lurch l5.-W'ime'im Isked
h I ' Associated
) Ilress rtporter concering
time report that he Is Interested In u Hehelt
to locate veterans ( ruin time north on Gear-
b1a Cu 11 S , tx.Goerorllal J. Northen
Hall : "Yes : I Is true that I have In hand
nn enterlrh'e oC tl t chll'attr , but I has
not yet materialized wel eloulh for 10
to give you the eletuihi . 1 feel sure that I
Ihal succeed locating a g\ eat colony In
" )
Georgia , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
i'rosidmmL on II. I It.'llrn Cc' \'IIII\'on , ,
NOItFOl.Ka . , Iarh 15The Violet ,
wih the Imresldeatini party on board , left
at 2:2 : p , I" bound for Washington. The
expect to arrive In Wushlngton about noon
Cuban Insurgent Form 1 Provisional Gov-
erment to feO\fJ Belligerent
Address 1mcmmecl to thnollant.h Snllrrl SI\I
the Jllht I. Agmihmist time (0\'crnlcnt
-Ctiiii hllel'CllclCf to lie
Dccared Next ,
TAMPA , FIn , Iarch 16.-An ofcer oC the
late re'olltonar ) ' party has arrived from
Cuba by the steamship OIvete , Thraugh
Colonel Plearello the Associated press reporter -
porter was Informcd that a constitutional
canventon ot Cuban rellublclnS has been
held In Los Ncgrls ant a provisional gover-
ment farm , General Iaxlmls Gomez was
nllllointell commalller.ln.chiet ot the Insur-
gent nrmy and Jose Ilrt deputed envoy to
ahtaln Cram foreign cOlntrles rccognlton at
the Insurgents as behlIgereimts. As soon its
Illclcable Itcro will bo heh at Glla'maS ,
In Puerto Principe Ilrovlnce , an nssembly to
: organize n provisional , o\'ernmlnt , when a
I 11reshlen antI four secretaries , one for each
ot the state3 , according to the division In
the Cormer revolutIon by the Cuban gover-
ment , will he chosen. Time states arc to
be Orlento , or eastern Cllagun ) ' , Las Villas
Inll Occhlente , western Camaguay ,
They will wIll also adopt a consJulon anti
a Chamber ot Deputes or congress , selected
nt the Iolnt that was chosen In the late re-
belon for such a com'enlon ,
At their recent orvanlzaton n proclama-
ton was Ipsucll nail sent to time Spanish
chief amid soldiers saying Ihat the movement
was not lade against them , but against the
go'orlmmneimt , and dial the pralerl oC nil
Ilrlvato In.lviluals will be reSl1ectel' A
declaration of Immdepemmdence was also issued ! .
In the recent battle the Insurgents were
led b ) Macceo. The regiment oC Isabella
Catolca , In charge oC a colonel of the
Spanish army , was cut In two ali 500
Spaniards Ilel ,
ST. LOUIS , Jarch l , -The latest nel\'s \
Cram Cuba SI'S that General Gomez , the new
cammander-ln-chleC of te Provisional army ,
has 5,000 infantry amI 3,000 cavalry under his
commmmammtl. They are nrmed with mncheles
and nuts.
A dispatch Cram Key West says several
boats with armed crews Cram the Spanish
gunboat Infanta Yrbel patrolled time shore
oC the Island all oCednesday nIght , watch-
Ing for a filibustering expedition which was
reportel rend ) to leave for Cuba
ComedIc Francaln BIn a LIen Ills
ServIces .
LONDON , March 15-A dispatch from
Paris says that the civil court , before which
was trIed time acton of time Comedic I'ran-
calse agnlnst M. Coque1n , growing out of
time latter's engaging with Sarah Benmmhartlt .
has been decided against M. Coqlcln , who
was con elnell by the court Car breach oC
contract to pay 600 francs every night he
performs on any stage other than that oC
the Comedlo rancalse. lIe was also con-
demnell to pay the costs oC the action. M.
Coqueln will appeal from the decision.
