. ' I . - . . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ' . - . - . , , I t _ , , - ESTAJU.JISIIED JUNE 19 { ) , 1871. OMAIIA , TUESDAY [ OnNrnf.t , FEBRUA1tY 2G , 1S9. SING.LIi1 COpy FIVE 01DN'l'S. TOLSTOI'S ' REPLY TO TilE CZAR Counter Manifesto t the RussIan Emperor's Lath Pub1o Uttrances , DECLARATDN FOR MJTOCRACYAELUNDER Nlcholns 1nN JUle11 Ils l'opialztrlty hy 1Is Own UUCn\C.N rind the Hctormcn 'VI 1'c , to "rorle On In O1)IOKItIOhI. mmLIN Feb. 2 , -A telegram from St. Petersburg receIved here says It Is reported , there that Count Toistol the noted Iusslan I . . novelIst and Bclal reformer , Is the author I : ot the IIbraI manIfesto recently tued ! against ! the czar's declaratIon that ho would uphoM autocracy as ardently ns hIs Into Inther. PrIvate dispatches received In Berln on January 29 gave an outlIne ot a speech mode I by the czar In reply to th9 addresses \ .lele. gatons representIng tbo nobility ot the prln : cllll cItIes and many provincial assemblIes who called upon his majesty In order t' congratulate - gratulate him upon lila marriage. The czar sld he had learned that In some ct the provincial assemblies vOIces hal been raised proposing that these bodies shoulll have . a share In the settlement ot affaIrs of Mate , and expressing other "absurd hleas. " Ills mJJedty added that he wished everybody to wider- stand that while he leveled all his powers to his lear country , hc was as ardently resolved - solved as was his dear father to uphhl the - : autocracy ot the czars. This remark atracted - ' widespread attention throughout Hussla , and Incidentally throughout the world To the majority ot people the czar's utterance was a surprise , as he had been credited with possessing liberal Ideas which might In time , It WS hoped , Induce him to Inaugurate reforms In the government of RussIa. nut , his declaration ot his Intention to uphold the autocracy of the czars seemed to put al end to all such liops , and on February 1 the DaIly Chronicle of London printed n manifesto Issued by the people's rights party . ot Russia , In the form ot a letter to the ' * ' czar , which was then being circulated throughout - out the Iusslan empire. After censurIng the czar reds ' for : his assertion ot abwlutsm , the letter : "Tho most advanced Zemslo\'as asked only for the harmony ot czar and people , free speech and the supremacy of law over the arbitrariness ot the executIve. You were deceived - , exccutve. , t , ceived and frightened by the representatIons ot courtiers and bureaucrats Society will understand perfect ) ' that It was the bureaucrats - crats , who jealously guarlf their own omni- potence , that spoke through you. The bureau- cracy , bgInnIng with the council bf minis- ters , and ending wIth the lowest country constabes ! , checks any development , social or Individual , and actively prevents the mon- arch's tree Intercourse with the representn- tves of his people , except as they come In gal drass , presenting congratulations , Icous' : \ and oferings , A. s "Your speech proves that any attempt 10 speak out beoro the throne , even In the most loyal form about the prime needs ot the countrymets onlya rebuff. Society expected - peeled from you ' encouragement and help , but was only reminded ot your omnipotence , glv- Ins the Impression ot utter estrangement , of &i czar from people. You yourself have killed , _ your own popularity and have alIenated : l that part ot society which Is peacefully strug- glhlg torward , Some IndivIduals are Jubi- lout over your , speech , but you will soon discover - , cover their Impotence. In another sectIon ' oft , society your speech cansed , feeling ot InJury , : t ' t and depression , which , however , the bet " _ . _ , 'I soial forces wi soon overcome before pro- . ceedll to the peaceful but obstinate and ' . deliberate ' struggle necessary to liberty. II . : . another section your words will stmulate' ' ; the rCdlless to struggle' against the present , , ' hateful state ot things wlth'any means. -You : . were the first to begin the struggle. How ( : , long will It proceed ? " _ _ _ - . OltFICEI AIil ) TWO : IEN IUrLI D. Confirmation or ! cvcro l'lhtlog with NR- tlvrl In South \ frtca . ' , LONDON , Feb. 25.-Advlees received here ? from Rear AdmIral Bedford , In command ot the Cape ot Good Hope and West Africa staten , who has been co-operating wIth the lnd force ot the BrItish expedition on the Brass river , Guinea coast , confirm tbe re- port at severe fIghting In that localty. : The ndmlral adds that Lieutenant 1Jlor ot the royal navy and two mel were killed , and five men wounded during the engagement. Thl first advices from the Brass river were re- clvld yesterday' at Plymouth by the wlo at nn officer who Is n member at the BrItIsh force Her husband telegraphed that a big fIght with the natIves had occurred A later dispatch 5atl\ that Major Sir Claude 1. ) MacDonahl , the Drltsh commissIoner ! t Brass , and the o/cer commanding the ex- poditlon were severely wounded The na- tves , who were said to be armed with Maxim . and clothing rapid-fire guns , were repulsed , According to detaIls at the engagement ro cllve : here today the lrlhh advanced up the Brass river on February 23 , and the same day captured several rebel strongholds and destroyt a number ot war canoes. Many ot the nath'c were killed and the main body ot the rebels retreated to the Interior. On the following day the BritIsh advanced tur- her Inland , und after some sharp fIghting ' captured and burned the native town ot Nimbi The natives who lost heavIly , fled tom Nimbi to the town ot Dassouyo. They were followed by the BritIsh , who shelled the last named town , but cud not Ilroceed any further Inland. Sir CIJnde M , MacDonald , who personally directed the operations , then sent : n ultimatum to tU ! rebels , notifying them that unless they surrendered and gave UII the PrIsoners which they hall captured at Altaun a month ago anti restored the booty which they ( obtslne(1 at that place , n further I attack would be made on them , The operations were carried on In n brIlliant - lant manner . A private dispatch says the British ex- PediIon conllstell or the gunboats Widgeon ( six guns , LIeutenant ConimaulerVihhiain J. Schulard ) nl1 'hrush ( six guns , Lieutenant Commander ; Henry L. Tolenham ) and two steamers elonglng to the Niger protectorate as wol as the boats of the flagship St. George ( twelve guns , a twin screw cruIser of the first class ) contaInIng n detchment , of Inarlnes. On February n : , the rebels , In ' twenty-five war canoes , made nn attack ulon the BrItish force at Saerlnce Island , but the lire of the natives was Ineffective and three war canoes were sunk , After which the rest ot them r'trel. , , On the following day the Intricate channels ot the Brass river were buoyed and the creek was reconnoitered , "At daybrenlt on February 23 , " contInues Admiral UelHord's dispatch , "we commencell the attack and after nn obstInate defense ot . I position which was naturally tlltcult a lal\lng ) was finally clecled and Nimbi , was completely burned , The force was wihrawn L on lie evening following that on which the residence at ICing KollQ and the houses at the other chIefs bad been desro'ed. An additional dispatch receive tram All- mlral uedfonl .thls evenIng says that Irish. town , another of the towns on the Brass river , \\31 destroyed by the BritIsh expedl. tonary terre tnda ) The admiral Idds : "The Brln chiefs and the People 1llllcatt' In the attack uron AIashl have now beeii punhihied . IId no further operatIons are can- teznplatccJ. " _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I'II't ) 1.ltlhuniic. . LONDON , I eb. : -The drath of Baron hbcrdare ( Ilelir ) ' Austin nruc ) , at one tle cretary ot state for home affirs ' , and later lord presIdent cf the council , Is unnOuncd. lie "a & 0 years of age. I.