Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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TliE O1\iIA DAUX 13m : : ,
- - - -
COlCI ( , l1ilJiFS.
OFFIC1. . . NO 12 11\1. : STT1CT ,
- - - -
Dtl\lrd ty c'rtkr to nnr tRrt ot tito clr ,
11.V. , TILTO : , r.eucl
'rlI Pl ( ) r - lun'nc ' ! OrCI He , , 43 ; n"ht - -
tJl' , Nn J.
. . . . . . .
' - - - - - - - - - -
4tI.\fl .tIX . I'/US -
Ornlt ] . C'uncl , luls , I , 1 , ' , Cnrlc , prop.
May : ' Henl Estnto agtncy & 39 Droadwn
The reAulnr monthly meeting ef th schol '
bearl ] wi he heM I hlJ cnnilg ,
Mrld ; ,1r . Vle'ter , JennIngs entertnllti
ft I'urt ' of ( rlel.j" nt high five Inst ThurEldY
enl'll aL their heie , on Frt , treet
The , kmurrats w 1 hcld their caleu , ! ! In
the varIous wireh this evtiIng . prellnrtory
to thl' rly c\n\'entoa : , which tae ItlnCl'
" 'NII sly ,
' 1 ! 1 bard ef FUIervlors , meet L'morrow.
an . ] It Is i prohahle , that they wil take , me
ntIon on the subject rf I"sulng , h nl1 to
provle : ] fUI.13 % for haying off Wn1alts ,
Julgo , \ql.lsOI of the Unlrl , Hlnlrs court
ha ! Muled for C,1If'irnIa. Iccomll.tlctl . 1)Y )
his wife. JU41g0 Hliras will 11rrslIo In Ils
plncl nL the t rl of court which comllcnCCS
lu Council Itifs ( urxl mont h ,
( ouncl Blfs
f Clarence gdwlnl 1anlll Witg dlcll aL 7
0'11011. yesterday morlu/ r S months nl
tim reIcnce ( , 1I5 Soutl / 1lghti ! trcct , utter
nn Ines of five ( ds ' 11 funeral , nt :
o'cloclt tils ufternoon . will 1m 11rlvntl '
n. J. . Benzou dll.1 . rCbtlrllay afternoon aL
I o'cloelt , ftgt't iO years : . lt his residence ,
ID23 Hcventl avenur The funeral wi lake
place nt 2t0Vcdne1ay : aferoon , frol
Emnnnel S\cllsl church. lie leaves four
da'J/hters an.l . threrns ,
Time social given IJ' the ) ' cub of
thu Western Iowa college Saturday evenIngS
S WM very s\ccessful , I was the largest mimeet-
- ' Ing ever held by thl' cluh Time Fellug : ca-
, af.ItySO5 Insulclent to Iceollolnlc , those
precmt. Anothe mClng w1 be held In
four rcek. .
: An Iltrre5ln" meeting was heM II time
Young 1.'s . ChrIstIan aFsoelaton rOOIS yesterday -
trnlnr afernon , Hev Conrad hooker of
'rlnlty Methodist . church leading : , Iii the absence .
senco of Secrrtnl Y Curtis. ly nexl Silo-
( lay , Il I thought . the new location for the
nssocnton will be announced
A charity toelll was given SaturJay'en -
log at the Commercial l'llgrhns' hal , by the
I'Iigrlmn Sisters. high five was itmduIgeI In .
there helng thirty tables full of gursls A
- , oCdly 511 was rel 1111 , which will he usell
In Iceplng tie wolf away frol time door of
as ninny ncelly famlea aK 115slble ,
Judge McGee has written to Governor Jnclc
Eon . asking for the rllaso of Anna Banks .
a 17-year-ohl gill , IOW confneel ( In the reform
school at MltchclvIIIe. The glrl's 10lher
made Ilplcaton for her release having secured -
cured evidence of a moral change In her nature -
menced turo since thc tem of her confinement com-
The closing meetn ! of a lour weells' series
_ was held lost evening at the Latter Day
Salnls' church Pierce street Preshlent Jo
peph Smith preachel ) on the slbject , "Jacoh's
Ladder , " to a p.lckcl hal Fe. I was his best : '
effort . and reeelvctl marked attention. Elder 'I
; Smith leaves Tuesday for his home In L1-
' 10nl , Ia.
Itv. ) . Phelps preach an eloquent
sermon yesterday moring ! at time First
Presbyt3rlan church maltng a comparison
between Jesus Christ and \\ashlngton
and Lincoln , bcth of whose hlrthlaYI arc
celebrated tutu month. lie found many
points of reselblance and drew many
1 valuable men. lesns from the lives of all three
In spite of the hard times there arc now
only twcnt-four persons confined In the
lettnwatolie counly jail. I was expected
thnL this winter woull bring In a large number -
ber of petty criminals who were cr'mlnals
just for time sake of the board and lodging
Il would bring them. Bul the number Is
unusually email . all Il Is thought thl most
of the crIminals of this stripe must have
have enlgraled te a warmer cHine.
The funeral of Emil Iererts yesterday at !
bls residence on Eleventh avenue , was largely
j nUendeel The Danish Brotherhood , headed
by a band of mlsle , escorted the remains le
their last resting place after the exerclse .
which were conducted hy Hev. E. W Snyder
" ot the English Lutheran cimurch ' Many
guests were present from Omaha and Neola. : .
A large number of floral designs were sent
In as tokens ot the grief felt by the many
q , frIends ot the deceased lie has been here
ever since 1882. lIe leaves a wife and seven
children , Charley , Louise , Thorwald Voter
Emi , Henry 0111 Agnes The children are
nearly all grown and nl homo to care for
their mother In her bereavement.
We have over $300.000 to 1'an I upon 1m.
proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans
can save money by dealing direct wIth us .
thereby saving agenl's commission \Ve de
not lon on wild lands nor In Nebraska
- 1ulee & ' 'owli 23G Pearl slreet
' I'J1O.'l . L J'I UI ( ; Jc.t PuN.
Miss Car Troutman spent Sunday with
friends In Genwool1
Randolph Greene of Klngsvle , A" , Is the
guest of Thomas Metca\
Rev , Dr. Asldn ot the Congregational
church Is confined to his bed wIth an attack
of time grip
Steward Merrill nOd wife ot time Grand
hotel are the proud Iarents of a son and
hell , who arrived , yesterday mnoriiing.
Mrs. 1yle Lee of Heel Island . a sister of
Mrs. J. E . larlmess , arrived . In the city ) 'c-
terdoy moring to attend Mr. Itarkoess' lu-
Miss Grcie Fereon , who has been recoverIng -
log frol au attack of 11eumonl : , Erfere a
relapse last week , nml Is now In an alarming
condition. doubt. her recovery Is a mater of mich
Mrs. J. Ill. Palmer and other relatives and
friends have tccelvCI invitations from : lr. :
and Mrs. J.V , Morse ot Chicago to be pres. I
ent nl thl marriage of their daughter , Bes
lie , Lo Mr. Charles Nnthnulel Chadbour of
Minneapolis . Mmii . , I ebru1) ' 26 , aL SI.
Mark's ' lllscopal 1 church , Chicago.
Mrs. \V II. Lynchard returned yesterday
from Jefferson , In , where n "Drownle" entertainment -
tertainment was given Saturday IIht , under
tier direction. Time largest audience ever
seen In the town pacl\ < the opera house
almost to sulocatun , alll the drills amid
dances of the 138 lIttle people In time cast
wora wntchell with ileeuest Interest Time en-
tortnlnmenl wouhl hlvo been repeated but
for the fact that the opera ' house wi betaken
taken every night thIs week ,
Gas heating stoves for rent and for [ sale : l
CouncIl Bluffs Gas compaimy'mu office ,
Duck\henL calls , loaf sugar syrup one of [
the breakfast dishes at Pearl cho\ house , 1ic ,
heath .r .1. E. Iluurtcuuru.
