Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1895, Image 1

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.j lDs'rABr.JISIlED JUNE 17 , 1871. 0LAII : : , : \ 1.0NDAY0 : : UN1ING : , MARCh 11 , 1805. : SING1 COpy FIVE CRN'rS.
, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Copic3 of the Official Document ! Made
. . , r . Pub1io at Last ,
d/ ' -
ChlneRo l : uln hcno " 11 I."ck ff 1'rRlit
J."lhl with other N"thlR Je l.on-
Rlhln for I ho " ' "lnro % uf the
JlrRt I'itcn Ih I'rlnn'i.
LONDON , March 1o.-omcial copies or the
notes IIa8slng ) between the peace envoys or
-e China anti Jallan. with traI1I4ate ( copies or
the credentals of the envoys , have been re-
cclve1 ! In thle ciy , 'rue corrcspondence
opens with the note of the Japanese rnln
iter accreditng the Jalmnese ) con\nlssloners :
"Viecotint : lutsl MtlnetnItu , JIII , 1.'lrst
Class or the Imperial ; ) Onler of the Sacrel
Treasure , his Imperial ) majesty's mlnhter or
state for foreign affairs . haR ! the honor to
announce to theIr exce1IencIe . the plenipo-
tentaries or his majesty the emperor or
. - - . China , that his majesty the emperor or I
Japan has allpolnte,1 , his excellency Count '
Ito IlrolHnl , JtinhI . Grand Croes of the
" . Order of 1allownla ! , his Iniparlal majesty's
" ' mlnlter president of ntate , and the undersigned -
signed as his Illelll.otentarles to conclude ]
with the duly althrlzCI Illenlpotentarlrs or
China 11rcllninaries of peace and , has con-
fde,1 , to them full powers for that purpose.
i t II IU
, - ' - "
r- ' "nSCOUNT IUTSU : lNgmTSU ,
I \11. \ "IlI AffaIr. majesty's ' : lnlster of State for F'crelgn
"lllroshliiia , the 31st day cr the 1st month
of the 28th year of : leljl , "
The credentials of the Japanese mmls-
Ioners arc as follows :
" the ef heaven em-
: lntsuhlo , by grace
peror of .Iallan and Eal ,1 , on the throne ce-
copied ! by the same dynasty from tme ! hinine-
morlal , to all to whol these present shall
conic greeting : \'lh u whew 10 thc re tor.l-
ton of I'eace between our emilire antI that
' _ . . of ChIna , In order to maIntaIn the peace of
" .
the Orient w. , reposing special trust un1 !
confhlenee In Count Ito Ilrobunl , , Iunl ,
Grand Cross or the Imp2rlal : Order of Paul-
lownla , our minister president of state und
VIount lutsu Mlnemlsl , Junl , First I
Class of the Imperial Order or the Sacred ,
Treasure , our minister of state for foreign
affairs , and , having full knowledge of their
wisdom and ability , do hereby name them
ae our plonlpatentlarles. We have given to
our plenlpotentalles lul pawns to meet and
trent , either separately or conjointly. with
the plenipotentaries of China and , to con-
cud : and sign prelimInaries of peace.
"We shal I examine al I stlJlatons which
, , . our sail plenflotentarles may agree upon ,
a - . and finding such stIpulations proper and In
good anti due form , we shall ratIfy them.
In wltfess whereof we have hereunto set our
signature a 111 caused the great seal or the
empire to be alflxed.
" ) one ut Ilrosblma the 31t day or the
first month or the 28t1 year of leljl , correspondIng -
responding to the two thousand five hundred
and flfty-flfth year from the coronation or
the emperor Jlmmu
" lnlster President of State. "
Translation of letter of credentIals from his
Imperial majesty , the emperor of China , to
his Imperial Inajesty the emperor of Japan :
.e\ "The emperor of China sends greeting to
the emperor of Japan : Our two empires
being In the same -ontnent. hitherto there
was no cause for dIslike , but lately on ac-
count of the Corean affaIr we had to re-
sort to arms , which had resulted In loss of
lIfe and ! destructIon of property This wus
an unavoidable step. Now through thie me-
diaton or the UnIted States government ,
both nations will appoint Illenlpotentarles
with full powers to meet and treat and sats-
facoriy settle the mater In dispute. For
this pnrposo we appoint Chang Yen 100n ,
presIdent of the board ran1 . member of the
Taulig I Yumen , senior vice preshlent ( of the
Board of Itevenfle. and Shao Yu Lien , of the
. first rank and actIng governor of lunan , as
# our Illenlpotentarles , with full powers to gu
to your country trustIng your majesty will
receIve them , so that the saId 11lenlpotenlar-
lea ' their duties. "
lel may discharge dutes
( Seal , )
( As translated by the Japanese govern-
ment. )
"Wo decree we 110 appoint Chang Yen 100n
( holding the rank or presh1cnt ( or a board ) ,
inlnlster of the Tsung I Yamen , and Junior ,
vice president of the Board of Revenue and i
Shao Yu LIen , an ofcer or the Hutton In the
, first ranll and acting governor of lunan , as
our Jlenlpotcntalle .a met alli negotIate
the mater with the plenllloteJlarles : p-
Ilolntel hy Jupan. You will , however tele-
graph to the 'suug I Yamen for the puree
of obtalulng our commands , by which you
z. , will abhle. 'Iho members or your mIssion
ore placed under your control , Yea will
carry out your mission In I faIthful and dIll-
gout nununer ant wi fulfill the trust we
have reposed In ) ' 01 , Respect this Inllel'lal
cOlmal\ \ . "
( I.S. )
"Idemorandune' : Ils I Imperial majesty's
llleulpotentarles ha\1 the honor 10 announce' '
that the full IIII'ns whIch they have jUbt
commlnleatet 10 the plenlltentarles ) ) of his ;
majest ) . , the emperor of China , emboly : all
the authority which hIs majesty , the emperor
of Japan , has conlde,1 , to them In connectIon
with till ? Igotaton mil conclusion or peace.
th ordP to avoid us far as possible any
further in iso miti erst a 11(1 I rug the t Japanese 111enl-
lotftittlud'heH ) \ desIre reciprocally 10 bo eutl
! orlaly Informe ] In writing whether tIme full
Powers which have hlen commuuuulcated to
them hy time ( 'hlneso plenipotentarIes , but
which tire ) ' ha\ ' [ not as yet examhlld , em-
body ) , all the authority confIded , by his majesty ,
the .mJeror or China : , to I lie Chinese I Illenlpo-
tenlnrlel In connection with the negotIatIons
and conclusIon or peace ' -
"Illrosiulmua , the 1uL mini or the second month
or tIme 2tu ) year of AIeIJI. "
mnJlsh ( translatIon oecomuanlcJ by the
Chlnes original ) - I
"To the Ilenllotentnrles of his Majesty of I
Japan : Wo have the horror to state that you
halliet to lS on the 7th Ilay of the first moon
of the 21st year of luaog-SI your commission -
mission from your ImperIal majesty , 'and , at
the same' time a memorandum II which you
usl of us a written reply resJectlg our full
vower'e beg to 6tatr II reply that our
commIssIon , bonded to you at the same ( hire
In cxciuaumge emmuboulies full ' '
. exehallc' , < ful power given by
011 Imperial majesty for the legolotons anti
conclusion of pcacl and authority to con-
dl < o nrleleF to that end amid to sign thpm
lit ortL r to Insure the Prompt exrcullrn or the
treaty we ma ) agree upon , we shall wire the
tlrml for hUllcrlal sanlton , ont Ix time date !
for Iglnture : after which the same shall
talel to Chin for examination by shal 1m
I' ' rial hhlese mOjlty , and being l'rOpr ' and
In good ont , hiP form , will be ratliled .
"Ilghth tIny of the first moon of the
twcnt.uIrst { Seal ) ) ' ( ar of lluang.t3u "
Tire following speech was alltessell by
Count Ito to their exceliemrclcs , hang \111
1001 and Shoo \1 1.len. ut the conrerence I
of the 2d of February , 1895 : "The measure
whhh m ) colleague Iml m ) ' elf find I neces
hurry at Ihl8 lomeli to adopt Is tire logical
r"'ii of I tllaton for which we are In
10 vise n'bllonblblc. China has hItherto
lucid heullr ulmoi entirely aloof from
other en , and bile sire has In
POen Ind I hle sauna
hnlalcls enJo'ell the allvaltages accruIng
to hLr I a member of the family of nations .
silO ' has perhaps more frequently denIed
the reiponllblltes of that ( fl'laton. She
Iran IlruPll 1 Iloley of Isolation and dls
trod , anti consequenty her external rela'
lIons have not been charleterlzeJ by that
franklen and good fllh whIch are esen'
thai to good neighborhood , Instances Ire
hot wantIng In which Cblone cotunnlssloners ,
. " < .U. , , . , _
after having formally agreed to InternatIonal
compacts , have rerutl to afx their seals ,
anti , cases might be cIted In which treaties .
solemnly Concluded have been urucero-
monlolsl ) and \ wltholt apparent renrn reo
Pudiated. These unfortlnatl occurrences nnd
n sufficient explanaton In the fact that the
Chinese were not on those occasions serIously
II earnest , but b.yonl that I mIght be
who desig-
said wIth truth the ofcials were -
noted to carry on negotiatIons had , not been
clothed with the power necessary for the
purpose I has from the first been the
wIsh of Japan to avoId results whIch his-
tory teaches are liable to be the outcome or
negotiatIons with Chinese officials who are
not clothel , with full power In the sense
In which that lerm Is uSlal ) InderstoOI
Consequently the ImperIal goverment made
I a condltol 11recelent to peace . negoua- !
tons that the Chlle c plenlpOlentares
sholil be furnlshel ! wih ful power to coil-
elude Ileace , 1111 It was only npon receIving
Iloslh'asslrnnces from tire ( hinesI ! OV-
ernment that thai conditIon precedent hal
been comple,1 with and that the Chinese
IIenl11etentarles ! were on their way to Japan
that his majority , the emperor of Japan ,
conferred IpOI my colleague amid myseH
frill lovers to cOlcllle and sign pre-
lminaries of peace wllh the plenilloteltaries
of China
"That your excellencies' powers are , 10t-
wlhstanllng that aesurrance , fatally lefecllve
Is to me a sue Indication that the govern-
mrnt of Chiln Is not yet really solctous : i
exhauste1 ! by
for Ilrace. CrIticism Is nearly
a Ilmllle comparlsol of the t\O Instruments
, this
I hlch were reciprocally explalne,1 ut
board yesterday , but It Is 10t out of place
to point out that one fulfills thc dennllon
which Is nsualy given among civllizd
states to the term ful powers whll the
other Is Ilesttnte or nearly mull these qural- !
