- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - " _ _ - = = = - ; T : - - : - ; . - - , _ _ _ _ - ' - . --r-- . - . - - , - ' 7 T - ' - - - - - - - ' - - - 1 5z ; : . 'J'UE OMA1L. DAILY ] H ] jtl VEDNF.AcnA ; Y , MAR(111 0 , 189. ! 'T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . > - - - - - SPBOIAL _ NOTIGE8 : . . . - lIycrthrmrnlli , for Itien I ( "nlumnll nlll hn : tallrn until 12130 p. m fnr thn ennln& nn.1 Intl 8 p. ni. for the morlln& and btttiday dItnn. $ Aclrl "l I , rcqnutn& a nomhtrcl thce , l'nn haTe nnvc" lullr"I.11 to i tllnhcrcl letter In ( "lro or ' hn 114'O. An' "t rl In nllrc'lcd "II 1 ( ddl\'croll "I"n fllrl"lnn , or the ch"ck nIiIX. 11\lcl , J 1.2c 1"urll , Orlt hllerilon , 10Hlrll Iicrnftr. : lthln& tkon fur 1111 thnn 2rc ' , for tlrt liertIon , . , Irst 1 h.n nlhcrthcmenU Illt lun COtICCfl ' keIi. j _ _ _ _ _ - - SITUATIONS WANTED HITt .ln'ANTf : Ir A 1'15T CI.\5 IlcnoJlnph"r ; rdprencts \'flI work chen . \1 Ai11reti J 21. lep. rdprencts1 A- 3S' ; i- ' ANI ) - WtFI : \ \ ' . \ T'onKo t\I 1 i'm 'VI or ret on ahnte. . \ddr'M J ai , Itee A-M313 . S. . - - - - - \VANTED-IALb nELp. CUlAN FmC1IrS : , GC. HOI DOUo.A ! - U-igMU WANTlm ) , nm.I.\IE S.T.mml 1N TO CMty o'ir 011 nll renfeo bl . ' plcln\y or Ilde line. OhIo Oil and Ollale Co. , CI velnnd. t 01 - " , : 9' 1l1ht. % IIL.fl S. I.TSMA TO I IANDT.flACOM - H.\mIAN ltlT.\I.n In" If luhrltln' , : oil , ul.1 "rrn.u ; iaI- ory nr comml ' .lln. Apply Olu"nno Honnln Co. , Cleveland , O. - ; ) lQ ll.T.ltl . - \ 11 M'l'IX i ' \f : . lZ r.I.U . : p. m. The Warren .innfg. Il-I3l5 Cn . : G' I ) I : Jone , treet. 1-:1315 WANTED-In ALE hELP. . , W\NTI.n. WOUtlNO 10lSIJnmll.m IN ' . 1.nr. ' wllowel' " family , Ilmellntely. lox 3i3 ney . Neh , c-tG S - - - - - - - - - LAIICHVATINO lIltST.t'l.Ai4 ; flhllt.B cati cnn.lnnvlan 1V. . 10mI oIIIe. 16n C8D - , crl avcnue. M-\ 1 : ' WNTID. A ooon , CIISTIAN ( liltlOit 'i,1oy to make her home "lh n mll.le-ngco . wllol . Ao.lrel jInx . Ill. OMwn. In. < C-M3O : G' . FOR RENT-HOUSES. 10UHBH , F. I. DAItLINO lAHKJ m.oc" U-DG7 llOtDEi4 TN AtT l'AnTS o TII CITY. THE O. li' . Davis company , 10 : I'arnm. n-DC8 10UHBS ; 1AWA & CO" 109 N. 16TI ST. ) - ( , . COTTAC1FI . 1 000 ! ) ltE- t FOR 1tINT-C4lOOM COTTAG : GOOI HF. pair . city wnlrr. $0,0 tier month to good rar- tIcs . lD N. 37th. 1 bloc flOI I"lrnm car line. . 1"'tlll at Stoltzel'a Move store , nxt to 1,01. office . D-9il. $ -TlOM rIO IN 10USI. FI'I MINUTES walk from court houoe. G. L. Green , rom 2S. Barker Mock. 1-972 - - - HOUSES , WALLAC1. BROWN JI.1. , IG & Doug U-973 ron ItIINT-2113 CAI'lTOL AYDNlm. 1 r09ms. mJNT-2Ia moler. The O. F. Davi compnny. " _ ' :94 _ } OOFlN 7.HOO 1 ItOUSII NFAn I'AflK. Al'- ply IC9 S. 2th trect. l-MSl I iriJiiLAT8 , STI5tM. ' OZ NO. IGTIL U-15' ) G' 7.HOO COTT.\OE , MOlrmN , 3'JI3 IJ.\'CN. S \yorth. I-M2)J ' 9' S' G.noo COT''AOIl : ALL ! ITmN ! : IIflAI9TT- f.11 lawn nod shalI. ZIZI Miami , t. , or 21 N. . . . -M2lS Y. - . _ ! . T.le. . - DIS TWO DETACItI ) Iml'.HOml 10USI'JS. S,4 with . .tr. 21U ail 216 California 8Ire t. 10. quire , :01 N. 22.1. . D- : : "Tmy DflSIrtABI.B WI'I.I : I.OrA'I'Fl ) IlOUSFS. J. H. HherwoI n.I , 42 N. Y. Lire. 'Phono ISS. 1)-M2I 10' 1-:1210 B n. HOUSE. 113 50. 02ND . EVEIY CONY. , Iurnnee. I , ' . D. 'Vell , lCth and Louglns , D-27-6 D-2.6 : LAuGh T.tST IIOUSFS. WIMD. IGTH & DOUG. 1)-271.A5 .5. 1 IOUHI VOlt HEN1' ! , 211 CHICAGO ST. . VCI1Y cltenp . In the beet larL oC town. only 5 ) , lock s from \ iotoillce. I' . \arl I. For 4:4.(36 lce DZ..6 lllg. ! .nOO I HOUSI. SQ S. : S1 ST. D-291 : 10' 1OR RENT-FURNl . 1OOMS. IIT AS.\NT I100M. 191 DODG E-9.G TUnER SP1.ENDD.Y FumnSImo 100:18 , S , with ijoti , . hot water , henl , Sos : best Inca lon. , 25 Fatnam. 1S.10' 5- ' 2 : Q - - : : : S NICE FUnNISIIIID lOOMS FOR LIGUT UINISllm 1'01 LIHT hatiselteeping. 112 S. Ilh , -301.Il' A l'LIIASANT SOUTh nOOI 1'01ENT , p ' with board. 215 Howlrd st F-296-11' , 1h.ISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. S . F\ON' blOOMS & DOAnD CISfl.l' . , F-i9M20 2310 Douglas BOOM SU'Am. FOR 'rwo. WITh BOAStS ) , Terms renwnnllo , pleasant location. 2:10101Ie' -1o7' ' Tnl IIT.LSIJ 18H AND DOD0 nol and board. 1.-165-15' r'CrN FUlNISllm nOOW , WITH GOOO lionrl : rates reasonable. 'ho Slow , ZZO Hnr- ne ) ' . F-M171 AI' UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT ' I UNI'INSIND CH.\mmu I'on IIOUSII- 1"01,11\ , man and wlIe. 319 N. S7L1t. M-312 1on RENT-STORE AND OFFICES irOli JWN'r-TIIE 4-SToRY nmCK BtJILDING. 01 1I1TH4SOlY DlLDNO. 916 \arnam street. This lul.llg has a lire- ' proof clment 'sement , complete steam het. Ing Ixtul 8 ; water 61 nit liooi. gas. etc. Ap- . 1,1) nt Ihl . 0110 oI The 11e' . 1-510 AGENTS WANTED. , LDYGgN' IN ll\'llitY TOW : I'E1UlA. nenet huslnes ! ; have nut spaCe 10 explain ; In- TIIIa Ie. Hawley' Mf. Co. , 18 So. SItu St. . .5-mT-MU LADY , \NTS : IUIJ H UNlIRG.RMflNT : I quick . ,11 : hIe 1l"lts : catalogue free. Mr8 N. I It. Little ! Mrg. Co" , hlcago , III. J-IW G' I , AGENTS \ANTI : TO SELL TIllS t'IIOTO.IT puckel < 'nmer ; toils IsdC : l > ell 101neIH . . \Ilrt'8 the 1holo.l Mfg C' , . , X 12. Ln. CrS'I' , \ . , J-M30S 6' - - AN''ED-TO RENT. . , WANTISt ) . TO HCNT. COTT.\GJ HOUSI vitIiItt IS bIoci < A or Sixteenth otici Farnarn. wlhll 1 Iloe tHxttenlh 0\1 Farnm. I'Idetfl COI\'nINlcc8 , Al,1tess 2' ) Slul.mn oer S .t.I' t , Council liluffs. IC-MIS G IrAN . ANT WIFI' mslt lOOM AND BOAStS 10 r , llN family where lessons II music or oN'mll wlull be taIvn In part p.ymtol. A < "reu J : . Ilee. K-U- ) . ' t WANTUII-000l ) ) , ANt Z flOOMi prh'lto flml ! . I > three IrOWI pel9ms. , itef- ' "n'lces. Adiress . - J 31. lIce. 1'-25. : ' S. WAN''lm TO IIFNT , A GOOO FUINn : - S hotel II NcbtnsP.a or Iowa , \I1ress J ai.e , ' . , Otitnlm. K-2J1-1l' - - - - - STOUAGI. - - - - - - BEST STOIMlJ IIIIII.DING IN OMAHA , I ! . S. , . letiled . ) ' . 1Ioualtoitl ' . guy. . Iln'e"nl.hO. . hell roods store.j bwtst lutes. li3-1IlS Leavenworth. M-9 : .I' . TOitAOU. 'HANK \I.18 , ! I IIA1SNIIY 5.1-ITS , - S M-98 - W AN''ED-TO . BUY. - - - - - - WANl n. A SMALl . 10II.'rO' IHSK. IN . 10)1 I" OON' (1,11101 ; wiay ( .h. i.ltIress . N-M315 J G' t8 . l ou SAL } -11lb .LLrN EOUS. STEAM lbAiITOflS " 'Ol 9.\TI. ( ' 1.511 nma ( ASI \11 1'0 ' Iccel\.1 until i o'clult I' . m. , ) lllch 8 , 1093 rar thu 1IIIItora . now on the 1 . . , , ' $ " .I.ln ! site ot 1.lh nnlCarlilol n\'CIUO , I1..lln S or Ih , ' IIIA urn In g.tI con.tilIon ; can be cx- ! con.llon cln nmlncll . 11 Ih" l'roml..8.d.h ca b\l. 10 An' drew J. luI'l.lclol ' , 1'.m 314. Iut Ntlonal Natooal 1lk IuIilI.i.Itiglit . . .0100 10 rcject any 5 _ all . .01 I4J'i. Q-MIU 8 ' % 'ANTii1)-KNOVN ThAT TillS SAIn O . \11. UlcllII" pro..ry . II I Iho I.ulc . ilepaitment 1"1.111111 wIll \ . 01.1 nl the poliro co"rl rotu next 'I'hUtHthty. sale 1 c"I/elelnl \leo nl 11 ' NO/ . Ihnl" . 1'1\ ' L 1IL9NDIID : ueul aflkies. c.nsstIui ! cC 1'1ILNIHltU 1..Iul lC . Mid. " > e"1 nn.1 ,1"r wal'h' . . Jewelry , 111. Bla . , r'voIvt's. . . ' . . ' . . . r"'oh"'I c lhlul. Intifrs I unit gents .ultn , eitfl'Cts. hl II. . . "ook. t.ieyclc . . . trunks , grits ' ' A".I hundreds lr \ 1111111.le ' * . rckul"C , oil 10 bl 1'1'\ ' \ . VI'l'1lOtYi' ImSItn t' , the . iilght cuh hl".ler. Irlll 1 'UI ) 'ou. ' " 11,0. hlhl.1 . .h antI J wiar.nt" o ) ' ' ' 1 big bUI'ahl8 , , W . i. lea\ ' " , Chief oI l"'lce anluelonre. ( . ) -3. \ ; 1. SlI0\I : 10\11 1'01 111'I.4. I I POUm.AS. , . . Q.i&G :1 - - - - - - - - - - WIO I.