Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    . - - . . , - ' ' , " " ' . " . . , 7 , o ' ' ' 'V " " 1it' ' ' _ _ . . . . . . . - > _ _ ' 1'.4. . . , . . . " " . . - - , ' - -
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: pt t h t I r" . " I/ ( ) If . ' -
; 2' Pun OMAhA DAILY IUIE : MON1)AYMARCJI _ 4 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - _ _ _ _ f'IID - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -I
_ . forement Wil lent by our naval omct.n , Inx-
, IoU 1 they were to expand ( their ( ommlnd9
nl ( * their Importlnce.
AOnmO ON : TI SUNURY ClVI ! . fl1LI. .
AL this point Mr. Cockrel of Mluourl pre-
sente the conference rport on the sundry
civil appropriaton bill. Mr l rye expried
regret at the acton of the conference relative
to the retirement of revenue marine omcrs ,
helng a 111sUnct discrimination against and
an injustice to thee officera.
' : f. Cockrel remarked ; "U was that or
nothln . "
Mr Stewart of Nevada utEe I warning
against the IlroJectt monetary confereuC
holding that It was a device or the em'my to
d defer tated tM day when silver ahoull be rehabl-
t Mr Wolcotl or Colorado defended the
! q monetary conrerenco amendment , a9 I was
, reported , hollng that the house amendment
relative to the appointment or the house
the next con-
.embers or the conference by
gross should bo concurre(1 in lie and his
colleagues had been atacke In the news-
, \ PaPers of their own state IS untrue to silver :
, for stabbing silver In the back. 'hate\'er
U t might be the reason for these criticiens . he
' should be glad ( that In these clcslng Ilys
or the cngress lie had the opportunity to
attempt to reach out and seek to induce and
hell ) flfl4 meet nations or the world In a
fnl hell effort to do away wih the IO\'erty and
sufering and laraiyis which had overtaken ! : ;
humnnlt ,
: The conference report on the sundry civil
IJrOlrlnton , bill was then ncurrell In and
' the naval bill came lP ngnln. Mr. German
. renewed his request for a fnnl vote on the
naval bill prior to 10 o'clock tonight and that
. after that hour buslne be limited to con-
, . ferenco , reports , house bils and senate bills
I without house amendments Thh agreement
_ _ _ _ was entered Into by unanimous consent and
aCer the passage with an amendment of a ! '
house bill appropriating $ &OOoO for the 11n-
; men I of salaries or Judges and court officers
, In Oklahoma. at 6 p. m. , a reces was taken
until 8:30 : o'cloele.
* unt 8:30 : the senate galleries were fled to
overflowing and great crowds stood In line
. In the corridors reeking to gain admission.
. . The attendance of the senators was small
and scattering early In the evening , but was
i augmented to nearly its full strength ns the
time for the final vote on the naval bill drew
. neu.Mr. . Chandler supported the amctliment
providing for two battleships . In view of
' t his service nl secretary or the navy his
- l rovowof ! the developments of our nel navy
" was followed with close Interest. Al , that
I , tune , he said we were spending about
3 $16,000,000 ; annual ) for the Improvement of
_ _ _ I ; the navy , now our expenditures reached
I $25OOOO'J ' annually for thai purpose and he
. : hoped It would be contnued ,
: Mr. hawley or Connecticut urged the need
11 of being ready for war There was no
; t knowledge when It would come. I was
1 possible any day that some stubborn nation
, might lay her hands on Hawaii. compelling
- I us to say "hands off. "
At 10 o'clocle the vote was taken on the
amellment , fixing the number of battle-
. Ihlps at two Instead of three and II was
_ _ _ agreed to , 33 to 2 : .
Allen. 1.'lllkner. 1'tlrner
Alen . . . I'effer ,
AIlIsn ( lorijian. Pefer
. . lat. \llson. 011) ' . I'ettlgrew.
Bery. 11"TI . Ir".tol' .
11Ii cklurn , JUI'M ( Atk ) , Plh ,
_ _ _ _ _ : Inellhlrn It !
Call. iyk I ? , n" n 11.
Cal , I.IfltIwj ) ' . J'Ueh.
Chandler , 11l1Ian , Teller ,
. Cockiell . Martin . Y , t.
: Cullorn . 11ellI ( \\'Is. ) . Yla ,
Daniel 101TII , \Volcott-aa.
: Nays-
: Aitlileli ( nr'lon ' . Murphy .
' , little . .
Danehal'd Ilh Pelkln
' 11r\lw8 , 1 I IW 1 " ) l'ln\ ,
, hotter , higgins . QII ) ' ,
11 ter
, . , ' , lileron , 11 I : . 'ulr'
Carey , lIunti'n . lewart
, Clark. MelIUIII. Ilnt"n. I \'ul.h.
; . . Duhols , lanler"I'hl , , .
, . 1"1" . MItlielt ( Ore ) , Wison.
, . } ' " -1 ' , Morgan . , ( VaTh.-29.
Th provision striking out twelve torpedo
! ; boats and inserting six light draught compo-
_ - alto gun boats of about 1,000 tons displace-
1 : ment at $230,000 was agreed to Another
provision for three torpedo boats one to be
, buhlt on thc Paclfl C03st , ole on the ,1lss-
, , ' bui river and ohe O the gulf ' of 1exlcO
vero _ also adopted. A new amendment Wa 1
adWted repiitting the penalties against the
; : adbitel of- the Yorktown , Philadelphia . Dalt- .
: : mOl al11 Ne\varl. .
' The naval appropriation bill was then
.t p1sed without division.
Mr Baeleburn presentl another conference
t report on the diplomatic and consular appro
. , , priaton bill . stating thai no agrEement had
, been reached on the Hawaiian cable and thai
; k theN was no prospect that the house would
' ever ) 'I ld. The bill would fail . he said I the
4 , .rnnlA Irslsted cn the vote about to be
taken . l'n l keeping the cable appropriation In
, the bill. lie believed also that the bill was
, . . dOle to failure even I the two house ac-
. ' quieced In th" bi ,
N : . Hawley quickly asked If It was meant
- . I to Intimate that the President would veto the
' . bi."I am not able to say . . replied Mr. Dnclt ,
. burn , "thai tIm Ilrcsldenl would veto. but I
, know that If 1 were the president 1 would
veto It. "
, t ' M : . Blackburn warned the senate that an-
1" ether insistence on the cable might mean nn
- extra'resdon. lie thought perhaps thai might
, ; , , . b3 desirable as 1\ believed II would show
the next congress as helpless m dC11ng with
. the financial question as this congress had (
been He moved that the senate recede from I
the Hawaiian cable amendment ! r. White
of California announced be hall heretofore
. : , cuprortc ( } the cable Item , but he now felt
compelled to change his vote.
