- - I - r-'T ' _ _ TIlE JUAIIA flATLY , flEJ : , SA run.JA Y"AnOIl 2 , 1 Sj ! ) . I n , - - " r = - - - - - - - - TilE OMI1A DAILY DEI : , ' . COUNCils nr UFI"s. OFFIC , . . NO. 12 I'EAUL STnEET. DeUveed b1 unlr 10 an , part ot the cttj. H. W TILTON , Ienet. 'EI.lwno nsDuanus ? omee . No U : nIght fdlor . , No : - - 11.Ol ,1r. ' IUiS. Orand , Council BIfft. 7. F. ClarI" , prcp. ' MaYI' Real I ttate IClney , 1:9 Drond\uy. Tht slooil keepra of the city will give n charity bal at Heno' hal 'fhurlda ) o\'en- Ins. ) Ins.Hev. Hev. T. W. Williams hail the Il Cortlno ) to lOBo his pocketbook containing about ; 20 l"rhay nlcht. Lntnyeto A. Lucas anti Eta Cribbs , both of this city . were mArrllL by Justice A. I. ' . Clalel'buck ycst'rLty ftcrnoon. Alee Craver haa c'niitnenceI n suit In the district court fir a eHvorco from Snmuel It. Craver on the ( ground ot ( lesertlon. i Specll 7ncetlng of the W. . \ . p. A. at ? ! rL Itlce'g . : : ! Williams treet , Haturtay evening Mardi 2. fly order of th : prc5i- dent. Ires- dent.Tho The district court petit jur ) ' was 111- charged yesterdlY until Wellnesdny morning , instead ' of fondlr , as wa amlouncelt n few das ago. ) The Dodge Light Guarls , have orelerell a new Pot of uniforms to ho wor by them when they get Into their new quarters In the court houso. I A burglar trIed to enter F. W. flinlccr's ' residence 013 Third avenue , but was fright- enell away by Mrs. lUnlcr before he suc- ceedell In Ills attempt. In the absence of the pastor. harry Curls , secretary of the _ Young Ien's Christian fl5O- cintion wi speak nt the Broadway Metho- dIst church at 10:30 : a. m. H. A. Itough an emploe ot the motor company anll Mrs. Florence Hough were married Thursday evening at the Inman hotel , Itoy C. Hoover officiating. Wickham Bros. are taking large quantities of brick to Second avenue preparatory to beginning the work of paving IS soon IS the frost I sufcienty out of the ground Mary Ward , 80 years ot age , Iled of old ago at 2:30 : o'clock yesterday mfrnlng at her residence 15 South Firt street. The funeral will take IJlaco ) at the Latter Day SaInts' church , the time 10 be nnnOineet later. - , Charle Lorel was convicted of stealing some g ells from the lost n store about two months ago and fnell $50 and co@ts. The fine was suspondel upon condition that ho leave town and slay away. Yesterda ho became famished fpr a sight of his ) home and came wandering bacll. Ho wnn- tiered Into the arms of a lOliCClnan. and Is now serving out that $50 worth or time In the city jail. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs. .1. M. Patton of this city died last Thursday at the lola SanItarium , Wisconsin where she has been for the pasl year under- going treatment for cancer She was a resident - dent of Council Bluffs for twenty-nve ' years and n member of thc Presbyterian chnreh The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon - noon at 3:30 : o'clocll from the reshlenee or D. S. Terwll er , corer or Sixth street and Fifth avenue , Dr. Stephen Phelps omciating. The remains are expected to arrive In the ' city this morning . accompanied by the bereaved - . . ,1 , reaved husband and son. Rev George B. Addlcls of Warrenton . ' Mo , delivered n lecture last eyenlng at the Broadway Methodist church ' for the benefit ; of the German mission of thin Mctliodlst Jctldlst church In this city. His Dlbjeet was "Our Nations Depcn1ence. " and he treated It In % In interesting and eloquent manner The mission has been In existence only a short times but has had nn encouraging growth. John Fitzpatrick raised n disturbance Thursday night at 137 PIerce street and , paid a fine or $25 In police court yesterday morning for his fun Wo have over $300.000 to Ian upon Improved - : proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans can save money by dealing direct with us . thereby saying agent's commission. Wo do not loan on wld _ lands nor tn Nebraska. Lullo & Towle : 235 Pearl streot. TWO CARLO.tUS ' ' o1 DUY ' GbODS. The lUG Con lGnmnnt Conies to Ih'o Uoslon lure thl8 'uolc. Two car loads or gods wl arrive at the ; , Doston Store this week , and 1' quickly as they can be unpacked will be put on sale. Case lots are beIng reeeind every day , and th& car lots arc only a part of the regular spring addition received In ' additon a bunch' All of these goods are the newest spring fabrics and they cover s range In pree6 : and quality that will satisfy the tastes and suit the purses of all the ladles. The new gods were never so beautIful nor so chenp. FOWLER ' DICK & WALKER. l'ElHooIL 1'.1 l- GR,1I'IIS. ' Finley Durlle has returei 1.om Chlengo. James Snguln returned yesterday from a business trip to Duluth. Miss May Hazard left last evening for Genwoot to visit n friend over Sunda ) ' . Mrs. J , M. Campbell has returned from an extended visit to friends In Kansas City and II I3uriington. Mrs D. J. Clark , who has been visiting In Florida since last November , returned homo yesterday. John W. Paul of this city has been spend- Ing several months In Chicago , but Is planning - ning to return soon. , Mrs. A513. ' Sweetng heft last evening for her home , In Chicago after a visit of several weeks wih her parents , Mr& and lrs , J. T. Oliver , on Park nvenuo. . County Attorney Saunders has gone to Chicago to look up evidence Jn the Gris- weld bank robbing case. William A. Pin- korton has tendered the aid of his detective agency , free of charge , to Sheri Hazen. Only derision Is excited bi the claims of aNew New York baking powder company to a World's fair award. Nobody got an award "over" It because It did not compote. hut Dr. Price's received the highest award for purity , strength and wholesomenEss. Wnut Counci JfluFf . Tried.- DurIng the last day or two the feminine population of Council Duts has been flooded with typewritten notes like this : OMAHA . Feb. 27 , 1S5.-Dear Mallam : In COflbCiUiflCO of the hIgh license asked In Council \ I Buffs for the Ilrlvlege of soiling goods you are ' respectfully invited to come to the hotel , Omaha , and Inspect my goods . and you will find novelties In line lace curtains 1 ) table lnens , portieres and lovely silks for dreseeiu nt wry low prices. My goo < s are eo well known In your city that refereaces are not required. Como us early as Ilossible. Yours - respectfully , lS Uot l. For abut two year and a half an or- dlnanco has been In effect here prescribing I license fee of $ for "trans'Ient mer- chants. " \'ho run Into town , unload n stock of gee , and run out sgaln. The size of the tee was proportioned to the wail cf a lot of tie local merchants , who found It diM- cult to compete with merchants pf 141s casa , MIl I was Intended to be' prohibitory. This part of the dream baa been realized , but It now hooks a though the cuhlde sellers do not propose to give up their hold on the Council Dluta trade. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \'ory Ituj. 'Vo are very busy and can't stop to say mueu . Those frames all -pictures are still going at half. U. L. Smith & Co. , 45 Main street Henry Smlth's Modern Troubadour are to , dye a concert In Trinity Methodist Elliscopal church Saturday evening , March 2. Admts- alan 25 centl. .Chldrn 10 cents. An excellent - lent program will bo given Wbul I. In M " 10 f E"ctthlag. If applied to a Hardman Piano , sold by Mueller 1'lano and Organ company , 1\3 ( Main street d Marrlu" I.lc"ule. : The following marriage licenses have been ' tlU by the county clerk : ! Name and Allres8 , Age. I Albert hedges . l'ottuwattnmie J'lgel. lolawntlmle county. ' Clara McOurrr , l'ottutwattumie counly. 21 I.atlo A Lucas Council iJluffs . . 26 Etta ) Crlbbs Council DI\fs. Counci . Burs. . . . . . 17 . beating stoves for rent and for sate at Council Dlufl AU company's oWce. .I&yii . sells drugs . pint and Glass cheap . . . NEWS \ FRO1 ; l COUNCiL BLUFFS - Very Lito Intert Is Show in the Pcnl- big City Election. PUBLIC PRNTNG IS TiE CII [ F ISSUE Two Local : Papers AIdoll to Secure the Ltlo J'lnm-Jnnthlnlr for thin Ctnndl nod 'rhelr Chnlcl fur SUl'cel COI1.nrclt. : I There In bul 1t0 Interest tAn In the city election , and probably there are not many , eulthlo ff the candidates themselves ( , whO knrw that It I to occur next Monday . and that there are : councilman-at-large , a park commisioner , and ward councilmen In the Third , Fourth and Rlxth wards to be elected. The main Issues involved are which or th ! local papers shall have the city print- Ing and which ot the banks r11:1 have the custody of the ciy funds . Theri are nt pres- cut six democrats and two republicans In the council. Three democrats and one republican - I Ican go out hula ( month There Is allot' ' fight being Inal3 over members ot the coun- ci.Dr. Dr. Daulow , lie ( republican candidate In the Fourth ward Is conceded by republicans /II democrats al\o to have n straight anti easy courRC. ' \Iale , his opponent has been In oMen one term , and has been marked by the Economic league and others as 1 layer of COfOratons. naratol Is not a IlrceN' : lonal politician , and comes II ) with a record that Is uncommonly free from pohltt- cal aspirations. J. II. ( ] rcensluields . tie re- pulicau candidate for cauncihinan-at-large , has the advantage that a new camlhlnte has over a candidate who baa held the office for two terms nnd made the usual number ot enemle3. Councilman ICeller . In the ( course of several years of 11blc life , has found It impossible to stand on two , and somo- tmes three sides of all questions . and has consequently incurred the displeasure of [ some of his frlellls wlo chanced to be on the off side In the ( Third ward the repuh- Icans are represented by W. C lrown and the ( democrats by J. T. Olver , Brown Is a hustler , III has been devoting himself strict ) . to the business or vote.getting ever since ho was nominated . Oliver . on the otler hand , has not made the slightest effort 10 'beat his oppanent and Drown Is naturally - ally expected to run ahead , partcularl ) ' considering - shlerlng that lila 'ward I usually republicaui. In the Sixth ward the contest will be a hot one. Both Shubert the republican nominee anti Nichoison the ( democrat . have CCCL plowing lp the earth at a rapid : In the last two wee lIs. Some queer politIcal man- eu\'erl have been made , as Is usually the case In this ward. Nicholson secured the nomination by lie ( aid of a lot of his friends from the Fifth . nnd the friends of the other candidate accordingly feel 10 particular ties In hrs direction. Shubert , on the other hand , Is the candidate or n unIted party , and has excellent chances for wlnnThg. excelent . II'anD : FROM ONI : UF ' 1'UE HolitihitS. - : lln Rt Carlen " 'h. AU'\'Cri Vrry Clusoly thft J" ' crlllllu" nl nlc3' . Late last evening Sheriff Hnze received from Mayor J. W. Hemsted of Carson , Ia. , ) a telegram dated 10:35 : p. in. , and readIng : "Man In Carson tonight answering descrip- ton of Riley. Scar on side of tie chin ; lame In' right shoulder ; heavily armed wIth revolvers - volvers ; beard roughly clipped ; wore new brown duck coat with corduroy collar : blue , blouse and undercoat and striped overalls. Got -awa from the police and escaped In the (1nr1mn . ) - " Sheriff " - Hazen , as soon as he read the telo- gram . said lint he believed the man was gam. Itiley . the "lame In right shoulder" being es- pecialy significant , as Deputy O'Drlen Insists that ho wounded his assailant In the right shoulder. Nick O'Brier's : chances for recovery yes- terday re're'bttr' tItan they have been , at all since the shooting . according to hIs phy- sician. Ills pulse had falen to about 100 and his temperature to 101 In the morning , and he was entirely rnLonnl Instead of be- Ing listless and picking the bed clothes as ho did for a day or two , he was energetic enough to bo cross and this was one of the most encouraging tluins about his case. Altogether , the smptoms were very pleas- ) lag to all of his friends and even Sheriff HazeD , who lies cared a fatal result from the beginning , had to admit that , he thought he would get welt. Truth must prevail. I The truth about baitIng - Ing powders Is that Dr. Prlce's Is the , best. Allnost" 'ontellt 'n r , The examination of "Rev. " P. , l ; Keyes on the charge of stealing a lot of shots from H. A. Messmre . which was partially held yesterday morning came cry near resulting In a eontemlt case being dokoted agaln ' 1 reporter for a local paper. After sortie of the evidence had been heard hero was a manifest desire on the past or MesEmore to dismiss the case , and lie police did not care to push It without his backing. "If there I no one who wishes to prosecute - cute the caee , " said Judge McGee , "the court will have to enter a dismissal. " At ' title a newspaper man who sat a few feet away whispered to a policeman who sal beside him that It was a shame I Keyes' got free. frr. "What did you say ? " said Judge McGee. The man who hell lie opinion had not been counting on tim court hearing his remark - mark , and wore several complete sula of confusion aa he stood up to square himself . Judge McGee Instted en his repeating what he had said explaining why he said I. what ho knsw about the case ami I number of other things , and finally let the unhappy newspaper nan ouT . with nn