- - . . - - . . . . , . * wi - " ' , < w ; ' - - - " w ; - --r- ' " : G . TIlE 07\AIlA DAILY ] n l UNDA Y J\LAROII 3 1895. { ) _ - - - \ i1EErrSUNDAY ! : , , lS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - 1 = _ - - _ _ Tiit OMAHA SUNDAY BHB. COUNCIL IIr4UFTS. OFFICE , . . NO. 12 PIA1th BTntmT. Dtlvred b canle to any lat ot the city. II. W. TILTON , Lcszee. 'Et.rTJO USDul'ncl omee No. .3 : nigh ' rdltor. No. U : _ I- _ _ - - ' 1IIXUfl .U " TIUSS. , JISUl Grand : , Council lllurfs. E. F. Clarlc , prop. Mayra Real Esato agency , 13 ! flroadway. Ttegular meeting of the Central Labor Iegulnr meetug union thin afternoon at 2:30 : at Liberty hail. Ior tale . for gartener : a nice lot of let- tuc anti , C3bklge plants for hot bed I e. J. , : n. McPherson , Council Bluffs. Tim : lnlstorlal auoclaton meet In special Bess Ion Monda at 2:30 : p. in. , In the pastor's study In the First lrcshyterlan church. The regular business meeting of the Women's Christian association wi bo held . ot Mr5. Sarah Ii. itoliers . 23 ! Vlno street , Monday afernoon , at 2:30 : o'clocl The regular convocation of Star chapter No. 47 , Royal Arch Masons , will bo held tomorrow - morrow night ; at Masonic temilio. Al members and , visiting companions era requested - . Quested to be presen t. Mr. Carl ( of the Oranll hotel has arranged another of his elegant G o'clock dinners today for the public. Flowers and music 'ivlii comhlno with the other gael things wi to make the event memorable. r. M. Keyes , the roverenel , gentleman who - took I lot of shoes from 11. A. Messmore , was discharged ) 'epterda ) ' . In making pub- lic his decision Judge McGee took occasion lc to say that all the circumstances Indicated , , beyonll. a douht that ho never Intended to report any of the goods ho had taleen. Flora Jennings was II police court yes- terlay morning charged with drunlenness. . 1 Ofcer Wool and Deputy County ClerIc ] IOc made the joint discovery that she was n man . Instead of a woman , but the court turned . her loose to leave the city before an Information - formation could bo filed charging her with p obtaining a jag under faI ( pretenses. - Frank larlln was arrcs ell yesterday afternoon . noon 01 the charge of forging the signature - , ture of his brother W 1) . linrilin . to a check for $12 and then passing the check on James & Ilaverstocic. I Is clalmrd that he has done the same thing frequently . but his friends have always settled with his victims until nor rather than cause the young man any ( IiIllcnlty. Sely 10ulb entered the house of a man . , named ( Bush , at the corner of Twentieth street all Avenue D , yesterday afternoon and created a disturbance by applying all sorts of vie epithets to each and every i member of the Caml ) ' . Officer Weir went down all found Hough In the act of fore- I closing a mortgage on the place and arrested him. 10ugh tried to get up a tight wIth the other prIsoners. The funeral of Mary Ward will tale place this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Later Day SaInts' hurch , Rev T. " ' . Williams of- flclatlng. The remains will be taken to FaIr- view cemetery and placed beside those of her husband , William Ward , The deceased . was born In ngland and was one of the early setters of Council Bluffs. She leaves a son , JohI Ward , and tWo daughters , ! rs , M. FIfeld and ' Mrs Shields Roberts. . Thomas F'lnley was to have had a pre- lminary examination before Judge McGee , yesterday morning on the charge of carvIng bls friend , Clarence Sweet , but neither he nor the prosecuting witness were present FIn- hey turned up about hal an hour after court bad been adjourned. J. 13. Sweet , the father of the prosecuting witness , sall that hIs son never got up until about 10 o'clock un- Jess there was something unusual and he evidently dId not think a court case In whIch c. , the charge was assault with Intent to commIt - - suit murder an unusual thlng , : We have over $300,000 to loan upon improved - . proved Iowa fnrms. Farmers desirIng loans . can save money by dealing direct wIth us , thereby saving agent's commissIon. We do not loan on wild land ! . nor In Nebraska. . Lujeo & Towle. 235 Pearl sHeet. - rEnso.AL 1'.tIC.lGRAI'flS. I - : W. W. Loomis leaves for Chicago today S. Farnsworth Is home from a vIsit to Seattle , Wash. -r Mrs. W E. DrIggs Is visIting friends In : . Avoca this week ' Mrs. D J. Gates Js visiting her mother , I , Mrs A. A. Briggs , of A voca , I Mrs. It E. Wels of St. Louis will visit J _ her father , H. F. Ilattenhauer . thIs weck. i Mrs D W. Archer and daughter. May , 1 have returned from an extended eastern k' . trIp. trIp.Mrs Mrs E. C. Worthington of Des Moines Is In the city , the guest of her sister , 1rs , Ed nothert Mrs Morley of Denver , who has been vIsiting Mrl Debblngton the past week , has h left for home. John Dadisman . manager of the firm of c Wood ! Dros. of South Omaha , was In the , cIty yestenlay. 1 : Mrs J. 11. I'urcel and Mrs Charles E. Woodbury are expected to arrive home from M- n vIsit to Des Moines today. , E. K Patterson . who was confined to his bomo by a bad attack of typhoid fever for several weeks , Is able to be out Mrs. M. A. Arkwright has gene to Mont- rose la" , on account of the Illness of her suothor Mrs. Harmon. : Ted the little son of City Attorney Hazel- ton , Is recovering from un alack of scarlet fever which a week ago promised to result fatally. lIe Is now Improving rapidly and wi be entirely wel before long. J Unique Eveiiiiig'ii : lnt.rt"lllcnt , Vignettes from life , See them. LIving r flcture&amuslng , pathetic all beautiful. Music by Henry Smith's Modern Troubathours . : Congregational church , Monday evenIng. Admission - , - mission , 26 cents _ ; children , 15 cents. ; . Wanted , at once a man for farm and garden - 'S. den worle. J. n. McPherson , 1281 East Pierce Itret , Council Durs , Y. M. ( ' . ; , . : leotl ; There wi bo a meeting of the Young } ' Christian association at 4 o'clock this afternoon In the room In the Everett block , , to which all are invited. The feature ot the : day wi bo a series of three-mlnuto talks . em the following subjects : , "Settling on a LocationV. . J. Levorett. "Our Moves , " \Y. S. homer. - "Our Field of Operations , " F. IL. Ieys. "Intellectual Possibilities of Our Associa- tion. " \V. A. Goehring. "Social Posslblles of Our Association . " O. S. Lawson , - "Splrlual Iostbltes of Our Association , " O. J. IcNlt "Our Duty Toward Commercial Travelers " - F. II. Orcutt. "Railroad len , " Mr. howard . , "The Young Men's Christian Association I Vital Force In the Community , " W. I' . c OMcor . - "hlaipy : on the Way , " Henry DeI.ong. , "Sixty Iays Hence , " larry Curtis . ' ) The regular annual meeting of the members . of the Savings . Loan all luldlng association will be held In lie superIor court rom at the court house March 4 , at 7:30 P. m All - Jembers are rtjuested to be present D. W. Otis , secretary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Best materIal all good ( cooking wIn In running al eating house Pearl chop house ' , : llrrl./I 1,1.Ara. H ' The following marriage licenses have beel issued by the county clerk : . Name nnd Address . Age. ' Slurry iiiycier Council hhluffii . . , . . . . . . 20 Iu Arnold , l'oUlcl 1Iufs. . . . . . . . . 1 ! David \lllm. . 1'ottavattnrnio Co. . . 21 Ella 1a" Hough , ' 'otawltamle Co. . . :1 I Clark llnh'nal Quick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ella 1axter , Ncoia. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 3 Ii ' ( July I ' 1 \1 I.et Only two wekes left of that half Ilrlce aile 4' AlL rnouidings pictures etc . just half price. . - 1. I. . SMITh _ & CO. , 45 Main Street . ; Ilh'ktHI . ' a lu"Jr. t Charles Lacy was kicked In the face by hIs ' horse In hIs bar on Harrison street rlday. I - le Wi workIng with the animal when 1 be- , came frlghlenc and ccmmcncel to kick , I struck him In the face and In the ( chest , arms and less , inflicting about a dozen painful but ; not serious bruises. ' Ou heating Itoves for rent anti for isle : t Counci Bluffs GU CouIIHlny'1 olflce. 1' - - _ ' - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ - . _ _ _ _ . * _ _ _ . . - NEWS \ FROM COUNCI ! BLUFFS Coils of the Lw Tighten Around the Grt- weld Bank Robbers , - CII \ OF EVIDENCE IS NOW COMPLETE , SlnhI' Sent to Chlcngo ruly Identified- l'lkRl11ln Out on I"I--CI"SO" - tlorile" ThInk They Invo Riley hI Jail There. County Attorney Saunders ( returned resler- cay from Chicago , where he went to gather evidence In the bank robbery case at Oris- wold. lie succeeded In completng the identification - I ! tncaUon of the sttmps which were sent from COlnIl luts to Chicago , ! that the chain of evidence connecting the two men nol under , arrest here , Hiey , who Is at large , and Davis and Ohnartn , the Chicago ac- complces , wIth the robbery , Is nol com- pete. ] Dlls Is the proprietor vf "Tho 10uso of David , " one of lie worst fences In ChIcago - cage , located on Clark street between Madison - Ison and Monroe. I Is the resort of thugs and plug ules of every description , and Davis : Is the ( king bee of the lot For several - oral years past , however ho has behaved himself much better than of old , so tar as appearances are concerned , and the police have been unable to fasten any crime upon him. The Chicago authorities caught him with the vllso In his possession within a very few minutes after they received the telegram from the Council Bluffs polee announcing - nouncIng the robbery. lie was arraigned In the United States court on the charge of receivIng stolen property belonging to the government The authorities were not really for the hearing , but they made so bold a hllf that Da\ls and Olmnrln decided they might ns well waive examination. They were bound o\er. alll each furnished a bond In the aunt of $5.000 for his appearance. At 11:30 : yesterday morning a telegram was receIved at the sheriff's office from Mayor Ielste,1 , or Carson reading this way : "We have the man. Send hooker to identify. " This was the ( sequel to the telegram pub- Ishel , yesterday mornIng stating that a fel- low answerIng the description of Riley had been seen there , but had broken away from the police before he could be taken In cus- tad ) ' . But little attention was paid to the fIrst telegram , because there was nothIng much more substantial to this rumor than to any of the others thaD have been floating around so freely lut when the second cale Hooker decIded to go to Carson for the ( purpose of identifying the man , I pos- sible lIe started at 2 o'clocle with a horse and buggy for a twenty-six-mile drive across the country. About 8:30 : o'clocle last evening Sherr I Hazen receIved a telegram from his deputy Hooker , 11aled at Carson , saying "lie Is not the man " 'hether this statement hate to bo taken at Its face value Is a mater of some dispute. Some are inclined to thInk that licker will bring the fellow back with hum and that he Is the party who has been wanted all along , but that the telegram was so worded In order to throw the . 'ublc off the track and thus avoid any possible dif- culy with lynchers Others think that as smart a man as Riley proved himself to be would never drIft back to within sixteen miles of the place where the robbery was committed , and they would be very much surprised If Hooker were to appear In tewn ! today with Nick O'Drlen's assailant u.der' ' his wing. DetectIve John Hanley , of the 111"rton ! : force In Chicago , arrived In the c'ey ' yester- day and held a consu1atJn with the au- thorities. He fed an information aganst ! both Smith and White In the United States court , charging them with stealing stamps , from the government. He returned . to Chicago - cage last eveulng. . NEW GOODS . \T TiE UUS1'ON STORR. Carloads of Stuff to Go on Sale onday llorn n ; nli Ne , , rrlce Two unbroken carloads of . gods , In addI- ton to the regular case consignments that have been received at the Boston store during the past week , will go on E'le Monday morn- Ing. And wIth the new goods come new prlci that will astonish the ladles and all other buyers of dry gods , lore than 2,500 pieces of new wash goods will be shown Watch The Dee tomorrow for fuller descrlp- ton qnd prices Every novelty anci every- thIng nice that the asason has produce will bo shown Monday's lIce will contain lorlptons and prIces of the newest and finest fabrIcs In wool dress goods and silks , and you will be more than repaid for care- fully reading \ very word of the big advertisement - vlrlsement that will appear. FOWLER DICK & WALKER , Council Duls , SOCI\L.IA1 > ! ' NISGS LAST WEJI [ . I "olts that I ntvcned the Last D.ya no- fore Ioiit Coilinieliceil . The near approach of Lent brought a number of Important social affairs last week , whIch kept the gay world moving until Ash Wednesday ushered In the season of slck cloth , and Eel denial The third and last assembly bal given Monday night at the Grand hotel was a brilliant and successful aralr , While lie attendance - tendanco was not as large as the others of the series , this was more than counter- balanced by tim evident enthusiasm with whIch those present went In for enjoyment The dancIng hal was decorated with palms and potted hihants while from the corners of the room and the chandeliers hung festoons of smiax and evergreens. During the evening a banquet was served In lie ordinary. Dancing was kept up to a late hour. _ The charity bal given Monday night at Chambers' hal , under the auspices of the Ladle of St. Ann's Aid society , was a charming and highly successful party I was largely atended , Refreshments . were served. ! rs , J. L. Stewart gave a pleasant dinner Monday night to a small party of friends at her residence on Fourth street. The tables were decorated with cut flowers and ! , the menu was olegant. Those present were : Messrs. and Mesdames W. W. Loomis and W. F. Sopp ; Everett and J. N. Baldwin ; Messrs. Leonard all Ned Everett. 