Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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r - TritE OJ\AllA \ DAILY DEE TJ1UnSDAY , MARCH 14 , 1801. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .
Ohoato1&ccstho Cosng Argument Against
the Law's Constitutionality .
Ioiltll Out ' II'rlln thl T.riw "lol1tll the
Cnnat ttntol11 I'ravIAktt for 1lln1111 :
In Tnxtttoii-Miny $ of the
Bxcmltll' UIJU't
"AStNOTON , Mnrc\ n.-A th opening I
( f tile session of the supreme court Mr.
Choato reumed hl argument against the
conatittitionality of the Income Inx. The Inevitable -
evitable Income of all nccumuln\ed , property ,
whether the lent of land or the interest on
IRnda , Is , he claimed , necesnrly the lubJect
of direct taxntion and of no other. Ito hoped
to etblsh thi tact and to further show '
such tax wnR ! subject to "Ie rule of nppr-
tloiiment. Inchuled I
tonment. Whatever chI waR not (
In the term direct tax , ccrtnlnly real estnto I
'ns Inclulell. , There had been universal assent -
sent to this proposition and he would take
this ns the hasls of his lut step. Ito can-
trovertel , the Iroposilon that this Idea wa
to apply only to unimproved land , but con
. tended for Its application to nil property
deslnnte,1 , ureal estnte. Ito followed this argument -
gument with the assertion that ( the tax of In-
come from the rent oC real estate was Indlstn-
Iulshnhlo Cram the tax on real Ctnte itself
lII comhatel , nl Ilosllon oC the attorney
general that the Income Cram rent , after It
enters the pocket , Is money , and is to bo considered -
lldered as such. For that mater , any tax
on land was substance and , effect 0 tax
on I\ rental. Heturln ! to the position of
_ the attorney general that the Proceeds were
nol rentals , but money In the pocket he do-
clare4 I was a distinction without n difference -
cnce , nll waR a ncton which hall ben
stampellupn by the court with all Its might ,
and quoted precedents to sustain this Position.
Furthermore , 'Ie controvorted the right to
tax "money In the Pocket" as I taxation on
Jlerlonnl Iroperty. )
Mr Choate contended that In exchange for
the surrender by ) states of the power to collect
duties . Imposts and excises the general gov-
eminent hall necessarily conceded , the protec-
ton of all lel In their equality before the
. law , alli tim rile of uniformity lust he ob-
. .d served This . rule had been observed wihout
excellton by congress In all tariff acts.
Justice White hero asked I the ohservanco
of this rule would not destroy all specific
Mr nloato thought not , and ho also dissented -
sented from a suggestion that a difference
was mno In taxing men of different degrees
of wealth. 10 declared that the construction
put upon the worll "unHormlty" by the op-
11081ton counsel was mostly that oC n Jacobin
club or a czar of Russia who proposed to
reign vlthout restraint. Such n construction
wihout constructon
, . . 'ouhl ( Involve n direct violation of the con-
- . eti tulle a.
' Mr. Carter had declared that there was no
belI for It If n mistake had been made In
the law , hut ; lr. Choato contended that the
court was here for the purpose of profering
heIr. In such cases. lie referred to what he
designated ns the breaches of the rule of
Uniformity made by the Income tax , taking
up first the limitation oC the law to Incomes
In excels oC $1.00. had wo come to the
point when there was to be one law for the
rich and another for the poor ? No wonder ( ,
110 said , the president , after ten .1ays' deliberation -
eraton , had refused to put his name to the
bill. No wonder the presldelt and the sec-
retar7 of the treasury refused to endorse it.
"Do you " asked Justice Hnrlan , "dispute
. - the validity of any exemption ? "
Mr. Choate replied that he did not but
wihout explaining his reply took up the
denial by the law of any exemption to cor-
poratons. contending for uniformity In the
treatment of corporations and Individual per-
JUstice Drown made an inquIry upon the
policy of the provision for domestic expenses -
penses In the $4,000 expenditure , but Mr.
CJlato contellell that In that respect the
) th- was alike In Is application to Individuals -
uals and corporations. In that It made deductions -
ductons for expenses In the business oC both.
Justice Drown replied , howevcr , tnat he un-
derstooll the provision In tim law for the
.t deduction of he net expenses of the cor-
- poraton was to stand In lieu oC the $4,000
exemption for domestic expenses. Mr. Choato
characterIzed as "capricious" the exemption I
of the property of schools churches and slm- i
liar Institutions . ns well as the savings banks ,
loan associations and mutual Insurance com-
panics , and said that a Car harsher term
would be justified.
"Was tt4ust . for Instance , to tax the people
of Colorado nnll Nebraska for the support
of Triniy church of Columbia college oC
New York ? "
Referring to the other exceptions . he said
that Mr. Vanderbilt or Mr. Astor could put
, f - - - . all his money Into a savings bank and thus
escape taxation under the law.
'Vhy , " ho exclaimed , "It looks as I there
were a Job In It . I It capricious ? Is It 'rbl-
trary ? Is I wicked ? I that the way to
protect poor men ? Had some crafty repre
sentatvo oC the mutual Insurance companies
of Now York came to Washington and pule
tIle wool over the eyes of the senate com-
mitee which Inserted the exemption of these
companies ? I so h' ought to have had nn
Immense fee for his succes "
Mr. Choato quoted from ofcial records to
show the enormous extent of the business
done hy the mutual companies. declaring
there wer no institutions In the land which
were more noted grabbers for and boarders
of money than these mutual companies
I was 3 o'clock when Mr. Choate , after
. having spoken three hours today and forty :
minutes yesterday reached his peroration .
He lied , he said , felt n' responsibility In this I
case such ns he hall never Celt In any other
case , and never expected to fool again , and he
did not believe any member of the court not
excepting the venerable Justice Field whose
experience as member of the court extended
from the early days of the war , who had
been called upon to deal ) with many questions
of vast Importance , had vcr sat In a case , or
that any oC them would ever live long enough
to hear a case of more vital consequence to
the Ilcople of the country The question Involved -
volved was whether we could rely upon the
guaranty given us by the fathers of the con-
lttuton and under which the nation had
so far In Its his lory prospered If I wore
true , as hall been asserted that 0 decision
Rlverse ( to the law was liable to cause nn
army of 70.000 to march this way , to "seo
about it , " then It was all the more Important
to the futur welfare of the country that the
court should see If I has the power to de-
r chle such questons , antI If It 1111 that It
shou11 exercise It to put a stol' to such leg-
Islaton as this.
Mr. Chants stopped so suddenly the 511(11-
nce did not at lrt appear to realize that
the argument In the famous case hall reached !
a finality alli that nothing remained to determine - '
mine the validIty of the income tax except
the decision of the court , which couhl not , of
course , be then expected ,
Iii , ) , Il. , lllll I I 110111 I I ( Ih' hh"l.
"ASINGT < N , March 13.-Sccretar Smith
has rendered a decision In the case of the
Last Chance Mining company vs time Tyler
lUning company , being a claim male by the
former company for Tyler lode In the Coeur
d'Alene mining country Idaho A portIon of
the Tyler claim overlapping the Lat Chance
claIm , the Tyler company made application
for patent waiving all the rights to the ( ovor-
111'plng portion. but the Last Chance asked
that no I'atent ' b issued while there was
pending In the supreme court u case affect-
Ing the tithe of the lrOperty. Secretary Smih
holds that as the overlapplnl tract has been
waIved by the Tyler couml11ny Ilatent shall
issue for its clailmI
LtJll lolhhv 10ei Not ( 'vomit.
WARIINHTOX , March 13-ln the calc oC
'Vliam Johneon \ Ellis Harris , Sal Lake
City district , Utah , Secretary Smith bas held
that when the last day allowed for filing an
appeal In a land case fals on a legal hol-
day the appellant hu prolerly untl the
next business day to make such tIling .
I lilt mmmi i lava Nut lowllal"CI.
W ASINOTN , March 13.-Although I
lies been a most severe winter there has not
been as much complaint amnonm the Indiana
a umonl
n. uaual. Usually there have been eevual
tribes where especial effort ha ben made
t ( "rOveDI them from starving and freezing
' (
- - . , - , " ' - " " . , .