, " : . M : . Btackburn's motion to recede on the
; cabll item was then put to a vote and carried
; \ wlthoul n division ,
, ; t Tbe'conrerence report on the'dI110matd and '
. , consular bill was then agreii to '
T The Itnate then ( wcnl Into executive session
.t , . i , and the galleries wc'ro cleared of the large :
L ' clowd , '
; At 1:55 : a. m. the doors were opened and
- - the regular session resumeU , The conference
agreemenl on the deficiency bill was prc-
. . e < nted. Stewart moved the abandonment of
l the appropriation for the Southern Pacific
and Mr. higgins criticized the abandonment
, of the French spolaton claims.
: , Mr. Michel of Oregon salll thnt the senate -
; i Ito had surrendered everything and tie
. , hoped the senate would reject the report and
. - I necessary , defeat the bill . The agreement
- " I was sustained 31-1.
: , The motion to reconsider the vote by which
, the bit for the sUllprltslon of lottery traUe
r , vas Ilassolt and
,1 , Mr. Power presented another cop or the
, , credentials or Mr. Carter. senator-elect , and
( withdrew the former credentials which were
criticied by Mr HQar.
( , The senate , at 3:15 : a. m. entered upon
; . the consideration of unobJcctel1 bills on the
t calendar , and at the conclusion of theBe
; , will take a recess until Monday at 9:30 :
a. m.
- _ _ _
i -
y r - O\nJlSLI - HIWUU " : CO EXI'L..tlN.
- , - , 1o'ul ' It.'lllcst for laRsol tar the Dischlrgo
- , . " or "oternl" ut ( Hycit.
WASUNGTON , MardI 3-Secretary Cpr-
c lisle has replied to the . r solulon of the
u - ' - , IOlso fefUestng the 1un s ' of the soldiers
of the late war llscharg II' from the public
- . Irvlco In the Treasury clepartlent since
March 4 , 1893 , and Ibo cause ot each dls-
, : bo r.erotary'a reply eclord n statement
, c and Bs II will be observed there have bean
15 removals and 135 appoIntments aid .
1 reinstatements between : March 18 : , and
1 the present time ,
- - Mr. Carlisle adds : "I do not recognize the
right ot the house of rcprc"ntatvel to require -
. quire the secretary or the treasury tQ slate
the roaon ! for malting removals , appoint-
- meets or rehnstatements. but deem It proper ,
' : ! Ioverthelen , to lay that all the changes I
- : ahawn were made for the purpose of 11ro' '
, meting the efficiency ot the public service
- and that lu miking removals no dlscr\nlna-
: . l - lon has been made aGainst loldlcu , while In
; making appointments and reinstatement"
1 ; i Nelerence has been given 10 that chase of
. . Iplcant > due regard being had . In each case
' - to their phiysicalan1 menial qualifications . "
- - a :0 Mor. . 11rIe lIver thnflrni'aiions.
: WASHINGTON , March : -I hal been 11c-
tel'mlned by the senate that no mole noml-
I , , nal0l8 to which thew arc objections will
' be confirmed Lit this & " ssin . ' 'hll will carry
. " $ over Quite a number of Clsef now Oi the
executive catendar. tut xviii not '
executvo wl prevent
o their being appointed - Ilurlng rm cIS.
( - Hr.d Grnln ' " .I.lmp.H , . Itl.I. I
? WASUINGTON. March 3.-fipeclal ( Teie-
WAHNGTON : : -pclal 'lele-
gram.-Tiie ) Iottgrcw seed grain lmen' ' I-
mel ! was ruled ot In the conr\roncc on
I tkc audry ch'l bat.
, ' {
. 1 ,
- : - ' _ _ _ _
Isws---- : - _ _ p.J. . : - : - -
One-Legget Dan Sicklcs' Elcquenco . Wim
for His Old Tim ' Oomrado
Public ludnlAA I.nhl .blle , In Order , that
Many : lnnr Matters May Ito JuAhe,1
Tltroughi-lteports from Confer
dices Cause Wrangles.
WASINGTON , March 3.-Mter the sharp
tight last night over the senate provision In
the sundry ch'l bill appropriating $ , OOO.OOO
of bounties earned up
for the payment sugar bountes
to June 30. 15:5 , which resulted In the adop-
ton or the amendment shortly after midnight
this morning , the session dragged wearily ,
on through the silent watches of the night '
until the sundry ch'l and Indian appropriation -
ton bill hall been rent back to conference .
As the gray dnwn was breaking the house
took a recess until 2 o'clok this afternoon
wd tim worn out members hurrlol home to
catch a few hours or rest and nerve them-
selves for the edge which promises to last
until tomorrow non ,
When the speaker again took the chair at
2 o'cloce more lhan halt the members were
In their reats The bright sunshine and
balmy air of a spring day and the attraction
or the cxclemenl of the closing hours of a
dying congress , fled the public galeries ,
TIle private galleries were also thronged. No
conference reports were ready when the house
reconvened and the speaker graciously roe-
ognlzll several or the half hundred members
clamoring for on opportuniy to secure con-
Hhleraton or measures of local or personal
interest to them.
Tim following pascd : Senate file 10 Increase -
crease the pension or the wIdow of Joseph 11.
Peter Irma $30 to $50 ; a Joint resolution pro-
viding for the two houses of congress partici-
pating In the dedicatory exercise of the
Chickamauga military . Park next Septembt'r :
senatQ resolution making provIsion [ or a di-
goat or the laws and decisions relatng to
the appointment. salary .tulid compensation ere
officers at United State courts and also the
senate hi for ho relict of Sias P. Keller .
A motIon to suspenl the rules and pass a
bill granting I pension of $100 to Major
Gel'eral JoInt G. JlcClernalt encountered
the aggressive opposition or Mr. Jones of
Virginia. Tills , opposition drew from Jlr ,
Sicieles , the one-ieggel hero of Gettysburg
In eloquent appeal that fairly made the '
ceiling ring with the plaudits from the floor
anti galleries.
