Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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n , = = _ - - - - - - - - THE OMAhA DAlY flJ.E . : MONDAY . , .lAIUJII 4 1895. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
. , . -
RevIew of the st\lllon by One Tborough1j
! amlbr with the Detais
Tnrki Took 'tilti ! . 'Ietho' or 8hlv'ng ' Their
Utentmcnt Tomud Chiritinfls ' Who
1'ruteted , \jnlnd 1elnl l"nn-
T dercl' Iy tic TrooI'
( C3ri&IiteI. l. 5. Ly the Ap ( cntN1 rru" )
LONUm- , March 3.-The corrCpondnt tt
the Aroclate prus , who was sent to Ar-
menln with Instrlctons to thorolghly Innl'
tgnto the storlcs tel of the Turkish atrocl- ,
' ties In that cotiiitry . lmIer 11ato of TUlle. Rus.
pta , January 25 , forwnrdll the following In-
ttrvlew with the father of nil the Armentans ,
1cr. IClirirniran. Ate ! a heflaton of tev-
' renreml father guntetl
eras days the very rcveren
the rcqlest of the Assoiated press eorre-
spCnlent for ( a statement of thl condition of
which led to the 13fts-
Armenia anll ' thc calPcs ICl
&Oln 111aS3aCt ? . Adllltonl weight Is Hlven to
_ _ _ _ the RtnttnwntH hy the fact that Mgr. lhrlml-
l'an Is at present 11rcparlng a memorIal on i .
the subject to the czar of lusla , nnJ II may
tic InErred ( that the substance of the state-
mont In the memorial 10 the czar may be
found ' In this Interview. Mgr. lhrlmlrn's
homo Is at Etzchintadzin . In the Arramt re-
Ilon of ( Iussla , within n short dblanco of the
Turkish frontier.
In on outer room of the hOUR the Asso.
elated press corrcsponilmt met a monk In a
black habit , anll at lie farther end ' of the
room wns a man IlresoJ entirely In roth . holdIng -
Ing II long mace. The sanguInary appearance
at this man contrastcd strangely wllh the
peace and quiet of the house. Sometimes
four men arc In attendance. On the occalon
of the fIrst visit of the correspondent to the
quiet % house ho was Introduced ] by on eminent
Armcnlan genteman , editor of the ArtzJan-
lak. On the occasion or his second visit , Mgr.
Jhrhnlran , having dechled to male the state-
, menl aslect for by the Associated press talked
fluently and eloquently of the wrongs or his
countr ) ' . Among other things he said :
"The massacre In the Sassoun mountains
was the result or a long Ileriod of Turkish
misgovernment. In the Armenian province or
Turkey a policy or cruelty and oppression
has continued for n long time . I , myself ,
ha\'l been on eye wItness of all Itnts of Tur-
Ish onoresslon. In act. about fifty years of
my life have hCn passed In connection with
the perH-utons In Armenia. Twenty or
thirty years ago the Armenians were still
very low end narrow , and did not understand
the cause or all the calamIties which beel
them. They thought their troubles were sent
by heaven as a punIshment for their sins.
Suoh Is always the belief ot the peple ( he- ]
prlved of educatIon and the printing press.
Dut later , when they began to think and to
understand tIm wicked acts of their op-
pressors. there como a change and they saw
clenrly the real cause of their troubles.
"Ono reason for their change was the war
between Russia -nnd Turkey In 1876. which
ended so happily for the Dugarlns ] , who
received freedom and selr-government. The
Armenians slffered from the misgovernment
of the Turks much more than the Dul-
garlans who lived In the neIghborhood or
the western European powers , as the ArmenIans -
menIans were at such a remote distance
from the civilized world that their cries
ctul not be heard.
"At the close of the Ruso.TurJdsh war
the Armenians encouraged by the improved
conditions of Dulgarla , demanded the same
guarantees which were given to that coun-
try. Al kinds of complaints , grievances
and petitions , poured Into the patriarch of
Constantinople. They were so numerous
that If they had been thrown Into a large
- room they would have . fled I as full as
t an egg.
"In the meantime : , the European powers
¼ were compelled to sign the Berlin treaty.
At. this period I was sent with another delegate -
: gate to the chief capitals of western Europe
- tD plead the cause of the Armenians. I
visited Paris London , Vienna and Rome ,
but my visit did not produce satisfactory
results. I presented petitions to the Derln
congress , giving full details of the Turkish
atrocities In Turkish Armenia. Moreover
, there was prInted In Berlin at the some
' time my description of these atrocities.
"Dut what we had worked for was not
; 'realzell , as . with reference to the Armenian
question , the Berlin congress adopted what '
Is known as the slxty.frst article of the
Berlin treaty , and , although the treaty was
shgneth It had no influence In lessening the
persecutions. Our hopes were In vain. The
cruelty of the TurkIsh government did not
cease. I merely took a new ( arm. But ,
keepIng In view that there was a treaty , the
Turks sought for some legal means of justifying -
tying their atrocities.
"That happened ; the taxes became heavier
and all kinds of duties became greater , and
, the Turkish people received full powers to
tax Armenian peasants. Why should a
people who have nof only n umclent quantity : -
tly ot land , ' even too much , and n very
fertile and veIl Irrigated land , leave their
natve sol and emigrate to other countries ?
It there were no proof of Turkish ] misgovernment -
government In Armenia this circumstance
alonG would present sufcient evIdence of
f ; those oppressions which the Armenians In
, Turkey are suffering. Nearly 80,000 Armenians -
r menians scott work In Constantinople In
: order that they may be able to pay the
taxes which the Turkish government Imposes -
poses upon them. .
"In the whole Turkish empire , there are
as yet about 3.000.000 Armenians. "
Regarding the Sassoun affair . the reverend -
C end father saul : "As every acton brings
4i its result or counter blow the same may
' be said of the o\prcsston of the Armenlam.
who understood the actions of the Turks
: and began to revolt. I was then and only
then , that the Turks understood the danger
. * ' of the position. As a rseul , they hall recourse -
course to the Kurds , whose chiefs went to
j : , Constantinople , where they received Instruc-
tons to form regiments of soldiers from
. ; their own tribes. Thl was the beginning
of what Is known as the lamldleh cavalry ,
I or Kurdish regulars. The KurdIsh chiefs
r were loaded wih favors and Invested with
: the rIght to oppress the Armenians. The
troops received no pay , but what was better ,
. they received permissIon to plunder the
Christians. Unable to elude this new ( arm
f or oppression and torture , some or the Armenians -
menians reveled against the cruelty of
their oppressors , while many other sought
to Oy to foreign countrtes.
, The final result came In the massacre
In time Sassoun mountains. What took place j
I know from the statements of eye wlt-
nes.ees . and also from accounts publshed In
the newspapers.
"The Turks hall wlshell for a long time
; to capture and punish the people who had
reveled against the cruelties of the Kurds ,
, but the inaccessibility of the mountain
: countries , not only to cavalry but also to
! Infantry , frustrated their Illans. However.
, Wien the Kurdish reglnentl were formed
the task of capturing the mountain Ileopio
was entrusted to them , antI subsequently
. 3.000 regular Turkish troops , with several
' ) mountain guns , were sent to assist In timework I
"The Armenians occupied a strong Position -
lon owing to the Inaccessibility of time
mountain regIons and when the Turkish
troops atacked them they met with re-
. elstance , but aa the Arntenlana had but few
Irma and Inadequate supplies of provisions
, they were eventually compelled to aurrender.
. During the lIghting a few soldiers were
4 klled ! , but they were very few In com.
parhon with the number of Armenians afterward .
ward put to death by both Kurda and
Turks ,
' "Among the horrIble cruelties perpetrated
. on tie Armenians durIng time massacre , I wi
. relate time following fact proving the ferocly
. of the TurkIsh troops and their commaluler ,
Zekkl Pasha : When the Armenians had surrendered -
, , rendered . The of them , including three priests ,
- were thr.wn Into n large dlc alive . despite
v the fact that they were not .founde. Earth
wu then heaped on them and lame aoldtero
? ' were lent to watch them until they all had
i perl.bed. After this the manacre continued .
tnued , may people , old and young were
- . , ' kied , and ! many women and young .glr"
. were sent by the soldiers to Moosh. The
bolt of the Armenians who were killed
. 1 lane number together , were burled In
common Rrnvu , but the blu of thoP who
burkd were killed In l&olted pieces were im un-
"The Armenians who were not kiled fled
Mot of them came to RUIla. Some tf
them ( arc now In Tiflis. Sam Clm ! to m& II
tcnmlsd and related 10 me time sufferings
that they ad endured. Many ArmenIans are
confined In prison for political matters.
