" " 'iII" 'IV , 'll''r , . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , . r . . - . - - _ _ - - - = - : _ _ _ - - ' .L.LE OlAlA JJAl.Y B1It . I : ' , ( NIAY , 'lAlUl 11 : , l8nG."d " 'L "Oh _ _ L 3 . -1)H O IA-- IXD E.-r COUNCJIIj m.U L'S. ornC , . - NO 1 rEAlm STnm'T 1elHw1 % t , ulle to Iny r'art ' of the cli ? . 11. W 'lL1'ON , Leu. , ; ' 'rrLr.rnoNr.s-nusnesi : omce. :0 4 : night editor N. : . _ _ . _ _ . , - - . - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - .U 1.\'UI : fN'0.\ ' " , flr.Th& Counci muCf I : , F. Clark , rnp MaHeRI Estalo agency 639 DrORllway. lalhhom I' furnbhel room for rent 619 First n\cntt . ' ( hr regular monthly Inrelnl at the city . connell wi be heh thl3 ) c\nilg , (100 gIll for general houSwork wnnh'll nt . - & 27 61h n\'cnne. Mrs. II. W. Titian. The INub r of the Rowing nuoclaton "I meet this ; evening ht th League cub rOmB alHI elect n boal of Ilr ctrf for the ' . current 'ear. While Chalel Connoer was nl work n : few ' , ot Iron flew font n fel' cn's ago a chili few flnl tllr wheel nl\l struck hll In the right eye nll Ila ) ' r 11 tn the ioa I ot his sIght. Dr. I.\llel : , who conferrel a great blessing upon the leer jcople of the I city lart t winter wi'ii the Smlttox c. ( was on by vacclnt- t Inf oVer 700 peoliln free ot charge \\S lIe- chlM to ellnrlo the scope ot his chnrlty. to wIll treat tree nil poor \ ho apply at his offlc , .10 Fifth avenue. No ecellUOns will ho made , all alt unable 10 pay and ticoding llstonco wilt bo treitcdfree 01 charge - - To flirt t" . ! el UI. We orer Sonic big bargains In wool areas . gools. ; . IUtly Enllsh cshmere ! , "new .1'11"3 , " usual ' soh for 2cc . now lle a yorl1 tOo idce fine Irrench . srrges anti , henrletos , regular GOe fult ) , now :5c ! ) ' : l1. 7ric quality hue I udia twills anl henrletas , . hOW rOc 0 'af1 .t ls All wool clt'tked ' and ! iited sUltngs , worth tOu n ) ' :11 , rcucel to 2rc , lug assortment of silk alI wool mixtures lt :90 I yard. slm OUR "RSOI1'mN" Or roe NOV- mn' Imss COODS SU.li , " . Checkc . T JfHa silk nt rOc a yard , worth At /Sc and 7c we offer an immense assort- moat rye fancy silk for waIsts. At 65c and 75c n yard : two new lines of T fancy strlpcl TMfeta In new shlled and shot t effccts. F erccts the new Taffeta Plsse at $1.50 and . .q $1.7r a 'n'r : 10 dUlllcate , only one waist : pattcrn of cneh patcr rowl.gn , DICI & \'AI.IUm , Bostol Store Council Buffs , la. I'ERMN.1L1'.t1f4Gft.l ' 1'Il. ! MS.'I J'.11AaU.I'lS. Mr. and Mrs. John f Lane are visiting In Chicago i F. I. Reel anti faintly arc visiting friends , In Oakland. Mrs. W. S. Dmmocl Is visiting relatives - . . In Penler , Neb Miss Flora Shiey ot \\'oo < blne Is In the city , lie guest of Miss Dela Fencer Mr. and Mre , H. A. Bolt . SOG South Sixth street , are the parents of a youthful son. L , I' . JUton all family arc expected to I : 't return tram Florida the later part or thIs . J week. H. R. Lemen , editor at the Pela herald , 10 In the ( city for a visit of a few days with wih his parents , Mr . and Mrs. J. G. Lemen. Mr. and lrs , F. H. Evans have moved from Fort Worth to Dalas , Tex , where Mr Evans han gone Into the loan business. All lur 5r1111 . . 'Ve arc not after profit : It's your trade wnnt. what the . . . wo See , C. O. D. grocer cn eave you , _ - 2.1 Ihs flue granulated : sugar for $1.00 ; 32 lhs New Olleans sugar for $1.00. Large pals syrup , 40c. Large pails jelly , 32c Ginger snaps , per Ib" , 5c. XXX crackers , by the box , 3c. Tomatoes , tier can , 61 10-lb pal white fish , 'IGc : 10-lb. Ilal No. t mackerel , u98c : Imported holland herrIng , per pitS" , 65c : cod lisli . per Ib" , Gc ; Pett- john's breakfast food . per plg. , 9c. 12 Ibs - oat meal for 25c 7 Ibs. rice for 25c. A one-buriier gasoline stove for $2,00. A two-burner gasoline stove for $ 2.50. Centcrvle coal per ton only $3.35. , lEA' DEPARTMFNT. - , California hams per Ib" , 7c. Dry salt bacon , 6c. Breakfast bacon : 10c Good lard , 7c per Ib , : pure lad , 10c per lb. Pork sausage , $ % c. Choice roasts and steaks Gc pound. Drown's C. O. D" , Council Bluffs , Iowa Y'I bcle"r a . \ &Iln. T. W Van Sclever , the lawyer who Ils- tngulshel1 himself In a number or boll Icnemes of fraud In this vicinity and finally got n five years' sentence In thl penitentiary lt Fort Madison as the result of a sharp cattle deal In Manana county , Is wearIng . stripes again. The Los Angeles , .Cal , papers zraf announce that after a long and stubborn fight against his fate he has been sentenced to five years' Imprisonment In'the San Quen- tin penlontary. Ills crime was the embez- zlement or $2,700 tram a woman clent , Van Sclever has given numerous Instances of hIs ability that are painfully familiar to many Council Burs people. hut the act that he Is proudest of , nail which brought him the greatest returns for the least effort , was the embezzlement of about $8,000 from Walter Raleigh Vaughan , now of some- where In Chicago. lie accomplished this last spring , and within a few months after hIs release from prison , and , too , while fleeing from the Los Angeles sheriff after jumping his bal bonl , He had been In hiding a few days In Indiana and took a little run up to ChIcago , where ho met VauJhan , They were old acquaIntances and had fraternized here in time good old days when Vaughan was mayor of Council fluffs and Van had not been caught In any of his Ino work. 'Vhen they met In Chicago Vaughan was hard pressed for a little mone ) Io hal picked up some minIng claIms out In Nevada amid I occurred to him that Van was just the scan to get soma money out of Ito property for him The papers were put Into his PG ! . session and Van started out , In a very short lmo ho managed to shake $8,000 out ot the bag 10 hut the cash In his Ilocket and neglected to give Vaughan even the ( salsrnc- . ton ot holding time elllt ) bag Vaughan could never even succeed In having him or- rested or effecting a compromise by which ho could get a penn of the money. Did you ever see n gasoline stove n blind man could use ? There Is one , amid O. 0 , D. Drown has them A lan who never saw a gnsolno stove ( having been blind for years ) has used one ot these stoves constlnty slnco April , 1894 , and Is alive yet A lady bought an unsafe stove , used It once , caught fire ( tIme stove Ilhl-so did the lally ) und sue died , and Is dea,1 yet. Wouldn't you rather be a blind tuna titan a dead lady 0 , O. D. Drown , sale agent for these stoves We have OVr ' 300,000 to I'lun upon 1m. proved Iowa farms Farmers desiring loans can save money b ) tlealjmg . direct with us , thereby saving agent's commission. We do lot loan on wid lands . nor In Nebraska , 1uleo & Towle , 235 l'earl atrei . - ' . . Weue. , ) This will positively bo the last week of our great hal price sale Come this w"lk amid get your frames amid pictures . for just half , . , price Open evenings I I. I" Smith & Co" , 45 MaIn Street. Slrrll" i'nrry. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. 