- - : " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - ' - " - . - . , 7''T' ' ' 1-.n . . . . . " ' . . . " , .r. _ , . . . . " ' , ' THE OMAHA DAILY .BEE. . f . L I . , . . ' . Esrl'AnLISl D JUNE - 17 , 1871 - O l.JrA , J"JUDAY MO1NI3GMAIWII :15 : l , 189 . - _ _ SINGLE ] _ UOpy - - FLYB - - - . C.EN'US. . - - - " ThIRST FOR BLOOD StARED Striking crewmen nt Now Orenns ' nave Quaffed the Cup Sulficienfly. - SOOTIED BY TiE SGHT ! OF SOl DERS Storm Sncc'cdrl hy Calm and the gnay AssnmllJ Thclr Nurmnl Condition- :1111 , Out hit Nut Called On fur ii Shot. I NEW Ot.EANS , "larch H.-The stormy scenes along the rlvir front of New Orleans have been succeeded hy a calm , and something - thing approaching thc normal condtons : of I affairs Is reAtored. Work was resumell on' ' the wharves todays at least partially , but I was only the colord sercwmen who took tiP theIr tOOl9 and then only under the protection of an armed guard , Where there Wlre no troops there was no wor1. The white f rew- men held aloof , prlstred a threatening si- lence hut none malc , a move which \oull cause thc mita to le force to suppre it. Though still strained , the situation Is much InlJoved tonight. Governor Foster Is st1 In the ciy , ant has announced his detHmlna ton to rcmaln until the trouble Is finally tiettlcd. Negotaton ! arc In progrl.s which may prodnco this happy result , but the out- come cannot be predlctet i at prescnt Mean while the state authorities are takIng no chanccs. The troops who have heen on duty all day arc sleeping cit their fatigue , ant arc , under orders to report for duty tomorrow I - morning when work on the shipping will be resumed By G o'clock this morning all weN ' ; where have bccn astir In tlio arIt1'reg. troops quarlerell for the last rew llays. Marcliliig 'rlel were received from heallquHters at 1 a. m. , and the itilltla : . divided Into three Gccton ! were marchel to the lene anti took up Positions at the Harrlon ln ( wharf at 'fhlrl and Sixth btreets. The entire force tumhered something over GOO men , com- ! mandel hr lrlJller Glnwll Bartanll. under the sUllen'lslon of Major General John . - , Glynn I , jr.HEADY HEADY TO DO nUSt E3S. The men were In full service uniform with cartridge belts tilled with ugly 10011nl mis- itiles. At the point where the greatest dancer - cer was apprehended . Iotchllss and Gatlug guns were unlmbered In such positions that they could he quickly trained up or down the wharves on advancing , mobs 'fhe heall- quarters of the crewmen at the apex of the French market trlangho In the upper stories of which were stored quantities of ammuni- tion . was surrounded hy the Washington artillery , whose howitzers were trained on H. PrePared to destroy It at the first hostile movement. Stationed along the river front It lutervuls were picket lines of Itoilce . mounted and dismounted who were under , orders to co-operate with the troops and who seemed to be In heart sympath with them. Occasionally crowds athered at one point or another and the 110lco were called on to disperse them. which they did without trouble. Not a shot was fired nt any point , nor was there iII } " vl ence. The negro i screwmen went to worlt wIthout hesitation wherever troops were stationed. They also ctarlell to work at Southport during the ( morning. hut as neither mltn nor police ; . _ . were on duty there they soon abandoned the work though there was ito prospect of trouble , and returned 10 the city. At 6O : p. m. the screwmen had all fnished their day's labors and the troops were withdraw ! ant orederet to report again at 8 o'cloclt tomorrow morning . The conference of the delegates of mercan- tlo bodies resumed Its session again today but tonIc no action. havhng decided practically to leave thi3 setement for the overiior's ] lnds , TOOK ACTION ADVISEDL.Y. This evening , referring partcul\ly to the calling out of troops the gover.wr s''d It was very unfortunate that It hall become his duty to use such harsh measur , hut there did not appear to him aad I many others any other practicable and ! rreclvo plait to ndol1t His excelen y ! eHera\d bls statement of yesterday that no Iratu what happened he would protect th lves of cItizens and commerce at nny C ( t. This step was decided upon last night lat" , " falI the governor , "nfer every vhose of tie situation - aton had been thoroughly coni1rod . IJY the police hoard nnll other bOltes , It was almost the unanimous opinion of the board tnht I was the only thing to do anti , It was enerlty : the opinion of all other bodies nre tell hy Ito disturbing and rioting clrment. Althoujh everything Is now quiet on the heee. there Is still no assurance of safety ( . sit by the laborer as he goes about his worlt under existing clrcun1talces. In the ubience of comvetent Protective forces. Thueruoe , . for the present. It Is quite nece&sary tl ketp the soldIers on duty " "How long elo you expect. governor to maintain military vigIlance ? " queried the reporter "I cannot say but ns long ns may seem necessnry. " - - Governor Foster Is quite unwell and just able to bo up , but 11 remain In the cIty If ] lls health Is no \ erse unt all Iro1lhl3 has subsided and confidence , has ' hem 1' ( sturul . MANY HWOH'ED FOIL WOlK , At 7 o'cloclt this morning the wharf : In front of the ( Harrison line of steamers began ' to present nn animated appearance. 'l'hio stevedores of the various gangs of negro Icrowmen ali 'longshoremen haut sent word to their men 10 report nt the wharf at lie regular hour to begIn worlt. Notwlthstand- tug that military vrotecton hall been IJromlsed ( Item . some of the ( darkies were dubious about visiting the scene of the late slaughter , for ( hey fenrOI that Ito ( whites coulll easily hide themseh'eo hehhlt a cotton halo anti hick n negro oft before a volce or mllaman coull reach thieiui however about fifty men maele their appearance at the tme mentioned. At that hour the levee swarmed with poiiceiiien . but not n man wearing n military uniform was In sight. When the negroes ascertained that the troops hall not reached the scene many of them became frightened alll ( wantld to re- turn to the shelter of the moro thickly Populated 11rUon of the city. The 11 lcemen tohl them that they need have no liar. Notwihstnnllng that the sellers had not put In an appearance the stevedores were willing to begin wok under polc" protection . They bad received word from General Onl. the commanding officer of the entire nulhitar ) ' . thut the trools woull reach the levee by 8 o'clock , Therefore they felt that ( ly the ( unto they hall Ito ( work of 10Itn the vessels well In hand lie troops would arrive. Another fact widen gave them encourapement was the nbnce on the levee of any crowds of sllplcious looking white 1 en. however willing the stevedores were to 10 to work Captain Woods of the lngineer . the steamer . which was atnckl' by the ( armed moh last TuelllAY , would ] not listen to the men gen ! , to worlt until the ( troops arrh'CI. ( ommunlcaton Was then hail with the vlnl- ous armories anti word wns tnt that It would be 10 'clock before the Iroops would reach the scenr. Consequently all idea . of work was abandoned until that hour and , the negroes were ordered to remain around They did so . but they hugelll the ( 1lce'er ) clos I ) The troops are now on the scene anti labor has been resunieuh . ! I.ITIA C\m I'RhPAItl.D. At 1 o'clock the Third and Fourth