' ! _ , " , , , . . , : THE OMAHA \ DA.ILY BEE. . - . . , ' , " : " ] SDAY [ O11isG , : MAUC 6 ( ) , 1895. SINGIJJ ! ) COpy InVm O.I N'.rS. ESTABL1SIIED : JUN ! ) 17 , 1871. I OI"AJTA , 1rEDESDAY . , i : IUST HE PREPARED FOR WAR \ Strength of the rrench Jrmy Oompawl With That of Germany I I ECONOMY NOW MIGHT OE EXPENSIVE . % 1IiiIutcr or 'Vllr : 1tIntriInr.l : That the 11 . - 1'lrlty or ulher ' , Vni Ct n' Crnt a. CIiInu ' d-Soe1iiIlt' , n,1o 1 "IClont - I'rot..t , , JAnR , Mardi 5.Durlntho discussion , r the nrmy budget In the Chamber of Deputes - I , tIes tOIII ' M. noche , rtpresentlng the com- s : ; , utes / mite , saul Irinco tried to pace her army upon I parity with those 01 other na lons. lut since 1877 the miiary expenllurcs of Germuny hail exceeded those of [ France. The Gerlnn military Iloctrlne was blsed on numerical strength , Inll Germany now pOS- sened on n n1 rcdy to fght at. any moment lie maintained the superiority 01 the of- [ fenlve s'stem. when he was InterruPted by nn insulting remark from a socialist member. A great uproar [ olowell , and Rome minutes I elapsed before : . Hoche was able to Ilro- ceell lie then auld 42,000 men ourht to bl serving In the French army , but ns a net [ only 401,000 were serving. He demllled that the French army should be as welt organized - ganlze.1 ns the German army , claiming the economizing of a few million francs might mean defeat In time event of wnr. ( AI - PimUmne. ) l. Cavuignac . mInister 01 wnr , reproached M. Hoche for exaggerating time gravity of the sltuulon , mnl.lnlnlng the French nrmy only numbered about OOOO less lhnn tiLe German nrm . The debate was then nd jon rued. ) ! UI.IUNG tiP cmIUIA\3 NtS Y. J m"eror1111 ly the Itcel of Al' "twr ) Wnl' ! u hll" I WIL1tILMSIIAVE , March 5.-The emperor - peror went from the omcer cub to the lock yard , whee time ceremony of laying time keel of 1 new warshIp. to rClllnco the Pres- ' suah built In 1873 amid now obsolete , took place In the Ilresence of Vice Admiral lol- Iand and the olher German admirals , time director - rector 01 the duck yard and many other olil- clah. His laje-l ) drove the first rivet into the keel plute. In addressing the nnval recruits - cruits , his lajesty said : . _ ' , "My men , you have como here to take the . oath of ahirgiance. I was nn old cuslom of our forefathers , ali thc'y hell Il a sncred dULy , to IINform theIr oath loyally. Iusl ns I. your empror and sovereign , devote mny every act nml thought to the fatherland EO you are hound to give up your whole life for me : you Ilwe taken the oath as Christians and true servnnts of God have spoken to you In n Chrllnn splrlt . On your war flag you beheld time eagle , time noblest bird In the * tr universe. Strong In Its youth , It soars high In the air , beneath the raya of God's sun , knowing niher fear nor danger. So also intuit be your thought amid act You are now coming to a time when In the serious business' ' OL your service demands will he made upon you which will be Irksome : when mnny hours wi come In which you w1 think yourselves unequnl to your taslt. Then remember you nro Christians : think of your parents and f- . how your mothers taught you the Lord'f . prnyer. ' 'hen nbroad your duty will be to rcpresent the fatherland by your worlhlness nail good behavior. Our navy Is outwardly indeed email , but what makes lS stronger - ' than other navies Is dlEclllne , amid Inhe ' l. tntng obedlenco to sUllerlors. Thus wi our navy proper anti grow great In the work of peace , and for the benefit amI good of the falhcrland , amid thus we hope In God shaH we destroy the enemy. Be you like the Drnn. denburgers ef old. " Cl.NtU1'10IU'r1 IS , \lSOLU"g , Wil ' Go to , Jnp,1 lrclliod , to ootlto I'CIC ( LONDON , March 5.-Dispatcimes from Pe Icing to the Thl13 , which wi uo pubhisliemi ' tomorrow , confirm previous dispatches oul- i lning the success of J.I hung Chang nt time i Chinese capital. They say that after tedious telesraphllg through the United , State min- Ister. Mr. Charles Denby , the text of 1,1 Hung Chans's credentials ns IlenCD envoy have been accepted by Jnpan. LI Hnng Chnng was given nn audience by the dowager fmllrlSS of China yesterday , In time presence of time privy council , who heartily supported the mission upon which the viceroy Is engaged. Prince ' Iung , president of the Chinese foreign of- lIce , and uncle of the emperor of ChIna , silEnced - lEnced all oprosllon hy presenting papers showing that the failure of time Chinese to repulse the Jupanese was due to the backward policy , for which they themselves were to blame , and exonerated LI Hung Chan , who spoke frankly about the condition of thc em- pire. The powers of [ 1,1 Huns Cimammg to le- gotlato for pence arc believed to he complete - plete , nnd , the actual commission being signed ho left Peking today for 'flcn-Tslmi. .4 ; 1dm- John W I.'oter , time American adviser of the Chinese , will join the vIceroy , ' JHW0l311 IN ' 'JI . titaLY LE3LtNI)1t U , HocllUsl " 1/orll.I ) ' UClllnl'O time COldnct orlt'.r ) Courts . DnIUIN , March 5.-Wimoii the debate on the arimmy estimates was resumCJ In time Itolchstng today time question of time alleged abuses In the nrmy arose antI lehel anll VOlmnr , socialists , vigorously ' cnounccd the m regulations reslectng the lOdging of com- Jlnlnts made by soldiers. The Plleal.ers . also Insllncell niigcd cases of the ill-treatment , of sell rs h ) ' their ofcers , nli demallld ! reform In the Ilroclllure of trying mllnry , en5e3. Time minister of war , General \'on' ' Seholellorf , said he musl protest Ilsl ell' phnlcaly ngalnsL time allegation that time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ emperor was opposcl to reform In the Procedure - cedure of tr'ln/ mllnry cases In which the mltar ) ' men wore involved. There hld been n mnrltelJ Ilecrense In time lulbel' or cases of mnlrlatment , and he was convinced the ltng for the army and time wal for the ) .ervlce was not hnlnlshell , UI:131IU : I.\ UHY COtJNC1I. F IIhl hl"'lt , of n (1U8t"ll UIIOI or the 14C , 1 lrl""lnlrl'llur.1 . II"tIA 1I\urrd , DEILIN , Iarch 5.-The German husbandry - bandry coulcl opened here today 'fhe Prussian minister of agrIculture , her \.n Jammersteln , mnde an Ildrel complment- lag the counrl Ullon tIme thorough munner In which It Mnl with hUlbnllr ) qUlston , . Bnron Von Cotta _ offered a resoluton de. mandllg tim refusal of the use of the utmost levered nnton treuty to countries outsldo of Europe competug with ( ermnIY , the el'entual establshment of 1 CUltOlilS uulon 01 the uropcan hU&bJldry ltates , nn limier- Ilatun:1 sotUement of the currency 'Ileation and HID Immediate adoption of menure& for ralRlng the prices of cereals on the basIs of Count von ICunhts's moton for n Itute man. - cereal oiol ) of I _ . . "orlhlo U"Jort 01 time Cal1l , COI.ON lularcimM : . De I.a ' 'ournlt. chief engineer of the I'nnnmn Canal com. Ilun ) ' , who VICIClI time Isthmus for the 1111- pose of examllllg the canal , hns left for lrnce , As a result ot his investigation he reports fl\'oluly un Ito I canmm I . 