&lIivI R : hll1\'r'c"HI rr"w. ( t' 't ' l'OI'I.AND , itng : . , I eb. 25-The BrItish steamer Iran , Captain JennIng , from New Ofl ans February 4 for lreUen , has ar' ried here and landed tie crew of the British , brig Prussia , Captain Pickets , from fibers . January 23 ror PhIladelphIa. The Iru8s81a was abandoned by lir crew , rudderles and mastess when about fifty miles from he capes at the Delaware. VJSTUtUA CI > IN CUBA IXPIOTEI . \utlorilos' II\c 'C'um Steps to 11111C ! ' . It l'rnljty. LONDON , -eb. 2G.-A dispatch to the Standard from Madrid says the mInisterial papers , m Corrlo and Correspondenca , de- dare In reference to the proclamation Issued by the governor general ot Cub to suppress armed bands of SUPllosed brigands which have appeared In the provinces of Matanzas and Plerto PrincIpe , that the government was aware that Cuban refugees In America and agitators In Cub had : been con.p'rlng. This Induced the authorities to reinforce the West Indian squadron. The Cuban authorItIes attribute - tribute the revolt to the exasperation ot the secesionists at the success . of the Cuban home rule bill . A special meeting of the cabInet was held tonight , nt whIch Senor Arbuzara , minister of the cOlonies , Rll tien- oral Lopez Domingues , mInister , ot war , an- flounced that the government has authorized the Issuance of the ProclamatIon. They le- dared they were confident that the governor general would sllccced In maintaining order. Alt Clip r(11 Forts " l".lrlyell ) :100 ( liii' . ShANGhAI , Feb. 25.-The BrItIsh war ship Alacrity has arrived here from 'Vel- lint-Viol and reports that the Japanese have destroyed all the land forts at that place i with the exceptIon at those on the Island ot Llnlng Too. YOKOHAMA , Feb. 25.-Dhspatclios re- ceh'e,1 hero from the commander ot the JaPanese forces at Hachlen say that a force of 17,000 Chlnece supported by twenty guns , recently attacked the Japanese troops at that place , but retreated after the Chinese artillery hnd been silenced by the fire ot the Japanese batteries. let .lntfry i iutl.'q ) ropo.cd DEnLIN , Fob : -Tn the HelchRtng today Baron von Stumm-Hnlbeg and herr Moel- ler'lntroduced 1 bIll ordaining that dutta- ble gooila from countries whIch dtscrlm- mate agaInst German vessels und merchun- dim shal , us compared with goods of the fame kInd ( rain other countries , he fuh- jeeted to 1 tax of 10 per cent. The bIll ale provIdes for the Imposition or n heavy ( luCy on all artcle : hitherto free coming from countries where the dlscrtmlnatons are ma e. 1,0RSe heavy nn Roth , I < c. , lASSOW AH , Egypt , Fcb -Dlsptches have reached here II carriers from Adowa , capItal of Showo , statIng that Emperor lcnlrlc lost 10,0 warriors In hlf last raId at Volnmo , His forceR killed 7,000 Unhlas kied 7,0 Galas and captured 11,0 slaves. Hill torel 11"IRllhl hmcnt. LONDON , Feb 25.-The home secretary , Henry ARqulh , Introduccl the \'elsh diii- cstlblshment bill In the House ot Com- monR today , and In so doing said that the measure waR Identical l with the bill Intro- IWced In ISH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 I\ernr \ \ 1111 GoIng to Autrtis. BERLIN , l eb. 25.-Emperor WIlliam , no- companlel by a large suIte . heft Berlin this evening In order to attend the funeral of 1lel'1arshal .Archdullo Albrecht of Aus- trla _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iihr < to' . ASRurllC'O to Great llrk'nIi. CAIRO , Feb. 25.-The khedive received Lord Crdnier , the BrItish minister , today , and assured him that he Md not Intend to make any changes In the Egyptian ministry. Irllnlh\ < Not Slnrt. : , CANNES , Feb. 25.-The prince of 'Vales' cutter Drltannla did not take part In the yacht races here to ay. today.a -a hILL CU1XLNUE IlTIC WAIl lUSES. Contrcts . for Jndtan Soon SQl'ples . Wi tie Let WASHINGTON , Feb. 25.-The bids for gene'ral suppl for the IndIan service will be rceLved ' and the contracts let nt the Indian warehouses , both In New York and Chlcg I the ' recommendation of Joseph T. Bender , the expert who was detailed by Secretary Smith to make a report on the subject , are ndopted. The InvesUgaton of the merits ot those warehouses . over which contests have arIsen In both cites , have been In progress for some tIme , and the re- port was completed today. 'It recommends that both warehouses be used this year , a on last year , and general modIficatIons In them are suggested. A large number of contracts are Involved , representing nn aggregate - gregato valuation ' ot $2,250,000. a this amount about $250,000 worth ot supplies will pass through the Chicago warehouse , whIle about $700,000 will pass through the New York warehouse. The remaining goods wIll be shipped direct from the contractors to the Indian agencies. Heretotore about six or seven months have been requIred to close the work at each ot these places , but the conclusion Is reached In the report that the work can be accomplIshed In at least four months , thus making a materIal saving In the expendtures ! The reductIon ot expenses Is neeesEary , us the approprIation nctuJlr available for conductIng the work nt both offices I lImited to abut $35,00 No definite limit has heretofore been placed on the hours ot work at the ten or twelve Inspectors employed , and u remedy for this Is recommended - mended by requiring nt least elx hours ot work a day. Recommendations are also made for a closer Inspection of the goods sub- , mlted by the bidders The work 01 opening the bids and lettIng the contracts doubtless wIll bo begun nt both cites during May , and will probably bo com- mence,1 at New York about two weeks earlier than . at Chicago. Commissioner ot IndIan I A Ia I.s Browning , or his proxy , AssIstant Commissioner Smith , the Board ot Indian CommIssioners and a committee ot several clerks , dl'tnlelrrom the department , wi be IJTCS\nt hitr'nr the opening at the litltt. and the force ot emplo'es Will aggregate about fifty , including Ilpectors.he supples are for the fiscal year , begInning July 1 next , an'l the bIds wl1 ! be called for In a few weeks , IHJ.