"Let us pass one good bill , " said Mr.
SIes" . "os an atonement for all the bal
ones we have passed . A grateful country
should nol allow General John G. JcCerand
to die In wanl.
"I wel remember the wards of Lincoln to
me when he spoke of Douglass Db : , Logan
anl JlcCernand , In my humble way I had
offered my services for the union und Mr.
LhcQl said to me thai the action of suoh
men as Logan , Dix und McCerand and
myself had lifted a great burden from his
shoulders 'If this Is to be a party war , '
said he , 'then II cannot succeed , but when
I see great democratic leaders coring for-
ward from the ranks , I lift up my hands
and thank God that such success Is within
' "
our grasp.
At grasp. ot Jr , Sickles' speech ,
the bill was passed with a whirl
A series of resolutions to pay the funeral
expenses of house empl . yes who had died
during this congress , and a bill to Instruct
the auditing of the quartermaster's claims of
John Quinn of St. Louis were passed , aCer
whIch Mr. .1olman called up the second
conference report on the Indian bill , which
showed the senate had abandoned one item
to appropriate $18,600 for the Miami Indians
of Indiana , thus leaving two senate amend-
nwnts still In dispute one 10 purchase for
139J frpm the Ogden Lam company the tithe
to' the lands wlhln the Catarraugus and
.Aleghany Indian reservatons ; In New York ,
nd the Qther striking out the house pro-
vision to continue the reduction of the ap-
PrPriatIOli ' for contract Indian schools proportionately - !
pOI.tonately. so that all such schools should
cease 01 the end ot five , years.
After some debate . the house decided to
further Inslsl on its diagreement to both
amendments In dispute , and the bill was
again sent to conference-
Then , at 6:10 : p. m. . a ' recess was taken
until 7:30 : p. m.
There were but few mrmbers preuut when
the house met after recess at 7:30. :
The bill to Prohibit the ' sahe of Intoxleants
to Indians , which had been objected to when
brought up before , was ' called up by lr ,
: lelkllJohn and passed -
Al 8 o'clock the conference report on the
sundry civil bill was called up by Mr.
S1yer3 , When the propodton for nn International -
national monetary conference (10 ( which the
house conferees had accede ) waD readIed ,
the silver men demanded time . Mr. Sible
called attention to the satisfaction with
which the proposition for 1 monetary con-
ferenco had been receive by the mono-
metallic press of the east The
friends of silver , Mr. Sibley de-
dared . had heM Ihe doctrine that a wider use
ot Ilver was necessary because they saw
the cures that hd followed the falling of .
prices the wcrld over. What the United '
States should do Is tn act not consult , and
Mr. Sibley expressed lhe opinion that a
monetary conference would sImply postpone
the day when sliver could ro 10 the mints
for free coinage on the same terms with
gold.Mr. . Simpson eald the proposition for a con-
ference was the same old game twice played
oil the people'ot holding out a promise
that would never be realized. I would post-
pOlO free coinage at least six years . and six
more year of gold standard would Sl complete -
plote lhe fnnneial bondage of the country
as to make It forever Impossible to break time
power of the gold kimmgs . Ho woppoeJ to
again entering on time farce ot a monetary
Mr. Pence In a ringing speech . argued that
no good could come ( rein a monetar commis-
"Possibly , " he said , "II might result . If the
speaker shault name ns tlt members of the
commiee from time house three presidential
cnnlh1ales , , In smoking thcm out on the silver
luEston , ard I trust I the speaker 1 called
on to malp selections ho will nol overlook
time distinguIshed republican leader , Mr.
Reed. "
With lomo biter larcasm he detailed the
address of the silver dcmocrats last Frldny.
lie commended time bold courageous and
manly action of those who had signed the
address . but rebuked some of them for already -
ready looltlng with favor on a proposition to
go abroad for a further coimsultatiomi .
Mr. Springer called Mr. l'ence's attention
to the fact tha the IlrOIJOslton for n confer-
Inc , hnll emanate from the sliver men In
till ) senate not from the gold men.
M'r . Hepburn of Iowa favored the proposi-
ton for a conference . Al a tme when this
great gold cotntrles of the world were show-
Ing the first symptoms of a favorable stnt ,
mcnt toward , silver he expressed hula urprlse
that avowed frlns of silver lee Mr 1Ince
and Mr. 8hnl1so1 Hhouhl oppose prollosltous
for an immtermmatiQimai monelary conference.
Dy I neat parlamentary timaneuver . Mr.
Cannon got the for at thl" point and yielded .
his time to Mr. Sayers , who Inmnmediately cut
oft debate t.y . dlmandlng the Ilrevlots ques-
The conference report was adopted and tIme
8undl' civil bill was out of time way w for
as 11w hoUse was coucerE ( .
Several bills were then hurried through by
unanllous consent among them being the
senalt resolution ceIling on time presIdent 10
insist upon Spain ( rarryln out her agf -
ment with the United States relative to the
claim or Antonio Maxim Mora , Im'Jntng to
.500.000. 1
At 10 11. m. Mr. 1olmal prerentldthe final
report on tIle Indian appropriation bill.
I HbowLd thai the anate hall yielded 10
the houlo In time proviiou for tile extlcton
of the contract schol fyslem ill the end of
five years I us 10 remove ' the time limit
8n'1 hu : Ilouae lall yi'ehtled to the senate
ilendl'nt for time purchase from tht OJde :
1.:1d : com pan ) the title of time lunda within
lie Cxlarsgima and _ \legbauy Indian reorva-
toni to ' the extent of authoriing the e"re-
tary or hut' Interior 10 eallno Into the re-
ports to eougre wllhout approprlalng guy
moaey. 'fho report Was agreed to
'fh , military . teleGroper4 bill was InBed
Then I resolution wu presented by Mr.
: = : ' 'f I" " _ ' - 0" _ ' ' _ ,
- ' - . " - ' . - . - : .L- -
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - I
Bailey of TexM reciting the provision or the
sundry ch'l bill authorizing the speaker of
the house to appoint three dele/at to 8n
international monetary conference and added :
"It I the earnest desire or the house or
representatvC that the speaker shall bo one
of the delegates en the part or time house ,
tilorefore . be I resolved thai Charles P.
