, t " ' - 1,1 TIlE OMAILA DAILY BE'H SUNDAY , LARCIl 10 , 1S9. - - - - - - - u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I. SPROUlL NOTIUELS1 'L _ _ _ - Ad"l'rtlRemr.ntf for thue C'olunln4 still he ,111'11 111111 1210 : " . m. for the 0"111111 nnil edition tntfl 8 . p. m. for the ' 1orull' alt .uno" , 1(1101. A.lvertur h1 rrqneRtll R nlnlhl'r'11 check , cjI ; hR. " Rnewtn su1drred to R (1\1 RllrURtl 11mherr. " lrtr 11 CRro , or The fire. An I * "cn 10 R.I.lro.ael nUt tin delvtr'HI upon reeciitittioii , fr the check 0111" Jntu. J 1.2 1 " .rI , Crl ineottlon . 10 " " ort hrnttr. : othlltlkel for IUI thnn :1t for IrRt II erlun. . ' hBO n.hortBelenU mUlt run coieccu- , tvely. . . . " - - - - - SITUATIONS WANTED. rOSITION . AN ' ' . ' flOO1(11T1'CII . JY A mWI.I' : nOOlnnmllm. onI , A No. I colletors : I'rlnntnl or 'emporo , ! would 111'Ct IQle Inunt ) ' lit I Il'e hISlne ! ! . . J n. Ike. A- . 1:2 10' DY Tltl : (000 Cmml.\N GIflT.S . 11.\Cn for generl INIHOIWJI. 81 0 < 2Glh. A-t3c ) 10' EM1'1.OYMINT IY COMI'tT1T RTIOa1tA. phcr unt bookt ; eper. . \III'css J 57. I ' . < A- 151 IG' lOSITIN WATrn 1' 11.TflIt1V.1tE' : nnrel In0y 1 ; COII''II1n II Ivn1ld. or houee- ) ! keeper fet \1lo\\er with PII,1 rnml ) ' , AI- 1re W 10. 1'e. ? odnctt1t1UffL A-401 10 A HI't'.t'i1O.t IY A ( OODflhtt1) AND cke "allr' cup'llle or lulIIC Chnlg or hoi . " . ' AthIres4 .1 P C , ) . It..c A-4i4 n. < cn'ps WHTINI TO no BY TIn 101:1 : BY I.ADY ; plain \\ller , IuIdrer J t. lIce o111cc. A-IZS.IO' ANTED-MALE HELP. . - - - CUDAN I'H ClI.rS , tC , 101 DOUC."S. " 1-7 G"1 ItELdAfll.D R"I.TS"IAN : TO IANI.I A COM- plele line of luLrlcall1 elI , nlli % " . ; MI. nr ) ' or cnrnniI.itGn. Apply Garland : 1elnln Co" , CIevelm'i.O. 11-M2SO1 CIOAIt } AtSItN WANTI ) , WITI gWr- rlenre Smm , , : " . for norlher .nn.ns nn,1 MulhCn Nebraska . ddree P. O. box n HI. Jo.epli itt. ) . ollress 1t-M3021 WANT11.UK1I ) PAfl'N'r 111' ] :1 A = C\LIJ or nddre . GIS Flih 51. , Sioux City , luwn. ullre. 1-3 : - 10 DF.TECT1Vr-\'fl : A IUI.\t.l : : : IAN In ' ' ' . ' . net 18i'flto i1ctrctIV In'I'I'y l"I'\lly 10 ns 11'1\'nte IIcttCtl' . un"rr tnstru.tIon. I.lerlcnce not ner1ry. , , . . eledh ) sent for t.arttctilari. \merlean } e Iarteulars. . Agency. 111lnnal..19 , Itid. n- -IO' ) IN AND \Ot : TO \OlK AT 10m. I pay n lu SG I'r wee Ie rul inaldng cryon portraits - traits ; new ntn'eI , method ; nny ono I ho can raI or wl'le con elo the wnik at home . In spare ( ( Inn' , clay or ( enln . Belli for I"Jlcn- li" " 1,1 tml cny 01 once. II. % . Grill' ' Gcrman 0. Artist , 'frone , l'a. - - - RE.tAI.1 1mN TO IUT 11 WIITI m\I- ? Icd lele'l ant , In &gn worll everywhere ; send ; Ilnml" . A. Y. 'folor & Co. , Cllclnlul O. - 1- , WANTII iAL1sMIN , tA1.\RY on COM- : mission , 10 Introduce our cools 10 tile tnle ; , . permanent pnsilon : statiC Un' . . pleacant WOI k. AIIren . wlh stump . K.4iig Mrg. Co. . C 41 , CiIcno. B I GOOn S.LIMIN FOI i1'ICI.I . WOI\ , men or exprrlence In farm Ilplellnt * line nnc nC'lalnlI ] In ( 'lsl"r Nehrelm nol \stern Iowa prefrrre.l. Aidress with refcrenc . locle . ; . bx C3. Ue8 Moines , In. nIt 10. : . ANTlm. 1.'IH'-C.ASS [ MAL1 HTIOGHA- pher util 1)o.lck.'dmer. , A\h"ES J Gt lIce. , .tzit- tog teference bllry wantel . etc.IJ-M4G7 12' 8AJ.FSN : VOlt CIA iS ; $7f TO IZ.OO salary Ind e.penscs ; 'xperlence not nrcessary. Send 8lnmp. Usbol & KlIne , SI. Louts . Mo. / l-tOt-IO' . . rINOcImt % I'll I . II1H. HOOInJIlS ! , ibALmS- . BTnNOGI'I.S men anti , tenchcl' , lesUlng po.llons In Texas . ore l"vl,1 10 nddress " 11" , TI''s Ilitsiness " . . ' . 1)alIas , Julcnu , J.V. Itulnall . 11'011lclor. . Ualas Texns. II--102-I0' W ANTrD , S.LESMAN. ] ml.IAm.t : I\N TO . sell wh18111e8. Salary or cominision. l.cntue'IIY . JloulLn Co. , Newport , 1\ ) ' . 11-101-10' FOIL I1IINT . 200 ACln FINE.Y tIIHOVED. 4 mies from South Om"ho. A. S. Hich Ie. 512 lnrl'nch ' blic. H-3 -10 : , I'iImt 1,000 FOIt DISTI1IIIUTINO CII1CUL. PEl 1.0 FOI DfTllUTINO ( lCU.- rO , enclose 4 cIH. N. Y. AdvertIsing Asn . . N. , Y Clly. n4210. WANTI'-\ FAttm [ nOY 1 TO 10 ( YEARS old , In nn"wrrlng state wages e"pceted. Address - - dress J 49 , Bee. h-uS-Il' WANTI'D-JNIOH : DIUG CLERK : Oil ONE wanting 10 lear Im8In.s ; musl loin pro- " c prlelor rMOO : money secured with IntI'csl. . , . Address J 48 lIce. 11-416-10' CIRCULARS DISTRIIIIJTEI-10,00) EVEHY month , $ : per 1,0)1) : send I leCelence3 nod 10c. , Dept. A. Ford Mrg. Co. , Chicago 11-425-10' , Ill. , - 1-12-10. - " .r PER 1,0 CASH 1AtO FOI DSTlmUT- : Ing circullrs : encloo 4c. U. S. nlslrlmtng : r lu.enu. Chlengo. n-I-I0. J WANTIID-SAI4ESAIEN TO fm.L CIAHS ; $7 : I , . per month salary nr11 expens A"hes. with ; 2 stamp . E. hi. Meeles & Co. . ' Aurora , III. . U-I2-bO' . I .11 1i. )1 N T SElL nAKtNO 10Wlmi TO THE .1 grocery trade. Htllly employment , experience , ' . unneeessa ! . $75 monthly 8alu.y nfl expenses " - or com. If otTer satisfactory Illd.rss at once , ' I < rer salsrlctolY . . , WIth particulars concerning yourself . U. A. , f 1 Chemical Works Chlcl o. 11-440-10' i' 8ALI'SmN WANTED-SALESMAN AC- . ! qunlnl wUh confectionery aol , grocery trade 1 In Omaha And purlullng lerrlor ) ' , 10 take r agency for n hlno or chewing gum ; small eop- : Ir , ' tat requIred to keI' ROI e stock on hand. Address - , dress 1IIIIn"I Gum Co. . SI. Paul . Mtnn k 1J.-4l3-lO' ( MAN WANTEn 'fO SI I.t. INDIAN MAll N : I . cigar signs. Something new. Fnxo Figure . & Sign Worls , l'aeihlc Junctton . ] own. " : - , 11-1 hI-It' ? - t , ANTED-FEMA .EELP. . - WANTI ) , WORKING 10USCKlmlEI IN . C widower's family , Ilme < lotely , lox 37 Kenr ney , Neb. C-M263 I LADmS WANTING FIRST-ClASS (11111.5 FIfT-CI.AfS OII.S ; ' call Scandinavian yV , home ot . IllS Capitol - : . 101 nvenue , 2.1-311 ti' LADIES TO no FANCY WOHK AT hOME. ; , Delry Needlework Co. , Delroy , 2.ltch. ; C-M331 20' : . . 1IOUS13K13Ib'Eh1-MIDDL13 ] Am n .UmICAN ! lady seek position us housekeeper In 1 rlmln , Is a good cook end cal"Llo uf caring fur I i comfortable home , 'Vou'1 Inle any poiltion at trol In 1 ham" Address J 45. care C-Ill-it' " lice. WAN''lm-A I'JIST CLASS IIUSINIISIO\VO- 0111cc. mnn ; tnlddhe aged l.rererrcI. Address C-M3S9-b0 J 40. lIes LADY TO WOlK FOIl 11 AT 10MI ; $15.0 . w"lkly ; no canvassing ; send slnm , National ; Co. , 11 IGth street , benver Colo. ( C . WANTID , I.Any A(11NTS : TO COlInm j the lerl. or the Ineln Corset ; Lsl sellers on recoriL For I"I'Iulo1 IIlrso. Weer : " Corset Co. , St l.uIH. Mo. C- , . " , SVANTIIU A WOMAN 1'XlItmNCgU IN double entry booiciepizig. stenograiI1Y ant tn.ewrltn. : must IIHO he I good penman : only those hait % lug hnll actual otee , 'xI'rleIC" need " : r ol'l.ly Atiires . wIth reference , J 54 , c 1. niltee. 10' . TWO 1t1I' " m > CATI:1 : YOUNO I.\nmH not under : 10 assist II our order , Iepurllent . 6 hours daIly : must 10 wlllg , quick 10 I.nr ant vell aeiuatutcl wtthi the city ; satisfactory anc w(1 ue'llnlll'.I wih ( elr oltdlctory ; pay 10 suitable l"h' . AI'Ily Monday after 10 , . SUIt5 . ohlice . rm 12 , Clelshlon hlo < . ' . C- 10' . - . WANTI n. A I'Jlr-C.\SS EXS'EIIIINCEI ) . , millinery onleowumun aol , asslslunl trImmer and two niaken , Joyce IG31 DluSlus street. cl : 10 < t I 'Wll.14 i'AY 1\1EH A SALARY OF $10 l'lIlt week 10 worle for le 01 hOle , II their own ; locality , light work . le.t I"'y for tart tle , , Athlresa wih stump . Mro. lb. I' : . iiasaett. Suite L' $04 Jlunhll 1.'leld & Co. hlldg. , Chicago. . C-n-Io. - . - ' VANTI31) A UlltL FOR O1INEI1AL - , mi. 1.01 O NIA Imm- 1 work : N , I&lh , C-SillS 1 , FOR RENT-IOUSES. kt 10USI S , I' " . K DARLING , 1AleEn 1.0CK , . 1)-Ill 1-901 . . hOUSES IN AI.I. I'AlTI 0' TiE CITY. TIlE : _ o. 1- ' . Davia company . I [ : Farnam. ICS 10U6CI ; lENAWA & CO. , 108 N. 15Th ST . 