- -1"
10 death SOlltmel special appropriations
have been passed to meet such emergencl81 ,
but during the preelt winter the Indian
orce has been able out of Iv general fund to
care for different cases where rations have
been short and suffering among the Indians
has been more than usually aevere.
Commissioner's leclsl"n In n.reanel to
Indemnity I.Rnll ne"l"ed. I
WAShINGTON , Mach 13.-Secretar
Smith has In
ha rendered an important opinion
a decision affecting the right of ralrOd companies -
panies to select Indemnity lands. The Norlh-
era Pacific Railroad company made applea-
ton to select 21,102 acre of land In the
Yakima land district a indemnity for los es
In the Cocur Il'Aleno Indian re'cr\aton. Idaho.
This application was denied , frt , because the
selection was not arranged tract for tract :
second , becluse the tight of the company to I
make good In one state the losses In another I
Is questioned and time question was also raised I '
al to the right of the company to select indemnity -
dcmnly lands occupied as nn Indian res-
ervation . The company asked for a review
and the secretary gooa Into the mater at some
length. Ito holds that the grant to the
Northern Pncfo was not confined 10 state
Haute and that selections for Indemniy can
bo mode In any state for loses In another ,
with the reservation that indemnity must bo
accepted as near the losses as possible. The
commlSloner Is directed to ascertain whether
hands are to be obtained nearer Coeur Alene
than Yakima. lie also hohs that losses for
an Indian reservation are subJrct to tndem-
nlr , In the mater oC the selection , tract
by tract , the company claimed the reservation
lands lost had not been surveyed so such selections -
lectons could be made In the lame way , but
the SNretlry thinks furclent sun'cYI have
been made on the reservation to enable such
1 alcctIGn. The secretor Quotes opinions by
Attorney General Garland and Secretary Vias
In of his .
support nnllngs.
Question ot F1llmdlll Tlmo for . r1ymclt
: ottarA OA Uloll"t ot " 'lIIIlIIlgtOli.
WASmNOTON I , March 13.-Speclal ( Tele-
gam.-l ) Is not likely that any acton will
be taken by the Indian ofce with reCerence
to the extension of time for making pay-
lent on purchases of lands on the Omaha
Indian reservation. I has been expected
that an order would be issued calling a special -
cial council of time Indians to consider the
question . but time report of the special agent
states that time Omahas are unanimously
against the extension , hence the department
ofclal think I unnecessary to bring time
matter ngln to theIr attention. Consequently
the measure which recently became a law
will be void , since It provIdes for the extension -
lon with the consent oC the Indians.
The Postofee department today awarded
to J.P. Stewart the contract for carrying
United States mal between Deerleld and
11 City . S. D. , at his bid or $100.
The following members oC boards oC exam-
inimig surgeons for the Pension bureau were
nppolntol , tolny , : South Dal < ta-Dr. William
I Everhardt , Drooldnls ; 1)r. 11. D. C. Hose ,
1lbnnk. Nebraska-Dr. Fred E. lcKeeby ,
Hell Cloud : Dr. II. D. Schull. Wilbur.
Postmasters were appointed today as fol-
lows : South Dakota-BallI , Minnehaha
county , larry Lowald , vice Olaf Anderson .
resigned ; Ourtown Turner county , Albert
Martin , vIce Andrew Sehrn , removed. Iowa
-Gus , Taylor county , C. N. Paterson , vice
A. S. 'Vrlght , resigned.
Postmasters were commissioned today as
follows : lown-Jnmes J. Springer , Cambrla
South Dakota-George Moore , Ardmore.
Scram bID for Go"ernment Positions Is lie-
comll lreller All the Tlmo.
WASHINGTON , March 13.-There seems
to'bo ' nn Increase In the demand for place , for
whenever there are some new ofces pro-
vided for by legislation there Is generally a
scramble for the positions. During the cos-
lag days of congress a bill was passed for
the examinaton and classification of mineral
lands In. the grant to time Northern Pacific
railway In Montana and Idaho. There were
twelve ofcer\ created by this hill . to be
paid salaries of $2,400 a year. There wi be
three nch for tile three land districts In
Montana and the one In Idaho throuh which
the road passes. The bill provides that at
least one oC the three assigned to each district -
trict shall bo chosen Cram the district but
there Is nothing to prevent all being so
chosen. The candidates for these places come
Cram all sections of the country and the
Interior department Is flooded with applca-
tions. SOle men come to Washington to
personally solicit these places. I Is desirable ,
that men with some knowledge oC minerals' '
shall bo chosen and I appears to the officials
of the department that there are mineraI
experts In every section of the country , and
the appointing officers . should they believe
all that Is sold to them , will become convinced -
vinced that the country was one vast field of
mineral resources. The examination oC the
land wIll occupy some time . Some of those
Interested say that In all there arc 1,000.000
acres of land In the grant which might
properly b classed as mineraI
Commlslloner IrO"nlnJ Doel Not ThInk
This Should Ouu\fy'bem for Ctzolsht ( , .
WASHINGTON , March lS.-Indlan Com-
missioner Drowning regrets that the last con-
gress failed to pass any law to meet the
now question which has arisen to cause
trouble among the Indians. Decisions lat
summer by the United States courts settle
It that no prosecution would stand against a
man for soiling liquor to IndIans who had
under time allotment law taken lands In
soveralty. The court held Ulat this act on
the part oC the Indian under the law admitted .
mtted him to citizenship and the selling of
Iluor to a United States citizen could not
coiltute n crime. Comml loner Drowning
says le does not agree to the decIsion for
while the land Is allotted to time IndIan he Is
not allowed to dispose or It for twenty-five
year all during that time he II under the
protection oC the government and the super-
vision of the Indian office . lIe hopes to see
In time next congress I law passed meeting
this phase of the ca and providing that so
long as an IndIan Is undet the care of tile
government , whether on allotted land or not ,
he shall be considered I Indian In all things
and making It a crime to sell Iqnor to him
The commissioner 6aye there will bo very
little allotting done unless such a law la
passed , as the authorities believe alotments
under time ruling of the courl will do more
harm than good .
( r.t.r for Army lilan.
WASHINGTON , March 13.-Slleclnl ( Tele-
grnm-Foiiowing ) changes In stations and
( iUties or oHcerl ot time Ordnance department -
mont are ordered : Captain William " ' . Gb-
lon will be relwe,1 from dnty atVater -
town Arsenal . 1aas. . and wi take station
lt the Kiby Mllufnetuf'l compun's
works Cleveland , 0. tar duty aim hll1octO'
of ordlmance. United States urmy : F'irst
L.ieltOmiUfltVillimiln S. ! Iercl army be re-
levelt from duty at Wat rvlet Arsenal .
'Vest Troy , N. Y. , Ind will report for Uimty
ut Sanlly 100it proving ground , Sand
Hook , . , N. J. , with station lit New York
Clittain Daniel C l'earson Second cav-
Il" . . II granted ten ( lays extended leave :
First 1.llul'nlnt Joseph ) B. Batcheor , Jr. ,
'fwenty-fourth Infantry , Ilx months.
Thircim Ships "out II'enezuela. .
WAShINGTON , Murch 13.-Admlral
Meato und Iqualron sailed last night from
Port oC Slaln , Trinidad , tor La Guayra ,
Venezuela. II case of troubl\ there the
United States wi have three tine waNhlps.
the New York : ! nneapols and Cinciammati ,
ready to prottct American . interests .
Jim Sellers Ueat'l ' 'II Siiot'tstOra l'oulht
MAnSIAI.LTOWN , ha , March 13.-Jlm
Sellers , the colored welterweight champion
of Iowa , suet his first defeat last night , being
knocked out In the fourteenth rould b } a
white man named Greenwod , near Webster
whie . nAn all-round fght among the spectators -
tators followed the announcement of the re-
suit and many eyes were blacked and heads
bruised A number oC arrests will probably
be imiade
"Inch-Irlh ? "enth G ( ' 11:11'
CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , March 13.-Hep-
rlentatves of the national executive com-
mltci of time Scotch.lrlsh Society of Amer-
tea met hero today to confer with . the secretary -
tar ) ' , Mr. A. C. Floyd of Ibis city In regard
to arrangements for tile seventh congress of
the race to b held at Lexington'a. . , June
2U. Invitations will be extended to alum-
bar U& of distinguished speakers t de1\1 &d- .
