: , , . ' . ' ; : rn ' 4 TIlE OJ\f..AIIA. DAILY nJi"1l : MONDAY , MARCh 11 , 1895. ' : - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ T-- N . - t : :1E : OMAHA - _ DAILY - BEES . 1. : : n0SEWA rlen. edItor. I : , ' : , nu _ _ - _ - _ _ - , PUflI-.ISItCD IEny lOflN1NQ. IOINING. " T - IUDL1SUCD : _ : _ _ _ ' , TImMS OF - . Without SlinJay ) . One year . ' aM " Daily Iee ( Slnda ) 'rr. . DalIr UfO and Sun1ay. One Ye.1. . . . . . . 10 C ' . DalS onth , . . . .M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 . t 0 Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 M , fluinctny flp . One Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I ) $ lndny aturtl.ir Ipe. Onl Ylnr. Yenr. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . Salur.I,1) : Ic" . bno Year OFI'ICCS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Omntii. 'The nee fluIlUng. 'he Orha. lul lng. . . , N Uth Sl. Huth Ornhn. Singer Ik. Crfr N 2fh Onincil JUiffi. 12 I'cnrl Streel. COlnel 11 ll" I Ilnrl Chcngo Olflci . I7 ClmmlJr of CtmmrC. Neii York. omC. nloms 1. 1 nfl . ! 1. Trbune 1d < \rlhlngt . n. 107 I. ' SLret. N. W. j COltrSIONDrNCE ; MI coitnIcntkn . relntlng 10 nw ! an" edt. . tora Al mlter hould b 8.lre..e.l lng : nw the Editor. I lCSIN :8S : I.ITTJIt8. At ) hutrws leterl nn" rlmltnnces aholl" bo Al ' Iuclneu : The flee 1lbl.hlng COrnt)1l1Y. Omaha. Drafts. 1ho 111 nn.1 .tomco OrIIeII . to "t made In'nbl ! II thf nnlpr of the rOlpnlY , r , nm jiti I'tJt11tItINO COMI'ANY. - - - - : S'rTmmNT 0. CICULATION. . ( binge n. Tuehuck. "erenry of The lice S'W' , lIshInK rUnrnnl' . being 1 < ln1' .w rn. " "y" Ihnt , the Rctnnl number of full and ' Nmplelp cru : . of the Itlty Mnrntng. I.vpnlno nn.1 Iundny UN n"I Mornln/ , . , / ' . 18. Wit' : . printed luring the month of 1."bruarr. 18 : 1'U nl toflow. : : . 0rolowl 1. . . . 20.1D3 n. . . . . . . . . 1 .1q7 . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.rCO 2. . . . . . . . : ) .4M 16. . . . . . . , . 3 . . . . , . . . . : o.4I : ; . U . . . . . . . . . . : O. : . 4. . . . . . . . . : .8 . ) . . . . . . . . . 19.7 , I. I . . . . . . . . :0.10 . 19. . . . . . . . J9.78 , I ; . . . . . . . . . : . Do 2 . . . . . . . . . 1 .r.6 , . ' I. . . . . . . . . 19.01 1 . 21. . . . . . . . 1,79 . . . . 1.61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.G1 . . . . . . . . , ) . : t 22 . . . . . . 19.Gi ! . I. . . . . . . . . 19.791 % 21. . . . . . . . . . 19.G : , . .10. . . . . . . . : O.CI .21. . . . . . . . . : : , 1. . . . . . . . 19.CM 2 . . . . . . . . . .19CI : 1z . . . . . . . . 19 . SIC 2G . . . . . . . . . n.61 " I 1. . . . . . . . 19.81 1.7 : 2. . . . . . . . . 19.513 : I 1. . . . . " . . 19..0 2S. . . . . . . . . ' } Telnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G7.C J.eM i1eIiietIonit for unoltl anti returned I t " rorlc1 llrlonl . . . . . . . . un.ol . . . . Int1 . . . . relured . . . . . - 6,020 , Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . j / Dnl , ) / n\.l'ragc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 19..01 , .Sunlln ' . . m-nm , : n TZSCHUCI 1 Awoln to -rorp tee cml lu".rrlblo In my pre. , nnt t cnen this 2d in ' of Mardi. , 189 : . ( lenl ) N. I' . l'ml. Nolnr ) ' PubItC. , " - - - ' I L's n jlOL' ( tiny WIl1 lown ctitt't Slllilly ) } ) 'i' the wot'1 wllh HOle 1\111 of I RenSI' ; i , tolnl I si toot I tig sQrtt pt. 'I' . II the lalgllgl ! : ! of lie ( tIitttrIca1 au- : 101ICCI\lt , the Hhuw tot the Hlnte hOlse Iii . 1111 flI'l'iVl'tl nl 1tJ4 "last ; : II 1.lleoln his 10W n'rl\'ct 110 " \ , wcelt hit ole , " . : The lulber ) of glhellatol'lal booms : , In Iowa itt the 11sIIg stlJe IH still II ' . nl\lce ( of the niuinhier of Ilreshlental : r f Ighllllg lOlls thus far set Ull. "t , B\'eIT IHCSSO' itt Ollhn Is vorkiiig ' Jllnst time IH'OPOSI'1 ( single assessor . : . llm. 'l'iuls II itself Is I'lolgh 10 com- . melt the lew s 'Hlcl 10 the favorable , ' , couhlcl'a ( oC time Icghia tlre. ' , , . Uow commies it that a senate that pro- " fesses so great anxlelj' : 10 assist . In the , cOI'lcton of the Hll'et Scott mnjitiler- crs Is at time Slle lute I tinder the senU- - mental Hlll that rebels tigaltist capital 'r lunlshlcnt , ! " : , . H lie oleomargarine people had been cmlow'll with as much foresight as ; , hhlhdght they might have choket ol : ' the II0hlbiory bill h l ' Introdnclng 1 I Rubstlute creating half n dozen In- . SlectO's ) of oleo at $10 1 mouth. , ' , j The slOT of ex-comiviets always : has 'i 1 'o be talam with 1 grain of allowance , : : but It looks mighty - RUsllcloml whcn : f . they mnle counlel' nlilayis nnd < e- : r 'cnml1 10 Ieell out of the reach of In- , ' . vestigatlng coinmumittees. 'he natm'alln- ; ! . fCI'ence Is that s01elolly ) has paid them . for ' . .1 101' l'ecanUn . _ 7 _ _ _ ' ' ' t Delaware mny have until next De- ' cC1hl' If necessary to collie to 1 choice ' 1 on the selection of United States sen- , , ulor. There Is no hnmelate ( tange' oC : 1 cxlm session of congress , and the : , . - - services of lL Henalor can Ill sl'el l twlhout Ilcon\'enlcncc during the nine ' ' lnonths' rcce8S. f , t : The 10St l'emnl'lmble stretch of legIslative - 5 : . fslnt\'e Ilower Ii the atempt to convert , th bill providing for the exccnton of " : : _ criminals In the penlcntarj" enclosure , . ' " Vto a bill to abolish cal1al 1lnllh , "r Ttient. This voimid almost obliterate the ( llTel'elce between a horse chestnut . 'f , ( \t 1 cheslnnt hO'se , t ' % 'omen registering for lunlellnl elec- : , t UonK In Knnsul wi have the IH''le e l of wlhllllng Infol'lnton ns to their , exact nges , but wi hnye to take oath 1 ' " thnt lhe ' ' "o\'el' , " ThIs "G' tlmey l'e \ 21. HolYCH : t ' only hnlf of the delicate ll'oblem. I } . 11'011sps 10 ilY havoc with those wo- . \ 1 Dwn whose birthday lnl'cI'sll'leI10VC : ; t : butek ward. . ; r Advices fl'OI Chlcngo tiLe to the ef- . ) " tct that tveiity-titre'e ! l'I'IOIUII of seed : " , "hcnt " wi hi' HhllllHd ) to tWenl ' -three : : : ebl'nslm : cIllteH < m'llg time 11'IHlmt ) I ' . ; vcek at time hllluwe of time ChlcllO I , t , 10nl'll of 'l'lflIC. 