Under the terms oC his present engagemenl
with Mme. Dernbardt at the Renaissance
theater ho receives 750 francs nighty , The
judgment Is regarded as being Indulgent
ansi Is i " virtual condemnation of the Moscow
c4mctQe. \ vimicit mpowers tIme Comedic Fran-
calso to compel its ' pensIoners to CorCelt their .
pensions and their nhnre In the profits af the
theater I they perform elsewhere The
acton was rearded ns virtual fight Cor
life on the pant or the Comedic Francalse
BI.nmrclt Gets nn Int.rcslnl Birthday
Pretcimt from the Iaer )
LONDON , March 1 , -A dispatch to the
Slandard Cram Berlin says Emperor Wtiam
has telegraphed Prince Dsmarck congratul-
tons on the approching anniversary of his
birth and announcing the appointment of
time prince's son Count William , to succeed
Count Stohiberg-'tVernlgerode ns president i oC
East Prussia Time Berlin municipal authori-
ties have I moton to send In address -
dress of congratulation to Prince Bismmmarck.
The Relchsanzclger ( omeal ) Bas the coun-
ci has resolved to postpone a division on
Count Von Kanltz's proposal for the estab-
lshment oC a state grain monopoly unt the
chose of all debates on latel before the
councIl , In order to enable a special com-
mitt to shape the various propoeals.
ArgentIne GOVCrllent l'romlseB to Send
larlt time Sn'llller tn 1'11111
LONDON , March -The Times corre-
spondent at Buenos Ayres telegraphs he has
been assured . time Argentine government has
decided to grant the extradition at Jnbe ? .
Spencer Oalour , who Is wanted In England
In ( onnecton wih the Liberator Buiding
socIety frauds . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lelrl\nllll AUKtr.111 flo"m.hll' Service ,
OTTAWA , Ont , March 15-The depart-
mont oC commerce hat been advsel ! oC negotiations -
gotatonB for a prollse rearrngement oC
direct Australian BIamshlp servlco. 'rhe
New Zealanll government has received an
offer fram Julldlrt , Parker & Co to mit
1 connectnS steamer between FIJI and
Auellllll or Wellnton. Time mater was
conshlerell by the government , mind It WIS
thought better to hlV its own direct steamers - I
ers to touch lt ueldanll \'eIIIngton , and
New South \Vales was IHIled IC that colany
would allow time steamer to come on tu
New Zeiland , 'l'lmc Iovernment oC that cal-
city Is In favor or estahlshlng a dIrect mal
service via Vancouver , alternating every
fortnight wih Sln Francisco In umegot -
nUnS for connlcUng ervlce I wus contem-
platL' ta Inclulle Simoa lS well aK Fiji ,
Ni XI' ' If time 1"lna Irgnlle ,
MADRID , March 15-ln the Chamher oC
Deputes today Prime Minister Sah'sta said
that while no Information oC the cruiser
Helna legente hall IJen received , the HOV-
ernment hall not nhanlonell hOle of her
safety . In an Interview today Allnlral Be-
ranger ! Ilted that In IS > 2 he ordered the
ovenvelght oC time Huns oC time cruIser to bo
reetled , Hepertl hlve heen received oC
forty bodIes having heen wlshcd Ishoro on
the Spanish coast durIng time recent storm
None oC them were oC mEn belonging to the
Helna Itogente ,
Crew of un , mzteri , mum Ihll' H ( ' el'II. ,
BELFAST , I roland , March l , -'he Bri-
Ish harlt a. S. Henry , from Urnlswlcll , has
arrIved herc , having on board the crew oC
the American fchconer Mugh 1ullng ,
Captain Dallng , reBCled al sea , ; During time
term oC February time
) Dllng lost her
masts anl time steerIng Celi' was sllshed ,
Itiaskeli washell
Mate Musllel WIS overboarl and
drowned rime Maggie Dulling anled ( roam
Pcnsucola on Januar :0 for New VomIt .
:0 Ice"KIII for I ( jimirrol ,
101 , March 15-'J'he lala says : \Ve
must be careful not to mlsjnle the pe-
collar positon oC thl' federal government ,
which cannot be compared wih that oC any
I UrOIIlan ictute , mtnti we must rememher
a single case oC monstrous lynch law under
sleclll ) circumstances In one state oC the
union cannot give eaupt for , Il diplomatic
quarrel between Home and \alhlngton.
lu,111 tl' :1\ ' " Scotia 1,111 1t mmci.
iIAi.ll'AX , N. S" , March 15-An Englsh
s'ndlcate hints cablEd nn offer oC f&0O.O for
conI lands l ) 'iimg btwcpn By.lnl ) ' IUll JyU
In Cape lireton I nglsh capitalists sent
out un expert last summer to examine the
property , Ind ho hal pronouneel ! I one oC
time finest coal stams yet discovered Time
prsent 0ne161 retain an iimteremct
( : ololhlll Rebels : . ' lret whim Ulaslo- ,
COLON , Murch 15-A severe engagement
was fought at Uarlnca on Monday last ,
March 11. The rebel lulbere.1 GO0 , oC
wlom 12 wel e slain , In ad < lton the gov-
emnmoemml tm'oolmtc , iviilcim were victorIous , captured -
tured many prhsoimems.