bat- aliens ( of troops \lcer command : or Major VIolet and Major Ilouchereaum . numbering 25 muten left the ( Bmorle and mached to the ( head or Josephine street. where thO toric of loallng the ( Wt India hue of ships began at 11000. There wa no demolitratul ( anywl ' re along the line. Cacl man carried a rile anti around ! I waist \I'al a belt containing twenty I- . rounds of cartridges . - The 11reSl'nel of the miiary on the scene of trouble caused nl unuBual dem'Hstratol ' on the Plrt or tlC ttrlter They "Iewet tle situation molntly and tbero Wi a1 ! absence of ,1 Jtrln , When the 11Cn hl\ reached the wharves they were placed along the levee for n distance of hal n dozen squares Thiir or- tiers one. were not to hold conversation with any one.At At noon the Washington artillery and the Fifth battalIon left their respective arnlorles And marchel to the HarrIson line wharf. Uunham's battery alr went to the same pIa ct. Nothing unusual occurrl durIng . the march to the rl'er , The men upon nrrlvnl ! were scattered around the ( various ships awaiting cargoes , anti the stevedores began making preparations to put their nun to work. At the harrison line wharf as 'Mn ! ns the mIlitary reached the scene lie ( work of loathing , the Irlth steamer gnglneer began. There were no signs of trouble In that vIcinity , noLwlhltandlng the app ? a- once of the militia on the levee. At the hMd of Josephine ! , Jackson and Seventh streets net n hale of colon WAS beln ! moved The stevedores were prlparel , to load the vessel , but the negro Ilraymen who 110 the hung were still afraid to resume work anti no colon Is being delivered from presses town. up tOWI. , , itI1)iitAL TitoUl's Alg NOT NI : IJg" : . Srmtnr lnnehu.1 : HI' ) ' lie State / nt lnllsl , 111 i'iiti " ' "Ip ( ( 'an , lt Ilpr.I'I. \ ASlINOTON , "larch H.-Senator Dnnch , arll of Louisiana , who Is In Washlnpton , raid today : "The action of the UnIted States distrIct attorney In New Orleans In. . . calling for United States troops to suppress the disorder nt that place Is wholly timi- warranted and unealed for. The state or Lculflana Is amply able to mlnlaln the peace wihin her own horders. We have a capable militia of 1OO muon . wel drIlled amid equipped I I had nny Ilea that the ( federal authorities here woulo for a moment entertain - tain the request of the district atorey at el Orieens I woull cal on the attorney general arid liege lie entire ability of the slate to t hook . after . its , own ! alrs. I may do tlims . : lloU(1 tile acton of Governor Foster In Ileclarhl that federal troops /re not ncedell appears to cover the case. The trelllle Is local nnll temporary , and the \ orst of It Is 11asl I In no way npllroaches the disorder at Chicago. "The shootng of lie I' nglshman , Baln. Is not Iltlly to create nny International com- Illcatons , ns I Is clearly established that his nationality hind nothing to do with the assault Ul10n him , hut that ho was mingling with n crowd In the center or the conillct. The Brilsh officials seem to have taken a broad and sensible - view of the Incll nt. " 1.'Luuns .IT CJLI1.lIIstTh , Jo OIWlua.l. l'ooplo Jrh'cl from Their iIotieti by the " ulC' m In I Ihl' I hot I ( iuut . , , , . . COLU"\US. Ga" , "tarch 14.-Heavy rains causOI Immense foods ( throughout this sec- thou. East of this city a section known as the boloms Is entirely submerged , the water drlriumg peopl from theIr houses. An Iron bridge ami two smaller ones on Grard creek , emptying Into the river , opposite the city . have heen washed nwny. Several washonts have occurred on the track of ( uS dummy hue ant parts of the Ilroad line In the city . but no serious damage has been doue The river Is UII twenty-seven feet and rising at thc ( rate of three amI otto-half Inches on hour. Railroad schedules arc badly demor- allzed. all trains being late ! CANTON Miss . . March 14.-A most dis- astrous rain and hal storm passed over this section last II/ht. overlowln nil / creeks amI low1uml. Great Iamuge ! was done to bottom lauds and farmers arc now three weeks behind on account of cold I \ \ 'tathprnl ralu " : VACA\'IL1E . Cal. . March . H-The dam- age done In this vicinity by last al ht's no- , usu/l ' heavy frost will not ( till much short of :2.O The apricot crop has heln almoRt totliy destrovell , probably not Ir ' tons relanlul : : , Early cherries that would have heeu on thC market In two wellts are nil gone The late varieties arc tholht to be all might , lS they are only just blos- soming. 'he almond crop which was all- vuncell about the sunl ns the apricots . Is ruined. I Is Impossible to lletel nimIe al the present JUM what damage has been done to leaChel. al they are just gclnl out of the loom ( fII ( dl not show ts 11Iulll ) ' . ' 'hll Is nlso true of pluls and prunes. Thl weather Is quite cool again tonight amI there Is n prospect of another fuost . II- though nol so hard. FOI' WOI'rl. Tex" , March 14.-Caruftul eslmnteH place the amOUlt of fish khhic'tI . by the February freezing In thus fhnlow bl1 out the Texas coast south of the mouth of the Brazes river at 35,0 tOl8 , 'lhl Ahore has heen lined with IAI carcasses for U nuouithu. and , I Is thought that most of the rCll IHh 111WI and ) 'oung are Id I ll. This II a great blow to the Ilhlng Industry. which li rapidlY Ilwln ! to great 11ropor- ( louus on the Texas coast lens TWU OJ Tll 1.Jt.IXS " 11 ( U11.Tl' . Slrllht-lcnl n'll ' scturea.tIue-lIusuv1c ( "on _ ( viCINI hy it Jc"clvOI.1 , Iury. DEADWOOD S. D. , March H.-Spoc1al ( Telogram-A ) verdict In hue case of the UnIted Slates ngalnst Straighut-head ant nix othel" Indians was rendered this morniuug Captain Straight-Head and Lieutenant Scares- the-Hnwlt were found guilty of Intent to do great bodily harm , and the other five- Crane , Dennls-Buclt. lue-Spolell. Shell- Earrings and l'uts-on-hlIs-Sluoes-wero acquitted - I quitted and disehuarged. This I case las been I.tt . .dl .I : : : . , : ! , , . , _ _ _ WatCneu WIL I\CIO" ItCC'H U ) UI I'CUI"C directly ' or Indirectly huuterested In the In- dians on the reservation . Stralght-leat , captain of the Indian polce nt the Cheyenne River agency , and six Indian polcemen were hHIcled for the murder of Wilam Fielder at the ( agency on March 8. 189. FIelder was n titmaw man , anll was hilled whie resisting arrest. I was clalmel , hy the defense that ( the kllng was done In sel-defense. and that the Iiolce were acting under the ( nr- tiers of the agent The Indian police are a Jower on the ngencles , 11reservlng peace 1/1 order when I can be accomplished In no oilier way ant have bseut lie ( means of hulhlnl UII loyalty to hue ( government In contradistncton to loyalty to chiefs In the ( Indiln rountry. ( I has been fearell that If these men were convlctel , all future ( lelency of tIme Indian polce wouhl . be destroyed . .iii.'ji : . ; TIl ' IC T1II' 1.1 " 'I hP'O.\ , . Soma Illrolul CporlON ire StIlt Uhu- I'alo Ind :1'y "IU50 'rrolhl. PITTSBURG . March H.