Wlh time ushering In of the Sabbath mornIng -
Ing Mr J. E. I Inrkncs ! pnssed from surerhl ! ;
Into rest , This ending ot n five weells' Illness -
ness was lol unexpected to those who had
cared for him so tenderly anll tulhfuly , butte
to many friends beyond the circle ot In-
tmacy the onnounCOlrlt will COIO wih
some surprise for , while ho was known 10
10 quite II , yet lImo fatal chane did lot
become apparent 111 wlnl a tel duya.
Ito had apparently succeeded In eombatlng
time severe Itlclt of 11IeUIlonl1 with which
he hall been suffering greatly , when a very
mllgnanl form ot tyhohl fever ensueti In
his eneebll 1 condition this could not bo re-
slated , anti ho railidly sank Inlo unconsciousness -
ness , amid remalll thus for thlrlyslx hours ,
until death released hlnP
Mr Harlmcss CIIO to Council lufl front
the east about ten years ago , anti engaged
In business with his brother , under time wel
known frm nlo of Hlrkness Iros , Since
time death Of his brother , anti time relrement
of limo frm from business , Ilr , Ilrknlss hu
ben engaged In various elterprlsel , ulong
which was time Chautaullua assembly , which
under his management was established hereon
on a magnitude surpassing any In time webt.
HI' was a man ot unusual activity stud ot
man ) noble parts. This cOllunly will feel
thll they surely shae In the loss , Inll the
tendl'rest symlluthy Is felt for the wife , the
Iwo daughten amid time '
anI young son , Ullon
whom time burden ot grief fails most h < vly ,
The funeral servIces will bt conucted at
the homo , 10 Fourth street , al 3:30 : o'clock
this afternoon , He\ , Dr. Phelps otliciating .
The member ot the ltoyai Arcanum u1 blch
ht WC n me'mbr , and who have been very
attentive anti helpful during his Ines , are
expected 10 attend , thought not In a body ,
. N Jesl drug store Taylor's Grand hotel
Davis Bell drulI , palut mimi glass cheap
- - -
Prohibitionist Girding on Their Armor for
nu Arsnult ou Mu'ct Strongbold ,
l'lnll , lc'lnJ T.nhuI for 11 (1.IIIjht 01 the
Snlupouu' mmmiii . iuImutq ' Of time CII-- % 'lmmit
Snl"ol 1111 .Int. .r thl Cly-- \hlt
\IUI101 ' ; Currr"oleclt
1 Is eommoniy undertooll that from nol
on the mulct law Is to bo made time target
of limo Ilrohlhitonists of all 11rls of Town In
Limo hop that al the next meeting of the legIslature -
Islature I Ills ) be wiped off the statute books
amid the str.fghL prohibitory law be left
monarch of all IL stmrveys . Yesterday rev-
oral of the clergymen of the city Ilrenched
sermnoums In which they denouncel the lulet
law In unsparing terms and wih Il the city
authorllcs for their lax enforcement of I ,
In the Fame slrnln Is aim nrlcl In n New
Yorlt sheet , the national organ of the prohl-
bilenlsls , purporting to hn \'e been wrlcn
hy sOle one who stayed away from church
RUlla ) ' not long ago In artIer to make n
roulII-UII of the town and look up the saloon
qimestion. Two tlogrnms are given In which
Limo relative position of the police station nnd
four saloons are given with the intention of
shQwlng thal time saloons are allowed to
open their back doors on Sunday with time
connl'ance of the city 0lclal8 ,
Time article Is nnon'mous It states that
In a oloon nl 1021 Broadway seven legro
women were fOlnd drlnllln amid ulanchmmg the
can cn for the edification . of I lot of drunken
men. In time twent-three snloons visited
there WHJ but two or Ihree not supplied with
\ lime roomums used for gamblng antI as re-
sorts for lewd . womemi Screens hid the hare
of every saleon , and gamblng and cards were
Iliulged In In many of them.
Whie the article Is fals' In some liartictu.
lars , there ( Is enough truth In Il 10 lorm the
fou\lntou of a crusade that may be looked
for In the near fmmture lS 1001 ns the mln-
Islers already referred . 10 are able 10 work
111 the ladles In theIr congregations to the
hoiing Point I Is eveu rumored that an
onsiaumght sleh as was tried I few days ago
In Hloux City , Is helng mediated by some of
thJ more obstreperous of the ladles
ui ( ' , :10 ANt ) : r0 ! E.tIIlLOILEItlE.S Ut' ,
lIen nhio ii mm rug.- Itmi rgmml ii I lay MOle.I ) ' ,
A big purchase , G.OOO yards of Irish point
embroideries . 3 to I Inches wide exqulslle
styles firmest qlll ) ' of musln , actual value
16c , 20c all 2Gc ; eulre lot nt one Price 1on-
day , I yard. Dou'l miss this bargain ; wo
boughl them aL hnl price . Our customers
get the benefit Momiday.
All our 251 3G.luch dotted curtain Swiss
Monday 12e ynrll.
New prlnld dimities . new \rcales , new
ducks at lOc , 12e ! and 1Gc yard
lack nnd whIte mourIng 11rlnts. 5c yanl.
GO pieces of dark stripe outing fannel , Ge
36.lnch : LL ulbleach mlsln , 3c yard.
36-lnch soft Inlsh bleach muslin . 51 ynrd.
yard 8-4 . Lockwood unbleacl sheelng , 121
8-1 Locllwood blench sheelng , 15c ynrl !
42-lnch Loclnvool bleach low case mus-
11mm . Dc yan ! I ,
4G-lneh Lockwood bleach pillow case mus- ,
In , lOc yard. I
want. Lay In a supply Momuday. Gel all you :
55c genuine real hair cloth , MOl1ay : Ic :
20e colon hair cloth , Monday lOc yard !
All colors lining cambric , 4c 'ard.
$10,00 , $12,00 nml $ IGOO eloalls $5D8 fon- ,
day ; any cloak In our store , take your Pick .
$ G.D8 ench. 'hls Includes everything In
cloaks. None worth less than $10,00 , and
Ull to 2000.
100 Iozen all linen hem Imct towels , fancy
borders , slzo 20x3G , Monday 1Gc each
Hotels , boarding houses and restauranls
should take advantage of this towel sale.
Council Bluffs.
1111 Clue I'uor
COUNCIL BLUFFS , 10. , Feb. 17.-To the
Editor of the Dee : I have been watchIng
the papers for time past few weeks to see If I
any efforts were being made to help the poor
In Counci Bluffs. Iy attention was ) at-
tracted by I collmn and n halt In last Sun-
doy's Dee ns to how Omaha was caring for
her poor 1uch assistance Is being rendered
by teachers In the public schools In this line
of work . There are mummy In Council Bluffs ,
wimere the father having lost his position ,
all means ot support Is cut off ; they do
not ask for aid anti shrlnlt from disclosing
the true state of alalrs , Others , perhaps
Eel what they hlve little by little untIl all
time comforts ot the house are gone. I will
give my eXferlence of the past week , which
vIii give somewhat ot an Idea 01 tIme suffer-
lug In the city : One family , the father lost
his positlomi . and one by one the different
pieces of furniture was sold . until \ nothing re-
mulnell hul the cook stove and bet ] . They
had lived complt8bl ) ' unt this winter , when
reverses caumie. Another family came here
from C.- , the same story , no work for the
father. There were four clldr n ; one ot
these biter cold nights anolher little one
cam ; there was no doctor . no nurse , and an
emply cUllhoarll. 11 nnother part of town
lives an old lady , over GO years of ne ( ; she
owns the house she hives In , but that doesn't
feed her. During the fall site vent oul washIng -
Ing and raved enough front her earlns to
buy 'four bushel9 of potatoes nnl eight heads
of cabbage , and when the thermometer
roach cd 20 below zero they al froze sold as
rock. Situ told me that last week she eared
anI' 20 cents. Another WOllan , entering one
ot the restaurants , asked for sOlelhlng to
eat , anylhlng which she could take hume to
her chmihlren. ler I husbal1 had left hlr , and
they were entirely destitute. TIme gentemen
fixed imp n basket full of celble8 , procureel an
express , wagon , took the things anti the
womnn homo and found It as she hall stated .
nnl sttet.
