Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1895, Image 1

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_ JiS'l'AllLISllED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAIT.A : , MONDAY } \OUNIN' \ : ( } , FEBRUATRY 25 , 1805. SINGLE COpy FIVE ! CBN'l'S.
I - - S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
Effcrt of New Jers3Y Ministers t Shut
Him Off Prove Futie ,
In Return the I.returer 8"1 Some \Iry
hitter Thll1 ( ) III'rrnll , ! Tholo " ' 11
Opnn 111-1'1110. I lcldcll
lilA % Iccth. . !
NEW YOn , I eh. 2 . -Tho attempts male ,
to prevent Colonel Robert Ingersol from de-
lvering his lecture on "Tho holly nble" at I
the Hoboken theater tonight proved a failure.
' As a result of a protest issued , by the pastors
of three of the most 11rorluent churches In
that place , Mayor Fagan yesterday Issued
orders that the theater be elosel today ,
thereby practically debarring Colonel Inger-
sol from nl'pearlng. The mayor's decree occasioned -
casioned a great deal or comment last night ,
with the result that the matter was reconsid-
ered today.
Before ncon Corporation Attorney : Unlur
and Mayor Fagami called upon Hev. 11. T.
DeaUy , the minister who .s at the head of
the reorm movement In Hoboken , all stated
that It was the opinion of the
corporation attorney that no steps could be
taken by the authorities to stop the leclure.
Shortly after noon a consultation was held
In Chief of } plce Donovan's office , at which ,
c I In addition to the chief the mayor anti Mr.
" Clark . manager for Colonel Ingersol , ant Mr.
"l DavIs , the manager of the theater , were pres-
ent. The two managers were Informed of
the decision of the cOflraton attorney , and
p they departed with the assurance that the
lecture mlrht be given.
To prevEnt any disturbance on the part of
the audience and , aho to stop any blasphemous
utterances on the part ff the lecturer several
detectives wrre sent to the theater from
police "lead'lunrters. '
Beyoll frequent bursts of appl'use the audience -
dience va'e mnoet Grderly and the speaker
connned hlmEelC almost entirely to his text ,
with an occasional Ironical alusion to time
. ' clergymen of 1ohoken and the statute oC
'I New Jersey law to which time reCormers hal
been clinging. lie began his well Imuwn
lecture without any reference to the attempt
to stem him until he had reached a point in
the discourse for which ho had evidently
been waiting-where he alludes to time Ignorance -
norance and savagery In the bIble. lie brake
- awp.y from his text long enough to say :
" 'here was enacted 1 statute In the state I
of NowJorley a hundred odd years ago , when
most oC its inhabitants were savages , which
says that nobody shall ever discuss tie bible
except on one side. Since then time inhabitants : -
tants have grown more civilized. . They have
grown to have a ImowlEtgQ oC Call play :
they have been civilized 10 a degree where
they cnn realize Its absurdity : and to realize
that the statute sleeps In the dimness of the
past. I baa been Invoked by a number or
narrow minded persons who , shouhl have
. " Jived 300 years ago. 1 don't blame them ! ;
thQlr heats are that shape and they are tnt
to blame. "
lie saul hIs andlence could make up theIr
minds "h secret" about whet . . he hat to say. '
for he believed "t ere was no statute against
that. " That the blhl was inplred he had
sonic doubt , "but , " he added , "If the legislature -
turo of New Jersey says the 1ble ! Is Inspired ,
It Is and that settles it. "
Colonel Ingersol grew more biter as the
lecture , progressed and declnrd there never
was any kindness In the heart of a priest
ant he believed there were persons In Ho-
' bolten today who would gladly bring faggots
anti buIld a fire around 'ono oC their enemies.
10 said that no criminal lawyer In the state
Qf New Jersey would allow I mInister lena
a Jury that was to' try a cle'nt of his : " I
was surprlsll . he said later on , how , much
these persons knew if.God and how little they ,
knew of human nature.
. -
Addressed I Largo Audlenoo nt , time olnm-
hits Y. I. C i % . Imuilthliig.
COLUMBUS , 0" , Feb. 21.-IU. Rev. John
A. WatterHon. bishop oC the Columbus diocese -
cese , addressed a big meeting at the Young
Men's Christian as oclaton today. As many
persons us gained admittance to the hl
were turned away. This \ 'as th . frst time
In history that a Catholic clergyman had
addressed I meeting under the luslllces at
the Young len's Christian association , and
naturally attracted ride attention. The
bishOp was Introduced by General Sqcretnvy
\Y. T. 1O\ltI5 , and fPolte fur an hour anti
a half on Chrlstlnn citizenship , the audience
being held In rapt attention , and trequent ) '
breaking Into 111111 use. \Vhen the bishop
advanced emi the platform the applause
amounted to nn ovaton , and he thanked
the audience for their generous welcome.
I showed him. he enid , that they did not
regard him lS a bul In a china lhop , and
especially a Imp:1 bull In the beautiful china
shop of the Young Men's Chl'lltnn ussecia-
tion. The climax of his eloquent utdess
was reached In the following passage :
" \Vhile 1 am uncompromising In the mat-
tell oC my faith and inflexible In those hues
oC conduct which dlpcI11 on the prlnclllles I
oC faith , and while 1 would 't03el'\'O the con-
tempt and scorn of every rhht-milded man
IC 1 were recreant to my c018lelCI In those
timings which I hohl al truths , 'et I know
oC no doctrine of the Catholic church which
prohibits or II'events me from working for
the good of my relowmeu : no doctrine
which InterCerel with mv allegiance to time
Jovernment all laws ot may coun try. On
the contlry , I Imow that the whole tench-
lug nod the whole Illrlt oC my rt'higion le-
quIres me to be trite to I ) ' country mind iK
/overnment , ali to promote Is honor by the' '
faithful ( himiclmarge of all the duties oC 4'tmucr-
talhruldlschlll cihlenshil. 11 of you would know
it , loa , If 3ot1 knew mv religion ni well as
I do. " ( Loud npplnuse. )
CUHJto\ i'IttLiiU.O.'ViS : TI hitN.
Cllell I I SOlh'o II ( 'Inhulls to S him ludmiui
Iltcrlllol"1 ccrnt " ' cl'tlps.
NEW YOhlF \ F"'h. 2l-Aldlblshl Cor-
rlS11 todl ) ' 1ent to evelY 1111'st ) In the
dIocese oC Now 10'1. . the folo\lnl letter :
"n evl' ( Il Dear t3lr : A recent decree oC
the loly \ olee , cOI/I'ml'll / by tInt so\erelSI
pontiff , Instl'uctl the hlsho)1 oC the United
States to ull'lbe time tulhCul ( 'om\llCI to
their chnlgo Iglllst amlntnn with fucl-
etes known 11 ito 0111 1"l'lhl\'I SOlS
of 'l'enmpcriinco 111 the 1IIhtl : : ct I
lythilt , wIth time l'urtheH' Iljulelion ( that
1 Catholcs , after such IUl101110n , lel'IIRt
In their l'OI\.tol wlh UI or these \ oci.
Nles , mid wil lot gl'o tilt membership
therein , they ( 'lllot ICCI'I'O thin bnCI'-
tnentmm. ' 1he Iluri ICIIOII on account oC
which It II IllawCII rOl' Culholet to j011
lollotCI fOlbl.hlll . br time church wil he
roull mllO , II the Ihl'i Ilhm'r council oC hhulti.
" 11m , rO\lI'el,1 ,1"11 , sir , \ 'emy tnlhfuly
yours , : ll'IAI , I. ( ) it1U(1N.
; " . \rehbilhol - oC New York . "
Exhiettemi . l'rnfes.or miuiib'i . utcnl fur I lovely ,
OAtL.T ) , Cal. , Feh. 21.-Chnl'lel W ,
Woo,1\ , , profN'Ror of ( 'ltlmoloy at time
StntQ Inh'cl'ol ) ' , and W. e. lux\\I. I
student nt the sauna 11le , have hel'l ox'
VehIctl troll the 1 lllt larl1t church of I
1Ierlu.h\ on charges of hc/trcoxr / ) , prl- :
fenlc ugailut them by Hev \ \ L' . Learne1l I
and limo dI'Onl o the churl. . . tome time
ago Maxwell hr'ul 10 expl'ss 01'1110111 In
religious circles that were r SardpII by
ohlreh lembl'l nl hctorollox In their na-
ture. Time young dissenter \\'al hrought )
before the 1'ltOI' % ald : llenl'oll and malh'
to InK\\'er tlo 10 the charge or 111'reR , Mux.
wel leCuRe,10 , / repelt nl'l ' Prof , " ' 00.1- .
worth upheld him , Np\'tslll time s/mo he-
let that 1ux\\'I'1 11ll , HI Iluhllhcd n vir-
culnr glvigg hiM \1 C\\'I , the maui Ilolnt "I-
WhllI Wtl ' that \111tsm II lot Ilcre'ul.\e
to chmurim mneinhuermilmip. 101 to the 1,1'1
supper. \ 'JIoth ol"endens \ ere ex-
pc lcd , _ _ _ _
Fire I'nril ' tlurll t em-s Ices ,
OCl'ln. . . I"sIi . : I. . .Burll& high maR
at the Cathulc church this IIOrn\nl \ the
' dead leaves , ( cilia and oilier mhecoratlouts .