The CMt number of the prisoners I un-
known to ale , but I mmt \ t be more than
2,000. Forty or fifty clergymen are among
the number , priests bIshops and arcbman-
AcHes . They are lmprioncd \ for so.enlell
'political offense. ' limit what the Turk calls
R political offense has nol ben designated.
"For Inslance , for a Christian to protect
ht property ( rom plunder 19 consIdered a
'political ottense' In the Turkish empire. In
prisons alt kinds of ( torture are employed
against rich and pror.
"The state of the TurkIsh prisons Is sln\-
ply drcaflmml. I'or Instance . thc chief monk
of a mcnntery wna fastened to a wall with
u hail driven through hIs hands and was 4e.
Ih'erc'l from thlt : position only on admtting
that hI acted wrongly , although he was en-
trely inncceuit. On the halll antI feet of
several prtwncra were fastened chains and
heavy shackles of wool , while on their heads
were ph\cll Inttrumenls resemblnK copper
pots which "ero heatNl to a high mpera'
llire. Sometimes Ihee tortures cmll'll In th (
death of the urcrer' . Sometmcs the torturers -
turers cxerclsl,1 their terrible p wer simply to
kilt thlIctm. . .
"In time 8:8FOUn district there were about
Ill villages and hamlets. In one of these
villages lived lanladnm , a Turkish district
chlet. TIme wholl number of Armenian tml-
lies . or 'hearthis , ' as they arc called In the ,
distrIct , was 3,1:18. : The Armenians , I may
explain , have preserved the ancIent trIbal
system . The maximum number to one of
these . 'hearths' hI eighty peuons. Taking
twenty as a modest overage , the number of
Inhabitants In the district amounted to more
than 70,000 souls.
"I rom the information broupht to mo 1 bo
leve that the Kurdish and Turkish troops
have burned or destroyed n number of ( cites
or villages . and I estimate that time number
of men , women and children ( Idled In time
Sassoun dIstrIct amounts to 11,000. "
During the Interview the Associated press
correspondent asked Mgr. Ihrhnlran what ,
truth there was In the story that certain Ar- i
menlan revolutionary ] leaders Induced Armenians -
finns 10 commit atrocities on Turks In the
hope of provoking outrages which would raise
time wrath of the ChrIstan ! worlli. Ho replied
that such rumors were too absurd to obtain
credence anywhere except In Turkey. With
reference to the 'furldsh commission of Inquiry -
quiry , Mgr. Khrhnlran said : "The chief Interest -
crest ( at present center- In the Turkish commissIon -
missIon of Inquiry , but Armenians look for no
results from the commission , because I will
only deal with the Sauoun mater , which
was only on incident In the oppression of
the Armenians. "
The correspondent of the Associated press
also interviewed several Armenian refugees
at Tiflis. The stories they told ot the mas-
sacres correspond In every respect with what
has been published In local Armcnlan papers.
The Armenians held their ground against
time Turks for twenty-five ' days , when , their
provisions and ammunition being exhausted
they were either forced to fly or to sur-
render. After reaching the villages of Clel-
vouson thc Turks set fire to the houses ,
destroyed the churches and began to mas-
sacre the inhabitants. Old and young , men .
women and children were tortured and put
to death. Among this number were two
priests. one of whom , Terpctros was strIpped
or all his clothes and pierced with
twenty-five thrusts of a poniard which
caused his death. The noma of the other
murdered man was Terrogaus. But let the
refugees speak for themselves.
Tine Informant of the Associated press
continued : "To defend ourselves we were
united as one faml ) ' . 'Va held our ground
af lon as we coulmi. but we had only 300
old-Iashoned ! guns. D hind us were two men
wh were ready to kill any of us who might
attempt to fly. nut we had not the alight-
est intention of so doing. However aCer , .
twenty-five days we held a council as to
what wo should do. The Turks sent word
that If we surrendered they would not kill
us. But they did not eeep ] the promises
and began to cut the heads of some , to disembowel -
, embowel others , to outrage our wives and
daughters. Ten of the later , on refusing
to embrace time Moslem faith , were pint to
, dentin. , These of us who were not killed , received -
, celved wounds an l fifteen who were not
wounded , were thrown Into a large ditch.
We can show you If you desire the very
plaeo. I Is In the village or Oleikuigan . behind -
hind the house of Pete , the oldest , inhabitant
or the village , and who died last spring ;
Tine position of the bodies In the pit wi
prove that many were burled . alive.
"Seeing that the Turks ] would kill ] us all ,
we at last ] fled. 'Ve were only six hours'
marching diatancefrom Moosim . but our escape
was attended with many difficulties. . "
1'JUON GU.JUD IA. i ! ' 1 GUUD ' 10T.
nroujht nown , Tht'eo , Convlct Who Iltdo
n nre"l for r.'hort"j .
FOLSOM , Cal , March 3.-A desperate attempt -
tempt to escape was made by fourteen con-
vict today. As a result three convicts are
In the Folsom hosplnl sufering from gun-
shot wounds. One Is mortally wounded ,
another wIll probablY die and the third Is
painfully Injured. This forenoon Captain
glB and Horse Guard Nickerson took the
prisoners out crossed AmerIcan river and
set the men to work In the qtiarry. Ascer-
taming thaI they had more men than were
needed . Nlclterson started hack to the
Jrlson with two of them When they had
gone three or the twelve mn remaining
mnde a hrealt for liberty , scrambling up
the rocky cliff. Els Shred at them. Ho
scon brought two of them to the ground ,
and the third then ( wounded threw \P bum
hands ami t4urrOflthCrCd. Only live shots
were fired. Other guards ran to Ellis' os-
aletance and the prisoners were quickly returned -
turned to the prison.
The injured convicts are : Turner , a
negro from Sun Francisco , serving eight
years . shot In the breast and mortally
woundel } ; Garcia , a Spaniard from San
llenito , SerV111 six ) ' (111. right arm shat-
tered and may die : Anderson . a negro from
Sun Francisco , serving ten years , Ihot In
time leg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cllrn\o Irl.h 01 Their IiinIp .
CHICAGO. March 3.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-The confederated Irish societies or Chicago
will Issue a red hot manifesto denouncing
Alexander . Suhllvnn . accusing him of com-
Jlcl ; ) In the murder of Dr. CronIn and
declaring that his appearance at the mtuihi-
torium on Robert hmmett's birthday Is 11
desecration to the Irish cause John Fin-
erty Is also given a few swots.
11 _ ' Z'liJu . ioicjw.isr. -
( Lrmiir Wnrmer whim North 'fnds Shlrln ! '
to SOUth\\II1.
WASHINGTON. March 3.-For Nebraska
nnd Kansas-I.'alr ; warmerj ; north winds
shifting to soutimWct
For Iowa.Clearlng : and generly fair
weather : north w111s. shifting to west ;
slowly rising lemllerature.
For South Dakota- } alr : warmer ; south-
west winds.
For Imhissouri-Llgimt snows followed by
clenrlnl weather ; high northwest wlndl and
a cold wave.
l.ocimi hIccori .
OMAHA , ? Murch 3.-Oillcini record of tem-
Ileraturo amid rainfall . compared with the
corresponding day of limo past four years :
18 5. 1894. 18 3. 1S2 ,
MaxImum temperature . . . : 7 13 G
Minimum temperature . 9 47 8 42
Average temperature. . . 16 & 9 10 51
t'reehpitmLtioml . . . . . . . . .0 .0 (9 .0 .0 t
011ton or temperature anll precipita-
ton : at Omaha for the day since March 1 ,
Normal temperature . . . . . " . . . . . . . 31
Delcleney fur the ( lay . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Normal precipiaton . . . . . . . . . .03 Inch
Fxcess for the day. . . . . . " . . . . . .0 Incl
' ' otll PreciPitmltiOmm since March 1. . . . inch
) Ireclplaton .0
Uetclency since March 1. . . . . . . .0 Inch
Iteilorts from Uth"r . " tstton at I I' . U .
