- - . - - . - - - - - - . : - - , . - - - , - ; . . . - - - - , , - - - ll11w _ ---r-- --iWL-4. - . _ . _ _ TI 1I I - li - TIlE osrAiiADAiLr JH m : } VI ) DNES'DAY , AUCII G , :1805. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . COMMERClAL AND FlNAKCIAL Hearn Have Their Innings In Wheat antic Meet Very Little OpP03ition c _ _ _ WUEAT / WAS WEAK FROM THE START LI'I't'rl'ool QUOtOlt * Lowf'r " 11.1 Chlellgo I5ou4 In ! , \ , f'III-Trllllll , 111011 , ( II All * the l'lt , hut Curl ell Oats Ih.lrl , . ciire1ao . March G.-Whent , : lortelt down b' ' wenl llvepol enllles 1011ny. njid n9 there wus not slnclent bull lews to CUUC ! n change oC sentiment . the traders let - cnule I sIn ) ' down . Iuy elllns % c lower. Iny . corn 111 OatH cosell ( ulchnngelt tid Pro- _ _ _ _ \lslon9 nulshell nt Ilght ( ledlne. , . Tie "hNlt mllrlet Itlrtell . weak and /c ' . LIverPool - lower then I closed 'eAterdoy. quoted ii reduction . and that settled the quotel 1 relucton. . The conti- matter for the opening holr. cont. nUtnl murllet/ were quotc fIrm In the ( morning nn,1 , New Yorl rcported sOle bUyIng - Ing orders from there lt the start but ninny oC 'eBterllay' luyerl ( were sellers Jlere near the start todny . The northwest- . er receipts nl lnelllls nnll Duluth amounted to 157 cars agnilst : curs 011 _ _ _ the corl'cBponclnl lay oC the year heCore. The tolil receipts al nil the prilclpal II'lmnr ) ' markets were 27.000 1m. The stiiii- mnrkets ments oC Hour from the prlmnry nmolntell to hIP ! eql'nlent or 310.0 hu. ) The cXllortA or wheat hull hour from Atian- . tic Ilorts nmolnted to : G7.0 bu . . The French LLIISOflCC Was generally rqlol.te to huvo lcen clcled nnll tile fear of crop Ilmuge _ _ _ ' . lierlin there seems to have been tillayed. Berln ' . however . . 01111 from I ! to 1 % va' hO\e\'er. strong nli frm ' J marlls hlghel' 'fho vol ' lI'5 IhlllmentH 10 inhi)0rt1111 cuunU'les , were much Iller the * ImllorllJ weekly Irlulremclts of tile lat- a cSlluh'l weellY l teV. The lpcnlnprlle ) for 11) ' WItH bIc 10 I" ll'o 1111 Ilmellllel ) ' reae\ lt to 5$ $ % c. 1 3 rulell firm for IL 1mI. olrnatell belwl'en tt ln c buyer 111 ( the Ilale price selerH. huL _ _ _ _ _ l'eeo\'el'e,1 , Lo &Ic nll hehl ulolnll that I'rlce tilling the grlullr Part of the fet 111111 noon. I wealH'netl IL little after 12 o'clock nnll Ilr ( lmNI II tI'IZICPH uutl I readIed 'i'c ; i , .t1 c. , ll-itlull or two of &Ic. 1 WIR % ' 0biJhhIIg around the lowest prIce of tile ( lilY'S range Inal ) ' elHlng al lte lt tile close. (1081. Corn wnl Iteall ) ' nt the opening and firm . during the greater Part of the lay. CUlh corn waR hhkewIt' ! a 8h10 limIer all In fair 1 [ Irler cor lilwlll \ demnll lt tht flhl'allCe. The ( lIly'S receipts were tveiity-iuVClI car . against estimates . mace yesterday of 1m cars . hit for tamer- , row t'eventy-flve enl'l are estimated . amid the latter lroiccth'e ) falling off In reclptl p3 wns the chief cause of the general I firm- , Iiei'.9 or the market. 'rle amount of btmsi- I neB done In the lIlt was small. May opened , at 4a e. dropped to h4e . rose to 4c on time I ouncement of the small ( llmntlll ! reI I t eel pi/ for tomorrow amId domed at 41c. ' luslnesR In tie oats market ] showed , Iome i Improvement. A weaker feeling was prom- .rt lnent 11lhlencet1 hy quite liberal offering/ d by Paten brothers and Bartlett-Frazier. . Sales however were few anti scattered. & 1ln : ) ' sold from 291c ' 10 29c. down to 2e. r anti closed ot 9c to 2uc ild. . There was au IhRtnce of demnnll for provisions - visions and rather more for FalC than was imotleeal.le . on tue 11'ev101R ( lay . with tile I result that prices lost. time Ilhhl gain thy I mnde yslerlln anll vent back to where they i'ft oil on Saturday afternoon. 'fhe da's decline In May amounted to 71Ac amI , about 2e each In lard and ribs. Hog re- ctlnts today were 31.0 heml. Estimateil receipts for tomorrow : 1.Vheat . 85 cars ; corn l'eCC1\11 . ' : oats 9 : cars : hogs . . 38.0 heml. ' The lendIng futures ranged ns follows : _ Articlc.I I Open. I l h. I Low. I - Cion . ' Vhiemt.No. : 2 - 'Vleal.No- M , 52 ! @ L Mnrh. . . 2461I /2 ln Mi ) . . . . . . . tJ blGti /.14 ! .IW.I ! m July. . . . . . /r ; .55 % 15 ! ( 55J ( Corn No.2. llnrclm . . . 42 ; 4I ' 42 ; ! 43 May . . . . ont 41 444 44T Jill. . . . . 4 .Wih 44 ! @ " 44 , ; ( Cats No. 2. . . . . May . . . . . 20H 28W20 : { G20 ' - .ItlflO. . . . . . : / ) : I 2\ 20 r July. . . . . . 27k 27k 27 . 27 Poik per bbl PO'II _ , . 1Iny. . . . . 10 10 10 i 1045 1045 LnidlOO lbs " "Jnld.IOO . . . 0 I" 0 ! 7 % G 121 0 I ii5 July. . . . . . . C 07 G ! 005 0 ti73 Short Ribs- . 811011 Rbs- . . . . I 37 I 40 5 : : I :71t July. . . : .6 . . 71 ! _ 5 M1 ! _ 6 50 65U _ . ! . Cn.h f1"tntons were ns flows : 1'LOUlt-Steatly . unchlf . . . ' . . C4tS'c NO. I spring. : \vlIIA'r-No. [ 2 mrlrlng Gn'rLSyc ; : nominal ; No. 2 red , 52\Hl3c. \ - COnN-No 2. 43c. OATS-No. 2. 2 , c ; No. 2 while 32U32\'c \ ; No. .whlte. 31f32 flYJ-No. 2. 5Pc. - ' 1iomfnal. DARI Y-No. 2 r3c ; No.3. GI\W:3c \ ; N ( 4 FLAX SgFD-No. 1. $ l.l9. \ $ TIMOTHY SFFD-I'rtmae . $5.SOtflS. . D-lrlme. $5.801 PItOVISlONS-iOes pork . per libi. . $ lO.3l'.tO. ? ' l'nOVISION8JO.A poI. pOI $10.3110.r0. Lard , per II ' 1. . . . iG.iOT.42. Short ribs mileS ( loose ) . $ : .2)Qi5.25. Dry snlol ! shouhl.rs ( boxed ) . _ i 46H' : short clear sitles ( boxed ) , I.OtI3.5. i : ' WIISIY-Isllers' . . finished : guos. . per gal. . 'rhe following were lhe receipts aid shipments 3. ' t01ny : _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ArUcle Receipts lhitpmcnti . Floor. bhhs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , 0 - 11.001) ) ; ; 1.100 - ' Wheal. bu. . . . . . . . = lU.IOI 0.101 . Corn . hii. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.100 37.001) ) Onls. Umi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1JA.OOO 51)9,001) ) ) Ito bu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.000 ) 7.fOO ( ( Harley . bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3SOOO 1.0UO I . 01 the 1r01uc' C'ctia'l'o today Iho ( butter mar- kel was sl'nlly ; errnmrr . 10C18 ; dllr . 8 .f tt17c. Eggs. quiet ; 17GU7He. , NEW YUIU\ UIlImtAL : \\utET. tiostll Qlotntlm1 on the 1'L'imleltEl Com- 110.1101 "n,1 Staples. , NEW YORK March t-F'1.OUlt-Recelpts , 31.0 bbls : exports . 2S.IO 111. . ; sales . 42,500 l.ilIs. : I better demon,1 for winters ot ell asking , . prices nail tc fI'nlct for special brands. Buyers ar soler are )04115c apart emi springs ; city uuiti patents . . r1nter [ , . ) mi H0 H11 ; wnlN patents $2.S @ 3.10 ; city mil CleatS . $3.3. : winter flrlghts. I1.0 4 6U1 ; Mllnes la patents , $3.03.fO ; wnl.r [ rx- - . trns. $ i.5OJ2.40 ; Minnesota bakers. $2.OO3.CO ; winter . , , tel low ! Illes. $ t.7OJ2.)0 : prlng low . gmailts . $ i.73 @I.W ; spring exl'os. $1. 5lI2.3. I.o flour . ( Irma : sales. . 3 hll . ; su"erlne. $2.C ( : ( 28d ) ; fancy . $2.S : t C3.1. luckwllol flour . Orni. $ l.0. ) nUCKWII'A'r-Dul ; 4OtBc. CORN \I.Quh't ; sales 715 hhls. 30 Fnoks : . ) clew western $1.OSjl.lO ; Irm\'wne. ) ; $2.- ItYll-Nomimumi ; car lots G5c : boat loads , t1O 110. , . le.IAIU Y-Dul hut ) Irm ; No. 2 Zdhlrauhiee . G40. lAlt.I Y Mtl.'I'-NomnIaat ; w.sler. 70172 ; No. 3 w.sh'n. 681I70C. . , " 'II % ' - { ' CSfIO. none : exports . 91SO lam . ; .ales. 3,591.OY ) IHI. ( attires . (11.040 ( kim. spot RI"II. easier ; No. 2 reil In store Inll l'l.vnllr. r\"e ; .Iiclat . G03e ; f. o. h. I . Cc ; No. I nortll'm ml. 68c delivered ; No. 1 loud . 69)e del\.n'll. Ollol opened weaker under 1'lutlalnl longs . Ilol" - polnlmenl ot Iho lower 01114cM . unit after n hrl.r rally wih corn . deolnrll In tlio 1t"rIOn 1111.1 further w.nk cables 111 ' ) dORr,1 heavy . 'tTte net loss ; No. 2 . . .11. Match . 58ti5Se. closed ( . \"o , Juno co..11 G9\Se \ : .1 iil' . 9"0 ; Augusm . Mic , tepl'mler. ( GO"C ! Deeemimber . G3"C i.lC. cll,1 COnN-neelllls. 1.r,1 ) Iu. ; exports . 35G hu. ; sales. . 440,004) liu. 1 tllln' ' , 3.01 ' hu. m'lnt . t4iot eos ) ; No 2 , 4S3j In lemlor ; slrame" inixiMi . .90 delh'or.d. Oi't loom. fllow.1 wheat II first . but , son 111,1 on lighter receipts nail n ' ' "C..S. elon In freight mates. later u'acttmig again wllh wheat closing unchnlge < ; Maid , . 43c ; Mmmy . 49c ; July . 490. OATIlecelpis. 13.10 11. ; oXI > lrls. 2) ) hl. "Ies 2.0 1 iu futures . 62,0)0 tin. . 'pot . Rllot , easy ; No. 2 . 3IH1331c : No. 2 white 3IfI3" , e : No j I. 3 Xu Shl. . 3'le ! ; 111111 wmlme ) . :113110. : Options ollenll ery dul and easier with Whl'll. e "Ioeln\ ttJC lower ; MOlch cl..e < 33\,0 \ ; A 111 , . 3 c ; May . :3 ,0. , I1AY-tlteady silitliling . 451150e good to -tleUd ) ; hllllllg. 45'We ; lot choice 101ISIeoill ; sil Ie. (01111 10 choice oW . Ittic ; ! 91. Ulc ; Pacific coast . old 3ttjTc : 1&91. ( 7tlc. ltll)18-Steniyh : New Omielmn . . wel salted . 80. . III Id. 45 10 6 ifoi . 51cc ; llueaos . \ 8nlI. . ) ' . 2 to I 21 . Ihs. , 13(1311e ; Texas . < I ) ' . 21 10 : 11. . , ll/T1hlIll-Quiot : hemloc sole . luonos Ayres . light 10 heavy veigfmts. hIkffl7e. 9le. WOOl-Qukt : dUlloUo fleece . IGUe ; 1\lled. ) l'nOVlfIONR-l..r. { ) .tpoln ; family . $ hl.OOfl , 1,0 ; nlo mee. U.Mn8.01 ; I.ee hams . $11 I.ol Ihe118. h'tl1lckl.1 : bellies . 5 ! ( : he ; ilickleI , .hcul < er . \UIH.c \ ; Illkltl humus . IIIS'c. Ilckle . < . easier ; wP h'r sh'un closed nl $ G.75. asleti , ; Isl'I Marebm . $ .70 : Mi ) ' . $ G.8 nominal ; r.lne.l. ( Irimler ; cnlnpat 1.15 ; Hulh Allrkln. $ G.70 ; IrIPr . pound > Iork. Iln : good d.mlll ; lew I. . . . 