Crisp , pealeer or the houmr . , Is required to
designate himself 80 one or the three delegates -
gates tq I be reletell by himself. "
The resolution was gnetell with great ap-
pluso . the members interrupting the realng ,
clerk In their enthusiasm al the mention of
time apeaker'e , name , and the resoluton con-
unu.ual the
ferring a most unuial compliment upon
speaker was adopted with a loud shout and
without a dissenting voice ,
The senate bills to establish regulations
for the ( payment or accrued IHmlons to the
heirs of deaul Pensioners anti exempting the
penlcn , money from being heM S part or
the nNets aC the estate for the Imyment of
debts , was passed.
Mr. 1lcCreary of Kentucky reported for the
house conrerees on time diplomatic and cansu-
Inl' bill that the senate had receded from Its
amendmonL for a hawaiian cable and the
confertes were consequently Ilscharged ,
Midnight was al hnl1 ali the scene In the
hous3 was beomlnJ more anlmntell anti informal - ,
formal , The entrmce or Mr. HeeJ , Mr. Als-
Ie ) ' , et ai" , late diners-out , In full evening
dress , gave an air of elegance to tie nssembl )
M. Bryan of Nebraska moved to pass time
bill to place anti-texiim on the free list under
suspension of Ute rules. A second was de
mnndcl and It passed.
Mr. Drecklnrldge presented the conference
report on thin general deficiency bill. The
provision for the expenses of the Participants
In contested electon cases gave rise to an nnl-
mated debate , In which Messrs. SayersVise
and Taylor took part ,
After further discussion the conference
report on the whole general deficiency bill
was agreed to.
The debate on the anti-toxin bill was then
resummmed Mr. Dryan of Nebraska urged time
Importance of time measure . amid said II was
In the interest or luble healh ,
Mr. Henderson - [ Iowa ) imunmoroushy . re-
pled ( to Mr. Bryan. The bill was then
11assed , 13 to 31.
The naval bill ( tIme last of tIme appropria-
ton bills ) , having been reeeh'el trout the
senate Mr. Talbot asked thai 'he commitee
having It In charge be given time to con- I ,
alder time \arlous nmendmenls lade by time
senate A brief , bul spirited debate arose
as 10 the acton to be taken : ? Ir , Boutele
or Maine , with a view tQ securing some con-
sideraton In conference of the amnendimmemits
mnoved a non-concurrence therein , and requested -
quested a conference
Mr Talbot movell concurrence In the
senate amendments
Time pre\'lous question Was ordered hy Mr. i
'I Talbot's iaton and a hal hour was allowed -
lowed for debate. Jr , Tlbot , however ,
11romllty entered a motion to susl0nd the
rule and agree to thin anmonulmemmts : and on
this Jr , Bout01e demanded a second. A
quorum failing to vote and a deadlock be-
Ing imrmmlnent Mr. Reed of Maine Interposed
his geol offices . as a result of which Mr.
Doutele explained thai his objection to the
proceeding were thai the home was called
on to act on something of whIch II knew
nothing. .
Jr , Talbot , having the bill In charge , made
a brief statement amt then the motion to
suspend the rules ammO agree to the SClto
amendments was carrled-'eas. 1&0 ; nays ,
3. The house then took a recess untIl 8
a. m. unt
CL051.G SCENES A1' 'UI } CAl'IT\L.
( relt Crowlls Atrlctcl to time GILlterlea % nnl
Jlneh ( : ourlool Egisues.
WAShINGTON March 3-The unusual attraction -
traction of a Sunday session of congress In
the pleasant setting of mid , spring-hike
weather , furnlshej to WashIngton a holiday
In tIme modern ncceptaton of the word.
Throughout time nrernon all the drive '
ways and walks approaching the capitol were
crowded with carriages and the Sunday pro-
cession turned their step from Connectcut ,
avenue Into the swell northwest 10 the other
end ot , tTown. . The , bro steps of' the capitol l
had somewhat the appearance of Inauguraton
day . the great plaza to t the east was dotted
wIth strolling groups and lines of carriages
were drawn up stretching clear across the
stre ts. waiting for time business which they
wonld have won had they been favored with
rain 0' slush )
Within the building the crowd was so great
It Interfered with business. The doorkeepers
In the gallerIes were kept fghtng to re5traln
the 1)eOjle ? . for whom there was nol room.
The elevators were loaded to the limit every
trip two streams of people elbowed theIr way I
from the house to time senate and from the
senate back to the house whie pages pled
their way at angles through the join The I
comparatively small dttachments which could
ba accommodated In the galleries of both the
houses kept up a babble wliiclm combined
with the rushing back and forth and clamor-
Ing of members like a busy day In the pIt
of a stock exchange almost overwhelmed the
routine proceedings and kept the speaker's
saval hammering Incessantly.
The house was time theater of the populace
which preferred a lively scene , whlo In the
senalo the spectators were more orderly and
fewer though more of the notables were seen
In the reserved galleries , particularly In the
diplomatic seats where the sky blue robes of
the Chinese minister were the center of Inter-
est. After nightfall and until tie street car
steppe running 01 midnight the crowds
'pushed In amid out hung about the rotunda
looking al the historic paintings . when they
could not secure admission to the galleries ,
amid not a few spectators were holding their
seas Into the early hours of Monday mor-
lug. _ _ _ _ _ _
1'utonts to " ' "st"rl Inventors .
WASIIINGTON March 3.-Speclal.-Pat- ( )
emits have been Issued as follows : Nebraska
-Jay Burrows , Linculn device tOI' atxlng
names amid addresses upon newsllapers , etc. :
l.'ranlt E. Coulter . Onhaha maltng detergent
compounds : Orrin A. Knox and J , l'raney ,
Omaha , carpet exhibitor ; horace S. Over-
street , Yomk cultivator : Charles Palmer ,
flurbammlc car COlllnl ; hoary O. Thomas ,
Kimball , cant hOtlk.
Iowm-llimm'ry ; n. Corllh , Hampton , carburetor -
uretor : Wllnm 8. glot and C. A HumeA
\Yest Liberty. IUHTOW ntndllcnt lor \\'Iwei
cultvalors : Icnl' W. hart Ison and J. B.
" ' /Llthh. Clnton ) IlruftnJ Inslrument : .John .
\ . HIII lnwolt , 1'ort , 1)otigi' , tlenm boiler : .