19-569 Vl ImN' - -IOOM COVI'AGlb. IN ooon 11- p4Ir city water ' $10.00 per month , to oo.i jar- . thee , ' 129 lkt . block i froni : Learnain : car line. ; : In'ulr\ , 6toelz. . alaI' " store next 1)-Ill. to pout. HOUSCS , WALI.CE. InOWN l9lI,1G & nuua VI l N-1 CAPiTOL A\'i3NUlb. 1 rectal . modern . The O. I" . 111'11 CIlllan - ) ' $ , , - ) OmmN 1.100) I0Ult. ) , N.AI J'I1. ply 1 ( ' S. : alreet DMsG " 100) ( ' ' , \a i AI.h MOIJINj ; 1'AITI , . f.jl hewn and shade . ZtU ) .uml .t. , ur % I N , - Y. 1.ICe . D-MU TWO DIIo'mm hIlGllT-ltoOst IlOItSIlS with t'nr. % 11 and % lmlr 16 iMi l. In quire 301 N. 221 . 1)-MI I- : : V.I\ Jm611.0nI.I. . LOCATED IIOUSES. J. 1 Sherwood . 44 N. Y , Lle < , 'lhol8 10IJII & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-ItO 10' L.ABOO LIST 1IQUBE. \VEAI ) . UTI' flOUt . ] . ROOM _ 10U61. 80 S. MST S' D-2H 10' hOUSES 1.01 IEN' . U TO 110. FIDELITY , ¶ L'rb" CQ. , IN 1.'nrull $0. DUm 31 FOI : RENT--lOUSEB. - - - - - Continued . 6IOo r not'S ; ol.t. MODmN CO : ' rl"ne p rl aunty lotnl d ' good In"n , eJo 721 R. ail th , ; key al i WI ! Ioo . Jr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n D-M332 14' ' TWO FI.ATS. STeAM 70 NO. 10Th. 11-313-13' toll I1ENT . j.nOOM hOUSE . ALT. MOmN Impro\lenle exctlt Curnaee. 2217 Cas. , treet. exetII \r \ 11-11334 10 : FOIl IrNT , .ltOOT ? hOUSE . tAlD WOOl nnlsh , all modcl Improementu . leG . N lId < It t. fl-iOih5410 - - 1'01 mN'r , hOTEL IN GOOD 1. IAt 23 rooms , hOOj location . Omnhn ; flnlshNI throughout : furnIture for laIc ' .1. cost ; now doing good ttliflCC' . Globe Lan antI Trust Co. . Itth * and Dodge. I-M31 10 TEN.IZOOM nmCR IIOUSTI. IIATII , 1.AUN. dry . turlnce : not basement plnn leern 111. joinIng. 2CI CapItol asenue. D-M3SII : ' l'Ot HCNT CIIEAI' : , GOOD 9.1001 HOUSl , moJr Improvements , 221 Charles 11-356-10' St. FOn ItEND . 6.100M COTAON. C.tN. t'nceI , 2 blocks from care , cIty water. Inquire . 2816 N. lIst alreel. D- I : : 1. 9.1100 10tHI . 1m SIrH ( AN A\'ENu ; all molern , conveniences : 11 "ep or repair : good lel hborhoo : possession gl'en any lime. C hi. OCllne ) ' , 11-11451 12' FOIl IINT , Sl1'I1it.li IIANDSOMII MOIIIRN VI'I.lADSOMr IOnrnN lmtilt hnl8es * near Hnlscom paric. Itick . 335 . N. Y. Iife. l.-4s - ) 10. NHI IOO IH VOlt RENT AT 2S I.\INIW street , D-H 10. t'on I1I1NT-9.IlOM : leleIlNiSIlEl ) lIOUSlI . V. FtIISIFD 10tSI I. flailing . Inlllcr "lock. - D-1 12 i-ILOM COTTAU LI , Moom : 013 I.1i.Vi1N- worth. J- 3.16. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. I'LIIASANT 11001 ! . 1019 DODGE. -96 Tllmn Sb'IANDIDLY I ' UHNlsnro ROOMS , wlh lath , hot lvler , blat , gas : best location. 22 : Fat nam. E-2i8-10. 3 NICE 1UINIBIO ROOMS FOIl 1.10TT - _ housellceplng. hill S. Ilh , E-0t-l. A l'I.IIAS.tNT . ' II.I'AS.\NT SOUTH nee I.'OH IIENT , fOUTI : lUNT wllh board , 221. 10walII st. 1c296.1I. vl.my IHI.\IT : I'IONT I100MVITII AN alcove , 212 S. 25th st. 1-133 101 ImNT-I'HNISIIl noo:1 IN 1)14112. HII. nile rn I I ) ' , Iales rcasonu"le. 455 SoUth 21h AVe. 1-H9-10' - : Uh.tSHED ROIMS AND BOARD. FRONT ROOMS & nOolo Cl ' AI' , Z310 Douglas F-725--M20 F-7:120 TIT ln.t.sJ . 1TH AND DODGE , ROOMS . enc Loa Il. F-IG-IS. NICELY FUnNISII O 100JS , WITH GOOD hoar ; rates reasonable . The Roe . 2423 Hnr- ne ) ' , . F-JIi Al' 15t2 ChICAGO. FRONT ROOM WI''H I1OAItD. IeM33S 17 ' 1-:1338 1' IOOM SUITAIE FOIl 'fWO WITII IIOA1OD. 'l'elno reasonable , pleasant WITI . 2:10 DuIRe. . 1-3Gj-1. 1"UlNlflrD 100M , WITH on WtTHOUT hoard , . GIG So. 171h SI. , ( our blocks from 16th anti Farnnmu. ' " ' 1'nI0I. F-3S7-14' I'-Ot RUNT , NICELY FUI2NISIIED. SOUTh 1IS 10 SOl'TI front loom , wIth board. 194 Douglas " slreel. . 1'-MI 12. TAI1LE DOAlO FOR TWO IN PJ\'ATE 1.\ : ( _ thy . Mm ' ' . Ill N. 2 < F'-MiGl 12. l'UHNISTED . IO ( WiTh 10AUD ; ItF1eEIt. ] andes : 3513 Farnani. P-M437-10' UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT : UNI.'UHNISl ' O CUAMDEns FOR HOUSE- keeping . to man old . wife. 319 N. . _ 17th. : -312 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 UNI'ITNISIED ROOMS . 70 N , 22D ST ; no children : references. (1-262-10' I'on RENT-i on 4 UNF1ItNISIIED nrNT-3 ROOMS UNFUlNSUrD 100IS eastern rXlosurl' , between Cass and Oole on : d. Address J 51 l , Bee. 111 G-13t-10. ' FOR RENT-STORE AND OFFICES FOR ICNTTUEHTOIY DmCH BUILDING , 915 Farnal slreel. This building hos a tire- proof cement b.'sement , complete steam heal lag fIxtures ; wnler on all leers , gas , elC. Ap- ply al the olllce of The lie'- I-nO FOR m'NT-2 STORES , COil. 2 & LEAVEN. worth St. A good business location. Inquire 3t3 So. 10lh SI. I-3 1-13. AGENTS WANTED. LADY AGENT IN EVERY TOWN , pEnIA- nenel Lusiles : have not space to explain ; In- vestigate. Uawle"s Mtg. Co. . 18 So. 151h St. J-71-M17 - - -i:7-I1 AGENT MATF OH FEMALE , WRITE TO US quick ; we have something . great importance 10 say 10 you ; brand new tine : big money In it ; < lne ! I write quick or you may Le I" late ; don'l fail to write today sure ; just send your address on Postal : we will surprise you ; Le quick or you may lose the oJ.prtuQII ) ' : $3:00 : a day In I sure. Enterprise Supply Co. . department It , AURuln . , Me. _ _ J- lj3 : 29' LADY AGENTS ; RUBBER UND HGAn. menl ; quick sales ; big 'proiits ; catalogue Cree. Mrs. N. 1 Little Mrg. Co. , Chicago , Ill. J- WIlY DO PEOPLE COMPLAIN OF hARD . times . when any womnn or man can make tlm $5 to $0 1 tiny easily. All have hoar , ! at the wonderful success of the Climax Dls1i . Washer ; yet mln ) ' are apt 10 think they cant make mane ) ' selling I ; but anyone cnn make 10ne ) ' , because every family wnnls one. One agent has male $ . In the last three months after paying nil expenses and attending to reg- ! ular buslnes , hsl < es. You , lon't bare lC cnn- Inss : a" Soon nn people know you have It for sala they send for a DishVa.her. . Address time Acd.'es. Climax Mrg Co. , 45 Starr Ave. , ColumLus Ohio for particulars J AGENTS : ANDI.E At.11INUl ooons ANn 0,11 money : quick sales : plols large : sent , hOc for sample In plush Lox ; illustrated cir- (1101' free Novelty Intro luslrled . , 209 State sired . Chlca o. < ucton J- O 'ANTl1D . AGENTS : TO SELL . SASI LOCKS and mInor hol < e. ' Sample sash lock free hy mal for 2e slamp. Best sellers ever inventel. selers l1'er heats wlhI8 , $2,0 n dny. 'V.le quitc. lire. 11- hnnl & Co. . Ilex 7. i'imiladeiptmia. JAm - AGENTS MAIh3 $10 DAILY SELl.tNO ALUMI- nun novelties : now IH'OCe silverware : bar goods , big line . the new 9l'erwle metal. Dehivere,1 tree. Sample In velvet lined case 10c. In Catalogue free , Aluminum Novelty Co. . 335 Broadway , New YUII J- $25.00 TO $10.00 l'ihtS'ElIK USING AND SELLing - Inl Oil rllnlle Ploler. Every . family has rusty mnrn knives . . tamly wor klll'es. forks 8poon" , elc. Qllclily ldateti by dipping In incited umetal. No 1.lnlec ly < melel lelnl. ex- I'l'rlcn" or 1I\I lv.le ; 1 good situation. Ad- Rluoton. dress \ \ ' . I' . Inrrlson & Co. Clerk No. 14 , Columbus , Ohio. 1 AGENTS WAN'If TO SlI.L ECONOMIC Fountain Ink stopper. I In 81 bottles ; pre- ' \'nls hick t ink Hpllln . soul gig the lIngers , . and save , its l'ol every thirty .iays. A Inlld seller , Hlml.le : cenls. Economic Mtg. ( ' 0. . Cincinnati . 0. ' P J-t03.IO' GI1NTS W.N''I : TO sm.l TIm 1'10'0-1' pocket camera ; sells IHclf : prolls imnmnense. Address ' the Iholo-1 Mfg Co. , XI2 1.1 11" " , \ . J-39S.IO. AGENTS 'AN'l'El f $ i : ( ) TO $10.0 SAI1ly pall to energetic ) 'Olnl len 10 travel. Ix. m'ehlvnt ehone' , for teQcher9 mind studenlo. lu.lness pleafolt nn,1 l'e"lnnenl. Iplellll ' olln"lunly to lale" money , Our new plan tulln like wild lime. . \clres NatIonal Librar. association , 34 \\'atnsh ave. , Chicago. I.Lrr ) AGENTS-Il : TO $ : A DAY CAN loll MAImI selling Iho "No lurl 1"r'I"\un. " MA1 nrlclo 10 sell oul. lurlnSlo,1 \ & Co. , lies Moines Iii . . II. J-4)9-I0' ) CATCh ! lIST SOC CANV.