- - - - - - = - w- " - . . - , - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . ' , . , , ' - . , , . , . : : ' ; d . - . . , . THE . .OMAHA DAILY BEE. . . . ' J ESTABLISllED JUNE 17 , 1871. OMAIIA , 'rnUHSDAY MORNING , l\IAUOI 7 , 1895. SING'J.E cory FIVE OJDN'eS. - - - - - r CUBAN REBELS PUT TO ROUT - - InsurgenlThrow Away Their Equipment in Their Headlong Flght I SIVERE ENGAGEMENT tEAR SANTIAO "la/erl I'oreell to , JoIn the Ie'ol Uller 'fhrllt of IcitI-CaptitIfl ( cner.\1 of the 111"11 Say" the ( ov- ernmcut II on 1'011. hAVANA , Cuba , March C.-Owing to further disturbances In Santa Clara the gov- "rlment , has decarc that province under JTlrtal law A party of 200 Insurgents all- peured near lie sugar plantaton of San Llnl yesterday. They were under the lender- shll of Intagas , who Is characterized al a bandit , but sympathizers of the patriot cause say this accusation Is l unjust. The government receIved word of the presence of the party In ROlas over the telephone from a person who Is loyal. A detachment of volunteers was sent there at , once with three officers all five members' ' of the civil guard. They arrived In two hours and went In search of the Iatagas Ilarty. They were found In Los Cumos , near the village of Santiago , where the Insurgents were ambushed In a fine position , sur- rounded by low hills. A hbt engagement followed , which lasted , moro than In heur ) , during which time the Insurgents helt the position. The volunteer forces fought bravely , however , and finally dlslollgld them. According to the government - mont alvlccs , the retreat at the Insurgents became a , rout. The Insurgents ran In tls- order pursuet by the loyal forces In their fight the Insurgent abandoned eleven horses , their provisions , hammocks and other erectH , all of , which were captured by the fl Invnl fnr"n --\"I : hat ' which hal been pierced , by a bullet was also picked up on the ucla. In the hit was the uume of . \ range Rodriguez , one of the sub-chiefs' nf Matagas. Another chief "as reeogulzet ns EI Tourto Matos. Information has been received that Matlgas forced under threats of death the country people to join his nioveinent. This was notIceably the case In Javacoa and Medldas. In the ' ellgaement one lieutenant and four of the loyal volunteers were wounded and taken to flodas. When last seen the insurgents - surgents were going toward Los Durros. I I known that the Iatngas party Is composed of men frem Havana , who Intended to join another troop In the forest of Anton In ' Palmctns. I Is said the ultImate destination of th' Insurgents Is Colon. In Colon the commandants of the loyal troops met a party of eighty insurgents cinder the leadershlll of Matamoras. The Insurgents - surgents ran away leaving two horses and their sa 111 es. Captain Manzano let the same party In Songo and gave them battle. On the sille of the Spanish troops one man was wounded ant one hors killed. SAYS THE mmELLION IS DYING. Emio Cal'Jay Isasl , captain general , of Cuba , In an IntervIew , said : "Dy quick and strong measures Wo have stopped the up- rIsing In Matanzas In six days. The party of the bandit 1Iatagas In Colon and other III aces. reported as ' 200 strong , was acquired _ by enforcement draughts from these villages. Dispatches were received today to show that Matagas had scarcely seventy men when he retreated. , " "How about the situation In Santiago ? " he was aske'1 ' _ ' 'flul Is more serious , " he saId. \Ve are workIng there to pacify matters. From news receIved by the government wo are In hopes that everything hero will be settled without flgh ( lug. " "DO you think the trouble wi increase despite your elorts ? " "It Is my personal opinion that It will dIe for lack of fuel. " \Vho arc the lenders ? " "Tho former leader are presumably loyal , " le said. le "The only leader the Insurgents had In Malznlo Is old and good for nothing. The only other leader Habl , Is In Santiago. All the _ othicrn are loyal : : . . . "JOW about : angulyT' "Oh , " replied the captaIn general , with a suggestive shrug , "he Is In jail. " 'fAre the lartes ) of Insurgents increasing or 11eereaslng ? " "Thiy are growing constantly less , Many have already gone home. " MADRID , March , G.-SpecIal dispatches reI I celvell here from Havana report that Cuban : filibustering expeditions are being vrgunzefl ! at Talnpa. Fia , and at Caya Ilueso. Further Particulars In regard to the visit whllh tim Unltet States minister Mr. Tay- lor , paid to Premier Sagasta yesterday con- frm the report that the Spanish government was assure that the United States \\ult do Its utmost to Prevent the fitting out of fill- busterIng expeditions to the Island . of Cuba , Mr. Taylor , I Is added , In the name of the United States , assured Senor Sagasta uf the United States' friendship for Spain hnd of the Intention of the American government to keep a strIct watch at all flbugtel'Jng centers In order to prevent the organization orter oranlzaton of expeditions to Cuba and the spreading of revolutIonary propaganda agaInst Spuln's sovereignty In Cuba. General Logue , according to dlspatehs ) re- cel'ell here from Havana , has defeated a band of Cuban rebls 'neur Cienfuiego . Four SpanIsh sellers were wounlcd. , Other rebel bands . have been dispersed lt Cabee and Leng" NEW YORK. March G.-The steamer Yu- muse of the Ward line I , which heft Havana on 8aturla ) ' , reached hero tea ) ' . She brIngs no Iletnlo Informaton regarding progress of the Insurrection , though Ilassengers had heard of several skIrmishes In which gov- ernment. forces were "Ietorlous. I was the OIlllon ) of paD3cnglrs that the rebel general Sanluly , who was then In jai , would be Put to death. MAImIO , March G.-The report that the ( Cuban province of San Irlel hail been dc- dared In a state of siege Is confirmed bT oleial 11sllalches received her today. The gove'riuuuient troops lu Santa Clara , who are IHlrbulng 1 band of JIHurgenh tinder the lealershhl of latugas , have not yet caught up with lucia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COSU. : A'r H.'AN.N'l 1031 : CRI'tRII (11(1" ' leinittIs the RecalL ot the mlrl':1 Ic"rNuIIUlvl' , 11\IUn , March a.-Captain General Cal- Ieja luau Ilemnl1el the recall of the American I conBul general at Ha\ana , At a cabinet counci tonight It wins agreed to SUlll10rt ( the demand WASINGTON. hlrlh a-Olllng ( 10 the ( lateness of the hour when the news of the ( . deumuanul for ( hue recall of th1erlln conlul genlral lt Havana was received It was 1m. posblblo 10 bccure any Information In regar' ' ] to It here. The lust government blue book , dated July 1. 1893. glve the name of the ( conBul genelul at 1a'ana as Hamon 0 , % 'll. Wi. lan ) . of New York . No Informalon on the hubJect hat 'rlachlll the SpanIsh IcgaUol ! bert Ut to II l o'chlck thIs evenhlg. ICEY1S'F , l'la" , March G.