. . . . II S . . THE OJ\rAllA \ DAIT.J nEJ : 'rII lJifD.AY ( , EnUUAUY 28 , 1895. ! ) _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ 3 --to 'I'IE OMAHA DAILY BEs I cotmclr4 nr FFS. ( OFFICE , - - NO. 12 l'EARL STREET. Delvred by carrIer to any part of the city. U. W. TIL'rON , Ltuel. 'FI.Et10NES-luI'nes tmce. ? 'o. < : nIght e3itor No. U. _ t : ' - - - 11SUi "l . TIU..o. Grand , Council flIuft. E. F. Clark , prop. Ma'I' Real Estate ngeney , 13 ! nroad\ : ) . ' The Union Vcteran Legion " 'I give an entertlnment this evening. W. C. Craig and Al : Beard , both or Omaha , were married yeserday hy Justce , Cook. , I Lily camp No I , n. N. A. Aid society wi meet with Mr8. Schlutor , 322 North Ninth street , 1rllay afternoon. William Welch , who was caught using Mr8. Qulnn'8 cellar ns a sleeping car , was fined ; lr.7o In police court yesterday morning. The I.ollies' Aid socety or 13t. John's Englbh , I.uthern church meets this afternoon at the resllenco or Mrs I. V. Williams on Commercial stret. hank Car. n Wlnlyvle bootegger , was bound over to the United State grand Jury yesterday afternoon , and deposited In the ' county Jai for afekeepIng. Jack ( loft was arrestel yesterday , charge with stealing a pall of thls from J , J. Crowe , a West Broadway saloon Ieeller. The charge , as It appears In the Information , Is embezzlement. A gasoline stove eXIIIOled laet evening at the residence of. O. A. SchocllMcl" , corner or Twenty.slxtii lreet : and Avenue C. and the ; fire damage department was done. was called oul. But little The case or l otherlnllm agaInst Whie- - law was on trial all lay yesterday In the district - trict court. I otherln ham was on the witness - ness stand for cross.cxamlnution during the greater part or the day. Conrad : Oelse & Son had an attachment Is- sued from the district court yesterday afternoon - noon for the property of 1d ( I Witig , an Omaha saloon Ileeper. The ground for the attachment was that the defendant 19 a non- ceoident of Iowa. Two unpaid notes , aggre- gating U.D32 , were sued on. Byrne Ire . ' "Fght Bells" rang to a good sized audience . last evening at Doh3ny's. The I ) play Is a thoroughly enjoyable one . much new materIal having been added to that presented here o sucqesafuhly a year or two I ngo. Another performance wi be given title ' evening and the opera house should be crowded Cliff Ilough's polka curt case was again continued until this mcrnlng. The tnembrs of the police force who witnessed the dlmcuHy cannot bring their stories within forty yards . of each other , all there II strong probability of the case being dlemleed soon The point ' upon which the ' hitch now rests seems to be ns to whether Omcer CInar brought his prIs- oner through a salon or over the shlewa AI Haehwl7 and Henry Droge arc under arrest charged with being Implca1cd with Herman and William Droge In the theft or some leal horse bones. Rachwlz claims that the buying ground Cram which the bones were tallen Is a part or his deceascl father's estate. and that hb rather put the L bones there while he was holding down the position which Sorensen now occupies. 1e was merely acting without bonds ns adminIstrator - Istrtor of his father's estnte Charles Castlentan . supposed to have been a member of a gang of thieves who have been operating extensively In barns In west- era Iowa and eastern Nebraslt , will not have to stand trial. L. Hughes , whose buggy was found In the "fence" near Springfield , - , Neb . was unable to bring wItneses to prove : his guilt when the case came up for trial yesterday afternoan. Justice Cook wanted him to say what he expected to prove by the missing witnesses , but as Hughes would not say the court overruled his motion Corn n continuance , and the case was dismissed. Wo have over $300.000 to 11an upon improved - proved Iowa farms. Farmer desiring loans can save money by dealing direct with us. thereby saving agent's commission. We do not loan on wild lands. nor In Nebraska. Lugeo & 'owle , 235 Pearl street. , \ Z' flS0 : .IL I'.ll.1 a I.u' lIS. , The members of the "Eight Bells' com- pony arc stopping at the Ogden hotel Inspector W. G. D. Mercer of the United , States secret service was In the city yester- y , day. day.Rev. Rev. Henry Dehong who has been confined to his bore by Illness for several days , Is able to be about again. TWO OAn J.o\VS 01' UUY Gonls. , Tim lUg Comlgllolt COle to the 10stol More this \1",1 ( . Two car loads of goods will arrive at the Boston Store this week and as quickly as they can be unpacked will be put on sale. Case lots are being received evry day . and the car lots are only a part or the regular spring addition received In a bunch Al of these goods are the newest spring fabric . and they cover a range In prices and qualty that will satisfy the tastes and suit the purses of all the ladles. The new gods were never BO beautiful nor EO cheap. FOWLEH , DICK & ALlmR. Aletun ; tIe or ttioeq. H. A. Mesamoro . who for nineteen years bas been a parsenger conductor on the North- western and who recently ( urchasel the MorrIs Dros. shoe store , has concluded to close out the stock In the quickest way. For this purpose ho has engaged Harry haitian and will run nn auction sale every afternoon - . noon and evening until the stock Is sold The first sale occurred last night , and was very successful. Shoes never were sold so cheap , bidders getting them for just what they wanted to give. Auction every afer- noon at 2 o'cloclt , especially for the ladles , and 7 o'cloclt In I the evening , GOO Broadway TrouserS "J ur/l,1 U1t " Rev. E. W. Ahien'a baptismal sUl , which was stolen from the Christian tabernacle just before the service last Sunday evening has # been found. A young man employed In the . Ogden livery barn had them on