101a. 81 Avenue n , were the victims of I very pleasant surprise MOlla ) eveninG , March 4 , I being the sixth anniversary at their wel111eJ life. Their lan ) friends . left 0 I mcmentu of frlendshlll anti esttel a hanlsomo oak dining table lire slleeeh lale b ) Dr. Cool was I lit accom- paulmuent to the gif Cards furnished amusement - meat until a late hour when a substantial , lunch was served , amid all departed , eXllress- ' lag thel&eh'es as havllg Spoilt I very pleas- alit evening and wish \ost and hostess lan happy returns of lime occasion , The o llresent were : Messrs. 111 : feslnmN ! Iugh , Herald. Colt , Selby , Whaley. MIl McOhs- ley , Meurl George Brummel and :1 , Ayers . , DavIs , drug , paint , glnsa man 200 D'way. Yea . the Eagle launry IS "that goad laundry , " and Is located lt 74 l3rotiwsy . : I In doubt about thIs try I and be convlncea Don't forget name and number. Tel 157. - - Ou beating stoves for rent .nd for Ul6 : t CouncIl Dluas Gas company's cifice . 1)i. Lugel , oWN 40 5th ave. ; tel 180. - - NEWS 11UI ) I COUNCIL BLUFFS . - - - Atiu e of Sohool Board Jeml1oTI on the Hll ; School Questions CtAIM THEY ARE SINCERE IN TiE MOVE : u , 111.111" is I : rI.lr.l to lellM'c thc Cnngcstlnii . Iii the Clltrl I'url of , . the City.- I'rnpoiIiiiim I.ikcly to Ito lctPt ll. The memblrs ot the school l board claim they have been perelatemitly mlsrqlresentt- In ) \ ben perslstenly - I certaIn qllHterf with reference to their aUI- ( uric on the new IIh school question . All , this time they have been yt.rlng with n heartfelt that should desire for n building IhOll1 better necollnod'to the steadily Increasing company at young ideas that must be taught the art or 1Irget practice , when the opposition sa1 wih an emphasis that wi not take n denial that that board , lops not want abulld- Ing hut merely wnnts to give hmo voters a rhanlo tt e"lues their vlewe. "A' a batter of fact , " Mil one ot time boarll yeiterday , "we're 1 In favor 01 a new buiding In spite ot the fact that we are all taxpayers , and S0l0 or IS heavy ones. When wo m.ay .e are In favor at It we ought 10 be llele\cl. There are a good many people In town who are not able to send ( their ' chlhrr'en rrray to school , and I , for one , be- hove In 11\ng ! t'em the best chance possible at getting a lubslntc for the foreign educa- lion. : Inn ) at the ten who are opposing the prject are \ el 1 h ) ' , amid they sa ) they cannot afford to I ay the Increasell taxes One of then meu II the principal stockholdr In a large agricultural Implement house. ' One ot tht stoclllders had : occasion to' sell out a short time ago , and he received , $ L50 for each $ or hll stock , while the stock Is assessed at 10 celts on the dollar , That IR a fair Illeclmen or the men who are making the howl on account at the Increase In taxcs " The assertion Is made that there are 1,700 seats In the Fehool buildings of the city that are unOCcUI)101 , and It Is cialimieti I that by re-Ilstrletng the city these empty seats could bo 11Ed up and the new Ilgh school could Ire dlspense11 ) wih for a time. In reply to this , the mEmbers ot the board say that ( hare 1 one empt room In the Madison avenue building , two In the Thrt-second street , and two In the Inrrlson street , be- slle'3 100 seats In the olll Pierce street build- Ing all 100 more In the Fifteenth street The two later have ben condemned beal' ! they are too damp , whie lie other three are In the outskirts of the city. In some cases pupis have to , mlt a mlo or a mile and a hal to go to time Madison Thlrt-seeond street and harrison street schools , and to enlarge the districts would be simply to add ! b sln\ly alll to the distance traversed by the chillren. , The buidings In the central part of the city on the other hand , are overcrowded , and there Is where the Increased room Is needcd. Even the most enthusiastic members ot the hoard , however do not believe that time propo- siton will carr ) " In spite or the fact that the amount or money to be 1111 each year for Interest on tire $90,000 worth of bonds wo111 not be large to the Individual taxpayers , the face of the bonds will have to be Paid some time , and a good many ot the voters ale not willing to banle emi tile future grandeur of the city to quite such an extent as to lumber their children up with a lebt of these dimensIons All women who want to vote on the bond proposition , but who failed to register last week , wi be allowed to swear In their vote today ' by means of an ailidavit. ItmN1MtN 151(08. Monimay' , Iimrrgrtlmmr. lel\ts 'Em . \ ll. A bargain lay long to be rem1mbered. I you live 100 miles away It wi pay you 10 come. Fine wool dress goods , at % last eason's prices. 38-lneh navy and black all wool Imported serg , worth tOc , Monday 35c 'ard , 4G-lnch navy and black Imported all wool serge Monday , SOc yaruL I pieces 10-lnch blaele gloria silk , Monday Gge ) ard. 1,000 yards 20-lneh white 1abutal wash s1e , Monday 25c yard. Novelty black Imported dress goods at SOc and 751 yard ; actlal value , 7Gc and $1.25 Our $1.00 quality black satin Duchess , Monday . - day 79c yard 2.1-lnch black satin madame , Monday 69c yard 2i-lnch black satin dUcless ) , never sold yard under $2.00 , we will sell Monday at $1.69 SPECIAL . LINING SALE. 20c colon hair coth , Monday tic yard. All our 20c Mona percalnes , 12'c yard. All lining canibrics 4c yard. 200 pieces staudard dress prints , Monday 3c 'Iud. , 2Ge 3G-lnch doled curtain swiss , Monday 12'hc yard. yard 8-4 Locltwood unbleached sheeting , 12m4c 8-4 Lockwood bleached sheeting . ISo ) 'ard , Visit our linen departlont londay , rOc quality Irish table lnen , Monday 35c yard. ) lrd. 7Gc quality bleached table linen , Monday SOc yard. _ Our 70-lnch $1.00 bleached table linen goes Monday at 75c yard Yrd 1,000 yards twill colon crash , Monday 21c , ' rO dozen pure linen hlc hem towels , size 17x31 , Monday 10c each : Il you want this towel come Monday. Another big embroIdery sale. Moro than 1,000 yards or Irish point embroidery - broidery , 3 to I Inches wide , worth lre , 20c anr25c ( , Monday , choice 9c yard. $1.00 attn $1.25 standard makes ol corsets In whlo and black , Monday 7rc each. Children's navy blue jackets , age 4 to 12 years , $1.00 each . , and Ihousands of other bargains NNISON BnOS" Conceit Ilulifa. J. R. McPherson , florist , cut flowers and plants , Design work I specialty. Wlro or- tiers day 01 night. 1281 E. Pierce , Counci urt The Aberln will open Wednesday , March 13 , with first class board amid rooms Southwest - west corner Sixth - avenue - and Se\enth street. 