Vlnmtci , iiatrqy ( rtmuii of I l.a Smug , r Crop
RIO DE JANIIII1O , Mardi 15.--'rime flood
10 time l'arahmllmn thu Sui river has tlestroyetl
tite augur crojm Iii tile state of limo de Jo.
mmeiro , 'rumis district pwtJuee the Iitit augur
grown lii lirazil.
S.U)1If FlhgtI riu .I'ITAI. 51107' ,
Ez-1)epmmty Abmants' 'Icetimony iii time iltmf.
fate 'iltmrcic.r Trlit ,
IIIIFVAI.O , Marcim 15.-1)elmuty Atmraumtsc of
Cievelanil restmmmmed imis testimumomi > ' today in
the Gibbs nmumrder trial. I le recited whnt
itobinsoim told imiutm about his starting out
witim Sadie to conmuumit hmiglmtt'mmy robber > ' oft
leiawnme avenue. Attonimey llmmrdest > ' of-
feroil objectiout aimd argued timmit it time ( Ic-
fendants started omit to couutmnit molttidi'y the
iumtmrder t'ns umot Itrenmediltatemi , mmcl so time
imidictmmtemut for ummumrder 1mm tIme flrst degree
team ; defective , Time court rtmletl that it wmms
'unit muecemimcam > ' for tIme intlictnmemmt to imow
timat mmmurdem was hmreiumetiitmmtel wlmen time
Itolmlmmicomme started omit omm their expeciltloum ,
Aiirmmumms then told how hiotminucoim had coo-
feu'sed to selecting Ghimlis mu a "swell gum > ' to
tmmekle , " nntl that vhmemt ( libtis tnekhcd imitim
hue fired twice. Time ilrst shot veimt ihtl ,
tIme second 'emmt into hIs unit just mis Char-
emmco was beimug ( i'erpmwem'el. Ahmmtost at time
Sante imustmimmt Sadie milmot Clibbit 1mm time itetmd.
liotim fled frommi time scene nim&l got ciii. of
Ilmiffalo miii fmmst as Imoselbie.
' ' 1 mtskt'tl imimum , ' ' mimItl : time vItmiess , "if hue
ss'as sure Smmihie IIre'tl time fatal idiot. I it
iititl : 'Now , look here , It' > 'omm domu't imehieve
Site tIred timmtt idiot , ycmmm get time cmmrtriilgcs
mind look mit timemmu. If you kmmow mummythuiimg
nbotmt mevoI'cm's ' ' I
yotm'hi see that time ttt'o
lImed cure dilTeremmt frommu time tmmme 1mm imer re-
voivem' . '
'l'imo imust drammmatic iccemme of time trial took
1111cc wimeim time next t'Itmmme. , hcptmty Simeriff
Ahibe > ' , took time mitmtmmtl to tell wimmut Cimmreimce
hi mmml con fecseul hi iml mmm itbotit t hit' nttii'tl er
\Vitumcs said Clmmrencc' t'mis er > 'iumg , mint be.
emulate of time' crimtme , limit becumimse Smmclie lummtl
gl'eim It awn > ' , as lici mtlcI. ALmbev immid
Just u'cmul to imimut imer coimfessloim as It wmms
ItrI mmtetl I mm time mmet'mdi1mml cci's mu t I ii ii t t iimme.
