Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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8 - TilE OMAIIA : DAILY DEE : , SA'rUR.DAY , MARCH 0 , 18m
, Water Works Oompany. Hands in Unex-
. pected BiIIB to the CIty ,
Sehlcn for Whlrh t'ny I"Rkr,1 t , IIneto-
I lore Thourht : to lie 1I1nlie Free ' by
tile 'rlll..hl"e-A : . HnrlrlAc to
\IIc CIty Omellal"
. I.'The tact Is beginning to IIppear In evhlenco
In certain departments or the city govern-
f11enl that the city anll the water works
company arc at ouls. This Is lrulcato,1 ! , by
lhe appearance or hills for Aervlee that sins
heretofore been 'gratls ! and these nre accom-
panlell by a threat to shut oft lie water
U. unless payment Is promptly ma\le.
Yesterday morning Secretary Frank , hailer
. ot the library board notIflNl lthe mayor t1l1t he
. hnll recelvelt a bill from the ' water works
eOll1l111ny , with the statement that It It was
nol paid before 10 o'clock today ! the water
) . would be shut ort. The bill was for nil
prevIous service and also for Blx months In
nllvnnee. The mayor was reflul'stell to Inter-
: fore nnd see that the threat was not carried
. . Into clTect. _
' , City Attorney Connell was lit once called
Into consultation and after a brier examination -
tion at the ordinance he decided ! thtt : the
. board would have to pay the hili. Presiliellt
Heed at the board called on Hecelver Bler-
. bower of the water works company and
arranged to have the servIce continued until
a meeting or the hoard could be caUed. ns no
E one hail authority to II\Y \ the bill until after
It had been considered , by the bond.
When the ordinance was framed It was
i generally BUllllosed that It Ilrovllle(1 ( that all
. . water for city purposes should be slIpplied
tree or charge , but It now develops that
much or this free service has been by
sufferance ot the water works company and
c not on account or any Provision In the con-
Section 8 or the orlllnance Is as follows :
"Any person , company , corporation or ns-
sedation , or their assigns , who shall con-
1 Btruct any such water works shall furnish
. water to the city of Omaha free at charge
for the following purposes , to-wit : For
lIal'scom park , n quantity sufficient for the
E neccssary fountains therein , not exceellln !
four lu number , one hydrant for drinking
. purposes and one for sprinkling 11IIrlOSeS ) In
said : parlq ; for the puhllc schools of the city
; 4 of Omaha drinKIng ! wnter Rl1I1 such further
quantity as may be necessary for general
t use at the same ; for ten drinking ! fountains
for both man anti beast , to be located along
the said ! water mains or contiguous 10 the
- same at suitable points upon the ! streets of
J- said city , as sllllll be designated ! by the city
i council , after said water mains arc lalll on
said streets , or while the same are being
' lalll or Placed therein , a sUPllly of water
adequate ! to meet the wants or the public , allll
make said drinkIng fountains answer the
purpose Intended , and water for nushlng
Bowers and for sanitary purposes In the
f. . washing out or gutters ; nllll ditches In the
streets and alleys of said city under the
- control of the Board or Health or salll cIty. "
, H may bo noticed that there Is no provision
In the ordinance that compels the wllter
c works company to furnish free water to
either the library board , the city hall , city
jail or engine houses of the city. But , until
the suit was begun In United States court no
charge had ever been made ! by the eater
company on any of these accounts and It
was understood by the city olllclnis that
' ? these were to be supplied without expense
The city hall was not Included In the contract .
, ' tract , for the reason that the ordlnnnce was
passed prior to the construction of the bulld-
'ng , alld. Comptroller Olson says that he
r , has repeatedly aslied the water works
* : officials whether they Intended ! ! to make any
' charge for the water used. He was unable
to obtain a definite answer , the omclals al-
"ways pullIng It off by lIuxng ) that they
. h' : uyould sec. Alter the bills of the company
- ; wore taken Into court , a bill was received
for the' entire amount of water reuital In the
, : city \ hall since Its opening and It was sent
, to the council without any voucher attached ! .
, It Is now In the possession ot the committee
, 'on fire and water. ,
The park board succeeded In effecting a
- compromise with the water company , by
'whlch It pays for all or the water that Is
used In Hnnseom park In excess of 4.000,000
\ . 'gallons a Yl'ar. The library board never
received a bill until the Imperative summons
' was sel'\'ed yesterday. No bills have yet
t been presented for the water used nt the
city jail nllll the various engine houses but
.ns the water company Is at liberty to exact
. payment for these under the terms of the
ordinance It Is expected thaI these bills will
. . soon / bo PI esented.
Sandow Is the strongest man Dr. Prlco's
Is the Santow ! of baking ! powders ! .
MIlitary no cord of Colonel Jlnrbol' , Who
Soon LeaveN This h1earrnieuut
Lieutenant Colonel Merrltl Darber , who has
been ordered ! tram the Department of the
Pl tto to Chicago as adjutant ! general of the I
. Department ot the Miesourl , has a fine record ! ,
1lys the Chicago Tribune ofThursday . lie
' '
interel1 the service as a private : In company
'E , Tenth Vermont infantry , June 6 , 1862.