-Tho itrlte of the miners of tIme 1Itlhurg district 19 but one ; week ell today and \othlrds of the Iln r ! are nol at work nt lie ( union rate The strlkeu consider the lIght practically won . bul they may yet hump up against some adverse - verso clcumstanees In the I'ersonl ' of obstl- nato railroad oiicratorm . The river operators ha\'e conceded the ( demands of the ( Ilners and Ihee has been a general reluml110n of work at all the ( river 1 I nls. All the river craft Lire being Ilad ' 1 and as long as this rush con- tnue there wi bo wont , not only for Ihe full number of river moimiers . hut also for n large number of extra men from the railroad unities . On the other haml , the railroad operators refuse to pr 10r ( than l cents Jlr ton and the ( najOIY ; of their mines are idle. TIle ) ' cldm thlll ( they are cOlpeled to refuse order because they ( cannot fill , thll at the prices ( IUolell by competitors sod pay the prIce tie- manded by ( lie union , . Ilp\T Ilmol VII ii hilt htytiamnite , DI''I . March ; H.-Since the sulchlc of h.iiigg . the anarchlHt II jai at Chicago , there huts 1.eel no record at such a cold blooded Illannr'l suIcide as that ( ( of ihoI. . 1.011. nn Au.trlun In hula ( city tola ) ' . 1"011 ) ) killed hllccH on Logan avenue "I Illdn ' \ ) ' eXlllo llJ a lumlp cartridge about an Inch anti , a half ) iia meter Inl , four Inclwl long. 'fhe entire left sldo of the body , \'al hlown Into fragment plec' ! being scattered nil uhout ( that nelthhorhocd. tculer 11111 IOYK Jthaiir ' UOOlt h'lreineii , SAN'l'A 1"1' , N , M. . March I " .A 1lock 11 tm ; ranlsco str't , In which were l"lanze'l Iuat'd'ars store , Guble'a undertaking ehlal- hmrnt. Iloiitnth'r's , . .aldle.01) ' and ( ul'l tuwelr ) ' stor" burnel ) cutely \ today . , Loss. f.Oi : Imisuramice , $2,0) ' 4 \ ) d taeh- l1nt of boys from the IO\'elllent Indian school dlUnlulshld themselves by iloing bolll good serylee \ 1. lemeD ) IVING : WITH GREAT CARE State Deptmcnt Awaiting Compete De- , tails of the A1nnc Affair. RUL'NG I PREVIOUS SIMILAR CASES icctilonr II lie Allhlll tutu Jnrtulr lID ) ' 1)hft1)uttc Citetl-iwo C\ : lllh , hS Unch- 1"11'1 , \ tnrl ( ' ) ' ( Ititeral-Stitrtlhiig Jtu miter In i Circulltun , . " .ASIIGTON , Mardi 11-The Department - I ment or State Is moving with deliberation In malting 111 Its case against the ( Spanish government - ernment butted al the hiring by n Spanish cruilser nt the American steamship Alalca , holding hunt In maters of fueh moment I Is absolutely essential our government should be In Ilosseuison of the ( exact fact so ns to avoid the humiaton of retraction through tanking a dem:11 that could not he sustlned by the evidence. So far no reply las been received nt the department In response to the request made upon Captain Crosmnn of the .llnnca for further Particulars of the Inci- dent Iii the mealthue the officials arc In- elustrloush' looking up Precedents for their uhlance , amid "Ir Uhl , who Is still acting secretary of state during the contnult Illness - ness of Secretary Gresham , Is in frequent consultation with his superior nt his rooms In his huotei One of the prlccdents which has heen unearthed - earthed and hrought to the attention of the acting secretary . . . ns . , having " , a dIrect L. . . . b2arln , . _ . . on tle Alanca InCluel1 was 10UIt jut ll proceedings of thc Alabama claims commls- : sioui In one of the decisions announccd l ' Judge French the court held there was no nuthorlty for the ( stoppage or detention of n mall steamer whIch Is pursuing her usual route even If that ( route lay at places within I : the three mile shore utah , and so within the marine jurIsdIction of the 11wer seeking to stop the ship I this Is hell to be soullI doctrIne tiuen of course , the Spanish gov- crnment wi malt repnratlon for the acton It that the of Its cruiser , even should appear Ahlinuuca was within three mies of Cape Allancn Maysa , as the SIIanl5h minister here be- hieves. On ( lie other haHI , If this decision 1s not er effect . then what Is known as the headland , theory of jurisdiction will probably play an Imvortnnt hart In the adjuftment ci the matter. According 10 the contentIon of Great Drl- alum In the Fortne bay fsherls case , In which the United States has acquiesced the line of marine jurIsdiction Is drawn three unIles . from n limits running across from headland - land to hcadlond In the case 01 n hay or n depression In the genernl coast line. The Spanish nuthorltes evidently take this pusl- tiun at this ( lute . In the absence of exact udvices that the Allanca was within buch a line and so within their Jurisdiction . alhough the ship may have been actually more than three miles from the nearest shore. STAHTLING nU"Wl IN CIRCULATION. Probably based on the Alabama decision above referred to a rumor was In crculaton today to the efect that the State depart- fluent hat sent a sinister waring to the Spanish government to the elect a teclor- ation of war would follow a repetition nton of the Alanca affair. ActIng Secretary Uhl this afteriioon sold he hat no further In- formaton nfernoon give to the press Iln he had already glvrn out and taking their otto from him , the ofcall of the State depart- ment declined to say anything about the maler , lut from the fact that no Intmaton of nny such precipitate action , In the absence of a knowledge of the ( facts have been com- municated , to the Spanish minister here which wool certainly be the case It usual diplounatic amenltls were observed , even If such a message had been sent to the Spanish overment directly through United States MInister Tnylor at Madrid , the story failed to find much credence. Seuor Marala. the Spanish minister , has not ns yet received word from Cuba as to the lnboat which fret on the Ailianca . nor docs ! he know the name of the warshlJ , The dei.ty Is due , ,0 the fact that the gunboat Is cruising off the easter coast of Cuba , .100 mies from Havana. Slate , department officials anl Senor Mnra- gua , the Spanish untnlster have comparel notes on the low 011plcal19 to the tiring of the Spnlsh gunboat on the American ship AI- lianca. , ' They find that the Department or Jus- ( ice has already specifically ruled on time right tce n warship under certain circumstances 10 fire blank cartridges amid thln sold shot fre across the bows of a Icrchllt ship In order to commant a lualt. The opinion was rendered by Attorney General Back on July 28. 1860. and Is contained - tamed In this digest of Attorney Generals' Opinions page 249 , paragraphs 33 10 37. In- elusIve . as follows : 33. : A cruiser of one nation has 1 right to hliulre Into the national character of any strange ship she , may mC-t at sea , but the right Is not a perfect one ana tao violation of It cannot be punished by capture mind condemnation. nor even by _ det nto.n. 31. The party making tie Inquiry must raIse his own colors or In some other way make himself known before he can lawfully demand such knowledge from the other ves- sel. 3. I this ( Is refused the Inquiring vessel mdy lire a blank shot , and In case of further delay a shot cd gun may be fred across the ( how of the delnqllnt ship. 3d Any tlnEUre beyond this which thc commander of an armed ship may take for the purpose of ascertaining the natonnlly at another vessel must bc at his own peril . 37 TIns right of hllliry can bo exercised 0111) ' emi hue ( high seas all no naval officer has the right to go Into the ( harbor of n nation with which his sovernmlnt Is at iCSCO to Inquire Into the natonalty of n veuel which Is lying there. The foregoln applies 10 the hIgh seas thcro bell ! no questIon as to the right of delenton If t hue Alanca was Inside Cuban water I.'rem this It appears In the Judg- ment of Senor "faraua. that the Spanish Ihlp kept wihin the strict letter of the law as laid lown hy tIme UnIted States This stIll lea\'li open Ibe queslon whether the Spanish ship fired the sholed gun "across the ( bows" of time "lanca or directly at her Caplaln ( Crossman of the American ship con- lends that time Ihols were tired to lilt. Thc Spanlsl govCnment Is yet to be heard from on this point. DU NOT mE ACROSS TIE nows. NI W YOlK. March H.