Ites which arc relarded as essentIal to
such pow l > rs : I cven falls to indicate the
whIch ' excellencIes are
subject 11101 your excclencls
to legotate ; It does not authorize your ex-
celencies to conclude or sign anything : It
Is silent on the subject of the Inmprial rt-
fcaton of reur excalienuie' acts. In short ,
It would seem that the autharlr wir'cir has
been conferred ' i'xceiietrcles would
upon your excelencies woull
b completely fulfilled by your reportIng to
' what colleague and
your goverment my coleagul
myself might have to say.
"In this sltualon It wOlld be Impossible
for lS to continue negctaton , I rummy be
at. erted that mage Is not entirely Ignored
In this Instance ' I cannot admit the sut-
Iclwcy or such an explanation. I disclaim
any right to Interfere wih the pure dome . : 'e
cutoms or China , burt I Ileem It not only
my rhht but my dirty , to Insist that In
Intlrnatonal concerns are tng my own coun-
try the peculiar methods of China shall yled
to the superIor rules of international Inter- 1
course. Tire restoration of peace Is n matter -
ter of the greatest Importance 10 bring
about a ro-estabhichrment of amicable rela-
tons , It Is not only necessary that treaties
with enat object In view should be signed , but
It Is Imperatve that the elgaements shonll
be fulflcd In good faith. Whie Japan has
fOlnd no reason to apllroach China on the
subject of peace , she mvertheless feels bound
In deference to that civilization which she
represents to lsten to any bona hide over-
tures which China may advance , burt she
will declne to toll part In the future In
any fruitless nlgotatons or become n party
to a paper peace. The terms whch ! Japan
agrees to will be Erupulousl ) ' observed by
iron' , and she will ot the same time Insist
I npon China a like observance of the terms by
"Whene\'er , therefore , China finds herself
serlousl and sincerely desirous of pence nml
will confide actual powers to Chinese offIcials.
whoso names arid positions wi serve us an
assurance that the terms to which they may
agree will bo confirmed and carried out In
geol faih , Japan will " be prepared to enter
upon new negotiatlomus.
"Memorandum-The Imperial oveomeDt re-
peatedlr declared through the United States
representatIves at Toklo and PekIng that the
aPJlntment of plenlpolentarlcs wlt1 frill
PPolcrs to conclude peace was on Iml p2nsa.
blo prel'"lslo to negotiatIons on the snb
joct of peace Ills Imperial majest"s pleni
poteurtlaries . however , hind that the authoriza-
ton which their excellencIes , the plenlpo-
tlntarles of his majesty , the emperor of
China , communIcated to them on the 1st Inst. ,
Is wholly Inadequate for the purpose for
which It Is olnlmed I wes Issued. I Jacks
nearly all the essential attributes o'r full ,
powers al usually nnderstood. The Imperial !
go\'ernment has not receded from the po' I
sllon which It nnnonnced to the repre
8cnlat\'es of the United States that I hued
tallen on the subject or ful powers , and the
Inperlal Japanese plenipotentaries , having
been entrusted b ) iris majesty , the emperor
of Japaur with actual , proper Ind complet
tiowers cannot consent to treat wIth 111enl I
Ilotentaries of ' III majesty , the emperor 01
China : , who arc only authorized to discusa
maters , to report to the Tsung-LI- Yumen ,
amid , to obtain the snbsequent commands 01
the tirramme by whleh tile ) ' arc to be guided
"hurrier these circumstances It only remains
for the penllotentnrles ! of his maje3ty , the
cmlleror of Japan , to declare ] time present
negotatons at ln end.
"htlrosirlmna , the 2d day ( of the second ,
month of tire twenty-eig'nth year ot Jt.lehjl. "
CIIISB ; "UHcm " - I.U"I luanl.Y. .
'l'imn ' hnnOllt bf 'litennu Unl.nled Ir Iho
, Jil"'hUMO Ion Wno i'nrnrini.
YOROi I , . \ March to.-On Thurs a last
time Japalese ealltre1 the coast forts near
Ylnlol the port for New Chwang , Tire
forts held ont after the capture of Ylnllow
Ou Saturday the first division of the Jap-
anese arm ) aUaclId a force of 10,000
Chinese under General Sung at Thien Chwang
'al , For four hours 0 fierce battle waged ,
hunt the Chlneso were defeated , after losing 1
2,000 . ) klllli or wounled , Tire Inpanese loss '
was only ninety kIlled or wounded.
General Nodsu who slcceete\ ! \ Fieltl I Iur-
dual Yamaata In the commalli of the first
Japanese urrirty . has ben promoted
I\\'J : . \llm t u : 'ln ilS ( ) I'JCJ
Inclolnl NluUIUln8 1 ' hr ron git I inn . \lor.
Inl 'lnIMIr In ( : hll : ' 1111 , JIIII ,
Nr\ : ' YOHC , March 11.-A cable dispatch
to the ,0111 dateJ Tolto , Japan , Iarch 10.
says : China has been Informed In general
tcrms of the cOlllons upon which
111 consent to ' 1laCl Japan has be'n
nollli that hlnl Is ready to accept these
conllans , ani to sIgn a treaty. TIre cor-
reSIIOI\Ilncp by mlans of winch this agree-
mcnt las arrIved at las carried on throlgh
time Unlell Hales ministers to the two coun-
tries , Minister Edwin Iumr nt Toklo and Air.
Chlrlls Ieiiby at I klng ,
1111clIry I Ilf.r.lrn tl lit , lell 'hlo " 'vrir ,
l'OI.OI\ SII GS , COlo" , March 10-
. \ IlltI' just ! 'l'eltl h l ) ' the Slmlll imnl-
vel./I ) ' Ireur' rlom 11'lllent g U , AnlrewI
\C 11'own Iml\I lt ) ' , ProvIdence . H. I ,
10111'11 thlt gemitlernaur's IngnHemlnt for
nc"t llll'I' . lie emtymr : " 1 iect 10 he
In I Jul ) Ilher t Ibronl ) t the 10nl'tnn' cXlect can
\ eI enie' , I'ISI' 18111 , 'very minute II ge I I I mug
n'tll ) I 10. ' ' Tire letter Is Importnt from
Ihe I lure t cO\'pre,1 , thll I Iho Inlelllonal I t I I
munltul ) I'onfercnce Is 10 he helcl tins year
anti ' Ihot Ire.hJenllulr"wl Is to be one
oC Air. Ckvelantd's nppolntees . thereto ,
111'11 arm I Halr"I,1 I 1.1&
S1 JORI'I'I , lnrch 10. -\t the crossing
s hen' Mallory and , 11"lrhle Wl're killed
'fhurHChl night 11 rl Thomas Allen was In-
Ituntr t k I lied tonight , C em tIc Alen , her 19.
yea iuiti IIUIHhtll' I . 11 I gl'Iou61 v " , anl MII
11alIho } tOI'OI 1 'ealS olul I' , futul ) ' In-
JII'EI'J'he three 11ll'sele retlrlng
from chulch , alHI drole 1111 tire crabbing
jtmt its time Alirr'ourl l'ncilic fast mail from
Jltt 11 thO Mltfourl lucilc fUlt CIOI
Ire ( t'rr.I thunlen'll , tuhi , Irs. Alen's body
was sirocklmigiy mmuu t lint en ! , mm mimi she 111 lieu'
Iholllngl' canned 30 teat emu the cur-
glue plnt before tile S tlall ' roul 1" Iloppe.I e. , ,
hllo"1 .I ti iiltI lit I hlr' Utllll"'I' I I. '
U.\I.110HIO , MOlch i0.-Nirueteenu elders
\11 ol'lllnluld authorized to speak the
I gospel amid allmlnlstel the suclments of
tire Aletirodist . ' ' - .
