_ _ , - 1 _ _ ' - - TJL - 1JLL : . , ' ' ' . ! " } 1J I " " II . \ : \ pt'i\ \ , t t'f. ! _ : : . : . _ .1 : PHE 01\AIIA DAiLY .URI : lrRIDAX , . 1LAnOr j t 1895. . . , . . , - - - - - - , j "TnE OMAHA DAILY BEE t . IL nOSI ! WATEn , riItor. . ' - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1'UULTS11ID . WtItY 1nNINa. - - - - - - - - J - . TImMS OP. ' BUnSCIPIN ; , VIIy ! 1e ( Without Sunday ) , OM year . . . S 8 ( rhly nct ! awl Sundny. One Year . . ! . . . . . 10 M RII DaiY ! ntlis . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 M Three 10nth. . o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ro Iiindny flC ( , One Tefr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : M Ilnlny 111 ; , One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . 15' \ eekly ( II . ana Yetr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' OFt ICES. Omahn. The fl flulliuing. luth OmAha Singer ' Ifik. . Corner N an" ' 21h Bt. . Cuncfl fliff. ) , 1 I'Mrl Btrtel uncl Iluf. . ChlIR o 015cc , 21 ChAmber of Commerc ' New York , nnm 1. 1 nnd 15. TrIbune DId ! , : Wlhlnrton , 1'1 I' Street. N. \V. , An commtinlentlone rettn In new ' Rnt cdl. tonal communlcltlonR maUr relnln < ! . .1 To the ldltor. , IUSII'JSS I.E1'TthtH. An huelneca letctl Rnd rcinlttnflcCC s out bo rdtttcegcd tn The Ile lubnBhlnr companY. .IleBse . IrRrR. chccks ? nnll 11.tolo orders to be Inllo payable In the or.Itr of the compnny. 1 I TIU ulm 1'liItt.ISlttQ C llAN\ - RTATIMTNT OF' cmCUIAT10N , STA''JrmNT 0 , Oeorgc II. Tzqcluirlc , Rectlary of The lee l'ub. OMrrc I. TZ1chulc ItchIng COmpAn being iuly sworn , RR'S that . the actual numh.r of full nnll complete c . Jle. . Df the lally Morning. I vpnlnl ont Iun1ay lice Unl lornln _ rlntp1 dutlng the month oC , Innuar ) ' . 1S. : wnR , $ 8 folowS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to % ' 1 I. . . . . . . . . 1.r01 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19ltG . Z. . . . . . . . 2e.It 1 . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . 2.151 19 . . . . . . . . . . 18.1 . 4. . . . . . . . . 1.fl42 :1. . . . . . . . . 2'lEO r . . . . . . . . 19.0) ) 21. ! . . . . . . . . 21U ) . I ; . . . . . . . . . I.W ; : ; 21. . . . . . . . . . 19,0',3 , 7. . . . . . o . . . 19.793 21. . . . . . . . . 1.QI I , H. . . . . . . . . lfBI 21. . . . . . . . . 2I , ? D. . . . . . . . . 19.621 21. . . . . . . . . 21,21 10. . . . . . . . . . 19.M 21. . . . . . . . . . 20.191 1. . . . . . . . . l,7M . .2. . . . . . . . . 21.10) 12. . . . . . . . . 19.4i 2 . . . . . . . . . . 1,29 . 19 . . . . . . . . 20Z 29. . . . . . . . . 2'1.2n ' .1. 14 . . . . . . . . . ll.4fl4 20. . . . . . . . . . 19.939 . 1. . . . . . . . . . 19.fl 31. . . . . . . . . 21. 1 g. . . . . . . . 19.3'S ' - S Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GIr1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ; Lees tineoIh nn.l returned copies . . . . . G,21 InBo' rlturet Total rnle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gl.2 ; : S S , Daily . R\'Crnre. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,71 S o'onon ; : n. T ClUCI . Rwom 10 h.forp inc nnl Ruh.crlhe.1 In my les. rnce this 2d day of Fehiuary. 189 : L ( Heal . ) N. P. 1"11. . NOt3r 1Ut1110. S 'Ihe lllh 10 thl Ctlthlet-(11'fl'htt : nt ; . the II ° 11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S AII Chnl'lnl 'Vlsol dlll'l ( have It e11hel'I 11)ltol , ! S how luch easier 10 rllHe Ilulc sal- : m'les ? Uiitii 10 rethic them. 111 l'eluce 'l'Iierc ReelHI to he Iluullelt dller . of olen hostlleR lelweel ) tie Hlnh ! or \ : Chicago 111 the Rtnlo or New York. ; t Let UR S1)t'fl1 ' 1.lnlly or PosllaRtm' GcncI'nl Ilissoll. le It wnR who 1lC . Us hrllch 10stolces nll Bleld Mar- ' tili. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Vliat architect hns : II elulr elolh S to nUlw 1 rough sketch of Irollsed state' fair hllln ) ( s that will meet UI ) ' S. . lodnte reqlh'elcnis II that regard ? 1 ' V1ieitVI1S the valiant Mr. 11''an S when the terrible Rledre of n lo\e1' : melt Irlltn ) house site steal mllle Its 1 rebtl)1)t'1h1n11C0 ) In thc house on \Vetlites . day ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S Fortunately 01' ulforllnntel.r , Senator . ' , GOI'mnn's'lnmclul IH'O uostcutons 5 , , hnn' . 111 to this time , tm'uel out to II . mOl'e VC'lIttlIC th:1 those or Secretary Carlisle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : . Secretary Morton has not yet dccled . to resign. lie Is too busy comllctn U. , , wIth 118t yenr'R nlmlUle In the 1ater , of weather II'e < ctons , Ami then the : glrden seed Is not all distributed. . Xow that the National Council of , , 'omen IH getting lown 10 the dlscus- ' /lou 01' dress reform we may expect to , get some Interesting anti expert adviceS , fS the rmlit of their deliberations. . I . S - : I I believed that the olser\'uucc of . S the Jl'nlen season w1 he more strict In the droutli-strieketi areas of the west V , , . this ) elt Hum ever hl'fore. The 8crl- ! tIres . however , wl not all he voltiti- , tlr ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . " Nchl'nRlm ) received 1 soaking mln this \\'eel. and all righteous men ' : . thnul.etl heaven for It Yesterday was the last day for Inlllluclng legis- 'SS :1. : _ latlve 1 for that h1H ! , Let us all return 'thnnlcs , . EIght pel' cent c01miRlion for scud- lug out Ilostli cards reqtiestlimg people cnrls tCtlUeftng peolie , f , to step ill to the county t'eIHurr's oOce nnd litiuuiditte for lelnlluut personal - 4 Ronnl taxes ! \VIiy not turn time entire IH'ceeds O\'t ' to Uu1 ? . . More titan one wltm'll before the , grand jury has refused to unlwm' questions - tl011 II'opoluled 10 him , hut only one _ hns heen c01u\IUel \ to jail for con t tcmllt. I mulWH u I"cnt deal or difference - , coco whose ox Is gored. . S ' . Omn hi In 10' leaders 1'C deeply interested . , terelc II C'bllu his now before the Iculslnlm'I' . Little effort scents to have been exerted In their behalf , I left : ' to the lust dUJ' of the session these S , .1eufus are sure to be lost II the t4tLhlhie. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XXXX StiperiltieVtthhlhUrII , whoso , great mis furnish Ihe I.eeucst couipeti- 101 to Nebraska U1lrs , huts not yet . offered to fl'ullh sl'etl whcut 10 XI" ' 1 hl'uHlm farIliors. Fact II It wluhl Hult llule/mta 110'1 cxcln ( IJ' wel It no wheat wel'l grown II Nebraska. , , I mnl.l'l hot Ihe shigittest tlfl'I'euco what Innl'll . S nm or In ) ' Iw ut worl. to force u reduction 11 time In'll'e of . : " ' ) ' 01111 coal to couisiiiiitrs. 'l'lw 11u , 111 comu whel orcl'J' 11111tJ' of soft coal 1usl 11 l'mllccl II price II this 1' city. " \hlu ther has 11'el 1' 'griuhuah i . , teello lit the 11'lcu of olhel' llClIHlt'h'l the comhilo ) his succeeded 11 keellllg . : Ill ) the price oC l'onl. : 'l'ho ' s11Iel'llteulllt of the BI'Ool.lrl Ichools last year Iliiu llhlc ) hli 1'111 'forbidding teachers to receive ' ' ' orbhhll te/Chl'I'S l'el'lI\e . II't'Nl'lts 1101 1IIIIhl ) , proscribing COICC.tl or l'I' S tOI.tullleltM to which admission hI ' S' cul"cl. and tlscollh'llUcllg any en- . h'I'II'lso ) which . clnhlell telchl'I'1 10 l'al ' Ullol 111111 (1)1' coat rlhuitlons , howm'et' 1H11 tile ) ' uuighit IL' . Hllh n ruling ' Iholhl 1u UlfOI'Cl'd 11 the Ollh : 'schools. " . \ I IoHtlntol' Gell'll Islol hits rt- .tlglell melel ) ' Iii order to tCcollolnl' the l'I ) ' 01 " 'lshlnJlol C01'1'l8POIUI01IH Si who would Jln'o 11'II.lolt bitterly 111. ' 1IIIIoln'll Iutl thteit' ll'lll'lon/ ) Iho tflI1)elltlillg ) eveitt PVO't'Ii 10 htttve beett tlllOlllg o\lll 11'0\11 IUl'u hl'n ' r , groundless. No snerhileeVOhill IUle 'hl'ln too great for : h' , Bs81'1 to me. , : dee1 the l'I'lltnlola or thl'se IUW/ ' hailer tacit for ncel'tlo tOI'lCUltl of ' : 'hht1cal 110VOleu t I ) , . . , ; ; ' ' ' , - . ' S , , . . : I - { 7'11 $ , rO . 'TrD (7rMtY IIUA , . I Is t lie hODed that the bill now pending 11 tile lower hOIU or the legis- Intlro lY which $200,00 nre nppro. Irlntell for the ( ptchnse of seed graIn will hot bo ltel ; upon with I1tl10 hnslc. 11 the first place , 20O Is un el0rl l8 stun oC money to 3111H'O' Irlnte for relief purposes . 111er exlsl- lug conllions or our slole finances Un- hess It Is absolutely necessary to raise this slm 08 I matter or felf'111'CSCr\0- thou. As framed the bill Is or doubt . . Cui validity , hcc/lsC It cOllraVCles that . provIsion of the constitution which l)1o- hlhls the 6tto from 10nlnl its credit tel ) 111\'lluI1 01 eorpolUol. Grant that nobody will raise the question of the cOlsUtll01nly or tile bill , there Is still no warrant for rushing the bill thl'ol h. At timmy rate its passage should ' hb tlell'ell until wo know definitely whether the nllll'olH'lnton for seed grain 10W IICldllg lit congress wi lc . voted Ull 01' down. That will be deter- , mined at thc furthest by next Monday , when the llty.thh'll : conreH eXlllres. Anolher reason wh3' the bill should not be rushed through h Is the Il0ssl. hlty or slclrlng sufficient Hcel glin ( brought the St. Louis amid Chlcl o boards or h'ntle. 'hc olcel'g oC the State Helef cOllIlon url now on the way 10 Chicago \In- St. Louis 10 no- Jolnll for Rl'el Jr In with those boards eoiithitiott that mulm of trade on cOlu1lolS mummy thu UIIII'oll'lutOI of any considerable nmount for the IllrchuHe or seed II'uln ' . 'he le ' will therefore . unnrCCNnl y. ! legislature wi fore he jUNttc(1 II t1ln3'ht ! : ! fnnl action on the seel grain bill for a few days longer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VICAnl 1WA1W ( ) VI 7'IADN TO lrr.p. 'lho otTer or the Chicago Board or ' ' the drouth stricken 11'1\le to IHIRt tl'outh fl'me' ! or : Nebraska t PUt In Reel for I Inw crop Is , with the exception of the plan for It federal nllll'oll'ln ton , the most practical ll'ollosiion wlI reference to this subject that has yet heen ) ndvammced. ' .hc Chicago Board or Trade recognizes that 1 large part of its transactions IR hlsCl on the 110' . ittiti that dncts or the Nebraska form 111 every failure of a corn crop In this state meun losses to time II'nln dealers ns wel nH to the farmers. 11 order to mnkc sure that lext year wl not bring u reCl'IUCI of the short CI'OI ) . Imy rcon of lunblt to plant the land , the memhel's of thc board have undertaken to raise , hJ' RUhscI'lpton. 1 fUll 10 bc hwestetl In seed and loaned to leet3' farmers 01 security , or the cro ) . This course Is much more feasible thnn the advance of the seed pm'- chnscd with the II'oCelIR cf honds In exeimniige for individual notes befuuse I private sJ'mlcute will not lo bound ly tlte , numerous constitutional and statutory lmlntons that obstruct state action. The ruud raised l ) ' thc Bol'tl of Trade can bl expeditiously distributed - : h'lJted where It will do the most good 'through h the bankers timid agents with 'whom the SUhRC1"lbm's are accustomed to hu\e busimmess ielntiomis. In fact , we arc reliably informed that the preihmn- mary inquiries have already Qecn lund timmouigim these sources. There . Is umoth- lug to pi event prl\n tt parties ' from -mnldnJ 10U1S of Reel emi ! notes secured - cured . by 1 prospective croll. And we nr nRsm'cd ly 1cn who are In 1 . 