\N S'IANOS , IIWOIOI'r OIf S WClt"rd11'8" , lt Ro. 17th. QDI " - - - - - - UOG ANS ) ( ' U-N--I"J : 1LtRD'\VOOt ) ' 'ICI ; i -.ii' : 1 0'00 p1rIeI ! : C ; : i. . I.te. : lIjI , . _ _ Qs95 A GFINL'INFI TUAK\VOOI ) CAIIINIT EOfl OPNVNt A"WOOCAltJ 1"OI S . rule 'h.ap. J n , 1\e : Q-l ' 4' ' L . - -LLANrOUB. . - - . 'i hAVANA L1LICKLIS , UQt lOtOLAR 1 - 10-7 % :1 ' . , ItLA88AGE.hATHS. . . ETC. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , "IAIM IIMITIL . $ . lSTLt. : U ViAlJlt 100GM % ) tITU. , 1'1. ( ) 100.1 ' . i h 11. nu"netcul.r. . i.tcoltI. .Ie\/I. T--M11 ulbdllrIna : , I - : . . . 11I. . \ ' 'r 'i ; . , ii7h 4' 5- a-- . I.h . anti ( .Ieetlo ballot I' ' Ladies un.1 _ cIII . ' . mm. t.n , 21.twilI. : : ) > Ito " . .t , I U IluOr. ' . r .sto , \ : j N -S S S OLAIB.VOYANrS StiltS. nn. II. WAnlPN , ( T.AI\01'ANT , In : . I.Me liusinesa mPlum ; 7h ) er at 1' N. 8-9 16th. % TilE (1llli.tTITST C .AltOYANT OF - - TilE 11 . M.dameomaln. . ha r turnP by tqtIsl r.Itnlrs of lire. ' nnd ran le eonsultetl on nil Italr le. nno cn ell 01 Those Wishing correct "dvlte on businesL love murlagc dl\'o"e. lawsuit. , dc . eon st.iy rely on the Iadam . She remo\"s ni Irt- iletences. reunite . enlpl nnd cnues epee : : ao.1 happy mnrrlnee with the one you love . She makes n Urcnl" where others fall. I ' In trouble Cnlb an" receIve plompt b.enefll tolhle ( Ifoure . 9 In (11 I.ten wlt : stamp answered iromptly. ZI N. nlh slnel flat S-m A. .I' . - - - - c1m TODAY ANn 1IIUNOTIIIIO AU WITI ,00 TOnAl ' wonler. Jn Ja. the world rpnwnn.1 $ . pro"h . mini , rrnor an,1 , , err , now 10aln,1 lt 41 N. 11h cOred , Omaha. leI . ' ' . desire , revenb your trite I I. ) 0 ) 'lr greatest lr.lre rl\'enl 'lr ftstur ills alvice , heli , yell 10 o'errmolr flt" II. nhlc . 01 ) ' . . . ttfuhl" . nn.to attain ) 'our h.nrt's , Ile.\t. ntnln S.'t.tig II I believing. OlbIco open 9 n In. 10 1 011 ( le\lnl. 1'11 " \ n' , ' : , on\ \ 3 " . m. 10 9 p. m. .1511) ' antI Rnn- . - dsy . T"llr8 nnswertI. . - 2'2.G' - - - PERSONAL. n. IIAA1I. PLOILIST.l'I.ANTS. CUT \'I.owlms. IA.T I.OlsT\NTP l'IQnet. hal , resIdence nn.1 grave ,1 < rnlon. . ! In "Inion street . Telephone 776. U-9S MAISAOIT. ElECTISO T11iR5.tAl. 1A'IS , chiropodist . 5.liic. 10st , Z1S. \ . lth s.um Tim ImT.I.n DPI EnLY COIbSIIT. MADE TO order from measure. I9 l'alnnu1 slrcel. U-l ! } SMOlnJ 10U81 . VINC KbVEST U-iSG CIO.\ . TS. \ 'r\.I CO. , 21G blUE m.nG. ; IPAI.TI nOOK free : hemp . treatment ; lady attenlnnt. U-II IT\liI ' r\'I.\ , ; , \m - : \ facial hair can - have'tt i ; - , Iestroye1 . , - forever , gtlar- nntreo by the I.JgCIC Nbllhlbti. Moles Warts . Wens . red noec . 1.lrth tattoos. powder \ nrtl.'In. . r.t n"e. tatos. pwler nn\ cinder marks. freeklr" black heaI. , lIver . slsts . pimples and nil facial hllll.he9 re- Inovc'I. . bII-si.npetb . 01 ! and . lroJeclnl ears Iele.lrt.lst \ l.shol'll ; " 5 hnlr. scalp nail . . ' < n tlnt"l ; fat 1.I\eNt ; nnr\ol ! nOli female , I - ( .I cured by the Clm"nthlc In.llin. 10i S. lilh st. , nOlr no.he. U-G22 M\Z' G EhiTcIANTLY PINISTIIIb ) AnNJr 110TORI I.DOANTIFllSln ( ' 99 cents , for 10 days only , nt Cowan' 5 1r'Jn.\woy. Counci illulTs. U-:120 STOICKEIL'S SMOKE 110USD , tJ U-TOO TOttULAil. :19 FOt T'mST CARS IIANO TONING IA "F Merriam , nt " 'obrldge lros Ill So U-IG8.3t 11th st. Cuitli FOR LADIES. 181G ChICAGO ST. cum LADES. U-ICC.31. MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANThONY LOAN & TRUST CO..31 N.Y. IIFE. loans at low rates for choice securIty In No- hmskn antI Iowa ( anus or Omaha city "I"perty. W-l01 LIFI ' , INSUItANCII porlcma I.OANJV ON lSUIANCg or bought. : F. O. Cliesncy , 1lnsas : City. \ - Mo . MONI.JY T LOAN ON IllIO\'ED OMAhA real estnle. Drcllan , W\'O & Co. , Pnxl"n "Ik. \\-bOi : INtJY TO LOAN AT I.OWEST bATES. TIE O. F. Davis C 1 : : l'nr\1 sl. " ' -10t 'IItLOS 1tTE S MA1 ON GOOD LOANS. LO1"'I J. \ : Squlre,2l3 neo bldg. " -10 .h _ _ _ < , _ _ CITY LOANS. C.A. STAnn 5 : N. Y. TIFE. . \V-bO6 lONI Y TO I.O.\N ON UllIO\BO OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company li02 " Farnarn -'OS lOANSON' IMPROVED & UNIlpnOVED CITY I.rolerly. . , \V. Fnrol Smith & C lIlt ) I.'nrnam W-IO MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA RiAL , 1 5TATr IEY IAI.nl at G per cent . ' V . Ii. 5.leIkIe 1st Nat. Ilk. hhlg. W-I1 CITY LOANS. FO.00 TO $ : .00,00 AT LOWI.JST rles , Puwel & Polter let door , N. Y. I. bldg " ' -II INYfSTIS DtECOIY CO" , 10VALl. , ST. . N. 1. compile ali sell names oC bona n"e eastern Im'rslor who have money to Invest. FiI particulars upon request. " ' - : G M : $ .400 PIUYATJ MONI'Y , FOb GOOD I.OANS. P I ) . \eao , lClh and Douglas. \ \ ' - : - ON ApHL 1. ISO . TiE SUM OF $ S.I.0 CAN Ie oblnlno . nt 7 per ccnt Address \\-I.lSOT II S. Tee MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUKNITUItE . PIANOS horses , WOgOIS , ete. . 'at lowest rates In city ; no rlmoYIoI goods : strictly cOllleolnl : you can pay the loan on at any time or In any amounl amount.OMAffA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30 So. 16th et.X115 XU MONEY TO LOAN ON FUTONITU1tIC . PIANOS and all kInds of security. Fred 'rerry. rom t30. Rnmo block X-II MONEY TO LOAN ON JOUSgIOLD FunNI- : IONE\ tule. plnnoe . horses wagons or any kind or chattel securIty at lowest possible .nle which you cal PaY hack nt any time anti In any amount. FiDELiTY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Ioom \lhnel hlol . X-lII J. D. S HAVDOCK , ROOM 427 , HAMGE BLOCK. X-li BUSINESS CHANCES. DO YOU WANT A MONEY lAI'EI ? TILE Edison Klnetoscpo ( ellh lalhlac , ) . took In ' U 01 ( In leos than three months. For terms 11\or(8 Edison K\1elo'Col'Q Co. . 10 & IGth st. . Omaha Nob. Y-M6IT CUBAN FIOECKLES . blEST IN THC WOm.D. -786 JI 5.IIIAT 5.IARKET FOR SALE on TRADE . IN good sized town Henson for selling . II.solu- ton of partoershlp Adlrc" . I 28 , Tee , Council Uluffs. Y-5.tU97 FOIl SALE-DRUG STOCK IN\'OICC $ Z.5IO. antI ph'sl lnl'8 Innelce , $ _ .0')0.1 ' ) a year . Pur- chnser must he German. 1,0cnlnr In n floe German farming communiy , Address Box 47 , South Omaha Neh. Y-1ST-S' WAN'I'J0 , A LOCATION IN A GOOD LIVE tow'\ II ( 'stnbl.\ : wl"e.nwal anti , regressIve weekly po"er ; must have some nsslstance t.1 shIp outlit. Address Printer , care of IaIIy lice. o\ 9' I"Ot SAIE-SMAI.T STOCK 01" NOTIONS wIth or without llxturos cheap. Cull ot 19W Hhllnnn . avenue after 7 p. m. Y-271-G' - " - - - - - FOIl SALE . . IIAKITRY. CNJgCINEIY , etatiOner ) nOd l'llar line ; god 10lalon In Omaha. .1 ZJ , lIce. \-M229 \ ' F9R HE-m.\1' 5.t,1tKlfl' AND TOOLS IN n live town. Fnrmel8 & Merchants State bank Neoin In. Y-I.l FOI ; S".I . A GOOD l'.tYlNO HAIOONl LL located In Omnhn. Address J :6 , lice. " Y-IOI 8' FOR EXCHANGE FOIl RAI.f on ' 'IA mJGOOD PAYING buslle , : will talce leul ) anti carriage : re180n for sellIng . ha\'I' other business.'Iiat liar you 1 Address .1 23 , Bre. Z-2J7 FOR ALE-RgAL ESTATE . DON'T 1.01011 , 0\1 MoTTO " \1 NI\'EI offer on'lhlol hut genuine 6Iap8. " Ihen itt U9 how you line hulhln : lots for $ QO.OIJ. ' 1.0 ant . : & .0.U0. or look at N. \ V . corner 261h and ChIcago , Ixl , 01' , s. W. cOler 31h and howard , 132xl3J , anti hbO5.1l come $ . In and get 11lces. ! 