\ ' ' I MIN _ , \tJ 10I''FUL. ' 'hll ; the l'rllJecJI Are 000.1 for Orlll _ Izlll 1 1'lrly oil I hit I ititie . ASmNGTON , Feb. 25-I Is understood that the leaders In the movement to organize a free silver party have received ndvlceD I train dIfferent IJarts ot the country that such progress has been lade ns to make them feel fairly confident that they will be able to organIze n new arty , which will command the support or the sliver men throughout the country. A platform has been agreed upon , which plants the whole arty on the PlaflIc ot free sIlver , eliminating all other demands of the Populist IJlaUorm ot 1892. I Is liupos- sible , however , to obtain partIculars , lS all those In atelllanco upon the conference now' In session hero are pledged to absolute se. crccy . I Is 1llerstood that General Weaver Is the 11rlncll11 IO\'lr In thIs effort to so- euro lie union ot the silver forces end the dIssolutIon ot the Dil partIes , anti It Is stated that he has the 'cooleraton ot Gen. oral A. J , Warner and the Rympathy ot Representative . rcsentat\'o Uand , . - - 11.lu'll tl J.III I , ' , ' Fr" luH , , W ASIING'fON , I'-eb. 2G.-Postmnstel' Gen. oral Bi8dll has issued fraud onlerforb III- ding the use of the lals to lurlet I. Hummel Kern. Ohio City. 0. ; :11/ If. C. HUe , Solh HrUlI , Inll. ; .I . I 111ule Mu. ler ) New ( 'urhtle , md. and lerho lent , . llwlukel" , 'I'hes parties nd\erJsl..1 eXlen- slvelY that the had 1 S'ltcl which would give Immense prolis to huh ) corrcll.omlents , unll the investigatIon or theIr schemes ri- uton culed In the declarton Ir fraud , . ICIhicil lt I 41 ratIo C 1'0111 , LINDEN , 0" , Feb. 2 , - / \ wlhounl freight train on the Nickel Pluto tenth yesterday rai down a two-horse rig curn'ln ; R party at 1II01Ie t ( church , at a 10111 crollin hear this ii1aO . Two persous were killed and two olher will lIkely dlQ aR U result oC their liijitries , 'i'hie until are : : lpJ AlI Iunl , aged 19 ; Miss nIP ' IA Hunt , UIII\ \ IU. The In- lured are , MIPs Margaret leu , aged 17. 1lll' hurt internally ; / : lsl Ifulto t ( 'amp , alel19 , leg unit ammo broken ; Wnlter lrlg s. driver , slightly injured. SAY ADRY IS A VILLAIN - Harry SWaMI it Wn ills Brother Who Talked of Kiln Miss Gng , 1UREATENE HIMSELF AND HIS rATHER I.trn e Couchllf' the Examination ot Hurry hhimywnrih nl1 Tnrns'IIlin Over to thc Slntc-Cr" < A-J > xnmlnnlln " 'llL Commence In nrneHt > Today . MINNEAPOLIS , I eb. 25-l was some- what ot n surprise to Mr. Nye when Mr. rwln I turned the prisoner over a short time tme before court IJourned this evening. lie had expected that the examination would take nt least today , and was hardly prepared to go Into the cross-examinaton. lie therefore contented hImself with going over some , minor , matters , that lie might begin In i earnest tomorrow morning. 'rho day was nn extremely Interestng one , being fled wIth the troubles between 'the wItness and his brother. Alr ) ' , he said , had proposed all the bloody details at the murder. Harry cx- plalned that he lied been so shocked at his brother's depravIty that he resolved to sound many other people , to see Ir they hall such wonderful consciences . Thus It was that he had questioned Waterman and the beckman and even L. M. Stewart , and he dared the state to put Stewart on the stand. Instead ot having threatened to kIll 1 his brother wIth a knife , Alry , he said , hall threatened to I rip his entrails out : hind threatened to kill 1 I his father and hall oren stated that he was i so devoId of conscience that he could kill ' his father easily amid not be troubled about It afterward . larry hayward , the defendant In the flog murder trial , continued his tCtmony today In his own behaH. His narratIve was resumed at the poInt where he returned to lie Ozark afer the theater and . . heard the news of Miss Gins's death. "I thought ot nIl our relations , " he said , "and how I had lent her money. I remembered - bored that she had often asked : e to lend her my revolver , and as I thought the mater over , I became convinced that she had been murdered. I don't know what I said to the people there , or nt the police station. But I was very much excIted. I told the o/cers that she had on a blue dress skirt , and not n black one , because I knew It must be so I know there are abut sixty days In October and November DurIng those sixty days I hall probably seen her ninety times , and I am sure that out of the ninety times there were eighty-seven when she had on a shirt waist und a blue skirt. That was why I spoke ns I did " WItness described his experience In the "sweat box" and tel how he was taken to the morgue and shown the dead hotly with everybody watching him. He did not know what he did , but said he felt very bal and \ knew everyone there thought him guilty. He went to Miss Ireland and offered to do anything - thing about the funeral he could. He ordered some roses from u florist , and attended the ' fune'ral. On Thursday he and Alry were arrested - rested and put In n cell together. Adry seemed very down 11 the mouth , . and Harry had said to him : "Wo are pot guilty. What's the use ot feeling this way ? " But Adry was dispirited , and finally Harry hal raid : "Adry , what Is this ? You held her up once. DId you have anything to do wIth , this ? " Adry was silent and refused to talk any more. After that , there was no further conversation between thiem . " This evidence caused a flutter 01 ex ltc ment. I referred to the story which on Thursday , had been ruled out by the court to the elect that Adry was the masked high- wayman who , last April , had held up and robbed Harry . Miss Gng and Miss Veddel' while they were out driving Adry , I 'Is understood , will go on the stand and deny the story wIth an alibi. , Mr. Erwin next read the Incriminating evidence ot Dlxt to the defendant wItzess , and drew from him ( xplclt denials of the charges made against Blixt. The same course was followed wIth Adry's testimony. ' Not much ot Interest developed during the remaInder ot the dlrct examinatIon and Mr. Erwin turned the witness over to the state late In the afternoon. Mr. Nye , In cross examInatIon , made 'Harry go over his relatIons with MIss flIng , and had Harry repeat his wandering the night of her murder. The state's attorney kept tip an sorts ot questIons , evidently with n vIew ot laying 1 foundation for Impeachment ot the direct testimony. I Is understood that 'Iev ' oral points were made. , Yo P. Nelson the hone dealer , about whom the detens made such a row when It was found he was out ot town , has returned and wIll go on the stand . I want d. lUSINESS Jf1 7.1 LIt t' LIMDS TU M ltDim. Murderer Stood OI this Officers and Posse - for SeveraL hours . RALEGH , N. C. , I eb. 25.