\SSIH Si'ECOAI.TY ever ahown. Ilevermmiblo Automnatia hair Curler ( jo. , lcI'cralblo . .ulolato - Inlr AGI4NTS-IIAIII'i'htib IICfOIUISTOny ot time war ; line new editIon : reduceti iwice's. $5 to $0 Ihll ) ' made nslh' \ \ ' < ito for . I.ur- ticuhars. Star PuLlohlng Co. , Chirago. . ' .1-Ill-It' AOIIN'l'S W.\NTlm-WOMI AND Oh IlLS : experience unnecessary ; ) ' 01 "un luke OII.S 10ne ) ' . 'h8 best side line yet for icily agents ; cv.'rbly ' , I hikes it , < Address . 'fhe HI.tm I Co. , I"rlnonl , Ohlu. .1-11413-Il' - - - AIEN'h'ibVANTIIIIlvery town ; sell Fnr 'fll'phole" . Battery or Magneto lug corn- IIH810n. I'nrr Telephone Co. , B I.Hale Il. St. . Chlab" .J-414-1O' AGENTS W.\NTJD-T AI l3I.L "VhOOZIbN l'ElL. tuimme . . "lelhln new , 100t exquisite Ilm- " -cci . lasting . $10 , Inly ! easily made . 4 rmlle nnc boxes ( ( ( , ) 31 ; 1"0. . $ : Iml. J'crtulI Co. . GS Jason ) HI. . Chicago . J-IO' T 'AN\'ASHlmS ' 'IIOUOIOU'r KANS.\S , NI'brlkn. Houlh Ikikot , . alt western hewn deal ) ' work mint liberal In ) ' . SeeIng Is \ - 1\'lng. ( ' 11 or write Olin . 2707 ( ) utreet . 207 "rret. . laulh Ojimuhia . Neb. J-JUT 1. W AN''ED-TO RENT. W.\NTlm TO mN' , . . GOOD FLJIINISIIEI ) 1"UINISI hotel In NeLrlka or Iowa. Addreau J 33 , lice < < 1ee Olaha - = ' - . 1I. \'ANTlIi-'l'hlItEI3 t'NFI'ltNlSiljIl ) 1100118 'llm t'NJl'UNI I f 100MS al once fur houaekl.plng. Address U9 S. Ilh it . . ' IC-3GI.IO' W.\NTlm. l0M AND lio.\t nr MAN AND \\1 ' . I Ih tllly I. . house cell ) , mo.r 1IAN con. eniences' lu.1 b" reasonable und ready to ICCUIIoI1t" by the 2th Inol Strictly I'rh'ale family Preferred.Viil " I"nnnneni with wih right l > rllu. Address J H. lce , K-M3S h' IAHODli M , ' H El ) 1'lm. ( erred I. ) In prh'nle residence ; ul ISIIW convenience ; ia ) ' \ % ant \ldj ; 3 KOntli. A < dre. J iC-444 55 , hiec. it' IAI'HI. 15. I OH G lOMR IN (10011 LOCA. OOP Lo lion for huoekeellnj , ; lerma moderate. A4. dress J 1.0 , Ute moerle. I- : 1 . . . - - - - - - - - - WANTED-TO RENT Contnu , WANTED . lIT ( ' . ' ! VOl'NO LA1)1E14 F1.'It- nlhel rooms wih board , close In. J 55. Ie , 1 -419 1 WANTED TWO 100MA AND 10A1n FOIl 2 adult , rind tines children , $61) to $ i5 per < calendar 10nlh. Address lenlnl Agency aol , N. 161h Blreel. 16-lOS-b' STORAGE . DES STORAGE BUILDING 1 : OMAhA , U. S. gob' bonded worehou.e. 1boua.1mohml geode stored . < - l.wee rates. 101.1015 Leavenworth. 50-Ill STORAGE , 1."lANIEWrnS. . 121 IIARNEY 11-978 . i ' 1-9 W : : . - WANTED , AI'CONn.H.\n 10TAIY I'RINT- Inl press , about G9 , Jnrn'y Del"I" . ( 'olin. ( I 111 ! ' . N-11463 12 FOR SALE-FURNITURE. FOIl SAIdI-$150 WORTh OF t'UHNITllT only used live months . for $50. J U. lice ofllee . 0-363-14' 0-63.1' I'tJItNITURII FOil A :11 .nOO"IIOUSI' : FOil sale cheap nl 23i6 blarney 141. 0-3140--Il' PUnNITl'lm 01 10.110051 1 IbOt'SiI 1.01 SAT.ti 101fl cheap ; I.urchner (11 rent hOlse ; might . ne- edit board In part , or good mortgage In , ) ' - rent : ( eleI1 1.ln(1 for roomers or hoarier , . . \IIMIM J r 1eo 0111cc. 0-418 10. FOR SALI-HORSESWAGONSETC 1'01 SAI.I ChEAP , 'TWO HOI * , \ITH harness and wagon , GOG North 19th. ' ' 1- I3j3 la' 101 SA 1 , SIII.\ND 10MAII. r Sears old . Idol , and gentle , \IRht about 373 Ibs. Address box uGO , AtkInson , Nd , . l'-MEl 10 I'on HAh.II ' 'WO-HI ATI. : ( ' . \:0IY TOI lurre ) ' . In good condition , chenp. 1001 2 , Wlthne hll . 1-1 10 FOR SALE-MIb"ELLl.NEOUS. l'n SA.E. A NO. 1 2ND nAND l.HOISr power , steel bler. 01 see as new Alhl ess 1 O. Ilex C83. Q-:2-1 SOl 10USE . 1'01 IJIH. 101 IOUtLS. Q-7SU ; :1 WEGMAN 11\NOS. IIDGEIOlt ORGANS. \Voodbridge hlcos. , ill So. 25th. Q4 10G AND CIIClI : FENCE ; HAlO WOOD plckelo. C. n. Lee 901 Doulos. Q-515 roil SALII . ONE IIIIA\'Y 1IAS'I'H BTJ El. chest \lh Master time 10 1C ; one Inre fire and burglar proof DlcLld safe with Sn.ennt time locI ; . Address flanker , J 3) , thtiq tilice. Q -122-17 SIOW CASES , CIGAR C.\HEH. SId.\l.L 14AFII ili-tig slam hixttire. . fornicrly Leslie & Leslie's < 11 l"tlres. formcr\ I.e8le drug Flore. Enquire Sherman & : lconnel Drug Co. , lul3 Dodge street , Q-5t376 10. FOI SALE . A NO. 4 AND NO. 5 CI.t"'T LAD " 1)'ce.I < ) J , $ teldl . Crele. Q-IGS Neb , 10 VOlt fAI.t' -ONI 40 11(1 I1ELIAI1I.1I INCl'- hater 10 b.oolers. I hone mill , I large lIre- I'rt sare. James V.'itelan , Sh . Q and - ( Irace. - . GE1N'rLIIMI6N-i.osr MANIIOOI ) . SEXUAL vigor , el ( , quickly restored ; seven .Ins' trim. . package ia let sealed Cree. Ur. S. 1e 10e , l.a Grange. Ill. . I.a Grnle I. Q-IO. VOlt HAl.F AT 210 CAI.I'OINIA. OE lnHln mOILle mantelpiece . one rosewnob bt- sle"e , one hotel coffee 01.1 l"de In payment for front wile , Q-M439-12 O TIOUOUOHml D , LIGhT nHAIIIA AND lack Langsiumn cocicrels ; large vigorous standard bred birds. nt $3.0 ( each or Iwo tom < < $ .00 , In peclon 11\'le < 1 E. 111 t. Corner - nor Center and 32.1 Ais. Q-5141l-12' ! I CELLANEOUS. HAVANA FRECI6LES . 104 DOUOLAS. DOUOLAS.Ij80 MIO : AIKI T GARDENERS AND OTIUHS CAN rent desirable land , In East Omaha. Apply II rkhlenee ur L S. lalncs , opposite Caller while lead works. H-3GI-10 FOI2ItENT . 5 ACm SUn'ABLD FOR GAll- denlng with n 3 roomed cottage . barn . \el and c.ler. 40lh street , southwest or Ilane- com I'all Inquire 102 Emmel street. . lt-405-iO' - CLAIRVOYANTS MHS. DH. H. WARREN , CI.A1\OYANT. REliable . liable business medtum : ih year at 19 N. 161h. S- 06 TiE GREATEST .CLAIRVOYANT OJ , 'IE age , Madame Iomnln , has returned by'requesl ' ant an be consulted on nU affaIrs at Ure. Those wishing correct advice on "uslne8s , love. morrlag" divorce , lawsulo < , ctc. , can safely rely on tIme madnme. She removes evil In- ht'mences , reunite , couples and causes speedy nnd happy marriage with the one you love. She makes a success where others fall. Al In trouble call and receive prompt benelbt. hours. 9 to 9. l.eler < with stamp answered promptly. h21'A N 161h street . S-M62-IS' 'if621S. MA BBAGE , BATHS. ET ( ' . MADAM 8:1TH , r S. 13TH , 2 FI.OOI HOO : I 3 ; magnetIc , vapor , alcohol , slcam. 9111.hurlnc and sea bnlhs. T-Mt3G-IG. I NEWLY FITTED BATH PARLORS ; TUHK- 18h and electric baths for ladles , and gentle- men. Madame howell . 330 Soulh 1lh street 2 < floor. T-M310 AS' MASSAGE-MADAME DEIAHD. 121 DODGE . slre T-318 AS' TURKISH BATHS. LADIES ' TIJRI6ISII AND ELECTRIC DATI . complexion t.ealmeI , bust development . manicure - cure antI chiropodist , Mme. Post 31 % Soulb 15th street. TURKISh nATHS ; ONLY PLACE tN CITY exclusively for la < les Suite 109-110 Dee bldg. 017 PERSONAL D. HAAS , FLOmST PLANTS CUT FLOWEI1S. Banquet , hal , resIdence and gave decorations. ! ,181 Vlnlon street. Telephone 7G. U- S8 MASSAGE , ILI CIO TIEIUIAL ISATIIS . chiropodist. Mme. Post , 31 ! S. 15th { S9 TIm BELLE EPPERLY CORSET ADE TO order tram measure . 1m Feral slreet.Ul 11-1111 : Om hOUSE FIE KEY WEST CIGARS. - _ WEf1 Sill VIA VI CO. , 31G BEll I1LDG ; 1EAI.Tn BOOK _ tree _ : home treatment ; lady attendant . U-lO IEAUTY CULTURE ; EVEIY LADY WIT ! ! racial hnlr can have II cestr'ec forever , guaranteed - onted by the EI.FCHIC NFJULF. Moles warts wens , red nose , birth tattoos , powder 1009 \ and cinder marls , freckles black hatR , liver spots , pimples and all facial Llemlshes re- moveiL 11.0hnplel < nose anti projecting cars remedied : bust developed ; hair , scalp ant , skin treated : Cot reduced ; nervous and female dl- < < < eases cured by time Cumpalhlo Inslitule. 107 S. 1lh st. , near Dodge U-G22 1\ G ELEGANTLY FINISIED CAmNI 110TOS. 99 cents for 10 laYR only al Cowon's 534 Broadway . Council Bluffs. U-120 STOECK1ihi'S SOleE HOUSE , 10 DOUm\S. U-78G 1m FOR FlST CLASS PIANO TUNING hAVE Merriam . at " 'oodlrldge hires. . 