. - - - - - . - 7- - - - - - ' - - . , . " , , "tf : ! 1 , . , . , ' i 11 i , ' ' t r . r ' ' l , " I ( r' ' r - . . . . . . . . . . - . . . TIlE O\AlI.A \ DAIJ.JY ] EE ! 1 : ; kI'U1.DAYMAll(1Ii , 1895. . 7 - - . , . I - - - - - SPEGIAL ' . NOTIGB8 - AlvrtIaqInrntt , for Ih fto rOIUlnllN , , \ ho RI.I until 1:10 p. in. for tie ) e'elll1 * nlel Until R p. ft. for the mlruil81ut bUllln , mUll ton. AdterlhurN , b ) r.qluUnl rt numbered check , tn hnvo nnNWOt nlhlreNult ) to R nombered letter In Rro or 'ho 11cc. An- " "er 81 ndtrtftNclt , ,1 bo delivered upon pr&icntittlnn or the ( heel , only. nntc * , 1 1-2c n word , frNt Inftortlol , 10 n word hereaUor. : othlll tukeu for tl88 than 210 for IrNt Inertlon. ' h(80 "dtortaemeuu must run COllccn' ttvtIy. thel. . . ' ' . WANTED-MALE HELP. Cl'IAN riucxlii.s . tC. 101 DOUU.AI. nouoJWi"m - - - - WANT1l AN ImEIO'TIC tATO1tC- celve anti cloulry order8. ' U B. Uth fl.-M161 street. 3' . MANAmI WANTID TO IAND.E I CAN VAiS. " 1 for new patent : nlcle : one or 1e needed In e\'er 0111cc . PUblic hulllng or r.ftldeneO : demnn,1 IloltililtetI : n ) ) oflauza. Enell" " 2c , iUmp. wrIte Orlway & Co. , 2H Innc\1 itrcet l'eorla . 11. U-1Th 2' WANTJ ) . mN WIO \ VI1dVOflT { POll S5. O ) month Ritlnry or large ( lmml..lol. Bellng I"S hy Mml.l. to .IMI.r ; experInro unneCeRSar : write us : we wi cllltln : for 4eaIl PltC' ulnrl B.nl Imll ! 1.hohl Speel1Y ( ' 0. . 13 ' . Il-t17J 2 ' 4th , \'ect. Clnetnnntl O. 1-li32' A CIANCI'1l' MAIC ! MONtY : 1 MAim $33I.O , the ltUit Ilx weel ( " Bemnl dloh wn.het. nnl \n" .Ick , Inrt of the tlnu. I dent Bee why othcrl do not g Illn the IlohVaher business : < n ni COn\'n"BIII ; "M nil I ) ' washers It hOle ; patisractiun ehI noother : perfect BIU.rlcton : ever on 8cl. nlolher v.'ry f"mly wants one : I wi make $3OQ.O ) ) this ycnr , cooy : I rn wnBh nnl dry our .IBhe" In two minutes ; any one cnn make $ ; .0) ) toiLe I $1 , rJ n Iloy. 10 tatthrti1rs , write to lr ( 'I ) ' 1)1.1Vnsher Co. . 8. 1lghlnll avenues FL 1. . llttsburg . l'n. It-MITI 2' WANTtL A BAI.tS IAN WhO 'HA111.8 TO sell our fall goods . Ire. , " gOorls . canq . . assi. meres. blankets unit tlannr1s. Schuyldl Mills. Box 1 2. l'hihlndelphiin , Pa. lt-MIS2 2' WANTED-FEMALE HEL , WAHTL'l ) . ah1tt . [ . 'l ONlnA iiotjsv : . work ; \ferelce requlrc Mrs. ] nloll. 11 - Ro 3bh , n\'I. C1U l' . WANTti-1'lfliT f.AHS IN MII . . n-I"IST ( TIMtS Mi. Inery .leJt ; luke application , tl . \ . I ) . 1hrnfl . ' < els. Jqton ltnro. C--171-3' 'WANTI1. Olt l'Ot ONFIAI. 1lOUE. work ; flmly of 2. 13 So. : 3Glh str'et. C-MIW4' FOR RENT-HOUSES. , ' llusrs , I , ' 1. DAH.INO.AHKlm flLOCK. . - i-367 1omms IN AI.I , I'Alrl'S O1 , ' TIEF CITY. Tim _ O. Ii' . n"vls "olplny. PAITS 10 0 ; I.'arqm TiE , n- t8 10wms : INAWA : & co. . 108 N. ITI ; ST. D-DG ron lUNT-6-TtOOM COTTAC.fl . IN GOon tm. Ialr. Il ) ' % vittr. $10,0 per month , 10 Hoe < partIes ' pr' tIes . 1 N. 37h , I bloc from Flrnm car 11. , Inquire ut to&tzel'a niore Xt to . Stwtzel's stove Morl. next 1)Oet omce. U- i. 8.IOOM MODmN HOUSI , : . 1IV1MIN1ITflS welt from enurt . houee. 0 , L , areen rom 2. larlcr blocl n-n 10mmH. : , \.T.ACt. InOWN IOLIC. . H & n-13 DOlg , FOR flINT-2113 CAPITOl. AVlNUF . I \I rooms . modern. The O. F. " Dn\'ls company. I 1)-074 . 10.nOOM MOnlIN H0SE , WITH I1AflN . 1 "heap. 13W South 251h ave. U-S20.3' 1 SOlO MASON STmmT. AND ZGlt .OIS Btreel : bol1 ; modern , S rooms , Innl loc. tons , $ : & 0 each . waler nld : 7-room house , Orchard 11111 . 100 < el'"lr. . ) $ .0. S. K. IhIJhre ' . 128 ; New York Lire. 'D-8 2' ! - , . SI.VEN.IOOM IOUSI . WAT1R bATh . ETC. , 2th and Ilc < ) ' . 1. D. II'UI3. 'phlno U-M88 3)1. 2' I jlOEnN i.HOO HOURE , NEAI l'ARK. AI ply 130 S. 28th , slre.t. D:18 G - - - - c OUSIE PLATS. i3ThitM 702 NO. PITH. 1)-J5) G' - - . _ - - , - - FOR nl r'-8.nOOb flHTA'llF1) FlOUSF. 2116 21G california. lnqulro lOt Noth 22nd. D-IGI G.HOOM hOUSE 830 S. 21st ST. 1)-MiSt I 4' POR RN -FURN ISHED ROOMS * . . PLEAS , NT.nQQM"mD DODGE , 1-OG FOR IIENT-STT8AM IHOATED ' FIJUN1SIIED IENT-TEAM IEATED 'FUUNISIED I 00015. COt So. ' 13th. - E-2J4-F23 - - ) a FUnNIStEI HOOlS FOR 11OUSFKFNwINa . FOI 10UREKEFPING. man and wire : rent tal.en In bourl. 319 N. 1th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E03 lUINISHED FnONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. .p suitable for 2 or 3 getlemcn. 21 $ N. 13th sl. 4'.p _ _ _ _ 1 -131 3 FUINISltED 110016. 20li IIAI1NEY. ' HAnNEY.t , U3 - 4' - NICBLY l'UINISHED nee . FOIl GEN'rLE. men or hOlseleeplng. GG Not th 1lh. ) ) L . E-MI5 3' FOR nENT. TWO \UINISmm nOO 1S. COM plete for housekeeping cheap ; 10 children. chea\ chl11ren. 1913 Farnanl . Fornm str"et. E-IS2,3' _ _ _ ! - - - : TTh..tflSHED ROOMS -r AND BOARD. - l'HON HOOMS & 10AHD C1ltiAl' ' 2310 Douglas CI1P'I M f 11 . . . FOR nENT. FURNISHED 1100MB . WITH board steam hent. Utopia 112 Dovenport 131. ' . - I'-U.I- FURNISHED ROOMS WITH GOOD HOARD I. and telephone. 21 S. 2th sl. F-MS92.2' . - - c PLEASANT ROO1 IN IRIVATW FA II.y. with . or without bar < : references. 2:13 Far- Siam. . F-M91G 2- lt01S. FIRST CLASS 10ARn. $20 PER juontli 210 Douglas. . 1'-nl-3' S IHCI JI , g lYs 1812 hciic : \lD OPTIONAL F-M933.4' , - - - - - - - - - - - nOOM SUITABLE FOR TWO WITH 10ARD. Terms , r."snable. pleasant ' location. 2510 lodge. . - - \-lO.j- Tim hILLSIDE. 18H AND DODGE ROOMS and bonl . , ' 1" . . ' < 16.I. N1C1l14 FUHNISIED ItOOMS WITH GO D bead : rates reasonable. The Rose. 020 Hur- I ney. F-Uj AI" ' UNFURNISHED ReOMS 'O RENT 4 tNI UlNISllm ( BOOMS FOR LIGhT housckeeplng. 1919 Do'le. 0-M910 lOR REN'-ORJ : AND OFFICES Fm RIINT-TIIl . 4-h"OHY mUCK nUI.DINO. I DIG I.'arom Itr't This building , has I Ire- l'lot ) cement b.\.ement "ollleto steam hent. InK IxtureH : water on nil hloors . gus. ete. Apply - _ _ ply at this olco of The lice. l-IO : t AGENTS WANTED. LAOAm NT IN 1'\'EIY TWN , I'ERM.t. nen.t business ; hOI' nOt I'leo 10 explnln ; In _ v.atnte. 114lea Mg. Co. . 18 J-7hI7.MhT So. 151h Ht. J-1G1.1 , AGNTS WANTED : $5,0 DAILY ; NEW IN- \ 'entlonl : retails . 2 ) cents : 2 tn 6 Hell In ) L h'Jso : r I sample free. l.'orshc & Makin Clnclnnnt. , , o. - .1-M172 2' WANTIlI AGENTS TO 81 1.lf ' l'HE AC- knowllg d Ilelt St. l'utrlcl'l day 11 : sample. , . Gc ; In\ea\gto new. M. N161. ) orulento Ie\- lantl O. J183 r , ' . # W AN''ED-TO RENT LOCATION VOlt ' SALOON : MlST liE GOOD and clnp renl. Address J 5. lIce . U . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K-I3 2' I 'nAVEIINU MAN ' WI81mS I0AHD AND rl for wife un,1 , " , nb ) ' with prIvate faintly In . good locaton , lefl' enc.s. J 14 , Ih'e. f"mly . . IC-Mill 3' . . 