'i'iiutt Illlllr of seeti . t oWIll'lt wi not oel' ' far In /ome. ' . { COUltcs to satisfy , time tmtlnll , but re' all wheat Ii comuparnttveiy I Il'C' \ , Ollll' ' HI11110 11 Ne1)rutskti.Vimat time / fm'ICI" of his I state loHl Icml itt the 1'I ' or Hl'Ct j1lt 11 corn 111 It wi t , tke I good lan , ' clllmull fur time very Blnll'lt maul lelt llulliout count ' . f - 'lhe Ill'nlelthIn'eslgalnl COle , ultce wi talw the Hlat.tlltl of time 01'11111 cOlllnlll tH lt whlt tlmey are ; jVortlm. hut tlmey Ihonll also nlow n . . 1I11 of IIRcollt ( for time tlthtol ' .i Qt the l'l'I'III'I' s 1111HHIHIIIH whol time cimarges of cI'uel ? ' lll'ect ' nn''ct. It t .wl hi' hliosslhio ) , to 81'11'0 wlllHHeH iwho ( mire ! not Iniercsicil 01 one side 0' tH other , HO that the ( \hll'lce will 11 , $ . of It l't'llulro11'IJcllol amid corrolora. jan , I time cOllltel' goes about Its . I'ork 11 mat Ill'lg1'll 1111 hUHhllHlo I % n ) It wi scull ituii'n whl.thm' lhl'I'O . exist gmLve ablseH 11 time l'l\llc of. time Ilslluton 01' 10t _ I Dr lnrkhur6t II cOIIIg out to Rt iOtlI to Ussist In till ' of Its ( 1oull ) Isllst ) l'lllcllllol 16 ' IJlllhll111. Whll Dr. 1111 > 1rHlIH' fi 11 Chicago ii I few 111Iht ego ho cx- . 11rltled his oJlllon ) of tl Worll's fall city lu terms that raised UII 10 1111 ? Ulount of hulglnlt Ilroh'st. ? - , If - l wi emily tell what ho thlll,1 of Ht. J.ull , 111 think io'ss of her thl1 ho ' noes of ( 'imicago , hl' wi hu able In me- . gain time IIlctoul of the llCOlllo of time latm' place , and nil his fOI'ler otit'nses : iyl bo clcrCulj' rOI' h'I'u. I Chicago 111111 l'U only better tian those of fil- , LOUiS site ' bo to time ? , ft 1.11s slo 11) rcslglell JClltnUou ot being worll llu New I fork . 1)1U\ VP n.tTlm STEEP. In time race of I f0O deficit In the ftnte trenmlIlry 1 reason of the fosher batik robbery , anti n quarter of n million orerdmr foe relief of the tlrouth BUr. fer\ . anti the Jrnt slump In stote revenue by reason . of the terrible shrink- nge In property , 'nlucs the legishttiire I imns len beset by n horde of political spoilsmneti n1t tnenter who lowe 1cked their fertile brnlns to halll out schemcl ) that will lort them 1 chnnce for making a Ih'llby their wits. SOle of these Ichemel are decidedly unique amid Ingcnlous. I Is Pl'ollosed In ole tf the hIlls now pending to create n Iexow investigating conlllH' sion for cltc ! which II to emplo I htvyet ' nl $ , OOO It : rel' , to help Ihem ferret flit mill the . cI'lwlts . 1111 bUQlm's nltl fl'nme new city charters thll are to ho n1ule Into law bj' the legislature oC 1897. Whelhm' time CUllllsslol would l'nll t the 100dle'I or the bootlm' : would 11111 ( ) the COl mission Is 1lrohl'lmtc , I II cI'lnln , howc\'II' ! , thnl thc $ , OO Inw- ' ' would be for several remitment 'el' woult Ollel IClllnor8 it Ihl'I'O wnH l'nlr any power vested ( II time comlhslon It dislodge or discomu- mole the beetle gaugH amid rllgstel's , especially If the source or hoodle ) ( was traceable to tIme heIHIllmltel's ( of frami- chisIll corporatiomis. \Vitit ' ' ' to the lmeaitit of Wih I Iltelal ) ( 'I.e healh the Ileople [ ) fill effort Is helnl 1nile to check the inroads oC tj'SllellIL br the lroaton of n . Inure food cOllnlsslol , wih ni analytical ehl.mlst to wI'cHte wih gCI'IS Inll bacteria nt the mud Cst salary of $2OO ( n rcm' 'Ihe state Huart or DntHh'y , orgln' Izod 11lel the State Board of lellh , Is 10 Iok after ( lCCm13t'l amid dislocated teetim . wih three dental secretaries to keel ) n record of n gllwl'lton ! of lJIU- elnls tmt IH hecomlll toothll'8K front "cliuvlng" : the 1111 or IlishtlpOitithhiehlt. ) Alti heHIIIII oC I'corl Is the hiro- Ilosllol 10 create state holier hlslleclun 1ulel' IH'etcnse thallt ! wi fl\1 : life amid htiCl'tY. ) ) 'Ihe fact Ii that the most elTeetive boiler Insllccton ) Is Ilone by the Ilflleclors of holler Insuralce coiiiian- ) les which 11Slme the risk of aechlenls. . I lartcs who fail 10 insure their Ilcam plan I : Wl'I'e made Iolhlj' lahle for all 11UIUgcs 10 ll'ollel'lr ) timid Iljurils In lICI'SOIH Iherc wuult lie greater safety amid , 10 need of political holcr In- sllcctun Several bIlls are nov IICllllg for an lumlgI'llon commlsHlol , wih secret - 11'les t , ngllts uiI hi ) Il0stel'l ) galore ( sll'nilbl - to mlvcrtse Nebraska ; In reality 10 provide jobs for 1)olitlcai lliriois wlo hanker nfel' the fleslilmots. Whlo thll'e mar : he Home necl of ad- \'l'lsl.g . chruslm , there Is no neel oC n cotniuiissioii . secretary or agelt The secretary of Hhle or land commissioner coulllllal one of their clerks to 110 all the IHI'l'Uslnl and correHlonlelce that tuftS be required to Jromole Im1lgl- tiomi . lon. 'l'he Irrigation his that will doubtless hecome buy will create nn openIng for a chief secretary , two assistants Iml one state emigiiieer . nlhough Ut IH'ospect for theIr belu , bus ' Is mint ' ' thel' being kept busy very lromiiln at ti Is Ume. Alhuugh the federal government has made Imllle IJo"lllon for live stock und 11at inspection , the lellslatU'e Ii asked 10 IH'ovhlc for n few live stock ilispect- ors , who In'o.hlbl ' to not Imow the IITerelce between a yearling heIfer ,111 1 bovine gelding. A very promising field for lllace hunt- el'H Is In sight lu the penitentiary , If the bills now pending are enacted anti the slate takes chl'e oC Ihe comivicts. 'I'herc 11e to be I score oC IJcnlcnt1T siiiecurcm4 , utli , of course , at the tlso ' lJsl1 of time Board oC Publc Lauds anti 1uhiduimgs ' which IH 10 IHsume : mull the executive functions 111 relieve the go- CI'UOI' from further leS1)onslblly , ex- cellt grmUug : ardonH amid Issulug no- tanial commlsHlons. talal . A soft berth . Is also being IU'o\'ltet for some ! XIJC.t prlnttl' by the but tlnt creates a commission of prInting with a supervisor or printing ut $ I,5OO u . rcnr. TIIse various , timid Imigeniotis devices : for lucI'casln the tuxes do not , of CoU C , Incute the live oil inspectorships - . shillS , which lure to he hm'carC' ladled ; out l ' time omnllotcnt ) Board of Publc LI11i ( and 11lllnlH to time Omlh'C'oUH imortie of spoli1cn ) , but Ihem mime UIHO i In store COl' future suction several IUII1' Inslll'lorlhllls multi hlsU'lnce In- Hlicctol'shilli ) , bunk examlnls , mil hid- Ileltll ' also . three fire amid police com- mlssloU'S for Ommmnhma. Wih I state thlt IH confessedly In tellhle straits to male omlH meet amid Ihlls Itself In the IIOHllol of mimendi- cant for 11blc Cll1I ' , can mummy party 01' set of men justify or deCent such Icglsln ton Itt thll tune ? I'USl ' 'JI 1iII4IEb' IJ1FLS. WlmtwC' Is to Il done by the leglH- latme for the relief of settlers In tIme Il'oulh Ih'le\n region shoull be lJlhet ' vitlmout ' . Voile hilts thl'ough wihout teh1 101' 111 covering this subject hn"l been pUHHet thl'ough time houHe lUl are now mtsvait- lug time uclon oC time semmnte. 