: 110 was made ! a first lieutenant August 6 of
the same yoar. lie was made ! a captain June
17 , 18G , for gallant and meritorious services
In the hattIe or \Vilderness. . 110 was
: bfeveted major for gallantry nt Cedar Creek
and was commissioned a full major of vohm-
u : ' . teors October 1D , 18GI. for having borne him-
: leIf with distinguished gallantry In Every : engagement -
p. . ' , gagement since May ) 6 , and particularly In
the engagement nt Cedar Creek , Va Colonel
'Darber went Into the regular army at the
. close or the war as a second lieutenant of th
Sixteenth infantry lie was mate ! -najaI'
In the adjutant ! general's department Juno
29. 1882. Colonel Darbol' comes to Chicago : ;
I1fI the sueClfSor to Colonel James P. Martin
, General anti ) Mrs Howard arp ! expCCted to
visit Omaha shortly. The general has been
' on the Pacific coast durIng the winter visit-
, Ine rclattves 'anl1 will , enroute east stop cit
. . here for a day or two's sta ) ' . General 1I0w-
, arl1 will nl60 be occomplOlct : ! by his daughter ,
Miss Dessle , anti youngeat son , lInrry.
_ _ . _ _
. . -
. J1'Althleu Vhfo . Under Arrest isod Will lie
. .
llroughut ! IIl&cl tllnnycr. .
: Last Tuesday ! night Effill Swlte ! , the wife
. ot a Syrian living on South 'renth street , left
: .er husband ! , taking $ :155 : of his cash On the
following night a peddler ! employed by Swld
' , anti named Shady Abboull , also departed very
, utdenly. ! Gcorge Swlte ! , the husband , Imme.
. dlately jumpeJ to the conclusion that the two
haul conspired to steal ' the money \ and then
1 . 'Jklpped ! ont separately with the intention of
i. . . ultlmute ! joining each other. lie discovered !
that the woman hail , gone to Sioux City Ito
; . 'swore out a complaint charging her with
grand larceny anti sent Il to Iou : ; ( : . : C'lty. :
: I'lie woman and man were arrested yesterday ,
Nurocll the 111&11. 1111 Ilta lIellll.
' , We-dnesllay night Charles Scwell was
I badly used III' In a saloon In flouningtou
'Sewell III suing Egjar : ; Oft In the distriut
, court for damages because Ort Is retaining
- l'I8l'sllon ' ( , ot a JII1I'I\t'SS shall In the village
I"Ulclt Sewell claims he placed only temporarilY -
. rarilY under ! his charsI. On Wellnrsday night
Jill went to 1Iennlnglon to look nil some 1'11-
esse , and lie claims that he was cntl ell
Inlo the saloon by some or Oft's emI110)'u.
' . ' . .ltCI' little nrRUmc'nt over the merits oC the
quesllolls In lie ( case Oft' einplyes began
.to tib bihiiartl halls at'Sc\\.II's hpall anti he
wiI' . _ Nelly Luadly bruieU Yesterday he
tiled 'on1l11111111s against his auallun" In
Justice or the l'fIlCI.\Hartlt'U'8 court alHI two
'constabl8 ! will try to gather In today .
. . _ -
lIelll to Ihll IUltrlct ( 'lInrl.
I ' , . C. 'Hostetler , the young man who was
. . .ar'rtslett an n charge or forgery Thureday ,
\vaivcd examination In police court yesler.
, day anti wu : bound over 10 the district court I
11110 \ 8UIII ot $1,000. Jerry Uollen , who Wall i
. held on the saute charge , alao \\'al"11 examl-
llatlou soul was bound over under the lallle
- S
Qoy ! Z5c tot ILlox ot Stearn' Elrclrh1
A' IH' % 10 rid four .hou o 91 ycrJnlo :
It'ziN : lIItU
March Sales .
.The greatest efforts we hllve ever made to
orter matchless ! bargains In superior goods
ot well known makes.
Lawrence L. L. Muslin , 3c.
Alpine fine brown , 4c : Arrow fine brown ,
Columbus sort finish bleached muslin , 6c.
Paris-eli bleached muslin , 7c.
Cabot bleached taushin 6e.
1,0nBI'ale ' bleached mu"hin1 5c
Fruit ot the Loom mllslln , 61' .
10-1 wide sheeting , 12'1.:1' : .
10-4 wide hleached sheeting , 16c.
Sateens , dimities , fine ginghams anti wash
fabrIcs ! and nil the latest styles at less than
hall usual Prices
The newest Ileslgnes at 28c51' : \ , 37c. 50e
(21)z0 up 10 the fincet goools made , with napkins "
Idns to match nt prices never dreamed or In
the linen trade .
Wonderful variety anti low prlcs. ! lOc
linen towels nt lic ; 20c fine frlllle towels at
10c ; extra quality 2c linen towels aIlSI' ;
large lOc bath towels al iiI' ; extra large 20c
bath towels nt 10c , and 25c bath towels at
lSc .
At tIc ! . at 12'1.e , at 1Iic , at ISo at 250 up to
the finest malic. All nl special sale prices
White Swiss with colored dots as well ns
colored SWf'g ! .