Pittsburg Phi Qna Dave Gideon Away
Ahead on the Wintr ,
J1tkll the Wrong 10rlls Ofln ( rnonh to
IrOI ) the JIJJI t lmiI ot 114 Iot
Uulnl ! the I'reasiit Slllon 1t
Jayll8rlct ,
SAN FRANCISCO , March 13.-8mal for-
tunes have ben won And lost nt the Bay
district track during the past three weeks.
Large sonic have been wagered on several
races , Riley Orannan , time celebrated ICen-
tucky plunger who wagered n Cortune on the
Henry of Na\are.Domlno race last year , has
had n run of bad luck sail is reported to ha\'e
lost $25,000 since his return to Calornia lat
month. Grnnnan came to California lat season -
son antI , cleared up $52,000 In less than two
months , lie went cast with his plo and returned -
turned wih $8,000 more , Increasing tile win-
nlnJs to $60,000. Mr. Smith , better known as
" 11burg Phi , " has made a much lS Riley
Orannn has lost , and Is $30,000 ahead of
the game , making n winning almost every
da ) ' . lie I not the reclt bettor that Oran-
non Is , blt , being a shrewd Jude of horse
back his Judgment Irrespective of talent.
DRvid GIdeon of the fatuous racing firm of
Gideon & Daly Is reported to be $20,000 win-
nor on the season .
! e"or"t eciqIwmN Ilplelh'J ConteltonM
' .
l'olnlA Arrlvolt At.
11 LWAUmE , March 13.-At the meet-
lag of the board oC directors of the Western
league , nt the St. Charles hotel Dennis Long
of Toledo was elected to represent the
" 'ester Icaue on time national board
Under time neI order the clubs will receive
$1,000 for every player that Is drafell Cram
the We\tern lengue. Under the rule of
last . season the clubs received only $500 for
every player drafted .
The director also acted upon the chare
of "rlngln In soft balls by time management -
ment oC the Minneapolis club at Minneapolis
last season I was voted that eyerS' bali
used by the Minneapolis club must bear the
stnml1 of time president of the league other.
wise the Minneapolis club would be liable to
a forfeiture oC the , ame.
I was also voted that the umpires must
wear blue unlCorms when ofciatng nt a
league gnme.
Another important point "as the agreement
to divide equnly the receipts oC all holllny
ames. ThIs was done In order to stntlst'
the demnnds of the western clubs . the latter
being en II ted to two oC time holiday game1
which are schedulell In the east.
Crc cenloJntl Shows Ils 'orth In n
6prlnt at flay UI trlet.
SAN FI1ANCISCO March 13.-Nagle
flurke's colt Crescendo again emonstmlel ,
that he WaS b ) fur the best 2-year-old In Cal-
foria 1)3 } ' winnIng the Hancho del Paso
stakes , worth $ IGo. without extending him-
self. mlneDonought'a highly Prized filly .
Santa flehla . made a Jeer shmowing. Cres- ,
cendo Is entered In mummy of the eastern
2-'ear-ol stnkes , nnll It will tale a good ,
one to belt him. The other races today
wrre not partIcularly imaterestlng. Summar :
First race live furlongs . selling . maidens :
1abel. 101. Churn (1 ( to 5) ) . won ; Zooladln ,
8. Jsom (2 ( to 1) ) , second ; Kingsley 101.
Hinichs (25 ( to 1) ) . thh'll. Time : i:0yk. :
Ldamo , Myron Ontnr'o , Monroe , Prince
Devlnel Miss WlloughI : , Sole ad and Ro-
sable amso rimmi.
Second race , seven furlongs , selling : Marl-
etta . 88. Isom (7 ( to 5) ) . won : Itoma 10. Grlf-
till ( ( to G ) . second : Arab , 97. Slolne (7 ( to 1) ) .
third Time : 129. : Mutimmeer. My Sweetheart -
heart Steadfast . St. Jacob Joe 'Inters ,
Espernce and Prince also ran.
Third race . 2-yenr-oimls , Rancho del Palo
stakes five furlongs : Creseendo , 118. 'Vel"r
( to 2) ) . won ; I.eda ( lily , 15. CovlnJton (2 (
to 1) ) . second ; ElsIe Fergusolm . 10 , Chorn (50 (
to 1) ) . thlrll. Time : 1:02. : MonItor , Hey del
Dondldos , Santa Dela and lIed Pike also
Fourth race one mile , handlcnp' Thorn-
hill , 11 , Sloane (5 to 1) ) , won McJJght , in ,
GrUHn ( even ) . second ; Flrt ! lcLght
(8 ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 1:4\ : \ . Realzaton ,
Pescador , Don Caster and Ingomar also ran.
. Fifth race . five furlongs. selling : Claquer ,
10J. learn (9 to 5) ) . won ; Tim Iurlh ) ' . 11 ,
Carr (7 ( to 10) ) . second ; Mainstay , 103 , Sloane
(25 ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 1:13Charger , Red
Dlrd and ! folie R also ran.
NEW OHI.EANS , March 13.-Weather
fine ; track dcnd. Results :
fne Hesuls
First race , six furlongs : Virgin (8 to 5) ) . w.n ;
Prlneess floss (6 ( 10 1) ) second , Guilty (10 to 1) )
. thIrd. Time : 1:20. : )
Second race four furlongs : MInnie Clyde
(15 ( to 1) ) won ' Leaseman (8 ( to 1) ) seconl < I ,
Sister Rosalm (12 ( to 1) third. Time : 0:50. :
Third race . , (2 furlongs : Due and White
(6 to 1) ) won Hopeful (6 ( to 1) ) second , Diamond -
mend Dick (15 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:21. :
Fourth race seven furlolgs : Imp. 'olsey
(6 ( to 5) ) won Uralteman (2 to 1 ) second , Miss
Gallop (10 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:32 : ½ .
Fifth race . six furlongs : Tramp ( even )
won 1laloa (2 ( 10 1) ) second MOloch (7 ( to 5) )
thtrd. Time : 1:18 : % .
ST. LOUIS March 13-At East St. Louis :
First race three.fourths of I mile : George
W Dnley won Barney Larlway second
Storleto third. Time : 1:22
Second race , nine-sixteenths ot a mile :
Dunlap won , JerQuet second Parole third.
Time : 0:5J : ! * .
Third race five-eighths of a mile : Uolmrer
won Herdon second , Dorderr third. Time :
1 : ,
1:0t liourth race. handicap , thirteen-sixteen
of IL mile : Text won Schnylkl second
Mormiotte Ullrll Time : 1:2 : , .
Fiftim race , Ihree-quarters of a mile : Jim
lfh won Seville second , Mantel third.
'rime : 1:20. :
In tIme last race Dnckbur fell and broke
his leg , but Jockey Hess , who was up , escape -
cape without InJur
Ten Roulds of Hot Work Gives time Do-
clston Against the tustralIan.
1IlPHIS. March 13.-After rounds of the
fastest kind of fighting Charles ( Kid ) Mc-
Coy was awarded the decision In his contest
wih Australian "Shadow" Maber tonight .
The match was ten rounds . Marquis ot
Qucensbery rules. Maber was out-founght
frol the first rOlml nnd played In big luck
that the light was limited to ten rounds
Instead oC b.elng to IL fimmishi. McCoy weighed
In nt 16 % poulmds . while Maber stripped at
143. McCoy outfought Muber all through the
first rrnmnd all his friends were wild with
enthnslasm. Muber had slightly the best of
the second rounll. McCoy from the thlnl
round to the end of the fight hail mnler
his own wny. At the cal of llama In the
last round , he was unhurt , whie Mahfr waK
bleeding from hard blows In the mnoutlm
bleedinG I1OCK. Ark . March 13.-A match
has been malls for a lmied COltest between
Jhl McCo and Danny Needimimni ex-
champion welerwehht , to talc place here
early In April.