" around time altar became ignited I fioni the
nrolll . alar ! nltr'
lJ . ' eUlltl Thc-8aiuiesioused.cousideutble . r" . .
c.- : lelrn.t 11 the cIICn'tfl ; , but by 1\'Illt
kt ct"u the tro WiLe U'U1ctlgul he" ,
. -
- - -
Father O'fleihly had his hair bally slngell.
Al ? eon al order hath been restored the
services were resumel ,
.Unllo R Cole ' 11 Mktmsitm , In . \ ssaliiuig 11
' ' ' .
N03'r Cllrndrr.
lAI.TIIOHN , Md. , Feh. 21.-The Amer-
heats says : While proCessing to advocate
the clalml oC the United press , to whIch I
bellll ! ! , the : ow York Sun went out of ' its
war to make a most unlgnlnetl and wicked
assault upon the personal character ot p
U. Noye , the energetic , capable and POI1
. I
lllI manngci of the Wnshlnton Evcling
Star. 'fhe Astoclatc" press , br which Mr.
Noycs II I director , and which allo
Clrnl.hel the telegraphic news for the
renders oC time American , has SO completely
flstancei Its OllllHlton that the Stilt , which
Is the mOlt prominent member or that op-
I1Slton , has grown frantic , and its ( liter
has forgotten his ( higulty. 1e II heating
against the aim- , howev.r , In hlA rle , unit
1110 n colossal mistake In choosing for
Ills target a man who . 8tnnls su high In
time nevspnper fraternity anti In the esteem
or the community In which he lives. A
Inn oC sterling integrity , ni wel ni of
unusual ability . Ir. Noves haH no occn-
Ilon to Instlll proceedings ! against the
bun to vlllento hits character. The sUit
\ \ hlch he declares It Is hil Purpose to
hiring , ho\\'ov'r , nitty have the elect oC do-
terming time Stilt from 1\ repetition oC Its
l'eclI'11 utterances.
NI'W ; YOItF Fh. 21.-The Broolt'n
1aglo I says : Time New York ] Sun on Friday -
lay contained ni editorial Iltlclo concernIng -
lug the Alsoclatell press. \1gol'olsly
Ilrlse,1 , the United preRS. The , \ssochatctl
IJ'CRS 110es not belong to thc Sun. If zeal
for its own organization II laturl Its
sorrow or Its anger 01 both , lt what I
I'e/ardl al the hnnkrupte ' nnll mlsman-
aclent , the misfortunes and the IIn9 or
the rlvnl organization , may perhlps be duo
to genuine henevolence and honest lympa-
thy. The Jtgie has belonged to tile Unitcil
press and belongs now to the Associated
lircas. , There was nn old Quaker who on
111 death bet saul : ' 'My Ron , honest Is
the hrt PolicY , becnu 1 have trlell bolh "
Tile . Iughe \ hUl tried both associations. 1
jIlteR time , \ls0clateI1 press ; better than It
1111 time United press.'itIm other members
of the Associated press. the Eagle Is sats-
letl with the mmtmmngemnent of that organ-
Izaton , with limo directors of It and with
its business condition. Time } rgle was not
satslI wih Its oxerionce with tie United
press and withdrew Cram It. The declarn-
tons In the Sun have attracted the nttemt-
ton oC I' ' ii. NO'II oC the 'Vashlngton
Star , AlncQ seine of them deal directly
with him lie announcel his intention )
once to force I judicial tent of the Sun'H
accusatonl against hll , anti In the highit
of the nctuul facts In the cuse 'he Eagle's
experIence wIth ll' , NO'c3 has. been such
ns to Indicate that he Is I thoroughlY honest -
est director , as wel u an excellent , kindly
and friendly man
IH .lTll 01" GICSEU.I. .JUSEI'l' It. C.lll.
1 01 ur I Successful Career ns Citizen amid
TROY , N. Y. , Feb. 21.-Genernl Joseph D.
Carr died today nt 9:45 : a. m.
General Carr was born In Albany , August
IG , 18 8. His parents came from Ireland
and settet In thIs country In 1821. lIe at-
tended the pub1c schools , was apprenticed
for a time to I tobacconist became n member -
her oC the state mlta In 1819 , anti was
elected colonel oC a regIment July 10. 1S.
When the civil war broke out , IWO CU
later he was appointed simccossivehy 1onten-
ant colonel ant the colonel or the Second
New York volunteers for meritorloul Iwrv-
Ices. lIe fought wlh conspicuotms bravery
at Bristow's staten and C mntl ) ' , and at
time hattie or Fmetlerlchcsburg. At Chanc
lorsvle , May 3 , lSG : ! , hc assumed commnnd
of the division after General Barry's fal ,
At Gettysburg he refused to leave the field ,
hut stood.hy the small rentimant or his troops
after hIs horse hal been Idled under him
and he himself html been injured by the rul
On October .1 , lSG3 , he was given command
of the 'hlrd division of the Fourth corps.
Later he was assigned to the Fourth di -
vision oC the Twentieth corps , and filially
to the First corps , with charge oC the de-
renses or James river. He was brevetted
major general on June U ; 1St3 . and mus-
. tered out oC servIce on August 24
Settling 111 Troy afterwards he started the
frm J. ! . Cnrr & Co . to engage In the
manufacture oC chains. Since then he found
time to Identify hiimm'elf prominenty In pol-
tmo . Jle WS ceccII secretary of state In I
18 ; ; ' and ; re-eleeted In 1881 and again In
18S3. In 11t5 he received the republican nom-
Inaton of lieutenant governor , but was de-
reated ; In 18G the leI ! lnture oC New Yorlt
made him a member or the Getysbun
monument commitee , He was nt one tmc
major general In command or the Third division -
vision , National Guard of New York , but
whet' the divisions were nbolshel and brigades -
nles substituted he retired from active
duty. _ _ _ _ _ _
duty.lnlll Pamuit lurtll , 1'lllneh11 ' % 'riter.
NEW YORK , Feb. 24.-Samuel Dana Horton -
ton the distinguished writer on finance ,
died at the Garfield hospital In ashthgton
last night at Bright's disease. Ten days
ago Mr Horton came to the city at the request -
quest of lending members of the administra-
Lion for consultation upon the financial situation -
uation and was stricken with the disease . ,
uaton which he had long surered , Mr. Ho.-
native of Ohio'ns born 18H ,
ton was a natve was bor In
and was a son or Valentne Horton , rorm-
.rly a member oC congress from 01mb. He
\\'ns graduated from Hnrvnr1 In 18G . resided
for n time In Pott county Ohio , and has or
late years lived most of the time abroad , In
England timid the continent . where ho was
perhnps better known than In Amerlcn. Ho
had written much for the magazines upon
Inanclnl qimestions. Ills best known books
were " ' 1he Silver Pound , " published In Vm-
don , In 1889 . and "Silver rubl . " Ilub-
Ished In 1892 Mr. Horton was a delegate
to the first monetary conference , and was
made secretary oC that hotly anti unofficially
attended time Inst conference , where his nd-
vice was of great value to the delegates
from the United States. ibis friends say
that overwork was the real cause of his
death. _ _ _ _
Jlenttmnt Mmuritiuimil 's I' llten Ijeatli . I
FORT HOBNSON , Neb" , Feb. -Spe- ( -
elal Telegram.-Sccond LIeutenant WI-
lamlon . Marldand ot the Twelfth
InCnntr , stationed at Fort Niobrara ,
Neb/ ) tIled here oC pneumonia nt
1 1 0 / clock I at. Ho came here on
time 12th Inst. to attend a german on
the Hth , and was taken sick 01 the night
of hil Irrlval , with what he supposed to
tie n Hlght Itnelt or la grippe , In,1 never
arose from his lied lie Is thin son oC
Captain Iathew 1allelald , retired , who
nlrlved ( rein Kentucky at about noon to
Ind that ititi lon hld massed away . The
1UtOllt , wi be burled tomolow In the
host cemetel' ) ' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" 011 I ' a \ " Illlchrlljn l If \ 'mu to.