17 aI : , U-ill-Il 17th al. CUIE FOR LADIES. 1816 ChICAGO ST , U-1CC.ht' U-lG.3I' 'ALL I'Al'llIt . : ) . ) , IAIFI CI.I'ANED , 2 ½ c SQ. YO NO muss No. I job. H Bechtel 1802 Corby RI. U- = G15 l.A , tIl4' THY l I' : IAN'S I'ENNYIIOVAL and Tansy pius ; never foil ; always sure ; sealed , S.O. hI. Stevens & OUOtUVUI. 59 State Street Chl"nso. U- ATTENTION I.AnlSI I EMMA Iusr DEVIE.- ol"r will enla'gH your bust 5 induies C.ua.r- nnleed , S"II.1 instructions : or 21 image I- lu.lmlll catalogue Go . Ly tnail. lmll Toilet Ilazar . 108ton. MMS. U I.A1mS. flit. , VOml.loS 1'111(1 I'IMAI.I h'ills never fail ; safe amid sure ; oral.I , U. Par- teululB 4 ( "n" Aurum Medicine Co. , 55 State _ ! t ± , Chicago , II U- AI.I. KINDS OF Ni2\VS0'Ab'lShl CI.ll'h'iNGS ICNDH , NI\HIAll 1 < 1.I'IINOS 10nlll ; also lets If addresses for advertisers : "noh paId ; enclose stamp. Advertising hlurcau , < Advertolng lurlou H'sml. No. 10 W , 27h. N , Y. Ciiy . U- DO YOU SICU.ATI 1 TiE = SEND POI our book . how 10 Speculale Successfully on HUeHSrlly on I.iimmltemt Margins In Oraln ant Stock MOlkels. MUled tree. lom&lock , Ilsh" & Co" , Ilalo : building . Chicago U- lQ.O } ) 11..YJ IS.NTlm 'O 1'LAY lime Ilolular "Cr'olli Dlamon Maccl. . " Apply ' to muolo dealers or Hend SOc to 1. J. " . I. Ecker- 100110 I"umont : , NeL. U-IGO 1\ - - ltNi.Ahtauyoyfl IISTI I D. CONWAY'S IIUST tabloids ) 10 tIme emily renmedy on earth which .nlarr'8 the bit-mists train < 4 to 10 Inches : no Injury ; no nl.planru ; no 10lHons : home treatment . mont ; for ) 'OUII und old ; alo'IIUllly ' safe ; U.IW I wu ran't. 6l'ale I'arteulara 40 slnml'o ( 'oimwmiy I'ecllc Co. < , 133 ' 'relonl HI. . loton , Maas. U GENTLEMEN : ONI.Y-IY TItUATISII ON "Silt h'rttectlon" Iwclna 'wlhl. young and middle cacti len hal 10 abstain trout self abuse . and how the terrible commuequences may r.lwdl.1 and cured al honme In I"\'ute , at a triltinit' I I expense , avpidi'mec tIm need of : \ , . : ! answering " \ \ : I n ,1 - " f.at Slartlmoo1" aIvertisenmentu. This l.amlhlet ( ntllna much valuable Information and I. hutollnouLle 10 nl men. Sent aeollel by mal un receipt ( It In cents silver or stamImims. Nolimlig elo to sell . Order tway. Br J .1. Helhom , Ilex 750 , ( . 'lmicugo. L' - : -IO' fAHIAOI , I'Ai'lllt bOC-bll'Nl)11l108 Oh' JI - crlplon and residences ; many wealtlmi' . Mr and 11. Drake , It WIhln&tou 1 11-411-it' , . , Cimicago , U--10' . _ . , . . . . - - - - - _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - . - - . PERSONAL. I Csmitlnued. - I "ThIfl NTH IN AItT AhiOOK IhINCI S ! whim very InlerNll1 reading aol 1 hat J plcllr ( . . \1 nimlea . tit Llltrll women 1 true 10 nollN nn,1 as L ' ' MalNI 1\pohl , for C rl dip . Franco AmNrc n Art Ilbl , C'o.i , 7U hall Llj. Chleogo. - t-425-ii' " 1SITATI : " 2 I\ ; lbl1iUTII.'t'I. POrt' - lor song ; W ( mil ; tt4tnmple copy 10 nlenl ; ! . 1 cent , . 1 Wolalere , 7 S Slho ( SI. . tJ-4l2.-lO' Chicago. MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANThONY LOAN TIWST CO.,3S N.Y. 1.IFr lonns nt low I rnle for choice security In Nebraska - "rakn and Iowa fIrms or Omaha city I'rperly. W-1 I.WE INSURANCE 10LICmH LOANED ON or "oughl I" . O. Chesnei' , Kansas City , Mo. W-IO - MONry T LOAN ON 1IIIO\'lm OMAhA real estate Drennon , Lve & Co. . Iaxton Llk. . \ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TilE TiE o. F. Davis . ' n''Cs. ' - DBlo Co. . 15 F nnm ut " -10 VEin' LOW HATES MA1 ON GOOD 1.0ANS. JV. , Squire . 24 flee bldg. \V-105 CITY LOAS C A. STAnn , m N. V. l.IICE. Y\WJ , MONEY TO LOAN ON t\IO\'I : OMAhA property . Fidelity Trust cOlpan ) ' , liO I'"nrnom ' W-IOS I.OAS 0 : IMlnO"I : & UNIMI'itO1.141) CITY property. W. laronl Smith & Co. , 13Z0 I.'arol ' W-tO MONEY TO 1.0AN ON OMAhA TWAI. ESTATE nt G per cent W. U. Meikle , hut Nnl Ilic. bhlg. \V-b It CITY 10AS. $ : O.OO TO $50,000.01 A' 1.0WIST rles 10\el & 10lter , hl leer , N Y. L. Lhlg. ' W-Il hN\'ESTOhtS' IlmCOIY CO. , 10 WAI.L ST. , 1 Y" compie In,1 sell names of boon hide eastern Inleslors who have money 10 11''st. Full particulars upon requesl W- IV"G M G' MONEY TO LUA -OHATT L > , MONEY TO LOAN ON rUnNITUlm , 1I\NOS , imorsemi wagons , el ( , nt lowest rates In city ; no removal < f goods : slrlel ) ' commttdcntimml ; lou amount. an pay the loan off nt any time or In any amount.OMAIIA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30G : . IGlh Ft.X . X 1 lIONEl' TO 10A : 0 : FUIIN1'L'UIlit . . IIANOS and nil klnls or security . Fred TI'Y. roam 430. Hnlge block X-112 MOEY TO LOAN ON 10LIEIOLD S'UItNI- ture pianos , horses . , wagons , or any kind ot chattel security nl lowest possible rates , which you can pay hick II any limo. . and . In any mminoUnt I'ID.ITY [ I.OAN GU.\IANTI : CO. , bloom 4. Wllmel block. X-I)3 ) J , hi. IADDOCK , HOOI 427 , HAIGE m.OCI X-li BUSINESS CHANCES DO YOU WANT A MONEY [ MA"EIU TIlE Edison Hlnetoscpe : eight mmmachmine' ) took 'IE Os not In less than three months POI terms address Edison 1lneloscope Co" , 109 Sc. . 16th st. , Omaha , NeL. V-ills ? CUBAN FRECKLES . IEST IN Tim _ wom.D. -7SG :1 FOR HCNT- IrAT MAH FT AND TOOLS IN a live town . Formers & Me.chauls State hank , Nwln tn. , V-Ill-il 1-21-1 FOIl SALE . I1AKEIOY CON.'ECTIONlmy , stationery nab cigar line : good location In Omnha. J 29 , lice gel y-t28 1. GElmAL MhtIt2lIAND1Sl1 STOCK-Al'- : rmICIANDSE STOCK-AI- p"olsec \'oluo $2.50ror sale by receiver It once. Address A : J , lcConuushe , recel\'el. Aurora Neb. Y-32-21 A 1AHDWAIE. STOVE AND TINWAlm 512512- chant dslrln. to go' into busIness In the beet town In soul'l Missouri wi 110 \11 by addressing J 43 , Jhls , olc ( Y-11374 10 : MEAT : IA1CT : VOlt SALE 01 TlAn : , IN good sized lawn ; resomm for selling . dissolution ot llrtnershlp. Address . H IS . lice . Council . liluftmu. - , V-MISS - 12 FOIl HALI. -DnUG SOCK , INVOICE $2,500.00 . anti PimYsiclan's 1'rnlce. ! $3.000,00 n year. Iur- chaser must he 'GlI ll. I.ocnlol him I line German farnmingeimYmnmunhty. . Address nox H , South Omaha , Nth. ' N Y-SS-I : FOrt I2ENT A : lngUN STORE IN ACTIVE manufacturing town In lo\a ; located In the hest ' farming eoultry In the state where 1 failure or CII" isnever ' known ; population , 23- 0 IOOI" sulnble for lelllmen store ; m.lze , 60xiO ; large I'.enchlalo windows ; steel ceilings - InS : lIne cement haSlent ; 8tl11 healed : 1 good chance for etive Inn ' . o ehnee # ch'e Irm ( ; rent l'ensonaLle. 1 < e81.edoul < . .nt.20 or 40 feet or the above space " < .e80.\ . W..1ee olce , Omaha , ) - . FOR SALE'iN'I'EIlCST 'OF IIISIRAIII.E loan business In pmlha ; good reasons for ccii- Ing ; this will stand < Iosest investigation ; might take some clear real estate as hart pay- II'nl ; unless iou mea business don't answer Addrcat , Lox 7:0. : Qmohn. Y-4710. GOOn PAYING AIISTItACT AND INSURANCE A1&TnACT INSUlANCC olcl for sale cheap. I.'or IIrtculars write H. 11. haIler . Goodiand Ilan Y-468 10. FOR SALE , A WEBKLY NEWS1AIn IN AN . Iowa lawn having about 3.00 Inlmabitants. " ' 1 sell the whole or half Interesl. The paper established twenty years ago and now In lourlshlng conditIon . Address J : Bee . Y-iiO-Il' - f2.00 STOCK 0' 1AnDWAHE IN TIENIIDICT , Nd , . , wi go al n sacrifice for cosh. . \ddres J. G. Greemi . StromsLlrg , .NeL. Y-M4i5-13' FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE on THADE-A GOOD PAYING business ; will take team and carrIage : reason for selling , have other busmess. What have you 1 Address J 2.1 , lice. Z- : : WANTED-A HORSE IN EXCHANGE FOIl Illano or o.gnl. A. llospe jr. , 1513 Douglas. 