11.2jll.0 ; short c.u $ l.MtIl4.5 ( ; faintly . I I tli2l ) . ) lmUVFllt-Sten4y : ; new w..ler tiahry 12U15r : Jew w..I.r cU'lnwl' . IU/2c / ; new westl'm factory . ( I3et llgimis. : ; Inlllol creummiery . . . Crellel' 101iio I mmi ic , . _ : state iluIr' . U(181.o ; state , .r'nl1r ) ' , eLi , - i Ji'Phm ; large . Sfl)24e ) ; . .ml. 9\Hllc ; part skims . : tl1C \ ; Cul .1lls. 111(121"c. ' ' 0 EQUt1-l'iskr ; state 01,1 1'110\\1111 2llc : wllem. pkGI. freih :0 ; uuthermi . : ; n'cell'I . &i t4c. TAI.l.OV-Virm . : cIty . 4t14o \ ; country . 4 InTlOI lIM-Now Unl.1 close , ) at $1.05 $ biti ; 'Va8hlnglol. In bbis. . $ G.tmOfjl.O ) : 'aslilmigton. 1.1 , bulk . U.5 ; relnll New York 16.30 ; Ihlllllhlhia and Uallnor" . $6.2 $ ; l'hiiadtlpiilit and 1atlimmmorc . II bulk. 135. < lhll Inr 1alllor. ROS1N-1''lnn ; 1trlnN. common 10 goo3 . $ l.4 ? C1.45. go. 1.4 TI'fl1'lNTlNh-Sttady lt S\U13 \ c IUI -IIIIry ; domestic , tall 10 extra . 4tJ 6 c ; .J5lwl. 4Htc. , 1OIAHStSteady ; New Orlenmis. open kel- , tl. good II choice. 33t13Sc. S(3e. OIANO ' R-I'aer [ ; Calforil. $3.001j3.50 , lIe. Vane. USOUI,75. YII. U.rUU : . 4lA'm'ALs-plm ; Iron llady , Scotch , UUvC.Oj ; ' . $ ! . , . _ - - - . * - - Amnprlrtmn " .044sl250. nsy ) irokems' Amlflrln. .0 . . .ppor. , hrkel' ( 110) prier' . $9.r. ! exchnnKe plI. El.3&j9 5) . 1."al. , steady . lirtkms' price . U.02Ii ; exclirmngt. . U.01IHJ prce. 3.10. Tin hardy le/ , ! : lIra 18. Il3.1oIfl5.i : 1lnl.s. , , ( quIet. f1"llr. II/lly ; donietlc . 1.1"1 " MICA on 'chne . : inns April nail r ton Islsrvh ! Mari tin AI 13.1 , 1 lOls Arrl I. 1 0. . Zl3l2',4 ' ; 3 : ton March . s. o. 10 "olhle. ) $ . : : ; ; 2 11.11 s. o. 10 Jun . 30. nt p3.20 , M tons July , 13 ; 2i tons June . 13.COTON SI nf OU.Irlme criml . 22e : oft ciUlle. 22Ie : prime Iummer yellow . 2HitZ c : nil umm.r yellow . 2M2Go nomlnol ; ) 'Ilow but- let gra'les 27U2Sc , prime summer white . 28111a nominal . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OAIA OlNlIltAL IAnlt T , - Contlton of Trailoan4 QlolRtoM 0 I 'loilio anti "nley l'roiimmco TIIO receipts of eggs have 'umt1 ' from 10 10 IO or ZOO cases pr thy , nnd the market his been going down so rspichly In the tasl few . lays that It has been n dlmeult matter to keel up with it. CommIssion men clim to b selling eli the wny Crm 13c tl iSo T1T'rgl-Cul.1 stock . C18c : common to fnlr. ' ISo ; Clir II gold coumltry . IUl12c : choice to fancy . 13(150 ; Inlher.,1 , crcomcr ) ' . ISc : separator , ( r.nmN' . liflltc. 1.1 \ \OUI.TI \ -1 ( , . CCc \ ' : ) 'oJnl rest ts . , hC ; iucks Cc ; turkeys . Ce ; hCI\'y toms , Sc ; geec . re. IlHHI : POUIThtY-(1ilcken , . flr Cc ; oholrp large , 614c , choice pniil. 71H1Sc ' : Imke.\'s. foil 10 mawsi. 7tf0 ; choice hon\ ' ) ' . IPSo : choice small , 9'HIO ' $ : , liickn fair 10 geol . Glue : fancy . full , lrep"pl , . 9tttl0e ! ; geese . fair to 'gooil . 6G17c ; 9HlO Ir. oot. fancy . Cul < 1'8.1. 9\HfIOe. \ , Hjc OUI - luoIn teal . per doz. , $1.50 : Irel Wing teal pcr , I "z. , $ l.2lt'0 ; , hieiip , Ilxo,1 , ) per .Ioz. . ' 10,1f12 , , ell'n.lioI. , ! i4.O0P l G.O , Imlnrlls nlll med iiea0s U.M3.0 ; $ mal rabbits . 500 ; jack rablmts . 7:1 ; squirrels . me. \'I AI.Cholo fat . 70 10 1M ' ifs. , . are quoted nt Cfr\I ; large and coarse , . 3fHc Cl1i1511-\Vfsconpin : : ( mmli cleam 'otmng Amneri- cans lIe , twins l2tc , Cul Nolrnlm 0111 lawn . ful .rcnm , 11 ; Nehm.lln alll Iowa . I'nr skiis , . 74I Pc ; 1.llhurgc. No. I. lie ; brick . No I. lie ; Swl. . . Na I. 15c. hlA'-tmilmnil hay . $9 ; 11ln I II. 8,50 ; 10\lnlll. $8 , rye sl'a\ $0. Color mnkeR IhrIco on hn ) ' . 1.lghl slithi's , sell tile he.t. Only \Ico graihes IJIIJ top mrk'e. , l'1PUlONfi-l'er Iloz. . 7Goll.0. $ \'I : C1.S. ( : : . POT" ' 'I:8\\'esler stock . car lots Cc ; small lots . 70e. 0.1 lIN-11nn,1 : , pickel navy . ,1.90@2.0 , ) , I.imni lienmis . Iler 1' ' . S',4e. ! . ONIONS-On " . orders $ i.00ijl,10 ; per bbl. . ' 2.i : , ' 3. l'\lIAOI-On : orders . 2 , . Cil.IBt'-l'cr , Ioz. . miCe ; CIIorln. 9cC , $ 1,00. , , ' SIT 10T"TO S-aoo Bluek. $ 2.50 : l < lnI I 8ns $2.I0g2.2. , ' 1TH-ll , hhl. ) . $ I.r. ( 'AttItOT.4-l'er 1111. ( $2. , ( 'At'bll'1.0V1lt-i'er : crate or n , loz. and Lt 11.1"1.0\\'I'I-\er crle or _ . two . : . .107 ! . , . 12.25. _ tuz. It I mumcsmm ; , \ DISlf-l'er . II , . . G7e. l'AhSNlt'-I'ei , Ihl. ' 2. htl'l' ! , \ IIAUAS-I'ei' lb. . ItSc. ' ' . , ' ' , . I'IHI.I'Y-I'.r : doz. bunches . 3c. I'INI'S-Irr I ; 11. I h .Pi. - ; g1'IN'I1-l'er lilil. . S3.i'I ' N.O. IIU 1'I.ANT-l'er doz. . 1:1. . ' . I.'UUITH. PIIARS-Winter Nelil . nane. NoIIA. lMO. . \III.I'S-Cholce stock . $ l.50i1455. 0lt I 'Il-Concorl . muame ; Mnimgis : . CS 10 OI'II'H-Concorll. per GS.hi , . ' lmms. . gross. $ .I Ilno $ fn.1O. 11111/a8. plr : per Clt.N1mlllmt1Bs-Jersey 111. . rney $ l.o'\.W ; TIWlfCAI , FRIJITH. 0flNGh-Florllas : , . ' per box. . $ ; Call- forln 11\.1. . $3.50 ; llf'ElIfngs. S3. : Cnl- IIANANA1I-Cliolce stock . $2.000j2.rd ) per bnneh. 1.1 : If H-JI'"Ah1ns. sIzes 101) 10 360. choIce $3.25 ; fancy . S3.r4.0. 3C JIRCFf.L.FOUA. . OYATInS-Jlodluh. 1'11 eaii . ICe ; h r80shos , 201 ) ; extra Malllnrll . 21e : extra selects 25c ; com- pany , 'Il'ols. 26c : New YOII cotmats . = Oc ; bulks . Ill.s. stiitilarI . , . . . slallard. iler 111. . $1.70. NJI"IGSgxlu $ \ flle ) ' . 1Go : fancy . He : chnlo. 12(13c : Cnllfornln . bags . 7e. lIONlW-New : York . 1c : lark , 1fl5c : Call- forum. Ito ] : 811nlnll , 4 10 10-b. ! cans Inl1c . lb. . Cal- . MAI'LE 'SYIttJI'-Cnllon jugs .1OZ. . ( : ' 'SYHUI-Onloa per < oz. $12 ; BhIW. G.gnl. Camlil . $3. $2 NUTS-Almond. I"e flngllsli . ; gljlsh Walnuts soft- shelled. mlUtH . Sc. 12e : stnnlai,1s . lIe ; 1Ie'ls. S'9c ; Irazl\ soc- HAUFI lnAUT-Choloo white per 1)1)1. . $ b.0Ij' pOl bbl. U.G' f.OO ; per I half 1,1. , $2.50275. 1INCI ; JI - ' ' S2.f2.7. halt h1ls. per 1t. . Gc ; 10-gal. kegs . Cc , cOlll'lspl. , per ease or 3 < oz. Ilk"s. . $2.Lo. CIDflB-l'ui-e juice per bbl. . f1 : half bbl. . $3. WOOL IIAnIU r STRONG nUT tUIIIT. , Stocks In First Harh 1.llht Rt I'lmilmulo'- lhln.-forelll Prodlct I rowds IIotomi. l'IU\Dnf.PIIA. March -The wool 10rl ; L Continues strong . but sloels In first hallls me light . and dslrle grades ore firmly hold. We quote : 01,10 Icns'lvlnla and " ' ( st Vlnnll. ! XX and above . 1 lSc ; XXX amId ribove . IG117c. inetliuni . 20'2Ic ; quarter blood 1. 2IU:2 : common IS119c ; New York . MIchIgan . 'Iscoasln. clc. . IC11c ; medium [ 19'c ; fulrer blood . 20U21c ; common 17f1Sc ; washed . combing nod olalne flne . 111J20e ; medium . 21t220 ; how 22tj23c ; coarse , I :0f2Ic ; washed . mIl 1 m. I Gi1c ; low medium , l7tilSc : braId . ICi17c ; unwashed . light nnl brIght . lille . bllj12c ; m.llm. 15116r : low macilium. IC@ ITo ; cut e. 1511Ce ; unwashed. ak.oolored. light . line . iIOc ; hen\ ' ) ' . 0110 . CtSc ? < ; medium 12ti3c ; ( Inc 1. lum. 116112c ; coarse . H13c ; terrItorial aiil northwest . light. tine . 8il0c ' : II lorlhwcst. Ighl. Ile. ; heavy 7(19c ; Sll0c line Irllum. 10llc ; m"llum. 1ltJl3c ; quarter blood. I213c : coarse . b0l2e. ( 10STON. Jnrd . - 10fI2 still prevails In tile wool market especIally [ In domestic grades. The lnmge arrIvals of foreign articles hove hnl1 the eITt'ct or wllenlng valuo" . n"lwllhslnldllR stocks of many 1IIIIIs are h.'eolln ' more 01' less . mor brok-n. 'fhore Is I good Irmll.1 folu.trUII wools a' the domestic sIIP ! ) ' get r.luce.1 In stoelc. Illc.s on somr leading descriptIons are n" follows : Ohio nUll II"nsYlvnnln Icces , No I tiecce . 19c : XX and XXX 761M7e ; delaine . Ohio. lStl1c ; territorial wools . Monlnna" fine medium 111 fine . 9/I2 ; No. 2 1.111. 1213c ; " ' ) ' 0111 . BOil , . Ne\'nti. Dakota . Illaho , and Coinnalo. tine 1-lnm nail tIne. 9rlc ; No. 2 1.lul. 1@12c ; California wools spring . north. eta. b0Iui25c ! ; middle sprIng . Chile ; Oregon woals I . en.lrr. fair 9rIO $ ; choIce . l112 ½ c ; Australian vools scoured . combIngs [ , superfine . 4@12c Aulrlnl ) ; Irlan wools 8COUI"II. , combings . good . = S140 Au.lrlan . wools scoured . combIngs . average . 3 : 1370. S. T.OUIR. March 5.-WOOL-Fairly active : ncl\'o mllul { . 10UI"0 ; highmt . fIne . 7gllc ; heavy . fine . ( 'ottoum l1ttrket . NEW Onl.BANS , Mnrch . -COTTON-I'utur. . quiet nlll amends' ; e'ales. 15.41 homes : Jilarc : . $ . .24 6.211. : 15.190i5.2) ) ; 11) ' . $5.25g5.2i ; June . 5.3'U5.3l ' ; Jimly 1.36U.31u ; .2:15.2 . . ; SI'plelher. $ 5.44115,41 ; October S..ISI $5.4f..12 : - \ 'cmnber . $5.SICS.52 : 1.0.mh.r. $5.5t5.5G ( ; 111- ! till 11g. 5\c ! ; low mlllnl. , I 41c ; g"ol orllminmy. .7-16c ; r.o'Ils. 11.CI haIlS ; gross . 1.112 hales ; exports , con.lwl.e. ,121 bales : sales ! . 2 ( ) Inles ; stock . 405,724 1 bile , , . ( NEYO10l. . . ' YO10l. March L.-'h cotton market oen"11 steady nt Oi rlvnnco or 3 points . but 1m- 1"lnlely ture.1 weak nll soil off 3r 1\lnls. with I suhsoluent recovery oC 1 point al the , popular optIons . filIally closing slelll with pHces ) prers I from unchanged 10 2 11Inis lower lS comn.1 wih ) 'r"h"r IS ' cloRlng figures : alLies . ) Gr.0 ' ) bales 1 . Spot cotton wnB dull ; nl' sales seem matte today . but 41 Itimles were doln'I1 ' 01 Ilre . : middling . Gc ' ; net receiittm. . . CH bales ; grts . re"llls. . 12.32 lilIes ; porl" 10 continent . 1,2G9 hales ; forwarded . 1.03 h.lps ; sales . 41 } bales ; spinners , none ; stock . IS.13 bale , , : 10111 today . let re- 1.1ls. 2.41 halN ; exports 10 Great BrItain . . .9C ) bales ; 10 } 'mnce. G.iO bales ; 10 the contt. 