admonition that criticisms of the court were better made out- Bile of court than inside . The episode , however resulted In a change or plan for the Ilolce decided to prosecute Instead of allowing the else to be dismissed . ns they had first intended Keyes claims Messmoro owed him and told him to stock up his family wIth shoea ! . Heu of the cash . Messmore says that : .e has 10 doubt but that ICe'e ivuld ! hlve reported the numb or shoes ho took when he got ready. The case will be taken up again tItle morning Sunday morning pot of Boston baked beans and loaf or brown bread delivered for breakfast , 30 cent9. Order from C. D. Rand- bctt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Just ii 1"1111 , ) Jauiglo. John T. Stannor a telegraph operator at Missouri Valley . has not been able to get along pleasantly with his mother-In-law , Eliza A Field who lives at C05 East Brod- way. , Mrs. Field Induced her daughter to get a divorce a 1ew months ago. Since the sep- "ruton Mr.e. Stanner and her children have been living with Mrs. 1'ieid For several days pst Slnnnor lies been making over- ( urea 10 his ( ox-wife to rotor to him and ho thinks ho would have been successful had It not been for her mother Yesterday he went to Ito ( house , but Mrs Field den Ie ' him admittance. There Is a difference In accounts as to just what happened then. Stanner claims he opened tile door forcibly and In so doing might hare accidentally struck his mother-In.law. Mrs. Field aI- lees that he used his han " l . and used I hard , and the blow ho save her Is I-tnging ) 'et , She fed Informaton In the city clerk's otflc'u yesterday charging her son-tn.lnw with assault and battery : . and the case wilt have nn airing this morning In police court. Yea , the Eagle laundry IS "that good laundry , " and Is localell lt 724 Broadway. I In toubt abJt this try It and be convinced Don't forget name and number. 'eI. J17. Dut material and , Good cooking wIn In running an eating house Pearl chop house II"h school tutiteit . The Crystal League Literary society of Omaha and the Council Bluffs Igh School Cadets held a friendly contest In the oratorical - torical arena last evening. Dohans opera house was completely filled with the friends of the cotitestants and the program was creditable alike to the visitors and the ( homo loclety. Each society wal represented by an essayist , declaimer , orator and two de- . baleu. The question discussed was : "Re- solved , That tbe Government Should Own J - nnl Control the Ialroads , " Musical num- hers were Interpetel1 through the program , which was wound up by an exhibition drIll by the callets. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i NotIce tn leI 11"lrr , I Sealed propotal for furnishing leo to all member ot the Dutcher union of Council Counci Bluffs during the 9 a"n ot 1895 will be re clvtl by the secretary Robert Marx , nt his market . on Main street , until non Thursday . March 7. 1895. Bidders must state on what scales Ealll ice Is to bo weighed , whether packed In Ice bux or delivered on shlewalk. Ice to be paid for at time of delivery or In thIrty days , at option ot Ilealer. Ice to be delivered at sach times anti In such quantities a may be re qulrell by consumers. Each bid must bo ac- compnule by a certified check for $ . The association reserves the right to reject any cr ali bids .1. II. PACE C. It. lumEn , C. L. NEUNAS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Committees Jnrnod Iln ln' I'Rrr. A son or Peter hansen , employed b ) the American District Telegraph company , was badly burned about the face yesterday at his honie on Commercial avenue lie was trying to light a lIre , and had pured some coal oil on the embers . There was aft explosion - plosion , just i he was bending over the stove and he will suffer considerably from the erects for several . da9. Why Is Dr. Prlce'8 flaking Powder like the largest of our lakes ? Because It Is Superior. . 1.l'B ; iu JOllTBH 1'1XIs11I1) . . , ' 1 IS T. T"lont tot flay Llstrctl'Icke : Wlnntrs trom . I"r&o , 1"10111 wit \ I to.o. , SAN FRANCISCO March I.-Five favorites - vorltcs won again today , ' \1110h Is con- II1erel remarkable . owing to the large number of horses entered In the different evcnts. The line weather of the past few weeks has been the means of bringing nbout this result. Summaries : First mce. 'lx furlongs . selling . maidens anti non-winners : McFarlmine . 9t. Ibm- leln- ritthte 2 10 1) ) , won : gR\.etnee \ , Ito Hus- eel (3 ( 10 I. second : Jo C. 102 , Tubervilte (8 ( to 1) ) . third , ' 'I1l : 1:153' . Tubervie , .Jronatus , hurry KUhl Valparaiso \ . Mu- tncer and Slendfail niso ( man. Second race . six furlongs , handicap , 3- year-old ! ! and Ullwnrlls : Forrier 112 . 12. Nohle (3 ( 10 1) ) . won : Jim 110011 , 101. Cllor (2 ( to I. second : Quirt ! 7. Cocleran U ( to 1) ) , thlrll Time : 1:14 Dernurdo anti Main- stay Ilao mu . Third race , one nibe . selling : White Stone . 12. Carr (2 ( to 1) ) , won : hlydy . 101 , Griffin (3 ( to 1) ) , secolll : Hlco , IYII' Hein- richs (2 ( to 1) ) . third Tlmo : 1I2. : Kitty L , Dick Behln , floeder ' 1ole ln" Citrmnel fear Guard unit NormaUHo also ran Fourth race , hurdle sellIng . short course about u mile and n half , maidens : hal Jlcstor , 130. Clancy ( even ) , won : ! Mere , 135 I . Siumco (5 ( to 1) ) , seconll : 'V'anshol , lan. : . A mllt (3Y ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 3:2 : NiUper unl Currency also ran. Nllper race six furlongs . selling 3-year- ells alit ! upward : Tim Mui'phy . 117 . Griffin (2 ( to 5) ) . won : Don F'ubano 17. , Chorn (6 ( to 1) ) , second : Sir 1tlchittrtl . 10 , Heinrichs to 1) ) . third Time : : 10 , . Vulcan , Johnny Payne Imp. Vigor 1:1Y Cotton lrollhead anti Frnkle Devine , colt , also ran , " 'II."lt nn I Billy Smih ro 1 II' ' ' BOSTON , March I.