'ho Council Bluffs Maennerchor held their eighteenth annual masquerade huH at the Woodman hal Tuesday night . About 125 couples were present. ' The committee on arrangements had made abundant provIsions for lie comfort and entertainment of the ( guests The costumes of the dancer were picturesque and reminded - minded the onlooker of a typical German masque bali . Calico , silk , velvet and cash- mere mingled freely Through all the Intricate movements of the ( dance there was 1 blending of yelow , blue , red , white and ! black , pleasing to the eye ) and productive of' ' unique combinations. The lancing continued until a late hour. lefreshments were served In an adjoining room Everything requisite to an evening ot thorough enjoyment had ben provIded by the committee on arrangements . A charmIng reception was given Tuesday evening by Mr. and ! rs. J. D. dmundHon at their homo on F'ifthi avenue The large rooms opening Into one another were beaut- fully decorated with palms and cut flowers and In the hal the orchestra was stationed behind n screen of ahiiis. In the drawing rom \\'as I prCuslon of I.a France rose all curtains of sllllax veiled the ( 'iiilows The mantel In the ( back parlor was banked with liyaehiithis . lilies of the valley and orchids , while tie meteor roses and calla lilies sllread a delightful fragrance In t10 library. Great bunches of meteor roses brightened the dining room and lie tables were ornamented with drawn work and cut glass. glass.Ir. . and Mrs Edmunson welcomed their frIends In the drawIng room Assisting thel were Mr and Mrs. E. E. Hart , Miss SWal1 of Evanston and Miss LIndsey of Omlha , Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Tlton ushered tbe ( guests Into ( tb" dining room , where dalntr refreshments were Ber"ed. . > - . ' . ' - " - " " i- " ' " " - - - : - - . . . . Mrs Hanchett and Mrs . Charles Ofcer pre- sidell o\'cr the coffee anl , chocolate and Miss nalllwin served the Ice About 200 gluts were present during the evcnlng. Mr. anti , Mrs. ft. 11. Harris entertained a party of frIends at high five Monday even- Ing. Those present were : Mr. anti Mrs. J. O'Nei , Mr. antI Irs. Moore , Mr. anti Mrs. C. H. Graves , Mrs. I. . Ilhsmlh , and the Misses Laura IAng. Anna and lancho Mikesel , Lily S\\an , Neto Morris , Bertha Schlcketanz arid Miss Green of Omaha ; Messrs. J , Pool , E. Ii , Ott . F. Thorne , C. Smith and E. I. I ! Bullock of Omaha. The first prizes were wQn by Miss Nettle Morris and Mr. Bullock , The Oakland Avenue Reading club met with Mrs. George Sanford at her home on Grant street Friday afternoon. Those present were : Mesdames C. M. Hark , Ii. W. lazle tonV. . J. Le\'eret F. n. Orcut ( , Ernest Cole , Dlxby , Waterman , F. C. I.ougee , W. O. Dorland , J. H. Arthur Mines Evans , Camdy ( and Comstock of Mount Pleasant. Mrs. Mary I.okwool ( of 812 South Sixth street was pleasantly surprised Wednesday evening by a merry company of friends who brought cards anti refreshments with them. Irs. it. J. Meyer tntertalne ( n number of frIends Tuesday evening at 2216 SIxth avenue at a checker ] party. Mr" A. 1 lanchet entertained the P. E. O. society Thursday evening at her home , 120 Fourth street. John J. Fralney will give a ShakespearIan entertainment Tuesday , evenIng at the Baptist church for the benefit of the Sunday school The Crystal League Literary society of Omaha and the Council Bluffs high school cadets held In oratorical contest FrIday even- lug at Dohany's opera house , whIch was fled to ( almost its full capacity . The pro- grain Ilresentcd was a good one , blt much too long , the decision of the judges not beIng annonlee,1 , until nearly midnight. Dr. Stephen Phelps presided Doth sets of con- testanl ( ( showell I great deal of caroftil l prepa- raton , but on the general average the de- cision of the Omaha judges came out nhead. The judges were Messrs. Condit of ! ed Oak and 'f'ndal of Omaha and Miss Clute of Alanlc , Dy them the ( palm was given to Omaha for essay and oration and to Council Bluffs for debate and declamaton , Omaha won In the grand total hy a score of l,3iO to 1.330 polnl : The Twenteth Century chub will meet at the ( home of Mr and Mrs. W. J. I.evcrlt 320 Avenue E , Tuesday evening , March 5. . NOW IT'S sisihtrs. Ilnnlsun Ir08 , ' Sensaton for ! onlllY' Monday Is election day , and on that ( lay all classes of men can , If they choo , "elect" to wear the nobhlest and most st'lsh new shirt of the season , finely laundered , with collar and curs attached , for 60c nnlson Dros. will put on sale on Monday morning , and continuo until I o'clock In the evenIng , a big line of these new percale shirts ( , In all ahiade. They arc regular 76c and $1.00 shIrts and have never been sold for less than 75c anywhere on earth , but you can have all you want of them Monday for GOc Buy a new shirt before you vote , and 1 will help you to vote right. SomethIng for the ladles ? Yes ; all the LL unbleached muslns they want for 3 fc n yard , and they can have all day to buy It In DENNISON DnOS. , Council Bluffs. Duls. ALL'S 'Alt IN l'OL1TICS : IIYO anti n.co..e. of Walnut no I Little SchemIng on Thol. Own iccount. The little town of Walnut , In the east end of the county , Is passing through the throes of an election , like most other towns In the state , but owing to an unforseen circumstance the Australian ballots to be used next 10n- day will have only enC set of names upon titerS. \Valnut has two parties In local elections , the people's . . ( and' c els' " 'ior ' . .1' republicans and democrats , are unkno\yn there , excepting In case of sate all national 'electons , Dy a clever game of freeze out the peoplo's party has been completely circumvented In theIr plan to have a ticket before the publc , They tupposed until a few days ago that n petition - ' ton for electon should be fed In the office ' of the county audior , After the time required by law had passed In which a petition could be fed , they discovered - covered that they had made a mistake and that they should have fed their petition In the office of the town recorder , They there- upon fed theIr ( petition with the recorder , but the representatives of the citizens' party raIsed objectons , The mayor recorder and a member of the cIty councIl to be choesn by hot are made by law a bead for determIning whether certificates of nomination are legally made out . and the mater was laid before the board. Unfortunately for the ( people's candi- datet layer H. V. Datey and Recorder N. H. Lewis are both candidates fez : reelecton on the cttzen ' ticket . and as they const- tutCl a majority of the board they promptly overruled the objections thaI had been made by the peoples : party to thl ( citizens' pet- ton , sustaining the objections made by the citizens to the people's candidates , and the- clde that only the candIdates of the pcople's party should have theIr name printed upon the official ballot , The people's party leader/ then brought the matter before JUdge Smith , who was holdIng n session of the dIstrIct court at Atlantic , and asked for a mandatory wrIt to compel the board to reconsld , ts determination all publish the people's party ( ticket along wIth lie other After hearing lie arguments of the attorneys Judge Smith held that the law made the decisIon of the board final , and denIed the writ. The leaders or the people's party are considerably worked up over the ( decisIon , but just what they will do about I remalne to bo seen 'Uow's Your : liole ? The latest fad , and the most sensible one which has struck the city In a long time . Is of an athletic nature. D W. Dushnel lately put In a supply of the "Whitely exercisers " and now there are several scores of ambitious athletes and health seeleera who are enthusI- atc In their use and praIse of the ( "exer- cisers. t The exerciser Is a complete gym- nasIum , small enough to be poIsed In a collar box , and yet containIng all the needful appl- ances for fecurlng such exercise as comes from rowing bal tossing , bowling , put- ( lag the shot , drilling n stone , running - fling a hiandcar ete. Every man his own Snndow" I the catchy label , and I Is truthful enuogh to be appropriate. The Whitely exercIser Is a most IngenIous arrange- ment , and It Is as cheap an athletic sport and aH euro a prescription as one could wish for. The prlcM vary from $2.00 to $5.00 , according I , to finish , and It can be put In position In any room In hess than five mlnutos Those who want better health or more strength should step Into Bushnell's and examIne lie little Sallow maker. TlOUIJ : ! CO\11 CE ( } .UC.Y. Lafayette - I.ncas hedging RI olnoor the First NIJht Atter lila 'VI"Iln , ; Unless present intentions miscarry thl ( wedded bliss of Lafayette A. Lucas will b of short duration . for even now there Is a cloud obscuring future happInes , and ho has been but a few hours the possessor of a bride. Yesterday he applied to the clerk for license to marry Miss Eta ( Cribbs and as the ( age of the maiden was only 1 tIme written consent - sent of her parents was necessary. This was forthcoming In Ohio shape of a letter . to which the ( name of the young lady's mother wan signed . which containe the nledeJ ( r- mission. The license was Issued , And shortly thereater ( Justice Clalerbucl ( made them man amid wife , 14tter In the day Mrs Cribbs heard of the affal : ' anJ 1110nOu/ccd the letter giving her consent to the msrlnge a forgery and on the advice of County Ator/y : Saumiders , a war- rant was sworn out before Justice \Ien charging the new made groom with writing It 'he warrant was Issued , but late last evening the olccrs' had not succeeded In 10- c"'tn the young .man , \ 'e ! , the ' Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry , " and Is located at 72 Broadway I In doubt IOJt this . try 1 and bo cosivinced Dou't ) forget name and number. Tel. 157. Latter U"y I onh'roiico. A confernce of lie Church cf Jsus Christ of the Latter Day SaInts Is to be held at huntington hal , 104 Broadway , In thIs city , " - - . ' . - . - . . _ - . . _ - ' " < 1-- L - , Sunday And MondayMrch . 10 and 11. Three sessions will be hel ' /ch ? 11ny. at 10 a. m. anti 2 antI 7 p. m. T2o public Is invited to attend nil lie ( serl ' ' ! " A number of elders from other placeD afpected _ to be Present and take part In thi ? lllborations. , Si : TIU.'IAI " l u TO : oor. I'rell I.outalngor Tltiq'k'a I ' ' flack Ioo Iuto amid 'thItse " tolrt .1 , 1111n ii Tnrlcl , Molle Graham IYl3 at 301 North Seventh street She has then mIxed lp In a number of rackets of "arlol ! , dimensions , In some of whIch guns nmll1vo'tra figured con- splclols ! . ler latest effort at notoriety was made last eveh1hl , when he called at Leutzlnger's house . M ' Avenue A , and flourishing - Ishlng a large revolver , asked to see the head at Iso house. The head or the house heard her ask for him and suspecting what she wanted made a beeline out of the back door and ( down street . For n tIme ho was afraid to show himself on the street and Rot George Schlnclele , a neighbor , to notify the polIce. During the evening he fed an information In Justice Cook's ' , court charging her with assaul with intent to kill all she was nr- reste by Oflicer Weir at a dance In hiughie.a' hail . For a number of months past Leutzlnger's name anti , that of lie Graham woman have been connected by the gossips , and It was reported last SUh1rer that I.eutzlnger hall mallo up his mlnl , to wed again , anti that M01e was to be the ( blushIng bride. But he has since then met with a change of heart and whether Mole was at any time his nrosiiid bride , she Is not now She makes no hones of lie fact that she Is jealous of Lena Jensen , a girl who works In Lent- zinger's family , and I \\'os I.eutzlnger's allowIng - lowIng this girl to remaIn tinder the same roof with him that brought down the ( b- streperous Mollie's wrath last night To Wake VI' Trndn ' \0 will offer thIs week any thing packed In tIn at about one-hal its actual value. Below Is a Cew of the many bargains we have to offer you this week : les I California peaches , per can , 13c : good California peaches , per can , h1i/c ; plo peaches , per can , tIc : California - fornia apricots per can , lie : California egg plums , lie ; California green gage plums . per can , lie : California muscat grapes , per can . 10c : California Bartlett pears , tier Ian , lie ; Calfornia white cherries , 13c : gallon can of apples , only lc ; blackberries , per can , Gc ; blueberries , per cnn , ic ; raspberries , per can , 8c : strawberries , per can Gc : gooseberries , per can , 8c ; strlngltss beaus , per can , 6c ; lma beans Gc ; wax beans per can , ic ; good corn , per can , only 6c : Glen- wood corn , per can , 81c ; solid packed ( toma- toes per can , G,4c ; oil sardines . 3c ; mustard sardines , per can . Gc ; marrowfat peas per can . lc ; Fr\ch peas , per can , 12c : mantis- rooms , per can , 1ic : 3-1b can California raspberries , per can , lie ; 3lh. can Call- foria blackberries per can , lie ; large can of pumpkin , only 6c ; 3-1b. can Boston baked \ beans , lie ; 4-lb can Prlco's baking powder , $ ,43 ; l-Ib can Price's baking powder , 3Gc : 8oz. can Price's baking powder , 21c ; G-Ib can Calumet bakIng po\\der. only 69c ; l-lb can Calumet baking powder , iCe ; l-Ib can Don Don baking powder 7c DROWN'S C. 0 D. Council Bluffs , Ia. Change 'n'Tlmc. The time of holding the funeral of Mrs. J. M. Patton has b changed I to .1 o'clock this afternoon from thie.jresi1enco of D. S. Ter- wihhiger . G41 Fifth avcnue . The funeral of Mi : "T 1 [ Lyon wm be held this afternoon al 2 o'clock at 718 Mi street , 11ev Stephen Phieps ofciatng , i Davis the drug , paint and glass man , fur- , nlshed The Bee ofM , : the C. , B. & Q. offIce ' and Smith & May'e place'wlh new plate glare windows yesterday. J Davis sells drugs.PI ; . and glass cheap TllVOIT TIE EpI.TR IN CU XTEMPJ' : - "IOrOH Editorlat ' Comsuant of a Des MoIiio , I'ssper 'Cststie' I. 'ensatInn. DES rWINES , In , March 2.-Specilah ( / Tel- egram.-Thie ) appedrance or an editorial In the Register this 'n rnlng savagely assaul _ ' 'tngtW ; S ; Rehm nd andtbrchly ! hinting that he exerted a questionable Influence 'over Judge ' Stevenson "Wl o , 'blcause of' ' thus -al- leged influence . refrained from sending Rlth- month to jai In default of the production of the missing records of the wreclcl Union Savings and Loan associaton , caused an Informal - formal meeting of a , SLrQf members of the association this forenoon , when tt was agreed to cal a meeting of the bar association this afternoon and pass reso- lutons calling upon the district court to cite R. r Clurlson of the Register before the court for contempt The meeting was tc have convened Imme- diately following the assignment of cases by Judge Stevenson at 3 o'clock. but the attorneys became divided In opinion In re- Inton to the proprIety of the proceeding and the meetIng wait not caled , A reporter' ( met Clurkson on the street a few minutes after the attorneys had abandoned - doncc the plan of adopting denunciatory resolutons , He nowlEdged writing the article ani intimated jhiere would be all kinds of amusement .here about If an attempt - tempt should be made to drag him before the court for contempt W. S. Richmond was summoned before Judge Stevenson of the district court thIs morning and argument hind to show cause why he Hhoulll not be a.ljlllgell In contempt of court In having faIled to prOuce cer- ( alti missing records of the Union . Savings all Loan association , of wllch tie was manager . and bo committed to jail until court he shall comply with the order of the The arguments consumed the entire morning session or the court and wore not concluded unti after 2 o'clocl this afer- noon , when Judge Stevenson rendered a decision