' - . i '
STATIONS. ; i * ' -l STATS or
. B ii " 3 : WXAT.IU.
. a C P
. . .h
: 1' .
- - - - - - - - -
Omala. . . . . . . . 1 24 .oa SlowtUV ,
NortIml'Iimtt . . . . . 18 T .fler (
Hurt. J'II\e. . 1 Il :
Vaiemmtjnu . . . . . j lU .04 I. lear.
Cllcwo . . . . . . . . . 2U : f ' Fnuwimg .
! I. Louis . , . , . . . , , mum e .OU Oiotmdy .
1111. . . . IU I ! Coudy.
51 Vau. . . . . . . . . 10 1 : .uu Cloudy.
Uaveupr. . . . , . . JI 31 .0 : Snowlui.
Kausll eUy. . , . . .8 (0 .01 ! nowll .
Deuver. . . . . . . . :0 : 3 : .00 Chr.
611 Lke OUr. . . ' .14 :8 .U : l"uICloud .
Itumittleuly ' . . . , . . . 10 10 .oi Clear.
1II'hICII. . ,11 .11
Ileleimmi . . . . . . . . . 32 : 3 : .00 J'artdondy.
CBlark. . . . . . . 1 :0 ) .OU Clear
Vlncen\ . . . . 13 ' 12 .ou Clear
Cimerummmmu. . . . . . . . 2 I : ' ° U .00 Clear.
MIl ) Cly. . . . . . : W ) 2 .00 Cloudy.
GUh'eslon. . . . . . . : . 61 O. .OU Clear.
, -.x. indicate.'trace
'trCO ofitjriioii l
ofpr \ . lon ' .
Judgment Against O'Nei ' Man Who
Wrongtuly Acoused a Stranger ,
Host Claimed lie Was Jobbt.t by R Visitor
amid Il" Nrljhborl help l'm ' In
ni Effort to Secure
nt tt uUon.
O'NEILL , Neb. . March 3.-Special.- ( )
Rather n peculiar case was decided by Judge
IClnkahl In the district court hero Saturllay.
The title or the case was Wils against
nrndoe , et al . Willis sled nradoc for aha
Imprisonment and threatened his life . Willis
received a verdict for $2,000 against Iralloc
and mime others . whie time acton was dis-
mlsell agaInst the other deenlants. A
couple . of year ago Willis remained at
lirmuhoc's house all night. The next mornIng
Iradoc was short $90 and ho at once accused
Willis , who was n stranger , of the the c.
Drarloe secured the assistance or his neighbors
and arroted Willis without going to the
trouble of swearIng out a warrant , and hell
hIm a prisoner for some time . They trIed
In every manner to persuade him to tel
where the money was even going so tar , It
Is said , ap to put a rope around his neck
and tell htm they would sooth him to the
tel senl
happy hunting grounds unless he would dts-
gorge hIs Ill-gotten gains. But Wils stoutly
maintained hi/ Innocence. While he was
still held a prisoner the money was found In
Dradoek's homse evidently where ho bad
placed it. Willis was then release and he
brought suit against them for $5.000 and received -
ceived n verdict for $2,000.
An Important decisIon affecting life Insurance -
surancc companies was also rendered by
Jude Kinkaid. An administrator sued the
Mutual Hescue Lie Insurance company of
New York for $ ,200 on n policy for $2,000
Issued to the deceased , the administrator
having prevlolsly compromised with , the
company for $800 , which the company had
paid. ; The stilt was brought wlholl tender-
Ing back the $800. and brought fourteen (
months acer the proof of loss. The hpphi-
caton and policy stipulated that suit must
be brought within one ycar. On demurrer
by the company the court held that Inasmuch
as the cOlpany had denied any liability
whatever amid compromised with defendant
for $800 , that plaintiff could not malutaln the
acton without first offering bock the $800 ,
and for this reason 011 others. sustained
the Iemurr r , and ga\'e plaintiff leave to
The First National bonk secured a verdict
agaInst halt county today for $ tl,000 on war-
rants whIch they had drawn 01 the fund of
1893. The money was embezzled by Scott ,
and there being no funds to pay time war-
rants suit was brought. A special levy wi
be made by the county board to pay the judg-
Three Mon Arrested for Rccdeu Drllnq
, \ ter the 1''pAo or n Year.
NEBRASKA CITY , March 3.-Speclal.- ( )
Last July , while Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'enzel
and child were driving to this city , they were
run Into by a lumber wagon containing three
men. TIme InjurIes of Mrs. Wlnzel and ' child
were so serious that their lives were thought
to be In danger for some time , and warrants
charging the three mel with murder were
Issue\ . The only clew to their identity was
a photograph found , near the scene ot the cot-
hision. Mrs. Wenzel recovered , but the police
dId not forget the case. Tuesday Sheriff
Huberle arrested Marshal Bevins at Tccum-
seh as the original of the photograph The
arrest of Wiiam and Henry Klseadden fol-
, lowe upon the charge of reckless driving and
assault. They were released on bonds In the
, sum Monday. of $00 each , their case to bo herd
Sam Berry , a wen known D. & M. em-
, ploye some time 1go purchased a small
farm near the cIty , and determlnel to start
a chicken ranch The house was occupied
, by George and O. D. Staley ' They re-
Imalned In possession with the understanding -
-Ing that as soon as Berry was ready to move
In they would vocate. The other day Derry
commenced to move hIs things to the farm ,
and furnished two or three rooms. The
Staleys objected threw out the furniture
and tore up the carpets. When remon-
stratel with I Is alleged they struck Mrs.
Derry and also assaulted Mr. and Mrs.
Laltzsch , who sold the farm to Derry. They
will answer next Tuesday to three war-
rants. charging them with assault and bat- i
The members of Eureka lodge , Knights of
Pythlas , attended the First Methodist
EpIscopal church In a body thIs morning.
The pastor , Rev. Ii. C. Harman preach on
eloquent sermon on the alms and objects
or the order and described Pythlanlsm as a
fraternity which made men hotter.
Exeter ; 0 , . unll tvr4cpmmmliH.
EXETER Neb. , March 3.-Special.-T. ( J.
Malnarll and wire who for the past three or
four months have been visiting In Tennessee , '
returned home Friday. . I
A. C. Lester , who has been spendIng several -
oral month with relatives In Stratton , Neb. ,
returned to this place Thursday and will
spend some time with hIs chIldren here.
D. C. Ragon and family , who have ben
residents of Exeter for several years , removed -
moved to their farm near Seward Saturday.
Deputy Sheriff Cark Robinson came up
from Geneva Thursday with a warrant for
I Peter Paul on complaint of C. If. Wul-
brandt In behal of the village of Exeter
charging him with selling intoxicating Ii-
quors without a license. 10 was taken be-
rare the county judge pleaded ] guilty , and
fIned $100 and costs . ThIs Is only one of
mora than twenty-five counts time citY can
usa against Peter : -
Max Tauber , a buyer of horses from Chi-
cage has been In this city nearly all the
week ] picking up such horses as lie could
uso. lie secured n full carload at prices rang-
Ing from $25 to $76 and shipped them cast
SatUrday -
Mrs. William F. Duck gave her son Fred
a birthday dinner Thursday to which a num-
her at friends were invited In time evening
the young pCOIJle came In and helped him
celebrate time occasion In a royal manner.
George Greenawalt of Emporia ICan . Is '
visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs I. A.
Greenawal ; anti other relatives.
J. P. Pickering of Steele City , who has
been visitng his sisters , Mrs. C. C. Smith
and Miss Rult Rogers the past week , returned -
turned to his homo this morning
J'nc"urlJlul Mummy l"urmer.
DUNCAN Neb , March 3.-Speclal.- ( )
The magnificent rain of Tuesday and the
warm , bright days following woke up the
rarmers wonderfully . Immediately after the
clouds had cleared there was a gathering
ulI of plows and the blacksmiths have been
very busy Ince.