-In the presence of 4.0 people at Murray's hal tonight Joe Walcot and Diy Smih fought fifteen rounds for the welterweight championship of this country and Referee Aarons decided at the close of Ihe fifteenth round that the fight wait n draw . In thc midst of wlhl excitement - cllcment and applause and hisses. At lie close of the fifteenth round " 'alcot insisted upon fIghting to a hlnishu . Smith shook hands pleasantly wih Walcott , and the bIg crowd thought a finish fight would ensue - sue but I was decided the fight was over. Smith [ , although the severest punished for n dozen rounds came UI ( smiling and fresh In the thirteenth , anti from that to the tnlsh was looked upon ns the winner hut the doe- Ing two rounds were even honors and ( he cos- cision was accepted ns a just one , although the audience longed for a few more rounds 'Valcot was hue favorite and did the clev- crest leading and landing throughout. Smith was game anti put UP a good fIght. Durlnl the fight Smith shoved tip best'ln the sev : enth and thirteenth rounds and recovered so well that his faults were overloJltel In the other rounds. Wnlcot waR the pun- Ishcr and Smith the aggressor durIng the fight. In the sIxth round Smith floored the colored boy and punched him to the ropeR Smith . however was terribly punished . but pluckily held his own. The lIght was a series of rushes and punches om the heart . face and head and at these times the ' spec- tutors waited for the finishing punch 10 close the fight. Oeolle Dixon was behind Wnlcot and Howle Hodgltlns piloted Diy Smith. DarnO Aarons oC New York was the referee and Dan Murphy time keeper. JeRult , "t Now Urlenn4 , NEW ORLEANS March 1.-eventy- first day oC the Crescent CIty Jockey club winter meeting. Weather rainy : track heavy. Results : First race . six furlongs : Merritt (2 ( to 1) ) won. Heudlna (6 ( to 1) ) second , Ben Wilson (1 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:19th. : ' Se end race ; live and a hal Curong ! : HI Henry ( ( to 3) won , O. D. Cox (7 ( to,2) ) second . Oeewhlz (2 ( to 1) ) thIrd. TIme : 1:12 , ' . Third race. one mile : Florence P (10 ( to 1) ) won Zallvar (6 to 5) ) second Tarroek (5 ( to 1 ) thlrl TIme : 1:48 * . . Fourth race , sIx furlongs : Moloch (1 to 1 ) wcm . Miss Lilly (6 ( to 5) ) second Hi- berla Queen (8 ( to 1) ) thIrd Time : ' 1:20 : Fifth mace five furlongs : Julia Arthur (7 ( to 5) ) won Hollywood (5 ( to 2) ) second , Dr. Reed (8 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:0y : :11" ( load "t Ilcklll % VIntier . SAN FRANCISCO March I.-Mrs. Jna Cohen of Oakland comes across the bay daily and plays the races at the Day District - trict track. She hns hall trck. extraordinary suc- eRS and has decided to become a profes- Ilonal tipeter. Her husband's shop IB crowded with ' sporting men , and even jockeys - eys who solicit her tps , She wi exact fees for her advice hereafter , and has engaged - gnged n shanty opposite the race track with n shingle bearing her name anti busi- ness hours. She says she has the greatest luck on long shots picking her horses before going 10 the track without knowing anything - thing of the odds. She claims that she plckl three or four winners and as many Places every day. Iurdl racing Is her sp2elaly. CI'vIatiI Orl\li CircuIt l'ttrais , CLEVELAND . March I.-The Cleveland Driving Purk association has announced Its purses tor lie next meeting or the Grnd Circuit to be held In this city on the 2th. 3th and 3llt of July and the let and 2d of August . Seven prize purses . amount- Ing to $20.0 are offered. This Is not the entro'llt. for there wIll be purses for other classes Purse No. lis $2.0. for 3-yearolds and under . eligible 10 the 2:31 : class : purse No. 2 Is for troters or the 2:32 : class and wi amount to $3.0. Purses Nos. 3. 4 , 5 and 6 are also of $ .0 each for trotting horses of the 2:2 : class 2:19 : class 2:15 : class and 2:1 : class respectively. Purse No 7 Is $ ,0 for horses oC the 2:10 : clues . pacing ( lIon I"lt II _ Hnl' , BUFFALO , March 1.-Justice Green today decided the Glorl-F'itzsimmons suit by reusing - fusing to grant the injunction applied for hy Captain Glori restraining Fitzsimmons from exhibiting under other exhibitng any manage- meat than that of Ubori. At the lame time the court holds that a partnership exists between the two and that both are en- titled to an equal share of the earnings of the season A receiver was appointed 10 look acer the financial end Qr the Buffalo tour Fltz's company leaves tomorrow 10 fl an engagement In Washington . ' Ilsutcht In bight for Ityati , 'ClICAGO , March I.-Parson Davies Is In receipt or a letter from Colonel J. D. hop. . kina of St. I.uls. In reference 10 the , Hop poet of brInging Tacey und Crceon against Hynn and Choynlkl , lie says In the letter : "I wilt match Creedon against Choynskl six rounds und Tracey against BYln eight rounds for Points and etiduramice Queens- berry rules. Boston , Coney island or Chl- cage will suit me for place You can make the dale any time batween the next ten und fifteen days . " I'"etrIc.tuutlt'r " I ICO " "Iln ! BEATRICE . March I-Speclal ( Tele. gram.-The ) Gentlemen's Driving associa- ton , recently organized here , has made UI the program or races to come off July 3 amid . . 'fhe his comprises eight races anti the prizes aggregate $ h15. The meeting will be held at 1lnden Tre park , where lucre IB one of the best bait-mile tracks In the state . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Killed Its "Wr"MII& Contree . SEATTL , March 1.-oseph Evnna a miner at Franklin , chalengell any man to break a hal Nelson hold on him , and John Williams took him up. After three In- effectual attempts to brenk the hold he complained of being hurt and was released anl antI taken home where he dicil fort-elcht hour later of fracture of the ( spinal cplumn. Ahl" ' tutu the Sleet tl I NEW BEDFORD , Mass . March 1.-A Ib- round lIght between Stanton Abbot of Eng- Intuit and George lfcke : of Provldencj occurred - currel at the rooms of the New nGland Athletic club Edward Cavannugh was ref. eree but Ihere was no decision Abbott drew blood In the last round. Abbot . - PRESSED BY lJRl ! ) TIMES _ -0 Balou Banking Oompanyqtioux : City in Need of Omli. " ' , . " , ONE MILLION OUT INIH ttRM LOANS - , , , , I. , , .t.t ' Iowa : Iann/Cr hope tofSavt , ! tim Itiltu- Ion with tIn Active ' \Pblfncc or Ito ( 11.I'rl Slukhulh'ra lu,1 In- .iulgenee or l'rlcll18. _ _ I " t , , I SIOUX CITY . March 1. - Sleclal Tele- gram.-Two ) attachments . "were executed against the bocks and fIxtures 'of ' the Balou flanking company this afternoon One was for $2,150 for the Island Savings bank of [ Providence , and one for $1,000 ftr Helen I " or1n. The sheriff nt once took possession at the ctablE ment. The compmy : bas bEen In business several years. I Is controlled by ealtern men , H. S. ' Dalou of Boston having been president till last .Janaary. . I Is ehnged ho has wrecked I. and the representatives of the Providence bank have taken steps 10 have him are.ted. Ho Is charged with mis- apprcprlatng money which was sent to him a easter manager for the creditors there. The comlllny has $150,000 capital , and lisa done a farm loan business. Having ale about $1,000.000 of northwest Iowa farni ! loans outstanding for over a year , Il has been hall pressed. The manager here hope to save the company - pany , and have wired the easter stockholders - holders for full advice as to t their desires . O. A. Wentworth of Exeter N. I. . Is now president of the ( com pan ) The creditors say they feared the company might assign or go Into receh'er' hands at any time , and this caused the ( action. The prosecution today completed taking e\- Idence against Walter Strange ex-supervior. amid the defense commcnced. The court ronni hal , been packed from the commencement or the case. The prosecution has made a very I strong case , hutch beler , Ihnn In an ) or time ' previous county cases . and a conviction Is regarded a probable InNIES ; Ti1A'r II \y.