-A special to the Caucasian says there was I tragedy In the town ot Lexington , N. C. . today which grew out ot busIness rivalry. Dr. L. Payne , , Jr. , and Maxter Shemwel are both Interested i In the drug business. Payne Is examiner for some life Insurance compmles. Shem- welt wrote to some companies that the ex- aminatons made by Payne were not properlY made. Payne charged Shemwel with this on Saturday night last , and there were 'It words. Dr. R. L. Payne , father ot Payne saw Shemwel this morning , and under- took to smooth matters over. WhIle tulk. ins about It Shemwel mad a remark whIch caused Dr. Payne to cal him a liar. Shemwel struck the doctor with a stck , Dr. Payne turned to get a revolver when Shemwel fred upon him , but without effect . Dr. L. Puyne , hearing the shooting , came out ot the house and opened fire on Sliemuwoll. The later returned the fire , both emptying their guns wIthout effect. Later In the day Shemwel shot anti killed Dr. n. L. Payne ) and Is said to' have shot three other men Shemwel was arrested tonight and placed In jai , after havIng defied the ofcers cf the town and nearly fifty cItIzens for scveral hours The town Is In the widest - est commoton , ns eli the Ilarles are very Iromineiit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -S JtvJIwt : 111L CU.1Wj Ul' TUILLI' . . FuSe at this Much Uilrune" tenth Daleotn J1.nMI3 to 11 lctticil lit Onep. PIERRE , S. D. , I ' eh. 25.-Special ( Tele- grnrn.-'rhie divorce bill antI also the bill for increasing the judcs' Falary will come UII for IJaSsaGD In the house tomorrow The bis have Ilasscd the senate , and those who favor them are doIng considerable hustling . There Is much opposItIon to both , but the result cannot be predicted. Owing to absentees neither house at- temllted much business today. The most Iml > ortalt thing was the killing of the Wheeler railroad bill , which bought to give the railroad commissioners power to Ix InteL anti to enforce their decrees. The hlllius never had any prospect of passliig and its defeat - occasions - - no . excitement. . Hill Ilrerte ) < J"hlt " Option Deltnt SpnINGF1 J.D , Ill . , Feb , 25.-A bi was Introducoll II the legislature by Represent- alive Kent or Chicago requiring that any l'lrson dealing In grain , pork or beet , whemi Ilklng 1 sale must furnish 1 warehouse receipt for the commodity soul . ! recellt follo'lty so\l. Time penalty for Iol-complance , II a line ot HO to $10. Tao bill wal referred to the tommileo ! on corporatIons. Iszcet's ( halrl'rl lsprnm'Ing. BOISE , Idaho. , I eb. 2.-The vote for United States senator today , with one pair and one absent and unpaired was : Hhoup , 19 : Sweet , IS : Claggett , U. The situation has changed In favor of Sweet. There Is strong talk now ot his havIng succeeded In makIng a deal with the itoilullsts. Jnt" ' ( ' 111'11111 Ir ) .1 :5 : iii'ii u t liter. IMDWOOD ( Feb. 25.-Speclni ( Telegram. ) -'he , trial ot Lance , In Indian , for the mur- . der ot Her Good 11Ors , anl , her 7.'ear.011 ler I son was concluded In th fetlernl court today - day and the jury rqttirnd : 1 verdIct ot manslaughter In both counts. - - S j'Jmn nu rO LbS' , pIV : IllAT. Ills Iternilmis Iyiiig In ' * , 'nshilngton Ils Jcn\hu l.yhll tfttJln Wnlhlnlton , \11 " 'tciccd bJ iiu itlreit. . WASliiNOTON . Feb ; 25.-The remains of , ' ' ' thIs FrederIck Douglass wer conveyed early morning to the Metropolitan African Methodist - dist Episcopal church , ' there to lie In state until the funeral servIces this afternoon . Be. fore the removal from Cedar ll , Anncosta , Mr. Douglass' residence , brief services for the immediate relatives were conluctel by 11ev. T. Stevenson at the Anacosla Baptist chureh. The services consisted ot a prayer anti the reading of the scriptures. The Metropolitan church has already been prepared for the re- cepton ot the honored boy ot the dead man , and was beautifully decorated with flowers , terns and palms. Among the floral pIeces sent to the church was a most beautiful lIe- sign prepared at the Instance at the Hayten government. As soon as the casket was In place before the altar , the doors wee opened and the people admitted to the church to pay their last respecls. A great crowd paned In amid out , WhIle colored persons lredomni- natcll among the vaiting' multude therO were huireds of whld people. At 2:15 : the funeral precession entered the main body ot the chlrch , Irded by the family ot the deceased , followed by the honorary pal bearers iChiil and Immediate frlendo. As the time for thipl services approached the crowd In the . street Increased to such proportIons that passage was almost Im- vossible TIm body , resting In a plain but massive oak calket , was placed In front ot the altar , guarded by nn o/cer In uniform [ rom General Russell A. Alger' mIlitia camp No. 25. A simple bunch of lies ornamented the casket , but about the altar and pUlpit was banked a wonderful profusion ot' flowers , made Into appropriate designs. The services were somewhat delayed and It was a quarter after 2 o'clocl when the procession fled Into the church Among the guests et special honor were Justice Harlan of the supreme court , Senators Sherman and Hoar and n number ot the members of the house ot representatives. There was also a large delegation from the Woman's council. The acuity ot Howard nlversly attended In abody. The singing ot "Nearer , My God , to Thee , " by the choir ot the church was followed by prayer by Rev. Alex Cr l1wel , D. D. , ot St. Luke's Episcopal chureh. , In Thy Cleft , Oh , Rock ot Ages , " was then rendered by the choir , followed by the . ! p&dlng ot the ( Nine- teenth psalm by BIshop A. P Wayman , D. D. The funeral sermon was ; then delivered by I Rev. Dr. J. T. Jenlferot , the Metropolitan i church. Speaking as the long tmo pastor of I Mm- . Douglass , Dr. Jenltei said : "Douglass was a Christan , He broke \ with the American church and with thO. .meican Chrljtan dogma , and when he saw that It sanctioned and sustained the en/Iaverent and bondage ot a brcthcr he held Christ to 'be ' above creed and above the church. , In ; thls terrIfic soul conflIct he blundered into ywiderment , but his deliverance came and hc has often SIJken to me of the ' joy ot his sour In God. " TrIbute to the memory bf the dead werJ tliCn paid by Rev. Hi\'T. Stevenson of the AnacosUa Baptist church , and Dr. J. E. nanltln , president ot Herd \ unlversty. Mr. John Hutchlnsol 'oti Boston , an old , friend or Mr. Douglass'sang { hymn by the teclal request -r Mrs , Douglass and was followed by Clement ' Haenjen2 , minIster to : this country front , Hayti. " ' . , Remarks followed : Miss : Susan D. An- thony , who also read " aIp.ttrfrem : . ' Elizabeth Cady Stan Ion. .3 ' A letter from ElIzaettaty Stanton"ot' whIch n synopsis fol1oas read at .thiq funeral exercises this a1tloon. . . After reviewing - \loon. viewing her frst , mcct\ng h DoUglass , Irs , Stanton closed as lolows ( : , "As an orator , wrier and editor Douglass holds , un honored Jlace'among ' the gifted men of his days. As , a man at business and a' public Qmcer he has been pr-emnInently sue- , cesstul , honest and upright : and In all hlsl sealngs he bearJ an nvluble reput ton. "As ! : 1 husbnnd , lather , neighbor and friend , In all social relations ' , he has been faithful and steadfast to the end. Ho \\'as \ this only man I ever knew who understood the degradation ot dlstrlnchlsement for ' women Through all the l ng years of our ' struggle he has been a