N1V YOnK , March 13-Al Grifths
better Imown lS "Youn GriiTo . " bias IRsuej
IL challenge Ilnounclnlr his Intentol of con-
testIng for time Ightwellh ehamplonshll of
leslnl . 'rhts II rellrteel 11 I ehllenge
to Jack McAulle , who holds the belt ut
1)resuflt. _ _ _ _ _ _
Jnok Wilkes at Itrley.
ICIOARNEY , Neb. , March 13.-Speclal-- ( )
John Wlkca , the prize figimter , formerly
at St. LouIs . , whom Tommy Ryan at SJuth
Omaha moino tinie ago beat Into a puli. has
made urfngements 110 to Ille charge of the
billiard r00l1 In the : llwl ) ' hotel , anl ,
will open u lnaHlum In 1 tiny or two
wi . Ilso his intention to give Instruclons
In the art at boxing and general atlmlOtic $ .
"Rlo Ir..limll 'n 1'0 l'ulllh"I.
NEW IrAVRN , Conn" , March 13.-'he Yale
faculty line voted to prohibit the freshmen
class from Itla'lng an ) ' base bal this ) 'Ilr
outside of New Ilavemm. or with other college ) -
lege mimes an.where. ' 1hls la 1 \lnlshment \
for the action of time freshmen in creating
I IIturhalce acton at the Glee club concert here
In January _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hlop- ' klll."II-0III ) tlmmmmmmplnniilp.
DANVILI.I , Ky. , March 13.-The world's
standing hOIJ .skip-and-jurmmp , record was
broken It.enter cole go gymnaslul toura-
mont last night' by Thomas A , lendrlcks of
Kentucky . lie made thirty feet four Inches '
-five incites over the record .
J..lo J. ) . 1011 for 1 'I hOIull. :
DANVl.l , IC ) , March 13.-C. aud C. P.
Cecil sold to P. SwEet of Milwaukee , \VIs. ,
Josle Hay , a 2-ycar,0I filly by Nuthurt ,
Ir Mambrlno , price 1000. S
Uu\rt Wllelel Not Indicted ,
MINNI : : AIO.IS , March 13.-The grand
Jury ha decided not to Indic George Orlu-
lal and Maggie Wahter for perjury lu the
hayward mnurdcr trial I , and they have ac-
lar\'uel murer
cordlngiy ben let sl-ll ) * rtr , The arrests
were on warr.nts awtirtv 'ut by hhlist's attorneys -
torneys , and the jury , after hearln the cvi-
thence .Iechle that ciiivition ' would be next
to Imposible.'I I
( Continued from Flnt Page. )
lyncllel today Is sur to male the mater
more serious , and \ \loubtess " resul tn
more emphatc acton J' the representative
of the Italian Ivrn'ue'n.t ' In Wuhlnton.
The exact detaIlS of ' Marquis Itmiperiali's
Protest are not yet , . , knovn . . lie called at
the Department of Stqte this afternoon for
the purpose of calling time attention oC the
department to the lynching , anll also to make
Inquirie In regard to the immatter. This
however , Is really the frt step lit n mo\'c- .
ment toward a < emnnd for hulemnlt and
relJartol , all the Halnn 1\'ernment has
been Ilrompt to l1alte such demnnlls In the
Past. Acting Secretary Ull told the marquis that
time State department was In receipt of no
information but that , , hlcl appeared In the
press dispatches . but ho promised to obtain
Ruch Curt her facts as he could , and then
the acton to be taken could be deeldell upon
There the mater rOlts nt present.
The Department oC State does not nntlcl-
pate any serious commipliontiomma. The 1nlnn
go\'erment was quick to act In the cast of
time Mafia killings 1 In New Orleans , but there
were.colplCtons to thnt affair that ra not
exist here. That was made the topic of
international ne otatlons extellng through
n perIod oC over n rear , nl11 ended by See-
rotary flame allowing $2.000 In full settle-
mont of tmlemnl } " for time loss of the five
men who were llcntnel as Italians. In
Irnntlg this sum Mr 111ne distInctly ills.
avowed , ni ) ' responsibIlity on the Part or
his ( government , the alowance bclnl mOle
and receive as 0 courtesy or charity ; nn
act oC grace on behal of the United Stntes.
' ' . " i'ItoMl'T ACTIO
OO\'IINOlt : 'IAte"3 t'T
Trouble \'a All 0mev , however ' , neforo lie
Itlo' " I 11,1 Occmmrrei.
DENVEH , March 13.-Go'ernor McIntyre
today received s mu\aneously from the nu-
thorllcs Wnshlngton and the Italian con-
sil at this point Inqnlrles concerning the
Wnlenburg lynchings. The coma nmmmmmication
from Wlshlngton was 0 telalram Crom the
acting secretary of state , asking for particim-
lars , ant thaI Crom Aclng Italian qommsmml
Cunneo at this point n temand for protection
for an ) Italian cizens who might be In
danger nt Walsenburg. Imml"lately steps
were taken by the governor to comply with
both requests and telegrams were cent out
To the sheri of Iuerfano county time governor -
ernor directed a telegrnm demanding ( till
partculars of what had occurred togcthbr
wlh a stntemcnt of the feeling at time iiio-
ment prevalent Washington the , dV-
ernor telegraphed such partuculars as he then
I hnl , and promised the fllest Protection to
all. lIe also stated that It Is probable that
the Italians lynched are Amerlenn citIzens ;
thst he had directed the sheriff to motec hIs
prisonera ali maIntaIn order , and that he had
I report Crom the colonel commanding thc
nearest place that he could put troops aboard
cars In two hours. Quickly Colowlng the
sending oC these dispatches went others to
I'uebho Onl was to the cOlmander of the
mitary forces stationed tlere ) and the other
to the railroad company. Time milItia offIcer
was ordered to repor ImmcllnteIy and on
exactly on what notcp bum could Ilt his command -
mand In the field . amid timp , railroad authoriies I .
were asked In what length of time n special
traIn could bo furnhthmed ' and sent to the
scene of the riots J wnl found that wihin
three hours oC an order Issuing the Pueblo
troops cOl1 ho landed In' Walsenburg.
The following Is a copy of the communications -
tions passing between Governor McIntyre's
department and the nctng Italian conAul :
DENVER 1ul'ch i3. IS : -To HI Excel-
bency , A. W. 1clntyre. Governor oC Colo-
ramio.-SIr : I have I from relIable nuthorly
that nt the town of ' \lscnbur , Colo" , this
morning about : o'eloclt two Iulnns were
taken from the jai by a , mob and lynched , ,
and also thnt there arc seven more men ,
supposed 10 be Ialan . still In the enstody .
of the nuthorltes ot luerfano cOlnt , who
are Ihreatene,1 , to le treated In like manner.
' Therefore I , Joseph Cuneo , acting Iulln
consul for thIs district , cal on 'Ol as governOr -
ernor of the state to take Imch steps as tl ) '
be necessary to Insure protection for the
life and property of the Ialnns II custody .
of the authorities In said luerfulo eonnt } .
Very respectfully , your obedient servant ,
J. CUNl' ' : II. D.
Acting Italian Consnl. .
DENVER "Inrch 13 , 18Slr : Hepl.lnJ to
your communicaton of Murch 13. Th91 . just
received . 1 have the honor to say that 1
have telegrahCl to the sheriff of " 'llsen-
, ' ' the alleged
hurg fOI' Informaton eoncerlnl Ile
IYlchln and to protect his prisoners , and
will . take Inch further steps as arc neces-
sary and can be taken within the authority
conferred on me by law to Insl'e Ilrotecton
to the life amil property of the ItalIans In
custody In ant salt Hlertano county , the
same lS If i they were American citizens.
1 have the further honor to say that It Is
not yet known to me that the Ialans In
question Ire not American citizens. . Hc-
SPCCttjllY . your obedient servant
ALBERT " ' . 1\I'INTYIIE Governor.
