Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 10, Image 10

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r.I.'IIE 01\IAUA DAILY ] ' ji SUNDAY 1\AUOII 3 1895.
- - - 10 : ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . : I , , .
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"I rival of the Avant Oourcnra of the
Fetbered HOt
ImOl1 the IRI l'IRycrORlf Rt 1010
. null , \ hroI-Ttin 10rse IltInr \ Q.
lel-fte UnlIIVerOt ! iintL
J.nclports ORlore.
lE balmy and Bprlng-
, like weather ot the
# lke
: Tim week not only
' brought the nvnnt
lIt - coureurs ot the great
. hotly ot wild fowl , '
, now preening them-
elves In southern
, . mash , and lagoon for
t- k , their nnnlnl mlgr-
il : ton north , In sight ,
. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ .emv. . : but Ikowlo flel
the heart of the restive sportsman
with enthusiasm. Already there has
been some tow birds killed-
mostly Illntals and Ilutchin's geesenntl the !
gunners are all feverish and impatiently
awaiting the arrival of the fentherel hordes
In forco. They are all expecting great
' sport , but I do not think they will get as
much as they anticipate. In fact , I looks
to me as I the season was going to bo an
unusually poor one , still I lay be mis-
taken At any rate , the advance guard ot
. the birds has come In earlier , much earlier ,
than Is customary , but I consider this but n
spasmodic flight that will be of but short
duration. There Is certainly mich Inclement
; , weather yet In store for ns during the 11rc-
ent month , and the main issue ot ducts
and geese will not start north much before
the mIddle of ' the month , let the weather bo
what I iiiay. The \'ery general , rinfal of
a few days ago has contributed n great deal
: c to the duck liuntrs' expectations , but It
; certainly was not ulOllent to fulfill the ro-
qulrennmts that would warrant the hope of
any uncomlion' sport In this lin. ' 1 will
take ten times the amount of rain we have
had to replenish 'our low lakes and streams
and dried-up marshlands , which the wild fowl
; love to haunt , and to justify a belief that
any considerable abundance of sport Is ahend.
' Prior to the recent storm the Prospects for
the spring shooting were the most meagro
for years , and to my way of thinking there
' has been but small Improvement Such
another try period ns this western country
. has but just begun to emerge from has not
marred history In many years. I came on
early In June last , reigned uninterruptedly
; throughout the summer and fall , and but
light and inconsequential rain or snow
: storms have broken the arid sway during the
winter month The result of the snmmer's
irOlth was the incontinent drying up of all
our small lalees , sloughs and streams long
: ere autumn properly began , all by the time
the wid fowl season was fairly on , even
. many or the Inf er bodies of water and
- rivers were so low that inducement for the
. birds to linger but briefly on any of their
' former favorite feeding ground was so
emaciated that the slontere ! kind of shoot-
Ing was the rule. That the conditions have
been anywise extensively ameliorated , I
doubt exceodlngly. For good wild fowl
shooting , as I have often asserted , there must
be plenty of water. With lakes fled with
: naught but muck and slime and the marshes
but areas of cracked and seamed congroto ,
there Is but little opportunity for the palm-
Iped beauties to eke out a livelihood , and
, no matter how ! plendli the atmospheric conditions -
iilons or favorable the other conditions
; are , the birds will tarry but a short time
ere they continuo awing to haunt more In
_ . conformity with their necessitIes for refresh-
- mont andrest. There must be more rain ,
much more rain , before I would venture to
f ' predict anything but a repetition of the ex-
. !
' . h perlnr.os [ of last fall. Should there yet be
- " a heavy dscont . or rain or snow all over the
west , on the plains and In the mountains , a
, veritable freshet , such as would make river
j4 and stream fret and froth within their con-
v ; fines and , send their waters gushing on to
gulf and sea , Oiling up lake and flooding ,
i marshland , then might we look for rare
sport with the kingly canvasbaelt , ' the lordly
mallard , tie redhead , pintail , tent and blue-
7 bill , to say nothIng of the honkers , the gall-
, nagoes and yellowlogs.
\ , Again , the past year's unprecedented baited
I period wont a long way la ruining the crop
, - , of feed ; there was precious little In the fall
and It must bo , \ofuly less In the spring.
Time wild rice fields In the north all west
wore naught but wastes or dried and empty
stalks. Nutritious seeds were shriveled up
and there was nothing but a sere and yellow
, spread of leaf and tendril ovel'ywhoro.
Where wild celery ( sporals vnl\sncrla \ ) once
ilourislmcd In luxuriance It disappeared absolutely -
lutely last fall , and all of the aquatic plants
and grasses wore next to utterly burnt out
In mnny or time best grounds In the state ,
and It Is not lIkely that the birds wi wax
fat upon the fnrenaceous deposits erstwhile
so plentiful. They will bo forced on to
more favored lands before they can gorge
" themselves upon these subaequeons delca-
des that wore once their portion here.
, hence , the JJqor outlook for the sport .hat
' .
charms somany.
I 'am' ardent lover cf nature in all
2 ani an lr ni her
forms nnd' ascrIbe to this Indulgence all that
? ' Is best and most healthful In my exlsttne .
m 'I have acquired munch knowledge by out-
. door lre. but would fain beleve lImo school
4. hM just , besun. r am ever willing to picture
J glowing colors all that the true sportsman
. holds most dear , but must refrain from erect-
I Ing castes In elhcreal space or ehrcnlclng
that which I knows would but mislead and dis-
f appoint. 'Tis true , the seR"n when life takes
I on Ito most buoyant phase Is fast approachIng -
_ . . ' Ing and despite the denial of thOie elemenlD
it which afford the sfortlnen joy iroftabl \ tl ro
I may b n good tme coming after all . In any
event , I will io no harm to take a ramble
4- . . ' In felt cr wood. I ' will fill us with nobler
; ambitions and higher lmpulres , and teach the
' pure le sons of self - tlenlal , self-reiiammca , en
durance and courage : of the religion that
dwells wih Nature , where the bared soul
" MORes , may espy .
Even ! In a bush , the I'atlnnt Deity. " i
i Js It not ecstacy to list from out the dlstnnt I
folds to the cal , faint and sweet of the
' SOlden.breatel meadow lark : to the chirp
_ ' , and twitter of .red-wiimgod blackbirds that
swarm In the reeds , and dart In clouds
: athwart the lamlscalle. Des I not quicken
' the pulse al11 thrill the bloo to catch the
' resonant honk of the Canada ns he scrapes
the elcuds with , hla nshen back : the crane's
' guttural cry , life whiste of the canvasback's '
: ' wings , the 111nl1t of the mystc' snipe , the !
curlow's scream or the Illalntve piping of time
plover , even If they do refuse to come down
and Ilolso befero your murderous aim , and
Ilerl t In skimming oq over your barren
wastes to mol salubrious climes beyond 7
What you can hear end see and feel should
recompense you for a 1ew days absence from
- iesle or bench The fresh odors of the sweet
springtme will refresh your lagging cnergles
- , - and . leave you _ with ! clearer eonlclenco durIng
; tlO .eavo wal for tie ( lawn cf mellow autumn ,
, when , with nourish lug rains and softly faing
doss , Nature will again ha\'e fled field ,
atream and wood with all that Is essential
to make the portsnman's life as nearly akin
to , Ilerfect content as can be experienced here
' below ,
' The annual tournament of the Nebraska
St"te Spcrbman'l Isrlaton Is to be h.ld
In Omaha tItLe year on the grounds of the
: Demls Park aWl club at the east end of the
ble bridge , and time affair will certainly
eclipse any shoot ever held In time Wllt ,
l rnlt Parmelee , the secretary ot the aseocla.
m . ton , will have personal snllervlslon over limo
tournamucmmt . and I.e ) Is already formnlatng .