10\ ' , Allen VIiI I.oriv. ne\ . FlV . Alen , pastor at the Christian church , has decldc- not to remain lucre but wi go to Buffalo , N , Y. , about April 1. lIe has roul\l hIs labors hero anything but pleasant during the last few \\'Is , on account - count of the opposition at soma of his onenuies. lie has provided hllself with oil time material necessary for a complete defense - tense to any charges that , ia ) be male against hIm , ant leaves the city with a.reconl for harl1 and effective work that might wel bo envIed by many older and 10re preten- tous clergymen , lie has built up a strong anti enthusiastic church anJ I I to bo hoped that soma one may he round who will be able to tale time worlt UII where ho heaves off mind It along , of old carry - - - successfully - How 18 your cough 1 Take DaiLrrd'mr hoar- hound syrup I II the best : at Dc Haven's. Wllt Is , In n : I"no ' Everything , If applied , to a Hardman Piano laId b ) Mueller lane : and Organ company , 103 MaIn street . - DRINKS OF THE NATION , 2cUrT York I'lut In Uln ull lolr , ull Hen- tncll ) ' Its Jnurhnn Wh\k ) The total amount of grain which In a year enter Into the production of lplrluoul or mal liquors In the United States II 20,000,000 bushels This Iem of revenue , says the New York Sun , Is one wh'ch C3uses some farmers especially In year of Iloor harvests , to look wills more favor upon the distillery and brewIng - lag business Udn they might otherwise At I the heat at the grains used stands corn , to the amount of 16,000,000 bUlhel : . Tire chief states supplying corn to distilleries are Kentucky - tucky , 6,000,000 bushels : lilino' , , 4,000,000 bushels , and Ohio and Indiana , 1,000,000 each , New York state supplies about 200,000 busirets The consumption of rye fer "Istlery purposes - poses ltleunts to 4,000,00 bushels lu I year I'eansylvanla and Kentucky together furnish about two-thirds at the rye used for the man- ufacture at whisky , The quantity of nrolasaea used for the pro- duoton or rum lit year amounted to 2,500- (00 gallons. The amount tt rUin produced 'I - was 1,800,0 gallons , I shrinkage ot 700,000 glens In the process ot manufacture. Two uate' were the chIef consumers , Manlchu- iil and NEW York luMchusets takes hIgh 111,1 , itt the qual ) ' and quantity of her rum and bas done so for many years . New York state hI o late years been crowding 1 MQIHlels closely In the proucton ot I Trial. rOrl. Barley pnlers Into the production of beet I , to tire extent ot about 3,000.000 bushels n year. The other grains used are unimportant - portant , n few tbousnll bushels ot bat beIng - Ing ti.sed for the cheaper grades of branly- In Inllal& chiefly. The total sales of liquor In the United Slates In 1894 amounted to 100,000,00 gust- lon ot domostc Ilrollnct , exclusive of 1,500.- ( ( O ' gallons of spirits distilled from frrmits. : 'fhe total "mount of malt liquors manufac- turol its the United States In 1894 amounted to 1,000,000.000 gallons . In respect to 1m. partntons just twice 18 much beer In(1 ( ale was In\orted Into the United States as ot whisky . rum and brandy . The only conshl- orAblo item at foreign Inportntoln Is wine , the Imports at which amount to 6,000,00 gal- 1018 a YCr. Twenty years ago more thnn one.qnnrter ot the wines consumed In tire 'nied States were of foreign Importa- ( Ion. Nol the proportion amounts to only omme-sixtir , ThIs 1f due to the activity of the California wlnc growers , whoso output has slea(11) increased In \alu ' year h ) year. More than twice as much bourbon nR ) whlsley Is manufactured In the United States In 1\ year The largest Internal revenue ( ls- trlct for the manufncturo of bourbon whlslty Is the Fifth Kentucky or Louisville .llslrlct Tire Lexington or Hue Grass district , In Ientuck . iras nn output at 5,000,000 gallons ) 1 year. For ) whisky the Twent ' .thlrll distrIct of Pennsylvania ( Iltsburgl ) stalHIs frt and Ballmoro seeolll , 10ston Is Urlt In rum and New York In gin anti also In beer. - F.ESHENING THE FACE ' \tll/lcnt on that ilrlIttcmm nul Fyc ! , Irln ! Culnr tn CI"u" . , l fIe" Itmres lt l"thll. Impure cometes are dangerous , It used too perslstemitly. Moreover lucy ( are vulgar , I applied too aggressively , htmL the balor's dozen at methOls to which tagged.out women resort when the face Is In nell at color are not InclHled , In either condition. conditon. The prettest woman docs not keep lint freshness ot eye , cheek and lip that const- rites ( the better part of beauty , through long stretches or activity . After n serIes of after- noon calls . litecedeul b ) noontide shoPlllng or a luncheon , a woman's race Is not apt to be at Its best for a dinner or dance 1 tire e\en- Ing. The soot and dust ot a city are foes to freshness , anl It takes more than a dab ot plnt to restore to the slln the original Instre II fact , the cosmetc , ire matter how judiciously put on , accentuates rather than covers the wearIness. Instead timerefore at resorting to queston- able remedIes , whose present cllrm Is dls- 11roportonato to its ulimate bad results , one can pay ntelton to tire antidotes made I up on harmless Ilrlnclples. Every woman who has an Impressionable skin wi adveeate hot water as a never flIng - ins beautifier when one looks fatguel , Fill a basin with the hottest water the skin can stand , all dash It on the face until the heat evaporates. Then change to cell water , using It to hock the blool'essels. . Th's brings a glowing , lasting color to the cheeks that Is far marl becoming than the artificial one. Steam and massage have a host or' advo- alvo- cates. Boiling water Is used : It should be at a temperature to produce n cloud of steam , wimiclm covering ( lie face , nirtlcos breathIng a little dlmeul The head must bl enveloped In a thick towel , placed wel over the bas ! n to prevent the steam escaping , and kept there for fifteen mumrutee. I a bit of greaoa simple cream-Is rubbed lghty over the surface or the skin first , the pores will open more really to the pressure or the steam Judging from the now or perspiration that attends this steaming prEcess , a thorough cleansing of the skin must be the result All the dust and sot that have eate their way Into tire fine openings of the epidermis are brought out , and the 'cton or the heated moisture efficiently expands the muscles and loosens the fibers e that the race talcs on a most attractive eoftness. I Is wel to dip a wash cloth afterward 11 soapy water and cleanse the skIn by vigorous rubbing Dash cold water on Immediately after , to bring the color , and the result will be great com- fort and satisfaction. I the head aches or the back of the neck Is tired . aromatic vInegar , massaged In just below tIre line of hair will InvarIably case tire trouble. ' No well advised person would go Into a public place plastered with powder but to dust a harmless non-perfumell powder overtire ' the cheeks , chin and brow after Uris bath- to be gently rubbed off before leavIng the dressing room-Is most refreshing. There are "any professional women In these days whose work carrIes them Into studio , olce and school room who treed mord than tire refreshing bath : to quote one of them , " .1 verily believe that I get my pEck of dirt . In my hands and neck every day Instead of once In a lifetime. " "How do you dislodge I , then ? " I queried , I for she always cause down to dinner with the freshest and most unwearied face. "I steam Il first , " sire answered , "then I pour either cologne , whisky or alcohol Into a plnL or warm water and wah any : face thoroughly In It. Et'ler liquid Is elcaclous : It's just a lueston of which I happen to have In tit ' house And Il confidentially advise you , " she continued , "not to go through the process before any roommate who believes In your cleanliness , for tire amount or dust that will darken the water will make you feel yourself a Turk You will be so ashamed the first ! tme you try this refreshing process that you wi excitedly wonder I any of your friends saw you on nlO street wIth such a skin. " "Alcohol should not be use unless diute Otherwise very rapldl , it " drIes amI roughens the cuticle As severe as the verdict Is against the use of concoctions that give artificial colorIng to the face I remains