'l'ho mu- terlul 01 hnml 1111 the cuttings nN In good 01' hr lie 1I1I'O\\'S time lock I'ttCI , iiimti it 19 l said , wil 11'01'0&0 h 'llmulQ e.t8VLitIOmt I Cul bra , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .111' : " Wil Sot C1mim' : I hI' ( limit , LONDON 1'lch 5-A , \ pnh'h 10 the . Tlmc , dated Shlnnhnl : , today ' muay " the iOu - ' unPie ulcerate roblt\elr they lu lot Intl111 to tilum'k time JulC or e-hlI.I. HI'V . 'IU"11 rlce-Iud Iteullrl ler today for Tki. -TsIn. - - - ' I'm' " I" , c't I" .1 5 lut slitter , eOI.ON , March 6.-.A liege Ilm\er oC troops ho\ ' . been dispatched tl Hantllhir to suprus the rcb\ul there , p 1Wtun 1U.I I ) TU .oUltW."W , Cmmban : IQvulltoll l iIspciiett to ( live 111 : , hn 1Irht tirnity ST LOUIS , farcii t.-Dispatcimez from haVana - Vnna state Ihnt the governor of the province . ot Santiago has reported to the governor general - oral that the rioters nt lalro are disposed to surrender anti n favorable resll of" parleying with them Is expected very soon. The entIre band : of Insurgents In Jaguey Grande , with tnrrero , their leader , have turremlered. lartelo Masse , eommnnl\ng 200 men In the district of Mnnznnilo , hns taken rellge In the mountains and Is completely discourages ] . Thera Is 1 banll of 100 men under Amndor Huerrn , ant a Bmal band Is stationed nt IJyamo , hendOI by Bleben Tnma 'o. 'fhe miiarv cOlmande or - ( laanamo : reports timat several mnemuhers ; -or leJro l'erez's baud have surreld rell. The officIals of time district assert thnt the ( rebel force thlr mllbers only ISO mel : that they are poorl armed and have very Itto amumimummitlon. 1 Is thought that they expect a fresh supplY from abroad , amid war ships are cruldng along the const to In- tcrcept alYessc,1 that mny bring amnuumni- ' thou for timemum IADnl Inrch 5.-\n official dispatch received here frol Cuba fUYS thIrteen rebals helongllg lo time Iarlro h111 have yielded. Dsllntches receIved here from Cuba this evening say that "nguey , the chle of n powerful ban of brlfallh whIch has been operating In the Ilrovlnce of Matnzas , hns yielded his sumhmnisaioum. : Thisll Is added , puts ni end to the uprIsing II 1hnt province , whleh was the most formidable In the whole 1&lnll , Geneml Le Chnmure has commencl1 ! operations against the tOWI of Balre , whleh Is occupied by the . immstmrgents. him the pro- vilce of Gualtnnamo only four rebel bands , lumuerln II all about 180 men , now exIst II the Chamuer or Deputes today , the miniter of war , Gellmi Domingues , de- nlOI the truth of time report that General 10 Chnmbre had becn Itled , He also said there was no truth In time rumors of Insurgent - surgent succeSEes In Cuba Se\oral corps \'olunleors In CulJ kayo offered to assist the governor genen,1 , ngalusl time rebels AmXftjS ) l'llt it , \ Ill'TO (03I , Ou\crnlcnt nt Ihllel ilti " efN'ln ) ! Sl'cehll I ii ii muci ' In t' lit 4 tu Thri , WASHINGTON , Inrch -The GIJlemalnn mmmimistcr , , : Ir , I.aznrlo Arms referring too ' to recent exnfgerl d all Inau1horlzCI re- rorts regnrdllg his countn' , said : "Our 1m. immigration laws are liberal . but they are hardly so iibcal ns has been stated. Guate- mnlu welcomes Immigraton ! , particularly from , . time Unied States amid Eumrope. Ountemals contalul some of time rlchesl amid mosl fertile lands on the American continent. Alt plrsons desiring lo locate there who have been pre- \IOUly nuthorlzed uy time government agent arc furnlshell tmamispdrtntion al hal rates on the Pacific Mail line of stefners from San Francisco anti lnnamn , 1 Is proposed to lS- tnblsh a lew line of steamers between New YOIt ] and Puerto Barrios , on our At\nlc COl st. This line will be sub hlzeJ' by the I Guatemalan government. I hope Il will ue : In operation withIn sixty or ninety days. The establ.hment of this hue Is the result of our lucreaslng trade with the United States . and In pursuance or our new hnml- grton laws , will 0 most liberal. " I'clll ' hints lt m'ernmuummtutmco. BUENOS AYItES . March 5.-Advices re- celvCd hero [ rom Hlo tc Junelro are to the eet that serious electIon rlols have occurred - curred In the state of Pernambuco. Senor Jose Ilurll , manager of time Journal I.a Provlncla wis killed. The commnnder era a regiment at San Pablo attempted to foment - ment a rising In favor of ex-President Polxoto , hit time plot faIled. The govern- ment hus Issued orders for time arrest oC time leaders , and they wi 0 severely lun- ished _ _ _ _ _ _ Ucoou Illd time Irish I.Ild 111. DUlIIN , "lnrch 5Mr. 'llmothy Hnrrng- , ton , PaJelle , secretary oC the Irish Na- lonal league , at a meeting of that imody today , Iall thnt Mr. John Morley's Irish land lull , Introduced In the 10lse of Com- monl 'estprlay hy the chief secretary for l'clnnd. lilies them with sorrow and dis- ma ) ' . AccordIng to Mr. Harrington , this measure Is a betrayal at the evicted ten- ants , which hasno prnJel In Irish lmlstory - - - - - - Chllcso SoJdlerA Ilntl , LONDON , March -Under date of Tlen- THin today the Times wi pubUsh tomorrow a dispatch saying that the dlsturbancls are Increasing. One of the Chinese generals In time Shnn 'fung province was beheaded by his 5011lplH for attempting to suppress pi- iage Slmllr troubles are reported al Hanan und J.lno Yang , near loukden , which Is probably taken , JIIII" ' " JI"t No ( Ippoitlon . YOKOhAMA , March . 5-The Japanese thh't division occupied /Anshomig Cheng on the m011ng of March 2. The Chinese made Ito Ollilosilon. _ _ 'Il'IIlnw l"ul II East Irl.sla , LONDON Mardi 5.-A dispatch to the Stun nr.1 from Ullln says a hen V ) ' fail of Inow < In cnsterl Prussia hns greatly Intel' rupted tmatiic. tllc. . ii.ID l.tItVIl " ? ) 11S TITLRS. IcuLh of Sir Iclry llLrlnll : Who limIer- Ilrolod time ( : llolflrm II , crl"tons , LONDON , March -Slr Henry Creswlclt Hnwlnson , bnrt. , G , C. B. F. H. S" , D. C. L ( Oxford ) , II.D. ( Cambridge ) , K. L. S. , who was the first to interpret time famous cunei- forum Inscrlplons of Uabyloll and Nineveh , and was nt ono tme presldenl of the Royal Geolraphlcal boclety , Is dead nt the ago of 85 'ears. lie was created n baronet In 1891 "Iu recognition of his dlilngulshed erlco lo time state , stretching over a long erlls of years . " spent In the military and Ilplomnle cer\lce In time countries of Wesl- ern Asia. " 'II.s litmuS hl'4 I'rntertnr U"111 , BAITllOHE , Marcim , 5.-Timomas Jones died nt I.a l'latn , Chance county yesterday aged 74. lIe was the man who hell l J. I \'iikcs Booth to esCape Into Virginia aftertime I the aisnlslnuton of 1.lncoln , amid . sUlllllel1 him wih tooth , while In hiding , lie later Illnced Booth amid Harold In n boat and plotol them to the VirginIa shore. lie was offered $100,000 If he would \ mal\ known ! the hhlng Place . of Booth but refused time moor ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( :011101 Clpntollln' . 1.011 IhlPu Eu IIII"II ( \gSIHHG , 1" , huch G.-Colonel ] u\ll n. ( lllllennll , U. S. A. who Iprvelt with Ilsllllon Ilurlng the civil war and \ vtuul retIred ( room active service April 20 . 1891 , died ! , rtlrld lt h1 ! home In Oneida , nfer II long Illness. He was G5 ) 'IIIS or uge. At time tinme of his retremell he was colonel of the Hecom United States Iwulry. : le was ono or the mllhl'Y commision thut trim's the consimlrlmtormi who Illunned the as- Rassllltol or Abraham 1.lncoln , " I Petit ' It Ir I Nllcll , l hhl" . " Mlulllr , : ) SAN PH.