10m mon 5 l'm LI. . . ,100.0' ) ; $ ' ; U.O caoh , balance $15.0er S rooms. modern , fIne barn . U.50. and IO others . prices antI terms to putt you Ir'8IW8 5 acres . 4ti miles test Dr I' 0. ; 4 acres In grtpes. boa. log ; house unit . barn Price. 92.600. 1.11 , 10 : ucre.s adjoinIng loUlh Omaha ot $ : MO per acre. I you don't see what you wac , ni for I J. U. C61e Co" . 106 N. I.th Street. 1 -MI8 1 T 4 It. COT.\m. SOUTI ill ) CASh . 1610. a r. cl u ! . brick. South , : lh. $6 ; 7 I' . house antI burn. cast Iron near I10seol i'nibc 1 , 18Y lelm" $2. O. 4Q acres Weat 1..110 . st" house anti grove . will accept ' part trade. $ \ ) ) . 1 r. hou. . fur3c. anti , nib COI' . norh of "ark asphalt "a\ . fully palti . I'rle" f : . : ) U.2W Citfili . l > l. r ) " 'lr8 , C per cent . p. I. I \Vad , 161h , and louglas. flC-277.G , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I.'Oi 1OAI.1I. WCLt TQUI'I'PO STOPK " 'AIIM. 3.i : ' ocr . on Wood Biter valley , Neb. ; ili ncre . cultivated. Lalonre ( eared \ II hay mend. cIIII'nle.I leal- O\U and " .111101 0".1 buildings 1 . feed ) 'srlo. elc. \'alul $37. % ( ) , Small rash payment nnlt Ialarce lf equity II clear cIty property . Al- Oreos lOS Cooper buloln : 1el'cl' . IC-M1 Cola. . ) 6' 1'01 R.\.I-I'\Ir : 10MB. JO AC\H , NIJAlt Omaha ; HI < kneF t"n..peb. : 0\11 10 Mcrllc" I''I\C this lute ' ann ; posllon(1 at once. Also 11 , north of Olahn , reli 111' " , nil In cubtl'.n- t"n ; 001) ' $ : ( ) rn.h. lul. I lve yeats at riel i''Iit. IavenportVateimon , sole 01.01. , N. Y. 1.1. Oi..il.a. Im-Z-G' I ; : A111 lOll I\LI : I PAN OFFITIO FOil A lImIted tm , 00.1 nt an atmrlh'I "I ce. n ceitunty. ChoIce : : implov.'d Nebraska. 40-acre hear rniiu. l.a I'lattu 1 Ioeatt"i laro : Sup and , I tie new fort , hIs Is ci rid ly 9elhl bench land. auitI \ the tnItrOIIuCflta are of Ih. * \ a 11.1. 01.Ih. . 1IIIrI.nl. o 1 g. order ; , : IW ( "a.h will hnl.l" . the tract \ % ' > I < r $ , l'lrl ; , ln wil J1" ' ) ' , treet Omaha . Nd" IIU-MIlS AS iR ; ' . \ " IT ! 'l'iIU lllGIITST IIAIIGAIN 10 1Ot' W.\:1" 1'11GtJST BAIO.\IN on the " , "ket ; ; nnl" . u LelulCul Iran or 1\ . close to 1'\,1 .t ' , " ta. new sure fair grounds 1111 llniov.t t.Ui ' ; . II \e.t 01111 , ; olml'ly ) adapted for . . .I\.ncn. , lrelale or InanuI""lurlnr iuIs'see , run "rpr this vnIuu- Ide " 1'r\ for HOV"r II ' , Cll nUll . . \"r ir adlr" " 'r.'eHt.I" Im'aholll ' ' ' N. Y. . ' ' . IiU-5.ihlT , ' I.I'ltltlt. : : I - : 31 G' - - - rI : 'm- : : : il } , 'mml : HCI'TI UM.\I. . . wil tao CeIIae5 111e.t I nt $11.00 t'lr i.wn'h. . for edllOI ell"IU . 111'lwrII It , I..ul Ad- dress IA . J SI. , 10)ulu5 . .W , Iti5.ti04 $1 ( ' ls.ut . * C , , - - - - - - - - - - - - I AII 1.Um , C. 1" JJI150 : f ' . N \ I. I JI I 1' AS , Weak Heart Iregular acion of the heart , Functional Derangements of the heat , Cause I hy the c"ceS1ve u'e of lo"acc : D ) ' " . pepsla , Net\'ous ProstratIon , General DebIlity , &c , AN IMPOVERISHED STATE OF THE BLOOD , Ate clre , MI many : Organic diseacs of the be.r , I'ropw And 1llghts ! Dlslase 01 the Kid- neys ate alleviated by Cardl"lle The Extract 01 the ' a"'i' 0 ? I & 11 Uteri 01 the Ox. rrepafeaccding 10 the formula 0/ / DR WJ A. IAl'NOND. In his laboratory Wnshingto , D. C. Dose , s Drops Price , Two Drachms , $ i.oo. Al elderly persons shonluse CI\dlne. polL s.\LI BV ALL DRUGGISTS . The Columbia Chemtcal Co. Sedfor Dook. 16 WASHINCTON , D. c. KUHN & CO. , AGENTS FOR O IAnA. I FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. ContlnuciL A $3,500.00 10M I 1 ' 01 $1.6.,0 ; EASY ' 'ltMS ; le u. show I tl you. Teme""er wo never ' . II. N. Cole. offer anything "ut genuine snaps. I. ll lO N. - l lh. sna\l. ltlT-5.1934 - - S AIJSTIIACTS. TILtS J\tON mJD COMI'ANY. 1 Ul G IIXCIIANUIbO , AND SAT.I.H ; crr1101g1TY. . forms , IIC'chnnllle. ( Jarvin crr\ Brs. 210 N. 1' . L I -m _ DAIOOtiNlI , 10USI S. LOTS AND FAblES ; DAnGNtl sale or tr Ide. 1' . K. Darling . Barker hlock. . 'Oil-lbs IIAIOGAINH . SALE 010 THAT IN CITY I'IIOL'- UAIOAINB. ertel farms. Ol . . N. 1.'llnzer , 01" Im-DSI . I' . o. FINE OAIODITN 1.\ND. r 5.11. \10:1 I' . 0. . $ I\ ) Per acre ItO N. Y. L. bldg. I1 -9S3 \\'ANTIID , ACIOIIAGIT Foil FAIOM. WANTB1 AIFAm t"OI " ' "nt.l. house close In ( sme Un'le ) . " \'nntetl . . lot cloe co.e ( 'SIrne Ir1) , ) . \'anleth ,1."lelel- z ) acres cloar. " 'I\IC\ . acreage for ta8h. " 'ni 1.1. $ IO. ( ) ! sll""Ce for cMh. ' "onh'o. lot for ocr noe. IVantetI . 10 acres for ctli " 'a 1 1.1. 21 0"18 bottom land for cnoh. " ' 111 Id. house for clear lots anti ch. " 'nltN. Iowa lamb for clnl house anti cns : " IINI , house . Hnnscom Place . for farm. " 'ant..I. Innscom Ilno lot for cash and lot " 'anteI , liouso anti , cash for fine farm. C. 1' . harrison . 112 N. Y. 1.ICe. 1011302-1' - . BZC 'CLES. M. 0 OAXON , (03 N. 16Th. 19 - - " - - - - VICTOR IIICYCLRS.T1111 FINEST ai' AIL JCYCL VICOt bleye" S . Omaha llic'CIe Co. , 32 N. 16th street. lZ STnnLINO DCYCL S , BUILT LJ" A watch.'cstern Electrical Supply Co..4:2 S,161h. S37 A. 1. . DEANE & CO. . Wlo.1 SALt AND HE- tail bicycles . 1\6 I nram flreet. 121 WIL lAINtM & 110" 10 N. . 15'1 S''nmT ; only riding gehol In the clt ) . 1:3 "COLUMIIIA" IS9 : . FINEST I"XAMPI.C 0 "COLUIJA" Ilhl ! grade bIcycle construction. \Vm Lyle Dlc c ) ' & Co" , 103 Douglas sl. , ocen 913 . UNDETAKERSANDEMBALMERS n. K. ibUillilIT. FUNERAL DrJCOt AND embalmer. 1618 Chicago st. . Illeooe lie. U8 SVANSON'ALIUN. , UNOCI'AKEIS AND embalmers. liOl Cumlng sl. , telephone 10GQ.on on M. 0 MAUl. . UNDFrTAIEI AND II2iLIIALM- er , 117 1.'ornm ot. , telephone ZZ : os C. W. UAIEl UDElTAKEH , 613 S. \Gn9 t BUILDING &LOAN ASSOOIATION. now TO GET A nOME OI SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. ApplY to Omaha L. & D. As'n. liOI Bee bldg. O. W. Nnltngel' , See 03 SHAnES IN MUTUAL 1 & D. ASS'N PAY 6. 7. 8 per cent when I , Z , a years old , always redeemable. li04 I.'nram at. . Nattinger. : Wi ' . HOTEL HOTEL DAlKEn , 13H AND JONES STS. 7 roms lt $ l,5 per dny. ' . ! 5 rom , nt $2,0 per tiny. Special rates to commercIal Imvelers. Room and board by week or month. Prank Hldlc:1. : manager. 183 AETNA hOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COIl. 131h and DoJge. I0gma by lay or "eelt 9 ! } COAL. ) ) . T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED IllS COAL omce to . 20 8. ! IGlh , at. . . Drown blocl 125 - - - - - - - - PRICE REDUCED ; ShIEIOIDAN . nEST WYO- ming cool ; nut , $ I.O ; lump $ : .50 ; ZOO for a ton de'vcreo ' lC : Faram dreet. 12 MEDICAL. 'SYIHH,18 TnFoTgO ; NO CURE NO PAY ; cases on payments ; consultation free ; 8 10 10 o. m. , I to 3. 7 to 9 p. m. :10 Coming sl. . Omaha. M-iO.M MASK SUITS. LADms' ANn MEN'S MASK SUITS FOR RENT lmN'S :1.H SUTS RFNT nt Golden Eagle &Iorc , 11 8. 16h : street 5.1-603-Eli' CARPENTERS AND BUII.DEItS. C. E. MOntLT , . PAIEn HAGNG. hOUSE sign painting , brick vork . plastering : off. Ii. 1. Darker "lk. ; tel. ml : shop 21 1lro : tel. on 40S. - sTOVi 1-h.PAikt5 : .0V. .l A.l5 . . . . I STOyn lEIArS 101 H.Q DFFEIENT makes or slove , : water alachmenls and con- nectos n opeeal ) ' . 