Only yesterday n woman came to our house
asking ) for work , su'lng she woulll do any- ,
thing , as she had ehlllren and must have .
ittli I can give lames and addresses at 1
these I have mentioned with the exception
of ono. Can le close our eyes to the needs
of such ? Some say : "I cannot give much
of an'thlng , lrimals only I cents. " True , f
cents would net buy much , either fuel or
fooll , but lint twenly of these nlctles together -
gether al11 you have $1 , which would he suf-
fcent to keep sulTerlng from the door
awhie , I everyone who could give would
give even I little there would he juy In lany
. the class I
huommies Generally poerer who ask
111 are such as have always bell Jeer and
male their Ivlul ; off ot the city. But , timis
year Is In exception. Many honest , hlrt
worllng len are not asking aid , but nevcr-
theless are nel'llng It. I a mass meetng
was he\l of the cllz . s , regardless of na-
tonlltrs or sex , the cOlcwtratel1 effort thus
made , the state of affaIrs would be bettered .
hut no great Imount ot geed can be don un-
lees all work toether , I lathes [ rom dif-
ferent paris of the city woull form un Inves-
tgntng commitee , 10 tu every house , 'Ulel )
fnl out the reel needy ones , nlo fnll out
who will give eiher food , clolhlug or money ,
amid hU\'e 80mo 1'lace appointed , where these
things could bo alien ( , then let thnt bJ ills-
trlbuted where mOlt leII cd. Whate\er II
don shoull be done Immediately. The
weather has chunged , perhaps In a tel Iloll
Il may bo many Ierress colder. We , who
ha\e 11Iell ) ' to eat , anti a nice fro to sit
down by , little realize what It mlst be to the
poor to hear time cell wind blow ald know
that the last stick ot wood Is on the stove
unll 10 money to buy any moore. I asll the
PeoPle of Counci Bluffs to lend a helping
hanl In 1hls cause. X. Q. H.
'ho ' , lot Some Unrl
0 Sargent's sale are going to he dandhes ]
I huvo ' time largest and finest stock of simoes
bought for spring thal ever canto to Council
mufs , allI want to close what I ha\e , 1
do lot wunt them ; Illco Ito object Come
all see for yourself It you have the cash At
! ulul I " .Iuot Keeper.
John Mergea's turn has como now to be
sued ! for Belln lquor , ! rs , Laura J , Dck-
Inson hal flied a 11etilon In the district court
asking for a judh"nenl ot $2,500 against blm ,
aleging that hue has been selling whisky to
her hUlbanll for the l'aBt Cwo years In spite
of repateu.1 notices not to do so , When
- -
pober , her husband Is one of the mildest ot
men , hut when surerlng from an acute attack -
tack of Ir , Mergen'8 booze he would come
home anti after threntenlng to kill her
would compromise and beat her only hal to
death , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lt'A Qnlct
In moL stores during inventory , blt We
have not experienced It that way and alrl-
bute Il to the numerous bargaIns offered In cur
varlol ! lepartments , which we shall continue
: long as they ( last ,
46-lnch French serges anti henrlelas , were .
7Gc , now 3DI
40-lnch French sergls and henrlelas , were
GOc , now Sic ,
All our dollar novelty dress goods reduced
to GOc
1g relluclon In block goods of all grades.
Al wool remnants at a great sacrifice .
CI.OA I < S.
75o ant SGc fine cashmere hose , ribbed ant
plain , ISc.
lSc anti SOc English cashmere lose , ribbed
and plain , 3 for $1.00.
See values In misses' and children's hose
at 17c . 2:1. 52c.
1.lpton's No. 2 onll 3 Ceylon teas , half
price. SOc anti 2Gc.
Ready mn.le . sheets anti pillow cases nt less
than the cost of muslin .
$1.00 shrlnlc wool skirt patterns , &lc ; U,25
and $1.50 qua1y. iGc
UNm\I AU ,
Council Bluffs , In
EXperL heir 11110' ,
'rte ; trial of n mnn Inmel ] Addison nL
Avoca last wcell brought to time front 1 new
nld lhoroughly unllue nuthorly on the immat-
ter of hog diseases For some lme past
Avoca 0111 vicinity have been 11estere.1 . by n :
lot of felols who hlve beel hnullg dead
hogs , some of which had tIled with hog
choler SOle of the dead Cnlmals were
foul1 In pens Ilth live emmett , staving Ollpar-
enty been IJt there for the 11I'Il0S0 of In.
feeLIng the others , nnd the owners banded
together for the 11rilOse of IJttng 1 slOl1 tu
the Illslnco , Addison was accordingly ar-
rested 1\1 County Attorney Saunders went
to Avoca last week to prosecntr the cas ? .
Among the winesses for the deenFe las :
large Dntehman with n rich bro ne Int nn
air of slllerhlmal Inlellgen e. lIe hail I
theory that the Iogs his friend Addison had
been hnllng did , noL die of cholera nt nil ,
hit a sort of toothnche reslling from anew
new crop of teeth coming II beore the old
crop hld outlived its mmsofmuiimess. lie was
on the stand drwing expert fees for teln"
the details oi his theory
When the county alorey gaL hold of time
witness for cross.examlnaton nn nllslll
dialogue took place.
" \Vimat calscl , this ( Inflammation ? " asked
time \ alorey ,
' 'Veil . " wns the reply , "I tnk I vas dem
nerves dot yes In de teeth ; day yeast rUI
all de my down de backbone to de end of .
al tall , und \'en lIe end of do nerve In dl'
teeth gets " sick , vy , de hog gets sIck all dl
vay troo. :
"What do you cal Lhnt nerve ? "
: "I not cal It any name nt all. "
'Have you ever road any books on hog dls.
eases ?
"Neln ; vaL I know , I know out of meln
. "
As the witness salll this he tapped his
brow slgnllcanty , as It 10 Impl lhat he hall
Ireasnres of knowledge stowed away lherc
that would . nstonnd the county attorney I he .
ever found out about them.
" \\mt do you thlnl1 would happen to a hog
If I had mucous membrne ? " asked Mi' .
Smiumiders for the plrpose ot testng his
knowledge as to hog dlscases.
" kill him " said the witness ,
'Acim . It vouhl 111 , winess
and smiled , as much as to say , "That's dead
easy. "
"Do )01 think hnvlng mucous membrane
would have the same effect ' on a man as
on a hog ? "
"Veil , " repled the witness , after a mo-
menL spent In hard thought , "I 10 not lnll
I voull kill a mal , but It vould 1(1 a hog
ohIo recht. "
W'lel the examination had reached Lhl
point AHoreys Denjamln and Converse the
defendant's lawyers , Judge llaey amid the
jury were all convulsed wIth laugluter amid
It did noL take the jury very long to return a
verdict ot guly ns chargel In time In11ctmenl
Whether the witness get his fees as a lmoh
disease export Is IOt known at this end of
the line. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
it "Hummcr , "
Saturday was a "hummer" In the picture
trnde. \Ve simply sold frames and plctlres
all day , and lots ot lhem nt hal prIce
Again this week we wIll contnue to sel at
just hal the marked price. Open every
evening. H. L Smith & Co" , 4f Main st.
Yes , the Eagle laundry IS "lhal good
laundry . " and Is located at 74 Droadway.
I In ( ouM abeL thIs , try I and be convInced.
Don'l forget name and number , Tel. 157
Sermon nt the First I'reslytcrlmmul Yestl'r-
diy-timmglc ' City Oo.slp.