All day the wind has been blowing n
gale from time north , accompanied with a
liberal amount of snow , and I has been
very cold.
People here are just beginning to appre-
ciate the weather bulletins put up In the
postomce every afternoon .
The seed ! and feed grain question Is the
most agitated subject In this vicinity , and
since the county supervisor refuse to
c:1 an election to vote hernIa for this
purpose the cloud of despomleney encircles
many who wire before hopeful and strug-
glng manuly ( to keel afloat. :
J'lorce ) ' aragrmspims .
PIERCE , Neb. , March 3.-Speclal.-ne ( )
of the leading social events of the season
was the phantom party at the pretty home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. MorrIson on Wednes-
day ulgimt The affair was under the aus-
plces of Misses Kate Collins and Mattie
Van Dusk Irk. The evening was spent In
a charming manner. Various amusements
were Indulged In , a hand omo luncheon
was served and alt reported ole of the moat
pleasant social events In the history Of
Invitations are out announcing n progressive -
greulve "Doard of Trade" party by Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Powers at the Knights of
I'ythla hal next Tuesday evening.
W , 1. Morton Is confined 10 his home
Whim inflammatory m'heumnatismn.
District court II still 'n leuton. Fifty-
five cases were disposed of the put week.
Hey , Mr. I'arl returned Friday , after
being out wes for four months holding re
'Ivnl meetings.
Several of the YOI" men will give a
dancing party at Jr Ir's hal on Friday
Norfolk evcnlng. orchestra Music wl6 furnished by a
Mrs. Quat of ndpe q Is visiting with
her sister , Mrs. Ernest 'iesche .
Archlo Lltel has gone to Grand Island
to take a course In tT busIness college
In that city.
Sheriff Milkin ort 'lP from Fremont
on Thursday night ant'iisited ( with Sheriff
Llcl of this place unt Friday morning.
The town board has revolted Sanne's sa-
loon license. This leaps Pierce with only
four saloons. )
Ed Ruhlow returnI1-r m his Iowa trip
an Thursday. Ills - ( and children will
remain a week or atJm''Ysitlng frIends be-
. . ,
fore returning. I. 'I '
nOT L'Tlm\t ' 11W1\T ; AT YOtilt.
Question of Free ! lver ntAclll . , .1 to the
Intertnlnlrnt % of n I.'irgn Crovl.
YORK , Neb.1 March 3.-Speclal.-Tho ( )
much talked of free silver debate between
time Loekrldgo Literary society and the local
branch of the Lyceum League of America
took place nt fleli's hal last evening. Not In
years , t over before ( , hall such a crowd congregated .
gregated In this building. The debate was to
commence at 8 p. m. , but by,1 the home was
packed , and even standing room unobtainable.
Time contttants were Messrs. Smith 01\1
White ot time L'ceum lea CUI ofld Messrs.
Douglas and Morrion of the Lokrlge ] so-
ciety. E. A. Olber of York , John Majors
and Mr. Darrows or Drallshaw acted as judge
The Lyceum League of America had the af-
frmatve side of the question . "That Free I
and , Unlimited Coinage of SIlver at the Ratio
of 16 to 1 Should De Introduced In time United
States. "
Time . chairman of the evening Earl \Vil-
lams , Introuctl the first speaker , Leroy
Smith . Mr. Smith made a god talk ] and was
well received .
Mr. Douglas or Lockridge was the next
speaker , and mode a splendid address , after
which Mr. White was Introdueell and took
the houp by storm : : . Mr. Wnle Is a youth or
about 17 years of age and alhoulh young , Is
possessed of remarkable oratorical powers.
His address was fine. After this Mr. Morri-
son made n gael address
The closing addresses were mode by
Messrs. Smith : and Douglas. Doth were very
good and welt rceelved. The high School
Glee club then rendered "Schneider's Daud"
and was prompt ) recalled . After this the
decision of the judges was announce In favor
of the negative . thus searing : for the Lyceum
League or America its first defeat. This
mtllr evens up matters as some time ago
time Loclerllge people were defeated by the
Lyceum League of America on the tariff
' question . The affair has caused quite a. little
talk , and I Is pronounce one or time hotest
contested debates that has tOKen place In this
city for years
4tY0'iCi Ih" Occupation Tu , : .
WATERLOO , Neb. , March 3.-Special.-- ( )
The threatened fght between the town board
and Waterloo business men on account or
the occu'pation tux has been amicably set-
tIed by the business men taking up $185
worth of warrants , which hod been issued
by the board for the purpose of layIng sidewalks .
walks In front of non-rcsldcnt property
owners' lots.
Clifton Hinkley who had his arm Injured
while sowing lumber was taken to the St.
Joseph hospital at Omaha this afterimoon.
The Free Methodists are fitting up the
Smith-Thompson store ? where they will
hold revival servIces. \
Charles Todd has moved on to the Conliss
tarm. ' " : j Corlss
The Waterloo Gazette : has opened on ofce
on South Front streef
L. W. Denton shipped ) a car of cattle to
South Omaha yesterday ,
The MIsses May and ' aIle Hill of Omaha
are visiting with J. IE 'NIchols and family.
MIss Anna Leach las Ipresentcr the city
school wih a picture ; of Abraham Lincoln.
Closed Unl81'Or g"le.
YORK , Neb. , Marchi3.-Speclal.--Messrs. , )
Huffman & Ellis , Implement ! dea1ers of this
"r "
place , were closed aI , jl I chattel mortgage
held by F. P. Jones T1ese parties sometime
time ago bought out Jones , giving this mortgage -
. gage as part payment ' I
In the cse of : lden aglnst the Westinghouse -
house company the j"rreture a verdict
allowing the plaintiff , a , judgment of $980
after being out but a , short time. The
amount asked for In the petition was $ .
The distrIct court of , this county Is grind-
Ing out a great deal ot work and If this con-
tnues the docket will no dQubt be cleared
this term. Everyone Interested In thIs mat-
ter seems to take a hand and to keep the
matter moving and in - avoiding delays. The
case of Drown against Drl tz et nl , which Is
set for tomorrow , was settled between the
parties In the controversy.
Seed Ornln l'rCpoRlloo , lefentcl' .
MINDEN Ncb. , larch 3.-Speclal.-Tho ( )
people feel very jubilant throughout the
county sInce the rain a few days ago , and
many are nt work plowing and putting In
spring crop ! .
The question of bonding the county for
means to buy feet ! and seed was voted on
In this county yesterday , anti although the
complete returns have not yet been nade It I
Is well known that the proposition ts deI I .
fcted by a very large molarity.
A meeting was hel In lime court house this
afternoon ' for the purpose of considering the
proposition offered by the Chicago Board of
Trade , and a commitee was appointed to
look Into the matter and learn ] what arrange-
ments can be made to procure feed and
fee. A number of the committee will go
at once to Chlego to make the necessary
arrangcments. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
111 a Narrow Eicape.
BUTTE , Neb. , larch 3.-Speclal.- ( ) H.
Sims , a Chicago traveling man , and Peter
Morrison , a liveryman , or Atkinon , came
near finding a watery grave In the NIobrara
Thursday nlht wble enroute from Butte to
Atkinson. 'fle nlgbt was dark and quite
cold , and In followingtimo . road to the bridge
the team suddenly plunged Into the river ,
throwIng both men cover _ the dashboard into
time watcr. Sims fell astride the pole and
10rrison clght to time harness which kept
them from being swept away by the current
Time horses ture around and swam to shore ,
taking the thoroughly frightened men with
them , and wIthout further ado started for
Butte , where they arrived about 12 o'clock.
( Jolien 'Vedllnl .t Ore811"n.
GRESHAM , Neb. , March 3.-Speeial.- ( )
Yesterday afternoon 10 friends , relatives and
brother Masons called on Mr. and Mrs. George
Fuller and had a big dinner , the occasion
being their golden wedding. Uncle George
has been n Free Mason for the past thlrty-
seven years. Ho Is 71 and Mrs Fuller 70
years old. Uncle George has been quite hell-
less with paralysis time past year , and It was
indeed 1 joy to both to see this day They
have a host of friends and were congratulated
from far and near They came to Nebraska
twenty years I go. 10 , ,
iurorim I.odl. ItmitiqiietTimotr iIushitntli. .
