Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    . _ _ . .
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TIlE OMAIJA : DAILY BBE : ' F11SDAY ; { AUOIt 7 180" 3
. , ,
- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _
- - - - - - - -
w - 1)J1 OMAhA DAJJX DE.1' .
, COUNCIL DLCr'li'S. ,
DellVrtd b unler to ny part of the el , .
n. W. TILTON , Lel .
TELrIIONE8.DuI'net oret , No 4 : nigh
Ior , No :
- - - - - - -
Ml."Ol ) , " ' ' rIQS. . .
OrAnd , Counci Bltifts. E. F. Clark , prop.
MaYI' Real Estate agency , t39 Droadwar.
hotel. O. E. 'rarntsea has bough the Metropolitan
- negular conclave of Ianhoe Itnlphts
Templnr thll ( veninI al 8 o'elock. A full
Itel11anco Ileslre1. C. E. 11. Camllbel , E. C.
The direcor of the drivIng park have
deddcI1 to gIve a racing meH during the
later tart tl May anll the frst part of
A. D. : Ilchel , charged with vagrancy , Is
In the city jail. lie Is sail , to hlvo pawne some
valises which are thought to have ben
Mayor Clen\'er 111 City Clerk 7urmuehlen
wi make the ofcial canvass of the voteR
cast nl the city election this afternoon nl
2 o'cIGck.
" fllder" Dnck has again gen al the war
path for victims anll wilt heal people for $
! ! . faith . n.l Christ church , adjoining the
uglcnOlel. .
1.'rnk Mahoney of Carbon Adams county ,
wn b0111 over to the federal grand Jury
yesterday on the charge of bootlegging and
' sent to the county jail.
Iegular meeting of the Retail nutclu rs'
Protective auoclaton thus evening at 8
o'clock lt their hal on Pearl street. Alt
membtrs are requested to 1m present.
The Utile lulct soctly anll other young
OIlo ) of St. John'H Inghishi Lutheran church
will meet I.'rhly evening nt tim resIdence of
L Rov. C.V. . Snyder , 217 South Sovenleenth
Mrs. Jensen anll her SOl Andrew were
arrested yesterday as the result of a neigh-
borhoo row , In whIch tim little son of W. S.
l.andon canto off umlernealh. The parties
live on Avenue E , near 'f nth street.
The German Insurance company corn-
meuced n suit In the United States circuit
court yesterday against the town of MannIng -
_ _ _ _ _ nIng for $ IOOOO for town bonds bought by I '
tim company , but which I Is claimed were
never paid.
* . Mrs. Bradenburg . wIfe of Rev. John flrad.
enburl , died sUlcnly In Omaha on
Tuesday al the home of her daughter , where
she and her husband had been living for
some months Pst. Mr. lr3denlurg has been
for years n local preachel' In tho. Mehodlsl
church. The funeral will be held from Broadway -
way Methodist church Friday afternoon at
2 o'clock , Council Duls havIng been theIr
homo for years.
The saloon keepers purchased with the
. proceeds from their charIty bal n large
quantity of bacon flour and staple groceries ,
. ' which will bo distrIbuted among the poor.
Persons desIrIng old must , In order to obtain
It , furnish proof of their condition. The
stock 15 at 330 Broadway , where alt needy
persons are directed to apply. Anyone
knowIng of families In need Is requested to
make the same known ly leaving information
r at the above number.
We hAe over $300,000 to loan upon 1m.
proved Iowa farms. Farmers desIring loans
cal save money by dealing direct with us .
thereby saving agenl's commission. 'Ve do
not loan on wild lands. nor In Nebraska
'Lougee & Towle , 23G Pearl streot.
, 1'R1CSJN.t 1. I'A I.t (2R.1 P uS. .
torn , to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kastner , a
J. C. Dxby went to Denison yesterday on n
business trIp.
William J. Leverett has been elected
assistant cashier of the First National bank.
Mrs. Arthur Swel of Minneapolis Is In the
city , the guest or Mrs. F. I' . Wright and the
MIsses Hoss.
- Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ross will ' into
r- _ _ _ _ . . . rs. _ _ ' . _ . . u wi _ move _ _ " . 'Intl _ _ .
4 ono 01 U. w. XLU . urn ; " -ULUb " un . unn
EIghth street In the suburbs this sprIng. !
Bishop Cosgrove of Davenport spent yes-
torday In Council Bluffs. the guest of Rev.
. Patrick Smythe of St. FrancIs Xavler's
'church. '
, Henry Flz Warren leaves today for Sher-
klan , Wyo. , where he with lake charge of the
water works and engage In the plumbing
Friday , March h 8. will bo "Ldles' Day" at
( ho big auction shoe sale of MorrIs Dro.s
, stock , opPOsite postotlice. The store will be
seated wIth chairs and the ladles will have a
splendid opportunity lo buy shoes cheap at
auction. We reserve about $1.600 worth of
the beEt ladles' shoes for this sale. They will
undoubtedly be sold cl\ ap. Sale commences
at 2 o'clock p. m. , sharp. H. H. Inman ,
salesman. H. A. Messmore. prop.
'l'hle9"N ut Wurk.
L. M. Shubert's store , at 2333 Broadway ,
was entered by burglars Tuesday night.
When the store was opened In the morning
the front door was found unlocked , but
whether the proprietor left I that way when
ho went home the night before Is uncertain.
The thieves took with tem n box of chewing
tobacco , three boxes.f Clb"r9 and I revolver.
James & Haverstock's place In the Merriam
block was also visited by shoplfers Tuesday
c\enln . Three men who had been notceJ
drIving around town In n buggy earlier In the
day cme Into the store and after wandering
aimlessly around for a short time asked for
some of the cheapest cot n batting In the
etore. The clerk turned his back to gel It
and Just then one of the fellows nipped a
bolt of dress goods and stuck Il under his
overcoat , which he was carrying on his
shoulder. The theft was not noticed until
the trio had left the store The dress gools
was of n cheap quality , but had a glossy
finish , which made It look to an Inexperienced
hand as though it I might t of considerable
vnlue. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
J. R. McPherson , florist , cut flowers and
plants. Design work a specialty. Wire orders .
ders day or night. 1281 11 . Pierce , Council
, - Dluf . _ . _ _ _ _
Yes , the Eagle laundry II "that good
laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway
I In oubt about this , try It and be convinced.
Don't forget name and number. Tel . 167.
( Ilily Two . .ort
OnlY two weeks left of that hal price rale.
All mouldings pictures , ele. , Just half price
I. L. SMITH & CO. , 4G Main Street
\hlo I. Idelitlileti .
Sheriff Hazen received a telegram last
evening from Inspector Shea of Chlc3go
stating that the photographs sent him by
the Iherlf a day or two ago or the two men ,
In the county jail for the lank rObbery at
Orlswold have ben received White , alas
Wilson , the wounded man , Is identified al-
.lutel' and completely as Tony Butler of
. 'llsburg , one of the most expert erucltsmen
and ahL.round crooks In the whole country
The inspector says that Butler ul11 his gang
have been robbing banks In the west for
aleut a year Past Several murder have
been committed ly him In the course of his
desperado career.
lirury- 1IisItnsi ,
There was a merry wedding company at the
home or Counlhnan mlhton , 212 Harmony
street , yesterday , the bride being his daugh-
ttr , Miss Alpha mlhton. The happy man was
Peter Drury son of one or the leading rarm-
era In the Iprlhoaat part of the county.