-An Immen 111 leetng of Cuban patriots hi l bolu held tOll/hl , 1hl war Iluaton II bellF discussed amid the Iltest reports from Cubs read . Aim accuutug for the money rolecte , ' , for war 1"IIOgei II being 1\111 , Commit. tees haleol 111101itet ) to look out fem the wants cf familIes whose fathers and IlrU' tectll'l have gone to the teat of action. - - - - - - - - "II : nt ( 'hRlle hc 1.nT. llIltl.IN , March G.--The mlnl.ter of corn ' mereo , 1'r"lhol'r'on Dcrlepsch , In tht Pros , llal Dot today during thin . debalol 01 the estImates of ibo mlilstr ) of comm rco , 11e , dared I 10 bo Inlls"lblo for the gO\'ormln 10 support any Irlpuial h'olduj tu the rl - , : Islol of the axlttlg eOlluereal : ! laws , Ie t which , hue added , the stability of the coun try was chlel ' duo. Tills statement wa : greetdtl lIb turnultuoui frouu th gr"etc . < ,11 UlullQUI applause frm til / w.nw :1J ,1BI'/SI " ( UrA nON. nplchltg Votes Iolyn a neolutnn to I'ro hlhlt Thotr "tlrnltll. . DEI.IN , March C.-Durin the debate In lie Helchltag today the question of restrict- Ing Jewish Immigration was discussed , among other antSlmlo proposals . Herr laas suggested naturalizatIon should ho made conditional upon the ( natIonal sentiment at the Individual npplylng for It ant upon hla ability to ear hIs 1\'elhod. herr Helckerl Mclarell herr Unas wIshed to erect a Chlnebo wal against free Inter- coursa. ' nr.'on I DOtteher soul Il was contrary to the spirIt or the commercial treaties to prevent - vent a Jew belonging to a contracting slate from engaging In trade In Germany 01 the other hand there was nothing to prevent the ( government from expelling a foreIgner who Infringed the police regulations. herr Hermes , amid loud antI unceasing In- terrulltlons , violently attacked ' thl ( antI-Scm- 113 , whol he declared to be "a disgrace to Germlnf . , " and "worse even than the social- Its. Hect.r Ahlwarl , , the notorious Jlw.baler , ; ' made I violent 11atrlbe against thl Jews , whom he repeatedly descrIbed , ns being "beasts of lIre ) swindlers ! all pIrates. " Herr Hehter protested against the ( prcsl- Mnt of the Helehstag , Herr I.evlzo\ allowing - lowing such scandalous remarlts to pass without lenUr . but Herr Helehte was him- self rebuked hy lerr I Levitzow , who , amll loud , applause from lie members of the ( right said h could not 11ermlt his conduct lu the chair to ho criticIsed. To this Herr Richter retorted : "it I have not a technIcal right to 110 so , I at least have the moral rlJht on my side. " ( Great uproar. ) The discussion was thel closed and after heated personal uHercatons _ the proposals of hans were rejected. Later the ( resolution of \01 Hammcrsteln against Jewish Immigra- ton was rejected by a vote of IG7 to 6) J."S TU occui'v NhWehtfl'No. I I. UI ImJortlt : . 'rct ; ) . J'urt amid is Uuls or ( 'huluueNo . .tu.Iuy Operahiuis. ' WAShINGTON , Mardi 6.-Secretary Herbert - bert has received the following cablegram frnm , \.I."lrnl . I I Cnrnnnlnr "nnH"nn.ln. lin . _ . . . . . _ . _ . , . . . _ . , w. . . . . . . . . . . . United States naval forces on the Asiatic staten , dated New Ch\ang. ! ! arch a : "The Japanese general has notified for- , elgners of his Inteiton to occupy this port. All contingencies provided for , " New Chwnng Is one of the treaty ports on the gait of Pe-Ciii-Ll above Port Arthur. Early In the wInter the United States gunboat - boat Petrel was stationed there , and as the seaiol closed anl the river became Icebound she was placed In a mud dock alongside an English man-of-war to protect her from the Ice when the sprIng freshets came down. She was roofed In and machine guns were placed so as to command time approaches to the vessed , which was In fact transformed - formed for a time Into a fortress to serve as a place of refuse for the foreigners who live In the vicinIty. The town has been occupied by the Chinese as one of the ( bases of army operations against tile Invntng ! Japauese , and from Admiral ! Carllenter's advlces I appears that the Jails , reinforced by the troops from 'Vel- Hal-Wel , have at length managed to occupy , the place. whlc1 js one of the first of the : treaty lrts to fall Into Japanese posses- sion. ' , Toh" lolloy xp'alnA 1mImeit. LONDON , March G.-The chief secretary for Ireland , John Morley , In the Commons today corrected a statement which ho made yesterday II IntroducIng the IrIsh hand bill. lIe said that I a landlord does not assent to the price fixed by the land commission for 1 purchase by an evicted tenant or I tenants , It was not Intended that the whole ' transaction should end. The government Intended that If a landlord did not object after a proscribed tmo an agreement to purchase would thereby be assumed to have boon made anti In case of disagreement as to price the hand commissIoner must determine - ermine It. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stuhlnrt' , " Ue""rklbto Cricket To" l11.OUIN , VIctoria , March G.-Sto- dart's crIcketers today finIshed the final game In what b classed as the most sensational cricket tour ever undertaken. They played five ames , two lt Sydney , two here and one at Allelalde. Thc vIsitors won the frt two games and lost lie third , fourth und fifth. The Alt Australia eleven toay scored 41 ruins In the first Innings and 298 In the sec- and , I total of G83 , winning the match wIth six wickets to silare. The gate money amounted to $20,000. Whlplllll wlh Kuuotw tl 10 i'topped. ImnLIN , March G.-A dispatch from St. Petersburg to the I.okal Anze"el' today sa's ( lint an imperIal decree has been Is- Hued abolIshing the use at the knot for offenses - tenses committed by the peasantry , who Imve been completely lt the mercy of the local judges , 8talstcs , It Is allded. were submitted to the czar showing that during hue Imst ten years 30 : i perSOIR died us the result ot beIng whiPPld with knots , nod ' number at them that a greater were only gui ) ' ot having stolen produce from ( turin- era _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'resldeuui or IutL I'ruqsiii n".t"s. , , . m ILIN , March . -Count Stllberg-Wer- ( I. nlchrOle , who was last year elected to the Iechslag ! for a Johannesburg constituency as the representative of the agrarian party has reslgled the presidency of cast Prussia , It Is supposel el account of Emperor WIi- llama's declaration against the agrarhans. TIme emperor hats accepted his resignation. I Icily , Irlllh" . 1h lho " 'het i In. nULL , gnglmd , March 6-A fishIng smack today , brought here the body of Anton Dnu- 1 mann , one of the vIctims of the Elbe disaster , lie was formerly manager of the npra house ' le o\'ra at Prague amid hal been engafcl by ! r. Waiter Damrosch as stage manager fur the Wnllr Wagnerian opera season In , New York . Ills wie was a natve O\era of California. . \ll for till , \ rrckVieini. ! MHXICO , Match G.