Al the PresbyterIan church yesterday fore-
noon the pastor , 11ev. Robert L Wheeler ,
preached to a congregation which taxed time
Imla of the ciuurch The text was , "I can
do all thIngs through Christ which strength-
eneth mo. " lie said , In part :
With this statement of Paul's In your
uutiutd let us look for a moment at that mar-
velous vIsion ot lovo's trlllph pictured to
dear ell John , when banlshel for his testi-
mony for Christ on the desolate Isle of Pat -
mas when In time spirit on the Lord's day
ho saw the trIumph at the church' el God
over all terms of organized evil . Amid all
time throng of the n-eemej ones , whoe
crowns , songs , harps and scepters were but
the emblems of the potentialities given thcm
by the Christ of Calvary , there stooll a com-
lam' , whose attire or snowY whlenss and
glortoums lajlly' startled John to Inquire :
"Whal arc these ? " And the answer came
swiftly back : "These mire they which came
out ot great tromibie " I Is this quality of
character by which hnlon souls remain for-
ever unconquered , tht power hy which they
come out of trial , because of divine grace
given thal enables Paul to say : "I can do , "
aunt John to declare : "They came out "
The gospel ot Jesus Chrt Is a GoJ-spol
of Imope Never was there such an eptmlst
ns Christ. lie cathercil a few tlbnns ! around
him , antI begaum to tell them of his comln
kIngdom , whoso divine potency would remain
Time sinful came to him , lie forgave with-
out rebulle , and told the emancipated son I tn
go and sin no more \"hnl Iherty ! To go
flee us 1 bird anti power by grace to sin no
more , and lie said that to a 10man In a dark
hour of human history when a woman was
of less value than an ox
ChrIst , the blessed , optimist , toll time 'Icart-
sore disciples : "Greater things than I dl
shah ye do , " And when these men returned
trm n mission their testimony was : "Iord ,
even the devis are snbject to ua through
' 1hy no uuio . "
" ' 01 can" Is heaven's sweetest message
to prodIgal man . Every soul ntachell to
Christ In re.lolpton . Is unconquerahle.
Ioh , tempest-wreclel , house .one , dm11-
tlren dead . wlfe.orsalin , friend-mnociied , lifts
his heal above tie black clouds ot Iullln !
despair anll shouts In triumph , "I know l that
my hiedeeumiem' I Ivet it. "
'ho glory of every character from Moses
to Ahralam Lilcoin Is obtained from this
promise of [ l'OII'er to every soul thal loves
Christ anI obeys 111m.
. \ ogle II ) ' hllt [
gx-Iayor Sican Is lii.
Mrs J. } , Hchharl has returned from a
trill ( to Atlantic , 10.
F. E. I hart Is going to travel wih one of [
Buffalo 11111's bg ! thaws this su1m er ,
Nellie Ca\'nnaugh will erect a $1,000 , building -
Ing at 'went'eth and I streets In the
spring ,
'he beef butchers gave a bal al Itoutsky's
hal Saturday night , wblch was well at-
Captain Walsh of time Omaha base bal
team was In the city yesterday visiting
frends :
Mr. and rrs. Edward Lowry , Twentieth
anti I. streets , are rejoicing over the birth
of a son ,
The Chrlstan Eendeavor socIety of the
Presbyterian church installed new oIeer
lat evening.
Swift Is reducIng hla ( office force , several
elployes having been discharged withIn the
last tew days ,
11ev Dawson ot the FIrst Methodist church
preached at the Fourth w8rll mIssion ycater-
day afternoon. Last niGht ! tV , Gray had
charge ot time services . ,
TU I'.tIlIOX . .1 P.IIfl FOOT /WIHl.
'Iovcm"nt to S"clro I'llrk17.8 , Iel"Mc
front time ( 'ort .Ihlqnn I'euUtcntiutry .
I FAIILF'IELD 10. , Peb. 17.-ptciai.-On )
November I/ , 18D2 , 1 consplr/l / i culmlnatell
In this city by which W , H. h\lhnn , cashier
of 1 bank oL Bonaparte , was fleeced oul of
3,825 on a fake fool race by Thomas Hobin-
son , n sprinter from St. Loul } , u.pd Ell Mark-
ley or 1eIIS1'nnla , At the ( April term of
ceurt , 183 , the grand ] jury Indicted Thomas
Robinson , 1,1 Markley , Henry A , and Thomns
Bauer , brothers , of [ Iowa City , who acted
as Rtakeho\lers , smith l't,1 Cminnlngitanm , 1
reporter on n SI. I.OII paper , for Inrceny.
In due time Sheriff Crane found nil of these
men nl < iL the November crm n trIal was
hind al < Ed Markley was triM , nvlcteel and
enl to the penitentiary for four ' ' 'Iors. whlo
hl IJtners were slccessful In .lcclrln . , bail
amid have been nt large ev r sInce. Thursday -
day In the distrIct cOlrl ni time cases ngllnsL
these parties were dIsmissed , ns IL was found
1I110ssible to foul the ( wlnesscs In the cnse
This case hall galnell considerable notoriety
In al of the adjoIning states among the
sportn , fraternIty . and the outcome hs lan
watchel b ) them wIth considerable Interest
\n effort Is being mnlle to have Governor
Jackson pardon gll Maricicy . as his henlh
Is very ball anti he cannot live long . whl !
the evence tenths to sholl' him less guilty
than those who arc free
The scheme of these men Wl to secure
a stnllehollrr who 1011 < agree to give thrm
nil back their money eneh Ilne Bowlan
put ony up , so that whrn Bowman put imp
$200 they aIm covered hi ! amount , miking
OO In the stolleholer's hanlls. This he
would give back to the Ilefelliants ! , who
would mnlle a bet of $ OO against liowniamm .
and ! on untl Bowman had imp $3S25 , when
111Inson , who was being hacked by 110w-
omit . threw the race In favor of : Inrlle ) ' ,
After tIme race the wholl gang sldPllcl from
LOln , Iravlng Bowman to hold time sack.
STOldiN 1'lo1'ilitt'I It ICO'CltID. :
! lrt ot the I'rte'ui , or the ' 'Ifcte Inb-
her ) ' ' .ncll'd.
CEDAR RAPIDS In , Pcb 17.-SI1eclal (
Tciegraumm.-J ) , 1. Boyce , the Pa'ette Jeweler ,
who hml $1,000erlh of jewelry ) nnd wutches I
amid $300 In cash stolen from , his establish-
ment abolt two months ago , has just recovered -
covered Part of his property A hl\ dozen
walches were founll secreted In a hay mol emi
Shiaffer's farmmm , eight mies smith of there
The nlghl following the robbery a relple of
rough looking fellows slept In Siunifer's horn
amid It Is slpposd they left the watches
there , lutendlug to retur later mnmtl gel
thucmn. There wer I number of "aluable
papers wih the watches .
- - - -
lIed Olk Notes 1111 [ ' < 'r nt.IA.
RED OAK 10. , Feb. 17.-Speclal-One ( )
of time immost enjeable parties of the season
was given Tuesday ) ' evening by Miss Nell
Blshol ) In honor of Miss Josseln of Chlcngo.
The lore nllber ot guests Indliged In
progressive hlh five anti dnnclng ; after
which n daInty luncheon was servcd. Handsome -
some prizes were won by Vlncenl Palmer
and Miss layme I'alnier. Miss Jesselyn will
return to her baie In Chicago In a few
Larnmlo lodge , Knlhts of Pythlas , will .
February 19 . give 1 banquet In Its elegant
lOdge rooms. Extensive preparatiomms are be-
hog made. The reels wi " lens profusely
d orated. Two hundred Inviatons have
been Issued ,
The Knights of the Ioccabces gave theIr
first public reception Weneday evening
The guests , nlmberlng lfO , enjoyed a very
hue literary mind musical program , after
which a lap supper was .4erved. .
A telegram was recel'eel , ' \ednesday stat- :
Ing that llomi. JIStus Clarl , of tbls place '
was lying at the polnl qf Jleath at Los
Angeles , Cn ! . whcre he went last fall to
regain his falling healt , : he news ' of
Mr. Clark's Ilnes was rJcelved with profound -
found regret by the Ileople of this clt ) ' .