The eremony was performed by nev. Mr.
PUdlty or Iroallway Methodist church. There
was a goodly gathering of friends who
Wi " , var-
look ' of u bountiful wedding dinner , after
whIch the newly wedded couple went 10 the
home or hits parents , where they will reside
tar the prcsenl . .
Whlt IN In n Nulo '
Evpry\hlng. \ I applied t a Hardman Piano ,
sold by Mueller Piano : and Organ company ,
1Q3 MaIn slreet.
Ou heating slaves for rent soil for sale : t
Couucl Bluffs Gas company'a 0111cc
Jlnrrlujo 1.lel'nal" ,
The following marriage licenses were la- ,
sued yesterday ;
Name and Addres8 ASl.
" ' . M. Anderson . Council Illurts. . . . . . . . 41 l
1lrl. Sarah Foster , Council 1luII. . . . . . 3
\v. A. Armstront Wayne county Neb . . ? 7
Lena , M , Dot ) , harrison county , a. . . . 2
. ,
Dnming of the Planters Houo Removes an
fiB Old Landmark .
UIlblo to Uet Sufficient " 'ntr to : \nl(1
l\nch llsiircSSItn on the ltlazo-oiio ,
Peculiar Things thnt Occurred
During thl rlre.
Time Planters' hotel , on NInth avenue , near
the transfer was destroyed by tIre yesterday
afternoon . The alarm was turned In just
before 2 o'clock. The fire department did
poor work. Only two streams were turned
on the burnIng building , and they were seem-
Ingly unable to accomplish much. For the
. fIrst half hour there was no head to the
department , the chief being detaIned up town
for some reason or other The work was
done without much system , and In the confusion .
fusIon the names got so far ahead of the
firemen that the building was nothing but a
ruin when a couple of hours had elapsed.
how time lire started Is n mystery. A. A.
Stanton who has been keeping n hotel In
the building , sId that the tIre originated In
the northwest corner , In the vicinity of the
Ice chest lie and his faintly were slUing In
the dining room when some one came In
anti told him that n tramp had been seen
In the kitchen . with his hat carefully pulled
( town over his eyes to avoid recognition.
After time fro hall been burning for over an
hour an examination of the northwest corner
of the building , hawed that It was aleut the
only portion of the huldlng that was unharmed -
harmed , while Just outside stood the ice
clwst , without a mark of fro on it.
Two or three laughable tImings occurred.
Some young fellows went Into one of the
rooms anti were bringing out some bedding ,
when Mrs. Stanton saw them. "TaIte that
backl take that back I" alma exclaimed , "It's
insured " They took It back. Soon after
another parcel of young men seized a cabinet
organ and were bearing IL away to n place
of safety when she overtook them and made
them drop it. Neither Stanton nor his wife
had any claim on the furniture , however , for
It was owned by Alderman Fred Spelman ,
and Inpnrel for $ .
I was feared for a time that the house
of one Allen , Just east of the hotel and nol
moro luau Ifeen feet away , would also be
destroyed , but the firemen succeeded In sav-
InJ it. .
The hotel has been built since 1877 , and
when built cost $5,000. It was the property
of W. K. Hoaglalli of Peru , lii. , and was insured -
sured for $2,000. Stanton bas been paying
$3G a month rent for it.
The hose was laid across the Northwester
tracks and delayed the fast mal for some
little time. Time train was finally run up on
a sidetrack , and the mail was transferred to
the " [ rlsh Mall" and carried across the
The fire broke out again during the even-
tug anll the department had to spend n good
good share of the evening throwing streams.
An 1110100 Stoe ot iiI time New Dress
I""brlc" ut .tv I'rees-A : 4enmatIomm.
The clerks at Dennison Dros. are worldng
night and day unpacking and marking the
biggest consignment of new dress goods
ever brought to Council Bluffs. The goods
are coming directly from the greatest mar-
ket In time world , and they are the Febru-
ar and March importations. I will take
until Friday night to get them ready for our
customers and on Saturday morning we will
show the lathes something that will (
and astonish them. We will show them the
most exqulstely beautiful dress fabrIcs ever
produced and nt prices about one-hal of
what they hive paid for flne ' dress goods In
the best bargain years. These Include the
very finest of fine dress goods and silks , and
also an unlimited line of wash goods. Come In
Saturday , ladies , and see them , and you will
bo moro than pleased and repaid.
DENNISON DROS. . Council Bluffs.
TAitt lT " : A Y.
Itig Sale of l.a.Ue' Wrappers nt the Boston
Moro ThIs Weik.
$1 ladles' calico wrappers , In light
colors , 761 each.
$1 Indigo blue and black wrappers now
890 each.
each. $1.50 Tuxedo wrappers sailor collars , $
$1.76 blue and white , black and white ,
and pink and whlo checked wrappers , on
sale nt $1.33.
$2 percale wrappers , nicely trImmed rufes
on shoulders and big sleeves , now $1.39 each.
$ 2.2G percale wrappers double ruffles lace
trimmings and full sleeves , at $1.60 each
$2.50 quality Amherat gingham wrappers
amid leg or mutton sleeves , now $1.75 each.
See special value In fne French sateen
wrappers at $2.7G and $3.9G each.
. Council Bluffs , la.
Litigation In lnHel1 States Court Between
Iowa timid I'urles.
Two volumkmous petitions were fed In the
United States circuit court yesterday against
the Council Bluffs Canning company , D. W.
Archer , Samuel la ! and O. A. Keelne , each
or them demanding a Judgment of $22.G2G fer
breach of contract. In one of them the
plaintiff Is time Grand Island CannIng company -
pany : In the other Claudius W. Thomas , one
of the memberl or time company
The petitions are identical In theIr aile-
pettons ale-
gations. In 1887 , they set forth , the de.
fendants made negotiations with the plaintiffs
toward the estabhishmrnent and .
looking establshment oper.
ton of a cnnning factory at Grand Island ,
Neb. , amid agreed to pay for the stock of the
Grand Island company at its I'r value. A
large number of Grand Island men were Induce -
duce to eubscrile for stock on the repre-
sentatons made by them , and the value of
the Rlock paid lor was $2,00. A plant was
bui costing $38.100 , and for time excess over
the $22,000 stock was issued to the Council
lurs company. In 1891 thIs stacIe was
turned over to the frm of Archer & Baker
and D. W. Archer , and two years later was
by them put up aim collateral with the Nebraska .
brask Naton'l bank or Omaha for a loan of
$0,000. When the note became duo the batik
advertised time stock for sale , and Il wan bid
In nt auction by John S. Collins . Time pet-
tons allege that the defendants have faleJ
entirely to live up to their half of the contract -
tract , anti demand that they II required 10
appear In court and answer all tIme questions
Iht may bo asked In the premises , and that
they may be compeled 10 fulfl the contract
Hlhl ) Bris mtimt ltoy . .
