Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    . .
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> 4. 'run 01\AHA \ DAILY lEl ; , A1.'URDA , IAROII 0 , 1SnG. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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ii : . 1tOSIi\VATlfl. rdllor.
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i't'BbtRlrnD EIY .
- l'JIRUlD , : 111NING. -
C = -
rlml9 Ot ' BUnSCrJo :
1Afly TIee ( Witirnut unIay ) . One 3cnr . . ' 8 0
nn'I , J ee and $ undaT . One ( . . . . . . . . 10 O
Fix MnIhs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 0)
, flx ) ontt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : C.
IhNc 10nlha Utc. Ono Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
fUtllRY ) ' 1Ie " . One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Jnlutdn ) U IN" t. Qno Y.t. , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GS
Omoha. 1te 1uIIIni .
'h "
10llh Omnhn. , tl 111.\n" Hk. Corer N nn.t2lh 81.
Cotincfl JUufti . n i'enrl Hlrce
: Cunci Jlr . IT Phalnbcr ot ( mnmcret.
ChlcnJo k. Inma 31 13. I .I.1 1. TribUne ld !
M'uhlnllon. 1i l' 8Ir..t. N. W. \
COflhLt.SPONflIC2. :
' Att cnnitiiiitiIetitIn relating tn lle'V nnl C0I .
C"nlllllrnluno I tn
I 01111 'AI matter . .houlee n4Ircth . : ' the ldlor.
, IUSIN ISS : iirriits.
. Al IuMieu , l lNa nn.1 I emllnnct' ahol\l he
" ' 1dreesed S The 1Ue Ilbl.hlll compnny.
' . flrattl. oheel" nn,1 poi4tofllco oleer 10
1)0 matte I.n"lo Drata. . 10 llp urI'r loalofco Cfl % ) % % ' .
Je - . - . ' 'ln - ln : I'UULlSIO COMIANY.
. STAn : IrNT 01. ) ' CmCUrATJN.
( ergo H. ' I.CIlllCk. Mt'rMry ot 'rho Uee rut.
otle 'Irwhnck.
IIMllnl cntnpny. \ beln duly awern. RRYO llnt
thp Retunl nll1C' ot full nnd cOIIII.Ip CIM
Dr the Thtily Morning . flventnC nne Hun.I" . ) 1- "
Dllv Morlnl. t\cnlnl
. 2S3. WDR
. - prlnt"1 d'ii tlg ! the month oC February :
41 " :
fR J. folow" . . . . . . . . ? .19 : 1. . . . . . . . . 1 . 7
: . . . . . . . . . . : ( I.i G It . . . . . . . . U.rO
. 3 . . . . . . . . . :0.8.0 : .Ii. t . . . . . . . . 20..2
I 4. . . . : . . . . : O.1ftJ ! 1' . . . . . . . . 19. : C
I I r . . . . . . . . . 20.012 19. . . . . . . . 1.i G
. C. . . . . . . . . 19.9'1 ' ) :0. . . . . . . . J .r.e6
7. . . . . . I. 1) ) .tC 21. . . . . . . . . 19,1
I S. . . . . . . . 19. ; 9 22. . . . . . . . . n.Gil
' 9. . . . . . . 19.7 ? : i . . . . . . . . 19.r
. .10. . . . . . . . . ? : 0.Goo : . :1. l . . . . . . . . . . : .1:0
, 11. 1 . . . . . . . . Qeo , 2. . . . . . . . . 19.el
12. . . . . . . . . 19.1C 2G. . . . . . . . . 19.tH .
13. . . . . . . . . . 19.150 21 . . . . . . . . . UIJ l
14 . . . . . . . . . 1.70 :8. . . . . . . . 19.C :
' Tr.II\1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r:7.633 :
7rFI ; i11UtIons rr unr.hnn returned
; , 1"-urlc9 . . . . . r\r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & .020
NcL 9al- " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,1.eI3
: : tle ' ncrag' . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 9.701
03itndit ) ' .
monm : n. TZSCltCf
Sworn I" t he"l ! 1P nl,1 11"rrl-et In 1) ' 1res.
. tnr tile 2,1 , day or tnreh. Is : -
( Seal ! ) ea F , . 1' . 111. Notar Public.
. .
'le tItle of 'om Httli seems to be
' ' ' 1IIHcfle211Ie ' t 11enl mere
; 'O'I'rll IIH a great
111 his frieill !
'lle IJ\'ustlntoJ fl'\'I' l will soon be
tm In full hlast among the ( melbC's of
. : Uw Xcll'lslm ) legislature.
! : Bet w\n cOI'I'nltouhts ; amid inconipe-
r enls OI the llolce force thl public hns
JI0 chulce. Bolh clasiiet $ musl go.
; - I # Wih 8ecl'clu'r Morton mll Preldenl
1 ' Ifvelli both ahsent ) from Wlshlnlon
, . itt the 1nme tme the government will
, f beam close wntehln
I Now If Delaware will only hurry . UII
11' choice of Pnled States cnntor the
COllllutc roster of the Flf ' -fo1th coil-
press can be mnllc U111 pubhislieti.
: : U\ Iublshed.
It !
. r I remahlR to be seen whether the new
nnl.lotel'Y law leaves any loopholcs for
hc lottery h)1olIiotels. ) I I It docs It
r lwou't be long before the later will have '
! : touml them. "
" -
The legislature this rear Is indeed In
. 111' t1 luck. St. Patrick's' day fails on
Similay , otherwise It might be able to
. adjourn over another h lllay before
' ilnal dlsuandment"
'S. .nal "
Thut 11'011sell ) ( ( rCJ0ml of the state
, LaIr by legislative enfctJ.lent Is not In.
i. : elfe'ln with the State Board of Agl'l-
, c\llhu'O'R \ Ilepnrato s . 19 ! I thhi ; year's
exhibition .ut mnhn. .
I Ulose check rlHI's contInue their
ollerltlns In the tri of the railroad
pity cur the RII'lnA fashions IJ0ng
t railroad men will show a dec c ten-
Thiicy toward larger checks.
Postmaster Martin itiis been In office
te for 1 whole week und the mails are
: still rnnnlnA with their customary : regu-
. , < , harity. There . doesn't teem to have
, . been uny hoe oo thus far about Mr.
-\lnl'Un. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' The suggestion of the governor of 1111-
. nals that the state ought to get hIgher
! !
. rents from the Inndl belongIng to the
. school fnUl might commend itself to the
thoughtful consIderation of Nebmslm's
: leglsln tors. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hero's I chance for our betting
11'lunds to Indulge In a little friendly
coiilletitboii. "V1iici federal
cOJpetllon. Whlcl tellc1l building
: svhil be ready for " llrst
Jwl occupancy 11'Ht , the
ncw Omaha 110Hlolke 01' the new South
: ; : Omnhl1 llostolce ?