a fact that tired women rio resort to n few harmless antidotes ngalnst tire facial evidencEs of lltgue , Touching up time lips faInty with rosalne Is one melho Indulged In This ointment does not color them truaterlaily. but It softens , lending a rlchnees and flexIbility that contact with the wind has driven away Its USl also prevents chapping , If one Is going agnln 'Into , tire air. Some women saturrfto the lips with cologne to brIng the blood , but the trick Is unadvIsable - ble Alcohol scorches the tender skin Color In the cheeeks Is provide for by tire hOI wnter. but the eye Is an aggravating feat. ure when tired . Its dulness "throws I damper" on the face , no matter how cleverly the latter has ben revived , Rubbing the eyelids In a bath of cologne ali water some- tmes brlhtens them , but the South Amerl can women squeeze orange Juice Into tine eye to obtain brilliancy or their orbs , I the undiuted juice stngs too severely , It can be wealtened , and still a good result Is promIsed SlIghtly darkening the eyebrows ( ( f they are light or Irregular ) usually adds piquancy to the face Any oily cosmetc Is bad , for I ataches itself to the skin and I distn- gished as uncleanly ; but tire ohl minstrel adoption of cork Is not "half bad. " Sharpen tire belie stopper to a poinnt hell It over tire gas unti sooty , then rub the eyebrows backward wltn It , touching the skIn ap lightly lS possible , Never darken nnler the eyes : I Is Invarl. ably noticed , and In tire great percentage of cases lents a haggard look to the lace. An- other ce\er way of touching up tire brows Is to heaviy marlt a space on note paper wih a ser heath Ilenel , Crinkle the paper Into pleats and pass the penclel part back anti forth over the e'cbrows To relieve that buring sensation In the skin which foretells a fever blister or a pImple saturate 1\le spot with weal carbolic aehl or spirits of nhtre. Three hours of this doctoring will accomplsh a satisfactory re- suit anll prevent the growth of these unat- tractive , tractvo excrescences I tire throat Is huslty from dust or wearl. ness a gargle made from n teaspoonful of spirits of camphor In n glass of water gives a delicious tone and vIgor to the larynx , pala. etbronchlll tubes antI all those other sensitive organs that exist In that region. p J.Uht * hitrurir. Chicago Tribune : "Are you the man that answers the tlUeltons ? " inquired the visitor . i ' 'les , sir " said the tired-looking man at tire desk. "What can I do for you7" "I wish you'd tel me . " rejoined the other , "In order to settle a bet whether there's any more mies In an Epworb league than In the " common , ordlnary- At this point the newspaper man made an almost Iml'erCelJtble Io\ement with his Coot and tire long-unuso trap door on which the cahier ward. happened to bo standing opened down- Her I'car. p ( roull"u $ , ChIcago TrIbune : "Not yet , Harry , " said the timid maid , eluding his outstretched arm , 1-1 like you , t course , , but-but what drinks are YOI for4f tt " "Mflcited , " replN' ! ' l' : ng man with the long , droopIng mustache , anticipating with 10"0'8 quiCk intuition th terrible tea that mail ' cast its shadow over h5r heart , "I never drink bnrttermiik. " L ' ; J , The next moment hIS' 10\IIY heall with its wealth ot golden hair iy l 'ttustimrgly on his manly shoulder , - - 0 CARE OF T1ILODY. . \n. Jenmreftr , MhiIer'a Clennllh l.cettrrc d. : err 100.1 and Mrs. Jennts Miller . trrtrtiy delivered a lecture In St Louis on "tIl ! Artistic Care ot tire flody . " . , , ' , lrs. Miller began Il.her usual uncen\'en- local way : "I want to cal your attentIon to the sickly I , nervous gIrls at 18 , the broken. down women of 40. and the decaYCI , Ilecre"l wrecks ot GO anti 70 , antI then ask YOU I you think this Is the way the Creator intended to be. I believe that It ve knew the laws which regulate health , ( hi' wonun ot 3 : would look yonnger ( Iran the girl at 18 dos today , arid the womnn 01 70 would be still In her prime. nut the trouble Is , womtn don't know these laws You arc going on to extremes In the mnter of culture , but arc absolutely 1g. norall of the practical , simple rules which ought to govern everyday Io , I was In\lc to lecture once before one ot the most hlghl culurel wonrranr's cubs In the country. They read phlosollhy In the original Greek , and studied scuhlture anti archiecture , anti had a representatvc abroad to dig out antiquities , al11 your may lua"lno It was wih n good deal of trephlnton that I \entnrel before them But when I asked them whether the ) could tel me the numbtr ot bones , In tire humnn hotly , olly one ' 'omnn ) raised her hat\ Sire saId It was eiher forty or 240 , he hall forgotten - gotten whiclr You may siy , as she did . that 'bones Is a coarse subject , to talk about , amid you don't el what difference It makes how man ' there are , ' but 1 say that I you llon't unlerstnnl anatomy , you don't know how 10 take care at your body , amid ) ol're riot fit to have a bol ' , SU11\05e ) 'OU had a new house , fitted out with the latest InvenLons , electric bells . sanitary 1IIImbilg , etc. , would you as a sensible \oman walk Into this Irouso and say : ' ' ' abont these 'I dcn't want to know ariytinlnig things I Is enough that I have the house- I don.t care to notice Il's nnatom ? ' at course nrot. YOI would want to Ilow the structure of the house In every parLcllar , 90 that 'Ol could get the best use or its 1m- hirovennrentS. So , IC yen don't know tire struc- ture at tire bones and nerves anti muscles , and how each one Is related , to the other , how are Yost going to know whether you Ire 10t wnst- ) lag your nervous ' energy , or whether you arc giving each part Its proper neurlshmelt1 "Olnr Wendell Holmes saysVirat : your ' ' cook gives you Is what you are , anti it's a tact. In the next twenty-nve years we arc going to make . a wonderful Improvement along this lineVe are going to 10 away entirely with tire Individual faml ) ' Itlchen , where half the food goes Into the waste barrel In- stead or ignorant girls who have no knowledge or tire nutritive qualtes or different kinds of rood , we will hnve In our co-operative kitchen scIentific , highly educated ehers , who will act not only as cooks , but as ph'qlelans In the tiara to come , I a member of the family gets a bad complelon , she will go to the cook anti say , 'Cher , something must be done for this ' complexion , ' and he will be able to prepare her tooth so as to rem ly the almenl , There Isn't the slghtest reason In the world wiry people shoull ever hravp : rheumatism or neuralgia - ralgia , One Is the cry or starved mnscles , the other or starved nerve : ail the Ilmple cure Is to change the diet. . . But ns we can't - have tire ' scientific chef for some years to conie ; I ann goIng to give ; you n few hints that you ) 'lrselves can act ' upon In the ( first place , , there Is oatmeal The majority or lamiies serve oatmeal for breakfast 305 days 11 the year , and think they arc real doIng thc rIght thing when they force their chllreh 't6 eat I I would lee to maya somebodyr . pr ent me one actual reason why oatmeal sboull be eaten. You say , 'It Is goal , ' 'Yhy Is It geol ? 