Mr. Clarle Is the president ; of , Limo Red Oak i
National banI D. B. Clark left SaturdlY
for Los Angeles A later legram states I
there . Is no hope of his recovery , '
For Abn.hll 1 "I buIld \ ,
CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , 'Ii'eb , 17.-Speclal (
Telegram.-Ilenry ) Smih : . of,0 Wilamsburg
was arrested late last night for abusing
his 12-ear-old daughter. confesston ' by time
little girl led to the arrest. . ' IndIgnation was
Intense when the nature of the' crIme became
known and only through the eforts 01 the
moro conservative was he saved from beIng
lynched. The ofcers hurried him to Iar-
engo , fearing another mob would organize
during the night.
J'rcshl"1 I'rum 8u to ho ( nomi. I
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , Feb 17.-(8peclal (
Telegram.-These ) stmlenls at the State uni-
versiy nL Iowa City who were recently
suspended for participation In the hazing of
froshmpn have addressed petitions to the
faculty asking for a reconsideration of time
matter , promising better conduct In the
future. 1 Is bellevet ] . however , lhal the
faculty will refuse - Lo change . its action.
A ,1 U , ' ; .1/ . 7'8.
To whaL heights bulesque may attain Is' '
hidden from time ken ot the present genera-
ton , yet this gen raten has seen It expand ,
grow In I thou and different directions . until
the marvel Is that its perihelon has not
been reached long ngo But new occasIons
scent to exploit new forces new methods of
presenting tme-wor situations , whie the
stag capenter anti property man become
students of archaeology for the pleasure of
the masses , anti herein Is felnel "obslbly a
potent reasn for the increasing hold extravaganza -
ganza or travesty Is taIling wih the Ileople
The development ot burlesque therefore , becomes -
comes interesting to the follower ot the
drma , for its possibilities are as endless
seplingly ns there ( are . hrlghl men and woo
men engaged In creating new pictures for
time public.
Last nlhl "Off the Earth" benn an engagement -
gagement at Boyd's , anti the crowded theater
was very remlnlscenl ot old tmes at this
house an audience that In size has not bee
e'ualeel since "Aladdin . Jr " and his lamp
broke the record for / business
The pew travesty , whIch Is built around
Eddie Fey , Is extravagantly mounted , several
ot time scenes , notably the fairy forest of
phosllhoreseenl fUlgl , the Illuminated gigantic
mmmahmroomns . jaek-o-Ianters , and other abnor-
mdl growths , being composel of great musses
ot color that woulJ malle an artist of the
ImpressionIst school green with envy. 1 Is
magnllcenty set , anti thnt wizard ( ef the
century , electrIcity , plays no Inconsequental
part In the ( presentaton of a wOllerlnl ) clever
series of stage pIctures The eye grows Ilsl-
Lively weary with time color schcmo al ( homes
which riots throlghout three acts , antI ono
sighs sometml for n retur of time less pic-
turesquo thays of [ "Ixlon , " even as one would
turn , If ho could , the wheel of lmo back to
time slnglo ring circus , whel ability was time
requisite ot success . not tnsel and holow
frippery ' "Ol [ the Earth I . " however , Is very
much ill ' to date ; It has time true ring of
presenl burlesque ( lines , amid Is sUfclelty
lIght anti airy , gossamel'y , In fact , to please
current tastes for that wtlCh will Please the
eye' and tIckle the falcy , I' "
Eddie Fey In the rol lt 'himself Is In-
hmutitable . Alhough a "rlJ of Iconoclast ,
he Is aol gemteris . ito hUI Inany Illators ( ,
but tel rivals , and wlult II greatly to his
credit , he has visibly atiadied hhnselt , now
thal ho Is largely Iltercte , from a flan-
clal IJolnt of vIew , In } , slccess of the
clmpany which ho head lie has muny
faults , faults that In any other huloon wou\l
he damned with fnlnt'"raise , but as he
portrays Eddie 1 Fey , thb critc Is at once
tllsarmnetl For a man , Who cannot sIng anole
note he sings a topical , soJg In a manncr
that convulses his aud\nc they demanll
antI re-demanl his absurd rhymes and he
gives It to them In nlopathlc doses , Much
of his "muggery" II umctiv , much of [ It bits
still the Chleag opera louavor amid the
Baker suggestion , hut } mmt , made a hit last
night jUbt al he always bait caught time
crowd .
Supporting Mr , Fay are several bright ,
Particular stars In the domaIn of travesty
Louise Montague , as a dlsllnc up-todate
young man has ceased to be a "oseur She
Is a decided aC'ulslton and there Is nol today
on the burlesque stage n cleverer woman
Age sis lghty upon heri ; Bhe sings well ,
has snap anti go anti In silken tghtR displays
a form that would enhalce time value of any
ot Kilyani's living Itictures Next to Miss
Montague comes Salie MacDonald , Iii the
list ot souhrets now before the public , and
there never his been so many , Miss MacDonald -
Donald hal a llace to heneH. She 1'01-
sea all the essentials to success . Slue Is
Irety. winsome , smith what Is nol usually
fouumd In comnethiennes .
founl comeilennes. thoroughly resource-
tul , and , a , a typo of the New Woman , Is
- -
very much to the Ilolnl Miss 1.1111 Hn\-
thorn ndds strength to tIle singing QUlllu
of the organizatIon ald plays most acceptably -
ably , Mr . rNlerlclc has 1 strong role In
Stag Inrty , who tuns n depnrtmenl store
and the ( shop girl iL thmt' ame tile , Miss
Unrt , as Ltmna time quern cf Limo moon , Is n
shapely youngvommmaim , and mimi old IJurltsquo
fn\'orlto There are several specIalty fea'
( tires Introllcel , 80.10 . Allrnbl giving n
startling turn ns an equllbrlst , his hI.1nclng
beimig one 01 time strong earths of the Iler'
formance , Time chorns Is eceptionnuly
pretty . ns pretty a lot of girls nit hn\o been
seen lit Omaha for , '
11 several seasons , whie
the ensemble Is mull thnL one could desire
The appearance ofWalker Whleshle nnl\
his excelcnt company nL time lloyd Friday and
Sturelny will wlholt doubt be time clrmato
event of the season The excelence of :11.
Whlesllr'l hnllerFonnton In the parts of
linummiet , Hcheleu anti Sh'locl hnl been commended -
mended by time lcllng crItIcs of mill the
11'lncpol cites In the list nlll west . The
COII'an ' ) ' 11 support of Mr. Whleshlo ni !
scason Is the best ho hns ever huati numbering -
bering on its roster ' several dlstng1lsheel
actors who have bern In
\ 11romlnont the etmhi -
port of llwln Bedim . I.1wrenee EU\- .
Ieene 1\1 lcllolgh , among whom may
be mentoneel MIss Lehlum'olatauu , Mrs. Itoh-
Irt I. Iantel , John : I Stlrgeon , Frederick
\room. J. I. . Sapiunre . Herbert Patte\
Charles ) I lerl3n nH ] others equally wel
knoll for their worth In legltmnte drmn ,
U.U.11.1I . \U1'J.S.
Mrs. Thomas Klptrlck gave n lovely pink
lim mucimeoui ' .
luneheol on Tlesln )
rank Ma'lnrd I.awrenee Is visiting Mr. \
ald TitIrty-flrst Mrs. George street , M. I.a\renee , 12t SOlth
Miss May Burns Is imavlmmg a gorgeous ( line
Wnshlngton , where n lumber of entertain-
menls have been glvel In her honor.
Mumte. Mumenteferhmmg anti : lr. Prnz ; tlel-
mnnl ' to PIllsmouth next \\'edumesdmiy to
play before n Oermll mnslcll soclet ) . ,
Yesterday n1ernoon Irs. A. J. Poppleton
gave I very large Kemtsungtomm tea nl : , man ) '
ent. of the older resldenls ot the city being 11rls- '
The mnslcale lt the ( reshlrlcc of lrs. J.
N. Cornish attracted a 'ery imppru'ciatlvo
aulence , , quite n sum being realized for St.
Mattlmlmis' church.
Irs. Yates' danclnc cls1 : give Hs fnal
part before Lent this week. I I Is to be a
IanI ) dress arty : onll promises to bo cx-
ceelngly , iulensamtt .