Jewls H , Kimball. lawn , seClng machhH :
Chullll A. mind I A. Low , and A M.
ll8SlnJer , Lake View cor harvester : JUch-
minI ' 1' . Slelnncr. Bldorn , wlnl111 regulator :
John P. . Smith , lAme 811rllAs , removalJle
lid slpport ( .m ' coolt stoves : Noah W. Stover ,
J4ucas. weather strip .
- -
um'nut'a COlr Hrorl HIl Itignuil.
'Y.\BIUNGTON , March 3.-Speclal ( Tele-
grurn-Jimmit ) betolo time adjournment at the
hOIlo on Sunday morning Congressman
Brynn called ( J ! fOI' consideration ! his ' bill
requiring the flung of United States court
lens II Lancalcr , : lallsol an,1 , Alams
counties , wlwro the court sits ) but keeps
no permanent j\lgmelll l'ecorUl On mo-
ton of Mr. Bryan the hol'o concurred In
the senate amellllentt 'he bill was nl
IICe onrlell 1111 this afternoon carried to
the WillIe house , and time preshlenl ap-
llrovel II. MI' Bryan lays the provisions
ot this act will Immimig a needed ( rolef to
these thl'eo Nebraska . { OIII ( ' " , In that
relrel' rlonll of jUthnnents must be
Illurel on tIle Imtclllteir upon their ren-
liton , 10 that It will not bo necessary to
r.sort ! to the records al Omalt and other
cltl/ , its heretofore .
HrlllT" ' " 111.,1 tl 1"1 ( ' 1111.
W. ln'fN. Iarch 3.-Speclnl ( Tele-
granm-Severul ) ant-Cllsl democrts have
heen tel ( a r conspiring to force I roll cal
tomorlow 01 tIme resolulon extending I
\'ote of thanles to Speaker Crisp for his sen'-
Iccs II the chair. This J1rocelurc , was
Irolht , about as 1 slur upon Speulepr James
K J'olk at thia cnncllslon of limo "went-
Iflh conFeps. and upon Speaker 'rhomas
U. heed at the conclu'lon of the I"jrr-thlrd
cOlgrcs ! 'rho present jmrogranm Is dhmicoumi-
Imauced hy 'rom 1"ell anti lila friend al I
needllls ; 1111 ' fruilets act of discourtesy to
. .
SIalter ! Crisil.
i- : IJ\oll"nn , 11111" . I Suh'lln.
ChICAGO , Mnrch -Percy G. Cimamnber-
lain , mum l nlshlan , commited suicide
here h- shouting hlmelf through time head
l hamlerlall bud lived In Chicago fOl' eight
) 'cnri untl Wil 11 'omfortuh1o clrcum-
' stll'el. la\'lng an Inome from arm estate
'II Btglalt'
1.0H ANGELES. March 3.-I"I'anlt l
\\11'11. u wel Imowl attorney . committed
.ulchl to.Jav ly BhooUrg himsel through
the leall , The eoroumer' , \ 'ertlict ascribed
hits act to des1imrm' oVer lila physical condl-
t-l. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
( rimermit : : : e'ierumimmd'4 : S ouniiIhipm .
SIHINGI"I t.D , III. , March L-Oeimeral
Mt'C'lehlanth's condition ( was worse today I
than at any time since his illness began. ,
Last IIJht ) dill not rest wel und esan
constantly grown weaker ,
_ - . , " _ ; .r " ' - ; . - - _ : . _ L ) ' . " JL
Oongress' ' Claim to Fame Rest on What it
Hn _ t AccGmpUshod
\llllrollrlnt ,1'IIII' 11.1 OI" ltnor
Mrl"UrIA' AlJlmt Couil ( let Through
1011 trnl ' 'I-lltlortmL I.rgl-
Ilton , 1"11111 ,
WASINGTON : larch 3-Tho work of
this last session or the I ly.thlrll congress
must necessarily lleal mere wIth what was
attempted to be done than thai which was
accomnpllslmed . since most or the important
business considered ( lisa been relegated to
the first-class. The term lisa been par-
tcularl ) ' mnrltd by the inability oC the
senate amid the house to t agree UPOI an ) or
the most Important problems presentel by
Congress met on the 4th of Oecemblr
last , with one imperative task , to frame
and enact thi& various appropriation bills.
Next In importance was the financial ques-
thou . for which mme definite Plan or settle-
menl beyoml many free silver bis and
various Inll\ldual schemes were then In
vogue. Several important bills came over
as a herltago from the preceding session
Foremost I among them were In the house
tIme Nicaragua cnnal bill , the railroad pool-
lag bill fluid the bill for time settemenl or
the indebtedness of the Paclfo railroads .
known as the Rel bill. The Nicaragua .
) '
canal bill has nol been able to secure a'
hearing In the house. Largely through the
enthusiastc efforts of Senator Morgan of
Alaballa , the senate bill was Pushed . .a
vote In that body after protracted debate
and was sent to time house , where the con-
ference committee substituted Its own bill ,
which hind been on the calendnr throughout
the session , ammO which differed In several
points from the Morgan bi ,
The pooling bill was passed by the house
early In time session , but the senate refused
to consider It by a negatIve vote of 42 to
21. on the question of consideraton , Strong
opposition to the Reli bill was developed
In the house and after a very sharp debate
It was recommitted to the committee without -
out instructiomms .
Several important bills were placed an the ,
calendar of the senate al the beginning of
the term handed down from time long session -
sion when they had been passed by the
house. Promlnenl nmong them was the
bill to establsh a unlorn system of bank-
rptcy , which wmts debated intermittently ,
but finally sidetracked.