110111. n.32 baits ; stock . 9G.131 bales. conl. Toledo 31L11.t. "ur""I. TOI.go. Mnrch G.-WII'A'-I.wer. weak ; No. 2 cash . March antI May . j'c . ; July IUIII \uust. . M % c. ) COIN-III. steady ; No. 2 mixed 43c ; May jl , C : No.2 mixed . .2 .e. . OA''SSlelll . ) ; No. 2 mixed . 32c ; No. 2 white , 310.IYDul ; Ch. 5" ; " ( 'L0ViR Hmm-Dul : March $5..5. IU'C'I'I'S-WhpII. : IIrm him. ; corn . 26,000 bu. ; 26,0 11. ry. P0) I hem . ' cIo'cr seell. 525 blIgs. cov.r r : blls. ttlIlh'MiBVI'-l"iour. 2.0 ( ) bId . ; wh.al. 18,000 1m. : corn . 4.r ho. : rye 1. 1 bu. ; clover 18.0 . 1.03 10gl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NIIII 3immmk.'t. NEW YOI1IC . 1111 . -RIOAR-Tow. finn ; I sales' . 9,90' ) blg8 Cuba centrifugal , OG test Irm . Irlakwllrr 01 2\,0 , Inll freight anti 311 Ions 1.glth 1lRcomdo. 19 test II 2 11.1Cc ; rctlnei. fulol but firm ; No G. 37-16c ; No.7. " rpln.l. ; No. 8 , 3 3.ICme : No.9. 3\W3 \ - 3"(3 ; . 10. 3 1.IGf31.c ; No. I. 3gb 1.IGe ; No. 12. 2 15-hIll 3c . : No. 13. 2 Ir.lC ; off A. 3l4C13c ; 15-ICf , , 4 1.IGfH c ; slllllanl A. 3 1i-16l35c ; coafecilon- IJG'/3'c cnrpclon. era' A. 3 1.1C3.r ; cut loaf 4 i.IC@Ic ; cmohEr. 4 f-l6t14c . : lwai1eml. 4 1.IGf.llo . ' : gnmlllll. 3 13.16Ule ; CUh"H , 4 l-lC4tc : 31 bugs molasses 8ug"r. 89 le.t lt 2 7.IG ex- hl" . . Ilh lnk ( ' " Jllrllt . MIWAUnm. Mnlh 5.1t'h11IAT-Qulet [ : No. I lrlh.r. lie ; Mity . 56e . - COIIN-Stently ; No.2. 43\ic. ' OATiNo.2 white . 39'4c. imtltl.Iy.-.uiet : - : No. : 6e ; sample ! , 4SlJltt4e \ . . 4(51\ ItYB-lcnrce ' No. 2 6c. 111\'IHIONH-I'lrlr. l'tnk $1010 . Lard $ C.40. 1"IIIT8I'lour. 8.0 bbhs. ; wheat . 50,000 bu. : harley. 0. ( < bu . f ( } S1iii'MiN'l'-l'lour . 1,500 bbha. ! RJII I 4.GI LIs. ; vhieat . 1,100 bu. : barley . 4.0 bu . 1,0 HUU81S . City urkel" . ICANSAS (1'\ ' . March 5.WlllLTlteny $ ) No. I hart ) . GI(52c ; No. 2 1.1. 5.-\\'IIMT-Fllnlln Ild ! teskei ; reicemeil. nominally 480 lOIN-Dul hut firma ; No 2 mixd , 40t140c' No. S white . 4lc. 404\cj white. O.tTs-f4teody 310. : No : mixed 28\UJc ; No. 2 11 tmiTH-\\11al. 7.0 bu. : corn 12.0 Lu. : , oals 1.0 Iu. 04 $ hlll'MBNT-Wiieat. . none 7.0 bu : Cn. none ; Illulh WhlIt Irket. JIIf.UTH. March . - " I ILtT-Foliowlmig wpre A'r-I''olollnl Ihe closing lulces : No. 1 iiamii . l'u.h , C0c ; 1.tfti-eii G018e' SIR ) ' , G0tc ; Juh' Gmo . ; Ni. CIc 1 northern . cuai . 591 ; Mlrdl , 5ic { ; May. GUlic : Ju6 "c ; f4eitCliber. Sc ; No 11) norlher. cash . 565c ; No.3. 53.0 ; reJ.e\'II. W\.o. \ 'fo arrive ; No. 1 isird . Go ! : No. I northern . G9c. ! i :1.rKel. 1. OON. March 5.-PIlOI.EUM-Spot. 6.d. . ' . ' ( 'AI.'II'A 1.INHII'O-8IJol. sm w. : INlml [ ( )1l.-2) . ) . 7i4. TUltP1NTlNlI-t4Ithrita ' . 2 : G < 1IRnche."r 'lxles. MANCII'STEI. March $ . -.Clotiiim and ) 'arfls . - yarl quiet ui unchened . ' Nol Turk 11) ( ( O".lf Market . NI\V YOI < . 1nrh 5.-As usual on Tuesdays anti In the tlence or mal' from the IU01' 11' . - porlant Interll aral wl'sten mlrk I" . Ihl tIe- Innll eC aK.nls WAS very IIguln. still the spat ilemnath . aided tele. srl lemanll. ale,1 by some cell by Ille. Ir m" . . took I 11 quantity or Inr In A quiet Ia'c ' large numl0f or rel.1 bUlr I. pressnt aWl jobbers ore fairly ncl\ ' ( Irnlng cloths . dull ot ! ! . 1\1"S "Unit ON WALL STnRCT , . .Iomlorate "oilme of ln8lnl s hone on R Ilm\hocked , imsrkt NIW TOfU { . March 5.-0nly n moderate vollmo of busile.s transacted on the Stock cx- change . today . AI file opening ppulnlol was active nnll higher figures were made ni n mimic . tIme market eonlnull ! 10 advance for full ) ' Ihree- quarters ot M hour . Colon Seed Oil , preferred sold tip 3 Ier cent 10 G7',0 ; Tobaceo. 2\ \ ! Ir cent 10 92yc ; New Jersey C.nlrnl anti Colon HIIII Oil . common 1e ; lono"lllnl.,1 lap . 1. nn,1 Iho general 1.1 n fraction Chicago Ins was 1 notit- lie Ixcplol. Iraklnl I PCI' Cent on Mayor 10pkilA signing the franchises or time OI'IM.81. tint , COmpII ) ' . Thrp was n quick rally or 4 per cent on covering . Toward 1 O'I'hICk sales 10 realize depressed the market anti n decline of I 11 : pr cent took 1\lnoo. tile latter II SI. laul , Minneapolis & Mnnlohn : Iier \ cent In Canada Incile ; II ! her cent In Tohnccol I per cent In Neii' . ' ( roe ) ' C.ntrl and Op.ornl 1leclrlc : ( .1 11cr cent II Missouri Iaeile. Sugar antI Colon fleet ) 01. nlil % per cent 1 Northwestern . TI.l ( I 1 I. leni'cr & limo ( ironic "rorerl.I , New York Ceo- 111 Ilil , HUAII.hlnnl & \ \ . . .11.leCerll Rhorly nCI ! 111h8) there wla n rOlownl or tile 11lrchnAII movement nlll I clncilolllli nl\ predation In \'Rllpl. tile grlmnger ohnlO" nil. lancing P ( % m'er I cent ; nl'I'rl IrllJor gl'lrlc , nll\ llptillmng , a . I'er enl ; Louisville & Nashville nod Dllnwnro & I.ncknwnnll. 1'(1 cnl ; IA' Murl I'noll. Cotton S.ell Oil , lient Northern preferred ant ) Tohnclo. 1 1.01 C"t ; Northern I'acific preferred 12 "er cent. There WIS a 11 rlol rlnclol aleut : I7 o'clock lull the ile. lircaMon hOg of hrloC duration , nlil the fInal sales wore made nt or near the hlst ' Iot' oC Ihp .In ) ' . 'he only notable .xcclltolu ! leing I 1)ciaware anti I.ncknwoln. which lost hf , Percent < cent at the chose. A mnjorl ) ' oC tile stocks .Ipnlt In are up on Ihe ilay. The mnlllet do ell < eollllly lll'nl. The In ) , mntllot WOl 01011. emlol ) ' nol\e , Iurllg tile 11.\ ) ' . Inll tile lleellatl'o 15511CM Were generally tim iii. Iii tile Inactive mart. . wor Ionernl . Iln. II Inlclvo 1011. gages Ih.ro'nA 1".ononlc(11"llmo . . 0111 n number of material 1nsscere lecortleth. The liggreglito sales were 744,500 m,1inre. The I'\olln : 1081's 1"lllon ' cablegram says : "A 8h\1 rally In _ \merlczimis [ sins tile enl C..nln. or tIme 810ck Itllirketil. The 1'lfO \\'nI lei fly Louisville . & Nn81111 , ' . which WIS bought hy ltotiiciiIltis' luokers. A lenlolll cubic ina , receiveil rlnm Allglmst Belmont n. 10 tile " " .1101 rlnmlll,1 nr the Louisville coml'nl ) ' . I , ices co'01 blell ) ' . Clnlll : IncllcA Wl'r i'xceptidaahiy flat 01 In. Ilellnl hear mievs. TIle ollunl lepllm I I" e. ' : . . . ' I l'ccteil lu phew Ihnt tilt' , 'nll.1 . . . 111' I. wlpe,1 I oul. ( hllil "IUIIIS1'1" colt ! on tIme Unlc . , lur.1 tile oilier l"d ( mnrkels were , lul titt , ( eat tireless. I l'nmml fruiii ) H " Cla1r'lo" 1'lr flum I gilds quart or nn , ttlllitlOtilii lmnloit duty mi * liiCr Into ImldiQ is " flat I lrobable Im\ \ Ot tl In . Ier Ilto lull . The folowlnl were the closing quotnlons on tile lendIng stocks of Ihe New York nohlngg today : - hlson. . . . . . . . . .1 Northiwestormi . . . 8R'l' ' , dall" . ixpress . . . HI N. W. Old. . . . . . . 13 ! ) lal Altoim . 'P , xIl.ess. . . : ma'N. ! . V. Ct'mmtrnl. . . . mfl4 :5iN.Y.C.II'I1. IHU \UI. lxpresB. . . 110 N. Y. , I N. 1 . . . . 200 * \llmol , \ Ohio . 6m ( OntarIo & W. . . . 201 Cannlll.lcle. ! . . 41 Oregon Imp. . . . . I I ) Cnllla : 1ollhl'rl. 48 Olelon No' . . . . IG Central l'ilClltc. . 13 : ' ( 0.8.1 , . ( N. . 4 Cht' & Ohio. . . . 101 I'.icilla Mali. . . . 22 . Chicago Altoll. . . . 140 1' . D. . . E . . . . . . 'I I' . Ii. & Q. . . . . 7t ( ! 111blrg. . . . . lOt- Chicago ll ' . . . . 10) $ Pul mal Palaco. . ioii- : ' Conso\lncIIOns. 1:2 Henllhl , : . . . . . . . 16:1' ! . IC. . . C. &it. r. . . 30) ) ( H. G. W. . . . . . . Itl ' Colo. Coal . \ Iron . .1 It. G. W. pill . . . . 4 : : Cotton Oil Cert. . . 2:1 : ! ( Hock Islaml. : . . . . Ok Delaware & litat . 120 St. 1'mmmi ; . . . : PcI. . Lncl , \ W. . l 7do pM. . . . . . 117 ! D\ 11. O. pfd . . . 34'4 ' St. P. , & Omaha . . 20" U. I & C. 5' . Co. . . . . 1:1 ? ; do CIa. . . . . . . . . bed Frto . . . . . . . . . . 8 ? Soulhor Iacllc. ] 7 J 110 . 1M. . . . . . 10 Sugar Refinery. . . DI : Fort Wayno. . . . . 10 'renu. Coal , \ Iron 1\ \ ( G. ( Norlhcru Oft ! . . 101 Texas 1'acllc. . . H ; ( C. , I E. I. oft ! . . . 00 ( T.\ 0 Cenl. PItt . 73 10ckll Valoy. . 1HH Union PacIfIc. . . . ! 111.011 Ceiltm'4t. . . 1-t1 U. S Express. . . . 4t I ) St. I' . , I Duluth . . W : ! W. St. Exlres. , . . . 40 ; { K. .t \ T. { . . . . . 211' do 1 . I . . . . . ln : , Lakt : Erie & West 154 Wels Fargo Ex . 113 co pfti. . . . . . . . 7004 WtMer Union . an ! Lake Shore. . . . . . 131 Wheeling & L. E. 8t La,1 , Trust. . . . . 2Sl ! 1 do pIll. . . . 1 . . 81 LOlls\le & N. . 41H' M. . . St. L. . . . . . 2M' r. . , . N. A. . . . . I ( I U..I n. G. . . . . . . 10' Manhattan : Con . . 107 G. II . . . . . . . . . 21 Mlllllls&O. . . 10 N. L. . . . . . . . . . 11(14 ( Michigan Ceilt. . . D\ C. 1' . , I f. . . . . . . 22l4 ! Missouri Pacillc . 10" 110 111(1. . . . . . . . IU Mobile & Ohio . 13 11. . . T. 0. . . . . . . 21 Nnsh\'loChI. : . O T. A. A. & N. M. . 134 National Cordage . 534 T. St. I , . \ K. C. . 1 ConaJB. 81 doprd. . . . . . 534 ! doplil . . . . . . . 7 N. J. Cenlra1. . . f7 ! { S. It. R. . . . . . . . 10 I N. & \Y. IICd. . . . . ] 11 .10 Ilid.(1 : ( North Am. Co. . . 3 Ama . TOb. Co. . . . Nortiieripaclflc . 251 do pith. . . . . . . . 141 \1\ No.Pao. . pit ! . . . . 144 SI. 1. M. & 1. . lOt U.I. n. & G. . . . : : ' . The total sales of stocks today were 163,0G shares Including : American Sugar . 2S.9IJ ; Am r- Iran [ Tobacco G.iO ! ; lltmrilngton . 4.GO ; ChIcago GILS . 1.9 ; DistIlling . 21.100 : General $ flectrtc. 15,640 , ; l.ulsvle & Nashville. 6.4OI ; Missouri lac10 , 3.100 ; New Jersey Central . 1.CO ; Norlh. pm laelIc preferred . G.9 ; Northwestern . f.90 ; SI. Paul. 12.GV.sler ; Union . 