' ' , , . ' iia plan for a' royal lme , There will be
' $500 In added mooney , antI all et the celebrated
Ihots In the country will be invited to attend.
The tournament wi1' ' open on Thursday , June
' ' 13 ; and continue to time 15th , Inelltl'e , be.
ginning at 9:30 : each day , the Ih'e.blri and
- ' . Ilrget traps being kept goIng constanty ,
: . , . Tie handsome prizes , good purees and added
' ' mnbney will make the affair
mlney wi alalr sumclenty at-
trclvo 10 brIng many or the famtme cracks
htre . and altogether th three days Ihoot
' will be one long remembered by nil iarticilmt.
, Inr In the sport ,
- I
4 John Patrick dropped Into tbc Illottng' '
editor's ofce yesterday and exhibited I lug ,
'hlndsomo photcgph or'tbe camp of I hunt-
Ing party In the tUg Her basin taken laH
sdmmer , In the foreground , conspicuously
prominent , are Mr. Patrick , I C. Boale and
George T neck , togethfr with their horses ,
pacu and camping outfit On one at the
pack horses Is the carcass of an elk Pltrlek
and neck had just brought In The barren
mountains , with their snow.eappetl peakf
form I majestic background , antI altogether
the picture II a fine one and makes n souvenir
highly prized by Mr Patrick ,
Frank lawrence , the Chicago sporting goods
dealer , 18 anti 90 La Sale street , has made
a big cut In the pricas or sporting supplies
this sprIng , nltl his fame among the men
who Ehoet antI fish I bounul I to beccm much
more exiended. lie handles everythIng from
the beet l made guns anti fishing paraphernalia
down to the most Insignificant article mell
In the field or on the stream. I.awrence's
h/md.lo/\Ic / / shells are laude from one end
or the hand to the other , thousantls of the
most prominent ! llrr.tng men using nothing
else. Ills grat' suits and JrM blnds for
'wlll fowl shooting have given him al t-
"oahle reputation , and hIs prices cn decoys ,
humating apparel , whIstles . calls amid every-
thIng pertaining 'to ' sport cannot bo beat ,
The nw game antI flab bill passed the sen-
ate during the past \\'eelt antI l'lat It will ,
now spelly become n law , la reasonably ns-
untrod The bill making the dog Personal
'property Is Also ilnorg the probabilities , and
sportsmen generally are In , n positon to
congratulate themselves.
H E. Gray and I' . G. Cunningham , with
team and camping ommifit , left last evening
for the PlnUe and will spend a week In pur-
suit ef henlh and hnpplness. Garnet C.
Porter and J , S. Ownes are at Corning wastu
Ing powder and shot In 1nln attempt to
bring the early pintail from out the skies.
The J. C. Read-J. W. Den ,100.lve bird
! 'ool for $100 a side has been set for Sntur-
lay morning , March 9 , shootng to begin at
\1:30 : sharp.
Sam Hlchmont , who Is rlnnlng a wel n11-
pointed hunters' camp on the PlnUe , nel
Carks , reports the arrival or the geese anti
tl\elts In considerable numpers.
Wi D. Townsend , manager , of the Cross
Gun mpany , sold I $250 Greener . to n promInent -
meat , Bluffs shot yemterday - .
Billy lnrdln , of 'he Bluffs team , that so recently -
cent } ' polshe oil the Omaha cracks , says
the Iowa boys are perfecty content to icy
back . on their laurels and will nol go nf r
any of Omaha's "stuff . "
Charlie nldtl of Des Moines . ex-champion
wing shot of Amnerica , proved easy melt for
Dr. Carver over at Davenport last wcelt. '
In the last shoot of the series Chlppey killed
hut 7 blrtls out of his 100. whie tIme Wlzlrd
01 the Plains qui with 89. I begins to look
very much aL it I Illl Iad been relegated to
the ran Its of the Has i3eens.
The trap shooters of the country have de-
elted to hold annually near nallmore a four
da's' tourament , beginning this year. I Is
proposed to ha\o , live pigeon nnel clay target
shooting simnultaneously. The first prize Is to
be $1,000 cash Anolher fixed match wi be a
target contest for teams of five men each ,
bonn fde members of the club entering. The
prize Is a carload of 100,000 artificial targets
Jim Den of Arapahoe Is evidently In dead
earnest anent his proposed 100-live bird race
with J. C. Read of this city. Mr. Read has
consented to shoot Mr. Den emu Saturday ,
March 9 , and time sporting editor of this
paper hereby acknowledges tIme receipt of a
draft from Mr. Den calling for $ lO0. his full
amount of the stakes to be shot for. Jim
says from the result of his recent practice
he thinks his Eye Is In the right place.
TIn , t Plruul'hwr ( l'lllo I ii ii mile.
That the base bal season of 180 Is vIr-
tualy on there Is no denying. 'Vhlo locally
tim championship season will not be In-
nuguratetl until May 2 about all time big
league clubs arc aleady In active preliminary
' practice. Profiting by Baltimore's experl
enio last year , all or the major organization's
teams will spend the coming three weeks hi
the south Chicago . Louisville. New York.
Cincinnati and St. ' Louis already havIng
checke their bats and sweaters for time
milder climes , and while wo must walt a
few weeks longer before we can ' mope to hear
the cheery tones of the' umpire , ere that
many days elapse every , club In the big
lease will bo In active training for what
promises to be the banner year In the an- '
nals or our great national sport.
Sunday's New York Herald devotes I sold
page , with photographs of each. to the ,
'varsity captains , giving n short but Interest-
sketch of .l the new men selected to com-
mend the seat college teams this year. II
speaking of Fred Rustn , the Omaha boy , tIme
wrier says :
The captain of Ynle's base bal team thIs
year Is likely to bo In a measure o\orshud-
owed by the presence on the team of "Dutch"
Carter , time "phenomennl pitcher. " Carter ,
like Alonzo Stagg , has won a national reputation -
taton In the bx , and for thIs reason will
be the central figure of the nine. This fact ,
however , Is no disparagement to Captain
Rustn , whoso work In the field , though of
a less brilliant type , has nevertheless been
one of the strong points In Ynle's team
during the past two year.s , Rustic bas never , ,
gone Into any other sport and has led a very
quiet sort of life at Yale. The beginning
of his college course was saddened for him
by the tragic death of his elder brother . who
was Injurel during his initiation Into Delta
Kappa Epsilon . one of the junior 'fraternites
of the aepdnld / depaTrtment. The younger
brother was almost distracted , and for n
Lime gave up his college , course. '
gvo UI '
CaptaIn Rustin's borne is In Omaha , Neb. !
, Ho Is n rnembc of tIme senlol class of time
sctentfic school . and one , of the most universally -
veraly respected students In the university.
lie Is a member of time Delta Psi fraternity ,
better known among Yale men na "the Tea
Compammy. " As an athlete Hustn Is a hard
worker and level hentled , and a man who Inspires -
spires tIme confidence or his men. lie like
liiclcolc , Is of that good , healthy sort of college -
lego athletes whose enthusiasm for their
sport anti their university never carries them
blyoni reasonable bounds. Ho Is a gocd stu-
dent and n good representative for n great
Nothing of a startling nature developed
at the Western assocIation meeting at Quincy
last week after al , and the only business of
general interest that was tranlactetl was the
alloplon of a playing schedule , which was
publshed In The leo excllsively Thursay
morning. ThIs Instrument Is a fairly good
one and provides for Omaha iS follows :
At home-May : 2 , 4 , 5 , Quln y : 7 , 8 , 0 ,
Peoria i 10 , 11 , 32 , Jackionvle : 13 , 14 , 15 ,
Rookiord .