Another unsuccessful measure was the
anti-option bill. There were also on the
senate calendar the four bills which the
house had sent over to place emi tIme free
list sugar , coal , Iron and barbed wire , but
the attempt 10 t secure consideraton of the
free atempl sugar bIll was negatved by a small
majority . and the opposition to the three
others was so apparent thai they have been
allowed to paO , Intaoblvlon ,
The most -Intercstng chapler of the his-
tory or the session was mallo by attempts al
flumancial leikaipn ' In both houses. These
fnancial well Ino ! \ n to require recapiulaton ,
No financial hgliatiotm l bas yet resulted from !
the host ot bills Ihtroiucel during the session ,
with more or less weight of authority behind
them . _ - - ,
The principal cass .ot legislatIon accom-
pushed by the short session was that making
appropriations femj limo support ot time ' govern-
ment. Not a Itff $ general legislation was Incorporated -
corporated into th pprOprlatOn bills. These
bis , In the cmpler , . \\ilch they were passe
'by the house grb :
For the 1 wp academy ( West Point ) ,
army , pension fortifications , diplomatIc and
consular DistiCt fit Columbia postal agri-
culturah . lndq\1 ! \ t1rlry cvi , legislative , executive -
eculvl anti jtmdfctal - : navy and general deft-
ciency. . 1-
\hen : the last week of congress began the
house had passed all except the general de-
flclemicy bill , and th senate had time last four
yet to consider. The pension bIll . as enacted ,
contained provisions thai pensions shall net
be paid to non-residents who are not citizens
ot the United Slates. except for actual disa-
bihitios Incurred In the service , directing examining -
bites surgeons to state the ratings to which
they think time applIcants are entitled . and
fixing the lowest rate of pension at $6 a
The diplomatic and consuiaf' bill Increased
the salaries of several foreign representatives .
and the senate placed In tt an amendment nu-
thorlzlng the president to contract for lying
a cable between the Hawaiian Islands and the
United States. and to use $500,000 In the
work , an amendment which the house refused
to accept. ,
The agricultural bill empowered the score-
tary of agriculture to enforce rules for the
inspection of hive cattle whose meat Is intended -
tended for shipment abroad In any form , and
regulations to prevent the shlpmenl at con-
demned carca&sc abroad or from one state to
another , and fixed rlslatons for their enforcement -
Considerable leglslat n was added to the
sundry civil bill . and much more was attempted -
tempted In the , senate by proposed amend-
ments. Time completion of several public
buildings was provIded far la the bill as !
II passed the house and sums were added In
the senate for new buidings , Another senate
amendment provided for the purchase for
$150,000 of the site of the Blame mansion ,
Provision was also Included for the transfer
at the military prison at Fort Leavenworth
Kan. , to time Department of Justice , to be
known as the United States penitentiary and
maintained for keeping United Slates prison-
ers who have heretofore been held In state
prisons under contracts.
Time naval bill was notable because of the
"new navy" provision for two battle ship
anti bl" torpedo boats and the Increase of time
emulated force by the addition ot 1,000 mnemm
enlsted general deficiency bill reported to the !
house amounted to $ $6,619.3 . An amend- :
ment requested by the secretary ot state
to pay the claims of Great BritaIn ! for
$426,000 damages for seizures of sealers In
Bering sea was vote down by the house.
The most conspicuous personal legislation
passed was the revival at the grade of
lieutenant general of the army that Major
Gem'oral Schofeld might be promoted to the
rank , while the act of greatest Importance
to the government departments amid congress
was the printing bill , which Practically
places the control of all of the printng
In the hands of a commitee or six from each
or the two houees ,
Laws alcctnr shipping were passed-to es- '
tablsh rules toi.rOvemmt , , collisions on the great'
lakes and the tbjatary ' waters : another of the
same effect aJylfg } to harbors , rivers and
Inland waters. saplementary to the act of
August ' 19 , 1890. .fO preventing collisions at
sea The tmtJ'lmlklng , the report of the
beard of enJnrcj surveyIng canal routes
fn.m Lake Erie \n \ time Ohio river was extended -
tIme a-ext session of .
tended to ext congress.
Numerous brldl hills were enacted
Time Commercal . . Travelers' organizaton
secured an anmemmmliiieflt to the interstate commerce -
merce law , pejhhf1n the Issuance of joint
Interchangeable"f d mile tickets , good ' over
10r lhan on'r0 \
The house ad pte a joint resolution or an
amendment toJtf ' onstuton and providing
for the elet&b 'f United States senators
by direct votiubj ! che people of the states ,
but the resolBII W was reported adversely
by time semmalo blomlteo on Ilrlvlegea and
The most Important or the senate bills
which tied to' pass the house : A jont
fcoluUol for Inquiry Into the practicability
of deep water ways between time ocean and
the great lakes and the bill for the regula-
ton of steam vessls.
Among important house bills which died
In the senate was one for the reorg1'nlzaton
or the line of the army and one to pUllah
train wreckers by capital punishment and at- ! \ rain wrecking by heavy terms of :
i in pri sounment. . '
1ram te author of the United SLates as-
cured a report d a bill for punishment by
Ilprl80nlnt or play piratng by theatrical
man3geu , but In time house considerable op-
position was ntnlll d by Ihou who oh-
Jected to pond punlsilnenta for violation of
civil atutes ! , so the bill was wihrawn ,
The nly lejllbton affecting the tariff
act wa : n r solute : ta otend to April 15
: . : : . : . - , -
the time for making returns to the Intor-
rogatorles tinder ( the Income tu sections antI
modifying the questions required to bo
anwe red.
SOl m.I "IN'rl : nuun 'OII : ttNU ,
Snnto ConferreD Ioeodo rrom R Number
of Amn'Jlmolt. .
\ ASIINOTON , March 3-The conferees
on the sundry civil appropriation bill , after
sitting for several hours , reached an agreement -
mont nhoul f o'clock on $ , he items remainIng -
Ing unsettcd after the frt conrerence.
The senate conferees agreed to recede
from the following senate amelhnenls : For
time purchase or the Illaine property Inash -
Irgtol : to enable the government to 11nrtcl-
nato In the 10poseil centennial exposition
anll aPllroprlallg $125,000 for thnt purpose :
for the cost antI charges of state penlen-
tnrles and striking out the house provision
that the money cXl1e1lell for the mnlntelnnce
or mitary convicts "shall be expended
In the current support of mltnry convicts , "
leaving the proposition ns II cnme trout
the house : ale , from the amendment strikIng -
Ing out the provision for the trnnsforma-
ton or the mltnry prison nt Fort Ieaven-
worth , ) nn" to n Unlell States peniteim-
tary , lenvlnJ the provisions lS orlglnnly
mantle by time house. The other nmettlments
Ulln which there was I dlsngrtement aCer
the to. first conference , wOle substantaly agreed
Verbal changes were , however , mnle In
all .r timemmi The Rmenlment ( 11rovllng
for a retired list for incapacitated ofcers
or the revenue cuter service was accepted
by the house conferees with the provision
that . the retired officers shoull receive only
oue.llal pay.