'Z-35l-i0 FRESH Ml.CI COWH FOR SALE OH TRADE for cry ones. 18 and Vimiton. Z-M:81 1. WANTED TO THADE-A CLEAR LOT IN Den\er for horse or "Ic'cle. Address J = . Uee. Z-395 A 1,30-1.1. WILKES STALLION TO I X- chans" or lei 01 shares for Ihl season . A. N , Yosl , IG21 CaRs street . Omnha.UG 10. 20 AClmS GOOD IOWA LAND , CLEAH , TO exchange for good , clean stock general mer- chanhise. 11. 0 , McGee 10 Main sl'eet. Coun- cii lIiul'fs. Z-M4G 11 ci Burs. _ : 1 IMPROVED ICO ACRE FARM ADJOINING railroad town 1" coil . mid , henlhrul climate . Lack lox 6. Iowa I'ark Z-40i-l0. Texmis - FOR BALE-REAL ESTATE. PAlEd LANDS. C. F. HARRISON , 9)2 ) N. Y. L I 1OE-11333 AS' EXClANG S AND-SAI.eS ; CITY pnOIEH'Y. farms , merchundlse Ourvln hires . 210 N. Y. L , IU -17 FINE GARDEN I.ANO. 5 511. FROSt 1 0. , $0 per acre. 910 N. y L. bldg. 1 -983 ABSTRACTS . TilE 1YlON tIRED COMPANY , I2U-IIG : DAIG.UNt HOUS1S. LCTS ANI I'"AIUIS : sale or lr .de Fe Darling , Ij.er hloek , lt-l il lAIOAINS , SALE 01 THAIE IN CITY 111r. ertea and fatmu . J no. N. I..enzer. 01'1. I' , O. lIlt-Ill 1'01 SALE , GOD 5.nOOM 10lSI AND LOT 1 miles nor thweHI from /"ololce ; lime biggest Largaln In city If sold in 10 days ; $0001.00 ) ; terms easy. Addiess J 4IlIce _ . m-M319 ho' I'"AIM FOIl SALE ; I CAN OFFhtht FOR A ImlcII time . and at on ollclh'e lmdce a cholc\ improved 40-ncro rlrm , located 11 Hall county Nebrmimulum . near La Plate Hlalon and the new tort ; JI'II ' , Is strictly 0C01,1 , bench lend , and lime ' 'iro\ements ore ur a good order ; $ ' ) .I ) , IU" , 'i buy te elully In IhlH r"nn ; no InlleH' vmnsiu1ercui. \\'niter ( I. Clark , 1318 lolney .1.OI.oha. . . . _ Net - , . HE-M3IS - - lS - IINAI'-I.OT 4. BLOCK I0IIANSCOM1'I..ACII , $3,0.0. 11r 8llea Co. , 'Irst Nal"nal hank . . ' ' 1anle. , , ' ! nt-M31S 1' "VIItGINIA AND ( lAIO.INAS. ILLS. , " GIVING much . general IlrllWlulollh ! details mini , lholo'8 , of \llnluluna and ( heal CUl18 for " ' halulmn1IY : Ill. : T""I'ol } 2e , : OUIIl11 - ] orl _ . Agency I.ychhurg. \ Irglnlu _ _ _ _ nl - - - - - - 'telr - - - - - FOIl SALE , -1.r , IIAIIGAIN , MY hOME . h'mrk 1\nue ; JstG6x16S : 12-lom. east Ilunl huoe stt'aimt iwal . , ; ol'am l\al. il0der connnieneea : 1m" meIiato l' Hbc'SNeJ 1I"en : Cniniodiaus I"rn. , Inquire ' lt reohJI' 1. 1. Jlk < . 102a hmrk . Ae nue . ' . htlt-i33 ' awnu. 'I" j. , ll -1:3 10' FOI 1.\I.n. tVhtt'hQUlPl'FD [ STOCK VA1tAt . rQUl''I 3,720 . acres. " " . \ta.I Ilnr vole ) ' , JAIM. : lucre , under cmhiJyuiJon ; /ohne/ fenced uo . l'nllUrl ' und hlY.llealuwa : good huiidimmg.u . feet 'urdH. . I-C. 'alu.17loO ; Hlal ( > h I"'m.nll i halt left al IQrtfage ; "alulce city h'operty , , Address 6 < Cooler ' building , Denver , l'IOle.ly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ltlt-51470 1 $ OOU.I , IUY 6-11001111,4 STOIY 10t61 and lei . 2 : I ) ' 121 . feet , 3 Lloek from 2Hh street car line. hi. E. oiu Co. , lO N. 11th. htli-M47 ! 12 I ! , It. COLt : co , 100 N. 11Th . I. : AC1II4. Ji 10 aBe acres . on tleclre ! mulor line , only $20).0 per IIOMIS. : month 100015 11.100(0 without . interest. $100.10 cash , balance $ .O per G rooms . brick . horse 101. 3SIh and Llal'enworth. $1,600.00 ; your own terms. VACANT , tOTS , 2th al,1 1.lsloI , $1.0. 'lh mini Spaulding , $400.00 . 34h and J"Iutt , H , $0,0. . 13 x12 , $2,40)0. hiOUi' for rent : largest list In Omalmmm , Remember .nal. . wo never otter onhlng but genuine . U , E. Cole ! Co. . lOG N. Ilh atreel. 1125-476 13 I FIlET ON Q STII T. SOITI OMAhA . wih two ( cllea ( r.ntec at $10 per month , fer . far uChang" for ImrummerIy In 61 , .la Ad- . F. J. U. , lOt t'rltrY Wnnut sIred . r.li . 1 - i . . . . . _ . - - - - - - . a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE. _ _ _ _ ContInUed , \V i-r N TO DO TIllS YEAR ? Why .Ion't you combine , Iit'SiNESR WIT1I AN bNvcs'rMENTI t RRIl fCur 10. 20 \Il o ncte , adjoining tmnahrm , el"l 10 paved streets . ant logIn growing pnlnl fruit ; II lil'Si : hatd Ime , lint affect I. TIlE MOST I = IIIFNlN' : hIEST l'a'ln lu.lneps , ) 'OU cat . f II. A 10 or 31'Dcr. ) fruit farm will give you n btsltul homC . a bUI' IleM ) 'Ihlnl from $ ) .0 10 14,000.00 per annual. nail , time best 1 real estate Invcsment In the worM. \'hene\r Inshle prOptll ty moves ) 'olr lerNt . will nJI'nnt. Inll . the 1IIIIy 1'\lh of Ollha wi qtmadmuule \ time \'nlle of ovemy acre. 21 acre ! that cnn I" bought ttsby : , nl trOI $ ll&.0) to $3.0 1'11 acre will make bOO e.luoiec lois Thnl will luring wihin lIve sears 1.0 etuchi. Or 1 total ot $ 5OO.O. Where Is Ihe Inl'eellelt that wilt 1A T TIltS ? Cnl nn,1 see I ! ; WP hhl A NUMI : 01 H"I.I\\ BAIOA : IN I.ANn ADJOININl TillS CI'- , TIlI STS\I INVISTmn' : CO. , New York lee 1ldg.n . , n -4i \ .sl1.t. 8111.1. \'t.IY nFASOAI.I , 1.0T AT corer l'nrnll xmtmb Ilul . : Routh In,1 mast ! front II. 1' , Nelumli , . 10cilc 1llehl. . ltE- : 1)011111.11 1.0" ANt 1'IVE-ROOM COTTAm corner lIst nn,1 . \II , l'I\'J.IOml . walh $ ,01. wi loke $ uOO. SIts. 1lese , 107 10. Western A\'e. , Chlg. ItIt-IlO-lO' - - FOIl SAI.E-EQUITY IN NOItTON' ( ' 0. RAN. 1'01 S".I-I NOITO : (0. 1'\1- R lana fur sale , Ier ) ' cheul' , . \IIs , , , .1 4. . ' lce. ltIt-4E la' I'Oi SALE . 10. :0 on 40 Acm Ole Tim finest klnl of Hnllel mmml , ntolnln. Omaha ; belong ! 10 nn estate ; lu.1 11 soIl . ; call for lmic9i ' . Ilieks . 3 N. V. Life bl < " . l -'i ' 10' - - - A Om"T nAnO"I ; ONE OF' Tim 1\ND. sOlesl .room cottages In Olnho. nl'lr Ilans- Coil ) lark ; owner " 'IVhl1 city on neeounl of ; hcnlh ; must sell . Address J. L. W. box r4 , : city - . Itbl-17J10' - , TIll ) 1.\IO HT LOT IN SOU'II OMAhA . with nearly DO feet frommimmge . on 21h , near A 8leel ; time 1"'lng cost over fGIIO ; Inxes me all pall ; and out or the say ; olner going l'llt ; Ilel .nellee : wil otter this seek fur emily 1,30.0 couh. " ddiess J : Dee oilier. m-I 10' . GAl > : rIS. ATTENTION ; 1 1An A VIY choice plcee of 11.11 In \\'em.t Omlhn : , near Elwooel lark close lu liaveel slrrets ; will eel on..hnlf tr 10 acres 1 < practical gamde'nc'r who \11 Iml time olher 10 acm es into mal flil 11 ] clllvlie and look a fUr It for me , Only Ia ! Ilener8 wih practical expem knee In 0111 fruit , _ lce" n\I ) ' . J 02.hlee ullice. lttt-479 10' VOlt fAt.T ELEGANT : to.100M HOL'Hr ON one or the most j.'umimminemmt resident carriers 11 this city ; house Is hlnIoolelr rurnlshlll , \lh nil lie ) latest modern ' hIIIO\'emclts ; " , .Ielllll location for ldmistcimmn . hicks , 305 N. Y. LEo . loelton , . 111,1g. ltlt-179 10. Alto ] YOU 1.00121140 FOI A HO:17 WI enl alTer one or tIme honlsomcst , lois , COel7O . , near Inn"col Ilrll ; belongs 10 easter \att ty ; I1s1 he salt ; ell for : rtclinro and terms . 3lleiu . 103 N. V. Life mdg. ] tt-479 10. OMAHA OPHTHALMIC COLLEGE. - - - - SCIIOOL FOn OITICI\f. JEWI.I.Dnf.IIY. Rlcilns ul11 al lenlers In specilcies. J.elll 10 lIt glasses accurately. Students recCled ; II any \ limne. Irlvale Ilslrctons It desired. ( , 'orre- 81.0llenee course for those unable 10 ntcl' ' ) IIr"nal ) ' . Tuition reduced to smut time Iliac. . . Diploma 10 nIt our ! mluII < , . We tench you how to hag. In thc mnol comp.ehenslle banner 10111' nose nn,1 , correct hy the latest nnI , mosl oden- tlc iuetiuobs . mill errors or leCrclol , Inchling the 10ai IUlcul cases or nsiigmmatismm. . squinter or cross eyes . near sigh , far siKh I. weak might . old sight : elc. Use oC lime ol.hthllmoseope . 111 trial case uf lest len"9 , < lllnosls of diseases or the eye elc. Call aim ur 11"re" ) J. F , Ponder , principal , ZZ2 13. IGth street Ommmalma. 48 10 BIe YCLES. M. O. DAXON , 402 N. 11Th. H9 VICTOI2IIICYCLItS , Till : FINEST OF ALL VICTOi Omaha Bicycle Co. . 32 N. IGth slreet. 120 STERLING IflCYCI.ES , nUILT LIKE A lCYCI.ES STEILIG wllch , " "ester Electrical Supply CO.,432 S.IZlh. 537 A. L. DEANE & CO. . WHOLFSALE AND HE- tail bIcycles I1G Farnam street 121 \'ILl. lAlNUM & BHO" , 120 N. 15TH STIOEIIT ; only riding .chool intimecity. I : "COLUAIIIIA" 15 : FINEST ) IXASI1'LIh OF Ighl and hlsh grade bicycle construction. \\'m. Lyle Dickey ) & Co. . 