-'fho council has all- Ilrollrlated ' : ,0 ) for the vIctms or the hated d Isuat or . lhlsttr. 'FIve were Itllell and twenty WOUIIII , In 1 I lot mind , destruction of a bull ring nt Vim- chIn beeuuuuu'e a pectltr was IlsMatlpUe % with the elals of bulls furnIshed for the wih . ' 1heru IH no Ihung ( In the uiexi- cstn.GuttefluuiUul : negotaton : : lcualul'A Invoy : , 'Ohuuiuig Irons Emsgluuud. 1.IVElPOOI" , March G.-General Darrlos , the Nicaraguan fpeclal envoy to Great Drltaln , whose minion Is supposed to have been un- Hueeessful , which grew out of the troubles at . llhueflelds . la a passenger emi bOrt the Cunart , him Iteamer Umbrlu , which heft Queeltown Ino Sunday and which I due In New York on Saturday micxt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Visit l'iivuugnr .i'riro II .iluiut'hieiiter , I LONDON , March G-'fhe North German . 1.10)11 StsarniuhuIp COmlJany wIlt begin a fort- I nIghtly rer\lco with fast steamers In AtrJI between Quebec and Montreal , Canada , and I Ian hestCr , Bngland , I ) way of the : lanchOI- ; tee ship canal , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . " . . tu 1(11111' li" , \ iii I 'So liii t ci . 1.0NnON , March 6.-A . lFlmtl1 from Rome to the Chronicle SU1 that the IIOPP , ; umuulem' PrCume from thou trlan govecn. , mcnt. has mugrced to stud a IlenllclatJ of : nntH'llltlm to the Semite letulel's In . \ us- I . hI. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - UII-Tlmo Actor ) Jku Iii ; l.is.t Rt' ! I.ONOON . , March 6.-Jaumiei Aldluon , an . elt actor ( , fllrmerly well known In the theatrl- CJI would , Ii dead. lie played , wih Macreudy amid stmet : tl ( lie UnlaJ Stbles In 1850. - . " ' ZVIItJY l'rllch Trul I" . Z.oNZI.-I. March G.-The l rcleh have , selod their .tanl oC Nossl\ In St. Augustine - bay , on the rOltlmest 10Jlt ( pf the Island . of t : hllfgucur ; " "I'I'U Ihlrs Hllelt Iu it Shfl. : . LtNIiO : : . ' Iirch U.---'reu mmr : were killed this snot niuir whIle dtccutlng the Gldt C I ot Slroo the Man htr : _ J11.el lead mine near Shreurr , PROTECTiON FOR l ARMENIANS Public Meeting in Boston to S art a General Movement for that Purpose. PETITIONS TO BE SNT TO WASHINGTON ( O\'erlll'nt Urged to JxerllsD : Its Treaty lUhtl tl Cmnl1 Turkey tl AI'lorll Theist al.1 Anucrlenut 't , "lon'- . aries 1.11. Tn'ltlcnt. BOSTON , Jardl G.-At a meeting of citizens - zena of Doston ant vIcinIty , representing va- rious Christancenomlnntons , held ! at Hotel lelevue this afternoon , the Imperllll con- diton of American Interests In Turkey were dlscussCl , and time followIng resolutons were unanImously adopted : He ol\d. 'hat , In consequence of existing treaties between the Unlel States antI Turkey - key , It Ics wIthIn the Ilower of the United States OVeflent to exercise its InUuence ! nnd authorIty to protect the Interests of Amerllan cItizens resident In Turkey. HpRolved : , ' 1IUt , In vIew of the frequent vIolation of Alerlcnn rights during 11\ ) ' years , It tH the duty of the UnIted States to Iecure strict Justce tn eaCh CURe of 110- Ilton of such rights , mind It IH Resolved , 'hnt I Is the Iluty of our 'O\- emlent tu utter Its protest 11IInst the Allenlln atrcites "at have ' hoclec the civilized . vorld. Hesoh.ee , ' 1hat we alpenl to citIzens tl ouhout the United , Stltcs to use nil Ilsslhle l Infuence with the government itt \18hlnlton. tl Ilelton nut ! otherwise , te obtain indemnity 1 for the past III sccurly tom' the future. HeRolvell , ' 1hlt we suggest to 11 mlnlHterf ' the ' ' te of the gospel thmughout counl' ) lurIng to the atenton of their people on the last Sunday of A.rt the facts Idutn to the Armenlun atm oeltes and the vlmidl. caton of our rlghhl The report Is signed by Charles Cantor : Coffin , chairman ; Re\ Frauds E. Clrlt , sec retary ; l'rof J. W. Ii. Stuekenberg , Rev , William C. Winslow , He , ' . Joseph Cook , Rev , Edward G. Porter. flooK CONC fSStl 1itoSiiiitoI s. Anuual Report to the Iclhndllt CllrcrOICO I. n 1 < mattering Onc. DALTIlIOIE , March 6.-After a short pre- lminary service of prayer and the adminis- ( ration of cOllunlon today , the BaltImore conference of the Methodist Episcopal church settled down to the work of its one hundred and ele\entl annual session. A feature of the conference this year Is the Pentecostal service every morning and afternoon. In telling of what the general board of olucaton has done during the past year , Dr. A. F. Payne said that I had been largely Instrumental In giving to the Methodist Episcopal church the best system of educa- , ton put up by any Protestant denomination ' In the country. Dr. Payne urged the strict observance of Children's day and compliance of the requirements of the discipline In sending the Children's day collection entIrely to the board of education. The money received - celvcl by tIme board goes to educate young people , and It has been doubled II the past sIx years. Not a cent of I goes for expenses - penses of administration. Last year lG3D students were assisted. Most of these could not have remained In school except for the money the board lent them. Dr. Sanford hunt senIor agent of the NatIonal Methodist Episcopal look Concern , called attentIon to the fact that the appro- prlations male during this year by tile con- cern were $120,000. an Increase of $20,000 , notwithstanding the financIal distress. "The profIts of the western house at Cin- clnmmnti , " he sold , "have been greater than tho5 of the eastern house at New York. What we have been expecting for a long time has come to pass. The patronage of the New York house has decreased , while that at Cincinnati has Increased. This wi be made more apparent In the luture. The west does not feel the pressure of the times a does the easter house. In the east , and particularly In New England , where the people are engaged largely In manufacture , hard ( tunes were Immediately felt. Then the native agrarlam are drIven from that section to the west , and the employes of the mills are . composed _ almost _ . entIrely _ of foreigners , wno are Catluomics. I IS a ret lat Lucre are scarcely any Americans employed In the shoe facorles ( ' of New England , th&y havIng been drIven out by Canadians. " 1ethodlsm Is drIfting westward. There Is no rIvalry between the two houses. They work as one. The center of population Is nous' west of CincinnatI , all the center of MethodIsm Is even stIll farther west The net capital of the eastern house Is $2,015,840 : that of the western house $ .381,12. a total net capital of $3.39G,952. The sales last year of the New York house were $868,13G , anl , of the CincInnatI house $989,18G : total , 1,857,822. The total profs In tie past two years has been $411,280. " The report called attention to the fact that the hook Concern has In the last two years contributed $238,570 for the support of superannuated ministers. The Woman's Home MIssIonary society celebrated its annIversary In the afternoon. In the evening the Freedmen's Bureau all Educational society held its anniversary meeting , I e\ n , R. Hartsel of OhIo making I thiouiddress. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( : o Glm.s SCOI U BY IUNJSTmt" . Sllluy , Session Suui What ( IICII Forth thl Itehutuke . SCIUYLKI.r , hAVEN , Pa , Munch G.- 'he east Ienns'I"anln conference of the United Evangelical church adopted the fol- lowing II'eamhle and resolutions scorIng congress for contInuing In serslon emi Sun- day : Whll'laR , According to the prcfs reports ! of Munduuy , March 4 , the congress of the United States , both ( the senate 111 the house at reprcsenatives , were engaged the l'nUre Sabbath In the transaction of bus- Iness : therefore , he I Helolvel , ' 1hlt we are 11eelll ) ' grieved at the godless uton at our natonll con- gross In having Sunulny Hes lens , and con- " 11,1 I an Insult to thiN Chrlstun natIon naton whose representatives the ) ' are , and , hold thlt II any of lie men who time guilty of the ( offense. should at any ( hue se"lt the sufrac of their ( clew citizens for 0111cc of public trust , every cItIzen fhoull deem It his duly to oppOSO them by voice and ha Ilot . ' 1he Ionlerene adjourned this afternoon after the announcclent of the appoimut- allolnt- niemuts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs. 1/,1111101 ISouth'n ' .Icenoel Jlllah.r , CINCINNATI , March 6.-Today two 0111- corn of the Salvation Army appeared be- ( ama Judge Ferris of the ( probate court timid made application tor a minister's license for Mrs. Uullnlon Booth to enlhll her 10 omclate at a \ vctluhhng to he cllebrted soon at their temple In this city I waH a new question , The court could had 10 strict statutory authority on the subject , but immi- In- dlr the POlICY 01 the law which encourages wedlock the ) j\ljo said he would grant the ilcemum'e. B ) ' so 10lng the Salvation Army Is recognized us a religious congregatIon , and :1'5. lallnton Booth , one ot time most wlleh' known women In the world , us a minister of that order ludhn l'reaehuo. n J.\ I'nlh. 'j'\OIA , Wash" , 1lal'ch G- ' meetlng'of the Shaker Inlllni on Squlzln has enuled Inlllls Irons various parts ot western Wushllglon attended the gatherIng The te : , slol lastld four days. Johl Slocum 'j'h Uw 8'IUlz1l ' rebel'vaton Is the chief Prophet ot the new fuithi. He claims to hun died lnd visited helen. . ant has boezi sent hack to warts . 100'1 ' Inlh\s 01 their hnpendlng ( nit' . A ghost Ilaneo concluded the fcstlv - tIes . Slucunl working Chic IndIans Into a gl'at frenzy on n-higiomi. Jlbl" . ( "I lie C hl'llnlllt Iii 'rlrkc ) . . ' I.ONnOX , March G.-A dispatch to the Daily I New , Irom ( 'omielantlnople Fays that the . u\ln , on his own Inltat\'e , inquIred Inlo and deloulr'\1 the Interference tvthi ( wih the clrculutol at bibles utter the British and Amcrlan Blhl ( societIes rml ) ' refuse to cel ; tf ) ' 'hut 10 buch Interference hal ( OCCl'l d. - - . : Mt Url chur CieU'Iletcr , PHO\IDENCE , March G.-The condition if Nat llresclol 18 more favorable today /-UIlW. S.IILOUS S.I ' 1fl. TIm TOlfJe . \merlcaR and lngIIsImShpi4 ( "Ul Mcli to light "lr3 In Tflnd ( ll. ' PORT OP SPAIN , 'rrlumldau ] , Mitch C.- This city hiss missed almOst total destruction by fire. TIme loss wi amount to nearly $1,000.000 , the chIef business section havIng been the center or the conflagratIon , Nearly 20,000 people would have ben hOlseleu hall It nol been for the Isfstaneo gIven by lie United States North AtlantIc squadron , and hi. :1. S. Buzzard In extnguishing tIme flames. The facilities for fghtng fire arc very unsatIsfactory - Isfactory and the people are very indoheM . The aravel ! water works , whIch lie several mies dIstant ; are ample for ordinary pur , poses but they are not sufcient for a great emergency. Soon after the flames got under headway In the town Hear Admiral Meade slg- nalel from the Newark to the Inltlgh a 111 CIncInnati to Innd as many men ! conM bo sued and sImultaneously the flagship's haats went Into thus water. Theto was a lively rivalry among the men from each ship to reach the fire first , especially as the ( lrltsh cruiser Buzzard , having it nearer anchorage , also bestirred hlrself to hand n party. From the United States \'esls more than 2iO men were sent . ashore . whIle the Buzzard landed about ff ) . Each boat's crew was supplied wIth fire buckets , axes anti , ropes anl the ( Islami of action was quIckly haiti down and carrIed - rIed out , chiins of bucket PartIe3 . were formed and a steady streal of water was thus con- ve'I,1 to the ( lee sIde of the fire to prevent its : spread as much RS po slble. To extinguish the buildings already burning , or In close t proximity to the fames \ ii l imnposelbho and all efforts were concentrated In tearIng down ' - the buildings around the mania confagraton ( all wetting town those upon which sparks amid bumrmiing fragments might fali. Organized I men all leterlnCI fghtlg of the flames at I last hal a good erect and the fire was checked , though not until ( hue sailor mel , as : wel us the townspeollle , w re thoroughly ex- hiausted. Several of the American seamen I haul , narrow escapes. Everything Is In confusion - I . fusion and It will take several days to Ieter- : . minI whether there Is any lose of lIfe. The . city Is overwhelmed and It will be many years before I recovers from t hIs blow. E HH.I AXJUt ! 1'0f liEu ! IO CY. Icrlng SC1 Iud tl Count Up In the Iouso or Ctiiiiiuomuii. LONDON , March . .The Times says that exceptonal Interest attaches to Ito ( queston ( that Sir Icharl Webster , lL 1' . for the Isle of Wight , division of HampshIre , amid one of the lrltsh counsel before the Bering sea trIbunal oC arbitration , . wi put to thl govlrment today ( Thursday ' ) In regard to the negotatols for the settlement wlthl the United State of BrItIsh sealr for seizure prior to the arbitration - ' proceedings. Sir Richard wi point out that the award of the tribunal was adverse to the United States , the only poInt unsettel beIng the alount of compensaton , and that Canada has agreed to the amount she was willing to accept In full settlement of her claIms. Therefore he will ask ) whether . In view of the great and growing discontent In Canada , the government propos'es to take any , and If EO , what steps to settle the dispute , either by obtaining the payment by ' ( lie United States of the amount agreed or I necessary by ar- blratlon. ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'11110 I'repanlng to Chsciiu : ate ( , erlany. PARIS , March 6.