\NCSCO , lnrch . -le\ Dnliel Vroman , n ploleer Chinese missionary of the Preshyterlan church , who sllenl tweumty Ylal II tie Orient , died at hb homo here ! lolay , Latterly he hns hell engaged II cOlllllng n Cit timese-ImigItsim dlclonnl ) ' , - - . 1.-rr"'hor'I I ( ' mimi ii It ' atm 11"11".1 . , PHO"IDENg , ci arch 6.-Nmct Herre- I pChorf'l condItion Is mlch more comfortnble this afterminon an.J . his Ilh'sleluns Plr Ihut % imllo Irernoon yet out of danger ho II whlo growing steadily better , , \ siticor iies lr heart Illmemuse , W.fHlNGTONulch 5.-Charles , 1nn- Inl . , time wel ! mow author , artist 111 ii- l'larlan 18 deati. , hits death wus time t'lsul of hlll't IlhtUSO , from which lie had bug Ilel sufel'I' , _ _ _ _ \,1 1111 n i.lrolul1 H'lnl MILW AUIPB , March G.--A. V. C.mrpeum. tcr , time retired general passenger I/elt of time Chicago , : UwRulee $ St. lall railway , was strlrkcl IO wih paralysisanil Is I d'lng sIr , JI5iI- , M. I' " , I. hicimli , J.ONnON , : hl'ch 6.-lnr JO"lh Dodl" Wsiln , Ilb.lol Irmuer of Ilrlrunent for EI t Illstll , iit'd H. Is ttn . lt hlil h\.n ' faflrll ! Cram 1 , ! 1 I 10mtme Ilast , , 'I . \11111 11 I $ > 11' . "r 1'11.11. IArON , \\0" , March 6--(8Ieclnl.- ( ) Elrnet Clolhler , aged U , ( lied trre last 1lht ! from the effects of Iobon. ) Whll Ithlng le mistook wild lanulp f'r JIIIIIU bread . WRECREI \ \ ( ( ) BY - NATURAL GAS Mysterious Explosion in n Lnrge Business louse nt Anderson , Ind ONE BlCCK TOTALY DESTROYED Two I'rommmlimeumt. Cilel' Hle'rl tl 11"0 l'crl"h,1 him lice thmmmmmcs-Strs'et ' Filled with iebrla-i.o. . ' . II time ! ilium- drl cit Thll"nmI ANmmSON , lad. , March -The most lie- struct\e natural gas explosion In the history of the Indiana gas bell occurred hero nl 4 o'cloclt this mornIng. A $ i .OOO business block on time court house square was blown alt over limo central part of the city . II the building were the When Clothing store , Pr- ther's shoe store , Hundley's drug store and n large number of business offices and halls 01 ; the upimr Ooors. , I.'h e folo\rt the explosion , which was like ni earthquake , and the remains of the debris began burllli lercel' , The entire fro lIe- partnent wns called out , which prevented the I tire Crom reaching the new court house. A lore ) Ballard arms County Commissioner Metcaif lived II roms above the When store anti Il Is feared they have perIshed. The loss aim buiding amid contelts Is com- plcte arms wil reuch 400000. The fronts of all busIness houses In the nelgh\orholl of the eXllloslon were demolshed , paved streets ripped open and 1elephone ; ables toni dowmi . How the eXllloclon octurrl : Is n myster , but its results are very n\n In evmdemice , as time debris blocks that part of the city In which I occurred. I was just about tlayiight that the shock was felt , which shook every- thing wihin the corlorte lmits of AnderEon nlt selt pieces of wood and glass , omce fur- nitumce andliricks , , fying In nil dIrections. ! nUUltOI to the delolton of the Ter- I hune block the exploslol did much damage to Limo court housa nnd ether buildings which vera struck b ) nmisailes . A8 soon ns the cx- ploslon took place Ore started In time ruins , but the lames had little to work on except wreckage ] and other uullllgs were not In dnnger. The COl tents of time stores are scattered everywhere and hot so much ns a respectable line of samples eould be secured from the ruins. The buildImmg und contents buiding were cov- erell by Ilsurance of more thnn $200,000. Losses were ' ns follows : \Vhel , clotimbng $35,000 ; bmmihtilng . $25,000 ; Pronther's shoe store $8 , OO ; hiadley's drug store . $7,000 ; oC- flees above the stores 5000. Other dnmne uy fire , water and eoncusslon will mnke the total loss $100,00. The insurance does nol exceed $10,000. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ J'IC1SIDI.T 1,1.HJE SIOOTl.Wl , Tnkes time Vlnlrt rind Helds for Limo " 'Iters ot : orth tnrolnn , WAShINGTON March -The presIdent , accompanied by Dr. O'Itclhiy , his physlclnl , Commander George F. Wild of the LIghthouse - house board and Commander Lambertsol , lii- specter ot the Fifth Ighlhouso district , left here this morning on the Violet for tel dnys' shooting on time Inland waters of North Cnro- Inu.There There were many callers al the whIte house toay , more than have blcl seen In one day for n long time past. Every senator and representative who Is about lo leave time city , and desires to In cly put a last word for Rome desired candidate , cnme to the whIte houEe , most of them hastem by Lbo tntima- ton In the papers to the effect that the Ilros- Ident would probably leave WashIngton imim- self during the day. All these people are doomed to disappointment , for time presIdent was comfortably steaming down the muddy i Potomac before the first of the visitors bias renchell the white house. His departure was nol umnexpected although ! r. Thurber , his private cretury said that Il was not until - unti late In the nIgh " t thnt the president ' finally I determined to take his cutlng. I Is tnted that the movement of the heavy ice , which covered the Polomae and the waters of the Chesaplnko bay and even the North Cnro Ina sounds , had displaced many 01 the buoys and beacons and other nld to safe na\'lgn- ton , and that I Is customary for the lIght house officers to make a personal Inpectiomm of the damage In such caslS and estmates for rpairs , The president was aware of the fact that the inspectIon trip was about lo be made , and determined to go along with the lighthouse oleers for an outing , which ho fell lo be needful , after the strain upon his energies hnposell by the heavy work attendIng the closing of congress so after sun early breakfast - fast the president's carrIage was driven around to the rear or the white house and timere wih ! r , Thurblr and Dr. O'Reilly , hlB attending physIcian , entered . Sinclair , thc valet , took his place on the box with the cOacimnian and the party was driven rapidly to the dock , where the Vlolel lighthouse ten- tier lay with steam up , all ready for a start The party was soon going clown the bay at a ten-Iwot gaIt . bound for Hnmpton Hoall , tuliing In the uuoye and Ighthours en route. I Is expected that the trip wi last about ten clays' . North Carona sounds will be entered through the Chesapeake and Albernarle canal and time boat may go ns far south ns New- burn . N. C. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "x. (01'1' " ' 1"1 (1111 II 'orK. " 'ASIINGTON , March G.-'hreo ex-mem- hers of the house , John J. O'Nel of MIs- Rourl , John P. Gunn of New Jersey and D. \V. Brooi shire of IndIana were admitted to Practice 1 the SUllreme rourt. Mr. O'Neill remarked after taking time oath that this Itll on theh' pal't should he taken "ns 1\1- deuce thnt the \Ictms or limo November ( 'leclOI mennt to go to work " ' 'hO' will 11 return to tllr homes to imractice. n \(1 Their t'r-I"llllts I i \VASIINGTON , March 5.-Special ( Tlle- grnm.-lostmasterl ) were commlsslolld to- dii ' us follows Nebrasica-Asa p , hiolle. luy tolows : Nehrslm-Asl Iole- haugh , 1"lls CI ) ' . 10wu-\'llal S. Porter , glior ; 'homls F , Dllnher , Forest City : Davit 0. Stone , Iluwmmrdemi. 