\S IsiIthit.D . tlea JUulne" Mayor nutthils Wlro Testify In I ho II pnlhmcnt Truth . DES MOINES , March 1-Speelal ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) chief events In the trial or Mayor Hlls , which was resumed today , were the appearance of the mayor and his ) nnl wife ns vitnesscs. Mrs. Hiis testified as to visits of Chief Johnson and Gambler Rnehnrt to the mnyor's residence. She said Johnson suggested too Idea of central- lung gambling so I could be controlled , but that the mayor did not agree with him , saying he was going to close up everybod Rinehart's visits Were In the role of an Inventor desiring th' mayor's assistance 10 help him start a factory. There was no talk about gamubhing. Mayor hulls testified to the . ! ayer Hils testfed same elect. Ho also mil In regard 10 pool selling at the races that ho was opposed 10 . the idea but yielded after the ( passage , or.the ; resolution by the council. ; He'US opposed to the iiel of fortune and only yielded after M ilderry showed him the resolution of thb MIE.derr with time Interlnell words and sali " , n0 " al the time the words hall beeq' jl "tno" after the resolution was adopted. fe said In regard to the alleged $1,000 brlbery that he suggested to Manager Davies of tle race track lint the city ought to get $1OOQ for the privilege - lego of pool selling . but U alIavles said the city could not collect , antE refusel to pay it. and never did pay anytll ! : ; There was no agreement ns to-paymen of ) , noney and no money was let anywhere fQ" , him , At the hour of adjournqmeitt both sides had rested. The prosecution , , \v\1 \ ) furtsh reo butal testimony tonocrpw , apd arguments will probably begin. . . , _ . . a. ' 'v" It's amusing to find I \Siorl"baklng , powder claiming that no powdlr received an award over I at the Chicago World's fair when It did not exhibit or compete. Highest award was conferred on' Dr.Prlce's. ( . JESXE l' l' ! , 'IONS. , - I Vctermsu . of the Late \viu Remembered by Clue Uenornl Govornmont. WASHINGTON ; March 1.-Special.- ( Pensions granted , Issue of February 1. 18 : wore : Nebraska : OrlgnaI-ohn E. Mcintosh Emerick Madison county : , Orson n. Hop- kins. St. Edwards Boone county : Charles H. VanWyck 'Vyomlng.1 Otoe county ; Charles M. Young , Llch1eld. Sherman counly. AddJUonal-ohn A. Snlgley , Blanch Chase 'county. Increase-Thomas Thornton . Platte Center , , Plate county : John Oustus , Shle\cey \ , Fillmore counly. Original widows cto.Llzzle C. Vroman illanche Chase county. Iowa : Additional-Joseph A. Miner Bedford Taylor county : Increase . Edwin M. Carpenter . Des Moines . Polk county : Francis A Duranelt. Morse , JOhnson County. UelsRue-An.lrew J. Garritson . Iowa City , JohmJon count ) ' . Wyoming : Itestomation . reissue and In- crensoAndrew J. Lolmrd. Hocle Springs , Sweetwater 'eolnt ) ' . Ih'lssue und increase -Charles D , Swain Cheyenne , Laramie county. Colorado : Original-Edward C. Sandell. Ladvle , Lake county . ; Marin Farrar La l'orte Larimer county : John Johnson , Idnho Springs Clear Creek county. Montana : brlglnnl-Charles Richards Harris Cusler county. South Dakota : Original widows etc.- Susan Corren ( mother ) , Claremont Drpwn county. _ Issue of February 15. 1895 : Nebraska : OrIginal-William H. Blackwood - wood , .Arapahoe Puritan cOlnty. Iowa : Original-Conrad Bauer Lisbon . Linn county : James K. P. fiolsinger Coiesburg . Delaware county : Isalnh F. Gipple Omandview . Louisa county : Hobel't I : . Konyon Packwood Jefferson county. Increase-William Hawley UrIana Benton - ton county HelssueCnrl hlcyer Bur- lirugton . Des Moines county ; Heyer Pat- terson Kossuth , Des Moines county' Francis 'H.oundy \ , Albion , countYI' cottny. , South Dakota : Original-John hawley Hot Springs. Fall River county : Isaiah A. Inslev , Albion Elmunda county. In- erealcI rnk Fawcett . Hot Springs Fail River county. Colorado : Original-Francis . Kelse , I.amarIrowers county ; David A. lnmor , Central \ City . Glptn county : Henry J. Gorhmam Denver Arapahoe county. - hi'LtTliIflt FOUIWAST . Fair anti Wn.mer wIth Wlnd Shltnr to \Vrll.r'y. WASHINGTON March I.-The forecast for Saturday Is : For Nebraska and K ' nsaSJnlr ; warmer : winds shifting to westerlY , For Iowa-I"alr ; wcst . , winds and slowly rising tempernture. u 'f ' ' For Missouri-Fair : wfs1ylnds : slightly warmer. _ ! For South Dakota-Fatrwmutliwest winds . ; und wurmer. 1,1 iecorl. ! r OFFICE OF THE \VEI1Ell BUREAU OMAHA , March l.-Omttha.record ; of tern- perature and rainfall . opmplred with the corresponding day or the past four years : I 18S. 1891 193 , 1892 Maximum temperaure,4 130 67 43 2S Minimum temperature.i I. ,15 3 17 3 3 Average temperatLtmo . . . , . . 2.1 : 46 30 33 I'recipitatton . . . . . . . . . , .0 .0 .0 3 ; ,4 Condition of tempertte , an4 precipItation 1895 at Omaha : for the day and , .ro since March 1. Normal temperature i.I.J. . . . . . . . . 30 Deficiency for the day.a.I. . . . . . . 7 Normal preclpltaton..t" . . . . .0 Inch Defciency for the day. . . . . , . . " . . .0 Inch Total precipitation since March 1. . .0 Inch DefIciency since March . 1. . t' . . . .0 'Iach ' ( ' 01,1 Hto"IluVI.'hn le Ihurneil . PORTLAND , Ore . March I.-The Portland cold storage warehous&- building burned today , LOB $76,000. The building was owned by Charles O. Wels of Boston , and w s fully insured . The heaviest loser Is C. I Trcicott . who hal stored In the building fifteen car loads of frozen fish , valued at $20- $ 003 _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . hIM - ) , , PAnIUIODMarv A. February 2. 189 . wife of Arthur Fal'mllld. aged 2 years . a&ed 'ear. Funeral at 2 o'clock this & I''neral thll ( Saturday ) after- noon. March 2. from 170 Canton , or B street , to Laurel 11. ' : 1.