1I081to1 to know that wih anything like 1 fair season any farmer will be able to take lill his note so soon ns he can realize on his CrOI In coming to the assistance of the 11'oulh sufcI'l's th ' Board or Trade Is not actuated solely' by business 10- tires , although they , imilmy he ) i deter- umuining factor. There iR 1 11munlnr. Inn feature In thus hclnln the helpless to helll thenwe'es. 80 far as the II'Oposllon of the board relies upon the co-operation of the hnnlwl's and buslnefs nwn In tIe tmfol'hmntc com- mmmummities . It ought to receive thc hearty 'clicoU'le1ent of all who are anxious for the . . speedy restoration or proBe lerl ) . , istssirs ; : ; : ; 11SINATI ! The resignation of Postmaster Gen- e'nl Bssel WlS not UimeXiCCte(1. Rc- llorts havc heeu em'l'lnt for Home time of his Inlentol to retire from the cab- hiet vU'louH 1'011on9 hclng assIgned for It. I was stated that hc had hc- como dissatisfied with the 10siton , owluJ In IUl' to the flCt that commgm'ess tnlcd to , "IPI'OVC ) some of his rccom- mC11atons , amid that thc duties hnt hecome Irksonme. I wns also said that ho was luxlous to get out and let sonic one else shoulder the 1IHIOnHI- buRy oC I 'II'ohahle ) ) heavy telcenc itt . the close oC the ctmrrent fiscal yom' Mt. ssel Rays that the reason for his reth'ement Is entirely 11'sonal , and thus lt thc Itatel1ut of time II'eshlcnt ) Ilso , Ito wlulH to rl'/lme IJ'ofestlounl VtiC lu which Lucre Is mom 10ueJ' fO' him than the Ilhl'J' of a memher of the caiitmet. Of course , If 11' . Bssel II'c - fl'rH II'nclclJ ) law to eujoJ'lnA the honol' of helug the ' ' 10stmnstol' gl'lernl of Ihhl great couimtry 10hotly hums lnJ' l'lght to IIHl fault wih imitim hut ho can hardly expect to escape critcism for what vlll to ' ' seem wl Home It victory or IcIulslt\e1'HN over the selse of' ' pullo dutJ' , ( 'SIJcal ' lu \Iuw of the fact Ihut the 1IostUIHt'1' general hlm- ' self H13'1 Il lund n Il'HII to lccolplsh soulthlug mOI'o lu the ( ltmveiolmmmt'imt ) of the llstnl service HU1 ho mud leen able to do lu the tme t Hluce ho as- 11uel the ditties of the otilee. : h' , BIHI'1 hus hindu I fairly good record IS time duet of the . oslolco dt'lavtmmteumt ) , though ho has donu 10th. Ilg to diltuglish hliu 0' to give him 1 dlll to ht l'I'UI'lhl'I'l'll II l'Ollcton . vith time tltmvehopmmmt.nt or the wlh Ilu\'ulolllut 10stai ' . 11mm found thii't service IWI'vIt. lo f01HI tmt s \ lit time highest Hlnln of elhicleuuey It hiiiti ' ' hlJhelt l'lcIL'1'r I hlll C\'l' iuttflhlmt'd. dIl 10 ilmi timoroiiizlmiy lwacti- cll Iull huslul'HH.I.e I1lmlllst110n of imi9 lmt'eteeessor , lutl I cnulnt ho said tmt Ito hums hlll'O'I'1 It Homo thhlJH itmstbttttetl uiimder time precethilmg iulnmin- Ilsllutl'll IItcr tm 111CrII11 : 111mln. ISI'alou ; t , for thc I cXleu lon or IIO/hl1 I facili I bemi , 1110 heen hautlonell , amid a great mll ) plncl'H do uot now Iu\u lS good 1 service lS fOI'mel'ly. . But NO fur as time iresemmt ) ) ' fil iK II'l'SlUt 1Iostmnstlt. general hus wOI'I.ell IU UI Ihtl'l tumid II accord wlh the Policy IIh1 down II I hiM iue- lll'CeJOl' ho hits done vcli. I II 10 he sull of 1 1 lscl thut ho hH shown 1 sCl'ulmlous regard for the S . . . . . . L. " , - - - - - pritmeiplo ' ot civil Rorlr reform , tllR settIng 1 to l. meritorious example to ts ) Inrt , Time nppolntmenl or lion. Wiiam rJ Wilson lo succeed Mr. Bsel ns Postmaster general ) attests the esteem In which tutu IJesllclt hoills the West ' ' ' wlmos term In Vh'gllln l'cIJ'cscntnt\e , whofo COI less w1 expire next IOlloJ' . Mr. Wison has been , Ilcrhnps the 10St constant 111 tle\'olct friend of the ad- mlntsh'nton In thlf congress , nt nil . times earnestly amid ably chnmllioutn ' the views of the Ilrcsldcnt regarding the tariff and the llmmatmces. lie was selected lS chnl'mau oC the ways nlli melns conunlllc nt the 1tnuce of \ 1' . Ce\'clantl , nnd their rdntonf have long been of a most eordii nml conf- dcntnl nnturc. Whelhe' Mr. Wlfon 1 'w1 add to his tclltnton lS n Ilhlc ! man at time heed or the 10sl0lec dellnrt- lent IH fomewhnl llblelnlcul Time 11nlnlst1 ( bout oC that I otce calls for time exorcise or IJ'uclcnl jIHI meul. I If eRsentnlb' I blSllRS position. Mr. Wison has yet to how whether he hns the sort or ability relll'el to wisely adimmbumitder nml develop the postal - tal sCI'\'lce. However. the service IR now on so geol 1 bnslH , nnd its stnnd- Iltl ( or clclelc ) ' so high h , the credit or which Is u1ogethC' due to the II'ccell- immg nlllul81'llon , lhnt time , new IloHt- 111stC' gClcl1 will need onb' to . ad- lucre to the eftuulshetl policy In order to snccnssful > : lllnIHtel' the affairs or the office. otce. TO 1'1/1/0 ' c .tIONI'OfaY. ( Bills are Ilmll In con I'I'S which IJ'01108e to proloug for fifteen years time Bel Ilelhone , m0\01101) ' . These mimemis- 1'es . II'o\'lle for extendl\ time life of ee.tnllteuts uOIIIUI ) ' Issued to 'hOIIS A. Edison , but with which he . 111'lell ) long iigo. Moreover , Intents for the Immo devices We'U ISH\e.l. ou I'1i- son's 111111u 10u ( , \ the II'llclllll . coun- tries or Europe and hn\1 run timtmbr tel'ms there. Time Bell IOnolol ) ' Is seekimmg , throulh congressiommmil ! egislntioim . to control . trol thcsl putenls , ISHucd In this couu- try two years ago ufel 1 delay or slx- teeu yeais fl"OI the tme or application , until tire J'ell' 1910 , uml thh ( utmageous scheme , which etlh'u\lues jIlclnl tie- clslon to the effect thut llteuh ; granted In this couuh'3' nle not valid after the cXlllrton or thc foreign Imlent for the same devices , hus found advocates nUtl SUliOrters In cou reRS. 