NE\\ ' HAVEN , Commit , Feb. 21.-Davld
Sloeltbrhlge , colored , known to nearly every
man who hits attended ] , Yale cole/e 11urlng
' ' "Old ) ' , "
the palt thirty years ns Iav was
rofull death In I chair at his home , 49 Winchester -
chester Ivcnue , by nelhhJI's this afternoon.
10 I I wal auoUI t3 . ) 'earl oith , amid hlli pllle,1
(1.11y about Yule cole e for more thnn a
lulrter oC I cemmtr ) ' . heath wns due to
heart Ilseafenll lie hail evidently been
Ilelll several I \ a'I , 11 : the body was horribly
mutated by rits. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'nn' " J'ni" , 11' IPIMI lilor.
I.OUISVH.Il Feh. 21.-Paul Jones , one of
Iemmtucky's wealhiest timid Jest widely
known distillers , died sUI1enlt 3:05 :
o'oek this morning at the Norton lumfirmn-
11) ( , ( u'Ouii abscess ot time ! rnln. his death
\ \ 'mis n great surlrl c to his many friends .
who were not even nwale of his . Illness . he
lelnl Indbll'lcll louts timaumfou t.eltht Imours .
Hnllih Illw , ' , I iiuuiker : ,
r AnfNH.I , , Ill. , Feb , 2 l.-Ttalplm O.
DUIJrt died tonight of apoplexy , n/ell 48.
Ho Vas 1 wealthy memher of the thrum or
Dmupee Uros. , the oldeRt established house
I"re , timid \ s'uis nice vlre president or the
" Ilc'n
First Nntonul bank , and Fer\'ed In the wnr.
- - - - -
011 HI'slfI'lt a I Unlll I'uunl )
Cl STO:1 Ja. , I'ob. 2i.-Speciai ( ' 1\11-
graumi.-Jmimea ) I' . Vllmer , an old I'cshlenl
ali plomlnent citizen oC UnIon coult ,
dIed liisollng , , " )
OIlier. - ( mntiicrc.m lii .
01.1(111. .
NIW J.ONDON , Comma , Feb. 21.-rl jor' '
Wllnm : Comstack , cx-mnemaber oC the
iegislnturt' , anti Corll'll , a prominent citizen
or East I.rln. tiled hel' today , aged iO
'l'url. GI\SCOW , Fib. I.-Ir. . Thnmnl "len.llr- .
son oC time Anrhol' 1.lne Steamshll clmpan ) '
II dead ,
J'Oili'SMOt'TiI , N. I. Flb , 24-Dr. 1. I.
N. nlholl , U. S. N. died this ummorimlmmg at
lilt } Citti' ) ' 11V ) ) 'lnl , ( main Ilollexy. ) aged
Ii " 'caus. lie WIS enl oC time bet known
men In time na'y ,
na\ - .
Sual ( : " ,1'11 111 I lice ( I llrll hh' .
ANNAlOI.IS , Md. , Felt . 24.-Cadets
'rhuounus Mnhol ( ' ) ' 11.1 'J'hom/l unit of
Mkhhllt ; ant Arthur ' \He1 ot iowa arc
iumiluI' i'.i Vu thu N llul mlc'I'l ( ' mum ) ' oh Ii '
\n llulc''lllY ihll'
SUlie , 'rime YGUU man mite cliargt'mI . wi I
Ulorlu ! nn jjlilci'r by 1111111 a . : hmlcnl
jar tl rcnt oC has room ,
, Oregon Leds1ativo : Session Had A1mo3t Expired -
pired Before 1 Senator Was Elected ,
11cIrhio nClchelt Every nCIHlhllnn "ote
In time hiHly-hIutmi Never Bcrn 11 CU-
dllito for the 1'lnco-8hort
Ihctch uf 111 Career ,
SALEM , Ore . , Feb. 2 , -The struggle Cor'th
election cf a successor to J. N. Dolph In time ' '
United Stats senate , which has ben carried
on In time legislature for thirty-three days ,
came to n close at 1 :45 : p. mum , last night by
the election of George W. McBride , ex.t ere-
tary of state. The eJnte1t has been a bitter
one front begInning to enl , and up to thirty
minutes before the hour set for final al-
journment I loked as though there would bo
I deadlock . Senator Dolph hell thlrt ' -c\'en
\'OtE9 sold , enough to ( Iciest nn clecron , up
to 11:15 p. m. , at which lme a recess was
taken for five nmlnmmte3. The excitement was
growing Inten < o , and It was evident that If
Oregon was to have two senaters In the
next senate something must be lane at once ,
as midnIght , the hour set for final adjourn-
ment , was rapidly npproachlng.
When the joint assembly was called to
order again the first few names called
showed no change Inote , but when the
name oC C eton , a strong DOlph man , was
reached he arose , anti hnmedlately time vast
assemblage became sient I was evident
sonic acton hat been decided UpOI by the
Dolph men. lie spoke for a couple of mln-
mites , and when he mentoned the name of
McBride time house broke Into a wild humlh.
lie then recorded his vote for McBride Each
succeetlng republcan whose name was called
voted for McBride . and when he had received
Cortynveoles , the number ntcsrary to a I
choIce , aml the great confusion and cheer- .
tag a loton was male to have all time
republican votes recorded for McBride , ant
It \\'OS carried wih . a rush.
McBride , therefore , received seventy.two
vote , being that of every rellublcan , In the
legislature. He was In no sense a cal1lhte
fOr the once , though his name had
ben mentone In connection with the sen-
alorshlp. The contest has been a remarkable
cne In many respects. One month before the
legislature met It was considered a rtn'nty '
that Senator Dolph would have no oppr lon
for election , but front that time until the
legislature met the free sliver mEn began a
campagn ! to defeat him. They had no par-
tcular candidate , but simply were opposed
to Dolph on account of his views on the
money question On the second day oC the
session the repubtcans went Into caucus ,
when Dolph received the unanImous nomlna-
ticn . The vote In separate session wa taken
one week from time tme of the caucus , but
twenty-feur members who _ had voted for hIm
In caucus refused to do so In separate sea-
sion He received a majority In the senate
but lacked one In the houae , his total vote ,
however , In the two houses fcotng up fort ' -
e'ght , a majority of two The next day In
joint session four more votes left him , which
prevented hIs election hy one vote. He con-
tnued to trop off from day to day until
his support got down to thIrty-eight The
opposition stool firm , ant It became evident
several days ago that Deplh could not be
e'ected ' though his supporters agreed to
stand by hIm to the lut Rather than cause
a deadloclt , however . they yIelded at the
last moment , and brought forward McBride
upon whom all Cact'ons could unite , and he
was chosen on the slxlEth ballot.
George Wahtngton McBride Is a native
son of Oregon , having been born In Yamhl
In 185 lIe Is a son cC Dr James McBride .
who was well known as one of the earliest
and sturdiest pioneers of this state. McBride
was educate In the common sclrols and at
: ant
Wlamete university , Salem In 1867 his
parents heft Yamhl county and located at SI.
lelen ' , Columbia county , at which place he
has made his home ever since. In 1882 he
was elected to the Oregon house cf represent-
atves , and was subsequently chosen speaker
or that body. In 1886 Mr. McBride was nomInated -
mated by the republcans for secretary of
state , and was eleeted. His popularity Is attested -
tested by the fact that two the princIpal
nomilees on the ticket with hIm-governor
amid , treasurer-were defeated. Mr McDrde :
l'erformet the duties of his once r sats ,
CaclerllY that he was renomInated hy accla-
maton In 1890 , and re-elected by I handwme
majority. le served out the full term and
retired the first of tile present year , 10 give
way to his successor.
I'OItTLAND Ore. , Feb 24.-United States
Senator-elect George W. McBride was not
prepared to outn ! his views at length on
the money question , but In answer to a
question today he sd ! : "It 15 evident there
Is need ct a reform In the nnonclll system
of the country , and It Is my belief that such
reform should proceed on the lines of the
last national republican platform. "
11JIUD WA' - A SU1tL'itlSE. .