June -1 I , 5 , G , Des Moines : 7 , S , 0. St. Joe ;
H , 1i , 16I.lloln : 2J. 22 , 23. ROckford : 25. , . .
26 , 27 , Peoria : 28. 29 , 30 , Jacksonville .
July 2 , 4-4. Quincy : 9,10 , 11 , nes Moines ;
16 , 17 , 18 , Lincoln : 10 , 20 , 21. St. Joe
August 0 , 10 , 1. Peoria : 16 , 17 , 18 , Roelt-
ford : 19 , 20 , 21 , Qulney
September G , 7. 8 , Des Moines : 10 , 11 , 12 ,
St. Joe : 13 , H , 15. LIncoln ,
Abroad-May 17 , 18 , 19 , at Jacksonvie :
21 , 22 . 23 , nt QuIncy : 2S ; 30..0 , at Ileorla.
June I , 2 , 3. at nes Moines : 11 , 12 , 13 , at
Lincoln : 18 , 19. 20. nt St. Joe ,
July 5 , G , " . at Lincoln : 12 , 13. 1 at St
Joe : 22 , 23 , 21 , at De Moines : 26 , 21 , 2S , at
Rocltfonl : 29 30. 51. lt I'rorla.
August f 2 , ' 3 , 4 1 , 27 , 2S , 29 , at Jacksonville :
5 , G , 7 , 30 , 31 , at QuIncy 23 , 24. 25 , at Poorla.
September 1 , at Quincy : 2-2 , 3 , at Rockford :
17 , 18 , 19 , at Lincoln : :0 , n : , 22 , at St , Joe :
23. H : , 25 , at Dc Moine , "
This makes 120 game . In all , sixty on the
hams gr9unds amid CO abroad The Omaha ,
ellen the' season at the Charles street grounds
Thurday , May 2 , with Quncy : , and close the
season at 10 MoInes , with Des ' : olnes ,
Wednesda , Setltcmber 25. Omaha Is at
leorl Decoration day for two gaines , and
Quincy herb July 4 for two. 1.lnroln goes to
QUlnc for Dicoraton day , and hl Rockford
at home on July - , St. Joe goes to Rockford
for Decoration da } ' , and gets Jacksonville on
the I'ourth De Molnel goes to Jacksonville
on DecoratL'n day amI gets Peoria on mdc-
pndence' day Titus the pluml are about
as evenly divided au could be expected , al It
matters little Ihst teams play ) against each
other un holidays , that Is , the race being any-
thing like 'In even one.
Although Sioux City , Jtnyer and Rock '
Island were Present with representatives at
tie Quincy meetng Tuesday tie ) might as
'el remained ahQme. nut little attention
was 11ald to their overtures for admlslton
Into the auoclatoll ; , and It has a last 11m.
ImueremI down to a simple case of luat-thn
Is . wc are forced to make limo best out of
the circuit a I was mapped out a the
win tor meetng , Quincy amid Jacksonvlie
a fxtures for at least thl present year , or
as much Dr I D their backers will have
the harilihood and nerve to withstand. 1
Is earnestly hopel1 that all misgivings ot
their endurance are idle antI that botb
teams will demonstrate that they are made
out of the stuff that Insures the success ot
base bal leagues and associations . White
Wings Tel1eau ot Denver was on hand with
a most seductive proposition , but I WIS un-
availing. lie offered visiting clubs 4 guarantee -
nntee ot $90 and a railroad rate to and
from the Rocky Mountain metropolis at H
cents per mile , Denver , under the cirum-
stances , would have been n winning accossibn
Sioux City's importunities were urgent and
persistent , but the assembled moguls re- , .
fused to turn her picture from the wnl ,
hock Island was both persuasive and helllg-
crent , but filially was forced to succumb to :
time puissant powers In session , New leagues
and new deals Innumerable wera ProPosed
but nothing came ot any of them , anti all
that remains for us , the great body of fans ,
to tlo , Is to lend the present organization
every assistance antI encouragement In our
power. Wih hearty co-operatiomu all , round
the Western association may be made lt
least n two-Umo winner ,
Time changes hadoin the playing rules
nt the meeting of time National League
Wednesday have met with the almost Inll- :
mous endorsement ot the baM bal Pumbhic .
The enlargement ot the pltcher's slab by
nearly onc-half was I wel.tmed but ampl
.colcesslon In his favor The big mitt was
done away wIth , excepting hi the ease of the
catcher and Ort baseman , and the balance
of time players hereafer wi : be restricted to
gldves or glove of not over two ounces In
weight This will enable 'patrons nt the
Charles street grounds this season to ills-
Ungulsh such players as Hollngsworth nnll
Ornsshopper lunch from tIme mitts they
vore Last season about halt the time
It was difficult to tel which was the player
alHI which was the mitt . The bunt hi 11st
be a deliberate attempt tq bat the bait
slowly within the infield , S3 that I cannot
be fielded by any fielder In time to retrb
the batunnn. Foul tips caught by the
catcher will be called strikes. The umpire
must enforce the riles ns they read , .or
subject hlmsel [ to a heavy fine. ThEre are
many other changes of a minor 'character ,
but on , the Ihole the , job o [ remodeling the
laws of the game was .a good one.
a eonrse In the Oght for Dg Fat Jakey ,
Strauss between Lincoln and Minneapolis ,
and which was preentei to the league for
adjustment , llnneapoll got the verdIct
Minneapolis , you sees , pays a little more for .
protection than Lincoln and consequent }
Is enttle to a larger dose of that article.
If Lincoln had been In the Western league
amid Minneapolis In the \\ester assoc ton ,
'then LIncoln WOUlll have won. I Is fool-
hardy to run a selling plater UII against a
If Gus Schmelz Ite pi on he Is liable to be
I In for abuse of aged people. Why , just
think of I , he went into the woods the other
day antI dug up no less a personage than
Tub Welch , a cotemporare of Iamees the
III . After Tub hail been dead for ages be
played In Omaha along with fled Leery , Dutch
Dade , Ilaley , narston ald other choice
splrit , then ho tie again , only to be resurrected -
urrectell last week by His Lambrequins
of the capital.
The name of Jacksonville's manager Is
Jack S. Ayeleiott. and It would ba I good I
thing if I timey could hire his brother to man-
Ige. Qulnc Mr. A'elelott has slgnel quite
: collection of unknowns , Including one , Carl
Schwartz , Frank Coplnger , Charle Knepper
and Willie Snodgrass. Besides these , he has
Belt , the catchicr , Handsome Bill Zela and
Bob Johnson , whoever Bob Is.
Omaha did not set Fred Unierwod , the
ox-bridegroom. after all. Little Nlck of the
village or causht him In'a ; steel
Manager Gatewoo has at last signed ' Tom
Ramsey , a pcnmmionc'r or the war of 1812 , to
give a little tone to his aggregation of young
bloods at Stj , JOe. , 'here Is nothing now . to
prevent the econd uppearanee on , earth or I
"Clinkers" Smith. Fagin ' , Dad Pheln and lt1 . Pop I
E -
Al 1auch Is tM first draw , hIs
release. Manager ' McVlto has decided that
he won't do. .
Minneapolis has seen the new moon over ,
her right shoulder , and slsnc Billy Earle
_ 1
The representatives of thl baseball Interests
or the Knnsas unlverJlty have complete ar-
rang mEts for I series of games this spring
between tha colcg : ] te ms ef Ebraska , Kansas ,
Omaha und Missouri university teams. Iowa
may com Into the arrangement later , but
has not yet slgnlOEd her Intention or taking
p3rt In baseball game this spring.