A genleman coming back Train Omaha on
tO } last motor traIn two or three nights ago I
states that on board the train were two
young men antI two girls , who had evidently
leel rOUI\lg up ) some ) or the wine roms
In Omaha , amid were very much under the
Infuenco of some sort of stimmiuiants . Their
actions were disgusting In the extreme. The
young men were well known society youths ,
while the girls were pupils In the Washing.
ton Avenue school. All are well connected ,
and I theIr namC were to be made public
a sensation would undoubtedly ensue I I
Ito Infre1luelt thing for occurrencC of thll
kind to take place , and If the teachers and
parents of some of the young hopefuls were
to ascertain where they spend ! their evenings
might find food for .
they Ind fed thought.
Davis , drug , paint , glass mnl , 20 B-way
, lce beet own .crcllnt In Trouble .
O. M. Beebee a merchant doIng business
at leebeetowl , II harrison county , was
brought to Council Bluffs yesterday on a
warrant charging him wIth obtaining mOley
under false imretemmses. On the 9th of last
November , I Is dammed bo went to the
warehouse or Ieere'ehs ! & Co In thla :
city and obtained credit for $325 worth of
farm imnplenments on the strength of his i
rellreentatons lhat he owned . eighty acre I
of land In Harrison count ) . This statement
was made In writing. TIle passed on mind
he failed to pay for the goods , and when
the firm looked up his financial standing
they were unable to find traces of the eighty
acres he hall MId he ownel1. When arraigned
In Justice Vlemm's Coutt yesterday ho Mid
ho did not own eighty acres of land In Har.
risen county or any place else , and , what i
was more , ho never hail owned that much '
lie gave bonds for hIs appearance next Saturday .
urday at 2 o'clek , when he will have a 1re.
Imlnary examination.
'o Wake tip 1'rnde
We \,1 offer this week any thing packed In
tin at about one.111 its actual value Below
Is a few of the ninny bargains wo have to
offer you this week : Best California peaches ,
per can , 13e : good California peaches , per
can , 11 e : pie peaches , per can , lie : Call-
fornia apricots , per can , lie : California egg
plums , lie ; California green gage plums ,
per can , lie : California muscat grapes , 11er
can , 10c : California Bartlett pears per cnn ,
lie : California whie cherries , ISo : galen
can of apples , only 1ge : blackberries , per can ,
( c ; blueberries , per can , 70 ; raspberries ,
per can , 8c ; strawberries , per can , 6 ½ c ;
gooseberries , per can , 80 : strIngles beans ,
per can , 5c : lima bans , Gc : wax beans per
can , 7cood ; corn , per can . only 6c : Glen-
wood corn , per can , 8c , : sold packed toma-
toes per can , Go : oil sardines , 3c ; mustard
sardines , per can 6c : marrowfat peas per
cnn , 5c : French peas , per cnn , 12c : mush-
rooms , per can , 170 ; 3lb. can California
raspberries , per cnn , lie : 3lb. can California -
fornia blackberries , per cnn , lie : large can
of pumpkin , only Go : can 105 ton baked
beans , lie : 4lb. can l'rlco's baking powder ,
$1.13 ; 1lb. _ cn. Price's baking , powder ! , _ 3Cc :
8-oz. cnn Price's baking powuer . : : C ; o'mu.
can Calumet baking powder . only 69c : I-lb.
can Calumet baking powder , lGc : I-lb. can
Don Dun baking powder. 7c.
BROWN'S C. O. D. ,
Council Bluffs , Ia.
I'ilclmnhsoma Wants to no Uhler.
Chief Nicholson of the fro dtpartment Is
circulating n petton among the business men
of the city asking time city council to retain
him as chief of time fro departmnent lie has
already secure quie n list of signers among
the prominent business men. From rumors ,
Imowever It sems that the ncw republican
city council Is intending to act strictly on
the tme.honore doctrine that the spoils belong - .
long to the victors and slch offices as are I
In time gif of the council wi be doled out to I
republicans. Frank le\ln. John Templeton
and James Bradley have been mentone , } as
possibihitie , but Levin says he doesn't walt
to be chief ThIs narrows the contet down to
Templeton amid Bradley . unless the cOlncl
should take n notion to give Nicholson another -
other whirl. g\o
There are plenty of applicants for all the ,
ofcts that are to be filled by the new commmmcil. '
Only one of these Is to be fled March IS ,
the city clerk and the applicants are therefore -
fore makhlR themsel\es known early So far
W. E. Foster C. W. Taylor L. A. Gray John
Pusey A. J. SttphNlson , N. C. Phillips ,
George S. Davis E. O. Baldy , n. E. Ingr-
imam O. S. Damnon Nat Shmepamd . E. J. Abbot
and O. O. Baird have signifed their willingness -
ness to accept the position , and recruits are
being added to tIme ranks hourly.
Besides the clerkship there dre two deplty
clerks health commissioner , street supervisor ,
fire ehlef , meat Inspector and poundmaster
to be elected . but none of thee will be chosen
until the first meeting In April. E. D. Burke
Is ambitious to succeed Colonel EI Bates as
poundmaster. P. D. l0laz has his old-tinme
hankerIng after the ofce of street commirnis-
sioner. A. B. Avery , by vIrtue of his elastic
style of politics . has ben able to hold the
ofce through all sorts of political weather
for thirteen years , but whether he will last
now remains to be seen. lans Miller Is said
to b a candidate for mel Inspector.
Dr. Laugel efco 40 film ave. : tel. 180.
lll.l.1 CO.'lIMISS1O''EI1'S . IWPOLT.
Weekly ! ho\.lnf of -ellts and Dllbur8e-
niches by SeeletRry Lmlon.
LINCOLN , March 6.-Speclal-Secretary ( )
Ludden huts sent his third weekly report on
the work of the relief commission to the
legIslature. I reads :
LINCOLN , March 1 , 1893.-To the Honor-
able Senate of the Legllature oC Nebraska :
We beg leave to hand you our fourth weekly
report In conformity with the resolution
passed by your honornble body February I ,
18 % . This report covers shipments made for
the week ending February 28. lS9. Here-
wih _ _ you . _ . ' vili , find iemized cnsh . recepts ! ,
names or me uonors or tne partes to whom
donors wished their money credited on our
state relief books together ) with a report oC
the distribution of supplies by counties .
railroad station . date , consignee , and the
items and , so far ns practicable , the num-
her oC the car In which they were simipped
The report covers the same ground as Cor-
mer reports with this exception : We do not
report thIs week the st'ples receIved , for
the reason that the clerk In charge of the
receiving department was unexpected I
called away , and we were unable to get )
necessary data tn time to complete this re-
port toda ) ' . Very respectfully yours "
LUTHER P. I.UDDEN , Secretar .
22 , lNCIlJi41VB.
Sunday Ichol of ilstrlcl adjoining Rich-
mnnnd . per J. Coleman IUchmood. Iii. . . $ 1 62
Independent l'resi. Griggsvimle . ill. . per
E. g. " .llamson. Gr/JIYle. . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . 8 0
Citizens of Fremnont 0. , per Mrs. S. C.
hanson . . . . . . . . . . . . 11' . . . . . . . ] 20 :
immcport Ladles' Aid society , Iowa Per
lkpr 1. J. C. Ali . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 000
Citizens of Rikader . Ia. . , per Chnlles
Ielneclce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO )
The younr ladles of Immeway . Mass. , ] le
1. 'ounJ . . Plummer. . . . . . . ln.s. . . . . . . . 510
Citizens of Itockwall . Tex. . per Guy
CItzens . . . . Iockwnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7. :
In payment for coal W. L. hand Kearney -
ney Nb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . . . H 13
1'11 1Iel.ter , Calmnr. In. . . . . . . . . . . . 66 G
Refund on coal for Custer county . per
S. B. Tlmompson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 G
Junior Christian Endeavor soclety . Pre.-
miyterian cliurcim , l'omo Iii. , per Alvin
jrI an. .C.I . . . . . I.I : . . : . . . ' . . . I.I ; : . . . . . . . .I . : I. . 5 2.
feCund on coal for Cusler county , per
leCund . I. Tlmompsomm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill 0
'muk Congregational Sunllay school , per
H. A . I.'owler. Los Angeles . Cal. . . . . . 600
Ashikuni . I. ( no name ) / . . . . . . . . . . . . G 5
Sliss Mary McShtine , employe Union In-
elIte ticadimuartermi , Omnh" , Neb . . . . . . H 6.