Oregon Congressmen thud , .ot Considered
him mu 83nltorll1 Vusiblhity , :
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2 . -The news of time
election of George W. ' McBride as Unite
Staten senator from Oregon was a great surprise -
prise to the congressional delegates from Ore-
gen Mr. McBride , though wcl known In his
state , had not been In any way mentioned
for senator ' , ant I was supposed his health
would not permit hIm to be a candidate for I
any office. lie was In this city about a
month ago on his way back to Oregon Cram
New York , where he had undergone a sunl-
cal operation . In speaking eCu time matter
tonight , Representative lermann oC Oregon
said : "I " have known Senator McBride \ Intimately -
tmately for years . lie was a competitor of
mIne In 1884 before the republican convention
for the nominaton to congress Rerore that
he was n member or the state legltature
and speaker of the state house of representa-
th'es In 1881 be was elected secretary of
state anti reelected In l8il , serving altogether -
get her eight years Ills term hnd just closed ,
lie had suffered so much from inflammatory
rimcuummmmtisun that he hail practically wIthdrawn -
drawn from politics and was not elect ell to
any office at the end of his term lie Is
about 47 years of age anti rather tall . le
Is of a very amiable disposition , oC refined ]
appearance him. amid I liked by eli who know
him."le comes oC a dlstnglished family. Ills
rather , Dr. McBride , was LIncoln's minister
to the Sanlwlch islands In the early ' 60's.
ills brother , Jolm McBride , was time first re-
publcan congrEssman front the state oC Ore-
gait , his mother's brother , \V. W. Atams , I
was collector ot time port and held other 1m.
portant positions.
"Senator JcIrlde took no part In the
recent senatorial fight , and I suppose was
elected as a 110llular comlromlso candidate (0 (
l're\'ent the legislature from falling to elect
and leaving the place vacant "
OUbrrlll"rlnl ( 'lnlen 11\1 , to lu.I1'I.
NASUVI.I.E , l "b. 21.-'he commission to
In\'esjlgale Into the gubernatorial contest
hit ! flnishied the examinaton of the counties
objected 10 by Mr. Evans and Mr. Turney
anti hus stricken out ninny cuntes anl and civil
districts tram investigation. Rules have
also been adopted Ile/ning the relevance of
testmony to 110 tnken and the hues upon
\\'hlh the evidence Is to bo taken / IIlx ,
The committee , divided Into tour lubcom- t ,
mimittees . wi begin taking testimony , one In
the west , one In the miidle. and ) two In
east Tennessee , anti iuivo anl days to
complete time investigation.
1'1' i'retcr.'umcei for I'resliIuit. ,
'fQlEKA , l eb. 2t-Arthur Clpper , editor
oC I local newspaper , has made a can-
va.s of the reJublcln memberl oC the leg-
1 llture emi presidential preferences , which
I c publshes , al follows : \111'1 MeK n'ey ,
4 9 : ' .h0\a8 n heed . , 18 : Benjamin harm-i-
&on , . I : Allison , Ii John Sherman , 1 : Senator -
ator Teller , 2 ; Jonn J. Inull 21 ; Senator
" 'olcot I' Levi p , Mo'rlan ; ' ; no choice , !
1 ; declIned 'I to vote , G.
"It was admitted by is ' large number oC
the McKInley men " 8a 'A the Mall [ , "that
the Heel sentiment In 1nn5R was rapidly
growing , nnd one or two Went 10 far as
to Predict that when th tlmo canto to select -
leet I delegation tram lhll , tate , It Would
be mmii ) amid tucle betwe tJie two cantl-
nip . tJo
Uemacm' WCrkhig ror rlnlou
KANSAS CITY , l eb. . . " number of
11emocra headers In Inss City , lnmi. ,
got together tOday and decided they would
endeavor 10 fuse with the populsts In the
coming city election. Tile democrats unit
Pohnihtsts will hold their eon\'entons next
Saturday . and the l"moerlll will make a
strenuous erort before that time to get the
1IIIIIsts to consent to a uslon deal
-J - I
NI TI ] ' : s l'mm IWI.'l.ITlW.
Though \ \ ' 111101 time EuigIkli Forces
Wern Tel Much for "llm ,
ILYIUTI Eng" , I eb. 21.-The wife of
nn officer who Is I member cf the BrItsh ex-
pediton on the Brass river , Guinea has received -
celnd a telegram train her husband stating
that the expedition has had I big fight with
the nath'e The dispatch adds that the Drlt-
Ish force was all night , front which It Is
supposed Ihat I large naval force was landed 1
anti there has been severe fighting wth : the
natives , A later dispatch stmtcs . that Major
Sir Claude McDonald , the Irllsh conimmiis-
slammer , and the efer commanding time expe-
ditlon were both severely wminded. The na-
t\'es. who were armed with Iaxlm ali
Gating guns , were repulsetj
LmmON , I eb. I.-Th& foreign office has
no confirmation oC nn engagement between
the British ant natves on Brass river. Time
last news oC Importancc front Brass was at
the beginning of the month , ' when It was said
that Sir Claude McDonald was holding the
town ot Brss against time natIves.
Trllll : Ivlh Ir.I7\h1" lehrll.
LONDON , Feb. 21.-The hInes line a dispatch -
patch trm Montevideo which stile the fall-
tire oC the Iulnn firm of 10deslo & Sons ,
with liabilities oC ( Oo , Is causing much
uneasiness. South Amellelu banlts / - the
principal creditors or the firm.
The dispatch adds , It Is stated on good aU-
thorly that the lrzllln government will
atteimipt to make terms , vlh the revolutionists -
tlonlsts In Ho Grmmi1e do Sil , Admiral da
Gamn , who Gr\111e Admiral do Melo In
the command oC the rebel fleet ! during the
lute lusurrecton , Is at the head or the rcv-
olutonar ) ' movement In Rio Grande do Sil
I Is said that he has 1 well armed and
well mounted force.
. t trim 'I mm ii e , \"A I I Hllnlls I , I In "lllnl.
VIENNA , Feb , 21-The body or 1"lellltar-
shah Archdulte Albrecht arrived here today
Cram Asco , In the Tyrol , where he died on
Monday last , Cram congestion of the htmngs.
The remains were received with military
honorl amid conveyed to the chapel of the
hlofhmurg , where the ) ' w'ere , placell upon n
cntnrullue with great ceremony. The streets
from the station to the
stalon tie Honmrg were
crowded with people , all or whom bowed
reverently ns the body passed , b ) ' .
BEHI.IN , Fe ! 2 i.-Emnporpr WIlam will
go to Vienna tomorrow to attend the funeral
go Itend
oC Archduke ! Albrecht , '
\"t"1111 : " "I I I'rcfliurlItr , for " 'nr.
GUATEMALA , Feb. 24.-President Dar-
rios , accompanied by General : [ olno and
Minister or War Iorales" " Inspected the
troors ut the 'arlson In thllclr 'esterda ) ' .
Geneml Molno was interviewed aCer the
immspectlotm . and said thal hlst there Is
every reason to believe tiere will be po
hostites or thu present questiou . IL be-
hoo\'e,1 , Guutemnll to continue her military I
preparations ' , as bug us Mexico continued
imersaddinr that this country would not be
caught unprepared . and tht 1 war should
come Mexico will timid that sue will notlhave
so easy walking ad Site 4maglnos.
Xeloth.UOIA with ( immatuliimL . Urumgimng.
C''Y Fib. 2t-In spite
of al reports to the cdntrmy , . negotiations
between MexIco and Ciuaemaia are not
advanclng ; ' and the . d lhil11 ; due to Do
Leon's dilatory tactics , whUb Minister Mar-
Iscal Is doing all posslllf to hurry the
mater up. De Leon aisc1'ta he Is ( uly
empowered to arrange m ! l url to the -ent
without the necessity ot ! onmmuhting : any-
hotly . tonsullng !
The appointment of Mr. Ransom as minis.
tel to Mexico Is receh'e here with the
greatest satisfactlotm. '
immsurgcnticmIoummictorioims ; % .
LONDON , Feb. 21.- . ( \Ispateh to the
Times from Calcutta reportf the capture or
the greater portion of time ; city oC Muscat
by Insurgent Dedoulns. The sultan led
from the paince but eventualy regained
the eastern portion or qme town. The
lighting contnues , Muscat , the capital oC
the Imam or sltlnat ! , or 1uscat , Is on
the Indian ocean near the eastern angle
at ArabIa I Is ot great ' eoipmerclah f-
portance , the harbor belng'completely . shol-
teredo I
Irlnco or " 'Hle ulerln rrom a ColI ,
CANNES , . Feb 21.-Tue - prInce ot Wales
arrived hero today , and 't once boarded
hits cuter , the Brlannln'j The prInce Is
suffering slghty from the effects oC the
cohl recently contracted In 1.IHlon. but It
II thought ho will tpeedly rocovel' Time
Britannia Is entered jor several . of the
races In the Riviera regattas , She won her
/rst victory or the reason yesterday when
aim defeated time French 'acht'alkle ,
owned by Menlorle )
Divers Wi Try to Ieenvorhhn Eihe'.m . Mali .