3000. Now York MOley Markr. NEW YOIIK . March . . -MO EY ON CALL Nominally [ I % per cent. 11IM MElCANTILE I'APiIR-33qj1' \ ! per c"nr. S'FII.ING XCl2ANOE-Strong enl higher . wIth actual business la 1nller , ' his at $ . & 9\ \ ' a4.S9i ! for demand ama ) $ U7'W'US for sixty days : postei rates. 14.SSft.SS % and ! $4,50'CJ4,90 ; lollll SU811.8S anc U9114.9 011"01 ! bills . U.gr'14.87. ! sl.vmt ClmTIFICA''ES-0 % H6Ic ; 10 sales , . hAlt HILVlm-c - MEXICAN DO1d..Altfi-45'4c. aOVI'NMI'NT BONDS-Firm. Closing quotations on bonds were ao follows : Il. S. C. reg. . . . lMtD.\lt.G.4S. . . . 8l4 U. S. 58. coup. . . lM { Erie 2ds. . . . . . . Il U. H. 4s.le . . . . 1101 * G. If. . ' S. A. Os . . 03 11. S. 4s.conp. . . . 112 ! { G. It. & S. A. 7s. . 100 U. S. 2s. reg. . . . . U : II. , \ . . C. fig. . . 10 : Pnclne ( I rel. 1)5. ) . lUO do us. . . . . . . . 102 Ala. Class A. . . to ; M. 1 < . ' T. Is1 4s. 79 $ Ala. Cass I. . . . . II : do 2d 4. . . . . . . 701 Ala. Class C. . . . U 15 Mutual UnIon ( Ia . 111)14 Aln. Currency. . . \ : N. J. C. (3en. fig . . . 10 rf" . New Con. 4s. 1)214 ) No. Pac. Immtg. . . . 11 : IIs. U:1 MistiolIrl Os. . . . lUO ( t02l1 . . . . . . 12 N. O. Os. . . . . . . 127 N. W. ComIsola. . . . 12 N. C. 4S. . . . . . . IUO do S. F' . Deb. fig . ] 8.0.nonrln'G. . SVost. hits . . Oih4 ' ] cnl. new sol 6g 844 SI 1' . Consols 7 , . . 011 Teiia. new set 513 100 co C. . \ V. W. fi'i . Um ) , ( Tenn. old ( l'i. . . . . 00 ) 51. L. & I.MMea. 5 . 711 Va Cuiturlut . . 5S , ( SI. r , . . . ; S.J' ; Con . II : 103 dodeCerlc . . . . ( P4 ! Tex Pac. Isis. . . 8134 Atchison 4s. . . . U3t do 2cS. . . . . . 811 : t02d A. . . . . . 1" 17. 1' . 1111 01 ' 01. ) . 2:1\ Canad : , So. 21Is. . . 1 ( I WeAL Shore h. . . 1043 ! c. P. isIs oC 'U : . IOOh So It 15. . . . . . . SO , ( D. ' & II. G. 7s. . . 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10sion Stock Quot"ton : . nOSTON. Mnreh r.-Calloan. . : t14t534 per cent ; 11 ! loa " " . : : lGH1'11 Cent. Co.lni prlccs for stocks . bond' . and Itnll' shares : A.'I' . &S. F. . . . . : : W. Elee. pfd. . . . 500151 Atm-i. Sugar. . . . . . 0214 WIs. Central. . . . 214 Am. Sugar aId . . U:1 111"on Ehec. . . . . 12/ III State atis . . . 7Icn. \ . Elec. PIth. . . . 01 ( BellTolopiioue. . . 10J Alchls.m 20s . . . . 1014 ! Hoslon , . Albany. . 207\ ( Atchison . Is. . . . . lja : , Doaton & Imlatno . . 102 Now Emmgland ( is . 10734 loslol & . . . . . . 151 Orn. Eniland fig . 107J C. . to I. . Q. . . . . . 7ii34 Wis. Crnl. lsts. . . 4G 1..lclhll . . . . . . . SH AtlamItto. . . . . . . . . HI ) Gen. giectrlc : . . . . : I' lo"ln & Monlana 354 Moxle:1 Central. . 71 1110 & 10RI01. . 0 ) N. Y. , . N. E. . . . . 2tt4 Calitumet . . hiecla . 200 ) Old Colony. . . . . . ISU : Celttennial. . . . . . fit n ) Or' . Short Limb . . . .1 " I'iifltLliml , . . . . . . 12 Itlbber. . . . . . . : ) H i Icoarmtmrgo. ; . . . . . . Et ! Ulion Pacific. . . HH oars"rle. . . . . . . . . 121 Wc.Uml . . . . . 01 ( I Qnlncy. . . . . . . 10 . do phi . . . . . . . 17" 1'mmimrtck. . : . . . . . HO . \ Vestimmgit.Eleo..31103i WolverIne.3 San Jrlnclieo : lnll : hWO' (3uo111tljivs. SAN 1lANC8CO. MardI G..Tho official clos- hair foh lots quotatlona s : for mllll : slocks todmy : ivera 11 Alte . . . . . . . . . :1 : JIlotico. . . . . . . . I A iplia Coo . . . . . . I It'nllckY Comm . . . 4 Alilleg . . . . . . . . 27 1.ldy Wlsh Comi . : m Ilelclier. . . . . . . . 4 : Moxloan. . . . . . : : : iiest , S. hiolchmer. . . Hi 1ttCJtlllt Jitiiiilo. . . . . It ) lest &lelcher. II 10uni uahlo. . II odlo Comm. . . . . . . 11 Navajo . . . . . . . 6 111101. . . . . . . . 21 I Oe.llcnlal Coti r . 4 lal.lonll. . . . . H Ophlr. . . . . . . 171 Chalcllo Con. . . :7 O'.cnnal. . . . . . IG CitoIiir. ; . . . . . . . 72 Iolosl. . . . , . . . . 41 Conld.nco. . . . . 110 Si'ago. . . . . . . 12 Comm. Cal ' Va. . . . \11 ( ) Scorpion. . . . . . . : : Con.IIPorlal. . . . I Sierra Novacla. . . . 16 Con. Nuw York. . . 1 SlIver Hill.8 . . Crowl 10111. . . . . 4 : : SIlver 1\1 . . . . : ( olll..Clrr ) . . . I I Union Con. . . . . . 50 Islo.Norcros9. . 08 Ilah Con. . . . . , . . . Ii Julia. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Yellow .iaeket. . . . I Blvr lfmrs . i1040ltc. ! ) Moxlcan ilolhars : . 4834ll olIe , Drafts . sight . 100 ; tolugrapllto [ . 1234e , 4SI@ NOW Vane : \ Ilimluig ( jimfltlltiolls. NIIW ' . March -Tho followImli NIW I'OltiC ! - rolowhu : arJ Ihe clo"ll : mlnlll ' 11011101" ; hiutwer. . . . . . . . . l : Oattrio : . . . . . . . 111 ) Cholur. . . . . . . . . 41 Ol'hlr. . . . . . 111 ! ) ) CI'OWI I'onl. [ . . . 40 I l'iymnout Im . . . . 20 COl , Cal. .t \ Va . . 271 ) Qnicksitver. . . . . lO II.ldwooll. : . . . . . , II flu nftt . . . . . 1000 to uoukh . . Curry. . 41 Sierra Nogdi. . . 'ill halo & Norcross . lou ! 111lanl , . . . . . . 251 10Ieslako. . . .lOl Union Con . . . . . fit ) 1oxlell. . . . . . 13 Yelow Jacket. . . lUl ) 1.0.1111 ! ilok ( Juommitlomma. I.NDON. Mllrh ( ) 5.4 - p. imi . ole ln : ; Ciii . l'acitlo . . . . 4134 It . l'aill ) coqi . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . - h's N. Y. COllra . . . . C5'l . . ! \0 lrlods. . . . . . . 5U" ( l'emtmlsylvauiS . . . 51)04 ) 1..nll.I.llla.l Iii. Ceimtrai. . . . . . 81 ( Mox. COIL miowIs. . CBI ( 3lexicimm ordinary ! . 11 < lAUoINI I-27.1G1 per ounoe. IiIONIIY-44 1\01 oenl. The rle or ,1.eount II the open market for Ihr 1ls slid Ihl" luonthia' bills II 3\ \ ' per ccnl. l'lnlllel"t Nut"s. IiOSTON . March 5.-Clearings . $ t5,4Sl,40l : toil. - \I. once , . $ l.743L0. $5,158.401 IL , ' , 1T13t0ltFl. Mach l-Ciearings. i2,5lIh(71i ( - U.51.U771 balance , . 13CS.m. NI'YOI : . Maroh 5.-learlnls. $01.67.IGO ; balnnves . 1.42.GI9. l'IIILAIii.l'IIIA ) . March 5.-lenrlng . $12- 916.11 ; ltaiaavt'a. $ .GI9.710. - $2. ST. LOUIS March -clenrtng8. . $1,507,655 ; bil" minces . $ b'.U5. ) :01' ) ' . G(6 pr ( $107.65 York exchun.e or'rl II b premium WAHIINOTON , March 5.-TodaY'1 slnl.mlnt of the ( 'nlllol of ( hi. treasury hews : AvaIl. 1' AVII. abletaish G G. ) balance . 1150.762,612 ; gold r..erve. $81 , . Cillc'ACO. March 5.-Clearings. $ l5,2OOl. ( New York exchange. 2c pr.mlum. $5.0. po.h' . $4.1834j4j0. \ . Money . 4b4i ! per Ilella un cal and jG Vtl "nt o hose , , - - - OMAHA LIVE - STOIi MARKETS ReceiJtJ of Cattle ) qg Fair for R Tuet- dI BUYERS WERE JSI\ A TRILE : WEAK I'rlce I'ni.l for 11ogi . Yfro Stroll 10 Five Cents higher nlll. the Olerngs ChlUII'iii 3 .iIUIII ltnpliliy , U"IIItr TUESDAY . March ! t ; The receipts today were 2,01 cattle . ! .00 ( hogs nnll ( 1.w Sibeeli . nR ngolnst 1,530 cattle . 8.4G hogs and 1.01 sheep on ' 1Icllny ) oC lael week. For the week thus far the receipts nmolnt 10 3.80 cattle . 6,3 : hogs alt 6.387 aiseep ns against 2.467 cattle . 1.281 hOls and 1.01 sheep Months ) ' IBId Tuesday or Inst weck. CATTLE-Time receipts oC clte were fair for a Tuesday anti hlrger titan a weel ago . there being Ievent.thrco fresh loads In the yard There were n nlmltr of loads oC good cattle here mil nt least one load hInt ( \\ll better than mulyIhling ofolcil yesterday. : Tile maillot on beef cattle opened Itron . The shippers JUlped In and bought n stringer or cale thnt gave lImo market rather nn active appearance 'rile local Imcller" . how- ever were rlher hlllrcren ( . Iml they dId not nppelr to wnnt la ] - 'ntte. A large run \ns antIcipated J"toinorrow In Ciii- cage anti that ( pii" the luel/ little wcnl 011 hnJs.fl.t'to hell ' off. The close WIS slow a/ , , , 'eall. ' "ll bulk of the cat- tie wel'e enollh to bring $1.2 to $1.G. wih Ot5tttlCll nt $3. COnnd mixed stock were In larger sUppJi ] lmn on most clays of late there tsey)4o 1sole e\'entecn fresh baths emi ale. : II'ket on the lest cows amid helf.l/ , ' I about steady . hil the cOlmon sttmft ettIlileis . etc. . was iover In 10lt caRen fully JOe to lfc lower. Tile mnrket was not very sonic active cattle 111011. nnt lt mnldday thelc we1O still 'I'liere wtre quite a nllhel or loads of BloL-ler/ amid feeders In tile 1'11'IIB. Some of tl11 ( were prel < ) ' good . t 10uJh light In w.lghl. I' vcr .thlnl In Ih'lt isumitisVflH sold. The market Is lower thln at the close of last wlel < null yet there Is considerable In- lulr ' foi' time best clnRR of feelers nn.l stec- ulntors arc holllng imp the prices oa that heittii I or cattle. ltcpresetitntis'e salcs : HcpreRentatve < nl caUe. l I'I" : STIC11fi. No. A\ . Pr. No. A11. No. Av. Pr. I. . G : S3 0 21. . 750 $3 SI O 2..b030 $1 2i I. . iSI 3 W ( b..1250 . 3 013 4..IOS1 42 2. . 470 30 ( 6..101 : 310 3..1'1 430 I. . 710 30 0. . 8i7 381 1..IS1 4 : 1. . . 140 3 t 6. . . 8a 4 ( IS..1216 4 ! 19. . . 002 3 : 40 0..1032 . 40 . 20..1l90 4 j 2..10 : : 3 GO :1. . f9t 4 0 20..134i 440 1..10 3 ro 21..1071 1 J 0..12S2 4 r. ( . S..913 3 : G1 = 4..117 4 o 2.116 ( 4 . S..127 3 ri 62..10,2 420 G..13:3 4 i ; 1.ltSo 3 E 31..IlJ 4 : : 13..132J G I 2..S35 . 373 , ' COWS. 2. . GIO ) 10 1. . " 0 20 1..1:0 240 2. . . 900 1 : I. . . SIO 200 I. . I.O ! 2 r I. . . 9 1 2 3. . . iG 20 1..1'J : 2 CO 1. . 1CO 13j 1..1Z0 20 5..1074 2 CO 3. : . : 0:1 ' : I r.o 2..1010 20 4. . . 7H 2 i. G. . . 87R I G G. . . SSI 20 1..180 215 3. . SCO 1 ro 1. . 910 2 r I. . 910 2 i. I. . 9iO 1 GO 1..10 ; 205 : . .I08 2 05 l..1190 I GO I. . 550. 2 O. 1..10,0 ( 2 : Il ' 0 1..190 2. . . 655 1 L 1..8 2 10 10. . 0:7 2j 1..1020 : : I GO 1..1010 215 5..1311 3 I 1. . 710 I ro 10. . . 873 220 3..IO 30 7. . 912 1 c : ; 20. . . 155 2:0 3. . .1166 310 1. . OGO I G : I. . 9GO 2 25 I..1210 310 I. . 9Go I i1 I. . . ' 970 2 2..1010 310 I. . 70 1 i5 1. . 93 < 22 4. . . 92 : ; 30 1..102) I i5 ; 1. . 750 22i 12..IOS3 3 I : I . . .l ° , 'iO I i1 I. . . . 