AURORA , Neb. , Mach 3.-Speclal.-The ( ) I
Nineteenth Century olub , " n ladles' literary
society whIch numboe twentY-Etx of the
leading society ladies ro ' 'lhls city , gave its
annual banquet to' the husbands of
members last nlgill , Iat the Aurora
hmouso. A splen9it . ' musical and
literary EPlen'yld. wprovided . VIce
President Mrs. Roberg Wlddlo , presided. I
was the social event r the \ , season
J'rlze ) "Iht "fIOral' islmmmmd .
GRAND iSLANDach 3.-Speclal.- ( )
The "Black I'eani " a negro prize lIghter of
Hastings , and Jack WUks , a white pugilist
from St. l.uls. gave a boxing exhibiton at
Leon grove , a beer garden about 1 mile out
of town , lat night. l"olrounds were ought.
WUka , who has not quite the brute strength
time colored man poseag , has more science ,
and , a usual , had the b st of It throughout.
Jeler.on Countr Ilor'llj" . .
I AInn1TY , March 3-Speciai-Jefferaon ( )
county mortgage reor4 for February ; Farm
lartgagE1 fed , fortY'leven , amounting to' '
$45,379.98 ; released , , amounting
$ $ $35,530. ; city mortgag : fed , twelve ,
$3,211.45i released , two , HOO ; challe mortgages -
gages filed , sixty-one , $9,898.G5i ; released ,
tblrty.fve , $ ,0136.
lamajel 1111" . itepimired
COLUMBUS , ' Neb. , March 3.-Spectal.- ( )
NIne ( I Ie of he D. & M. railroad bridge
over the Plate river , whIch were taken
out by tbe Ice Tbursday , were repaired yesterday -
terday and trains are ruantng a usual.
- -
Almost Ono Million DoBar' ' Worth of Prop-
. erty Destroyed
Flame , Originated ' In the Six-Story Ury
OOOt Store of Robert Simpson '
amid Spread O\r R
Largo Area ,
TORONTO , Ont. , March 3.-At 12:30 : o'cloel
this morning fre was discovered Issuing from
time whllows of Robert Simpson's six-story
dry goods store on Quebec anti Younge streets.
The fre origInated In time packing ] roam anti
the fames , rushing UI tIme elevator shaft ,
communIcate almost instantly to every fleer.
Dy the tmt the frt jet of water was thrown
upon the hlge structure I was doomed The
pressue from time mains was Insufcient to
throl the Water hIgh enough In sufcient
' quantities to check the ragIng furnace . and ,
fanned by a lIght breeze , the fire \\\S driven
across Queen street to the north side. Jamie-
son's large taioring eslablshmenl was son
a victim . The fames extenlled to the non-
ton of Eaton's dry goods estnblsment , n 110
partimiental store , acIng on Queen street , , but
were preventll from entering the maIn build-
Ing. From Jamieson's the fro extended to
Sytchift's try goods store and bure I to
time ground. The Imperial ! bank across the
street next caught fire and tile top tat was
destroyed. Henderson's suction room was
next burned , whlo Duflield's tailoring catab-
Ishment and the Black Horse hottl were
The progress of the fire further south on
this street \\'aD cimecked. ] But next to Simp-
son's on the south was 'Van less' jewelry
atone , whIch was destroyed and on time west
of Simpson's on Queen street the flames coin-
munlcat with Knox church , one of tIme
oldest Presbytcrlan lllaces or worship In the
city . The spire was destroyed falling with : a
crash , but the maIn body of time church was
only slightly Ibmaged.
Meantime the buildings on Yonngo street
were burning fiercely. The fire was ralng
on the east side of Youngo and a vast square
ot stores was doomed The firemen did their
beat . but with the aplances at their dtspsal ,
their weakness was very pcrceptible. ] ortu-
nately the night was calm , for a wind would
have turned a million dollar fire Into another
such conflagration as the Chicago fire.
Three firemen were serlousi1nJured during
the fire and had to bo taken to the hospial ,
The folowing are the losses and insurance :
I oss. Insurnnce.
R. . . . . . . . . . . $ . $300000
J. " 'onless. . . . . . . . . . . $ 42,0 $0,00
Jamieson . . . . . . . . . . . 2,00 2,0
Sutcilffe . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 74.0
Mime & Co. . . . . . . . . . 2,0 : O
Tremont hotel . . . . . . . . 10.0 6.0
Knox church . . . . . . . . . 6.0 20,0
In addition to this there ere large unascertained -
ascertained losses , caused by smoke ] and
water , destruction of street car tracks and
the tearing down of trolley and electric
lght wires , roughly estimated at $250.000 ,
nialcing a total loss of $780,000 , with Insur-
ance or $470,000.
Total Lou from Fire There Saturday Night
' vIii Do "cry lrlv" ,
SALINA , Kan. . March 3.-Tho fro was
flnly brought under control at 12:25 : this (
morning . just as I had reached the Grand
Cwtral' hotel bloct. ] That building was
saved. Two men were Injured during the
excitement , one , Lockwood , a baker falling
from n third story window , and S. S. Toby
being struck by falling timbers . Lockwood's
Injuries are fatal , but Toby may live.
The Ober block was owned by Fred French ,
on easter capitalist ; loss , 20000. The
stock was owned by Charles V. Farwel of
ChIcago , consisting of dry goods and n
grocer store ; Joss 60000. The Salna
Daily -Republen. the Journal and the
Herald companIes lost their entire plants ,
anti suffered on aggregate loss of $35,000.
with but little Insurance. Other losses are :
The Greer block , $20.000 ; Insurance , $12.000 ;
Masonic building , $20.000 ; Insurance . 10000.
The remainedI of the losses are dlvlJcd among ,
about fifteen small firms . and average $5.000 I
: In each case. These people hold but little
I Insurance. The fire Is believed to have been
of Incendiary orIgin.
.11iSOUJI l' Jl.'IO WILL COMB I. .
\V.bash.Alol Tlnculty tins Only Cloud In
'Vottern n"lro.ul SkICR.
CHICAGO , March 3.-The western lines
have made excellent progress In complet-
lag the organization of their Trunk Line
commission and there seems to be no reason -
son why It should not be tn full operation
within a very short time. General Passen-
ger Agent Townsend or the Missouri Pacific -
cific was present when the meeting convened -
vened and explalnell that his road was In
no way anxious to figure as an obstruction
to time complete organization : of the com-
mnittee . but I had no intention or joining
the committee lS long as Its competitors
were on the outside. I was . however , willing -
Ing to join when its 'rivals had done the
same thlng. Mr. Townsend also announced
that the Iron Mountain road would become -
come a member fa the Southwestern nBSO-
ciutiomm whenever Its competitors were
ready to take similar action. The Wabasim .
which had made its memberBhlp In the
commitee contingent upon that of the
Missouri Pacific . announced the position
taken by Mr. 'ownscmt was satisfactory
to them and that I was willing to be con-
sldererl a full .eded member of the com-
mitee when a little muter between It and
the Mean road WaS ilxed. This was the
reduction In Kansas Cly.Enst St. Louis
rates announced lome ( tune ago by the
Alton . and which the 'Vahlsh deslrcd to
Alon. restored. The Alton was rather un-
willing to take any action . but a meeting
was nrranged for Monday hetween repre-
sentatives of the Alton and Wabash to see
sentntves agreement can be renamed. The
Missouri Jncllc declared It was not particularly -
tcularly Interested In the Alton-\Vumhn8im
dtspute , but would not sign the commltteo
agreement until the trouble wns(1 -
justed. Time meeting then adjourned
until next Tuesday , after nppotmmt-
Inu committee consisting of Chnh"-
man Cahdwell mmml ' the Henoml passenger
agents of the Chicago . 11"auleco & St.