Clitreimee saul : ' "l'hmmmt's it il-mt lIe ; i'll imoti'
> 'oum how it % it domme' , ' '
' Aittl dId lie sumov yomm ? " ashted time ills-
tnict mtttoritov ,
' 'Ohm , yes ; lie t'as game , ' '
' 'Cmiii you show time court how GIbbs got
Imint dowmm ? "
"Yes , " stud time s'itnoss , mdteihdlug before'
time jury Witim iJlstnict Attorimey Qimackemi-
itmm4hm facittg ii I itt , ' 'Imum I yotir iit'imclh tkmtvmm
and tithe a gmmmi , ' ' saId 'ibby , 'l'imC Iaw > 'er
did so , timrtmsthimg time vcimptmtt in time ts'itmmest'
( mice , imIghmwtuymmutum like. lime vitmmemcs imctlmug
time Imart of ( Jiimim3 grubbed Qtmttekemmiitm'hm's
right vrImct muimml thmm'Ct' tip hue minim. Qtmmmcic-
enbusim i'nt tiowmu s'itim a twistimtg mumotloim
nmmd time pistol muzzle comae tip Iii hue di-
rectiy vitim time witness' murnm to corremilmaimdi
\vithm time bullet hole 1mm Gibbs' coat mtmul shirt
as shmowmt to time jtmry > 'esterthmty , After limb'
eximibltlon time mittorney iteked tIme ts'itmmems
\t'imtmt Cinreoce tumid.
\Vitimess : ' 'I'll tell you limits , so you ama > '
be mu witmtess in imty liehmmtlf , so time > ' \vomm't
imnimg mmmc 'lt imoum t Sad Ic , ' '
'rime mmext. witmmess wits I'atrlck Cusnek ,
cimief of time Btmffmulo cletoctivemm. lIe swore
that Sadie commfesscd to hmint lit ( 'Ievelmtmmml
timtt : mime fired time lmot timmtt kIlled Cliche.
Site commfessed that imer lmumsbammmi held lmlumt
up nmmtl timat hme w'emmt to imor hmtmebtmncl's
mcsmtlstmmneo wiieit Gibiis timrev her lmtmshatncl
to 1mb' kmtees. She ulrecl time first mchmot just
after Clarence idmot Gibbs imm thmo umnm. Title
confem4tdloim by Sadie , ito Ctmsmmck stvorc , wait
made volmmimtnril > ' .
'i'imo defense then called Smithie to time stnntl
for rebuttal. Site said timmmt when ic'nvimmg
Cleveland for Buffalo ut cimmurge of Stiller.
immtentlemmt Ctmucaelc , site was cr > 'immg hiecaumse'
lie would not let imer kit's ( 'laremmoc goodbye
ilmtl timmit Cmtsack cursed imem' . Contlimtmlxmg ,
she cleclai'ed :
"And then Cusmuck snltl : 'If I were yomm , I
vould get eveim with a Intuit vimo treated mmmc
lit thtnt ntnmmner. toni If yomi vihi say tlmnt
Charemmce itimot ( hula. . I vIll get part of time
reward and you wIll he avengetl. ' Cusnelt
told itte jtmst what to say to lcemmimew'iclc ( tIme
district attorney ) , amid I itnid It to lminm vhemt
I got to Buffalo.
"M > ' confession to 1Cemmute'lr'k is lust what
Cimenclc told me to saw. anmi , " added Saclit' ,
turmming full omt Custmck as clue spoke , amid
udmriekimmg at time top of Imer voice , oti
know that it is. "
Sunerlntemtdent Cmmsnck was recalled anti
positively denied imaviog ever held otut aim > '
imttimmcements to Sadie to obtain imer con-
( cessIon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Splriti IJhitillImm . fiisocistlon Fnbiisime no
Jimmpirtnflt % intfeto.
ChICAGO , Mareft 15.-Time - Spirits IJIs-
tilling assoclatloim , of vimiciu General John
MeNtmlta , cimlef receiver for tIme \Vhmisky
trust , is chairimman , issued aim importammt dr.
cular to time whisky tm'ntle today rgaukiing time
regulatIon of the prices. Time circular says :
"An agreement imna been mmmdc by the neso-
elation tinder wimicim time trade Is to be sup-
piled witim spirits and alcoimol at a mcrnmmll
pm'ollt over time cost of irotluction-thnt is ,
time Imrlces agreed utmon are calculated to
give me pmolit to time producers of less thaum
one-half of 1 per cent per proof gallon. It
Iii time object of time association to protect
tIme trade agaInst the arbitrary advances by
Imaving timiuc price absolutely based upomm the
price of corn and other nmateriais required
for time pro&lmmctlomm. "
'rite clm'cuitmr also explains timat. time Spirits
Diiitllhiimg aesociatiomm , coniprlsing 10 tier cent
of time distilling Interests of time country , vas
foramed on Febrummmy 20 mmd 21 svlthm time ob.
ject of nmuttmal bemmeilt to time various interests -
terests iim time trade , It imas an executive
comnrnlttee which meets in Peoria amtml di-
meets the details , and an arbItration corn-
nmittee directly representing time trade.