\ " r ! . ' . ( " ML. . % ' 1.liVTJW. Most 81""t TrIal % fnrVioltetin2 the \nt'- Trtllt . , \ \ ot lcntttt'ky. LEXiNGTON . ICy. . MAch 1-A ' bitter warfare , wsged for several months on the Kentucky and Tennessee Fire Insurance association , known as the ( Insurance compact , by citizens anti twBI13peu , which leI to exhaustive Inquiry by thc rrand jury , bias resulted In the return of a blanket In(1cl- lent under the ( ICenhlelty euhiti-trust law , charging every agent of ( lie lOCAl compact with Icomblnln anti associating unjust , and oppressively to Increase anti Augment Insurance prcmuiiums. Thlrt-lne repreen- talves of firs complnles are covered In tli'm indictment , and two Insurance men ounl1 outside the board , The Lexington fight has atractell ntenton In Inlurance circles all over the country end the compact representatives - lentntves In session at Louisville TuCatlay proposed canceling all policies In Lnxlngtomi to bring the people to terms Eightty.five I ; Insurance companies are represented In the agencies against which the InlHctments have been roumned IOCdl sentment against the eOlllact Is cry tronK owing to the recent - cent re-rating : of Lexington , increasing the prcmlums 10 to 75 per cent. 'Che Lexln"- ton fire beaus Inst year IlnountC1 to HOOOO , anl1 the insurance Ilremiums collected amounted to $120,000. 'fhe ProPertY ! elders - ers objected to a furlter ( increase of lure' mlums to malle gootl excessive losses In morJ exposed localities . . HOTEL FOR A BEMIN ARY. minIma ' Imeologiciul Seminary \1 OCCU1.Y I ho ( I "rrl 10140. At a recent sale tinder foreclosure the ( old Cozzens hotel at Ninth and Harey streets was bought b ) Cincinnati and Pennsylvania parties for about 20QOO , the property being a part or the Dr : Mclenamy estate. The purchasing parties arc friends or the Omaha Iresbterlnn Theological seminary , anti at. ferell lie bnlllng 10 the scmlnary for five years at a nominal rental. Thc offer has been accepted The seminary wi take possession of the ' buiding April 1. IhonKh for thc remalHlr of tIme present school ) 'eal the Instruetol will bo In the pre ent buiding , the old Par- rIs house. Next autumn the new building will , accord. log to present plans have been refitted , refurnished - furnished anti adapted and will lien ( accommodate - modate the 100 students eXIcclel and fur- fish quarters also for Ilrofes ors without other residence. . "hurt l'titt'e tttrice. Emi Ilrsh has sworn out n complaint against a man nnmed Rice for II'cen ' . , Two days ago Hirsh was moving from 'went-slxth anti Davenlort , streets All the heavier things were removed , but ccv- oral n'tecs. stch lS curtaimitt were left behln 10 Lo relo\ell Inler. Of thcse $ : worth was stolen. A cllorell mail anti a white man were seen by a neighbor entering - Inl the place . the fOI'mel' nns\\'erlng the description of 1(1cc.Vlio the white man was It not known Rico was suspected by the police of having hind n hall In entering a grocery store near Twenty- seventh months ago amid , Cumlng strel.tteverl Complaint was fed against Adolph I.et- man yesterday ) ' . charging him wIth willful and malicious destruction of IH'operty. Joseph ICteasnuski the complaining wit- clamnus that Letman threw mirror fleas KresnlSltt a ml'ror ( brought lie window of his resitbence . 927 South Twenty-eighth street , yesterday - day afternoon. Thieves stole an overcoat belonging to Mike Markcson at the saloon , 11 l.'arnam street yesterday nHernoon. William Melbourne was yesterday , 10unll over tQ the dlRtllet court hy Judge Bellm In the sum of $ iO for stealing a buggy Cram B.V. . Hnnler. The Lnggy was one of those fOld on ] tinggolti's fnrm In Sary county when the raid was made several days ago. . Mrs. 1fcrR' Trlli ( 'ontinuoci . The trial of Mrs. Dyers , who was nr- rested several days ago on the charge oC J'and larceny was continued for two weeks on account of the absence of General - eral Cowin. lrs. Dyers tool a trunk of clothing from the house of her sIster , Mrs. Hespcicr . shortly after the later tiled . claiming that she did It under her slster's direction . A lodger named Conley objected to this and swore out a com- plaInt against anl , Dyers charging her with lnrceny. Since she was arrested Mrs. Dyers has returned the trunk to the administrator of the estate of Mrs. Heapeler . who wa ! appInted by JUdge Daxter. A this , action has removed the cause oC the complaInt Judge Derka wished to dismiss the case but Mrs. Dyers was not willing to consent to ( lint . She saId that she wished to clear her character and to show that by taking the trunk she committed nD larceny , but acted as her sister wished her to . and as she ( lid under the advice of her lawyer , General Cowin. . The humorous In advertising Is Iustrated by the pretentious of a New York baking powder to a 'Vorld's fair award. That pow- der failed to exhibit. The hllhest awards were conferred on Dr. Prlco's lInking Powder attho Chicago and Midwinter fairs - - - J nv'ckltetcdW htlttnkor. CLEVELAND March I.-John Lavack and Whitaker oC Kansas City fought ten rounds at the ImperIal Athletic club . Lavack forced the fighting all through the match and I was awarded to him. A large cowd wit- nessel the fight. " , .1\0 U - ! " cguJXTth , Today Herrmann , the great necromancer his charming wife and big corps of assist- ants will close Ito present engagement at the Boyd by giving two performanees-a matinee for ladies and hldren at 2:30 : this afternoon , and the regular evening perform- , aneo at 8. I Is said that Herrmann'a latest illusion , which he calls a magl-comed , and which goes by the - name of "The Artist's Dream " was suggested to him b ) the fate of the late French painter De Gamut , who having painted the picture of his ideal , It played upon his mind so mt'cli that ho ever fancied that she had _ come to life , and each day stepped from the picture and sang and danced to him. Do Gamut died In a madhouse - house and Herrmann bias made use of the story Idyl. to incorporate It In this ' beautiful little There has been a great number of startling effects Introduced In the drama of late years , as realism seems to bo the theater goer's present want so Manager Eugene Robinson one of the foremost promoters of this class of entertainment promises to outclass any lJre- vlous attempt In realistic effects In his new version of "Patti Kauvar " which comes to the Boyd for two nights , commencing tomor- row ( Sunday ) night The late Steele Mackaye . who was . wIthout doubt oar foremost American dramatist , rewrote - wrote the play , calling It "The New Paul Kauvar , " and has Invested the new version wit ) . n RArlAK nt m.nhnnlnnl 10nlrlvnnnnK fhnl ii ' ; ' said - will ' revolutionize - - the - dramatic - stage t : The inventions are conshlered marvels of Ingenuity - genuity and art , and , with the scenic back- grounds that have been painted by the most renowned artists . the result will bo an artistic - tic deception that