yesterday ' morning , Industriously "hosing" a buggy , when he was discovered ( lie said he hal bought them for $2 of another man wheec name he did not know lie thought they were Just the thing to clean buggies In , and was much distressed when he had to give them up. An information Is now on file charging John Doe with stealing the suit. John has been convicted of many crimes be' fore , but has EO far managed to keep clear ' or the present one. - - - - \hllt ii I In 81 NIlI a ' Everything Ir applied to a Iardman Piano , laid by Mueller l'lano and Organ company 103 MaIn street. * lrlncst soup In town served with 15c din- S tiers at the Pearl chop house Burned Ilorso antI liar , ) . Wilson Duncan's place , two mies east of the city . was visited by tire yesterday morn- lag a 2 o'clock. Il son came home at mid- tilght and everything was all right. Whcl they awoke In the mernlng they found that the bar had burned , with all its contents , IncludInG a horse. buggy and harness . ltv the fire originated Is unknown , and the fact of It having not awakened the occupants of the house Is due to the distance between the bun and the ( house The loss IB estimated at about $300. which Is not covered by Insurance Yes , the Eagle laundry IS "that good laundry , " and II located at 724 Broadway . If In ( 'oubtaO\t tIlls try It and be convinced Don't forget name antI number 'ei. 157. lurllll" 1.lccUMI'I. The following manage licenses were Issued - sued by the county clerk : Name and AlldresB. Ase. w. C. Craig ' Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .lln Beard Oniaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Iuloclt hiethers , Council Bluffs . , . . . . . 2 Hattie lullert , Council liluffs . . . . . . . 21 au heating stoves for rent soil lor cab : t CoulcI Bluffs Ou company's oW e. . one lllro , " ' .ok or that half'prlce art sale . All frame and pictures just hal price. ia . . U. L. SMITh & CO . 45 Main tt. " : It. Datls : sells drugs , paint and glass chean. . J NEWS \ FROI I COUNCIL BLUFFS Sherif nBa Is Deputics Fo1ow 1 ( Johi . Trail In the Riley Matter , hAD A TIP ThAT PROVE WORThLESS I'ounl R lolso Where the Thing iq I Said to have Spent the Night Atr the Sitouting-Wl.lte Nut the "Inl- ! houtn-Whlc , . 'cro Il1her. - Yesterday al nOln the sheriff's department received 1 tip to the erect that Charles Connor - nor , alas J. tlo ) the escaped bank : robber ' Mon at John Crowe's saloon - Ilasset Monday night loon , at the corner or Broadway and Twenty- third Btreet. Sheriff hiazen Icpltes ) Peter- fen and Ooodwln" , W. n. Kemp and Thomas Maloney went to the npot and In nn 11- Ilressl'e manner began a search , after Bil rounding the house so that Riley , In case he had remained there Carty-eight hours for the purpose of hellg arrested , cOuld not escape. They found nothing. CroWo was not there antI the women elalled they know nothing about Hiey having been there Before - fore the object of the visit was made known ' , however , they seemed to have n IJ'eUY'fall Idea or whlt It was. The sheriff's force cal0 back to the court hoUse trailing its artillery In the dust. John Schocntgcn formerly n member of the school bo Il. wq one of the first to bo notified that Riley had been caught , and his notification came hy telephone from some unlmown uartY. - - _ _ The fact that WhIte . one of the rotbors now In jai , wns positively hlelUfed TueB- lay by Sheriff Davenport or Union county nml Jnmec I. " Br'al oC Creston ns one of the parUes supposed to _ have been implicate ' iii the robbery of I batik : nl Mnlvern las Oc o' tict . brothut'ilhlaiu I van ! cashier of the ballt , to tile city yesterday after- noon. Evans I ! n brother or 1rB , Judge / ! eel of this city , amI Irs. Heed Is largely II lestl1 In the bank In question. After hnvllg nn interview will , Whie ( through the bars Mr. gvnns declnrl poclUvely that he was not the right man. Sherlr Campbell of Glenwoo,1 , was also nt the Jail Ilurig the day , and ho . too , said that the man In custody was lot the one implicated In the Malver rohbery. During ! the day officers from othfr towns ant coun. ties throughout the state called at the jai , as well aM outsiders who were actuated mosty by curiosity , and craved the pleasure of resting their orbs on the faces of the cul- prits. The physician oC Smih , the wounded man , fInally issned orders that no one should ho permitted to see him excepting the Jailer , as his condition , woull1 not permIt It. A photograph Is now In the Ilossession ! of Sheriff Hazen or Charles Conner , the Omaha creel : . who Is said to be identical with the shootist . Riley. The picture was shown to Nick O'Orlen yesterday , and he pronounced It Riley's picture. Sheriff lazen went to Omaha yesterda afternoon and hell a consultation - sulaton with the officials at that place with a view to learning what they know about Connor - nor The theory of the omclals Is now that Conner Is the man wanted , ant that he Is to bo found ( lu this Immeliate vicinity. Dr. M3crea stated last o\'enlng that O'Orlen was not doing well at all. Ills pulse Is up to 130 nml his temperature 103. Io was flighty during a large part of the day. The symptoms last evening Indicated that by this morning Infammaton would have set In , and very serious results may follow. Smith , the wounded robber IB resting comfortably but Dr. larstow said last night that his case too. might result seriously . The outcome will depend largely on the course hula trouble tales In the next twenty-four hour . I'ollce for Election. The city ( council met yesterday afternoon , Mayor Cleaver occupyIng the throne and Aldermen i3rewichc Gleason . Grahl Ilshton and White their respective chairs. The mat- ter of electing specIal policemen for election clay was taken up , with the followIng- result . there being a republican and a Iemocrat In each precinct the republican being the first In tbo list : First 'urd-Flrst precInct , Fred Graute , John Olsen. Second precinct , J. S. Fer- IU80n , George Smiley . Second Ward-First procinet J. O. Spauhding. P. 1' . Lanstrup. Second precinct - duct , Gus Larson A. itiekctts. Third 'Vnrd-Fh'st precinct L O. WI- Iams , .J , A. Datesmnn Second precinct Paul Siebold , Forrest Kinne ) ' . Fourth WurI-First precinct P. D. Mot- I taz CaptaIn flapahJe Second precinct Niels Chl'lstoferon. C. 