releuRln < Richmond from the chlrge , The Judge ] saul In Ilnrt : "When upon the wuesstund Richmond persistently - enty stuted lint he knew nothing of the whereabouts of the b\oles In question . anti that he had not removed them from the omce ( or the associaton , There hl/ been Introduced evidence In tIthe proceeding which shows very wrong conduct cn the part or RIchmond with reference to the affairs of the association . There has been shown tn ithiort many reasons why Rich- month should desire the disappearance of the Ilooies of the association . and many reasons for believing that ho. was In fact the In- trument whereby they were removed. lint , he Is not on trIal now for such offenses. nor II he on trIal for his wrong eondUd with reference to the affairs or the as- I sociaton , "Tho only question that can be deter- I mined here is . has nlchmonl the abIlity to deliver these books ? In addition to his testimony on the Itand he has fe,1 , his allidavit stating that It Is Impossible to comply statng order to deliver the books. One might wih much reason conclude that he may have dcstrpYtll them , as that would bl lie most natural thing for him 10 do under the circumstances but In that event he would not be guilty of eonlempt. unless the destruction occurred utter the order of the court was served upon him. There Is an titter Inck of evidence Hh'wlng hat Ir Richmond should be confined In Jai an indefinite length pC jime he would complY - plY with the order" . I' ' "I confess that I save been brought to see the disregard IVcllnond has shown to the rights of those Ivll have trusted hlml rlhtl I have felt that thercourt might not bo SO 'nreful or hIs , but when I ama ' brought race to taco with ti , fQCtH and my duty , I am required to p 'Milo such feelings. My conclusion Is thjlt ( here Is no evidence showIng that " ' . B.5'Ttit'hunond l Is guilty or contempt of this c tstt \ In failing to com- ply 1 > wIth the orderJlht'etororo made , " ash n'nr II 'Ixnnuraled. DES MOINES , f4T 'fl\ \ 2.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-A ) decision W/IBreuched / thIs morn- Ing In lie impeaauBcit case or Mayor hiihhls. The vlrdlqt \s not guilty ' the Ills. : vote standing eighst1fQ , qne. the hatter being Alderman tiathsiss. ole only ( leunocratic Alierman .lathl. tt democrtc member or . the coSfiil ( ( . After tIme Intro duction of n small Imolnt of evIdence this mnorniuig the entire Line ( was taken up with Irguments or . un.el , whIch lalted till 5 o'clock when ! vellct was rendered - dered In short order . . , ; , S.H.II , IA1'S.IH , J'llIBl'T. . Eour ot the Firmest ilibek. tn the City Ue- , alrO.t Hld the 1'111101 Mi HI.rr"dln SALINA Ian. , March 2-A terrifIc fire Is raging In the business porton of this city Already four of the finest IJrlcl blocks are In ruiiis . mUlti although the tire- men are fighting heroically It looks UI though all the west side at Santa Fe IWO- flue from the Oblr block north to 1'01 avenue will go Ull In lame9. 'ho lIre started , at : 10 o'cloel In the basement at the ( OPec bloek. 1 tine thn'e'ltory brick structure 'l'he lire hus consumed the Ober lre bloc It , the Urcer blo le. the Mlsoniu tem- 1Ie , and is now In the Grand Central hotel A desperate effort Is being mldc to check I. The loss sofar - - - Is or - $ OtO Stock hluld I"rnllla for 1'.IJuarT. CHICAGO. March 2.-The estimated gross earnings or time Hock Ila ni system for February are $ .010 , ( . a del'reaa" . al com- reared with esthnate gross earnings of the sumo month last year of 1221,2G2. , - . - , - , . . . - N CHARLES M'COY ON TRIAL - Answcrn3 : to the Charge of Asistng Taylor f Rob South Dakota . , MAKING A O' SnRATE FIGHT FOR LIBERTY Ul'o.e" 15111sgtilis UrrrRt,1 hut Its SII'- Ilorters Still hope tu Irllg I ; UII nt the I.nlest : s outcast . PIERRE , S. J , larch 2.-Speclal ( Tele- gram-Tht ) trIal of Charles McCoy for can- Rplracy to help Taylor defraud the stat began before Justice Yarnel this afternoon , the attorney general handling the case for the state No evidence of large Importance was Introduced. The defendant's attorney argued at length to Ilsmlss the ( complaint ] on the ground ( hint It wits faulty In not statIng In overt act , but this was resIsted by Crawford - ford and ( overrucll. ] The defense fought the attorney general's questions Inch by Inch , and four-fifths or the tme was consumed In legal arguments on points of evidence . The wltnessl's summouell were the deputy treasurer - urer , the state auditor Cashier Humphrey of the Hedfcll bank Attorney General Crawford - ford anti John E 1)Iamnouiti. ) The last two were the only ones having hnporlnt Infor- maton , and they were not allowed to give it . The trial I wi last probahly fully a week , Senator lettgrew has sent a sworn state- ment to lie investigatIng committee , hut its contents are ns yet unknown St'i NO UU 'I IAIUT.CSI l.egent Legislature thin 1IIIrN1 TholBnl.1 IIII&M ( 'hnller Thal Sun 1,1.1. PJ nHE March 2.-Speclal ( Tehegrana.- ) In the Senate the ( annnal alllroprllton ! bill , amounting to $ S9.9G. . wits Int\oduced , This Is a Ravin of $160,00 ever two years ago 'rhe houRo committee haB al'eCl upon n bill RUbslnntuly the same ns thnt of l)3. ) In thin senate th ' : J following Imllc stunt mes- urea passed : Boyce's bill for the elect.n : of a city assessor In Sioux Falls : for the issuance of bonds to reimburse the school fund for Taylor's de llcntou : approprIating for expenses for selecting endowment Innds In tIme house the hill relucng , stenoJ- rapher fees from 10 to 8 cents per folio . wan passed , also the bill reluclng ( county nuditors' salaries. The lull estjtbhIshisi schools for feeble mlmled estlbllhhiJ Miller and St. Lawrence wits killed , as was wnrden the bill establishing the olce or game The divorce bill died today According to the notice gIven ) 'elterlla ) ' by Burke ! , the motion to recollldcr the vote h ) ' which the bill was lost yesterday was made hut this was defente h1' a vote of 39 to 36 This probably kills the measure for the i itesslomi , though there Is some talk of effecting - fectn ! a combinatIon by whIch both the woman suffrage bill and the divorce bill will be taken from the table and Iiasseh. , Such an let would not be In accordance with precedent , but In the opinion of con- sttutonal lawyers would be safe Minnesota SOl018 Weary of Chn. ! . . . ST. PAUL March 2.-1) nn unanimous vote today the house rei used to Investigate - gate thc distribution of the 'arId's fair appropriation , after a warm dIscussion In which It was plaInly 'stated that members were weary of charges of all sorts . unsup- ported by the Imowledge of fraud The de- I bate clearly showed the p ohable acton ot I the proposed investigation and possible Im- I penchment of Governor Clough and Bank I Exnmlner Kenyon. ' In the house today Representative Bowles' ' introduced . anti had adopted by unanimous Vote resolutons stntng that the Fifty- third congress would cense to exist 1on- day ; that the people have during thIs congress - gress been subjected to untold misery , financIal dlst\ess and Political disgrace , "itesolveth . . ' 'hut. American lmtrlote pco- lime are awaiting . tie hour of deliverance . thereby declaring that they have determined - mined that never again will they trust the business affairs of this great nation to democratic hands " lemocratc J' Legtsmittve Clmlhl" II Oltllhoin' , GU1'HHIE , Old. . March 2.A combination - ton has , been effected In the legislature to locate all time territorIal Institutions and a bill was rushed through thIs morning 10- . eating the penitentary , So warm did lie discussion grow that It was necessary for the scrgeant-aV'armns to interfere several times to prl'ent personal encounters between - tween members Lively times are looked for all next week , which Is the last of the session A bill was put through this morn- hug giving to rimobtite judges the right to grant di'orea and one amending the libel law so 'S to mukl' libel a mlulemeanor In- stead at : telony. Waiie else 1011 ; ulo Iisvoselgsttetm. DENVER , March 2-Senator Carne introduced - ) troduced a resolution In the legislature to- day urging Colorado members ot congress to attempt to secure a'n Investguton b ) ' congress of the recent band sale. on . 