'l'ho Trades League or lhlhulelphll receuly suUmltted to the lendlu patent Inw fl'l or thlt city the Iucstou whether lhese proposed bills would , \ passed , operate to prolong the hives or letters patent or the United States I owned or controled by the Amm' Ican Bcl 'l'clellhone compaimy. Time l'ep1r was thut such would le the effect or the bills , amid upon this the league lUIR sent out I request that busi- ness m\1 e\crJ'whem nllleul to their representatives lu congress to olllose these . It Is imnrdiy measures. I hnrtlJ' possible thlt any or the bills will , get through this congress . which has enl ) ' two and one.hnI working tIays remnmmimmiimg , but no harm could he done hr cnrl'rlng out thc smmggestion of the league. The ' cston ! . inolmopoiy Is alert nnd active. Undoubtedly - monolol ) edlJ' It hnR 1 lobby ut 'WasLilugtomm assid- \OU sly 100ldng after its interests amid wih fl'lcmls In clthur hrl1ch of coum- ' It ' be able to oC the gl'CS UUJ' Ic Ible get one bls timrough lt the bust immoimmeimt. In the imurry and rush of the closing imours of congress It not InfrclIenty : IUIIIIICnE that leglshtlon Is enacled which would not be Ir tlCl'C wns time for delle1- tbon. I thcreforu behoo\cs those who are oPlosed ) to IrolougluJ the Bell monolol3' fifteen years to \lg1alt. . . I would sccm that C'ery man II comu- gross should know that the luhlc senti- ment or the country , and especially the sentment or the busIness Interests Is O'erwhollln ly oPlosed to gl\hl ! time telephoue monololy I single IdtUtonnl \'untnge. I hits had the ful enj03" ment or every t'lght legally mil rightfully . fully obtained and ; bas mlll tlm most of it , and time practically nnh'ersnl de- II1 now is thnt It shal he accorded no more favors at the ands of the go'- crn1cnt Not In this 0' In any oiier country hns I 10nopolJ' rCl1h'cl such conHlderton us his been shown this one , and no\'cl did I 10nololJ' Hhow less l conccrn for the puhle or lJ1"j1W I 101cy of greater ruliutcit3' Ind 1'eel HUU the Amcrcnn Del 'l'elelhone coimmpaimy. I has cXlctcdft'01 thc Amercan people a truute which has Ille immuitl-mmmhi- lo1th'es or Its ineimmimers , and I hUH nc\'el mlle I concusBlou In time Ilille Intel'cHt. Its operations In conmtectbon [ t olC'nUons connectol with time l1tcnt olcc have IJln 1 Bcnn- 11nl nnl its policy generllJ' hlS been such us to Htlml ( It one ot the 10St un- sCI'upulous and soulless of corpomatlomis. Time Ilhle ) Is thuorotigimiy 1I'cl of its ex- uctons lml wamit to see In cnl or Its , power t wrest un unwlu'rnllhle ) trili- umte ( roam tlc 11eople. In New York and I Home other states the leglslltles 11'0 conshllrlng 11181'eS to check thc r11Jcl ) . of this 10110IJ' , 111 them Hlwuhl le I generl "cnwnt for this 1"1'1181' ) . But tIme matel' oC hUICl1t concel'n Is 10 thwart the Rclwle oC time coml1ny for IrolonJln/ UIUOlllsUc IIOWe' lJ' act oC commgress. 'l'hero may not Io much 11nngcr of Its mmceommmimiinhm- lug this , but It Is the part or wlHl0m for hORe t opposed to the Hcheme to bo wulchful : tmmd 1lel't 1/7'/WI'IIJIN''IWnms1W. 'l'ho decisIon of time Board of County C0111ssiolC'H not only 1J1lnst imutkhimg mummy redact ion whntorcr > I I reluctou In the slhtrleK ot county em- Illo'CH , but o'cu hICl'lIHlu time sll1ry roil over thnt of Ilst year , wl ho I 11sullilolnlmcnt to the taxpayers ' of Doul1s count ) . 'flwl'c his Icen I geitt'mai del1111 for eco I 0 I ) ' In 11 the luhlc olCIS , 1ld ( time coulty coimmiumis- ' ' to ' to IdolC'1 were expected l'e/lllll thut dm'imusmmmd wih HICh 1l'181'O of re- tremmeimimmemmt mIs , he expcimdlturem4 uimder t'lllhlllt IH OXIICI111'I's ulle' their control votth1 Ilel'II 1'II'y one Imows that time do\nwlu'd 1\lslou or n Iulnry list Is a dclclto and ul1trnc' t\o job yet len lu all brnimchmes of 111- \nto business h1\o heen eOllClCI to 111erlll.0 It , 111 there Is ito geol 1'180n why those entrstl1 ! wih time Ilnugelwlt of time public f111s Mhoull l\ohl It. . Time leml11 for umahary fl't remmciunmommt Is not directed against IIU'loul1r Illllc otlicerum. No one would InsIst sooner t" j' : ! ' " : : : = : : " . , . . " lnl 'rho Bee lhnt e\er man ho paul' nib thnt he 1\JRnl ) ' worth , whether In puhlt or iitlS.ni'c ) " " ! el1110y , limit can wo say that thll lIe \ services are worth O 1Ich nnd ttth thnn two years ago , whcl lu the .llptcrvnl the prices or c\'el'3.thln , \'fll \ ' { ! enters Inlo the cost of 1\lnl hmavo4ulJ3bmm , and men In Private Cmlllo1enLne recel\lul less thnn then , nlhonW" ' pcrformln thc Rlme work ? . ' 'hcl'ft.chl'ee \ Janitors In the COllt cOli\ , house who Jet $0 n ' inoimtlm. ' 'hqJJ jql1 I l ors In time city hail bnldllg nefRf ; , thc street get $ ; 0 n 101 the Thiq1jajmItor I In time public 1. bl'I' ) ' hnllllg n block away gets $ .to n immommthm. or thp ' janitors In thc Rchool 11111n s wlto"to 1010 lhan O'tlhlOI'J' 'junlor worl , few c over $ :0 1 monlh. 'J'hc ume tlRII'ellnncles011 ) I'ohnhly appear him COlllllson or olher cia- Illo'e Unlcl ? thc c ClrClltnlccs the cOlllssllC'S wl hn'e dllCll ) In jlRUfrlng twh' action. Now lot the house give prollll con- RIIllton to thc cOlstlllonnl nmmmemmd- lents IRed 1) ' thc Rcnnte. Time qles" ton or le\lflng the . coast ittmtion Is imy I fur the lost hnlll.tuni enc wih which the ) cglslnt1'e has to ten ! TIme whole state flhiliiluISttit ( huh Is hnlllcI'cll hy thc olt\rOWn l'est1clonR or time exist- lug Insh'nnwnt. VUlt maims of school lone ) ' le idle In the IUUHIR or tutu state treasurer ! , because the ' field for iitv'.mt- IIlt Is I1t1lr ImlcI' ( iuy the consthl' tloim. .ltmstice Ilst he dealt . omit b ) . time cumummbersoimme ' court. CllbC'Hole RIII'ele COI.t C01it IllRHIIn because the commst ltuu t ion vre- \11 tH time onlu'gelent or the SUII'OII' . court. ' [ 'ime Sin te BOI'1 01 ' [ 'ramusporta- ton ( Is It usell'sA nntl cXllcnsl\e piece or ; o\'lrnIIJlul . InchlnC'3' , heclllc ) there Is mme uuthm.l ) to have its melier/ ) elected Ir the lwollie. ) And ! 0 emi Ilown time eltl'e list. . 