11. ele leU ) ' . Omnh" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0) )
1.'rlenl. per J. A. Wmmkeiieid Omaha . . . 20 (
O. W. Done. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 OJ
Jrlend. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
I ) . Ch"rle" ThomplnOmahn. . . . . . . . 10) ) I
Friend Omormima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 eo I
C. H. Urimlitlis . Onmuha. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50)
( erge 11cc1EO. Omnaima. . . . . . . . . . . 10 I ,
ttliam , Cobb , Omnh" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
SIUK I ml Rush Onmaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ,
Itleimard Siencer Burlington . Ia , per '
Mayor hernia. lurlnJlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (0 I
layer SilkS . Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Swartz & Runllellnd , Omnha. . . . . . . . . : 0
Ilemrnun Iolnlze. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . 10) 0
lelnnn . Ommmaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
A. S. llmimpten . Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
u. ii. llentterscn . Om"hn. . . . . . . . . . 150
1'lr.t Presbyterian church , OstburgVis . r ( )
Miss I'I'byleran . . Ola. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ( )
Iteitubilean blnl\uel. Lincoln hotel. . . . . 161 30 '
Hellblc"n 1. . Wheutey. Onu ) ln. . . . . . . . . . . 100
Milwaukee flay Tool co. , per Peeve Wells
lwnlkee . Council IliulTs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500 I
. . . . , Counci lurs. . . ,
.t r. 1..r 'n flnlm . . . . . . . . . . . I 0
F. : ' ' . -j . . iv , loston ) . . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2 i
hi . ' ' . Alien , ) l. , per Omaha Nationni
1. bank Aten . . . . 10.lon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nntonnl . . . . 2 0
( lernian ralch vender. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Mmuon SI school , per Miss J , M. Mcitoon ,
lu80n Omnhl / . . : . . . . . . 11s. . . . . . . . ! . . ] . . . 7 UI
Supl , I. A. Garner , American Fxpresa '
L'l" Omnaima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . 50
Brunswick Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2' ) 0
Mrs. M. I : . Nash New yok , City . per
Comm.rclnt National hank , Omnmlma . . pr . 23 0
E. 1. Sweeley . Nntonut , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 10
Church & Co. , Ida manufacturers , N.
.5 , . C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E000 ,
Christian Register , liostomm . per It. C.
Chrstnn Hurphre's Ieglsler . . . . 10.lon. . . . . . . . . . . I. . . . . 2 : ) 0
Joe 1lullhy. Jo'd benenl. Omaha . . . . . I'J ' I
A. W. LittIeflid , Winchester , Mtmmts. , per
8. J. Llt.leld Hobln.on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 22 51 )
SnmtoS EChool , leI iriacimiai Ommmaha . . 1 2\
o. ( \'hmitimiome , Carbrlu , \y 0. , I'el'
flee . . Whlmoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
IlowarI Assoeimmtlomm , Jackson , I.iisa. , I'er
10wnni . . \8oclnton lowen. . . . . . . . . . ltsl. . . . . . . . . 25/0
11. I. . Juc..on. Ier " ' . H. liowen. . . . . . 10
J. A. Tn'lor , J"ckon. Miss. , I'er 'iv ' . H.
liowen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U au
I. 10w.n I.wel. Chl'btnul Hilt . Mae . , . . . . . . . 150
' '
King 1)aughters Circle , Fllg' " Chlpel ,
Sites. , 1nuiMera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 C
I ) . I' . Kimball . Boston , per II . ( I. hurt
Ilmll. I. luf
for 1011 count ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 0
Oscar Ammierson Toulle , \'ls. . . . . . . e 2) ' )
1"111. . Nemstle . la. , I'er I' . llreeeier ,
I.'ulon , Newrlle. II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irc . . . . . 60
Friend , per John 1(11) ' . I'aribeu Mi' . . . . I 0
. \ . . " ' . 'age. Fort lulge. lu . . . . . . . . . 2 04) ,
Citizens of hiiltmt.urg . 1'm . Ier " ' . 8.
l'llzcn Jer . DI.buri. . . . . . . . 1.1. . . . . . . . . . . . I 86
hIlts. 11. W. 1)iemI ) . Oakland Cnl. , ( postage
11r. Itnlp I. > ) . le . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1.0.1110 . . . . . 10
JaCb Ihal\lorC. $3. 11. (1odntatm. $2. per
I. hitler. . 1nnlu8 Htation . N. Y. . . T 0
II. la' ' . . $2. Humuel Nicimoisuim . U. I'er
1' . A. talph'I , ( 'mtmilntemm. N. 1. . 3 (
I.ther "anllelbnl. : Cascade ? .iich. . . . . I 0
1.'rellls ; oC I. l'ilYIPS , lu ) ' . . larlet , Iii . 200
AII 11. l'rman , jem " Hilam . A. lulcOlb" 2 43
Citizens of ltoecburg , Ore. , Ier , Gay.
Cltzena ernor lu.eburj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . : t5
Citizens oC Iul ! Station . Ia . . . . . . . 3 ( )
341sj A. C'oAey . hiuriingtomm , \'ia. , her .
11. ( Ie
H. hi. 'homp"on . Burlngton , . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 0
Cion ) ) ' Run H. H. . per II. A. ( 'aron .
( " . ) ) ' . Iun . . 1. . . t. . . . . , . I. . . . . . . . . . 175
Citizens of . York\'lle. 8. c. I'er Wiiam
( N.lle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67.
Ih'rrmanl time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 04)
Tutal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12.155 63
2 TO : INCL.UHI\'hi .
Transportatiomi T . . . . . INCI.\8IVI . , . . . . . . . , , . . 13.261 8
8ul'pl"a ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I 6'S
n. unl , ' " . . . . . . , , . . . , , , , . . . . . . . . . 269 60
( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7Q C
Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 1.204 0
Expenses . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1630
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . te. & 0 Z
- - - -
to 1 '
I " 'WI
- - S :11 :
L A , W , National Atseni'6fia Riling on
the Rhn Just a1P4ont ,
-I. , t . ,1 ,
- , ,
-"I' :
I'resldent Unwilling to Sere After time
Uel.jnteJ lush Ineurrelllh Ahhtonl1
E.llello or l'ubhiimimiiig "I , InJcln
-hopes of Ieeovery , I. ' ,
- I
NEW YORK , March G.-The adjourned
meeting of time national assembly or the
League of AmerIcan Wheelmen con\ene this
morning at the Grand Union lmotel pre31dent
Wilson of Cumberland , Md , occupied the
chair. The principal business was the awarding -
Ing or the contract for the publication of the
League of . American Wheehnen Bulletin.