. Congressman Mercer sncceellell at the
: lust IOleut II raIsing the limit of cx-
' 1 } 11\o for the olth Omuhu llst-
t ? 'olce site fl'om $1O.000 to $ H .OOO. 'l'he
. ' ardor of time meal estate YOnII0's wl he
: cOI'I'oIIOllllI " 11el1
I , The slate fair IUnUleIH ate . lOt going
: . to neglect the sllcel 1'III.tment this
year. 'rutey [ 1'01IS0 to limit mll'e itioney
: In HIll'Cl1 ring stakes tum they ever
have hiefore. Wih anytithtig Iw favorable .
: ' able \elth ( they will 1\11 that the In-
.vestment will bring good returns.
Time Ileopiu ot Chicago act I If the
Only thIng preventing tlh' : Imlellnte
possession of n. I1W postoce ) hulhlng
' , Is the In the ' ' ' ' ' ' '
; delay II 'lI'I'UHI' Ill'pa'ln1lt
in 111(11tn Illnn8. 'rliey wi scott ( hil
; : Qut thul theme are Illcltr of PIeces for
. 1cu ' after thu 111\11 are agreed l Ullon.
" : , . , The clnlm for Illmhl'lwment sub-
, mltlll to the Il'glHlutul by thin x"stute
- ! ; : hiit hcen ' ' '
- Imlllhahlus 1111 once 111'0 t'I'-
' , : lctcll , hut wo IUHt not Itituughite that
that II to be the last or it. 'l'hie claim
wi lie II'IHH(1 migithit hefMU the next
: - legislature nlil l'I'UIIIII'IU' 1m I lnllllo's
ghost limit Ii It ' " '
nnt t'111uul th'OIIS out of
. sight tlom ! hcer exhitutisthomi.
Glu'crnO' AJehl thlllcR that time temi-
; nnt ! of Hlhool InnllII the state ot 11.
. " , . t olR ought to 11 ) " 1t tOuch l'IIIIH i theIr
; neiglthuorm who are 1'lultH of private
: imullvitlunls. Strange hlw ho should be-
cllO pOIl'IHlll ot 11 ' $ nlh notion. 'I'hmo
111.u of exacting . full 1111'1 fM the tito ot
> Illhlc II'ulll'l.trl ) ! 1'11 thing t II UIIllnl
r . ot Oi this . 1110 of time Atliumitic.
, ( I Ii ttfo to HI " that the llenltenth1' "
contnl'tol' wi 00'01 no objections to the
_ J bU for time about Ion of capItal 1111h.
i meut. cotjiing profits huhimi '
, : llhlng 1"'oftl . hlU 101'0 than
the t1'1\'lcl't ot 10lg.tmo eOI'lctt Who
are IOt 1"lelsel : thl' IIUl'lt they be-
, ' como exhort nt time worhc nfslgnetl them.
; 'l'lio twimhtuimtiiury contractor mviii vel.
llcllelthlr cOltrlctor1 wll-
como all time Ire com'lett who way bo
sent his .
. lut 111 way.
. . - , . ; - - - \'id
1'ltr'NTIAl. ORmlLTr. I I
Now that the legislature has
to prosecute nn inquiry Into the charges :
or cruelty made nJnlusL the cheers or
the state llenlc\tor ' by two recently
discharged convicts I 8houltl see to It
that time InvestIgation Is 0 thorough ' ) e
and . not n rOleortnlJcl farce. It the .
warden Ol' ntemln\tR have been guilty
oC brutal nlil lululnl 11rnctces the
' It anti to
people have n right to know enl
Plied. hlsltt that thin \IOllur remedy bo n\
At thc sumac time w < must recognize
In the . heglnlln thin dl cultes thnt
beset every In\stgt0\ ; this iuatuire.
'J'he : tlstlOIY of convicts Is Inhl'nl '
hooked upon with 1 eCllnln degree of
suspicIon , nlil aside frol cOIlcts111 ;
( x'cO1lcb ! the olb' witnesses that cnJ
11m Inh'ollucml ! ( are time nICI\llJts 11.
lmlL'thhlttt'hy IJII'I'eRtc.\ . 'L'he convicts who
still ha\'e te'IR to serve or who tlt'pentl
\llon thin fl\'o1 of the "tmlel foe time
helcHls oe lime parole law are \lIeI
IIWC'fll ht'iSStil'e ) to wihhold the h'utl
If til Iruth Is tin mnuuglmig to time 1l1 who
exercise this can hul 0"C' them. 11 n
slunilar ' hI' x-couivict IH subject
Rlmll' IUll' t 1x-convlc
to tht ( hupulntoJ of motves of revenge !
fOI' ) A\I"auct 11'lsll during iumcarcera-
thou. But hl''wll C1SS-eXflhuiluiluthtfl )
nuiglut to (1SeU l' whethcl' the e\'hlencl'
l)1CSt'l1tltl ) ! l Is hnRel \ \ 0Hctol 0' fuct
I : It it I ; de\elo1Ie.1 ) . hunt cruelty nml1'
Icces'I' " violence hn\e been 11e\'nlent
wHhln ' the lurisomi WlS . these who have
\hm'l' : < 1 the nulho\I clt'lste ( to them
Hholll not he 1le'mltel for It 10lelt
to Icllln In n posit hon where they cnn
eOJtnue their luhllnn liIIClcl ! .
A periodical ( investigation Into the
coumuluct of the ' " mnuust in itself
cOlllucl penitentiary lust 11 I-
self exert 11 heallr lutII'nee upon the
II cIInlntnluell In thut institu-
thoum. Hut It ( lees not uelll ! this h1est.
J : : lon to retumimid the legislature oC its
ditty to uIIe sonic new 11101810n with
rlfe'cnce to the Ialntcnmce of tie
[ wnlentlrr com'lets. So long us the
clntl'lctor remains In his IH'usent ple-
carlons sluu 10u tie whole conduc of
time Ilnlentl' " must he In 1 molC 0'
less demoralized comitlithoum. Time legls-
hltm'c shonll nt cure take steps to re-
gaIn : 110SSl'sslon of the llnlentl' : ) ' and
to iulace It on 1 basis of rigId but
hunu1e 1lble uuimuumngeummemmt.
Tl SILI"NI I AGUll C'.tNDlD1tTi.
Thin 80"lalel lutnlc lea/lJ In its
manifesto Inuouncln the 11'ojtced 01'-
Innzaton ! of 1 free shiver \nrt , cx-
IVt550i t 11efe'ence for ex.Hell'e-
sentat\e Sibley us tie 11'esllentnl
candidate of thc new iiarti. 1' .