1207 Douglas st. Omaha Stove Repair \orl < ! . 90 . LCST LOST , A SMOOTH-COATCD ST. IIIIIONASID I.OS fT. J HAID dog . S months 0 : < % velgiiinic about i3 lb. . : re- wnrd wi he paId on delIvery or - dog "t 121 : HJlh ZII. M3U 8 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES IILUCTIIICAL ENONElmS AND CONTRACtors - lor8 for electric light ; and motor plants omit 11 kinds or electrical con\'cton. 'e.tern 111cc- trcnl Supply ) Co" 41 arid 4Z1 S. 151h .1 , 993 SHORTHAND ANI ) TYI'.E WRITING. . . . VAN SANT'S SCnOOL 01 SHOHT IIAND. N. \ Lire , Omaha Aslt _ for . circular. ' 123 - - - - - TURKISH BATHS. TuRKISh BAThS ; ONLY II.ACF IN CITY exclusively for ladles . SuIte 109,10 lec bdi. 99 ! . MUSIO AWJ' ANV LANGUAGE. . c. F. OELI.1INI1ECI6 , BANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher , 1 1 Cass at . till - - - - - DREBBMl\KING , DRESSMAKING IN FAMH.ICS. 46 GRANT .t. lie 31' BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIIOnS ISn.CHED , 19 N. 128 16 . - - - DENTISTS flIt . I'AUL , DENTIST , 20211 BUIlT ST lZI _ J . 'E : zr T Litwyci's and ao11citot's. SUES & Co. , Bee riuItJlug , OM.tIIA. : : cb. Advice lolm. ] watch his ears Whcn rubbing 1 horEo ( loWI watch his cars. If ho hacks 'em is hccauso lw'e , sorp whcI'o you lub , lp1y . Mexican S Mustang Liniment ( \ the spot 1m ! the sorcncss wilL vunih WILL \ FC11)if [ ) r TU A FINUI ! ? Main FCturs af\lo Case to Do Hear at P6t1and. TWO FI.C1IO'1S AVIER TIE iioi LINE l"nrll& :1,3 nd U\I'r ( for is Few Inys . hut Af /11 Alb\t ' the ( Itilus Wi lie ? : Il . , Jnlllt ( Uno fur the i.'hi f hattIe , There Is pOle d ub as to the application of the American Loan and Trust company for a separate receh'er for the Oregon Short 1.lnl being heard for SOIO days , as schedulel by JUllge Gilbert nl l'ol'tland. There are several cases te b he3rJ before time Short LIne mat- ter. and the auumenls tn the case may not bo' reached unli March 10 , or even later. As the time , ho\e\t for the hearing grows shorter , ILterest In the caEO begin to make itself ftt throughoul the headquarters 01 the Union Paclnc , for It means much to the company - pany should the court decide lo grant time application ot the trustee of tile consolidated mortgage. Not only arc the frt mortgJge holders arrayed against the application nlll will resist a stgrrgnton of the properly , hilt a vcry strong minority or the consolidated mortgage holders are opposed to any change al this time . Judge Thurston , Il I under- stood , will take the positon that tIm action for a separate receiver should have been com" mence" In the court or time Eighth 1 district , anl1 that a change al this time would set aside all the proceedings had upon time Short Line before Judge Sanborn . The several nnswers filed In the Clue tndl- eate the policy which Is to be purued In resisting - slstng tile npplcaton or time trustee of the consolidated mortgage holders for a separate receiver. The Joint and several answers at S. II. n. Clark and others receivers or the Oregon Short Line & Utah Nortimern . to time bill ot complaint 01 John Dillon against the receivers , has become 1 matter of record. In this answer the receivers expressly deny that they have In any way diverted or used the revenues comIng Into their hands , as receivers , for the purposes stated In the complainant's bill , but on the contrary have administered the properly fairly and disposed of the Income ot the Short LIne and Utah Northern nccord- tle lug lo tIme orders mndo for their governmenl. ! The corporation defendant Is also repre- sentell as being opposed to the segregation , ns well as the Union Pacific , which Is repre- sentol1 In the pleadings by a separate answer . s\er , Incidentaly praying the court to re- qUlro the complainant lo submll all his proofs and that upon 1 final hearing antI delerml- nation of the cause the respective rights and liabilities of , the several parties maybe bo found and determined according 10 the rights and powers conferred upon any ot Ihem. . An.1 In addition to these filings there was n stipulation on 1M part of John , Dillon . the complalnnnt , that the defendant might have until Mnrcl 10 ( o.fle answer to the com- plalnanl's bill. This Is time reason for the Oregon Halway r & Navigation compnny's case taking precedence over the Short Line ' case at Portnlii In this connection ' It may not be out ot place to say tl lhjor McNeill . who owed his appotntmenl as receiver to President S. - S. H. Clark , has during his mannenient of the Ore- gen Raiway & " Navigation company seemingly - . Ingly forgotten his , friends who were Instru- mental securinbini his position I Is nn open secret thaI bo has diverted business ; Union Pacific . whenever possible from the Pacifc. ' notwithstanding hls trafc ngreement and has hi various \ nts shown a disposition to give the Union Pacific the worst of every position , al ot which wi bo brought out In the hearing of lfe ! case before Judge Gilbert. . , I'ihtSi . , O } UNIwr1'1iL'LU . rot , r TiWUlLIr : , , . r r > Suit or tbo oro'f ; hallway I Navlgton Company fl s t l'orthasnd. PORTLAND ; ' Orc" , March 6.-A very Important - portant railway case Involving over $500,000 began In time United Slates distrIct court today. E. McNei , receiver of the Oregon Raiway and Navigation company and the Farmers Loan and Trust company have united In a petition to hav the order appointing Receiver McNei so modified as to absolve him from tM payment of Indebtedness con- lracled by the Union Pacific receivers tn their operation of the Oregon Railway & before the 'ppointment Navigation company ' of Receiver McNol and the Union Pacific , went Into the hands of time recetvers. Receiver Cark and others claim , and It Is not seriously disputed that the claim Is correct - root , that there was a large deficit In the earings of the OE1on Railway and Navigation - lon properties and the old rccelvers were Insisting upon protection for this deficit by way of a len , claiming Ihat they were en- titled to this protection . being receivers of tIme court and operating time IJrOpertes under order of court.An agreed order as enterE' , practically required Mr. McNei to pay this deficit , to pay outstanding claIms which were due to various parties throughout the state and elsewhere which had nol been paid at tIme time by the old receivers , and In general provided that all matEial and sup- plies which had been furnished the Oregon Railway and Navigation company roads for six months previous to the appointment of McNei ! should be paid by him. In November , 1895 , Reel al al . claiming to be stocllhohlers In time Oregon Railway and Navlgatcn commspany . together whim McNei as receiver , and the American Loan and Trust company which ts trustee of time consolllaleJ mortgage oC the Oregon Short Line company , unlell In a pollen 10 the court hero to modify the order providing for a len to the old receivers and time hearing today Is to settle the controversy arising out of this opinion. The principal questions for consideration will probably be : First were the old re ceivers the receivers of the Oregon Railway and Navigation company or were they tile roe col'ers ft time Union Pacific only , and as Iuch receivers of the lease holding interest of that