'l'llse bills Ihuuhl ( bo I\eu ll'efm'cnce O\C' all I olhel' legislation , 1111 tlcl' conKltclton simuuitl be ieiiLernte ammtl ' , II 11 Ilelherte ( 1111 ch'cUnsllcct 'l'itey realy shoult he treated nit 010 IlaSI'O alt 80 Illndcll lS 10 1eel all tIme IIe11tlis of thom hOU' liberally , vitim. . out wusle. One of these his grants lulho1I ' for meal 8l'lf.lllll In II'oYhlng sCI'l1 Iull 1111 1101 lien 1nlws I 1111'olllntol of i:2lO.Ox : ) ( ( ) of state funllH fi' time Ilrchllo of 1I'I't ? gmll amid Its dlHtllllon tu'ough tl State Helcr commimmilssiomm. ' 1111 hi WIH IISlcd by lhe house by ommly Ihn' " 011'1 1m'I . tlln thom 1''Cuhlll cOIHllllolnl 1IjO.I ' . ConHl'Clcnlr It llsscll wHholt the omelI'IC ' ditmlms ( . 'l'imutt that the ' ' vili 'lhlt mllUI IPll'oll'lntou w1 not bl available uut thl'ee 10nll1 Ifh'I' the I1juur11ent of time Itgisimi- tune , 01' IhOll time lit of Jul ' . TIme ( P- 1111'11H of this ldii . would Ilouhlcss Iln'l gh'I'1 It sllclelt lullllort to IJnSH It with time 1'lwrgelc ' clause IUlI time fl'lllls of the hi 'llhl'l to the 110- 11111 fOI' l'clllclnl the aumonmmt. This IIIV(8 time hil Itt 1111 Hhnlle. unHlueh IH ItO WI'I'lltt cnn Issue before July 1 , Illj'I'1 Icn who wouhl ho w\ll to ilivest itt time varratmts 'IIl bo in 11\t II \m'I'unts wi InllOlllol tl exnct I hpl1OIUI I the luh'llCO the mOI ( ' Ihl'CO mouthH before the % 'nr- l'n116 van 10 lilucll him theh' ititiitls . ' ' 'lhnt 11'118 I heavy . discount In excess of the discount lt which warrants will . - - - be salable this sunimer. With time 01) 'prOIJrlnlons hUllrels of tholAnmls or dollars 1n excess of the revcnue , tIme redemption - dcmpton of warrants will be way otT , amid wnrrnl brokers will govern themselves . selves ncortII I. . I Manifestly the . IJlOIJer course for the , . senl to ' 0 pursue 111er the clrctmni- sllles Is to retlce the appropriation ) ly nt least $ ; . ,0 1111 tPIInll nn emer- Jen ( ' clause to thc bi With the $ 5O- 0 already 1 1111'0 llrla tell amid $ lrlOo moro Placed itt the disposal of limo relief coimimmilsitloti CoReell rln , time leglsllll'e ce'lnlnl ' wi not be chnrgcable with Wlut of Ih'nll ' Inotl Htnt reiief. 'fhe fact IH that , lule\ Il'le cOlstructoi of time cOlslulon , thc state has imo 11. thorlj' to I'alce its CI'CI1 for the plmr- . dhIlti4e or grain 01' 11 ' other eomm(1 , hut nobody wi bo mcnu eluugh to coti- test the validity or . the appropnimuttons. I Hhoull le fm.thel' borne In mild that time railroad COllJl1les or Ne- brnslm lust SUI1IJlcmcIt the.e 11111'011'1- ItolR ns IL nmmttter of stlf-mroservutioim. ! mlIN' ! 1l-11'usC'\'atol. 'rhe rallroluIs have ' vital immtcust rnlh'oalil II"e I moore \.lul IltN'llt II this Neuur'mt 11'1 ] Ihll the fm'IICI'H , - , grain SllccllntO's ) 01 nJI'chnnls who tie- IICIII ) 01 the fl'mcl"1 imrosimeritr. I tlere were ito crops to h'aIH111t out IC ebl'nlm the t Nebraska rum iirouuls votmit1 to the vnIi. 'I'hch' ' wO\ld go wal lUnagel'l I'C , thercfore , lS Iudl conee'lcl ( nlolt nn 1lllllnlt SIIIIJI ' of seed J1111 iK the Ilcolllo who cUltiVate the soIL 'Vhale\'el' Is to be Ilole by , the state sholil he done wihin I'ell" . Al olher mCIS\'el : li Inll'reHtl I'e scc- Oltl11r 10 time (111'stOI ( uf Illaclg time ( a1Il'1 II COlltol 10 limit lu their crops II 5(515011. WIWm ; IS : l1 IUIlT ? : Secton O of the act eslnhlsllng the University oC Xehl'mlm , m anHldet by time legislature oC ISTT . lullI' whldl the regemmts oC that IIHllutol nm' 10W go\- CI'1'1 , IF0\ideS for nit 111UII rcport to the governor him the folowllg lalglnge : The board of regents shal , al least ten days prior to the meeting of each rcgular session of the legilnture , transmll to the go\ernor to accompuny his message a printed report of eli their doings since their last report. giving In detail all receIpts and ex- 11cndlures of mncnoy all furnishing an estimate - mate for future Incom\ and expenses ; a catalogue of professors. officers and students for the year with such other information and recommendatons as will apprise the Icglsl unlverslly ture fully of the conditon and wants of the 'here Is this report ? A IJrlutlt Ilucn- ( meat was Ifs\I(1 ( ou time 1st oC Deccm- bn' Illt , 11llol'lng ) to be the " 1'welfl Beuuhl HCIll't of the . Board of He- goats or lhe University of Nebraska , " hut It Is not timp report coulemllled lu the stntutc. This documeut sets forth the chan es II time 11m'souncl of the faculty , Iucudcs : L roster or unh'e'Hlt . emllloyeR , enumerte ! the repairs nut 111H'0\emeuts of time 1.Ht . two 'CI's wihout stating their cost , discusses coute1111lted chan es of cnllculum , furnishes I few sumnmrlcs of attent- Imee amid cndH with I IJlcl for extmor- Ilnl' - n ppropr1llous Iml au estimate of time revenues alt eXllendltures for the c01lng biennium. Not I word as to the receilto or tile unlve'sl ' Cund durIng - lag the iurcccdiimg two years ! Not I word as to the uses to which timese . wort tleHe funds 11\9 beeu devoted ! . Not n line : as to sll1l s IJall , nor as to cost of I hnll'O\'ements amid repairs ! Insteat of the detailed .statemcnt on these Hub- jects which tinder the law should en- able the lelllahh'e to mule Its estmnte for fulnre Income timid expenses , the regents I ) resent their own estimnate. per- hn11s with the idea that the ' are doing the legislature a fn\'ol by relieving It of thIs tl\ . ' . To be sure , the letter of trllsmltl'1 that acComlJlmles the document says that a "detailed 1nnncial report of the secretary amid steward will follow this nt the earlIest mnomnemmt. " This rellort hUH not yet come to uol Ice. It was not InCOrlJOrnted In the overnor'H message lle for the rcusou thlt It wits not lu Uw goverulor's hnnts len dns befO'e the meeln of the legIslature. Moreover , the statute does not cmiii fem . tOS cal n supple- leulnry report oC the secretary or steward , hut for a 1 rl'port of the re cntH. have they lutcutounlr Ignored time 1IIInin letter of the Ilw ? TJISZ I'OCKf 1'ETOS. 