103 Douglas st. , asents. Ot9 UNDERTAKERSAND EMBALMERS It. K. IJUI1ICET . FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer IGI8 Chicago st. . tel.phone 93. 983 SWANSON & VALIION , UNDEnTAKERS AND emlnlm" : , 701 Cumlng st. . telelhone 1060.9S& 9S& A ! . O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMer . er . 117 I'"arnam st. , telephone 225. ' 98 C. W. BAKER UNDEITAKEH , GI3 H:16TH ST. 95G BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOME Ol SECURE GOOD interest on 8a\'lngs. Apply to Omaha L. & II . As'n. 170 lee bl < g. G. \V. Naltnger , Sec. 931 ShARES IN MUTUAL L & U. ASS'N PAY G , 7. S per Cent when I , 2. 3 years old , always reJeemaLle 170 I'arnm sl. , Nattnser , See. 98.1 - 9S COAL. D. T MOUNT HAS REMOVED illS COAL office to 20 S. IGth sl. . Drown block. )9' PRICE REDUCED : ShERIDAN . DEST WYOming - ming cool ; nut , $ . [ : lump , $ : ,10 ; 2.00 for a Ion devcred lrj Faram street Ill MEDICAL Sypll.IS TItEArED : NO CURE , NO PAY ; cases on pannents : consultation tree : 8 to 10 a. m. , 1 10 3. 7 10 9 p. m. 210 Cumlng 81. . Omaha A-7 2-M20' HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER , 13TH AND JONES STS. 75 roms nt $ .60 per lay. r roms nt $ ,0 per day , Special rates to commercal travelers. Room and Lord by week or month. Frank Hldlch , manager. DS9 AETNA HOUSE CUHOICAN ( ) N W. COB. 131h and Dojge. Iooms "y lay or weck , DO EMPLOYMENT OFFICE , WB I'URNISI FIRST-CLASS 1AI.1 Olt P11- macho help tree at char e ; hotels a .pedol ) ' . City Employmenl Bureau , 1201 1"arnmmmtm. 47210' 4j3-0' : - _ _ _ OPTICIAN OMAhA Ol'TICAI. CO. , I.EADINO OPTICIANS , :3 S. 16th. B'e" 1'ot,1 flee. Spectacles anti eyeglasses nl lowest IIrlccH. 459 10 < MASK SUITS. I LADIES' AND MEN'S MASK SUITS I'OI RENT II Golden Eagle store 11 B. Ebb .treel. . ' . ' AI-.60'J.Mll' 11-03.1I' CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS c. E. StOhtItII.h. , l'APBI IIANGING 10USE , sign painting , brIck work plastering ; or I I , Barker blk. ; tel , 735 ; shop 21 Jzorl ; tel 403. . sui t'i'OVB , lJA1U1 STOVE HIIAIHS l'Ol 40.00 DIFFIIIt1INT lulees of stoves : waler Ilocllnello anti con- neclols n specialty , 1207 Douglas .t. Omuha Stove Repair Worhcs ! 1192 LCST , LOST , SI.VEI POCKET ] 'NI"I' : , ON hAlt- ney between 1lh and 2lh street ; reward If relUaetl 10 this ! elites . 137 10' I.osr , hOT'S WHITE W.\ST ANn HU.K TIll near Life iiuhldummg . Sirs . A I' . 'I'ukey. 811 Chicago lutleet , 460 10 ELECTRlAL SUPPLIES m.ECTICAI , ENGNmmS AND CONTIAC- tars for electric l&hl 1.lt molar plallo . anti all kinds of electrical construction . Weslcrn 111cc- : trlcal Supply Co. . 418 anti 42a H. 151h 01. 903 HORTHANl AL . ) ' 'iYr1W1tITING. . VAN SANT'S tClOOL 01 SIOIT IIAND. N. Y. LIfe Oinahma. Ask for cIrcular , 123 D.N'l'AL COLLEGE. OMAHA COI.I.G ImST\L 6UllmY , 1"lt : InUnn.I ) ; dentistry It cost IGth & Cn" . ate . . 1352 MUSIO A.WI' AND LANGUAGE. c. ! , O I.I.FNI CK. BANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher 191 Cla at , 114 DRESSMJOKNG . DISSMAI INa I FAMIlIES. 431G allAN' Our ' 31' .1. - _ _ BUSINESS NOTrCES. _ _ _ i iDi i ii Il iVE tlm , 719 N. 123 Ie. DENTISTS . . . BR. PAU DENTJST. tv : IURT ST. _ U : . rE r Luwytt' aniI : solkiltoi's. SUES & Co " , Bee Building , OMAUA , Neb. Advice F1tEI. . _ _ _ _ _ . -0 . . , _ _ . _ - , IN O IAIA'S ' SANCTUARIES Founder of "Plcftnnt SuUlay Aftoriocon" Movement Euglnnll Is in Omaha , DELVERS AN ADDRESS TilS AFTERNOON How lIe Ins . \11(11 In : t..klnJ . ( ) hrIRtnnly AtrnC'U\o to Those Who lrutdge- " 'lmt : IIY lie 1 > "IIlce" 11 the Churches 'Iml.y. ne\ . A. 10hlen l'les or Hanle , 1 lg1lll , Is visiting with his ton , 2mlr W\ller D'les , In Ornallo lIe wi this afternoon at 4 o'cloel , mlMess the men's mooln ! at the Young : en'l Chrhlan asoelalon 1111I\nl , describing the Pleasant SUlhlny AHernoon mo\emcnt oC which ho Is the originator . Mr B'les Is 010 DC the strong religious leaders or time Uimme. lie Irns heel for I I n ) ' years one or the hOlorol mllisiers oC the hllClelleut chnrches or ElIghIlnul . Dnrlng his mllslr [ ) ' At Innle ) ono oC the largest manuCaclurhl cities , ho became deeply 1m- 11tessed wIth the . fact that n large ProPortion \orltlngmel . are outllo oC the churches Whie ho docs not clnlm to bo the originator oC the Plensalt 8uI1Iay Afternoon movement , he Is Its elliot a\'oste \ , and eves \lraetleII \ ) ' Its follnther . lie , Immure thol nib ) ' other man , has 1110 It what I ts , Mr. H'les Is l nbout 55 years oC age , n genlnl cud culh'nlol gentleman . wllhout nn ) ' or limo tratlltlollah bearing 01 the ( Englsh ) arsol ; 1 tutralghit forward , earlIest , Inlly ChristIan man , lIe Is lecompanled by his wire , who Is one of the remarkable ] wOlon 01 Englmd IIHI ( a Icalr ill the various Corms oC social work Ill which WOIOI Ire engagell In that COUl' try. 1r. h09'les Is n brother ( I the editor or the Yorkshire Gazette , lne DC the 10St Infuental oC gnglsh papcrs oulslde ot I.on- than and Is related 10 10n ) ' oC the great nonconformist - conformist CIII . After thmIrt' years of tireless labor I.e . Is 110W takIng a lmtlhclt- Ileedeul rest. aIIm. ! sjmcnthlhlg six IflOlItIlS In timis country , \\'imllo In America Oh ) stormy Sttimdnys or at tlmo secoimel service thin chItIrchIes are btit lar- tinIly filled , Ill hianhoy time chilirci. . Is ahovays packeml , no niatter what time o'.ttlmer Is , by ami atIdienco of laborIng imlcil , ThIs is time reimilt of what Is 1ilIO\t'hl aS time ' 'Pleasant Sunday Atterhloon" nlovelnelmt. Title Imlovelnent Is time OUtgroWth of mlhl ftdtlht hiible clams hic'itl In hhirmnlngitanl soimho forty-sever. years ago by time hate Mr. Joseph Sturge. Thtc 1' . S. A. Is a society. anti hIOL a proimilscllotis cotmgregatloim. It line enrolled llmehnbers , with. . rmiIes , a commm- iimitteui of Inalmagenlent , register of mmanbes , and a ( ltllflitO weekly paylneilt to cover expenses. Noml-hnenmbers are always admItted to time hhlCCtIngs. The only' qtmahlihcatlon for meni- bersl.ip . Is that th apphiCalbt shmahl be 18 years of age ; chmaracter Is not comisidered , and bad iCtOflS are always more welcome than goomb. In thus Illovelnent thmo SCXC $ are keht distInct. It lies been fotlmnh that tile best way to roach IlIChI 1mm to have tlm nicetings for muon only. Ilow succossftil they are may be icarhled from time fact that of time 1GSO 111Cm- berm. of the society of vlmici. . Mr. hhyles Is lrc- lulent , not mmorc titan 300 before its organization - tion were found Ill PlaCeS of worshIp. Tue mneothimgs are held ill time clmurchmee anmi lIot ImI hmnlls , tlmus proving timat tile mmmemm vIhh go to the church It It Is mimatlo attractive. Time whole Inovenlent Is a church hmioveiimormt. Time mmlottO of the society Is "Brief , Brlgimt ammd Brotherly. " TIme order of cervlco Is simple , comlslstlng of imymmlfls , a brief lcrIptilre lesson , a slmort address by time chialrmuau , and a homlger address-not. over twenty mmilmiutes-by some person specially InvIted , Thmero is always a choir , some solo singing , aild , where possible , a string baumb. TIme addresses are the features of time mucetimigs. They are not sermons , but straight talks impeti hiving tlmenie0 , A fet' stmggestlons from Mr. flyles' paniphmhet on time I' . S. A , will give ami idea of time spirit of the movement : First , The wlmoho service must be brief , ItIld every part of it bright and brotherly. SeCOmItI , Make the mem feel at homne di- recthy they enter time bulhdlng , ThIrd , There muat be an entire absencI of tile official element. If time mninlster Is