1\-1m , C , . STORAGE. . JEST R'l'OnAOI' : IUI.DN < IN 01.1.U. . i. IO\ l > lll.d ( warhlls. ) 10us.holt goods stored . . \ . . . l.\vesl nttri. 101.1015 Lcavenworih. M-n7 tTOIAOE , I"HANK I Wlmt. 11 HAHNI'Y , - M-1 , WANTED-TO DUY. WANTED A NO. 2 ItI2MINGTON ' ' : nIINOTON 'YI'N- wrier , Oh'o number 4 machine. condition and > "ondlton ' pr\1 \ M 21. lIce . Cuuncl % ! ues , N-1d143 4 < I' l''U CASh. A 1.0'1' onH'I' 01 , ' 1.01' 30 ' ' C feet . frnl : \'hhborhot ; GII'o locatIon < 10lntol - and 11..e. Address J. 8. lies. N-hI a' IrR AMlbELLANEOU8 - , WIWIAN l'jANOS , 111111)0 lil'olt'r OHUANS. Wobrldl" lr" , 17 10 27th. Q-91 10G AND cIlclmN l"BNC : hARD WOOD Jlklll C. n. Lee . IsOlDoughas. . Q-9J5 1'Ol 8A.1 -3 1'I'S1 CWS AND CALVES Ild oue registered Holstein cow and better . ' , t calf al : S2Vebster . Q-2.lSfl-2' , ' LO nOHS AND WINDOWI WITI 1".MES and luu'wUo comh1ete. gas txturu and 1lpu. t stenni 1.1.lr and . \'ahl' . neally aa oud as ' new , nil tMtCfl from Ilellnuin building. < t lelman Iuldlng. ( IiiCe. hamilton l oa. , cOII"'lols. it Ho. 18th , . It _ IJIc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q-16.3 StOm UOUtt FOR I'H'ES HOt luo T &c Q-7b8 2.119 BTCA RADIATORS l'R 8ALE CASl mus 'I wilt 10 r"ceh'e until G oel.k i iii. . March ' S , : tc the radiators now on the Exposition 1uldll alto lt 1th and Capitol avenue. May I ot the Santo tro In & " cndiio ; tan b u- l ? aInEI on tll prll" . Addiexa bids 10 Al- dr.w : l'ophetun. rom SUe 1'llt ) National ; trw bulhUnS Right \alr\'c 10 rEject any Ad 1 bd Q-mu : a _ _ _ _ L MI CELLAN EOUB. UAVAN FI1VCKLifl . 1 , DOUGLAS - , I-ia Mi9 Fai SALE. TWO COAL WAGONS WIT ! ! on wIthout team , Apply lt 101 Pierce St. St.I'Z& - . CLAlVOYAN.S 2.1115. nn. It. W'AflltflN. Ct.AI\O\'ANT. RE. Pablo business medium : 7th year at 19 N. - 16th. 8-90 TIlD OI1EA'rlIT ! CLAIIIVOVANT OF TiE GuATIVOYANT oge. Mntnmo Itomain . has returned ty request nnl can bo consulted on silt ornlrs of hits. cOlsulted le. ThoSe wishIng correct advice on busIness. love. marriage . dIvorce . lawSuits . etc. . can Mrel . rely on the madams. She removes 1\1 in- Ititences . unltes couples end enUleN speedy and happy marrIage with th one YOU lo\ . She makes n success where other fell. All In trouble call and receive prompt ) henpnl , 1ourl. 9 10 "ni Letters with stamp answered promptly. 221' . . mh street fbt A. 321i . 1romptl' Sli62. t - COME TODAY ANt ) lIltING TillS Al WITh \ cOlm -\IINO you to the phcnomrnvlmI'r. , . JnIH : . the world renowncl ProIhet , . mini , render and , noer nW located nt 403 N. 11h .treet. Oniahia. lie tells yatt your greatest , desIre rO'CfllS YOUr future. Ills advice helps yet 10 ( 'er"om. your IrouhleA nn,1 In attain ) your iteurt's UeAlr" , ntfln , ' . 9 , ft. to 12 SeeIng IA 1ehlevlng. 0111cc open 0. I. noon . anti helel'lng. \ . . 10 OIe . m. daily nn,1 , Sun- tiny. Letters unswet < . t11R 2' _ - ' -bIJi BSAIJ , - j } ; \ li . .ET\ . IADAM SMhThI . & 3. 1311. 2\ Ft.O0It. nOOM 3 ; ntngnetk'4 Vapor nIohoI steam lll'hlrlne ; and baths. T-M811 2' - . "en blth. _ _ ' _ 191 : _ TUlIUSH BATHS TUI1ICIRII iiATllS ONLY I'I.ACII tN CITY ; TUI < RI IA ONliII.AI c"clu.h'ely for ladles. Suite 1 ) .10 leo P11g. 1OI - - - ' PERSONAL. II. IIAAH . F1.OI1IST. IT.ANTS. CUT FLO\'li1tS. Iinnqttet. halt , tltenc" anl grt'o Ilecorlllu' . - 11 Vinton street. Telephone \ . U- 98 MAS3Aa1I . IlI.IICTIIO TIIIII1MAI4 IIATIIS . chlropo lst. Mme. Ioat. Ih9 ! ! S. 1th ) t. < 1tht' ' Tim m r.t.1 h't flflliY conSI':1' MADE TO order ( rot , ; mensuto. lW9Irlal etr'el. . U-lOll ' NtWLY FITTED IATH PARLO'ltS. 'rulldsh and electric baths for Indies' nn,1 gentle- men. Mute. howell . 32 S. 15th st . 2h floor. Howel. U-Mild Ml' Sl011 10ma.INI ICIYS'IST 63-786 CIOAI1S. ! 19 "IA\1 CO . 310 flEE flLtG. : lEAr [ HOOK free ; home trltmelt 1 lady attendant. 1-10 \ ; . ' ; IIVIIRV LADY WIll ! facIal hair mn have I elp.trYP1 forever guar - anteed by the I1LlCTIttC N1ll1tLll. Moles Inleet wurs.elS , red nose birth lateR , powder 01,1 clnlel IIark , ) . freckles hlnl ) Ile'll. , liver . BI > I9 "lmlJles % end all facial hleml.hes To- ino'ed. 11..hul'Pc nee and pMjeclhl1 CUt remedhsdI , ; bust tle\'elopl : hair 8alp end Bkln treated : < fat reduced ; nervous nl frmll" die- ' ure,1 the Institute. 10i S. ense3 ( by " Curapathic Ilsllule II" C\\athlc \ . _ ' 'h D' " " h " " r- ' O - I2' . . . . . m , . ---e. - - , - - - 13 CAINJT PHOTOS . lES' PINISIL. $1,1 ; I ts Inl ) ' . Conl'8. G3t Bmldwl U-MG3J . C'i. hhluffe. 11 IAIUAGn I'Al'Cfl'iTII I.COO AD\lm't8r. m.nts and photos of marriageable people , many rich : lists ot books . noveltIes. etc. . froa. Oun. nels' Monthly . Toledo , O. C-MIJ' ' ) 2.12 ' STO ! CImt'S SIRE 10l'SE , UO U-iS6 IOUcIT.AS. Mn ! AII.E Il Ant TI1EES FOR SALE ; ALSO pllnl"1 In any part of city. E. G. Solomon . 2iG 1"rnlt11 strcet. U-MIG 4' roll FIRST CLASS P1ANO TUNING IAyg Merriam . tt WOodlrldge Bros. . Ij So. lith PI. U-h CS-Il. CURE FOR LAIIL'S.lSlG CHICAGO 81' cUm - U-ICC-Il' MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. , ANTIONY LOAN & TRUST CO..313 N.Y. I.UE. baits ot how rates for chlce ! security . In Ne- brashca and Iowa. fUlms o Omahn city 1'perl . W-l LIFII INIIUIIANCPI POLICIES LOANED ON I.I"J INfUIANCE : Chesne . Kansas CI W-102 . . 2.Io. MONEY T LOAN ON IMIIO\ID OMAIIA meal eslate. Brennan , Love & Co. . 10 lon IJIk W-19J MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. Tit O. I' . DavIs Co. . 1105 I'nrnm st. \V-l04 , VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD J.OANS. 1.1.V. . , Squire. 242 Bee bId ! V-l ? ; , - - - - - CIT LOANS ; C. A. . STARR , Ill N , Y. , , I.IFF. . .STARR,61 'V-1O CITY . ANt FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. 1uoe ) ' & Thomas. First Nat'h flank bhlg W-1 'MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVEI O IAIA property. Fidelity Taust company , li02 ParIum W-I')8 ' ) LOANS ON IIPnOVED & UNIMI'ilovlIcI'ry property. " ' . Flrnal Smith ; & Co. . 132' ' W-I09 F'ainam MONEY TO 1.0A1 ON OMAHA BlAb 1'S1A' : F at C per cent. " ' . Ii. Melk1 . let Nal. 1 . IJI&Ig. - \-11 ) CITY LOANII. WJ.O TO $ :0.01.0' ) AT LOWEST mtes. LOANs. POlel & ' tel. 1st Uoor ; " N. Y. I. . bhlg - V-l11 INVESTOHS' iII1ECTOI1Y CO. , 'O"\\\I.T 81' . N. Y. compile nld sel non\e pC bona Ode cast Im investors who have money 10 Invest. "Full ' . 