'Vheu the hOu" of 12 o'clock noon lU'I'I\ct Inst ? llOiitIflY , at which moment congress stood lulol'uet by rcson of the expiration of its constutonll te'1 , there were aluoRt 10 bills In the h:1118 : of Ihe president which hat received the leecssnl , ' assent .ot bout houses of i congres anal only waltt hit slnntnro , In order 10 secure 111aces on the statute hook Some. few of thce bills were I I doubtless either vicious 0' unwise , hit UUOII them wcro numcrus hnllO'lant 111 meriorious meaHureH , Huch , for.ex- mttnple . 11 time act to protect time InRIgnll timid 1lme or the lied Cross society Int he I act for time relief oC telegrapim opel' tom Ihu'lng the Wi' of the rebeihiomi. ! All theRe blH , howove' have Icel Ildloll by Iloclict ) vetoes. I'resitieimt Clwchtl1 Is relJOl'tcd ns justIfying hIs refusal to 811n thcse his on the grounll that they I wlro not received hy him 11 Hutchmt tnw he fore 12 ociock 10 or careful m'e o'cocl Ilorllt jX- ! amlnaton , In this li Is IJoeccllhlg 1110n the thO' ' thlt he could 10t COl HUutonal ' Hlgn Ihem after ! that hour , 'l'hll woull 111'h111H ) hl\o hlen I good excuse for II'O\'lols ) . ll'eshieutl ) ( , hut I 'annot relieve 11.tHhlcnt Clc\ellul of time resiionslhll ' for 1\lmlnlstr. Ilg the dculh blow to these his , It lust bo rcmmmetumburetl hint Ihout n . 'l'ar ( ago the Uulel States COI't of cllhus , thrugh 11 ollinion ) Ilolh''el by Jut o Nott , hell thlt the ( I'clllent Is not IJe\'cntcll by the adjourn . JO\umcnt of congress from HIgulnl hlH nt nny tUe wihin the conHtl1' t loittil . I lmit of ten tl 'S. 1'h1H decision WiS Imlell nt . time tme lS puttIng' an to mmii m.thel' ' cml 11 necelHI hoUI for sl 1111 hUhl 11ller ( Pressure ft time cose of elicit sessIon and for time emlJlo'mcnt of time Ilewt Ycto. I the Ilrcshlenl \\(10 to hlYO ten d11'H ( 11 whldl to 81g1 every ll wlholt regitrtI to whellm' ( ' ' ' Is sIttIng ' mmtt , ho eoiiiul l'UlI'I'1 It sltlg 01' 10t ( 0111 tmtke his leisure In examuminlmig mmmeasures 111hlH lell\ro exn11nllg Il'IHUl'H rUtll't through h lt the last mumonmemit 1111 : 1 Iloctet veto couhl ell ' mCln thoU Io wouit hl\o Vetoed time bill ln 'Wl ' . ' 1ho lIce lt that tlo llolntod out . - - time fact that t\\s \ cecslol woulll work n change 011134 { 1nl connection wih the bills passed nt . tIme close of the short . session oC e\.tt ' pcol1 con rlsq. AR there Is mme 1'IMtutonnt time Umlt . to time length ) lt I Jong aeBslona there Is no rush of bills In theIr closing hours. Time cnll of the , . otlibr 1 short sesslol tN" mlnntes wllh th . t.\rm \ or time II'esllell ( , n11 of cotirse ni lTeshlelt wOlld Wllt to give his s'lofoni ( ollllortll ' to defeat iegb4Atidn which he fl\OI'I llt this .Itii _ of'taii'1m mnrt11 the mul _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oC 1 short SelslMt" . In the mIddle of 1 Iresltenlhll tLtiiI.4 ln < 11'eHhl'nt Cle\'cln111 waimtcd. therefore , to take mitlvumittige of time Notl Ileclslo1 he cull hnrc sigtiul slch of thoHe 10 his us commclul themselves to his jllgmcnt : An appeal Is ! mlll to hl\c becn taken ' from thnt decislnim , but It stallls ns gooi ( Ilw uut re\'crset tutu there II. 10 questIon ! I to its soundness UIIOI this part icimlar 101nt. gel'y one of the meIHI'CS just defeated 1)3 - pocket vetoes could h1\'o hecome ? law with the IIJ' II'O\IJ of the t II'eHhl'nt , amid that tvitlm- Olt COlllclhl ! him to sign n .Mlflgie one oC them tuition ' ' of timmie tvithi- lhemulel II'CSI\'c tme 01 wih. Oi t fiI c01sllel ion. A m:7'Tlm UVS1SJSS TOlZ , 'Fhmo :11' YOlk ' 1l'IJno his IlhlHIIll ) ) ! ( during the isist tvek hllel'\'le\s wih a large n\uhcI' oC the 'I'ell'esculnlh'e . ) blShl18H mcu 01 that city regarding hUHlucss cOllllons ( , all wihout excel" " Hon t1j We'e oC In encomagllg tutu l'eIHS1ln dUl'al'h'I One of thlsO ( X- II'cs8e(1 ( timo' olmItmiomi . 1 rel ; observing that tmcs are already beter ( uml thnl there Is more coulhl'nco on the \art of huslnlss mmmcml. that fl'om 10W 01 the eountl ' Is likely to haY live its good hUHlucsH j'alS nH I his Imowl wlhll tfl ' yeuiVs. II' suhl the tle his come for iiilprovmmtetit ? 11tn } lotrctcllll.'rlol oC Holhl II'olcI'lj' . All the olhel's In- II'n'lewed tlitll 11 I Hlmlhl' \'ell , ex- 11'Isln'oulhleu ) ( l' . itt a 1'lluI1 l'et\1 of IIHIICSS ulh.lj' IUt : II'Ollllj' which tOI1l Iclsonablj' be eXllete1 ! to : eOltlUl' for se\'I'al 1'ears. Nothing itt i time nltlre of I boom Is looked for hj' lhese mel of COmlelCe , but 1 stonily l'I'CO'I'I'rlolg couscl'\/l\e I hues , \hleh wi hn \'C far more satisfactory : l'cSUls fO' mill Icgllnmt ! InlN'estH Hum . would ( \010 fl'om 1\I'Hullllon of activity more o\ less sllecllalh'e Iii its charelI' . 'lherl' can be no doubt ( thnt a feeling oC relief came wlUI the Culn of the last congl'C8S. mind timat conltclce Is sl'olle\ today luau It hns heen ? lt any \rO'lous time for time past . two rears. : Thieve Is I sense oC SI'I'lj' lhluJhont Inln- clnl nml lusll , ; S el'cles ' fl'01 11 ' \'Jolent change In tIe currency systemui of the counl' ' tn time near future , and strommg faith that mitlmlmg will he ' donc to debase the m4dmme ' of the ' ' I" le counl' or disturb the standard of values. An- olher fact whl h ins \ 1 decided In- ! . fuen e In streugth nhmmg cnidence Is. the 1111'0\ln condition of time national . , tleUHI' - , both tili 1'ld reserve and the cash balance or whIch are now It I IJolnt which lilaces , the h'c1\ , ' In 11 easy pl comfprla pdsiti im . which there lu l reason to believe . will continue ! belc\c .wl L'nlnuc nt least during the current y&mr. : Sll another cause or 111H'0cd ( confdcnee Is the fact lhat thIeve Is 1 less distrust- Cui fechll abroad regarding , An1llcan : securities. 