company only In Oregon Halway and Navigation , and second , were the negotiations - lens originaly begun In New York and te ! o' graphed hero and reslmed here between local counsel fuch al Ihat order should be alowe lo stand as It Is ? TIme answer of time Union Pacific receivers to the cmlllllnt of the Farmers' Loan and Trust company under which ! r. McNei was appointed receiver for time Oregon Bali- way and Navigation company alleges there Is due them ns receivers about $117,5313 from operations or the Oregon Hallway and Navigation - galen lnes ; that the receivers expended In excess of their receipts about $22,70G In their oPfralon of the lnes , and lhero was an oul- standing Imlebldnes ! amounlng to about $250,723 , all of which was expended In their operation of the OrliOI Railway and Navl. galen lInes. They allle Ihoy expended about 224.000 for fuel , sUl1llles , rals , ties , otc. , necessitated by the flood of last May and ( June all of which were turned over to Receiver McNeiil. Time petition for n separate receiver for the Oregon Short 1lno alil Uah Northern wi nol come UI' before next Monday , as Judge Gilbert of the United Slates circuit court will then. nol reach here from Salt Francisco until UI''BIHSrl i o\'In : ' 11 : Si IDL.tNI ) . IOlllhuhlnu nnl , \tchlauo . COlmltoD Jl Not Agree cc to Its \ 'muhuit- . ChICAGO , MuCrclm 5.-Bererrlng to time inquiries . qulrles which have been made at Isle In rafer- mca l ! the relation of the Colorado Mldl n'l receivership lo that of time Atchison , To- Paka & Santa Pe , Receiver Walker Ius authcrlzed the following statemenl : "Nciioti3tioUs have fI collIe time been peimding l tn reference to the condition of the Colorado Mldlnd tn the pending general re- organization plan or the Achion , .yslel. The r raulzaton commiee has Its CWI views u to time value cf the Colorado 1Idltli property , whie the \Iewl entertained by the Colorado 1Idlnnl ) bondholders very naturly repezeimt a rueh . .llgheralu3ton , I hal bwn the belief of the bondhollor : that a Ikp- arale receivership for a few montils : would re- suIt In an increase In earning Ilower beyond the retull show during tha pUt year . when the IJrCrerlpD have bn nunaged by lime same tec I'r and Cpllly In view cf Ih ? Impro\'om nw apParent In bUll- nu\ conditions In e.lorado. On the other - ' - - ' - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hln,1 , the Atchison committee chlms that the Colora10 Midland has ben doing lS well 1 I its situation can tn any event perlnht . antI that I woul bo rlclsly weakened , U cut lo ! from the Atchison sstem As the outcome ot theo decisions It I Rlhhnb11 " tbll an application for I separate receivership will soon bl mal1e by the Colorado Midland bondholders . In ccnnecton with n stIlt to be brought for the foreclosure Ir the frt inert. gage upon that roiti ! I such nn Applclton ts nUlle the prEsent receh'tt will not oppos I. believing that their po'llon should bs one of neutrality , sail the matter can bs properly disposed of by time court . ns the interests or the various l'artics 11) ' 10 made clear by them II'On the heulng. "Whether n new receiver shall be appointed or 1101 Il 1 ( under tool that no intention e- . Isi to Lever the intimate relations now cx- Istng btween time two propertes , bit thlt time Present traffic interchanges with thE Atehisomi woull be maintained al alt cnnls. The Colorado lllnn.l might employ separate operating and trafc clclals and keep Its accounts distinct . Whll such 1 Nllrtol wouh mnble the Colorado Midland to be worked _ ns nn independent line , , nov rl ele ! ! Il would not. Involve any change In Lime 1111. local bustne . which hug of through or ! or Wolllti In any nplrEClnble way effect the Interests - throats of the PUblic. On the other hall , I tl Illouhl be Mcldell that the pre.enl recelv- Irs arc to rcbln their mln1gment of the Colora"o Hdlanl1 properlY , It Is thought by the lrtes rqlreentn ! time general mortgage oC lie Atchion Ihat Its operation can In that way carried bo more on " a'ivalltageotlsiy : 11\1 eccnomlclly The general meetng of the we tern passen- gtr commitee adjolrntl totimy h\lng 5030111- plslm1 nothing. The cOlmltl ha\lng In charge the tormaton cf the ! lbcolmltee submitted n report eucty as described ) 'CI- terlla } ' . No forl'l action was taken cn It , . lmowever. A meeting ot time general msn- agels of the western lines was all heM today " day 10 lee I more stability could not hI Put into western freight rates The IncIting lInseed a retIUton providing that each gl- oral mnnger should instruct his general freight agent . to maintain rates strictly , and adJourell without taking rurtherlcton. . The net earnings of time Atchhon eystem' ' ( al hues ) for the month of January were $709,965 , nn Increase ot $82,074 over time corresponding - responding Period last ) 'ea. The. not earnIngs - Ings ef tie St. Louis & San Francisco Ino were $167,877 , an Increase ot $12,121. Tile I earnings of time Atlantic & Pacific show a de- fcl for the month or $172 , which I. howe\er , an Impro\elent of $63.65' over Janury cf last year , when the deficit was $63S2G. The net earnings ot the Colorado Midland were $30,141 , : n Increase ot $13,150. The net earnings of the Atchison & 'ystenm proper excluding the lines represented above , were $512,10. 1 decrease of $5,051. For time seven months from July 1 189 , to January 31. 1895. the net earnings of the Alchlrn syHm ( all hinre ) were $ iiG57- :18 : , a decrease from the correpondln prlo of time previous fiscal yEnr of $2.054,642. The net earnings of the St. Louis & an Francisea ! rncse" were $1.6S7,233. on Incre1 ! of $131,410. Time net Carnlns of the Atlnlc & Pacific were $30.38.1. nn Increase or $21.707. The lIst erlngs of the Colorado 1hlnl1 were $ H- 955 , an Increase or $ t ,3S , ThE net earn- Ings ef time Atchion syrtem proper were $1,528777 , n decrEase of $2ISG AimIc TILE OVl3ltI.tND TU l'\Y IT. \t to Tnlnfer thin Old Urhl. or tIme Niuvi. gltnl Cnlll' 'ny PORTLAND , Ore. , March . -A railroad cane Involving over halt a mlon dollars wns blgun In time Unlell Stales district court today. The case was thlt of Henry Heed and olher bOldholdErs of the Oregon Railway and Navigation company , logether with I ] . MeNeill . reeetver of the Oregon Railway and Navigation company , and the Farmers Loan and Trust company as trustee under time consolidated mortage of the Oregon Railway and Navigation compan to have the order appointing McNei receiver so modified as to absolve him from the pay- meat of time Indebtedness contracted by the Union Pacific receivers In _ t\.elr" ! operation . . of the Oregon Railway nnl NavIgation com- pan ) ' . E. S. For opened the ' argument In behalf , of time Oregon Railway and Navigation com pan ) ' . He said the order appointing ! c- .Nel , which practically required McNei to pay time outstanding claims . was made through n misunderstanding of an agreement previously made tn New York by interested parties hooking towards an amicable trans- forrence from the Union Pacific receivers to Receiver McNeill. He asked that the order be modified and , that the claims go before n masler In chancery ' to determine whether they shall bo paid by the Oregon Railway and Navigation - lon receiver or the Union Pacific receivers. t'lu.ln Ctnmdterimblo " 'orr , No other raised ehccks have been reported to the auditing department at time Union I Pacific , and Ills generaly thought the clever ' manipulators have loft for other fields. I Ihat two checks may bo , however , one or ( may come In from the far western line of road , but the detective force of the Union Pacific feel sur thal the skied raisers will bo apprehended. The checks raIsed were purchased from tlC orlglnnl holders , who were entirely innocent of any evil being committed In the selling ot their cimeclcs ! 