Jimmy Calopy , the ex-Omahog , has again
signed with Grand RapIds , and RastyWrlght
Is nibbhin' . '
nuekerlno Ebright's ' 95 collection In-
eludes the intellectual Mr. Gragg , LIttle 101-
Ingsworth , Georgiana Spear , Caudius Fcril-
nund Fisclmer , Abraham nunco Cole , Wild
mi ! Taylor neldan lull , Cementne Klmerer , :
E Van Duren and Louis Meyers.
Whoa nl Hawes , once a prominent figure
In the Western league , Is selng hendaeho ,
pills down In New Englnnd Wouldn't that
give you a pain 7
Joe Cantlon Is again flirting with his
, imagination. Ito hns applied to President
Kent for a berth on time ' Western asociatIdmm's
umpire . staff. - >
Leech Maslerey , the old Des Moines player ,
wanted , to open up a lushlng ken It Mercer ,
Pa. , but time authorities wouldn't give , him a
license. , They tolrl him to saw of hIs
moustache and apply for a , position , In Gus
Schmelz young blood aggregation at Wash-
Charlie Hoover ' time old Western league
catcher. has written from his home In Han-
nibal , Mo. , for a place In the Omaha team
but he won't get , It ,
- .
Charlie Comlsltey has shown himself fit
subject for a guardian or a commission on
lunacy by signing Jack McCanu for St. Paul.
- .
Grandpa Abner Dalrymplo landed at
E\ausvlo the other day with a cargo of
mummies , ali O.lver Beard at once signed
him for his Illana Southern league crowd.
There Is still hope for - One.Armed . Daily.
Time ell Westor league players who will
hell Gus Schmelz struggle for twelfth place
In the league race this year are Dig ioot' '
Cartrlght Frankie Shelbert Jack Crooks ,
Hnssamaer Parson Nicholson , , Charlie Abbey and lrdlo
- -
" 'hl1ItPln\ % , the S'Imeel.
Germany lies captured time "world's" chew-
plonshlp races this year The meeting ' \1 \
be held In Cologne
San Francisco Is to have a Chlneso cyclIng
mounted race meet washbonrds. , bnL time prizes wi not be silver
' " " last worked
Du Maurler'l "Triby" has at
itself Into time cycling world The latest
wheel ont Is named after time great novel
The bicycle track In St Louis provml to
bo a great failure , as It has been on most
grounds , and will probably be done away
with this year ,
Zimmerman apd Wheeler deny that they
Intend asking for permission to enter Claas
B. Having turned professionals , they are
content with their lot.
, Biss may poslbly be seen on the stage a
a performer on the bicycle after tIme manner
or the horse race In the "County alr" and
other like shows. , '
In Austria the manufacture of cycles Ie
miking enormous , progress. One VIenna
mnamiufacturer who produced In 1888 only
700 machines , turned out In 1894 nerhy 10,000 ,
Arrangements arc being made by the gov.
ernlng body of rench cyclists to arrange
a grand 11rlx veloelpedlque , the prize to bo
worth $4,00. Tie event Is to be run In time
, V , J , Kelley , the PhiadelphIa professional ,
who left the amateur ranks to ride In the
cash prize leaCe. ha fed an applca\lon \ for
reinstatement with the L. A. ' , S' . rac'ng bcard.
According to the report or Albert L. Mott ,
of the committee on transporlaton , the raii.
roads ot tItle country carried 432.000 wheels
last year. At 25 cents a wheel thIs gave a
revenue o'f $10SO. gve
The American wheelme will apply for
dates In the national cIrcuit D soon aa time
new racing board balnuan Is appointed , for
their annual good roads tournament , which
last year wa \ one ot the most successful
tnblng mctrt ' .
The Mexican paty ot Class Ba will return
to northern elrmes much sooner than al frs
expected. T IIgh altitude ot Mexico II
expctetl. r4hlh nlttuelo
working hn\'CWlth time riders , and the opln.
Ion or Frank JIJan , the trainer , Is that the
men will 110 much better to come home as
. -
soon IS posslble.-
The 100.mIJ pra 0 for the championship 01
France anti 1ltfhahd was won last Sunday by
Hurst In - horJ 7 minutes and ( -7 3see -
ends . Linton , the I nglshmnn , was clearly
not In his best'rWm , nft1 wns further iisndi.
capped by lelhl of his mol1ler's death just
before start9S , h' ,
A movemeqt Is on foot anuong the cycling
authorities or l\lo'\tlferent \ \ countries to frame
a rule to govern amateur cycle races In all
harts ot the \orld. The matter will be con-
slleretl nt time next meeting ot the Interna-
tonnl Cyclists union According to the rules
nol In volue the fastest amnteur riders In
this country nrt bsmrrhl omit of all foreign
championship races . This Is iue to the class
system which prevails In the Leauo of
American Wheehnen. , No other governing
cycling organization hi time worll has n
similar s'ltenl , The promoters of race meets
In ngland , I Is acid , are more than' nnxlous
to have an international rule adopted , for I
under the 1resent order of thinKs they can
not make their meets auccesarul. This con-
diton In I ngtnnt 11 due to the inability of
the Nntolnl cyclists to nllopt satisfactory
amateur rules. Derore the nmnteur lines
were so closely drawn In England I many
foreign riders look part II races on Britsh
sol , notably Arthur Zimmerman end Walter
Stinger . each of whol scored victories II
championship meetings.
I time Internntonal Cyclists union can
frame a law that will bo satisfactory to all
concerned Johlson , Sanger , Titus , Cnbanle ,
Tyler and other American flyers .mlght be
tempted to visit England Inll menslre theIr
speed with the Brittehmers. The classification
nrltahers. clnsslfcaton
of rllers In the League or Amerlcnn 'heel-
men has given satisfaction , amid It Is Quite
probable that If 'cmi international rile Is made
I wil bo similar to the leagume's acluemmie
The omelnls of the Canadian IVlmeelmumemu's ns-
soclaton are reported to he In faWr of the
I.eague of Ame'leol ! \hcelmen class system ,
amid will recommcnd its adoption at , thme nexl
meetlg of the organIzation. En land has.
however , refused to ' recognize the I.eague df
American Wimeelnm n' classification Idea as the
toluton of , the Intermilonal racing rule
problem amid' this has caused such a bitter
feeling among the' crack riders there that few
of hem will ride on home tracks next
season. .
Chairman howard E. Ua'moll of the na-
tolnl racing board of tile League of \merl-
can Wheelmel Is strongl In favor of . an In-
ternatonal rule , and 111nlts 1hat It will
greatly benefit cycling. lie belevC It would"
nlso result In man } Iltdrnnton-al races Itli
io m1ch to offset petty dhfteremuces.
"Ilh lime Troler" nml \'Rcrr .
Des Moines glories In a pole te3m that
would be hard to beat , Weber , 2:13 : % , and
Rocky P , 2l0. :
Kanss City will enjoy racing by electric
light some time , In Aprii. Bob J. 10tmes
has leasetl Exhibition park and wi gIve fcur
EPstcs annually. , , -
Robert S. Turner , a 'wel known bookmaker
and pool seller . bas just returned from a trip
east , and predlctl that the summer of 1895
wi be cne Of the greatest as regards lght
harne9s raeln'ior ' the decade. Mr. Turner
will be represented ( on the 10ntana circuit
with a strlng"f falt pac rs and trotters , Including -
eluding Hose yrluce Tmmrne'r and Ala , with
pacing record bf ' Z:09. :
pacng .