'lw ' r\ 1'mmsrmmatteri. , WASHINGTON , lurch 5-Speclal ( Tele- gramui.-Neiirauska ) Ilstmasters were np- olntl'.J acm follows : Martin . Chase county H. M. Fiomy , vice Andrew Nicol l'elllnlll : Irlmc , I.IUII count . J , B. Harttord , vice John McKenzie , reshnell. ; , I 'c'uia oa IXIIIIII i ! HlrlonlS W ASIING'ON , Mumrchm 5.-Special ( 'Fc'le. gram.-Dr ) , P. 1 Ammdermsorm was today ap- polnte.1 an exumllln tlrgeon for the pen- slol bureau nt BrllOI Bow and Dr , G. H. Snl8bul ) ' at Onllla - , Nlu. - Jlllrrllrd I I hy ira tml)5. TEIUU HAU''E , Ins . : llrch 5-Louis . TOIWfh , a Russian mileI Oi his stmy from Colorado to leIIS'I\unll , 8toPlll'l at a cam1) lire of tour trumps West of this city Inst nlsht to get wmirmn Time tramps set on him an < heat him insensible , thel stlh'II'11 ' or his clothes took 1 SUI or 10 I C ) ' alms thl'ew hll In the lire. Afll' toruring him for two hourl the ) ' gave him nn alI ) air or overalls antI IhoeH 1111 throve him Iwa ) ' . 'Iomwlh cluno'to thIs city today ahiti reported 10 the police. un\ I'\ortel polce. I I ems uy 111110 I tnlt I'm , ha . WINON.Minn. . , Iarch 5.-The stilts of Tyndli Illmel' or Ihlulehlhla , nnll one ie l relnH ( t Rio de Janelro South . \mel- Ira , 16'lnst the DaIly Hepubleul rOl' $ O.O eueh for nn alleged lbel 'ontulne.1 In I tIlts. \atch \u\l het two years ago , came UII \ \ limits Irlernoon before Judge Uuckhum , \\t Ipher time plulntr8 nor lime attorneys up- mmiring , lime eases were bath dIsmissed. llrmiitmmtlonms flue ) ' mure . nol - barred . by the statute or Iliatill c'ry ilustroycti I ) . I'll' LOl'1H\'lLhi , iCy. . March 5-I"lro today destro'et the distier ) ' of J. B. Wathen & (0" . Intaln ! I loss estmnted from $5,0 t J $0.O humuimimice . J.0. The lire rllell for two hOUI11 unt wal nol under control until the building hall beerm coummpletely umt- untl 1ulng hallIen cOUllletely Iut- ted and the valuable machinery completely deuutmoys.d. t ' ULSISO .WT 01 TltC , ldl'W.IW , , ( .IStt , Jelnrknhio SCOIl lathe : rne'pol. . Court Opncd , Uhrn the Arlllrnto ll.I MINNEAPOLIS , March & . -Tb'o closIng : net In the great hayward murder trial was begun this morning under strange nls111ees , The deputes and attendant nurses hall brought S. n. Dyer , the sick and aged Juror , c reuly [ into court and Ile\osllol hIm In a reclIning attlude In nn easy chair It ' was an evident effort for him to hol his h all up , but when nt last he had found n comfortable posItion court was opened and the defense hn\lng concluded to IntroJuce no more evidence , rank Nye , the county attorney , are e to ad- tess the Jmmry His taco was nshen pale anti his eyes hone like two stars In n Ilark night , : I ruth net seem as he leaned agaInst the table that he could possibly prove equal to the five hour9 of tnlk thal wore before him lie ' wover , before he had been talklnl lwenly Illut s the oratorlal excitement vas upon him anti the mentnl inspiration of the complcated nIl remnrltablo case whleh he was to nnnlyze for time jury played Its paut. ills voice rang out like n bugle amid his friends were can- Ment that lie would hold out to the end. Mr. Nyc opened wih nn admissIon lhnt he diii not feel strong enough to be sure of going through to the end of the c\slng nrgument. But he ell sure that the verdict did nol rest on any arm of flesim. God , who ruled the unl- ! verse , \oull direct the light of truth on thla extraordlnar ense. ) IrleOy but effectIvely he then sketched the career of harry Haywar . his gamulng Ilro- clvlles , his associations < with Miss Glig and his InOuence over "this sick man" hlilxt. TIme crime hall been eommltet uy Ilxl with the assistance of hayward , but I Imad brouh with It n re\olulon In hh entire being . After I came eoneclence , ' remorse , horror of hll- sel [ . No lan could picture the agony of the horror of Blxt after time cOlllstlon of the crime untl ho decided to confess. Inwynrd bath pursue < this 'lnn 01 getting Blxt under his personal dominaton for months. Blxl hall killed Kate Ong In a frenzy anti nol as a criminal would have done it. lie hUll gone to the deed with his hnnls grImy with honesl tel : he was not n criminal alheart , but n man wile ' hind eared his bread hy the sweat of his brow. Scarcely 100wing what he did he haul hurried poor Rate Gng Into eterIty nt tIme behest of that black vilain amid conscienceless scoundrel here accmmsemi . Mr. Nyc dlatell at lenglh on the fact that for two days that ignorant mnn had sat on time witness stanl under the scathlnr fro of the most urllant cross-examiner In time United States without flInchIng from the trumtim , ! r. Ne's argument occupIed the time of the court unt ndjournment. : Ir. Erwin will begin his argument tomorrow morning. .omorrow and will probably contnue Thursday. The case I Is expected , will b given to the jury that afternoon. S : ; t.EIS :1.1' lE' ' : Uln1Wlin JUT , : llclnl held wlh time Operators Yesterday - day Barr"1 Ir Hnqtiiti. PITT3DUnO , March 5-The coal miners nnl operators of the Illlsburg"dlstrlct met today In conference but failed ' to agree , and n strike will probably be orleell tomorow , which will affect between 1,000 and 16.000 men. The new operators' assocIation met this mornIng and bcgn n discussion of the trade situation. Deere I hnd proceeded far nn Interrupton was caused by the entrance of a commileo from th miners' convention . who informed the meetlg of the resolution passed hy them yesterday demnndlng . 69 cents for mining and asking .thnt n com- mittema be appointed to' ' confer. , TlI oper- ntors nppolntel such n commll e. The two committees then wOnt Into secret sos- slon , which , lasted unl } nearly midnight. Time result of the conference leaves lhe situation unchanged . Doth sides lrslstell on their demands : the miners on the Columbus scale , 69 cents , mind the operators for GO cents , allowing Ohio miners a differential of ! cents per ton. The miners' committee. will report to Its convemitbon tomorrow and I the worltngmen carry out the expressed Intention a strike wi be ordered at once. . - - Ill JI U.1MlTl1 D U.\'Torn IrI.4LrIr. Uclancy UrolhlrH Said to Invo Jlsco\orCl I ho ficleat Jlno Ilu\n. LOS ANGELES , Cal , March h 5.-Tn the discovery of the mines they have called the "Desert Chief , " the "Desert Queen , " Chief of the hillis" and "Dry Lake Valley" located nc&r bOb . the Mclaney boys , Wiiam anti 'Jnmes , have probably located tile richest group of gold mines eve discovered In the world. The discoverers - coverers and owners of the claims say there Is more Irn $1,000,000' worth of gold In sight , and old mining men , who have no interest - lerest In the claim whatever ( and the ! c. Inney boys sa ) they won't sell a foot of what they have located ) , say ' the mines wi make multi-mlliiommaires or , ' every man Interested - torested The richness Qf the mines cnn he jUdged from the results 0 ( working a bal full of the ore mined years : ago. I was put ! through a three-stamp gold 'mi ' and yielded $953 In gold. The gold was first discovered II an old cave located In a , anon , which had evidently been Inhabited by a trIbe of Aztecs. The cave was strewn wlti human bones. Work on the mines will be' ' , started ' .nl once , and n bIg mIl will ne ereclea mIle canon ns soon ns Ito road on which tie men are now working will allow . Its transportation. lWlJTIW ( :11,1 : 1W LI ) I'lTl M UJURR. , III ) 10cnrc.1 In time Cmtiio or llm.le , Remitter nt l'iieyc'uune. CI1II\'ENNF. Inreh -Speclal ( Tele- grnm-A ) jury was secured today In the cast of Charles Bouler , who Is on trial In the dIstrict court for the killIng of [ Thomas O'Neill. 