'Vcsley. Fifth Ward-First precinct , O. E. DeR- wick . C. J. Shields. Second precinct , T. A. Cochran , Scott Blel'lel Sixth 'Vard-I"lrs . precinct J. W Kirk Isaac Dot ) . Second Ilr.clnct , 'Vllam Van Orman , P. Tlerncy. Ihoe-.tcnUnl " 1\son. " Rov. P. M. Keys Is the style or lame worn by a gentleman who was behind the bars of the city . Jai last evening on the charge of shoe stealing. He has been employed In II. A. Messniore's shoe store at the corer of Sixth street and Broadway for some days past. anti has been taking his meals at l'ardey's chop house on Pearl street. Last Friday he brought wIth him a bundle which he Bald he would hike to leave there lor a little while. The following day he brought another , and kept It up until Tuesday , when one of the boys came to the conclusion that something was wrong and called the aten- ton of the proprietor An officer was Btn- loml at the restaurant last evening to watch for him so that he might be nabbed when he : brought another mysterious bundle , and the plan worked. Nine pairs of shoes were found In the restaurant , all of which hl been toleu from Messmore. Among his erects were a lot of halt-fare permits made out to cash Rev P. M. Keys , and ho also hal $15 In . WILL J'lIHl1'll IIIal ' . . Structure Over the llMlurl at MIOUX City to ISo COIII\ote.l. SIOUX CITY . Feb. 27.-Spelal ( Tele- gram.-The ) owners of the mechanics' lens against the unfinished brldgo across the Missouri - souII here , after waIting two years for the bridge company to reorganize and complete the structure , announce that they will take up the work as soon as they can arrange details , and finish It. The len holder are the contractors who did work on It and were not paid. .To protect their claims of about $300,000 , they will finish the work The chler at polIce today notified all the drug stores In town that they must at once discontinue the sale or liquors , except as reg- ulatel by the t'tate pharmacy laws , or they would be closed . under the Martin liquor law Drng stores have become the salons after the closing hour or other places , and have grown Into a nuirance They have vIolated - hated the state law flagrantly , anll ( the officers - fcors have determined to stop It It possible. Deputy State DaIry Inspector McCray swore out warrants ' today against the commission house or Ialmer & Co" , and searched their ulace for Imiaton butter , which , lie charged , Was being held there Instead of the real article. Samples were taken from a large number , or parcels of what the deputy thought were not real butter . They will be analyzed , and If the suspicion la true , the firm wIl be prosecuted. Much of the Imitation butter has been hll\le from here lately as the genuine article. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ChlaccII , w lilt AIorlnl , the Hteurds. MASON CITY , Ia , Feb. 27.-Speelal.- ( ) The grand jury , which made ) Its report Saturday - day and was discharged , Indicted ex-Auditor I. lit . Van AUken , jr , for forgery under section l13) or thern t cOIle. The grounds of tie finding are understood to be that the record was changed during ) the sslon or the board ali In Mr. Van Aullen'8 interest and as far as expert testimony goes , the handwriting In which the change IB ituade la the sale I the boy of the proetdlngs , which are II Mr , Van Auken's handwriting. loollninh fur [ ioverl , , r. CORNING. Is , l eb. 27.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-An ) enthusiastic meeting or leading Coring relJublcans assembled today and organized - ganized a harsh club to boom the candIdacy or Senator J. D. harsh of Creston for goV- erlor or Iowa They pledge bhn their ear- lest support. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1)ui' Thruugh Is htrlok % V.sIi . JuThruugh J Irllk.1. IIAI1LAN . ha , Feb. 27-Speeial.-The ( ) only occupant of the county jai effected his - escape while the sheriff was nt church by digging through nn eight-Inch brick wall. The prisoner's name Is Donabue lie was In for larceny He took the first here he could find , rode to Earling . where he visited his wife and took the first train wezt. A large mass meeting was held nt Bell's Iuall last nIght by citizens who favor municipal - cipal reform A Parkhlutan movement IB on foot for cleansing the city government. Inll It ohb" rr N ear TAhor. TAI3OI1 la. , I eb. 2-Speclal ( Tele rnm. ) -Ono of the boldest robberies ever attempted - tempted In thlK vicinity occurred about noon today one mile north of 'rabor A man and womnn driving I span of gray horses hitched to n top buggy stopped nt the farm house of James Yates claiming , to be relatives at Myron Mtmslnger ( , liv- lag near by. No one was nt the house hut l Il. Yates. The man drew < I re- \olver and ordered her to PrePare / IUnnor. She dlii so. After they hail , eaten the man gave hIl companion the revolver and tolI , gve to keep guard over Mrs. Yate lie then went to lunslnJets house and ransacked It from cellar to arrot. Iun- singer II a stock buyer , nHI II al present In Chlcngo with stock. His wife Is also nlsoflt. The amount taken from the house Is unknown , but he Is supposed to have secured considerable sU/pose The mal anti woman went en st. - - Took ti lese uf ! t rl.hnlno. CAltflOlih . ha . , Fob . 