will IJersUnde the auditors to Imagine they are themselves In the center - ter of the action . An excellent company has been engaged for lie interpretation and the leading roles arc In the hands of such well known artists ns J , Harvey Cool and Miss Esther I.yons. Sale of scats wilt open this meriting at 9 o'clock DnrnEs' and arvln's players open a week's engagement at the Empire Sunday afternoon . March 3. The company Includes n number of artists favorably known to local playgoers from their appearance here with other welt known attractions . noLnbly Mac M. ) nnes , Charles U. MarvIn Miss Louise fleming Maud Marvin anti little Louise fleming. The repertoire Inelldes "The Governess , " "Hearts of Gold " "A Southern Rose " "Wild Oats" and other strictly up'o.dae prcduc- ( ions. A feature of the engagement will be the daily matinees at 2:30 : , when any seat may be obtained for 25 cents 'Tlothers' * . Friend " , l1AKE m r EASV. COLVINI L. . , Deo.2 , 18M-My wlo used I MOTlEI' ' FRIEND" " before her thIrd confinement . and says alto would not Lo without It for hundreds ot doilars.-Dovmc MILLS Pont by express or mal , on receIpt of once . 11. per boUle. Hook ' 'fO Mo'ruIiti ' 100k mauled tree. Bole by all JIOUCnH' flmuurmELn LED.ULTOn Co" , Atlanta , Oa. * Q4 t _ . - - - DADY DURNED TO DEATIj - - - nurrlbll ACCllcnt It time Inml uf . 't' . anti Mrs. t ohrrt Inftcn . Yesterday morning about ! o'clock Mrs. Robert Halen , 901 $ Soulh T" ' nt-ltl avenue - enue , ha1 occasion to step cut Into tle ( yard . anti asked her only child , MyrUe . 1G month oM nail ( Just able to walk , to follow her. The child stayed In the Imotute . however anti , thrusting tht 110ker Into the stove heated ( It retlhmot . When mulled out the liCker was drawn against her clothes and set them on fire . hearing her screams the mother ran Into lie hmofiae to find her enveloped In fire Shin threw a light mattress over the child to smother the famu , but the mattress . too cauRb fro and burnel\ Whcn the fire was quenched the chill was alive . hut was gener- ally anti deeply burnNI . from its waist up. Neighbors quickly notIced the dIstress Mrs. flatten was In amid hnstened , to assist Ilerj calling Ilh'slclans and sentluf worth to Mr. ltaffemu . a clerk nt Falconer's . The ltte girl died In spasms nt G o'clock last c'vciilng. In trying to IHt out lie fro Mrs. ltnffemm's hands severel ' : r. Halen's were severely burllCl anti she Is In great physical anguish , while both shin nail lien hmusbatul are almost crazed 'ih ( . % grict. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Ii iqlt'omi litimik , , Cnmiilitlntp , CII/LDRON , Neb , , March I.-Spcclal ( Tele- gram.-Tlte ) hank of Chimitiron today wout ( Into voluntary liquihlatiomi , no deposits being receiveti. This is ( lie inovemnc'nt toward rout- sohlilated with the First National of thiisclt ) ' , Is reported some ( line ago. ( ihae IiInu''rs ( h on tttrikc' , IIARTFOItD CITY , lad , , March 1--Tlie refusal of ( lie Sneath Glass works to pay tinlomu wages to blowers resulted in a strike by 250 inca. uuVLilLiAU & , WEL Eczema ot Worst 'l'l'lrn. Scimool and oclety Abetuloneml . Felt Death \'outltl ho Relic1' Cuticura Soon l'ut An Icuid to all i3tifferings , Ever since I was tiurco years olti I have been troubled with Ecrewa ( ii tile % oiat t ito. It mit tinies comtipletely covered toy head mittil tieck , I have rled all sortS of lncdicitues , amutl htau lti'emt doctoruti by tuatty ' , cry etmtinemit , lltslciauis bitt with ito favorabmo resitit. tbumiietititefl mit ) ' licati inns ono mass of thick scab thmat iotiht1 rutti fluid bleel , amid itimuttumiiiicr woulti itotto tiiuchu orso' tuiy ears booketl no though 11103' wonhil fall oil. I coulit hot go to school tim niltigbowitli ociet'ntu tlio ulijeaja stitelt so bath , 1 felt at tlnuet hiat ikabli wutl.i ; ho a relief , sttfferlmug mitt itcltiuig until I lmirily knew ulma ( to ilo , I got your Cut mcuiu. . lcMImtic. ( Ito 20th of Janunnylasintl : iuietl theta according to ilirectiomma , anti eami now ear that they soon Puitati oath toidi itiy sultcritmg. Wc'rtia can Itcuer tell nit' thanks to yttu attil your aIuabbemnetiicinoauitl ihiabl always recointcntt theta towhtoeverl scosufferingfroma tite teribbo disease , I luau spent niomtey amid tried ( Ito beet of doctors with Itiut little roief. 3lmM4 ; 1lANAlt WARREN 1437 George StreetLa Crosse , Vls. wits N CONSThNT AGONY I have puiffered from a severe attack of what h called I'rurigo. The disease Protitiecti an intense burning anti itching sensatiomi that kept itus in constant agony alt the ihiie , so that I got bitt hittbo rest day or night. CunmcunA cumred me entirely In a few vccks. I cheerfully roconuneud itforliko trotibbci , CILAS. L. % 'Al'rI.E , . StatIon , Mich , - cuTdUn WORKS WONDERS CtrrmcL'IIA flEutr.tuIca cleanse tim systetuu by external anti ititernal itietiIcation of every enup- tion , impurity atiti tlisc'aso , anti comustititto ( ho most effective treatmnemut of modern ( lutes. Sold throughout the world. Price , CunmcrnA , Soc. ; SOAI'25c. ; IIECnLvENr , $1. l'orrmt Dituci NIJ CiiiM. Cons. , Solo l'roprietoni' , Iboetomm , . : _ . how to Cure Skin Di.cao , , " mailed free , n I fi l'L } $ , blaclihwads , red , rough , chapped , anti rilu oily sUn cured by CuTmcunu Soir. ACHINQ SIDES iND BACK , Hip kiiimiey , amid uterine pains anti wcaknesaeie ichitveci in one iitlnuto .4 liv the Cuticura Anti.piein , I'lnetor , ' -iii The tint and only tialo lciihin. plaster THE "GREAT " "GREATL This extraordInary Rejayenator Is ( ho most womiderfli1dieovery of tile age , 11 has been endorsed by ( ho Icadingacientiglo men ofEurope and America. fludyan Is ' ' ) 11 ? vugo- q Uudyan stops L Prematureness . ' . 4 , " . ; ; _ , axmoas I4OP AirmEn ItAwIIoor Constipation , Iizzlncus ) FallIng Sensation ; Nervous Twltclimg of tto 'tyca and other patte. Strengtheius , iuivigorateim nuid tones the entire aystenu. Iludyien curesDebliity , Norvousncis , EmIssions , amid tovelopes aitd restores weak orgauts. I'aimts in the back , losses Ity day oz night are stopped quickly. Ov'r 2,000 private endorsements , l'zornaturemurss means Impotency In the first atage , itis asymptornefsemiimalweakncssmer.d barrenness , It came be slopileit ha 20 days by the we of lltmdyan. Tim iicuv ditcovery was inado by the biciai- , 1stoftltoohit famous Hudgun flioclical lititl. tate , It Is ( Ito strongest vitAlizer made. It is 'verypowcrful , but harmless. Sold for $1.00 a package or 8 packages for 5MO ( plain sealed boxes ) . Writtett gmmaranteo given for a cure , If you btiy six boxes and are itot omttiroly cured , ix more will ho sent to you free of all changes , Send ( or circulars and tcmthnonials , Address HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 1032 MARET ST , , 1SAN FRM'CISCO , CALIFORNIA. _ Teeth Without Plates BAILEY , DENTIST , P'txtoit Illock , ititit timid Fanmiamui fits. 2'oI. IJS , ' $ , FimlifletTeetli , , , , , $3 00 i Sliver Filllmirti , , , , , $1 00 I i t u ' 1 lii , . , , , . . . 