1 Is composed of representative ci- izemis , thrle prominent business men being In i the hox. The Intro.lucton . 01 testmony on hehnl of time state was begun this afterumoomm. 'wEnty.slx witnesses have ben SUnl10nlJ In time case , eighteen for thq Il'osecuton and eight for time lefeme , The plea of the defendant - fondant Is self-defense. On the 22d of last . November fhomns amid \ Michael O'Nei , brother , Wlre drunk and quarrElng , when Douler , who was an eimtire stranger , al- tcmptEII to separate thmthn . " The brothers then ussau1ell the IeaoemPhcr ! < lie pulled his i gmuui anll fired three shol ) , : fntaly wounding Thomas O'Nll and Ilfc\lng'two wounds In MIchael's I'lght leg 'he l\fonnnlon \ charges limo defendant with murder In 'the secoums Il . gree. . _ - . .1/ vr.HI OI.lnEr .u'cor' , ' OISt . . \torley General lumsti , thl10 Anlslell 10 Ihtruuucl lie SIZte . . I'mlmE , S. D" , March Ii.-Speeial ( Tele- gram.-The ) afternoon In' time McCoy trlnl was ccupled ( by argumumeimts " homer opened anti analyzed the eVlden , ' declaring that there was not a single line which connected McCo ) with ImlcCimeaey In any way , nor was there any evidence \ vimIdit proved that any of the delendants wer july of crimI I The statls attorney took Issue wih him and i made an able pies , while the attorney general made a brilliant Igumert on the law and e\'hlence and labored .bard to show a priumma face cue homer will close ) In the morning. Today time governor senl to the senate the name o ) E. E , Hemingway \ bJ public examIner - Iner , and the nominaton was promptly eon- thrummed by time senate . , \rrNIAI for /"lhl : Oh ! NEYOIK , March ( -Henr ) Itapimuei nllnlel' II Ihht , city for the . \nnolr Cal- nlng CCIIIIUIY , was aruemiled today for sel- Ing eheounurgurine In violation or the state hurst' . P'retlerfrk t3ehraui \ comnmnbssioimer of urglculul ! Cor time stats of New York , waY the conipiaiimmimut. 1' , hI , Armour was In court and ' bond COUlt went uonlllha"I'H . \ . lblrt'mmi'umako 1.lt Iii : lrlh C"rolhm , WINSTON , N , C. , : arch : -A Ihock of : . enl'thfu1ke : , lasting 1 \erl seconds , was tel lt 10 o'clock last night. Buldtngs were siumkp5 but 10 damage was done. , INVESTIGA nON O POLICE } > I Begins with a Star Oha1ber Session of Severl Hours , CONFERENCE WITI ATTORNEY BALDRIGE " 'hnt ' .Ymis Inlo limo : lrmhC' or thr Fire 01.1 l'oiicc Ccmmuimmmlqslnnm Iefl o to \ 'dl-Anothrr Hcu'icutu . \gr'r.1 tom fur Tomorrlw Etemmlmig. Time Board of [ Fire ali Polce CommIssioners - ers aPIUrcnl ) ' began tIme In\estlgnlon of the Police department last night , but mull the pro ceolngs were shrOlllld wih n thick amid dune air 01 mstery. InJJllalel' after con \'enln the board disappeared Into time private - I \'nlo omce , amid there heM nn Ixecnt\e session - sion for three hours with Count Atorney hialirigo. When the members oC the board reappeared they said that they hail < cldCI nol to tel anytiming of their proccetilmigs . . ' , when the I.'urthermore , they rcuEeJ to say next mcetng oC the board would occur , each referring the Inquirer to some other member of time board for time irmfornmmatlomm. Nol ono of them npurentl' wished to say outrlghl that ho would not tel the tIme of thc macct- lag , but desired to shift Il on nnother. I To a direct Queston whcther the board , . would tel the tme of time next maccling . Com- mlsslonel Hurtman said that time boull hall decided 10 tel nothing of what took place In the meelng , and that ho coull nol nnswer the queston under this decision , alhough the board had not determined lsleclal ' to keep tll lmo : quiet. I has ueen lenrned. howe\er , that the next meetng : . will uo hell 10merrow e\nlng al i:3J.Delng caked If all of the meetngs lur- lrmg the Investgaton would he secret , Com- mlsslcner Strlclter saul that ho thought not , but he did not ay when I he board woull ue- gin lo hold public mumeetbumgs. CAL'TAlN ! OSTi' S iN CODI\ . thU111 thin II\estg,111 lie " ' 11 lIe . \ et- hmmg Chh.r ot i'otice. The polce departmenl Is now Iller tl charge of Captain : lost 'n , the next officer In eommnnd below the chle When Chle Seavey's request to ue relieved , pendIng an Investgnton of his aces whll In olce , was granted Monday night , the Bead of Fire amid I Police CommissIoners uccepted It wlhoul I namln . anY onme to take his Dlace. and there- I fore , as tile next officer In rank , Caplnln Mostyn steps Into the posion as acting cim let. Chief Sln\ey was In his office 'este'r- dny. He hnl been threatened with nn attack of pnlumonln , aims consequenly Isery much weakened , physically. He Is also troubled wih excessive pains In the hend. This , he says Is an unfortunate condlton to ue In at tht present tme , ns ho Is unable to give his attention 10 , or concentrate his mind upon the matters of which the grnnd jury have , accused the police department , smith which ito police commissioners have slgnl- led their Intention of Investigating. "I do not tlmink thnt I oughl to say any- thing about the mater , " said the chief , tns , I , nm no longer the chle of police , but am a private ' citizen. I do not thlnt ! thnl I could have taken any otber. acton , In , the mater , If the reports In the newspaper of the ut- ternces of Judge Scott and the report of the grand jury arc correct " 1 could not remain quiet , ns the charges broughl by Judge Scott amid the grand jury ngalnst me and the department place me In a worse position than I Indictments hnd been found against me , ns then I would hn\l I been given n hearing. Thereore , I arrived , nt time conclusion thnl In justIce to mimyseif , lo time lepartment , to the commissioners and to the citizens genernly I would resign pending nn investigation. I the charges ngahlft time officers amid myself ) rl true " the ! I say tl.t they and 1 SIIOUIO le dmsmmssecu. Where the judge amid the grand jury found grounds for such charges , whether from sOle of my officers , or trans other sources , I do not of course Imow. " 10 . _ . - Vl.IWES .Hl"U.'ST l.Anr SJJII1CSZ. 5tlil0lelt that Somuo or tier luIses mire 00CIIII.1 by Illnlrll I t'eoplc. CHICAGO , March 5.