Dr. J. CuneO . Acting italian Consul.
Time report of the sheriff to the governor
related that one Italian had been Idled en-
route to 'Valsenblrg and that two had es-
caped. Whether they are dead or not , he
did not know. Two others were killed In the
Governor McIntyre ImmedIately sent the
Vohlowing telegram In reply :
. Walter O'Mnhley , Sheriff Iuerfano County ,
'alsenburg. Colo. : WIre me at once
whether you are malntalng order . and pro-
tectlprlsoners. . and whether yomm have
tectl\ force to prevent further mob vlo-
lence and whether excitement his abated .
You are eXIHcted to prevent I rCI-enee
of violence to prlsoncrs. Take every II.eclu-
ton to protect life and property , anti as
soon ns Josslble ascertaIn who composed
the mob doing the lynching und , ns 800n
as practicable , unrest them.
practcable ' ' \ ' . 11'JN'1YHE. Go\'eror.
Another Ilioody bClnol 10 on Attempt to
1iocuo 1 I'rleommor In Colorado.
CRIPPLE CREEK Colo. , March 13.-The
whole Cripple Creek district Is greatly ex-
cited over a lively running fght "twCn an
officer and a number of miners and former
railroad men , In which one lan was killed
and another badly Injured. Constable rank
Lupton had arrested a man named IcQualdl
at Victor for prtclpaton In the railroad
strike last snmmer. A number of his companions -
panions objected and In the melee one man ,
Seth Hnleton , was shot throuh time cheel
The officers fInally got Ralston und McQuaide I
before a justice of the peace , where beth were i
baIt under $200 bonds Which they refused to
give. Luptan plAced his prhoner" on a train
to bring them to Cripple Creek but friends
oC the men covered thn pglne wih gulls . preventing
venting time train' departure. When the constable -
stable approached the locomotve the engineer
jumpe off antI ran . , J'lnil ) ' the train was
startemi but after tel ( mile was stopped .
ostensibly to let ofjgesengers. Patrlclt
Looney and a couple A Qller ) men Itemptell
to enter the rear car , where Lupton and , his
offIcers wcre. I.upton ; rzpled with L.ooney
nnt as ho was loslimg gpmmnh ( pule a gull
and fred , Joone ) wallltanty ! , killed. The
prisoners further were Incident safely landpt ) In Jai here without -
The body of Iatrl k 'ooney \/S taken
Into Victor , and thmm /1ooney I appeared a
Victor today to tal\-H.tlo body to Cripple
Creek In order to huI4 the Inquest there.
l"rlends of the dead , I\1UI Kathered In force
and prevented the r mqval ' of the body
I Jclelllent Is high ln < J ? I the attamnpt to
remove time body Is . ! fI1ated In there will
likely be more bloodBhed.1
lkely - . . . . . -
Jal" . Consul limmSVG.,4ullmeilttc : . > Non.
DENVER , March 1 3..Dr. Cuneo , tie
ItalIan consul of this city , had nol , up to a
late hour this afternoon , been officially not-
fed oC time affair at Walsenbur As oil of
the Italians belong to a naUonl1 benevolent
associaton , ho la expecting full reports ( rein
time scone of the affair from responsible par-
ties , Then he will communlc/te with the
Italian minister Washington , ant await In-
structions. I the men who were killed by
the lyncher are not AmerIcan clUzens he
wilt take charge ot whatever property they
may h2vO for the Io\erument he represents .
Time doctor hat mme InC .naton lt hanll to
form any OIlnou whate\er . about the affair.
Ih"k 110",1 Indlctl' for l mlonlomolU ,
ChIcAGO , March 13.-1 our of the officers
of the \'anston National bank have been
Indicted for time alleged embezzlement of funds
of the institution by time grand jury at time
UnIted States district court , Tin , Indicted
officers are I'resldent henry Welts , charged
, -
with embezzlement of t30OO : Vice PresIdent
N. I. Hill. of $7.MO : Cub r John O. Au.-
tin , of $ ,600 , and Director l. T , Paul ,
charged wIth the embezzlement of " , & 00.
Wels Is saul to bo In renasylvanla. 11 II i
In Missouri some\here on 1 farm , Ril Austin
Is 1 haln to CalifornIa.
represented os having gone Clforia
1aul Is n rt31 estale dealer. The bank : was
cnplalZl lt $100,000 , anti wllen I failed In
May' , 1893 , It hd liabilities to time extent of
wltlm assets 1 to be worth
$20.0 wih aS supposed a
materialIze. like amount , but which hn\'e alice failed to
( ! .II , , n.lx O'IWLt. . 1 1IU1 :
ChIef or Police of ! nl l'rmlleIScn Denies His
ASJerslol ( ill Thnt CI ,
SAN FRANCISCO , March 13.-Chle 01
Police Crowley vigorously denies the nsser-
\on of Max DRoll that time illegItimate cliii-
.Iren her In Paris annually was not more
than one-third the number of unnatural chit-
dren born every year In San Francisco .
Chlcf Crowle says this cIty Is not half so
hnmoral on the utica amiggrated ns ni'iy of
time large lanlfacturllJ cItes of the United
States , nglanll or time continent , where
young girls amid womcn are thrown In daily
contact with Irresponsible males of their
own ne. The chief 110ts not know where
M. Bouet obtaIned lila data but "ronounces
tim conclusions false , whnte\'er the source of
his so.eal11 statistics.
"It \e who ha\'o 1"1.1 hero nit our hives
have to deal with crime and , the clement of
Inlnornl ) " said Crwle } ' . "eannot form nny
accurate ostl\ate oC the question of Ilc-
gitlimmacy . how coull , n "trnuger anti n for-
Ilgner ohtnll uchIatn ? This alleged , French
humorist Is n fakir of tIme rankest Ilnd , 1
Is nn Insul to compare San Francisco to
ParIs , where the marrlago laws are lookell
upou hy most II the lght of n useless cn-
cumbrance. 1 o'ncl were here he would
get what he promises \oull bo the treatment
oC Mark Twnlu were time later In Paris-hi
nose would be pulled. "
. .
1'Alcsa I/Ol. / " OUT ( ) t' . .1,1.
lUch010,1. . of " ' .Iuahlo Ore I'ound on the
ShOrlA lit the I'RCln.
SAN FRANCISCO , Mardi 13.-00Id minIng -
lug Is beimig carrlell ou nlmost lhln the
corporate limits of San Frammcisco On the
beach , three mies south of Cliff house , an
old squatter has for years toiled with shovel
alHI hmami eking oUt R scanty lIvIng by extracting -
tractng gold from time deposits on the shores
by the currents and tides. Experienced mln- i
ers have frequcnty asserted , that the entire
coast I , from Alaska 10 Cape 10rl , Is full of
free gold , and that Its succcssful nmnlnmn-
tou vas the sale obstacle to worldng it.
Several weeks ago n mmewly Invented amalgamator -
mater was emilloyell by n compan organized
for the 11rl10SC , nail DS a result of fifteen
da's' halter three chunks of nmalgam are
now at time Unied States mint ( roam which a
\nlue of Cram $ ,000 to $1,200 Is expected
to be developed. 1'our men are required for
each amnmalgnnmator A machine will run
twenty tom of sand a day , the net Profit
being estimated nt $ 2.GO per ton. The ocean
shore wherever the black sand exists Is now
cons Idered as good lS any quartz mine and
eaml1s , are being established . along the beach
.EW 0"0.tSJZ.I'10- SJCC1SS.
Three I.oca1 DIstricts Are Now AU thot
n.IRtl 'rno tu the 011 Order
PITTSDUHO , March 13.-General Master
\ VorknmmammV. . B. ' \'lsol of time Independent
Order oC Inlghts oC Labor who Is In the
city , Is very enthusiastIc over the prospects
oC the order. He says that originally the
Klights of Labor had n membership of 75,000
amid that fully two.thlrds oC these have Joined
the now orgammizatlon. The only districts of
any consequence remaining true to the order
arc locals In St. Louis New York and
Brooklyn. The first genernl assembly of the
new Knights of Labor will be held In Wash-
immgton D. C. In January 1896. At thnt
tme I will likely be decided to establIsh
n tonal hcadquarters In thIs city. lie also
states that the proposed acton to get posses-
sion of the property or the old order Is In
the hands of attorneys and nothing will be
done In the matter for a year at least.