1..r.ctnRI ! haunt for Senator. DOVER . Dol" , larch 2-One ballot was taltn for United , States senator todl ) ' . Hc- suit : Higgins . 6 : Addicks G ; Massey . 4 ; 1ayanl. 4 ; " 'olcot. G. Ille O'd ; Hory ( 'OlrA rrom Idmilie. nOISE , Idaho. . March 2-1'he senatorial ballot tola was as follows : Shoup , 19 ; Sweet , 18 ; Llaggctt , 11. . lU .IL EST.JTE IB,1 CONCLUDLJi . Twenty- Elve T'"I..lt ' Acres Iii C.nVrod I e"llty. 1ova . 'ro8turrc.1 , SIOUX CITY : March 2-Speclal ( Telc- gram-The largest single deal In farm land In this county for a number of years has just been closed , b ) which 2,50 acres or the old Garretson ranch near the ( city , Is ) sold to CV. . l'ayne 'f Crawford county , Iowa , for $ : .O. Pane Is 1 bunker at West Side and wIll male the ranch Into the largest - est stock farm In thIs section , No new steps wert secton today In the troubles of the lulou Banking company The olcers hope now th..t the crisis will he passed without 1 receive-ihtlp or asslJn- wi ment. No new atachments Iwve been taken out against the concCn and the claims on .hlch : t cment. have been made will probably be settled soon. The stoclholdcrs will o-l In their power to leeep the company - pany from being forced Into liquidation amid the creditors are understood to bo of the opinion that this course wi bc best for them Judge \Valeefeld has decided , In answer to questions adllrcsscd to him on hehnlt of the persona Interested In the effort to elect a woman on the school hoard , hint ( thither n recent law of the ( state women can vote at the ( coming scho1 electiomi. They have II- read ) ' put 1 cumldate In the field-Mrs. Augusta Dean-and will turn out to vote for her. 'rhe election will he the first In which the women have taken part and they propose - pose to win _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ltulvern1 Slave u New Iinnk . IALVI RN , Ia , March 2.-Speclal.-A ( ) fourth bank In the town Is now assured , I has been known for some time that ( Inothel' was contemplated , This week the organiza- ton waH completed ( and at n meeting of the stocleholders the following olcers were electl : Presldcnt , A. J. 'Vearln ; vice pres- Ident , S. B. BurneH' cashier , J. C 'l'aylor. 'rho authorized capllul Is $ ,0. with f20o paid tip I Is expected that the Imlance of the ( capital stock will soon be paid iii . us most of lie stcclholdcrl are lmon our wealthiest citizens. Mr. 'carin Is owner or the xchange bunk of Instns ( , which silt he discontInued 111 merled ! Into the ( new bank. Mr. Barnes was until lately ] a memhel' or the Boehner Mercantile company . Mr. Taylor was pre.hlet or the Farmers National bank , untl he sold out his Interest about two months mtn. ' 1he title of lie ( new Institution ! wl:1 : be the Mills Cu0y ( Sayings - Ings bun . ' 1hey will occupy the front room on the first Iloom' of the new Paddock block whIch Is behsmg fitted up In nice sty he , Time town election next Monday promises I to ( develop considerable Interest. ) I scents ' to be n contest between the ( "Ins" an,1 , , , , , " otia. " At a caucus held , at the ( town huh : February 21. called by Mayor Du Hhlne , the following ticket was nominated : Mayor , John Du Shale ; recorder . \v g , Kline : treasurer , James J. Wilson ; street commissioner , V. ' . W. \'iils ; councimen , Rd I Brown ansi C. g. hloisnes \itli the excellton ofVihIs . the nomInees are at IlreElnt fling the \ "I lens to which they have been nominated Immediately after Jle caucus adjourned I number of citizens . feeling that snap jlI- ( ! ment had been plnycd on them , circulated ( a petition to have the ( olo.wlnl Ilerl nH stand : Mayor H. I , . Hummon : street eomnmnii'sioner , I. I hiowinan ; councilmen , \v A , Crow nnl ( I. V , ' . Sknten. No nomlnu- ton ; wus made ftr recorder and treusurer I.allll" of auisesm..mtlcami. . MANNING la. . lurch 1.-0 the gdlor ot 'fhe lee : I there a state In the Unied States that lohlhls n white woman from ' ? marrying a 1 \ . , IrTZO . lore than half the states either prohIbi . or treat as void such mnarrieges. -A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - 1' MEDICINES MADE FREE ! IMMENSE GOD Dom : UNIEH ) T H COPEIAND AND SlEPAU ) SYSTEM. . Excellent Men Con'ltulngthe StnffofSpecInhtst3--Mcdtcal \ Core n Nominal Cost-No Fee Role - Beyond 0 Low Monthly for Continuous Sot'vlco Till Curod. , I 19 aer ) common thIng for stricken nll nmlchl people , blaH tell by souse en- tnrrhal rot or Ihnlllnl throuh ( lie worM with Bore deep organic tiiene , to hear cuithtmsiastic comumnendattomi of the Copeland and Shiepard medical system , 'rhicy nrc told ( hint for the relief amid cure of lung troubie , kithiie' troubhe , stomach trouble , or other chronic blight of lire there is mmmi system of nti'mtfltmiges to compare with those offemeil Ii ) ' ( hilt practice , What Is ( lie logic of ( hits comniutentlation ? - Accorthing to ( lie evidence that govermis all inca 1st tIme forniatlosi of opInlomus , ( lie fstctg are : Fitst , ( limit the Copelamiti nilil Siiepard staff Is nindo tii excitisively of mcmi ¶ vIio are kmiowii , simmgly auth intiI'iilmnhiI' , , as nutting tIme comnpotemit sjieeialists of ( hue lire- fession : secommul , that timi systema Is bascil ( spout a clearer theory of dIsease month Is logic. fill' nttemitlcd with bettor hirtietiCal results ( hum att' of thiC inethiothic forimierhy cmnp'.oyeml ; thiirtl , that the Copolimtd amid Simeparti treat- macmit is mtfforticd at less thiuti oiie.folirthi the ordimiarv charges , there bouimg no fee exceed. imig a iosv rate itioiitiuly , incluitling niedi- cinr's. The Point is ( lint these mnatteus are as firmull' Imiht4tiluitiiltei ( as miuty Ineisinmit itt i0 cortleti history. Not one Vt'hliittuhlle witness , mint hOd rcliuitnble wltsiesmtes , but ilvo ( lion- snuith seputable vitmiesses have testluletl to ( hose Itoints , in rimmt antI in lflilihie , from their own Personal exii'riemice. That is on. thuority enough , it linK ( lie weight of mt liiltie. Atil , emi mmcli authority , minute can sin or err iii cotmimnending the Copelautil and Shucpard treatment to suffei lug fehlow-mnoitalsh WAS A PHY31CAL WRLCK. _ I,4 , All Jimgitt Nowmmml the Cuire Is I'erimmaum cii t. Mr.V. . C , Mooney , 1601 South Thirty- fourth street , mm. telegraph operator at time central olhlce of ( \Vesermi ( Union , says : "After treating for over two years with various doctors , mind getting verse mill ( lie timnti , I was tudvlseul to go to 1)r. Shtepurtl. : Vlien I thid go I was about its imearls' ii PhYsical s'reck at ; is often seen. My troubles were catarrhm of tIme hmemuol , uttotnachi amid bowels - els , with great nervous prostriution. 