-The stntement made In New York yesterday by Wliam E hicks , time reformer , thnt many of Lady Hlnry Somersel's houses In London were tennnted by dlsreputubles , Is creating discussion that may leach to investigation of the chnrges. The Daily News says Il Is probable that resolutions asking for an Investigation will be Introduced nt the clergyuumen's meetng next Monday all that nev George H , 1lchlI has been asld to preside II :1 undenominatonal meeting to discuss the matter and after due Investigation "Indlcale I mater Henry Somerset or support WiIam Everett Hicks In his erusnde. Said the Rev , Frederick Sulzer today : "lucks holds too high n position nmong the thinking men of America to mnlte publc statements of this ehurncter which he his nol verified hy personal Invesllaton , and If Lady Henry Somerset Is n suffragist us she clnlms she has no excuse for not knowing whal her agents are doIng. The Woman's Clrlstnn Temperance union comes to the churches for supporl and we la\ ! n right lhul its hllhest officer either he vindicated of this charge , or , I found guilty , we musl withdraw our support Ho\ever , we will take definite steps ul our meetng next wtmeic an)1 ) surely I time English hnve a rllht to investigate our hyimcimers they shouhl nol In\estgnte I'nchers object to our InvesUgaUng their nobility. " Time Hev P. O. Attehroy , secretary of the Grnd Rescue work , thinks the mutter should he Investgntll thoroughly "Wo wish to Jwow the truth , " he saimi . "thnl n mass meeUnIhould he 1.11 In New York on this subject / shows what Is expected of time head- ers of reform movements , regardless of sex . " jln ' , 'itimmrd In II for ihurmihum' : , BOSTON , March 5.-I.mtdy henry Somerset - set , 1Iss Frances E. " 'llartnnl ! Is5 Alna , Gordon , private secretary to Miss Wia Il , hnvo left this city II'lpalator ) ' to sailIng for Europe rrom New York un the No\ York at 1 o'cock. One of Lady Somerset's Irel elglgemelts after her arrival II I.on- don If tn Ilrlsllo at a great meetnl to be imeld nt Exeter hul In the Interests of the antl.ohmtiamm clmpalgn now \llnl condnclell by the BrlUsh Womun's ' 'emperllce aimso- elation. l.nl1 In the CISII Hhe and )11 W'iilard will h ( the Icndna : speaters ! In time wi worlml'ms Womnn's Chllslnn 'leml.erneo . union con\'ln ton In l.nlon. - - - - - - - Ill Oct limv of the :1' llrl iiimtcc'mibces. HJ\NNIBAI" Mo" , : llrch 5.-State Com- inmmnclet' M. J. Barren of Sl. Josel.h . today called 1 to order the convention of the Or ere of the JCnlghts or : acclbees of 1lsWurl. o record showH that thelo are In time sImile 10 tents 3 , ! g members , of which 4,577 arc henelclul lemlwrs nnd 22 soclli nmeinhermi 'fhe amount or blnel celUlcutes In force are GSI.0 : the numher of life hen"fs pals In the state being 1"lev\'n , amount- Plil to SIOlO. ( ' lion . D. D , Aiken , supreme counsellor anti great camp eOlnnnnl rr cut ( time stlte or Michigan , anti 101 , N , H , Iioynton supreme Iecort keeper , arc nmonl those ireseimt . 811,1 luf.I'lle.t ( hy GIM , CHICAGO , Iarch 5-'fwo sisters Wel ! .urocated by gas Iltt nllht In timely reels lt DI5 Ogden nvenu , 'l'helr nnmes were Marie nnd Annn Bohan , aguici 2 timid 22 'i'imey Oculliell I suite of roml < nlone. Whel round today time gas Jet was wile open , and hoth had ovhlenl tll ) been ( heLms several hOlr , I I Is hl'levlc time ) clnths1' aCldental , 18 , the girls hnl I air Income from relatives , aims there was no known . cause Cor Iulchle. Jto\emll. : or 1'1&0111.el. . Mnrch n. AI Hun FrancIsco-Departed-Gaelic , rol Hong Kong amid Yokohmtmnmu. hloston At . \ anl . \ rrlved-Nomsemnauu , tlOI At ( ilbraltmmr-Ari Ive.l-Kull.r Wilhelm 1 , tlOI New York , for Genoa , ninth ! pfoceeted , At Porta ni , : le.-Arrh'et-NulhJlan , from LI\erJol , , , - - - - - ' ( . 1'IJA ) irixt nut LILt 7) 01 , ' CoSalWMi. jI.I'l ; TI1C "t.tl - TexA' Lrshlnllre Ilmlnelr.1 The , lint ! leIl IUA ) 10111 "othlnl . AUSTIN , Tex , March -Oo\'ernor Cudher- son , disgusted wih the way legislatIon Is going on , sent In n messgo today , In which ho says : "The fact thnt no measures of urgency - gency or general Importance ha\'o been 'n - neOI Into I\WS compels mo 10 call nlenton anew to thee of larger consequence anti time In1erat\c Ilut ) ' which confronts 'O\ In reC- erence to them. Time grades of [ crllD In our state , hloh'ln immoral tlTlltule , arcS Iuicreiis- ing nnt ! enaetments whleh encourage the mnlscarriagcs of justce are prmlc,1 , to re- maIn unchange:1 against 1 just demnll , approaching - preaching populJr re\ol Conspiracies . against time freool 0 trade , ( ntrench ell be- I hlnl orgnnl7nl capital nli Impclell by n\- mince amid greed dominate our COllerce , nli every year take deiur and ummuro dangerous root " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lullll' I I 1"II'h'll" I " 'ork , ImHHE , S. D" , Inreh -Seclal ( Telo- grnm.-Both ) hOIes hn\e been working hnrt nlll the day shows 1 \ 'cry large \umuer of I his passeti . exceeding , nay tiny of the session. In time tennte time followIng Imllortnnl house hills passed : l.cfllzlng the Iounl ' sent eleeton In Bile counl ) ; requiring thnt stock growers nd\ertse tme of their sllrlng roundnll : forhhllng ehlhlren lmier 12 frol solclln ! immommey on the street or from labor ; requiring Illrton of booths of luule oncerl to he uI'eIi by responslblo guarantee com- Ilanle3 ; creating omcn of game wnrdcn : ahol- Ishlnl 111\\1 Jury : giving \'eterlnar sureon $1,000 " salary ; ; elliila f fnes of buiding amid loal ncseclnlons ) after nolce of with- Mnwal : rnlslng ago of cousenl to 18 'ears. 'he senate took time allilreprinton bIll anal imulmuber \ or scctltmmms wltimoumt elmaumgc InssCI a 1\mber sectons wihout clnnge despite time earesl efforts of n mnjorlty to mlso timemmi . In time house the following Dlrng commmummlt- tea was alpolntll : Glass , Trmlan , ioimmmsotm Dclw\er , Gold , 10rrlel. , leltnslnll , Dona- hue , Whie aims Col\ln. lurle tried to get ill ) a censns hi ! giving worlt to time audItor nl $3.000 , but failed . 'rhe following hills ! lassel : Melollnl to congrlSS to erRllelte the Iusslan thIstle : to . Illnl report of \uth Invesllntng commmmmmit- tee ; legnlzlng nSEessn\enl \ amid laxnton of ' nil River count ' : pre\entng changing of text boolls wllhoul publshing nolcej ; estnb- Ishlng a rule of practice In cIrcuIt courts. ' . ' ' 1111 " ' \ 1.1 In time l'fl\.nl"n. SALT . IAKg , : Ialch -The commitee on crllenlnls allilointed II l the constu- tonul COn\'lnlon ) estelhl ' , reported tn the cOI\enton thIs moring declalln nthln\1 imntl Pooh ilk's uitim thmenm temmdlmmg to msimoi' timmit time live delegates frommm time ThIrd Stilt I.uime : dlstmbet , who hind hot neceI't.'ti certi. ficmitet , imaul beemm eleeteti , Time rehtOut'as siupporteti without recomnunendatboii. Viumm hloumme mmmoved to refer time ripout back to time coumimnittee with tmistttmctbomits to asct'rtmulnm time qunhbhicmmtlons of time immemisbers eiect. 'nuts mnolion broumghtt. on a homug debate , as Aiosio ! Joimn henry Summithu , wimo was out of tIme commveumtion , was mu strommg favorIte for tiresl- demit of time convemitbon , mmmiii mumm eitomt svnm unatle to iceep time qumeustlomm hack uuimtil per- immanent organizatIon was mmmdc. 'l'lmo immotioii \uas carried , 61 to 37. I mntmcdivIiimIt'uit : sm , utc , Vmuiis. Sr _ PAUL , Mmtrcii 5.-Imm time imoui'e today Mr. llrevig called imp hits m'esohumtionts for time investigation aims pomtihiie imnieachmrnent of Ilank Examniner Kenyomm and Governor Cbotmgh and unoveul their iculoptlon. lie waumted time cleric to read an arttele backiuig imp time resolutions , whmleim occupied two umewepapem' pages , but unembets objected to tuuking imp tlnme to thmmtt extemmt , and , loimmms moved timat time resolutions ba indefinitely hostponmed. Thus vas then done , no dissent- log votes being heard , Time iegimsiattmre at 1:30 : o'clock timbmi titter- noon , Iii Joint session paid Its respects to llenm'y Wnttersomm , editor of the LouIsville Cotmrier-.Tournnl , ntis listened to a brief address - dress from him. Ti , 1ve M Imme'.atuu's , Capitol. - ' ST. PAUL , Mateit 5.