'Uimese signs and promises of I resnml'- ' ton of business actIvity ant I ret1n oC IH'oSIJCrltr to the count'y at large are most wclcome. Of course there sections In which the ' ' ' are sectons recovery fr01 de\rcsilon wIll le slower than lu more fm'oredOrtonl or time cotimmtry , hut when lImo reaction shnl have fully set In It will ho felt wih greater 0' hess effect everywhere. Olce the great hoard of long Idle capital Is let loose In Investments amid the creation oC new Imt cI'cuton enterprises 0' the etmiargemnemmt oC these ILlroady ( established < e\el part of the c011' y wi realize somethlnl of the beneficial effects. I mntly alJllell' on the HI'face thal the Cllme 01 the seed gmln hOld Inw will re o\11 chlel ' to the benefit of the Hllto treaRUC' : amid of those hanlwrs : wllh whom he hnl : the unln\ested mOwr oC time state school fnn on de- 1Joslt Unde' the law the state board \oull ( he compell ) ( I to In\'lsl the school mOle ' In thcse bonds 1111 thus redtce time S11 nt time disposal of the Hlnte tw dls\osll trIl 11'11' . But the IH'llllt Idleless of the school fnlt should he nolhlng 10'e than temmm1)OrItr. 'I'lmere : Is I huh pendIng ) - Ing In the leglslatut IH'O\'ldlnt that It he In\cstCI In go\e11ont bCUIH ( unU more fn\'O'lble olenln s II'eHcnt them- RcI\es , This bill Hhonll not fall to pUSH. I WItS reL'm1ende by Go- C'nO' Cl'onnle In hil 1eSHI 0 tImid II tIle only ) rlCtclhle ) wnr or rHle\'lng the h'call' ' of these mtcctmtmhiiuitioims. I the leIHlllu1 does its Iuly < time mtd- \nnlago derived i)3 ' the hlulC'S fl'om the fllnro of the seed bent law wIll bo shiortllved. t'rubal'err. ; ; . 108\1)1 \ ( lobe , There are n great , IMny Ilrophets just now who arty predictIng 11lsrUllton or tim two great poltcal mrnrttS. timid the poltcal ulhnmenl or time 1111Ia upon new and Ils- tnct Issue ? 'lhen ! fl ) ' I\ new issues . tor every generation hl1lH own pecular mrob- lenis but It Is nro\ab e that the two aId POiitkflm usuaL parties " 'I ) . contnu\ exult lS ( Joverne4Ina Much. . 1dinneap'Ais Tlr " . The most popuLr llltcal party just \ woul be one , that ' declared outright rur fewer Ilhle oilIcnu. fralr aH many con- ressmen al olc/l. ; have wouhl he enoulh , Cut the leslliaturc'dnwn ' W per cent Time party thai wilt make thIs ( lange 1 cardinal lllank In Its plalQrm : wi have a great future. I Is pergti.sae : 10 say that the American IlcoJlle aY.least \ two prices ror their Joverlnenta ) , e1wnts l'ruU qr" " ilraUon. ) Mlnnpapll Trlhune Mr. 'Wlson'l hilt tp authorize time exter- mlnalon or the s'all or tie Irllylof Isllnds and the lale or their Iklns for the henelt at the United . States In case England l and RussIa wouhl not agree upan some e ( - tecth'l mean to Ilrolet them from l10ach- ers . massed the huule , but rulc in the senate. The bullc or the seals wi now prbally go to the Canadian seal llate ! So much for arbitration which FIves Uncle Sm the worst or It , . Oltttl isughitIiiess. Chlra ' 10 > 1. The YandcrbJta have been divorced. ( or which the saints bl praised. The Iuhlo has a taste for scnnlall "In high life. " but its appetite has been giutted. anti It will be rele\'ed when the last or' these nasty affairs has been remo\'cil tram he courts I requires I change or diet. and I wi0 content It its rich roUt for a while degrade themselves 10 careers or the commonplace . unmilcturesque morality which lime und unllleture5ue moralyhh poor lowly practice because they know per . J"ll or " 'l" - ITAT8 I'll IfSO. Scrlbntr News : The bill to repeal the 'alued policy insurance law has ben knocked out , but thMo are other bills introduced that are expected to accomphish the same rul. though they appear to b different . The law Is a gd one and shoulc stanl1. Columbus Argus : The \ople or Plate county are without doubt opposed to art. peal of the \'nllie policy law. They are also opposed to class legslalon which will crush out at existence mutual Insurance companies antI surrender tIme people entirely into the hamls of the Inslrnco trust. Norfolk Journal : There OURU to be It least five new slgr factories contracted for In Nebraska this ycar. The very fact that a bounty Is to be given will attract capital 10 Ihs state that would not come otherwise. The silver Inlnj of the financial cloud hang- InK over the state Is already beginning to appear. Madison neporter : The republcan irgis- Inturo Is terelllng Hilton's acts er al least ! . Is trying 10 draw the fire from him Tue legislature also refuses to Impeach Judge Scott of Omaha because Scott Is opposed by Itosewate . : The Ilrescnt legislature would whiewash time devi I Il thought It would splto Hosewater. 101drcg Irogress : Ils nol probable that his physician woull prescribe nrvln or al ) ' other similar tonic for the lcglslator who introduced time bill providing that the state pay time expenses Incurred by the defcnse In the Infamous Impcnchment trlnl. ills gal may bo Blghl ' enlarge . but his nerve Is In first class conditIon. blair Courier : Time governor has signed the nntt-oieomnargarino hilt and thus mnd a law thal kills one ot Nebraska's leading industries - dustrl . Whlo the law In some of Its features Is wlso and just \0 think that at lenst the law shoul ! have alowed time manu- torture of oleomargarin\ for export purposes eli thus keep alive n leading Inlu6tr ) led Cloud Golden Belt : The oleo bill which has rnssed bth house of the legisla- ture lolls to its hike an unralr thing. Manu- facturtl of artfcial buler are already corn- peled to brand Ihelr packages containing their product which Is right all suiliclemut. I any one desires 10 eat olco and desIres to have It colorcd so as to rcsemblc butter he ought to bo granted thc privilege. The bill . practically prohibits time manufacture of oieo which Is superior to much of the butter on the market. Cedar RaPids Commercial : I Is luummiiilat- tag cnough to the seif-reapecteth citizen of Nebraska to have car loads of provisions and second-hand goods brought to \ state through the charity of time east , but It Is more humiliating to see this evcrlastng wranglng ovel' the distribution . I would be beleI to aballon the state 10 time jack rabbit and coyote than to again fh'ertsouselves as a commonwealh at clamoring starvelngs , fghtng over time crumbs that fal from the rich man's lable. Plate Center Signal : The stale fall should bo hell at Omaha for the next five fve y\ars. and then Ir It Is to be permanently located It wuld be mme more than just ) alow every citizen In the slat the right to express hIs choice In time Way of I vole. Five years hence Fremont will be as large In pOlllaton as Llncolmi and that thriving , bustling city wl rise up and claIm recog- niton for some or the permanent state In- stitutiomis . and she should be aWarded the state fair. Lincoln has already the peni- tentary. the capitol . the asylum