Tn the case of the amendmenl Ruthor-
Izlnr time president to convene a board to
pass upon the infirmities of cnndillates for
retiremnemit time phrase "from time as he
may deem proper" Is stricken out. In the
senate proviso amendment mnldng pro-
visions for the payment ot expenses of en-
grving amid printing . time word "hereafter"
Is stricken 'out. leavln the amendn1ent to
rend : "Pro\'hl thai mme portion of this 1
sum shall bo expended for prlntig ; United
States notes or treasury notes of larger !
denoumuination than those that may bo canceled - I
celled or retrell ,
Thc amendment providing for a board
of engineers to investigate the feasibility of
the prol10sell Nicaragua cannl was changed
so ns to require the board to make its re-
port nol Inter than November 1 next.
The house accepted time amcndment appro-
printing t.OOO for the reimbursement or
Colonel F. Uainesworthi chief of the record
and pension omce , for time expenses Incurred
by him In the legal proceedings growing out
of the Ford theater disaster.
The house conferees also accepted tIme '
amenlment providing the means of selecting
members of the proposed international monetary -
tary conference with an amendment lodgIng
the selection of the house members of the
commlteo with the speaker at the present
house , and providing time delegates selected
by him shall be members of the Fifty-fourth
congress. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
COlforeclcro Four Hour hum Trying to
( 'olproll"o IIliercnccs.
WASHINGTON , Jarch 3.-U was 1:15 :
tonight when the conferees emerged from
the conference room whlre they had been
for four hours tryIng to compromise tIme
differences between the two houses. The
conference resulted In a general triumph
for the house In a majority of the amendments -
mets made by time senate malng large
appropriations being receded from b ) . the
senate managers. The house conferees took
I positive stand against even reporting a
disagreement on the amendments which they
Among the items whIch were stricken out
were those providing for the purchase of
tIme Jahone square In Washington as a
site for the government printing omce ; providing -
viding for the payment of the war calm of
the states of California . Oregon and Nevada , ,
the claim 'or Delaware amid the Southern 'Pa-
ePic and French spolaton clalms
Among the amendments agreed to were
those making appropriations for ' army transportation -
portation and for the territorial courts of
portaton terriorial
Utah. The mater of allowing an extra
month's pay to clerks of members of the
house was modifIed so as to require thai
the clerks shall be required to perform 1
month's service after the adjournment of
congress. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
L'rngretut or tIme Good honda CampaIgn.
l'rn\r" CnnlpnlJn.
WASHINGTON , March 3-Hecenl reports
to time Agricultural department show 'an increased -
creased interest In the goo reads movement
amen the elate legislatures. General Roy
Stone In charge of the bureau of road In-
quiry has returned from California and Texas ,
where large road conventions were held , the
former having conclude 10 adopt convict
laber In preparing road materials. Several
bulletins to stimulate the movement will soon
be Issued by the department. They will
treat of wide tires as bettering the conditions
of roads , convict labor In making roads and
preparing road materials and of the messages
ot various state governors on rod questons ,
G.rm118 Like Our Art Work.
WASIIINGTON . March 3-Ushould be encouraging -
couraging to American art students to lear
that through Unite States Consul Stevens at
Hamburg , that nol only has our art work In time
precious metals found favor In time critical
art centers of Germany , but that the experts
there freely admit thai they find In this work
som lessons and many features worthy ot
adoption . The Industrial art museum of Der-
11mm purchased a number of spcimens , productions -
ductions at American art and ski In fashioning -
Ioning precious metals that were exhibited
at time World's fair , and these arc now being
publicly shown In the German Industrial
cities , meeting with most cordial encomiums
on the part or the expert Judges
Facmsl hue I'rOlolnccl 1 Vrnumd .
WAShINGTON . March 3-Bulletins on time
fat pea and the giant knotweed or sacalne
have be I issued by time Agricultural de-
partment. "The greatest value of time flat
pea " says ono ot the bulletins . "should be
a sol renovatol' , Time plan has succeeded In
the arid regions ot South Africa and may
prove an emclenl ally of farmers In similar
regions In limo southwester states. "
Caution Is urged In the Introduction of
giant knotweed owing to its strolg , sllread-
lug anll persistent rot locks Investigations
made by I the department IndIcate that its
success In time arid regions at tIme west Is very
doubtful . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tinder ni AVllulcho 01 huh .
ASHINGTON March -During the
last few days the president has heen at
wOl'lt , on time avnlalche at bills thnt have '
be ! el 1101red.Into ! the white houe from
hoth ends or congres l'rlvat. Iecretnr
Thurber was closeted with him for this
purpose until midnight last night. lie II
with him again tonight. and Is expected
to remain until nn even later hour.
Vlslt"II II WlshlngloL ,
W ASIINGTON , March -Spoclal ( Tele-
glam-1on. ) , John F . I.ockhal < . commls-
sinner of education for South Dalttu , was
al the capitol today -
, Iu\n , 'olnll - ( 'ommmumiitmiuimctI - ,
'YASHINGT N. March 2.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Joimii Adlund was tOday commls-
/ionell pOltmaster Itcstmarle , Nebraska.
\Vluen l'tlbbing a horse
dowii watch his cars. It
lie backs 'Ciii it's 1)ecuuso
Ile'2 SO1'O where you rub ,
to the spot. and the soreness
wilt vani1i
Oongros3 in Its Closing Hours Proposes
Another DeFato on Finance ,
l'roision 1mm ( ito Sundry CiviL Hill I Agreed
to 1mm hinthm hirmmimcimeq smut icmnhera
froimi itemututo mmmlii 1iomo
( JIma qeim.
WASIIINOTON , Mardi 3.-No sooner had
the house agreed to timO imlan appolmiting
delegates to a pos1ble hlnmetolic conference
than time immemubers on botim shies begami a
canvass looking to an agreemnont tmpon cmtmmihi-
dates to reconimimenil for the speaker's consideration -
sideration , It was gemmerally umnmierstood ( lint
tvo of the mleiogatos named would hm elceted
fronm time democratic sitle of tIme house and
one froimi limo repumbhicami. The lopuhist con-
timigent imad nlrcamly infornmcml time speaker
that JI was OiiOseth to tIme plaim ammO mhid hot
care to tie represented at such a conferemmce.
Two letitiomms were started on time repumhlicaiu
side , one for Mr. ilitt of Illinois , time otimer
for Mr. Hepburn of Iowa. Time 11111 petition
\ras circuhateml by Mr. W , A. Stone of l'enmi-
sylvammia. Time hlephurmm petition was in
charge of Mr. hiartmmman of Montana amid was
sooim signed by mmearly all time ropublicans.