thl lh'thudlst Episcopal rhurdl. The ben'
keN cotifitieterl b ' '
% l'UHluc'te,1 by Bisholl Andrel : ,
assisted by Ilsh p JO'CI The re'ercnud
' ( tu the Alethuotiiet nverenl
Ih'IlottH Ihl 1 r 'thollsl Ionr.renl'e nol
II Il'ssion Irene l.r"RI'hed In . the JUlllls of
the tlt'noirulnrution In this city and In mtl '
out of town churches today ,
Long Vacant Archbishoprio t Bo rUled
by the POPOI
Letter or ; "lr , Sltol Whlh Uroal'hrR the
I'roprlety lt 1 UI'Ir"RI' , of tIre
UIII'II StntcM 1\ ltnni.-Comurtlttt-
lulll "ruIHlulo Uhcu-"cd
SAN FRANCISCO , March 10-Prlvate nil
vices received hero give on Ilterestn all
Important communication from Mgr Satolt '
to officIals of Guatemala conccrnlng that coun-
try's followIng the course of NIcaragua In
sending to Home an envoy extrordinary anti
minister Illenlpotental'y , In tire course of
the tioculent reference Is mane ! as t the
propriety under the United States constltu- '
ton of officIal relatons between 'ab'olngton
ami Home , amid an interpretatIon given to that
feature of the constuton relatIve to tIre
separation or church amid state ,
separuton anl
, ' written \virile ne
Mr Satol's letter wa writen whie
nbout four month&
gotntons were pelllng ,
ago I refers at length to Ilfculles itt
church administraton In Guatemala und suggests -
gests that certain chaugFs desired by the gO\
erment Ihoull be nccomlanle,1 by an eqnl'a ,
knit of such ndvontage as to render less bur.
densome the condItIon of tire churc' In
Guatemal The doclmeut says :
"lii ] the first place . to allow me to reflect
that to re-e tablsh tlillomatc relatonK be
tween the iroly see a 11 your goverment a
'conucordat' would not be necessary , but that
they ( coul be re-estahlshel amid malntnlnl11
without It. Besides , It Is wcl to reflct that
1.1e hol' Cather enjoys always , In fact mini by '
Internatonal right , the prerogatives of SO\
crelgnty In the scconl place , the separation
between the church ami state ( saucloned hy
tire consttuton ) excludel , the acton of one
power over nnother lu cIvil maters In regard
to the chmeh nnd In relgious mnters In re.
Sheet to the state . hut does not exclude clii-
cial relations betwcen the one pOlel attn tile
ol'.ler. unless by separation Is meant the In-
cvlnble "lostl ) or qlen war of the civi
power toward the church amid Its mlnlstr :
I 13 also to the Ilolnt to consider hunt malY
nations ( ulhough lucy have In tirein' const-
tutons : the sall prlncllle , of separatol be.
tween chnrch enl tate ) mnralnitann . nevertheless -
less , alicable relaton with the holy see ,
anti , .1 can also nlll that alhough tire holy see
has no diplomatc relatIons with the empires
of China nml Japan It has certainly found no
omcll complication In their diversity of roll-
gion. The condition of the Catholc church
of the United States , In whose consttuton
wus Inserted the article of separatIon of the
state from any religious sect , cannot escape
our cOllderton , I might almost say I ex.
perlence a sense of surllrlse , that imp to date
no omclal relatIons exist between the go\'er
ment amid the holy see 111 alhough the
majority of the populaton Is murti-Cathohic , lit
the nmueantimure the church Is maintaining pos-
surly greater development than In other
stutes "
Besides this direct reference to the Ulited
States , It Is said that : lg SatolhI' argumenl
as to tire "rourlet of official relatons be
tweE Glalem la and Rome applIes also to
the Unlod States ns he states that the con ,
stutonal provision of both countries Is the
same respectng church anti stote As to the
concer with the church In Centrl America ,
time document says :
"I am happy to state that the holy father
wih much pleasure learns that the ancient
violent prejldlces antI opposItion to the
ehnrch are daily disappearing. Moreover , I
must assure you of the lively concern of his
holness to see the condItIon of the Catholic
church In your state , the great Importance
of which In Central America Is well known .
Improve Therefore the holy father rgarJs
as of the greatest importance from
a religIous ' anti civil standpoInt
the existence of friendly relatons , and
ire Is not ndverse to making oil such can-
clsslons nl may bo compatible with the doctrine -
trine of the church wih reference to the
wclaro of the faihful and with the pros-
perly or your cOln try. And theefor his
holiness consents to proceed to' the nomina-
ton of on apostolic Ildmlnlstrator to the see
of Guatemala , who , beIng I stranger to
every faction amid without personal preoccu-
patton . should put In Arder the religious
affairs of the vasl arcirdioceso . which has
been for so many years wihout its urgent
neels ! Tlw apostolic administrtor should be
an European : , selected from among notablc
Irrelatea or monks , and 'of trIed piety ann
pl'uIIlnce : being such , he should more readily
SUCCfCIIn his difclit mrilssion , ' '
SpeakIng of the desirabity . of rendering
less burtlnsome Cite condition of the church
In Guatemala , Aigr. Satol says : "Apropos
of which allow me to recall to your conlll r-
tlcn the nlmerous decrees IssueJ from the
12th of Jeccmruber' , 187. up to 1884 , anti other
dispositions tip to 1887 : dEcrees and disposi-
tons of Inns . morl or less IreJuilclal to re-
lgious liberty , which the ehureh , by divine
right , and aimnost I may say ,
by the right of mnankintl . tra- ,
dllonal for centuries , has posesell every- : decrees and laws thnt wih mature ex-
aminaton must be recognlzeJ as exceptomuam ! .
posslbl accounte\ for by the temporary circumstances -
cumstances or that the government might
sclro itself aalnst a supposed adversary ,
which. uuforllnately , the Catholic church
In Guatemala Inn tlnoso . tmes was
believed to be ; lecnuf othewise I wOllll be
IUIIOS3Ibl < to unlllrslall how sleh decrees anl
laws accord with the separation of the
chureh from the state , honestly and ratoJ- !
ally conshlered. AntI , therefore , wih the
constlton pstablshel as the lumutahle b-
sir of time republic or Glatemala , II will not
bo dlfcul to become convinced Imt time
laws anti dlcrle referred to above houll
be at least modlfld , or ' In tire mater of
these laws and decrees there should he
om amIcable aljlstment ! with the imly Fee
The constuton t I C t and govern mmrcmi C wouli thus t
I'ecelvo a most noble seal und Ilaront ) ' for
the future thronJh.tho desired , agreement
between the ( 10\lnl'nt arid the holy see .
an agreement whlrh harmonizes excellently
wih the declare separation between tire
chlrch anti , state amid an accord ] that would
brIng peace to the souls of the Iiollulaton
of Umnateurmaia . that It for tire greater part
Cat irolle. "
The eommunlcaton closes us follour s : "I
have belIeved It expedient to premise the
above eXI.resed consIderatons ! , and thus ftni-
fill the duly Imposed on me by the holy
see , amid to refer 10 your go\erlent the
Inteumtlomrs of the holy father anti his anxIety -
Iety 10 Improve In R way the conditions
wihin Glatemala , to succeo\ ! \ to the full
satsfacton of ) 'amrr gonrnmelt antI to the
great odvantage of all the rlpuhlc , relglous
and civil Flnoly accept tire confidential
comrrmmiumulcatiomi that time '
communicaton government or Nlc-
OUjua has already sent to Here Ur. : ro-
desto Barllos as Its envoy extraordinary and
mrrlnnibter plenlllolentary 10 tire holy see , for
the ( pUr'le of Illtatng and completIng
wih tire I greatest expediency the good rela-
tons between"the same jo\ellent anll the
holy see . I hope that ) ' 011 government or
Guatemala wIll not ulol much tme to pus
before taking mime same rploilton , "
I Is said at title tune , so far ae known
that Mgr. Satohli's mIssIon has not been
exlemc,1 ] , outshle of bplriual IIUejton . and
has not deal - witlm , governmummetrtal snmbj'cts.
Ihll" " . Uir'mmnsuie , l'ullrl "I're ler"clh'c ,
FEhtN.NIlNA , l'la , Mmtm Ih 10.-The
utciroamner JenniE I I. Iurller hua bpn seized
here on account oC defects In her cleamanit'e
palerl. and rumors are aloat thut SIre bns
'onlrabalHI goods on board Cur the Cubun
relOlltonllts. lIen' vairers ha0 been m's-
turned uii IIW IU ! " uulll hl\'l to hI SWOI
) ul before the vessel rain Ilut to sea ,
t'uutrtnr Ocurle I\u han JIOllh.
OItl'i1ViI.li1 , )1ts" , lrulch 10-1 II
authorllt\ announced hpre thut ( 'milled
States 8pnatol' J , Z. Georje will 10t be n
candldnte for re-electIon ot the explmatiurt
re.electon explrotun
of his Present term Senalor Geolge hues
been II the ecuate % eIghteen years.
- - - -
- "
.I'CWST "OI.V.UO 1JCtJWS .I"'U'/i.
InhRhllIt8 11 tIme ) 'ro.lnc hf \'erR Cru" ,
; I.x.o , U"dl rrlj'hlelcc ,
COHDOBA , Vera Cruz , Mexico , March 10.