2 ; l.I1SO . 315 L. . 9. 1 i5 7. . 818 22 1..1iO 360 3. . 043 1 1. 1..108J 2 2j 1..b230 3 W I. . 870 I i. 12. . 1443 230 1..130 . 3 GO 8. . IllS I i 3..1G 23 1..1280 3 r 1..480 17. 1..110.23. I..bPYJ . 3 f' 10. . . 8i7 1 s 4..tC ( ) 240 1..23) . 3 r 3.sl3G ISO C. . . t'o ' : 10 IEli. ' ns. 7. . . i4S 1 r 4. . . 420 22. G. . . 30 2. . . 630 I Ci I. . . GIO 12. 2. . . 7. 3 I 6. . C0 43 I 90 2. . i.s 2 40 G. . 893 3 00 I. . G80 2 I. 2. . . 670 : ro 1..1010 3 o 1. . 600 2 13 1..470 , 2 GO 2. . . & 1. 3 10 4. . . 5S5 22 7. . G82' ! 75 4. . . 090 3 40 2..4S3 . 22 DULY.S. I. . . ) l1O 1 SO 1..1r. . ' 2. ; 1. . .112) 2 i : 1..110 , , . . 1 ro 1..11C . : 20. I. . . , 9SI 275 lol.t.O . . . 1 j 1..IIQI 23 : 1. . .1310 27 : . 1..1280 1 75 1.2 : 210 1..1310 275 I. : .120 . ) 20 i.,1400 210' l..1190 2 i ; . 2.:1 : 215 1..IGI0 2'40 ' 1..1010 28. 2..1110 : 215 1..1r0 240 1..18. ) 30 2..10 1. . . 2 20 1.GI 2 co 1..1 : : 32 4.:1 : : 7 22 2 1. . .I ! 2 6Q 1..1 : 3 LO I. . . SO 22. 2..935 _ c CALVES. 5. . . ' 3'6 1 65 1. . . 310 2 GO 2. . 12 3 t 1. . : . 320 111 3. . 31G 2 r , I. . 10 3 G 2. . . . 355 2 iO 1. . . . bill 3 W 1. . 310 1 90 2. . < 1. 10 2. . . . ] 2' ' ) 2 01) ) 3. . . : Co ' 21. I. . ill ) 4 00 1. : : : : 230 20 I. . 120 2 75 3. . . 1 4 0) 2. . . ' 23 200 3. . 3 2 Sa 2. . . 13. 4 Z 5. : : ' lC II 2 r 1. . 30' ) 30 2. . . 13'1 ' 42 9. : 334 2 r I. . WI 3 I 4. . . 15 42 : 2. . : II 2 WI. . 12d 3 I I. . 170 4 W STOCKElS AND FEEDEI1S. 1. . 551) 20j 1. . 710 30 32. . . 785 32 3. . . 85 2 I. 18. . . 6:2 3 I G. . . CO ( 32 16. . . 4G 215 5. . 622 3 I 31. ) . . 761 32 : I. . il CG 2:1 4. . . . 805 3 I 38. . . ) : 3 : 2. . i71 2 2. 2. . 555 3 ( 4G. . 77 3 2 2. . C70 235 2. . . G ; 3 I 33. . 733 330 l.C31) 2 tI ) 1. . . C20 30 3. . 716 330 4. : , C1 2 r 2. . 79. : 3 n 50. . . 913 335 1. . . 67 2 r 1. . . 7s 3 I 27. . S62 340 .1. . . 541) ) 2 5t ) I. . . 400 3 I . 21. . . i9 340 J."O I. . 2 f 10. . 40 30 : 21. . . 818 3 ro 3. . 316 2 r 1. . 6:2 310 1. . . : ,21 3 m 9. . 384 2 ro 2'1. ' . . 6U 310 4. . 91j 3 ro 1. . COI 2 ro 10. . . C8G 310 8. . 9Sj 3 r I. . 451) 2 e 1. . 710 21G G. . 890 3 r ) 4. . r.23 2 'r _ G. . . 432 : 15 III ! . . . 126 ' I. . 461 Z )520. . . UI 'I ' 5 . . . . . "i. U. 3. . . 233 2 05 I. . . SOt ) 315 19. . i82 3 r,5 3..33 , . . Z & 3. . 836 321) 1. . 945) 3 ,5 11. . . . r3 290 G. . . cm ) 320 3. . . OC1 3 r 10. . . 81 7 290 9. . ct 32. 60. . . 9S5 31 ! 1. . BGO 3 I G. . HI 32j ' ' ' . WgS''EnNS. 7 bulls..1272 . $1 5j 10 feeders. . . 893 $3 1 ) 11 bulls . . . . 1333 $ 35 R slocr8..10 400 1 1 cows..1140 2 C GS slrors..1012 4 0 I steer . . . . 1310 32i 11. O. Ilnrkness. 11JII..170 2 r 4 cOw8..1017 30 ) 4 cincs . . . . 1037 2 2 107 cows..1037 3 W 1 cows..IOC5 2 c H cows..lOft 3 W IIOGS-Tiiero were sevenly-one frehh loads or hogs In lie yards thIS morning . and there were . ) good loads among tile num- quito a. good many lonrs Ile 101 < qulo I 10 . ' were all on hiatld vtlm illeral her The bimyems ni halll wlh Iherl ortiers , ant ) tile market opened actIve , The prices orr.1 ' strong 10 Gc hIgher . antI the offerings I\all slrnl chaler hnnds rapIdly . The pens were CIIECII al tin early hour. Tile market c..oll sl'nd ) halt a few loads , which rlm" In hate after Iho mar- ket ha ! practlcnhiy close,1 , were not easy 10 ccli. Light hogs w.lghlng under 21) ) 118. sll oL ) $ 3.71 10 13.0. Coo , ) loads nvclllnl right around 2 lbs. soil ) largely lt from $3.9 lu U. while 10011 < heavy . hogs liroughit $ .0 10 $ I . The hulk or lie ( hogs sold at $3.8 10 $3 . Representative holes : No. A\ . HIm i'r. No A" Sh. Pro :31 : . . . . . I33 . . 13 $ 11. . . . . . ! 40 $3 ill 31..1:3 . . . . . . 3 : G. M..213 . . . . 3 ! , : S..H1 . . 3 iO ' OI..I .J . . 39 ; 82..17 . . 3 i : to..21 . . 3 95 8.,8 . . . . . 3 71 4. . . : .310 . . 41.1 1)1..I . . II. . 3 ij 5 . . . . . 25) " . . . r ) ' 1 , . . . . ill . 3 EO 5) . . . . .Zfl . . 401 1 ' CG..202 . . 41 380 : L3..2i3 . . . SO 4 I hi.1(2 . . . lC 38' ' ) . . . . . , . . CO 1..ICG . . 3 I . . . . . . . 4 ( ' G..183 . . 3 hO 71..2) ) . . (01 1..21 . . 3 WI ) 8..31 40 4 ( I 4 . . . . . 195 . . 31 8..22 . . 4 I 04 . . . . .r .t 80 3 02l \ , 7.l . . . . . ) t 4 ( I . , ! . . . . . . . . . ( i . , . 4 01) 36..21 . . 3 Si 4..2.0 . O . . . . . 40 38j ST..27 . . 4 I 82..10 4..167 . . 38 . . ' , . . . . . . ) . . 4 m . . . . . . . 38 ! I I I 5..21. . . I 5) " . . . . 182 . . 3 fG i n 37..211 . . : .1 4 ( ' ) . . . . . ! . . 385 : I' , - ' 81.:1 40 4 ( I 81..181 40 385 I . ) W.:1. " . . ( ) 70 . . . . . 163 . . 385 o. /S4.:12 40 t ( . . . . . .0 3 55 : . , i.f ' 26 . . . . . 257 . . 40 4 . . . . .215 . . 3 h5 i 'ii 4..2..i . . ) , . tJ ( & 9..18 ) ; 40 3 S : 1.j , 4..2 . . 4 C S..2 : 1 121 387 ! ' I' , I 12. . . . . 241 . . 4 ( IA ) . . . . . 187 . . 391 . 1 Cs. . . . . ,276 121) 40 : . . . . . . . 39 . t.8 , 1 . . . . . 4 4 o. 7..213 . . . . . 40 39 'tt t6..2C3 . . 40 : . . . . . . . . 39 ( 78 . . . . . : 28 . . Oi 53..1& . . 3 O ! ) I' ' . . . . : . . 40i 86 , . . . . 101) 40 ' 3 tt ( ( ) . . . . . . . . . 4 ( is . . . . . 40 39'11 ' I 75..2:4 : 40 4 05 31 . . . . . Ill . . 3 \ ' " I . . . . . oil . . 410 4 " . . . . 187 . . 3 91 . , 35. . . . . . .2)4 'o 410 IC . . . . . . 179 . . 39 1 ' 61..29 10 ' ) 410 5..11G . . 391 " II " 77..2.53 13) 410 " . . . . . lC 3 ! . 11 .1 & ) . . . . . 23) . . .10 15 . . . . . 213 h 3 Uj 31..233 . . . 4 10 8'1. ' . . . . . ) ! 39. _ . . _ _ 4. . . . . : . SO 4 10 7 . . . . , .2' .0) . . 3 Uj . 1"0 4. . . . 274 . . 4 10 Cr , . . . .221 . . 3 9j 57. . . . .26G 12 4 1 * . . . . . : 811 3 9j - 77..245 . . . 4 15 5 . . . J .0 3 U : . . l' IC2..2 2 40 415 ! . . . . .2 500 3 95 . . . . .69..2 2 . . 41 65.'JIG . . . . . 3 :15 : ) 5'.3)8 . . . : ) 41 4 1 82..2) . . 3 95 .0..24 . . 415 . . . . . : 40 391 CS..21 . . 4 15 12 . . . . . 244 . . . 143P105. . 6. . . . . 5S . . 2 I 10..17 . . 3 r I..101 . . 3 4) . . . . . 1. ) 315 31..13 . . : 15 121..12. . 3 C 7..10 . , 351) HIIIBB'-Te ) receipts ot .h.p were liberal anti quite I string of good . weOI'r III"S ohan.at hnlls. 811ca : Prices were about steady . 1eprebelstatib'a No Av. l'r. I buck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1 2 7 native eiC1l . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 3 r 34 native 11Iha . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Ct 42 I e"lonlo 111\0 lamb . . , . . . . . . . . . . . c 42 11 olordo lambs . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1 4 25 2 : Colorado lambs . . . . . . . . . . . . G5 4 35 ltamiiu. ( 'it ' I.hia " . H"IIIS I'ly 1\0 "look. KANSAS CiTY. March 5.fTIReoelpt8 , .41 head ; shlpmenl8 , 1,500 head : larhl altIII ) : 10 strong : Texas steers . 83.50101.55 ; ' 1ens cws , . . . . . bcf . . $ . 5 . , ' $ L..413.G4 ; steers $3.b511&f,0 : nuiive cess f f.&O 1e.f $ G.r lall'o cO' U.O $ UfH. . ( . ; Iloker Ild feeders . 12..JUU ; bull , . I.2. TOGI-Il'epll. l.m laced ; shIpmen f bead ; market steady 10 strong ; bulk or sales. $3.OJ4.iO , lleavlc . $4.lG470 , packer . 3.S3(14.20 i ; _ - . _ , . - . - r _ I flr.-rw-fl.rtfl _ , . , . . . mixed . . . . $3.754.lO , lights . $3.GSf3$5 ; Torkerp. $3.75 (4.2. ( SInI I'-nlcelplsl 70 head ; shtprncnts . t hen ; mArket steady . CIICOO LiVe fTocn , - I'Rekorl UOUlht Freely An" time Sllllltll lclllt1 ( Inoil. CICAOO. March 5.-About 5.0 bend con- IlltC1 ) the iiny's supply or cattie . Thnt was n smash sitipply , and I was all boughtt up ot ol.ut steady prlcs. Scarcely anything In the steer line sold below $1 ' 1.'er ) ' orIIIOr ) ' stuff btllRln ! from H 10 $4.50. and fair to good grades sell ! nt from $3 10 $3.00. Ixlrn I.GO 10 lCOO.Th. IrA were quoted orul.1 , G. and there were 11eA or tuilbl0it It from $ .C 10 $1.75. TexAs cntthe \ eme In good request anti wr steady . The mnrket WI "Ii' ! . PackerA boughl rreo\ and the hlil" ping , IImal11 WItS more titan u"unl\ free. ' 'lm fresh , nrrh'nlA of hogs Were cOlln,1 10 nholt 31,10 h. all nnll tile IIjply WOS easIly iiati.1lel. I Was disposed of on " tn'g or frm $10 10 $ ( .45 for \1) ' common 10 Irlne , heavy aeOigeg oC Irons tGO 10 ) . .9j 1\.rKA frlm IN ' ) ' ' Cm1 $ 11 ' $37 for lots o\mnRII Crm 70) 10 200 11.5. . . and frm ' 3.8i 10 H.2 for ! ghttr weightM. 'rho qtinh' H ) ' wu" I10h heleI than for 'Ionlln / ) ' . 1111 there WII1 few sales oC Cul .nlla.IA 01 hens Ihnl $1.0. the 11)ulnr Ireo [ 1.111 CI.m $ 11 $ .IG Cr light anti front $ 1.20 10 $13 for Ilea\ ' ) ' . The sheep Inrk.t wnA firma ; nlhoulh the nr. rivals \ \ "me 4.0 ' 111 ( mor 111 ttity w'le 3e5Crlay ( Ihe ' , ' . ' " , ) 1.111.11) . they w'rl not Ixc".h'e. Iher "ehg n RIII lonl , Iemllll. ) 1'11 10 extra sheep iore flot.1 ( 01 ( mill U.C 10 $ .G' . 0111 loml8 wlre RflhlthhC II train $3,705 10 $ : .r. I''ow Pales oC .hCII \11 In.1 Iltlrr $ .2i nOt ) Ihr ( great I'nt oC the lall"s . )11 01 from $1.7 11 13.35. 1'0111. : ( 'nthle , 4.(1 hcnll , ; calves ZOO hell ; 110gM . 31,0 bent ; .ho.p. 1,0 11(11th. . S I. 1.111. 1,1'0 S I , , ek. : ST LOUIS , Mntchm 5.-CATTI.l5-lteceilliS , 5.50) iieaui ; PilhilttlL'itts , ( .00 iieah ; niarliet genernily weak ; fair tO flllIlmml ilttiv ) ( ' steerS. $431011.50 ; )111111l ) to ehioit' ahii'h'lmlg , * 1.75103.23 ; letI 'I'CxnM steers , , $3.tO1J4.r.0 : grss , feti rexiia steerS , $2.SOll 3.50 ; cnoo-s 11.75012.75 , ltOUfl-Iteeeiita , 7.00' ) licail ; shhpmnents , 1,70. ) iieail ; tmtarltct shloag , 111011Cr ; tIll' CItieS , * tI ) ; gooil niketi , $1 10014.2) ) : 11611) ) , * 3.750(1.10. $1 I 1113 I ' -hti'eeilt 5. ) O hiend : s1i1)'tnOni ) 5 , 7)000 ; active anti tlrns ; tiativd' tnixed , * 3.25011.55 ; real mqriag i4tlllb bmuugitt $7. 