1. , '
The Independcnc Driving club's August
meeting will \ relY be a great one. The
stake aggresdt $ 23,000 , and the famous kite
ever. track will' baitittn . L better condition than
; d
, The westerngad ' ' , circuit opens at Red
Oak " , Ia. , time last , \veel. In June , , takes $ 30-
000. Then Colo\I'J' : 'Minneapolis ' ; ' : $ 7OQO : La
Grosse , $ 0.000iJa\1 \ , Svle.Is' " , $20.00p'Fre- , :
port $ OOOOP 1jphiet. $15,000. , Thus , from
June to Augustthere : will be contn\pus . racIng -
Ing , for $62.0QI , , . .
, ¶ -our' 'L'7" , " , _ , I ;
II JITbJ program ) fogs lSf. . . Josephh MG. , , fall !
meeting provIdes , for stalces . andIUrse& to tima
amount or $ O.OOO equally divided ' between
trotters and pacers iL
Time Kentucky Trotting Horse BreedErs as
sociaton has announced Ito list of stakes for
the October meetng _ Eleven stakes are of-
fere asgregatng , $60.760. This Is the largest
amount hung up thl'year ' by any trotting as-
acciatlon. EntriES close Juae"h Meeting ' 19
from October I to 12.
Mr. Drlstow , In charge of the speed' ring
f i 'tho coming Hate fair , thinks the Initial
' 'aces here next fall wJ eclipse anything of
the kind ever seen here before ' While the
purses hung up may not be snmclent to at-
tract the kings and queens of time turf here ,
they will be ample to draw many : of the best
known troters lund 'paczr ' . In the country
cutode : of the few high priced stars.
Dr. A. W. Davls , of HeRon . Mo. , drives I
fine mnare by the great Nebraska stallion ,
Lobasco , 2l0m4. : " The death of Mr. Lndd's
great horse was a sad blow to N braska's
trotting industry :
QUMilnn mint ' t'uiwrrs.
HARRISON , Neb" , Feb. 23.-To the Sport-
Ing Editor of The Dee Will you please de
cldo thE following dispute In cooncan A
runs G , 7 and ja lt spades : 5 , 6 and 7 , jack
and queen of hearts : n runs three trays , four
kings antI G , 7 mind Jack of diamonds. B
turns up at5 spadeafrorn the deck plays I
on A's 'spado ruh A having te 5 of clubs
and,5 of diamonds' In his hand , picks up the
,5 of spades and plays his run of 5's , which
B claims cannot be done. Which Is right 7
'Also will you Inform mo where I can get n
pocket ' Hoyle1-JI.W. ; Smith .
Ans.-l. ( ) He can switch Cram either end ,
but not out of the middle. (2. ( ) Any booltscler
will order It 'for ' YOUI
There Is a letter at the sporting depart-
meet of The flee' for Prof. Swartz , boxing
professo '
GUAND' ISLAND ; Feb. 23.-To the Sport-
leg EdItor 'of Tile nei : ' Will you please pub-
lsh In Sunday flee ti handleDp a 12.bore
gun Is 'entitled to over n 10.boro In double
bird crap shooting , American association
rules , and also the result of a mlss.Ore of the
second barrel In' single ' trIal shooting.-
Lefever '
Ins.-(1) ( ) TW \ve-bore \ , twenty.four yard
rise : 10-bore , tw nty-stx yards. (2. ( ) The
shooter shall have abther bird , using a ful
charge of powder only In the first barrel ,
lie must , however , put the gun to hIs shoul-
den and discharge the blank cartridge In the
direction , ct the bird , . ' and tie bird must be
cn t\u \ , vlhg. ,
COUNQIL flLUi'FSFeb . ' 28.-To tlJ& Sprt-
ing Editor ot" The 'JJec : A beta ' n $10 that
tbere Is a rcof , fdr f trotting t horse for 100
miles. Will yplr ' 'leas decide li Sunday's
lee If there IS'M : . ct a record 7 Please state
what the recor4btr trotting five , ten , twenty ,
and fifty miles' mXr , . and oblige a number of
your ccnstant' , tdu'en.-H. , L. Thorne.
Ans.- ( ) AjrI' ? : , : fecord for 100 miles ,
1" g. AjrI'j LE\oureUo's \ Jelounder ,
85610. : (2. ( ) 'l'I"EJ mies , 13:00 : ; ten cubs ,
27:2311 : : twentpjic-a { . 58:2 : ' fifty mies ,
3:55' : 40y. : ptlei.
NEBRASKA , , Neb. , I eb. 27.-'Co the
SportIng Edito 1Jlr Time nee : What Is the
highest kick reC9ld ' Please nnswe.r In Sun-
dar Liee.-ConkJ.antReader. _
-Ans.-ltunnhm1t \h kick , lube felt , three
amid one-tonrtbdlches , W. E. 1'u\nal \ , March
I I ; , 1892. ( )
SOUTH OMAHA , 1 Neb. , Feb. 21.-To timeS
Srorlng EillJvof lThe Bee : Suppose two
men are 1111ylng what we cal high five , and
one should ha\'ebwt queens and two fours ,
and time other one ehioui&i have the same and
each ahould draw an who would win
one ace , vin7
Also , supposing two ' playing '
arC 'lngle high
five , twenty-one paints for a game , mind one
bas fifteen points nod tbl other twenty IIolnt8
and time one . baviumg , fifteen should say that
the bidder gOES out I he wakes thepolnts he
bids , and there 111 10 objection made. 'fhe
anD with the fUeEf pints bids six and
markes them , high , jack , five , and time one
having twenty pints hM the deuce , who
would wln1-A Subscriber
Ans.- ( ) Your frat Is simply nomusensical .
( .2. I they were playing "bidder sot out , "
why of course the bidder wins But that Is
1 poor game lt the best
NEWMAN mrOVE , l eb. 24.-To the Sporting .
Ing dlor of The Dee : I'lease Inform me In
your Ixt Sunday spertlg cOlumn of The lies
the names " of tie Omla team (0 far figured
for the comllG eeasciu . Also where each one
played last season- I. . Itodmuan .
An . -Eee iun 'ry Uee or the 17th Ins
OMAHA , l'tb. 27'TJ the fu"rt , : : Editor
, _ . _ ' , _ fln'-e _ _ '
Commences Monday morning. "Ve want you to shop on
Furniture and Carpets before you come here ; then
you willappreciate how cheap we arc. For weeks we
have been figuring with the country's largest factories to
purchase bargains in furiure nd carpets for this great sac .
IP :
CAS \ '
To spare , and even i you
haven't , it will pay to attend
this sate , and pick up a few I
odd pieces it
To Heautify Your Homesl
Look at this Rocker
-all hard wood , cane scat
This picture docs not do it
* * * : ' ' \
_ SALE PRICE _ . $ l.5a.
WE ARE FOR PRDTECTION-That is pro tec-
tlon for the darling little BABIES , bless their hearts.
. \ ' e have two carloads of the celebrated KIL Y
Baby arriages--the handsomest and cheapest BABY
CARRIAGES" the world. TIcy are beauties.
Send for our 1895 catalogue.
' , : : i . _ ' " , , : Mw.
- . ' - . i.- % This cut represents a
- fine parlor table. We
have fine goods in this
' . sale as wel as medium
. and low priced. This
' . l '
beautiful table , antique
'r" '
, i'i ' oak or birch , mahogany
' finish , is worth $10.
SALE pRICE , 400.
" A carload of JAPANESE RUGS just received.
which we include in this .sale. Sizes 6X9 , 7X10 , 9XIOj ;
also unheard-of prices on small sizes.