'fhe story of how time men world as publshed In Time lice qf yesterday , has . excited ( not only raIlroad officials , but bank officials al wel , and there promises to bo a decided change In safety paper as a result of the clever work done by the manipulators of chec1 on the Union Paclllc. Paymaster Dens ot the Burlington referring 10 paying In currency . stated that whie It would possibly entai less work on his olco force Il would require much greater precautions. al ho . would have to carryin , I his ! car $30,000 ! . to pay off , the varl- , ous IIVISIOns per InOlItIm . I WOIII nlo 00 away with the present system of scntiirmg checlts to division superIntendents for em- plo'es , which was found 10 be very satis- factory. He argued that 10 pay In cur- rency would require an armed guard to accompany time paY car , and altogether would bo a most IUaUsfaclor } ' substtulo for pay eheclts , which were accepted everywhere as money. He stated Ihat he Ild nol Imow at raised checks being worJI,1 , on the Bur- lngton , hnl hall seen several forged ' lenU- neaten letters . a man helng under arrest al Sheridan , \Vyo. , for ha\lng forged an Identification lettel' . flnl l I I ol ii rim rim , & Inntl 1'0 Elect : , mu. 1.VBSTON , Tex , Jarch 5.-Forty-five thousanll four hounlred nnti forty shares were represented at time annual meetug or the stcckhoillers of tIme Gulf , Colorado & Santa Fo railroad tOllay Following are the dlreclors electell for time ensuing year ; Ed- ward KinA. New York , chairman ; A. F. Wnlker , Chicago : John J. McCoolc , New York ; George S. Early ! , J. H. Hutchings , D. I F. " Yoaknm , Leon Dum , J. V. ' . Terry , ' 1. W. Jackson. Galveslon. , The directors elected the following general I olcers ; Bllwarl King , chairman of the board ; A. F. Walter , president ; D. R. Robinson . son , Chicago : first vice llrraldent ; Ii. F. Yoaluun , third vice president : John M. Bird , Galveton secretary and treasurer ; J. C. lensing Boston assistant secretary ; H. 'mY. Gardiner , New York , assistant eneral coun- : scl ; George H. Pecic , general solicitor ; W. ' K. : Gillette , Chicago general auditor : W. A. nnrouhs , New Yorle , /Dslstanl general ; " ' , E. I.ufln , Galveston , auditor. 11'11 I I lb lutlr"ll. ! LOS ANGELES , March 5.-'he Santa Fe Il Is aimnotinced , bu given notice to the Interstate Commerce commission that on the Ilh Inst. the second class rate lo Chicago will le restored , as u result or a telegram from Chairman Caldwel overruling the ac- lon or Limo Santa Fe. Whie not accepting Caldweii's decision as final , the Santa Fe realized that lithe ! would be gained by prosc. cutng lo time end. 53 i'llhtn"n l. Ilro.I . MADISON \Vi $ . , March 5.-'fhe fentlro today at the caplol was the light In the assembly over lInil's resolulon to irmvesii- gate the carlJI8 of the St. Paul 11' ' ) Northwtern rallroittle. Thu resolut ioum , . .solulon , ! .alrollle. . which prvlrcl tor an Investigating . conmunit- Ice whkh t : Ii I CpOI.t to . , , the next legls- latlf' Wil Inul\ adopled , nlhouKh tc\ cral attempts wcr made _ to un\end It . . .1 uld gums ii i 01 Iul.n. I I d UIII" Is " , RPnINO ImD. Lii. , March 5.-Iim the ( 'nited Stltes court today the German Sa\ lags bank ul Da\enport. In. . secure.l jtltllf. menl 11IInHt time t'oUumty of Franklin fur U,571 I'alroal aid bond Issued ten ) 'earJ a go. _ _ _ _ _ _ n , imumi'a 'I'urumilumuI. . ! ! rurd , MIL.\'A1'KEl I , Murch 5.-Judge Jenkins today jrunled the Northern Pacific reo celnrs permission 10 enter Into I lease with the Minneapolis anti St. T.ouls ltnii. road company. The company owns tracks near and In Si . Paul over which It Is nec- esanry for the Northern Pacl1' 10 run its trains tn order 10 gain access to the SI , IIUt terminals. I.onkln : tIp thin CheCk n"Orl ' DgN"I , Inrch 5.-W' . T. Canatlo . chief ot the secret sel\lce de1rtmenl or the t'nlon 1nclll railroad , nrrh'e1 In Denver 101n } ' nail Is Ilkln nn tnqllr ) ' into Ihl mnnllllnUon ( f chI ! { distributed nnOn < time ClpIO'I' ! of that line < Intt monlh MI' . ( nnnelPI'S that the Parties who raitir'uh the cheeks mnel' only 1 few hlnllrll 1101. lars . hnl he hM no dnlht that II their ' OpPratiolmm4 hnd not hecn Uii.co'erc'ml ! they wOlll1 have rnewed the nlemt\l next month. I . bile ( . rnn"r ! II" , " lnlrrls.1 Euirsuis. % NEW \OHI . March G.-The nen\r & Hlo Grarmtle catnlnls for Feturtuary were : Gross , $ : I.rU : Incrcne , $ ( )1 ; let , $2t3,56 ; IncreRe $ J.10 : ! lrrlus $ ISISt ugalnst I deficit tn SIll of $ .6'D. S NEWS FOl TIE ARMY. - Major Siontnn Irerh'c , , l'romot'I- ) , , . , Ir.v Un.II' Ijor Tln ! < deus Harlan Stanton , chief pay- masler ot time Deparlmenl of the Platte , lisa been brenll < lieutenant colon by the United States SEnate for galant service In action against Iho Che'cnno InJlnns Inler Crazy 10re on time Powder river In Ionlann , March 17 , 187G. Geernl Crook recolmetlll to time War < eplrtment that he be mal1e colonel by brevet for time above acton , Instenll or leulenlnt colonel , amid also recomlenll1 lhnt he bl brigadier general by brevet for , alnnlr ) ' In acton with the hostile Sioux nl i Slm flutte . S. D. I , Seillember 9. 157G. According to time Army nnll Navy Journal Lieutenant Colonel Ierrlt Bluher , A. A. G. , on duty al the Dcrarllent or the PlltE Ims hen transferrell 10 the Dcpartmenl of the Missouri , vacancy there ha\lng been crc- ated Cole- : by time recent death of 1.leutenant nE1 T. 1 Martin . ro dlslon has been reached by the War deparlment authorities ns 10 tile ofilcer who will bo detailed to the Dellartlent of time Ihle In time place or Llentenant Colonel Bntber. The prob'hlites are that tl wilt ro- mnln'acanl untl the secrctar"s reorganiza- ton of time Inspeclon districts gel tnto cf- fret , for then both Lieutenant Cloneh W. J. Volnar and T. Schwnn wi he relieved front dnty nR acting inspectors general amid returned - turned to dUly In Iholr own corps. The prob- nbillet are thst one of these olclrs wl be assigned to duty at the headquarters or the Deparlment or Iho Ilato unlls Lieutenant Colonel ! V. Sheridan should prefer a change of station froumu St. Paul to Omaha. when one will bo asslghed as hik rehief. Whll Colonel Barbr has received no official notification of the trmmtmstor the Fene.rl opinion nmong the ofcers at the healqunrtef Is that tIme change Is to ho nmaule . I It Is. Omah wi lose the society of n good officer nod a genlnl citizen. Miss ICinzle . daughler of Captain KIIle : , Second Infantry and Miss Lacey , dlughter of Major Lmmcey Eighth Inrantry , ha\e been the uests ! ; of General Berard at Fort Robinsotm. 