- 'k . , . _ . - - - - - - ' - - ' - ? r " - ' ' ' z-- - tr n" rr-rnv W 't I.- 'rJIJD : UMAnA DAILY JJ.ID.lD : 1\1U.N nAYlAlV1 ( ! .1 , )895 ! . : ; J , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = : - - - - _ _ u _ _ . } - - - - , - THE OMAHA DAIIX nE ' : I " 1 - COUNCIL nrUl'I'S. OFJJICE . . 40. 12 PI1AnL STnEET. Dellnrt b7 carrier 10 nny art fir the cltr. 11. W. TILTON LclIe ! ' ' LrP1OflS-1Jusnei omet. No. n : nlgbl editor No. 1J. . AlllW/C JllP.NT1UlI'S. Orand , Council muff. E. F. C1rk1 prop Mayo Real Istato agency. 63 : ) l3roadway. At the Congregational , ; rorflco lterllay morning two IIddltlons were made 10 the ohurch. Tonight 1M the time for the regular monthly , moellng of the city councH but some ot the memhers nre to act aJ judges of election , while others will be too nervous over the result to aUenll to bU/llneu , an.l . an ad. Journmont will probably be taken IInlll later In the week. n. C. Babcock has ccllrcd a writ of in . Junction against William $ Slorlz and Justice I n. O. Cook to prevent the ( execution of a' ' Judgment which ) he claims was tHueJ ! agaInst : : him In n suit In which he "Pllenrell as plaintiff bllt ( which he liat . ! authorized flO " ana to commence In his name. Tim monthly report of the Woman's Chris tlatl IIssoclatlon h081111al for January shows that nil patients remained In the hospital for the 1I10ntll. Five were admitted and two were dlschnrgl'f Nine of them were county patient . tlents , and two soldiers. The county con- trlbutell $113 and $ fO came from the commts sary. Victoria Palmer ot Creston , who was convicted . vlcted of ahoelegglng In federal court rlx months ago , has 110veloped Into n temperanc ! worker since her eutenco at 120 days was lIuspemlell. News from Creston Is 10 the eUect that she has been filing Informations agaln the numerous offenders In her 10- callt ) . C. M. han , Finley Durke , Lucius Wel1s , T. J. Evans and A. W. AsIwlth have moll with the city clerk protests against the levying at taxes for Intersecting paving against the abut. ting properly O\\lIers. They point to the fact that the law which provides for this method of procedure was not Passed Ulltll after the paving of Oakland avenue hall becn done , and they object to putting II Into effect on them. The funeral of Mrs. W. M. Lyons took place yesterday afternoon at the residence at E. , A. IUsser , 718 tlll street , 11ev. Stephen I'help9 officiating. Some of the floral designs were - exquisite notably the "Gates Ajar , " sent by the ( employes at the Homestale tore , In Lead , S. D" , with which Mr. Lyon Is con- neclClI. A lyre , presented by John lien anti wife ; a design from Dakota ledge No. G , Knights or Pythlas , al Lead ; a broken circle , . tram I. R. Hypes and other traveling men. and a number at other emblems were also very fine. _ _ _ _ _ _ 'We have over $300,000 to loan upon 1m. proved Iowa tarms. Farmers desiring loans can save money by dealing direct with U3 . thereby saving agent's commission. We do not loan on wild land , nor In Nebraska. Louleo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. 1RRSU.VIL I'.lfllLU.IPIIS . T. C. Dawson , who has been connned to his home by illness , Is able to be out. George S. , Damon leaves tomorrow for the . , louth , where ho will remain for some lime. P. w Kodwelss Is recovering from his re- cent attack at Inflammatory rheumatism Judge W. I Smith , who has been holding court in Atlantic , spent Sunday with his tam- fly In thIs city. F. A. Turner and A. E. Turner at Avoca and J. ILV. . P. and Thomas Turner at Tay- lor station were In the city yesterd\ly \ to at- tend the funeral ot Mrs. W. M. Lyons. A meeting of ladies Is announced for next Wednesday afternoon at the First Presby- terian church parlors , at which the advisabilIty - Ity ot beginning a temperance \ campaign Is to bo talked over. Mrs. Francis Murphy has developed Into a singer since leaving here and ha been assisting - slating her husband In his temperance meet- Ings at Davenport the past week by her vocal , talen . ts. ' - Judge Shims has grno to Florida In search of herlth This , wll ! make It necessary for Judge 'Vl'Olson , " ; ho has gone to California . . for the same prpose to ' return and hold the r March term or federal , court In this city UlIllJlIO J''ellllll : . EiatertRInmont. ' Vignettes from me. See them. Living - pictures-amusing , pathetic anti ( beaulltul. Music by Henry Smith's Modern Troubadours. : Congregational church , Monday evening Admission - ! , ' . : mission 25 cen\ii \ ; children , 16 cents ' , The regular annual meeting of the members < ot the Savings , Loan and Building association will bo helll In the superior court room at the court house March 4 , , at 7:30 p. m. All \ members arc requested to be present. D. W. Otis , secrelary. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nl''lly for JhlRllle . Deputy Sheriff hooker returned yesterday morning at 10 o'clock tram his trip to Carson , and he came alone. The man who was arrested by the Carson authorities on suspicion - picion at being Riley , the bank robber , lurneJ out to be the wrong one , his only claim to distinction being the tact that he had two revolvers Even the bullet halo In his shoulder , which was seized upon , by the Carson people as a sure sign ' that he was the party wanted , turned out 10 be a figment of i POme one's imagination A crowd of Carson citizens gathered around Hooker all the time be was there , and he says all \ that would have been necessary to secure a first class lynch- Ing woulel have been a word tfom him to the effect that the man In custody shot O'Drlen. ' _ _ _ _ Beat material and good COOIt1hg win In - running an eating house. Pearl chop house. Only Two I.ert. Only , two weeks left at that halt prlco sale All mouldings , pictures. etc , just halt Ilrlce. U. I. . SMITH & CO" , 45 Main street. ' 1 " vo 1-1111,11 IIl1rlla.rlu. $ Burglars entered the Jarvis Wino company's place on Broadway near Main street Saturday night by a back window The Iron shutter hall been left open and there was no trouble In slipping the window down from the top A tow dollars worth at cigars and liquors , ' 2 In cash , and n shot gun were stolen The Initial I'olnt meat market , 644 Broadway - way was also entered by the back door The thief was evidently aware that the proprietor was In the habit of leaving $8 or $10 In cash In the money drawer but Saturday the day's ales amounted to about $ fO , and , contrary to his usual custom , ho tool the money home with him A watch and a tow pennies were all that was , left for ( lie thief and they were appropriated _ _ _ _ _ t Yes , the . . ! EllgIQ laundry la that - good laundry " and Is located at 724 Droadway. Ifin , doubt about this , try It and be convinced Don't target name and number. Tel 157. What la i III R NllllIe f . EverythIng , It applied to a Hardman Piano , - soul by Mueller l'lano and Organ company. 103 Main alrect. , ' 1IIIIIlIe Will Noisy , 1.1'0\110 \ Graham , whom Fred Leutzlnger' ' claims went after him him with a gun saturday evening , had a tantrum yeaterd4Y morning while connned In the ( upper story at the city jail and broke out all the windows In the room. She created such a disturbance that she had to he- taken to the county jail In the patrol wagon. She com. plalned ot being sick and had to be up- ported on Ofilcer Murphy's manly bosom all the way down. She has behaved very well since her change at location. For sale , for gardeners ; a nice lot at let. tuce and cabbage plants for hot bed uae. J , n. McPherson Council mUffs , : Ou heating stoves for rent and for sale 1t Council Bluffs Gas company' olllce. YOUIII ; : 4)utIawi , Several complaints have been made re , Intly about the actions at a crowd at boy that are In the habit at congregatIng In nay. lies park and Insulting passersby partlcu. larly little girls. They arc too small tor the Cnltentiary. but about tire right size for the reform school or an external application ot bIrch The police have been notified and a strict watch will \ be kept for offenders of , thlft clau. _ _ _ _ _ S ' DavIs leUI drugs ! , paint and 1111.81 cheap . i - NEWS FROM COUNCil BLUFFS - Balurtln.y Night Political Rally nt Out Off RC3111ts In a. Fight. PARTISAN BEER WAS SADLY M XO : Democratic I'auret 1'111111'1'1' Clltll the JIt'RII or R l'oJlulls\1o \ Celehrnlol' , with , R JJntcht'r Knife IIlIel 1.1\1111. . In the County JniI The democrats anti popuhlsts held a political tally last Saturday night In a building on Locust slreet. As a result J. 0 Iletlman , who WaR 10 have been a judge / In today's election , occupIes a cell at the cIty jail , with the charge of assault with Intent to kill booked against hIm , whIle Bob Johnson has a large hole In the left side at lila neck , said 10 bare been made by a knife In 1l0.1man's hands Hedinan was /lctlng In the capacity ot beer pumper , and through his efforts Q large part at the contents at two kegs had been transferred down the necks of the vat. ers , when a IInarrel arose on account of his alleged discrImination against the popullsls A melee ensiled , In the course or which John- son , who was at tie opposition , was hurt , but whether tire wound was inflicted by Hetlman's butcher knife or n piece ot one ot the win- lOWS that were broken luring ( the fracas Is somewhat uncertain. Word ! was sent to poll co headquarters antI Officer Weir went to the Island , arresting Iledman. Johnson Is salll to be quite a hand to scrap on slight p o\'oeatlon. His wound Is not serious. The suspect refused to give his name or any account of hlm8el , lying that he had a wire and ! famll\ within 100 miles ot Carson ami he dllfnolo. propose totellwho he was until he had to. O'Drlen was more like hlmselt last evening than ho has been before Ills temperature hall gone down to 100 , pllise was normal , and he was rational. 