-Th ! ovenment has de- chl.ld , In the event of thq german Relchstag voting an Increased expert bounty on sugar , eXPrt ) to ask Parliament to ; vet < nit . . equivalent . . . In the sur tax al foreign sag"- Imw'o.l ' 'nlf ' France , antI to pro\lle ( fct te IIIYIttlbt ! bounty French . to nut export on Fr\nch sugars so as enable ( hem to compete with German sugars In foreign markets. The government . haH also decIded In the eventuality mentioned , to ask Parllent to lImit ' the quantIty of colonial ) foreign sugars admitted Into France for refIning purse , and moreover that sugar only be allowed to bl Imported at certain ports and from specified coun- tries. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( alt thou Chuuiheuigor's Ieel. GLASGOW March. , G.-The keel of the chalenger for the Amerlca' cup , Vallyrie III. , was cast tcday. EIghty tons of I al \ ere used In the' castIng. Chlnpsc Sliuilu' I - tu"blrl iinfeio. SHANGHAI , . March' G.-The Japanes caltured the city of New Chwang Monday night , _ . _ _ , _ _ afer _ "M' a desperate . 'A " lght nl'"n with n''n the .IILItC . " . ; u. " , , .v I UaCaULL . " , . " are given. _ _ _ _ _ 10m" Secretary "tuUh 11" ft. _ LONDON Mardi G.-The secretary of state for home affairs . , Mc . Henry Asquith Is sufferIng from mn1luenzs- . . Twelty-Olo Sllu,11 ) Jlor" Icilmcd . MADRID March 6-4 " fire today In the Sohel mine at Corona . resuled In tImeless loss at twent-onc liVes. , /n'IW.JI : 'lll'j J't.SSLD , TlmJl 11"1 French Hark SIgnaled In' " Vain to Several ' "ls9101 . S'csolp . ' SAN FRANCISCO . Pacific , March G.-The Pacifc ! II steamship Acapulco , which arrived to- day from Clntrul A\erlcan ports brIngs adtllolal details of the wreck of the French ship Amerique , cum Jlnual' ) ' 20 , off the Colombian coa t. T'jse Amerique was bound ( rain France to Carthellnl , Colom- bin with nInety emnlgrantmu. During a gale she was blown upon the focus de CenlzaH ee reef , two miles off the const. She struck with such force that her masts went hy the board. Luckily for those on board , the barIc became spliced fast on the rocks and she settled down on the reef so Irmly that the sea which swept over her decks did not force her off Into deep water. 'fhe crew and passengers , however , stiffened untold - told hardships. 'I'he ejiip's water supply ) ' gave out the first 111p's was Impossible to Ilulch any lIfeboats , owll ) to the roughness - ness of the sea. On the second day the watchers on the wreck "Iahted the Colombian - bian gUlboat Lit Pope , Inl were led to belove lint succor wui lt hand hut the gunhoat , after exehuauuglng. signals wih the vessel , steamed nway on her course. 'l'hue hopes ot the unforlulltfH ( were I/mln / rlsel , hue next morning when the ( Pucio Ial steamer City oC Para anti the Jexleln steamer gla came within hulng dls- tlnce , 10th ves ' ell P'Issld ( close to ( hem . 111 after asking I ) ' slgual the state at uf- fairs on hoar p d . on theh' ( way. On thu morning of the fOlrth day the sea wlnt down Int thl .Ppple were able to quit the wreck In their' small boats Once uNhore the emigrantS Wor taken care of by the FI'elch consul ' . . 'Ield Ian Ulh"pr < ! f.Uc. NEW YORK , March 6-A ; man who front paperl loul1 on lila ) .ody Is supposed to have ) been Wihltan . Smon a guest of the ( \underlJlt hotel yumrnitteetl suicIde 'n ' front of the Muselni 'ot-\rts ' ( buiding , In Centlal Plk , tonlhty shooting himself to death . In the Ipsle , pocket of his COlt \11 u postol curd totessed . to ! , A. following itIxn , antI : on time bfk"as wrItten the orty-second unit Lexington avenue , March 4 IS95.-1 hoPQ When this reaches you I wI'l ' I at least \ 1m at rfst. ( I have tried lily utmost to overcame DJY unhappy life , hut I IH HeWn . wor9tev ry day , 1 cannot stand I any honger , ,1'Jiiee ( let my wIfe lenow of this anti oblige ) our true trlent , "WIL.I.IAM . SIMON " 1001 21. ' , ' \ llerblt hotel " SmalllJ ! earn , - J.hU'I , Ohio LIMA , 0. , Iurch , G. + smallpox scare Is b'owlnH and maters are a ullng un alarming aupej . 8e\ral new cases ha\'e pel. - been rlllortet. one ; -a railroad utah . located In a boarding houte mipar the business sec- ton of the dty. Twemmty-two boarders , mosty railroad mln , 'ure locked In , wiulis whie several occllluts 01 time house dllco\erel there Wil a Clle of smallpox and left before lie health authorIties toolt charge , and are 10W seatercII In varlQul harts of the ( I ) . , An epllemic Is threatened , IH the case Is oC the most virulent tarsus A hn\leelan num-almig the case went out on lila run today - day , all the dread [ IIU U Is l lookhl to be scattered all along the raIlroad. The dls- case was lrouKht hlre . Cram Chicago Stcarlr I'olrlered lIt Ihl nharr , 1)Owj' ' 1OWNSI NI ) " 'ash . March G.- The steamer Evaniel , IJIing"t weenIc - torla and Puget spun i ports , while lying I10ngsile the wharf tt t I'orl Angeles last ntghl , founderfe , Notteue was Injured. 'l'hie aelld\lt was laWed by the engIneer leav- lag the leacocl , open utter the vessel limit ] been tied UD for the Ihht ARE CRUEL TO CONVICTS Prisoner Retcnsec from the Penitentiary Tel Some Frightfnl Sttcs , DO G \N'S FULL A CONSTANT MENACE Said to la\'o Inlullco OHr " 'nrdeuu Iccmlr tut Is 1IIIr311cr 1111 Un- juist to the :111 " 'ho "clr lie Strl.eM. ) LINCOLN , March G.-SI1Ielal ( Tolegrani.- ) Startling statements are made by two ex- convicts , I rnk Jones all Peter Hegley , released - leased , today from tle penlentar ) The stories which they tel are , perhaps , slghl ) ' colored by IlreJUlcc , but they appear to have , been consllerell , as havIng some bearIng on hue present Ilnagllent of the "lIen" frol lie fact that they were both before Governor 10lcolb this evemsimug who lund the narratives taken down b ) his stenog- rapher. The real name of Jones , the SIJokeslan of the paIr , Is 11. n. JaIe ) ' . lie wns scnt up from Olahi eight years ago for blrlary. lie appears to be a man of sOle edUlaton , all says : "I waist to tel you about time case of 'V , 'w , 'Vard , who was serving a year for forger , but who died I"ebruar 28 of this year. Warl was suffering from congestion of hue ( lumugs . and was out the way to recover - cover ) ' when he died. Dr. Abbot , the newl' Ippolnted superintendent of the hospital for the Immutane amid several other physicians pronounced - mmoumnced'ard out of danger a few days before his ( letthi . On the day he died Dr. 10utz. the prisoui physician left wonl wIth ConvIct Dr. Law , his assistant , 10 give \\'nrd one-sixteenth of a grain of muuorpitlne. Dr. Law 111 not follow the Instructions , but gave Warl three-fourths oC a grin , The con- vict tiled while sti unconscious , clearly frol the erects of the morphine , as his con- diton was too ball to stl11 the ( lose. CRUELTY TO CONVICT CARROLL. "Another case of cruelty Is that of Con- "Ict Carroll . lie wrote a hotter some time ago to a Lincoln paper roasting Ir Houtz on account of his habIts . The authoritIes sUlllressel the letter Int strung Carrel up by the wrists to punish imiiut . 