2.Speclnl ( Tele- gruun.-The ) dead bodY ot Charles Vetter wall round yesterday In I fel < near hal- bi' . He wa ! I cripple , and by his side WllH a bottle half full or strychnine. Con- Ihleruhle moiuey and other valuables were found II hIs pockets. I Is n clear case of suicide lie \\'ns n bnchllol' r years old , Inll comfortlbly lixeil. lie ilved with I brother . nail recently cOllllnlled of lfllflff In the held , which ProbablY eatiseil /alns . < Insanlt I . _ _ I'rleo or" Wif' I' fToctIon. ! 10c\on NgWTON , In. , I eb. 27.-Speclal ( Tele- gritun-Thio ) jury In the Grosso-Brown case Cllno In this morning \ylh n verdict for the plaintiff . I was n suIt involving the nfrectonl of n wife nlHI breaking tip 1 bottle . nnll the aggrieved one receives s : : GO for his Incernttl affections. . I 1(1gb Newel , coronel of JnlpeI county . died lasl evening itt [ o'clocl lie wits It one tune one or Jasper eount"s 10lt Il'ollnent 11\\'ers. 1)'nl"l that 1114 i'ilier h ror Slo. ) : II. 1''Jcl' : DES MOINES , I eb. 27.-Specini ( Tele- glm.-11 ) report that II. V. Seymour , mnmllnl editor of the Chicago Icmhl , has been negotiating for the Des Moines Leader Is denied \ / ' the owner oC the vauu.'r. He Bays the [ UC' Is nol for sale. -a TALKING ON COAL liATES. nnlrolll Men : : 'lnl ( Ocr thc Sittiati oil. For several years tile railroads of the trans- missouri country have been engaged In an effort to 110 ono another on coal rates with the result that no uniform tariff could be agreed upon Lines east or the river hal their own mines to look after anti protect , while lines west or the river were ambitious to give corporations operating mines along their properties the benefit of rates whereby they migiut b able to undersell easter coals. Manipulations of declare tariffs be- canto very common , and usually one of the stable artIcles of consumption became a foot bal to bo kicked about the street. As a result of the recent cut on Hock Springs coal made hy the Union PacifIc , which was prompty let by the Hock Island and Burlington on coal from their mines the coal question began to assume a chaotic as- poet , nld talks of conferences were hearth In railroad circles. When General Manager 'rruelale of the Roct Island was In Omaha last week he talked upon the coal problem wih tile Union Pacific people. He \ug- gosted that a meeting of lines be held In' ' Omaha for the purpose of talking over the situation , wIth a vle.\ . ( reaching an ngree- . ment. A9 I result of this suggestion on the part of Mr. Trueslal a meeting was called yester- day represented at the : Millard with the following lines Traffic Manager lughes or the Denver & mo Granle , Denver ; General Agent G. , V. Valery of the D. & M. , Denver : General Freight Agent Wide of the Union Pacific , Denver & Gulf , Denver : General Freight Agent Crosby D. & M. . Vice President and General Manager TrCB dale of the Rock Island , Chicago ; General Tralc Manager Bidle of the Santa Fe , ChIcago ; General FreIght Agent Darte , gen- oral freight agent for the Chicago . Burlng- ton & Quincy lines In Missouri , General Freight Agent J. W. Johnston of the Hock Island lines eat of the Missouri rIver. The entire day wao devoted to dIscussing rates In the transmlssourl country. In the afternoon the coal dealer' withdrew from the conference to give the railroad representatives a chance to settle the mater . but they reached along themselves no agreement and adjourned to D o'clock thIs morning. At 10 o'docl another general meeting of railroad men and dealers wIll be held. The conference yesterday was private but enough IB known to cause the suspIcion that no agreement will be reached at this time , . . ' ATCHISON nEOUU.IZT10N. . , laln l'olntl or' the l'hl Agreed Upon bJ' , ' , , the Julot COlllttno NEW YORK Feb. 27.-The Joint reorganization - zaton committee of the Atchison railroad has reached a conclusion upon the main points of the reorganization plan , which pro- \'hles that $10 assessments will be levied on the common stock , and $ on the second mortgage bonds , for which an equivalent will be given In preferred stock. The exIsting general mortgage bonds wIll be exchanged for 7f per cent In new bonds and 40 per cent In preferred stocl. For the A bonds preferrel stock will be given at 15 per cent , Id for the D bonds preferred stock will bo given lt 120 per cent ' The defaulted bonds of the St. LouIs and San Francisco , the Colorado Midland , Atlantic and Pacific will ba taken up wih new bonds and preferred stock at prIces ranging from 25 to 90 per cent , The new securities to be Issue under the plan are : $102.000,000 In common stock . $75,000,000 . In preferred stock $25,000,000 In prior glen bonds , $ l O.OOOOOo In general mortgages 41 and $ OOOOOOO of adjustment 5 per cent bonds. The provision for the Issue or prIor len bonds has been put Into the plan at the Instance of the fcrelgn member of the com- mitee who contend that the funds for the i'ehuabilltation of the property could be ob- tamed In no other way Victory for the UnIon I'achfle . TOPEKA . Ran , . Feb. 27.-UnIted States District Judge finer has decided the bit suit brought by the government against the Union lacllo Railroad company for . ; 40,000 and thIrty-three years Interest In favor cr the railroad . ompany. , Thee suit , , was brought . .to cover too Ilrlce 01 tne rlgm 01 way 01 toe railroad between Kansas City and Lawrence , ICan , which , when the road was built , was the Delaware Indian reservatIon . The government - ernment claimed that the road hall not pall for the land taken nor fer the Improvements on the property and the suit was brought to compel the payment of the prIce or the land ant Improvements , which were fixed at $40 , - 000. The railroad company cialm01 the land I under I grant from the government and at the seflon of the United States circuit court Attorney A. I. Williams fed a demurrer to the suit which Judge finer has sustained . The case wi be taken to the United States court of appeals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tnns 6 l'seilo ( Denies Uato Cuttnl' DALLAS , Tex , Feb. 27.