lamlla-r figure on our platform , with nlwaysnn encouraging word to say. At' Ihe ( very first conventIon he helped to carry the resollton I had penned , demanding woman suth'ag. "Frederick Douglass Is not dead , his grand character wIll long beou . , obJect lesson In our national hIstory ; blsl ! y'sentments ot , liberty , justice ' and equnlty , 'echoed on every platform over our broad 1ndmnust Influence and Inspire many 'comlnl generations. " Irs , May Wright Saai ) ' presIdent ot the Woman's cobneil . ' "afl' In this city , also spoke. ' : . ' Th closing prayer , \ offered by Rev. Anna Shaw. Remarks were also Offeid by Rev. Dr. W. D. Derrick ot New YOTk A touching Incident - dent of the service'wa he tribute paid to wal Mr. Douglass by John HutchInson ot Dos- ton , who Is himself an" extremely aged ' man with snowy heard anti looi 'whlte locks reachIng - Ing down on his should and I said to be lie lat ot the well ImoIutchlncon : tam- ly with whom Douglass'wiis ' associated In ante-slavemy daYA. ' 'hl 91d man had come all the way from Boston to be , present at the funeral and sing nn old mbohitIon song with which , by Douglass' sIde jbolt , had Inspired many un audience In Nsv England and abroad against the evil otr r slayery. He made ' a few reminIscent remarks n'nd then eng a song , at the conclusion , ot which there were few dry eyes In the audlnce. Time benediction was prcnounced by Bishop WIlliams or the Colored Methodist Episcopal church In South Carolina. , Instead ot Ilmlnlshlng , the crowd which gathered around the font of thb church and In the street had Increased the ' InceaH..l during servIces - Ices , so It was nhnost Impossible for the funeral procession to make Us way to time carriages outside. lime cervices were extremely - tremely long , and I tas : after 5 o'clock when : they were concluded . . The' . body was escorted to the depot by the cQlore letter carriers ot the District , as well bY n largo number ot friends ot the deceasel ! and his famIly. The remains were put aboard the 7:10 : train for Hocheater. ' a-- - l'U UI TIlE ( JIlc.VIVIL ,1tll'J . . 1'111 Wc'ther and dreC Crowd WlnuJM ( tile frllhl : ot ; fhrall I ; (0' . ' NEW ORIjIiANS . Feb. 25-The royal yacht Galveston , I h. Admiral Clark commandln , bearing his majesty , flex , king of , , carnival , und I suite convoyed y . lime rorRI 10- , ( lIla , under lie commrY11 of his grace , D. 13. Wood , duke of Alelhnn ) ' , his muJest/ admiral of the Part .rrlrod thIs nfternoon ufernoon nlil were l0rtl th , the booming of cannon - non , blowing of steam whl tes , waving of hugs Inl the . shouts of the moulUtuthe . Ills Iljest ( ) was elcorted to the carnival place by a grand I10PfSi101 including the dng's ImlJrll1 bodi'gutmrml , the CleVIIand GreYI Nortolt artillery . und Iasker Light GUlt(1 ( of Gah'cston. ' 1hol91nlil at specla. tors lined the route of IprocesRlon , The weather was clear anti , wprm , the mercury ut noon standing at 70. _ u _ 1. _ I I'r'sldcrit IUrrO\1fll JJI.tho t'iiiitli. LANE CITY , Mlnn" , F'b. 25.-The Ier- chants bank Is closed , amid In the ( hands ot the public examIner , 'roceedlngs have been taken to annul its charteT . R. U. Moore hal been appointed receh'er. . No statement has yet been gIven to the public. No Intor- maton Is obtainable as to the cause ot the failure , the sloclthohlers b\lng Ignorant up to the last moment ot the \ state ot arfaim's , The hank examiner has loulII that PresIdent - dent 1oles had loaned himself between $30,000 and $ tO.O while , Ihe capial stock was but . , O ) and tie surplus hut $ ! ( , O Tegaly , he could have 10lnel but 19,0. The bank will be dlsolve . . , . l'lr..n I nt".UII 'Imiivk ! to Port. ASTORIA , Ore . Fe' . 25.-The BrItish bark Dunrggen , long overduel from "nlparnlso , arrived here this afternoon . llteen days ago I'Hot Staples went tboard the vessel und the same e\'enlnt brpRbt her to wIthIn I mile off tIme Ihlhlwhll ut the mouth of the Columbia An east rly . Gale came on and blew thcm to sea . where they have been since In , The Dun- ever trt Inl t9 get 'rie - resen Is very lIght nnl the pilot says wholly unmanageable Inf . , QUARRELED OVER TIE RANGE Wyoming Stohaiser Undertake to Settle Grazing Right with Firearms , WI LAM KIMBERLY WILL LIKELY DIE - 1Is I'artmmer In the Sheep 1IRllr . Oforgc E. 10\urll , and .Jncub Erimy : , a Iioriemnni , , Slightly W'oum.lel In thc Uuc. CASPER , Wyo. , Pcb. 25.-(5peclal ( Tele- gram.-Durlng ) the afternoon ot February 22 Jacob Ervay , a horseman and reorder of lie Hattesnake ( MinIng district , shot and seriously wounllell George E. Howard and Wilam Kimberly nt a point about three mIles west ot Er\y posto/ce ( , some eight mies 'est ot Caper. Howard and Kimberly \ \ ere brought Into town today , amid are now nt the ( hotel under the doctor's care. 10wntl and Kimberly are sheep men , and the feud Is over lie ( herding ot sheep on the ( open range adjacent to a rneh. The Howar(1 and Kimberly sIde ot the mater Is as t lows : Their sheEp camp was pitched abut three ml s , i'est ot rvay's pasture and their sheep were grazing In the range to the west ot the cnmp. Aleut the middle of I lie ( afternoon of the 221 Ervay rode up to the i camp , and , without any words , commenced to shoot at Kimberly with a Winchester Kimberly , nt the tme of the arrival of Er- vay , was standing In the door of the tent , and before he could say anything Ervay fred , and the bal entered Imberly's right arm , about three Inches below the shoulder blade and , taking an upward course , entered the body. Kimberly fell to the ground , amid Ervay got off his horse and laId Kimberly out on hIs bed In the tent He then remounted - mounted his horse and went out to where time sheep were to hunt Howard Coming up to Howard , he said : "I have got you. " Howard put his arm nround his back when Ervay fred , anti the bal passed through Howard's arm , between the elbow and the wrIst. Howlrd getting his gun , returned the fire , and It Is claimed that he shot Ervny hItting him In the hip. Howard exhausted all. his cartridges , then turned , ran and Jutped behind n little snnd knoll. He then looked up over the knoll to see what hall become ot Ervay , when ErvY fred agaIn , the halt passIng through Howard's cap. .Ervay then turned his horse towards his home and that was the last seen ot him. En'ay's sIde of the mater Is that the sheep men were crowding his range and that he simply went down to their camp to ask them not to come any nearer to his horse ranch than they were at that time , and that Howard and Kimberly got right Into a fight and commenced to shoot nt him , and that all he did was to act In seU-deense. KimberlY , at this wrIting , Is very low , and his chance for recovery are very slight. Howard's and Ervay's wounds are not very serious This Is the most serious fight we have had In thll section between the sheep men and the ranch men , and unless some- thing . is done to regulate the use at the open rnge It wIll not be the last. As yet no arrests - rests have been made. All parties concerned I ' are , respected men and have heretofore borne , ' excellent - - . - reputettans. : vox' BELEVEln KILLED. HXS.W1lE . Vesper , , , Wyo. , l'eoptuWiLl Raise R Fund to Defend " ' . p. : . . :18\1orll. CASPER , Wyo. , Fcb. 25.