'rime much talked-of reorgumimlzation of time
Wlmiky trust becmtnte a practically assured
fact today , tvil'cn stock amounting to more
thamm l7,5fi0,000 was placed witlm the Maim-
imattan Trust company atm a pledge toward
reorganlzatlomm. Time executive commnittee
of time Spirit Jimtthlhing osocIatIon , iviulcim
Imilceuc In time olti trust mind nearly mmli time
lndepemmtlent distillers , mnet this nfternoomm
anti ilxed time basing price of spirits at $ l.25'f
an advance of 1/ , cent a gmihiomm , ivimlcim 'iiI
imave the effect of making time nmarhcet price
$ I.2fl. jnougim stock i'ins pledged at tIme
meeting to mtsmtmmt'e of mcmmccess of time rear-
gaitization itcimotno anti stocitimoltlers who
were not represetmted thmere wilt have until
Marcim 2. ' ; to get into tIme bammti wagomt. At
tlmat ditto It Is Proialmhe tue reorganization
tsIIi ie effected , Mcnmbers of the executIve
committee say time agreenment of time new
amtsocimttlon will to into effect immediately
after Mnrcim 25 , and nit sooum as tIme details
are arrammged time Itroitert > ' of time trust
will be taken otmt of time Immmimtis of time re-
ceivers. Thud' nmmnunl olectiomm of oillcers will
he imeld Aimmil 18 ,
Muir , iIAXSI' S'1'.l''F0IU ) ' , ! 1STd2'Jf ,
( lovornmmmelmt flaimmi Cc ) lie Forced to a t'oim-
chub ' .
SAN FRANCISCO , Mnrclm 15.-Attorney
I , . E. McKlssick , time special tniteci Stmttemi
cllictrlct attorney nppolmmt.edh it > ' Attom'mmey
General Olmmey to prosecute time goverimmntmmt'tt
clttint against time estate ( if time into 1.olumtmmi
Stmnforci , flied time govemnnu'mmt's contlmitmlrmt
lit time United Staten cotmrt here totlay , 'Flue
suit its ( or $15,237,000. 'l'ime coummphuiimt covers
twenty mtbmccts of tyimot'rltteim copy , It recites -
cites time conthltlomts tmmmdtr which time Con-
tmal Pacific Itnllronml coumupaimy ivas formed
imy Staimforcl , limmntimmgtmmn , I lopkIns , Ciockem'
anti others , and asserts that at thmt' tlimte
when time mlcbt of time Central l'aciilo cciii-
panty to the govemnuument cif time i'mitt'd
States wamu imtc'urrccl timese four mmu'n weme
In commtmoh of till tIme capital stock of time
coumriaimy withi time eXceimtloim of a few' tclmaremi
turimed over to mimm'vammtmt motel emnploo'es of time
corporatlotm , Unmier time terms of partner-
tihmlp tietwc'en Stammforml , I Iummtinuton , hop-
kiimmc nimil Crocker , it its asserted that the
emitute of lltmmmmord its liable for Its one-miurtim
mchmmre of time govermliitent's ritmitim mmgalmmst time
rallrommci , or $ l5.t7 000. 'fiie against
hluntlmmgtoii immtct time ( 'rocker timid i lctpklims
estates mmmc not brought into time prmeeemmt cult
In conclusion , jumtlgmmmemtt tigmilittit limit eState
iii time imumtm mtttmteml luc tmmmmveci ( or , antI it ii.
( hemanmipti timmit Itire , Stmcumtorcl , time c.'xec'mmtrix
cit time estate , be orclemed to pay time caine
out of time amicete lit doe notmrse of athimminlit-
tm'mttioum anti jmrlom' tp ttli oIlmen claims , 'rime
Itnnforch em'ttito , immeluding tltu' Stmummomci imiml-
vericity pmonerty , Wdms rcpmmaiit.dI sit itliout
817,000,0) ) , 'Flue stmccc'mcm'ul imrorectmtiolm of time
governnmelmt'it suit would net oumiy hmrttchiculiY
wlime out tIme estate , but would tvrt'el timi ,
unIversIty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I Ire iii I Ii. % , Itiimm.ii iliocic.