'V-95G 2.126' )11 particulars upon request.V2.l'JIG IG' - MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUlNITlnl PIANOS and all 1.lnd. or security. ' 1"r. < Terry. rom 130. lnlo bloc1 X-l12 MONEY TO LOAN ON 10USEiOLD I'URNI- ture pianos . horses , waguns. or any kind 1 of chattel security nt lowest " 08.1"10 rates . which you con ilmiahack lt any 11" and In'In ) ' nmount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARAN''E CO. . Hem 4. Wlthnel bloc . N-Ill J. D. IIADDOCIC ROOM m. I.UIOJ BLOCK. N-hi . X-I MONEY TO I.O.N ON FURN1TUIIE , PIANOS horacs . wagons etc. . It lowest rates II city ; no rluvn of goods : strictly confidential ; you , can umounl. PaY the lon or nt any time , or In any OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30G 80 16th st. st.XU XU BUSINESS CBANOES DO YOU WANT A JION Y IAIIJ : ? TIE gdl"n Klnet08''pO ( eight mnaclines , took In $ .O In lees . than three months. For terms address Edison Kinetuocopo Cu . Ito 50. IGth st" , Olahl , Neb. Y-MG51 GOOD PAYING MANUFACTUfNG Ih1JSNESS. ! complete . for $00. ) . ( hood rls"ns ( or Ielllmmg. Address n 29 , lIce. Y-6GI CUBAN 1.JRln.Et. BEST IN TIE WOm.D. . Y-7861m $2O 2.tONThI liT GUAnANTElm. MANU. , faelurlng concerti wants repre8entnth'e8 In Omahn ( or any city not taken ) . Must have few hundred dollars coal 10 pay tar goods on delivery . livery alter orders have been aecure,1. ho. B. \ . Morse bl < g. . New York Y-ESG I' FOR SAT 1-i . COMII.I Tr 10''I.ING 01'1'11. olhlc iix0ltliva nn,1 horses ant Wagons. Apply /Xll. onclXll. ( joust ' Bottling WOI. . 1213 Jones SI. Y-nl MEAT MAf'T I'on fAT.1 IN om 01 'l'IIII best . thoroughlres In the city ; good , . , s alt welt fitted up. . J 4. Bee2.lhlG 2' , mAT MAItICIIT FOIl f.\I.N on TIADE. IN ! good sized town. Iea lm for soilIng. .1.SIII' ton of h'a' ' Inerettip. AddresJ U 28 . hoe. Council lihuits. _ Y-2.ll5O j m : TAUIAN' ND I.UWI COUNTER. Irst rIS . 1.,1 paying wel : O : rent only ' $ W. Wliamo ) & Mittan . M"Cuguo bloel. - Y-1G7.3 1"On SALE HM.I.L 'ONNI n.\I. HTOeH. ALt staple prhicipaiiy ! groceries ; invoice 1.201,0 : brick Nom , low lent ; Hllnld , locution ; estnti- lIsPed trade. A < III'88 bi . 11 1. , Wa1no Neb ' Y-Ml78 4' - FOR EXCHANGE Whh4.'rhiAtE N 20 IN 12. tHtI.If 2ND ADD. improved . unit n % I In G. 14. hi. I Itogers ATI. Proved. ' and 8 mules In Iodge's add to Ho. Oma. \'rOH \ oil ineumubered . for insude unimproved < clear property. J. A. Doge. MOO S. 11th at. < ceur Z-l63.3 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. l"AIUI LANDS C. 1 , ' . IAIIO : 912 N. Y. I , . . 115-2.1192 hill' I IXCIIANGIIII ' : ANfl SALES : CITY 1'1lO1'EI1TV : . 1'XCIANIEi CTY lnOPIU'\ CIUS.clehundlse. . Gary ) 11' ' . :10 lIE-lIT N. Y. L 1'-17 IIAhtOit1Ntt. JOUt : S. I.OTS AND I"AIMS : solo or tr tOe. 1" . K. Duihln . IJIer hloclt. 1111-118 IJAItOAINI4. SALE : Ol ' .J.\U IN CTY I.\OI. cm-tIes and farhime. Jno. N. I"renzer , ophi. 1' . 0. rrteN U11 OPI\I ; \ . i FINE CAIUEN I.AND. $ MI. 1'nO1 p , D. , $0 her acre. 910 N. V. L bl"S. ItISI . DN'T FOltalIT oun MOTTO. "WI N-'I'R' ' ' . . . . . orel' anything but cenulna .nll' ' then let u. show YOU lbs buildIng Iota for 1).0. 1150.00 tne und $650.00. or took at N. W. comer :61h and Chicago 132s10. or 8. W , corner S4th und Itoward . 12"13. and 1102.1118. come In umii3 get prices . month. 5 rooms. h1l00.O ; $100.00 ' cast , . balance 150 per S mamas . modern. fine barn 81.600. and 10 others. lrlcel and ternis ACRES. to suit ) , G acna. 4'4 miles west ot r. 0. ; 4 acres In grapes. \arlng : houa. and barn. One to 0 aoes adjoining South Omaha tt IO per acr" I you on'l eee what ) 'O want uk lor it. II. C Cole Co. , IO N , mi .Ireel. nC-Ml. . . .r. t nt ' $ \ O1NSf qHl \\\S0 , , & ' ' , . . r' ANTA z z , 1" " " " " . CLAUS I ' : . "I , LaffiOAP , " I 111 Tfit once and you wil-lie thousands of other housewives - use no olheR SANTA ( LAUS SOAP THE BESTPURESTAD M05TEcONO lCM Eo ] ' "TI I N.KfARAK CMAYc "J " . . - - - FOR BALE-REAL ESTATE. Continued. \ 'ANTIIL ) . 1,0J I1ADS 01 FAMILIES TO \\ANTtD. take up free liomeatcada In the I,1 rl'er'nl. . Icy . Minnesota. Mal showing exact lot.n , actimi . loan In,1 , mange will he maIled flee .cton. by writing tl Inn,1 1111..lone. Peat Norlh- era wrltnK mlwa ) ' . St l'iiuh . Minn. IJua Mi A $3tQ.O 10MI1 FOR $ .GO.O ; EASY ' TEI1MS ; let u. show I 10 'ou. Her mber W" never otter anything but genuine snal . I. 10. Cole. 10 N. 15th. ! 1111-2.1914 8 SAI.-I'AnM 1011 . iO ) ) ACmS NtAn Omaha : stcknss ( omt'I\ owner tl Baerilce this tine farm : IIOr".lln 1II'el nt In"o.SI IGt north of Or , hn. wel 111 . all In cuitita. tion : only $ :0) en"h hnl. five years nt j per cent , Davenport & " Waternian sole agents , N. Y. Life . Omaha. IU - 161.I' . \ISTHACS , Tim l\tN 1mCOMPANY. lIE-lId . FOI1SALII , WELL EQUIPPED STOCK Ii'AIIM 3,72. ) ncres. Oi 'VOIt River valley . Neh. ; 12'1 acres , "III'ntd. Imlnneo fen"e n. hay nicail- , owe anti paslurs. Good buihilings . feel 'nrds etc. "llue , $31. 0. Small cash Payment . and hnlalce , If equity In clear city pN'pert Ad- dices 801 Cooper building . Denver Col , . ' < ; 1111-2.1114 G' UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS 11. K. IUI\tT. FlNJHAT.IHEG1'R ANn enibalmuer . lGI8 ChIcago st. . telephone : -1. ) 903 SWANSON & VALlN' UNDEuTAtnmS AND emlxihmners . 1.01 Cumllg st. . telephone 10"1. liii 2. ! . O. MAUL , UNIER'l'AICL'lt AND EMUALI- er . IH1 I'amom . . telephone 223. 905 C. w. tIAICIIIO . UNDLIRTAICIIR. S 013 S. 10'1 ST BUILDING &LOAN ASSOJIATION. HOW TO ( lET A 10ME Ol SEC'Uhlii GOOD lalelest on aas'Ingm. Allph' to Omaha I. , & 1 Ars'n . liOt lIce hldg. G. W. Nattinger . Sec. 037 SIAHES l : MUTUAL I. & n. AS'N PAY G , 1. 8 lMr cent when I. 2 . 3 years old . oIIn ) ' " releemnable. 1Ot I.'urln at , 1atlngcr. H'c. D3S ROTEL' HOTEr. I.\IKBn. lIn AND JONES STS. 15 roms at $1.50 per , Ia ) ' . CO roms at $2.03 per day. Special rates to commercIal travelers. Room and bert b ) ' week 01 month. I.'mnl lllllc:1 : , manager. 989 AETNA 10USI mUROPE.\N ( ) N. W. COR. 131h and Do"ge. Teems by day or week. ) < 990 : MEDICAL. SYPHILIS TREATED ; NO CURIo NO PAY ; cases on payments ; consultation free ; S 10 10 a. m . 1 to 3. 7 to 9 p. m. - 2310 Coming sl , . Omoha. M.M ' lIASK SUITS. LADIES ' AND MEN'S MASK SUITS I"OU RENT itt Golden Eagle store 11 S. IGlh .troet. - 2.I-GIXI-2.hlt' CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. 11nmLL. IAptn hANGING . HOUSE , sign painting . btlck work plastering : off. ft. 1. Barker bl < . ; tel. 725 ; shop 21 17nrt : tel. 9n 408 STOVE . REPALRS STOVE REPAIRS FOIl 40l0 DIFFERENT makes ot ' stoves : water attachments and con- . ( nectons I specal . 