-Speciah.-A ( ) ' PorUand , Ore. , lawyer has written 9 , D. Bradley of this city . stating that It will be necessary for the ' friends of W. E. Elsworth , who ' is under nest on lime charge 'ot poison- leg his . wife . to raise $1,00 to defend the I ' unfortunate man. I Is probable that In- stead ot sending the money UI people ot' ' I Casper wIll retain Mr. Bradley or JUdge Jay L. Torrey to defend Ellsworthm. The neeDle ot Casper . who knew Elsworth antI his wife Intmately ! , cannot believe that he Is guilty ot the charge. TIme theory hero Is that ) rs ; Elsworth might possibly have taken the poison through mistake \ \ ' men sufferIng from one ot the terrible headaches to which she was subject , or It might possIbly have been the error ot a prescrIption druggist. I may be that the unfortunate woman ended her own sufferIngs , but It wIll never be believed that ElsworUI purposely admInistered the polson. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "trlel < Anulhor Oil \Vel. CASPER , Wyo. , Feb. 20.-Speclal.-The ( ) Pennsylvania Oil company has made another strike In the Salt Creek oil field . Well No. G has been finished and Is an equal producer with the other wells. Preparntons are being made to sink the sixth vell. The five wells which the company now have In operatIon produce on nn average 100 barrels ot oil per day. As soon as the refinery Is In opera- tin It Is expected that several other com- p:1les : operating In the Salt Creek distrIct wIll sInk additional wells. The outlook Is very promising for n lively season In UI ' 01 business In central Wyoming. Clptaln Huy' Filing ( 'nnr 01. . . LANDER , Wyo" , Feb. 25.-Speclal.-The ( ) Department ot the Interior has canceled Captain P. II. Rny's filing upon a valuable ranch property on Wind river near the Shoshone - shone reservatIon. The ruling ot the department - partment Is that as actIng Indian agent for , the Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians Captain : nay had no right to file upon government land. WYlmlnAlrlcu1I.1 College o lilrcrn. LANDEn , Wyo , Feb. 25.-Speelal.-The ( ) trustees ot the Wyoming Agricultural college - lege met yesterday and organized by electing E. A. Earle , president : E. Ii. Fourt , secre- tary , anti E. Amoretti . sr . treasurer The treasurer's bond - was fxed at $100,000. /'Ultll.'SnnJH ) 11 ) Tit . "Ieo l'resl.ieit i'caso or thc 6hoo smith Ivmutlui'r lnlk tiles ot Apolllry , NEW YORK , Feb 25.-Georse L. Pease , vice presIdent ot the Shoe and Leather Na- lonal bank lp to n few das ago , died at his home In Brooklyn today. lie was stricken wIth apoplexy yesterday. For the past two , weeks Mr , I'e3S\ ) Iad been In bed , and nil i winter long had been a I I g. Worry over the $35 , OOO derhlcaton at Samuel C , ScoW and Frederick Baler hall much to do with his Illness , and , It Is believed , hastele(1 his end . Mr. I'ease had been u director ot the bank since 1883 amid It vice presIdent since 1887. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lellh or ll 1110ls J'lomeer , CIIAGO I , Feb. 25-Jesse Wheaton , founder of Wheaton , I" , amid one ot the pioneer resilents at the state , died today ot old age lie was In his Slat year. He let a valuable estate. 1'lrt'I.11 Ih\lk I t l'r"1 dl'lt i head . IOHTI.AND , Ore , Feb. 25.-- 1. A , Stratton - ton , president of the East Portland bank , died today , S Snn ( r "Ulerln iII\'IUlt : Innllh i i I II , hANNIBAL , lo" , I elt 2.-Thio eleventh annual encampment ot the MissourI divisiomi , Sons of Veterans , convlnel .in this city to. dar , amid will remain II session two dars. Time Missouri dIvision embraces the states ot Missouri , Arkansas anti 'J'IXnl anti u large number at delegates and representa. tires are present 'fhe conventon Is helng held In the heulquarters of time Grand Army ot the RepublIc . und the tesslols are secre ( . Nearly all the oiiicers were present at roll ul olcers cal and they Immediately lIra/ led 10 huslness. The olcer for time unJull ; ) ' ( ur wIll be elected tomorrow 11 ( I'lhll , I H I. for I . all limier . . . . 1"1.1111 I UAIfIMOIE , Feb. -The Baltimore Centelnlal association on Thulsla ) ' lext will rlect a site for the great expolilon to be held here In 11'1 , Clifton park , the Ilrop. c'rty of the Johns Hopkins tmmiiversity , ant Paterson park , the property or the city are the Places to be . considered . IWHW.1 1) . 'WVl"11" ' I'LfT. Selntor hhy or South lnrolh" , 1lolncos ) TIII"1 nI 1 > \11. . WAShINGTON , I eb. 25.-I appears that tlero Is a wlro split among limo reform or dominant faction at time South CarolIna democratic - facton Carolna lemo- cratc part ) . . I appear that aim nrrnngement was also made recently by Scnalor-elect Till- man cud Go\ernor Emls wIth a commitee representing tIme conservative , or mlnorly , faction of the Ilemocralc part , by which those of time trlnntlrnto agreed to give the ( conservatives haIr of the memberhlll In the constitutional convention , to meet next stuni- mer , provided that they agreell to cetnll ( lines at polcy tar the mnklng of tIme new constitution. Toumighit Senator Irby lies given out a letter , In which hI denounces the uleni. In his letter Mr. Irby recalls his services In loathing the retorm faction to success ot a tmo when Tlhuan openly retrell trom polItIcs , because he thought the ( strife with the conservatives too Ile < ual. lie clnhus that but for his work In shelving the other reform cnllrates for governor last summer Erans would never have gotten that cihice. lie denounces I combine or comlJromlse wIth tIme conservatives as a surrender of all the reformers have fought for , and favors n straight fight betwcn the two [ nctons , even I the conservative faction combines with the le roes , who are wilng toote for them , Ilrovldell they guarantee them ag\lnst dlsfranchmmm'ement , which Is the object the reformers - formers hind In view whel they cecnrell the calling of the consttutonal eOI\'enton. The letter conthme3 : " 1 humbly submit that Timan , the agitator , now the lac- cater , has been completely dethronell , amid Evans , It he Is sincere , has been bnm- baozled . As to myself , I think any sane man will sea that I have been betra'eI , but honorable defeat Is better and preferable rome me In the selectIon of delegates to this con- venton than n dishonorable counprotnise. I Is well enough for hue forty , the loaders of the conservatives and paclficators. to rlumg up amid get ready , for I am' ' satisfied ( hint time' trume omen vlmo were In this movement tram Its inception from principle wIll not submit to any such agreenient , A conmbine between a 'possum and a coon cannot win , as every reformer knows they cannot sleep tim ( lie seine bed long. I ivihi return home after the 4Iu ( of Mardi and will take a part In this fight. I will stammd by the princiimles of time first of March