-In time house today the committee nppoimmted to immvestigate time proposal to sectmre time Minneapolis exposition - tion building for a temporary or hmermism- mment state capItol fliade a long report , recit- lug that time expositIon directors hind offered a ( tee site on comiditboim that a new capitol be built withiln ten years. Time committee recomnmemmded thmt time ProPOSltiOIm to move the capitol be submitted to a iopular vote , after iroumer guarantees of time proposed donation - nation of a site haul been sectmred. l'ciptmikts Chmmllmwu 'lIietr Cs illit iCe. BOISE , Maceli 5.-Time nineteen muon wimo have supported Sweet for nsemmator voted for hum again today , aitimougim tiietm' caucus organization was dlmusolveti last umlgimt. The P01)UlitstK transferred theIr votes to A. J. Creole , time result of time ballot being : Shoump , 20 ; Sweet , 19 ; Crook , 15. One of time Sweet omen mnmitl they wmtumted to simon' timey could stay togetimer without orgmmumlzation. It is asserted now timat time anticipated hireahouup will begin tomorrow , Municipal Simfirmige 11111 lvteati'ii , BOSTON , Tularcim 5.-Time bill to giant full municipal suffrage to wonseim in Iuiussucimu- setts was defeated today , 127 to 87. S TO C'NSOLtJ.lTid , 'TItitif1' U.ifl LIXflS Elevated ltoimci of Piuu City lVtlL lie l'tmr- olmuisoil its timu Rey to I Ito tItutmtbum , , SIOUX CITY , Iulaiclm 5-Spei'ini ( Teic- grnm.-D. ) Ith , flobblims of Miumnmenpoiims , t'imo purchased time elevated road at receivers' tsale a short tiimie tigo , Was gi'on oplionmi arm time property of two on' timu'cci Persons iii time city Who arc expecting to use timemn for time purpose of securing a conohbmhmmtlomm of time street railway lines of time city , For some tinmo it' hiuns leen tine Pitn of sonie of time street railwaY neonle mere to consolIdate jhmo : hues , runi ihmc elevated imans been time key to time situatiomm. Time chmool hoard is confronted with an enibztrrassiuig numestiomm as to imoW to hmrinmthle lImo women's voteS at time school election next we 'k , Time board is satislbeil time votes uiII mint be hegmmI tumms mats decided to icee them iii ii separate ballot. 'I'hmerm aim nmpd - catioum vlil ito made to time court for an injimnctioui to remctraiim time judges froumm count. imig timemmu , anti oum time comlit'is tlecisbaii vIhI depend time coumumse to be hlumrsued , 'Fhtti hltuiiomt hinimklimg eonhlaflY s'mif4 1miaceci in time lmrmncis of a receiver today , George 1) . Welumtz being named for time iluuce , , J IJ1JJJ JJX1l1'JRIJ1lItd TJt.4 , Slxty-itfthm ihirtlimlimy of thu ( ) iimmthuii , iniiutt It hi 0 I ) c'cumuai DEADWOO1) , S. D , , iulmmmchm fl.-Spcclmml ( Teiegram-JUdge ) iunmdy or Onsaltum , who is holding time temuim of UmmIted States court 1mm this oil ) ' , today celeimrated his CStit ijinlim- clay. lie was time recipient of many hmanii. sonic Itresents , mmimmoiig them a slivem' after dImmer coffee set and sll'et mnumsltmelme cup , 1)meaettted by time lhtmitc'd Slates iwtlt jurors , uimoime nammiems wore engrave'ci cmi time tIn ) ' of time coffee service. it it'ceptiomi Was giveum iii hits imonor torulghmt at limo memsitlence of 2mir , umitl 1mirs , N , J. lthitohmmi. ai ra , A mmcl I it Eat ut Iii Iiii'ii I I e r l'la I no , I'ITTSIUIIG , Mameit 5.-il rms. Smaunus Aims. tin of limits city. ssimu cimilmuims to be aim imeir of time late Chicago mnlbllontlte : , , boimmm Mc. Ca ITrey , returned imomimo today ( tammiVaaim. . I tigtoim , vittmc tsite Immts beer to cstmtiml leim imer clalmn , ilime retmo , Is maying Imeemi suecemitlful ieYOmid a ulontim ( In lmr uuilmmm'ion , nail says Atlorumey Crafts of Cimic.ugo , vhmo is settling UI ) time estate of uir , McL'imftre ) ' , said Airs , AustIn's mmsothmer , who Immis fimhhy 1mmoved iter identity as lime litmit wife of Air. ! mlcCmclfncy , and Aira , Ammalln are lime mighmttul lteima , anti emitillemi to theIr portion of time estmmtc , cmmt- tini , ' omit emmtlneiy time second wIfe of time mmmii- iioutmcIre and Imc'r eimildren , - _ _ _ _ _ _ . - i.iuii I .tvi . I Ic , MIt or I a .mm . li pm y i % IOI2lS\'ILLE , Marcim 5.-Time It , I , Stevcimmm Simoe commilmanmy assigned today to tlte Louisvllie 'rrmmst conmsi'unm' . 'l'hme coumcerzn % vaM incorparuted uilim to imald up capItal of $12,000 timid eltipluYetl mm harge mmunmber of imamids , h'resimient Loving limouglit time coumi- itany would lma' miolimur ( or tholiar. but could hot give time assets or' Ilabllilits , 'nine ( allure is titie to dull ( ratio. - I chores 1.'itIlors Iii ml ithitiotluig 805111) , 'rlithtE IiATYI'E , Ins , , Alurcit 5.-Levi Uruister amid Ainraimamn Turpin , cnlur 'd waiters in the FlibsIck hotel iii timId city , exclttumigeil simolmi ; hmia mannIng with fmrtai effect to Turplim , 'rite timootlumg e.musetI a lInt mmli , i it time Ito Ic ! , - . Ilommtcil I lie L'oiorcii Men , NL\ ' ORLEANS , Aiarchm 5-Tinero wan furtltem' trouble out limo steamer Maicoa , loath- log at Granada Time wimlte 'longshoremen hmmmve agahtm rmmim off tue colored macmu uvimo were working , SICNE1) ) TIlE AN'i'I-OLEO BiLL Protection for the Churn Against the Prse Matlo Perfect in Nebraska , GOVERNOR IIOLCOMB MAKES IT A LAW Siict'lal Alessago Sent. to limo Semimuto Urgimm : lint Aincmtiiuuut'uit to tIme hlemuimre So limmul. Olt'omnmim'garlno Cmiii ito Aimuium. fmivturt'il fcr ieItmrt , LINCOLN , Alarchm 5.-Spoclal.-Alixletr ( ) ovm. time fate of time ammtl-oleommmargarlno hilt uas elided thIs mimormmlng by ( lovermmor liii- comimb , vlmo attached imls ofllcini slgmmatmiro to time nmmcasuro amid limits ailed it to limo statutes , Uim to 2 o'clock thIs mmmornmlmmg mami' op- pouemils : of tine law as it was imascci Iiy l.oth brammeimea of time legIslature afteeteti to believe tlmat tine execimtlvo woimimi veto time huh. 'i'hme op. loumeimts of time laut' hut 1mm time aleater ml rt ef' time miighnt iii a imopt'ioss effort to n t umr , tlm pledges of a mmmajorlty of limo mepnmhiicamt senators timat a veto would ho huusti'nJ imu tine oveimt timmut time governor ctmmilti ha 1mm- dutced to imiterpose mIs official objcilenn , Time effort fmtiietl , i'ltlmcu' because of time conviction that time cimlef executive was mmot to be swerveti Iii itis determmminatiomi to slgmm tue bill or becaumse tine pleilges of omiottglm re- itculmilcati iemmators to nmmistainm a irnasitmieetc , cotmld riot be ohtnitmmcti. lilmomu wimat fommotiation time eppoimcimts of time law bumilt up timelr belies of tm lOsSiiJle ) veto cnmmuiot be hsccr- lammed. No ommo seenus to imavo limit ! time amitimarity for evemm rmimggestiumg tIme isu'obnbllity' of a veto. Governor hiolcotmib , in lila mmsessagc to time legIslature , hiolmiteil out ivimat ito dcmmommmbimnted tIme mmmammlfist tmnjustmmess of thnat part of time law vimicln practicaily thrives tine mimanufac- timrers of oleommiargarimmo out of time state. \'imile inc nciumowheclgctl tlmtmt , inn imis judg- mmiemmt , sonic featitres of time law uemo suiso , ito said tlmat time imrorisbonm winicit immevenmts time mmmanmufactimro of oieommmnrgarinmnm within lime state umutier time laws of time Unmitemi Slates for simlpmmmcumt immlc otiter states was anm In- jtmstico wltimoimt munm ) correspommihimig tudvammtages to time dairy limterests of time nmtmmte , lie mutt- timorized anmul uecommmmmmermdeti aum mmnmscmmdimment. penmmihttimmg time nmammtmfacturo of oieomnargariimo for export intrposcs. 