110 Is very weak , however , and has no appellte. All that the physician feart now Is that : the wound will result In a chronic suppurallon that may undermine his constitution In a few months. He has no anxiety for any direct results tram the Injur . _ _ _ _ _ _ NEW ooons AT 'l'IU III1S\'ON STORI l'lIrloRd of StinT ! to 00 011 Silo Monday IIlornll1 : . IIn.1 New I'rlce Two unbroken carloads at goods , In addition - tlon to the regular case consignments that have been received at the Boston store during the past week , will go on 0010 Monday morn- Ing. And with the new goods come new : prices that will astonish the ladles and all other buyers ot dry gool18. More than 2,600 pieces at new wash goods will be shown Watch The Dee tomorrow for fuller description - tlon and prices. Every novelty and every- thing nice that the season has produced will be shown. : Monday's Dee w11l contain descriptions and prices ot the newest and finest fabrics In wool dress goods and silks , and you will be more than repaid for care- fully reading ! every word at the big ad- \'ertlsement that will appear. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Dlults. Election Today. Today Is election " day. The polls are to be open tram 9 i o'clock at the followIng places for the various voting precincts : First 'Vnrl1-Flrst precinct , 424 East Broadway : Second precinct , 605 [ j ( ) East Droad- wny. Second 'Vllrl1-FJrst precinct , 330 'Vest , Droadwny ; SecOl1d precinct 734Vest I3roathvay. Third Wnrd-Flrst precinct 25 South : Main street ; Second precinct , SOl South Main street. Fourth , 'Ward-First precinct , j)2 [ ( ) Pearl street ; Second precinct , Twelfth avenue. Firth 'Vnrll-Flrst precinct 1633 West Broadway ; Second precinct , Planters hotel. Sixth Wnrd-Flrst precinct .rwenty-Ilrst and Broadway : Second Ilrecinct. Johnson's - hall on cut-Off Island. The campaign has been devoid at excite- ment. There are to be elected ward aldermen - men In the Third , Fourth and Sixth wards , an alderman at large , and n park commis- sioner. or all the candidates whose names' are before the people , only two are pretty generally acknowledged to have n sure. thing In sight. Dr. Darstow , the republican - lican candidate for alderman In the Fourth ward , and A. C. Graham , the democratic candidate for park commissioner , are those two. Mr. Graham has held tire position for ten years , and It was through him that the present magnificent system at parks was gallon In possession by the elt ) ' . There Is no money In the olhlce and he has been well satisfIed with the glory lie could get I , out at It. A. C. Harding , the republican nominee , had no particular desire for the office , but allowed his name to be used as candidate rather than have tire space on tire ticket left blank. The populists also have a ticket In the field. Last week they Issued a circular en- tilled , "The Search Light , " In which they tried to stir up the 6-cent fare and olher dead or dying Issues. They also took some at tire newspapers to task for either refusing - ' fusing to print their list ot candidates a week ago last Sunday , or demanding adver- tising rates for It. The Dee tell In tire latter class Inasmuch as the list ot candi- dates had already been printed the day after lie nominations were made At the request ot n6 at the local leaders , the bill for advertising - vertising was sent to him last Monday , but It Is still \ unpaid One unique feature about today's' election - ion ( will be the voting ot the women. For the first time In the history at the city tire right to vole on questions at appropriation at money bas been gIven to the women. Saturday about forty temale voters registered . tered They will not be allowed to vote for candidates , but only on tire question at levying a one.ml1l tax during tire coming year for park purposes. A separate boM will bo kept In which to deposit these tickets _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NOW IT'S SHIRTS " ' . JJl'nnlln nrol. ' Senritiorr for III0nda ) " . Monday Is election day , and on that day . . all classes at men can , It they choooo , "elect" to wear the nobblest and most stylish new shirt at tire season fInely laundered , with collar and cults attached for LOc. Dennison Dros will put on dle on Monday morning , and continue unlll 9 o'clock In tire evening a big line of these new percale ehlrls , In nil shadoo. They are regular 760 and $1.00 shirts and have never been sold for less than iSo anywhere on earth , but you can have 011. you want of them Monday for 60c. Buy a I new shirt before you vote and It w11l help you to vote rIght I Something for the ladies Yes ; all the I LL