Whlto nainsook checks at 10e , 120 and ISe
India IInons at 71' , lOc , 12c , 1r.c , iSo , 20c
and 251' .
An endless ! variety In every grade from SOc ,
each tip to $5.00. : ; - .
Cook Clothing company's spring clothinG
for less than we sold Cool's heavy weight
No trouble to hedge against hard times If
you sell your money where they pay the 1110st
for It. ,
'Ien's wool trousers at 7'c ' , worth $1.76.
'Ien's fine worsted trousers , $1.,0 , worth
, All trousers from the Cool Clothing Co.
stock $ ! .OO , to 7.&U grade ! go nl $1.D5 anti
Medium and spring weight knee pants suits
nil ages , 4 to 15.
All Cook's $2.00 suits now at l5c. !
$2,50 wool suits In all shades now at $1.25.
hub . black anti gray cheviot .50 Bulls at
'Ien's sprlll suits from the Cook Clothing
company stacIe , a good durable suit for $2.jO ( ,
worth $ G.OO.
All wool cheviot - uits for $3.50 and $4.25 ,
worth $ S.50 . ,
A good ! cI.sslmere men's suit for $5.00 ,
cheap . for $10.00.
Any man's suit we sell for $ ; .50 to $10.00
Is worth double your money or your money
We are headquarters for Inl1les' and misses'
fancy caps , all of the latest styles , colors
and utlunpes at 2ric , 351' . 40c anti 501'
All the leal1lng spring styles III
'Iell's derh'c nllli fulorus In black and
brown lit one-hulf hailers' prices.
'Iell's and ho's' yachting caps , 251' and ! liOc.
All the leading shapes of mell's fur sort
hats , Glc : , 75c allli $1.00 to $2.50 , one halt of
Coolt's prices.
By buying all the handkerchiefs you will
need for the coming season on Saturlay lric
buys hahdlterchll'fs worth 201' , 25c , 351' , 4ric ,
jOc. ( 60c.
Thl Is a big job bought tram Kllpatrlek-
Koch al about SOc on the tollar. ! ; Your
chalco only lOc.ChEAP I
\\e have In stacie about 500 elegant bound I
books worth from SOc to D8c , that will close ,
out 'on Saturday at 28c each. One other lot I
of :100 : finely bound books worth 451' . 10 close
P.t lScl ; 25 envelopes for 24c : 12 lead pencils
3c ; 2 bottles Ink 51' ; l % lb. elegant notepaper
From 7:30 : to 9 o'cloct ! p. 111. we 1:111 sell
12 skeIns of the very finest wash embroidery
slllts at lOc per dozen.
Regular price Is 5e per sleln. .
Uemeber . Saturday ! . nihit . only. .
A Few Autvztuutuuts.
Offered by the Chicago. Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short line , to Chicago A
clean train , made UI" ' and started from
Omaha. Baggage checked . from resIdence 10
destination. Elegant train service and caul"
teens employes. Entire trains lighted by
electricity and heated by steam , with elec-
trio light In every berth. Finest dinIng car
service In the west , with meals served "a la
carte. " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. daily
from Union depot
City Ticket Office , lriO Farnam . street. C.
S. Carrier. city ticket nlten t.
l'It''Ult In 'I'.LltO .
The Northwestern line fast vestlbulod Chi-
cage train that glides cast trolll the Union
Depot every afternOon at 5:45 : and Into
Chicago at 8:45 : next morlllng , with supper
anti la carte breakfast Every part of the
train Is RIGHT.
'Other eastern trains at 11:05 : a. m. and 4
p. m. tally-gool1 ! , too.
City ticket office , 1101 Farnam Btreet.
Mutringe 1.'
The following marriage IIceenses were issued -
sued yesterday :
Neme anti Address. Age.
Andrew L. 'Veltant ! ! , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
hannah \nderson. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :9 : :
William Klager Council 13luts 111. . . . : . . . . 2.1
May Coilanuir Council Bluffs . , la. . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Solly Cohen , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ; ; '
Fallnle 'Yelnsheln , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
. . .
III the brIghtest : autumn morning pre-
pare the griddle ! cakes with Dr. ' Price's
flaking Powller. They make a model break-
taet. '
Dlell nt Canton , a. , In the 53d year of her
age , Julia P. Broatch , wlfo of William J.
Broatch of Omaha. At Canton her faintly
was widely known RlIII respected , her father
having been an old resident there , 11. mall
of culture and cllllrnctel'
During her long Illness In Ihat pillce Hhl'
WIIS surrounded by ninny relatives I\nll
frll'mls. She was born antI reared 111 the
town of Call ton. and there , from the ( residence -
deuce of her sIster Irs. ItalY , her body wall
lIIrs. Hl'oatch was wcll known during her
long rcshJence In Omahu. for nil those qualities -
ItIcli which make II womllll lovable anti loved
Uti 11. wife , mother , IIml II friend. Purtlcu-
burly was she known to mClllul'rll or the
older flll1\III08 of Omaha. Her hl'nther. Mr
1" . A. SchnIJlder , was formerly one of the
I1romlllellt hUHll1l'sH mell at this Community ,
and us his sister and thl'ol1gh her own
amlllhie nllli F.weet character 5hH haul ; Inall
friends here Lcfore she marrIed , und came
lucre permllnentl
Whatever the kindness \ of frlellds could ! dote !
to alleviate her suites hug was In no vise
1I1'lectII ! , anti they who were about her
during her lust days wcre conupenanted for
the sight of her suffering ! by the Christian
patience and fortitude with whlrh : i'lie bore !