'Oh , every- body says so. . Exactly , and what everybody says Is always wrong : ' , Il 1s of all _ feds _ tire most Ilmcdlt or dlgeslon , and when soalteU with cream ar. & sugaris . utterly nb"nfnable But you sny-'The Scotch cot oatmeal , and they are a strong people. ' , But what suits the ! Scotchman WOh't suIt the American at al , lie has I temperament that can be nourIshed on oatmeal. hut the American tempernment , and tIre climate , too , .is ' alegether dlrerent , \\e are a conglomerate race , and Wl need a complex reel , I believe In courses , nnd I think soup shuld always begin the clnner , Then should follow an entree of meat cooked so as to get out every particle of nourIshment - ment and then there sh5u\l be a vegetable- one Is enough-then a nice fruit sauce or fresh fruit In its season , or Ice cream , but when you have one , don't have the other , And above all things , don't load your tables with pies and c lees. They are not nourishing , they only bloat the body. . "When you have studied out the question of nourishing the body yarn have done a great deal , but one other thing Is i also very Importanl. , The body must also bc kept clean I venture to say that , not one woman In a hundred Is ever really clean from the time she leaves the cradle until she Is laId In her gr.ive. AnJ I wi ( sloe any ole ot you who have never had a Turllsh or Russian bath or Swedish mass3ge-1 \ 1 tall you twenty minutes af ; you leave your bath tub , and prove to you ) that you never ha\e been clean. A question has been aslel me GOOO Lmes , 1 om sure , 'Mrs. Miller , what 10 you do for the complexIon - Ion ? ' and I want to answer It now by saying that after five year InvesLgaLon 1 have come to the concluslen that there Is nothing that you can put on thIs lte patch that will be of any permanent benefit , and don't be de- lule by quacks Into believing that there Is The only way Is to treat the skin as an organ , use tire Bun batir , the Turkish towel , and fric- tion-by that 1 mean rub the skin gently with the tips of three fingers , usIng a rotary mo- Uon , I cannot spelt too highly at frction ! . When you wish to take a water bath , don't use the tub , but tale the stDuhtng vapor or shower batir I don't endorse extremes : I thlnlt the .water should be about 70 degrees Blt people use too much water Tire best ' German and French specialists are aylng' ' nowadays 'Water on the face only once a day ' Instead of water use the Turkish mItten - ten , , Too mnch water washes the shin away , dnl leaves only a dry , leathery snhSance , "For the hall tire best sLmulnt Is beef marrow , rubbed on the scalp , anti a sun bath does the hair as much good as It does the body. A friend of mine loosened her haIr and sat In the sun a hnl an hour each day during the summer months last year . and her head Is now all covered with a little fuzz about two Inches long. "There Is no reason why anyone should be ugly , " saId Mrs Miller , In conclu/'on : "and Ir I were tl live at Mie quietly , as you do , could sleep In the sannoir1 , each night , and could choose my nrtf\ep ; \ , of diet , I thInk I could make myself tle most beautiful wcman that you have ever sen' ; " -p.1 I . BOOMING A , R : ILROAD. -o 1 h" ( ) rasttr'j l.ull heutllCn Utl time 11,1 _ leU for ttiueoal. In the old days ott , th j , southwest Tough- opols had been a prbnriaiSg , \ town on a great trail , hut the railroad , bai run In far 10 the , north of 1 , leaving It , out In the cold , timid " ' for years It had th I % : , , no one could or I would say how I.afp\r ( \ boom came , says the Detroit Free Prjsl and there was a prospect of a rairoad IIJplng I , and the citizens were enthusUstrc . They talked railroad - road and dreamed rAij-ori ) , and finally lucida a meetng on the sutnj met. The chairman made the openIng address. "Friends smith feler ' citizens , " he said , In thunder tones , " 10 have met here this evmln' to take ole acton on thIs yen railroad - road that Is prollred us cf we'l do our eheer to'rda gittin' I. Our city for ye'rs has set ' wih folded hands , whie less favored Illaees hiss gone to the front l-whoollln' . The ( mae hiss nol come when we air c"l d upon to como to tire front ourselves , and we ha\e got to liD 1 or bust. hush , I say , feler citizens . for we all 1\\llehty Ilgh bustell right now The rol toad , leler citizens , nds.fer . progress. Ef we med that railroad today we would be I dllercnt kind I uv people We would blV inore'zr we hey now anti wouldn't irev"tt&'work so hard ten it . Ff we he,1 , that ralr al runnln' right past our doors and flrm houses anti workshops we wouldn't. heY to go fifty or seventy-I va miles . er even a hunderd , In all kinds at weather , to hold up I train , but we could do It right here at home antI the wilderness would blossom - Sons ns the rose. " -I . 110li . .V ] rizciopzc'.i ' .S. Sportsmen wi welcome the advent ot The Western Game Dr" , tire frt number of whIch Is Just out , Catnip & Huperl , Scribner , Neb. Neb."There's "There's One that Ne'er leturnOl Is Ira tithe of a new air , mucic by horace n. lies- her , words by I' . J. Devln , 11blshcII at Bas. ler's Music House , 18 Sixth street , Pits- burg , } 'a. Chips Is time unique tile of just as unique a little sheet containing Just sixteen pages of selected extracts from the best current literary productons. The Chi's Publshln ! cOlpnl ' , 1018 DownIng bulilng , Irulon street , New York. "The Publcntons of the Groler Club" 1 one of the InterestIng papers In tine March lulber ot The Book Buyer , Al onetmal . I gives tire reader [ felt of Ilelghtul literary - ary news gossip anti extracts frol latest worle8. Chnrles Scribner Sons , New York . A charm In ! lullaby "Slcep : I' Ctrlld . " words \ luslc hy Alln A. Crowley : "Trure ThrouJh All , " n song by Frederick S. hall , and n soldier's hove song , "Iror lanoI amid for Theo , " worlls by Brice Pen- nell , luslc by I 1.:1 WI on , are alon ! thc latlst luslc Illblshe" b ) Whie-Smih Music Publshing cotnnnany , Chlcngo One of the 10st Interesting "Nurser I'rob- lennrs" Ilscussell In the Inrch n\nl r of labyhoo,1 , Is that concering the pOllulr ap- prehenslou about unusull ) brIght t eirilti remr. clear The iniethlcuri why such editor fears , \ are . Yale ; males I very . lie also nnswes questons ns to "the dangers " " " of excessive crlne , "unusunl waklfulness , ) "the causes of stnmmerlug , " etc. lab'hoQI Publshing . compnn , 5 leeklnn street , New Tint March number of Paving amid Iunlc' Ipal Wlllnlerlng \ devoted largely to the 118cussion of paving brick by 11retcal men conneclell wih tire huslness , tire Inforlaton on the subject hnvlng been gathere,1 rrom the recent meetng of the Natonal Brick Ianu- laeturErs' associatloni. In the various Ilellart- ments there arc a number \'aluable articles on subjects pertaining to the Inl'rovement of eitls. Municipal nglnecrlns com pan ) pub- lsher" h , I \ innrapoi is. The cOllllete novel In the larch Issue of Llpplncott's Is "A 1ame Srrrremuder " by ( - tnln Charles Kine. \eparlng lrol thIs liii tir or's usunl neli , the mm rely miiary I i i , I Ileals wih the Chicago strike , the riots amid their sUl1preslon , nnd the hates ot a 1nled States I ibm tenru n t Ind n hllh-lllled you ! lady who worlts a typewriter. I Is her "triune .stnrremrrier " alter long resistance , which gives the tale Its title. J. B. 