-The peak of Orlzabt , itn ancient volcano ,
Is In a state or crupton The sIgns of IUS'
turbance began to manlest themseh'es last
Slndny anti have Increasel In force con-
stnnt ) . since that tlnie. lI Is now , \omltng
poisonous gas anti great \'I\me of smoke
are emited from 100 at erture In its great
maw , The country for joe miles nrolHI Is
shnken perIodically by Sbterranean vlbra.
tionus . A great alarm 'rdstR ' among the
dwelers In the cllcs of Cordoba , Orizaba
Kalnl1 anti the dozens or small villages
sCtere1 wihin the cope of the strange
and Interestng pheniomnenloni. The shocks 'ns
yet hn\'e not been of a serious nature nun Ire
damnle from them has been rellorte'\ ' Tire '
'rim of the crater glows' like fIre , mind the
thick gases rolng down the 10uutnin side
have set aname the grass and vegetation
clothln the shies to the sUlmlt , whIch aM
to time ; deniy of the smoke and the IralHleur
of the ( slectaele. Par the public safety the
o\'ernor or the tate of Vera Cruz will
shortly numei courrmnilsurhon of scientists to
mallo mIll the Investgaton Into the ernllton
jrossibie amid to make reConlneJ1atolu 10011.
Ing to the 11rotccton 0 [ the Inhnhlunts of
the neIghboring \'lfes , ' The present .rUI'-
lon Is In the heart of the best ImllrO\'e1
country or the distrIct In lexlco where are
located marry Americans who have emballled
In business The coffee l11anttons ure not
' to be In ' danger , uuIll
yet thought any danler riot wi
the ) ' be unti a fall of thlell ashes occur
which Is riot thoight to be colsllered Iroba-
ble :11es : ore bel\g sahl In null the
churches of the localIty to wnrd off the Im-
pending danger. Com lug SOOI after the late
destructIve volcanic actvites In man ) parts
of the neptrbhic . the crup Ion of Orlzabo hns
mgny terrors not omrly to the people In Its
vlelult , but to all llvIn In the great volcanic -
Carrie belt of . Ilxlco , slretchllg from the
active volcano of Colma , on the west coat.
111 uSlaly In ernpton , clear to the gulf
of Mexico on the east. Within this belt are
numbcrel dozens Dr old craters , cllher In
repose or smollng conretntly. I Is natural
to ' UPPOSO Ibot shoull Its erulltons contnu
the other volcanoes wilt e afectcd 011 n
general earthqualle Ileriod let In. The con-
SeIUeUClS or such a catastropime are hard to
foretell , but could hardly bo nnrthln less
than very dlsastrols to Ptnelmio . Aloxicp City ,
amid the hlndre s or other towns In the
heart or lexlco
NlIWLUNi)1An5' . . CI NJ IS : OW ,
I..llnn Tlne" I2oimm rim cur . mm In"nrhly err tine
lnlnl wih t'I""I , .
LONDON , larch 11.-The TImes In an
article cn Newfoundland , aya Ihat the ne-
! olatons iookimrg to n union with Connla
wi he followed here \vlh sllathete In-
terest. Canada can nssume the responsi-
bity for Newfoumndlrinnl's debt without
creatng the awkward precedent that Great
Britain would crete by simIlar oeton , To
enter the Dominion Is a step forwartl , both
In power and Importance : , which Newfound-
land would have been well advised to have
tlilen In the days of her greatest pros\erlt ' ,
Just now sbl Is to be congratulated If such
t way should be opened out of her misfortunes -
, details French shore
tunes The detais of the
lueston can be discuSS2d when Canada's '
readlless to flderte shall be assurel. ! In
view of the probabilIty of the electIons chang-
int . Ih" .o.rulen ! or Canada . tim New-
toirndlamud ( - authoritIes ' - - wouirl j - 'bqllls on-
time In the
ably wise riot to lose tme completng
legotnUons , Np other' permanent remcdy
for their tronbles Is- lely' to be SQ good
ns confederatIon. ! . ' ' , , . "
1UI.I'l"\U\ COURT , \cg'U { ' " VON ICOTZE
Author of time Seurrlot' 1."lnrl ns .Hueh
or n : I"t.ry nr'4 rvrr.
DERI.IN. larch 10-Tho Doeresen Courier
states that the miiary trlhlnal has ae-
Illtel Count Von Iotze of the charges
aHdlnBt him In connection ' with the rocenl
court scandal. Count Von Katze was the
royal chamberlain and the scandal In which
he was a prlncflal figure has caused wide-
spread comment. His arrest In June last
was the reslit of four yeatr of polIce Invest-
gaton , Dlrlng thai period members of the
highest German aristocracy were In receipt
or anonymous letters nml Postal cards mall- ,
Ing the most Indecent personal aecusatons
against the persons adllresed or agaInst
their frielrtls Tire Innocence of the ac-
cUEed wes flniIy establsh 1 and he was set
free and restored to his position nt court
The real authorship of th letters . Is still n
myster } ' , though Von Kotz 's wIfe claims to
have Imown the writer
Cnlnmh'll ' , IC ph- irs ' " .ro , , Iei.
COLON , Mlrch 10.-'no rUral f re's , under
the command of hula Oa1cln. ( mltle nl at-
tack on 10Cl8 del Tore nbut 10 mIles
north of thIs city , on Friday last , but wel'e
rCllulsel by the HO\'emmenl Iroops. An at-
tempt want made 10 set fire to the town , but
this was also Ilefcated. glcvcn of tIne reh-
cia , Ineludln Cnur ino . wcre IIlel , The go'-
erment loss was live klcil anti , twenty
wOlnclecl The Pnlled' Stutter crulsel' A I-
lanta landed 1 force oC mloll and mallnes
to protect American inrterests.
- - - - - -
J'rUII'O , 1.'III"t. i t i , , < ' t T1.71.11.
PARIS 11m'ch 1"-\s an 0ItC0I& of tire
trolble betweenen zucla Ind Frnce ,
growln out of the 10Inel'l fllon In hratti-
mug irIs IHQII10rt to the T"n't'niJm mapresenrtcm-
th'c ft Caracas , the I.'I'ewh : gOVI'rmeIH
hfl sent n 11FPllort to Dr. J. lmCortoul , the
\-elezufiln chrmtrgo d'niiTnthu or.
( ' II mint mm H" , , . I , " t ! I mi 1'I.nll'f , t
: AIADI1IL : lll'h IO-Dl8p1tehc reeeh'e,1 .
here ( toni ( state thnt mutter' tlmein' Ie-
feat ly the HOlerment troOII nut Bnlre and
Los Negru the ! ebeR UCCIJlf'll new 10sl-
ticums , In I which ire h'Vernmenl trllil lgaln I
ItaCter t and dlsllel'ell thcmrr . Infcting I I
heavy loss. _
: On In."lnl 1111"111'ul'hr I , 1.1111Chl.l.
COPgNH\OJ'N : , amh'IO-The ' new ICing-
sian 1I11eriul ) 'arht' Stdndtmn'd ! , which II
hun I itlimr g here , wns Inunchell tOlnh' In I the
presence of the kIng nnl , citmeen of llnark
lud other member/ of the royal ftmmriily.
l'rosli I " ; lrh'I"cK , Iii 'I'urlwv ,
I.ONDON 1lnrh I'J dispatch to the
Sallfrd from Conurtantipoirle says mcon-
Ihmel ! rmor/ ore cumlropt of ilisor-
dens at Jhnlllr I , In the \ ' ali' ) of Sims
11/11 / tine Omnieers ! ! I'onr Vn'irs
PITTSnURO , March 10-After dOdging
the olcll/ for YClm ; oohn A. le-Iz , a
IWWIJapl lutsl , was dl'rested ) ycsterda
ntlwi be tullen bacl" to KInllcln' to
' { ' lotmr ' und irnuif In thc I'ramifcfort
felfOl' 'tnrH ant aJlnlf 1"II1kfolt
penitentIary , front wnle/I / he pscnpell inn
htal I I , ' 1'111' wnl U i'ewumrtl or $ :00 un hl8
hl'nd. lie wits known II I.onllvlo as tire
"Dude Hnrllnr , " arid wplke1 ! mug U tailor ,
reporter enl artist. ,
- -
1'.1.1 I'nlllulul , , . \ II no the " . rtc.
I.B.\NY , N. y , . : ( al'cl 10-Sllal\I'
11110n Flair tonlht ; Illrlell Vr ) ' posl-
t\'el ) ' the Associated press report thut there
wIll not he a Ilolee rergnnlzntol commission -
sion for the l'It. oC New rorlt lIe 1011 :
' 'Tire rergllhmton of the dellartllnt1
he done by tine police elIrl8H on itself Ind
nOI by sleclnl reorgunIZltol. '
- . ' .
InlKaM Iunlt , : cl.1 N. Iuro 'hi ,
TOII.KA , Iun. lnrdl 10.-Thot better
Imet Ilreval lu "cltom lanl s Is 0\1-
Ieneed , hy lie ( fact that twelve counties
110 notlell uiovem'oor MorrJ that they ore
iii need of fun'timer oUslde ruiti . '
II leell 10 flrt ollslde Ild. ' legis-
lotulu hlli 11'IOIIllllelIO \ ' ) to dlttrlbute
umonl tine I eHttutc . inn , . Ihese an,1 , other
wrlttl countIes .
- -
. \mrhll I'rsmnn'.etrs , Iolbed hun " , , len ,
STI1It1tA . ltOJ\IM , MeX" : llrch 10-
Flallt \\'un multi 11. D. Samuel , Amerlcun i
JloSpelOII , wh i I r here I rew weeks ago
for tire mining Clml' If Carmen , neat' tire
Hlo Or'ullle. WI'I' utarkell by Mexican OUI
lows 1111 robbed , or their moner tumid iuormre.