-The omclals of the Texas & I'aclflc ralroal ! emphatically deny the charge of the Achlwn that the Texas & Pacific lisa been cutting passenger rates on business from California . They say they have been maintaining the . tariff strictly. \11 Ilpeurh 'I'hetr Ir.sIIe/t. COWLES , Neb" , I eb. 27.-Speelal-An ( ) interesting - terealng proceeding Is to be enacted on Friday evenIng next by a Cowles society known aB the Senate. In answering a toast , "Wash- Ington , the Statesman , " In a public memorial exerelu lt its regular session last Friday evening ex-County Attorney Ii. L. hopkins made a vigorous attack \Vashuington's policy a a statesman. The greatest ex- citeirent was created and a motion was Immediately - mediately made and carrIed hnJeachlng Hop- 1.ln8. who Is president of the Senate , and six articles of Impeaohment were flied. hopkins has teCurel COUllel and wIll fight the pro- ceedings. The prosecution . conducteJ by J. J. Tooley , princIpal of the Ign school , will make a strong cue. The Impeachment of Andrew I Johnson wIll be used a a precedent , . I READY TO Pi1YiL CLAIMS ! Security National \ Bapk ' c1 GraUl Island NCtionBnpk'jP Dcslm t EesrnBusincss. . FUNes AVALABLE Tp \ ETLE IN FULL - Authority Ur'IICotlet \ , . thto ! l'ntinlner to ' Turn lie I iist It titIni " : A flairs Over hl'tllhl. to the OM 1pipe'rs nn.1 11J Stolkl\lllrr \ . - GRAND ISLAND , Neb. . Fob 27.-Spe ( clal.-The ) Security National bank Is In a position to pay eli depositors anh other cred- Iors every dollar It owes them This Is the gooJ news which greeted Grand Island cit- Izens this morning . National Bank Exam- liter Howey yesterday telegraphed to the comptroller or the currency , ckels , that sufcient funds hall been raised to 110 this , alI ) asked for the necessary InBtructons to turn the bank and its affairs bathe Into the hands or tile directors anti omcers ami let them pay the < epoflors as fast as they ap- pIled . The answer or the . comptLoler was not roeitive . I Indicated that there was nothing In the way ' or such a step provided that the expenses of the national examiner , who has been In charge oC the bank since It suspended on November 27 last , hal been pro\'llell for. lowey at once sent a second telegram , stating that tItle provision hal been mttad . Since then no further worth has been receIved front the couuptrohler. 110w' . ever , Howey does lot doubt that tIme answer will he to permit the bank to liquidate Its affairs. . The dEposit or time bank was I little aveI $ OOOO. The bank examiner received authorl ) ' from Comptroller cllels today to turn time bank over to the bank lrectors. < ! T1LI . w\nu l'OI illS nnHm. longn5 : County 1'11101 'nllon lu hy n Mntrlllulnl I Ac\ i4r mat em , C. VALLEY Neb , l.'eb. 27.-Speciai.- ( ) Ahont three years ago the wife of Robert Mitchell died , amid since that time the lonely husban has been living on his farm with his three children , five miles north of Valley. The thought or remaining single hal never come to Mr. Mitchell's mind , and In the memltme the widower was on the look- out for anolher wife About one year ago Mr. Michel received a copy of a matri- modal paper , and It was only a few days later that lie was In correspondence with : n pretty souther girl Miss Minnie Averton of Columbia , Tenn. Minnie was :1 year of age educated , and her letters soon convince Mr. Mitchell that she was the proper woman. to be his wife. Letters came thlcll and fast , and finally the two were engaged. The wedding - dIng day was set for January 28. 189 , and was to have taken place at the home or Miss Averton In Columbia. This arrangement was set aside by Mr. Mitchell for the purpose of saving expense , and ho advised his be- trothel to come to Nebraska , and they would mEt at Valley anti be mhrrled. Mr. Mitchell sent Miss Averton $50' ' the 1t of February , to pay her railroad rare 1to , Nebraska . and In due tme received acllowlellnent of the money , and that she would be hero the 12th of this month. ' / " Dressed In hIs best 'suit of clothes Mr. Mitchell was In Val.3' 9n the appointed day to meet the Call sou11ern girl who was never to be his wife . but { she 11d not arrive. The next day and the next day for one whole week did Mr. 1lehel" ' visit the railroad staten wih no bettdri ' ItIk. Now , Mr. Mitch- eli realzC that ! lnn ! has gone with a handsomer man. taIling lle $50 along State Sunday School : iUsslonary 0. Land of the Swedish Baptist church closed the protracted meeting this place last Sun- day evening. During" " the meeting twenty- three conversions were pade , and much interest - terest was , manifested 1from beginning to end . Monday eVflngl baptsmal services Were , held , and tle ' etre number , were baptized. : ' . , . , J. n. , Ingram and Edward Hudsplth returned - turned yesterday from TennCseel where they ' went about two weeks ago with a car of horses. What was once Immortal of the Valley Herald , . has been taken to Waterloo , and wi male Its appearance next week under the name of the Waterloo Gazette : G. A. Bryant editor and pubhisimer. LINCOLN IQTEL OilstNGE9. G.V. . Jnhn.on or the ( Onlllll Offered tbe Jllllmnent or the 1,11"ln. LINCOLN , Feb. 27.Speclal ( Telegram.