1.111- plneott company , Phlndelphla , 'he Mothers' Prlend Is the macro or a net little publcaton whIch , beginning with the Iarch number , Is to be issued month ! , amid Is designed "to be f helper and Instructor - structor of parcnts In tine varIous 10rai problems that 11reselt themseh'es del ) ' and even irourly . I alms to be n more conllen- tal lrlcnd annul cormmneeilor than the rnll ' newspaper can possibly be , for It deals wIth no other subjects than those suggestell by the tithe. " Mary Wool1 Alen , M. D" , Ann Arbor , Mich. WrIters , young amid old , will be interested In ' the Authors' Joural for Marcir . H con- tn'lns , among other things , an article on how to wrie for young IJeOllle , by Oliver Optic ; "A Manuscript Record , " hy Whinier Grabale ; "An Author'l Fannie . " by Josle R. NIchols ; some excelent suggestions for writers , by J. 1 Trowbrld , arid a discussion - sion ot the benefits to be derived franc manuscript revIsIon agencies. The Anthors' agences. Journal Publishing cOlllany , 1 Wllal street , Now Yorlt "Art Idol or the Irls Salons" Is some- tiring new. Volume 1. number I , Is Just out arid contains six fire 111es , 'ho plclures comprise "Leda" ( T. Robert Floury ) , "The Pal or Bab'lon" ( Georges Rochegrosse ) , " Tire Daughters of Mcnestho" ( Fernando Le Queene ) . "Artemis" ( Joseph \encltr ) , "Pinrosino amid Milydoro" ( Jean Denner ) , and "Tine Spider's \'eb" lFeramlo ( Lo Quesne ) , Art Idols will be Issued quarter . Stanley \\'ood , well lown In Colorado , Is tire eJltor. White City Art courrpany Ofnicago. Among the special topics treated In the farch number of the Review ol Reviews arc : "This Season's Doings or Thlrt-three I.egls- iatures , " "Electric Raiways In .nul pest"- an object lesson for American cities . " 1.011 Randolph Chur.hl " . "James Clark , Rllllnth , " "An Invald Aid Society"-wrnat I does for consumptves , "The Anti-Toxine Dphtheria Cure"-a vIew " - skeptical , anti "Amcrlcan Stock In Foreln Markets. " On the subject ot the recent gold purehaso tire editor males soma pertnent remarl.s In the department "he Progress of the World. " The Review or 'arId. RevIews company , " 3 Astor . 1J1ce , New Yorl. Thomas S. Townsend contributes a most thorough article to the 1Marchu nUlber of tire New England Magazine al " : lassa- chusetta In the Civil \Var / ' wherein he re- hates many acts of bravery perrormel by MassaehuseHs' heroic sons , and tells ot the prominent part taken by the old nay state ) In nldlng to preserve the union , Hepl'o- ductons from wnr tme portraits or man ' who were promtnent In the struggle add to time attractiveness and value ot iris care- atr ct\eness fully prepared tribute to the honor or Masa- chrusette. Warren F. Kellogg , I Pnrk Square , h3oston. The Overland Monthly for March Is n fc- ton number. I has a new cover deslgnc In honor of the occasion In addition to his regular department , "As Talel1 In the Sanctum - turn , " Mr Widman contributes a thrilling story of an Idaho stage robbery-"As Told ! by Owyhee Joe. " General Lucius I Foote , : unlcr tire caption of "SwIpes , " relates a charming tale of a pair of waifs In the days or tire Argonauts In tIne "True Tales or ) the Old West" series , there are two contributions -one , "Hlclree and Druln , " by S S. Boynton - ton , and one by C. D , lobinrsonr "The Mys- tory or a Dri . " Overhand Monthl Publsh- tnt ! : company , San lrrncsco , ) Captain Jack Crawford contributes a lively sketch , entitled "Ilicycins versus Bronchu , " In the larch number of home anti Country , of which Corporal Tanner Is editor . Other Illustrated articles or the month are : "All About lnches , " by Algernon Lefebvre ; "llronze , " and the "Casting of Bells , " by Frlea Werther : " 11\0 You Been True Americans ? " by Henry Clay I"alrman ; "LI'le ' 1lza , the Life Story of a Painter's Model , " by Slgfrled Corrdo : "In COll-l.anl , " by Victor A. De Conviar PhD : "Silas Brown's Celebration , " IJY Emi Morgan ; "On tine loule\arls of Paris , " by p H , Layland , and "My Follow TT\elel. . . by Roger L. Miirais. Joseph York , Kay 53 East Tenth street , New Municipal problems are becoming so prominent - mont tOday that tine Notes ' on funlclpal GOI'- crlnent In the Anlals or the American Acad. emrny are attracting wIde attention , 'line llarch number contains a revIew of the re orl lovement In New York , an account at the work leeomlllshrd by the Boston Municipal league an analysis of the estimates for 1895 of the New York Board of gsthnate and All- portonment , a dIscussion oC the right ol the PliUadelp111a Park commission to luthorlze tire constructon of troley ronls , In I'alr- mount park , a review or tire civi service reo form mo\ment In New York municipal offices , I very complete bibliography ot recent hookl 01\1 articles on m\nlelpll amid , sociologIcal - cal questions . book reviews and personal notes. American Academy of Poltcal ana Social Science , Phiadelphia , Ida A. Uaker's prize descriptive paper , "A WashIngton Loggmng Camp , " Is one among the many pleasing features of the March Midland Monthly , Mary U , Welch contributes a paper on "Afternoons In Italy : " "Literary Atanta" II nccoluanied wih portraits at Joel Chandler HarrIs : Frank I. , Stanton and \erl gifted women of Georgia ; "Women Writers or 'ashlng. Ion" ( city ) Is Ilustrate(1 ( whim portraits of Grace Greenwood , Kate Irlell' frs. Dahl- gren and others : the story of the mUltar telegraph Is toll by its organizer , Major George II , Smih : "A PrInces of Silver- Ilnd" Is an Idaho ' JcA'o story II a laughter ol Go\'ernor I dwlnls or Missouri , and a celcluslon of eatrice , " a prize short story , homo topics , poemns amid talks ivitin contributor commnplets it dechriedly cuter. taininrg nmumnrber , Jolrnsonn liriginarn , Des Moimres , Ia , A rich literary tinge Is creeping Into tine pages of Jenmress Mihier Motrthiy , fornnimrg a cirarnmring variety when Irlaceul in tile same mrnontinly groupimng with tire best of domneatic , social amid iuygienicj mnratter , Therq is a fine story by tire renowned Frencit writer , Augustir Fiton , and a quaintly chranumring ' 'Mlttemns aid amid ' ' cimairter on Its Violins , tviricis gives tiue inlstory of tinis womrderfui anti favorite lnstrutnemrt , 'Firo kimmtlengartetr departtnetrt Ins Iriginly educative anti lInac- tical. There is ann Interesting article for would-be newspaper womneur imr tire form of a paper emutitled , "Occupation for Wounen. Society , its requirenrents annd enjoymnrens ( , is irsnthied to perfection in a department known , ann "Afternoon Tea , " An article onr "Tree Grafting for \Vommren" opemrs uir a new field of industry for those who arc stilt look- irug for occupations. Tire spring tnbion an- tide , wrlrten from tii .Tenness Miller stanti' 5iotnrt , is rich imr abtteudsnt suggestionne for beautiful hygienic annul npiiropnlato dress. Jennies. Miller Monrtiniy , 115 Fiftin avenue , New York. Tireno was a time wlnen he wire would keep ltrforimieti of tire progress of ktuowlcnlge , tire rerorni of discovery ninth Invention , mmii ( ho entrants of hmrrninan thromighl , could reiy chiefly , if trot wlroiiy , upon books , Thrat day has msassed , Ilooks we urust still read , as tine crystaliiiation arid Inertrmanrent enrbodi- mont of