2'.i'i , ' l'oilt llii , ? 'iiii'k Market , NlV 'i'OltI. March & ' -lbDl1'ES-1lccelitt , 649 ilenhl ; none on irhe. 811 iIii' .N1) l..5IiIS-ltecelptmi , 1.531 bend ; i .1)0) heath ( til she ; child tlmt ( tim ni ; stie'ep. or- ii till ) ) , ' i's liri ilIc' , 14.0011 4.73 ; Intllba , eomtlnots hi , gl'Hi ' , ! 5.77l)3,87tC. ) , llOt5-.1teci.tlt , , 3,500 lIen. ; steady' ; inferior to ciioIc , * 4.401)1.70. _ _ _ _ _ _ Si.it'le itt 8i17i11 , Ilceamil of receipts at tile fottr llrimsdlmlal misar- bets for 'I'LlCSli ) ) ' , Mulch 5 , 1005 : Cattle. flogs. Silcep. Snitil , Onlalla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,017 & , i l,2' Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1.5(0 ( 31,003 14,110) 1'atmsa , City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,4) 31.00) 70) St. IMtils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359) 7,90) 100 Toinla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,917 35,808 16,700 1.ierlool Slmirkeis. LlVIShtl'OOL , Starch S.-Vt'll SAT-Spot , firm ; detni ml vor ; No. 2 retl i'Intcr , 4s S 14,1 ; No. 2 i'oii llpritlg , is Ill ; Na. , I bard , Slanitob , , Si 2'4.l ' ; No. 1 Cailfotmiia , stocks exhlaustlal. Flttmieg ) openeti steail' with near nIh ) distant p05)111)115 115)11 lower , th ; close , ) ci call ) ' , vit ii micar nod 'its' tant positions l,0fi5lt lower. Ilusimiecs heaviest OIl eatly locIIoills ; flInt cli , 4s Id ; Alit ii , 43 8"d ; May , Is 53'l ; Jutie , 43 8)ttl ) ; July , is 9tl ; August , 15 0lh. , . t.'OIhN-fipot. quiet : American mixed , 4s Id Futures ° lefll'd quiet and unchanged ; closed quiet , wIth near postt 10111 ' 5 5.i lou or , nistl dis- toot. llt15htltflS lower ; heaviest tiimsiness on 51113' . Is 1',1 ' ; June , 4s Intl ; Jttl3' , Is 2.1 ; August , 4 $ ! il. FLOUR-Firm ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy oimster , ts Oil , PIIOVISIONS-fl.con , quiet ; demnanib poor , CIlmIlel liitl ; cut , IS to 30 lbs. , 20s 511 ; short s Ibs , 28 lbs. , 30s ; long clear , liglt , 38 to 43 lbs , 2 ° s ; long clear. ileltV ) ' , 55 Its. , 283 Cd ; 511011 clear backs. ltgtlt , 18 1)15 ) , . 32s ; silort clear lllldte5 , ileav3' . 55 li's. , ISa ; clear bellies , I I to 10 lbs. , los : shoulders , square , 12 mo 18 1115. , 27s It ! ; iinmas , , , liort cut , II to 16 37,1. ieef , extra Itltiia mIlesi , , Gig 90 ; lajate fleas. 5:1 : , . l'ork , prIme mess , fine western , 52s 63 ; prime mess. iiiedlum. 47s Ccl. 14110 , quiet ; prime western , : tlz Gd ; refined , in palis. 31' . 6.1. - CIIEL'SL'-Firm ; iletnanti nioderate ; finest AmerIcan whIte. 4Ss Gti ; . lIneal Alllerlcat ) colored , 505. IItJTTIII1-Finest Unite , ) States , 75s : good , SOs , ( 'OT'l'ON S1tli ) OIl.-Lhvempool , refined , 17s Id. LIN.M1fl1) Oil-lls 3il , 1'lTlt0h1U5t-EeIlnet , C'4tl. flEFilULltATO1t liiCF-Forequnrters , 41jd ; hllnIquarter,4. , &ith. llOi'-At j.oniloa ( Pacific epast ) , 2 lOs. 'l'Ii , , receimtg of wlietit fillrlng ( lie 11581 three days were 99,000 centals. Including 70,100 centals American , Tito receipts of AmerIcan corn during the past three days vero 82,000 centais , 'rhie weat.ller Is damp. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. Loilig ( ) emiarni Market. ST. LOUIS , Mtuch 5.-FLOIJIL--Good domestic tx-mule , hut notlltng fAr export. L'OltN MEAI-$2.OOf2.O5. \\'lliltT-Unscttlcd ant ! nervous : opened eas' : toll off 11c , then Ictlowed sonic ctmengtli , hut seen dropped otT a. fraction tllctre ; bIer became strong agaIn , but turned , and at tile close itits ' , Oic betO % ' yesterday ; No. 2 mcd , cast , , & 38j53'c ; May , 5:1300 : 11th ; July , 53501l31c asked. COhN-Dull , wIth IlardlO' any demand : No. I mixed , cash , , 4l3t14134c ; May , 41c bid ; July , 4234c. OATS-Dull , with at , trading In speculative nrirket , : No. I cashl. 298730c ; May , 2lc LItI ; June , 29i5c 1)111. RYE-No. 2 offered at STe for east side ; SIc hII1 for regular. IIAItLF3Y-Qulet at tile. II1IAN-lllgtier ; east track , lie , FLAX fiuilD-Quiet at $1.21. ci..o\'icit SllD-Better sale ; choice , $8.i0118,2O. TIMO'FILY SlllIl-$5.ECj'5.6O. HAY-Dull ; steatly ; fancy , prairIe , $10.25 ; tim- othiy , ciloice , $10.ti0. EGGS-Steady ; 17'c for fresh. LEAI-Iuhl ; 12.83 bId ; 12.87 nicked , tIl'HliTlOht-Iuil ; 000)11a1. ; 82.05. W'IIISKY-Steiuhy ; $1.28 for dIstillers' finlshieb goods. I'itOVISIONS-Pork , stanilard mesa. jobbIng , $10. Lard. prime steam , $1.33 ; choice. 86.45. iiy salt meats , boxed ciloutleri , , 84.50 : longs , $5.23 ; ribs , $5.10 ; 5110105 , $5.75. Bacon , boxed ictIollIdelS , $5 .2 , , longs. $5.72'4 ; rIbs. 8587 ½ ; shorts , 86. ItEclh1"rfi-1iour. 3,000 bills. ; wheat , 8,000 Lu. ; COITI , 2O.oto Lu. ; xets , 14,000 bit. Sltll'MFSNTH-Flour , 12,000 bbhs. ; wileat , 10,000 Lu. ; corn , 4,000 Lu. ; oats , 19,000 be. Colfe , , .iliirleet , NEW 0'OflK. Mnr hi 5.-COFF'CE-Optlnns opetied sternly at unellaflgel to S points ruivttice ) ; ralliel on European caltis anti local coverings ; closed quiet at 51110 1)010tH net nilvanco ; sales , 11,2.O bags. inciu'ling : Morel , , $1 1.850314.00 ; Jtprih , $14.65 : Slity. $11.10 ; June , $14.55 : Scptiiibor. $14 ti ) 4111.55 ; October , 114.501014.53 : Ieeeniicr , 111.4070' ' 14.45 ; spot , Itlt quiet ; No. 7 , sic.r.o ; mild , quiet and steady ; Corilovn , $ lS.757719IO ; sale , . 2,000 bugs lIho Nos. 7 and 8 , Born I'edro. at 115.87 % ; 2tlO bltgg Central Alnerican ) tntl 300 bogs Li- niafca , I ) . C. Warehouse deliveries ( rein New York ) 'csterilOy. 27,088 bng , : Neio' Yoik stock today , 141,000 bags ; Unite , ) States icteele , 17i,182 bugs ; ahioat ( or tim UnIted States , 240,700 hags ; total visiblu sumcply for the UnIted States , 411,682 bags. agaInst 410,031 hogs last ) ear , SANTOS , Macoil 5.0harket quiet : gooti flier- ego Santo , . 115,50 ; receiltts , two days , 16,000 begs ; ictocl ( . 254.000 Lags. lIAStlitiltO , Sharcll 5.-Market quiet ; prIces ' 4 10 % pIg alvnnee : sales , 12,000 bags. ltlO BE JANIEIIO , Mardi 5.-Market strong ; No. 7 , ltio , $15.73 ; exchlflngo , 970 , . ; receipt , , two 'hal'S , 10,000 h'ags ' ; cleared for the Umittet State' , , 8,000 itigs ; cleared for Europe , 2,000 hag , : dodd , 151.101) lags ; \'ictoria cicoised during 1"ebruary , 18,100 bags. ItAVItIS. March 5.-Market opened stetuly at ' /jt7i ntlvnmice. ; nt 12 rn. sleatly nncl unchlungeil ; lit 3 t' . mu. . teiuly ml , , ' ) unchange'l ; closed stoutly lit ' 41t3.f net iulvence ; I3es , 13,003 bags. ihmitimitoro , itmtriet ( . IIAT.T1l'lOflFl , March , 5.-VLOUt-51ore doIng ; % s'esit'rt , sUtertlae , $ iM.i12O0 ) ; iv.'stern , xtma , $1.2) ) 602.14 : svetcmfl ftirnily , $265012.75 : winter Ilatint , $2.8Sijl.l5 ; spring i'atent , $3.40u3.G5 ; bpring whant , straight , $ l003.23. btecohmts , , 13,183 tiLls , ; iciii. ) ments. 200 hbis. ; sales , 1,000 h.h'l. WIl I1AT-Sirsihy : spot nntl nionhim , 59i59c ; May , C001G0)o ; steamer No. 2 re.i , 5601313c : iteceipts. 3,271 h'u , : stock , 5)4,614 hit , . : sales , iil ) lu. ; 500111cm wiwat by sample , .S4'C0c ; south- era atient ism gratle. SltIGOc. COllN-Stcoily ; ispot , 47t747c ; month , . 1T'48I 47e : lilny , 4&01103c ; sh'amer mxel , 1Glp 47c. liecelpis , 38,43' ) 1111. ' stock , 401.913 Lu , ; stiles , 28,000 be. ; southern sohito , incl ycliinv corn , Ito. OAT14-l'irwr ; No. 3 white western , 5G031e ; No , 2 mllixel , Mc , hteceti'ts , 8,611) Lu. ; stock , 2)2- 831 Lu. ltYl'-Stelldler ; No. 2 , 5Cl757c. liecehpta , ( .32 hU. ; stock. 21.031 1,0 , IIAY-2hteady ; good to choice timothy , $ i2.tdll 13.00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 141 , ! .omils ( lpmjur.iI Mimcct ) ) , ST. 1.01.318 , -W'hlllA'i'-Unsettlel and liervous ; mrurket opened (083' . ( eli oft Sb , ilgn ciloiveil 15)1)10 mtrcngth. hut sosn ilroptei1 oft a fraction more : hater Leonine sirong ngntn. but itirned , nail at tile deco Ova , l0135c below yes- mcrilay ; No. I red cactm , flICJSl'4c ; Slay , .lo Liii ; .Iuhy. C3tj.3io asks , ) , ( OItN-luhi , wiii , hiamdly any ilemund ; No. 2 jiiisctl , cash , 4h't1Il'4c ; May , 4l3o bid ; July , 42'c. OATS-fluil , with no trallng In speeuiuli'o ) munrltet ! No. 2 CflSil , 0j30e ; May , 2995o bid ; June. 2'Jtic lii' . ItIE-No , 2 orfercil at STe for east bOde ; tIc 1,1,1 ( or regular. hiAiti.F3Y-qiiiet at ICC. 1tSCl31 leFi4Fiour , 3,000 hbls. ; wheat. 8,500 ijil. ; torn , B05) lie , ; 01tis , 14,000 Lu , iollil'MIN'F-Fiour. 32C10) li'ls , ; wheat , 10,000 Lu , ; corn , 4,00' ' ) Lu. ; oats , 19,000 Lu , M111110u11iilg 'imeitt Market. ! diNNFiAi'O1l8 , Iliac ) , 5.-Close ; 51arcl , ISo ; I'll ) ' , I,70i57hc ; J ul' . til'.44158 ° .c ; September , &Gc. On truck : No. I hlnril. & 0c ; No. 1 , , orts. : em , f0c ; No. I storthiern , 57c , JiecelIlts , lOG The flour market was decidely stronger anti prIces ame ltgli'r. , , i'trbt ilaments. in wooi , II 15 1(3.45 ; 500011,1 iat.'nts. $2.AlIjl.25 ; bakers' , $ .1QIk 2.25 ; red iiog , $ i.GSIB.T5. N1 W. HARRIS & CO ANJKERe , 163-165 Dearborn-st. , Cklcngo , 5 VaIh-st. , New York , 70 State-st. , i8ose' CITY , COUNTY S.'IIQOL WA'FEI and ' 1LRk1ORGRADE Zjoughl a.d Cold. Cormcsponisnco 8olicitc'J. , . . , - , , , - . - . - . - ' . - - . - - . . MISS WILLARD ON A' BllE ( ccond Instatmont of' Her Epst1o to Riders on How to Ride , SOME RErLCTos By TUE WAY A % 'flihllIllg ) Will Makes a W'itlbliiig % 'lii'i -te'quirIig ltiuinwiciige of time ilitcliimme -t I'rimnotcr ( It Ilatlomimil 1)ress for W'omllcmt , ( Copyrigilted , 1095 , 1) ) ' Frances 11. 