12i Douglas st. Omaha Stove Repair " ' 011 < Dn DENTAL COLLEGE OMAHA COLLEGE r)1INTAIJ SUIWERY. FREE Innrma ) ' ; dentistry ot cost. ' 10 : , and Cap. ov" M745-M4 1ilU : ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES III.IICTIIICAL ENGT IRS AND CONTRAC- tore for electric light and motor plants and all Itln,1 or electrical constiliethon. 'Vester Weco' Irlcal Supply Co. . 418 and 420 S. 13th .1. 993 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT 1jAN19 . N. Y. Lire. Omah" Ask for circular 12 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON 111105. . WIO.SALI' DEALBIS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited . 1008 I 1.'alal st 123 BIC YCLES. M. 0 DAXON. 402 N. 16Th 119 OMAHA BICYCLE CO. . 32J N. IGTH ST. 120 STEIU.INO BICYCLES. BUILT LUtE A watch Wester Electrical Supply Co..i32 8,15th. 831 A. I. DEAN\ CO. . WIOLESAI AND HE- tail hlc'cle. 1\6 I'"ram treet. 121 WILL IAINUJt , ' 11110. . 10 N. ITH STREET : only riding school In the city. 12 "COIJUMIIIA" ISIS. FINEST EXAMPLU OF light and hIgh grade bicycle con.llucton. Wm Lyle Dickey . Co. . 103 Douglas at. . agenti' j9 . EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. CAN.\IAN J MII.OYmNT IUIEAU m - moved 10 1522 Douglas ; Curlsl\ best mole and < \ female help 1491 M3 'MUSIO A'T AND LANGUAGE , C. V. n ( r.T.gNIFCI ) . BANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher lOll Case at . DH COAL. 1) . T. MOUNT HAS HEMOVED Ins COAL 0110 10,2W , R. 16th st. , Brown blocl Bid PItICE REDUmm : SI1111IIDAN. IIIIST WYO plC ! SIEmDAN. ImS minK coal : nut , SW ; lunp. ' $ Sfq : 2.0 torn n ton delivered . 1603 Famal slleet , 127 . LOBT. LOST on tTO I. ! N. FF111 27. A OOIOON netter answering to the name of' Dan : a liberal reward will lie paId If returned to 12U1 1'ornl rcwan . I. wi Abraham. < H1 3 DRESSMAKING , DIESSM.\tINU IN PAIIIIJIIIS. 4316 OUANT at . ' UG 31- . BUSINESS NOTICES OAMAGD : hunnOIS ImSI.\lmED. 710 Ni2G. . - DENTISTS . - I lIlt l'AU. DENTIST RIO IURT HT . 124 6tookhohJorl' llcothlJ' Notice Is hereby RI\en that the regular annual meetlnj of the IIOckholters of the South meetnj COIBIIaIIY will be hold 11 the ofilca or lall compan'j In Uncoln , Neb. , at 1 o'clock a. m. on the tlrlt Wednesday - nesday II March , 1095 , beIng the GIll day of the month. D' order or the Board of Directors. _ 'n 0. PhILLIPS , Secrotary. Lincoln , Neb . Feb. 4 . 1Si5. I'm30t . : rE Lw.rcr6 and 8olIcItors . SUES & Ce. , Dee BuI1d1u , O . AlA , Neb. Ad\'lc ImEE. . ( j , _ " Ht' Yale's Hair Tonic t" ( I LADES AND ELiEMEN . I , : I nf- fords me great 1l , nstite to cal the at- ' te'nton of the PUb1ttht0 the Excelsior I , .1 Hall 'I'onlc . whlch'is I the first anti only remedy known to ch ll\lsh' \ ' which 1051. . th'ely tmns gray haI"baclc 1 to Its orlg- . ' t'n Inal color wlloutd 'e. I has gone on record that . Mine c 1 ; , 1 Yule-wonderful , w"mm : c1WmIst-lIan1ade , , , ' , this most YI1JUI1bIC. or.aII . c1lcl1lc l .lsco'e 'les. yqluable. , . nl " . 'lal M'J. : . - MilE ? . Yale lel'sprl 1ly ! . Indorses its action Ind gives. tier public her solemn guarantee tlt-It has been tested In eVery conceivable ; WRY , anti has proved itself to be the ONLY hair Specific. n < STOPS HAJH F ALIL'G lhlIilIediately l1 crenfes 1 luxurious ' growth. . Con- tlins no Injurious IngredIent. PI3'sl. I clans and chemists Invited to analyze It I Is lOt sticky or greasy ' ; on the Coil- trll'y I makes the hair soft . yotItiluul fufy , and keeps It lu curl. For gentle- men anti Indies 1'itl,11nir ! 1 little grlY" . streaked gl'13' , entirely , gray , and with BALD hEADS It hi specialy reCOIn- mended. All druggists sell Jt Price , $1.00. IfiiybodyOffcrs " bttute Shun Thtcm . MME. M. YALE Health and ComplexIon Specialist . Yale Temple or Beauty No. 16 . . . Slate slreet. Chicago. . I RAILWAY TIME CARD I - - ' - - ' Lenves IUHLTNGTON & MO. RIVEl.IAnlves Omaha Union Depot 10th" Mason Hts. ( Omaha 10ISam. : . . . . . . .Denver Express. . . . . . . . . .040am ; 4lIpm.Bhk : . hills . Iont. & l'uget Snd. , EX,4IOpm : 4:35pm..Denver : xpreos. . . . . . . . .t10pm ; G:4IprnNobraimkn : Local except ( Sunday ) . 1:45pl : 8lIam.Llncoin : . Local ( Sunday.ll:2latii . except ) . : 8.al.Llncoln 245pl..I'a.t ; Mal ( for Lincoln ) tunda.IZm Daly. . . . . Leaves ChICAGO . IUlLlG'ON & Q. / lArrives Omnha Union Drpot. 10th & Mason HIH. Omaha 4:45pm..Chicago'eetmauie. : . . . . . . ; 5am 9:10am..Chicago : l xpre8s. . . . . . ilpm : 11nam..acilla 7&Opm..Chmicngo ; : : : : I and . Junction 136. Louts Local. Express. . . . . : : Gllpni 8JOanm ; : : : . . . . . . . . act Mail. . . . . . . . . 2tpm ; Loaves CIIICAGO. MIL. & lOT. I'AUL . Arrives Omaha UnIon Depot . 10th' ' & MnsJn SIS. / Omaha - GOlm. ; . . . . .Chlcgo Limied . . . . . . 930.m ; . . . . . . . . . . . . lIOam..Chlcago : EXI'reu ( ex. Sun. ) . . GOpm ; Lea ; . ' . ( ' i \ " 'l1ST'NlArrives OmnhulUnlou Depot 101 & la8Jn Rts.i Omaha IIfllam..Eastern : . . 1ixpress. . . . . . . S :3'lpl : llam. : Oom. . . . . . . Vestlhlle4 ' ' 1.lmled. . . . . . . 9 : 10nm CG5al : ; . ; . , . . . .Mo : ValiI Local.,1Qlupmn ; ; : 1:451.r..010h. : Vnlt)1 I I ! Sp cl.I. . . . 2IpI : iCII1CAOO. . i ; I' . & t.AClirli ; . Arrives Omaha I Union l.r.t n' blt ! f' ' Ma. " " "IS. Omaha E"S' 11 : OOam. .Atiimntic EXPI9i ; 'X. Sunday ) . 6:05pm : ' 6:21pm..Night : , I'ress. "x. lul . . . < . . . . . . . , 9:5.m : 4:3olm'Chlcngo : ; Ves1Vuted I LImited. . . IUPI ; , nJpmOI.lahoma IsP..llq } < Ii. cx. bUII.U301 ' ' 8h5am.tlkluhoma ; & Texas Ex lex , l3un.IlIlji ) ; 1:10pm : . . . . , . . Colorado Umled. . lun..lZ . . : Ollm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ < _ , _ ij _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lta\'ea I C. , WI P. , l. & O. J iArrivee OmalmajDepot ! 15th amid Wbster8tsJOmnaha : ! P25am..Ncbrn.k ; la.ltier ( daly ) . . 8:1:11 : 4lOpm..Sioux ; City Extiresa ( ex. Sun..1hblanm ; 43pm..81011 Ciy EXI'I O Sun..1fam _ G10pn.13LI'auijijnmto,1. . . . . . . . . .10 :3am : lau111 G.1011 I = . II. & : MO. VALLEY. . IArh'es Omaha Uepot 151h aO Wbster'Hla. . J Omaha : : IUlm..I..u. . Mull and Express. . . . 4:5lm 2:10I'I.ex. : ( Sat ) 'Vy,1 .jlxr ( ex , hton. ) . t:5pl\ : VOSum..Norfolk : Express ( e.X . Sunday.10:30un : : Opm. = . = U lP ! , . . . . . : _ 1 Leaves I , IC. C. S' ! : Jj & . C. I. itwves Omaiiajjon ! Depot , 10th &Y.Iason Stjjmnahma 9Slanm..ICansas .Clty Day Express. . . GIOlm : 911 : pm.K. C. Night Er. _ via U. 1' 'rranl. 6:50,1n : Leaves I JIHHOUIU l'ACl IC. Arh'u Omaha Depot 1lh and Wchster SIS. Omaha < 10:40am..St. ; . l.u" Express . . . . . . 6:0am : 9:3pm..SI. : Louis Expicas. . . . . . & :111 : . . . . . . . . . . . . 