convention. I weep for ( hment In being immomikeycti witim any such crew. Campbell anti DarnhIll were origInal members pf time forty. Whuen time primaries sclmernti was promulgated by the tiemocratlc conimimit- tee they were whipped and coulul muot destroy the reform movemnent , Then they propoced to muzzle me as cimalrmami of tIme party , antI time whole democratIc organization , by goiumg Into an agreement with Tillman and eveim this which I respectfully simbimmit will not only ruin the ( lemimocratic party , but the reform moveumient of time state. "As chairman of the democrath 5ttO central committee his threat may mmmccli lively times. Ills letter Is filled wIth sensational insitiua. ( Ions of bad faith. Among oilier tImings , lie cltarges that when as state chairman he was makimmg a imot uigiut for a constltutlotmai comm. ventlon , Evans fled ( lie state amid could hot ho found by telegram or letter until time fight hind been decided. " S CUXFESSION8 UP A FJJCEIOUO , Sot Numerous hisses In lionses Occupioui br rliuilItes , NEW YORK , Feb. 25.-The trial of Max hf. Grauer , . tl fire insurance adjuster , tel- leged to be the leader of a band of firebugs - bugs , vas contInued today In ( ho court of general sessIon. Simon ltoscnbausn was again placed on the stand anti cross-ex- embed. He denied that lie started a fire in Lynn , and then admitteti that ho was present when the tire referred to was started and had his iiancl3 burned at the time. He clalmeti that tIme gang of firebugs thiero trIed to burn him. Re knew that a man named Max Gluekman started a fire In Walker street. He got $30 for his work. It was in this case that the lire marshal first obtained evidence against hIm. TIme witness told of a series of fires tlmat lie haul started or helped to start. Sonic of the houses where he nlayetl time role of incendIary were tenememnth full of womemi and cimiltlren. lie recounted four fIres whose origin could be haIti at IsIs door. Some of the fires ho had set for others mid wets paId for the work. In others lie had bought houses and hind his effects heavliy Insured , Lawyer Friend of time defense worked hmarul to shake the damagluig cvi- ( lenCo of tIme witness , but did not do so In Important partIculars. Time witness relateul bow Ito haul mslgnetl a written contract wIth the older Graeur , In tIme presence of wItnesses - nesses , engaging him to obtain a man to burn his store In a builfiluig housIng six familieii. 'rime case wIll be continued to- morrow. S ATQJIISON CUT O.'J Jh'41' JfATIH. Claiimma it Wmui Necessmmry to I'rotoct East. lanni flimsIness ( hut of ( utliferimia. CHICAGO , Feb. 25.-The Atchison road has given notIce tiiat beginning Wednesday next it wIll reduce one way rates from Los Angeles east by $2.5Q. The cut Is openly made , according to time Atchison , because the oilier lines have for some time been making it in conumection wIth time sale of tickets over tIme Texas Pacific road. The cut line been diverting business from tIme Atcimi- somm and that mail has made up its mind timat it could not lommger stand such coni. tions. Time actIon of the Atchison has heCmi a heavy blow to tIme \\'estern Trunk Line committee , just aim It Is prepared to go Into active operation. All the connectiomms of tIme Textus Pacitic then ) ' iii the strangest terms that ( hey hutive hmmttl any share iii time cut , and time Alien , 0mm of the hues tmccused of being in with time 'rexas I'acitlc , hmas showmi conclusively ( lint it has not hind a Texas Pacitlc ticket within tIme Interval in which the cmli Iti said to have beemi nmade , All manner of heavy pm'estsmire Itt being ltroughmt to bear on the Atchison to Imiduce it to resciumcl Its action but so far nothIng hmatm been acconilihusumeul. Ohio ihii'rs Muut hhuivo it lii , CINCINNATI , Feb. 25.-Time committee re- coolly appointed by leading commercIal bodies of Clcveltinuj , Columbus , Toledo amid Cincinnati , upon time recommenulatioum of tIme governor , to visit time nmiuiiuig i'egtonii of ( hue state nod learn time trim comitlitlonim exist- 'ing among tIme mnhmmerm' , lutes mnatie Its report to time se'ernl bodies by whiielm it was created , 'i'ime mcmort sttmtemm ( that It Is nbso. Intely miecemisrury to iiu'tu imlul to keep time IieOluie ( room sturvimig , mtumul ( hint time cimam'lta. tile relief ( if limo people of time unto must be ceuntinumed for thiry mlayms lomigem' , at time end of s'hmicht time time comunlsmmiomm Is mmii. suretl time Imike iiuslumem'ts wIll ho opened up auiul the mtihuies resume ojuerntinnti , so ( limit tIme uninem's will be able to u4upuom't thmeun- selves nail their uiumnlhles. 'J'imis tIme commj. mnhtlee mecommemideul us aim ttlsuluto neces. ally. _ _ _ _ ul u' % ; I I ml e hiiir uu , ii a I ii a I i ti I I u'oti mis , GLENWOOD SPRINGS , Cob , , Feb. 25.- i5nou'slitlemi in limo canyon of tIme Clraumtl Imavo blocketi bath cast nnul westb munfi trains on the Denver & 1(10 Grnmide road today , 'rime Colorado b'prhumgs & 'l'rinithatl ( rack was uiiso covcrt'd by oimct of time utiltiems , mtumtl 0. ' 1' , W'itten. local agent of ( lie Mltliand , left aim an engine for ( lie acemme. Arz'it'Ing at ( lie miiace of obstructIon lie samteti to walk up the track , when hue s'ns cttuglu by a fresh aliule and was thmrowum sixty Teet limb ( hut' mmmiii ii he of time ( ; umt mmd live , ' . I mciii g a gotiti muwlunmmirr , It ' m uccu3dptI Jn reachmitug ( lie opja- tulle side of thin m'iu'eV , whmeme lie i'ius jiiciced UI ) by ti lila ( Irimmitlu emgImumi iiemit ouut for ( lint ; itlu'noso , I ie was ttimfl'EL ' frozen , uiii sonicirhimit hrumlseul , I I I gI us mu uiul 5'oI cot t 'lIe. DOVER , Del , , Feb , 25.-One ballot was taken In time Uumiied iates ( semmatorhal fight today , It resulted as follows : higgins , 8 ; Aldlciuhi , 5 ; Massey , 4 ; Wolcott , 8 Tunneh1 , ; ilaytmruh. 1'S. . _ _ - lerc'IoiIIz , IIu m lit , 'l'exuis 'i'rimtmi ( I.Iiii' . DALLAS , 'fe'X. , Feb. 2i1.4n time stilt of ( lie C'entrmml 'I'rumuut company of New York agaInst time l'exas 'l'iulmk raihuvn' , time united Iltutes circuit couurt orilereil it furcclosuue of time mmunrtguge cmiii time aic of tim' , road , - hligIut Isrs : lmqtiti It , , umi 'i'iicoiuts , TACOMA , \S'ashi. , Fb , 25.-L'uu'o earth. quake shmoeks were felt here about 2:50 : o'clock tlmus murnimug , No damage was done , BANKIIOBBERS F1C11T Council Bluffs Officers Have a Fierce Battle with Three Burglars , DEPUTY ShERIFF O'BRIEN ' FATMLY HURT Receives the First Bullet rirca anti Then Brings Down His Man , GANG LOOTS A BANK AT CRISWO.D Vnnlt of the First National Ransacked but the Booty is Light , MAN \VtIO \ I.ED TIlE UIGTING ESCAPS [ i'uirumed 'i'Imrotugmi time ( htmthmorlumg ( lhoniuu iuy Several ( ) ltlc'ra , lie i'lumnliy l'iuumges I lm ( a a Cormi Iluhil mm tmd is i.tst to Sigime. GRISWOLD , Is. , Feb. 25.-Spccial ( Tele- gram.