Siuler rell'csentcl the 'rwentr-
sixth Peumnsylvammha dIstrict In the
Fifty-third con ress. luwlng been
elected by n fusIon of democrats , populists -
lists and proimibitiomilsts. Time . cougres-
Ilonnl directory records that he Is cx-
tensh"el engaged hum farming anl : stock I
rlsln . Is 1 m:1nflctucI' : of lubrlcutng :
Iml slg111 oils 1111 Is interested In
various ot her manufacturIng all busl-
neRS enterprises. lie Is reputed to be a
man of large wealth. The only public
10sitons he has held are those or memo
bel' of congress and lI3'Ol' of time town
of Flnkln , Pu. ? Ir. Sibley Is 1 native
of the state of New York und is 4 :
years old. lIe has shown himsel to be
1 mnn of strong if not alogether sound
.Tosclh C. Sibley belongs to tie radical
elelelt ot the free sl\crltcs and he-
leyes tmt all the economic ills whIch
1u'e'11 are due to the fact that silver
1101S not OCCUI1Y nn equal Place with
gold In tie .lonetary systems of the
world. In ' n speech In the honse just
before the 1nnl adjournment of congress .
gross Mr. Sibley said that "thc fleuds
of free sliver coinage In the United
States hold t the doctrine of bimetal-
lsm , not because oC ownel'shll of slyer
mines , but because : of the curses thlt
lumve . followed falling prIces throughout
the world-because they are frm In the
conviction thlt with our mints open to
free and unlmited coInage nt the old
ratio the - cent cotton of today will
be the lcout cotton UlOI the I'-
enactmcnt . pf tie law which served this
coiummtry so well for eighty 'enrH. Time
lcollo who favor free and unlimited
coinage at the old ratio hold
lt rte thlt It wi
give the farmer $1 Instead . of GO centR
for his w\el t. " lie f\.thC' lechl'ed that
"silver anti mmli othm' urtcleH of I'oduc-
thou . evcn labor itself , have followed
the cclne In the vlluu of the ounce
of silver humon since its dcnlll at our
minis of free and equal I COIII C" " In
view of the fact that :11" Slblc\ ' I
likely . to be the header of the free slh'e.
111.t ) ty In time CIIIII ) n of lext 'Ull' hlH
ylew ' ' omm the hootof '
! eXII1'esfll1 01 1001' con I'CSS
InHlnmc ni Intel'csl they woull not
Ithel'wlOS8e8s. .
It will be observed thn
I wi OhSl'I''et t In COl10n
wih all time advocates of time free ' nnll
Inlmlet colnno or silver nt' the old
ratio hy the Unlcd States 11' . Slbl'y
n tlchl'S no hUllol.tmce to II'Olllctol
In its hcm'lng emi the IH'lceof . cciii-
n\illlt . It could lot hu.lxpcctell that
hue W0l11 10 this In time case or sliver ,
11hlUlh lS I immat br of fUll time 11'0.
Illcton of silver dmllg tl Ilst tveimty
'lnl'N hnl hecn largely In UX\'eSI of time
II'mllcthl of golti , which hunt ; miii-
l'nllhl ) 1111 nn IlflCIll him dt jri.cint-
Ilg time flwmul' . But It would 8eml tint
Its to cotton unll whcu the 11 tm' of
II'ollucton ) Shnlll ! hl\'u HUll' comusitleru-
tloiu. Does lot tic enOl'lolS Incl'clle
ot cotll CI'OIIS CIlnllh n tllclelt cx-
Illnltlu of time . 111 In time \llcc of
cotton 1 ' 1hll cel.tllll " Is time . view of
time AlcJell clon pimuiters. whn turn
11'lllosln to 1'Iluct the cotton 11'01ne. (
II' area. Is nol time sUle true or
iimeat . the ll'otllcton of whl'h In this
cl\t'.r mostu from 230,000,000 blshels
In 18i to 1,000.000 ) IIHhl'ls II ISH1 ?
' 1II'I'u WIS I decline flom these hlhest
1jI'cl In the lust thl'el' 'Cll'H , but It
\\'IS mO'1 thln 1111' lit ) fOl' I " time In.
creased . II'otucton of other l'oun\'les.
IIl.tlllnl'I : ! ' II AI'gtutnu , " 1\lch \ In the
hoist . t \0 'em'l hut becole a large me.
hrtumof wlwnt. 'hl" wOI'118 11'llluc.
ton of. whclt tuning Il'gulr.In 'xcUS
of time tlnlll , the price his gone 10wn ,
regardless : ot "ln , ' . 01 the Inquh'
into tie lIUbeS of uI'lcnlm'ul 11ell'et.
HIOl "r time house cOlmltee on 11'lcll.
tore , ot whIch Ir. Sibley WII n immemmu-
her , h' ' . David r.lblu of Slct'lmcnto
1"'esente his ylewt ut lelgth , sayimig I
ulong other thln1l : "If today the price
, . , . . , . , . .
.4 . , . /.1 / \ > . .
' . . f - " ; . '
: . " : : ; .
11 ; - 1i : .M1LUI ; "m' ;
or sliver was 120 ) aunt time price of
wheat Iller . condiions In which they ( .
fro totlay wih l rlcl1lrol mnchlncr
In thc cheapest haunt and labor COllh'lef .
oC time wo\l , there Is Sh'll ! prollull
that wheat , lotwlhtn1ln ! wo111 be
IW luigluer , 01' would not be lenr nR Imighi
nfIIl' the tonner conditIons. " isIr.
Sibley wits so much impressed with
whlL Mr. 1utln snll that he tecared
he could lot "dummy the truth nUll the ,
justice of his proposhtiomu. " t cnn be
easily shown that there . hns been no
eoncurreICt' , U8 the free silver 10n
claim , betwcen the fluctuatIons In the
Illces oC shiver anti the prices of other
COUI011tc9 during the host twenty
yen ra.
( I'R.
A leter writen by Ir. Slhll ) IR 111.
hishied , In which thlt gentt'lln cx-
presses fear of the growth of the spirit
of onnrch3" In this cOlntr.\ " . l I his Ull'
11ehcnslon Is ever realized II will be In
lons\lllcnce of the tcachlngs of the
ccment which has put hll forward . as
a leallel' I Is he 1111 tie other nil-
\ocutes of the free and \nlmll cciii-
Ige of silver II time ell rat t 10 wlo l'e ,
fostlrn ulest mind 11sHatMfleton amid
thereby sowiuug the seeds of lll'ch " .
.UUNlT.ll r cox I.'IWll'Cl D , JW.tTI'S :
There II uiotiming S\rIJrlsln ! In the fact
hunt ( the host congress , 11lln decided
. to 11111011t delegates to . the propo.ued ; iii-
.te1ntonul monetar conference , HC'
lecled five out of the six fl'o\ the Illts
of the free ,1'cren. . Imleel , If there
fs Iny enlse of RU1IIe It Is the fie
thnt the whole Illbcr was 10l choHcn
fl'OI thnt ciemmnmmt. Time . sennte , wih
its free silver majority , did nol hl'sltute
to .elcct three len wlo cln be dc-
pended Ullon , In the event of a confC'
ellen helng called , to stand lr\I " for
time free coinage of the white metal nt
the ratio of 11 to 1. amid the speaker uf .
the hOlse mniglmt . wih equal propriety ,
huye doue , the lane timing. I wus the
Intenton 'f the reoluton regl1luA the
ulllolnt\cnt of delegates thnt this
shoulll bo done" At nay Ilte this tip-
11cl's to he the onlr Call Inference frol
the course of the Henutc. I vtm n111-
festr the llu110He of thl free slyer .
men that congress houhl be rcprc-
seuted In the confelence entrel " by del
egates of theIr views , so that If the lWCS-
hleuit l should select , IH It Is In'lslled he
wi.en of ollilosle ) vievs there will
be a mmmttrketl prellOllel'alce of free
silver scntment In the couferencl from
the Unied S\ntes. As It Is , there wi
' ' be of In
ll'ouabl only a majority one
tul1110rt oC extreme free colnne views.