1,11' , digestion - gestion amid sleep vere w'retehteti-to i'umchs a degree ( limit I enuilti hardly retmuiim mv humidness - ness PositIon. hiumt imnuler Dr Slieputtl' : care I improved ( ruin the start mitmui sun iii excellent - lent liemtlth-mnttchm bettor in tnct timmin I have been for years. It is nearly a yemur , now1 since my cure , anti I know it is permanent. ' COUNTRY PATIENTS. SeuuUmig for Syunmitomn Itlitusius ammo Tmukiimg Trcntmnt'it l ) auth MRS. MARY F. hOLLAND , Friend , Neb. , whom l'resldent Clevelauttl appolmtteul postmistress at that itince last week , writes : "lixpress package came duly to hmanti Thank you. Began your treatment one week ago Inst night. I am very muichi better alreauhy Stitce Momiday I have en- jOI'Cd more good feehimig ( han 1 have before for several nmonthis. Such a change in so short a time Is simply womiderful. i'ester- ( iLt ) I walked dowsi town atiti back wiliotut being utterly exhausted on reaching home. Your treatment , or ehe may faith iii your treatmnemit , has wrought ( hue charm , " F1It'T miTEI' IN ' , It I I. CIIIIt.Sil. For those desiring the until treatment , the first step is to senti letter or potnh to 311 and 312 N. Y. Life Bldg. , for Drs. 2'hIO c.lLIFuIci'it RtCUIfJS 15JWICIt. Soven-Furoog aunt lul1 Steepto (2hmne Cosmrso 5lrs iIziiison'iy I.ow'rel. SAN FRANCISCO. March 2.-Two Cahifor- nm records were broken today. The seven- furlong record of I:2Gl : was lowered to 1:26 : by McLlght , who boat Imnported Percy , an otldS-oa favorite. The full course steeple. chase record of 5:33 : was brought down to 5:21mby : Eli Kemitlig , beating Floodniore by a length. Three favorites von. Weather pleasant ; track lIne ; attendance large. liar- ney Sehirieber rondo a big winning on Eli Kentlig , ( lie amount stated to be $7,000. Sum- marks : lrirst race. six furlongs , selling : Niaragn. 89. Kenny (20 ( to I ) , vosa ; 1.0(11 , 100 , Jirady (2 ( to 1) ) . mieconul ; Steaulfast , 103 , ltusel (3 to I ) , third. Time : Ih55. : Albrceclc , Lochainvar , Dr. Gartimser , Joe Frank , Yanydene , Sliver and 1l Tirano also rail. Second race. seven furlongs : McLIghit. 99 , Griffin (4 to 1) ) , wonl i3raw Scot , lii , Carr (3ito ( 1) , second : Imported Percy , 110 , 11cr- gen ( I to 2) ) , third. Time : 1:26. : Bermmardo also ran. - - Third race , Rncine stakes , 2-year.ohuls , half a mile , value $1,000 : imaporteul Santa Della , 115 , Griffin ( t to 5) . womi : Coda. 115. Weber (50 ( to B , seconul ; Marionette. 115 , Hennessy (8 to 5) . third. 'J'ime : 0:49m : , . Tennessee Maid , hirltannla , Ezztu , filly , also ran. Fourth race , Hawthorne stake. steeple- chase. full course , value $2,00 : Eli ICeiihi : , 139 , Chancy (5 ( to 1) ) , won : Finodmore , 170 , Mclnerny ( S to 5) ) , seconul ; Wootiformi. 113 , Almnarlc (5 ( to 1) , thIrd. Time : 5:2h'Long. : . s'eIt anti My Luck also ran. My Luck fell. Fifth nice , mile anti a quarter , hianuhican : Oakland , 09 , Gruilln (3 to 1) ) . won ; Ghlenti , 102 , Bergen ( i to 1) ) . second : Tlsornhlll. 115 , Carr (6 ( to 5) ) . third. Time : 2:09 : % . Claudiuls , GarcIa - cIa mind Eckert also ran. Sixth - race , six fuirlongs , selling : Royal Flush , 117 , Grililn (7 ( to I ) , won ; Harry Lewis , 97 , hleinrichis (20 to 1) , seconul ; Marietta , 102 , hiurhingame (8 to 1) ) . , third. 'limo , : 1:15. : Arno. Ciiemumclc , The Lark , Don Caesar anti Mutineer also ran. l'arIiieIPn'A 'Femim VIctnriuji , TIme live bird team shoot on the hienals Park Gun Club grounds yesterday afternoon - noon was witnessed by a gootl crowd of spectaors. The weather was fine , bitt ( lie shooting poor , Parmelee , Bloke anti Smu'aui were pitted against Death , Loomis anti I'o- ( era. twenty-five hive birds per mail , thirty yards rise , fifty boundary , American association - ciation rules , for the price of ( lie birds. The score : Blake..21222 1121-c 22x2 x220l 11011-20 Smnead..OIxlx 01110 00221 11022 22200-15 l'armeiee . , . . . . . . , . 12121 11212 12010 12021 22222-22 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) 11010 12101 12111 21122-15 Loomims..i2xil 12012 10222 h0202 11220-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01010 21102 21012 11020-14 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eist SC , Louss ( ) ; icls . 'sgiimi. ; ST. LOUIS , March 2.-1aclng was resumed - sumed at East St. Louis today under Turf Congress rules , withu a good attendance. Results : First race , selling , mtimte-sixtenthms of a inhho : Eli won , Parole seconul , L. J , Knight third. 'I'ime : 1:00. : Seconul race. selling , six ( umrlomigs : Re- nubIle won , Louhy Lister second , ] 'rimico h'ayton third , Tlmno : l:21. : 'l'imirsl race , nine-sixteentius of a mulct Lit- the Eli won , Pat Tucker second , hiermislomu third. 'rime : 0:59. : Foumrthi nice , six furlongs : Storekeeper won , Stsv " , Vhucn mcconuh , Barney Laraway tlsirsl. 'i'imne : h:23 : ½ . Fifth race , six furlongs : Sehiumylkill won , 'i'oni Rlmnore second , \'evay third , Time : 1:21 : % . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ htesalils itt New Orlesums , NIIOIiLEANS , March 2.-Track heavy. htesiuhts : First race. five furlongs : Fabin. (5 ( to 1) ) won , iIreVlty (10 ( to 1) ) seconil , Lagnlappo (3 ( to 5) ) tisirul. 'rIme : 1:0h. : Second rmuce , ix ( umrlouigs : hiotigmuon (2 ( to I ) won , Springtime (15 ( (0 11 isecomid , Itsvu Puilsifer ( . to 1) ) ( birth , 'l'issie ; 3 :2I : ! . 'l'hiir'I race , six furiongs : I.ssy 0mm (9 ( to 2) ) vomi , ihevesly (6 ( to 5) ) second , jdmtsnd Con- 110119' (10 ( to 1) ) thmlrui. 'lime : 3:2216. : I"Otirtii race. hianhicmsm ) , six ( sirlomtgs : TIlls henry (9 ( to 2) ) von , Ni'mo (5 ( to 2) ) second , ItirsI Catchier (1 ( to 5) ) third. Time ; 1:21 : % , i"ifthi race. one mile : Tiphiecutnoe ( even % veil , Folly (5 to 2) ) second , Primnero (00 ( to 1 third. 'rime : 1:55 : , Slinimersi at Mmui'snn ' , ST. LOUIS , March 2.-hiesumlts nt Madison : First race , elcven-sixeenhsa ( ( of a mile : Cer. berus svoml , Bob Frybacle second , I'eregmtl third. 'rime ; il53. : Second mace , live fuilomtgs : Montana Belie Cahuintimo uccond , Dutch Oven ( birth. 'rime : 1:09 : , 'l'hirsl rmue , ninu'-aixteentls of a on he : To-n ICurI von , Paluiy Flymmn second , iluibest O'Neill thud , 'fine : 1 :00 : ½ . irourt'h mace , leyenmuixb.eiithiq of us mnilom John hierkely Chance second , imnposter ( bird. Time : ll2m4. : Fifths race , seveti furlongs ; Toun Tough s'on , 'rip second , Von 'Zmint ( birth , 'rime ; 1:37. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A zei' lirfeusi a iiii iiiii , I ) . OAKLAND , Cal. , Jeb. 2.-There was some fast trotting hero today , although time svln-i was too sromig ( ( or record time. Azote antI Khmummuthi conteettid in a match race anti Azn.te tuosi in three stmaighm hseut , 'l'Inir 2:084 : , 2l0 : ½ anti 2hO.'sWiihlUr : i'ulwards raced on a bicycle against Flying Jib and was beaten. 'rime ; 2:06. : Edwards nunctured a tire. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iharhmr I.awui 'IciiitS lIui , ( ) rgaiuiizesl. Imi amiticipation of a season of hard play , the Sisrimier Lawn Tennis club wa organ- Copelnuid antI Shieprurti's qtiestton list or RI'umtPtom limimlk. htetulrn tIm annie after ihlhimmg nut nuisvcrs to luiiitetl ) quiestiomma , anti trentmnesit fltn' begin sut osice. COUNTYSUPT. HILL. i lhi hirief iuit I'olmitctl .Statcmnclit Covers ) ) ( lie % 'hi.sio ( Iroummil , It is idle to ndl nay c'onintent to ths ( estimnomty glvemi below by George V' . lull , the htOiflihnr uiuupcrlnteitdemit of lnihtiio vchmools for ( hits couiiitv , Prof. hhihl , hike , htmmiulretls of hirofessiouin mud bumalsiess muon tlOe hot hiesitnto to comnmtiemiul a system o uneuhictil treatment ( bitt has givcmt him cure. lie sa"s : ' : : : . , - \ j CEO. W , 1lIiL. Stmilt. Pushhic Instruction , Dmuglati coesmity. "For soute twelve years I had , catarrhi ot ( lie stouuituchi , stud bevels , amid mmiv general health wuss Verl' lOei. \iI' coimuhitiosi Wflit mumurketh liv geiiemal debility , lack of BIllie- tIto auth iosmt of strengtit. I hind ( teen trtneul ( UI' several doctors for ( itesu ront- Plnitits hut received no lesimiauti'mtt relief , I ilnnhly conclumuleul to comisusht Drs. Cope- lasith stud Shieparil , nmtul mift'r t\vo months' , , treatimtent. I foumiul inyi4elf mnusehm better tItan - I haul beemi for ( 'clvo um' lifteesi emurn. Their treatment was skillful anti thtorotmglm , auth ( lie bemmehit I felt was mnarkel ( remit ( lie ' start. I feel satisfied ( limit they mure macmt of honor and will do as they mugrec to the , stnul - sure entirely worthy of ( lie commiidemtcc o time aillicted. " ; iiFi ' , iiXI'IiSi1. The cost of a full couirse of treatment with Drs. Copelanti and Shioparul Is a hitttlo fee per month , whether tIme requisite period of treatment be three months or thren weeks. This fee includes all meuhicines and the constant auth watchful care of all patients - tients to a final ctmre. Trial Trcsttmtmcnt Given Free. ORSI CO1ELAND & S11EPARD , ' ( lOOMS ( ii AND 112 0001W YORK LIFI2 IIUILDING , OMAHA , NEIl. Office hours-S to 11 a. ni. ; 2 to 5 p. mu. jlvenlngz-Wethnesiays and Saturdaya oniy , C to S Sunday. 10 to 12 m. j Special Notcos-CounciI Oluffs ChiMNEYS Ct.EANIiD ; VtUL'rS CLEAN5D. ' Eti lius-ice , at w. is. homer's. 33 Iiromttlway , LAICGOO I'rnvA'rE BAI2 FOR Rt1NTEAR court house. Appiy at lice oliicc , Council IiiuItz , FOOt RENT , 80-ACRE FAIU1 , ONF.-IIALF 151140 soutlu of city limits. tims-co-quas ters of a mIle west 05 Manawut toad. Suitable ( or dairy. Apply - ply to Leonard livcrctt. Foot RENT. 160 AChES OF S1'LDNDID GItASS lanti near asItimti. l'robmmbte I1C1I tWO tons O time acre. Itetit 1300 tier ncn' . Large discount Cor casim. Aitltty to Leonamd Fvemett. FOIt ltiNT , A (1000 0-150015 1IOUSIS , WITIZ good barn , on Timlrd street uund Fourteenth avenue - enue , near ( iso C. , Ii. & Q. depot , Apply t Leomiamth Everett. IiUmT FAmiM AND OAItDF1N LAND FOOt aie cimeap anti net easy termlis. Day & hess , 3 ! ' l'earl street. , t FINn LIVOIt1Y OiJTF1TFO1t9ALE1jAN ; ulau. 1 brouguiamn , 1 conch , 1 surrey. 1 pisacton , 3 buggies , it steigims , 5 sets harness. Day hess , CouncIlJliufts , WAN'TED TO ItE2T , A MODEIiN 110USD 00' live or sIx rooms , south of liroa-iway , by ArIl 1. Address I. 2 , 15cc oitice , FOR IttiNT , A MODIIItN TIcN-nooM IJIeICK house : muse a six-room cottage. Dr. E. I. Woo&iiury , center Bluff amid Story streets. izeul on Friday night by ( he election of 0111- cers , amid ama informal agreement made as to a. form of constitution whiclu viil be drafted anu adopted by a subsequent meetimig of ( ho nteutilcrs to lie held March 15. Mr. Id. H. W'aiters wmts elected preslilent , Mr. A. H. Findlay vice Itresidemtt , and Mr. Walter H. Wilhiamoms , otecmetary-trcasurer. Steps will bcs taken immediately for time improvenient or the courts in order ( lint ( hut season tmiay be opened as soon as the weather will permit. The mnembcms of the chub nrc : Coumrt 1 , A. 10. irindlay , H. H. I'ackard , Frnnlc I'd. Marsh aitti John B. Amstes ; court 2 , 'alter II.Vil - llamas , 0. G. Pope. It. II. harder ammul W. htyles ; court 3 , F. H.Vsulter , Allen White. \v. llnncker anti Dr. Angil , A meeting of ( he members of ( lie Omaha. Lawn Temtmiis cltmh ( viii be held on Tiitmra- dab' evenimtg next for ( lie adoption of con- stitutiomi nod by-laws. which have been uirafteth by the conamnittee. Another muuhmJect whIch will come before Ilte meeting will b ( lie choice of club colors. 1)'mitIa ( It vu hsmilelci i'.cott ( 'ssmnp. Winflelul Scott Camp has been called out by the Great Umpire ( or ( lie hsut time. Seized with guide consumption in ( he early summer of 1891 , ( lie young bail player sue- cumbeth to the grlmn reaper ) 'esteruhsiy afternoon - noon at 4 o'clock , after a Vholent msruggie ( against overwim dmning odds , , In 1893 Win was commsiuieretl one of the coming pitchers of the land. 'rhmrough Russ MeKelvey lie secured me lOsltion with tIme Pisiiurg ( Na- tionai League teamn , and iii ( lie spring practice - tico ulemonstrateul tistut lie was capable of wonders. lihortly sifter thie champtonahui season opencuh , however , ( iLmrhng a trip ( rena. ( lie Smohcy City to Cincinnati , lie con- tracteul IL cold , front shicht lie never recoy- ered , Ills arm became nuimab and stiff , antI for months lie vmis umnmsble to pitch a bail anti was llnaliy releaseul Us' time dumb which hind couimtcd so much on his services. After this he lluictumaeui ( between time big and minor leliguell , with bust little m'usccesms in either , anti last season lie woumiul sip his career ou ( he diarnonui by a brief engagement with ( ho Omaha Western Association ( eumn , lie waa given liberal aulvanttiges , only to demon- mutrate ( Immut Isis days as it lnll lihmiyer were over , and finally tIme miunagetnent was forced to release him , Since ( lien he 1mB been 00 a etemithy decline , antI yesterday afternoon wemit to ( iso bat of life for ( lie. last time. " \Tun flfl exemplary young mnan , lion- eat , sober , Intlsmstriotms anti upright , anti lila passIng is not only a loss to ( lie profession in which lie ga'e jiromise of bc'comlmig a bright light , limit a source of deep soroW to. bits throngs of young friends , S ill : . ! rjiiic j 1jItIwltr , iair , Folloicd ImyIdut.mh Smmows anti . Cshsi ( S ave. 131 1 INOTON , Mit rchm 2.-The forecast. for Sumiulay us : For Nebraska-Fair , followed by local sminvs ; winds shifting to usorthm , with a colul wave. For Zuluitsourl tunil Kansas-Fair ; winds. shifting to northwest ; touch eolsler Sunday night , prohumlily a cold wave. 1"or South lakoa-1.ocal ( snows ; north. - vlnuim5 , with a cold wave. For Iowa-Fair , followed hiy local snpws. wlnsis sihmiflm'g to north , with ; a cold wuvo Jecnl 15cr urd , OFFiCiO OF 'nihVFIA'FILIIR BUREAU , OIIAIIA , ! imtrchi 2.-Omnahsut accord of tern- . iCrIiiire ( iunti rmiimsuli. comnpareui with thto corrCetOildlilg day of ( lie four'earsi : Maximum temnmiurutuire , , , . 17 Cl id1 Mumilrntim ( emniternttTre. , , , , 21 36 25 i0 Average teimiperatume. , , . . , 41) ) 45 2.0 42 l'reclpitniOui . , , , . . , , , , . , . . . , ( tO .00 , tO ,00' ConuiilOii of temperature amid Precipitation at Omaha for ( lie day and since March 1 , 1(95 : Norumial temperature . . , . , . . , , , . . . . . , , . , , , . , , 30. lixcess for the dmuy , . . , , . . , , , , . , . . , , , , , , , . . . , , , lb Normal iircciiiltittion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , .03 Iellciency for ( lie mlay , , , . . . , . . , . . , . , , , 03 muds 'J'utstl ireeipitatiomt simice March 1. , .00 Inch. . Deliclericy lrico Marclm . . . . . . . . . . . hitch I. A , Wl'.i.bhI. Observer , CHICAGO , March 2 5 ii. un.-Observer , Weather Bureau , omaha : hoist cold wuv isigsiuui. 'j'emposauro will ( all ( wemsty degrees - . grees by tiusiday afternoon or evening.