It , She hu,1 , always been n 11evont Chris-
tlulI , II momhcr of the g\'ant'lI'nl ! Lutheran
church , 111111 "ho carried Into her life the
creed antI III'ncll'l's or her religIon , living
unselflluly and 1I'lng ullnCl'lllcJ.
- - -
Soiling New Wash Good -New Dress dtoas
at : Bargain PriOB.
There Are More : Jlnrlnln" In Our nrl'S8
Oood" Corner Tlmn'on I'er :
nrl'nmclt ( I t- Tinnrrov 18
. . ( ' . nil ' . '
1I'&I'II.ln fla3.
Wo call your atentlon to the bargain store
for Saturday , thaI's ours , for we will give
you more for your money than you've been
used 10. We will give you new goods , nice ,
new and bright , nt the most reasonable prices \
yet made by nn'one.0 are receiving new
goods constantly , anti the prices we are en-
nbled to make upon ) them are a decided In-
Silk striped French ghlghamB , IIII latest
st'll" , nl l8c : yard , worth 501'
Madras cloth stripes , dots ! , etc. , worth 25c ,
tomorrow le. ,
Jaconet In many handsome ! styles cut to
120 tomorrow.
B"tra fine flUalll or dimities In dainty
designs at 80 3rd . '
Full line at the best percllles nt lOc
Fine Scotch ginghams lEe , regular 25c
gcol L ,
F'iiio sateens 20c quality ) , 121' .
TIll latest styles In prmccss ) duck sui lings
at 10c. .
Fancy figured striped ginghams , 25e fluallly
for ISo
A new line of the best grate ! outing l1annels
nt 101' .
We make 11. special effort to please the
ladies tomorrow In this department , for we
are placing on our bargain counters for tomorrow . i
morrow tue ! very newest styles at old bargain : .
prIces. I
40.lnch new novelty eultlng nt 350 a yard ! !
A hancl.-ome line oC 40Ineh novelties , In
checks and mIxtures ' , all new and ! splentlll !
values , at 37'1.:1'/
4G-lnch English and storm sergts , extra
fine fltialll . nt 4fic.
New henrleltas In black and all colors .
' .
very fine , O-Inch goods nt 45c.
Anothtr lot of 6.lneh henrleUas In black
and ! colors that Is way below \1rce \ ! at 691' .
Heels and eyes , fic ; linen thread , 61'
Hairpins In box , 51' . 101'
Safety pins lc : and ! 51' ; puritan pIns , 5e.
DarnIng colton , Ie. 3c.
Yard length whalebone , 1Iic , 2 for 21' : ;
Crochet colton , 4c ; tals , 2 for 50.
Basting threads , 5c ; bone hairpins 2 for 51'
Toilet sets , comb , brush and glass , $1.00 ,
$1.1i [ , $1.50
Frames hair price.
Talcum powder , 91' .
Kid curlers 81' , 12e.
S. P. MORSE DRY GOODS < : ; 0" ,
Getting In new goods all the lime.
TJI' Ul1t1oc'r SoLiT1L1tIN < lIeU rl
Via Rock hlmI , , Sliurtoit Line "n.1 1.uloJt !
Tim" .
To all points In Kamas , Oklahoma Indian !
Territory , Texas and all points In southern
California. Only one night out to all paints
of Texas. "Tho Texas Llmllel1" leaves Omaha
at 6:15 : a. m. , dally except Sunday ! , landing !
passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In
nd\'aco of all other JInes. Through tourIst
cars via Ft. Worth and EI Paso t Los An-
gelp-II. For full particulars maps folders ,
etc. , call at or address Rock Island ticket
omce , IG02 Farnalll st.
To the l'aelOe ( IIlIsI hnd11 n'estern t'olntg
Via the Union J'acific the World's Plc-
toral line Head the thne. To San Francisco
from Omaha , 'G7U : hours ; to Portland from
Omaha 65 * hours : first class through Pull-
man cars DIning car service unsurpasscl1.
Free reclining chair cars. Upholstered Pull-
man colonist sleepers dally between COUlicll
Bluffs Omaha and San raneltco via C. &
N. W. and Union Pacific sylem without
change connecting at Cheyenne \'Itb similar -
lar cars for ' Portland ; also dally between
Kansas City and Portland , connection nt
Cheyenne with similar cars for San Fran-
cisco , -
corresponding ! time aut ! ' . service to Colo- .
rode Utah Wyoming Idaho antI Montana
points. HARRY P. DEUEI
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnani St.