Ilul. Atchison. Denver & Rio Gmnde , litmi'-
amth Northem Pacific . which wilt
lingtom : /11 Puclc. : wi
meet on l.'rlday of next week to settle the
contiitionmi Iller which the various local
associations hal ho formed
oRsoclatona mcetng of trunle antI western
lines which was contnued Saturday
Ileve\oped \ nothing , no action of /ny kind
being taken. The eastern rends were much
aggrieved because thl western roads are
paying commissIons In their territory , but
several of them were forced to admit they
were doiimg the same thln tl time tern
tory dolll western Unes. ' 1 he lame chimes-
tions as were UII at the meotng yel tel
lens were Hone over today anll tIme western
lines promlscd that nt some time In tine
future , when they have no troubles of
their own to bother timeni they will tall
up the comp1alnt8 of the easter roads
and see whnt can be done
Short 1.111 Uotslts i'm'ivllcge'i ' neoo\yo.l.
MILWAUKEE . March . 3.-Judge Jenkins
hus entered nn order ratifying a contract
entered Into by the receivers ot the North-
era i'aciflc railway with the Northern i'a-
cilia Terminal company or Portland , Ore
The terminal company owns and operates
terminal properties at Portland which nro
leased by the Northern I'aclIlc. Deuult of
payment was mode by the Oregon Short
Line and Utah Northern Railway conmimany
'rho Short Line soon utter vent Into the
hands of n receiver. Judge Jenldns orders
the Short Line hal be reinstated In the
privileges of the original Contract on pay-
ment by the receivers of the amount de.
faulted . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'oroclo.lnl 01 thl Jotdhu : ; ,
PIII.ADEIPIUA , March 2.-Today In the
United States court , the lennlylvanln company -
pany , for insurance on lives and granting
annuies ns trulteol for the Heading mort-
gage bondholtlers fed a bill In equity
praying for the foreclosure ; Of time mortgage .
'fhls step has been expected for some lime ,
the trustees hnvlng been requested Just
two mOlths ago to h\lttute proceedings
for the foreclosure of the general rortgule
since which tmt John 8. Johmmmson . the
} 'ennsylvnnla'l counsel . hal been busily
engaged In the preparation at the bill In
equity led today
1'aslemger AJClt lenlett itcalgmmi. '
SALT I.AlcE , ( .Jtahm , Mmmcii 2.-General
Paa5engr Agent Benrett of the Rio Grande
Western road resigned today. F. A. Wad'
leigim of the Denver & Rio Oranide in macn-
tionmed as a possible successor ,
- -
ZL1tS.S 2'IIJI L.4 II' MUCU SZ'1ft1.'m'lllt.
Effet of ilooo Roil 1192 Oti ( ho .Stnto lie.
Imositor , , 'ict.
LINCOLN , March 3.-Speclal.-During )
( lie session several lively thiscussior.s have
been had on tine media annul demerits of time
state depository law , in ( ho bonito a hilt
to repeal it was haeed en the genmeral file
after a day's discumsalon tnt connmnttteo of
the whole. During the debate ott the ncas-
uro it was charged that the itamikers of time
stab were inn favor of the repeal. This was
given color by time attitude of the bankers
in time house. II. is apparent , however , that
this conchimshom : ha tmot vehl founded , Man ) '
of time bainkers do niot favor time repeal of
tine bill , but do hope to sco It given such
enmentlatory old as shah make it. optratve ( ,
hlomtae roll No. 522 , now imn time hanmhs of time
house commmnitteo on banklmg antI curnency ,
vas introduced by Iteprosentative Rouse of
Hall county at time request of a welt known
banker of Grand Island , It Is known as tIme
county treasurer huh , and is intended to
stremmgtlmen : the provisions of time general
law as applied to county deposits ,
"Nebraska needs a depository law , " says
A banker , inn speaking of the nmneasure , ' 'but '
it needs a good one-a mmmcii better ohms
timamn is mnow on : our statute books. I do
not inmmaglno that house roil No , 522 is perfect -
fect , but I conisider It mmmcm better than :
amnytining that hmaa thus far beer : proposed ,
Its chief fault is that it foliows time olti
law , nmnaicing 3 per cent time nnimnlnmnnn rate
of interest. There vlil be immstanccs In
whicim certain funds , wlmichn are to renmain
on delnosit a lmort tiimne , or funds in which
( hero will be sulticmm end violent changes ,
will not be wontim 3 per cent to a eomnserva-
tive banker , and as a conmsequence counnties
vhll be likely to get immferion accunity offered
for sucim funds. "
Maim noimits of difference between time old
law anti time proprosed , showing wherein
thmo existlmg law is strcmngtinened , are
synopsizeti as fohio's :
Mnke3 it tine beam ti's
duty to imvostlgate No such nrovision : ,
stnnihlmmg of bammic ,
? tinke it tIme board's
duty to investigate 51mph ) ' r e ci in i r e s
standing of bondstnoantt to ninprore
nwn. baud ,
] leotuii'es sureties to
qualify amid innmnislmcs No such : provision ,
tiemmn for perjury.
1'novidc ( mat coma-
tIp boam'ds nutty rc-
ciulne additionnal so-
cum'lty or revoke Imp-
inolmmtnmeunts : v I : e mm No such : provisions.
banks or stmreties be-
0011W involved or mire
found to be losimig
nmoney heavily.
liestricts deposits in
banks in uutmme county
to 54) ) ncr cenmt of cimpi-
liii nimd sumiuis , No suclm rovisiona.
thereby pm'cvemmtimmg
large deposits in
snmhl bunks.
Permits deposits
omntiultie of time county
when bnnlc5 in county
wIll not bid for time
manley or an-c not
safe , but restrIcts the-
posits ctmtslthe of tie
count ) ' to 10 per cent No suchn provisions.
of capital of tlepom'i-
tory bank , so as to
dlstnibute the ftmnds
amnong mm number of
small banks or vlacc
thmenm inn the lange
banks in large cities.
Permits time lappIng
of the termS of the-
poaltory banks during
tIme months of Jamnum-
any nail February , so
that transfers may
be mmado by gradual
Wi tld rmtwals fromn
time old depository and No suc pravislin.
grnduai deposits in
time new depository ,
thereby rentherlmng it
easier for tIme old the-
nository to pay off ,
and not burden the
new depository with : n
sudden large deposit.
Gives time county
time custody of voucim-
ens and time niglt
to require auxiliary
books to be emt for No such provision.
time purpose of show-
lug tIne trammeactions
between treasurer and
depositor ) ' .
Gives time county
board tIme right to Gives tIme right to
make necessary rules the treasurer.
amid regunhations.
Provides that sinking -
ing fumids shall be Practically does the
kept in separate acsame. .
Provides that other Requires every fund
tmmndim may be commto be kept separate , a
solidated or kept sep- provision clearly inn-
arate , tin directed by practicable , as it
time coummty board , andpwouid require a daily
vermnits time keeping apportionment of all
of an undivided nc-recetpts and woulih
count until receipts require time keeping of
can be properly apmanmy small bank ac-
portioned. counts.
Itequires all public
funds in the trOns- Requires only comma-
urer's hanth to bethety funds to be so deposited -
posited In depository posited.
An attempt is made The title is so con-
to make tIme title densed ( hint it Is pos-
sufflcienmtly conipre-'slble that time supreme
hensive to emnbracelcomnrt might hmoid that
alt tine provisions of some of time provi-
time bill. sbus of the bill were
not clearly indicated
. by time title , and for
It does not go inmto that reason they were
force until next year , not operative.
so as not to disturb
existing relations.
Veterans of time r.atsmmr Icmeimmbercci by
tii Gemmermit Gort'rnnnnemnt.
WASIHNGTON , March : 3.-Spccial.- ( )
Pensions granted , issue Of February 10 ,
1895 , were :
Nebraska : Original-Peter Dick , Sldmey ,
Cheyenne coumity ; .Janes F' . Simarpleatu ,
Anmsley , Custer county ; Morris C. Stull ,
Osceoia4 l'olk coumny. Restoration nmmd cc-
issuc-.Ldwin A. Imlom'gaui ( deceased ) , Lin-
coin , Lancaster commmmty , increase-Jmmmlsomm
Clark , Fain'immry , Jeffe , icon coummty ; David
F. Hart , DoloR , liolt commnty , Original
widows , ct.-Anin : F ] . Ciam'k , Cozad , Daw-
50mm conmnty.