Cards have breu receIved , nnnolncing the
marrlnge of Mr. g. J. Deliell amid Miss mla
thrown atVest Point , February O. After
April 10 they wi be al home at Hosebull
' .
A most charming evening was hnl nL the
reshlelce of Mr. Fred avls Thurslla el'en-
hug the Duplcate ( 'tVhmbt ' club giving a val-
entne party on thll occasion. : Every member
of time clul was Ilresen ( .
: Ir. Prank Colpetzer and his daughter . Miss
Colpetzer sai for I.omlon on the ( steamshlll
Nel York March G. After a tour of tIme
conlnent the ) ' wi join Mr. anti Mrs. Cal )
and Mr. and \IS , IIetz In Venice if , Ile-
cluance the ) shoulel full to meeL their friends
In Venice thcn Paris wi be the leetng
Mr. Charles F. Cnlln , secretary of the
Western Art assoclaLon , will delIvem' his
very popular descriptive amid illustratIve lec-
tmmre entitled : "Cihimumpses of tIme \hlte City :
or . the Beauties amid \\onders of the \Vorlti's
Fair . " before the Chautauqla college itt thr
First Methodist clmurcim Monday evenIng , at
8 o'clock
Thursday evening a Jai ) party of twenty
surprIsed Mr. and lrs. M. H , Islon at Ihelr (
homo , 812 Park avenue. There were preFenl
: lr. and Irs. Charlcs T. Simlithi : Ir. and Mrs.
Elmer Bryson , : Ir. anti Mrs. C. S. itaymimomol .
Mr. mind Mrs. Charles Bro\n , : r , anti lrs.
Draper Smith , 1r. and 1rs , Bevens , Mr and
lr5. 10dgson , : Ir. anti Mrs. Litle , Misses
Little , Shatuck and Walrol and Mr. la-
whlnne ) ' ,
The EI.s are making eloborte preparnlons
for a mlnsLrel show to be given at Bo'd's
the evening of May 20. There wIll be a spec-
tacular first part and a novel feature of this
class of entertaInment and one seen before
In this city wIll be time replacing ot the six
end men by sIx Indies during the progress 01
the erformance The entertainment will for
surpass any previously gIven by local talent ,
and a geed alcnlance Is assured.
Time musical program at the entertainment
given by the "ilisitop Garrett Ten" at the ,
residence of Mr. C. S. Montgomery on South
Thirty-sIxth street , Thrsuday cvenlng , was I
especially fne , MIss Amy Barker sang n
solo , "Fiddlo and I. " In a pleasing way , and
" Pence" Mr. Cas-
"A Dream of was given by -
sel. Mr. Franz Alelmann receIved en-
thusiastc encores for his rendilon of n violIn
solo , Legende , " by \\Ienlawskl. and later
on he 111ayell time beautiful "I'aust Fan-
tasle. "
Several hundred women ntenlled Mrs. F'I
L. Holler's receptIon Thursday afernoon , nl
the resilenco ot her father , Mr. George W. i
Lininger. Mrs. Hailer . assisted by Mrs.
Henry Wyman , 1rs , MilIeu Darlow and Irs ,
A. L Heed receIved In the drwing reom ,
which was decorated In whIte. Serving
amid the beautul pink decorations of the
Ilnlng room were Miss Liimmlaey Miss Buck ,
Miss Knight , Miss Colpetzer anti Miss Drown ,
with Miss Amy Barker preslling at the
punch bowl. Throughout"tho roms llrs ,
M. Y. PatrIck , : lrs , Moore anti Mrs. I'eattie
assisted In enlerlalnlng. Little Claud Ierrln
and Marion Haler distributed to the young
ladles dainty valentnes In a graceful man-
0 er.
Time Little MIdway Plaisance , given ISO suc-
sstuly by the Inlies of the P. E. O. so-
duty at the armory , Is a thllg of the past.
Ely half past 1 Saturday uulglmt time doors were
closed , and the people of all nalons hnd returned -
turned to their respective homes Tomorrow
the beautiful goods baited by the leading merchants -
chants will be returned , amid the armery
will rcslme Its prosaic apl'rance. The
ladles have werlttj hard anl , deserve the
credit they ( reeeivo on all sides for their
uuiirthm-provokimig emutertainment , and alO happy
ever tht. fact that their bank acceunt , which
was wel nigh exhausted on account of the
great neel for charItable work during the
past two winters , bas ben considerably Increased -
creased ,
The N. E. Ilgh Five club were very pleas-
anty entertained by Mr Iml Mrs. Frank
' 1elpleton , 1532 North mghteenth street ,
Saturday evenln . February D. Eleven ames
were played . und the 11rl70 winners wcre :
Mrs. ! . G. 1lbho a \I Dr. Lawton , Mr. O.
C. Madison . nlll Mrs. ) r. I.awlon. Time evcn-
lag passe I i ory pleasauty , ns have all time par-
thea so tar given by this dumb. Light refreshments -
freshments were served a 11 onjoyed. The
memhers present were : Mr. anti Mrs. M.
G , Ilbhe , Mr. and Mrs. Froth Sanford , Mr
and Mrs Wi hiarrington : lr , amid lrs , A.
: I. hopkins and Dr amid ! rs. W , A , Wi-
cox The guestl word Irs anti Ira. Iawton.
Time clbI'as enterlalned ( last nlghl hy ) r ,
amid ! rs. \V. A. Wilcox ot Madison avenue
Time O. M. B. Social club gave one of Hs
mOllhly dances at orand's dancing acml-
emy ' 1hursday evening The folowing lIar-
Iclpnteel : Mcsdames A. I. McCleland , M.
Italic , Misses Id . Drumm , McK'nna ( , B. Scdg-
wick \"hlpple. . D i , Ilndquest , A. lantng ,
I. I Jlelgner , A. Flelner : , E. Schwalln , J.
Ilerg ! . Berg C. I.lndsley , M. Heven : I.
Ilgglns , S. Sllelmann , C. Mereditbu . H. II ro-
dithu I Phillips . A. Llulquest , Al. 1.llllquest ,
B. Cost , E. Quick , G. Adams , S. Stoconnn ,
M. Crampton , K. I Smlh ( , A , lelns , II lelns ,
0. I.lndhlal S. Roberts E. Jones , ' ' hertz.
Messr C. T. Lyons , C. A. Whie , J. iL
Lowe , E. Murphy Murry , William Waaclt , C ,
T Butler , Couler , P. IcIster , G , A. Sacks ,
Foster , II , lelgner , T. Hogan M C. Page ,
S. Thompfon E I . iavis , J , Craig , Ii . We-
bur , P. HOlanl , I. , Sol mer , I ) . Klle , A.
Holin , G. A. I'nnls : , E. Lowry , Cook. C. C.
Kops , F W , Iops , II. W Imiarneil . E I . Nelson -
son , J. Martin . G. glen , I. S. mrol , , A.
Jenlings , C. Thleson , H. Uowley , F. ShnllEon ,
N. T , ityatu . Wilam leyman , George Ben-
nlngs , Wiliam Thacer , H. lulbal , S.
S un it hi . _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _
Neui tofu Nlll ) lurl ,
Newton Niday was Injurel last nlht by
bolnl thrown out of a hugy on South
Sixteenth Itreot , In mulling a turn ofC oC
the street car tracks . the whe1 cUlght
IIHI impact the buggy . throwlnS : t 1 Niday
to hue 1 > avemnemtt , smeverly cuttimig and brute.
log \uvemen 'flue itorsa ran away. aumd
( lie buggy was ( Icmnulluthemi completely ,
Vuumteut In Ciuuuiucit liluiffs for itiurglir' : ,
Willlmum Johnson s'ns arrested last night
and booked mis a 'murant cliii us miumapicious
cluaracter , Later iii time evemthng time pollen
( ( iletihiOtte I ( morn tItI' Ifluffu mutating that
Joimmummon Wmus wanted hut tlmat city for the
burglary of a saloon a short time age.