'e"r lxl1ressod ( that llIrrelt lSeott'/J Alleged
Slayers May : no "rcl'
w. . J. Dobbs , the Elkhorn agent nt
O'Nelll , Is one of the out-of-town Masons
who attended ! the convocation of ' Shrlners
In this city last evening. Mr. Dobbs says
that the people of O'Neill have about given
up hops that Barrett Scolt's alleged slayers
will be convicted. Since the preliminary
examinatIon two of the most Important wit-
nesses tor the prosecution hay disappeared
and It Is reared that ( others may follow One
or these was Palmer , a man wile [ passed !
Parker's just a few minutes before Scoll's '
buggy on the fatal New Yenr's eve At
that time Scott was just coming In sight
about a mile away and Palmer swore that
Miulllhman was standing on the wall of the
sod house when he passed. About two weeks
ago Palmer left the place where - lie was work-
lug to go home and change his clothes prep -
ratory ! to attending a meeting of the de-
batIng : society at O'NellI. That was the last
' seen or him. His disappearance ! Is being
Investigated , bul so far no trace of hhn has
been discovered ! . The witness Staunton ,
whose testimony was also Important , has
likewise disappeared.
. - p
" \Vlmen household fires gleam warm and
" ' t'owder Is a
brlht" ! Ur Prlcc's Daltlng
welcome guest. ,
J'nl'l ComnIRllonel's Meet lug .
At a recent meeting the city council
adopted a resolution which requestetl the
Heart ! oC Park COlllmlsslonerll to hereafter
draw nil Its supplies through requisitions )
Issllell by the city comptroller 1\1)(1 submit
thc bills to the c , uncll with the vouchers
At the regular ! meeting oC the comll1ls-
sloners yestenlity afternoon It was Ilecllle,1 ,
that tIme hills elm ouuid he sent In aim relluosled
by the connell , but that It WI1S not llractlc-
able to IJllllte use of the ( comptrollel"s refllll-
sltlons In .ohtalnlnl : SUl1lll1oS. 1'he only ml-
Illtional hll/Jlnes Irllnsaclell was the sale of
the old house In Hlvervlew parle 10 Peter
l'et"rson for $12G. he uelng the highest
ull1tcl' ! _ _ _ . _ _ _
COOt'1i ! Imperial. Worltl's Fair "hlg-hest
aWl\nl , excellent champagne ; good elTerves-
encl' , agreeable bouquet , delicious flavor "
, .
Iuuby ( Cubs.
Special cnle of baby cabs , with steel or
rubber tires '
- - -
lie WA NoceOltoIIlNl to tile Wny" ot
till ! . .tcst
William Deam II II : business man or Port
WiliamB , O. fie arrived In this city Thur8day
night from lie ( Loupt Valley , where he hall
been visiting a trtemll When Beam came to
Nebraska ho brought'two drafts with him ,
one for $800 anti the other for $500. lie-
sides the drafts OO1Iall , enough really cash
which he supposed would be Burnclent to see
him through , but m railed Not being able
to cash the $ ,00 , UNlCl In the part of the
state In which hOI was visiting , antI not
liavitig Bufficlent money to buy a ticket to
ChIcago ho went to Lincoln , expecting to
gel the money on tile draft lie knew nu
one nt Lincoln who could Identity him 'nt the
banks , anti ho was compellet1 to put UI } the
$ fiOO drnft os security for a railroad tlckot.
He went to a scalper's office , amId on those
terms got a ticket 10 Chicago , and started
.on his journey homeward , The train was
barely under ! headway when the conductor
came for the tickets. Beam was one ot the
first on the conductor's rounds ! , alul he was
informed that his ticket was no good , anll
he was flit off or the train. lie walked
back to 1.lneoln anti hunted U\1 \ the broker
oC wholll ho demnlulell 11. good ticket. All
he could get was an order for n ticket tram
Omaha to ChIcago anti his car taro to this
clly. Ito arrived here tea : late In the evcn-
log to get the tIcket the order called for
nntl with but 18 cents In his pocket 111111 the
$800 Malt. lie has no frIends here nnll
was conJtlellel1 10 go 10 the Police station
allli apply for lOdgings , where he was ne-
commodated ,
. .
- -
1I11Rlllrl8 of the Cityconnetins 0 Jlonrd of
1'I..a' 17.1\11011.
The city council sat ns a board or efluallza-
tlon yesterday , with CoullI'II man Tholllas In
the chair The principal protests came froai
time property owners ! ! who were Interested In
time grading ! Woolworth avenue Crolll Sec-
end to Sixth street This Is an old job , for
which several plans of assessment have been
submitted and defeated ! . The grading was'
never entirely completed on account of the
position of the lIurlington tracks , which
woulll have to be ralt02d about six feet In
order to campI ' with time contemll111ed
gradl' Consequently that 110rtlon of the
street In the vicinity of the tracks was
novel' graded ! , amid ! tIme property ! owners as-
sort that they will never pay time tax Il Is
likely that the matter will be rererred to the
city attorney before any IInal action Is taken.