for time In- sane and the sal well . and she should be satisfied . l'remont Herald : The proposed measure to prevent legislators from removing frum the capitol any properly of the state savors some- what of class legIslation , since It Is plainly aime at those members at time legislature who hal confidently looked forward to the long winter evenings In the years to come when the stalesman's souvenIr chair could be brought forth for the edification of acquaintances - ances or old-thne friends . whose ordinary talents had kept them' In time ranks of the common 11eople. while the possessor of this badge of greatness . had been forging to the front. The Herald suggests that the ten conimandments be stamped upon an aluminum - num plate and thc pIt Inlaid In time top of the desk of each member. Dalr Pilot : The Omaha charter bill has come to be among the greatest nuisances In the , -tate. Every session of the legislature It bobs lp serenely , and like the rling snow- bail . gathers by accretIon as the session progresses - i . gresses . until the Intensity of the fight over It dominates to a great extent every other Inter- est. The f h begins of course right among Omaha peple and by time "influence" of their conflicting Interests the other fellows are enlste for the war. This charter bill at every session If not only a nuisnce , but It I costs time state I t large lots or money. I I should be abated . and the best way t reach It would be for the legislature to relegate the whole business back to Omahl , by a provision of law that she can fix her own charter to suit herself. That will relieve the slate of the expense of the biennial cat and dog scene and gIve the Omaha fellows n subject for a permanent scrap. 'Wlsner Chronicle : The State Board of Aglcullure. acting under the authority con- ferred upon It by the statutes of the state , at the regular annual meeting located the state rail at Omaha for the ensulnJ five years. A portion of the bonus which Omaha pledged to secure the location of the rail has been paid to the board and ' is already expended. The bm now pending before the legislature locate the state fair leglslatur\ rail per- manentiy al Lincoln Is therefore the nature - ture of au ex-posl facto law If It shall be Put Into effect before the expIration of the existing contract with Omaha. To say nothing or Justce , the proposed legislation Is 1 most Impolitic mlsure from a party point or view I the republican majority In the legislature inflIcts this stab upon Omaha and Douglas county It may as well be prepared to see Its acton resented II the succeeding elections. Some of the re- iUlliCalt members of the legislature may bo Infuenced by the friends of Lincoln to seek to punish Omaha for its past Inde- pendenc at the ballot box . bUl It Is to be hoped thal they will lear to be Just In this business transaction rather tan par- tsan In a political scheme or revenge. Fremonl Leader : The Omaha Dee has prepared and publshed an elaborate article In regard to time expenditures of the State university. Now. the Lender believes In all necessary and judicious expendiures for public school purposes . but It does nol believe In time lavish expenditure of the money of the peoilio. The per capita expenditure per pupi In time Nebraska university and lbat or Iowa was so marked that the Leader cannot pass It unnoticed . The University or Iowa has mnalntaitmcd . In addition to Its literary and scientific curriculum a college or medicine and a colcgo or law for nearly twenty years. The University of Nebraska which , since 1871 , has spent $ .393.21 ha graduated UI ) 10 the present tmA 438 Etudenls. Time University of Iowa whmicim since 1860 , has spent $1.045,783 , has graduated 3,75 students. Since its foundation - ton Is has cost the University of Nebraska $3,000 for each Itndent grduated , Since itS foundation In 1860 It lisa cost the University or Iowa $280 for each student graduated. Such a difference would Indicate that there Is a looseness somewhere , The dlferenco Is too giarlng and the people naturally wonder why there Is [ > e1 a difference , Yet we find the raculy and their friends Baking for more and larger Ipproprlatons , remonl Leader : The Leader notices that a Mr. Lmbor of McCook has been very active In the attempt to remove the state rail from Omaha , where Il Is fixed for five years and locale Is permanent al I.lncoln. 'ibis paper took no part In time controversy between the Omaha and Lincoln cam ties over the state rail location ; but the rail havlog been located at Omaha , and as they have made 80me considerable expenditure of money , and have secured grounds that are said to be equal to any In the wesl , god faith requires that the legislature keep Its hands off thus mater : otherwise time aisa- elation Is liable 10 be In\'olved In litigation and make time rail a complete failure. In I controversy of this kind the public at large have an Inlerelt. and they desire the success or the state fair. The rail hiss been held In 1.lncoln about ten years . . nl the association leaves there lomewhat In debt , The trulh Is the principal advocates of a rail for I.lncoln depend too much on the state pap. while al Omaha It depends on the public for success. A fact that mUlt not be over- looked. there are over a Quarter of a mnhl- lion of people within twenty miles of Omaha and sumO of the best fruit rarms In the Missouri valley , Then the railway facilitIes or Omaha are excellent-far superior to what they were ten years ago , anl we pre' dlct the exhibit or flue stock wi be time belt ever shown In the state. The Leader lays to the legislature-keep your hands off the fair - - nut 71'TWIW."n : - lt1Sl.V. Indianapolis JOlrnl : I Is by far the most Important decision a ' court ever IlsIle.l , ' In which 1mundrCd of destroying monopolIes \ lunte ! millions ot capItal are intcrestett New York Advertiser : Justco Harlnn sent I helO into time telephone 10nopoly Ihat must hue melel the wu In Ihe cars or time anxious gntemnn at time receiver. Phiadelpha Press : This decision hum I long step In the direction of ending the 10no110)y ) or the hell Tllephonc cmlany , since It teminI- nates at once five pnenls which that cnml'lny hopN1 10 control exclusively unt 1)0 , Chicago lernh : The decision or time