7 10 I Ftmo : Cdlii I'll ingso Thtimm I'Iato. . . . . . . . . 10 00 i Gold CmQt'uitl-22k , Ii 00 Paliultis Extmact'li 500 i llnido TOoth-tooth ii 00 Teeth Out In Morning , New Teeth Same Day ( ; ' 1GUPflJENE" ' . . ! J . Cures the effects 01 self-abuse , excesses , - . , Impotency , I vnrlcocelo maid conati. I . nation , One dollar a I box , sIx for $5. For I sale by Tithi ( hOOD. I 4 MAN DRUG CO. _ - _ - - - - - t ll\V \ 1)1SC'VItV ) ) BY TI1I SIIMiERS For more (1mm ( a hundred yearn thV Monut Tetianon ShinhIers have sttimdicd ( lieu eultlvalon of medicinal Plants ant' soughd to extract from ( heat their healing essencen Their labor has not beemu spent In vain. Thny hin muncIe a discovery ( lint will prove i bleastiug (9 rnnmukln.l , It consists of it cor dial that causes immediate relief in eases of indlgesioiuThie ( importttnec of ( hIs this. co'er3' viil be alIUUent when we realize ( lint nearly fllno'temithimt of mill our stifierings are caused by t'slltamn or indigestion. Nearly every person you meet hin thin di- gesttve trouble in sonio of its varIed forms. -sick headache , tlistrcss after eating , hairs anti ( tmllncss in ( lie chest after eating , palpitation - pitation of ( lie heart , etc. , tire but s'mp- ( Omit of Inthigestioti , To relieve these auf- Comings bias been ( Ito study of ( lie Shakers , and thme' Itmive sticet1etl , The reason the Suiaker Digestive Cordial himt such an hit- mediate ntitl cultttat'y oifce ( is tha ( it catme- Os ( hue foml mien to be digested , for it ma uttmtligestt'tl tooth ( limit OnhiseS tim distress. 'flue Cordial entices ( lie food to be tiigeste.t tt'fote ( lieu-c is tinue for it to femmemu ami sauir Ott ( lie 5omutncliVlien tli (00th is itt ) thigested it gives strength niutl vigor to the f&elilc hotly , uiumilces one feel bright and cheerful antI uiimtlcr one gnuui in , , e5li , The digem.tlvt' Cortlinl is ito ltronup in Its notion ( hint ( lie very first tiose will hutt'o a Itereelttill' fn'ortible recuilt , It gIves liii. mediate relkf , In order to hitO"0 tluh stntcmeiit tiinlt trial bottles have iicemi Itinceti iii time thug- gitits hiatals , wluie.Ii t'aii ho Oluniuietl ( for ten cents each , This trial bottle will have a tleciticihly lieneficitti effect auth vIli mutt- laCy tiny otto ( lint ( hue Cordial iii adapted to huts case. After a ( vial give praise to ( Ito I3iiaket's at Moutmut Lebanon , N. 1 , UIWIPANOLEMIIDII , The Good Samaritan , 20 Years' Expcrknco. REAIlibt OP ISIi.18E54 01 ? MIIN tN1 , ) voME:4. l'lttb'ltIflTOIt ( ) i TUII l'OlI.l ) ' IlliltIt/ub IlSt'EN. SAltY OF 3tllilC1B , ' 9 ? \ l l , I treat the follotvng Dsoascs : Catarnht of tim Ik'atl , 'Ibroat anti fungs ; Die- cases of Sun tyo timid 11am , Fits umitl Apoplexy , heart Iieiit' , I.ii'er Cottmthziimit , iithtwy Commi. plaint , 3e.lCr'ottf4 Icbilit ) ' . Itlegutati Dc- preHm4iotl , 1,0814 (51 Motithtooti Mciii- Steal SVcalciicspu , 1)iiiltctc , Iirijtmt's liii- case St. Vltus' Ihttic' , , liuctmmmimitlsmui ( , t'tirmtlyiiu , \Vhdo Hwollitiir , Scmniumhii , Fever Sorca , 'I'tmimi- orss stout Flsitula lii aumiu reiliovest ' 'itItout time Icisile or clroi'n'liir a Urol , ofbloocl , VOtliflmi lli 11cr clciicritc orgtisu ; reSt ore ci to IiestItlt , Drops' ciii'ect svitluoiit tIIllIilf. . I31)CClitl tttettIIoit givets to Irlvnte ascii Vemiercisi ItMezt,4c , $ ofaill kietcip. , $5o to $5Oolioric'lt icr mimw Vetiercal ZIscaSu 1 otitimiot euro 'sVItlout Meriir 'l'upo Worutis rctnovct imi twoor ( hrco hours , ormio pay. ltcmurnhioids or l'iles ciicti. TIfOSII % VIbO Aitli AFVIICTII ) \'iil sure Ilfo and hunthctls or dollars by call. lug emi or uiitlmig OR. C. W. PANCLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. TIme ititly I'ityelcitit who csmt tel 1 whtist ails a uiorsoit evlth.tet telcI mig a queesttomm , Tunic at ii , iistiuicn etiti ( iii' juestlon Blank , No. 1 tin' utiom , , No. 2 for woiti.'n , All comrcspomitlc'nco etrletiy comifithential. ) bcdicino sent by express. Addrcs nil letters to , ( ; . v _ J"A2G1.E , ill. D. , 555 BnoaowAy.CouNoti. BLUFF5 , god050 l0o itiatmituips for reply. I An Andrews iirr : Desk FORIL 4 feet long-al Inches wido. Domi't bchievo that Uccauso Ancirews OfficeDesks are ( Ito bcst , deslcs thoyra the most oxponelvo. It's not trim. Wo'vo just comnlilctcd a miow , llno of stilistatittal do'iloi-uttusttmtuly hanilsomo in nppoam-imico and low in lriCti. We , thu mnnnufmtcturortt soil to thu man who usci tlto dcsmc , There a vjltcro tim saving ' comes im Now designs inour volh known bight grade desks , oflico cltmtirs and flab cabinet and . 1 metal Work. Catalogue Irrac , A , H. ANDREWS & CO. , 215-221 Wabash Ayea CHICAGO. 4 GEO , P. SANFORD. A , W , RIIIIKMAN , President. Cashier. First National Bank of COUNCIL I3LUFF3 , Iowa. Capital , a . $1OO Profits , - . . 12,000 One of the oldest banki ma the itate of Iowa. We iobicit your business and collectIons. IV. pay 5 per cent on turns deposits. We will be pleas2 to see and erve you. Special Notigs-OouAciI Bluffs CIIISINSY8I CLIIANIOD ; VAULTS L'LIOANuD , , Ed fluike , &tV , 5. ltotaeri , 133 hiroadway , LAItGII PRIVATII ISAIIU iron I1ENT ? 4ICAR court house. Apply at lice chIco , CouncIl Illuffi : Fort ItINT , SO-Acitul 1"AlM , ONi-lIAL1' MILE mtotuth of city himuilts. three-quarters Of IL mile west of Mttnuwa ronil , Hultable for daiy. Apply - ply to l.t'onitril iiverett , FOl ( RuNT , 165 itC1tlH OF' fll'IENDIl ) GlIAb'S land near asylum. l'mointile yield two tonS to the acre. 1tnt $3.00 her acre. Lurgtm diseounf for cash , .Altliy to Leonard ivemett , FOlt ItlNT , A 0001) C'ItOOM IlOtJBl , wi'rit good barn , on 'l'hiird street iini , F'ourteenh cv- enue , near ( lie C. , 11. & Q , depot. Apply to Leontitti 1h'emett , . LOST , I'OCICuTIIOOK CONTAINING Nhi.tltLY s2.tt(1. ) ( ltt'turti to itey , 'r , w , WillIams , 420 Iiamiit > n bim cot. FRIll ? Ft1tM AND QAltDlN LANI ) FOR sale cheap iutd i easy tennis. Day & hose , 53 Pearl Street , II. FINS LIVIIIIY OUTFIT FOR SALl ; I hAn- ilnu , I brougliatn , 1 ctinctt , 1 surrey , 1 phttietomi , 3 buggies , 5 skiglit , , 8 sets harness , flay g Ilcss , Council Illurra , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - . - - - . . COUNCIl , IILUFF ' 1 I ) hlmadway near North It 1utfa.Iowa.Tsl.Z22. . . . . . - -------------.n - - -