' .herc clm be mme queston that live of
the congl'eHslontl delegates do nOt rep-
rcsent the sentmcnt re uling SlyC'
or : a majorIty of the people of the UnIted
States. Foul oC thc\ are fl'OI the
south and (1'01 states whose financial
relations with the rest of the world are
comparatively lmmslgnhtlczumt , while thc
other Is il'om the greatest sliver produc-
Ing state In the union. Whatever mn3
be thought of the ability 01 these me -
und perhaps they mire as capable as nnr ;
who could have been chosen fl'othe
free silver raul.s-It 1M hardly to be expected -
pected that they wi exert much latin-
' '
ence h'u an htlernatonal confelenc 'tp
which Em'o\ean oYcrnments will semI
Iomo or thel' ablest Iuauclers" They
tire likely to be regnrled simply ns poll-
tcans : voicIng the views . of their Immediate -
diate consttuents at1mer than 18 states-
men speal.lnA for the whole people of
the counl'3. . The members of the delegation -
gaton who wi pI'ohabl exert the
greatest Infuence In the In'ollosed conference -
ference are those whom the president
Will npllolnt
There . appears to be no reasn to
doubt thnt . a conference will be called ,
Gel'mnn taking the hmultimutIve . and that
It will be lucid some time during
the pl'e8ent ; "lal. As to the possible
result of such n conference there Is
wide opportunity for slecuilatiofl.
The present legislature seems bent
' upon harassing the Industries antitrade
trade of the Htate. Whether 01 not
tll'C has been t fixed policy of hostility
to am' lanufactures amid conllerce Is
ellen to queston , but there enn be no
doubt of the menueln attitude of our
state lawmakers , as exemplfel by nu-
\e'ous muenstires seriously ' commsiderctl
1\1 now llnlln . Olal1 MeelH to hnyc
been llnled out for attack. ' 'hls maybe
he due to thc flct hunt ( no Inw cQ111
he llRet In restraint of trade thlt
WOlll not cripple Omlha to a A1'eatC'
oxteimt lain ( other. business .
exclt mummy othC' cciii-
mUllty In the state.
Early II the session n blt vas intro-
dlclt for an act to 11108e Ilayy licenses
'ulon ' cOJmlslon merchants the object
of whIch vas to protect shippers from
Ileget dlsholest commission Im'chnnt8.
its 11'leteublt ' wonld l'efulr demon-
Htllon tt heavy cost to om' hUHlnest
inteiosts. ' 1he utellt to Inlm men
hOIfst by legislation IN , to say the leust
qmmestiommmthuie , whie thin II'O\'lslols ot
tie huh , If cnfol'ced would Injure and
combo . mruis.s cOUmlsslon . IC'clu1w II
evel'y hnll.tlnt [ trade center In time
Time Ilw II'ohlu1ln the IUJUClctn'c
Int sale ! ot oleomuummrgarimme , us humus . buoum
conchlHh'ely shown by 'l'he lice , Is nn
umueahiei.for hlow 10 01' trade Inte'l'sts ,
the effects of whIch will ho felt tll0st
soltI ' hiy time Ilnnflctm'C'1 : or Olu hn.
' 1le Ilel'lu Itellll to legislate time
state ( muir out of Omahu was born of t
tesh' ( ' to htlII' [ our trade Interesti . ,
for the loctton or the state fair Is
Ill''I " U business proposltiomm.
'l'he hi to 1110hlbl the slle of cigar-
etl's In this state CUl , If hiassod , hl\'o
ito oilier . effect thl1 tl Crllllll If not
dcst.oy , t 111e nnl1 11'0ttlhle trade
now emujoyed hr time jobber . ot tllI city
Int stutc. lIowceulmmumtlmibie time ci'-
tort to stop time Contlnlltll of cigmur-
ctes II Nebraska umimmy bl' , there mire
consllem tols IteJln thl proposed
llnll'O which ought to bl the meUlt
at lh'fcltn it. Wholcllle 11'Clllts
In our leulln1 cities sell cigarettes In
nell'I $ " tvemy Illto In time ! west , ' 1ho
tmle Is U II'uHtlhlo 01' . The i)1O.
joSeti ) Inw lhi not uedtie the .
\osed Inw1 l'l'IIII' ! COISUIII.
lion of cul'tes.n thuse states , but
wi dCll'h"o our jobbers at thmtir right
to thc tmto tlc " hlro wOll\t imp tumid
III'ml jobbers of CUllletl mhistmibtit-
lag \oilts to st\11 II II take the trait '
out of-theh' imamuls.
Business II this rtnto lt Ihlost at n
. . _ _ . , _ , ,
& . ' . ' , u' / ' " ' . " '
. - - - - . - .
- - - - - - - - - - - ' - - -
- -
- - .
standstill. . Jnerehnnts \ ) are con.
t(1lu nahllt11h"er ' c . cou.HlonM .
le\cr before ? I ! 'n. Th13. mined nH
time ht11 thnt call hI afforded flom
whnterer 80U \ , ' ; ' .lmt they llull ul
this ( time be ! 11fctell to hostle nltl
se1seltRR legislation . Is beyond comflhre-
iutmisiomu . Ins ( nt. or ihi-mulviseti . Inwl
hum l"stlnlnt ot , F1de the ) Hhoull he
Jh'en melsm'e : , II l 11oloton thereof t
or else left se\tn'lY nlouc to vork out
their OW1 smulvatiomm. ,
Thele Is aim ; n1lolul count to he
urged niulust , the cOlsluUonall ) " of
the bill to iieriimlt thin state to take a
lhll/e : of yenUl' In time HI'I'Utt Scot
murder cnHeR. Ho far nR time In1ctt
Scotlm\'del' cases for which time melR'
lire Is i specially desl nell , mire cOnCIlICll ! ,
It IH 1111Inl ' ux POSt facto iogisiatiuii.
Ix I 1108t facto legIslaton has heel dc-
fned to Ilchule , first , 1aldl nn mmcl iii-
noeent ul the time It wits l'lmlted
cI'lmllll , mind. second , If the oct be ni- .
I'eady I crimume , InclIln . the immunitY . .
01' Il'Slnll hue ( C.11cncH Iwcesil' to
cO1lcton I' I I I'rlng Inn n " mn 111'
the situumtt iou or tie Iccuell to hlH dim4-
nd\'IIII l. 'l'hto cuiforeemuucuut of the 1110.