sl' premo conrt end this colossal imposition ali cheat As I first step ( IowaId the nec- tfclon of the notorious and criminal abuses of thc United States palonl systcm It may well bo balled wltb accaim , Cleveland Plain Dealer : Now Ihat time supreme court bas spoken time last \ort1 on the telephone and electrIc patent cues thai were In litigation . perhal1s there will ho a redmmctton. of cost 10 the publIc Islnl lob- phones and electrical conlrh'ances. A large reducton Is nol likely to cme very Qulekl Deru'er News : The court heM after an elaborate review of the tlierent acts of congress that the pallnl expired In this countrt % nt the Imo date that It expired broke tlown the abroAl1. In so deciding It brok\ RuaNls about millions of tlolnrs of monopo- Izell Invcnlons anti thrmv them open to general use and con\otton , Mlnlcapols Tribune : happily lhls court decision hns brokcn Ilown time mnonolioiisttc ivaile , and If the PUblic Is properly informed - formed no congress wIll ever dare 10 build them ill ) nKaln. The owners of time lele- phone patents have b\en reimbursed n thousand - sand tmes over for alt their olta 's. amid have received n princely reward for theIr enterprise amid buslncss ski In hnmllnR the palenls. I Is time now for time publc to receive n benefit. This corporation bas Phlade11hla Ledger : corporaton not tr'alet time public . In whom its service has become a necessary of business life , In such generous or fall fashion ns to commenll It 10 pOlllar favor and It , by the decIsion of yesterday , comptent competItors shonll he admlttt to , Ihe clt which Il , has Practically I , mflOmmOOiiZOd to Its own great prom wrung from time public . there wi b\ lIttle regret felt h I ) time Comummmullity that has suffered from Its toe sordid exactions. Ballmoro Sun : The parl affected ad- versely by time dedslon Incllie time American Bell Telcphoncon1any. . the Geneal Electric company and many others. TIme three Edison Patents for the carbon transmiter , o\\'nll br tim Deli Telephone compan ) ' . and Edisomi's patent on the Incandescent lamp , Lime muiiple arc system of distributon and socket for Incandescent - candescent lamps are thus vacated and thee devices are given to time tubhic. Time "Ber- lner IJtents , " about which so much has been said , are among those that become 11ublc . ' propert Cnclnnat ) Enquirer : Time Unl , l States supreme court with malco toward non . and having nothing In the hue of charity to warp Its reasommimug did its duty and the people are satisfied . especially as their confidence In time integrity of Lime judiciary IS Increased amid more firmly established. I.t us bI thankful that we live In a nation where justIce Is mcled out . and where monopoles cannel Improperly - properly override publIc Interesls and make falrncss subservlenl' avarice These de cisions neel not discourage inventors ; the latter whcnever they bring forth something valuable . are auto 10 b\ rewarded . but Ihey must always b satisfied wlln reasonable re- turs , . - I'EUI'L12 ASTllW ; . Senator Shoup of Idaho saved his "h" by a scralch. There Is nothing unusual In puttIng up the price of vhIsky Time trust deals largely In high wines. In time Pennsylvania house speeches are limited to five minutes. The state cns its tongue for export to Washington The sultan or Turkey treated the visiing Americans to cigarettes. Stilt our relatons wllh the sIcic man contInue peaceful. The penses of time Princeton college foot ball team last year were $23,000. exclusive or private contributions 10 time paint fund. I Is computelt by an international observer that If a South American republic . had on its hands a congress like our F\ -thlrd Il would average a revolulon a week. A member of time F1t ' -thlrd from Missouri confesses he was not cut out for a congressIonal career. His constituents ex- creased vember. a like senlment at the polls lust No- The progressive terrItorial legIslature of Oklahoma believes It Is good polc ) to run things wile open. I ha declared for suffrage - frago regardless of sex , divorces while you fighting. walt. and IOW proposes to legalize prize Great chunks of congealcd harmony are clInging to the whlskers of the democracy of Missouri , A representatIve of th party organ at Kansas City recently serenaded Governor Stone and WaS doused with I shower of expletIves that would rout the tnmous army ol Flanders. The Navy departl nl complains that the men-of-war sent to Panama to protect the property of tIme Panama Railroad company , an AmerIcan corporation . taxed the govern- mont three prices for coal Tnat Is characler- istic. Corlloratons protected when drlven Into a corler usual ' exact compensation for "anxl\ty of mind , " Thomas V. hail or Phlalelphla , whose 100th birthday has just ben celebrated by his friends docs not appear to he mor than 70. and Is In full possession of his faculties. Ho has l\el under all the presidents of time United States h:1 been a republican rrom time bginning of time 11arty's existence and took an road active " part II the "Underground Ial- - - TUn r.tTB OF V2'.4fl. - - Oobe.Democrlt : Utah Is arranging mal- tern so that she will b In the union or states early enough to cdii her Quoin I" the republiCan candidates' big total ha tit electoral colirgo In 1898. Now York Woridu A more important Point Is tim , fact that Utah ranks third among time silver-producIng states , conmlng tmext after Colorado anmi Mcntnna , 11cr twa senators lviii accordingly' be found on time sliver side in the comIng fimmatmelni struggle. In population Utah will rank above Bela- ware , Idaho , Moumtnna , Nevada , Nortim Pa- kota and Wyoming. Minneapolis Tribune : Time Utah conven- lion to form a cotmstitution for time iiew sLate is In sesslomm , anti is said to contain a mmifljorlty of rcpubiicans. This may ha nomlnaily trite , taut time atatemmmont Is some- tvimat imilsleiuliuig. For policy's sake , the Mormons dIvided till , SOIflO actIng whim tha , : uleniocratic anti seine the republican party , but before all else timey are Mormons , Tlmtms time Mormmions have a timree-fourtbl immajority itt tlm convention , whIch is hem- inutliy republicatm by fhtty-sevoti to forty-five. Time republicamms catm immmrtlty be held respomi. sibbo for time action of Limo convention upomi Imiatters affectiimg the peculiar Mormon doe- trItmes. $ I'ItIXO li1I1fliZlX , - LI I'lmiiadelplmla itecoril : A a'hmeelwrighit does not mmeccssaniil' mmmake a good spokesmmiamm , Detroit Free Pressm"Wimat are yet giving miii' ? " said time immqtmisitl'e ilmitteumt. as tImO liml'SiCiLin lmotmrel oimtt.lme mimetlletmic , \\ashuimgtoum Star : "Setiator Sorglmtmmn imrut imi good IlOimits , " renmmmrked tim cimarttabio mmmamm "Yes , " replied time mrimi who sPeCttlflLeSI ' 'auth his good Pointers. " 1.ife : W'ell somime people hmnve a gall , " saul l'ro Ilommo I'mmhlico. "Vt'lmmut is time troubbu ? " misked'emltas. . 