present It must be only as one of time con- gregatlon , unless he has been elected iresi. dent. dent.Fourth Fourth , Time whole organIzatIon must be , In fact as In name , democratIc. Fifth , Timero mliUet be ablohute freedom from all suspIcIon of any sectarian plhrpole. SIxth , There must be no suspicion of mercenary motive. Seventh , There should be no resort to any sensational attractIons to secure attendance , EIghth , Time prize systen ; simould be adopted and encouraged. Ninth , District visitors olmould be appointed - pointed frohmi tIme men timembehves. Ilotmic as Ii. Is 'J'omhay. The first of time series of Lenten talks projected by Carroll council of time Young Men's Institute took phac in time Institute rooms Thursday evening. Time subject waa "Rome , " mId the speaker 11ev , Bernard Gal- 'Iii of SL Pimliomnena's cathlemlrah , Father Galvln wae educated and hIved In Romna tour years , and Is timorougimly con- veroant with Its history , characteristics ammd everyday ilfe. lie sltetchmed brleily Its troas. ures of art and antiquities , Its wonderful ruins , and contrasted modern worklnaimsimil ) in buildings amid engimmeoring with time marvels of ancient design ammel construction. When Itomno became time capital of United Italy tIme government mlndertoohc to traneforrn time all- dent city. New streets were opeihed at rlglmt angles , crooked ones stralglmtemieeb , almIl mlilles or pavememmts projected , Old bulldimmgs were torn down and cleared away and In thmelr pinco ilulidreds of modern lists and RAIL\VAY \ rj1jJ CARD Leaves ibtIILLINU'rON & MO. I11VEIIiArrlves ( ) mmmalm.m Union Iepotiutim&Shasomm 8tmi. Onmmima 11ilzmm ; , , , , , , , . . , . . thjmmver htxhmress. . . . . . . . . . 4:25pmn.Uik. : huts , Mont , & l'uget Had , Dx.4 iOimmmi 4 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 645mimm. ; .Neimiaskme l.ocmml ( exceimi Hunday. , 74pm1l ; it :113mm : ) . . Liimm.olmm Local ( excel : lOumnimyll ) ; Uommi 243m'mm ; ' , . . , Fast Stall ( for Lincolmmh Daily. . . . . . . . . . . . Lear jCIIICAGO , h.IU1ILINQ'ION & Q.IArm'ivea OmnahalUimmon Depot. 10th. & Mason Smsi Omaha 4illnm : , . , . , , , . . Chicago % "stmuuie. . . . . . . . . . 9:50am..Chicago : Express. . . . . . . . . . . 4:15pm : 7SuJpmChmlcugu : .ini St. Louis Express , , 4Uummmm ; 11 : iimmma..aciblo Junction Local. . . . . . . 6 ; lommmmm I"ast Shall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ivpmu : I.'uvcs CHICAGO , SIll. . & 81' , l'AUi..lAiriv" Ommmlma Uniomi iipot , 1012. & Muson His.l Omatma 6:00pm : . , . , , . . , , . . Chicago h..iiniteml . , . . . . , . . . , Illtanm , . . , , Clmicmmgo Exiressex , HumI. ) . . . . . 6:00pm : Leaves ICIIICAGO & NOhtT1iW253'i"N.IArrlv OmrmmialUnlonDepot , _ , 10th. & AIaori 815.1 Onmaimmt 11:01am : , , , , , , , , , , . ltustemn Itpresa..7 5:30pm 4:00pm : , , , , , , , , , Vemmtiiuled Lhmniled , , . , , , , , , , 9:40am : 6S1emn : , , . , , , , . , , \lo. Voile ) ' Local . , . , , . . , , . 1O:3opnm : . 5:15pm : , . . . . . . Omsmzmhla Cimicago Special. . . . . . . . . . . . . Leaves CHiCAGO , It. h. & I'AC'SC , lArltvea Omnahma Unium , Dipct 1011Siasuw Sis.i Omaha IIAHi' . 1lOummnl. : .Atiammtio ltximmess ( cz hiunuiuy. . 6Oiprmi ; : . . . . . . . . . . . . . htprcu. . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1,0mm : 4:10pm. : . . , Cimk'ago Vestibuled I.tmmmileL , . , I :0pmmi 1IAtin.OItlaimomimu Itxp.tuL' . hi. ox. humm.Il ) .I"t.mim . - - ' ' ' 'I4'm' 1lS.mimm.Okiaimomima : c 'texas 10mm. ( cx , Surm.,11j'ij ) : I lIOmOim..Colorado 1..imniicd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L.eafes I C , . SI. I' . , Si. .1m 0. lArrivea Oniahial Depot 15th. and \Vebbter HIs. I Ommmaima 9:25ami. : . , .N'c'bram.ima h'assemiguir ( daily ) , , . , S ; hlpm 430mm. ; . , Sioux City Ilapioss tax. Summ..11Idam ) : 6:111mm..t. : l'aui Limamted..I035ami ; Leaves F , , 11. .5 : MO. VALLEY. iArrhves Ommaima , Depot 1511. . antlWeii.ter His. I Omimatma 2'lulmmmm. . . . . . . . i'imst Shall mmmii Itxilea.s . . . , , , 4:51mm : , ll0inlex ; ( , Hat.Vyo. . lOx. tea. Mon. ) . . 4:1131mm : , 11:05am. : . , Nurfcmik Em.i'tess ( mx. Hulmday ) . . , lOSoamii : . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . : Leaves K , C. , ST. .1. & C , 10 , lAn lees Ommmmhma Union Depot , Jtthi Mason Sis.Lomnaima iauim-----hlmmimsam. ; City Day lixpregs. . . . . 6lpmmi ; Tans.G:5tm : Leaves I AilShOOUhtI h'ACIF'hC. lAilltea Omnelmal Depot 35thi anti Webster 'Itt , I Oinntma lO:4oamms : , , . , , , , . . . St. 1oui Cspme'fm . . . . . . . . . . 0:34)pns..I : ) , Louis Express. . . . . . . . . . GOopiu ; , 1:10pm : . . . . . Nebraska h.ocal tea. Sun ) . , , . , 9:00am : Leaves I SIOUX CITY lIc i'AC'hFJC , lArniv OmmmallaL Depot ISltm and % Veb.ter SI , , JOinaima 6IOmumn : St. I'aul Limmmlled..10:35am L.emmtes SIOUX CITY & l'ACIFiC. Arrives Ommmahma tlmmlon Depot , 10th & Mason St. . Ogimahma 6:55amms.T'Sioux : Ciiy I'oseenxer , . . , , , . . lOZlimn : : . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Limited. . . . . . . . . . l2:31mmrm l.eaves UNION h'ACIFIC' , IArrivss' Omammtma Union Depot , 10th & Mmesn 811.1 Omnaima lQ:004n1 : . , , , , , , , . , , hleurney Express . , , , , , , , , , 3:41pm : hEpin..Overland : Fhyer. . . . . . . . . . . . 5:31pm : 2OOpm.lhea'tre : & ittroinslm'g Ex.ex ( , Sun ) . 8:44111 : ? :30mm , . . , , , , . , . , .h' aciilc Express . , . , , , . , . , . 11:15am : Sl11mmn. : . . . . . . . . . , Fast Mall. , ( eaves WAIIASII ItAILWAY. IAnriv.s Omaha Colon Depot , 10th & Atasn Sts.l Omaha 3ClpmSt : , Louis Cannec Dell , . , . , . 2.2:3ph : . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : ; _ _ _ - - - = - = 1 etores Were erected , Vast urns of moner Overo Cfmeibt ill tiutmie Improvernente , l3ilt tiil returns mild not collie li to expectatIons. Most of the fists are lhihOllCilple&1 , time owned bankrupt and the lrOPert ) ' overwimellneml with taxes. - Speaking of toee' , Father ( laivtn sold th people are taxed to ( loath , Time burden i lnO1e titan ttme rich cart bear , whIle the mitt' tile classes mire left wIth scarcely en0tigh te live on , The Imnilgration of ItfthIans to thIs eomintry ovas ailnost entirely due to tax cou ( Iscotlon. 0mb of the greateat , It not time chIf , IOlll'CI of ooeahth iii Rome Is the stretun of vIsitors front 51)109(1 , If a visitor can Phitak ltnhlan he can see time cii ) ' and Colllltr3' at trIlling cost , btlt vithmotit that tmccoimlphioimlncnt ho vIii be plucked ott every turn , Father tlai- via 5.11(1 ( timat tim's visitor who cannot ulider. stolid time native tongue vthh rai' three Prices for everything , It you go to a tmotel slId fall to tIlake terhus in advance Yell will receive 1011 inflated bill jilit 35 Ofl are about to bay. , anmi 3011 \'Ilh be obiigcd to P3Y up or 111181 3our train , 1101110 Is tbehlghitful In aiim- 111Cr ittiti dlsagre14ahle In \VIliter , I6eep on the shathy side of time street , Its the Imlotte lit t Inter. itoitlan tet'er itirila tIn the SUtIn ) ' side , lhct or eertlon protiucitlg par- simiratloim Is ustmnhi' folbooved by a chili ana tIme utreatbel fever. Fitimer ( iaivln oaid ( lint time efforts of Italy to lmmaimltflhil a hbuge Still ) ' fltCt Ilot only do- striictive of prosperity , btit ahso tietructtro of lmtibhic imlornis. Em-cry yetmmlg llbhfl , except time first loll in cast , imle fatlmer is tlcatl , Is obliged to serve timreo years . in time at'iny , " p ThmoliImitls llfmOll thIousalluls of 3.3flflg hlten , liar- tlcuiarly timoso froimi the comitltry , are fltlnetl by army life. Tltry are iim1tistrimis , niorah iiimtt teltlhierate on eiltei'Iiig It 31111 grattuate 119 uhitSIIlmhtCth ioafcrz. The Ihlttrestilmg elltertalnfllent closed wIth cigal's and somigs by Messrs. Moron aimd Swift , V.101mg 51cm , ' , t'hivltlmiim . ' .sutoclmatun % , It lit a matter of coisslmleraimle coimgratuia- tiou timat time Yomimmg Men's Clmrisiimmi : nsso- / CIatloIm Is able to lIIailltaiil Its lmlCllIbCtShIlp tlurlng tlmcso tunes , wlmcn so 1125111) ' Otlhl5 IflCfl ' - iiao-o heft time city numb are omit of elmmptoymilcnt , Time record up to tIme last tiny of Vcbrunr' tm'as 1,30t , but 105 exhmlratiolme OCCimrh'IImg ti$9 $ first of time lnommth drtmppemh tIme mmmemiiimei'sht to 1,200. TIme colmtlmiitteuls mire active in their work to restore the loss , nilti thmo hmrohaimlltty Is timat by tile first of the lmloimtih they vIil ho alIha to rho so. Time collmhmlenclh-.g cOlimImtittC& imate tnitell tp time 111314cr of outdoor work for time coimilr.g year , 011,1 , hiavo nppolilted as :1 ColmIlllittCO luir. E. 1 ] . 