8lOFm..Nebraska : _ IUex : Sun ) $ : Oon ! t.eavomi SIOUX CITY & 1ACIFIII. Arlvs Omaha Dept 151h and Wcbster Sta I Omaha 6:10pm..St.Pamml : Lied. . . . . . . . .10:3am : Leaves SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. iArrlves. Omaha I Union lepot 10th & & l'AC1'IC. . / ( Omaha ' 6:55am..SIoux : City I'assenger..lOIIpm : 5 :3pm. : . ; . .BI. Paul l'ai.ner.IOa : ll . - Leaves I. UNION lACIFIC-IArl'ea Omaha Union Iepot.lQth 8 MnsJ St..l Omaha 10:00am..Icearneyilxpress. : . . . . . . . 3i5 : 2:00pm..Overland : .lyer. . . . . . . 5 : pm 2OOpm.Ilea'tce : & Slromsb' I x.ex. Sun ) . 8:41pm 7:30pm..1'aciilc Express , . , . . . . . . . . 8:4pl : . ; 1pm. . . . . . . . .racllc . .J.aat _ lsprel Mal. . . . . . . . .Urnm . - : . I.eavei'EWAUASII - RAIL1VAY. iArrives , : rW nXSlr-R.\LW I OmahslUnlon Depol. 10lh \ Maon Sta.l Omaha 1:55p1..5t. : Louis Cannon Bail . . . . : : : BIG RETURNS TillS YEAR farmers of Dundy , Htho ok lut Rot1 Willow - low Have faith in Their Lands. EXPECT TO RAISE ENORMOU ) CROPS Whnt the So.CulI ! Urollh Irlkl' U18- trlct 111 Produced Its ihn I'mast RIII l'ro"lleet for the Future . COOK , Neh. . March 1.-Specal.-In ( ! ) Dundy . Itehcoclt and Red Willow countio I Nebraska the Ileolllo are mora hopeful nlll In better condition than mlgbt be suppose" The he\ ' ) rain of this week has Ilt time grolml In fine shnpa for spring seeding. Al- relly farmers arc moving back all 10W ones are coming from Colorado , Iowa and other Iolnts. horses and cattle Ire looldng fine nlll fat , though ninny have hnll nOlhlng this 1 winter bt buffalo grass 10 eat nnd' ' 'tho sky for a covcr. Theta will bo n large acreage or alfalfa lila ( spring. It seems to bo the thing fertile this country . above all othors. At Danbury . bury . a short distance south cf : McCoolc there 18 240 acres or alfalfa longlng to the Ash toil famiy : that hu male them independent. They were offered for their entire crop of lost year ( two cuttings ) $11,000. This Is from geol aulhorlt ) The DeC Is worth from $ : to $ G per bushel . and the straw $0 ocr ton. I Is unslrpassel for cattle , and hogs go to the stack and eat I 11 corn and grow fat on it. Them was a largo quantity grown In the Vale ) of time Deaver laDt year when nil other crops failed . The rols penetrate to l a great depth and It withstands lrolth In a wonderful manner. Over 300 acres have been Iown In time vicinity of McCook. CIlitlIltY COtlNl'a''e ltllI.IIIF l'I.\N. Formntol Ir 11 OI'Jlllzltol Rt " " ( Cltno 10 Seeu 1'0 ! led for 1' armnere. In atemptng 10 solve time Problem of seed grall for the ftrImlers of Cherry coUllty the business men or Valentno have con- c11 Ill to ornanlze. A meetng wa hell recently and the Cherry County Seed anti Feed Gmln association was formed : to "pro- vile seed grain for needy farmers and a sYbtematc munner or paying for tIme amo. " O. L. Hnmsey Is time president of the aS50- eaton , E. Sparks vice president ; J. W. Splrl . secretary and C. H. Corimell . treasurer. The board of directors consists of : 0.V . hahn J. E. loUycrow , W. A. Wilson . C. E. Dot ) T. F. Kele ) farmers : O. L. Ramsey . paler Methodist Episcopal church : g SpalIcs preident Cherry County bnnk : J. W. Spirk manager Mlnnechaduza mi : C. H. CorneD . president Dank or Valentine. Time officers of time association have Issued a circular - cular letter In which they say : ) I will take nholt $10,000 to provide the farmern ; of this county with seed \ln. and on looking the question fairly In the face our citizens thought one of these alternatives should he ndollted-"hold. bog or . borrow"-nnd the question waR "Whicha ! the most expedient ? " Under a recent enactment of 0111' tate legislature cotmntles are nlowolt 10 bond for the purpose of securing seed grain. hut \l time required to comply with the re- qulremenls of the law anti the uncertainty. uldel the presell financial conditIons . as to whether 01 not our bolids would find n market In tIme to \urchne Seed . If at all , \ n"de this manner look von' uncertain. After having received \crl 10 carry them through the as-inter In man ' Inslance mini ] where our farmers have beer able to care for themeelves but have not tIme money with which to malt purchase of seed the Idea of asking a gift or donatIon seemed very distasteful. and no systematic way could be agreed upon 10 ask people to give us aid. Our farmers say "Glvo " us a chance to pay bacl. " At It mectngheld , February 23. which was I largely , atended , ' our citizens ! , who eipOCt ' aislst nce. , If the arC to have seed eprc' a 'cororl lon , to he known as the Cherry County Seed amid Feed Grin as- sedation was Incorporated under the laws sociaton 'of ' the state of Nebraska. I Is our 111r- desirous of I pose to reach those who are lending assistance. Inducing them to tale stock . anti when graIn Is delivered our stoc' farmer take notes payable November 15 . 189 , for amount of same and as notes are . cal : off return aubscrlbers of toclt their pro rata share of same. I Is hoped by thIs means to return nt least a large portion of tile money ac\anced from time to tIme between thIs and the enc of June 189G Our JJard Is made up of representaU\'o citizens. and the utmost pains will be taken to pro- tact every subscriber. In tile articles of incorporation of the as- embodied the following - soclnton are emboled folowing pro\l. shins relative 10 the securing of see and the manner In which payments for the same shall be made : All securities of the assoclaton shah betaken taken In the llama of the corporation and shall consist of the approveit promissory notes of the stocl.holders only. SaId notes shall hear date of execution and shall he shal l < on the 15th day of November 189 ' . vtjhm Interest from dale at the rte of 7 per cent per annum until maturity . and It tile rate or 10 per cent per annum from ma- trlty rte until rer . Each atuelholol' shall own stock In the amount of at least G cents per bushel for all the grain or other scods required by him. both for seed an,1 , feed. bcfore any acton cnn be taken by the board on his applIcation for 1 loan said stock to be attached to his said prom- Issory note and IlledJed as part security for said loan and assigned to the assoelu- tloma sall such. The secU'It- ! shall bo either ton nat or chattel . Incl\ln ( morlJale on \ this senaoml'lO crop al the board Is . directed to upon the suillel- hereby dlrectet plSS Rulcl. ones , of and reject . the same where I elcy the security Insimilhcient. or at Its discretion may reduce the amount of tile loan to better conform to amount of RO- curlty . betor ablt ) of tile associatIon to PrOVlfle the grain . provie nK Rllclent has been pall on notes to amoult 10 25 per cent of tile amount Qf Itocl , subscribed after deductIng - Ing necessary expenses a dividend of Children Cry for Pitcher's Caste ria. Children Cryf p tcher's . Castorla. , Children Cr"'jr itcher's Castorla. -i rD q iw1 i & DB. 1.0. WEOT'D ' lltV ? AED ) EIAU 'EA'll2 Is BClld under pOiiUvo write tannnloo , hy nuthorlznd uenIAouly : , tu CUIO Wcak lJomor9' : I.osa of Brain and Nerve I'o\rer : Lost Manhood ; quIckness ; Nilhtssu ; Jvi : In'alil ) l.ck of ( QD\clenco ; NervuuaDoBI ; Lassitmmde : eli Drains ; ' In either Los of l'owor of the Generative OrlInB oiher cox , caused " ) myayor.e'xei thou , YUlthful Errors. or fO "yo"or.IXeltol , Excesbl'vo Use or 'l'oIJceo. Opium ; or Liquor . which 101"8 t M16sr Consumption , lnsloily ard 1)aath. 1 : mail . 