IloMell II W wOlll 11e11h'e time Iccnsell of
1 right which hue enjoJed nt time tune the
act WIM comuumumit ttl ! . nln1I ' , the right to
1\ trial In tit cOlnl ) " In which the 1mm-
( ol'mlton Is mel1 It wOlld mnlt comi-
, 'Icton easier than before. Time couistl-
tnlol of Ichl'I I1 forbids the cimact-
n1nt or ex Ilst ) facto iogimuhmttioiu. I"en
If tie II'o\osl'd ) law were otherwlsl ,
wihin the IllrYlcw of thc comistituit ion
It co111 not be made to apply to the
Bunett Scott caHes.
I County Attorney Haih.lle RUC-
coeds in recovering for the county emu
the nlnll'OIS pelHonal ahuluenrm : mice
bonds that hYe beNI defaulted he will
be doing whnt lIe l'c"lols cOlnty at-
torney lois done. lIe mlst howl"cr ,
realize the ma lll.le . of time task before
him. Douglas cOlnt " hUf 11Ver recovered -
covered n cent on bonds glvcn for the
allpenrllce of ofenders 11 her courts
and there nm lawyers who contend
that the bond Is not drlwn that CII
not ue llnchell out by a perslstcnt
und shrewd defense 11 the courts.
There Is no dOlbt that whnt are really
strlw bonds l'e often accepted for the
l'elcso of iWisomierS. On othC'H the
hondlwn ar : good and would , In mnny
cases , II'mllcu time missing lU'llcl111 If
11'octelln s weru IH'essed against them.
A series of suis , to leco'r emu the de-
faulted bonds Will nt least stir up the
sureties to 1 seJIslpf ; their responlbl- ;
1 I .
I looks nR If the'delloslory law were
wih us to stn ' . I ought not , however ,
to remaIn In lshJ'c ent Imperfect condi-
tion. There are certain defects which
call for IleUlmo ' In a way that will
strengUlen its < tIrton and Insure the
public against depositories with Inadequate -
quate bonds. Fimichm coutity and , state
board shoul , be , fOl'bltden toimccept , as I '
surety ony oleer Qf the bnmmk making :
the appiication. I there Is no bill for .
this purpose b for the houses of the
lelslltle : thQ' . g V'Q1O' has , good
grounds for slntlng one In with recoin-
mendaton for passage.
A poll of the iegislatumro 01 the ques-
ton of nbolshlng capital luhlshment
disclosed 1 numbm' or members who
were noncommltnl , but who exhibited
"n distinct lennln toward the gallows. "
We slncC'el " trust that this leaning will
be lu'omvty overcome. The leglsluture
would be justified In Inte1upUng its
Hesslons and exerting nil its reformatory .
Infuence Up01 tlese 1embe.s who are
threatened with this terrible fate. No
effort will be too great to counteract the
force that Is carrying any oC our leglsln-
tors stllght to the gallows.
" 11\mlel wmnsup.
The republican house will make the two
years more at Grover and his party com-
parUvely harmless lo the country.
" Democratic VIew.
St. Louts flepubiic.
The passInm of this congress Is strongly
suggestive of the explosion of a bunch oC
firecrackers under a tar barrel. The noise
Is all over but we sOil have the bad smell.
Jejuluton ly syndIcate.
Cincinnati l nquirer.
The smart gentlemen who cleared about
$9.0,0 on the adminIstration bond bar-
gain have an option on the credit of the
government for fome months to come. They
ivill tic doubt regulate the oulfow and In-
few oC gold at the United States treasury
accordIng to their desires for future specu-
laton In government . securities.
Jcluhlcl Not Vngraietum.
' . .
IhllaeJphla I.edger.
I Is calculated that time aggregate oC the
appropriatIons made at thIs session of congress -
b'eSS Is but $2,0 short of. ; .0.0. Time
greatest sIngle lOan Is I pensions for which
$141.aslsTo Is uUoUed , equaling time total
expenditure tor the army navy and 110st-
olees combined . In view of this the UnIted
States can scarcely be charged wih beIng
an ungrateful country toward its needy vet-
eran soldiers.
Irln ! 01 Your Gold.
New York Sun
We repeat that Colorado can easy market
all the gold mined In It. Theme ! has been
trouble Cor some years In disposing of time
stale'l sliver . but that was because the sup-
ply largely exceedet limo demand. and there
is not , uny such danger II regard to gold.
The world wi l > romlly absorb this year's
Colomdo gold prod ct , ) evel \ I shoull year'/
lwlce or tel times Iseat nl last year's.
'rhe gCIt bugs are jlJI1a table. for the reason
that they cannot retaIn the yellow metal
In their Hystc'mn but must 1IIImrsc It for
the service of ma)1 ill nearly IS fast us
they take It. "
- - -
li -I
JICllru/111 Trod iteyivai.
/ Invlv.l.
IH. l.oUI8 hJbelemOlt. ! , .
The removal Of ( lie' peri ' oC change In
the fnanelil or , : Cue laws for the reo
malnller at this year ! It least must eXert
a ) thnulaln r efict ? on trade. 'J'here Is
' \ Immelse ( efon \ Power In busiless
In this country , ant II wi hnve a chance
to \berl Ilelf Crain .JlIs tmo Corwar. . ) . A ,
reallly dlseerlhle ' trace hnr1rovemenl will '
doubtless appear wlhj ; lhq lexl few wi .
Another encouraglfg tolHlton Is the steady
Increase In the trensur gold reserve which
Is now imp to n lulimejoint than had heen
louchel for several umitiruths pll. Time tend.
eney. tool Is JkelY'lt cqmtinue Imimmyarti lor u
time. All the gold . cq/lnue tor In the re-
cent urchase l imampiotlbeen '
hal1oLbeen delivered. hut Is
coming to han.1 . us Z11ly del\'ered. ! . . In
the meantime the exportation oC goil , has
ceased and the rum . on the treasury or5
over. 'fhe deilcits . too. are on the decrease ,
and are ilkely to disappear In it mommtim or
I 101ih
two. 01 the whole the business outiook Is
brighter than al anS" tlnu since the crisis
came In the summer oC 193.
L.-SnS 2'1lN .
now enrmous era the Itrilci which hle
been made by Great Britain Ilurlng the pat
quArter of I century In the direction of
democracy may bo gathered from the fact
that Mr. herbert Oldslo e , rpe.\ldng on
behll of time admInIstration , and as the
chief of the has
cble public worlll 11epnrtlent ,
announce.l that the estimates abut to be
submitted to Parliament by time chancelor
of the exchecqter wilt Inclulle the den1nd
for 1 sum to be used In the erection or 1
statue to Oliver Crommuwehi . I his always
been a mate of cmment that at Wesl-
mnlnstcr where rulers good and bad , great
ant little . exist In ef ! no sculpture should
do honor to the memory of the protector.
The omission cnn only be explained by at-
trlbumtlng botim to l'arilamemmt and to the
Jrlbutn ! bth Parlamenl ant
crown an unwllnue s to gIve an ofcIal
acknowledgement ! a successful rebellIon.