LONDON , Feb 21-fim& North German
Lloyd Steamer company has engaged nine
divers to attempt to recover the malls from
the foundered steamer Elbo. The vessel
lies In water 12 feet deep . and two or
three mal bags from her have been washed
ashore on time English coast Time estimated -
mated value or time mail II $0,0. Decides
wage ! the company has allotted the sum
of time $ 2iOO steamer. for time recovery ot Vjluales tlom
Ucbels Loot , Iorl"co City.
PAHIS , Fob. 2I-DI Jatches received
from Tangiers state that the rebel tribes '
have entered und looted Morocco City . one
of the capitals or Morocco . , SerIous tight-
Ing occurred before the city , fell Into the
hands of the rebels , ali many on both
sides were killed. A British wnllhlp has
arrived It ' 'antlers rrom Constantinople ,
[ 'ltecl. : Siuvellu'd .etters.
LONDON , Feb. 25-:11. Sydney Calvin
hnK writen u letter to the ' .Imes , with the
whlow ot Robert Louis Stevenson , amid hits
executor , Inviting al IlelHO/S who have
letters Cm the 10\'ellt to scud them to
him COl' Hlhmlsslon to Mm-mu. 11cven101 , Ir
they nre wilng that the leterl' Ihll ho
oventaly pubitsheil .
IrrAhlont Ir 1 ' . I.t I'ruh , 1 llc/ell
DEI.IN , Feb 2t-01nt .Stoiberg-Wernl-
gelod , president oC . East Prussia , has
been elected / mnemhtr ot the Helchstng
for Oletzkoicyk , In the Johammnesbcmrg ills-
trict by un Immense majority . lie wal 011-
posell ! y radical , Boelalat .ud ) agrarian can-
tiitiates . .
fv.immro l'rl'lllrl' . I U I > olulo.Ilrllnn Celtic
PARiS , Feb. ' 24-At a eetng today oC
time cablne't cotmmmcil , M. 4'tJtufiier , mInister
oC agriculture , imubrnitted decreo' -
agriculure lubmltei I prohIb-
Itng time Importlton 1/10 - France or Amer-
IJleuro.pneumonla leun cattle , ou account , qt' 'exnl rever and
I mnrlll Inln for : tha h.mulo rlr ,
ST. TgnSUUnG , Feb , 21-Time czar
hus ordered time aplJlnlmcnt oC I commission -
sion to found , In memory ot the late Czar
Alexnnder , nn Institution where n home
wi be Irovldetl for disabled etutitormi , art-
Ists amid actors .
New ' 11 IhII ! ' " . " , . , tu l nI"'II ,
LONDON , Fob 5.-A , Ispatch to the
Times trout Constantno1llf "q's that Alex.
nuttier I\nmthedory Palha wi replace
Hlstem Pasha UI Tulc , h ambassador to
Great u pension. Britain. The latet _ wi0 retired on
,11111 l'rCllar'1 ' II I , \tl c" 1'lrloUI.
I.ONDON , Feb. 21.-Tho Tunes has n dispatch -
patch from Kobe , Japan : , stating another
Japanese force IS being mobilized at liiros-
hlma for the pUfose , I Is supposed , ot
inching an attackon limo Island of Formosa .
J \ & , for . . .ulli" Ir1tl.h 'uflor , '
CONSTANTINOPI.E , F b. 21.-Savtet hey
and two accol1,1cea)10 were charged
with assaulting a Irlllh cadet recently ,
have heel tounll guilty uimd sentfmced eucim
to eight ) 'ear' - ImprIsonment - - at hard labor .
. \01,1 11 I ( W' r I rrmiIt.
' 10\0 , Feb. , 21-The Diet has voted the
extra war credit oC 10 OJO run ( $ IWO-
( ) asked for by the &o\'ellment. I has
also given its approval to I Corell Joan oC
_ I 3,0,0 , ) ' 1
An Outline of Proposoll Amendmcnt to
the State Constitution.
l'roposed U.forml In the Orgnllo 1.1\ that
\ I nlnrle time Senile uf the lIX't'uitlO :
multi , hlll.1 Url'nrtnUnt ! Inll Mnko
Secure I < ucntlmi 11118 ,
LINCOLN , Neb , l eb. 24.-Speclal.---Tito ( )
comIng week of the legislative session prom-
laos to be one oC unusual Interest , 1 Is
harily Probable thnt much wil be /ecom-
1,1s"led In the way of the transacton of
routne work tomorrow , as the greater part
of the day wi be given Ull to time dIscussion -
cussion of the Omaha charter before the senate -
ate commitee on municipal affairs. On Tuesday -
day morIng , however , everythmiumgvihl give
way to the varIous consttutonal amenll-
monte that have been Praimosed during the
session. These amemlments will como up asa
a special order at 1 o'clock Tuesday mornI I
Ing. .
leyoml any question the pending ameml-
ments to time commstitutiomm are the most 1m-
Ilortant measures that have been brought before -
Core t"le legislature at the present sessIon.
Time present consttuton , formulnte,1 , twenty
years ago , requires revisIon In ninny essential -
tnl partictmlars. I does not possess the elas-
tcity required 1 In a charter suiable to the
needs or a rapllly growtng state. Its re-
Itrlclons to the proper Investment of the ed-
ucatonal humUs oC the state are too severe ;
its Imlntons as to the numher of execut\.c
officers arc too nnrrow : its provisions In re-
gard to the judiciary too nlrro\\ ' .
There arc two ways In \\'hleh the state oC
Nebraska may oblnln a charter suitable
to her neCessities. She may holt n constitutional -
tonal conventon nt an enormous expense , ,
with no certaInty that t'mme work oC that con-
venton wi meet the approval of the people
after I has been completed I may by separate -
arate nmendments secure time constutonal
provisions that seem to be demanted by the
rowth anti Increaset wealh of the state.
The hatter plan has ever .thllg In Its favor ,
whie there Is everything to bo said against
I comivemitton . Time work of the convention
may be rejected by the people , and In flint
case the expenditure of nearly $200,000 will
have been wasted On the other hand , the
rejectiomm of the Imendments woult only In-
volvo the cost of printing the lmroclammmatlons .
There are many good reasons for time be-
ltef , however , that time eoplo of the state
are Inxlous to vote on the amendments , The
needs oC the state are well recognIzed Time
people arc fully awake to the lmiatons oC
the present constitution , Time presentation
of fifteen amendments nt once , Printed on n
separate ballot , will make the campaIgn of
special Interest , and the voters will bo much
more apt to see tbe necessity of voting on
these prepositions than they have been In
past elections , when one or two amendments
have been offered and made a sIde Issue.
Inasmuch as the senate has set apart next
Tuesday for the consideration of these amend-
ments , a more extended revIew of their pro-
vIsions wi bo pertinent at this time .
One ' of the most notable at the consttu-
tonal , amndmmments 'S ' the one , relating to
citizenship. The present constitution provides
that every male person of the age of 21 years
or upwards , who shaH have resided In the
state slxmonths , , and In the county , precitmct
'or ward for time , tme provided by I\Y , shall
bo an elector. providing ' tlat , he Is ( ' citizen '
-of thetlnitod States of foreign
- the. Unied or a person foreig
birth who has t c1nred his Intenton to become -
come a citizen oC time United States thirty
days before election. .
The amendment under consideration In the
senate very materially alters the qualnca-
tons of the voter. lie must be a citizen of time
United States for at least ninety days before
the election. This means that ho must have
complied with all the laws oC the United
States and have received his final papers.
In addition he must hav been a resident
oC Nebraska for nt least one year preceding
the election nt which he proposes to vote
of the county for at least ninety days , and of
the eleclon precinct at least thirty days.
The most Important provision , however , Is
the one which recites that "no person who
shal not be able to read his ballot In the
English language and write his name shall
ever exercise the privilege of nn elector In
this state. " I Is provided that thIs nmend-
meat shall not apply to any person prevented
by a physical disability from complying with !
its requirements , nor to any person who now
has time right to vote , nor to any person who
shah be 60 years oC age or upward at the
time time amendment shal take effect.
It may be argued that time educatonal provision -
vision Is somewhat hmarsim but I is wel urged
by all friends of good government that any
man who has been a resident of the United
States for five years and who by applying
for papers of citzenshIp Indicates his desire
to become an American In time legal sense of
the word will certainly find It no hartshlp to
lear to read the language of the land of his
One oC the amendments provides for more
elasticity for time Investment of time permanent -
nent educational funds of the state. These
funds have at present grown to large pro-
portions. The state has over $2,000,000 Invested .
vested In bonds , and these Investments are
Increasing every year. Naturally many of
the bonds are now beginning to mature , until ,
as they are paid , the necessity for Immetlnte
reInvestment under favorable conditions becomes .
comes urgent At present , under the old con-
mititution , thee funds must be invested In
UnIted States or state securities or registered
county bonds. The proposed amendment pro
vides that the funds may bo Invested In
United States or state securities , registered
county bonds ant registered school dIstrict
bonds , thus adding school district bonds to
the list In which the state Is permited to In-
vest Its idle funds.