'Wiiiaril , ) Ii. Graditahly , item by item , I lelrneci the lo' cation of every screw and Slriflg , spoke and tire , 5011 every lJcaln 011(1 bearimsg that iient to 11101(0 Ufl Olodys. ThIs tas not ( lie lesson of a tin ) ' , ilUt Of 1flflY days or veeks , 511(1 It hat ! to be learned before o'e could got. on veii together. To Ii ) ) ' mind the lnfeilcitlcs \'O SIC SO lbitlCh of in lIfe grow out of lack of tinle alit ! liatlenco titus to StIldy and nil' just 0110 to tue other natmmres thlal. have agreed hIs tile sight ot Gotl anti usati to staliti by each other. 'ritey will not take tue paIns. thle3' have hot t'miotmghi icPeCiiiC gravity to Iiii alice timcmnselvcs in thmeir how elsvlronuletmt. Indeed , I foutitl time hole ihmiho.SODhY of hits Inioolng alitl the wimihilhig of hil bicycle. Just as a strong anti skillful swiltihuer takEs ( lie waves , so thm bleycher milst heart ) to take such woven of ltlelltai llliireSSIOn as the llasslng of a ghgamitic hay wagon , the SiltliiCll obtrus'on ' of black cattle wIth wIde hiranchhng Ilorna , ( lie rattling ltce ; of high Stel)1ltlg steeds , or CVIII thio SWIft tratisit of a rahiovay train. At first Shlo whit be lIpId by tile ahiparitlom ) of the atnaliest poodle , amiti rIot tititil sue has attained a wldlo exhierience will ichie hold Imerseit steady Ill 1)rescnce of the critical eyes of a crach ROll four. 13111 ; iii this is a part of that eitlilibriatiol ) of thmoughit 1111)1 ) actiotl by whIch ire coitqtcr tile tialverso in cotliluerltl6' otirseives. 'A1lIiL1NG1LL'AlihhI1NG \\'llEflL I flmialhy COI1CIUlCdl ( that nil failure was frotsi a i'ahabhjng t'hIl rather thiati a ivnbbllng i'icol. I felt that Indeed the ivili is the wheel of the mind-its perletuai motiotl hiaviiig boemi iearned when the morllimtg stars salig together , \Vhen the wheel of time iitlntl \vcmst veii thIell tile rubber wiledi httitiitiictl nierrily , bitt spectres of the nsind thiere are as i'ehi as of tite wheel. Imi time aggregate of perception (11)011 which we have reflected and trOll ) vhtich , we have detltmceti otir generalizations 111)011 tile 'orhh , withiout. Witilill , above , there are so aisny gitasti' antI fantastical Images that they lutist oh- ( rude tilemimseives perhaps at certaits imitervals ilko filmily bits of glass Ill tilO turn of the kaleIdoscope. Probably every accident of viitcht I hail iearl ) or read in itsy half century tinged tile uncertainty that by tue correlation of forces passed over imito tue tremor timat I felt whmon wo begati to rolmild tile terlillntis bend of tIle broad Priory walk. Who haih say by what original en- crgy thie niintl forced itoht at once frotti tile contemplation of disaster atui thm'tist into the very niovernent of tile foot on tue pedal a concept of vigor , safety and success ? I began to feel that myseit PIIIS thit' bicycle eqttalloll myself plus tue world , 111)01) ivllolo spinning 'wheel we must all learn to ride or tall into this shitice-ways of oblivion amid despair. That which made me simececil with tile bicycle was preclsehy what htad gaimled mae o ineasuro of success Its life-It was the hal'tll' hood of spirit that led tao to begitt , the per. sistence of vhll that imeld me to my task , and tlio patience that was willing to begin again when tim last stroke had failed. And so I found high tnoral uses ims time bicycle attd can comment ! It as a teacher without 1)011)11 or creed. He whio succeeds , or , to be more exact In Ilandling over my experience , she who stcceeds in gaining tile mastery of slmclm an anitnal as Gladys vIll gain the nbastory or lIfe , and by exactly the same methlod and charact01riatlce. THE FORWARD IMPETUS. One of tllO first thtings I learned was that unless a forward impetus was gven within s'ell defined Intervals away we ii'ent. rides and steed. And I said to myself , it Is tile same with all rcfornbs-sometlrnes they seens 'to lag , tllen they barely balance , then thiey begin to oscillate as If timey would lose tise track and timnlblo to one side. But all th1ey need is a new lislpetus at the rlghlt nioniemit on thie right angle and away they go again as merrily as It tiley had never thlreatened to stop at all. On tile Castle terrace we went throimgh , a long. narrow curve in a turret to seek a broader esplanade. As we approached It5 - felt ivroughit up in my lain' , a little uncertain In misy motions , and for that reason , on a small scale , fllY quick ltnaglmsation put before 11)0 pIctures of a "standing frotu under" on the part of the maciliac and damaging brulsc against _ tiie pitiless walls. Btit whthm a little unobtrusive guttling by one wno knew better tilnn I imow to do it. we soon came out of the dimu passage on to tile broad , bright terrace we sought and In an Instant may fears were as niucil left behind as If I liar ! not had theris. So It will be I think-I hope , nay , I iehieve- wllen , CllhidrC'Il thaat ivo are , we tremble on ti'e ' brink and fear to hautsehi away ; but we 811011 flail that deaths is only a bend 1 tile river of life tilat sets the current heavenward. One afternoon on the terrace at Eastnom- castle. the most dellh1tfmll bIcycle allerv I have found anyii'liere I fell te tallcimsgiitii a young ornpanion about New Year resolu- tiong. It was just before Christmas , but tue sky was or thlat 11)01st blue thlat England knows , anti tile earth aimnost steatssy ill tile mild sunshllne , while tue soft outlIne of Chic famous Mnhvcrn 111118 was restful as time hit- the lake 'ust ' at our feet , where swans vere saIling or anchorIng accorthing to their fancy. AN ASIDE ON MOTTOIIS. One of us said : ° 1 'nave already chosotm my motto for 1891 , and it is this , froeti a teacher wIlD so often saidl to Imer pupils swhmen meeting them in corridor or recltatioim room : 'I have iteard somnetiiing nice about you , ' thlat it passed Into a proverb it tile school. Now I have determined that iisy mental attitude toward everybody shall be the same that these words lruhleate , "Time meailng Is Identical withi thlat. of the Inscription on the fireplace In my den at iiOIlIC''lOt. soinethilmig gooti be hold. I rc- hueluber mnemltloning to a literary friend that this was ishiat I hail chosen , amid so far was 110 froiti perceivIng my lutemitlons that ho sar- castleahly remnarked : 'Are you thiemi afraid that people will say ilthl things ummiesa you set tills rule before tilenI , ' lImit my tllougllt then 111)11 1)0W is that iso ichiotmitl apply in our discussions of people and thilags the rule laid don ii by Coleridge , tlaiiiely : 'Loolc for time excellencies in everything you sea amtd avery Iterson , but (10 not decline to see tile defects if timoy are thiere and to refer to tliemn , ' "l'hmnt is a good motto , " brighitly replied tue other , ' 'but if we followetl It life wouitl not be nearly so amusing as it is now , I have several friends whiose rule is never to say atiy harm of anybody , and to my mnhmul this crlplIeS their tievelollment , for tile ton- daIley of sucht a nlethioll Is to duil 0110'S powers of iliscrltiiitation. , ' ' "But , " said time other , "would not a mei'tlnl ) ' cours lie better ? SuchI a one , for inticance , 118 ll5 liiotto suggests. This Wollid not involve volvo keelilng silence about tiio faults of ler- sons and things abOtlt 118 , but ivould develop that cileerttit atmoiphiero which Ildlpa to smnoothi 1110 rough edges cf life , and at tile same timE' ( hoes not destroy ( lie critical tao- tllty because you are to tell the trutll and the whole truth concerning tiios flrotllli ( yotl , whereas ( Ito comnson custom ha to Sieak much of defects and little or not at all of merits , " ' 'Yes , " si'ag the reply , "but It i nct half so entertaining to speak of vlrtttea as of faults , especially in fills country ; U you don't you can lmardiy talk at all , itecauce they dwell a great deal on what we in Amnicrica call the stivage edge of events , " "Have you ( hell mlottcc-d thus as a siational picullarity after ten years of observation ? " "Yes , anti I have often heard It retoarileti not only by our own cuntrymen , but by Cue people here as weil , " "mVhiat do you thInk explaIns It ? W'eii I ens lnclincih to apply the theory of .ti. 