Many bids wee put In for the privilege antI
a comllte was appolnlelt to consIder the
nd\'lollly of running n journal for the
league and also to pass upon the bids hnnled ,
in When time commitee reported back 10
the meeting I recommenlell the contract be
awarded to Sterling Elliott , editor or Good
Roads . . of . Doston. . . . . . . .
Anotner clmnge which will benefit lie
national treasnr of the League of American
'heelmen was unanhuousl ) agreed 121)0mm.
Formerly tIme national treasury retaIned 60
per cent of the nnnual dues and refumlell
the other half to the state divisiomma Out
of thus lO per eeut the national treastmry pall
for time League of Amerlcnn Wheehnen Huh-
lotimm . Now the yenrly dues will le 76 cents
per capita and the members who are rihl-
Ing to subscribe for the lul0ln ) will pay
75 cents per annum , thus mnltng It a \ 'olmtlm-
tary subscription. TIme national treastmry will
refl\l 3G cents of the annual lues ) the
state 11\lslons amid retain 40 edits This , I
Is hoped , will renovate the Innnclal stats i
of tIme treasury , as its funds have leen pretty
well lepieted while I Is claimed those of
limo state dvlslons are In pretty good can-
A vote of thanks was passed b ) accllun-
ton to Mesrs . Vanslcklen & Barrett of Chicago -
cage for their generosity In pullshlng the
Bulletin last year free.
Pre\lous to the adJoUllenl being talten
President Wiison tendered his resignation
on the ground that he believed that under
the existing conditons the league would b
In a worse financial condition at the ell of
the year than that In which It now stands.
) stnnls.
A number of time delegates allressel , tIme
meetn ! and begged the president to with-
draw imls . resignaton , promisIng him at the
same time their divisions and those from whIch
they held proxies would do their utmost to
put time league In a fourlshlng cOllton be-
rare the end of the year.
After hearing these assurances Mr. Will-
Ison withdrew his resignaton and the meetIng -
Ing adjourned sine die.
itmicos Yesterday " 'cro ot Purely Local 10'
tercst-Vmtnderbilt'im Vimlimmimit.
CANNES March G.- Ir. . W. K. Vander-
hilt's stethn yacht Valiant , 'IS been lying at
Nice for some time. Doth , the VaJant.and
Namouna were entered fdr ; yesterday's re-
view , -but neither of them took part In the
day's proceedimmgs. Jr , Vanderbilt lives on
board his yacht , and Is n 'frequent ' visitor to
Monte Carlo. Miss Neostr6aer . whose name
has been mentoned In comection wIth the
Vanderbilt divorce proceedpgs } , . Inhabits a
villa near Monte Carlo.r ,
There was much snOw along the Rverla
, last evening. 1
Mr. A. Barclay 'Valler's' ' new racing cut-
ter Ailsa . arrl\'ed this niprnii'mg and Is moored
close to the Britanmtia. n\ Shewl be ready to
race l I ;
Captain Carter sailing master of the Prince
of 'Vales' yacht Drlannla , was asked I
there was any prolatlltr of" that boat
competng for the Am rl .I'cup In ca ' she
prove faster than the Als. : He sa/ ' ihero
was no usb of any boatgotng ' to race for the i
America's cup unless she could beat time Drlt- I
annla. '
The races today were luI'ely of local interest -
The hIghest sore In any innings G8G , was
made by Australia. The totals for time five
matches are : Attrala , 2.822 for ninety
wickets : England , 2,399 for nlnety-t
Crescendo's 3'irst Start Wine a Mint ot
: lol'Y for IIB hrnor.
SAN FRANCISCO , March G.-Nngle Burke
unco\ere a good thing today In the 2-year-
old race. Crescendo , a handsome hooking
colt run like a' ghost all went u half Ile
In 0:4Sthe : \ fastest time ever made by u
2-'ear-old on this coast. I was the colt's
first start , and his qualities hal been kept
dark . The bookmakers posted odds oC 15
to 1 against imini but BUrke all his Crlends
soon bent that down to : to 1. They won
thousands oC dollars on the race. He-
suIts :
First race , five furlongs selling , maidens . :
Tom Clark 89. GrUln (12 ( to 6) ) , wun : 'obe .
92. Cockrn (30 to 1) ) , second : Solellad ' , JOS ,
\Vcber (7 to 1) ) . third. 'lme : 1:2. : My
Sweetheart Uosule , Monroe , Yr\lm , Mron I ,
Julia Martin , filly also ran.
Second race . six furlongs s''Hlnl : \r-
neUe , 81 , Kinne (5 ( to 1) ) . won ; 11utleer , .
A. Isom (6 ( to I\ ) seconll : Homl Hunnel' , HIJ\
H. Isom (7 ( to 1) ) , thl'I ) . 'lme : 11 ; . Ed \
Stanley Valparlnso , Bone Doctor . gaper-
alice antI Nipper ulso ran.
Third rce. ltJer one.hulf mile . 2-year-ohls ;
Crescendo , 12 , " 'ebel (2 ( to 1) ) . won : Elsie
Ferguson . 100 , Chor (8 ( to 1) ) , second : Leon
I , . lZ , hill (2 ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 0t81 : .
Ituthietlge Eventde , Ferris , Hurtman , 'ror-
sion Jongluse , lilly , 1.lzzle P , lIlly , and
City Girl also ran.
Edgemont , Pansy and Marionette also ran
Fourth race , one mile amid one-sIxteenth ,
handicap : Major McLaughlin , 95 , H. Isom
(9 ( to 5) ) , won : Gtmssie 97 , Heinrichs (8 to I ) .
seconl ( : I'olaski 98. GrUln ( 'J1 to 1) ) , third.
Time : 1:4\ : \ . Claudius , Don Caster and
Eckert also run.
Fifth race , live furlongs seling : Clacquer
101 , Isom ( even ) , won : Morven 97. GrUln
(15 ( to 1) ) . seconml ' 1ole n , sa , Cocltrn
Eli to 6) . third. Time : 1:0O. : Mainstay and
'fhl'e Forks also ramm .
ST. LOUIS March 0-Results at Madison :
First race nlne-Blxteenths of a llI : Man-
ola won. Apll Fool second , Courtney third.
Time : 0:69. :
Second race cleven-sixteenths of a mile :
Merge won Bob Fr'back second , The Sur-
thmird 'l'ime ; 1:14. :
geomm . 1me 1:1.
Apon of mite Back.
Third race , five-eighths a mie :
woods won , : Ioderte secomt , Krlkeen
third . ' [ lne : 1:0 : 4.
Fourth race , three. quarters of n mile : Per-
egal won , Dr. \\'ilcox Iecond , I.emon BIos-
sam third. Time : 1:21. : ,
Fifthm race . Beven.elghthH or a mile : Jor-
dan won Irish Mike second , l"nnhoe third
'rime ; i:0. : _ _ _ _ _ . _ _
Urlvlll Park J5od ( (5octed. : .
At the annual meet'or , i ie Omaha Driving
Park association yesterday afternoon there
was not more titan d'doen \ members In attendance -
tendance rllreBentn ) about $55.0 worth of
stock The huslness Whhnl WII the elec-
lon oC I board of dif'Ec1brs , and the preHI-
dent , Charles A. Coei being absent John A.