'l'imoiumomi , IV , 5 , Bud- tioli , . .2.V. . Ibattirm , harry Salisbury mInd \VIIL 'I' . ( harelner. ' .1 Time 1mar11 ovill be ready for tmso as soon p.a time weatlmer permIts for omtttlnor work. Lively 5hilICS of foot halt mire belmmg iuiayeul every Saturday afternoon on time gruuimds at Elghmtoommtlm 1111(1 Flmrnaln , gammies COhIltnIfld- ing mit 11:30 : , tIme 01(1 SIYIC Of assocIatIon tOOt ball belhig in vogmie. 'I'imis week a new feature \.ull be started III tint asStlCiatlohl. Cmititaifl lIoyle of time Uniteth States armmy will tJ nInny Interesting stories 'of sohuhler life on the \vestermt frontier lim time early ubays. Timla wth } be tile first of time "yarns , " "mketcimes , ' "stories , ' ' etc. , anti will lie an Imlterestlng timing In thte association parhors on Saturday co'embImlgs. Ally OhIO is mit liberty to drop Ill flIld enjoy the cvcmmlng. The stories wihi COflthtlChmCO at any tiuio after S o'clock as I hmlOst COhlvefliehlt , Mr. Henry viii take charg of tue bible class at 2:45 : , and Secretary. Obor rIii admhrcss time Illell's mlmeetlilg held at South Ommlaiia at 4 o'clock , Tile reading and ' social roomumi of time ammoociatioll wihh be opo 4 all day , except dmlrlug cimmircii Imotirs , anti strammgers finding tlmoir way to tIme buildIng . whit be treated courteously , s'itlI \i l hiristimmn Seimleu. The hccttmre last mlonday evening by Mrs , Dr. Lanicton was very enjoyabic as well i lmeiimlui , Sue proclaimed time "Gospel of health , " its whys and wherefores , in a simple , but convincing - vincing lmlanner , Sime gave inucil sound advice - vice on lceepillg wehi and bringing about the Oymllinetrlcal ( levciOpmilent of all parts of one's nature , pimyslcaily , menially' amId spiritually. The dehlgimtlUl lIlUsiC fortned an attractive part of the evening. Miss ElIzabeth McCo- nell and KItty hobby tang , Miss Elizabeth Allen rendered a violin solo and Mist , : Iuth l'hlhiippl a pianoforte selection , - N'oontimlo services are beimIg held on Wcdmmesdays and Fridays of eacim weehc dur- lag Lent , Mother Caroline of limo Slission of 4't Our Merciful Savior havIng cimargo at time uptown - town roomus and MIIs Cayford at the down- - ' a Lemon rcst. Alh interested in the work of the association are urged to come. Prof. Cimateialne hUts Consehitc(1 ( to extonti tile course of leesons ill French , imlucim to the delight of hmis plmimils , wimose progress under Imis instruction has blen almost plmen mmormal , Time association Imas been very fortunate in its educational work timis year anti tIle work in time French classes has been of unusua' ' excellence. Every Imlemllber of time ciass Is entittisiastic 1mm imor praIse of Fret , Cimatelalno , wimose ability as a teacimer is acknowledged by au , Monday nIght. is the regular monthly asso. clation meeting. Gospel service is Imelmh Sminmlay afternoon &b ' o'clocic , vftui Miss Aiier header. i Christ Immmi Ilntleavimr tionvemmilon. Tima cohmiihlg Cimristian Endeavor convention , - tion to 1)0 ileid In Boston , Mass. , July 10-15 , Is arousing great enthmuslasm , not only In Boston amId time United States , but throughout tIme civilized world , Aireatby delegates are ar- ramlging to visit Ihoston ( rein Australia , and prominent clergylIlell of Europe , vimo have been iilvltcml to address time conventioml , hav * accepted , so timat time conventiomm tills year vill lie more iimtertlatloimai timall any imreoed- lug convention , There I talk of time iimmgiislt ahld lrlsim comisiims cimarterillg a stealmier tQ COhilO tO flostomm , An Imnlortant cilangs In time programmt ha. been effected in timai , for tIme firat tIhmlo In the " imimutory of Christian Emmmleavor convemitione4 timero will be no SilmIday services , A special featlmro of tIme conventIon will t pilgrimages specially conducted on Monday , July 15. Timese pilgrimages will go to Ilunleer huh , Oid Bomitim church of l'aui Ito. vera fame , Fanctlll Ilaii , " , Vasiiimlgton Elm Caimlbrlulgo , etc. , ovimere lectures will be do iivered , Slmeciah excursions will also he arranged during tue week following time comivention to such lmlaces as LexIngton and Concord , whor tile first eimot of time revohutloim wan fired ; t Salem , of witchcraft famno ; to PlymolIth , ovimero the Piigrilil Fatimors handed ; to I'ort. land , Mo , , time blrtimimhuce of Clirlatlan EI. . demtvor , anti otimer interestIng places , IiImm'o ha , ' II. , , 5I'mm's ( huilm , At St , Mary's AVC1IUO Congregational church tlio evomiltig's services will be ill clmargo ot time MCII'S chub anti tIm musIcal tmrograin will bo 0110 of Limo featmIres of th oven bIg , Time order of servlco will be aim follows : Orgumm I'reiuho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 , hi , Ahlei Soio-Saive MtmtIdI lomrmlnma , . . , . , . , , . , , . . , lCarst Mr. II. V. hlurkiey , ilcriptmmrmti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iasto3 Solo-hear 1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ItlijaiX Sirs. 'mmdsot'orthm. Itesponsive Iea'blimg-Solc-ctloml { h'mmge 28. . . Coiml'EegmLtiO7 Solo-CrucIfIx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fmtur Au' . ltoliort Wier. I Tyrnn 1141 , 'h'hmree Verses..ColIgregatiolI Ityonillg Ortel'iflg'-OffdrtOry Solo-'I'lmo 1.orml is My Shicimimerul..Vail IeWatel Mi. htolmert Wc'lr. ' , hymn 1145. \'er8eH..Comiregmttiofl .A tlmlress-'J'lmtm 51)011:5 ) : Fiy l'iuovmlrl , . . . , h'oio-Jerumunic'mn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cane ; ; Sir. 31 , V. lftiiitley , h'IIAY iii I , Time Plains of Pemjce-Slo..l3arnan. 11 cmi , Vau1ats'orth , . Sc'riimtmmrmth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'mmato l'omutiude , . , . , , , . , . . , . , . . , . . . ' . . . . . . . , ' . ' . . Orgau Houtim 'I'eiith m'ui rear IIumrrIiI' . It was decided at time last business tneet Ing of thlo Itpwortli hemmgmle of the Souti Tenth Street Metlmodist. cimurcii to take u the reatlltmg course for l645 , conslstimmg of time fohlowimmg imoolts : "JIerioatim Two Flags , " ' ' " " Ciinlmtl ' ' "The 'Life of LincoIll , "Imnago , New GeiieratiOll" and "Clmrlstlanity antI time ChrIst. " Time idea of timlo circle Is to take UI ) a certain number of chap'rs of a centallI book in connection wltim time requIred read. ings In time Epw'ortlm Ilerimli at eacim Ineetlng , cacti Ineimlimer reaulihlg saille carefully , to be prelareuI to answer list of questions made out by time leader , wIth a little music b ts'ay of varIatIon , Mi mnemmibers are advised to JoIn timia circle , as It wIll certainly be a very InterestIng and IlIstruclIvu feature ot time league , These nmeetlnga wilt tahoe plac on tue first and thIrd Tueaday nlghtu o acim month , time first meetIng being oi lbs - 19th of Marcia In time clmurcim , at wimich tim. ) time tOnaL three chapters of "fleacatim TWO l5Iags" will be discussed , Mrs AiCL Ilodgi , leader , _ . " ' ' ' - - - - " - - : - . . . - 1' ' '