Texas The outlaws , escuped . S ' across the 1'1111 Ino
nl'I"rl' I Io""rln { lt. i
I.OSNa I.I S. Iarrh l0.-Cleneral Ross-
crane hal ben ailng tor some time un,1
thell has been no llalQo In hIs conditIon
rerenl ) Carl HObel'rany , hil Hon , sold
today tllt tle was 10 cause to ap-
Jrehe/l nn'thlnt serious . 'he Henerul lives
on I Jlnch near ledondo ,
. _ ,
- - - -
- - -
Fate of Eight Minml May Not Bo Known
for Several Days
1'1'1 Two 111111(11 pt In tire IhHItct rind
Then CUmho,1 , Ont nr tine Air Shnr
-'hrcl Others 1'llt Tlllr
\'n ) ' nut
WhITE OAKS , N. At. , larch 10-Al 3
o'clocl tIns morning fire broke Olt In the
cirnmnge reom ut the hoist lrotrst o of the 011
Abe mine , amid In a few minutes the etrnmc-
flute , n large mil well bui one , urns n mass
or fames , I was completely lestroeI , together -
gether Ilh the wool IUII smith shops Time
mi , sixty feet au'ay , ecal1ell wihout damn-
age , Tie woodwork of the shart was
bummed out ald the hoistng mnchlner ) .1e-
stro 'c1 The damage runs high up Ilto thO
tholsands , but tire most distressing feature
Is the fact that .Ight lel ore Inwrlsone,1
In the mlno whose fate Is Inkno\n , There
Is little Ir0111 for mope that they have es-
capell snnftocatlomi . I wi 10t be possible to
enter the mine to search for thlm ultl
some tme Iorniotrow Rescuing pattIes have
been unable ns yet , 1 II m. , to get 10\n
further than the tlird level ] by the air shaf
The smmuoice and gases from the charrel wood
of the hoist shaft have penetrated the Ullpcr
levels mil I Is Impossible to pass them
The entqmbed men arc :
- . WITg ,
\ \ SOi , DIVls nli Baxter are mnrrlct ,
Whie Is a new man anti was onr his fIrst
01 frt
shift. Wilams amid Sherrlclt are old inn
minIng experience , dll have facl\ like
IlalJers before. They are cooh-lreaded , und
ir any placl of safety was to bc found the .1
founl I. The fire drove the engineer from
the hoist whie George Wilkinson was going
down on the bucket to work. the had
reached tie ninth level when the hoist was
abantlonietl and was shot 200 feet to the
thirteenth , where the bucket struck , tIpped
and Ihrew him Into the drift. lIe was
stunnEI , but recovered and clmbed back
to the secOl1 level and escaped b ) the air
shaft. Coke Keith , Alike Gallagher and
Alton 10wgat < escaped through the air
This Is tina only serious mining accIdent
sitte l the burning of the South lomeslake
shaft several years ago , when two lel were
snuotlmered '
OIEI our 01 .r v / 'OSTI'PIC'j , TE.
8luloIlsI. . ! . . tn 1\o Ilt.er8011lmt
un ( ) tilecr In Iimrtlrn'r Onn J'II'"I.
Oler I'nrtlr (
DENVER , : Ialch 10-The nrrest of C. D.
Simnuomitint , nlas C. B. Sawyer . nt lue1lo , on
the charge of Impersonatng nn oleer of
the gA\'ernment , IH the result oC a very
bitter contest over the location of the new
federal Imldlng In that el ' , About two
years ago the gover'nmemit leehl',1 uJon
what was Imown lS tire Baxter vito. AdVocates -
\oealel of other locations have never re-
laxed thllr efforts to llersuale the Hovcr-
ment to choose nnother into Insl'ml , . Now
that worlt wi fen be Htartecl , nun'tiring
( limit Is tl be aceompllhell must be 10ne
quIck ) ' . anti a flnl , Il Is statel , inns been
startcl to plsh the matter 10 the end. J
Is also said that the anti-Baxters have
gone FO far nH 10 enlist the services of ex-
Governor Fornltel' anti Chal'les Foster of
Ohio , two prominent law 'us and pohiticlnumus.
In theIr cau e. C n SlmmoIJ , now under
arrest . It Is rain , hal letterheads
11rlnt"ll simiar to thoHe insert by Collector
of CUHtomH Siiencem' , HI then , It Is clalnerl ,
wlllel , emi eont\IOIH and huldert In Pm-
chile , representing hlmfelf to he n special
ngent [ the United ! Slates 'rn'enistmn'y tie-
arlmen" Thl mater was rpporlecl to J.
Pol { Johnson , special agent of the ti'cttsunmy
at Sl I.oull Who orlerelJ In IIVlstglton ,
I'eslltnl In thc Irest . or ffinurniomuds
1,1 ( IW7' _ Uu.Si ' OJ TllssnTS. .
Iockhn"'rt Itt I Coluruto ( ' "Ite I Ilpln ) '
'Ihlll 'I'h.'y lion the , W''Mt nl JI.
ngNVEn , : Inlch 10.-Attorney F. E
Clrstarlhen hal tiled In the Unlll States
circui court a mIll In elll ' In which .Tennll
IO , Hoseeluns of'ushlnglon , D. C. , II plaIntiff -
tiff and , the Iontezlml Cattle company arid
Alvin e , flake In,1 , F. A. Williams , trustee ;
1 , \ . Green , 1. 'hHI lrtkeViihiann Bennet
antI oth.I' 111OtOII11 deCel11untf , I II
Iven'c1 ! thut : IlHOlecranH hollls stock In
the ( Ullln to lIre \llue oC $1,0 ' 1he
ollglnal caplal slol'lt of the t Al our t eznm nun
cOmllUn , which \IS orllllzed In 1881 , was
$ ioo'Jo ( ) , hart In : Iolch , IbJ3. II was InllaHe,1
tn $ lmOO. $10,0 ( of which was Ilhslllhed ,
' 1' hue ( olpan y ' opens ten ! In I Saul 1lluel ,
luadlIOllle ; , 1.lnloln anti , ( huvez countes
unll along tire llrOI r"'cl' In New Mexico
' 1he eomillalnl ulegt : thll throuHh the
niianunigt'mmietit of Dlrllol Alvin C. Dulle tire
( omlJn ! , ' hecal1 hun u mucinm I hy embnlaFSld I ,
111 Ihn not.1 were eXIuled whllh ha1
I'csilell In Dalw'l bf'ullnl II sselllon oC
10st of the eompun"t . ' assets
Al ii ri In' ror ( ' , , m , Inmusi's In t IUhor m I n.II. . .
S1' 1.01115 , ) Iarlh 10.-JII : llrr ) ' , a
negro , now In Jai ut Clayton unller Ientence
of lllth for 1llng 1tlgnlr Flzwliaml ,
mllll a coumfesmtionu tOlll t ' In I whlh he 1m- I
, lcatef I larry Smart In'1111 ' \ Jpnslc ) '
! In thp mUIlel' , oC It. 1lclncllln McCul-
louh , who , ul tim c his miami t in , wat pa'lnl
tellem' of the Slltp Banll of SI Louis .Alv -
tllI' :11'-
CulOI.h was Itlell In 11) ' . Ib a. nut iris
memo I . n WoodStoCI ) , a IlJIUI1 ) or this ( I ' ,
MI'a ' says ho took no Illrt In thl' muntht'm' ,
hut WUI , lrre8nrt wlln IIS cOlmllll1
He lultls thIs tonfeiHlon , moping ' t gain
a nespite flom Cirvernor . Slone.
sn.m'n ) lmnn ' I I a rio nun lie 1'11(1 m II "rro" . .
IHINGJA1I , Alu" , lurch 10.-ln time
circuit court ul Vernon , Aln" , 'lstella ' tine
Southern ixl1resl compRIY Hot Jlllgment
Cor $ , IO uHalnlt Alien I BUlrOWH , futhel'
and admlnlstmtor of Hule IIIO\S , tint '
train rohllr , 'rhe \enlet WUt f JI tire
Imoult of money of whIch Rube hnlrOhheI , \ ! ]
tire COlpll ) ' , Alien Burrows two Ihl/ he-
fore rtcovl'lld I judgment against the com- I
I'al ' ' for $291 , Clue value of Ilurbe'mm gUil
\lltoIS , 1 team or oxen and , mOle tuumon
\ lit pelSOl wh" cUllluled und ) tilieti. Iuho
boulhl t I hiS fun rni sri t Ir hIs pllnlel' i ! und I
will now o to the coml'an
0- -
1111"11 , ' J noi'Irsrrre ' \ 11djmrl , ' 111) ,
] NIIAN\IOI.IS , Murch 10.-Tire IId\l\
leglslatte unIt I\IJonr lomolrow night
'rhere are \ Inn tire govel' on's hands 01111
sIxty lulls , 11nonl thel Ielng the Nlchoben
tellWrlne 1111 'rhe Moore leml'Prnee huh ,
a dr"tl mllFlr. hli al'call' Ipel HIIIWI ,
Alon/ tin e 1010 InlIO'Ilnt I Ills thlt I hav
heeome h\ws 111 t\ Hell ' IJII , 10 Jlre\'oll
winter rircing , the eomistltuitiorniniity t or whlll ) ,
Is IlueHtlonlJ , un,1 , hiP rOllrclsl , 111 Iwl
Ilglllutvl apl10rtonlCII hils , A bill \\'UK
Ilso llJlpl , gis'iumg councils Iho , 110wI'r to (
genr'nninnminier citIes ! every t 10 'Iart. which
II tiltnct ) a lortbll ( meUHure
Xu S 1)IIJfX I I itt "ah' .