Iowmi : Origmnal-Jamnes II , Wise , Urbanma ,
Bentoum COUumt ) ' ; Amasa S. Folsom , Mar-
shuiltown. Alamsimail cnunt' : Julia lieblemm-
tinal , ICe kulc , Leo cotmmtj , Additional-
\Villiaun D. Itoimlmwoum , ( lrannmhu'icw. LouIsa
county , ] ncn'easo-Joinmn Cool , Avoca , l'otta-
wnttnniie commmty ; F'rmnncis .M. I3rmmmmer , Des
Moines , I'olk ctuummtOnigimmal widows , etc.
-M. Angelinme Crane , Maquolceta , Jackmuomn
county ; Sarmihi lily , Iowa Falls , Handlm :
coun I y.
South Dakota : Oniginmal-Thnomna II.
Bentley , Irving , Spink county. Irmcn'ease-
LevI Fiumimback , Yanlctoum , You Icton cotmmnty ,
Nortim lmm Item : I mncrease-Jamnes It. lingo ,
llisnmamck , himmrhoiglm county ,
Colorado : Omiginmni.-henry Doyle , Doyle-
'lllo. Gummnimuomn courmty , Additioniml-Joseplu
MCGee , Minmirt't , ( Junmmison eammmmty. In-
cm'emuuue-Joimmm Iluihapetin , l'uelilo , I'mnmbie.
county. I1elsue-IIiIott C.'tmger , Lake
City , linsdalc coumty ,
Issue of Fcbrmmnry It , 18mS :
Neimraslca : , Atlditionai-Jnmcs Lemhwicic ,
Broken : how , CLuster couumty , Renewal-
Carl J , SeIzer , Ltncoln , Lrmmmcastor county ;
\Viiltnmm G. Oaks , Htrommmsbmmrg , Pollc cumumumty ,
I mmc'rease-Isruci I I . heed , St. Iids'avtl ,
lloommo Comm nmty. Omiglnmul widQvs , etc.-
Minor of Jiemmjanmin F' . Lanibert , Itock
IllumiT , Cuss county ,
iosva : Addltionnl-Fu'edeniclc Cimarles
Soc'cimtig. Fort Mmulisonm , 1ee commnty , 1mm-
crease-Ilyrom : Itattin , Drnkeviiie , Davis
coumrnty. Original vidomvs etc-Minor of
Jacob Staten , Cm'estomm , . Unon ( coummty.
South 1)imkotmu : iIditionnnl-'i'Imonmmami A.
Douglass , Webster , Day cotmmnty.
Coiorado : Originiml widows , etc.-Minore
of Willianm A. Cimninmtian , Denver , Arapaimoc
county , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( intl Noucs alum l'crimimmuts ,
ORD , Neb. , Illarcim 3.-Special-Janmea ( )
F' . Colby anmi family expect to leave Ord
sinontiy to snake timeir honmie aonmewincrc iii
northern Wisconsin ,
II , Ii. Babcock has returned after a protracted -
tracted bumslmiess trip In tIme ismterest of time
Nebraska Irnhgatiomn and l'ower conpany.
Mrs. B. ? l. Cooley returned to her hlohme
in Lincoln after a stay of two weeks.
Quito a nunnimer of Onul people went over
to Spningdahe to attvmmth time mnmeetlumg of time
literary tociety. 'Fime event of the evening
was time debate on tine election of United
States senators' by popular vote. Time judges
decided timat that was time correct way.
Mr. arid Mrs , Coons have returned fran :
Oregon to Valley county to make their imoune ,
Time Garrison boys arrived imere fronn l's-
one , III , , witim seven cars of cattle , farnnIng
ninaciminery , aceul , feed and other necessities
for runrmmtmg a farm.
Mrs. Percy Moummt has gone to bier old home
in Illinois for a several weeks' visit ,
\V , D. Ogden departed for Cimicago , where
hue will look for iuomethming to do.
Valley county's snorigage record for time
month of February Is as follows : Twenty-
eight farm mortgages filed , $9,469.35 ; released -
leased , $3,785 ; two city mortgages filed , $2,000 ;
released , $600 ; nineteemn chattel mortgages
flied , $4,337 ; released , 818.31 ; number of
sheriff's deeds , two on farina ,
; :
iiiiI ARE \VALIiIC \
Wall Street Brokers BhinlIy Confhlont In
the rutnro of' Stocks ,
Failure of time f.m'mmi to Premiere Rzpece4
lt'Mliti , Teaihi to English Selling of
Annerlcmmu Secumritlc'ui-ltnlimg of
Cnmngrcss Weleoummo ,
4 NEW YORIC , March 3-ilenry dews ,
hmoati of time bankimig house of llenmry Chews &
Co. , writes of the situation : in'ahl street
as fo'lows ' :
Duum'iung ( inn Past vcck imusimmess mit time
Stock exeimtungc linus been : ionnewlnmut aiumniiy ,
TIne nnmarket seenms to Iutve : catugimt
nun iunspirntmnmm from : : time s'ntlleLuto diem-
tlonns' ninth ( lint fact almuteutra to be lirothtnc-
mmg , tor tIne mmnonmomt , m.onnus'hmat of a reac-
tiomnimmy effect inn Lomnuhonn , 0mm tIme first
flush of time luau : niegotluuttomm Lomuiomu
seonmmetl immcliuned to commetrmnu it na favoring
hmlgher Prices for ommn sec'mmrltles , lamntly
becatuse it was emuletmIateti to n'eIaii' , our
erculit nubronil mind hmartly hecntme it was
tlnounghnt llicelu' ' to cutumse mmm&mme or less of a.
boomm omnVa'II street. TIme emmtire nbsemnco
of anmy inonmu mesponso to tine loam : trausac-
t ions humus nmattmrnhly ti isalmpol mmt ed nnmui d is-
cotunngeul Lonthumim uunui tlno mimyster ) ' Inns
uutnggestetl nmisgi'ings 'imL'ro tinei'e existed
nb real occasiomm for tlnemmm. Ummuler thmeso
circtnmnutammces it smusimlciomm seems to immto
murinuemm omn time IMimlonm excinnmmgo that tIme
uuyndieato mnuty ilumd somne ( liuilcult ) in so
coumti'oltlng tIne fou'elgmm exchniunnges , unimuler
time Present cotmmhitiomm of relatively low cx-
Ports annul high : immittonts of nuuenchmutmiuilmme , mis
to nrevemnt slmlpmmmemnts of gold , Ummmler this
idea 1.ommuhonm humus been : mm coumsithemable seller
of m'ailronud stoetca to tlmimi nnuun'ket , amid tine
5ale Imavo inchuudeui tine shiam'em of some
of omur best anul inmost uitmtliti rmmtlroads. On
tlin mmmamket timen'o lois bocun inn such ox-
hnectationn It ) , to exports of gulth , nnot beentunse
tlmo emurront connmmmerctnl mnovenmnommt mmighnt
nmot lL'gitmmnmtmtely umdmnlt of souno ountitow , for
ho ilouubt nnoiterato nuinipnemmts of gohti
voumld lie untmmm'nI munmuher time prcsennt hal-
mmumco of trade , bunt because time emngagemnemnts
of tIne loam : symmdicate nmo tnmmdcrstood to be
1411dm that tIme ) ' woumiul nmot muduniit of gold
shmiinnenntmn iii nut least the lmrescmmt stage of
tineir operations.
All tlnis i utuggestive 01' a. ccmtatmm kind of
unnecrtnuimmty lIkely to utttemmml oumi' interna-
tionmml flmnammcmul rciatiomns for so long as time
exclmmunngesu nruy hnutvo to Inc ainbjcct to thmo
mnnnmllntmlntiomm of ( Inn symniiiente. For timmut
Iterinti time nmatumrnul drift of our foreign
settlements will lie held ummmder artlilelal
control , uunmi as timero cnnm be no kmmowlumg
at nun ) ' givemm ( mmmclnat time syutiicmute may
be ( iolmlg or luitemids to ito , a certutimn anmmoununt
of' suspenmse miecnns mnevitnibie. It is , however -
ever , sonnetimimmg to ina'e tine ussmnraunce ,
froumu nam'tlcs able to nmntke tIme promnnlso
gootl , ( mat nmo export of gold will ho lwr-
mnitteil tlnntt woumiti imvolve ann' dm'niim mupon
time tnensulry rt'ici've. Under tloso circunmnm-
stances We cnn smiford to "walk by faith , "
\vincnm wo citmmuot do so iiv slaint. IMmmdon : .
viewing our sltuuatioun ( rent a dtstmtnce ,
ma ) ' be slow to Iearnm tlmini Iessoum , anti Irna-
suibly we nnnv" tommpon'arIly stuffer somnmewlnat
In our slecmnlnitivo unnunkous in : consequence ,
but tine tmltlnmmate outcommme wili be aim increase -
crease of contttlenco.