Wllteleld preshled. . Jt.ftar some little dls.
cusslon the following Iboanl was electell :
Frank D. folowlnl r. Mount , John A.
Wakefield , William 2Ct , Thomas Swcime
Waltefeld Wllnm
Z. T. I.lnlsey and } rur , N. Hicks . After
' : gQ1ftIRs :
tw&I ,
( Many Internal remedies arc being skillfully
. ' )
C. ) R'Hlllbly 111oru.-.1 INII"III ' tl Olhmort'mm ( i
(5 .I Labor , Lessoim l'ulll of Chld.hlrth , , .
olc..and isilli ' ' , , . ( '
"lb it'omacrAuLmtcomi.jctmcV : oTigmm. i
( I UHJOI'llmCI "rtgl'
. .4. late Iwutl,1 , , ' ( ' 1. ( 'O 101 sense should !
L lelel Iny woman ( tint a troparatlomi adsoted (
; ' prepare Iho System tor Ctjlim.birtb ; omm time 0
C' 1).low 01 tlo
Cllhl.blrb/ /
( ' 0 cOtmtiitrr . ( IItrl < 1 rtmtd't ' this time may t.
( Inmpemll htmrilfe. Wo oarmmotly say JE\\'AIf
of all sucimi they elrolly this critical
IIRlerllOr ammy , pusslmie I I good , and their use 2
: laY prove fatni. I. I only by pcnhteIIIX' )
9 , TEImeam . tr.allonthUo , ncfemmt' . tutu relax. 11 *
) hil nUI.nlenhll ) all ( lie , "nrl..lblltio " 118 hour ( )
( o Ciiild birIlm . robbed at its lerroI anti 10 ' !
( ronedy " tim , earth does this Iut . 311)111-
( .i tlommaddress ElI'S F16IENIJ . " For further luforma- "
. k
f Time hlradflehi lclulaor ( ' 0. , . AUlnta , ( .
.f' ( c ( G'h.oaHL. (
-3SRl1'JS \ ( ' ON FinE
I Wih agonizing eczema I ammO other
Itching , lurulll , "t dlul : , ,
II0I'h ) ' , oud 1,11111 , 1.11 maid scalp
diest . . ire , illi4mltl3' Iclend IDd
speedily cured l ) ' the ceiobrted
'recll ( \ . Iulum : . , celc"ralc
skit , cure , blood I'ulller maid , ) U.
moor IClcllc of iuodem-mm Uuaj ,
101 < throughout Ilu lolOr worl. tO
_ .
this certain contracts with the nMotlatlon
wlro ratified . some minor details talked
over , and the meeting Rournel ,
InlNh Fight nt t.oUICiy. .
1.0lP CITY , Neb. , March 6.-Sreclal (
Telegranm.-A ) sparring match to a finish
with lourolncQ gloves was ) ulel1 off lt
the oper houpc here this afternoon be-
tween Lucky } lwlrd8 of Arcadia antI Prell
Winkleman of this place After the ( mirth
round and up to the thirteenth It was I
cure slugging match , when Winkleman ,
knocked dwat'ds I down nntl ho wa too
ehalstel to get lp before he was counted
omit . _ _
1 ! I.cth'n Ciiesq htepreselitmitives C Imommen.
NgW YORK , March -Sir George
Newne Hart. , :1 , P. , cablell to the Ian-
hnlan Chess cub totlny that Dr. Bala ! . of
the St. Georgl ! Chess club hind conSellcI1
to act ns the Mamihattnn's representative In
1.l1lon during the cable che ! matche" .
l'rot. lte or this city will represent the
Britsh Chess chili.
Slciuiilz' I ImalIt'iigti I'\or"hl ,
NE\V YORK , March G.-A prlotes. .
patch was received in this city from 101110n
toII ) ' , accorlitg to which the 10nlon press
t . favorably comninemiting Steinita'
fa\orabl ) cOlmentng upon Stclnl7'
clmlenge to Play two b'me upn cable with
nch oC the folowing London experts ; ( limims-
burg mann. , I.aslter , lacklurn . , Mason anti 'cleh-
mUln. . -
STllll OJ' I'ITT.SIItIItJ . .11.lWS ,
About Ife.n T/lnNu.1 / , Men (10 Omit at
( iimcc-f41JgotIntiomi . ViiIciI .
ncr-l J\ollnton. I.lnd.
PITSBUHG , March G.-Al negotiations
between mrcr ! and owners In tIme 1Ithhurg
district have been declarell on and a strike I
involving from 12,000 to 17,000 men has bel'n I
orieretl I
'fhe conference eommltee of the mInor I
amid owners failing to agree on time G.cent
rate for mining Ilemanded ly the forimier , the
operators proposed n joInt con\enton of I
milers and operators to b held In this city
on Satmmrtlay . This Proposition was reportell
to the miners convention when Il reassem-
bled this moring , anll was prompty ro-
Jected. Aote was then taken amid the
strike was ordered to take effect In\ne-
Illately. ' The Ilelegates will return to their
homes this o\enlng and meetings will bo
called nt every pit , when the strike will be
annolncell le formulated anti plans for its 11rosecutlon will
Time minors are hopeful of winning the
strike for two principal reasons. The first
Is that lake shipments of coal are about to
begin and the demnnd for fuel will force
the. operators to pay the 69.cent rale. The
other reason Is that never hnve the miners
of this district been so thoroughl organized
before . ns now , despite the harll winter of
poverty and suffering through which they
have pnssed. The strike to Imure them
vIctory lust necessarily be I short one , as
the treasury of the United Mine Workers Is
not In a condition to light a prolonged battle.
< lTRIC 1l Ll.1 JLI flU El ) .
1188 Mary Green Inl 1.01nl Burton luwe ,
time Contraetlnl l'mmrtiemm.
BEATRICE , March G.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-Tho social event of the season In this city
was the wedding this evening of Loyal Dur-
ton Howey or Lincoln natonal bank examiner -
aminer for Nebraska . and Miss Mary Green.
The ceremnommy witnessed by intimate frIends
of the contracting parties . occurred at the
reshlenco of the brlde's parents at 7:30 :
o'clock Rev. George W. Crofts of the Con-
gregatonal church ofilciatitig. The splendli
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Green was appropri-
ateiy decorated for the occasion with an
abundance of natural flowers , the parlors In
smiax anti yelow jonquIls . the library In
pink primroses and carnations . and time
dining room In red , large roses predominat-
Ing. The wedding party stood In the south
part and under a magnificent border of
smilax and jonquils . The list of presents
was exceptionally rich , the one from the
groom to the brIde being an elegant pendant
composed of diamonds and pearls.
A reception , alenlell by n large number
of frIends of the bride and groom , followed
the ceremony. : Ir. and Mr. Howey will
make their home with the brlde's parents In
, this , city for n time al least and w0 it
home after Iay 1. , "
Interesting Lecttmro met Crete.
CRETE , Neb. , March 6.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.ReI ) H. Alien of Atchison ,
Kan. , delivered one of tIme strongest and most
eloquent lectures ever given on the college
course tonight. His subject was "John
Wychif ! . " and for an hour and a half his
splendid oratory Interested a large audience
of students and citizens.