'ihere Is sopicimoth ) ' writing Lo time capers over tmmy slgmmmuure. " Boston C'Oumnier : TIme total depravIty mmmii , who mirops 1mm oct'nsiommmiily , says mi kmiows a. good mmintmy people , bilL mmot mtmammy good PeoPle. Cbmlcngo Beconil : Time Plmysiciamm-Your fever mttwaymu secumis to leave you whemm 1 commme imi. 'rite Patient ( irnitably-Cnui yoLt blatne It. Detm'oit Tribtulme : hank l'ru'stdent-Yotm'mt hmetter imivesttgate ( lie thitth nssistnmmt ) aylng tobier Casimler-liave yotm numy reason to stmspeet imimmi ? llnmmk I'rcsltleumt-It amity be only limuigiumattomi. lnmt s'1memm I spolce to Imlni title mmmorntng lie seemnetishort In hIs replies. ltmdiannlolis Journmtl : ltegmmlar Visitor- W'imeme Iii thmat contortionist feller with the yeller Jammilrrs ? , tlumsetmmmi 'imnmmnger-Yotm nucan time tmtmmmmami smmnlte ? Oh , lie's mmiaktn' sonme four em' lIve imummmiiretl a week Posium' Cer these new clmoOi art temlers. PhmthaIel , lbmha Emiqimirer : Traveler-I ives slmipwreclced once 1mm the muitidie of timO o'emmm ) mind duiln't imnve a tirop of wnter for . th'o days , hans Suvilier-Dot's mmoiimmg. I .m'mis tmatmivreclted 1mm omie of dose flmoimlbltiOti stmtte once , .ttmid got. not a droll of beer for a t'ee'k. Dink of tioth Atlanta Commstltutiomm : ' 'You mnatlo ii aught mistake in my mmcmii this mnormiing , " said Lime Poet. "Sorry , " replIed tIme editor.'imat was It ? " " \Veil , s'rote : 'TIme cmotmtls Imang murky O'et. time vest , ' nut ! you mnake me say : 'Time crowds imang turkeyo'er my deski' " Texas Sittings : She-r wonder wimy Eva \vas not created before Adam ? Ito--Time mcason for timmit is Plait ) enotmghm. limo Lord knew if He miiude woman mlrst , amid tbmemi tricit to get a niami to suIt imer , He mmmiglmt as webi quit mind go flaiming. Cimicago Itecord : "That boy of yohmrs , nuuiharne , " renmarked time comiductor , uts ima PUflCh,1 time unit fare ticket , "looks re. markabiy iveIl developed for a cimild under 'Thmank yi , " repiloti the lady , very caimmy. "It's so gratifying for mmmc to imave one notice Tommy's remarkable mrecoc1ty'a - DOUBTFUL. - ' Trutim , - - "tan wamits but lIttle imero below , " Now , I'm inclinett to dotmbt it : I-Ic gets but little ; wants a pile , Amid has to do without it. JJUJII.IL OF TIlE Ft FTr-TIIIICD. New Yorlc Stmn , Not a tear was ahied , not a ( imneral vote , As its corse to tue fimmishi timoy hurried , Not a soldier discharged a fimrcweil eliot O'er time grave where time Bubnbmmni was buried. Timey buried it sharply at stroke of noon , Time gamleries watcimed themmi through it , Amid sonic one remnarlced : "By time great horn spoon ! We thougimt timey would never do it. " No tmsobess coiflmi enclosed its breast , Not in sheet nor in mulmrotmtl timey wound it ; limmt it. lay like a beefsteak takIng its rest , V'itlm tlme gravy all around It. Few amid short were the prayers timey saId , Amiil timcty stmke mmot a worim of sorrow ; But they steadfastly gazed on time face of time dead , Amid bitterly thought of time morrow. Timey timotmghit as time3' imolbowed its umarrow bed , , Amid smootimed down its lomieiy pillow , Timat Tom Reed and isis mumies would tread o'er its head , And they imung timeir harps on time willow , Ligimtiy timey'll talk of time liumbum timatmi gone , Amm,1 o'er its cold nsimes tmplmratd it : But it won't care a damnmi if timey'll let It sleet ) on In time grave where the PeOlmIe have laid it. Slowly amid anmily the ) ' laid it down , Frommi time field of its simanmo , fresh amid gory ; They carved not a line and they raised not a stone , But left It niomme in its glory. icS4flUNc.ItI1yc dq , RELIABLE CLOTHlERS Your Money's Woi'LI , or Your Monmay Il.tk , It's the Little Tliiiigs Time picking out of the ciotim1 the pm'oparation of It. , time cutting , the . ti'lmnnmiimg , oven tim butttons timid Limo 1 ' Nt pocket iluimmgc-lt'e time little thIngs-that go ! " 7) ) to make time vorect gootls. Evot'y cai'c liii- , - . - , _ _ _ s * , , _ . aginablo Is takcahmm inaioing p otil' goods , - - 4 ' z _ % ovom'ytliing is timoroughly Immepeetod. nod - .4 I tluen-.wimcn you get it of us it's good , and till . tvo are umo lilghtom' priced tlmamm dealers svhuo j t \ 'I lilLY flO attention to ( hLmaiitY and btmy of wimo. . - ovaL' is eilealest.Vo can't. sell you ii stmit ( I fouu' 01' fiI.'ti dollai'mubmit tve'li give Oll tltu ' : . _ - ( best in time worirl for $10.00 atmd up. flut we j _ started out to lalIc uboimt iittho timings , ' , Voii , - t..J ; we've just got lii mic'imio of time imicest little . - - I I.-- , i timiimgs In the ivity of boys' funimialmings and ul imats and i'ap't that tvo'vo ever seen. P1'0tty ai. . and how pr1em'd Our chIldren's department Is m'ophoto teithm novelties selected foi spt'himg , and we limt'lto an eau'iy In- &Pe0t1011 , 'rho mummy styles we are elmowlng in genticineim's auiim'ts amid neclcmm'cat' seenm to be jtmst Limo tIming , judging by time many praiseful ox- IWCsSI0flS We Imear on ahl sides- and Imats , woil we just have the best imat dopat'tmnozit znywliot'a now , All the new spring hiboelca are iii and our am'ssottucimt is so t'at'icd lii both style amid price , that. you will have rio trouble itt finding just what you want , If you don't see the imatyou want txsk ( tim' out' Mr. At'timur , Ito's a practical hatter and has this department Iii charge , BROWNING , KING & Co. , ftciiabie Clothiers , S. W' . Cot' , I 5th anti Ioiiglns Sts. a. I . . . . , , . ' - - - ' " t ' ' ' jiau1 : Imt 1mM tbi irty ! dit9st the'Ilo. ; but while titeyhmope to make ' ICING , Olmcmtrmiti. - . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ l , , . k- * . i , . , . . at ' -