- 'N. W. COR , 16rH AND DOUGLA' S' 'S.
ot , The Bee : Please answer In sunday's
2portng columns whether Jack Prince . the
Old Omaha ; , , wheelman , , , holds the 24-hour
Teco ; tl ; six" day' ( alice , if' 'nbt , 'who docs ? -
n. Y. C.
ns-No. . It s held by William Martin
I Martn
formerly of Fort Omaha 317 G-I0 miles , Nol
Yorlc City . October 19-24 , 1891 ,
OMAHA , March I.-To the , Sporting Ed-
itor of The lice : Please answer the following -
Ing In a progressive high five , thrty.two
points : A and B tire 25 ; C and D , 30. A
bids seven , and malts high low jack and :
opposite five ; and C make game and right !
five. Who wins ? S. E. C. i
Ans.-C 'nnd D. '
nLENCOE Ia , March I.-To the Sporting
Editor of The Beer Please tel us In your
Sunday Issue What Is the largest size shot ,
that can be used In I twelve.guage , high
grade Parker gun hat 1 a choke bore wih-
out Injury to the sun ? -A Subscriber.
'Ans.-No. le are as large as ought to be
used , but double n's'arc sometimes used , although -
though there' Is great danger of bulging a
sun. Even with No. l's great care should ba
exercised In loading. '
Worlls copper production last year , 330,600
Cast Iron blocks are being tried In some or
the most frequented streets , of I'anis Instead
of the granite blocks usually placed alongside
tramway rails.
The valuation of time labor of our bens 1n
eggs and sprIng chickens Is every year estimated -
mated at $ $200,000,000. .
Europe produces every year about 500,000-
coo prunis of tota co , of - which , Austri grows
about one-third.
America exports $972,8GI.378 worth of goods
and Imports only $ HG,76,29 according to
latest ,
- , fgures . . . - ,
Tie new glass wall linings InlrOtuco In
ilcrlin- arc not brite , but they suggest irresistibly -
slstbl' time necessity for residents of vlreOI'
dwelling not to precipitate pojectiies.
A London firm , which has manufactured
eight of the eleven cables linking the United
States to England , mako' fifty-five miles of
cable each twonty-four bours
The Baltimore. & Ohio belt line tunnel at
Baltimore , which Is six miles long , cost the
railroad company $7,000,0O0. Electric motors
wi bo used Instead of locomotves after
April 1.
I la estimated thal 200 tons of ostrich
feathers have been exp rted from Cape Colony
dnrlng the last thirty years , valued at $50-
I 000,000 ,
I Is estimated that a weelt's work In Br-
mingham , Emig , comprises , among Its various
results. time fabrlclton of 14,000.000 lIens ,
6,000 , betlsteads 7,000 guns. 300,000,000 emit
nails , 100.000,000 buttons , 1.000 2adles ; 6.000-
000 copper and bronze cth s , 20,000 111lrs of
Americans use more titan 90,000,000 pounds ,
at tea a year For the supply of this necessity -
, slty the Unied Btatjs looks to Chum antI
Japan In 1893 China gave 45,653,172 pounds
of tea , ami Japan 39G02,5J pouumds Very
smnaii tries quantities are obtained for other coun-
An apparatus for horning cal dust has
been brought out In Oermany The con-
suml1ton of even the 10st Inferior class ot
coal I ! attended with no .moke , whll tIme .
heat producd I n Inton that time afHlratus
has been adopted In Berlin to lmeltn : works ,
antI wih excelent : results ,
More than hal of the world's Dllly of [ tl
Is mined In tie Straits Ietement at thc
tip of the Malay peninsula , The output In
189 was 36,061 tons , out of a total uf 50G51
. ton& : 12,106 tone came from the U.tch East
Indies , chiefly from the island 1 t lan\8 , bay-
lug only 8,381 tons for the rut of the world
The Atlanta colton manufacturers sure not
deterred by time promle invasion of the
New Encland mnnnufacturere lroiilent Jacob -
cob Elsu , of the Fulton lag and Colon
mlb , announces that he nas just ios ! ; a
contract rcr the erection of a new 25,000.
'lllndle cotton mill. his present raIJ.cly . I
15,000 , so ho will have . 40.000 In all .
hither CruD !
Cncinnat Tribune : A beggar , accosting
a benevolent.looklng genteman on Walnut
street lat nlgbl said : "Please help me ,
air I have a string family at home , and
can scarcely keep the wolf ( rom the door. "
"n'ml that la atrnge . " said the genUe.
man. "Jave you a gun ' ,
"Yes , sir , " replied th , beggar
"Then here II 5 cents for ammunition .
Next time the wolf comes to the door jUlt
shoot and eat It , "
- - - -
The Genoa ( Nev ) Courier Is advocating the
- ' -
- - -
construction or a railroad In time Cnrson valley -
hey , claiming there 19 a natural road clear to
the , Carson slnlt.
Chronic ,
Nervons ,
Private DSCiCS ,
Tnl . \T.\WT . Il JI\lr. Consiultattoim tree ,
Wo curo.Oatarrh , al diseases of the
Nosu , Throat , Chest , Stomach Liver ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Dieases , Fe-
mlQ Wealcuossos , Lost Manood , and
Debility or ExauUoa WastIng " 'eaknc& Involuntary
, 'oluntal Louea , with Erly Decay In Young
and mlddi . : ged : lak.of vIm , vigor nndwcakenrd
prematurely In approblng old age. All yeld
readIly' tn nun Dew treatment for loss of vital
reaiy 1lal
Mr tratel
power CI o or address wlb tamp for clr
euler free book 'n" receipts.
'Dr , Searles and Qim'islet , 1416 Farnam
a iJjULLI.jJ ( uuLL Serl3s , 1" 1 ' 1
HF : ACES' ' cl : :
Iii. flU .
H\ mime Featurosanci jletnov-
.nl . / 16 p. ; book to , ' n f . 0
.John II. ' " , ISTW.42d85.N.Y. . "
' ' ' fntr or Woodbury'mm Facial emoan. _
' 1'1 ON.
To the owners or thihota , parts of lota'and
real estate abutting on or adjacent to the
streets , alleys or avenues herein named 01'
sluatetl In whole 01 In part within any
of the districts herein cPcclled : }
You and each or you , are hereby notified
that the city counci of the city of notled
wIl sit as a Board of l quulzaton , In eUI-
mltee room A , In time city hal , Omnhn ,
Nebraska , on Frida , the 8th day of March ,
) larch
189j , trom 9 o'cleelt a. m. 10 f o'cloelt P. I" ,
for the JurJose ot cOIslJerlng , and cqunhiz.
Ing time Ilrollosod levy of special taxes und
Iscssmcntl n8 Ihowl hy 'Proposed Plans
ot Assesslen t" nuw on le In time oflice of
salL city cleric , ' nnd correcting tiny errors
therrln , and of hearing null comilalnt8 that
lImo owners or 11roJerty IP to JO nssessed
amid Ilxct ! may mmmakeJ Hald "peclat taxeS
ant assessments proJose' to bo levied lie-
Ing necessary to cover time cost of the soy- ,
o /ev-
crumb ImprovementI duly authorized to bo ;
mantle and new cOllllelcd , ni folows :
To cover the cost of gradIng 5th street
( rein Hal Howard street to JuneH Street ,
In grading district No , 11 , alolntnH to
$ t99. 7t which sum It Is pm'oposeii , hy 1 reo
hurt duly Idojltel II I the city counci , In IR-
HeSK on the meal 'eslnte en caeh side or 3jth
street trom HalC lowlrd Street to Jones
street iwo rate per foot Irontnge , accord.
ing I to the usual scaling back ' , ui
depth hem timu' strict as per ml 1n'ocesa crc-
clod ; utile 11cr foot , $ ) .3353 '
To cover the one-half 'cost of grading
'S'ooIvOrthm avenue ( rosa 2mil street to Ciii
street , amoumuting to time sunm of $ SSS.72. in.
eluding interest mit 7 jier cent to 1eb. l5tim ,
1195 , whmIchm itmnl it is proposed , by a report
duly adonted by time city council , to assess
cmi time iota omm each Hidu of Wooiwom'th ave.
mimic from 2tmml sheet to Gtim street lmro matut
her toot frontage , according to time usual
mucniiumg back imm'ocern in depth from time
street to time lirat uhlei' ; rate per foot ,
$0. 40G59.