At 2:40 : Ilium mnom'mmimmg lint was cllso'ei'ca.l
Iii the boseuneumt of time \Vltimmmu'il block , cor.
nor Fifteentiu maid lunrmtey mmtrc'etmu , It was
gotteim ummdcr cammtmei hefore ammy great tlm.mnm.
age is'us done to time bull'iimug , thotmgit time
mitock of fume immmd furriers' mooti'u belongimig
to McCalitm , on time fhimct floor , wits badly
tlamtmgeci b' mdimmoite and tyaler , 'i'imerc. was
an exciting titmmc gettiiug cult collie Woifleim
who occuplc"l time utipsi' mo mute. A I tide hour
time fire is mmcl out , but time hticiuttim think
time > ' have it tummtlem' ( 'ommtiol autti not immucim
damage tilli Ice ( mime , 'I'lme store its owumed
by Scimuitz & Me'abe ,
l'msssecmgcr Trsiu ltmi Into mi Priglmt ,
AMhERST , N. ii , , Maucim 15.-A serious
mcmmmumihup occuireci oit time iimternutional raft-
way hare totimu > ' , J'hmit ( 'ammamhinmi l'aeiilc , cx.
Imress1 vIIii a lumrge nunuber of itassengers cmi
beau-cl , tciet'coiieil witim it ( 'oiunlal freight
aitd the curs sveie hilled up immdiscimaiimately ,
several being comnpietel > ' demnollsu&ed , oime
of the passengers were imunt ,
lloiiso Pitscos the Allan Poilco Board Bill
with a Whoop and Huirab ,
, t. I , , , % , hiumstle'r ilmiticici to Muiter it Mimi'
clout Ntuumilier cit 'cites to 'citiitp limo
' * Ivmicimrit m uimimmecilmtteiy , i'tiu o
-itiot In tlm hod > ' ,
LINCOLN , March 15.-Special.-Thme ( ) rIot
of thmt thay , ammtl , proitably , of time seasiomu , oc -
cmmrreti over whmmmt is kumowmi as time Fire ammtl
Police commtmmtissloit , cii > ' of Omumaima.
\'imemm house roil No. 10 , by Alimmim , Itrovid-
lmmg for a hoard of FIre amid I'olico Commmimtig- .
sloimers lit cities of tIme mmmetmopohltamm ehmmss ,
im'mms called there tins mmmmmsle iii time mmir. Time
lull hind beemi recommmmmmeimtiami for passage by'
time coimummmittee of tIme whole by a vote of &
to 2i3 , , 'tmm it tmmkes m4xty-sevemm votes to carry
time bill s'ithm time cimuergency clause limo A.
p. contimugemmt froimm Juimmmmmy Thmonupsomc
dowmm to It. W' . Gibson hind to lttit iii ita
hmeavlcst licks. VimIle time rohi call was 1mm
progress Album , iimtrotitmcer of time bill , do-
iumatmtled a call of time imotmee , wimicim was see-
ommiletl by I inward , Ahlamm'mm ( mbject lit nmakimm
this miemumand % vtms to mumako sumre of time mmeces-
sary sixty-seveim , howard , cii time oIlier lmammd
wammted to lull all mmmeummbers on ( ito record ,
flarry ummoveti tlmtmt fmmrtlmcr mroccetliuugs tin-
cler tIme call be dispemmacti with , limit tIme mmmo-
lion teas tumiimumltdiodmsiy rejectutl ,
llrockmutnum sent. nit mu ummotloum to time tleslc.
thmmmt Mr. B , ltosewmmter be immvitccl to eqdain.
to time immeuumbers of time house time oimj ct ammtl
ninm of itoumse roil No. 159. 'l'lmis was.
tmunemttieti by ilowimrml to time effect that. JV. .