unbleached musl1ns they want for 3M.o Ii yard and they can have all day to buy It in DENNISON DROS. , Council lJIuffs. flop .lrllll : tire ltIprnp4. Since last Tuesday about twenty.fivo men have been at work under SuperlntendJnt Meredith at the Missouri river improvements , repairing tire rlpraps about a mile north of the terminal bridge on the Council Bluffs side. Last September a break was made In the rlprapplng that was put In last season , and It has now widened until about 100 feet of It are 'one. About $10,000 will be expended In putting this portion ot the work In Iohalle. As soon liS tire weather becomes warm enough the work at pultlllg In new dikes just above the break will bo can : . menl'ed. Beginning near tire toot at Twent ) ' . first street and extending north for a distance of 4,000 feet , a series at dikes will be bUilt. I-ach one will be COlli palled of plies drivEn Into the bed at the river ten feet apart anti extending about 1,000 feet Into the river. There will be 2,200 feet ot two.row dikrj , antI 4,600 feet at three-row They are Intended to form a barrier , to atop the _ _ _ . _ _ _ . - - - - - - NEW GOODS AT NEW PRICES f" ' ' ! 1fAI . \ i ( " . - t'l Bostol1 S ore , Council Bluffs. " ' - - - - - Two carloads > > of New Goods received the past veeke. . Every day brings New Novelties to our well-assorted Stock. 'W"e are showing over 2,500 pieces of New Wash Goods , inclttdiiig all tIle tiew weaves and effects produced this season. . , / ' : : ' . Big Hne' of jet trimmings and collars on sale this week. Prices guaranteed ( : .cck.9.Ls' ; WOO L.I.iEss' ; . . . . anteed to be the lowest. . _ _ _ The choice styles are always the first to go. Buy early while you can get the assortment . . we offer 36-inch them all at wool 25C suiting a yard , in checks and mixtures , last season's price 39C , T.T/'J45'FJ ' ODS ' . A line of very handscme styles ( all new ) in silk and wool mixtures , last season's price , we offer them at , , yard. . . 50C 39ca " ' ' . 5 0 P ieces of Anderson's fine zephyr 1 ginghams 1 on sale this t week. 40 and 42-inch silk and wool mixtures , an elegant line of styles and color. ings , would be considered cheap at 75c , our ! . prIce . 50C a yard. , At 2SC a yard we show an immense assortment of light weight fabrics , A of tailor sUltmgs , in checks and fancy mix- . ' big assortment EnglIsh mlx- such as white and dotted colored Swiss Ditnities , Scotch novelties I 'd . ' 11 es co c 1 nove tiCS , corded tures , full 52 Inches wide , on sale at 98c a yard. Same goods sold last season . at $1. 50 a yard. ' zephyrs , figured and striped mulls and Swisses . 6o-inch water proof cravenette , > > in back ! and navy $ I. 39 a yard , regu. . in all shades and tints . English creponcttes at 3QC a yard lar 1 value , . ,2.00. 6o.inch clay worsted , in black and navy , at $1.39 , regular value $2.25 A perfect imitation of the fine wools worth $2.50 a yard. a yard.We Ieavy I corded pique , in all color and styles , worth , ' . IgC our price We show a . new agsortinent of Korchlin's . fine aU wool challies at 39C. a yard. ' . 12 I-2C a yard. S I LI ( S. - 100 pieces Jaconet Duchesse , light weight , and a beautiful line of . styles , our price 12 1-2C a yard. . New Styles. , New rlces. ew . . Big assorlment of Amherst and silk Taffeta ginghams at I5c a yard , " ' C 4 Big lot of checked Taffeta silks , all colors ( 50c , a yard , regular value worth 22C. ' , , . . 75c a yard ' - . 2 cases Marseilles bed spreads , worth 1 $2.00 , on sale I at $1.25 eac 1 1. Taffetas , in effects , at , and . Striped changeable goodde ; 6sc 75cand $1.00. Printed Japs and China silks at 25C , 39C and ( soc . / I a yard. Extra values offered in table linen and napkins I "I p POWLE $ DICK & W ALKE . ' : I _ - snags , sand and other debris that , float down the rIver and land against the south bank , and will In' time form an artificial protec- tion to the land south of the river. This piece ot' work wl11 cost about $76,000. To W"ku VII Trade Wo will offer this week any thing packed In tin at about one-half Its actual value. Below Is 0. few at the many bargains we have to alter you this "eek : Best California peaches , per can , 130 ; good California peaches , per can , 110 ; pie peaches , per can , 9c ; California - fornia apricots , per can , lie ; California egg plums , lie ; California green gage plums , per can , lie ; California muscat grapes , per can , 10c ; California Bartlett pears , per carr , lie ; California whlto cherries , lie ; gallon can of apples , only 19c ; blackberries , per can 6Ci ; blueberries , per can , 7c ; raspberries per can , 8c ; strawberries , per can , 6M.c ; gooseberries , per can , 8Ci ; stringless beans , per can , 5c ; lima beans , Gc ; wax beans , per can , 7e ; good corn , per can , only 6c ; Glen- wood corn , per can , 811.ci ; solid packed toma- toes , per can , Gc : oil sardines , 3oi ; mustard I sardines , per can , Gc ; marrowfat peas , per can , 6c ; French peas , per can , 12c ; mush- rooms , per can , 17c ; 3lb. can California raspberrIes , per can , lie ; 3-lb. can California - fornia blackberries , per can , lie i large can of pumpkin , only Gc ; 3lb. can Boston baked beans , lie ; 4lb. can Price's baking powder , $1.43 ; I-lb. can Prlco's baiting powder , 3Go ; 8oz. can Price's baking powder , 21c ; 6-lb. , can Calumet baking powder , only Sic ; I-lb. ' can Calumet baking powder , IGc ; I-lb. ca' Don Don baking powder , 7c. DROWN'S C. O. D. , Council Bluffs , III. Uosolutin . of 8)'mpathy. The following resolutions were adopted by council No.1 : Commercial PilgrIms at Am- erlca : Whereas , The sunshine and happiness ot the home at Mrs. J. E. Harkness has been darkened by tire sad death ot her beloved husband and Whereas , 'Vo , as council No.1 , Commercial - cial Pilgrims at America , deeply sympatllizo with the bereaved wife and children In their great loss i therefore , be It Resolved , That In the death ot our be- loved brother the wife has lost a devoted husband , the children a kind and loving father , our order an earnest worlor and a champion ot Its cause , and the city and community - munity an honorable citizen i therefore , bo It further Resolved , That our charter be drllped In mourning for sixty days. , _ Deep down 'neath the bosom ot ocean Unsounded by Illummet or line , At peace from tire storm anti commotion That rage o'er its blllowil of brine. 'rhero are seorets that lime shall not fathom There are jewelll unknown to earth's mart ; As deep , 11.1I true , arid as precious Is the memory of that fond faithful ireart Resolved , That these resolutions be spread upon the record at this council , and a copy presented to the bereaved family. O. C. WISE , S. O. MUMMA F. HOLLIS. CommIttee - - Sl'.JJt1C.1 Of' Hl'UltT. Jllet'loskev' Sic , , Win the Flrd. HOUSTON , Tex. . March 3.-An exhtbi- tlon game ot baseball wan played here to. day between the IAulsvllle National league team and a learn composed mostly ot pitchers - ers whom Manager McCloskey engal'ed to use In practicing his regular club 'rhe score was ; League 15 ; Practice team , 4. Tycnty-Flvl' Silts IIrcnrd IstabiIsire.I SAN FRANCISCO , March 3-Tho Cahi- tornla twenty.ll\'e mile road record was . lowered six minutes and eight and a halt seconds today on the San I.eandro triangle by Walter I" . Foster ot tire Olympia club , wireelmnen who rode tire distance from the scratch mark In 1:12:51 : " .5. " ) , , 'lIne : l'ruJr.1IIblnllon..lI. . CANNES France , March 3.-Todny the sun was shining brightly but an east wind was blowing so IIIhtly that the sailing iro- grain : was entirely abandoned. S I . IH. I.oula Jlou'u Not Arrr"ted , ST , I..oUlS , March 3.-The failure of the Jaccanl Jewelry company ot Kansas City will not affect the St. Louis Jewelry houses at the Bame name. - . ' 'n' . ' . .I W" nU.lrE , LIT.rUE N""DllASIC.t , S.ff1 " GRAND ISLAND , Neb . , March 3.-Spe- ( clal-Saturday morning Is set apart nt the home for "drnwlng" day , when the Inmates who arc In need ot anything In the line oC clothing me Into the quarter- : master'lI office and call for what they want. They are limited to'a. . certain amount , $ tO per year Some came yesterday ' for underclothing , some tor- irate , slippers , suspenders - panders , etc. , and one veteran even had so small a. want as a. handkerchief , choosing a bandana ot the Allan Thurman style. Commandant Scovill and Adjutant Walker were In LIncoln Friday attending a meeting ot the board at' purchase and . supplies , and incidentally taking In a ses- sian at the legislature. "I don't think that the legislature will take any action In the matter of establishIng - , Ing n branch home at Milford. " saId one I who Is prominently connected with the n < of the home , yesterdny. "Tho legislature , " he continued , "Is very often like n cut which has " caught a mouse and toys with It to her satisfaction before killing II. I have frequently noticed tt In other things. " _ _ _ The board of purchase and supplies has decided to have tire home Illuminated with electricity and "bottled IIgbts" will soon be something new at the home Tile auditing committee ot the advisory - vlsory board met Monday and nn- fluted almost aU of the accounts there will bo In the last quarter. There will remain to lapse In the maln- torrance fund $2,000 , mil In the light and fuel fund $1,500 , which , considering the crowded condition ot the home In tire last halt year , speaks well for the administra- tion tion.Winilo the service of the Grand Island Street Railway company has been reduced to some extent the cars on the Soldiers' Homo.and Baptist college line run on the 0111 schedule , Hev. Howell of Rusbvlllo Is