- ) H. W. Johnson of the Capital has been offered tile position of manager or the LIncoln hotel by time new company now In charge. I Is not known for certain whether he wi accept 'tho offer . but It Is considered quite likely that he will do so. There was a large crowd at the Ash Wednesday - day service at the l rocathelral this mor- Ing. Father Hocho explained the origin antiquity and purpose of the forty days of Lent. 'fonlght the first of a series of Lenten servlces"wl given the subject being the "Purposo of the Lenten Season and I Vin- dicaton of the Christian I ast. " The verdict of the coroner's jury In the case of Frederick Wickluart who committed suicide In the asylum was fed today In the distrIct conrt. The jury found that Wick- hart , an insane patent , hanged himself on the night of February 2. from the bars of his cell wlh his underclothes and absolved the officers of the asylum from all neglect In the matter. mater. Frank Alvy of Fillmore county was today : boun over to the federal court by Commls- sloneI Dlingsley for selling liquor wIthout a government license . Dr. Emma Hazen and her students . An- drew , Samuel , Minnie and William Sawyer the "blcpaths , " were held to the district court today In the sum of $100 each for practicing medicine without license from the seaboard. They gave bail. The State Banking Board this afternoon recommendel J. S. Johnson of SuperIor to bo receiver of the broken bank of Superior and C. S. Searles to be aloreny of the re- ceiver. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ York County Ulltrlct Court YORK , Neb. , Feb. 27.-Speclal.-The ( ) dis- tric court of this county , now In session at thIs place , Is IlspoBlng of n great deal of work , and the outlook IB that the entire docket will bo cleared . The case of Welsh against George F. Burl et II was trIed ! on- day all the jlY returned I verdict for tIle ulofontlants. The case ot John 1elonee against .Hobert Scott occupied all or yesterday. I was a replevin suIt - . ' fluid hoUy contested all timrouglu / , The demurrer h\1 \ th ( paso of lesser against Johnson was argtl \ mi5t evening The case today Is John arglt\lllist the Debraslm National batIk This suit Is for usurIous interest - lerest alleged byJtho Jplalntr to have been Ilaid by him to ( lmedofoibdaut ' ' . lie there- fore asks for judlplqpt as provided by the statutes In Buch c4S. ' . The case of the City National lank tmgmst ( ' C. C. I.utel anti A. L LIchtenberger 'was . fell yesterday . Fred Archard , awlstant county treasurer , ha been admitted q the York county bar Hov. U. 1 , Loj' 1. D. . lectured ) at time United Lo. oho ! last evening on the "I thlcs or True Ioh1t.cness , " A geol crowd was present. Tie lli.ness. : Literary society or the United Brethren college will give an entertnelent entitled _ "A Japanese Wed- ding" ThurBllay ' 1nl ! lg. Alil , . lit Imlidrothi . HI.DRE'I , Neb" Feb , 2.-Special.-ltev. ( ) ! I. Unger of Omaha has charge of the Congre- gatonal church at this place and Wilcox . lie d l\'ered his first sermon last Sunday evening In hiiidreth. One car of cool has come to tile needy heI from the relief comnmnisslomi. The county supervisors of this ( Frankln , county have decided that no election to vote on the quebton or a bend issue for seed will bn ht'\l. It. M. Trumbul Is In Omaha wih bl brother , who was taken there front Colfax , la. . In order to have an operation perrormed. I was IUPPoEed that the young man was suffering from rheumatism . but an Omaha doctor found that the bone of one arm was rotted . anl the arm was amputated . New lull ut "HI ! II W.eler . , WEEPING WATER , Neb" , Fob . 27.- ( Speclal.-'ho ) Farmers bank capital $1,000. bas commenl.J business , with John A. Donelan at the head O. U. Iar" le or 1Iatsmouth Is ale Interested . This locality was visited by n flute rain front 5 n. m. unt 2 p. a : . I 111d much geol , l wells are most all dry. JWLIW ) 'OI l'Ol ( COUNty. Question of Secd Oraincnulng ConlllorRbl Troulio II that Section , OSCEOLA , Neb. , l eb. 27.-Speclal.-Thc ( ) county commissioners hall adJourned their meeting to the first or the week , when I was thought that the Petitions would b presented to ask the county to vote $35,0O0 to Ilrchaso seed and feed for the need farmers. Things got pretty warm anti ever- thing vas done to keep people from sIgning the potton , and when It cnl0 to count tins names I was foul there was over IUU names lacking. Quite a number or the signers , rearing that there might be enough , scratehell their names off the petition. The clay came for the commissioners to meet nail It was found that one or them was In Illols colic- Ilng aid , another was sick , all only otto was left antI nothing was don . A sPecial meetng Is called for Tueslay ( , but the whole bond business Is ofT . all the farmers will have to look elsewhere for sooth and feed , I wou11 take more than ten fingers to count up the number of relief societies In this county , but the last one organized wns the SoldlerB' RelIef society for the Omll 'trnuy or the Republic , with lion . J. Ii. Mickey as Ilreslient and 10rnco Wiets secretar JIllgo T. 11. Saunders will go east and solicit for tjio amld Army of the Republic , and all the veterans , widows anti orphans or the county , that Is , If the relief can't be pro- vllell In some other way 1111.1. WiLt . IANn TOIOlnOW , Alt DetaIls ' for the Execution . \ rr.tmtmeit tn 'lle I'itice It Noomi. PLATTSMOUTII , Neb" , I eb. 27.-Speclal ( Telegram-The ) last nai In the scaffold from which Murderer larry Hl will be ex- ecuted Friday has been driven , all with that duty concluded Sheriff 1ikenberry Is devoting ahnost lila entire tmo arranging the various other preliminaries which the situation re qumlres Tomorrow the Bherlf will Inl ( a test or the mechanism of thug trail to Ilrove Its proper cOlsructon , and to prevent any possible accident The exact hour of the hanging has not 1en defInitely fixed . but I Is unJerstood that the condmened mnn's life will go out shortly after the noon hour most likely at 1 o'eloclt. hut's deportment for the past several days has been excellent. Ito sleeps 10UIII' and ets his menls , which are being flrlshed by outside hurtles , with an evident relish . lie bears up as bravely as ever , 1111 there Is every Itelhoed that he will step onto the scaffold murmur. to met his 1001 with scarcely a Alleged Thier Acqimltted. PLATTSMOUII . Neb" , Feb. 27.