-Tlte ) First National bank ii'as burgher- Ized ( lila mnornimmg by expert crackmmmmeum , The vault was blown to pieces amid the safe was attenmpted , but time bumrglara emily succoetleti In tlenioilshmimmg tIme tlmume lcck. They secured. $150 in money anti 100 in hostage stamps whulcht'ere iii ( lie vault. TIm eatlmmmate of the lose to ( lie i'auit , safe , anti money anti stamps taken Is 2&O0 , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iT LLm ) TO i l.1S'EI , SI100TINJ. Couumcll llluff4 Ofllcersltuuve , a FIerce Affray it'It ii time lholub'rum , A shooting affray took lilace last evenimig ohm time coult hiouso steps In Coummell Bluffs , In whilclm a bamilt robber was daumgerommsly hurt , Nick O'BrIen , a deputy sheriff of Pottawat- ttumle coummty , was woemniled so that Ime mmiay tile , and Motornman Staliarti receivoti a flesh wound from a 'Il-cailbsr bullet. During time day a telegram i'as recelveul by ( lie authorities notlfyiimg ( lmenm thiat tIme First Natloumal bauik at GrIswold , Iii , , hiatt been robbed durlmig time imigiut , anti $125 let nickles amid a lot of postage stammips were talceum , Thmo burglars were sm.miposctl to hma'o couiie ( hula vay , amid there were four In limo gang. Late iii ( lie aftermmoon Deputy SherIffs O'Brien and lloolcr visited Kid's lintel , amid there found two mcmi auiswering time descrip. tiomis glvemi over time wires , On request that they accomimpammy time oIflcers , the men at once got up anti started without parity. A third miman , wimo was seated iii the cihice , arose at time same tlmmie amid followed. They valked along Fifth avenue until they reached tIme south steps of tIme coumrt hmouse , wimeum O'BrIen , who lund been walkIng a lIttle aimead , steimpeti back and ordered tIme macn to go on. SHOOTING STAR'rED RIGhT liEltE. At this imionient time one wluo lied been walk. Ing behind , whose nanmo turns out. to be S. Riley , dodged behind a larga tree , amid exclaimIng - claimIng : "I'm mmot golmig- any further , " whipped out a revolver and comnnienced shoot- . Ing. At the same instant , botlm time other cup- tires drew revolvers and got ready to shoot , The flrt bullet fr'om Rlley' revolver struck O'l3ricmi In time abdornemi , a little to ( ho left side. O'Brien drew his revoiver and shot at ' ( lie man just In front of hum. Time fellow fell to time groutmtl and was iilcked up amid carried Intd time jaIl. Jailer Peterson Imearti the shooting , anut ran to thu spot , but before lie arrived , RIley amid tIme other man , who was Injured , hiatt fled. They went down FIfth avenue , with Deputy Sheriff hooker and Policemen Web and Covalt in hot pursuit. Another shootIng affray took place In front of time Women's Chmristlami assocIation hospital , a' but none of thm shots took effect. About halt an htour after time slmootlnur Officer Weir -i- ; medropononoof the fugitIyes J. B. WhIte , alias Wilson , and brought him back to time county jail. When last seen , RIley was runnIng past the house of John O'Brien , a brother of the wounded deputy , at the corner of EIghth avenue and hilevermthm streeL In time flgltt one of tIme men threw away a huandkerchulef tied at the four corners mind filled wlthm nickels. It was pIcked up by some children and hiantled to Rev , Father Smytim , who turned it over to the county 4. jailer. One of time men hail found a small valise wIth thi lids padlocked together. It was put in charge of the county jailer , who cut It open , anti found timat it contained a conilmlttO ( act of burglars' tools , a lot of per- emission caps , a roll of fuse , a pair of handcuffs - cuffs , a glove and a stocklmig filled with , nickels , anti two nmysteriouis loolclumg little packages. These were temderiy opemmeti anti found to contain dynamite. WOUNDEP VEIIY SERIOUSLY. - The robbcr who wts wounded gIves his namno as'Illinm J. Smnithm , wimicim was thmo nanmo under which ito registered at time hotel 1mm the mormilng , Time bullet from O'Iirien's revolver entered. his left leg near time groIn - and was picke& out by tIme physicians about two IncItes below the surface , Deputy Slmeriff O'Brien is In a very pro- carlous condition , amid maf die as the result of hIs wotunds. TIme ball encred ( time left side of lila body at tIme alitlommiemi , cuttIng along 7 time ribs , pasming tIme aimiumal eoiummi , anti .4 fimmally landing about two inches to tfl right of ( ho mipimie , fromn i'hmicli viace it was e- ' treated during limo evemming. A stray bullet sruclo ( Motormnami Stmuhlard in time forehead between ( lie eyes , but mild no serious ( laimimmge , MIss Ellen Ayleswortiu was walking a1on ( ho sIdewalk oluposite tIme CatholIc school ' anti for a few mumcuimetits was in direct line with time course that time bullets wcro telcing ' 1mm tIme fuilsade , Otme of thmemn cut time sltou'o of her dress anti aumotimer whulatleti so Josa to her ear ( Imat it almost stunlmCd Imer. Neither of thmeumi toucimed her , html alma was so badly friglmtened tlmat she almost fainted , John Linilt , time mmtcrney ( , was Iii time midst of time battle nail heard time balls sInging aroumid him , and sing'ng uctm a lvely : tuimme tlmat it becammue as lumicreslmmg ( as a battle , hut as hue lied foughmt all time battles lucm cared to hue left ( lie nelghmboriuotl without delay , OND OF' Tilhi FIJUtTiVICS CAUGhT. 'iVhmite , orViisan , as lie wrote hmi imanie aim time hCleh regiatcr , wac cauu'mt by Oilicer Yc-ir just south of lImo elect"io higlut station Un Fifth avemiue. lie Imaul a rvolver in his hand wlten Weir overtook hmini , meat \'mmir got ( ha drcp on hulrn and hme thmraw mup his hmaumds witlm- out trying to use his weapon. Riley , who diul all time shooting and is still at large , lou Oilicer Covalt a lively elitist' , rumuniumg zig-zag across bock yards anti 4 tiuroughm alleys. Covalt luatl to ruum a good dcci farther ( lien RIley , mind so becamee wirudeul sooner. lie immaimmigeil to keep w Itiuhmi ' a black of hutumi , 'however , umitil lImo cormmer of Seventecntim ntm'ect and Tweumty-sct'ormml av- cmlue u'as rcachmctl , whmeim Riley tlimappcarctl in time darkness anti a big cormmileld , On limo w'ay tIme ftmgltivti kept tip a rummnhig fire at Covmmlt , shicotimig at least a miozomi tlueme , . .mm.I . reloadiimg as Ime ran , As time omcer ran up ohm time rauirotmul track on iiovcmmtecntim i.tm'eet ItO Itearmi one of time buiiets strike a tie itt his feet. Covait Imati tss'o thmuta in bmls revolver - volver at ( lie btart , amitl , after hue Itad fired tlmenm , reloamletl hula revolver. lie etumpheJ all time barrels at tIme ilylmmg fhgture , but muone of them took effect , uumless it was tIme last one , ii'iiiclm liii tIthitles mantle tIme fellow ' u tuumbue , harley Shearer anti W , Nelsomm jollied ira tue chase , but they lost. mtlglut of ltiley as scion as Covalt dluI , Wluerm Covalt's revolver is'as eniptb' lie stopped at a itemIse antI bcr- roweul a dcuiiulcharrcietl shotgun , but dlii not have' to muse it , for lie could not get wiiuin ( range. hIOOKlit'S STORY OF TilE AFFAIR , Deputy SherIff A. IL , Ilooleer wait rathmom' excited wltemi seoum bust mmi.jlt ; , Mm' , hooker lies heermitateiuing by tlm bedside ofhls , - ( Continued on 'rhl d Pace. ) , , . . , . - - - - - - ' - - ' - - - " - - - ' - - -