'hen cut down , after three hours , his wrIsts were found to be dislocated . and are useless. lie askel to see the goveror , but the later , when hue called , was toll hunt Carroll was too 1 to sea any one. At that very tmt he was at , work In the yards. "The case'of Frank holmes was a bal one. no assaulted un officer In the shops a while ago ant was hung by the wrIsts till ho fainted . The warden thought he was eham- musing and kicked him In tie Jas' cuttIng a long gash , the scar of which still remains. The apology warden . " subsequently made I hal.heartcd Peter Iegley , real name Michael Welch , corroborated Jones' statements and gave some additional facts In ito cases. I Is saId that Regley , one of the convIcts mentioned , has always , been a model prisoner and was released - leased with the full benefit of his "good I ( lame. " Jones however , I I learned , whie I ' In the maIn having been a good prisoner lost , j00 hIs . "good tme" on one occasion. BILL DOUGAN' _ . IHL. I Is leaned In 'general , way that the men told Governor Holcomb that Bill Dorgan"ad altogether tco ( much Infuenel over Ward Beemer , and hIs word In regard to behavior of ( hue men In the shop went a long wa's. Some Interesting testimony , from the ( con- vict standpoint , was brought out In regard to the petitIon sIgned by the ( convicts for the retention of Deemer as warden. Jones Is said tb have stated that thIs petition was secured - petton cured by duress and - threats. On the con- ( rary . Warden licenser lays that he never heard of the petition until It was discovered accidentally with some of the pages mIssIng. The whole mater wIll be laid before lie ( penientary eornnittee. WlmC\D : A DANI' AT LI'ri1F1ELu. Cl8htc. Nichol" lou " Alltst""t , Cashier wn- soil hitler Alrc\t 0" Iwo ( 'oummts , LITCHFILD , March 6.-Speciah ( Tele- gram.-A. ) T. Nichols , cashier of the I'eo- p10's State bank , was arrested Tuesday , on a warrant sworn out by A. 1ansgan , presi- dent of the bank , charging Nichols wih ap- propriatng bank funds to his own use and secretly deedIng the bank's real estate John Wilson , assistant cashier , Is also under arrest al the charge of deeding his mi property to his brother with Intent to defraud - fraud hIs creditors. Nichols and Wison are under $ ,00 bonds each for appearance for trial Thursday. Nichols Is accused of trans- flrrlng Individual accounts to hIs own , col- lectng sight drafts and using ( lie proceeds for private purposes. The entire assets of the bank are ted up. All hills receIvable , asIde from those securing bona Ille bIlls payable - able , have been delivered to Nichols' con. federates. The bank has outside of the ( county deposits , about $2,000 , most at which Is held as ( line certificates and by farmers who Intended using the money for procuring seed , and no doubt will lave to have old. NIchols has beel n famiiar character II Lichfeld for eight years , all posed as the only , "pop" banker In Sherman county , thus securing his victims. Batik ExamIner James A. Chine las charge of the bammk . NIchols all WIlson were again arrested this e\enlng 01 a warrant by County Treas- urer' I'ohaaki. . ' -JTW.IS U1 I'CHlll . I I itS MIJ 1' . SVouuitt VII wIth I Ilul lot Rt hue Otdest InuRe II NI'w'orlc. . NEW YOHK , March 6.-The :1 I ( a' ) ' and Naval Order of the United Stnteu' . a Foelal orglnlzatln , whose memherH mire Incal de- scendantH In the male line ot ofeers of aie of the ( tour wars ot tIme republic , time wlr of the re\oluton , the war of 1812 , the war wih ' 'rllol , Ind the Mexican Wlr , held nil enthusiastic meeting In the Century tavern , No 122 WIlliam street , thIs uftc'r- noon The tavern Is the olleHt house In New York , tinting back to 1692. I was formerly Iltrollze't ' by " 'lshhlton , I.afa- Otto Inl , other tlstn/wlshe.1 nm of thin revolutionary times. In the absence of revolutonary Buinku' . VIce Commanter James I 1 Morgun jm-euililetl. Geneml Flzjohn Porter , u veteran of the ' ' revIewed In Mhort uddrH Mexleal wal' , n ! ! the causes l adlnJ up tn nail the results elfecteul II that war , Olnerll 1'lblrt I. . \Iele Ipoke of the orunlzuton Inll Its pur- liaSI and said that whie the mIlitary so- ) -tetteui WL'I'U smewhut nume/ous In the detes States , this order had encroachell Unied way upon the territory of IIY othmer it Includel , four wars , where mast of Ihe other socIetIes recognized only one war. Frank M. Avel'y spoke of the motIves which prompted this or/nnlzaton of the onlel' alI objects tor which It wal created . A luncheon tendered the 20 vlsltls Ilres- cnt folowet. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ Arrllclt for Jllrllurll JIR " 'tc. 'OI IO , 0" March G.-The sheriff ot Wood counly today arrested Peter Peln ) at 'ontngon ) ' , 0. charging him with time mnur- der of his (1cun"s ( ) wife. Late Hatunll nIght hits woman was lound dead wih ( ) hiuilet wound In her hel II. Rubbish had hulet Illet uroun'l the body and an atelt made to bum the remains . Penny denIed that he ever had a revolver , but the , , hell found a gun ut a lelgt.bo ' " residence , which , he claims was heft hero ( by a Irs. Gar- ret of 'i'oietio , who says Pcamuy gave It I to her to hmithe Mrs. Ouruett's arrest Is eon- sIiered , probable . Time motive for the mur- der Is not uPIurent. . J'rlnel",1 Wlltl I" 1 Mlrdlr ' 11,1 1'II e , WINHTON , N. C. , March G.-The trial of . Perry Cory tor the murder 01 his brother In Wilkes county last fail was to Iu\c come ul' In the WHkes count court this Week , but Joselh Roberts . the most inn- ponlant wituuess lor the state hal been found ( wlnus oul Illuy Is SUBllcCtl'd. His death will probably cause the case to be postponed. The death of Roberts caused a big leneatol . I 1.IST l'U118 1.'VIII.lwr ii.trii'.titu. Erwin Making II" 1.lnRI Appeal ' 10foro thc ( 'n' " 1011 to the , Jlr , ' . MINNEAPOLIS , March C.-ThIs was the defense's ' In lie murder trial , dlfcnse's ca ) lavafl The evltenco was all In , thus Itorney for time state hall said hIs last word to the Jury and It devolved upon hue Tnl PIne , W. W I rl In , to say the fual words In tIme deteutthutuit's be- half before the Julgo sent them out to ar- nyc at a verdict. The scene was a most impressive one The sick juror hall been male as comfortable as 110S81blo for the ordeal anti tIme court m'oommtas aeke,1 , to Buroatlon wih a curious throng , Just before 11roceellngs began the palied father of tIme defendant came In with his trite , Icnnllg heavIly Ullon him. The ) ' found scats among the throng , the Ildense fearing to have ( heat too hear the atormiey's ( tables Then In came larr ) ' la'warll \ lth his keepers mmumtuincheul . but ilobomuatr fresh mud seemingly conMelt of acqiuittal. lie stopped a mOlent to receive his father' blessing nnc to ( reply with real or simulated gaiety : "Oh , Im all rl ht" Mr. rwln began his address In n subluCI and hnprtsslve manner , referrlns first to the length of the trial the ( hardships of the Jury all time wldesllreol , Interest In the case. The case hall been tried , he