-Speclal ( Telegraun.-'Fhe ) case of State against Stuiz In whIch the prIsoner was charged with larceny of a $ UI Bhot gun Cram United Slates Marshal V.'hite was on trIal In the distrIct court yesterday and resulted In nn acquittal. Dy , buying corn several months ago , for delivery 11 May , a number of wealthy Cass county farmers residing In this neighborhood are losers to the amount or several thousand dollars. The farmers mentoned clubbed together - gether and mal0 a joilt Investment out or I. they agreeing to pay f ! cents for May corn. The prevailing prIce Is now such that when May come the farmers will surely find that they have bucle the Chicago Board of Trade to their sorrow. lero.th'e " 'Iril/ 0118CII the illrize. NEBRASKA CITY , Feb. 27.-Speclal.- ( ) to the of Careful investigation as cause last nlht's fire shows that It resulted from an electric light wire. The building Is owned by Lambeth Dros. . and the damage by fire wi not exceed $200. PrIce valued hIs stock at $22,000 , and It was almost en- trely soaked with water. He cannot tel his loss until the Insurance adjusters aII I rive , but It will reach fully 8OOO. He bal an Insurance or $19,500 . divided among the j following companies : Liverpool London and Globe , $2,000 ; Phonix of London , $1,650 ; Hamburg cf Bremen , $ ; 00 : , AmerIcan Central , $2,000 ; iiQllus1offldll ! Sulcr untold they miseries cannot from overcome. a sense of delicacy BRADF1D'S 8y " Arousing to F6111a16 I Rcu1ator I , "ealhy ul herOrglns Acton , ACTS AS fL SPECIFIC. $ throughout It causes the health frame. to bloom , and Joy to reign . . IT NEVER FAILS TO CURE. , , . O Oty wife has been under treatment of le"lng 'y- BIclftna three 1 hottmesot three yors luftAvPuEl.D'R , without FEMALE benefit. REOcLATOft After uiing she do her own cookIng mIlking I and wa.lilng. " can ca cooklniN'J . name , : naJ SnO CAI' DlDFEI REGU.TOn CO. . Atanta , Go Sold by druggists at 11,00 per botUe. Radway9S a Pills AlwaY5 Reliable , Purely Vegetabl3 l'erfectly tatele . elegantly coated purge , . regulate . purify , cleanl" anti Itrenglhen. RAD. WAY'S PILLS for the cure of oil dlsorderl of the Stomach Boweha KIdneys Bladder. Ncr' \'ou Diseases , DizzIness VertIgo . CosUveneu. Pile. . SICK HEADACHE FEMALE COMPlAINTS , BILLIOUSNESS , INDICESTION DYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION and All Disorders of the Liver. Oboe"'e the f lowlng .ymptons. resulting front diseases or the digestive organs : Constipation . mn- wnrd piles , fullness of blood In the head acid. fulnes ple acll- itt , of the atomach , nausea , heartbu-n 1 , , disgust tl food . fuhmnesa of weight of the rts tomuchi. : .I. sour eruclaUon . sInking or fluttering of the hearl choking or suffocating lensatonl when In I lying posture dimness of vision dots or webs before the sight fever old dull Ilaln In the head , cencleney ot perspiration . yellowness of he akin , pain mn the aide chest limbs , and nnil n YCS ' deeeiu.rs one , burning ( hl In the t'I : h.on" A few doses of IIADWAY'ti PILLS will free the system of nil the above named tilsorihors , IBICli3 iSO A nox. BOlD BY DnUGOISTS on I'RCE :0 SEN'r BY ) . Send to on. JAUW A Y & CO. . Lock Box 363 New York. for nook of Advlco. OED. P. SANFORD , A. W. REKMAN , Pr sldent Cashier. First Nato nal Ban or COUNCIL BLUFF3 , low , Capita ) , . . $100,000 Profits , . . . 12,000 One of the oldest banks In the state of Iowa. . . We , solicit your business and collections. W. . 'Iay S per cent on time lepollta , . , We will bl pleaad (0 lee antI servo YOU. , a few drops , a few rubs , anll tile pain is gone. No UCi5 WOI' ! < ahout , . rexian Mustang Liniment I as n pain driver . Goo for man qr bca. . - Frnkln of PIiiaihelplmla . $ .rO ; Norwich Union , $ ,00 : New York Umitlerwrlters , $ ,00 ; NRUnl or HutoIll , $500 ; New Hampshire , $ t.GOO ; t.nl101 A slranc ( COmfl 11any. $2,000 ; Atlas InsuTll company , $1,500 ; Notthmttestc'rn or Milwaumkcel0) . I Urlth ot Mr. . , \ \11\11"1 , KEARNEY , Neb" , Feb. 27.-Speclnl ( Tele- grl.-lr. ) Alice Mahlahieu , wire or Slrer- Intellent J , 'r. ? Ialaleu or the Illustrlll , school , died this morning after I short iii- ness. The rnneral sen'lct will be hoh at the Congregational church Frhlay aUerno,1 at 2:30 : o'clock cIllllctel1 by Rev , lr 'el,11 of Counci Ilrs , Ia. , as ltlll by the llluh- trial school , . . . ' chaplain 11ev. Dr. Inrtl. 'fhe services will bo under the uiimi'plces Ir time Mount Hebrol cOllallety of this city . At 1 o'clock a short service will be heh tl the lnulumstrialschiool chapel , condtm ted by Hr. Martilt. The boys at the school RIO lcarI' prostrated wlh grief , as they looked UPOI her as their mother. No t \ oman II the city was 10re loved or respected lunatic [ orIINI In U.ollnr ( oiuaty . E.WOOD , Neb" , Feb. 27.-Speclal ( Tele- granhi-On ) the 25th the elector or Gospel county voted Oi a proposition to bOI < the ( county for $40,000 for the plrchase or eell , and feed. The returns are just II all show that he t bonds we : . , defeated h ) ' n entaIl naJority. The long drouth has been broken In this county . on' amid one-hair Inches or water haying fallout on the Ilght or the 25th " Ill II'o mill Inl.r04111 OOhII , NORTh ! LOUP , Neb. , ) . 'eb , 27.-Slleclal.