The meopenning of an itmtcrmnatlommul discus-
siom : of tIme slivom' tutuestion , suggested by
time recent mutterammcc's Inn tine linitlsim I'arhia-
macmit nuid In time Germmanm Iteiclmstag , is a.
hnolmeftnl syunmptomn. It is an e'ldemiCO of
time gm'O'tlm of sommtiumment ii : favor of time
uloimbie stamuhmurd mumming time imiitmenmtimui con-
nnerclal elemnemmt 1mm Fnmgland and ( liii mmmd-
owners ammul faims Of Germmnu : , TIme gov-
emnnniomnta of botlm-natiomms seonma to be more u. .
disposed to respect pmnblie oiuiniomm aim timis
qumestion tuna ttmey were on tIme occasion
of tine conferemnctm of 1192 , and tine Olilcial
utterances 1mm ( ho parliaments of both cotm.m-
tries sumggest IL strong probability ( hint tine
whole nrohlenn may be norlewed imm tIme
higlnt of inter experIence. To timis country
mmotiilng cotuld be nnoro welcome than the
revival of it ciiummco for tIme setthummemmt of
thus thlstunrblng imroblcm. It is a slgmiilcnmmt
fact that , in time case of this stnggested
conterenmce , tine immittatiomm comneim front time
t'o mnationm8 that vero nnou't opposed to nun
( heflimIte action : at the gntherlnmg of 389. . .
Lntcr oxpcriemmce has evidently not been
lost uiflonm timem , annul ( lie PrCsPCct of their
more cordial co-operation towand a settle-
ament of tints pm'oblern is a mmew ray of
prontse on the horizon. The mntermationat
basis of aettlemonmt is time only ammo that
cam : afford this commnmtry any relict front
time ennbarraasrnemts that surround timiS
vexatioums Issue. Stanthimg alone the Unmited
States coultl unmdertnlce tree coimage enl
witin tine sure result of-hieing drivel : lumto si
ver : momnometaliismn , but , 1mm union w'ituu time
leadIng Emnn'opeamm. mmmutionmnn , time experiment
cotiki be aurnoundeil by no such risks.
\S'tuli stm'eet is looking lnopel'umlly to the
end of tIme present congress. With : legislation -
tion inn stmchn imcornpetent lmammds thnene maim
bug been nno roonm for inolme , no possibility
of resiliency. in any depnrtrnemt of business.
Apart Iron : : nil part- feeling , men of bush-
mmess know timat under a republican congress -
gress they have Imimul a bug contmnmmmed run
of confidence nnul prosperity , nmd after munch
a sorry experience nut timey have haul under
the oppostte marty tIme ) ' welcome time prospect -
pect of time rettmrm : to poyu'er of tlmose at
whose hnanmds they have receIved no aucim
treatment. Time country wilt breathe more
freely when Wmnitimin1tofl ceases to be time
foctus of a political fever that Iceeps the
wimole nntioi : im : suspenro and apprehmermsiofl.
After , Ionmtlay 'next lIme bunatness atmosphere
vlll be relieved of' tlnini nnnwlmolesome immtcc-
tion ; we shall be 1mm a better imnood to znppre-
elate tIne large odvantages conferred by the '
intervention of tine loam : , mynthlcate ; time plrit
of trale w'iIl snccecd , tIme merpiexIrmg spirit
of uloiiate. antI from : : that ( hate we may Cx-
pect to see tIme beglnnminga of n Imealtimier
tone 1mm emterpriso imnul a more active re-
sunnuntlomm of businnu's im : every direction.
'Fine cessatiomm of political tmnrnoli for tIme
next eiglmtcen months will be an Invaluable
contribution toward tine nestoratioun of hunsi-
ness. For it so hnnmpens ttmat polities is
now occupied withn hnmusiness ntnesiuona of an
exceptionally important and , dehiCat na-
lure , and whmicin Co to the root of comfi-
deuce In nearly all interests. When busi.
cnnnhition it 1mm es-
ness is not in a vIgorous
peclahly sensitive to tine uhiscuu'stnnR nnd pro-
nosais that come up in time treatment of
smnchm questIons. and tIme mmncertalmties there.
hmy created afford ready excuses ( or the
postponmemc'nt of hun'lness operntloflH. how
this sort of interruurntion alienates is simown
lny time tact tlnt ( or many mmoniiis past
line business map's first qnimmstmomm of every
morninmr has becmn-"whmnt wail ( lone yesler-
cnv at w'nshningtomm ? " Timnmlk hmeulven hint
nutckeninmt reiteration will hease next Men-
tiny , and inencefortim tine first question w'fl '
lrn-"wlnnt is time prIce of cotton or stocks ?
Thnt will mean mucin mono for the recovery
of business than is now imagined.
fsnatmrr Amnerlcamt Lenin enmnld ISa ICastly
Ihnglnnecreil or lime Ifpitl Sysn'hirate.
LONDON , Macelm 3.-Shmtpmneumts train
Soumtim , Annertcn inst week togetimer witln the
requtnememits of tine American loan syndl.
cato tentlomi to denude tIme otmtstdo bullion
nntmn'ket and to keep tine rates of discount
mmp , hut aobody constdeu'ed time inandnesn
nmn'tiumlng hut temporary. Tine stock markets
vere quieter , eXceInt imm tIme mining mnket ,
wlmere there wnui remncwel buoynmmcy , both
FumghIsim and contiument Investors buylxmg
freely in time otiner nnanlceta , nhthmoughi
time tone was rutrly good , time depncsslonn
ii : time itmnenlcanu market sceuna to have had
a certain amnoumt of inthuftace ,
Altimougim there is believed to lie no hope
limit tIme vronoscul umnonetnury comiferenco vill
imu'o hotter mauccesui thmumm tine former one ,
tIme Innmnlilmmnuemitntry decision Immmui a good in-
iiuuemice oil mmli silver securities. Time new
Cinitmcso iommu wenmt to a prenniuun. 'l'he pass.
lung of time Canadinin Pacific divIdend caused
a callaimac ,
Altlnougtm it is generally iielleved hunt time
uuyundicute could engineer mumnotimer loan with
success nlnumost iiuJItl to ( lint at tIme first ,
tine views uma tc $ thm future of time American
nmnrkm.'t are mmgafn despondent.
1' piso'Immtrh ( Imumitic' , ,
Relief ( or tIme deservIng poor of Omaima
subscribed ii ) ' citizens :
Amounmt ( onnmerly acknowledged. , . . , , , $3,379,20 ,
First National Iianlc . . , , , , , , , . , . , , , . . . . , 250,00
Jiermitum lCoUtmtze . , . . , , , . , , , , , . . , . . , , , , . . 50,00
Imnhnloys ii. & : ti , hueailqunrters . . . . . , 16,15
lnupioyeti tneiiimt auditor's depart.
nmmclut , Union i'aciilo hmeafiqmnariers , , 10.00
Wasa lodge 183 , Independent Order
of Odd Fellows , , , , , , . . , , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . v.0 °
Major Iislford . , . , , . , . , . . . , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . 5.00
First 1iuuutit cimurcim collection , , , , , , , , 5,00
. . . , . . . . . . . . 3,00
Hums under $5 . , , , , , , , , - " " '
Additional unemiersimlls , fifteen ,
Fumnilmer nneiniuersiuips 'und ' domnations of
ummormey , clothnlnmg , sinoemi and provisions ur-
j'enmthy solIcited , A considerable sumn stiil
umeeded for time remainder of tIme winters
JOHN LAUO1IL'AND , Secretary.
507 Jiownid street , telepimone 1610.
- -
U cm- .
14c53-hwJ Union Ave. , g15I5S CitY , 143.
- - -
. - ,