1.lcutenlnl I. II. Benham , quartermaster or Second InCnntr ) ' , Fort Omaha , Is tn Wash- Ington. I ) . C. Captain James C. Ayrcs U. S , A. , has been transferred frol time Nebraska coulmlmaammiery. , or tim Loyal Leelon 10 Ihn New York Iom _ , mandery ; , - alIt ! Captain - Guy ' - howard , U. S. A. , to the \Termimont conmnmondery. Lietmtenaimt diaries "mY. itowell , Second in- falmtry , who has just completed a four years' tour of college duty at Grove City college , Grove City , Pa. , left that place far Washing. toll , D. C , on time 26th uit. , witlm tite rcmains of his infint datughmter , Amelia Burrlll , wlmo died November 23 , ISE , for rcinternment in bemmtitlfmul Oak lull cenietery , Georgetown. Mrs. Dammily , wife of General George 13. Dnd3' . is still at Went Point , where she was suilIilmmolliNl by limo Illness or ncr soim , George 13. Dalmdy , who is still in time hospital , CAUGHT IN THE ACT. Frank holland i'iacod Under trroat VmIlo ) TalpiIm a Till. Yesterday Frank Holland was arrested for tapping the till In Sliaw & Fell's rrocorv store at 51S South Sixteenth street. Holland had been schenming to commit time larceny for several days , usually entering the store to nmalcmm some small purchase at noon , when timere was but one person in the store , Miss Lizzie Torrens , the bookkeeper , Monday - day he went In to buy seIne kerosene , which was stored in time cellar , but Miss Torrens refused to get it. as the partners had re- celved a tip that Holland was a good man to watch and had instructed Miss Torrens not to leave the store. lie was so urgent that suspicioll was aroused almd a trap was laid for him yesterday. The partners left time store as usual , leaving Miss Torreims apparently - parently alone in the store , but a big policeman - man in the perton of Mike Dohiard was concealed - coaled belmind a pile of sacks of flour on a balcony. Shortly after Holland entered ammml wanted to purchase some kerosene. Miss Torroums took his can and went down cellar. holland did some quick work in getting behind - hind tIme counter and took all tile money in time till , $2.50. ITo was molting a bee iino for time door tvimen Olhicer Dohiard arose In his unLgflt and gently gathered lImo in , l'ropimrlmmur for mimi , (3rucerr , , Monday evemming Prof. Torcmmsr had a full re- lmearsal for the War Song concert at time Lutileran church. There was a full attend- alIce , aIIm ) great olmtlmmlsiasnl irevailed , Time singers vile previously imad olmly been in the coicert In their own Parts vero larticularly pleased with its effect as a whole. Two new musical organizations presented theimiselves for time first time to all Omaha audience , time Ommmahma Gioc club aumd tIme Ladies' clmortls. hiotim of thmeso cilibs lmave lmeen n'orkiuig assiduously with I'rof. Torrons all winter , atmti it ispredlcted bytimelr ad- unirers that timey will score a brIllIant sue- cess. A feature of time eveniimg will be the reCitatinlm of T. IS. Read's soul stirring 110cm , 'SlmerIm1an's Itide , ' ' by 1.11' . Kiulsler , Imnino- diatehy Iollowimmg wimichi viii be mmhiowmi the iitemcoltlCOi1 view of time general. -a- ihimshmoakahiiy SI ( scraido Is tile man or tvolnan troubled with dys- pepsimi. heart palpltatinmms , sour stonmnch , heartburn , uneasimmeis of time nerves , op. prCSslOlm or a sense of emptiness at time lIlt of time stomach , are anmong Its mmylnimtolns , Sins- totter's Stoimsachi Bitters eradicates it , anti eimtirely ovel'ComIIeS constipation , liliousmmeos , rimcinmlatic. kimimmey arid mnniarinl colmhplaiimta. Use thIs thorough romiledy systematically and it wihi achieve luouIulancnt results , lii lied au t Imo Ni , mmmlie r. Yesterday afternoon time fire dopartnment wait called to cxtlngmzishm a blaze nt 5112 ? dltsoll street , enuised by a gasoline stove oxploslolm. Time 1,01150 WUS owned bY N. J. Jimuhim nIlit OccUhJitmil by E. 0. Dell , 'rho damage svua r.t . nmiuini , 'rho ahmtrnm blouiglmt otmt tile new cnioreml Imutic cc.nmpmt ; 101' its list rmitm , ummi it ijot a l.e tr ' .1:11(1 ( Uj ) . 'fime aimurrum rmmng ( r.Iml boi 323 , hilt time comimamy hook It rvi' bx 12 , and tori tn iilxLet'Iliil mmmlii JtIt'lvy Vtl'et'te. illsttg'I of Tn'enty-nimmti , , tnci Leav. Cml Cliii. _ _ _ _ _ _ Shiloim's Cure , tue great comIgIm anti CiOlI cmlre , is Imi great denand : , Pocket size con- loins tom'cnty-flve daes , only 23 cemmta , Clmildren love it. Soul by drugigsta. - 9.1 , 1 pluh mug ( S rmuuugstm i mm I'l arid a , LOS ANCilt.IS , Cal.barclu r.-'ruvo car- lommdmm of omuilgca were ohl'pmid (1cm tubs city ( or Florid.i thsi mnorniilg. S - TIlE i812A1.TS. 31A3116E'F. INSTIIUMIINTS place1 on record Marclm 5 , WAllllAN'PY hElIS , Centrai Loan num'i 'riual eunlpany lo 0 , V , l'lt'rct' . tat 10. Iilc.clc 3. lnummtsum I'lace..I 3,000 ( S. . 14. 1)101mph' ) tim 1. . P. $ jumiiiers , lot 1 , liock IS ? , Umumalia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O,00G II. ii. llmItr : to ii , 5.1. StIrmc1 , bus lot 45 , iim 10-Il . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 C. 11. Pemltlims aim. ) wife /mn.lmew Nelbon , :08 : 2. lliI II , Ltnroltm Ileightis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(0 C. V. 1\amUe mmuil wi ta A. i , Cloac , Lot 2 , 1,10011 134. ilorence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 J. ( I. Nurtlgreum anti wire to C. if. Andeusomi , lot 7. block 1 , Cc.tner & A's add to South tmmmalm.m , . , . . , , . . . . , _ . . , . , , , . . . , , . , . , . , , , , , . , . , 7.00 5.1. 1Il.oyi an-i ttl.t to L. J. ltoys , liii 4 , Iioi.4t ii. Koumtzu : t'iac'e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7,00 South Omaha Iand r < , unpmmumy 10 Neis Nil- Norm , 14,8 10. bIotit 1113. South Olnalma. . . . . . . 720 SouItm thnaiia Nstlonai bank to T. Iich. imovalmy , lot 6 , block UI. l3outtm Onimmima. , . . 1.293 QUIT CLAUS T,1118)S .0. 1. . Mcaguo anti wife /uimvrlean N's. tienal bank , lot 10 , black 7 ; lola 3 nail 4 , iloeh , Crelmihitoum iiIgiila. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ElIzabeth ' 2'utIi et. al to Chaules lleck. my " 5 let 3 , LllrlC 3. Credit Fencltr mmdi. . . . . 1)13111)5. Siec4aI mnaptir to A , C. l'c'nnrk , trustee , lot 1 $ . block 3. Uogg * 4 51111's 24 add. . . . . 1(0 Sara , io ( .3 , 0' . hlijibrook , lot 13 , biek IC , . Orchard ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Total amac'Utmt of tr&mmmsfers . . . . . . . . . . . . 12h1O 11NUAL TRAININC SC1100L Promont Oitizons Moving to Thtabllsh a New Ethicationat Entcrprso. PERPETUATE Tilt PATIIFINDER1S NAME School I iirnrpmmrmmt cii b' Several l'roumtnent CitIzen , lund tIouiey imiiul I.nnut 1)tuiated for t lie l'ulrhItuSn-l , , ' ( t ( 'I' froumm t ho tlu'auormmP , 'm'm'hlow , i'IOEMONT , March 5.-Special.