NI'\Y : 1I : , C'oninr. , March 10.-The
scare thaI was stnrte'l 'Otenla ) by the I.
nouns of 0 , Duke Hmlh of Yale with small-
ii JX lt his bonnie \nllo\'lr. . 1118s" , that the
disease Is peVllent at Yale Is wihout town-
\1 \
tlauionr . 011' three Itldents have gone home
Ill , ) . 1.'ostEf. tire h'slclun of Yale , was
seen tonight arid said thlre'us not tiuc
slIghtest sign of slalpox or sun ) ' othfr con.
taglous disease In the cole ! !
, - - . - - - - . - - _ . , " . 'u ' { .
TUI.IIU Illll , 'V/luT , I"ST/W"II :
'Irn Mntclt by ni ihplolnin Comiiminnes thl
Emrtirc ' lrnCnre ,
TOl1UlO , 0" , Inrl'h il-Tue High sehool
blllllng , n four.stor brIck ItrUltlre , occum-
Iryinig tire square bounuderl , iry :11110n ,
Allal , 1tn11 timid 'renth streetS , Inl
enl of time best II'Jolntcll lilcatonni lnnstl-
tutons II thl Illlt of the cOlntr ' , wns
ahnot omilletch' tlctro.1 by Ore b. .
t\len 1 nl1 2 o'cloek this ( : IOlln ' ) nniOrni-
In ! A little before 1 o'eloclt air e"llloslol
that took cult hart llf the east wing Itlltll'll
the lcllest'IIIs who ha"IIIO1 to he 01
the street , 1111 n mOlent Intel' ! '
thlrc wal a hlaz ( In tll h.nrt of tIre strtnc-
tlrl ' 'hl Jnm" ! 10 rlllhl ' that he-
fore nn lllIm eouM blI'1 tIre mall Ilat
of the bul\lng \ W/I tooml1 The l'xlllllon
\IS Irohnbl , ( nlse,1 , try rhl'm\nl" II the
Ilhrntlr ' , The In'l I. l'sllmato.1 tnt $ lt'O- '
( 0. ] n llnncl not Imowl
lWr 1 : , 'U"II'WI.'OI.IJ 1'11\
l'ulcl I I misc nu I I a vu I I mime Sum hn.ltnimng ' ' , , tnnn m
I , , ii i I . . I ' , , , ' r' ,
CIi1CAC1O , Mnuneh 10-Riot broke loose mi
tire llhlnitrltc Stntte liomne for Juvenile Offcrrrl- in lnutilnrnma nuvcnue Chris evcumlmmg. Thirty-
fount girls , r-rtmrgmnluig inn yenuns iromnr 10 to IS ,
rose 1mm rebellion nugmuimust tine nrunutroni , Airs.
Inytoni. Ails , 1)aytonr nmnrti iner mincsistmnmuts
% teie howerless to i'nrmtrol tine charger , miniti
verc' conupelieti to shunt tiiennseircs Inu ( melt
rrommrs to es'nupt' thmt'hn' ft-enrzleni muntsruhinmrttr.
'i'lni' gin-Is s-'ru C t hr n-otmghu tirehiommac , imreruki mig
fur n nmitu no rural usI I urnios's , smniusir lnmg cmte1tem'
muir t I everyt lii mg tir t'y conrhti mu ' u tin el r' innnnitis
( rim. 'l'lre Inohtce were snrnnmnionmt't'i rumr i restreni
trrnlcr , but huntl iuo entry timiuc , trim tire thug-
leathers mnunguut nlemnpernutehy. Fonnr of ( Itt'
ninost Irronruinucuut of tile girls \s'ere nirrc'steri.
't'iie tuorible arose ever t Ire inn mm isim nniemut gi'-
cmi hry Aimutmonn Ius'tomi ttr AIrn.mnmle I ) rnvint. ln
yerums ohni. Aet'on-duurg to lint' gl n-l'ss tory , tIre
mnpmit'trmg vas dune to grenut tiiursnutlsfnuctionr iru
m hr ci r run irks over t 1101 r I renu turn cmi t I mm gemrernu I.
It arose PattlcuilumiY beenninte of tint' syi'tenmu
0 f Innnni sin niuent , uu hr elm I unclunnie I lmnhn riscrmnuni en
mi nu ilnurle noorrr , 10x12 feet inn size , Clue curl-
Prit Irelng clruhmueni to ( hut' hoar try it irea'Y
cirnninr , ninth nuiso mu ryst tin of clit'tlntg , inn
whik'hu thmt' offeniulen' sutunc not nuilovt1 mnienrt
timid svntr iituhf'-stmumved ,
ILl ZI 0 IlSt'CIIL'I ) TJll1 5) It.SIfl 1 ' . I 1'I\ ' .
hleIc Oiuseruiutttry ' nmrn'eni , uhnwev'r , Iti
cm . .m t ' ii g cr iii I 'i e
SAN FRANCISCO , Marcln 10.-'i'ire follow-
lag war received fromri the chin-colors of Chic
Lick obsemvrutury
"AlOt'N'i' 1iAAIIITON. Cal. , Ahnreir 10.-
Tile totnml eclipse of tin numoomi svluicii cc-
vunnred this evenrlmngs'ar oir'erv'ni nut ( Ire
Lick nhsemvnunry tinner sonmuewiiiut innrfnuvor-
ruble circumnnstaniccs , tine sky hrslnng ori'emmred
nut Clue Cl uric by mm tiulmi hunuze. 'fine mu oonu vmis
obscini-enl ny onie-irnilf of tine enun'tlr'ni mniiutios'
vhcn it nnprentrenl nut 0 in. , l'aclnlc tinne. 'l'e-
taiity begnimi nut Gin. 5Ini. f , us. , nrmuti hiusteti
umnitil S ii. 27 mu , 30 ni. Tue nuooni left thmi
eirrtii'nu mhnntIov nut 9 in. 25 in. 2nbn , numitl
Irenuiinmibrni nhroint 10 ii. .nni. 'l'iic nmuooni's dIsc
\s'ar visible rut. null tluiieun , belnrg couuspietuous
mm greater inertia ii oftatoiity. 'i'ire color of
m in e ummroitst'iurcd Iron I iou o f h Ii e ni ic yrnrhe'l
frOrnu yellow to no Ilgirt coiper itune. Tine
tinuc at winch Cue cnige of tine siinutiouv
passed across somuic of tire lrn'ninrulnnemut critters
were noted , nr.tuth tIre timuue of occuhtntiomr of
several runutuil StUN were observed , "
E..l.J'st ; I'fl i'iiet : is i co.i L , tiNi.
WIll Cost nut Lcat a MIllIour hir'1orn , IL lit
Simhrul tied.
hlA7ELTON , I'n. , March io.-'rmne worst
nuinue In the nurntirracitc n'cgloni for sonic
time Is now raging Imu Clue Ilnuzeltoni slope of
the Lelmlghu Valley Coal conupamry. Wiieq
tire tire broke ourt , six veeks ago , It wnns at
flu-ste thnuht to be 'of little conrserhunence ,
Time - slope was closed shortly afteruvarul ,
Since then hmunulreds of tinousantis of dollars
Inave been uticmit in efforts to subulume tiue
Ilninneti. 'i'hc c'hunnrucea of getthmug tire lire omit
in the next six weeks are dubious , Tine
mnilne us'ar tire muiost valuruirimie opratetl by
the conuirrlmiy , enuploylmig 1,100 utica. The
subterranean ohreunlnmgs connect tire Ihusselton
mInes withi three otirer vnuhunnrble properties ,
amid tlnene hatter' nnrc unlso Inurpem-ileni , It Its
estiniatcd that. before tire ountbrenhc itself
shall have beemu os'ercOnne $1,000,000 shil hrave
to be expended.
'I'II.EIle I1IfSI 11.1 LKIl ) ( L'r' TilE TU.CCK.
Three % onurenn horrIbly 1Turiigheri by it ants-
, notirh i'ntlflc 'I'rahuu ,
ST. JOSEPJ1 , Mo. . Alntrch I0.-Speclnl (
Telegranri.-M ) Irsourl l'nichtlc passenger traimi
No. 191 , wimiclu heft tini cIty at 3:10 : p. mu. ,
ran Into a sirhnng uvagonu msevemi muller be-
loss' thins oIly fIfteen miulmiutes Inter , anti killed
Airs. 'rmnoniunns Alien , ageti 65 , nrutl serionrihy
ItijuretI MISs Gertrude Alien , agemi 25 , antI
Mnittle Iickimisoni , ngcul 12. ? uiismt Iickluison
wIll nile. Tue patty us'as iromulbly nuianglenl.
Tue horse , u'hnen on tire track , l.rntlkemi , mnnutl
could not lie driven off Imr Cinmie. 'line 'ic-
tinns arc null resldcntts of Chris cotnrrty.
JUl ( JLTJIC ( ; UILI.1' OP .11. I . ' , SL.i fiG 11 1'IIII.
Clnoycnuino Cmitthtninru % S'Io , 11usd ifihleth Three
ainnum n'i mat n v ( nui vie I , .d ,
C1IE'I'ENNE , Alnirchr 10.-Specintl ( Tele-
gramn.-Chrnirlens ) Ilomlter , a uctlreul cattle-
rumani , on tInul for tire rR'urn-mier of 'l'iromas
O'Neill , suns today conuvicteni of nnnunu-
rlaunmluter , Time jury smuts ount fon-ty-eiglmt
hi ur rrs. JiounI ter ii mrs Iclhierl tIn ice iii cii ml tnm'l mrg
tire Past ten yenuns , but liars inen-etofore cut-
cn.uiecl ir un Inn ameum t.