- ( ) The chalenge to debate reeelvcll frol time Colulblan Literary society or Ord hy the onlmen , Literary scciety oC this place was considered by the later body In open session at their regular leellg last e\'cnl\f all Prof. Paine , prilelpni or the ely schools , was nlllloilted to arralge the necessnr 11re- . iiuitinaries -S 1.oulso , : : lch.1 u Iteplirted I ) ' ng. LONDON , I eb. 27.-Loulo Michel , the well known anarchist , is , accorlllg to the ( lat re port so seriously ill It Is believed she will die. - THER MEMORY - S1'IRRflD. - A lmetl1Nor or ntu'r \ 'e-ir " , ItotmigNoedHI \ . , l , linmiti Inc ) . ' . ' \1'11' ' l 01 Ulnel tnI 1)1) A nation lhtcltlnct With war look abel ( for leaders , 1'11 Iltl'I ) ' ( tints Its eyes to \'cltrnn \ who hn\'e fOlnht wNI In pu'ovious . cofliests. So II'O\ll \ < Itnl'ke < hy ' eUIII ! fund letIlnr R rele y Inqllrt what baa helped thcl 11 othil' 3'nrs. 'fho grip In born again , nHI Ill rOIt pIeces laB assumed 1 fl111 snore IlnUInalt thai : (111' . I will elolhtN'A ' 11rowl . about lo l.hll for victims Int the leltt1 wl'nthel' of IprI1 ; . Nott' , I Ir I uimtteu' of mOlllal history that wh'n . grip was hero before I wns quicfcly ' gl'll II hOUNI , lint hall bern IU'ongthencd h\I' n sthnllalt of the Illhct older ot excellence . 'I' " hOlton complete u-et'overy nfer the grip 11ufy'l Ilre Malt \hlllle ' Wil Clplo'ct. 'rhot tht smo rOmieti& ' Is tollg tile snme gonil work today , alllenll ! ( rout : n letter \\ltlu 1) ' Mr. Thomas Hnrret or SelllOl , Kansas who alive ! - . . "llnr beNonlllll ) ' 101Fhln/ with 11Inl Illnln thl"IJh 1) ' hOI' ( , arid being - ulnbl ( tn WOk. . I look two botteI of DII ) " ' ! ! i 11r Malt " 'hllke ) ' . t inn IOW nbl' to worle . ' 'fh touRh gone. nid " sorell'SS 01 1) ' chest flea Thl cough : , henilaclue nl,1 , orenes ot IIS- cle , folowlll the grip arc Irver bellied by local n\pllnlol. 1.ln11l hellc.1 wenkmtcs" , they nme thii-owmt off city when the ts'htoht' syctemit Is totiemh amid stimutilated , so that 110 orguit i1oe ton ntumeiu cior too little. To tin thuis he the mttissiot : of 1)umiTy'n I'tmro Malt \Vlilkey All tt'lio renteroh'em' ' iiott' It gave ( item cleat hitnuls , setmiid stolitnehis amiti a healthy eirctm. latioti when tlmey C'cre gettimg over the grip it : nthuer seasons hint' . , stupilIeil tluetttselve , will : huffy's l'tmre Malt nutil imvo loimte'l ' out to their mtt'ighbol's a tviuy to avoid ittisci'y muul loss of time. is mot the stmgges. tioit worth hitteuuiiig to ? Spcia1 No1ics-Gouiicil Diuffs ciiiM-mvs CLIIANED : VAUI.Ts eLI3ANL'D , , il liUke , at W , . hlomner' . , 533 Broadway , tA1tCU PflIVATI-l ItAtt2 FOE 111N'T NIAIi cotumt house. Apply atilee omliee , Council immures. iooMs TO ICIINT , FUitNlSlliI ) OIL UNr'Uhh. nistied ; bath attached. 213'lliow avenue , 1 . - 'for nhants and Children. ' 4 Ltoria iaso well adapted to chilldre that Custoria cures Collc , Constipation , I recommend it as Cimpirior to any prercription Sour Stomach , llarrhma , Emcthtio ; known to Inc. " 11. A. Ar.cuicn , N. B. , Kills Worms , gives ulecp , and pmmot dl 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. gestloa , Without injurious tnedicatioo- , "The un , of ' C.-istoria Ia so univerral and " For several years I have recommo its merits so well known that it sceiis a work your ' ( 'astoria , ' and timahi always continue tC of supererogation to endoro it. Few are tito do so ft9 it baa invariably produced bcneflcia Inthigent families who d3 not keep C.storia rcsulbi , " w1taIn ea.E3' reach : . " Enwnr F , PAr.m ; II. I ) . , C..nuos thtrr , B. B. , 12th Sfrct d 7th A-o. , Few York Ctji ! ? cw York City. Tue Cu-rte COMCAxv. 7 3It'nn STnci , Nrnv Ycn Cozy. Wolidell if You Appiciate 7 How far a little money tvIII go v1thu us. Como , now , you are getting a lair salary of Wages , You know it is costing you less to live than over. ( Wo really believe that even 1f1your Income line been reduced 20 , 30 or oven 40 pet' cent , you are imot so terribly bad off , Wo know at' any rate that House Fut'nlshligs : are a full 40 vcr cents less than they wore two 01' cvdn one yca' ago. For Instance- - ( See ' This 3 / ) 1'- ' Parlor - - - ( 1't -t - Suit D 5 I'IEOES-Sofa Easy flochr , and two i'luhi Cimairs uiimhmoltored Q Imi Cmtslmuil Moititir I'luishu-aii for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Two yoztts ago tithe suit could not. imavu bocmm bou'imt for less tltaml $40 00 4 I We are muakitug MiciLt : vrico Oil Couclmo thi'i , tYuI also , From Our Drapery Department . Among our new arrivals In lace cum'talns , there is oujo nunabet. ' we t it vIsls to call attontluma to. It Is 60 Inchie , wide , 3 yards long , i good. P etmong iiet. You would say a bxm'gmtin at $3. , Our Ii'iCO luowovot' ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . per patr. Specal .salo this week of all odd lots of lace and chenille curtains at half li'ICO. ) hull lnlt's voi'y cheap. i Do You Eat Well ? $1 1 This week vo sitow a gonulno English Clulnie 101) ) PiCCO Dinner Sot , 1ormct'ly Bold at i2lO0 ( pI.lco.$9.85 . . . . . . . . . ; . , Rcmtieiiiber there is notiting iii ) , , : ' ( Timi , Iromi O Woudcii Wnrc but -b svltat 'l'li.t 1nplo'H Vtirnlttii'c & - Ciirpet Ca , , onus stipply. ws REMEMIIEit WE GIVE YOU UEST OF EvEutY'rhIlNG- liEs 1' Itt S'aimtv , IIJIST In ervlnU , IIEST iii Tormns , k Also irncmber that go ds were never so CHEAP us now and that thcy caunt p33- f sibly be cllc3per. C TERMS EITHER. CASH OIL MONTHLY PAYMZNTS. Our now 1693fluby Carriage Catalgue Is out. Suumd font. Itis utbeaumty. I O1EN SATURDAY EVENiNGS UNTIL , it ) O'CLOCK. h Send hOc to cover potitago on big Fmiruulturc Catulogtuo. r- - - . CONUCL IILIJFP STEAM DYE WORKS ; ' -I ' k I ' tha highmest tyio ot ) _ jsrA [ L J : ' = - - - ; ; - . - i ; - ' 5 CleW. W'ork promptly 0 1 E 1--It I11 WORK 'if C ) i E : _ _ _ : ?