' - ' - - -
Count Clstlnno and His Bride Take Pas-
rage on the Now York
George ( lnmiil Ih'ol.1 StorIes that tIme
Bride lndo n 8etl.m.ut 01 leI
1I0IJII ur . \jreC1 to I'IY
Ills Uthl.
NEW \Olt , March G.-About frtyeople
wee gathered about time salool paseemmger
gangway or the ( Amerlc'n liner New York
today \Ilen the Gould carriages came Ipll\ ) '
down time dock . These early co'ners had
their curlolr atsfell when the COlnt ,10
CastelaM stepped out of the carriage . and
assisted his brhlo to alight. 'rmc ; CIlhtess
wore a tan skirt , 11 aslmk1n jacket , wlh
a ) 'eoroso at her waist , R & 1:11 black hit
amid n black \11. The Now York WiS e\er'
curious , "h . , \2 ere
run with a mob of the clrlous " , \
1(01dnl Into every slat room In the hop" of
being able to see the rooms whIch the coull
ami countess hind engaFed for the . "II' Dcrtss.
Time crowd had a good view of the m.cwly
IIal10 countess M alma stool1 "t tIme heati 1 : of
Lime cOlpanlon stairway . \altl flr the
count , who hind stepped b'Jlol Cc.r a mo-
immemmt's talk wih one of tIme shl's ! 11clll1e.
\hen he rache(1 tIme countess' itlo ! ley :
assell quickly to their lle of rooms m : Iho
Itller ) deck nl\l relainell Item ( e l11 the
steamer had cleared from thc .Iocl . Iefore ;
secluding himsel , imowover I no COUlt , In
speaking of their 111nls. fall : 'I rom [ olth-
ampton wo shal go direct 10 LeJIou ) , where
\0 shall stay for four .1a's. 'rhea : we Intenl
(0 ( cross the chnlel 'nd ' 11el\1 a Icot tim
l'arus That will be time helllnlll Jf . ' 1 , 'X'
cendell tOlr through gurOIC ) \ hl\h will last
I know net how long. "
The suie tIme count amid countess occupy Is
No. 5 on lie tipper lel'f antI consists or four
rootmus Time baggage of time Count amid
Countess ( he Castlano consist of farly-one
Pieces , Includllg le trunks.ortntleaux. . boxes ,
cases , parcels amid endless smaler articles.
Before the couple reachell the bOll Charles
Haoul Duvat sUllerlntenllell time senilng lp of
a case of wIne to suite 6 and G al tIme promc-
nade lecl , . Following the case of wine arrived
n large ! qlanty or ( lowers , anti each lot of
them was followed Ir an eager , gallng.
almost hysterical crowd of woimmemi who Ine <
till along the pier and fough for the nearest
placts to the saloon gangwa
Miss Helen Goull sent down a bouquet of
200 American Dealty roses. : r. amid Mrs.
cluster of lilies of
Edwin Gould sent a large lies
tIme valley , and from Mr. and Mrs. George
Gould came n sUI.erb buquet of blue and
white orchils and n quantity or long.stemme
Amtrlcn Ileatmties.
Other well known passengers on the New
York were Mr. John Jacob Astor all Mrs.
Astor ; W. Dourke Cockrn and Lady Henry
George J. Gould spoke warmly today regarding -
garding some of the statements mmmade In the
newspapers regarding the marrIage of his
sister to Count tie Casteliamic. lIe said :
"The various stories of marriage setlemenls
and others or payments . of debts and all that
are untrue "
"Is thee , any truth In the $2,000,000 set-
tement on Count de Castelane ? " Mr Goul
was asked. .
"Thero was no such setlemenl , " said he
promptly . "In any shalle or form. The ques-
ton or money did umot enter Into the maier
nt all . amid it I never has entered Into it . reports -
ports to the contrary notwIthstanding. I
did not sea the necessity for speaking of
this before , but It Is as well to settle the
matter for once and all and put an eml to
time ridiculous storIes that have been told
and published , "
. ,
Two 'ua.En ; 11Y , IN l Xl'LOSION.I
'iCar eR.hvood with 1)1-
holier UO\11 VII II-
lutroU' Itojults.
DEADWOOD , S. D. , March 6.-Specl ( l
Telegram.-About 7 o'clock ( lila mornIng the
boiler in the saw miii at Ilunkbe , a small
station on the Black Hills & Fort Pierre railroad -
road , thmirty miles from Dcathvoocl , expldded ,
completely wrecking time building and killing
two of the worknmcn , besides injuring several
t _ - - - - - - - - - . , -
for nfants anti Children.
' , Cstorla isso cell tmdaptcd to cimiltlrcn timat Castoria cures Coil ; Constipation ,
I recommend it as superior to any prezcription Sour Stomnacim , Diarrlmcua , Eructation ,
known to mmmc. " H. A. Amtcmmcrt , II. P. , Kills Worms , gives sleep , and promotes dl
111 So. Oxford Ct. , Irooklyn , N. Y. gestion ,
Without Iimjuxioun medical loP. )
"The use of 'Castoria ii so universal mind "For several years I imavo reeomaneaa
its nierita so vcii kiowa that It seoums a work your ' Castorba , ' and lmall always confinoo U
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are thio do so as it baa InvariZilily produced benellcbi
Iuthigent fomlilet who do no keep Castorla results. "
wlt.ila eazy rcacim. " P.owis F. P.mroe ; I ! , B. ,
Caau.omm : .A1tTY , B. B. , ieti Street amid 7th Aye , , New York City.
New Yoric City.
Tzms Cmicrat'u COMPANY. Mt'nnA' STREET , 2'cw Toni Ciry.
Mixed Paints , Lead , Oil , Varnish , Brushes ,
Putty and Paper Hangers' Supplies.
Window Plate and Art Glass ,
Buying car lots for cash we can save the consumer and
the dealer money in buying of us. Call and sea our stock
and get prices before buying. Wholesale and retail ,
! All kinds of Dyeing
J and Cleaning done 1mm
r : time highest stybo of
: ; : : time art. . Fatied and
staimmed fabrics made
, to bole as good as
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DYE new , Weric promptly
iI : done and delivered
iii all pamts of time
' , country. Send for
: , vL 7 ft price list.
0. % . Mit oui.ix.
Jimadway , near Noriii-
- weitern Depot , Council
hibults. Iowa. Tel. 322 ,
UN LPJ i I ) Is beimmir usel by thoim'mammds ' of ladies nmommtimly , It iii time
( jJroLE J
) immarried im'iys : trfwmci if irregular front aimy catmiso , II i'm ' PIITC
ammtl relmabie. lm'amer ' Immils , gtmarammtoo witim every Dottlu. bLiru to a tlay , This immedicitmu is f.r .smmpuriur to
hula as uvery bottle iotlud amid imover loses its strummgtii , toIJ by mmli huadummg urmmgist'm. I'rmcu , * .i.UU
per bottle. 11 your drujtI dues not Imavu hi micul * 1.tJU .1 t we will forward you a baltiC by expr3s
Westeru Oluco , Omaha , Nobrahka"
- _ _ _ _
Tii Aftt'r.EiTO'eis oftho Grip Seeni to Us 4
iVnrqm , Timiiii tilt , ) , Itself ,
Timers , are nmnre weak , tired anti iutm down
heOhiIe today timan hmiuve been seen before in
five ycarm' , iummd owing to one pceinl catmmmo
that cause is time grip. Grip is imot as se-
'ere this year liii iii tIme past , but it is very
Prevalent anti qtmite as nnnoyimmg. It leaves
tue Person weak , subject to ehmiihs with
occasional tlniihies of high fever , restlem's.
ness , lack of npiietitc'lrnti taste iii time mouth
amid 1)01115 thirouigimout thit' hotly , Time voii.t
thing about grip Is getting over it , fluid
even after it is l'rckc'mi , it is weeks , some-
timmmes ummtmimtlmm' , anti even 'eiirs , before the
liersoti full ) ' recovers. 4
. licie Is where time great tinnger , the dreiutl which atteimtls tIme grip arises.