'Fhmoimtiuson , editor of time A. l , A. orgamm 1mm
Ommmaimmm , is'imo was itow iohtbyimmg aim time floor
lit fmtvor of thmo peitthImmg ummeasure , be also al-
hewed to lou where lie is at mmcl mtimnt lie is.
here for. Aummemmtlmmtemmt tumid origimual mutotion
were voted down. Time speaker salil :
' 'All iii favor of sumstemmtIImmg time rules re. '
gmmrthimmg smmuoklmmg wIll say ityc. ' '
This suggestion was greeted with a yelh
anti timi' aIr of represemmtmmtlve hail was soon
full of blue smmmoke , cat calls antI cimorumses ot
soimgs , topIcal , scntiimmemitai mmml erotic , Gal-
hery muppiatmee ivims lou g , loumul mm mimi emit imusi-
astic. 'I'Imo hiotise uneummbers nit time 't'wemmty- .
fommrtim sessioim Were 1mm time mmmldst. of time mumost
disorderly scouts yet witmmesseti dtmnlmmg time
lmragress of what they are ltieasetl to call do-
hiberatloims. Cocky of Case wits thmrowmm down
by the images. Thtemm lie was hoIsted omm theit ,
.shmotmhtlers anti carrIed back to time clear of time
clerk's roommm. llrockimmamm of Itlehmtmrtlsomm waa
muext. tackieti , served time autumn tvay , aimtl thmeii.
a raid tt'as nmads Oii Siteaker Itlehmortle , who
was literally torim ( roam imis chair antI borne Iic
trlummmpim tlowmm time aisle. Uncle Joe ilumrmts o
Lancaster was time next. victlmmm , aiuti Ito was
saddled oft to time atlmlemi nmntmsemtuemmt of time
' 'macb , ' ' for this is exactly the comudttlon to4
which time ijotise luau degemuermitctl , I
Meanwhile there was a cleat of lobbyIng ' -a
golimg on omm time floor , Slssomu auth limmller imat *
annouimced their Iatemmtloim to vote against
time measure. Fifty-five Imad voteti 1mm fayaz-
of time bill , twemmty-omme mmgaitmst , mmcd thmerur
were twenty-fcnmr wham imatl 1101 voted or weru
excused , hard work was hmrouglmt to hour on'
hailer antI Slesoim , Time latter wavered and
fhmmally i'eakened , anti commsetmted to east imims '
Vote it'itim huis party. Ills excuse was that
time nmajority thmreiutetmed to drag Weber out.
of a sick beml and force imitmu to vao for a bihj'
wimlcim lie , Sisnon , conslilered a pernicious.
unetmemmro and one dangerous to time luuterests
of tito repubhicimim party 1mm Doumglas cotmnty.
harrison moved timat lurtlmer proceedings.
under time call be mllepensed with , anti tlespit
llarry's objectlomm time motion prevaullei , Gutim-
rho mmmmd Itobimmeon appeared before time liar o 'L.
time house and ivera exctmmetl by ; Ime imottee.
Time bill fulled to pass tvitit time emmmergenc
clause , time vote hieIng GG to 25 , as follows :
eas- ' ,
Ailtmn , Itmvlce , 1itIce ,
slmb ) ' , Iiy. Moelmimimaim ,
ititeon , mrimz , 4utiger , i
ilceiter , ( lrtliltlm , Orion ,
heck , I iumirgmove , I "rhine , I
lienni let , I I umrksomm , I'oiti mimnmm , .
Iit'mnnmii , thin lit , ttlciitmnilsen ,
ittaily , mu a I m'isii , mtutlmc'm t ,
ittocltmitami , I ( mm t , Bohumuson ,
m Irowimel I , I I limit , m toulil ) ' ,
mttmrcim , .h'ttimetit , Itunie.
hum itt' , .icttkimms , i4ctmlckedaniz.
utumnic ( Dodge ) , .Iotmiisdomm idIa.'iii ,
Iluimni ' tlaumgitumt ) , ieac'cr ,
I Luinemmetem ) , .TttiiI , Sum I
Cdi ii , } itmcm , ( totmgias ) ,
( 'ammimiteli , Iimmnt'ormm. 'rmmnmne ,
( 'mu lciitm , I.tttmgimom mit , 'rluotittms ,
L'lttmce , Mtcttiucon , W'utlt ,
emttmpiimamt , aicl"ttilcue'n'ilcler. . I
( ii& ' , lttcNlmt , /imtit
I 't'tniVfly , Merrick , ( Joimneoum ) ,
( 'oale' , Idyertt , Mr. I'i.emmker-CI. p
I'm nmmtit ,
I try , I Icact , I met hmtetmtner ,
I imikasv , I iitwtmiii , tcoi t.
( 'itt'mur. I Itmil , Htmitjim ,
Ietnmmy , Joitnstoim i4odc'i mmmcmi ,
temtmpsey , ( r'emtuiima ) , Hpacknmmumu ,
( loam r , . , ii I mulcit , l4im tt'm' .