1'l I enI l'Ii it our t irri 'I'rticit.
VA fPAltAISO , Intl. , Mrurehr 10.-Arm at-
teniiltt sunus ninthe last nulgirt to s-meck ( hue
mnidnigimt lmnuss'nger trruinr cmi tue New Von-It ,
C'tmIeago & St. LouIs west of Chubs city. A
1)110 ) of ties hmnrd been placed urn ( lie track ,
which was struck witlu great force try Clue
crighuie , kmiockinig It from tire rallts ruurtl 1110w-
hung up tine track for rmhroimt. 200 yrtrtlns inefore
tint , tn'mtlnu cotnith ire ittopiwd. ' .ouie of tine
unnmssetirceus us'ere innjureii. It Inn itmnhipOsed to
inure been tIre worle of trrrlmn robbers ,
.u nulnI 'I hit' ) ' 5 en-u helm I , oily.
Al t'itI'IIYSBOIIO , Ill. , Alnurclr 10.-Thru'
nuuort ( ninnuours ununrdn'n' emnuse ever trleml in
, Imuchsr'onn coUmmty nnithntl torlruy in tie' c'onivlc-
Ibm of iunnnlc Jeffrey nmnul iouughntms lIen-
rlenstjml fanIclilhnig Jnrrneut 'I'owle burst let'enim-
her. 'l'lme case sumnut givemu to time jury nit 5
O'clock inrunt evenrimug , anti nut nooti toinuy tine
'euni it' t ssnr npnuni ii-t'ti , lix I mu g I me (1 enut hr ilcur.
unIty. 'line tounrt us-Ill irass rtentmnnec ,
( 'oimnhmey tlrg'nI its h'eri'n i.nin'n'e''ir ' ,
I.0N1)ON , Aiancli 10-Tire I.uIly News , Inn
a leruiem' , urges tine cinuimiis of Itt. I loin.
I I mm m'y Cc in m I unt.y t a thre. .Iommlcersl r i n 0 f tint'
I louise of Comirurnomuts inn nnimcces-sionm of itt. I Ion
An-thrurr l'en.'I , whose nemnhguunutioun Its Inuuniinrenrt.
AIr. Coinutmney Ia an advrmnc'erl liberal
( buivinliti nF .Si.iru.'nirg II itt ( ' , , : , , .
FOit'i' SCOTT , I'nnnm. , Mnnrcin iO.-Coiouuel
( 'onley , a well Inmuowmi I.inni county iminnm , hunts
been eoun'ictetl rut ? nlounrni City of ruimurtler hun
tire first degree. I Ic icilicri .Irrmnmeut Aimrper mu
connpnuurioni , rut a 1'ourhin of Jumly celumiumrutiomi
inn 1&I. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
inniiol , ' 1 iinrnmnrit to itn itunn'leI , mit ' ' . , , ( , ,
SA I4INA , lirmur. , huliurcir 10.-Tire fnmunercul of
lit. ICes' . Illishint Snnltir 'rhmemans , ipiseonnj1
lrIshuOp of Kannrs. us'imo ulleil ilaturninny nuigirt ,
svlhh ire ireltl itt ( irince en tlmenimal hum 'i'opehtu
\Vcnlnnestlay rut i2 o'c'lot'k.
hut rgo L'imhriu ntn , i'o ii im it ri' I I ii nun'nI.
( "II ICAIIO , AIntreIr 10.-Tile extennunivo
foumnmlr ) ' plaurt occ'upleul joIntly hi ) ' 1 lnnrry
I'erry tutni tire ( 'hnaihenge Alnnelniurt' c'onnpnrny
bum-mien tnIcirt. I.oss , $75Kd ( , PIumthi' 'OV-
cu-ed by Inrrsuramuce.
I tu .1 I , , mini I tin , u k eu' II ru 'pit I ) n'iini -
COI'AiilIA C'iT'i , Iuul. , , Aiarcir 10.-E. 1 , .
AlLuhhenr , orgorl 9 years , hreutl of tire until- :
lag thu-tn of AicI.rulienm & Co. , dlrolnhled nlenel
unIts eveuning. lie ss'uus nu tlnlrty-tlniiml dt'uee
Ci rpcnn I n' I ' 4 I'ur pm , rum I 5 % ' n I h I I. ' I I c ni 'hum n'nnl ins' .
AilI\\'IuU1iiiI , ' , S'is. , Mtur'hi lO.-'I'ine
fuinnerunh of Chic irrte A. V. 1 I. Crum Irnter of tire
Cirlengo , Al Iiwmmultoe & St. J'nnrl railway syhil
ire lucid 'i'uestiay uteruuooni , Aiarchr 12.
( itrnrul t'n'iv nif Ihia hulIp ti hr ' nir.trIo , , , ,
I'iEhII.O. ( 'oho. , Alarclm 10.Not ru clonil
oiwcnmued tire Pk ) in ( 'olornido amid tIre lunar
eclipse syans obsenveul most reutletactoruhy.
Arlilrrrl tirilorni heanl ,
LONDON , Musmeir lO-AnImIual Sir ( ieorge
flirford , retIred , is dead , lie born In
i8I ,
A& - ' - . j . -j----
Stht3 8 Pocketbook Now iti the Hands of"
the Legislators.
, ' , Iimommmrtnr Aitemmnly l'rnrc mien for Art' I.nun'g
nilmil 'h'iuost I nmrpt'nl ni ii , g 't'n' ill I mrn'rn'nrse
t in t , lnt iii t a ii mu iniii ? rei''nlcni t t'nl
ikn mmn-Sni , rti I 'I gru r's.
LINCOLN , Alarcir 10.-Speciai.----Uliomi ( ) time.
work of ( itt' lcgtslnmtmmre titrrlnug tin' iuext two-
su-ceks depenruis tine nunsuser to tine qnmestlomn ,
stIll Neirmashsnu's ilonmtlmng Innulebtedness irecomno
lnnrgt't or sununiller witimirm tine cunsnilnmg fiscal
inc niunl umni ? Tine almprohirin (10mm ( bIlls are
Itrimntcil nun Iii time filer of cachu nmrrmniber. Time.
Iroinso has bnut ehovemu ula's rc'nrrnlmnlnug Nonio
Ar th , mnln , rnt' , ipnti notneirNi so far. amiti Ctiti-
senuienmtIy tireir comisidernutloni curninmat be' mrnmnchu
homrger dcfetred. Evenu If ( ire metric ( rrmnmsacts
mo otlner brmnnlmicss tire rcmumnslmninng days of tire
legal sessIon uvili hraruhiy suntlico no finulsir tlro
apimroprhatlonu mills , Ohni nnnmtl experiemneed-
nrnenribtrs of tine Imoinse mngree uvitiu tIns viess' ,
Iteprcscntatlu'e Casper of hhinther counnity , .
whmoec honng exlmerienmct' , rmot omnly as mu mnnennbee
of tine irotist' , hurt of tine usays multI mmneumfls.
conurunmittet' , mumakes hum n good nututirorit ) ' , saint
today timat Ire' liehieved timunt tnt the very lowest
cahcmnirmtiomn tire tuvo bills couriri muot lie Passed.
turd sent to tire senmatO uvitinium elghrt ulrn's. -
Me , Cashier was cirairurunni of tine wrmys mid
umiennums conmmmnmlttco two years , igo. Seconini on
the conmrrnulttce was Clmmnrehr howe. Unmuier thto
uhirtetianu of threso two expetierneeti nmrennnbers
time total nhProrhnttIons for tire esshuni suero
iit'lti niownu to 2, 10.'lriie tints ammuount
storms large , It simthurkt very nnrntctlnmlhy lit
comuipan-Isonm uvi t ii I ire nminirrolirlnt loins of pro-
ccnihnmg scesionus. TIne umnost cxprmnsis'e sessIons
ii nuder r t Itithh lc.rnn comm tn-oh u irs tlnri t of 1 887 ,
\shnca tinu total approprIations renolmeul $2-
729h55. At tins rremrsiomm mu great imnaimy new
hmnihrllrrge us crc IrOS'ldcti ) for , turd tire state
I rio I I tint tonnun Supru gIven liberal attn ulunuts for
lmcitct unnonrey. Tire rcpnrhiicnuum st'sstcnn of ISSO
ti iii mm item ho C t or my me mmci tug I me totrul airpro-
irriatlonus to $2,3S0,32S. 'l'hme pollinlist st'ssloii of
1591 suas onuc 01 rlotoins extravagamice , humt It
nnnirst ho snuld ss itin nil Irulrnness thmnt thrcro
ss.Cre sevcrrml cxtmnuordimtunry ennergeurcirs to
umitel. un isi tine hegisiatunre' uas callouS
unponu for $100,000 for tire relief of tine destl-
turto f.rmnmners uvino Irad smnIi'cnenl by reason of
the crop fmllnnre : tIne irreviouts year. Tirenr tIre.
necessity for a state exhibit nit tine \'odd's
fair called for a inurgo nmlrlroprhatlomu. Aslulo
fronmi threso Iterni.s , tine sessionn nrlnproprhatod.