Cromwehi . It may be rememberell , mimetic ,
short work or the 10uso of Coummumione amt I
presided over the government Ihat made I
e\'en still shorter work or Kn Charles by
lopping oft his heut. : That the leglslalnre
and the sovereign shoull hare after a lapse
of well nigh three centuries , decided otFm-
chilly to honor the memory of this great
repumhiicamm by erectlmmg a monnment to hIm
rcpublcan erectng 1 .
speaks volumes not enl ) ' for the liberality
and enl htenment of QUeen Victoria alli of
her constitutional advisers . but also for the
develol1Ht , of democrato anti progressive
sentments on the part ot time people-sent1-
monte to which crown amid cabinet are mmmanl-
( cathy ) 'lelllng In this Cs. matter. .
The appointment of Prince Lobanor as
RU8slan foreign secretary and the probability
that he w1 be promoted to time cimaimceilor-
shill , are In keeping wih the report at an
aliance between Great Britain and Uussla.
lime BritIsh government undoubtedly favored
the alJpolnlment of M. do Steal at present
Russian ambassador to Great Drlaln , and
the tae that ho was l > tssCI over and R
statesman selected who Is not In any way
PI'o-Englsb , In feeling . anti rather favor
Austria , argues I foreign policy I on the part
of the new czar that may yet bring about
Important political change3 In Europe. The
new foreign secretary novel favored time Idea
of In alliance betwecu Prance ant Itussla and
the former country lay now have 10 renew
her friendship wllh En land. 1 woull be
strauge It there shoult b a restoration oC
time frst triple alltammce . whIch was composed
of Hussla. Germany a 11 Austrln.lunglry.
and I such a thing should be brought about
It would only serve to mark the turn of
Germany te Dlsmarcklan hleas. A hint has
been given out that there wIll be a meelng
this summer of the three emperors Nicholas
WIlliam and Francis Joseph. In the days of
the old kaiser thee occasIons were frequent.
They were at least picturesque and they were
Coo for polUcl prophets to found predic-
tons upomm I another should be held Il
may again be I subject for goss ! > . but that
wIll be nil. The progress of individualIsm
has been too rapid In Europe for any coterie
of rulers to be able to meet In conclave
and keep back the Idea of freedom.
S. .
The czar at Russia does not make hIs Inten-
tons known through the Russian provIncial
newepamiera else time statement of one of the
later might mean something. I Is set forth
In that journal that nussla will not tolerate
any partition of ChIna which will give Japan
a foothold In that empire. 1 Is even stated
that Japan must abandon all hold on Corea
because Russia' will not tolerate a Japanese
protectorate there. Probably tlc czar has not
authorIzed Iny statement at what he wants
or at what ho docs not want and will not
have yet there may be a tact at the bottom
of the slalement For Russia Intends to absorb -
serb the entire continent oC AsIa north of In-
die . not today , not even within ten years , but
at some future . time . ant Cram time to time .
Russia has powerful neighbors 00 the west .
wIth will not permit her to take what she
wants of European Turkey Eastward Russl
has DO formidable neighbors on the mainland.
The valor and warlIke accomplishments oC
Japan have no doubt given thc czar some bad
quarter hours. He must regard Japan 1
menace to his ambItions In the east. But ex-
acty , IS the czar refrained from steppIng. In
1twen Dsmar t and France when'the latter
surrendered Alsace aDd LorraIne , 'he must re-
rain Cram Interference with Japan In adjust-
Ing maters with China. This country cannot
regard dictation from any European quarter
as tolerable. Jap.U will no doubt b reason-
able In its demands , but I has fought to
'vlndlcate a principle at national honor and
honesty , has expended mIllions of treasure
and much blood and may reasonably demand
time Independence of Corea and the cession oC
all dIspute territory. This demand If made .
Including Indemnity , should be supported by
time civilized world. Certainly Russia should
find itself alone and unsupported It It attempts
10 deprive the victor of his lawful rIghts. I
Is not probable that Japan will demand any
territory on the mainland because that would
be a burden. But all dispute territory . I ex.
outsiders acted . should be ceded without protest from
Bulgaria appears to be In an exceedingly
bad way. The government has managed to :
quarrel with Austria and Turkey , the two
powers whose Crleillshlp and support have
constituted until now its principal source
ot strength and Independence , the late czar
having been given tn understand that he
could not assail Bulgaria without Involving
himsel In war with one or the other oC these
nations. Russia has until now spured all
the obsequious advances made by the prince
In the hope of obtaining recognition lS a
ruler , even although with the object oC
giving satisfaction at St. Petersburg he has
Intrusled rortolos In his cabinet to men '
implicated In attempts on hIs life. The
treasury at Sofa Is empty , the credit which
Bulgaria enjoyed upon the torelgn money
markels at the time oC Stamnbuloff's over-
throw has vanished and the IhrHy Bul-
, garlan trmer and peasanlry , who con-
sttute nine-tenths of the population , are
not only unable to pay the new and heavy
taxes that have recently been enacted but
even find It beyond their power to pay those
which were brought Into existence Ihrce
years ago , the fall In the price oC wheat and
agricultural produce havIng had the effect
oC converting their dues 10 the slate from
a tenth 10 a third ot their entre erop. Un-
der the pretext of economy almost 80,000
officers and men have been dismissed from
the army anti turned adrift upon the country
without means oC subsitence or emploYllent ,
while the money thus Saved , Instead ot being
paid Into the treasury , has been diverted
to other uses of 0 less creditable nature. In
onE word , something much akin to chaos
prevais In the principality , and unless Star-
bulot yields to the solicitation hr ' the people ,
and Corgettng eli the base ingratitude to
which he has been subjected consents to
come lo the assistnce oC the prInce whom
he himself placed upon the throne time days
of ' erdlnand a ruler of Bulgaria lay be
considered as lumbered and his reign on time
eve of Its cl0e , either by abdIcton or
depsiton. . . .
Ismai Pashma the cx-Ithedlve at Egypt
who bui the Suez canal , amid who died at
Consialtnollie lat Saturday was counted
a dangerous penon In Constnntinopio. where
he had lived since 1886. lie was never
reconciled to his deposition ( roam his viceroyalty .
royalty In Eb"l , and resIsted abdication
unt he was forced to yield by England
and France In 1879. Then he establshed
hmselC at Napies with his harem and all
the accessories of orllntal luxury that his
enlrmous wealth cull purchase. lie never
lost his lust of power , and never ceased
10 IntrIgue for It , and when ho demanded , a
dozen years ago , that he should be paid for
sugar planlltons ald olher lands . In JgYIII
which had been confiscated amid applied to-
ward the payment of his debts . . Turkey
e.ommmpiietl wllh the demand amid paid him $25.-
complelt 000.00 largely to keep him Iulel. Finally
he was IJermlle'1 to go to ConstantlOlle )
hImself palace which
and 111d I mlgnlfcent
. Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Govlt Report
R V Bhkin
: ta. ' : : l" ; " , ) _ f'.I = . _ n-- " - ; : - I"i'fl"i" : : ' [ _
lute been Ills prison over .Ince. For years
he has bean forbidden to IfM'o its grounds ,
Snul while flow every luxurT ho cold do-
sire , the sultan's distrust , I not fear . ot him
hI lenled hIm his liberty. I was rumored
seIne tmo AgO that he hail been poisoned .
and timis report lay now lie revived t , since
be has died. p
'lWl'IH ,11 : ! TIl."a. .