11 a box ; six flr 15 : will ' , . , written gunrantoo 'n eUrO Ir rolllc moner. Wet' Trltol'uaranteo LIver (1omomplalimt. ( mclt Hllr t1iiinrh Jjaduciis. ispsmsia iiiiiommsncas amid \ ! vlr t1aUOI , U I U.\l \ "fOlnrhllhsP ) : ely by qcocman Drug Co. OIL I a few , drops , . a few rubs , - and the pain is gone. No guess work about Mexican Mustang Li n i nient . a n lain driver. Good for man or beast that nmOllt shall 110 (1eII,1 nl11 11111 nn.1 . rllelI(1 whn tht Ihnl hl\o ) hl another 21 cCnt acctlhuthiatetl tIntil 71 : per etlt aecuIUlatl1 untl per cent of fer ( nllnl ubscrlbell l\nl It\'o hlcn l'elumr1 to the ntolhnller. On SI1lln ) ' , two week ! PIlot 10 the final teetng of the Iloekhohlol' It : o'Cioeit I' , m. , ICor hrwlng Islet , them name nllml ! nmollt of neh note rcmlllnh1 Unpaid . and . lubl hrt tlmla shIne for at least two \ceks In the COllty 11PN'S. the tiIredtra shall sol the ! tl In lump to the highest bidder for ( 'ash . after whIch the amOllt shall be nppiietl . witlm any nmount Oi hnncl In the trnlur ) ' . to IIR'ln ! the final II\hloll. nnlt the dlreCtors1 ) Ilke full repmt of same lt stoclthohilera' mneet- Ing. tfJ r\IIII. 10 matter \ hNlor or not 11) ' ( ii'hilt'nml his been Paid prior to the sale of Saul notll nl ) ' moneys In the hands ot the tn'IMIr. after sal11 nab ( after necessary ( 'xl'PlseSn'e heel paid . "hal he dl'hlld 110 rlta Ier shalc otolH time stock thel ill ftu'co , \'l'I\LID : 'fO TH\tt : . Chicago Ollrntlu . \/Iln , lI'lell ! tn UOlntf lAmed In Nchrnkl l'Irmer- . CIIICACO . Motch I-Tho loarc of Trnl tlealers were again appealed 10 today for aid for time Inhering Nebraska farmers. Secretary Stone of the board appeared In the lilt It noon nli urged time trailers . to Ioh\ In limo 10ln of seeds 10 time farmers \ time are to secure 10nls h ) mortgages on the forUm- coming Crols. Secretary Siono said that the case Was urgent ali the cause a worthy olme . and II Is expectecl Ihnt a slppiy of seetls wi SOOI ho II readIness for hlpment 10 the vest Time bon Ill commItee whIch has the mntcr In charge hOI heard 10thlnJ today of limo Nebraska relief COlmlmmllttee . which wns , said 10 hare heft for Chicago for a conf'relce rerarllng the needy farmers. The Proposition - mnte h ) the Boarl of Trade tolows and ; sent to Nebraska blitrs was ns I Jemhcrs of the Chicago nonrll of Trade ' nl,1 of othcr btmsinese organlzntons of this city Ilfpose. 10 far ns Illctcable. 10 Pro- - \hle seec wheat earl mtmd oats to persons I'crlons Ilabll' ) to purchlO their own iithplh0 ) . n11 to such IlemOIS enl ' . the annie to be a loan 10 be 1lald on hn'\eRIIII tile tl'o llcct\'e cr01) mil to be secured by nolI and mort- gage on ' such crop. We trust Ihnt wih the elolta or other or nnlzatonl Ina commi- tees Ilterlal uRsllnnco mi ) ' be given time croulh.slrlcl.en almiferers . slIcrer. Thll metho' ' has IeUI adopted after 110- Ihclnton amid eOrrulllllence wllh citizens of your ! stitte who intro 1\'lrlnhl ' 'X- Jressed time wish thnt I he dOle In this way. To this cmiii . mind , thnt the commitee npJolnt'd liy time Board of 'rr"lc mny act Intel ent ) ' . al' call ) ' neelHla IsslRtnnCe shollc orglllzl fom' time IIUI'o e of Iecel\ In . shistribu ' ilalmilillg immg. .lstrl ) tl amId prOIerl' hnlH1n SI'Jles. nnd Ehouh designate some ole railronml ! . staten ns a reeel\'lng antI Ilstrlb- utn ! 001 II t. We address 'ou. lele\lnl that you are In n sltol to know the needs , of your cOlnt . , und thnt ' 0\ will gladly bring this mater to the atenton of your busl- fleas men anti nil interested. \\0 aRSlme that such counties lS desire Ihln all will organIze amid request Ihnt YOI notIfy Mr. orjlnlze ( k. Stolie s'Jcretlry ' of the Board of Trade . , hot hater than 1\lal'eh J lS . to . the filet of slch olnnlzlton nl'pnrlcumrs ' as to its Illhoc ! of operation , nlRo oath- . mated requlremrnts of Irnln for Its count , amd whnl miii If nay wi be furished by your stnte or ( ron ; ally other source. I Is hnr,1) , ' necessary 10 add that uch orAanlzaton shouhl he of the hlgheRt chnr- actor. anti be properlY certified 10 Ihls con- mittee. \\e hnvo seal n me copy to all the banks of your plnce. The aho\'o prlposlton waR signed hy N. T. Wright. M. CUdnhy , n.Y. . Rogers . George Marcy John Dmmp0e . Wlinm H. flartlett . Heny llotsford .1. Henry Norton and Charles D. Congion DOlll of Trade eommnlttoe. AU'ns 01. IitliLG.t'FXON. Farmers In imo I VIcniy ot Nelrl 1.011' S"lkln' , 1'holr 1oimmis Thlrolth y. NORTH LOU" Neb" , March 1.-(81)clal.- ( ) A number of progressive farmers of this vi- cniy have already began to soak II ) their land wllh water from the irrigating dich. , which the recent mlll weather has left In apparently good doadltlohm . and their example wi soon be followed by a much larger num- her , If a cold ! snap docs not p1eVehlt.Vhihle , the recent rain lof the surface of tIme grolnd In excellent condiion ; ft Istho1ght by many here that the e'nrth has not ' hal I good' soaking - Ing 'to any considerable depth since 1891 , nll this Is what a large ' nllbot' of farmers now desire 10 give I. ' 1lere seems to bo 10 good reason why the farmers of Ihls favored 10- en 1 ' should not prospr as never hefore One of the advantages to bo anticipated as o result of last season's drouth Is a decrease In the number or potato bugs 9111Cc but few of them cami to maturity last summer many ) of the eggs turning brown as I roasted on the heaves : rhcy have been somel hat JI- merous herS ; for several 'car3. necessitating a systematc poIsoning sever times during the scasomm nail If It shtl prove that tile iaci . of moisture recent ) experienced hal af- fecled their de maton or , oxtimlctiomi . farmers nmmy more clearly lee . that good many C3flIC out cf what at first was considered tn Unmitigated - I ' mitigated 1:1 : The ice hmds : gone out -of the river hero so as to malo'n contInuous open channel and as It has C\t ) : away and decayed sufcienty to deprIve it of Its Itrenglh. there Is no longer tlY Inblly of It occasioning an ) damage to brIdges . _ - FUNUS FIl.TihIl - 1'\UI ns. . St. LouIs March "tts Wit . ell Aid to the Dronth Stricken Iiatrictmn ST. LOUIS . March I.