-Cqplaln Cross- man loday lahl that he hall received no re- ply from the ( State dlparlment at Washington - ton In nnswlr 10 his INter of March ] 2. " 1 have seel the ttlttment In lie papen , " Curtaln Crosman said , "that I was td re- I eelvo u reply from the State dlparlment Isltng for further Iluriculars of the ( firIng 01 my ship but beyond list ( 1 have no news of such n couuummuunication . The only further - her ( detaIls I can give tl IlelJartment Is to send Ito ( authorities a sketch of the chart howhlK the ahthp's position nt the time of ito ( incident pricking out upon It the ( course wo folowel , emi our passage mmortimwarmj "I Cn tel you exactly . after a little fgur- hug Just what the lJbllon of the Allanca true . and I kluw list ( at no time were we nearer 10 any healland of Cuba than ( foul miOs , This reference to outlng Islands , making the lmit further off shor . dee not bold good In the case of Cuba for the ( near- est laud to Cape Maysi Is ilayti . which II fifty mies away across the Windward . " postage I was pointed out 10 Captain Cro'man that there ( wa some doubt In the minds ( f the Slate elelarlnenl ofclJls as to whether the sbots from the Spanish gun- heat were fired Iln'cty at the Aliana or merely across her bO\1 I. The captain sid very decidedly . "book . lueue " reaching for two cigar a be spoke Inl , holding one In each hiand using them 10 Illustrate the posl- I1n6 of the two biulps "hnrp Is lie ( Ailanca heading northwell ( , wel 10 loulhward and westward of Cape Maysi . a good four mnIle . of shore. The Spalilah unboat steams out froln under hand bred oft from us , and then folowed the Incidents I 1 described them - - - , In my letter to the State d pariment nnll to the representative of the Associated preu. "It would be Impossible fOr ' 1 shIp that wo wee leaving astern so rapIdly to fire n shot across our bows. The atempt that was mndo was to hit us , for the Spanlar,1 deliberately - erately altered hIs course so as to brIng ono of his forward , port guns to hear upon us , not only once , for ho repeated the 'laneu\'er. To MY they were atemptng to shoot across our bows Is absurd " . SAVANNAH , Ga. , "larch 11.-Time steam yacht Pete Pablo , Captain Greenwood , which arrived here yesterday ( eons New York Is being cofely wntchell ( by revenue ofcers who are suspIcious that she has come to this port to take on arms alI ammunition for the Cuban Insurgents. LETTlm FROM TIm DJWAnnl T. NEW YOm , March H.-Al telegraphic messages to Spain In secret language are subjected to government censorhhl. Plus following Is the letter rlcel'el hy CP- lain ( Crossman from the State department nt WashIngton. I To "nptaln James Crollman , Commanler , of thllancn : Slr-t hnve reclh'cll your letter or ' llrCh wlhout tiutte hut which I'lnrhel the department tOII , ) Iarch H , which rOllolt' time cl'cumstnnces nnllr , which the nhove namlll "Iteamel' , on her home"arlloyagl frm COlol\ Colombia , to New York . off the north , t'tmian \ COst , on gunhoil the 8th ( Inl\ of , WIH hired uPn br I Spanish The elepnrtment desires to receive from yon n Ilnh'mrnt of facts tn the ( form of nn allll\'I. t nccoin Put tuitl . It I poitstlmle h ) ' a sketch chlrt m'tuovidmg time alurse of the Al- lanla In showing ttnysi . and the tilt- tnnee of tIme vessel from ( lie learest point of lie 181nl11 of Cuba. 'fhe nllavts , ( shoull he explicit upon these two Irnimuts A ' I , sIt' . 'onr obedient wlltng tumult nm 11' .your ohcllent scrvant , JD\\'I4 p , 111. . gD\ AFhll ( Secrctlr ) ' , Later In the clay a dispatch was recolvll from Secretary Gresham asking Captain Crosslan to send to the ; State department exact data of the affair. 'he cUlltaln wired that the report woull ho sent at once. Sl\IN MusT - nl "IIW' TuB I"I.AU. PP -I 11 1 rnctnn" concO'llnJ Tre"lmDnt ot , % mumrr- leiti , Shlp1 Selt tllM , % tum'rc : II lnht r. ChiCAGO , March 14.-A special 10 the Journal from Wnshlngton says : This fring on Alcrlcln ships bound to and frol Soulh Atantc ports must cease The Alanca Incident - cident must not be repeated. 1 maters not whethcr Captain Crossman ! was withIn or wlheut n league's distance from Ahore lIe wns In the regular route or vessels passing ' between the Unied States amid sOlthern ports. I Is time recognIzed tllrOIhfare , anti must be respectel hr Spin as such so far as steamers fying the stars ant stripes are concerned. concernel. A message embracng the Slnse of the thieve . hy the directIon ot Secretary Gresimuuni wns today cabled to Mlnltd Taylor nt Mad- rid. lie was Instruclcd to lat once an the minister of foreign affairs and say that the course folowet by the Alancn Is lie one followed by the American merchant mumarlne amid that this go\'ernment believes that Amerlcml ship traversing that sea path should be permited to (0 uncheckPl1 He Is further Instructed to say that this govern- ment expects that ships flying our fag wi henceforth traverse that rcute unmolestcd ( , and that Willie the Aiianc Inchlent Is re- senlclI fol future and separate adjustment , a I repetitIon of such interference wlh Amerl- ! can continence 11 be regarded ns an Unfriendly - ! friendly act toward the United States. ' This action . while prompted , of course , by the Alanca Incllent , lsLtaken without con- sideraton as to whether , Captain Crossman was In. thc right or wr ng , Spain has for many years been a bit too' free In her denl- ' logs wIth the Amcrlcan fag and peopie . and Secretar Gteshnm Is determlned that henceforth - forth she must treat llerlcll intI.the stars and . stripes wl'be' ( ! very nl est con : sideration. With regard tn the statement that the Spanish man-of-war was justified In fring on the Alanca I she was within a larlne league of Spanish territory , and es- pecialy If passIng between adjacent Spanish islands whIch statement Is bscd on this ( coumutry's \ posi 101 regarding sealing In Dering sea , thc State tcpartment holds that It Is not , , 'el taken. ' "By way uf iustraton , " said one of the department secretaries this afternoon "we are permitted to senl , our ships through the Suez cautal . but , " this deliberately . "Ihey are not permlell to ( halt . In it. " WILL 'OT .FPll.ITE WiTh \'IWIWW ; Georgia " 'om el's Pro , , Club 'Wlllulra\Y5 from Site llonKI l'cllrnton , ( , ATLANTA , Ga. , March 1t-The Georgia \Vormsamm's Press club wl1 , withdraw Its mem- bershll from the General Fdertol ofVo. - man's cub , for the rlasor that the f"clr- alon hilts just nlml ted IntoIs Ilmbershll three cubs mnde up of negro women. This was decdel by the 10verlng hoard of the club , which held I mecllA ) 'e $ tenla ) ' after- non lt the Capital Female cohlege. The hoard was composoll ot Mites Hrct ) Iresl- dent : Nsit : Cornllstock r , Miups 1lemt : Dorlch utslstant state IllrluI : 111S Hosa Wood Berry of Athens Mrs.1fllammt King . Miss A. P. Penl of 1onlcelo uuluti 1 I" , Itautcom- l may Brick of Amerleums. The club. when I was Orh'1nlzcl. WIS U'ltcd to jolu this fcdrr- ation . which I fhl , I WnS one or the'lrst of the Iouthcrn womnmm' climbs to take this notion . and It wIll h9 the 11rst to wIthdraw from it. The wIthdrawal was caused by Ihe ulmlsslon within ( lie 'himmtt three weeks of three negro womulerm's ; pros's climbs front time : : lqC ! OW. , , . , . , Mtli'q oC ! nlhn.iii nnl 1 e ttIq I Ot'nod omwmmeti l - tim I" com'respomutlence : - ' " wIth time " oflicenim - or tIme felerton. Site maIntaIned that the members of the Georgia 'oman's Press club were not mend ) ' yet to belong to a chub that admllcll negro women lS thetr modal equals 'he northern women mnlltnlnel , thnt It WIH not udmltlnA them as Ioclal eqtuttlt4 . hut emily as fellow workers. A Sllh'- Ied correlpondence has rolow(11 hetweln time two sectioflu' . the southern women climhmum- Ing that whIle they were glad to Ice the nlroes midyarucimig . timey ( oull not nfort to aHsorlnte with Ihpm und admit them us I'qulis In the fume ciii ! , . . . 