St. T. 118. too , has the Lexow toyer.
The Influenza of Europe ! ra\I\y bring-
lag the populnton to its sneeze.
What hula country needs jl.t now 18 n
patrIotic organization to preserve , \merlc\ :
heiresses for Americans.
Mayor Hopkins ot Ciuiesgo wants a reelection -
tion . antI wants I bad , on a one'I'lanl 1'lnt.
form-'Down with the Iru l. " The 1 lateo
at Carter Harrison c'ldentiy hanker for a
violent pollcal death
Speculllons on time total at the Income tax
places It : t $60,000,000. A quarter of a umihi.
lon nersons estates anti corporatons wilt
put up the cash Rnd enjoy Ihe great Amen-
can privilege ot kichdng .
I Is given out In know In ! quarters that
the returning e'conlresslen will go to work
anll ear a I vII ! Good , Peristent activity
for I year or two wIll partially overcome the
evils of con ' resslonal dissipation.
Although time council of Chicago Is dls-
pensln tranciuIcs with a lavish hand , there
Is no vlslbll means nt sUllllort for time aS90r.
lon Ihat Onaha' : retired Iulloll1:1 states-
men have mO\'t1 to the hake city.
, Tohn O'Brlen oC 1 > I'al. l la. . died recently
and lolL a wi which It will bo dlmeull to
take Into court ami nrove. 1 Is written with
Ilencl on lie wail near his bedside and re3118
thns : "Mrs. Arnold-Gall bless hlr-shal
have ni 1 leave. "
Tht Homan Catholic archbishop ot Cashel
Dr. Croke. hls been for twenty years the
chief clerical figure In time Irish Mtonalst
mo\'ement. lie still "Pluls his check to the
Irish Parlamenlary ( mind . but In hIs last
leter nccon1an'ln ! I subscription he says :
'ho hOllo of oblalnlng a legislature ror our
country within I reasommable tme 19 mme longer
enlertalltl by reasoning nlen. "
The effect ot01 tcal cnmpalgnlnj on
women Is shown In the case of the wife at
the governor at Oeorgla. She was . unusually
ae\lve \ In furthering her husbamt.s ambition .
managed his campaign and was successful
beyond her expectations. Now she 1 under
treatment for a mid Corm of kieptommuania
allhough there Is no e\'ldencl that she IJar-
tclpated In the count of time ballots.
The long cherished project of a munlcll1l
union oC St. Paul and Mlaneapols his been
shelved forever Herelotom Mlnneaols was
represented as a charming young lady who
was not averse to a joly flrtaton with SI.
1all But the momeul she hinted at a de-
sire to take the capitol tinder her wing without -
out the surroultll ! 10puiaion hale succeeded -
ceeded admiratiomm . The match Is off. Dut
that Is not all . St. Paul transforms the
graceful gazelle Into an overgrown hog. with
a mendacious curt on its tail. I that cut
does not draw 'lore ' blot than A Cuban revo
iutlon . then surely Is gallantry dead and
Laughing Waters pitched In dirgellc ke's.
: OI { I'Il : S COU.UJ "T.
Des Moines LeadeniThie city elections
held In the cites timid towns of Iowa : ( on-
day InlJcate that the democrats are getting
their second wind. There Is no geltlA
slIde. but the drift Is plainly wIth the dem-
lIed Oak Express : The petrifed man recently -
centy exhumed near Centervle his been
recognized by I lady who viewed It as her
long lost father . At sight of the object
she burst Into tears and then went cit and
replevined the stony cadaver. This involves -
volves a legal light for p09seslon. Taken
all around . time story Is very toucjmimmg and
with the example oC affection showmm mlhl
melt a heart of stone and male possIble
mutual recognition.
Sioux City TrIbune : There
OIl' must be com-
mencet In all seriousness the propaganda
which made Iowa almost a democratic
state. I should bi I democllc
compaclness Is one oC the greatest elements
of strength . I Is the ten thonsands of
Xenophmon not the myrlacs of Xerxes ,
which most profoundly affect the course ot
human events The democratic party oC
Iowa must prepare itself for the dawning I
oC that better day which Is certain to come , I
when the darkness of defeat will roll away
before time gorgeous trappings of the sun
: ( prsperi t ) " .
Sioux City Journal : The act passed by
the Iowa legislature at its last
Iowa Is sessmomm un-
dtrtnlling to provide for female suffrage In
certaIn school electIons . may cause a good
Ieal of trouble. That Is abut the only
effect that It can have The act Is undoubtedly -
etly unconsttutonal Its unconstitutionality
was clearly pointed out to the legislature .
but for some inscrutable reason It neverthe
less persisted In putting Il In the statute
boolt. The school election In SIoux City Is a
case In Iolnt. The validity of the vote for
certain purposes may he put In doubt by the
statute. I may Involve 11gaton , In any
event It will cause a good deal of needless
trouble In holding the electon and In the
Preliminaries. Such leglslatol Is not only
nonseimsical but also mischievous I the
people of Iowa want woman suffrage there
Is a plaIn way to get nt I. and the plain
way Is to change the slate constItution .
Thai pcople oC Iowa have 'Imlct ' time sur-
rage to males. ThIs Is a fact which the
reformers have strangely . overlooked.
Shucking the Cuckoos for Hucks.
New York itecoroe.
I was heartless on the part of Mr. Cleve
land to leave the flock oC starving cuckoos
who have just been drIven out oC time capitol
roosting around the white house whuie he
whie Ie
hied himself away on time Violet to make
gunshot acquaintance with time ducks of
North Caroilmma.
TIme jiresldetmt has been all along prom-
icing his falheul blrll that as soon l
March came he would In < warm nests Cor
them In the government oo\'ecotts. mind this
Is how he treats them. I would have ben
Car more humane ) to hoot every one oe
them before beginning the Norlh Carolina
duck slaughter.
The cuckoos are Indeed to be commls.
l'.tS/n."f OF 7Il O"JIWTOl.
Ihl\lelph1 1ocorll : After thlrly.nv
s'cnr at 11ublc life lilt. 10lman Or Indiana
goes back to hI' frm poorer than 'hen ht
left I. Such nn experience from the mt-
crowned prince or polomlat" Is hat to fOC-
oDele with time glib copybook theory thai
"econom Is wealth "
lnn8 City Star : Considering the fact
that "thero's nothIng 11 11. that Is to say ,
In politics . Mr. 1olmOn has been very busy
for . . ' In nominations
thlrts..n\o years seeking nminations
for ofc . There wu at least a living tn I
for Mr. Holman , with opportunltos which
\crhaps. he wu too honest to take hut
whnt a commentary Is this on politics timid
a man shoull grieve , while the whole nation -
ton he marvels entered. . that 10 goes out or ofeo ROOt
Phlnllelphla Press : Time retirement 01
such chronic and narrow.mlnllelt obJector ns
Heprcscnlatve unman , who has mate n
virtue cf his t > 1slmon ) " . cannot bo looked
UIOI a aim unmlKCI cvii . II fat It I.
rather alrmICl blessing , as the wlmolo
temitlemucy of hiolmuamu cmiii hmi Inmitators was to
save mit the spigot only. Their objections
ivero often of tue mmmost petty type , and time ) ' it
aimy macdo the mmnumue of "ecomuomimy" ridicmmlotme.