'fame , ( lie great Fremich critic , to most of the circumstauices of life , anti I should say it s'as time ciimato-hts uncertainty ; its corm- stant chiangos ; time heaviness of tbe atmos. pliere ; tue amount of fog ; ( lie real stress anti strairs to live that restilts frommi trying physical conditions added to ( lie razor-sharp 01150 of busIness amId sochah conipetitlomi 1111(1 ( time close contact that COtlICS of PacithlIg 40,000,000 people of pronounce.I in- divlduaihty on an lsiand no bigger timan thu state of Georgia , To toy 11110(1 ( , the won tier is ( limit tile ) ' beilavo so wehll Once Svllea I crow somewhat discouraged - - . - . i , . . - , . - . . . . . . . . . . ' - ' - . - , s----4- . ' - , . - antI seiti ( list I 115)1 tnaile no progress for a tl.ty or two nsy teacher toltl me that it wait tst , so ovien , she learnt ; there were growing ilay siul stationary tisyg , anti she iiad always flolcmi ( that jtmnt after one of these imist dtih , 'lepresshng and dubious intervals she SE'etneil to get all tIp lift Stahl went ahiend better than ever. It was like a spurt In growing , This Seems to be ( lie law of progress in everything we do ; it hooves along a spiral rather tImit a lerpenhiiemlinr way : we seem to bo acttrnhhy going out lIt tile is-ny , anti yet It turns otit. tmat we were really isioving impii'ard all tile time. One day when my moat expert trainer tii'Iteti ( lie truth a little timat she fllght ) en. COihrtige mc I i'as renmimuleil of mill amteceiote , In this PtactIcal age an lilustritlon of the workitigs of trutiftmlrmess V' ill often Imelii a chiild lOlOre thOU ) miii ) ' amlioullt of exlmortrttlon collcermilsg ( lie theory thereof , For instance , a filthier iii ( IntL ievel'imealed part of tlm ttnit'il ( Stntes knoivii as "out ivest" founti thhlt lila little boy 'SnS fnlhlmmg into time habit. of idling ii'int , unit not ( rIle , so ito saul to lilns at ( ito ItInclI tniio ' ' , : 'Johitimiie , I will COIIIC nroumui Witit a horse atsd t'am-ringe at 4 0 chock to tnitn yotm and lunlllmmln for a tirive tIlls flftelllOflml. ' ' Time boy s'as In' high spirits anti watchet for his father at time gate , but time llohlrs lmse'I ' by 01)111 ) 6 o'clock , iliniter timne , wlieii tilat WoI'tly ) nupeared ihaikltg , 1)1) ) tlito street iii time milost tlflcolicerncd hisatimier. ilill schick , Tohiinle , full of ittdlgnrmtlots ant nstotiishimtsont , , 'keil Iitit ii'hy 110 (1111 hot COllie flit 11(1 hall protnlsc'dl , ( lie fiitlier siiiil : ' 'Oh , mill' ho ) ' , I just took it lilto lily beau ( lint I % othhtl tell 3'Ohi a lie about the matter Just ItS ) 'Otl iaVO ) beglln telling lies to hue. " The boy begnil to cry with tblingleti eliBilis. pointlnemlt ammil sllniue to thInk hm1 father Wotlill tb It thiing like tilatilCrCtiii0ll tlm father took tue little fellow tipon his klsen 31111 said : ' 'Thmis lIes all been elotic to 1.110W 3'oll sviiat iisisclmlef cOlnes traIn tolhimig what is not ( rIle. It SPOILS everybody's good (11150 ( , If you cannot believe idIot I say amid I catimiot. believe what 3'Olh say , lilitl nobody cai be. hove wimat allybody says , thleli tile world caii- hot go oti at. nil ; it would have to stop , as h hmo old eight-day clock did the other iis' , llsaklllg us all late to 1111111cr. It is Oltly be- ' Comae as a rtda we can believe In each ttller'S i'oril that we mire able to Imava hotns , tin biuitiness atitl eijoy , life.'i'lloover goes strthghmt ; eu tclhillg ( Ito Irtltil helps bore l1' that tllill ) lie cotilil Its timiy other ii'ay to build tip ( Ito worltl into a bentitiftil alliS ltapiy iiace , ; amid every tiiiio ailybolly tells Wlirmt is not trtlo lie helps to iveahteil everybody's coilildeiiec Ill oVitr3'bodly else , nmid to siioil 3 ( lie gooti (11150 , imot of hitiiiself alone , but of all those about imimms. ' ' 0 INTERESTING VAItIETY IN TEAChERS. I studied my varloila llllltl teachers withh 11111011 care-one ions so lic'lpfmtl ( lint but for 1113' hlrOteIt she W'Olld ( fairly have carrieti the In imer arns and the bicycle to boot tlte whole distance. This was not becailso sue was afraid for itii' , but because silo ilall not a scm- tliia of htnowledge concermmiiig time niacimino amid sime did not % o'lshl Ille to cottse to grief through any lack on her part. Another was too tltlsorous ; the very twitter ot 11Cr face , swiftly coinuisumlicatedl to her urns , and ins. Parted to Limo dluakllig crossbar COtsVhhlsed me WltIl at ) inWard tear ; therefore , for her ,1 sie aiiil 1111150 , I 5iCCtiill' cotmnted her out from tile facilIty in lts3' bicycle college. Another was herself so capable , iiot to say' ndventttrous , null withal so solicItous for my iest. good , thlat shto eilcitetl ttiy ailmuiration I ) ) . imer imlgelsiotls mtxtimro of cltecrlmig me on filidl iioltlitig me back ; tile latter , however , lreIolflimlatOd , for slme miover rehiiiqulsled , bet .strotg , grasp on the crossbar , lie was a , hue , bravo character , sotnewlat inclIned tea a iesslttilstlc'lew of life becatIse Of Revere extlerlence at imomne , whilchm comnimig to her at a pitifully early periotl whlen bralms and fancy were UloSt impressiomiable'roilghlt an itijustlco to a nature large tind generous- 0101 ovlilcht under hlappler sides would Itavo blossonied cut a perfect flower of wotsnn- hoot ! . M' oftitanti tllnlcings , aloud , to wllich I liavo always been greatly given , especially when iii gemlial corn- PanI' . silo seetneil to catchl OIl tile fly as a reporter does an Idea on his pencil polmit. 5570 had 110 end of'llat we thotmghit to be gooti talk of things In imeavems and earth anti tile waters under the eartit ; of tIle mystery that lies so closely rottiid tillS cradle of a world , 1111(1 all the varied and imlgeIllOuS ways of wlllcht thte bicycle , so slow to give up its secret to a care worn and inelastic pupil halt a ceistury old , was just thou our whimsical ' . . . , and favorite synlbol. Wo rejoiced together ' greatly In pcrcehving the iilillL'LtIS Clint this tlmicompronllsing lsut fascinatltig and hllilIlIt- ' ably capable mother wonld give to that blessed "wonsams question" to which we were a" botil devoted , for we had earned ottr own ' broad miiatiy a year , atni she , nititough more thman twenty years my junior , itail aCcUiilU- latcd an amount of experience well nigh ' 1 its great , because she hmail lived in tite world's 'ficart or tile worhil's carbumicla ( just as one CIlOoses to regard what has beets called irs literary phrase the capital of humnanity ) , 'Wo sa0vo titat time physical dleVehOlimlselt ! of hmu- matihty's mothier-Ilaif woulti be wondorttlily advanced by thiat well-nigh universal introduction - duction of the bicycle sure to come about vlthln thme next few years , because it Is for the Interest of great COiilnCl'Cinl Inonopollea that this should be so , since if wotnems pat- ionIze time wheel the nunsher of buyers will be ivehl-nigil twice as large. PROMOTER OF' RATIONAL II1ESS , 3' If ivomnen rub they must , wlteti riding , dress moore rationally thnht they have been wont to ilo ; if timey do tills iflOi ) lrejudices as to what they may ho allowed to wear will titelt away. Iteason will gaiti tipoli precedent , atiel era long time cotiifortable , sensible and artistic wardrobe of tile ruler svlhi make the coiivenilonal style of wontami's dress absurd to tile eye atiti mm000lurnile ( to time umsder. stanthing. A reforns often : idvamices most rapidly by indirection. All 011000 of practice is ivortht a ton of theory , alit ! tile graceful amid becotislitg cOstlimne of 0VoIileIl on tile bicycle will COilVitico tile veriti tlmat ta brmmshietl asIde tIle theories , no matter llO'W vcll constructed , arid time argunsents , no mnat. fer how SOtlild , of dress reformisors. A woman with bands hmamigimig Ohs her hips , and dross simtmg about the waist and chmokiigly , tIght at time thlroat , with heavily trimmned skirts drag. gieig down tmo back , and ntlmncrous folds heating the loii'er parts or tilt Spine , and with tight shoes , ought. to be In agoIly , Silo ought to be as nslsorablo as a stalwart man would be its time same plight. Anti the fact that she can coolly atid comitpiacently assert timat Imer ciotltlng is perfectly easy oiid that site does miot want ahlytiillmg moore comnfom-tniilo or con- i'emmient is tiio IrlOst commelumtlvo lrOOf that she is altogetiler ahtnormnai boillhy , or else that she bmas not mtmchi Idea of tile granil uses to wlmlcim her POWCiS mIght lie PUt'O also saw tile great advammtago his good feliowslmiD amid ntutuai itmlderstandimg , hietween men and womeit who take ( ho road tcgetlter , sititring its liardsiliiis and rejoicing iii ( lie poetry ot motion tuarougll iatidscalles breathing on. tore's imioXilnilstihlO charmls , and skyscapes lifting tIle heart traIn wlmat is to wimat shiiiil be hereafter.e ( llscollrseil Ohs time nil. vantage to masculine chmaracter of comrade- shIll' witll w'otllOn wlmo were as mmkihleti and llmgelliOUS his tue amaitipulatlon of the swift. r' steed s they tlmetmiselvea. We contended tilat iviiatever ihlmhlmbihleti tile sense ot suporiarity 111 Itlen imiakes tlleln nlcro miianly , htrotiierly antI lilcasant to hl)1V0 ) ahout.Vo felt acre tiilt : (110 lihmmff , time swagger , tile liravailo of ycumig Emlglahlil lii lis ; teens would hot omitlive tile CollIllietO mastery of the out. , door arts , ill ' 01111011 hiimi sister Is dOss' , 50 5U0- cesIfuly engaged , 'I'lio olti fables , Imsytimli arId follies associatetl with tile idea of woman's ' illcoitbpt'temiCe to ilatillie hat amid oar , bridle anti relmt amId ( It last the crossbar of ( lie hiic'CiO tire passing into contempt In preselic ) ) of tiio mmimnblenoss , agility anih skill of that loy's slSter-iIldCei ) , sic felt timat it the > ' cotithmiUt'il to iiniirovo after tIle fashion of 11w Jact ilecailo their tliiyslcal achieve. moIlts Will be smtcim that It will become ( lie llrltho of nsany of thielfl to ho knowms as tiiat girl's irotiler. All we thiscourseti of life , " tieatii ammil the jUtiglilent to COIIsO , of "man's lnhmumammlty to mami , ' ' as scull as to beasts , birds atll ( creeping tilihigs , We frequently re- cmmrreii to a hilirase that has become habitual With 1110 In tlltse later years , viieis other worlds seem aimciiored close along side ( lila , and ililen tile teldlilone , time pimollographi amIli time imsiCrolmllOlho begin to biiuw us Clint ( Ivory breatil carries ill itself not only ( tie Power. but tile scleiitiiic certainty of regis. tratioii.'cll ' , one timing is certain ; we , t silali Imleet it iii ( lie otimer , ' ' FItANCES II. WILI4/tILD. - - - - . - - . - . . ) LLET fl CAE ! ULLM CLOVER , TIMOThY , c. 11r. cs- . iiahtaJ Union Avo. . Kansas City , M. 5 - - --------I Iv . il I ' '