TheIr \ Yurk lD ! ldlflly DOle ni to Docetvo
the Oldest Coimductor.i.
81' JOSEPH , March 13.-Tho grand jury
today returned Indictments against John J.
Kehley . JOSEph Ludwig and Charles and
Frantic Cronin. charged wih uterlsn and disposing -
posing of forged coupon tickets , purporting
to have been Issue by western railroad lines.
There are four counts against them. Thes
mel are thou ht to he some of the smoothest
forgers II this lne In the country , and local
railway lnes have taken up scores of the
tickets . the forgeries In every case being
so skillful as to deceive the oldest con-
.l W l'AUTY' . TI 0 LR.1DfliG 1 > rANIS ,
, \bDlton of Drlnlt 1'1'110 to Go hand lu
na"d ulh Free SU"r. ,
PITTSBURG March 13.-Delegntes arc arriving -
riving to attend the conference In this city
tomorrow to discuss the formaton of a new
natonal party which shnl have for its principal -
cipal objects the abolition of the drInk traffic
nnd the free colnnge of silver. Among the
speakers who will be present are Mrs. A. M. ,
lce nnll Mrs. S. M. 1erllne oC Cleveland. I
Time conference wIll be held In Lafayette I
hall . which Is oC historical Interest ns beIng
time birthplace oC the republican party.
Tried 10 Kill Oft lily I'"mly.
SANTA ANA , Cal. , March 13.-A sensa-
ton was caused by the arrest st Anaheim of
Frank Llteleld and the subsequent reveln-
tions. On investigation It was found Little-
field had tried to exterminate an entire family
by shootng frt nt his brother , Sheldon , next
at hum brother's wife and then nt the latter's
mother , Mrs. Adams. Fortunately his aim
was bad and he mnlsseml each oC 'hls human
targets. Tao motve for the shooting Is said
to have been Littlefleid's belief that hs !
brother had disgraced the fmiy by marrying
Miss Adams. To clear the family reputation
ho propoel to kIll his brother and his wife
and then-shool the mother-In-law on general
prlnclplr. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
SuIcide of ma. ChIcago llroker .
CHICAGO , March 13.-A. Dowman , a
broker , shot and killed hlmseU In his offIce i ,
at 126 Dearborn street this afternoon . Dow-
mal conllucted the Union Mortgage company -
pany , and his suicide Is supposed to be tIme
result of fnancial dilhlculties. le had been
In Chlcao but a few immontims havIng clmo
hare from Asimland Wis. , where hIs father
Is said to ho a wealthy banker. Bowman
left his wife several days ago , anml < 1 It I
thought h ) his friends that domestic troubles
lay ale have hall something to do with the
suicide lie was " alone In his office when he
shot himself , and was dead when found by a
Ilorter. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Wreck ruuoolt by 0 Broken " 'hee1 .
lAZEI.TOr Pa. , March 13.-1 was noon
today before the wreck on the LehlFh Vnl-
lay between Lofty anll Silver Brook was
cleared sutclcnty to hermit trains to jmasu.
Time fact that no one was 1ll' B'IS
miraculous , ns time cars turned completely
over end Oi the edge or a hlFh embank-
ment. 'fhe Iccldelt was due to time brealtng
of a wheel. Time passngers brought to this
city on the Pennsylvania road were able to
leave tOWI today , their Injuries beIng slight .
Arrol I ) . HIm : In 1 Uallerous Vondlton ,
INDIANAPOLIS . March 13-Myron n.
KIng , the go\'ernor'8 secretary , who was in
time rIot mit the house of representatives Mon.
day , is no better today. Early timle mmmoriming
ime imad a bail spell. Ills physicIan was hut-
riedly mmumnmotmeei amid applied reioratlves anti
exlressel the Olminlon titat thmo faint reluited
( rein time effects of nmediclnes , Time doctor
says time chief tianger of ills patient wiil be
iii time event of lniharnimmation ,
Out 5liday Cimurcit'clebrmathimg ,
ATLANTA , Ga. , March 13.-Time old Midway -
way church In LIberty county , time ommost
ancient imouse of worshIp in time boutim , imaving
been built iii 1752 , is time scotia today of time
103d annual reummion of time Midway socIety ,
an orgaimization wimosu Ilmiesion it. is to perPetuate -
Petuato the imlatorical associatlomma of time
u'ommerabie structure , Negroes now own time
building. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Rats and coekroacimes agree that one free
lunch at Steam's Electric Paste Is fatal ; 25c.
Planters Warnea Not to 13o Deceived by the
Recant Rise In Price ,
Large Acreage Is ot Neeticil Timi Scnr to
511111113- time ilirirket iitiil Iffort Are
licing lilnile to Ivt'lvo time
l'Iammters ,
ATlflNS , Ala. , March 13-lIon. rroctor
II , II. Latme , president of the American Cotton
Growers' Protective Associatioti , lies issued
tii following address :
"To time Cotton Growers of tIme Soittlm
"I wish to call time mitteiltion of time cotton
growers to time strategic mmmos'emnent being
mmmdc by cotton mnanipuiators to dehtmdc lucIa
into time suicidal act of isntlng again mu
large acreage of cotton. That uneasIness
hiss been felt in Liverpool for a time in
reference to a decroaseil acreage goes without -
out saying , Gmml lmail this fact not exiateml ,
cottomi vmtlues wotmltl have been lower timaim
timoy mayo becmm. stub mmmv , as tIme emmd of tIme
season is at mmmi emid , and time staple is aimb'
stmimmtlalhy out of tIme lmamitls of limo farmmmcr.
these gentlemmmen , wlmo have represemitemi tIme
boar element for so ninny mmmonthms , while
cotton \vas niovIng itt large vohummieS , now
resort to timis case of maiming values Imp
simmiply as a ( leiCo to Inmhmce the farmuors
to plant mmmore cottomm than possibly they intended -
tended ,
"I wmura time farmers of time sommtlm that time
price of time last few days ha fictitious , anti
is time hmromlmlct of a cOmmsImirnCy of Immen to
systematically rob time hrohimcer ) of lila he-
gltinmate gains. It lx a fielumslomm miami a snare
to catcim time ulmiatlspectimig farmers , to in-
'elglo Imini lute time tolia of atmntimer 3,000,000
smmrpbus , so timat thmey can bear dowmi vahimes
lower titan last seasomi with an increased
surplus on hammd ,
"Let the p001110 beware. It lx a hail to
catch those wimo will bite. There cami be no
legitiimmate reasotms ahmowmm for thmi resort to
fictltioums 'aIucs , Time lmtomhtmCtiomm hmatm exceeded
time tmmost samigumine expectatlomma. Itimasia imas
placed a vlrtmmally imroimibitiu'e thmt3' on Ammierl-
cami cotton , so We calm mme longer expCt to soil
bier 500,000 bales , Timore will ha ime cimange
mmmdc 1mm time mmext esstomi in time tiatiommal laws
\'imat 1mm time legitimnate cammse for timis rIse , if
cotten bias been selling at hogitinmato figmlres ?