'he house Rholllugrce to the lltetl consttltonul ammmend- mentR Ir I acc llllsheH nothing clse for the , . fU' mvimoie session. 'Vlme selute hums Passed time bill introduced . 111ccd hr SemmatorVatsomm , providing for unlforl bar exullnatolu : . Time sumbsti- tulon of one bar cxnmlnaton under . time 111'ecton of the SlprCle lO\.t for thc Inlttmlnous cXlmlnntols now held In each judicial dIstrIct would he I great step him the dllcUon oC reformmm. 'rhe present hi still hns the objectiomm- luhle exelilton or I'llntes or the Cole e of Law or time Slate t11VCI'Sly , 111 under it graduates of the harvard Law school would be cOlpcled to submit . mlt to examination , whie graduates or the \ school just referred to would be ad- mItcd to prlctce wliiout formality or any Idnd. tif ourse . there Is ito good rClon for dthptions or any chm'nctel' But Ir we caul . have uulfO'm bar cx- Imlnllous Wtp have tlel as uniform lS we can. m' ' ! Time enemmIet.m . Mayor Piimgree has made In DMrolt hlYC scored n point agnlnst ll h t \lchlguu \ legislature huYlug passeF ' ' - law empowering the govermmor t0" make certain ) - go\cruor tOlulw mmipoint- ments imereIfjii j Inde hy the mnJ'or. " 'hle thc flW'amny , le I good Ole , I ! was born otan' ! flrlt of reprisal Imong men of hltl li whQ failed . In every attemmmpt1to Wltr91 : the "mclal IctOlof , the DctroltUII ' 0 In 'his IJ'olrncted figimt against the' corporations thlt have for years domlnntCl time ' city gO\'C'n. ment or , Detroit ; Mayor Plngrec still enjo's the IC'lctl ' 'sJ + mlntl and sup- port of the common people. The sensltonnl deyclopmcnts In the Taylor defnlcatol case indicate thnt the South Dakota officials Ire pushing the prosecution In earntt . It Is to le I hOled , for the sake of time Illl of this new cOlmonwlnlh , that every mUl ImlJcutcd lu the scandal will be brought to jimstice. Something 1USt le done to assure the people ut Ilt'go or the safety : or'pubJc runds. Timers are nltgether too II1J' delinquent ' ' . h'lfSl'ot.s. Now. If nil site rest oC the cahlnet will l'eslgu , l'I'cslteut Cleveland may see his way clear to provide for the wholc horde or lemocmtc statesmen out of I joh. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Where the Ulalu Uest _ lhlntelphla 'rlmes. Pot and kettle are equally eloquent In explaining why the senlte Is so tar behind In the work of' the session. But time Ilamc Is clearly with the blathel'hltes. . , . .ooklnl for Funeral J'XpCI80S. Kansas City Slnr. The so.caled Cuban revolution , tccordlng to late reports , ended berorc It WIS 11lrly ben. 'l'hese alleged outbreaks c/me only ! " only funds the when the of "patriot h II.rs are begInnIng to run _ low and them Is reason to believe that they are rfant merely to stir up ex.Cubans In this country to make Increased contrIbutons , 1 OPIosoll to Ureat 1ntcrprt.e. . New York Tribune. Democratic statesmanshp : was always op. posed to great enterlrlSe 1:1 ocean . . ) op ! ! . ,1111 trlnseontnenta m'allWu/i. : .1,1 It " /S oily to expect It' to re\'et",4l Isel 11 the matter of the opcsed telf rap'J hue 10 Ilitwali. Such products n.e created c , : . : ) ' I.v " nineteenth century genlui and statc8- 11"ashlplnd time bourbons aN not deal- II ! ; with those vIntages. . " 'I"t iiaiIrlmii. , flgt Need. Rllnsl"I'1 Ilepubilcan. The railroad poolIng bill was pr'-r.Icahiy ; . Itled In the senlte Saturday . the n.aJ'iiity against taking It Up being large. 'l'Ils : bi had passed 'Ihe ' house and WIS llLhe by 1 powerful ( lobby. its tall'3 will not hurt the road\ . much. What Iney want now most oC ni imt more business , imit ' me method of dlVlng { up more cqulIQly : what little business I t1Iy . have . got. Iown' . C rU'11 of Cundhh\tcl. citiWgo Inter Occan. Since Goveror.Juclcson of Iowa declared that ! he would , n1er no circumstances ba II candidate ( fl ; e-eiectlon the republican e.electon palJeror the litmwkeye i stile have been discussIng thmu..aiahiaimility or promlmmt' ' ' - ' men 10 be pUt rorwan IS candidates . Time Indlanol/ Herald brings forward lieu . B. F' . Clayton of that city , the Ceimtervllle lo\eglan nounmte0 Gcteml Drake. who was one of tiSttqdluittes , two years ago , and the Iiur1tt m Uuwkeye 811Iests Ylrs time name or cxt. $ t. \ lr James Hurlan. who was In the U leI' States Inute when I.ln- coIn was p IMI. Senator Harlan Is stilt vtgorousqmf in the coimventlon two \'lgoroullus years ago hrtiup president , showed the same earnCst.umtimuslasm and vicar of lhoulht that tf 1llld when , In tIme United 1 Unl < States senate. 8hould the Iowa republIc- rcpublo- rmoinlnntt- Senator aims nomlnltt Hnrlan for governor coverer there would be a revlVl1 or the memories of the days of the t rcconstructlon. IXTRfl.li TI0YU. 1Z111UC2'jt LWSiT. IJltRr.rtSJr. - - - Oo\o.Jlmncrat h Time iioebery tnlnItry' t I iambi . will declare ngaint alt proposi- tnnl committng' l nllall 10 the silver polIcy. The ( cry IIAt ) however , has I leaning toward time silver side anti In time elections which are likely to Canto some time ttls year the IUlrty may leCtN control of Parliament. i'imltadehphla Hecord : A let of the dlR- position of the English govrnment with regard to the nsemblng of anolher inter- ntonal monetay conference 10 11scu8 the propriety of the eslablshmenl of blmclnllsm wilt bemallethlsweek.A resolution , has been alTered In Parlament urging the gov- ernment 10 cooperate wlh other rowers In bringing about an Interatonat uimlerstniui- , Ing. Ing.Infaln Express : Internatonal IJlnelnl m Is n harmless fad for time slh'erles to busy their energies , 'lh. No objecton can bo found to ndoptn/ resolutions calng for i more Internntonal conferences. I Is Jnst Ilslble that If they consider the mater of the long enough