-At a Joint metng of members of the Merchants Exchane ant Mercantlo cub actbn 11 regard to the , dii- appeal of farmer In tile drouth stricken trlcls of western Nebraska Kansas , Western Iowa ant Sonlh Dakota , has been taken. I was decided that St. Louis , In common wih other citieS . shonld extend to the suffering farm rs In those stales lueh aSSslance , as wi enable them to blot In their crops and timusbe , able Iq 11fovile for tnemselv dlrlng the comlnI yea } ; 1 Is proposed 10 ralsl a fund wllh which to purchase enough food for Ihe stock . the same to bo dlstrlhutel by 10c:1 commltces duly organized and nuthot'zed ! In limo varlpts countIes . the umounls Hlven 10 each farmer to be raid for by 11 note which wi be a first lien on the crop. Committees will ho appoInted to take charge or the Illat- -tar. ' lShmrm'mmmmnm C enmity - /,11 : - hlmmcommrmige.I. : ASIITON Neb. , MII'ch -Speclal.- ( ) Sherman coillmty I ICOlllo are rejoicllmi ; over the ( into rains , 11\1 Jany farmer who wore ai- most too discouraged 10 altelllpl farming again , are clscusstg ! 'ho means of obtlhli- In/ / cecIl grain , and what Is fully as 1m- portanl , 'fee(1 ( for their Ica1S while worln ho I crop. So mUIY bills have hen rellollll Ihlro Is much Ilversll ) ot opinIon al 10 what has becolo of the law. Stock that has "rusted" 01 the his cul rely all winter bolts veii . Relief Is still helng dilftriimthtetl but worn 'it not for Iho 'nohlo ' work ot the church and lie benevolent socbuties . there would still bo terrible suffering tmong that class- who in . ordinary tmcs' are prosper- oIls [ mIld wi not sign time "pauper pallera. " There Is ImO tear for those who are Ilwa's real1y 10 Iloul\l 01 hip relief car , depr-they have plenly. 'o a lelderlOt ( the ourage 'of ' these people seels' wonderful , hut they say they havo' seen this country , yIeJd ( , mm- . I ell 0 crops wih far less labor than "bael east agalu. " amId timey expect good times here - Joyh $ County i4i'omtIlonmis . Carry , nUTTU Neb. , March , 1.-Speclal ( Telc. gi'an-Rottlrnmo ) fro I all preclncla II floyd ' counly sllow that time proposl\pn 10 bond the cOlnty for $10,000 to buy seed rall aIm ) ] feed for teams was carrlel ! : 83fj voles were cast , GOO hell ! In favor of nUl 336 agaluBt the II'olOBllol. S1U\H'I' , Nehi , March 1.-Speclal ( Tide- b'III.-'ho ) bond electon held , In tills cOlnl ) ' today to vote on the propositon of Issuing $50,000 In bonds of- time county : for lie pur- cltse of grain for Heed and feed fOI' the flrl0lS , resulted , as tar aB Stuart 10Wlshl ) Is concern el , dieastrotlliy l to the lrol051101. , Out ot 171 . votes cat , emily four were for bonds . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( : n7.1 11mt un I rrhgatltmn . CO7AD Neb. , March 1.-Speclal.-At ( ) a mass meetl ! ot citizens It was decided 10 issue a cal for nn election for ; hc plpose ! of YIIII precInct honda to the amount of $10- 000 10 he given 10 limo Cozd Irrigation con- paily on conditIon that said company cor- 1Ieios , the ditch and laterals 01 or before MY ir1 I hieXt. Petitions are being circulated amI ( the indicatIons are thlt the Illan will b u success. The company will comr lce work In ful force next week Tested by time For bronchial affections . cough' , ate . Urown' Bronchial 'rrochcl have proved the efficacy b ) a test of lmmady ) PUI. I'rlci 25 cta COULl ) NOT STOP - . TI FIGUT ? ) " ' - \ Ral'r atls ( Fal to Como to nn AgrdClflUt Respecting 0011 Rates ' - - TRAFFIC MANAGES GIE UP Mm GO HOME - Rumn 1'I.dntol : tlt H"n' ltstes l : " ? lIe , \"JI.tl,1 Next \\.k but UI CnlnrRdo Coal Uu"IIUI'1 . Wi lie CunlhlNt -'etortlmiy'A 1).t'I".lon8. - After three .1a'sl sparring o\'cr frcight rates on coal In tile trnsmlssolrl lorrlor > time freight NOlllo Preseilt nt time cOlfercn e , which ha,1 been In session slnco WellIOItaY , left last nlht ; for their homes wlthol ha\'lng IcclI\\she , ' uI'lhlng looking to an adjustment ot 11leronces. Whel the rcprosenlatves of the 'trnfO IlcpartmcIII of the le\'orl railroads repre- sontell at the mleUlgs let yesterday It \ : for the Ilurp080 of lining tip coal rates In l-Cfllmsas aim agreemcnt ha\ll ! bl'el racimett Thursday hmlgiit JIlSI mircrioils to adjomirn- himent , But wliei ; the detailS caimmo to bo worked otlt it was ascertained that hO tvo represeimtatlvcs saw tite agleehmmelit through time salmlo sPectacles. Tile ) ' miii had twelve hours to timillk time matter over. The Itock lalalul hmeOhmlo figured OIl mm. $3.25 basis , while tImO Mislothri I'AcIibc Illsisted that a $3.75 agreelmment imatI bcim reacimetlVith thsd tlivergent 'iews cohmfrontilmg time freightt. lien- 4 lila it ; vns nattirahiy decitleil tllnt iioliiimmg colilti be done. Ii. vaa suhilio6Ctl that Kqllsas rates woulit b based cim $3.71 Iron ; Caimeim City , s'imIch would mimake a correshmolmmilnm rate frau' Rock Springs. Title time 1)emmver & itio Urantlo l''Olhil ( 1101. simbimmit to br mi lllOhmIellt Onti tile work of tbnys 'as iissipateil as time tiev before - fore the lmormming 8011. lIven time MissourI l'achflc , wlmichm imas remllatlled lmutral in time batter , foht time strenoftll colItiltiOli viiiclt a lnaxillmttn ; rate of $3.25I'otlill entail anti at Ohmco allllcuileed timat if elIcit a rate obtalimed it woimlib compel thmnt coimipaimy to go out of blIsinees lIm territory with ileloit as tilt' dIll- tmor. iii otimtor wordu , it WOlihti Imavo to go omit of time Coal bu9immoss commllibetely Ill certain ter- ritorics ill order to protect other Portiolma of tbm systelu. Time tilmexpedted Position of tIme Missouri I'acliic represeitatls'es dill ftmrtimer colmiphicated matters aliti wimen all adjourn- mnelmt was taken at noan there ; 'as less hmope of an mmgreeinemlt being rociieil luau at ammy tililta 811101 thmo coimferelmco begarm. fltmt the rapresemltatives decidcd to 111001 imgain at. 2 o'clock to omico mmmore try to imarmmomhzo thme varied interests , nil ] . tbmeim if hot euccessfui , to go hionie. WAIt \\'lL1 PI1OCIIL'D. At the afterimoon SoOsioll the question of Kammsas rates occupiemi limo uttcimtk'n of thi railroad reprcsentntivos and amhilicielmt Imrog- roes was made to