1,1J'IWIIW III:1' : " .IS I.V1. COUVorHlliol Ovorhelud hy Ito CousIn nf this ( llls ( InrdorurH , lUIAI.O , N. Y . "Inrch H-In the ( Rob- Insou trial today Dr. Carlton H. Jewel llsllell I I thnt t t G I bIts' mIen tim , rtusum I t eu from Ihe I ' ! hnlet In the blln , Bert S'Iter. SadIe Hob- ' InAon's cousin , toll , ailOU' heurln CIUI'lce IHI Sadie quarrel mit thllr honse al Cen- ( nil avenue In Cl'velUIc , when Sa'hio threnl- . 'Iwt " 10 hlow about the lurrulo joh. " " 'hen. " sail the wimietdt . "Clarence hehl Sadie tip " - ' , "Whut do you leln by that ? " "I ' ! nohmutel , two m'cv lvrs 'nt her , having first acltened \ his "ustlleh ! arid tied a handlterchlef uhout hl . 'heal. " "What dId she edt ) ' ? " t "She salt : "rhuat's the 'way you held UII ) , , . ' . Ol..s. 4 "ClnrencJ went on Bnd t clii me nbot holll- iiA Uh ) time lulfalo mmsrm. 10 sal,1 , the got UI In I Jim muestotumiF alt Itqeii I ( tout m'iI bil there amI welt 10 flufTui . ' 11) wI'nl lut alI night amid SadIe haIL cit u suit at lilt clothes . Time ) ' tumeklii Ihl,1 mln Gbbs alli he fought nnc the ) ' fhM iuimn Clumemiee showed mite the ( re\'olcer".r ) Ir. lanlty obJtcld 110 the te8t101) ' nf Snytier " hit the ( count overmuled the oh- jeclol , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IS SUSl'IW'01' f-1tll'lMl .3 IC.US. ( rlers nocDlvelt to lfr hi " Irlhb 8hlll I.yll" at S'"q'"ia" , SA \ \ANN.\ , G { . , " ( arch 11-Under In- structols tram the ( 'oda Ilcul govcl'nment the Irlt h steal hlp Flhiott. which cleared for Costa Hlc'an hurts . hal lecn searched for arm erich nmmsnmumilttan . beIng .UsI1Pctell of having been ( b ' ' . fOI Ilwlnl teems engaged by C'uhunl ci that servIce alhough cleared 1 for Costa leu , 'rhe crew of the Flhiott : . which hut heen lying In this port fOl' thrl ' Ionths Illhal- ttretl . city ( tIme captain tnrorms ( item that he con not tel them ) 'et where the ) ' are going . Large boxes \lllhln" 1,7001111 each ur- rlvtl from New \'orlt led } \ ali have 1111 1)laced uholnl thirty feet tram wlwre the .tlnm yacht Jelho 'ohlo'ls l'lnl. Negroes handlluf them told un Alsoclatell press cor- rll\JJdent that ( Ihcy were limit on the boat , Collector Beckwih wIll Inv tlgatt. Senor Petlnto . 811nnlsh conlul , udmlt that this l'ort ' Is vIewed wIth the 10rt susplciomi by tIme Spanish authiorhties . unci IUtfielOI II- structonl are to keep p a rigid lookout here. Coulomloll , Ilurd"rcr Couuula ! ulcde , nOISI , Idaho , Match I-'hlrlel Ier' > ' . under sentence of death at Iocatelu. died last nlHht ) from a dose of morhilc which he clalmell he got from a felow prisoner. I'ern' murtiei'eul atrtck McNamara II Jlne bat. murtel'e WIND \ \ ) BLEW \ DOWN VILLAGES Terrb e Tropical Storm Docs Great Damage on Lan nnd Sen. FIJI ISL' DS SWEPT BY A HURRICANE COCO/llt / , , allt 111.ul . : l'I"ntltll Entlrt'i : ) ' Hulll.1 amid " ' 1 'I'iti ( Y"I\l II HN'onr -t'mtiiilime nll llqu'ute / for tIme sic- tlses-Iouermimimeitt itellef. tn's-o'crlIPlt Helof. VICTORIA . 0 , C. , Iarch 11.-Particulars hlYO heen recel\el by time Amtralan utah \ ut n terrible hurricane which swept over the FIJI Islands 1 few weeks ago all the first effects of which were still I topic of Intlrcslng discussion when the "lowern touchCI a Sueva. Itu'as this ( slorm In which several vessels came 10 grief wih lamenlallo loss or life , and buidings In Sueya , the capital of the FIji illls. suffered very se'ereiy. The town Is comparalvll ) In debris , lu\- lng ! : been the ( cenler of lie ( hurricane. Most of the damimago oppeara to have been done Ilalalo a\pelrs nhot 2 o'clocl In the morning of Febrwrr 7 , when the wlll was terrIfic. The huumrri- eano was accoml1anlcl hy 1 fearful driving rain penerall ! l\r 'thllg. Time slorm contnuell Intl ( o'cloclt Iolt - alcroon , amid then gradually calmed tiown. Iuuring the lul some ventured out 10 sle the extent of the damage done. The town WIH slrl1111ed of foliage amid on every hand wcre houses wIth verandas blown down , roofs half oft , hare wals standing dmlged or fablIng wore , everywhere ! apparent. _ The most serious reports or 11111(0 cOle mom plan latons In tIme group , which suffered terrlbl . ' In terribly. 'fhe locoanut plantntons the group wIll take fully five years to recover anll bJnana plantatluns have been totally ruined. The pas year has been such a thoroughl successful one that busluess people - plo were hookimug lorward to a few years of prosperity , cocoanut plantntlons havllg only recentr recovorCj from Imst blows This Is reported to be ( hue most serious hurricane the group hns had for 'ears. Time Islmul of Tavuaeni on which most of the European plantlrs are settled , hus beel SIVOI1t from top 10 boitoun. The Union Steamshlll cOml1any's Osau had a miraculous eSClpe , She was shh1JI. : . ! sugar at Vlna Io'nt. ' whe-e thee 1 nbsGutel ' no siuelter. When ( lit ' hurricane had blown over she hod drifted mies anti got among the most dnncrous patch of reefs In the gromlp . Io\u as th ! Hlnloll reefs , where the smalest luterlnsular stlamer would not po In Ito broadest daylight. 'ho food supply of the people Is now en- tIred ) ' destroed , and the efecls which must surely follow such n "lorm are famIne , dls- ease amid too often . deth. The govlrment of the Fiji isiamuds fu\y aware of this danger , hal \'oted belie ) to meet the more hnmell- ate necessities of the case . but this will cer- tahnhy not prove sufllclelmt. Dy for the largest number of natves belong to the MethodIst church ot this ( colony . ant missionary - sionary societies are taking steps to give rehie ? . A correspondent wrItes : "Tho cyclone traveled ( noun east to west and revolved around an axis agaInst the sun. Wo hat the last blast about 6 p. m. Sunday . Though It then blew a gale of ! , hurricane force nearly all night I seemed , to be Imost calm couitpared with lie fearful - comparet ful' reality of the cyclone. On Monday morning what a sight the Island presented ! All houses In the native town were leveled , nelrly-nl' lie 700 'cottages blown pown or blown nwny. The place had just the appearance - penrance of having been homborded for weeks Pst by all the fleets on earth and sea , time ground being strewn wih nuts hooking hike cannon bails . only no cannonading could have calised tie ( devastation which was cvcrywhierms visible. . " COIH : aNt , UAINHT TUI GEHIANS. " ; IIlh and . \morICI18 Stali Together In 'mtrmtoa.-lhorr Schmidt nmpciachied. APIA , Samoa. Feb. 27.-Per ( steamer Arwa , via San Francisco , March 14.