Among other matters conlllered were the
plans of nssessment for gradinG Thlrty-
fifth street from half Howard 10 Leaven-
worth , openIng Walnut street ! ! and alleys In
Griffin & Smith's addlUon , open1n , amId ! extending -
tending Thlrteenlh street rrom Nicholas to
time south line oC Paddock ! , Place , rcpavlng
Tenth street from Mason Williams and
paving and ! curbing Hamilton street " In dis-
trict' No. 587. Most of the : ! ! ! plane will be
recommentell ! for adoption
There arc man ) ' ways or baiting-Dr.
Prlco's lIaJelng Powder ! fits them nil.
- S
The first week of the engagcment of
Darnes ami 1\Iarvlns : players closes with two
performances toda ) ' , Matinee nt 2:30 : , "LIl-
tic Lord l auntlero ) " being the bill , and ! the
evenIng performance when the "T\yo Or-
phans" wll be presentet ! Commencing with
two performances tomorrow "Wlhl Oats"
will be produced ! , running through the first
half of the week .
A new fantasma has come before tIme
PublIc , ant ! Is attracting a great deal of IIt-
teullon".Jn . the ealt. 1t Is composed of a
series of- illusions and ! tableaux that are
said to he so perfect and realistic as to
equal or even excell .Uio fantasma that has
bedim ' s long upon the stage ! . This/ new quo
Is till ' production of John W. Sherman and
In ill lie has tOllehclh so mauy off the finer
chords and sensibilities of the heart as to
cha\111 allvhmo are fortunate enough to
see It.
. -
This , morning at 9 o'cloclt the sale of eats
I for thel engagement or "Two Old Cronies"
at Doyl's , theater on Sunday atlernoon amI
ennlng , will open. The company comes
greatly strengthened from the last time It
was seen In Omaha several years ago , and
will bo presented by a company of comedians !
dancers anrl specIally people. DurIng the
action of the comedy 1\11' \ John D. Wills and
the principals of the company will introduce
new songs , dances , specialties and medleys ,
comprllng fitly lIumbers. Carlotta , the
dancing gueen , Is one of thc prime attrac-
lens ( of time entertainment.
. .
Loa.IL JirITf1s.
. Time permit was Issued yesterday for the
new theater at Fifteenth and Harimey
streets TIme estimated cost Is 100000.
Time board or managl'rs of the State Fair
association adjourned sine die yesterday
after talking over several subjects pertainInG -
InG to plan of blllldings with local commit -
mittees .
District court room No G will Ue closed
during the whole or nexl week , as Judge !
Ambrose will leave on Monday \ to hold court
In Sllrpy county during that time JUdge
Blair , who has been absent during ! the past
two weeks , will resume the hearing or cases
In court room No. 5 i on Monday mornIng.
The next meeting or the Omaha teachers
will be , helll In the large room on the firth
floor of the city hall next Wednesday afternoon -
noon 'I'hey will be addressee ! either by
Superintendent Marble or some outside
speaker , and arrangements will be made for
regular seinl-monthly lIIeetlngs In LImo future
1\Irs. J. . . 'V Fox has been sUfferlllg from
Iclmess for some time , amid a few days ago ,
whllo nt her home at i12 South Thirteenth
street , showed ! Intlcations ! or Insanity ; which
kept growing more apparent until Thursday
It was found necessary 10 lock her up An
effort will be made te have her placed In an
Insane as'lum ,
Time cOlIJllllttee having In charge : ; the unl-
"erslt extension leclues on 'Vorld Mak-
Ing , " lIy Prof. IIIcDrlte ! of the University at
lawn , hmao about completed nrrangtmentll for
the course. Viol McBride will arrive Mon-
day and re'lnaln till Wednesday , being tIme
guest of Mrs. 1"ranlt hailer during his visit
to Omaha. lie will lecture twice , on Monday
and Tuesday ! evenings , respe.ctlvely , at the
\\'olllan's club roomle The tickets for the
conrse of four lectures are still on sale nt
Chase & Eddy's , where subscribers arid others
Interested In the ( work may secure thelll ,
DONOIlUg-Mrs. . ' .AnUton I. , aged 2G years
J.'unerlll SaturdllYllllornlng , Mllrch Slim , at
II ml . in . , from fllmlly residence , 1333 : ; : ; North
181h , 10 holy Iranmily cimurchm Interment
Holy Sepulchre. 111m. Uonohue was Miss
May Piehtett
® OO@ ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®
Grim Gaunt Winter ,
I Is upon us. Pneumonia lurks in the highway , colds oxygen , for purifying the blood , amUcnables it to
mId coughs pounce on you from the open doors or eliminate and carry off effete matte11. and worn-out
lldows ( , mut consumption camps on tlw doorstep , tissues , thus preparing the way for t11J great build.