. R. RA lip I D " torumo'a-mst.1s :
' 'U i uiisiiinus uu PruuuIce ( 1mm time State
amid iuclouuul Courts. hioumims bUi.7..J , tmu r
lhIock iiouuIcu ( ilmuir ,
: _ _ _ _ - ,4ttr Ir- . . - - - - - - -
; ; -
jj- \\AY \ \ UND. . R TIIE1
Miss McOrcary and Mr. Howarti Try o
Cross the Rivcr on the Ice ,
Aftet ltotnu i'mmmnged luito ( ho % 'uuter They
% lcro iruwui : Iuto mu Swift Current-
? Cmtr Eutougit to ( Ito ltiiiiic to ho
leuucime'ui by l.uitg' l'buults ,
Ama accident wlmichm cattie imear terminating
tIme lives of two icrsouts cecumrueui yratertimmy
mufermmoomt ( at S o'clock out time Mtssnuurl river
at timu foot of loumglas street. MIss iAda
MeCrear3' amid A. 14. ilowarti atteimtltid to
cross Limo tIver on aim irrcgulur stamm of Ice
and after imroeeeuilumg ahioutt fifty feet fromut time
bank a large cake of Ice broke looo trout time
uutaln hotly , timrovimmg tlmoimt imute tIme trater.
Timsy dIsapearcti together , htmL wlmcmi tIme ) '
arose to tlm sumrface tiuey had become
separated , Titere is a s'ift cuirremmt hut the
river vlmIehu Sweeps lute time 'est i.uitk jmust
tumitier time loumglas stmeet luridgo. 'I'Imt' cur-
remit is so swift timmit it diti umot freeze timuu'ing
( hit' colui weatluer , Time loose hired of Ice
' 'as thrawmt 10(0 ( time curremmt amid time two
hcOhule ) u'ith It. TIme ) ' strumggIeui to rescim time
simoro amid called for imeip , bmmt time swift ctmr-
remit imtmrrleti ( bout down ( hue river toward a
Poiimt 200 fect hielow , tt'huere time ice spamma time
rIver fromum bammlc to battk amid tumiuler which
( lucy voumiti have' been surely drawn.
Timeir crIes for luehit were heard by lIons
iluich : autd Pramik Zhuumutteruimamu , vhmo tere umear
time river batik. Tluy ran to time Cody huummt-
her yarti nmuti secuureti some lomig vhammks ammil
iutmrrlcti to tIme bamtk , 1mm time mumeatthimume Idles
McCreary lmatl suuumk ommce , htmL out comuming imp
she was tmmrmmeti nmmd Iloateti along , bumt grauiuu.
it Ily siumki it g ago I mu ,
) hmmtummorummamt Itassed time timmubc'r dowmt timi
bautic to Butch , vlmo timrew it oumt to Idles
McCrear ) ' , She huaui lrescmmco of ummimmd sumiii-
cemut to grasp and htohd omm to time tlummiir
vitiu desiteratiomi anti vns drawmu to tIme hiaumk
by hiumck , wImo imelti time otluer emol. iumrhmmg
thIs thmmit' liowarmi , shmo wmts hucavily tiresscii ,
saimk. W'hemt hue impitcared agalmi time loose ice
was umear emmouigit for lulmit to grasp timid large
emmougim to keep luls imenti above vater , nmttl
becaumie hula ilk' preserver. As scout as Miss
McCreary was safely omt shore time rcseum'rs
tuirimed tlmeir ntteuutIomt to I Iovnrd , Imo was
now ( iaumgerously mmcar time poimtt whuere hue
wotmld be dra'ut mmmmtier time Ice. lie was
also drmuwim to shore.
The two ere talmemt to time Cad ) ' Lummmtbc'r
comufualmy. Ohlicer Klssane oruieremi a hock
lit tImicii time reacmmeti "orties were seumt luomime.
Tiuey were soon fumily reMoreti.
Miss ? ilcCreary Is tue aihopteui tiammghuter of
Mr. amtti Mrs. Joseplu Goglungeit amid resitles
at 1910 Ilmmrt street , A. L. liowarul lives
at 1122 North Sevemiteemithu street. Mr
Buick boards at this Eagle Imoumso eu Sotuth
Foumrteemttiu street , Mr. 7imummermumamu is a
mnamm iii redmmced clretmmmtstaumces wimo Is ac-
commmmmtotiated occaslomunily at thmo police statioum
witiu a nigiut's louhghmmg.
sO.s ( .11' 1.Sfl.lI2I. . .flIOIT.
Eeemmthya Counnuitten of the Uuultcml States
( .rmmnI 1.oIo in oRMlou ,
NE1'OltK , Feb. 17.-Thue execiutive
counmtlittee of the Unttei States grand lodge
of tue lmmtiepeituleutt Ormier of Fuce Soils of
Israel immet itt its iteadqtmmirters in thus cIty
today nimtl Grand Master .Ttmltuus hiarinmrger
delivered hits nummtuvul mutesmomge , sluowimig ( lie
commdithon of the artier.
% 'omduuiemi % 'lhi GIve mu Soclitl ,
Omaha camp 120 , Modern Woodmeml ot'
AmcrIcm vlll give titeir regulai' muontimly
emttertaimmunent Wednesday e'enimmg , F'ebrtm-
mary 20 , at Myrtle hail , ContInental block ,
cmtteralnmont ( to consist of the followhmmg
mtunibem's :
Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flosentimal
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? , Sory
Amilres'4 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11ev. Maclcay
Vocal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Mnndehlmerg
Address..Mr. Fred Eisnsser . , V. C.
Tuicks with ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . Dmumiomi
Every lady is requiestoti to brIng a iuncim
imtsket with lUmtcht for two , tlmeute to ho
givemi to time committee , vimo will in turn
sell tiiem to tue gentleimuen , they to eat
( ito luitcit svitha the lady whmose basket they
buy. Entertaininemit to begin prommiptiy at
8 o'clock.
'F , ) Vnforco time tmuuuultmy ( 'loslnmr I.miw.
LOUISVILLE , ICy. , Feb. 17.-Time police ,
under instructiomt from time board of public
smifety , were busy today taking tIme emanteut
at all offenders agaiummut time Sunday cioshmmg
law , hiut ito arrests were mmmdc. Tite 1mm-
strtmctiOmmui to tue Police \VCI'C to maitmu no ex-
celmtiomms beyond timnuto glvemi iii ( Ito law.
Warrants 'Iil be Ittstumcti Monday for thioce
fouimmd vioiatin the lmtw anti the commrt wIll
then ( IeCiie what classes of busimmeas are to
be excepted.
- . - -
- - - -
Why third ( hrmp Is 'n aitutim ) teri Feared
'lhmitm Mtmiy , ( it her 'l'hat
tlioet l's ' ,
it time' grip woumiti iummt its cotirso hike an.
cutiuer uhisemtm uummi , tiueii go nvmi' , lemi'lmig ito
luACC lttlmlmtl , it voiuhtl stiih itt' duummmieromus
euiottgh to ItuatIry nil time hircemiumtiouiM mtgmthltat
It. iftut tite cvii titrit grhlu tiocs lhve mutter
it. l'CCIiL' 1' , ito cnut't dIgest ( htcIr footi
multi t'oumljulaluu of coid hiutiniut anti feet , or of
Phimittereth 7udI'vcut , at mime tcmrmnemiteul by mu
i'ermlstemmt eoutgii ' " 1 ' '
, 50) iirt'en't been velI
sluice I lund time grip , '
Thmt' memusoum Is iuuiple eumommght. Timers itn
imecut nut imttmnvno mu-mutt of Ilnl forte 'lur.