-'Tlio ) bIg German mtrcnntle fIrm of Frlngs & Co. . which was brought Into notoriety through Importing and sllng rifles and nmmunlton to the rebels hns been forced Into Insolvency. A receiver and trustec have been appoInted. A large number of local tradesmen have heen affected by this bankruptcy. Jln lalet01 and his government have prepared charges of Impeachment against Herr Schmidt , the president of the council , ami have sent a petton to the ( three treaty IOWlri praying for hIs recall. The rebel party Is nt present congregated nt Ana but thera hiss been no recent outbreak. A scandalous rumor was recently started her Implcatng the late Hobert Louis Stev- enson und his fnlly In tIme Importaton of guns amid nmmunllon ( for the rebels. The captain and agent of the UnIted States schooner Equador were also ImplIcated. The author of the scnlal has been arrested and awaits trial. ( trial.Herr Herr Schmltibed ( . untIl recently the German cOlsul at Yokohuamna has been sent here to succeed flurmann the former consul. Con' sldernble excItement tins been aroused here by Consul B.urmnnn's acton In prosecuting several loyal Samnoamis vhmo . learing that certain Germans had Imported a quantity of arms nnd nmmunlion which was about to be turned over to thc rebels assisted time goy- onion of the province In taking Possession of the contrabalul articles on behalf of the goy- ernment to which they were confiscated In accordance with the Derln treaty These Samoans were seized , put on board German war ships nl11 later placed In prison They are now being tried In thc recent municipal electon here the American and gnplsh clements were arrayed , against the Gormmiamm 'fhe offices are about equally divided hetween the two factions , , \ rgoutno : Iut : lldly ler Uul08 , flRlthIN . \hiim'clm H.-In the Helchstag ( 10- ( dn ) ' there tuna n length discusion over the' ( ' 1010n that Germnny wihdraw from her ! new treaty wlh Argenlne. Time melon WIK Inal ' referred to a leclul cornmnitb'e . DurlnA the dlseu.slon'on hiieherutelmm ( . min- later of foreign nffmilrs . llllared German ex- ports to the J\rll'nlne hteptmhiite how Hepnhle IOW umountel to 71.O.OJ ( ) mnrJls. Germany had Inlmatel , to time , \rllntlc government hunt If Argeltne wllied to export /0011 to Cer- ! any she woull have to modify ' lien customs tititietu. le I 1'lot"HItl ' that sleh In Inter- II'etulol woull he Illnlt Ullon the " ( a- vorell lulon treat ) " lS wns exercised hy the ( lnlCt States unlIer the lul\llley tur- lit . which hal , the effect . he said , of exciumti- Inl Gtrlan goolls from "merlcnl markets by reason of rl'clll'oelt ' treaties . " 'lt 11mm Iso Ihu t l'rlco uf IIJur , ImII.IN , Iarch H.-The ntkhs Anzel- ger . olclal , puhlshe 1 report of the lira- I'eedlns of the state coumicil . It ! counci. I says the counci has approved proposals to rale the Ilrlle o sugar which were submltel , hy the reporter of the comnmnltti'e . who .all the Ie- , ) n'ssed cOllton , of the slRal' industry was Ilue to onrl'roduclol ' ( , 'Ihe sole renlI , ) ' lii ) ' _ 1mm atm Ilcrease of the bounty pall for HUHII l'xports. anti Iii onlel' to provide Ihe nwans for thmium they lusl ( rile the excise duties on . 'unslmllon Inll take mealures to 1'llrlet the output wIth the view of lIre- venlng t'xcesHtve tlt'nnammdui on time treasury. IKreourl \MY lie Mll" , " pcukor , LONDON . lnrch 11-Time Globe this even- hug states ( lint the ( hUH Inl Itatls thtl govellnent con- voyeii , I hint to the opposition Ihat Sir Wi- lInen Vernon Harcourt is lam II 111IIOsed to uc- 'ept . the Illeakefhl ) when Sir Arlhur ( Wel- 15510) ) Iel' rrlhns. ' llrO\'lln/ election Is / not opposell. , The itlea II suhl to hnve heen well received by lie ( opposition ' anti It It la adopted . It li reported that . Calphel Uan- much niami wil succeed SI m' WIln1 I its liberal leader In Ihl ( House of Commons , Nn ( 'ilimer 'tIvsimgca , \UnIo.1 10 ( 'ulba . MADHIU I , March 1 i-'rlme goverment has issued un order forbIddIng , the delivery of Ilh'ate ( teleKlml contulnlng ( 'mibun news of a private 'haructol' unfa\'orhle to time govcmmtmnQnmt . I II also orlel lint ( mme ci- pher messages bl Sent t 2 c'uba . UIIIIrult I lul.t 01 nOIIII , MADnn. 1I'h H.-An olcni dispatch from Iavuna lays that Ihe rebel band near Guallnl10 hal dllpehl I , Fifty of the rebels were killed or wounded amid six Span- nlcnt 19h soldIers , were killed \ 4U111 the ensugc- P'.1.tl Lt.t 1'.I.SSISIlHZ Il'1tlC'I.lI . ) .ASl.tl.l 1..SllW IIJlWl { [ Entire ; Terre 1nllo l'lro UII"utmont Summit- HHIII 10 limo Sccnl TElm HAUTE , Inll . March 15-Worti just rcachtll this city (2 ( n. m. ) that the westbound \anlla\a passenger train has been wrecked anti was ! n fire nar the ( fair grollls , about Ihne miles oul. The entire fro del1artment ( has enc to time scene. So far as cnn bo IrarnNt at 3 o'clock this mornln no lives arc lest In the wreck. A westbound 11aSSener mIt into a swlclm ( ert- glue out tue mimntmi track , ttcnr time fate grotmtttls. Time engines are comuihslotei ) ' ( ole- scapeui. Commdtuctor itulmmmt : is badly injured amuul , thio passemigers are badly sluakemi imp. Two tiaggago ears are oft tIme track and are btirnhmmg tih ) . - ox .i 'il.IflCiI 1'jfl J'lIh' If1I.\.i 1UU1.V7'l 'tl . Om , u'lahu St cmi mmiii' 0. a ii t I ) um t irtimum Tmt ii g he r IS , fr t I , , : ut I mm g ( 'm'mmlsi'r , TANGIUIt , Maccit 14-A Moorish steamttcr htas gamma iii eenrclm of time tumlssimmg Sliasitahi crtmlser ieimiui ( Itegente , 1mm time hope thtat she lint takemm refuge 1mm sonic Moonishm nort hmt" : imim ; duo ( clegrapimle conuuumtm a lea tlomm ' ithi ( Im is city. As time passes amid ito clew is re- ceit'eti of the war shIp , tue hieiief that hue foummudereti t'itim nil imamuils grows stronger. Time Iteimma ltegcumte is a steel protecteti cruiser amid vas comuipleted iut 1SS7. Sins is of 4,750 humus thlslihacemmten ( , 11,500-horse iiotvcr amid her 51)00th is 20.0 knots. bier mminimu aruttauttent consists of four 9.45-Inch gtuums amumi six 4,75-Imucit gtumus tusommmttetl imt broamisitie , Sue hint nut umuxIhiary batter ) ' of fcuturtecim raptui-iirimig anal maclilac gtimms unit mint mmve tOrlletIO tumhics , tume nuns a coni capacity of 1,151) tons. Sue was outo of time ( imrec Spanisim vnr shills timat took part Imu the great Cohuummbiamm imaval prade in New York harbor 1mm time siurluig of lSt3. ( lie othuer two hinving ieOui time Nueva Espmiua : autti lutfania 'i'itumbel , C ( hlitAIJi'AIt , March 14.-A French steamimer , which hint arriveJ hmert' . reports ( lint bite snw a big vessel , suupposed to be the Siiamiisiu crumiser Ihehuma Itegeumte , tushiore lit Acoltuuios tiny. Site was imitable to assist time vessel omm nccouuit of ( hue heavy weather pro- 'aiilmmg. TANGI IRS , March 1 4Thio MoorIsh steamner ( hmattemit oimt in search of ( lie nthss- hug Spanish warshIp Iielmme Itegento list re- ( mmmcd tumid reports that alma fouuud iuo trace of ( Ito vessel.Vimhio ertulelmig , time Moorish steamer rescuueth cieveut mnen ( rout ( las Span- ishm bark Lutz , Captaimm Jardomi , frommm hirumis- wick , Ga. , February 1 , for Vahmmmn , Majorica , whIch was wrecked durlmig tii rctont stormiu. Time uncut iiatl beemm aIioat four ilays Imi ami opeit boat ihucn they ere picked ump. MADRID , March 11.