hrtnmnnamr titonngitt ntnd kniowledgi' . lint (0(1151' ( it is tire imeweiraper , tire ir.agazitne , tire periodical review , urponi winch we unmet einicily uiepenrd it we ivtmttlni follow closely tire in teilectutusi riutrvenenrt of tire uhay , Anti srow a new ditticuity has rrrlsemm , This nnewapaper anti lietiodical iiteraturre has becomite so tmrui- titurllmronns anti ( nullity its to ( no a imetivy tnmr. dent to time bnrey mart or eomiran , viniie event the person wire inns leisure raid lmnciitratlomr to read widely Is ofteir trmiribif to get needs to tire cutrrent inuniulieationms. Especially iii tire emnaiher chtie , villages ninth ntnral tii- tnicts is tire lack of such opportunity felt. It is felt my tine ciergymusn , tire teaciner , tine lawyer , I mo lniryaiclani , tine nrerciramrt , tire uurtisamr , tire farmirer annul lire cumitureti anti timoinghitfuti wommreir of tIne ireumsuimoltiVIth mill three attti tnnntny dIner classes of percents tire great irrnetleal literary qrnestiotr is : lion' can I best suppienmicirt niry lnudiepensibhe ironno IrSiten ? It WtiS to answer this qtmcs. lion anti irreet tins tiennrnmrti thrust Puthtiic (1pm- Ion ( inert iuinbiisinetl in New York City ) was fotnrrtietl nitre years ago. it eciects tine lret , coutiemnses it to tire last ulegree , nun serves it mi comivemnicnt nmutl attm ructive tonIc. Tine Public Oinltilomt commnpurmny , Now York. . Ioi.o , I'1 ? . ' ( ojz.1z1r , Iowa Pails Citizen : ix.Semmntor ll.mrian is en inrtuch bigger anti so mimi-li miroro able than ann' diner nrran so far mmremntkmred itt corrmrectionr ivitit I ire slutrbilcan uuommrimrtrtioni for governor that comrnpaniaomrs are odious , Keoktmk Censtitmrtiomr : Ttrerc' are it numiiiner of hub gini iii ( hula cily wIre itrivo a coclal circle of their ownu tinat is very ttnuhnpne. At nitiferenit tunics they moneet at tire hroume of sounne otra of ( ho mruenininc'rs anti enjoy se ennui hours 'ery luleasnnutll' . After gatironing they have ii contest to riscertttlnu ivluo cami remrrutimi quietest ( liii longest. Tine enter who firrt sp..iks on' larmgius is awarded tire boolny iinize , nuti tire euro wino holds out tire longest g.'ts ( ho 1mm- cipai award , Thuemr gaines are lnlrI'ctl aunt re- freaiummrcmmts served , arid tint imrerny little conni- imarw breaks urp to imrcOt agaltu at sOniii' hatet' tlate , Des Moimmes Leustler : The tiemuorrusts of Iowa are as nuunnnrerolns annil as icitiy for fight as ever imr tlneir history. 1'lrtir clmoaerr icanleru seenmu to maya niecaurniteti auth stuimriiitled , hurt tinn armrry is iuero and amnxious to go Itnto actiomi. Tire tiring nroi' to rio is to call a state confereurce nmrd get Inn shnnrpe for work. Perlnaps tire m annie amiti file of tire party many lx aisle to iunstil ( courage etroungir imito tinun cinaps who have hueretofore gone to ( hue con- vetntionus anti mayo coaxed arid pleaded arid ptthletl wires to mayo tlremmicelves elected 0111- cons in tiuc democratic luarty to enable tireuri to attend tIns comrferemice anti asstst imr outlinr- 1mg a policy. Itubuqnmo Tiniest Throne conmid be nothing mrroro absuurti ( Iran lnoldlng tire Unlieti States niahis from two to thurco Incurs in Cinicrigo for tire sole bemreflt of tinree or fourm' Cinlc.igo palsors. If nil nirails started fromnu Chnicago , annul there alone , ( lucre miglmt be sonic excuse for wirttmnrg unmrtii all nuaiis haul been gatlrered burt half or two-thirds of ( hue mmnail cratter tar time west cornea fronri beyonrnl Ciricago , anti detaining that for hours to nccomnnnnrodate tire ChIcago papers is subordimuating tine interests of thue whole west anutl nortlrwcst to tIre damns of tire few. If it be muecessary for tire Cmuiczngo paiers to leave just wlnrr they do tirero is rio reason wIry special trains sluotnlti riot be run mr their imrtere.uts alone. If tIne public will trot patronize tire soecial to a sumillcient amnrounnt to mnrake it pay let thin' Cinicago papers con- tnibunte. TIre prcscmut mnrethotls are grossly inn- fain' amid slroulti be remniedied , Daverrport Denurocrat : I'resltlenrt Stlckney of tIre Cmnicago Great Westermr railroad is a railroad aranu with original iiezrs. Ills road is as liberal as any with its imatrcnrs , anti does as mmmdi as airy to aetaimr their ooti wilt anti to help them to maine nremrey , and inclientaily to make some for itself at tIne satire tune. lIe is tounnimng irIs raliroati systenrr mind muakimrg ad- dresses to tire fanmnrers on huts hines , tnrglnrg tineurr to devote themselves to amnialier farms , to gnaw the crops that are ma demirhad , to di- venally anti rotate their crops , and to stnpply thno American nrarket ivitin tlnase articles of agricultural produce that are now mnapontea. l'otatoes , lie mentions , are imported to tine extent of 100,000,000 buslnehs a year. Ho wants tine farmrrers our iris line of road to maine money for tirenreolves by raising iotatoes tIll tire foreigrr crop shall be huut mit. Ills heati is level. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ amovcq FIfty-Flee rrmontsand l'otnnrd' George S. Spnlgga , a mechanic for tine flaitirnoro & Ohio railroad in BaltImore , his friends tinimrk , is one of tine strongest anon in tine world. Tlnairletl Ire nnoved for several feet up a slight incline of track a freigint car which , with its contents , welglned 55,000 pounds. Tins Is tinotmgirt to be tine world's record , as tine heaviest car lnnrown to mayo been ISreviouslY imroved by simrgie-nnamr power weighed , with its contents , 35,000 imuntis. Tins was inn Sanr Francisco several years ago. Spnigga' flrst attempt ias on a frejgint car weighing , with comrtenrts , 42,000 pornnds. Tins ito moved eight feet , and It seennieti easy. Tinemu ire waited a shuort tinre to gather Iris strength arid wemnt for tIre hinge car of tire record breaking weIght , lIe mntrairred amid tugged , finally startitug it and mnovinrg it tine required eight feet. Miss Della Stevens of Boston , Mass. , writes : I have always snnircre frommi hereditary Scrofulrt. I tried various remedies , nudanany reiiablo piry- siclans , but rromre cc. hieved me. After taking six bottles of B. 13. 5. ann now well , I urn very grateiul to you , as I lcd that it eayed sue from a life of unrtoinl agony anti siunnil take pleasure in speakitng ouly wortm of praiao for your womu derful inetliciuc , rind lii recommorudinug ii to S S S witlitirispaimnfrnldlscase Treatise iviro onflhood _ inru amudOkin , Dieascsfreto any nsnWres HWIF'i' * SPEOrPJO Co. , Atlanta , Da. DO C'TO H SEARLES & SEARLES 14'- Chronic , ervons , iri 'i'll m.t'i'.IIINT liv si A IL. Conattitatitntt I'rm'e , We cure Catarrh , all clisetsos ; of tito Nou , 'Iliroat , Chest , StOmaCh , Livar , Blood , Skin anU Kidney Diseases , Female - male Woakncssoe , Lost Nanlaoocl , and ALL PR.VATE DISEASES OF MEN. % 'I1AIi trN : ARLI VICTIMS TO lih1ti\'QUa Dbuiity or FxtraustJ'n , Wanntntmg Weakness , Ins remuntary Losses , wriSt Early Decay Its young and middis aged ; isek of vim , vigor andweakened prematurelr in aprroacinmng old age , All yenid readthy tn cur nevp treatment for oii of vitil power C&a or o' address , , ttir stamp for Cl- culara , fres book ini receIpts. Dr SAarlcs aud Stnirlie 1410 Fnurrrzutnr ' ' -ut Otirainni Neb : . _ _ : - - = _ _ _ _ _ _ . - ; . = - _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ . : i ONE THINQIS SETTLED. it itt % S , .li 'artiu htimowirig Now That ( inip i 141 nlking flown i't'bta h'eOtnl , Tire' ecornonry of a inatloir is uhleturniseti when great fltn'einnnti ; of money tune imontrieti insterid of Ut inng kept ins free circunintittm. 