Itig lime bnttI ' hIlt thu. ' dhi'iist' , nmmti this
hutsut lots ' ' httcmt ' '
imC't'r umuuude good. 'l'ittiq titta
t eumla mtcui hOd ) ' , like mm towmu ththmout fomtttt-
cmttittn , ha ouch ta time 'nc'iuty. A seeoumd
muttumeic of pm Ill Is , for thui menson , umtutro
st'viotms timmiti time Iirst. I to % ' slmmuhl time imatuti-
fumi eonseqtteuucs itt time tim-st Iattle 1w memne-
ml led , ru ltd hto' simal I a reeomtd s lege be itre-
( ? itere Is nut mtImstver :
' 'Mv immutscs ittivo lu'Cmt , 'cnk for fotir
titotmIuq Oftet' ii u're muthimeic of mu-ip , " sityti
? 'tm s. I tutgume of 1 ti iuig i'ort , i'it. ' ' 'I'imrco
" , 'vkq a uui I la'gmm ut Imsitue 1 iii It ) 'Ii Pumie Mmii t
\v httmitr % ' , mt ttil ( 'ml ii huh u.hiy r"'mml uuieumui it. t
\vlmilm I iumt'i tried It so mum- . ' '
i'oi' the itC'um'llt of lI1ple % imo like to
ituuov tIme viis' utiid vhme'm-r'm nm , It miimmuiI tu
staId that iltitTy's l'umm-e luimu \'Iths'ke' Is a
iutp'l lciuin I st I mmmuuimt it I , lm Icht mitli ut ai I ii , i
fummucthons mit tIme 11011) ' to mimmeht lulihc , mmliii
humiltitv netIomm that ( Ito grIi u'muit ilmmti itt )
% , , ui IC shtttt ( ii m'lezm' tu iomu.
hurl 'uic. mtmi..iety mittd expos'tmre drag
ii ( t'it the mtto t \l gouomms colts I I I mu I iomm. I t Is
nmiiy it qume'dloii of timuti , muutieut ( it'a strcmigth
iut' m'uistmutumeI it ) ml iutimumumlmuiut timat gods to
ltt'hit t im & ' Ia'9 ( I m : t t 01) , ii I gm-st lye miiitl u xeue I ory
orgmumts. itcettuise hiuilT's i'imre Malt \\'htis-
ke' ibm-ut tlmis it hits iiiutei , time iirutulcui
gu'ip f I t a ( i.i rommi. I 'I en so 10 mutu'iuiiim'r ,
titotmalm , ( hunt mi m-eitmetiy used 1)voummltlY ) hue
tlouiipd lit 'nhtue.
" 'i m' : i- i ,
& ; A
Ga P7NGLE , M.D.
'I'iue ( nflCl i4muiiiuirltztui's
Clean Sweep for the t3Iood !
TIme Good Smmuuuarhmtuihmmsbecim ( a lumnctlttonerOt
muttilici mutm . ' .3t'ul uumd lutus c'tmu-cul ot'cm' ut thuous-
No mmeed oh gthmtg tt ) lImo Io ( Sprhuigs of
Arhcmius$5ut4 t'istwimt'un vhmtmu emu timut hO
c'mu red mm t luommlo Of t Ito 'mV n ut iii tti i'o I sut
iumummm om' Ivulmutu Il ( ' % ( 't Itcemummut' mi viel I mu a htvit lmcmu t
I Ito mist , 0 f imut'i cmm my , mm u'mi to or immmy ot tier uitiui-
oral hoisomu. Semutl .iANJ by I ' .0. umutuimey aider fttr
It limit t ho nt mmmcmi uci miii. I ( omuly u tmltu hi ott funimu 1
to : i lint t lea to cuu m tu mi , l tcmmt' , I lomum I week to
10 yeats st utummilmig. A mithuoss.
( ; . v. IANGLE , M.D. ,
CutiCll ItiulIm4 , Is'it.
1.SA vuit I cut gum uirmummt cc iivtmu ( mic'tm lnmr- '
chaser to rc'Iuiiul imiommey muumles dim ed.
CEO , 1' . SANFORD , A , Vu' . ILIEKMAN ,
Pu'esldent. Cashier.
First National Batik
of COUUCll UL.UFF3 , Iowa.
Capital , - - $1OO,0Of
Pi'ohits , . - . 12,00t ) J
Ona of the oldest banks in tiue state of Iowa. .
We satIriC your bustmicss and cothoctions , We
pay C per cent on ttmmmo deposits. Wa wIll be
picasni to see and serve you.
Special Notic8s-oiI Oluffs
ii iitmrke , atV. . 13. 1Iomer' , 135 flroatlway ,
coumt house. Appiy at lIce oiitce. Councuu Blurts.
nisheil ; stemini imeat ; commveumlent to motor Imime ;
gemiuicrncmi itmeferred. Adduen 1VG , lice oiilCe.
\\'AN'u'flI ) . ImOAhID ND BOOM IN ilXCilANUi
for iuitistc iessoiis.thmm esmi 1.i $ . , Ike oitmce.
w'ANTED. YOUNG MAN 17 TO 20 'i'1AItS OIi )
to muttcmmd to imouses amid , irIvc cam u tuite ; tat.
waste. Cmmll mumonmlay nmorntmug , 2i'12 avemmue it.
What s
- H.
t . , , - . . -4' . :
Castoria i Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescrilitloit for Infants
tiiitl Cbildi'cui. it contailis xicitlicr Opium , ] Xorp1i1lio nor
other Narcotic SilbStUhlCC. 1t is a Iiai'zuilcsa f4uln4Lituto
for Paregoric , DropS , SooL1iIui Syriip , niud Castor OH.
t is casaett. its gtzaraiitco Is thuiu'Ly years' iiso by
IIi11IOIiS ofMotliers. CastoL'Iadcstro3'sWorliis ahitlahlayrl
, Citstoi'In Sour Ctiz'd
fcvcrislixicsu prcvciiti ; vouttitiiig ,
cures D1arr1io.a and 'WIittL Colic , Cattorht ; relieves
tceLhulimg troubles , cuz'cs coiistlpatioit nitti flatulciicy.
Castorla rts.siiuillatcfi the foOd , rcgtzlates tim Louuunc1 *
flIut 1sowe1 , giving liea1thiy amid iiatui'itl sleop. Cas.
toi'lit 1.4 tlio Ohiih1rcu't Paitacca-tho Mutlioi"s Friend.
' . .
Cartoria , ( Jastoria.
M Castoria is au excellent mnedicimie for dull' m CetorI Is umo is''hl mvinpteul to clulldrrn that
urea , Mothers iua C rept'atediy Laid mo ef its recoirmmmmrmml It its sumptirlur tomimmy h > reacriptioa
good effect upon their children , " kmmown to mae , "
Ba , 0 , C , Oumnoon , IT , A. Amtcimmcn , M , 1) , ,
Lwchi , Maai , 111 lie. Oxford St. , iiroolclyn , , Y ,
SI Caatoria Ii tIme lamt rcnmvmiy for chuihdmert of ' Our pimysiciamia Iii time chuIhlren'n depart.
P.imichu I limo acqtmatnuimJ. I hope ( ho day I m not macitt hmvo epoken imigimly of their experi.
Car dlstamtt , tuimeti nothmers trill consIder tIme real coca in theIr outside prmuethca wItiu Cnatom ha ,
Interest of timeir clmlldrcn , nnml usa Castoria 1mm. amat although we ommiy iutvo nmmmommg our
stead cC timevarlousquack iuostrmiiumswiuichu are unethical amipphles summit Is lcaowmt atm regular
destroying thick' loved ones , by torcingopiummi , produtctui , yet we are tree to confess this
immorpimlume , mootiming syrmip ntmti other hmmmrtImml nitrite of Cimatorba has wom' to look with
gent choun tlmelr tlmrotts : , thereby ucadhmg favor upomi It , "
themu to liremmmaturo graves. " Usuio liosm'mTt v 11151'r.umSAmy ,
Ba. .1 , F. } mecmusc.ox , l3ostami , Mass ,
Comowny , Ark. ALLEN C , Simm-rum , I'rcs , ,
The Contacir Company , TI Murray Street , Now York C1t7 ,
th tt % .
i Church Parlor
thiiIiicIiHIIH'siaiti.H ; : ,
HakIIsLuitIIIosIiesShIt (
Socials Pastinos :
Hoitu Enertainm3n ! Cod , Council BIuff , Iowa.
k 1 'ruiwrrij
- .