Gtitirle , clcVleker , Via I lousen ,
Imaulem' , IteimmlmmaienVtti I ,
I I avl 1k , . ltlmociet. , /.1 mtk
lilegia. ' , itcitierteon , tintt'rmmtan-l ) $ .
Abseiut and not. voting-
lice , .liimdi , Imtmtttmt . ( l'awnee ) ,
Craw , liltook. S.i lci-d.
On roll call to pass time bIll wIthout time
emmmergency chaise time mmmcasumretarrled. : 'Jbo
itissnge of limo hIll wltimodit time emimergency
claumse leaves it practically a umimillfy for the
mmext'yoar to conme , Time governor comm appolmmt
the fire anmi imohice coimmiumlsslomtema withmommt
time amljumitct of a board to aeclmt hmimmm , as is
imrovIdetl in time bill. Moeimrimmimmm , a populist
who was Immdmmcetl hmy great immessure brougimt
to bear umpoim imimim ii > ' time reputbilcumne , voted
for time bill the first timmme , but bolted time
second call of time roll ttimd refu'etl to 'oto
either way.
1'OI'S OPPOSEI ) ' 10 hiGh SAitltlES ,
Iloumso roll No , 631 , time salary division of
time gemmeral appromrhatlomm lull , teas hut UliOfl
Its vassage the first. timlmmg lImb' ummonmuimmg , aummf
imassemi , l3ociertmma Ii , I mm cx Iii a iim I img it I s miegativo.
vote , saul that time ammmouitt of S2,000 per an-
imummm voted to time' govermmom"s imrlvaie scene-
tory was plaiiuiy mmimconstitmmtioiual , For timia
re'asoit imo dechiumemi to suipport time immOasure ,
anti a numiniier of Poimtillste were mm'Itlm hint ,
Time Vote Ofl lInal passego of limo bill was 74
to 15 ,
Time following iilliti were read for time tiuirtl
Ilitmu amid puestmlt
Ifouso roll No. 283 , lm MmNitt , 10 provld.
for free attemmdunce' itt imublic hIgh schools ,
lfouu roil No , 191 , it ) ' Cole , to nutimorlze
time' comnimmitisltlimers of illtchicock commumly to mmii.
ply $3,000 of tito fummd ltiiowim as the Cuihert-
semi irrlgatimtg and water itower bormtl funds
to time imanmemmt on time butmtls mmmci umnlng Jan-
ummiry 1 , lSJtJ.
House roil No , 5 , by Jommes , to authorize
time orgaumizaticim at ummmmtuummi plate glass Insur-
ttlucui cotmmimamiiei.
Ilotmee mcii No. 214 , by Roiilmmsomm , to pro-
'ido for the reilef of Imlammrlcc ) , authorizes
time hoard of I'mmhilc I.anmis amid iimmiidlmmgs to
Issue to iminm a coimiract for buiutl ,
house roil No. 211 ; . It > ' Itcbliusomm , lmrovldiimg
( or time relief of 'Iiilaimi luIItmmty ,
lkrnse roll No. 103 , lay 1I > ' , to refund
$2h7,70 to timu estate of Geomge Emimpioum , de.
hlomisa roil No 121 , lty ( 'alp imra'lthing for
time rm'dleimuimtlomm of lmuitti m'oitl for taxes before
time imtmrcimutier received a dcccl , ( ailed to vase.
'time hnuse timea look a recess tuimtl 2 p. in ,
0mm remtssemmihmljng Muimgcr ammot'ed that imouso
roil No , 4iJ4 , lime universIty amjmroprlation
ljiii , carrylumg 80,000 , be mmmmmmhe' a eltecial order
for 2 o'clock i' . am , 'tuesday , aImti the unotloim
Icrevauletl ,
0mm ummutiomm of harrison time mmpproprlatIoii
bills imore ordered to be relmrhumteih eumlirehy.
'tIme following bills were mtmtisCh :
ilniuce roil No , 50 , It > ' hIiglmis , for time no.
ilef of Rebecca l'erkins , appoirIattuig $115,54.
house' roll No , 22S , by JcimkIn , to regulate
stock yards anti provide ptmniimmmmrnmt for via.
lotIons of time pravimloums lhtreof , 'S to Ii ,
Udute roll No , tl , by Simter , to fix coutmilu