-OnS ( ) of time latct lmrojects elm foot in tills city is for the oltaimhlsimllmelmt of a nmnnmmuial chooI , to ho kimown as limo "John C. i"reinont Manrmual Traiimiumg Sciieoi , " for time training ot boys Imimil girls in time misc of tools nmmd Immechalmicat fll'PliaIhCCs , mvltii hnstrrmctloim in mimathemnatlca , drawilmg mmliii time hinglishu brammohues of a high school cotmrzc. Tue school is to be caleb- hishmeml to perpetuate time llalmle of time "Path- finder , " for 'iIoIIm this city was christc'Imetl , A corporntioui hums been forlmled for time Pur. 130130 of cstaiuiisimilmg time school by 14. D. lticbiarda , Cilzmries 1.Vcst , Josimiia S. lev- ries aumd Frank lolezal ) , They nlreaty have ruocuretl hue stimim of $500 by doumatlon for time iulrpose anti wilt receive other money anti. reni estate. Time viilon' of time into General Freimmont has been imlforlmmcll of limo project , nimii lim reuiy writes to C. L.'eat expresaiimg her gratitude , aimil asslirilIg tlmese in charge of tile clmterprise that iimmti Imer late lmusbalmd Icimown of It it would llat'e given imitmm great ldeasmmro to know timat lmis liliimmo tvaa to be associated with such a lmractical emimicatlonat institution. ltNOhii,1 , 1)11 hAN DS iL11.t'u zAMtGEs Uninim t'acllle SuiNi ror Tnm Timoumsatmrl fbI. . Iiir by mi 1"rcumuoumt Jihitim. FIOEMONT , Marcim 5.-Speciah.-llenry ( ) iCumoell imas cOlmlIIIetmceth two ammits in district court to recover heavy datmmages , cimo against time receivers of time UmIloIm Pacilic railway , aimil tile other agaiimst time city of Freuimont , Tile allegations iii both cases are substenti- ally time saimie , ammd in each case ho asks for $10,200 ilalmmagos. In lila lotitlon ICnoell sets forth timat a culvert or approach to the railroad - ' road tracks on I. . street was unsafe anti rotten. OIl August S imo attenmptotl to drive across timis culvert tvimeil it broke timrougim , tlmrowillg 111111 otit of time wagon. The wagoim mu over luiumm mmtmml time horses stepped on iminm , aimil imhs right leg was imrokomm between time knee nIld ankle. ICnoehi says time conmpamly know time culvert was unsafe aimil had beclm imotiflod to repair it , but had neglected to at- telltl to It. him the case against time city it 1mm declared time city is respollsilmle for time condition of time culvert. It Is evidently the intention of time phaintift to fix time blame sommuowlmere , mtlmd recover frolmm chimer time city or railway cmmm- pany B. F. Gray is attorney for time phairm- tiff. tiff.Timo Time nmortgago record of Dodge county for February is as follows. Seventy-one mortgages - gages flied , $20,015.21 ; released , $12,299.05 ; 38 farm mmmortgsges flieml , $ lS,335.26 ; released , $39,830 : 13 town nail city nmortgages flied , $5,322.35 ; 17 released. $7,56GS0. ' ( ito ia- cropammcy betweomm time filings alIt ! releases of cimattel nmortgnges is largely duo to time negll- itllCC of Imartics iuuterested in faiiiuig to nmako reieases wlmen immortgages are paid , llrlee Simon' mmt sclmuyler. SCIIUYLER , Nob. , March 5.-Special.-- ( ) During a half hour last night timero was a quiet amId heavy fall of snow. TIme Epwortii heague imeld its regular umiontlmly business anti social ummeeting at Pence's hail last mmiglm. there being a large ' attemmdanco of the Inenmbers , also of visitors ; 03 time literary progranm , thuougim short , was ' good , time feature of time exercises being a paper by time president , 'mV. Herbert Sheaf. At the close of time uumeetlng refreshments tvcre served. Time stock of goods in time Scimimster res- , . taurammt , nttacimetl recently by creditors , vna sold by time muimeriff yesterday , beiog sold in small lots , times bringing , it is claimneol , at i least $100 more timan it would have it. sold otimerwise. Time two claitums UPOfl willchm the goods were taken amouiimtetl to $305 and costs ; " the stock was sold for anmounts aggregating $270. $270.Edgar Edgar W. Van Ilouserm and wife of Mis- , sourl Valley are visitimmg Mrs. Van Ilousen's 4 : parclmts , J.V. . Simultz and wife. Time Scimuyler Cenmotery association. last night elected allIed's nail trusteeS for time eti- aIling year. S. II. McCullougim , secretary ; J. A. I'ence , treasurer ; U. HVcils , John 'mV. Shultz , Joimlm i'rokos , Henry l3oitotl and .1. A. l'enco , trustees. Time society being desirous i03 of widening the road on time north side of time ceunotery , wimich is but two rods wide , foitmici filat there was mueriotms objection because many thought tlmat time cimatugia would causa ' , Inore santi to drift on lots along tile north ' side. The county commissioimers Imavg agreed to permit thu cimange , anti to keep the wider lane properly fenced. Attorney J. A , Grimi- son has bmcn requested to make lavestiga- tion as to time legality of widening the lane. Time Colfax County Agricuuitmmrai society at an adjourned unoetilmg recently elected' of- ( leers for time coining year. S. R. hub , isroat- dent ; P. Iml. Sigher , vice president ; id. 13. Davis , secretary , nail E. F. Folda , trees- uror. Ihids have been received for tile dwell- lag house omm tue grounds , which had been advertised for sale , but time society voted to reject all bitisThis was time only pr sent means of raisilmg funmis to liquidate 5011mG 'somali claims tiiat are boimug pressed , except"t lag by borrowing. Time wife of County Judge San 13. Alien died last Ilight , after a painful illness of maimy nmonths. OrI-.trciulla II ugh ' dm001. ' ORB , Nob. , Marcim 5.-Speclal.-Time ( ) Ormi anti Arcadia liigim scimools met in a debating ColItest at tIme latter place , Friday evening. Miss Itay Jenlmlilga and Lavrcnco lirigimt soiiresenteil Ord aiIm ! Edward Murray mId Leonard hawkins , Arcadia , A crowded imousms greeted time speakers , anil mimanifesteul snucim illterCst by hearty applallse. l'rof , Timonlas of St. Paul. Superintendent Joimmiloll of Loup City aimti Mr.Vliiianitm of Sargemlt actet as tmdges. 'I'ilo decision ss'as rcndcrcd ill favor of time Ord speakers. Timia Is tue second contest tlmat ilas talmeim lmiaco between the scimool , Ord wInning both. Fob It (1iuuimly lurtgio Ilecord , OSCEOLA , Nob. , March 5.-Simecimmi.-TImo ( ) mortgage record for the montim of February Jim time county shows timat tlmer were flied thirt3'.eigimt real estate mortgages , amouumt- imig to $31,2il ( ; released , eighteen , nnmountiltg to $11,991 ; town ummortgages lilcml , six , amount- IIIK to $2,011 ; released , seven , anmountlng to 1G6G ; chattel unortgogemt filed , sixty.our , alumoulmtirlg to $6,503 ; released , seventeen , allmOUimttlmg to $2,731. l6itmmi ( Bye's liii ( ] uirIcim Snu,1 , LINCOLN , Marcim 5.-Ilpeclal.--rCongrera- ( ) aman Icesn , In a letter to the relief cormmlmmis- sion , aulnoullec's that ime Imas dolmat6tl Imis per- tiers of the garden seed appropriatloim , 030- 000 packages , to the deuotituit , of Ntbruslcn. 'JIm 5.lomieruu 'mmmy Commends itself to tIme veli liuforimmed , to Ole pleasantly aim ] eiTectmmaiiy what tvas fornmeriy. done irm time crudest iutmiiiier auld disagreeably as well , To cleanse tile systeln amId break UI ) coitl , headaches armit fevers witbou unpleasant - pleasant afler effects , umse time dehiKtmtfuj hlqlmid laxative remedy , Iyrup of FIgs. - hOcals .Joliu the , trikcra' lmmuiki , NISTORIC , March 5.-Time striking electrical srorkers say that time 200 nonunion nmemm ms'lmo were mit worlc OIl time different buildings lmad quit work after tima waiIlIIg delegates imad argued with timem , The strikers announce that on all buildings whici strikes have been declared work Is it standstill , - Vhen hlaby was sick , we gave bet eactoota. , ' % Vben cbs was a Child , h , cried for Caitorfa. When she bmmcarno Miss , m.imu clumag to Caatort& 'mSbeo bo bad Children , she gave theta CutC * _ S.t--n _ ' _ _ _ -t. , _ I