vnrralmt limo imope that. at time flCetilmg of time 1'ramsmIssommr1 Freight Rate conmmiittee next ; ; 'eck lIm ICalmoas City tue mates wommiml ho restoreil to time old max- iimminm or hlmmeti th to suit till interests In Icalteas terrhiory. lInt as for Neiraska rates ( Ito traffic oiihciais were jtist as tam' fromn an agreelmmont last night. whaml the maccling adjourned without day as a week before time mmmeetimmg % 'as cabled. It 11101' flOW be axpecteii that. the Uhlloa Pacilimi vili give tue bollofit of its reuilmccd freight on hiammna amid Rock Siit'illgs coal to time COmlstlhllem's iii Omlmmilma us it has done to POimItS tiiroughiotmt time atate. Although this action has mmot boell agreed upon , it Is pretty , certalmm to be considered favorably witimin a day or two , as thma fight on coal begins to mmarrov down to one between time Union Pacific - cific anti time fluirllngtomm. Mr. Iioldrega souglmt to orotoct tile Sliorltlalm umlimas , but was knocked out in his efforts at colupromisu and now it looks as if a coal war vas in- _ _ _ _ evitabie. Tue comsulner Is allxiotls only in hiavlng tile war CoIltInUeti as long as possible , ovomi if it does mmot affect ites except on colt coids. IUS.S0U111 1'lIFIC VIL1Jl.Tt'END. . Nolifles ( hmairnmri.t . Cnldu'ciI mm Ilcprcsemmtit. tin ' , iml IS ; I're'mmcni1'suia' . ChICAGO , March ; 1-The conference be- twtemm the western lines ammd thmoo or the I 'rm'ulk Line us'ociuttlon lnted nil of today , I btmt notiming whatever was accomplished amid time nmeeting will be remoumned tomor- i-Ow. Time first qmiestiom ; to come up was tlmmIt of commissions amid ommmlgrant trall1c It was vasned after a short dlscuSslohl and the anatter of time orders of the west- - evil himmes iii tile termitory of limo trunk lines came up. Timis was also passed aftem a simon. dIscussion , and timen the trtmnic lilacS naked timat time weatern linoim witimdraw their Emn'grammt Clearing House frchn NOW Y01il. antI ailow them to imandlo till time busimmess. 'rho western meads an- mmouncad that tiloy were not disuosod to take time acliom ; tIOmahmdCd by time trunk lines , but the advisory committee agreed to tttke time nuitter unmier coneluleration and will reoort later. Time Cammadian Pa- chile dlfforthltiaha wore uimti'r disctmmmsion whelm the mcetimmg adjourmed. No tip- preach ; to defimilte notion was taken on 11111' of time matters wimlch came up. It Is hai'div expccteml timat the meetlmg will no- conaplisim ammythumig delimtite tomorrow. Time stntenmommt of the earnings of the Burllngtom , road fom' January Sho'u a iamge falhimg cit im ; all dcpal'tmemmta save omme' , despite mm mbecm'EtaHC itm operating e- liommoems of $195,767 , Time only department vimiclmahovct1 mlii increase was that of mmiii timid lnlmmcelirximeouml earililiga wimer thmcrtm % 'Ll8 alt immct'caio ; of $31,97. The gross cliEmlilIgis for .lmtnmmary were $2,251- 52)Lt ) it decrease of $382,451 ; operating cx- oimU3S were $1,511.10. a decreaa of$195 , - iG ? ; 11.21 earmIlmilgi % vemo $70'J,737 , U. duoi'eaimo ( if $ itO , < 57 ; time deficit for the maiommth was $1115263 , ogalnat' ii. murplllit df O9,177 for time annie mamommth of lout. year. A rtlmmmor Ivait ttmmrrelmt today timat Jolmn llgtimm immit Ht'Fmmner imrcsimlommt of time (3en- ci'iti i'dmmnitgermm' Umtiociatlofl , immI been up- POiImtCd gellerui malInger of ' 'ml. western hlimms. " 'fib gehitI'lli ollimmiolm svits that time m'omtii was tIle Coiom'mrlo Al Imlirummil , At timti oilico of time AtChmlSOlm , however , nothing , Ltmm icmmowh ; 01' limo nppcmlmmtnmemit. , ii'nst- demit itolmImisoli is 1mm Cmilit'ormmba fllmtl ItO- . 'siiyer'muliier is in New Vomit , and no' imoily ttt thm 0111cc of time menu imome had ally inforlmmntlol ; elm the stmbjset. C'imnirlmmmihm Cnliiweil of time \\'t'smtorn 'i'rmimlQ Line , l'ltSSQmmlll'l'mtaO'iittiOtl ( re ccivcil a Ielcgl'anm (101mm ( jeilermul 1amimcnger , Agent 'J'mWhmSefld of thom MlsmCflmm'i l'aciilc , muiyilmg tlmitt chIller Mr . 'fowimsemoi ot' souls othmer lelmri'ImOmltmUivo of time liIisommmi lit- due will Ime imt'io iii time Inoromirmg to meet 'ithm limo Inelnburit of time colmmrmmitt'e , 10 gnldimmi thin mmlommlbersimip oh' limo Iistomir1 I 'mtciiit : I Ii time corn mmmi ttee. ( 'imui i'flamm , Cold- woil mit once Issued it coil fiim' mt gtqmer.t. hmmt'eting of time 001milnittt'e , Inihievllig % vlmeml lIe did so that. thmO comlicremmee vllil the I mmmliii himmms , ; 'ommlmi liti tei'mmiimmmtted tnthiuy. I I is proliubhe , Imuts'tmver , hint tlmo trtimilc lilies viil Imavu coiled tlmttir immetimmg witit time vemstcrh ; lilmes him tilmla to permit thu ltttter to hold timeir ow'rm lfltiethmmg , ' - itiieUinatiSlll is prihmlarlly cafited by ncdlty' ! of time .blcod. hoed's Strsapariila uuriflvs time blood aim ] tiiul ) cthrt'.s tile diseasL 2'flhIil ) 21) S1itL , 'iu ; cn'r. Armmmy . or Chfty 'l'rmmmnps't''rrorhzi limo People' 1,1 iIsl ; tmr , himil , ChICAGO , March 1.-Tue ThLiihme lies tue foiiowiimg dispatch from 1)ecattlr , lad. ; I"ift3s tramps cammie illtO tiio city last Imlghm ( and proceeded to take It by stealing , hogging. frigiitenllmg WOlilehi I1WOY ( rOIn their iiorne'J tuid talcilmg ciothimmg all ] cdibiieu. 'rime mayor was appealed to anti Ilailt the hllarsimal ani a poe of olilcermo to drive out the traimips. 'Fimey wore drivel ; across tile raili'outl brltle , . east of towim , where tilO ) ' refused to go aiiy further anml opened fIle Cli ( lie imuilco will , revolvers. Tue police returned limo llro and ts bottle ehIsUell. 'rime tramnpe filially fled , carry- illS thiree of their lltllflber. vlma Ivero aitimer killed or badly wc imhmibecl. Time railroad brldge acted 014 10 iiioii and In time dIlly Ililmig ( hiat a'ed tile 1101100 froni tue traimps ) bullets , There is reaL cxeitellleflt imere this born- lag. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A bottle of Cook's Uxtra iry Ilmmporiah CIiammagno Witil your thiimner h1malCCS It coin- illetO. It Pleases every one. - ft l'oW , , hv.mmmtm , ' . ' , Offered by the Cimicago , Milwauieo & St. pool railway , the short hihme (0 Chicago. A. clean train , 1110(10 up and started from ' Oqaiia. Ilaggajo ; chocked from residence to doStiImatioll. i1leant traitm service and cour- teotle omployas. Entire trains ilgimtomh by electricity and imeateul by mmtealn , witil doe- trio light in every berth. Finest dining car service in limo \vost , with meals so vod "a Ia carte , " Time Flyer leaves at 6 p. 1)1. daily tiomn Union depot , City 'I'icket 0111cc , 1601 Farnam street. 0. . S. Carrier , city ticket agent.