'i'imls atternmoonm Seumator Meiceeby offered a. bill emmmbodyiimg time govermior's aumggestlonn. After a tslnarp imarliaummenmtary struggle thmo effort to refer it to time conmmnmittee of time wimole for conmsitiorathonm tommmormouv mtfternoon failed. GOVFRNOR iIOLCOMII'S AiESSAGIl. Governmor ilolcoimmb's mmiessmge foilows : 'l'o time lionmumabic , time Legislatumne of thuG State of Nebrmuska : Im mmotifyinmg ) otmr imonm- unable iOd of lime nppmovai cif imenmimte tile No. 'i8 , t'mstltied "Aim Act Commcermmiis hmimitnu. ( bums limIter nmnti Immmltatloim Cheese , lztimmlmmg time Same , l'rohmlbbtiing Timeir Bciimg Colored iii Semblance of Dutter amiti Cheese , Ilegu- latimmg 'nimelu' ? clmmmmmm ftict tIre , Sim I rssinmg ti nid Sale , mind I'm'otectimng time Consmnmmmi'rts mit time Table utmiul l'rescmIbimmg l'enaltles for the Violatioum Timereof , " I theatre to say thin ! . I timorougimly nppi'ocimtta time jUstIce of a brammuling oleonmmargarine timat ccinsummmiera nisay honow tile ) ' are usllmg imitatIon butter and mmot time genimitme article , aims 1 hmeat'tily approve 01' uiee legIslation imavlmig for ite object Smicim reueonmabl& Irotectionm as may be glvenn to the mmiamitmfucturet' , denim' amid con- summer of ii nsa ii mmml era m cl 1 , , i I I , ' , . , , , i ol , onn time niroituct of time dairy. I believe tima oieomnargmtrinc mulmoumhil be miobtl 0mm its owmm ummerits nod hot On time immerits of butter. Tine bbli mefen red to is the dm51 legislation hind iii hula state on limits Imnportammt smnbject t nnmti , as it isecins to mime , iii order to renmedy time m.'ils menticmmiemh , time mmcl in question womlms un tmmmnmecesm'ary imardeimip uquoum time mmsammtmftmcturems of oleomargarine lii timis state. 'lime provisbomts , as now coimtaltmed in time 1)111 , practIcally ism'evemmt tue mmmaiminfnc- tmmro of cmleomm-mmirgamlnme witimlmm time slate un- ( iet time iaw of tine iTalIcs Stntc fon' ithlp- meat into diner states titan Nebn'mumikmt with. out any corresponding ntlvnnmtnge to time manimfmucttmrer of lime dairy imroduct , shmo iman to comimimete in tIme opeiu mnmmrkots of time world with time alcnmnrgturimse product , mmow recognized io our conmmnerclai systenim as a wimobesoine food hmroltnct. 1VhmIle a law of time kimiti emmacterl Is mmeemid , I am of time opinIon time mw mhmomnid imot be so constructed nut to deprive time state of time bemmefits aeertmbng ( room time umanuftucture of oheornarganinmo Within its ilmitmi , with mm corresponding rttivummmtage to timomie wImo are moumgimt to be bemiefltc'ii thereby. Time mnammrnfacttnmo of oleoinan'gnrbmme Is an bnmhimstry wimicim inas beau hocateth In time state , giving c'mupioymnenmt to a large mium- ' her of workimmginen amid cumimnncinmg time 'tmlue of live stock on tilt' market , Arm m'eimate file No. 78 necelved almost inmmnmminnotms znhurovni of time relrescnmtnttives of the people mm time legislatIve bomhles , I did mmot deem time olmjeetiomis to be of sueim char- abler itS to miecesaltate lime vetoing of time huh , winleim , In time mmmaln. I consIdered to be ( on' the best inmtt'rests of tine whole hoeple. , lmmt I lmc'rc'by mtmitimorbzo inns reconmunensci time Immtroductiomm ouch nmmsstige tmf aim miunend- mont to micimmmle tile No , 78 , lnovlbinlg ( timat notimlnmg In tinat mtet shah lie ito crmnirctrmned na to jrc''emnt time nmmmumunfmmcttmre rltlmimm time stab of oieoimsnmrgurbime , under tine renutiio- tiomma and limovlsinims of time himmhleul Stales law , for milmipunent to polnmtms oiitttiil of thm stutt' : , minis I would fumrtlmc'm mummogest timat time word 'oieonnmmmgnmmbime' ' lii' mmseh ssimerever time variis ' 'ipnittmlIoim butter' ' nummmear in ! hmms riot , tiierc'iy , immtkimig : limm' mitate hasv conform to time immwts of time I 5nmlteii Situtes ninth imrcvenmt- u hmmg cnnfimsboim Its couuphylnmg whim limo ias' by time mmtanmmfnettmrer. SILS A. iiOL'OMn. ( iovc'rnmpr , 1)1SCIJSSING Tihid MESSAGiI. hmumimedlatehy after time ummessage ijami been roach In time satiate Stemmfer , seimo imach imeenu oime of time moat active supporters of tine bill , immoveml timat Cioverimor iloleannii's recoin- mcmmdatioum Ito referremi to time cannnmmllteo on nigriemn I tim re. Snnmlthn was iummmmmedtatcly emi Jilts feet with cmi ammienmmiimmumiit to refer time macsage to time coimitnittee of time wltoie. MehCecumy nmmamio tine inmatter still more of iimmportaimce by anlchimig an anuietimhnmieimt to limo ml imi elms unarm t , mmta Ic iii g I inc sttimj C c t a s veciai order for 2 o'clock limits afterinooni. lie supported - ported mIs anmemmminmenmt im ) sayiimg limat Inc Imamh read 1mm time rmeus'sp.cpcrs limbs mnoriminig-mni- timouiglm in a calm iii not immm a gi mme it O\ % ' I it o imaws- papers obtaIned time informmmatlon-lhmat tine semmate imad iii cxecmntIvo session votemi unarm. inmomnsiy itt ( user of a recenimnmmendallon limat su'as mloutmtfcml lit isolicy as iveil as dotniilful 1mm legality , mm mioirmg so time senate imnmd imult itself on record as emndorsinmg what nnighmt immovo to be amm illegal appoiimtnneumt , if limo mmeimato coulmi go to thmat elreimmc ime failed to mmcc Winy it cohmhml not exercise time samnmo courtesy to time cimbef executive In tlmlmm mmmnmt- tcr , lie trumstcml lila : imnnemmdnimcmmt would be umnanlnmmommsiy nmgreemi to. Teftt usinilliumumi ) ' renmmurkem.i timat as onme of time sermalorms referred to ime cineerfitily bused beneatim limo castigationm so graceftuily ati- immlnmistered by time seitmutor ( rein \Vebzler cotnnly. t3prechner said timat asimle fronum amy question of courtesy Ito uvas iii favor of iliscussing limo goveenmor's recomninemmdat ions iii oumenm session , aims Inc believed time molter simotniti be con- sidereml at onmec. Sloan , time aumtinor of time original anti-thea- rmmamgarlno 1,111 , , sims time leader of tine oppo. mcitloui to I hue acloimilon of tue unmiendimsent , \S'itit all mimic resimect to time gos'ermmur of time nmtmmtv ito desIred to say timat as me Imad see- onthed tito original rumotloit offered by limo seimimlor fronn Cunnlmng , ito usa numavemi 1) ) ' 00 contimleratlarm , of discourtesy in wleimlnmg Ihno mmmatter referred to time ( motimmiltee otm agriculture - ture , IL ties clue to timat connnmlttet' tinat it be graimled tine it ; Ivllego of ommmbom1yiitt time governor's stngeaIIons limb a mlii , lie svatited time matter to take time usual course of legislation. if time seumate uvaus organized for time sale purprise of atantdlmmg on certain lines of courtesy toward time govermior , instead - stead of lranmsactlnmg tine regular business in time regular ito ) ' , lie wanted to 1:1mev ; It. 'rcrt saId that If all tine inmptloli5 and atmmeimdmenmla were voted down ito would linen offer a motion dIrecting tine comtm'tmItteo on nmgrlcullmmre to reltort a imill , eimibmaiyhnmg 'Im" smiggestions at time governor shtimlui timreo days. 'time ainetudctent to nialto the rmsceaae - - - . - . - . . - - - . - . .