-Time govcrmtmeuit was tiuestloneti today 1mm ( lie Chmnumibor of lcputles as to the lutforniatlomi It hail regardimig the Itelna hlcgemite. Replying (0 ( thio qmmestioui , I'rimiuo MimuIser Stugnstn sad telegrams announclmug time vreck of a vessel at vaniosms places alomig ( ha coast huath been received and ( lint tiuoumghu ( hue go'- crmtnmtent has uio IOsItlVe news regandlmug tue Reina Regemuto beyond time fact that site list anlied from Tamigiers , lie feared ( lie vessel 1usd been host. Time belief , whIch is luotmrly growIng stronger , that tue vessel will mmcven again ho heard from hint created a feeling of consternation tiuroughiout ( Ito cotimtty. hum Cadlz and Carthuagena , wiuere most of thin crew belonged , time exciteunent and anxIety are intense. JJ..tNIc ( k' IUROIs ULThLi ) ITS DO OIZS dltocklioltiors Are IumdlvItltmmulmy LIable , but iepoaIeoiM Arc Scmry. : DUBOIS , Pa , , March 14.-The monk of Dtmbois of this ci' closed its ( leers today. No statement linus booms given out , but tIme tlpositors nrc untich frlghtemied , 'rho stock- hohtiers nrc imudividuahiy lIable , arid all ama rated wcih , owning large ( mactim of real estate - tate here omitl eisewhteie , Ituntort of dliii- cuities developed seveu'al weeks ago , and It lit tmutdcrstootl there lint beemi a thtulet m'ulum on the bammk , Several thousamiti dollars of bor- otmghm and school district funds verc depos- iteil in ( lie closed bamtlc , 'fhte directors held it meeting ( lilt after- mtooum timid gave out time mimeuger sttmtcnitct that ( he liabilities of the bank amnotunt to $70,000 duo depositoi'ui , anti tue tiCimets lit loans mimi securities $90,000. They iizsert ( hue bamik vhil pay dollar for miollar , and promise a Coniphete statement itt a few days. A rumn Is not mcmmtlclpated cmi time othueu- bank , as It Is considereti omie of the sotmnidest in tIle cotmumtry , antI Iota recelvetl numnmierous offers of assistance from other bamilom ititoulti a ruin he Precipltnted. ChICAGO , Maccu 14.-Time Walter A. Wood I harvester company contesssii mmdg- rmmcuit In ( hue superior court for fZG,2.i3 in ( mtvor of the NatIonal Uanmlc of the Republic. Ami execution was issued amid deputy lterlffs levied out the stock In time warehouse of tIme company at 74 Taylor street. Time imtock wluicitViiii seIzed by the sherIff consists of a large number of hiamvestimtg muicimines whIch are kept In store in time ChIcago warehouse of time company , Jtmdgment was confemseil on notcH of ( lie comnpamiy held by tue hank. 'rite company is omie of time Iumrg- ott comiceriis In the coumitry engaged in tIme mantmfacmire of harvesting mmmchumnes. IYNCIIIIUitG , Va. , Marcim 14.-lTol ( Sehmaefer' & Co. . toiiacconiuuts. fhieti a uheeti of assignment ( hits attermtoon for time bcmuetht , .q t.h , fl. . . I. , . . . . . . , . , , . . 0- . . . ii.s'i' ; 1nthecItyntsitmmpers.WIu1loth ) Ba- bilitleum 'Ihl reach into the hundred timoum- itlinds , it Is belleyed all American creihltormu arm. secured , Time recent ( allure of Schslhilng & hiriunlmig of Jirernen , is said to have caused the ( allure. - - K,1 XSd N JtJTJIOI ) IS T CO.'PEIWXUl. iheturmicci Misslomiary front hmidlrs ( " ( yea lIon hInt cit tIme l5rahuimtin l'rhcats. LEAVENWORTh , Han , , March 1 I-Timls wait time secomid day of the ICtinisas Moth. odist Episcolml anniummil comiferemice hmere About 120 ministers are in tttemttlamtce ( , Ilishmop 000tisehl of San Francisco Is time president. Time conference heith a btusinemom mneetlmug mmmuti time bishop made a mttatemnemut concemmiing ( Ito expenses of Metbioiilst ltishu- 01)5. Thmelr olliclal expenses averaged 74) etmci , , Ccmummitlng saiimr' amid expemises , time bishop s cost ( it conne tea : mmbut $1750 each , htev. VIlitnrmm L'riend was hermmtlt ) haul to 'llnlrnw from the ministry , uni ( tilso I ) . 'iT. ' itost of hierrirmgton , Kmtim , , under cumarges. In tue afermioomt there was omt olii.fuslmloneii ntlssionary meeting. IL was , condumceml by wonton anti was In connectIon whim time'u - mamm'mu Foreign Missionary society , Time unalmm interest ceumteremi imi uumm elociUcuit mmdthm'ess Ii ) ' Mrs. Fredemick lihllcim , late rnlssiommary In hmttiia. Sue spoke of time hioiiost'nesus elf Braimrnlnismmm. A lIrahmnmin PrieHt Is commski- oreti In Chlc'ago , mind elsewhere itt it tuir , sainted , ieimrneti mnuiui , ' 'Noiteemiute , " site imiihtl. "lie is ignorminmt , lazy , ( itt , ilceniomms tunmil kmiowit nothing abomit hmls sacreml iKokH , " In tue overutmig the amtumivem-itnry of liiied - tmcmmtiomtmil society witH luohti ammil iutidreitses " ( tie miehivereti by 11ev. C. J. Little of ( ltmr- ret ihlblicai imimttitutt' , ltev , L. h I. Id tim IInm , hretIIleimt of lInker urmlveralt ) ' , nmnil Dr. Mtmr. viii , late ciittmlm.'elhom' of tIme ICunusas State U niveriti t ) ' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Orocon Eggs ituiil i'.tiimiies ( 'dmmIig , Imtm ( , I'C"JtTLANI ) . Ore , , Mitmeit 11.-Sbmlpmmienls of potntoes ( or Missouri m'lver Points average - age ( ems cumloads a ( Iii ) ' Ott accomlmmt of time low rhccs ntmhimmg here us ii result of tiiii overstmpply Ins time country. 'limo mnovenlent vIlI commtimmue timilemis hocal Prices are oil. vhmnced. Two ctmmloatls of Oregon eggs will hits SCOt oust this week , 'l'lw local tiuota- ( Ion is 8 cents. Mrs , Cicvehmurmil's t1om tier iii ( hthlforiiimu. S'FOCK'I'ON , Cal. , Mancim 14.-henry i , Porn lime amid wife , time stepfather mind rnmoimer ( ucepectively of Mrs. Grover Ciovelnmmd , or- m'Ivetl In Stocktomm ( hums aflernoomm. air. Per- clime vImtimed to vIsit lilt old friend , ii. 0 , 1'lattimetvs , tu'Ithi wluorn he t'as erugimged 1mm business 1mm Stockton iii ( lie 50 $ . U- 'Ihmlnik It 14 X'I ) ( 'Taylor , SIOUX FAIL8 , S. 1) . , March 14.-Specini ( Telegm'ain.-i ) t Is thought here that time atari arrested ( or W. W , Taylor iii Mexico was Cyrus \Vals ( of ( hits city , svhmo Is there , and s\.as tItle at'era ( . 'ruz ubaut time ( lone of time arrest , S'aIts is shmmgtmlurly like Taylor , and mmcli a mistake is quite probable , S IiIlurd by Emiliiuig 'iVali , , PITTSIJI'itO , March 1I-W'iille euigoged iii tearimig ( hewn time old Merelmans & Mc- ehmaimics bank buIlding today one of time wails tell , erusimiitg 1'atriclc Kllleen' skull , killing lmlmn hmistaimtly amid sez'ioutIy Injuring ' 4xee ober ( - . NOTRACE OF' IlSS1NG IEN Searching Parties I'ail to Locate the flotUes of the Lynch2tl ItalinnI , WAISENEURG RELAPSES INTO QUIETUDE Maim3' i't'OliO % 'iit , Are .SnulIIost'mi to lfumoj' tIme hh'mmt l iii ii , , , I , ) miehIm'rU lct'rroml ) front ' ( 'oIlIng itir l'cumr of I lit' Simmmme Vttt c. PUflhhl.O , Cole. , Mareim 11.-A tarnt wimtm \\'nlsenburg this tumornlng muicitril ( hits amtow of ) stentla ) ' 'er ) ' rapltliy anti drieti tue earth so thmt ( Ids aftermuocim scarciulmig liarties act ouit ngaiit to ittunt for ( lie bodIes of the two Itallamms killed tty tIme mutob TumOitala ) ' umlglmt , of which no trace mat yet hiceum foummud. Qmmiet huts relgmmeti all dii ) ' , but tIme extreimmo closemtmotmthmeihmiess ( list hums clmar.mcenlzeti ( everybody \\'tuhsusmibmmrg amuti htotmo since ( lie mumoli diii Its fatal work still cotutlmitucs , Tluero is muo dotmbt butt ( hunt a very eommsIder- able mmummimher of Imusopho kmtow tlmorouigluly well vluo did time killing , bmmt ( lie ) ' knuow too well , \\'aisemubturg has for years tmen a miuthmer hmarut totvmm , s'htit sum cieiiuemmt that occaslomtally shows its teeth amid usea its gumuus , These titan are of mutore or less hiromtuimiemtce , mmd as it l ; belleveti ( hint thitsy dlii tht work mio one tIaras to say so or nckmiowieulgo mommy cog- mmiznnce of ( hue liarticihtamils for feai' of beIng imimumseif tuseti as a target. Tue notorioums Bob Ford , shayer of Jesse Jammues , ran n dance hail hum time toami \\'aiseumburg icr several ) 'ear. Six of iuls 11515 fromut thuat itiaco are mien' 1mm time state Pemmitomutiary for varIous crhumies , lttit othmerim are stIll on imamiii. W'imlsemi- burg Is a hisuuulet of but 1,000 , with coal mutinies ammd miuluiers at huer tioors omm every side , amuil ( lie tturbuuiemtt eLuuiemm ( is tiuerefcro large , esImeCIally lumce tue strike of Inst sumnmmmmier , after wimiclm muuamuy muuiners t'iuo % 'i're steady mmtemt tumuil lund accumitumlateti semite itrolierty. mutoveti aviiy. \\'ALS'RNIIUIO ( , Coho. , March 14.