the fnancial slatesmen world may discover a Ilmplo ( lan by which bolh silver ami Iohl can be used safely by any country thnt viimem * , without reference to whether others co.operate or nolo Amt , vhen the success of such a plan Is demon- I strateti all nations wi bo eager 10 adopt it. ' lWWi : AIl1JTll.1'JV. J'.t 1 ' San l"rnnclsco Fxaminer : Time Paris Berlnl sea tribunl cost the United Stales $22414,39. Experts are flurln as to whelher the trlbunl was worth this sum. the most optimIstic amonI them thlnl they can justify time expenditure of Ihe 39 cents , but as to the rest there Is doubt. Minneapolis Trlbunol : Time rjeclon by the senate of limo $425,000 asked for by Secretary Gresham to pay Great nrllin for seal fishery damages Is a severe snub 10 limo secretary and one that ought to lead him 10 resIgn I ho sll relalns any pride. Time senate doubtless thought tlt Mr. Gresham haul permllCl , time Unltel Slates to get time worst of I In ethnalng the lamlles , and verily I looks that way. Chlcnlo Record : nut the question of Epeculatve damlges. lke most of the rest of time ful1n [ of time Paris trlbtmnai has bcen forced upon the United States 10 Its 11sntvanlago , and the only question now Is whelher a high sense of national honor should compel Its Iln'ment. Ought congress 10 stand by the executive branch of gover- ment and sustain the unjust contracts It may make ? This congress , at least hns refused 10 pay the alleged damages of $425- 000. and there the mater Is Itely 10 rest for some other congress to worry ovel' Meantime , IL may be remarlced time same briiant dlplomac whIch Inaugurated the Dering sea tribunal Is meeting wih hopeless - less defeat In other ways , and the reports from Bering sea indIcate that thin seals In that . regIon . so far from being protected , are being killed off rapidly anti are likely to become extinct wllhln a few yean Chicago Tribune : The house did well to defeat the amendment to the general de- fclenc ) ' apllroprlnlon bill under which Great Orlaln would have been paid t25OOO dam- ages tinder the ParIs Bering sia award. there was nothing In the findings of the ParIs tribunal thnt fixed time cltzenshl ) of the claimants The damages , tlierefor' were largely speculntve , and if . as Mr. Hit afrms , positive testmony shows that of the $425.000 claimed $360.000 was owned by citizens of this country , It would be the height of folly to pay thIs lump sum to Great Drllaln for damages more than two- thirds of which were caused by our own vessels. Inasmuch as the findings of the tribunal Iself have been of no avail In savIng - . Ing seal life , Mr. DIngley was not far out of I the way when he recommended that the government should 1(1 oft the seals and market their pelts. I Is only a question of time how soon Canada will do this If wo don't. p rUICE U ] TIE STATE l'JlESS. I Chadron Signal : 'e Nebraska leglsla- lure has been guilty of an atrocious piece of class legIslaton In passing I bill forbidding - bidding the coloring of oleomargarIne so as to Imitate butter. A simple law to prevent fraud and adulteration Injurious to the pub- Ito health I all that Is just. Sliver Creek Times : Did anybody hear the D , & . M. Jor mal say anything about 'reading' 01. Inspector' Hilton out of the party ? Nay verily. Mr. Hilton has now qualified himsel for a seat In the Inner circle with the Journal and its pals who Imagine that theY rule the destinies of the republican party In Nebrslc Grand Island Independent : The majority of our state senate conceived the Idea to dIvest the governor of his appointing power : and give the appointment of all ofcers to the Board of Public Lands and DuUdlngs. In whIch the governor would be 'a minority. This plan was unjust , and as a party measure very unwise as It would have weakened the party's , populariy and established a dangerous - ous prec dent. , Nebraska City Press : The childIsh rant- Ing of the city of Lincoln and Lancaster county since losing the state faIr Is pIma. In the extreme. I exhIbits a pglshness and selfishness only equaled \y the deep dark villain one sees la the plays , but which has heretofore ben unklowl In the real drama of life. Time proposition of Lincoln to make all railroads locate their principal ofcee there Is a decided horse play and wi not have any tendenc 10 alleviate the growing feeling of bitterness against the capItal city. 'fhls feeling Is but a small acer now , but with the continual freshet of crookedness and selfshness on time part of the capital city ring , may I not result In removing the capital Who knows ? Norfolk Journal : I Is to be hoped that not only , wi every possible step be taken to make ex.OI inspector Hilton or his bondsmen return to the state the money he Is withholding on a flimsy pretext , but also to make him dIsgorge at least a portion of the Illegal and excessive amounts he claims as "expenses , " I there Is any \\"y In which hilton can be proscute(1 criminally that hould also be done I was an out- rage on the republican party that a man of hilton's odor should have been appointed to 10 responsible a posItion . anti now that bls rascality has been shown up time party 'and not the man who Inflicted him on the public will have to bear the responsibility for his shortcomings. The acts of Hilton will make It hard sledding for republican candidates for governor In time future , and unless the party turns down its rascals and nominates men whose records prove them to be In sypathy with mora honest state government party defeat may be a portIon or time lessons of the future. p . . l'JWJ'/JC ANn 2'JIINJS. The Chicago herald Is engaged In the patriotic occupation of driving New _ York out of time