It is alnmmpiy time old spIder and fly gamimo , a
recmmrrenmce of time farlner amid time bunco
steerer , and I ann coimstrained to exclalmmm ,
' 110w lomig , elm , Lord , hmoiv hongl' Is it , to be
over tImtm , timat our 1)001)10 are to be waylaid
amid robbed of timeIr Immeager suhisistelico ? I
deny time lropositlon nnml defy time nmamm s'ino
mmmade it-timat nmmy mmmli can Proditco Cattail
iegitimmmately for 5 cents witlm imlmy reasonable
profit ; almd I state advisadly anmi emmmiimaticallY
that the southmertm grower-i nitan , literally , a
miman vlmo digs time ground , time imnfortuntmte
whmo 'pubIs time bell cord over time mmmortgageml
mmmimie'-is not realizing 12 cents a day for his
labor the year arommnd. What is to be time
fate of tlmls man if cotton goes down I or
1 ½ cents timis fall , wimich is not at all imProbable -
Probable wimen we recognize time conditions
that confrommt us aimdAnke Into consIderation
time fact that we ham ] a most plmenommmenal season -
son for picking our CtOl ) this last coason , anti
its classification was imighmcr timan over kmiown ,
imardly any grading less timaim low nmhddilng , "
"Still it averaged under 5 cents , and tlmommgh
we mmmay inalt a smaller crop the ensuimmg
ceason of 1895-96 , if we imavo a raimmy or Un-
propltlotms gatlmerlng season , cotton in all
irobabillty wIll grade lower and mayhap will
have a rectmrrence of time seasoni of 1881 , s'hmeii
we imml a superabundance of lime PO0tC quaIl-
ties. We commid then expect the same relative
difference In the grades , whmlcim must , of
course , result in considerably reduced returns -
turns ( rein time wlmole crop.
"I invoke time most earnest attention of cotton -
ton growers to timis nefarious scimemo and address -
dress you tubs letter as a caveat , that you
mnay not be mieluded by thus 'wolf 1mm sbmeep's
clothing. ' or in otimer words , this bear In
bull's cbothlmmg. "
Markctmimg ContlntmeaLlimmral , iitliougil Not
So Crest its Lal WeuIc.
cINcINNATr , March 13.-Speclal ( TeIe-
grarn.-Tomorrow's ) l'rice Curremit will say :
Time offerings of hogs contilmue liberal.
Packing in time west for time sweek 310,000 ,
conipamed vithm 330,000 time precedlmig week ,
and 240,000 last year. Total from Mmircim
I Is 540,000 , ngmminst 415,000 a year ago , l'rOmmi-
Imment places comnpare as follows :
I'hacea. 1S91. 1191
Ctmtcagn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? , { 5) ) 145h ( )
Kansas City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00O RiS' ) ' )
Omnaht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.0i 72.0)i )
St. Loui'i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.00) 2t1i)0
Cmneinnail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,0' ) ) i3OY )
indI0054k'tis , . , . . . , , . , , , . , . . , . , . , . , m9.ei 11,000
Mllwautteo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130) ) t0OtO
Cedar Rapids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00) 4.00)
St. Jeetiil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00) ) 7,000
Sioux City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,0)1
Ottumwa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solmt time I'rlest out of time Church ,
AUBURN , N. Y , . March 13-Tile tmmneral
services of time late Very Rev. Denim Seymmmour
imore were tue imiost inllmressive rites ever
witnessed 1mm local cimurcim circles. At time
con'menceiiiemmt of tIme services Father
Fiaherty of St. Morris , recently silenced by
Bisimop McQuaid , catered time vestry , carrying
imimm rnissah and a silver headed caime , apparently -
ently imitending to take part in time celebra-
huh of time mass , wlmen imo was stopped by
Vicar General O'hare , who conmrnarmded imimn
to "go wimere imo was wanted. " Witlloumt
amuiver Fatimer Flahmerty left time cimurcim
througlm tue vestry amid re-enteroml time
audItorium shortly after , taklmmg Ills seat
amnommg time worshipers.
Relatiug to a Valuable
Which It is Claimad Will Cure
Every Formof Piles.
Interestimig Stittctaaemit of it VVcII
KflOW'h ) Im'Ilgglm.t of ' ( psi.
1amit , i'mlIclm.
Mr. Frank Smmmithm , the well kmmown and pop-
uiar druggist of Ypsilanti , Mich. , 1mm speaking
of time l'yrmmmid Pile Cure says : "A year ago
I sold C. C. Potter , 119 llamiltolm street ,
Ypsilanti MiCil. , a box of time l'yramnid I'ila
Cure. III. mnmmdo time followIng statement to
me today : 'I have licn troubled for twenty
years with itching lilies , have triid imeariy
everytiming timat iromimd relief , but got very
little imoip ummtil one year ago I called on nmy
druggIst , Fraimk Smmiitim , and got a box of the
I'vrainlmh Pile Cmmre. TIme one box used ac-
rrtii ; to directions was , in my case , a per-
fact cure , as a year client witimout any synmp.
tome of time trouble has convinced ins , ' "
The I'yrarnuml Pile Cure not oniy gives 1mm-
staimt relief in every farni of plies , but time
relief Is pernmanent. The ; miles era cured and
stay cured , and whether itching , protrudirmg
or bleedIng piles , time results are equally salle-
factory , It is ralmidiy taking time Place of
ordinary salves , oimmtinents and lotions , as veiI
as surgical operatieni ; first , because it cures ,
and further brcaus It is cleanly , convenient.
iaimmleu , One can use It and go about ills
daily occupation , as it Is applied at mmigimt anti
no attention Is required during tii day ,
Furtimernmoro It is absolutely safe , cntainirmg
no opluimm , cocaine or mineral bmoisona so cOnm-
loon in ordimmmmry pile cures , Send to time
l'yramid lrug Co. , Aibion , Micim , , for mm
treatise oii cause and cure of pIles arid hun.
dreds of tostimommial letters froni people wimo
imava tested the Pyramid and found it a cotn
phete cure , or better yet , ask your druggist
for a. package and. give it a trial. Solml
everywhere mit 50 cents amid $1.00 $ per package.
slimy time ( brIp ha So Mmmcii More I'eared
Timan Mimny ( Himr lIemtsc That
, ttTheI Us ,
If time grip wommiil run its course like an.
other ( iiscRe nail then go away , leaving no
1 nIce beimiml , I t would at ill be dammgerotmms
emmoughm to tmstify all time preenmmtiotms ngalmlst
II , limit time evil tlmat gm-lu (1005 lives nfter
it , l'eOhihe who calm'S digest their food
nimil complain of eohd imnamla and feet , or of
ahmattercu mmeroves , or are lormacliteti b a
hmersistemmt cough , say 'l haven't bocmm well
shire I bath time grip. '
Time i-omisoim is slumiph' enough , There hiss
ticeli nh irnmiu'iiso thrum of vital foree dmmr-
11mg tlmo hattie with the diSease , timid thiS
boss hiss amever been muatl good. Timus time
veakeneti iOtI ) ' , like a towmm wilimommt fortill-
emitiotis , iii opeim to this t'ieimiy , A second
attack of grip is , for lids reasomm , mmmoro
Perinml timmimi tli first , how 5111111 the harm-
fill cotmeequemmee of time limat bmittle be lenme-
, lltl , and imow simall it second siege be tire.
% 'emmieil ? Here i'm aim atmscrt
"My itmmmgs 1m'e beemi veslc for four
nmoimtim after a severe' attack of grip , " says
Mis. hague of flriigeport , , h's , "Timreo
% i'eehs ago I began imslmi hhmffy'mi I'iiro Malt
W'Imlakev , ltlmd rail imighlv recoimimmiemmd it. t
vlshi I hail tried It sachet. "
For time heimeflt ( it ieoPle wlmo like to
know time vimv liiiI wimerefore , it should be
saul that lmitfy's Pmmo Iuliilt'imtskey' iii ft
miiOitCilmflb ( stttatmiant , whiCh stirs nil thin
ftmmwtioiis of time body to sumeim Lmrisk anti
hiCilitim ) ' action that the gmlp can timid ito
vemmk slrnt ta sieze impoim.
iimmrii srork , imlmxlt'ty nhlmi exoiire drag
tlcmwmi time imimist 'igaroml5i comistltiltiflhl , it Is
only a i1miestiomi of lilac , tmmiIe time strength
be ptmtaItmeil hmy mu mmtinmtmimmmmt that ioemi to
help time rem'hilrmt totY. ii I t'StiVo itimit OxCrctOVY
orgmitmm. licemumso lmmff a l'tmre Malt \\'imlmi.
key tines ( lila it has rohmhmemi time tht-enmhm'mt
grip of its terrors , i'bease reimiemnimer ,
thmoimgim timat a ietncily umseil Prolmilmtly' is
dmmuhmheil iii 'niue ,
Thml extrminrdimmmiry hiejmmvommator is the most
wommderfmml ihiceovery of limo age , It Immis been
eudumsel by time leading sCiommilIlO macmm of Europe
immmmi Aiuerica.