-No arrests - rests huavo hiermu mmiido ; In commumeclomm witim time murder of thuo imiemu nrresteti for time muturmler Oi j , B. hhlxomu , Time bodies of ( lie two Italians hiatt. ' umot beemm foummiti. Opimutomi Is. htt'iiIeil as to tvhmc4iier ( lucy escape ] or were killed. Tue ltotlleut of ( hmre lahmnns ( umro at. an mmutdertttiter's avaiting tlImcctlons frommm ( ho coumni' nuuhmorities as to the iilspositiou-t of ( huemum , Cltizemis geuueraliy censure the simot- luug of tue Iimlueuicrs , espetlahly of ( lie woumtdei ) mmmii t'iio gii'c imhimischf imp. it Is miot kmuowzm Positivehy whether anuy of tue ItalIans. v Ito tvero hymicimeit were Amuierlcnmm cltlzemis. Time htailamms tb umot talk of retahiatioui , ( hiough , ( liii feehimig ant ouug t hem Is Iumemmse ( , lVCIltO OPFILI.tI.Ly ltEi'OItTED i'ehegniuuits d'cmmt to % Vuushmlmmgtomi by Iiovcrmior alclnmyro of Cmhor.uIo , WASHINGTON , Mardi 14.-hut roiily ( o the tehegraum-m sent yesterday to time govenmmor of Colorado by Acting Secretary UhmI at ( lie Instance - . stance of the Italian auitbassador , ( lie follow- 11mg replies have been recelveti , ( lie first bate last night , aumd time secomud early tlmis mornimig : IENVER , Cob. . March 11.-To Itomi. EdwIn - . wIn F' , 17111 , Acuimig Secretary of State , Wumshmingon-Denr Sir : Your telegram of' thmit date received. In reply will say ( hat I hiave wired for Information to the ahmerift of the proper couutt ) ' anti hintve directed htlmn to protect his lim'isommeri-i antI mnalntnirm , 1' order , It is probable i'i'ont time tnforniation I have received ( luat tIme italIans alleged to luave beeum khilctt are American citizens , . but as to this I imave ito liositive infornuft- . then. I ant In coumtmiiumuicaltjmi witim the acting ItalIan comttml here , tvimomn I have- 3 matured I svlil ( alco mill necessary steps ins the matter. I luave report front colonel. cuunmnandlmig nearest time place of ( ito dls- turbamice hunt he eamt nut troops aboamd ears. wltimhum tvo iuoUrim. 4 ALBERT Ii. M'JNTYTtE Gnvoi'noi' of C'Oiom'ido : , DENVEfl , Cob. , March 14.-'I'o hlomi , Etlwimm F. IJith , Acting Secretary of State , Wtmshulngtomt-Donr Sir : Silica wirIng you have received ( lie ( oihowluug froun time shmerlft lit Wimlsenbturg : "Last night , willie con- \'e'immg lirlsomter5 from Itouse to Vaisen- hnmrg , arnieti mob haIti mmli t)58 , killcuj. driver and omte mmIsomier ; ttvo lirisomiers rats amid have not since beemi fommmiil. Don't- kuiow wiieiimer khhleii or riot , This occurred - curred abomm ( 7 1) . mmi , At 1 mc. au , mob broke. into jail anti imliot to death two liulsolmera immiimhicaeii in some mnui'der. All Itutilans excelt driver , " 0mm receimt of which I tclegranimeml him as. foihowsVlrc : mime at once whttlier you are mnalntaining ortier multi pm'otecImmg prisoners. utmiti wimcthmer youu have utuhhiclermt force to prevemit recurrence of violence to Imrisoners. 'l'nke every lmrecatmtlon to protect hife anti promert ) ' . auuui as soon nit hosslble nacer- talmi vimo conimposeil ( ho mob which did the- iymiciiinmg , amid mis seems as imrtu'ticabhe arrest thuem ; " to which I received tile ( oilowlng remtly : "ldver'tiuimmg quiet toutighut. "iVill wire partIculars in morning. hhmtve not. found two tirisoners ( lint got away at tIme they were being hik1 up by ( Ito mimob , Will obtain anti fortvnm'ii ( till Intfom'inatloui mt niromptIy as possible. I see ito reason for' amiIcipatliig iumrtimer trouble , It is not yet known wiuctimer time Irmil'anmu killed wcr AmerIcan 'cItizens. " ALTIIIRT 1) . M'lN'I'YRF , Govermuom' of Colorauio. CtUSEn ) Ni ) EXCITEM1INT ItT 1OlIlfl Colorado Lymmcumhimg Attriiced ( Little itton- ( tori it t t Ito I Lml Iii mm Cit p1 tiul. ROME , March 14-It Is miemi.otflcinhly an- umonmimeed thuat a tiispatclm fromn Vu'atmlmington list been received by tue governumnemmt , saying that on , this receiltt of yestonmisy's first re. ports of tIme killing of several Itailans in. Coloratio tint Itaihaum amnbassador nilthrenused a mioo to ( lie federal goverrmmuiemmt oim tIme mutatter anti also ( eiegraihieml time Italian comisul at Iemmver for Inmforntutiomm. ( Tlia fetleral govermi- . mmmemit in response to the Immqulry of time smn- bassntior , etmlti ( hat it was hot in bimssesslon of the facts Iii regard to ( lie imiimnihc'rs , hut time comusul ( elegrummlmeul to time ammmhi.mssauior , cost- firmumimmg a report ( list sIx Iailmuis : hunt ! been killed In commmteqiueuice of thus mimtmnmler of a. saloont keeper , : As it % 'as ummkmmowmm whether tIme nmurdereii Itmliammmm : tt'ere naimmrtmlize'l Amer. can citizcmus , tutu ammmbnssauior cimam'gemi time , commsmil to Inquire into thin uutatter of their cltlzemmslmllm. Zuleammwhmile time governor of Colorado telegraphed tue aimmijastatlor ( lint ime hail mtenmt troops to itrotect time htnhluimis near ( bitt scemmo , Tue iitspatchm received here mmthded that time United Statem , authoritIes diblmlaymal a rumost comucillatury disposItion anti iii pur- * iuunice of this tmmnhtosaulor'ms request expressetl ( heir immtemmilomm of ohltalmmimug ala exact account of ( lie ineltit'mmt amid ( lie eammites of IL amid to ( alto whatever mmmeimaures were requleed. This Tnlbuumuim , ( lie nmiost wltiely drculaicmi of' ( lie mmewsuapcra of btommie , says ( list to Italy'a rcmmtommstraumce tigaimimit. ( lie bluIng of ltahlammnu in Cohoratio time ( Jmmiteil States guvernmmment obitoutcs ) time idea of ( hue Indepontlemico ( it tIme states comuiltriting ( hue states of ( ito mmumlon arid ; uihvlsets Italy to await ( hit' acIumm ( of time Cola- ratio judIciary. Tile paper adds It Is lime duty of time fetlerlul govermimmiemit to prevent time separate states ( rout becoimslng asylummts for asmiasslmumi , _ si " 1' ' ! 1111 ( ( INIJt 10 VAl'hhht1itO. Barnum lriivil ( Iriturs hilmim to ( liii Scene of the Itccoumt hyiicmhigs. IhNVRR , Mtmrcim 14-hr. Curiae , ItalIan comiaumi , stIll tetI \Valseniiumg tonlghit irs commmhillamuco wItim Imistrtmciomis ( remit liarous Fava , Italian ammtiamssador , Dr. Cunmmso immade time toihowlmmg vtstcmnent : "I am umutler lastructiommim front mmmy govern- imteiit anti wIll fulfill tlieml ( , but thiI miot express - press mny oplnmiomi until I ann aulisorized , and imariculari ( ) at iiits imionmmvnt whiemu hie ( Salted States govermtnnemmt is friendly toward may 4 gorernrmuetmt. " EXufi lIIA'i'Em ) flY C(1it)4Eii'S J UIIY. hiiinig cmi l'itl rIcki.otimicy by C oimstam.mio l.ujilo'i % % iS Not me Erlo.iy. CItIPPLR CIt11R1C , Cob , , Zilarelm 14.-Time , coronet's Jury has foumid a verdict ( list time. killing of Patrick I4oomuey by ( onmsLmble J. sy , Luptonm was done In the luefforiiiancb ot his duty anti without felonious hmmteut.