union. Wherp would democracy be then 1 Jules Verne Is 78 years old Ils , first novel was published when he was 35 , and he has been pruclug tbem at the rate of \early two a year over since. \ ! For some inexplicable reason the up.to.date legislator hu overlooked time uppish ten- delc of time botom of the strawberry box. Now ) Is time lme to put It down A crisis has been reached In the struggle between time man and the Inlmal In Momitamma Dy legislative enaclment the tiger Is for- bidden to browse on the ground Iloor. Secretary Carlisle wants some changes In the tariff affecting prunes. ThIs Is otclal confrmslon of the rumor that the Imarty ( monkeyed with dried prunes to Its sorrow. Miss Emily Malbone Morgan , time young lartforll novelist , devotes tIme proceeds of her literary efforts 10 the malnlenance of deserving - lerary serving girls In country hOles during their summer vacaton , Melville E. Stone , one of the speakers at the publishers' ballluet Iwl In New York City on Friday evening said In the course of his remarls , that he was editor of a newspaper for twelve years unl had fifty- two Ibol suits . _ . HIghest of al in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov'L Report N"Wai Powder . t1flMJLJTELV PVRE - "J- ' ; _ , . _ , . _ " , . _ : , , ' ; : _ . _ . . : . , _ . _ " . , _ c. , _ , M + _ b1dl . . 7 ; -7 . LED ' TO TiE At TAI AT LAST Aft r Many Eu agcmont n l'oklo ! Woman Find One that Snl ! Her . BEAUTIFUL WOMAN'S SENSATIONAL CAREER - Myrtle 1. iioltmmlngton , , Nnt\o ut Ienvlr nll " 'Il Himown In ChlrRlo Society RR . \lrH. , la\uII. " 'llllolt to Thurn- tUI " 'uIllhur , . CHiCAGO , Fob . 28.-Myrtle n. lolulng- ton . a beautiful oung woman who early In the winter while going under the name of Mra M. n. InYlond created quito a stir In Chicago society , Was marrlel In this city yesterday to Thornlon WOOlbury of San 1'rancIKeo. Monday afternoon Miss Holsslng- Ion registered at the Great Norlher hotel with her ummaid . giving her name as Mrs. Unymonll , She nromisuti mueh Inlerest alcng time guests by her beauty elegant wardrobe and jewels , but she kept her 1'001 very closely. Yesterday morning Woodbur imp- ( earel lt the imoti I , registered as M. U. flay- 10nd of New York , and asked to he shown to Miss Holsslnglon's room , snyln that he was her imusband In a few mlnntes the two entered a carriage and were driven to the Lexington hotel , where Dr. St\'es of Grace EIlscopnl church was awaiting them. Miss iioissimmgtun hind formerly lived al the Lex- Ington unler tIme nnme of Mrs. htaynmommd amid she lUl not enter. Woodhury nslccll the rector 10 marry them li the cmmtmrclm and time ' drlnn tlmero Dr. carriage WIS lulclly Stves had frequenty met the ProsPective bride In society but did not rccognlze her 1 until they nlghlel at the church door. He explained to them that the rllual of his church prohibied the marriage of divorced people. . , . "I think I can fix this satisfactorily to you , " Miss Holsslnlton interrmiimted. "When you met me I was 1\lng 11 ChIcago as Mrs. Itaymnommd. That was my stepfnther's name , and I posed as a marlled woman simply be- cause I thought I wonld servo me as a protection. As long as people thouJhl me to bo married I know I woulll be compartvely ned free " from insult. I have never been mar- This explanation occurred as the trio were standing on the sidewalk near the carriage They entered the challel amid there the two' were made man and wife. They were then driven to the hOlel , the bill was settled aul they left on an afernoon trin for San Fran- cIsco. Mr Woodbury Instructel the rector to forward his marriage certfcale to the Uni- versiy club San Frncisco , The first . tme Miss Holsslngton became prominent In Chicago was last October. She lived for a time at the Victoria hotel then .at the Hcheleu and finally at the Lexlng- lon At one of these botels she caused an unusual amount of comment on account of her youtim beauty and expensive jewelry. She was to have been married Christmas evemmirmg 1S9t , to AI\ar Bournlque , a young maim , but the wedding was Indefniely Postponed - IOned It the request of Mr. Bournlque's Calher. He objected 10 the marriage because , he said , he was not , convinced that the woman was slncre In the atTain. In time marrlalo lcense 'Voobury's age was given as 27 , Miss Ilolsslmmgton's as 20 Miss Holsslngton was born In Denver and Is well lmown both Ihere and In Salt Lake City. Her Cather was a wealthy mine owner In Denver , and tha young woman , after leavIng - Ing the convent In which she was educated lived on California avenue In that city with her aunt. From Denver she went to Sal Lake City , where she went by the name of l3raunieo said to be the name of her step- father. While In Denver she had a love , affair with a man who was called "Chelsea , " and was said to be a Frenchman. During the last two days the young woman has been receiving many messages from Denver signed "Tlmorntomm , " and It Is supposed by some of the people at the Great Northern hotel that Woodbury instead of being from San Francisco Is Chelsea from Denver. I Is also declared now that the couple went to New Orleans and not to San Francisco as they told Dr Stves they Intended to do. SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. ' 28.