There are two added provisions which will
commend themselves to the citizens of time
state. One provides that the Board of Edim-
cational Lands and Funds may sell from tints
to time any of the securities belonging to the
fund and reinvest the proceeds In securIties
bearing a higher rate oC Interest whellever an
opportunity for better Investment Iresents
itself. ThIs Ilrovlslon will enable time bodrt
to make many reinvestment for the bene-
lIt oC time funds , and will tend to prevent the
accumulation of large sums of money In the
hands oC the state treasurer. The oIlier
legal detimmition testate
added provIsion gives a dennllon
state warrants , a 111 provIdes that when any
warrant upon the state treasury regularly
Issued In Pursuance of an npproprluton by
the legislature anti secured by the levy oC a
tax for its pa'ment shal be I'reaented to the
state treasurer for Iayment [ , and timers shal
not be any money I the proper fund to pay
such warrant , time Head of Educational ,
Lands and Funds mn ) dIrect the state treat- !
Urlf to pay tIme amount due on such warrnt
from moneys In hIs hamls belonging to the
permanent school fund , anll ho shal holt the
warrant as an Investment of said fund
The adoption of this amendmcnt wil save
time taxpayers thousanda of dollars thaI are
now paid annualy as Interest on state svar-
rants. Since time state began to spend more
than Its Income the state treasurer has paid
out practically $2fO.OOO In Interest on state
warraqtr. The Board oC Educational Lldl :
and Funds has endeavored to obey time law
passed by the legislature oC 1891 , which reo
qulrt1 the payment of state warrants out of
the school fund , but the supreme court has
decided that no holder oC a warrant may
be compelled to sell his warrant to time school
fund , Time imropased immendummcmmt will shut off
time warrant broker and turn time interest out
time state warrants back into the pockets of
time people.
Time present constitution is like a straight
jacket with regard to executive otiicers , It
hinmits time nummmber of executive officers to
governor , secretary of state , auditor , treat.
urer , commissioner of public lands ammO state
school superintendent. This limitation has
been ovaileit In a dozen instances by the
creation of eiub-omcers , who are drawing sal-
cries wltlmotmt hmarlng any responsibility. One
of time proposed aniendmcnts reads as follows -
lows :
Time executive department shah consist
of a govenimor , hicimtemmnnt governor , secretary -
tary of state , atmditor of tamblie miecotmuuts ,
treasurer , memhenitmteiiiieumt or lflibhie immetitme-
tiomi , nttorumey general , coumitnlssioner of
iambi ic lamids mtimti liii ildiutgs , and three railroad -
road ommmimiisiommems , each of wimopi , ext'ept
tIme sold raihmoad comunmlmusiommers , iiimm1hl Imohil
his chico for a termmm of two years , frommi time
tim-st Tiiturmelay after time first Tumemitlmmy 1mm
Jmtmmtmmiry , after imis electioti , mmmi tmimtil his
successor is elected amid qtmnlltleti. Eneim
railroad commmniimmsioimer shmmull hmuld hmi ohiice
for a termmm of thitee ) 'eaiml , iegiimmming on
limo ilrst 'l'lmium'melny after time tim-st Timesday
lii Jmtmmtmnry after Imle eiecttomi amid uiimtll hii
successor is elected ammml qtmmthfiietl iii o'imletl ,
however , timmit mit time ilrst geumeriul ehectiomm
hmehti after time amloptiomi of title nmmmenilumielit
there simmmhl be eiectel three railroad corn-
mmmlssiommers , one icr time 11cm-toil of otme year ,
omme for time period of two years , mumtii omme
for time iet ioii of thmmeo yemirs.
No ( itimer exectiti'e state nihicers except
timose mmaumied Iii scctiomm 1 of tutu article
mimali 1)0 ) cmeatetl excehut by aim act of the
legislature whmlefm is coumt'urmeil iii by umot
less tlmamm timree-totirtima of time ummembers
elected to encim iiotmse tlmereof ; provimleui ,
tlmat ammy oiitce created by nmm act of time
legislature mumuty lie aboiislmcti imy time legi-
latut'e , two-tlmirds of tIme mimeumibers elected
to encim hmoimse tlmereof commcimmvimmg ,
Another serious defect 1mm tIme preseimt constitution -
stitution are limo iixeil salaries. For imi-
stammce , time state treasurer , vhmo is Imommiled
for $1,100,000 , receives a , salary of $2,500 ,
while time treasurer of tue city of Ommmalmn has
a salary of $6,000. Witim such it salary mmmmd
time risk of losing tlmotisammuis of dollars do-
POsiteil hum time bammks , tIme farimmimmg oimt of lmtmb-
lie fuimils Imas been vlmiketl at as limo emily vmuy
to mmmnke good limo losses anti liabilitIes of
treasurers , It Is now proposed to ammmend tIme
eonstitutiomm as follows :
rlme olilcers of time executive depnrtmumemmt
of time state goverimmneumt shall receive for
timeir services mt ommmpensntlomm to be estab-
hishmed by la' , wimich slmmiii be mmeithmer lit-
creased nor dinmiumisimeil dumimmg time tem-mmi for
w'hmicht they simaui have beemm commimmiisiutommeml ,
tutu they simnhi mmot receive to their o'im tnuo
any fees , costS , interests upomi Public
mmmoneye iii tiieir imnumuls or uniter their ciii-
trol , Perquisites of 0111cc Cmotimer comimpensa.
tiomm , anti all fees timat. immay lmcrenfter bit parable -
able by law for services performtmcml by un
olilcer provided for in this article shmall be
paId itt midvammce Into time state treasury ,
Time legtslattmm-e shah at Its tim-st session
after the adaptiomi of timis nmmmeumtimimcmit , three-
tiftlms of time mnemmmbem-s elected to eumcim Imotise
of time legislature commctmrrimmg , establish time
salaries of time otilcers mmmcd imm tithe article.
Time conmpemmsmttlomi so estabiishmed shall not
be changed oftener titan omice 1mm four years ,
mind in no evemmt ummiess tvo-timii'ds of thme
mmmernbers ehectemi to each house of the legis-
latmmre concur thmereln.
Anothmer iummportnmmt immmmovation is proposed
to be embodied in mmmi anmendimment timat contains -
tains time following provision ,
The necessity of eniarglmmg tmo supreme
court has bach apparent for years. One Of
time proposed amnemmdmnents provides that tIme
judicial norer or time state clmail be invested
iii a supremmmc court consistimmg of five judges ,
district courts , coummty courts , jtmstices of time
peace , police nmagistrates mmd such othmer
courts inferior to time simpremmme court as ummay
be created by law in which two-thmim'ds of time
mnembers elected to eachm imommse concur , Tlmis
amendnment will pernmit time legislature at imumy
time after its adoption to vrovido for an np-
peliato court between time stmpreimme court and
t.'imo district court , Nearly every state 1mm time
union rocogimizes time necessity of an immter-
mediary court , for it is oimly by time estab-
hishmment of such courts thmat time commstammtiy
.increasing volume of busimmess may be prevented -
vented from accumulating in time supremno
court ,
The salaries of the judiciary , like that of
the executive department , arc to be emutab-
hished by law , three-fIfths of time members
electcd to abh house concurring :
Thc compensation so establishemi shall nat
be changed oftenerthan once in four years ,
ant ! in mme event ummiess two-timirds of time
; mornbers elected to each house of the leg-
lslaturo concur thereimi ,
Anotimer important innovation is proposed
to be embodied lit an anmcndntent timat con-
tabs time fohloiyilmgpr9vislpmi : . .
Tlmo might or trmam ny jury stmnmi remain
inviolate , but the legislatimro many provide
that In civil actions two-thirds of the jury
nmay render a verdict , and time legislatmmre
may also authorize trial by a jury of a 1es
number tlmaii twelve men in courts inferior
to time district court ,
One of tIme amendmemmts proposed authorizes
cities to amend thmeir own charters , under
condtions thmat are htercfater to be prescribed
by law. Another authorizes the merging of
the gorernmnents of cities of time metropolitan
class with those of the counties in which
thmey are situated , under conditions to be
prescribed by law.
Still another amendment will place mammim-
factures op the same plane witim internal
imnprovements In regard to receiving aimi , by
a two-thirds vote , under restrctions as to
It is proposed timst Imereafter all amendments -
ments to the constitution slmahi receive a
two-timirtlo vote of time mmmemmmbers elected to
each of the two houses and ratified by
three-fifths of timp votes cast on time propo-
sitlon at any general electioim in favor of
time amendnment.