excessive smununs for atnute officers amud state
inusthtumtionmu. A very large proportiour of tire
nruenuubers of thutmt uinennnomunbhe sessionu usere Inca
nies' to political life anti mnmntricui inn legis-
hatlvo experience. Tirnnt tIre ) ' suero cajoled
Into inrodigallty is umrmjro to tire nsinnrmric of tire
Schuciriers wino ssvarruneth tire Iotnhies timan to.
tire tliscretllt of tiremrrselves. Tire record of
umiany of three sannio mien Inn tire su-u'sionn two-
years later , us'inemr threy hrrnd gnuhmreui Inn politIcal
expcrienrco annul iettel' unundernntoosl thre trIcks
of tire lobby , Inroved Clint ( lucy usere tire.
fricmrds of ecornomuny annd thmat they hiatt tIre.
cournugo to stand by theIr dearly borugIrt ox-
Tire ways amuni menus conunnitteo two . -
years ago established a procetlenut winichi
tine comutmnlttee at tire lmreseumt sessIon linus
uot hmsitatciI to follow , There In. , inmt little
to criticise iii tile twq big appropriation
siucets rccomumirrenrdid by Chuairnnitnnr Crow ,
RepresentatIve Casper. ss'imt' inns ennrnneml irIs
repuntatiour as a careful anti conservatIve -
legIslator , says tlrat tine hills ought to re-
ceivn" tine sinpinort of every frienud of econuonuly
on Cite hoer of tire lroue. Unit Ire atimlts
timat tine tntinrost llrrunruess wIll ire uneconneary
to lirevenrt a genreral Increase hum alnnnost every
Now thmat , tine appropriatlonu lhhis hnnuve-
ineemn inriurteti , it Is possible to nmnahce A care-
funi comparisonu wltir throsnu of tine sessions
two years ago , Smichi a conunparisorr is mieces-
snury , hecatnnre tire exhtetleuiee of tue past.
two years Inert dennmouistratetl that every state
Inrstltnmtioni linus been able to ruin iniroum tIne
nnnmuotnnnts ghvemr two years nngo. Strict
ecotionnry was emuforced lii all these iumstltu-
Chorus , nurti yet umraumy of thrennu cotulti irave beets
uruanrageri wlthr hess nuroney ,
Tire follouvinug conuiparatlve table i'hhI beef -
of value to every umienmuber of time lrouue dur-
hng tIne enusurlmig seek , It nnirosvmm tIne total
anruounurts appropriated for each mmml every
nlepartnmuemit. of state governirneumt , togethrer
with tine rcconurnmuenrdationr of tIme usays amid
muienunrs conmmnrnitteo , for tire emusuimrg bien-
nulnnnrn :
1)n'ttar lunun'nC. asia , 1593.
m.egminmtiuhv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; iiOCnl ( ( I 120.00)
(3overnur'ir omnmt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47O ( . )
' , ,1Jutnirtt gent'mal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.100 32,50(5 (
I , nnixr courmrummusioner. . . . . . . . . . . 6,0)0 . . , , . ,
ffecin'mtury or , ntnn to. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11nni'.O 15,900
Audhmor ttt Puihte , acc'intutts , . . . 9OOO aitOo
Stnmte treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P1,0(0) ( 2n,40
Siumerhnti'urtIeiit mnirhrhic iurstu uc-
( iou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,52-i I8(4
Atnorutey gi-nernnh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,70(5 11,000
t'ninnnmrtlrrlummir 1nuhdte himuls nini
} , tmtiings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b0.It4) ) 28,5410
itniul it or Puille Inihin nurul
iiuiiullmngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . isnra 2),30
I ti , n-il or i-.innca u lariat I tunis
tiumi I'nmtr'ls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,1)01) o,00o
m nuuri itt I 'iii elitist' niuu'I ' Muir-
lilies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 tOO
h4ui rru n'nIue t'Jni rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 , 103 CMIOG
hihnnuulcu count. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221.0) ) 221,150
mn.unn.Immg ti"pnrnunut'nut. . . . . . . . . . . 3.903 3,90)
Smote Irnionry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II CCOG
i'entn Non nuunil tncito'iI. ' . . . . . . . . . . 42 , 11)1) ) 41,100
I mosnImrti to" tire m uriumni" ,
cnhmn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132,700 103.50(5
( lenuu'ua mriiu"mrlnn , seittol . , , , , b5) 20,400
, s9hrumr for' ( ire I nrrnt , ire ,
Iltinrtmmrgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,0(5) ) 145,300
iJ'sndttih tr mi' lnnounit' , Nor'
fuiik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s3e0O ' 55.250
lunrte nttummtenmtnlnuY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129'J.mi . 301,700 ' -
I itt itinuc' for nuhhurin , N , Ii nmsita
( 'hun' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I'n.tO 4 40.9)
I uilunsurtith cinucul , iteirri.'y , , 5',754) ) 103,95)
I inst I iii mn fur' util I Sen f , u ) mnnur hut & ,7 I ) 77,207
I I 'nIle ' for mite l'i irnuuliess , i .htn'
totum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0I ) c2,000
In I u rem ii I nnnnuntrrai iicrnunnt . . . . . . 25,7w ) 2 h3)0 )
m4n a n is I lonuuul .f 'in ii niou tnt-
trouu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lO,0d 2G2S
Soiihi'uin' tutu Itrihorti' inrn , , . . 50,410 Gt30
imrsthrtnte mom 1't'ebk Ailumtlt.h , ,
1 m'nim u cc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 , 403 C8,210
$ tnn m e Vhehm eemntnmsisutnn. . . . . . . . lO , IC I 12,200
r4ntnuu umuml' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2OI.21 i'JOOOr )
Ht tune I I lst'i han h stti.t i . , , , , , 2.1)4 ) , ) - 2,003
i4tntuu' Inoau'n or , % guuitrui u' . . 40) ) ' ) 4,000
Html , . liar trtmrltntuurh cocioty , . , 2G0) ) 4,0410
Smut" I ) , mlrmti'mn'H nnssreiin thnitu 2.04) ) 4O0
14rur ( ' i'ouih try tu sunithunt ltrr . . , 2,0 19 2,0)0 )
I 'rhmrr rtg h'Jiti tutu 'ii It ocitr utra-
titinu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mrsceiiamnn'oums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S.C2. 208,911
'l'omals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,2)&fll' ' ) $2hlIG25
Arr iummpccthniur of tire ubosc tnmbrmlnteni state-
unnomut uvill show thrat a unuateriul euvlnmg Is
minutia 1mm ntonmre uIt'iturtirremntnt , 'i'ira sutni of $20-
(5)4) Is mnastI Inn tire itulnlcuntal expenmtrs of tIre
leglslatinre. It is iahies'ctl , irowcs'er , thrnrt thins
$35,000 rccotinttrotuild su-ill iravnu to be ininitenl-
ally liucreasetl hiolort' thus sessionn t'nrds , nra thins
eXIrcuises 'rias.c irCti nunrrusunmhl9' imc-rtV ) ' . A
large sas'iuig is rmpmancuitIy uumnutIe in ( ho goy-
crnnor'H uleuiartunreirt , burt it uiuust be rennenun-
bt'reil tirnit two years ago limo stints of $25,00
for tIne innnpt'acimnnrenIt trial , $1 (1,000 ( for
tine enunphoyunuennt of couunsei , ctc. , 1mm the irtose.
cutton of tire amnylumni aund pun tenrtitu y buodlers
turnnl $5.000 for tire hrrosen'mntiour of rhrc' itate's
canto agamnrrut cx-'i'renrsmnrer 11111 muuumi LIe hjotrtl-
unmeni to recover thro mnuouney Itnnst by tire state
hum tire Capital NatIonnnnl haunt susinmihla are not.
Iurelurtietl inn time reconninmuomrdatlours of tluc usays
a nil nun eanis counr null tee.
TIne connrturittee rccoutrniieiriis a snivItmg ot
$6,000 by refusiumg airy ahihunnnpriamlouI wIrat- .
ever fur tine olllce of tiehlUty labor eo'nrnmmi8.
shunner. Tire curling tlmummn mnrade. rowevcr , uvili
be dlscouirted If tile Irihis for tine irrruosoi
State imoaril of hmrnnigrmtiomm , inre ( I ,
A nnavlmmg cul $1,001) is recnmniummern'leni ' Jut tine
NUhlrItuO court nlepumlttneirt , , OO0 mi the stat , ,
library rurud l2,125 1,1 tIme State Jlnarui of
'l'rnmniltorlrntlonu , by .unttinmg off ( iu s.rh lee of
two of tIre secretririet , tire stt'mrtrgnrminur , arid-
ijrcitii'nrttni exileni see. 'i'inis InC I i' r wrt'i n g , It ous" .
ever , su'hhl lie eIiectc'l ut ( hr niilitcnmUy , mrs am
extmaorullnuaty cUrt soul mr nmmnm'le I" ItrUs'ide
iilau'es for tine tuto 1nulltleal r'-tnu tiers clut off ,
Tine reform necorinuuicnrd ii by ilte ennnrlttens -
ought to tnj carried curt , 1w clx yesro c'xInu'ri-
ncc true niomortstrateul tlmrrt cub o.ecmn'ary (
your easIly ut rormnm all tine uhumtlttnt of ( ire
boanml , In mecunmnunrn'ndlng thmI cavhmrg time
ways amud nrlelmnib vonrrrtrltcc aa doubtless Its.
. : . 4. - . .