an Inmate and Is homesick for his family . Ministers \ at the city have raIsed lIulllclCnt funds to send him home , but upon hearing that his daughter and grand daughter that point arc so low as not to bo expected to live , and Rev Howell being unable to take care of himself , Commandant Scovill has re- tnsell to lot him 10 until some one will take tbo responsibility that howell will be taken care ot all right. Thus week forty or fifty new suits ot clothing have been Issued to ns many inmates - mates Commandant Scovill's term expires with the end oC Ihls month It Is expected thnt lien Judge Wilson will take charge. Mart Howe of Lincoln has roslglled his position ns health olllcer there ana expects to Sill the adjutnnt's shoes. The hOlllo has all Its books today 177 male , and nineteen female Inmates.o The total number , 196 , Is almost len less than two weeks ago SomG mayo taken fur- lougirs The n & 1\1. railroad might easily have n lIttle station at the homo , and It would nt times be most convenient. It Is only about a. minute's walk from tire track to the malll bullllln . C. F. Bekel has left tb homo amid his Illace as night Ilreman haeemr taken by J. T. Snyder , formerly orderly J. E. Kirk- patrick Is now orderly 1 Religion has been the5 preVnlllng . talk at the home this week tiP me "Holiness" man has been prellChlng tire veterans for about 11 weel 1"1 Slate Treasurer hartley tau , a visitor this week. , 1 A patent steel oven , doilJiJlpg the bakery capacity , has been ordered by the board ot purchase and suppIlL"t ! ( , I The plumbing syetomof tire main and other buildings bas ben generally overhauled . hauled this week. J' . I , 'II Jllllllnnalro Married " 18 WOl Toriciror SEATTLE , Wash" , 1 4arrir \ ! i ! 3.-Hugl T , Galen , a millionaire mh\Io ! \'J1er and pull- IIclan ot Helena , and l\Jlllll.itf.aura. Dlaglle , a school teacher , were s.eClJtly married on I January G. Galen Is 1 tather.llI.law at Thomas Carter , who cPlltlucted ex-Presi- I dent Harrlson'a cumllah"O . .tnd Is one of tire senators recently eleelti by the Montana - tana jegielattrre . He III GOtyears I old , and his bride Is M. ( ) The secret marrIage was managed by C.V. . Turner , a prominent attorney Ullll old friend , who managed to wlthhohl the ISlluallco at 11 marriage ocr- tlllcalo trolll the reporter's. Tire marriage announcement appears on the books at the recorder for the first time under date ot January 5. It III said that political amid family reasons are responsible for the secrecy - crecy _ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ ( 'nnanlhl..tloOl or I.Ibr"r.r IIrll'.t. NEW yoruc March 3-Tho tru.lees of the l.enox and Astor libraries and the TII. den Trust fund have informally agreed to a comblnatloll at the three institutions under one management to be known as tire public lIbrary ot the cIty ot New York Formal action will \ be taken In a short time by this consolidation , and a tree and public library will \ be formed , conrlst1uii ot "WW ; ! bound volumes , vnluable pamphlets manuscripts - scripts and paintings with an endowment ot' ' $8,000,000. . _ . _ 'olllan' " ( lub. The parliamentary practice department of the Woman's club met at Its usual time , at , which the minutes ot the previous meeting were read and "enjoyed" by 0. very large class. After a slight review , the leader , 1\rs. Henderson , asked that the meeting be resolved Into n commIttee of the whole , and , as she said , give hel' a chance to make n little speech. She thought the depart- merit should have some more dellnlte aim than the mere studying of the technicalities of parliamentary prnctlce. , It would be a good Idea to form a society for the prevention ot cruelty to chl1 < 1ren. She made an eloquent appeal for the home- less and neglected little ones , anti helping In , any way to raIse the poor and often dls- i . cournged mother This called forth considerable comment , some thinking this department was going out of Its line In taking up reformatory work ; that there could not be IIn organization - tion within nn organization. , Mrs. Henderson stated that her idea was not to make a permanent society but rather one that was subject to changes , thus givIng an opportunity to use the rules for parliamentary practice. In the review very few ot the ladles could answer the questions , showing that the dry , cold technical Items were hard to memo- rize I , u..J : ! ve _ had , . adeflinite : _ , ! aim , and . used uur rUles wo WOUIU linn tl1em casler to remember - member , and while benefiting ourselves could at the same time 110 good to others , " said 1\Irs. Henderson. One member spoke strongly against allowing - lowing long and elaborate papers being pre- pared . saying that It would have n , ten- dency 10 kill \ tire usefulness ot the "oclety. She said that It should be made n society for real , live work , strictly reformatory and not educational The mailer will be taken up at the I1fxt meeting ot the class. The members will \ then be prepared to enter more fully Into the discussion . ' 1 heft 'ommUted "t Church J. M. Leonard was arrested last night as he was coming out ot the Young Men'lI Christian association bullllng : with nn over- cant on his arm Ollleer Flynn , seeing him with nn extra overcoat , suspected that he had stolen It. The coat contained IL mUlller , a pair at gloves and a cap , and the mumer proved the means ot learning 10 whom the coat belonged Tile numo of Howard Kennedy jr , was stamped on It , and an olllcer was sent to his residence to make Inquiry concerning ! It , und found i that the coat mud been stolen n short limo I before from tire Kounlzo Memorial church at the corner of Sixteenth and Harney. . Tnrnvoroln Ierottas The Omaha Turnvereln gave 1\ treat enter- talnment last night nt Germnnla ball. "Good Morning , 1\Ir. Fischer" and "Fred and 1.lzzle , " two pretty little operettas of one act each , were IJla'ed by home talent , to tire delIght of a good house During tire IntermIssion succeeding tire first part 1\11' Julius 1'eyo1eo gave a comic , recitation , which was wel received , as were also "Souvenir Petersburg , " cornet solo by lIermann Basso and "Espa nole , " xylo- phone solo by William lIamhnclt. Miss Gustel lIertbus , wire took time leading part , displayed considerable ability. p Jln'entt nil Slut 8t. Louis . Stock 'i'lIrI. ST LOUIS , March 3-The carpenters' district Jouncll bas declared a boycott on tire Union Stock Yards company and Its action line been 1'IIIIorseil hy tire Trades and Labor union of SI , I.ouls. It IH claimed by the carpenters' council that the corn- pany Is working the men ten hours Per day for about one.halt the union scale. . -p- - Clmrles Ih'Ahr'lIIo : Turns Iii ) . Charles Hasbrouck , who warned his friends Saturday night that he contemplated - plated some rash act , anti who also asked : Mr. Orin Petrie to take charge of his wife and chllllren after Jie , had made his exit , turned lip ycsltmll1Y afternoon all right and Is now domiciled at the residence of AII' Pelrlo. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ hoary liludeh..ller' . I.onl Jllnen 1 lIdllll , , SOUTH IHIND Ind" , 1larch 3.-lIenry Studebaker died at 2:30 : yesterday afternoon . noon at slomach and other troubles , after an IIInells of two years lie was bOrn slxt.elght years ago In Pennsylvania , cording west In IK52. lie and Clem Siulle. baker established tire Studebaker Manufacturing - facturlng company ' here In tire liO's. S III1Alllk. . fir i'Irvsicbni CRillI' me 1'lInl" . ST. JOSEPH , March 3.-Abraham Hull of Muryvllle : , died In hot Springs , Ark , two weeks ago , from what his physicians hind diagnosed us blood poisoning It turns out to have been small imx ( . Twelve somali pOX patients are now conllned In the pest house - anti Hopkins hns.qunrantlned against Mary- . vllle , A panic exists among those wbo attended - tended Hull'lI funeral. . Not ixttotiy a Cinch , This Ie the way a man named Gaines at St. Peter Mlnn" , got the better of an Insur- ' ance company : Many years ago IIIr. Gaines Insured hIs life for $3,600. After many years ' of payment of $90 a year premium at the age at 70 he asked tire officers at the company how much they would pay him to cancel his policy. They offered him $2,000. He refused to take It , but made them this proposition : "It you will give me $41G a year until death , which Is $8 0. weelr , I will cancel the policy. " "Agreed , " said tire company , which thought Il had a cinch In Its favor , as he would not live many years. Since that time he has lived elghte-cn years , and the compny : has , paid him his 'earIY ' stipulation at $ -11G , which up to this time has amounted to $7,488-tho laving of the $90 premium In the eighteen years and the Interest make It the snug sum of over $18,000 that the old mal\ gained by his bargain. IIIr. Gaines Is well pre.erved at 88 and bids fair to receive many more pay- ments at tine hands at the commrpany which struck a tough piece ot human timber upon which to base Its calculatiomis - Lost Ills I.e/ While lIuIiUn/ TAIlOR , In" , March 3-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Whlle ) bunting along Nlshnabotnn river Saturday afternoon , Fred Murphy ot Hnnllolph , 1-1 years old , was accidently shot In the right leg. Dr. Hnnnahiln of Itan- 1I0lph amid James Cole ot 1'hnrman were called and amputated the leg just below the knee Tine boy Is doing well. . Jl'nrd CIrlllnlll UlhlJons. BALTIMORE , Mnrch 3-Canllnal Glb- irons preachell the sermon today In tire cathedral more There was /l large attendance . ance , ns Is always the CIISO when It Is Imown that his eminence will \ ho In tire pulpit. 