Sonic one \vithm broad jumthgmmmemmt is mmeedcci in
every congress to call a hail. on uuuunccossary
eximemmtiitimres , but time chccseparitmg statesnuemi
are mmot iii timiut chase ,
Chicago lmmter Oceamm : Comugressnman 1101-
mmmamu , 'thme great objector , " says timtit ho
leaves congress , miftcr thIrty-flve years of
service , imoorer thinii whmeum 1w fIrst vemut to
W'asimingtun , This Is not encoumrmuging to
yoimng fuen entenimmg nubile life. Commgross-
mmmaim Iiolmmmamm Imas mmevcr beemu charged with
oxtraviugiummt living , muimd mme one doubts hula
imersomimul hioumesty. limit timere are timoimetmnda
of mmmcii who do lire aim less thmimn $5,000 a
year , aumil wimemi civil servIce reform is time
rmmio utah camigresanmemi tin not imavo to seciuro
lmlees or spend mmiommoy omm timeir followers it
mviii ho easy emmoumgii for a commgressmnami to iivo
oh hula salary.
Atlanta. Constltuutioim : "Just timink of
wlmlslcy ( reezimmg. munjurt"
"Ainites mme dliTsremmee to mmmc , sir , i'm a
great lover of crocked ice. "
Philadelphia liecord : "Tlmeres one eatia.
( nctlomm iii imtt'l mug your legs mimmipuminteul , "
Hays ( lie iinmmayuiuic piullosommumi'm' . "TIme doctors -
tors can't Pull timemu mimmy mimore. "
Chicago TrIbune : Altlernmaui-W'iuo are
you mmii what titi 3'Oii Want ?
Old l'nrty ( with inmmtern-My ) name is
Diogeumemm , Let mmmc nasa. l'iit hot iookimmg for
Philadelphia Inqtmlm'er : lie-Don't tell any-
hotly that 1 escorted you imoumme front
cimureim , She-No diumiger. 1 nut as umtmeim
asimrummmed or it its you are.
Indianapolis Journal : "Amid now " said
time , . barber wimo hind immimomited mm. ortmmmmo ,
.imtiti nois' I can eat ommiomme imi time niormming
whenever I darmi want to. "
Galveston Nems's : If tlgure.s never lie , thmen
vommmnn's simuuiders are imlghmeu' timinm her
ii end
Pimiiadelpimia Record : lilobbe-Wimat's thm
difference between gloves and polIcemen ?
Slobbs-GiVe it up. hobbs-Well , gloves are
nstmaily on hmnnd ,
Hocicland TribuneThe man witim a little
hair truuuiing about the hewer zone is right
iii thus Napoleonic swim witlm his bony nart.
( IC thus nmpenrs a. triile weak iii spots it
must be remmiembered thmat so does a good
dciii of time other Napoieomm literature of this
day ) . - i' I
Chicago flecord : Patron ( in imasement
restaurnnt-10inmmne Imigs' feet amid a dish
of mashed potatoes extra. 'Waiter ( shouting
the order timnough hIs hiands-Trilby ) ( or
one ; little 13111cc on tue side !
DetroIt Free Press : "Before I start I will
ftx UI ) mm. little " said Amy , as she got imer
rouge pot amid enamels.
"Aim , that puts another face on the mat.
ter , " was Mabel's comimment.
New York Heraldt Urlgga-T was readin
em. paper in time elevated this. umiorning an
time man imext to me vmue wild , Grggs.- (
Whmy ? llniggs-I turned it over before lie
got through ,
Washington Star : "nIh Donian's band
imasbeen _ camtured 1mm Oklaiiomna , " remarked
tue newspaper reader ,
"You don't say so , " replied this man who
pretends to keep posted , itmt doesn't.
\Vimat was Bill's band doing ? " 1'layiim
'Sweet MarIe ? ' "
Chicago h7ecorl. , *
"Willie , you are imatmgiity ,
Amid trotmbiosome to mime ;
It you are not a. better boy ,
No angml 'you wlil be. "
"Who wants to be an angel ? "
While at once begiuE
. 'i bet you I'll be satisfied
To be a railroad man. "
CONO1lLN.IhlN'S ll'LLCOML 110)111.
Chicago Post ,
I am glad your pesky lmowiimi'
Now is done ,
'Cause you timougimt that we were growila'
Jest ( or ftmmm ;
But youm'il finti you were mIstaken ,
That our conildemice iii simaicemi ,
An' you'll be , when we awaken ,
On time ruum.
You imave been too blamed expensive
For our taste ;
An' your bills were too expermeive-
Too much waste ,
You must do sone tail explainin' ,
For your course wits mnigimty aIntn'
An' your power now is wanmn
So make haste.
We are glad , of commrse , to greet you
here today ,
Gladder than we mire to meet you
.Whczm away :
But you've cost 111cc all tarnnttomm ,
Acted 111cc you owned creation ,
nut you're hiack at timi imere station ,
Au' you'il stay.
i o1INC.IfI/i '
Your Mommy's Worth ou. Your Monay limog ! ,
About Sweaters aiid Bloomers-
Now that the b'Ck , base ball and other athletic
. . _
amsare about to open it is right
gia in line to call your attention to our
[ tz new purchase of tan and navy blue
i : " Sweaters at $2 a Sweater and they're
extra good Sweaters at that. And
, \m \ our new $3 Sweaters-tIle kind that
all high grade wheelmen the
: - ' - - _ . . . use-are
finest in the country , tan , blue , black
and a lot of other colors. While you arc looking you
might glance at our \'Iens' Bicycle Bloomers-knee
trousers iii cassimere and corduroys , with a good line of
colors ,
\Ve don't wish to be understood to carry but a few
styles of hats. for the contrary is the case , our hat department -
partment being the largest and best in the vcst. Just
nOv we're having quite a run on the $3 Derby made by
Crofuit & 1napp. It's a low , medium or high crowned
hat , with narrow or medium brim , in black and cedar ,
absolutely fast colors , the best $3 hat in tile world and
warranted to hold its shape as well as any $5 hat , Our
Spring Caps at 5oC , 75C , $1 00 and $ z , 25 are yacht
shaped and come in blue , black , brown mixed and gray.
We arc also showing a new line of Mackintosh Caps ,
yacht shape , si and $2 ; guaranteed to shed rain , You
can Sec those Sweaters in the i5th street window.
Ifeilabic Clotlilci s , S.V , Con , 15th iumml Jouigias Sts.
. - , . 4- . .