To vover time cost of grading 25th avt'nmme
from litmlf howard street to Leavezmwom'iim
street , 1mm grading district No. Ill , amoummt-
ing to time sum ( tf 6GO.O0 , u'hichm simmn it is
proposed , by a report duly' nldolmttil by tue
city council , to assess on time real estate
omm each side of 35th avenue from halt Iiouv-
arul atreot to Leavenworth street , pro rate
ver foot frontage , according to time usual
scaling hack process. In depth from tIme
street as per district created ; rate per foot ,
$003573 ,
To cover time cost of extension of th west
alley in Scully's additiomi muortim to Hickory
strecet , amnmnuntimmg to the sum of iO9 , ( , )
which sum it is imroimosed. by a m eprt 'lumi'
adopted by time city council , to assess on
the real estate cii each side of iatd alley
from time south bins of Scully's addition to
Hickory street , pro 'rota per ( not fromutige ; ,
accurduimg to time usUal cuhin barle process ,
in depths trom the qiley a folim's :
Omi east side to thr depth of on , , lot ,
On srest id time deoth of 30 29.100 feet ,
hate lien foot , I t023.
To cover the cost of ilamunges awarded for
the opening ( if Walniut street. and mihiP'
in Gritilmi & Smith's addition , nnioutmt immo to
- ' - - _ . , _ _ lds- ' t' - ' - ' . _ _ _ _ . _ , _ ,
- - - -
ConIIntm& :
that sum of $ ll,491.Si , wimich simm it is pro' .
posed , by a report iliuly nulopied by time city
council , to assess as toilawa on the follow. j'
ing ( leactibed real estate In Grifhln Re Smith'a S
nmluhitioim :
On timmit part north ot alley , of hot
No , 7 $ &i553
On that part south of nlloy , of lot
No. 7
On thumtt hart north of alloy , of lot
No. 9 46053
On ( hint part south of alley , of lot
No. 9 2,410 50
On that part north of 01101' , of hot
No. 10 515 53
On that linrt southi of alley , of lot
No , 10 2,818 59
0mm tImid Part north of chic ) ' , of lqt . '
No. 11 1,082 01 L4L '
0mm thot imrt south of alley , of lot /f. m' % 615 53
On tutU Part north of sibley , of lot
No. 12 1,438 53
0mm tiuuut Part South of alley , of lot
No. 12 'icc ss
lni-omui generol fuimuti for nuprzuinmcrs'
fees so oo
Total amnount $11,491 SI
To cover tii cost of damages awonlod
for opemuing 85tim mmventme , mimiti aileys in Grit-
flu & Smith's atlulition , anmotmnting to time f
Rum of $9iOO Si , 'imichu auth It is proposed , . { Q (
by it rePort ( lumly nuIoptei by the cIty cotmn-
cml , te nssea' cmi thu following ilarts of lots
2 Cmiii 3 in Orlilin & Smmiith'n addition :
Timrtt Part west of mihicy anti east of
l5th eve of lot , 2 $2,210 SI
Timmit imrt- east of niley anti vest ot . '
05th stof Inti 421 01
That hmart cest of alley anti west of
85th eve of hot 2 ' 2,213 27
That imtum'i vst of nihey amid cast of
aStim at of lot 2 'itS 35
That part linriim anti cost of alley
nmimi 'eat of OltIm Street of lot 3 260 93
Thnt hart nortit and vest of alley
itmul east of 35th ave of lot I 802 dl
That part iumutmthm of alley antI east of
03tlm ave of lot : i 1,101 70
Timnt hart miortiu amid enat of alley
antI west of 03th ave or lot 3 802 61
That Part miortiu nmiul 'eat of tilley
nail east of : i6tlu at of lot 3 263 93
North 9 ft ( if timuit nan sotmtlu of ci-
Icy' nmmd veat or Oltim ave or lot 8 73 ! 53
Smith 7rfeet of thumit part south of ci-
hey anti 'cst of' 35th eve of hot 0 315 35
To be iuui'l ( rena general ftmntl ( fees ) 46 50
Totmil amnoumnt ,
To cover time cost of olenlmug anti extend-
iimt 11th street from time muhley ncmrtiu of
Nlciioltm street to time tioutim line of i'ai-
mmdc l'hmmee , amounting to time sum of $13-
: ms.r.o , % 'hichi simm ft iii' lVOlOSCti , 1)3' It relrt
dimly nulopted by time city council , to assess
as follows :
Omi time east 132 feet of that lmrt
vcst of ' 10th tmtreCt anti that imart
cast of 1.ltim atreet , of tax lot 8 ,
sectioii 15.15.13 - $ 7,600 00
On time east 132 feet of that part
vcst of 13th street , uinui that part
east of 13th street , of tax hot , , S
section 15-15-13 4,331 Si
On lots in l'athlock I'ince abutting
on lithi Street at $38.07 each 1,416 66
Total anmommnt $ i3,37S 50
To cover the cost of laying iernlztmmemit
tmtotme sitlewniks by J. R. Riley , contractor ,
mm per estImates uthlowetl , amountIng to time
simm of $1,921.12 , 'mvluicim sum it is Prolmosod.