'l'lne OcOti ) . nriy of the' intnnmnnn body Puniters when lImo hiloouh is stied imp in i-ct tnuinr Ongnints ivlrilO ( 'tlndm have mueni'eely enonnghr to live cr1 , ThIs lnoardlng of biroi is vniieth eomrgestion amnti it Is otre of tine uhtrtngorc of tire itresent otutirreak of grip , It affects lttnr , stomachs aniti bowels. ( 'ctmgesiiomm inmirelleycri Inceonies inilamntiia- tioni nhnti every intehhigemit tt'rnnr inflowS tvlnntt that mnrdn inre ivhemr tint' eeiiter of life are afteetcil , 'flint growinrg sureness nicroes tire t'iucst , tlnrtt Inaimnitni cerise rif funiltresta in tire iCati are sig tlntit tire gthir has laid its eltrtcir uponi your , "Plnso ? 'enini nrc nix battle of Tnrftey's 1'tntc Malt l'iniskey , " iurlies Mv , l. Alex- nlndnr' \inlS'ern. . lana. "I I t' tInt' ( nest men- icinre ton tire grip itmitl we rrumu't hnmtvo it , ' ' Coligestetl ongumnic are relieved of tire rote- Inns of luinoti , tine eli-c tirrttomr is equinriizenl , tine appetite clmrpeuro'd arn'i tint' niigestiomi imrminroyel iii' tints 'iinieeoriut' nurnti irelpitit etitmutninirt. That exliinniils its ttrninrokcmr rote- Ce's5 mm etses of gt ip , NothIng ii hitch nines lean wilt sworn oft ( Ito an I ; ' arid lit ) imrouitret of rrrottal cmiii eanr tin emote , mninjecteri to ( inn. ' n'ternr test oI empeni- ( utren 1)tifli"r ; l'nnre Mmtlt'ttisIuey linus ems- tttir1iired ltt.tmif flmtnriy Inn tln esteetir uf IdrY- lchm mrs ni miii I rt % urea , foci I nn g I t it ttn'enrg tlrtnn g lnilitnemnce , ivetnaer wlnat tinnmy vnuli , dr witit- aunt it 1mm tirt'se bieilc uumnrter' ubtys lreri grIp lmn itt tire air. Nobody nment tmy to riti withrotut it for gro- con's arid nit'tmm.gicts tniwnyn imnt'e it its urtuck , elnowitig that vonnfltietree itt itni treefininren's hits inu'ed it tutdrti uleinirrinri for it. Dontot' diffr nra ttr tine hlnii effcI at r'eu'tninm reurre- iii , ii. i'ireie Zttc only ri ft'n' thnc' vnuine of ivinieir 1st ircyomni nitepnnte. Duff"s i'tire Malt \'lnislut'y is niriomig thnc'nin OIWIPANOLEMIDI , Time Good Samaritan , 20'eans' ' Experience , IIL'.tflEit OF 1)ISI.tSEM OP tiN ANI1 1'Ltt t1N , l'lh ( ) I' 1(1 IT ( ) hi. (1 P 'lit l 'Oit1I.i ii Ilt lt.tT , IISl'1i- . SAlti. 01' it Iill'INl , , k'l'.i' :7 ' 4. , ; , ? * t..mSTt -Y , ' , I - ' ' - , ; 1 freat the to//owing Dsocuses : Cmitnrrir of tine Ik'minl , ΒΆ lUnorut. anti 1.ummrgs Dia. eases of tinti B'o nunnti Inrt , l'mts niintl Apolniox ? I it'rnn C liunur so , Ii u'ot' Counn itinn lnrt , K idurcy Corn inlmninit , 1crs'otns Icistliy , i5lcnstni DC. prcn4siois , I.oMn'I 01' Iurs1sooci $ csi- html ' % 'eniIuscn4H , itrnbetes ) , hlrigint's 1)li- ) eur'te , St \ ' it nmti' I luitnet' , itinern mint lenin , i'rurmiiy us , Wirnie Srvr'iiimng , in'truttiin , Peter Some' , 'l'trsIl- oru4 snsd lrlr4ttslut Its flmsC reussosccl. Vit15Oitt time ksrile or ( Irzt'iing a cirol , ofblooit. ' % Vosrsnirs 'ltir ster ( iciteiste orgnmne vest orc ci to Iienfltii. Iropsy cured vitIrotst ttuiihnsg. Spectral Attcmrtloms gi'.mi. at ) lrlvaute nsirel 'ctrerersi Iir4eoit4ctS (5(0511 10155(18 , $50 to $5flupknni''it for army 'cirem'euI Itpteruse I cninrirot cur-c ' % 'ltti1Ottt iIeretrr' , 'J'tnpu Won'nmns r't'mnovt'tl inn twoon' timnee lrornms , onto pity. 1leururrboid or I'iles cinieti. . T5mOSll'ui 1) ARII A VF1,1CThl ) ( l'imi situ-c 1110 nititi inumrdtetis at' duhiutrs by call- imng on or rnslnng DR. G. W. PAQ1E'S HERBAL MEDICINES Thu a tnmnly I' Ii ys itdmu is uvit in cnn mn I ii 1 rinnmt nulls. a m' " rItr mm w I ( it , , ii I uu'dn t ung mu 'm uiest mm , . 'I'Itnro nit ii dltttnnmico semrni for ( jnienttiors Itinunuk , No , I tom' strums , No. 2 roe ivorncmr , A it correaponrulcmrco strk'tlv confltletrtiai. ) icdieitio si'rnt. by eXpresS. Addrcs all lettora to , I"AIGI.E , III. fl , , 555 BROADWAY , 000Ncnt. BLUFF $ . ' neloso lOu in alumina for s'ei'hy , BATH OF BEAUTY hiuby blemIshes , itimurlie5 , reulromngiu itnadmtnd . fslItumg muIr Itmuvmrmtti by ( unz. , CumiA 1OAi' . Most effective skins S umlfylmug arid bennurtlyimig soap mis well as iJtnreot umuti snivmest of tolitt anuti muurnry soaps. Only . ' ( curie for ilrnllcs 1'euimmoe omniy pro. i entive of lrmulinmnnmirtttiomr mmntl clog. ginng of the jorca. Sohi everywhere. When Buyhig : Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A nrimnttte lost can never be recovered , unmiti it's a eaiaiiiity to lostu itevem'al years. whnidhr so mnniry Iowa arid Nebraska people inmuve dtrmre when they mayo bought foreign growun , urnracchiniatcd fruit maca. MENHItAY liftOTilliRS , TilE CitESCEN'l' NUitSIitYo \Veme born on tIne hnruris wiret'e their nurse. ry stock is grown , nmntl yertrmr of lnatiemrt , imutellgemrt oxpenimnemit innuve tainghnt them ( huts lic'st varieties for thnlu climate , Cnnnuequenrtiy tirL'ir ironic pnnwn stock Is mini innun'tiy nra tire forest trees. Tiney have a very inurge stock for tire snnlng tlciivcn'y annul every tree ire iu'nurrmnmrteti trite to nature. Orchard , Vinryard , Lawn , Pnrrkinrg ' 1'ree mmmd Onnrmuirreirtni stock 2iaieo no nmristmtlee inn yotmn' ornitrnt , Senni its yomnr hist of wants for rrice. We can please yttui imr prices anti stock. Hefereircea : Council ] Itntifm4 linnuicin , Cctuncil , l3iunlfun Depan ( mont . : Ornnnira lice , cmiii pronrninenrt lrnsnimre5s nrnon. 4 Nurseries six miles month of Cottmncil Hilts , P. 0. Address , MENERAY Uflos. , Crescemit , Iowa. OEO. P. SANFORD , A. W. ItIEKMAN , I'resldent , Cashier , First National Bank otCOUNCIL. ULUFFS , Iowa. Capital , - $ IoooOf Proilis , . - . 12,000 = Onus of tine oldest banks In tins stats of Iowa. We solicIt 'our buslrnuas and collectIons. tV. pay 0 tier cent on time deposits. Wa seth ba p1easd to see anti .erve you , CITQ t , hI A i1llPhlif' i Attornitvr-t-Lnmu , , Cliii , ) 1 % urnrummsrtmnlutj , l'rnetit'o iii ( Inn State nnmnti Iculonnul ( Jornrt'r. ltonunnrs iJI-T-8.J , tinufar Iliocin , t.ouun.'nt l5nuIi' , , ; , , Special o1ics-GouociI Bluffs 'Z3i1ISINIYta CLdMNhD ; VAIJO.T8 eL.IOANgD , , ma flunks , atS' . 13. Ilottier's , (13 Ilroadway. LAuGh PltiVA'lO il/uItN l'Olt RUNT NIIA1 court imouls , . Apply at lies otltc , Council Illuffs. l'nniiP FA1IM AN1) UAltlEN LAND jrOf5 menlo clmeap nnmrtl in easy terinra , Day & hess , 33 l'carl anreet , A FiN1I : , i'iits : oti'rFIT ioit i'Al.Il ; I LAN- tlau , I truucIiunr , I coucln , 1 mmrlrrey , I prnaeton , 3 b'jggtts , & sitIgims , 8 metS him.rrtness. Day il'nr , Council iliutfa , 'm'ANTi1) , A PAIR OP GOOD HCOND.IIAND fnnrmur sctuionm. AI'mIiy by iottor to John Osborn , Utmuierwood , or ( leorgo 0 , Clark , Conrmncii illuff. , ha , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ; ; , A HMO.L. RiIViJt VA'1''II ' .NQ elnnnimn. Flatter wIll m rmturtn srrnmna to Imee cults and get rowamd , hii ret Nv-I auuiteur etiter' . I 1 ' p IILIL UL tttliihIhL'hitS trii soaiu.'tles , ' 1'J Social s Pastimes : I Hom3 Entertainment Co , , Council Bluffs , iOWa , I II - - - - . - . - - - - . . - . - - . . . . -