From No"ember to May ? death stalks his victim with ing-up propeliies 'of the life-giving emulsion All
relentless activity. Only the thoughtful ) the cautiQl1s , of these great curative agents , each in itself a great
- survive Thousal1\i \ die each ; year who might have remedy , are combined in one superb remedy for
Jj\'l'd to b happy ll1ll : lIseful. OZOlULhlf'iOll . the llLifll3ll . ills. In no age , sex or conditiQn is this rein-
® , great r medy for colds , coughs and consumption , edy proliibited i it is yours , and if you have any lung
bring'S to ltt'ar 011 thcs dis'ases ; tht : most powerful trouble , whdherJlcreditary or of accidental contrac-
curative agcnts kl1Qwn to the'medicII : profession. It tion , scrofula or scrofulous taint i if you are emac-
® is not a nostrum , but a ckhl1ific { combinalion : A iated , run down , nervous or feeble , it is the prime
® permancnt Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil , with remedy indicated IT IS THE KIND PHYSICIANS
® Ozone , :1I1d : Guaco1. ; . The last destroys all disease PRESCRIBE. For sale by all druggists. Price
gC\11S \ ! , the second fut1lishcs a boulltiful , supply of $ 1.OO per bottle. Hal1dsome RooMe Fre ,
'I'hlll , l'llle WOIUU1 get plump and beautiful on 02:0WUll1loll. :
T. A. SLOCUlVl CO. , i8i Perurl Street , New Vorlc City. .
. , @OOOOOO@OO $ $
For Sale by KUHN " CO. . 15th end DOU9h : traits , Om3ha.
- '
$ * P o7fj
, : ; II'
. . , ( " ! \ . . : . , : I ; ;
Both the JIletho 1111(1 results when
Syrup of Figs is t.aken ; it is pleasant
nmI refreshing to the taste , nmI acts
gently yet proJllptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nl11 Bowels , cleanses tIle sys-
tem effectually ( dipe ! ) colds , llCitd-
achc ! ! al11 fevers nnd eurCH habitual
constipation , Syrup oC Figs is the
only retUctly oC its kiwI ' '
ever pro-
duccd , plcasing to the taste and nc-
ccptablo to the stonlllch , prompt in
itactioii : ! ; anti t1'u1benclicinl in its
effects , IJrepa1'ctI ) : only from the most
healthy anti figrccahlo substnllces , its
1II1IIIY cxcellcnt ( qunlities commelHl ( it
to nil ntH ! have mntle it the most
populnr remedy kiio\vhl.
Syrup : of Figs is for sale in 50
edIt bottles by all leadill druO'-
gists. AllY reliable druggist who
lIIay not have it on han will pro-
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Chronic .
icM Privata
Diseases ,
TItEATaIENT : UY lI''lr . COlUlIJltllUOII 'rcr. :
We cure Oatarrh , nU diseases of the
Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , :
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female -
male Weaknesses , Lost Mnnhood , and ! I
Deblllly er ExhausUon 'Vastlng 'Venknela. In
\'oluntary Loaae . Wllh Early Decay In young
and mmddle aged ; lack of vim , vigor andweakened
prematurely In aprroaehlng old aie All yelld !
readily tn cur new treatment for lOll of vital
powel' C..U or. O' address tilth .tamp for clr-
culan , tree b < > ! TeC .lpla.
Dr ' Qn.rlnc tinil ' , , 1416 Fnrnamn '
Searles and Sear13s
UI , JoaLLua uut& uu.aLi.a1 , Onuahia Nub
This extraordinary ReJuvenator Is the most
wonllerful discovery of the age It has been
endorsed uy leadlng6etenUlicmen oCEurope
- and AlUerlcll.
. nudyan IS
- . purely vIIge-
- table.
L I1l1drnn ; stops
. j- . . ii. Prematurenessi ' '
oCtile dIscharge
, . in 2oclays.
tj " " " " 6I Cures
Constipation , Dlulners , Falling Sensation ,
Nervous Twltchng : of the aye8 and other J'IIIIB.
Strenglhens , Invigorates and tones the entire
system. I1ud.UI cures Debility , Nervousner ,
Emissions and developes and restores weak
organs. 11atns In the back , JOf6CS by day 01
nlghtnro stopped qutckly. OVc' 2,000 private
PlelllslnreneSll meanB Impotency In the first
stage It Is a symptom otsemimmal weakness aed
ba.rrcnness. It can be stopped In 20 days by the
ue of hludyami
The new discovery was made by the ! ! 'J > tclal.
Js18 oCtho old famous 1I11dsun > > lcdlonlluIU-
tllte. It h I the slrongest vitalizer wilde. It la
Very powerful , but harmlebS Sold for 81.00 a
package U packages for 1I..OO ! ( plain sealed
boxes ) . Written IiUnmnke given for n cure II
loll buy ! sIx boxes and are hot entirely cured ,
six more will ho sent to you free oC all cburges.
Send for clreullU'll and testimonials. Address
1032 MARKET ST. ,
- _ . -
1 ii NEW
DL E. O. WEt1"Q lfEilVE tun 1I1A11r ! mA'rItEI !