dclarec , before two jurlls ; the other one ( pointng to the press table ) wal the Jut of semisationahlemu . of the 11ssemlnatng of Ill-investigated , huaif-digetetl news , the ( Jury of destruction. The sealler then went Into a long amid careful explana- ton of the origin of the trial by jar ) ' , hue law governing It amid the theor ) of reasonable dotmbt ' 'Adry all I put Ull the ( Job to 111 MIss I on GIimg larr amid . " agreed If 10 got caught to lay I Upon the above words of the testimony of Maggie Wachtlr , W. W. grwln reared hIs llfense as lurescumtei to ( hue Jury ) In his closlnl appeal lot' the life or his client. A famll' toni asunder , brother agaluust , brother. All through ( lie day : Ir. rwln labored , with the jury. lie dwelt upon ' the ( testmon ) of Maggie Wachter. used ) ( hue worts of Dlxt lulnmself . alll lalll before the Jury thu ( chicory of the defense that It was Adry la'wafl who was tins crimInal , the human tiger , and Ulxt who was the cunning rogue , ( hue intehiigemit villain who haul mmuamuaged to stilt his evidemuco to tIme needs of ( ho state. A hialf tiny was spent In ( lie exorthiuumm amid tiireo full hours In cxphainmlmmg ( hue cvi- tlence of Claus A , lthixt. to show that It was Atiry who luad phanumed ( ito uuutmrthcr with flhlxt , amid Bllxt vhio t'as screenluig hums anti using every endeavor to save lila mueck amud iilaco the noose about ( hunt of harry hayward - ward , Ile referred to the huypmuotic Chicory and Insisted ( hat muuany of the satenuemuts ( of lihlxt had been given to fit such a. theory erected by 'Fnlar O'Dell. " Ilypmuotlsmuu was a new idea in law. A ICamisas court had listened to It , but ( lie appellate court luau kicked it out of ( hue wIndow. Mr. Erwimu wihi restmuuue his argimmmsemit in ( be muornlng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ' 51'1IRcKtL FL.ZILI' T15OL1JiLIS. Ituidoiphi Conmiel Iuit ( ) Court with a Suit , Agmtint llimm 1'atlmor. AN FRANCISCO , March 6.-Rudolph Spreckels has brought injunctions proceedings against time Nevada bank to prevent time transfer of 6,000 shares of stock Iii Clue l'amui- hius sugar liantatlomm , which lie says belongs to him. SpreciCela alleges that when his father , about a year ago , transferred valuable - able property to IiI 5on , C. A , Sprcckehs , iso ( Rudolph ) pledged as security for hmi brother's debt 5,000 shuau'es of sugar stock to his father , Chaos Spreckels , TIme hatter transferred fhie security to ( lie Nevada bammk. Although halt time debt has been cancelled and ( lie bank holds secusnlty far in excess of the amount owed , it tlmreatens to huavO the stock transferred from rtudolphu Sprecicels' nammie. This wIll be done , it iii alleged , for time purpose of voting time stock against hulmus at Clue next election , deprivimug hIm of all hula rlghut In ( Ito comupammy iumitl practically imijuring hiins to the extent of the valumo of thue steele , which hue places at $ t,250- 000. 110 wants thuo bank restrained ( noun sending thIs stock out of the county or muieddhing with it in any way , pemidimug time lIquidation of ( ho C. A. Sprockels debt. Judge hlubbarti granted a temporary immjummc- tion , and will hear ( hue ease. JNSUILIZWJS MILV J2 SLSSION. Coimiplaiui of the Ltssvs in Force in Muenmy St istri. ST. LOUIS , March 6.-About 100 repro. semitatlves of fire insurance companIes coin- posing ( lie Western union mnet ta semiannual - annual convention here today , with 1'resi- dent A. J. Harding In ( lie chair , and will be In session for several days. Delegates from eighteen states are present. All tIme sessions are executive , The object of ( lie conventiouu is to hear and discuss reports ott ( hue various questions interesting fire lnmuur- ance companIes , to recomnmnemmd changes lit rules and suggest needed legislation. President Harding delIvered isis annual report , and the reports of ntumnerous coin- ummittees were reaul amid hold for action until tomnorrow , when the real buslmuess of the conventIon will beglmm , Among tlo reports wore thuose of the conimnittees of ( he ( olin districts Iii t'Iuichu the \Vestcrn umumlon Is tiivluied , A satisfactory condition of busIness was slmowmi , except where bosses have been especially heavy In certaIn dIstricts , amid wluero tIme laws of some localities operate against ( lie comnpanies. DissatisfactIon Is felt wIth ( hue insurance laws of MissourI , especially thuoso against incendIarIsm , and an effort will be mmiaulo to have tIme present legislature enact nuew ommea , cO.Vn1t,1CTOJt5 , i-i..t-'i ; ro ( JJ5rIIIIr , S'ihL Uio ouutiuuIoum 1ieii un Now Voric ( Jim- ltsN 'I rikerl lietui'gu to 'Annie , NEW 'i'OhtlC , March 6-TIme United hiumlidlmmg Trades league , composed of all ( hue mnemnbors of ( hue hiumiploycrs' amid Contractors' association , moot ( omsigiit and adopted ( ho tot- lowing resolution : Itesoiveul , 'rhmnt we , ( hue coumtractors on ( hue vanlotue bumIlullogs muffcctetl by time strike , lit meeting as a body , agree to proceed tvltlu our work at once , wIth union um' mmomutmniian macmu , fluid pledge to euchi oilmen our mumtuual uimmjuport , antI ( hunt it Is our ohuimilomi ( limit thue varIous ennimhoyc'nuu' uigmuuulztitions should cii- dense this ucion. Presiulemut Otto Eltillz ( of the- Master iitmlid- era' assoclatiomi said In eximlanaiomi ( that tue Electrical Contractors' aeocIatiomi lund adopted a similar resolutiomt a week ego , saying mton union macn would be put to vorhe Monday mnonumlng , but uhecided to wait a ( esy days -40 see if mini of ( heir misers wotmiul leturum to work , SInce they luavo not done to all tIme comi. ( rectors In ( hue various trauhes have decided to put nomiumnion men Iii place of thuo strikers. At least 150 men of ( hums Ummileul hirothmerhuood of Carlutuiters , tvhmleii iii muot alilhlmmtetl wIth ( hue boartl or vaIlImug : delegates , who have lx'eum ommipioyed on Jotuim Jacob Abtor's houjee , ( lie Savoy luotel amud Mliltommalro Yeriteb' huouse out FIfth avenue , went. out a etiile today out of iyiispaiiy ( , _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - I'BE.SJJ.B.VT . 'T.IJ1T.S ON JIIi TIUJ' . Lubell to Ha % bonL teens Eight to 'I'euu ilutys , NORFOLK , Va. , March O-'fluo United States hlglitluouse teqhler Violet , with ( Ito presidential part ) ' aboard , tihulcht left \Vaehu- Iuiton on Tuesday muuornlng , arrived at Norfolk - folk ( liii mutorning about i:30 : o'clock and mmro- ceeded dIrectly to Portemiwuihu , where a stohi was mastic at the United States Iluoy yard OpposIte the miaty yard , Very little Imutere ( was uumanllesteul 1mm ( ito arrival of thio part ) ' , and wimen they reached tIme yard tut two per. Sons StOl 6 at ( liii dock , Time presidemmt nose soon uifei' ( iesu'hssg l'ortennoumlu anul was aim dock at S o'clock , when ( hue vessel reacluetl the Uiiunrton lock , through which eiie huad to imasa oa hair way to Nctithm ( crohIuia , In amuewer to inqutIei Counmnaader L4nmbertsoui said Clue President was feeling very well stud tied greatly enjoyed ( hue ieosaqt trip dowmu time bay anti timroubi hluunluton reeds. Time preridenit , Isa added , would return n eihat Qr tttt daya , ONE ROBBER IS DEAD Oitizons of' Ade , Ia , , Deal Swiftly with & . Western Desperado. BLOODY BATTLEWITH BOLD BANKIIIIEVES. Pivo Mon Wountleti Ill an Encounter with. Two Unmasked Pa'dlts , CASIIIER AND MERCHANT PMNFULLY HURT One of the highwaymen Killct nud the Other May Be Lynched , - EXCiTING CIIASEANDCAPTURE BYAPOSS limurmu 'huere tiuuu ith t'u , hi Id Ilturuicti uummml Omm of Thueuui Shunt. 