Another anmendmnent provides that all votes
aimahl be by ballot or aucim other method as
mmmay be prescribed by law , prcvldlng that se
crecy of vot'ng ' be preserveml. This ammmemmd.
mmment will perimmit time introduction of time dcc-
trical voting machines , now authorized in
New York , and which give promise of corning -
ing into general use.
If all timese amnendnments receive the necessary -
sary three-fifths vote of the two houses they
will cure nearly every defect in the conatltu.
ton ! ammul place time peeple of this state in
condition to make further revisions from time
to time , witimout going to the expense of a
conetitutiommal convention ,
MdIE JiLOUIC.f DI it U.VSI.'G P41.
Captain ilmmnsforit Returns trans .ltuimuml
iCtcr it Successful Tnt , .
SAN FRANCISCO , Fob , 21.-Captain J. T.
Ilansford was omme of time cahmimm lmaesen-
gers on time steamer Gaeiia from hiomig
IComig via Yokohmnnma. lIe is returumiumg to
England after a long voyage ( rota 11am-
bumg to time Japaimeso miaval stmttiomi cit Yo-
lCUlCmi , mmear Yolcolmama , during which 1mm
'esel vas chased b Clmirmeao torpedo boats
crtuisimmg to immiereept time vessel anti either
( : mlltUte ) or simmk hem' . 110 WUhl in coummmmtmmil
of time stemmnmer Metmipeda , mu rust Emmgiimmim.
buiit steamer. 'limo Metmitmeuia took a cargo
( roam Iliimmmhurg comuposoil of war mrttdriuia
and vortlm 11,0.000) ) . At time caine timmmo an-
otimor Emmgiisii uutoaummcr , limo Guy Muimmmemimmg ,
lVUii also hoummiimmg war immaterial , prestmumaijhy
for a ( ilmiuteso Imort ' , ' , 'hmen time Gaelic halt
Hong Kong time Mcuimmoiing bind arrived
( rein I liimmmhmmrg timid wits mtimlpptumg her cargo
overlutmmti to Chinese fomts. 'I'Imey wino iiy-
immg Japanese iias4mu 50 jimofUecly that Cmiii-
taut hiaimmmfomd 01 time blockade runner bit-
camno smmspicotms amid set time puce for nut
cccliii m'mite , vlmlcim began into In time miftem-
111)Otm. 'l'lme torpedo boats gave cimmise.
After dmmrkmmess eat iii tlmo Metapeda vcereml
amotmnd In it large circle toward her course.
Dy daylight the tompedo hpmtts could mmot
lie cccii mmii time Mutupeihmu a fesv ( lays inter
reacimeti time Jupammem'o mmnai eutatiomm , 'I'ito
Jmipammem4e goviimtimmmemit ium'chtased time MaIn-
imeita at an mtdvmtmico ovem' 1mev original cost ,
( 'miimtitin ilmimisforti t'aa lmrcsentcml vitim
$2,5u0 and time crow hmuimpisornely rewarded
fur time unto ulciivtmy of tIme cargo.
Caiituimi hlmiumstomd Imas son a reputation
its it hlochmuio munmmer , During time macemit
Cimiliuim troubhi's Ito lauded a cmumgo of arms
amid mnimitittamms of var on time coast of time
h'ommtim Anmerlc'in ueptibuie , html iui niost muir-
hug work in that respect svmts mium log time
mO'OIUtiOml iii Ilimmill ut low ymmmmrmu ago , uvimeum
hme imumi a steaummer lomudemi whim war immaterial
up time AmmmuzOmi river ummtl uliumomut uimiier time
hoses of time uevolUtiimimtmmts' fleet stationed
along tIme coast to iimlerecimt tutu ,
Jtiior lcaztmo Cmiuumlriuuui l'ohico Aol mu.
1'11iLADlbPIlIA , Feb. 24-At today's
nmeetimmg of time United Labor leqgtmo a mesa-
hution , wimieli tics tmeeum uumdeu consimlerrution
( or the past mnomitii , condemnmmimmg the police
authorities for suuiuprcsmmimmg time slueccim of
Anmmrcimist Mosbray , was atiopteul , 'uime vote
% 'as sixteen labor orgaumlzaticuums iii favor of
time resolution , foimr ugalumat , arid mime absent
or mmot voting.
'truilem ) 'l'eiier 'I mini. ( lii imdmorr ,
LYNCIIJIIJIIO , Va , Feb. 24.-Walker 0 ,
lianmner , for twenty rears lime tm usted teller
of time Firet Natienal baumk , was arrested
lucre today charged with cimmhuczzhing I3XJ
of the bank's ( ummds. Time uummmmouumceummc'mmt
startled time community. limummmner is boumdeii
( or i6O ® . and time bank will lute wily ,0QQ.
Church Howe's Boief Committee llokling
the rort Against Great Odds.
t lhloomlless Ctmmmfilt Amumomig 'etnumm Commm.
mmimmuulcrui umimmt 'eturmuum Pnltticimmmi Iii V. , U.
amid 1-A hihgim Sluiritcul Amijumtuustt ( leit-
ermut Throws Up lilmi Cnmumimmissiomm.
LINCOLN , Feb. 24.-Speehnh--Timo ( ) arumy ,
of immajor gemmerals Imas been disbnmmmleil , The
newly elected ( lepartmmment comnlimnumder of time
Nebraska ( lrnmmd Anmmmy of time Republic imas
twice assummied commmmmmammil amid eimtereui upon
time iltities of his oillco. Ommo asslstmummt atijtl-
taint gemmeniml imims givemi way to ammotimer , mmii
time work of dlstnibumtlmmg tlmo relief fimmmds of
tIme orgammizatioum is to be lrosecmmtetl emmtirely ,
outside of time commtrol of lImo regimiar officers
of time departmmmemmt.
To get time wimoho story atraighit , we immtmst
go back sommmo timimo before time rcceimt mmmeetitmg
of time eumcampmmmemmt at hinstlumgs , wimemm it be-
caumme aplmaremmt that time lmmimmibitmimmts of time
( hrotmtim-strickcmm area woumhd require nsslstaumco
to title timemmm over time wimmter , time timemi do-
partummeumt commmmmmammiier , Clmuircim howe , set to
work to raise fnmmds ammmommg ( Irmimmil rmmmy nmemt
imoro ammd imm tlmo cast imm artier tlmat time or-
gammizmitiomm mmmlghmt take care of its mvii' unemmi-
bors , At time linstimmgs mmmeotimmg tIme Prosecu-
tiomi of time relIef work vns In reality thmo
imrize for wlmicim time olmposimmm ; factiomms fouglmt.
Commmummnmmder howe , wlmo hind workeui tip it
small bcommm for hmis owmm re-ehectiomm , fimially.
witimdrcw frommi time race for time coymimmmammtler-
slmhp witim thje uimmlerstaumdlmmg that lmo vouhtt
be placeit at ime Imeatl of a relief commtmmmittce ,
together witim two otimers , whmommm lie hiractic-
all ) ' selected , wimicim commmmmmittee simotild derive
atitimority directly frommm time cmtcammmhmtmemmt , autmi
hmouhti report to and be lucId respoummuiblo to
time encammmpmmmemmt. So far , so good. Time pro-
gm-mini mas dimly carried oumt. Time mmew omcors
were givemi mmii time hiomiors , time old autos re-
taimmed all time iummbstammce.
Time now officers , imovcver , tic not scent to
Imavo rehisimcd time idea of being shut out of
nil elmaro imm relief work patronage , Time do-
partummemit commmummnumder soon issued hilt lumatigu.
ral order , ammd with it a seeommd order hmronmul-
gatlng hmt nIna of relief. Time' old relief
comnmnitteo hind had nearly $12,000 altogether
at Its disposal , whmicim lmaui beemm distributeil
timroumghm the Post oihicers to time destitute vet-
em-ntis imm timity-iivo counties. Time mmcmv plan.
commtemmmpiatett thmreo gm-tumid divisions , with
nummierous subdivisiommim , witim a great ntajor
gemmeral at time hmeatl of each , It contcmnhmhatetl.
relief vork mmot ommiy 1mm time drotmtim stricken
area , bimt iii every county iii Nebraika , It
commtemimplatetl furtlmcr a gemmeral appeal for
coutribtmtiomms , time commtributtons to be sent to
the oIileer itt time depnrtmmmcmmt Imeamlihuarters.
T.heso orders lmitve already beemi pumbhisimed iii
Tlmo Bee , but to mmmahti , time situatlomm eumtIrehy
clear , they are imrinted omits imiore :
TiLE ltEt'UIILIC , DIdl'Alt'rML'NT OF NE. .