by a report mltmmy nuiopted by the city comen-
cii , to nsqess nit time lots antI real estate-
along wimiclu said walks were laid , cccli . '
piece 01' hand for the Price of time walk nil-
Joimuimig , includimug time fees for Inspection ,
as per list Imereto attached :
Lot 1 1)100k 40 , city 215 31
i : 100 ft hot 5 block 182 , city 210 92
Lot 5 imiock 206 , cIty 271 72
1ot 1 block I , Ames Place 18 12
Lot 2 Idocic 1. 4\rnes Pince 82 35
Sill ) lot 5 lot 7 , Capitol nihi 231 07
1.Mt 1 block 3 , Capitol 11111 ntlmi ill 15
N 213 ft lot 2 hiock 3 , Capitol 11111 nmltl 01 70
Lot 2 block 9. linriamchi's 2nd add oxtd St .iO
16 ' 4 lot 21 ilorbachm's 1st niltI 101 01
iii lot 25 Ilorbach's 1st add 101 Oi
Id 1 ( lot 3m ; liorbneim'tu 1st fluid liii 69
v l4 ; lot 20. Iiorhnchm'mu 1st , nuiti 75 92
hot 22 , block 2 , llammacom l'iace 6 20
Lot 13 , block 1 , ilammscomn h'lutce 213 92
lMt 18 , 1ioek 6 , Hamwcomn Place 65 01
Lot 30 , ilOchc 8 , Hamuscommi r'mnce , 76 91
Lot 38 block 8 , 1-Inmiscom I'Iaco , 76 01
lot 40. block 8. liansconi I'lnce , 63 03
Lot 41. block 8 , liansconuu I'iaco , 63 03
rot 42 , liiock 8 , Ilanscomn" l'lace , 63 03
Lot 43 , block 8 , llanscoun l'iace , 63 0,1
I.ot 41 , block 8 , llanscomn l'iaco. 63 03
N ' / lot 45 , ) , lock S. Ilnnscomn Place 31 51
S tmh lot 45 , blocle 8 , llanscomu Place 81 52
Lot 46 , block 8 , ilanscom l'lace , 63 03
Lot 47 , llOCiC a : Ilanscona l'iace , 63 CO
Lot 48 , block 8 , 1-lanscom l'iaco , 63 03
Lot 49 , block 8. llnnacom Piece 63 03
N 17 ft lot 50 , block S , Ilunscomn PIce 89 23
Lot 5 , Kotmmutzs "A" ndd , 22 75
Id % lot 6 , Kountze "A" atid 17 53
S ! ,6 lot 2 , block 6. l'atrick's add 63 99
\v ! J lot 2 , hmlock 2 , O'Noil's sub of
J.owe's 2nd , - ; 30 35
Lot 5 , blOck 2 , O'NeiI'ssub of Lowos
2nd , 61 32
r.ot 6 , block 2 , O'Neii'a sub of Lowes
2m'md , 61 33 04
Lot 7 block 2 , O'Neil's sub of LoScs
2nd , 61 33
Lot 8 , block 2 , O'Neil's sub of Lowes
Ommd , 79 32
l.ot : , block 3. O'NeIl'a sub of Lowcs
2nd , 73 5 , ,
Lot 3 block 3 , O'Neii'a nub of Lowes
2mud , . - 61 95
Lot 4 , hiocIc 3 , O'Neil's ub of Lowes
2nd , 61 95
Lot 5 , block 3 , O'Neil's sub of Losves
2ntl , 61 05
13 ' , lot 6 , block 3 , O'Noii'tu sub of ,
LoveS 2mitl , 20 87
I.ot 12 block C , Shmumll'tu 2nui add 77 80
I' 130 ft U 14 lulock 35.Valnut 11111 179 44
\p' j99 ft n bbocic 25rtlinut 11111 261 49 -t
-v a ft of n ½ tax lot 22 , sectiomm
15.15-13 , 77 SO
-v V2 tax lot 2h , section 15-15-13 , 51 ml
F1 mj , tax hot 23. aectiomi 15-15.13. 71 CO
10 ' , Z tax lot 30 , section 15.15-13 , 51 01
N A tax lot 12 section 16-15-13 , 170 17
S 125 ft tax lot 14 , sectIomm 16.15-13 , 93 17
N 3 tax lot 16 , sectiomi 16.15-13 , 414 43
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , 12
To cover the cost of permnmt'nt sidewalk -
walk laid by J. W. Furamia & 50mm in 1812 ,
amnuuntlng to thin sum of ii.9t , wlmichi sum
Is it proposed , by a report dimly adopteul
by time city council , to assesa on thmo mi-
lowing real estate :
On the w 62 ft of limo o 101 ft of sublet
lot 6 , lot e ; Capitol 11(1(1. ' ' $91 03
' 10 cover tIme cost of laying permanemut
emidewaik , amounting to time sumu of $258.69 ,
which sum It is proposed. iii accortlamuco
with mu. report duiy nilojiteti by time city
coummeil to assess on thifl property aljOImi-
ing which iiey were mmml , as follows :
JO 4 of lot 7. block 16 City , $ 55 32
v ( A of lot 7. hiocic L , City , 50 32
Lot , block E , City , 1i65
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To cover time cost of opening cmi mtiiey for
the extemision of time South Omaha sewer
to time Krug Brewery sewer , amounting
to the summi of 56300 , which aumm it Is pro.
posed , by a report duly umdoptctl by time
city council , to utasoss as foliows :
On time a 115 feet of e 2i ft tax lot 2 ,
sectiomm 33 , 3 50 00
On limo part 0 of 28th at. . extenmlcd of
Tax lot No. 4 , section 83.15-13 50 01
On lots No. 1 to 26 , block 2 , tS'crne
& 11omoik'H amid , 300 00
On time 11. P. Ity rlgit.of-wmty ; , nuijoin-
ing Oliermme & Hommick'S add op uut ,
from lot 19. block 2 , 420 ft aw 100
ft by 420 (1 , 16.'I 00
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
To cover thin cost of repaving 10th street
fm'omn Mason street to Viillitjmi mutm'eot , in
htm-eet himmpm'ovemmiemit 1)immtnlt No. 576 , ,
mtmnommimting to the stun of $5,330.72 $9,215.13
of s'imiah amnoutmt it iii lmrupmseti , ii1' mm , report -
port duly atiopted by tiuo city coimmicil , to
mismOemus oh tIme m'emml estate atm each side of
10th street , ( mciii'iiitummm stm'cct to a jmoint
miom'tim of tIme alley iirst imouth of Masomm
street , on svest mildo CII ( met omorthu of said
alloy , emi east itIo 73.2 feet muortim of ituimi
iIIio3' , limo rata imer foot frontage , aceorul.
intro to mistitti scaling bmmclc rocestm iii depth
fromum time iiti'eut. as imer ditm'ict crcuttotl ,
rate imer foot. $3,48S00 , nmnfi $115.03 of said
stun , time cost Of repavimmu imrivtzte road-
wumy. muumail bo assesm4eLi to time reel estate .e
aimmit hug.
To cover time cost of paving and curbing
Ilmummuliton street , 1mm Street Imnprovcmmienmt
listrict No. 587. amoummutiimg to time minima of
$317.r12 , which sum it , is proitoseti , by a me-
l'ort duly nmiOlitCtl b time city coimncii to
asst'smm Dim limo real etnte oh imotim sideti
of Jiutmiltotu street ubuttilig omm sitl move-
mmmcni , auth inciutleil iii tlmo stm'etmt hmmts'ing
diatmict as created , accnriing , to time tmatmmtl
, mcalimmg buck vrocci3. ltato imer foot , $6.50 ,
'ro cover time cost or ciumblng hirakimmo
iutm'et , Iii Street lmnprovemm'nt iistriot No , I'
482 , amnoummtimig to limo smmmmi of $11163 , wimicim
mmmmnm It itt lmroponmetl , hmy no report duly
aulopteil by time city eoitncii , to mosseas oil
eammim slob of" Ertikimic street , ( mom 2itlt
stm'oct to 25th shoot , mire multi ueu' foot
fronutage , according tO time usual moniimmg
imaclc Jir000ss , lit depth ( rena time street. as
ir distm'lct ercat ti , itatu mior foqt , $00321.
l'oui are furtimer notiliemi hint emalul "I'i'o-
poseti i'ian of Assessment" more now sub.
Joel to tIme insimectmou anti examination of
mommy of time owners of saId lots , iartm of
101mm or 1iicoti ( if reai catutte , 01' thin imn'pec-
thou or oxammilnathomu of any other i > erson
interested In said 1)rnPose'I astiemisnuemita ,
itt time ( 'ihilCe of snkm cii ) ' cleric , timid that
ii > ' a report of a commmmittoo of saul coumm- '
( 'ii duly molopled , it is proposed that mmniemms
( or good and sutilelemit cause it may be
otiuert'iSo ordered amid detormmned , tlmutt
time cost of sttlti mnmpm'ovommmemits resumectivciy
hue amtm4m.'sMetl nfl time iwi'eral lots , intrts of
lots amuil huiecemi 01 I'ui eState a' shown
by atmitl IroPOaCmi iuianti of mtaseumsrncmmt.
You cmiii ouch of lomu , arc imm'eby mmotiuied q
to appear before said hloimrti of Equalize-
ttnmm , cit lime thee and mdccc above sieni-
tied , to imimiltu atmy complaInt. utmmtument ,
or ebjectioti you Ueairo t'oncum'ning any of
aith iroluoscU levies ammmi assesatnemuts of
tIpe3iai taxes.
Onmuha , Neb , , Fcb , 8 , l85
' , -
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