-Thornton 'Voodbury came here last July from Boston , where be Is an attorney. He was given the privieges of the University club , und appeared to have plenty at money. KANSAS CITY Feb. 28-The marriage oC Myrtle D. Holsslngton to Thornton Wood- bury created somewhat of a sensation Imere where Miss Holsslngton was well known In society circles last summer. At that time she came on from Denver to marry a popular' young society man . J. Montgomery Handley and created a sensation by fainting at the altar Just before the final words binding them In wedloclt were spoken. The ceremony was broken up amid considerable excitement and Miss Holsslngton Immediately departed for Chicago When she arrived In ChIcago she telegraphed Mr Handley to come on and marry her. He left for that cIty , but soon re- turned. and I was rumored the match was 1 oft. Handley , who has wealthy relatives In Europe , was at the tme dramatic editor oC the Kansas City Times. He Is now In the east traveling for a theatrical company. list LIlT JBH J1JIY Ills ltV.\L 'ChIcago Society UoUo ( uncot ! nor WeddIng Iuvilmttiomms . ChICAGO , Feb 2S.-A romantc story which Is agitating ultra fashionable circles In Chicago Is developed by the hurried marriage at Milwaukee last night of Miss May Dele Benson and Alien . T. Howard , MIsS Benson , wil lived ' wIth htr mother dn MIOhlgnn bule- yard al 'thirtieth street Rnlt is I 1 member of ' Olt of the mnt exclusive social Sets In the city . had for some Limo been engaged to seth A. Crone , n prominent society man and ' wel known official of the New York Central ros4 The marriage was 10 have occlrrrd lat Mon- Ihy night all the invitations were out. Mr. Crone arrived from New York last Sunla ; . / Upon his arrival Mlu Benson and her mother u4' requested Interview with the . rcqurMcl nn ! " 11 groom.elect and the young womn Confessed to hIm thAt her affections ht1 bern given 10 young How- ani . al 1M same time tlrOflMln her wlHnc- fleas to marry Crone of lie Insisted , The Inttn'low resulted In Crone releasing Miss Benson from her elmgagement. She and Howard declllll to be married In Milwaukee 11\ledlntely. Crone went back to Now York without his brld amid Chicago society II all aGog over the canceled wedding invitations. , . , , .f 7'11O.UJ.1.'W / IUIT1 Galveston Nt'wst ( live n gossip one Unit nnd elm wi lake IL n cotillete chain or evidemmcc . 2hl11rl"hla Itceorti : Mr. Ncvu'sy- un- Ilerllln,1 'OU'I'O a seif-inatlo man , Mr , . Oolt.ox. : Ir. Ootiox-Olm , nol I wns born lit the usual WI\ ) ' . Basion Ti'nnmet'ipt : She-Wh , thus II only thlrt-lwo immelmes , III you advertise I nit a yard wile , 'hrce feet mlvrrlso \ yam'd. Ollant Sahemtimmn-Not such feet ns yours . lad ) ' . l.o : Bhe-Yet thlY were superb : but time idea or yotir getting jnquemilot8 for 0 )01' ! ! fUII rnl. lie-lint the design was a grid- 1'01 , yeti noticed . " 'IIlh\tol Star : "Did you mnnnge to rXlllnl1 10 your wife wlmy you got homo 10 late last nllhU" saul time convIvial friotmul. "Y.'es : " "What mud Rhc say ? " "Shl morl mmmdi orlglnnl. , she " wlahed I would be n little Atlanta Conltulon : "And , papa what dil gu'mtmudfntimer do for his counlry ? " member "Nnthuitmg of CongreRs. whatever. " my SOl , lie was a Phlllelphia Ieconl : Allude 01 Rhoro . " 11) ' he anno'lnJ to sonic but n swel 01 time sea mnl'cN everybody slcll Detroit Free Press : liusbanul-For : helwen's sake , what mnkes you talk 80 Ilch ? Wife ( "lenSnll-101 l10 love. I hnve to keel tllklll f0 yotm wil fat have so mln ) oPPol'unles 10 say rule things. llnclnnnt 'rlhune : 'l'ho tall girl mused " " , 'IH\t , " said sue . "cnn I do to hrllS time cOlnt 10 hil IUces at 1) ' feet ? " 'fhe short girl Inughed n hollow . wan lIt- tic latmgii , wIth n dash or bluer tim it. - le IIUIh "SuPllose , " saul the short girl " ) 'OU drop n dime 01 time floor. " Chlcngo Tt'lhuno : "In thll cage. " said time ker er. "we imave a splentlltl specimen of the I eiccnumus Americammus , or American pelican. It is mmoted , no you ace , for the enoi'mnoumit size of its bill- " . , ' ' rcmnnrkablo about . l don't see ammytiming' it. ' observed time man wlmo lmnd jtist aettleul wRit time gas company , passlimg on , TlIF OLD STORY. \VasiiIngtnn Star. Soon will time roiiticiamt In Ills rctirememmt vow That 0111cc lmoltliimg Isn't much For comimfort , anyhow. Anti yet , when several years are past , V.'imile ime immta fallow lain It's tweimty-itVe to one that lie Will up and run again. p it 1IRNINJ 20 .4LT 01' TILILU' . Atlanta Ccsstltution , His credulous constituents S Said : "Now we've got time mamm We'll put hlmu up for congress And elect him-if we can. " And up ito vent and iii ho wont , And day iy day they imeard- Those credulous comistltuents- From congress , not a word. Years after came this epitaph , Upon a marble dome : 'He spent two years in congress , And the balance-stayIng home. " Qu kerS OA1S I Children love it. They will ' eat it every day for ten / years ; gives them rosy \ cheeks and good teeth. ' Sold only In 2 lb. Packages. ' I' 4 ItELIABLE CLOTHIERS 0 , . , Your Moticy's Worth or Yotw Moii.y Bt , ' It's Perfectly Safe ' To assume that when you go a B. , K. & Co. bargain - you get one that's not equalled p anywhere.You may pay less than . , , ' - $7.50 for a suit , but you don't get &wg ' the 'way up suit for $7.50 that you are sure to get of us. Now $7.50 15 flOt the regular pride of the _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ suits we are $ elling for $7.50 , because - cause they are winter suits , loft from many different lines ; suits that are as good cold weather suits as you'll get often for $10 or more , hut they are not suRs bought to sell at $7.50 , i'nnd thaL There ara other31 better , more money. Overcoats-we're stuck on a few , If you come in anU see the prioss you'll get stuck on one of' them yourse1t. The spring overcoats are in , and so are the new block spring hats In "Stesoi Special" at $4.50 and the "BrowningKing Special" at $3.50. ' m S _ ' , .5.- . - S 5 . ' ' ' S BROWNING , KING & CO. , ' Roihibie Ciothmiurs , S. W. Cor. l5tim nitti Iouglns Sts. ' , . , 'S. S S '