1)cuttl its lie At.- teumupteul to Escape troimu the Vlmuumut'e. 4DEL , ha. , March G.-Speclal ( Telegram , ) 4 -Boldly stahielmmg immto ( lie coumntiuig rooims of the liauilt of Add this itmermilmug , two mmmcmi tmn- thertoek to rob tIme cashier , Tile ) ' suicceedeul , auud tomuighut ammo of tIme robbers is death amid tIme other is comiflned iii ( hue county jmuil , Iii. imumlimincuit damuger of lymucltlmmg. At 5:45 : , as Cashier S. M. Leach of thmG bamihe was phaclmmg Chic cash iii time coumimter tiratver , two muon emutereul time hiamik ; sumuui ommcu of thmoimm spoke to ( hue cashier mtbotmt mmmalciumg a large deposit , lie drew ( lie attemmtlon of tlu olllclal for a umiontent , amid when time hat- tcr ttirmted agaIn hue was gazilmg imuto ( luG yawmting mnuuzzie of a repeating shuotgtmn. "Give uus thui3 mutomme ) ' , " elemmiamideul time larger of Clue two robbers , "or I'll blow youmr d-ul head oft. " Lemtchm reached for a revolver , but receives a wouiid In Clue sluotmhuler ( lint disableti hIm. At ( hue saute tIutie ( hue mtiuirderoums robbep turned hIs atteuitiomm to Cy Bailey , a moerchuant of the lulnee , who haul entered to tb Statue busine.r. earl ) ' , amid was humslly ahuoot- hug at him. Dailey was struck by n bail Ia ( hue head amid fchi to thmo floor. Leach was ( lieu cenupehietl to push ( hue bammk's mnomuoy 111(0 ( a sack lucid by omme of tIme robluera , and with ( huts thuo pair spramug for tIme door and Into the street , Bailey lund rushed out. of ( hue bammhe amitl giveus ( hue alarm , heriW Payne rant dow'ms the street to the bank and - fired through ( hue door at ( lie robbers , whua- kept on in their work witim the cashIer , ro. gartiless of time muhmerhff's fusiiatle. SEVERAL CITIZENS \VEILE hhUItT. So soon as they lmad ( hue , mouse ) ' ( lie roi bore left tIme bank , going direchy to tIme place where they humid tied tlueir ( cant. OnO of them carieth tIme grain sack comutalning the mommey , and ( he other fired right anti left at Clue peopho who were hurrying to ( hue scene. Several were struck by time ( lyhmug balls , but none 'ere killed. So far as is himuown the list of cnsuaiiies ( is as follows : 0. \VILKINS , batik robber ; killed b ) the mob wluile rosisthmug arrmst. , S. 2(1. Leads , bank cashier ; shot in the shuoulder , ( hangerouisly woummdeil , Cyrus Bailey , merchmmtnt ; shuot iii tIle head , it- dangerously hurt. L. J , Barr , postmmsnstcr ; idiot thurotmghs the arm , slIghtly woumideti. M. S. Dyers , ex.-shueniff ; shuot through ( Ito' luand , muhighmthy wcutmmuded. CecIl Decker , boy ; muhtot In Clue head , badly ilir,1 , iiflV ( iis PUItSUEI1S SOON IN CIIASIO. ' 'Blaze qvay vithm your little uois gummis , " elmouted the first of the robbern , as lie ran , shmootimug promiscuously. People fell back , giving them a clear road to wlcre theIr ( earn tvae Imltchued at the cormuer of thuo squvsm'e , anti the pair was soon driving furiously out of tos'mi toward ( hue southi. whore they hoped (0 ( gain safety imi the hulhis of the Coon river. I'uirsult was soon organIzed , Before the rob. bore hind disappeared down ( hue lane , a bapti of determined imson were fohlowlmig out horseback - back and In carriages. Eight malIce tlmo chase was kept up , the pursuers , animied with iiistohs amud guns , firing wluemucver given an oluportuniy , till Ilumally a lucky eliot eruc1 ( one of ( hue homes In tIle team drit'oim by the roimbers , anul disabled it. One of thuo rob. here sprang to time ground and mum for time timber , mmmd tIme oilier muiado for a barn near hiy. QuIckly time little ciuunip of tlmuulmor wa $ etmrrousmuded , and the robber , seeing luis course tI-usa ruin , canto out and uuuurreuutlercd. he Imroved ( a bus a boy of 19 , named Jesso'Craw. ford , from Pattersoli , Madlsomu couimmty , BURNED OUT TIlE IL'tNilT , Surroumudimug time banns , ( hue posse cuhleui on thin concealed nman to aunrcnmler , Ills rcply waiu a eliot train his gun miami a yell of pro. famso dcflaumce , Shot after shot was fires iuito ( lie barmi hy ( hue posse tiii amnmnuuumltlon begaum to run low , but ( hue reubhuer anuuwcro with bullets ammul cornea , At thui jmmncttmre the cItizens huclul a council of war amm4'de - cldeul to burn Clue barn amid tItus capture thus linisomuer , Accorilhuugly thue moldier already , captmmmed was given a can of kerosemlo amid souL to iouur It elm ( hue barn anti fire it. 'ithi hula hmuummti stIll strappemi bohuimmul him , ho uiiproaclmed ( hue ham , despIte ( Ito threats o ( hue desluerato maim immsido ( lint wluoevor at. teluihiteti to cause mucar would lie killed , mud poumulmug ( tie oil oumt as best lie cotuith , sot nuaclu ( to It. oluti * 1000 tIme structure waa blmuziumg usmenrlhy.VIIIu arnie Iii readiness ( ho imosso vaited , lcmtowimug ( lie Inuteumso hunat would naomi thrive ( hue tlc'mipoeado from ( lie barms Not uimtii time fine haul gained great hucadwuty tIlt hue appear ; thou hue btmrbt thmm'oughm thus hoer , iulum whmluukers , hair amid elothuiuig In a blaze , hicetliesmu of ( Ito calls to throw u liii huandi , ho rushueui for lIberty , ammul fell , riuidiod by bullets , JIENT ON LYNCIiINi hIM , Then ( hue dcnul autd calittureil robimere ver , ( alsemu back to towum. It vaa wIth great diffl cuity that time living ammo was Ilmiahly hodges iii jail , as huh lynclulmug was already deter- intact ] on , Two or ( linus thousand people hsa4 gmuiiered ( slid stcro bent on finishing ( ii work alrtady h'cgun ' without aim ) ' furLImeI tleluy , Slueriff I'tuymm macimaged to get thus nuan Into jaIl nut ( loui : stuore Iii a strona guard , arumued the umiemabers wRIt rIfles , aimd Placed ilucun around the jail , Mayor Itusseli ussketi ( hue cro'tl to with. draw train the street aroummd the jaIl to place where hue couiui address it , hI spoke long and earnestly against a nooli uhemon. btratloml , urging ( hut' crowd to let tIi law take iti coumrmse , lit' told of the youth ot ( Ito robber humId in jaIl , spoke of hula taunlly'1 vhuich Is one of time best 1mm Madison coummty , aiuui pleaded Clue boy's former good cimumractc $ iii hula behmuht , urglumg ( list hue be given trIal by juu'y antI not by Juuio Iymmchi , "I a lu-i 'aitlu 'ouu' talc , " caine back fraiL . - - - - ' - -