1'he "Heading at the Holy Script- ures" was the lIubject. lIubject.A Il11pnrlln/ C'ollsillorllhto ( Join . NEW YORK , March 3-Tho Cunard line stenmshlp Aurenln , which arrived today from Liverpool , brought 13J8OO In specie l.'lIe French transport Atlllntlc IIno sloam. shIp I.a Bretagno , from Havre , brought 100,743 franca In specie . - UU.J1IA JBftLJ'JrIR1. August ZleEoQI , wire died lIt St. Joseph hospital 011 Friday last , wan : ! burled Sunday , March 3 , at Racln6 , Wis , his old iromnie "An Hour with lIawlhorne" Is the subject at Miss Kate McHugh's lecture , to bo glvell at Unity church this evening , This ends a highly successful course of lectures Proto T. H. McBride ! does not lecture bl ! . fore the 'Vomen's club , as has been /ttatee ! , but he does lecture Ilefore tire University lIx- tension center , In the Women's club rOOIllS , Monday and Tuesday evenings , March 11 and 12 , Tire lectures arc pUblic and will begin at 8 o'clock. S When Baby was sick WII gave her Caatorls When she woo 0. Child , she cried for Castora ! , When she became Miss , sine clung to Cnstorlo. When sire had Children , she gavotbcm Cutcrfl ; GEO p SANFORD A. W. RIEKMAN , Fresldent. Cashier. . First Natio nal BanK COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa Capital , . . $100,000 Profits . . . 12,000 - On of tine oldest lIank In tine state ci Iuwa W. solicit your bualnlu and c llectl n. . We pay S per cent on liars deposits. W. will bt pleased to ac' and lerve 70\1 . OIIWIPANOLEMIDI , The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. READmt OF DISEASES OF lIIEN ANSI \VOlln N. l'ltOI'IUETOIt OF THE WonLD'ii IIEItRAL DISl'J N- SAlty OF nICINE. ' 'i'i - ' . , . - - 'ssndto. ' a'- ' " . . ' , ,14 " 1'3' . 1 'T.I ! " ; : . Y ( ' , ' . . ' ' 'Jt ' ' tki . , ΒΌ . : ' / . -'r . . . . I treat the ( ol/owing / O'soase : Cntarrh of Iho hlcrtnl Throat RIIII I.unA'B' Dls- eases or the Bye l1Iull Ear , Fits antI , APop\ex \ , heart Isensu , Liver COllllllalnt. Kidney Come- Illl1lnt , Nervous Debility , Mental Dc. IlrCMHIOIi. I.OHM of 1Unllhooll HCIII- haul Vcaksseu5 Hlnbcles lJr/llllt's / DI3. 'lise , St. Vl1us' ) ) alloe. lIhoumatlslI1 , l'rnraiyrds P1 Whlto , SwolllnA' 8cl'Oful.1.'c'er . Sores 'J.'llIlIo orK nlnl IKtnln III nllo rClIsovcd . " .ltllout tile katie , or drlnvlu" u drol' ofhlood.VOIIUSII with her dcllcnto orgnllH rCHtorcd to lu nllh. JlroIIH cured , vllllont tnlllllIl Special AUcllllon Klvcn to Pri'oicjissd VCllcrcnl DIHCOHCtt of nil 11:1111114. : 850.10 .soo"rorfelt for airy , 'cllcrcnl JlllfcoHc I Cllllllot euro , ltllont lUcrcllry. 1'lIpo Worms removrcl . iii two or three hours , urine lay. ) HOIDon-bollla or Plies \ cured , ' TJlOSI wno Anl AI'F'J.JCTI'.D Will save life and hundreds at dollnrs by call. log on or using DR. C. W. PANClE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. Tire iprili' l'iiyslcinir whu clln toil \ wlmtuUs a l'enUIl wl1hulIllloklll II (1IIeoUlln. f. . . . . . Those III II tll.lllllco KO'III fur fJIICIUoD IUnnlr , 'No.1 fur leer , . No ii : for Wlllllen , All correspondence strictly confidential ) Icdlcillo sellt by oxpress. Address all letters & 0 G. W. I-ANGI.n , 1'1. D. , 555 BROADWAY. Coucii BI.U"8. Enclose 100 In stalllJlS for rCllly. , SI'IS & BAINBRIDGE Attorneya.llt.LIl' i.lLiij % % UflriiifliniJuiJ , > > Praotlco In tire State ) IInd I'ollorul CourtH. tOOItl ! ! ! aoJ.7-Ij.tI , Hirugrir ; Block IJutln1l1l llrutr . .lIIW , ' , Special Notices-Council Bluff's - - CnUINEYB CI.EANEDI ; VAULTS CLEANED. Ed Durke , at \V. II. U mer'l. m Broadway t.A1tal J'nrVNI'I DAnN YOU RENT HSAR court hrcuse Apply at flee otIlce , Coullcll Dlurt. _ _ _ loIi ItIINT , 60-ACnt l'A1tM , ONE.UAI.l' MlI.a south or city iinhlts tiirce.quurters or a mlle west at Manu WIL road Suitable for dairy , Ap- 1'1) to Leonard \'crctl. . Foil ltIlNT , IGO ACm H 0' Sm'LmMm)1fl OtABB land near asylum. l'robabio yield two lonl 10 tire acme Hent $3,0 I'cr uen' ) barge discount for cniir Apply 10 Leunarll I'Jveret. 1'01 ltilN'l' , A OOI ) G.ltOOM I0JHI . WI'J'U god I.nr on Third street and Fourteenth n'o cnue , near tire C. , 15. & Q. depot Apply II I.ecnaid tJ\'eretl. i8ui.r : ; FtltM AND OAlml LAND FOR saint eaul' l'A1M ; UII l. easy ternirs nay & hess , H _ ,1 ' , . . - I'cal . Mttttt . . . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; t I'II 1.1Jt OUTFIT VOlt SALE ; I I.AN- dau , I l.ruugiianr. I coach , 1 surrey , I 1,1,101 3 buggies , G sleighs , t sets inarness. Jay hess , Council Blurts. o - le. Cunci lurl. WANTI ) TO huNT , A MOIEIN 10Im OIP lIve or llac roma , lulh of Jroadway , by April 1. Address I. Z. mice oiitcc' . - - - FOit ntJN'r , A J4ODflltU TIIN-ltOOM iiItICmC 1'OI JtN N-I00M mucI mouse : also IL alx.mOn cottinge . Ur. J. 1. Wodbury , corner _ Jut and . Story _ _ streets. WANTlm A'I ONCICAMANFOR lAlU und garden woe Ie , J. 11. lcl'hell WI l1' 'P Pierce street CouncIl Ulu"