Is sold under positive written cronrnnfee , by
nuthorlzAd Ililonls only , tn curD Weak Memory
Loss of 1Ir/lillonll Nerve l'oceor : I.Oft II1l1nhooll :
q ulcknc88 ; Night Lossts ; I'vil : Drenois ; lAck of
onfidenro ; Nervousness ; Lassimuitlo ; mill Drains ;
Lollar I'nwor of time Generative Organ in either
sex , oooscd "fovor.exertion , Youthful Errora , or
jf.XCI'SM"vO Use of 'j'uhocco , Opium or Liquor ) ,
which loads to Misery ( 'onsuml'tlnlJ ' , Immumnily
and 1)eatim 11- mali , $1 n box ; six fur Jnlon"r. :
written Haaralllee 10 cure or refund moner , Welt'l
Liver Pills euro Sick Ileodnrho ilitlousmitimma ,
Liver COlTlplaint. Hour I4tomnehm Dyspep anul
\onElIplltion. : G UA1IANTEEt3 Issued only by
Goodman Drug Ca OmU&
ij. : U
. All istauile Sent nail 8prlnjfll.ac1c1
\lSlahlo \
whilcim HUI'I'UU'J' " JI\VK uk
or"lIlIanl where 1II0.t net'lIel
A"hIC' ; for Irleu of tlell\l : (1&uulr.
Office Desks ! $
are . the beLt l1eaks ever 11I11leV'YO jn.I , com- .
m.hfted ' a new IIlIn of lIullllalllllll ( d".k.-ulluaulIlI
I"o'fd prlco. Bank anti OWeu i"iaturss.
Ue.11lJ18 pod E.thuille. Application .
This Desk $15
- Others
= ' ; i Proportlonatel Low
' . .HAndrlwIIOo
r r ' 2HS WABASH AV.
. -r- . --.VlMI-- - - .I
Hats 111 Vogue.
OUR Hat Department is a surpdse thus far. Ever
since the hat manager said : "Let 'er go Spring"
that interesting department had a booming time of it
Perhaps it ought not to be so. The weather surely
has been very much against a new hat It appears ,
however that our patl'onage are early buyers-quite
sensible-Might as well have 0. new hat earlier if you
intend to have one at ( : \11.
Early buying ( like the "early bird" in the well
lmown adage ) is often profitable. You get what you
like for one and cream of value for another-surely
so here
A splendid [ seal brown or black Fedora for seventt :
five Cj ; a splendid stilT hat for the same price ;
a finer one for one dollal" SeveraL different colored
Ilpocket shapc"softhatsfor i a dollar made of genuine
fur stock.
I-low long can such goods at such prices last ?
Otter is the newcst shade reported in our stock. 'Tis
a lovely slmde. \Ve have it in stylish hats
\ I ,
Open Evenings till 8.
_ . . . . . . . . . . .
f- - - - - - - " - - - ' - - -
_ _
D ii 0 D DDbdDb IE - '
b *
Q LILI Men in a Hurry EI -
B often eat food insufficiently or not g
:0 properly cooked. Ripans Tabules n
D. cure dyspepsia and sour stomach U
U LIand immediately relieves headache. [
LI ,
OO .
Rlpons Tabules : Sold . by diggIot. . . or by mall If
O the price ( &O cents 0. box . ) Is sent 10 . the I1tl'"ns . . [
Chcmicai Company. No. 10 Spruce St. , New .ork.
; pC.62j ;
El irn i D ir
M i ? ! ! ? * 9 ? -
Sheriff's .
1 I Sale I- ' -
1 Of boys' , chil l'on's and men's clothing ,
I . . . from time bankrupt stock of the I '
"l I Western Clothing :
; .
Company ,
I .
I 1317-1319 Douglas Street. i.
I Greatest Bargains .
1 . .
I --IN--
. I
I Omaha Today
I A good ull- C
I - Western's price was $7.60- I-
In sacks only- $7.60$2 . 25 I
I pick fashionable them out cut- for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, Regular $8.50 suits- 1
I Single double breastcd-
1 Casslmere sncks- you$2.5O I
1 Can To bring ha\'e time them people for . In . . . you- . . . . . . . . .
I All the Western's $10 sults-
Nicely trimmed and well made-
. . Perfect goods In every way-
' Al to you pay have the to cashier to ! got . on& . . . . . . . . $ a5o : .
I Sacks and trock - ,
In the very latest 8tylo- C
1 Western got $12 for them-
I Wo'vo the bunched start fem Ihelll . . . to . . . goAl . . . - . . . . . $ 5 . 00
m -
Sacks and Cutaways-
I ,
I That tIme Western sold for $15-
And even more , In one lot at- $6 . 00
I 'rime retlculous ! Irlce ) ot , . . . . . . " , . ,
The best In tie houf&
4 Some In the lot worth up to $25-
_ Tomorrow You get your for cholc& only . . . . . . . . $2500 . . . . I.
FOR IAR6AINH 60 TO TiE i C : -
I :
IL er i ff' SaL , Douglas 1317-1319 St. 1. .
_ * q. * * * t !
No Boiler . Nit 'frani . No . 'ii9fiecr / , ,
I Ilost 1'over for Corn mind Feed . Mlii. , JIIII
- hay , lunllnl Creamnerics , Separators , dec ,
- - -
Stationary I to J2)I , . I' , or I Portable t 3 I. I' . .
. . ' Send for Catalogue , Price. , ttdtlultlnj work In 11 .
aai I Walnut 1U , l'UILADJCL1'.UA.I'A.
CICIIO,2 < L.C. . , Oma , U . 1th I t&
- _ . < . , . w ' - . - _ .