1IIIASKA , LINCOLN , Neb. Feb. 10 , 1895.-
General Orderit No. 1 : llttm'lumg beeum eleetect
amid installed us comnmnammtler of time Ieimnrt-
immommt of Nebraska , Gm-amid Am-amy of time Ito-
public , and after a careful comisitlerution and
iuhl remihizaitoim of thi' great respomisibihity cC
timis Immmpuimtulmt trust , I hereby assunme com.
nmmmumd mimid emmtom' omm time dutle of mmmy 0111cc ,
With imeadituarters in time state house lit th
city of Limmcoitm
m.ommaue am , 'rrmrnume will .be continued 4
assimmtammt adjutammt gc'imeral umitil further or-
ders. Commmrntio Itrad P. Cook of Lincoln is
imeteby appointed acting utsststammt mubjutant ,
geum0ral ; Comrade I. A. Armmohd of ICearney ,
assistant uuarterummaster gemmeral ; Comrade
Cmtsh 1) . Fuller of Imperial , ussistnmmt inmupec-
tor ; Comrade lit. B , C. True of Tecumnseh
judge advocate' Conmratie B. It , Bali o
( Jmmiuima , unusterlmmg olhicer ; Comrade J. H ,
Sticlceh of hlebromi , chief of staff , and they
will be obcyeti nccorthimmgly , OIlier mnemberms
of mity staff will be umummied hereafter ,
Comtmrumtlcs , tlmere is a great responsibility
restimmg upon each one of us In this time of
great distress , Comrades Chum-cit Howe , T.
S. Chmtrksomm amidt. . ill. Trimble are up-
nointed a coummnmittee cmi relief , amid have
kiimiily commeented to assist in tIme vomhe of this
hour , and as mmoomm mum due consideration can
be givemm a plait for orgmmumiziimg the relief
mvorlc of time departmemmt it will he promul-
In time meantime , every commirado in this
depamtmeimt is aimpoimited a commmrnittce of one
to seek oimt time mmeedy counrademm In his vicinity -
cinity imiitl meport to hmimu post commander , .
All coumtrlbutions for relief simould be far-
mmmirdetl to time departrneumt lmeatlqtmumtermu. _ _ _ _
wimere amm accurate mtccountlumg and tm speedy
distributioum cnmm be made of time same ,
Again thmmmmhdng you for time honor you
have conferred upon uno , I am yours in F , ,
C , tutu Ij. , C. H. ADAMS ,
Department Commander ,
A. I'd. TRIMBLE , '
Asmuistmmnt Athjtmiunt Gemieral.
TI I E I1EI'tJltIAC , IIdt'AiITMEN'J' OF' Ni'-
hIltA SICA , LINCOLN , Feb. 18 1893.-Gemi-
eral Omdere No , 2 : Comniades-if we wotmhit
do our duty as trim comunmics , we must be
up aumul doing. Timoueammii of timomue Witit
whom we totmcimed simouitlers tim times'of dan-
get , have left timeir emisterut hmouneuu and cast
their lot with liii. TIme Grm'mtt Commander /
imas , in 11114 wisclomu , withmimeiti time rmiium , aumil
terrible destitution has followed , tim-md unless
speethily relieved , many imoble amid patniotio
comnrmmdes , their wives timid little ones will
suimer ,
We learned in ivnr tIme necessity of organ-
izatiomi , and behievimmg that tmetter work can
be done , more commiramle relieved , and more
iuitl secured by timoroughm organization , x
hmemeby itronmuigate time foihowiumg jfinn :
Time state is hereby divided into thres
grnumd divisions mis follows :
'I'lme lirat grnmmml division , tinder time super-
m'ision of Comramle Jolt11 M , Thayer , mmmnl
comimprlses time cnmmnticui of Lancaster , Cuss ,
Oto. Johnson , ltichmnruisan , i'mmw'nee , Gage ,
Jeft'ermuomm , Nenmumima , i3ammmmml'ruu. Howard , Butt-
' Fillmore York Voile , Nuelcohla
her , Timayci' , , ,
Cimmy , limmnmilton , Adnms , Douglas , Smirlmy and.
Time second grmmnml division , mmnder tIme umu-
perrision of C , J , Iiiwortim of hiumrs'mmrui , mmmiii
is comnitriuteil of time cotmitties of Vebster ,
Franklimi , Keam'nriy , llnmimimi. I'imelpmu , Gee-
jier , Furnat' , lieu \'Iillow , Frommtlei' , ihltch.
coclc , Perlcimmmm , I immycs , Dtmmmdy , Chase mmml '
Ltncohmm muouthm of tIme Platte ,
'Fhme timirmi grand diviumiumi , uniter time suimer-
visiomm of Comnrutle II , C. Russell of Lincoln , _ _ _ _
commmiirliuiumg nIl time territory miortim ut time
t'imitp' , exccpt time couimmtieui of Douglas , Sarpy ,
\\'rmshmimigton. .
'i'ime tim-st gmaimd division is simhuhlviuled ama
follows : 'limo cotmnties of 'i'imuyeu' , Jeffersoim ,
Gage , h'awmmne timid iticimarmiuuomm , Comnnmmdu 3.
ii. Stiekje of ilehmomu uutupem-iotemmticnt , unit
coumHtitut'u4 xuhmciivislomm No. 1.
No , 2. Otoe , , Iohmmmmuofl mmmmml Ncmmiahmn , Corn-
rala itt , Ii , C , True of 'rccummseii aumperin-
tcnilt'mmt ,
No. 3. Dommglas , Snrpy , Case anti \Vnuuimlng-
toil Comnratie 'I' , 13 , Ciai'htson of Omnuima nu-
perlmmt enul cmi t ,
No. 4 , SnmmmmuleiH amid Lancaster , Comrade
Joe Tm'fter of l.ineohmt muimpemintemmuient ,
No. 5. I'ohk , lhmtler , York , Iiemvmirtl , Fill-
mome anti Saline , Commimado 'iv , c , henry of
Falrznommt muuprimmteumtlemmt.
No , U. liutmimiliumit , Clay , Niirlcoihmu and
Adams , CmnruiItm A. V. Coie of Junimitut au.
lemintemmhcn t.
Seconul grmimmul division , timid illuutnict , time
coumittes of Fmaimkilmi ammci'clmster , Comm-title
0. U , Dailey of jiloomtngton umtmimorintcmmtlemit ,
No 2 , Gosin'r. l'imehimmm amid learmmey. C'omn-
mdc 11cm' . Imeebe of' Mimmdcn smmjmeninteummleot.
No. 3. Fmmriins mind liamlipi , ( omnmitmieV , IT.
llmiumwcii of ( lrieauuii stmperlimtemmtlent.
No. 4. rlmamuf' . iumntly , lirmycum , IiiteiucoclC
and ItetiVillois' , Coimmrnde Cash Ii , Fullec'
of lunmmerinl smmpmriumtcndent ,
No. 0. h'orkins , i'roumtier anmi Limmeoln ,
outii of tIme i'himtte. Commiunule 3. 13 , Itobhminmi
ofS'allat' sumperlmmtenuh'mmt.
Time third grmummtl diviioim mttmbdivideml as
follows :
No , 1. Colfuix uum'l Dodge , Conmru'lo L. D.
Iticimam'tla of Freunommt u'mmpeniiitemtulent.
No , 2. Stantoui. ( 'mmmnimw. Jlumrt.Vayn. .
'riiuum'stomm. Iixoim anti Fiukottu , Cosmmrado J. _ _ _ _
Elmenly of Sttmitoru stmimsrlmltendrnt ,
No. : t. Kmu"x rind Cedar , Comraule Hot
Drapeu of Niimijrmtra simluCmIfltefltlCult ,
No. A. Aimtolope , Pierce mmmi Madison , Corn. _ _ _
rustle ' 1' . 1' . McCimrty of Neilgim umupenlmmtend. - _ _ _ _
cnt.No , 8. Merrick , Namice. Boone amid Platte ,
Cormmrada Johmm h'etcms of Alijioum simperintemid.
eat ,
No. tI , Jlovnrd mmmiii itmulI , ( 'ommirade George
rmuum n of Cl i a im'l li ii liii u'umime rlmi I mum id in I _ _ _ _ _
No , 7. Shm'numimmn'sllrv. . ( lreeiev , Vtmeeler
armil ( taril'lul. ( 'omruutle M. E. ( letter of Ommi
eu uuerlm I . " (1 Pfl I.
No , 8 llolt , ICeya l'aha , Ilrowr and Rock. _ _ _
. . . . , . . . , .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - ' - - -