Mr. hiephuirn is a Pronounced fricimil of silver ,
but one wimo is saId to bciieve iii imitermmattonah
binmotahlismmm rather than free coinage by this
governumment iemdependentiy ,
Time provision immeerietl by time senate 1mm
tIme sundry civil bill mnakiimg three of its macnm-
bers representatIves to time hmrospective inter-
mmatiommal mmmoiuotar onference , lmas been time
cammso of commaldorable rivalry among time
factions on both time denmocratic and ro-
pmmblicrmmm skId of time cimamimber as to representation -
sontation on time commmmissiomm. From tlmo tiimio
time ammmemimnent was voted on by time senate
time silver mmmcmi , believing them-
sol'es to be in time majority ,
It was umitimmmatehy nrrammgeti that time matter
simouid be settled In executive sessiomm , amid ,
therefore , lucre was mme surprise wimemi at 10:05 :
Senator \Volcott mmmoved ( hat the satiate lire-
coed to time commaideratiomi of executive bush-
Senator Vihas leti off against time selectiomm
of three pronounced silver ailvocates from
tIme senate , but commflmmed Ills rcmmmarks largely
to time coumstrumctiomm of the provisions ummmder
wlmichm they are to be appohmmted , contemmihimig
( lint according to its wormhimmg "that wimen-
ever time lrcsident shah eleterummimmo this
governmmment. simahi lie reprcsemmtod at army In-
termmatiommal conferemmee , " neitimOr tIme seumate
nor time house would ho entitled to select
represemmtatives until time presidemit shmotmld
decldo vimethmcr time imobses simould be repro-
senteu at. mime proposed conferemmce.
Senators Mitcheil of Oregon and Wolcott
of Colorado contemmded to time contrary. Mr.
Mitcimell nmado tIme Point that explicit. provision -
vision was made for appoitmtrnemmt. by time
spooler of tue presemit house , wimlchm lie
claimmied was direct authority for presermt
action hy that body , amid imperatively so by
the semmate.
Senators Gray and MerrIll sustained Mr.
Vilas iii lila contention. The namimes of
Messrs. Teller , Jones , Daumiel and Allison
were pumt forward by their frioimds. Time men-
tiomm of Mr. Allison's name brought tlmat
gemitienman to hmis feet , saying thmmmt ltp Old
not desire to be selected as a rcpresenta-
tire to anotimer confercmmce. He , however ,
mimade a brief speecim , advocating time selection
of commsorvativo amen wimo would represent
au shnde of opimmion amid time entire coun-
try. He contended timat suchm a course would
be in time real interest of silver , for if time
comnmission chosen should be based too much
ammo way or time other , tire country would
mmot be satisfied with time report when made ,
wimatever it mmmght ! be , Senator Aldrich fol-
hewed iii nmuch time samostrain.- Time execu-
tire conference closed at ' 1:50 : , and ended
wRim time selectiomis of Senators Teller , Jommes
amid Dammiel by tIme ummammimmious vote as semmate
representatives in the international comifer-
Found a Fortune In Jewels ,
IIIVERSIDE , Cal. , March 3.-Mrs. James
F. Hervey of Cimicago , who ow'ns aim orange
grove in this city , wimere she spends the
wInter , dropped a satchel containing din-
mends and other jewels valued at $3,000 ,
while out driving Saturday afternoon. This
morning the little tlaumghter of a Salvation
arnmy olhicer found time satchel and returned
it to Mrs. Hervey , receivIng a reward
of $ Z0.
Eninntt' Queen lirinka Lipton's Teas
LONDON , Feb. 27 , 1895.-Cablegram.-- ( ) '
Lipton , the Ceylon tea planter , imaS just
been nppolnteml ten merchant to time quicoti
of England , Lipton is time tea Planter who
s'aa awarded. highest award at the World'A
fair for tIme tomus growmm on his Ceylon c5
tates , anti who Is salmi to be the largest tea
( healer In time world-lila sales exceeding
1,000,000 packages weekly.
ienver 'Ihi lint-a a Mhimiumg lixpositton ,
IUN\'Eht , March 3.-It imas Prnelicaiit
beemi doclmleuh to hiolti aim intcmrmmntiommal mnimi
lug exposition iii Deliver iii 1190. D. 11.
Moffat , J. K. Chmoate , Id. J. McNamnmmrn
\v. S.'nrml , 3 , 1 ; . Gramit anti , V. I ) . Toilti
eoiistltumto a committee to select fifty Per
Sons 05 a board of immnnagers , It is iirO
1)050.1 to erect for time exposltioii ft buillti-
imig vimich mihmnhi coninimi an authitoriuimml
enpaimle of ncc'omnmnotlmttiiig 10ttX ) 1)001)10.
APhroimriations will be asked froni thin
statti mcgislatmmre mimid frommi comigu-ess iii aimi
of time eximomiltinim.
March -
Alt'lI ) , miti , ' itt'e tlm&i bem4t months lit
t'lliIIlt to lUt'ifY ) yolit' hmlmnI Itit'liug time
long , t'ol ml iii I t't' t imtm liloomi 1 ut'cimmt tlmi mm
iuutil lihhhtli't' ) , time hotly 'eitk atimi tlhd ,
tIlL' mtlutite } ) hlmmiy Ima immst , nnmi .ltist imov ' '
tlmmu systeiui ci'muvc mm i''llmullmi nielicliio
like 1 1ooml'm Smum'mummiiuu'lhln : 'i'Iils imietllcituo
im4 necuillmmrl' muilmipted to thin hhei'mls ot tim
lmhl. ) % ' ilum'lhig thu'se immunt us. it. tImor
ouugluly inlt'lilo miiiml vitallze time. Imloorl ,
t'i'ettg : it good mtppt'itu ( mmmi cures bil'
louisn'ss amid lui'mttlmtciie.
( Il'os luealtluy action to the liver and
kimluioyit mtntl limhllarts strength to time
w'hmolo body. Now im time thimin to give
IloomI's Smuriuipnrhllmi a fair ti'ial. That
crofuiiomis taint w'hilclm luums lneit in youir
imlootl lot years nuid lmuH cttisetl : you
immorn or less suilTtn'himg , vill be thor.
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