& . 4 . litmilyan stops
. , ' ' Liernaturoness
'i ' , , ' . . >
'ofthedbe.mmtrge ) (
paroas ILO.SP Am'Tmat
Commtipatlon , Iizzimies ) , Fulling Sensations ,
Nervous 'l'whtclmlimg of limo yes mmmiii oilier pails.
Strengthommx , immvlgormttes mmmiii tommt'x thu online
1stcm. iiudy&ui cimmes Debility , Ner'cousiletl ,
LntisslOns , immmti dovt'lopc.'i ntmd rctores vomtk
organs. i'mtimtH 1mm time buck , lonea by day or
mligimt are tOplCd ) quickly. Over 2,000 pomyato
ctmdorttemii emits.
l'rcumatmmrommc's'i macalma Impotency In thmo first
tInge , It Iii a * .ymmmptoinofsenmlmmai wcakmmessand
barrenness. 1 t camt be stopped In 20 days by the
useoflludynim. 'I
Tlme new discovery wes inrido by time Spcoinl.
Ists of time old turnout II imdhulm Diedical mdl-
tuto , It Is time stroimgest vitalIzer made. It is
very pawerful , html imaruiless. Sold for $1.00 a
paclumge or ( I packimgea for 15.00 ( plmtlfl sealed
boxes ) . Writtemi mmarammtce given tar a Cure. If
you buy six ioxes , umd arc imot ommtiroly cured ,
Ix morowlhlbosenttoyoufrcO of nllcimarges.
Scud for clrculars and testimonials. AddICCI
1032 MA1LKET ST. ,
p1PERllEflSaC J. : !
GWldPAC4. 4
Consumers oYche'viiig tobacco b
are wil1h to paj a little 'more than
te price cted fbr the ordinatj
trad tobaccos , will jnd th13
brand 5uperior to all others
Y EW A1 the Features 511(1 ltomov-
11)11 IiieuiiImes , , In , ItO I' . 1XMt ( fo ( a starmp , '
.3 olin 11 , Vndbry , h27 W. 42I1 St. , N . , j ,
invetmth'r of SVoetlbury's Fiuial iluiw.
RAIL\VAY \ tq CARl )
Leaved UL3l11..INOTON & MO. IIIVSR.iArrivea
Oiaahmmi Umitomm Depot , 10th & Masilt tttaJ Ornahi
1Omsama..Dfflver : ' , . . . . . . . . . . . , ;
4Slpin.Iiilc ; , hula. alotmt , & l'uget SatI. llx.4aomm :
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
G:4lptmi : , , Nebra.ka Local ( except Sunday ) , , l:4ipnm :
11:11am. .IAncatll Local ( except Sunday ) , , I1llamn :
2IiLrn..Last : Mali ( for Lincoln ) Daily. . . . . . . . . . . .
Leaves ( 'IIIC/taO , hJUltLIZQTON & Q.iArrlvea
Omnehma Union Depot , 10th & Mason Htu.j ( Jamalma
4 : Citrnm..Chicago VehIpuule. . . . . . . . . . 5:50am
9:50am : , , . . . . . . . . . Chicago Express . , . , , , , . , , , 4:15pm :
7:50pm , , Cimieagu anti St. luUis ixprees , mmmOalmm :
1l:3mmm..nellie : JunctIon Locam. . . . . . .
l"aat Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:40pm :
Omnahallimtotm Dtpot , Ilium & Mason Htu.I Onmaha
: OOpmn..C'imlcmigo Limited. . . . . . . . . . . S ; Zlanm
11toam..Chicago 1xmirea.i.'x. Sun ) . . . . . 6:00pm :
LeavesiCil 1CAGO 8 , ; : oltriIwii 'T'
OnimmhmmiIJlmioti , thpom , 10111 & Siuaca fltal ( ) matimt
.asterti Cprees . . . , . , , . , , , 6:39&'nm :
4:00cm..Veatlbuhed : LimIted , , , , . , , , , , O4Oam ;
; . . . . . . . . . . . Valley i.ocai..l0lupni :
5:45pm..Olntlla : Cimicagolmcecial , , . , . , . Zmupmn :
1"avex I LlilcAUO , it. I. & l'AC'jbC , jAlrmve
OraahmslUntun 51'CI 10th 5 Maiem mlms.l ( imaimma
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IlAHt ,
11:00am.ttiantia : tea. . kiuuday ) , , 6Olpmn :
: . . . . . . . . . . . lixprem , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:50jmn :
4aopmmm. : . . .Ctticago . . Vestituled Llmnited. , , , muSeum
m15iinm.Ohlaimormkit Sap. ( to , C.J.Lcz. sunilSuptn ;
bmC.armi.Oitiaiiolma : , t 'lt'auiI 55. ( cx , tiun.,1m:3im ) :
! ! 2Qt _ ° . , , , , , , C'otoradol.iinhted. . . . . . . . . . . 4:00pm :
G. i.i7iV
OmnaiiajDeput 15th and Web.terHu..jpinaima
5Z5amn.Nebraska : m'asseimger ( daily ) . , , , 4:15pm :
4:3OpoiIiloux : Expree ( cx. Hun.alSmani ) :
: lupnn , , . , . , . . . . Hl. i'auiLimnmted , , , . , . . . , , lUltaiim
L"avcalF. , II. & MO. VAI.Li6Y. IAi-rivos
Omaimal Iepot ltiiimnd V.ii.ter His. I Omymmilimi
. . . . . . . . ' . t'immil undi.zprems , , . , , , , 45)miimt ;
zilipro , , ( ax , SILL.I Wyu. 1x. ( us. Mon. ) , , 4Sipmmi :
VUSanm. , , Norfotk lxire.a ( US , Sunday,1U:30.mmn )
_ G:1Cp1fl..St. : l'atml L'zpres..lOaSamim
l.eaves I ' ' J , & t , Ii. .th-mlYes
OmahalUolon . 1Sep01 , t0ttm & Macarm StsLUmnalma
; , ; . City lay l6apre.e , , , , , eiiiii :
nx , via Ii. I' . Trans. 6:5Qimii :
Otnahial 1)epol 15th antlLYebster 'its. J Omnaht&
hii40amn , , , , , . , , . , P41. i4Juis kPiUd5. . . . . . . . . ,
: . . . . . . . . . . . b.ouli : xirsds. . . . . . . . . , COlprii :
tiOpmm , . . .Neim-sska Local ( cx. Sun.5O0arma ) :
t.eavem I siatmrtMw
OnmaiiaLleLIol 15th and % Vetister St..JOmliaha
' . . . . . . . . . . . i'aimh Iiaited..10:30am :
I.vmtvea lJiQtJX CITY & l'ACIFIC. lArrivee
_ Ormiaiia Ithiun tepot , 10th & Maamm 5t.LOmnaha : , , , , , . , , Sioux City I'aisenxer , , . , , , , , 1Oalpnj ;
. . . . . . . . . . ' $ . . . . . . . . . . .
) .cases I uNIoN l'A'IFIC. iArrive
Ohaahajiitlion Depot , lOut 4 Ma.snmtIts.jOirmatma
10:00am..iCcarney : lxprvms . , . , , , , , , , , s:4Ima :
2:00pm.vetlanmi : Flyer. . . . . . . . . . . . 1130pm
? : QOpm.Imea'tce . . Htrolmiet'g 1x.ex , Sun ) , 5:45pm :
lZOpm , , , . , , , , , , , , l' &cillo l6spreu
_ _ _ ! _ _ . . . . . . , . . . , . . , .
1W.TVA1MII1I RA1LqAY. lArmIvsa
t.nahaluolon Depot , iOmhis Me.uc.n Bts.i Omaha
sl.Spoumtt , L&imt , Cannon DaB , , , , l5)-m