It leaves time body venk , oftemm bmoken mind
( timemi to all tIme nttmtcks vhmieIi amity comimo
in after 'arm' , It often rtmins time 11(4' .
Now , there Is only 2'fl ) to ovel'commme the
ntter.effectii of tIle grip , aimti ( hint is tO
lmuihtl tip time Pylitdmmi 1)9' n KuliUiliG' smtiuimu-
latit until it regmuiimui its lurattim nmmd imtreuigthi
Thmere Im' mmotlmimig s Iiiclm will tb thmim' so well
as Plure viiiskcy , nail there Is but cue Imuro
immetliciumal wimisicoy imm America , anti thutit
is limtfy's i'ure Mull ,
Timmmsaiids of statemuents ( 'Oulti be given
concerning PeOl'iC 2vimo have hemi tr tIIit
r.rommimtl to lerfect Imealthm after m'umflellmmg
fmtimit time grill iii its worst forum elitlrely
tImrmmmtlm its tis , Cure houiItl be tmmkeum hint
no other stinmtmlnmmt is tlseh In its 1)111cc for
there it ; imo ether vimichm will nmuimwer tue mtmr
11050 50 'ell , Stuimme drtmggim'tH or tocenii
ofttim seek to sul'stitute ( 'tmmmumimmll wimiskicim
but 1mm a case of after cffeet of tIme' grip ,
yeti enmmnmit Itt' too careful , anti simoliid lie-
cumee only time best.
Consumers ofchewft tobaccow
arevi1linj to paj a tulle iuore tah
1e price chjed fbr Ilie ordinanj
trade tol.accos , will jind thi
brand 5uperior to all others
mU Pills
Always Reliable , Piltoly Vegetabla ,
i'erfectly tastelesS , clegammtiy coated , . purge ,
regulate , purify , cleanse anti strengthen. ItAD-
VAY'S PILLS for time cure of . aht dimmordemi of
the titomnach , Bowcls , Kidney. , Bladder. Ncr- ,
vous . Diseases , Dizzincis , Vertigo , Costtveflell
and All Disorders of the LIvr.
Obwrvc the foilowtngsymptom. , resulting frormi
diseases of the digestIve organ , : Constipatton , in.
weld piles. fullness of blood In time head , acidity -
ity of time stomach , nausea , heamtburn , disgust
of food. fullness of weIght of the stomnaclm. pour
eructatlons , sinking or fluttering of tue heart ,
choking or suffocating sensations when Ia a
lying posture , dimness of vision , dot. or webs
before the eight , fever and dull palmi In LImo head ,
deficiency of eerspiratton , yeiiowness of the skin
and eyes , pain in the aide chest , limb , , and
sudden ( lushes of heat. burnIng in time liesh ,
A few doses of ICAD\VAY'S PILLS wIll free
the system of nil die above mumnm'd dlsorters ,
Oend to DR. RADWAY & CO. , Lock 110 * UI
New ork. for Boalt of Advice.
When Buying
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A. mimmute lost can never lie recovered ,
and it's a calamity to lose several years.
whuIcim so many Iowa anti Nebraska people
have done 'Iieim they hmmtvo bougimt foreign
grown , uminechitmiateti ( rtmlt trees.
Were borum on time lands where their nursery -
ry stock is grown , and years of patient ,
intehigent experimnent have taught them the
best varieties for limbs climate , Contseqtiemmtiy
their imomime prown stock is nit hardy as time
forest trees. Timey hmmmvc a very large stock
for time spring delivery and every tree Is
warranted true to name , Orchmiurd , Vinyard ,
Lawn , I'arking Trees and Ormmnmeimtal stock
Make no inistmuke lii yotmr ortiermi. Send us
your list of wants ( or vrices , We cnn please
you tim prices and stock. References : Council
hilmmfts hiatmks , Council Bluffs Depmrtmemmt
Omunima lice , anti prominent business men.
Nurseries imix miles north of Coummcii Bhifa.
P. 0. Address ,
Crescent , Iowa.
President. Cashier.
Flisi National Bank
Cttitt15 ; : . $100OfiD
l'rolits , . . . 12,000
0mm. of mime pideit banks in time utate of Iowa.
We solicit your business and collectIon. . wi
hay 5 per cent on time deposits. We will bO
piemm.d to see and serve you.
Spo ciaI No1ccs-OouociI illuffs
Ld Burke , at W. 8. lionmer' . , 143 Broadway ,
court house. Apply at Bee olfice , Council Blurts.
FOIt ItflNT , s0.ACItlI i'AitM , ONhi.ilAI. ' MILD
south if city Iimmlts. , tlmrec-'mumi tees of a inhi
veBt of ? , lanaw.L load. Hultabiti for dairy. Ape
lily to Leonard Itverett ,
FOIt ItHNT , 160 ACitflH 011' fll'lliNDhl ) ( IbIAfIS
laud near asylum. i'robable ) iemd two tons to
time acme. Itent $3.00 ler ace , ' . i.aro discount
fur caslm. Ai4)i ) ' IC Lommumrd hyerett.
FOil ltltNT , A flOOD 6.110051 11013511 , WITII
good turn , on 'rmmirti street aimi Fourtcemmtm ) avenue -
enue , near liii , C. , ii. & Q. depot. Apply to
Leonold ) tveiett.
, , ill(3 cheep and c4 easy term , . 1)ay & hess , 39
l'eutri street ,
41 l'iNii LlVhitY : OtJT11'r i'Oit ; 1 LAN.
dau , 1 beouglmammi 2 commclm , 1 surrey , 1 lImmeton ,
3 lmmggies , ii sieglis ( , s sets lmmmrnesm , , Pay &
hess , Councfl Uiufts.
2'AN'rii ; TO ItiN' ) ' , A MOD1tIIN iIoisiI 011'
Iie cm six roumim , , msjmmilm of himcaduymmy , by pril
I. Addmess L 2 , lIeu ollice ,
14.Olt itlNT , A SlOUl1itN TE1f.ItOOli lilIICIC
litiuiso ; aimmo a cottage , hr , it. 1.
Woodbury , corner Blurt stub Story streets
( &tm-nm scales , Apphy ti letter to Juiiii Osborn ,
l'aderwood , or ( leorge 0. Clark , Council Bluffs ,
Ju ,
I VANTli ) , OiltI VOlt ( ihNSitAJ4 lIOUHIt.
work none but good gIti mired mi'lly. 88
Mmmster street ,
WAN'rl1m ) , GhitL FOR O11NititAli htOUShC.
womk. Mrs. J , 28. Mcl'imemon , 12l Last L'ltsca.
, _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ - . _