Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    , - -
. . 0 Ii' ( . . ' i' , 'r" . .
I 2 _ PiLE OMAhA DAIlY nE1HIONDAY ; , FJJ1nnUAUY 18 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
fOil nIl ( on cxamlnatlorf thnt the kg1ntire )
, , thereor rantl 1Ivorc . create,1 coriora- ,
; ( 11voreA. corJorn-
: tiorus nnll cxtented theIr pover. pnlcd
: t0n ; to organize certain cIt CA , nod many
, other Apeelal InwA on \nrlols Auhjeetl.
The enth * nnll aIms of the con ttltonl I
cOlvonton onel or 1 7r 1111 of the 1 > lopl9 who
nrorlted ( ) the eon tluUon which that con
ventlon Ilrelenled , was to lt once nll ]
forever leny ( all Pocor amI authority or the
] lgllnIUre or this State to confer by AI'o- ; '
clal let nny special 01' CXf1191\e prlvl"e
' ' ' corporation or thill'
whntlOe\'CI' upon In ) cot1ratou Irtl-
to Fptclfl1 nt where
vkluab ] or pass any FII'elal (
n general law can be mnde applicable.
Yol , will obr'e that sal Icelon 1 5
contains upwlrd or t"ont-I\'O dlIerrnt
i'tilijects upon which the legtslnttire Is re'
' flbjCII 1110n whlCh thl lellslnlUrl
. , alrlelell In Its power to pass Ipel'IAI l8.V5.
The n1 oC I , pbrunry 2.1 , 1\79 , t11 the net
oC II'ch 2 , ISS7. assume to confr upon
. Mr W. II. II. Stout , al well lS upon C.
'V. : Iolher , nlllllonll Iloll'el'l Illl ! , rIi-
1egs ] on certain prf'rlbel , conl110nl.
Vim title of the 1S7 1 act II I nn "net ex-
tn'llng ! ' thc contract , ( tl' " , etc. , 10 \ , Ii.
tClllnf "
11. Blolt upon cerllil conlton , !
'fho act of itS ? Is nfl " act to exlend the
( onttlct , ( Ie. , etc" , to C.V. . : IOhol' , us-
sirtlee of W , 11 , Il. Stout . "
' lilnee can he I 10 I. qtolton IJt what both
of the above are llerllt tctfl.
'I'here can hc no Clotlon lint what n
general law could bc made applicable In
both I cases . '
I 10 And I ! 11 of the opinIon that boll laws
are Inconsttltunnl nn,10111 ,
- ' , STAT I'ltOPJltTY.
lIgIitii . 'hel'e III many ethel 101 sons ,
' wh ' the contract or
ftton In thellel\cs , why eoltrllt
lease ! Ihou1 ho Innull'I , , and the Mtnto
of the lt'niteI -
take Immediate PORRSllol tl' I"nlten-
tllr ' with the lroI)2rtY ' ' therelnlo belung-
I ng. Under the original contract with Mr.
Ielivered tu him a large
Stout the Htlte Ilel\crell hll I IltIO
amount of IIrRonll Irtilert , ) ' , that was
to bl retrnatl In kind , 01' the appraised (
\aluo thm'loC11 to le lall hy the cun-
tractor. 81nl0 ! tl Iht uf Ralll ( contact ,
the state has eXlll'lld large minis oC
money In thu Iurl ; mr uf other property
un,1 , linprovill g tha Ienllnlnl' ) I ) ' .
All Imlll'ovlnl Ilrol ) > rt ) ' , 11 w(1 n ! all of
the prisoners In the penitentiary , are nol
ulltr Ihl apparent control nld Innl U-
lent ofV. , I I Donll. who clulml to
] \1\0 purchuRe,1 , all of the rights of ( ' . W.
4 1\lIdshcr In uiU tu the lease contract.
1loRhor Ine
ijorgan 11 now In IIOfISRlon of the pcnl-
ten I 1\ ) ' without color oC authority. lIe Is
using the property , of lho tnte . hiring
out the Ilrlsone'l ) ( for his own lcneilt. Ill
yct IR Intlel' ) 10 obligation ' to the slatc.
1)organ his , : Ic\er given I bon,1 , to secure
the state t'OI los or property , nor for
the faithful IlerCorlnn o of any , Iulos
1I110Rell upon tim contractor tinder the
original contract. The tmlallos of the 0111-
cerH audI guards moat bo paid hy the con-
tmclor. Il lilust board , and clothe the
convicts and 11) ) ' all expense ! necosarlY
Incurred In the malntenalco of the ponl-
Under the cOlllono ns existIng nt pre -
cut there Is great danger of the ProPerty
of the , stute being ! lost 01 destroyed.
A1\1 1 nm of tIde o\lllon that the 9nftst
anti RpI'cllcst wily 01 \ plotllJ the tntt'r-
.sls of the state 11 to designate some 01-
coy recognlzcd , hy lt\ 10 take immediate
cel rcco/nlzc,1
] loIse8910n of the Ionlenlnry 11,1 nfl IH'OI'-
city theIII 01' oonnecle1 tiieiewitlt.
Authorize such oller to 1"lfoll such
lutfS under he RUIer\lslo. 01 the Board
or Inlle Lan : d : ; ann I to lid logs . us wil I
] well the convlcls lt work . 11'0\1110 ) for
their' V'l fare ni II thl' maIn tenance of time
Institution until the lgIRlllll can liro-
Vide time neleSIII ) ' rulct and regulations to
go'ern the smflue.
I I ! true that Mr. Stout ns11 as :11
\loslicr . ha\c nt various times expended
large ] sums of money In pro\ltlnl Improved
machinery , 1\1 such money Is now invested -
vested , thoroln. Still It Is equally true that
such Inoslments 10 made will be surround-
( hy safe ualls while In time PosseSsion
or the Rtat\ to a far greater extent than
the property of time state wilt ho In the
} lllH ot ! any perRon without 1 bond audI
} lllnl : without color of authorIty.
Afler the state haH once tllel PORSUS-
BloB of the institution , all the prollrly can
ho nppraisc(1 l , and any balance that rltht
ho found ' Iuo , 10 Mr. Mosher. 01' Stout , on
float settlement lan he pull hIm.
1 any legal queHtons fire to arise re-
the of Mr. Moshor. ' Mr.
. galln rights ; 11. 1 0' 01' 1\
f DOIgll. It Is far better that /uch 1talon ,
1 should take plal'l with the state In po"e8-
$ Ion or Its own 1II0pertv than It won III IJ'
to have the state prison In tIme hatllH or
un Indlvl,111 % with the state litigating to
recover spectfully its sUbmittcd own Property . ) from him. ! Be-
spectfuly submltcll.WILl.IAM
- - -
_ ONC OF' .OSII H' . 'Hlt ' ,
LltICIHII\ . \ \urk CIUlt ) ' Hocnls the Clpl-
: . : ; . . : tal 'titIotmt ; l''a < h ,
. . . . :1lolnl
: ybni : : Neb'l : eb. 17-Speclal.-The ( ) dls-
'trlcl court of York county will open here 10-
, 'morrow wlh Judge Edward Dates presiding
- . I , The . ' first cases on th3 docket aN the 10m (
Fire insurance company of Omaha agalnst :
. Mrs. Mary Doolly , and the case of Kent K.
. t hayden receiver of the Capital National
. bank , against D. F. Thompson et nl , for
. , Monla ) " . The latter casa Is for thc tItle to
, i. I a piece of lml situated In \011. county. The
- . ( land was deeded to Thompson by C.V .
I Moshel' , and after the failure of the Capital
1 . National bank : time _ directors of the bank refused -
fused to recognize Thompn lS the lawful
owner , stating that Mosher had 10 authorIty -
. . Iy to deed the land to anyone , notwlthstanJ-
lug tim fact that he had been prEsldont or the
, . hank Sonic very good points of law arise In
. - the ame , And It Is thought 1 hard fight wm
, be male by both sides
, I A number or teachers or this county took
an examination bCor , Superintendent Bolde-
man on Saturday.
Jl William Lloyd , who has ior some time
. been attending college at thIs place 11
. leave next \veek for Boston , Mas . lt which
. place he will attnd gmmerson's Oratorical
_ _ _ _ . colege ,
Mr. Frank Robinson , deputy sherIff of York
county , cod Miss Kate Kaufman of thIs
place were marrlelI 'estorday. Owing to time
. . serious IneKs or the father of time bride th
, . affair was very clulet no one except ha-
medlato friends being prebent They w1
make their fullra home In York
_ _ _ _ .
Saturday was 1 lovely day and all the
, . , : mel'chnul ot this city report a splendid
_ traJo : 'he squure was orosvde with tcams.
; . . Morn trading 1s . being done ut time present
: tiine.thnn auld hardly be expected . M times
- . arc uid the season being this early , yet all
. rE1)r 'a better trade than exptcted.
k- Orll 101 ( ' . Itll I'cumll- , .
t OnD , Neb , l oh , 1-Speeial.--Mr. ( ) Ohm-
: stead left lem o ' 1huraray lornlHg for Spokane
itt , l lls , where ha thlnka of 10catII ! ,
- . Mrs W S. McCarthy started Thursday ,
4 morning fOI' a vii with relatives lt Ma-
Quokola , ] n ,
, T. . L. hail was a vlfltor In BaLtngu 1.It :
week. !
i . Mrs. J.V. , Perry departed last welc for a
visit to fiends In Wlyne , Neb.
_ _ _ _ _ Mrs. E. 1 M. J. Conlo or Lincoln has ar-
. rlvel here 10 ntit In the revival meetings
_ _ _ _ _ : - . at thai Metholls chnrch.
A meoln ! WI' held at the court hOI\e for
d II 1)lrpOS0 or dlscnsblng means ror securing
t leeLI 11n ell for the coming season , I
. Wl9 decided \ to send 1 committee east to
. lolelt donations of grain t help out limo
neely. , The commlteo appointed was : Rev
B. A. Russell , JV. . Perry amid C' . M. Jaques
. . A. \ \ ' . Jackson who recentlY sold time Ord
. .Toufnul . has bought the Register ut Uln ,
110lph , II. , amid wi move to that Place as
z . 101 ' mum ho cal malt arrangements 10 Ilu so ,
Colonll Uxby deliVered his lecture , en-
. . titled "Tho Country rlilor . " to n large and
IPpreclnll'o audience Friday evening tinder
time atispices or tha Ord 1compan ' .
lusplccs 011 I I i 1/ company
- Time Iroceet will 1' IowaIll rurnlahlnl the
. . armoy Time boys take . great Interest In
. , . . theIr military duties. and arc fAst forging
i to .tho front al a wel drilled company tinder
tho'emclent manarclent or Captain S. A ,
Stacy , formerly adjutant ot time Second regi-
: ment _ _ _ _ _
. , , Juhl.un ( :1'11) : I'ii rnior4 In : i cot ,
, . , TEClMSEl , Neb , Fch. i7-Speclal.- ( )
Time Johnson COUlt ) ' Faramera' / In ltuto will
I be hcht here this vcehc ! , Thursday , Friday
- . and Sat unlay \ ,
. - Time IIUllls ( t time HI h bchool iat t evening
. gave a \cry , : rlltahle'ntcrlalnment to a
. large nudelcC ! In time Chrlblan church
. , , The cl ) ' las beau 11 arles for tIme . past
two o\'nlllo , owing to rcpalrs bimg ; II Progress ) -
. rren at tH , IIhllnl station .
The lCnllhtl ot I'ytiiias' unluol b1 and
. , IHUluet 111 take , lucre Tuesday evening at
time ScanI opera lmoume- ,
; . . In C. St. M. Joe. Chamberlain f\ent hart ot time \ % eec !
Miss Iessh' DIllon ) h IImc ( rent 1 Ilrolongel
i vii with frlclis In 1.lncoln.
; , . C \Voilruft , wHc nlllnnr1lcr of Calls-
; , . war rent the past weelt In th\ cIty
M : alll :118 , I P , Marble of 1.'ulertol
F . Ilenl sc\'erl drys thl" week \'Ilthll : relatives
' i Mn 1 . 1)'mlglit It visiting I sister ; t
) i , . SIII ( ' enter . Kan.
, ' 1he ' 1\'nullHh military 1'ld ' II to be reor-
\3nlzet , wil Prof C. 1. Whlney In3tructor
- - - -
: , . T'iuiie' I 1..1) . 1111 ,
. WA1 : I0 , :3b. l eb. 1--t:11ccla1)- )
. Jlle ! lrud ) , u pioneer cllztn , whl \\'llllnl
Ul th' treat , tripped ant tel 01 lime hharp
& 1111 ( ot flue RldcWII ( . cutting a la,1 ruh
Icr 5olh C'c lie was taken to St. Jo-
I I "ph' bcimItaL at Omniiit thl If roon ,
Lobby Working Hard to Unload the Fani-
tarinm on the State ,
Old Holllc'rA "nut time IhulO tn lie nt Ono
l'lace-Eeonuuuiy or iSlu uiag.'uuient itiud
l'I\eI ( OI ( Y lhll/I'Iltlull
Cnn'IIIC of JUIII(1 He-
' 11110 Concrul nlton.
I.NCOLN ] eb. 17-Speelnl.-There { ) Is
an active lobby at work IIhlng the bill to
sell the sanitarium nt Milford for 1 new
soldiers' lmoimie. This measure I known as
one or the 'toamied" bills arHl wi receive
the closest scrutn ) The commissioner or
public lands and , bulllns has declared hll-
self fa\orJhle to I Every supply contractor
for stAte Ilttutons Is working In Its Interest -
terest Pholographlc views of the building
and grounds Illjacent to the Milton ! Mnl-
tarlul are on exhibiton In the office or
hand , Commissioner Russell.
Parties thoroughly vested In the mater
Present cogent reasons why another soldiers'
homo should not be inaugurated at Milford.
They 110lnt first to time veil known economic
proposition ) or concentration. A thousand ,
veterans can be comfortably provided for
nt Grand Island at a far leds cost lIeI capita
than could [ 00 each at 11lord nnd 011\1
Island They also ask I to be relemhere,1
that the bill now lel\lng , while It ofers
to dOlatc the rent of the sanIarium [ reefer
for Iwo years , Iu reality contemillates un-
loading the institution at aim enormous figure
on the slate In the cmiii. Tim scheme Is also
cpposell by a nnmber of veterans , who SAY
that the ) " can cnly discover the speculatve
eSSence or the nmeasumro. One of them test-
led Ihat time old soldiers desired to be to
gelher at ono Ioint I more room was
wan led vote an aPllroprlatlon to the OralI
sand ] imommie . Ind en largo It. The Soldiers'
hOle , ho InsIsted , was an Instuton In
which alt time vlerans took n great dent
of Interest ant cr which they wem 11rond.
For one ho wanted ! to ace tIme mOley the
state had to expend placed on one Instuton
and not dissipated and frittered away. The
establshment of two homes would divide
amid weaken Interest In the Institution. I
time Milford sanlnrlum were al once turned
over to time state In fee shlple It would
necessltato n great outlay of money to put
It In fit condition for n comfortable home for
soldiers. There woull commie also , the dc-
mlli for pnolher commandant amid mere sal-
arlell omcers lie was opposed to It ,
. It Is Iluito evident hat t I time promoters of [
the Millard saniarIum scheme are banking
on time Inluence oC \ 'Iectcran element they
\1'1 be dIsappointed. I Is 11c\ thAt lellS-
" "
lat\o "oltor& may voice theIr buncombe
on the fcoI 10 the efcct lhat the old sol-
diers or Nebraska are anxious to divide Into
squads amid scatter over the state In Ilelached
bodies. , tull if mnammy of the veterans are hon- :
cst In their expressions the ) want to bo all
together In one immstitutiois .
There Is nnother elelent whIch Ilraclcaly
caters into time consideration of dUlllcatn ,
soldiers' homcs. ' 'lse Inslulons arc dl- :
ferent from others In lhelr class , In that
they are not for al time . like ' hospials , nsy- :
hlms , universities or normAl schools. The )
are not Institutions at which attendance Is I
likely to Increase In an exact ratio with in.
creasing Imml raton , Time highest point oC ;
membership will soon have been reacimed an , m
thcn wi follow the Ilathelc and sorrowful I
declne , In a few 3'cal'S tie Grand Island
home will be all too larlo for time few sun'lv-
lug membcrs of a glorious army. I hardly ,
allpears to be economic polcy for the state
lu go on Increasing the number of her pub-
lie Insttutons , and consequent Inercase of
salarlcs In thc face or u decreasing demand
for accommodations.
Speakllg or fees and salaries . the house oC
rcprosuntatves so far In the session his la-
troUnced twenty-one his to rise them . as
time ) ' apply to city . county anti state officers.
Yesterday one member of the house said : "it
now only remaIns for us to raise our own sal-
aries from $5 to $10 a day , adjourn and go
homc. "
Burns or Lancaster Is an ardent champion
of boards lIe now has a bIll printed . hcuse
roll No 4G7 , provIding ' for an Insur.mce
board which would relieve the auditor or
pubile account oC all acts and duties regarding -
the regulation ,
nian3gement or con-
tel or insurance compAnies. Durns' creation
would be known as the "Insurance Board or
the State of Nebra ln , " I would consist of
the' auditor , secretary or state and commissioner -
stoner of public lands and buildings. 1
would have power to enforce all laws In
relation to the business r Insurance In the
stte , The bill Provides for a secretary , al
a salary or $2,000 , who may do and perform
In thc absence of the board all oC the acts
and duties required or it. The secretary
would also have aa assistant at a salary of
siaoo and he Is to enjoy the perquisites of
fees exacted from tIme Insurance companies
for whom he docs any work.
The Lincoln charter bill Is Introduced by
Mtmger 1 Is house rel No. 478 Its first
section provhl that all cites and vIllages
having less titan 100.000 and more than
40.000 Inhablantl shall be governed by the
provisions of the , ICt , The salary list or the
new Lincoln charter will be , Ir pased , as
follows : Mayor , $2,100 per annum : city
clerk , $ 2OOO : deputy city clerk , $1,200 : city
treasurer , , $3,000 : Iloputy treasurer , $1,200 ;
ciy , attorney , $2,000 : deputy , $1.000 ; police
judg , $1,200 : city engineer , $1,800 ; commis-
s'oner of Public works , $ ] . [ 00 : councilmen .
$300 : member of the excise barl , $300 : chief
or police , $100 per month : .ach polIceman .
$71 ; : street comnmiioaer : $75 per month :
chief or fire department , $125 jmer month.
I'ISItt.ji : I'OtTEIS.
Pertinent l'mmrmigraplm'u Perlllnlng to "ooplo
nr that Im'aUly
PIERCE , Neb. , Feb. 17-Special.-Tiscro ( )
wa3 a smash but very enjoyable gathering
nt time home or llr , mind Mrs. " ' . E. Power
WOllucbday' ovenln ! Light refreshments wure
served and a pleasant time passed ] .
The Young Men's Christian association of
this city gave a dinner and supper Wcdnes-
day for the purpose or raising funds to equip
their rooms , Time affair was \ery lberaly
patronlzet and about $40 Ilrof was reaped
froll their efforts
J. 1. Humphrey , who hal , his knee cap
broken whie skating some time ago , Is nol
able to walk wihout the use or crutches ,
Time Ladies' Aid society or time First
Methodist church will give u social at the
hOle ot Mr anti Mrs. Ii. S. Reppart WCl1nes-
day evening for the bencft or the church
Albert Steinkraos county treasurer , has
recovered trom lila recent illness and Is able
to attend to his duties .
Several friends gathered at the home or
Mr , and Mrs. P. , H , Declt Friday ovenimmg
to celebrate the first wedllng anniversary
of 11 and ! rs. D. W " 'ool\erton.
The hOle of Mr and Mrs. I. U. Craig
vas the ceno of happiness and merriment
iarlday I c\enlng , In response to invitations I
large nllher of frIends congreglte,1 , to pan
the evening In playing high five. About mid-
nl&ht an elaborate luncheon was ser\cl and
all returned to their homes reelng that nOlo
In 1ierce can entertain In a snore congenial
am\ \ hospitable mauner than Mr. and ir
Thc literary program rendered ) the mem-
hers or time pworlh league at the Methodist
cimurim lag Friday o\'cnlnl was vl ) entertain-
Mr. 'V , P hong all Miss Jessie Chappel
were marrlcII at thc hOI or time bride's
Ilal'enls Monday afternoon at : o'clocl . 'rh
bride Is a highly respected young lady . tie
daughter ot ono of [ Pierce's energetic business
men , whie time groommi Is 1 young attorney
cOlmandlng a wide circle ot frIends.
' 1he 1eello\cl Malts quartet I I leI
musical organization In this ciy , The ) 'oung
men are excellent Fhlerl and constitute time
choir p the Congregational church each Sun-
day evcnlrg .
l.cnotl W Mc'Donald , one of Pierce's
prlnlslnc ) 'ounJ buslncn mcn , hi decided
that his vocation In life wi bm that ot au
attorney , Uo la now 1\1(1)lnl ( In the law
, 'tce or exCounty Attorney ( ones ,
MfrrlbOn & 111111hre ) were . minus about
five kerosene barreh Tuesday mnoruming 80le :
one IIW\ stolen them the night before , Time
111 suspected certain ple ot the theft ant
the barrel were lalt for Friday morning.
The club dance which have been In pro
- - - -
gross here during thE winter will close Monday -
day night
Miss Clara Bishop and 11 Woodworth
departed Thursday for Lltcheld , Neb. , for n
short visit with relatives.
Representative Deck spnt several days lt
homo last weeks lie returned to isis legls11-
th'o duties Thursday.
Mr. nnd Irs. W. E. loa ! returned from
their wedding tour 1riday. They will occupy
the residence recently vacated by time Wloy
family .in the western part at the town
, T , A , . Cateel , an old soldier , went to Nor-
folk WednesdAY to take an examination bc-
fore the Ilension board . l he has applied for
In increase.
The PIerce County Teachers association will
meet at 1lnlnvlel Friday o\'enlng. An excellent -
celenl program has been I'reparelror \ the
occasion and a very pllatant time Is ex-
poet e ml.
E I . O. Helmer , assIstant cashier or a bank
at Neltgim . arrived Thursday for a few days'
visit with his parents
Petitions are being circulated throllhout
time county and wi bo presented to the
county commissioners , asking that body to
cal a special election 10 vote $10,000 or $15- ;
000 bonds to provIde see grain and feed for
the destitute farmers.
Mr. anti 111s , Otto Dlellrlchs returned from
n wcek's visit at ' 'Inshle , Neb.
ltlitlIEi u ANSII.IU " 'IB : Eitt. :
, \ . 1otJick'a CI\lm Alo\v(1 After Sovorl
Ycnrs-Jtliir 1UI' or Inter , ' I.
ASHLAND , Neh. , , Feb. 17-Spocial.- ( )
Mr. A. osdlek ot this city yesterday rc-
celvcd notco from tim pension department
of time nlowAnce oC his claim for a Ienslon.
Ills Iresent ) allowance Is $12 per month ,
wllh a $ alowance dating back five years ,
11 ] $8 for a few monlhs pre\lous 10 that.
Time claim has been In for se\'erl years.
Time protracted meetng lt the First Dlp-
tst church In this city Is progressing nicely
under tIme preachIng ot Hov : . Dabney
and fammmiiy.
The lAdies of the Christian church whit
give "mite social' " ' Thursday evenIng that
I\e a "mie socal" trl
promises to be 1 very unique affair. A prize
wl he given to tIme most ohser\lng person
In attendance. The "XL" quartet will lur-
nlsh time musIc.
Last ovenlng at the Knlghls or 13'thlas
halt In this city , Ashland division No.
23. lnlghts or It'olas. held a public In-
stallatlon of theIr olccrs for the cnsulng
stnlaton . 1njDr \y W. Crane acted , ns installing -
staling oillcer. A \ery interesting proram
was rendered In connecton by the choIce
talent or the city The Christian sisters'
qUartet and MIss Juno Thompson rendered
thc principal lrt oC time program. There
were over 100 In nttemmtiance .
The oratorIcal contests In Ashlall\ \ antI
elsewhere that are creating so much Inter-
eat will take place ns folows : At Ashland ,
the juvenile or schcol contest , Friday , larch
I : ; the city contest wl come oft larch :2 :
the district contest at Plalsmouth April [ .
anti the state contest wl be held In Granll
Islant Mmmy ] 0. Time favorite In the Juvenile
lays hetwcen about three who are nol el-
tered-Orce ilason , Grace Will ant Edgar
Clark-whmilo In time city contest the favorite
Is rank Young. There will bo about twcnty-
live to contest In the two affaIrs.
Jqhn D Robbins spent tie last of the week
In I'iattsmuotmtlm.
'hu Ashlnnd highs school baa already or-
! lnlzed a base bal team amid cOllnenced
their field day sports , to be In shalc for
tIme field day exercises to he held at PinUs-
mOlth lt the chose of this school year
Among time special features of the program
wIll be I base bal game between two left-
handed teams , tholr age not to exceed 12
years. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Schl'ler "lftnJ .
SCIUYl.EH , Keb . Feb. i7.-Speclal.-A ( )
number of Schu'ler people are leaving here
for new locations In Arizona ant southwesl-
ern Missouri J. T Wilburmm and family
: lssourl. , TVlburn ant famiy.
James Ayers , Henry Knasch and Thomas
Wacha have ! one , Henry C. Wright Is cos-
Ing his business here with a view to locating
near Springfeld , Kan.
Complalnls ha\lng been made that the saloons -
loons here spro open and doIng business on
Sunday , the city council voted that hereafer
each saloon must be closed on Sunday and
time ale ot liquor on that day discontinued . I
Mayor McLeod' accordingly issued the follow-
lag order :
Mr. William Gibson Chief or Police :
Sir-Complaints are mnade that the saloons
are running on Sunday , regardless of the
law and order. You are horohy required
to see that no saloons nra Qpen on Sun-
( lay hereafter . also that nil pool amid bib-
lard playing be suppressed , on Sunday
( and that al gambling be stopped , BO , far
aR lies In your power ) .
D. lILEOD , Mu'or
Mrs. C. E. Corlss or St Paul Neb" , Is
visiting her aunt Mrs. Thomas Bryant
T , E. Miller Is absent to look over Kansas ,
with a view to going south 10 locate.
This county's celebrate case of the state
against Dotsch ant others for the hnnglng
unt nearly dead of Bernard Zilng of Wi-
son precInct , has lt last seen its last days In
court exceptng action on the case of Peter
Dotseh's son Thcre were six or the defend-
ants all of whom were at the first trial found
guilty of assault with Intent to 10 great bod-
iiy harm Two or them went to the penitentiary -
tAry and served time at once , two sought a
stranger clime , but were afterward captured
and punished , whlo stay or sentence wn secured -
cured for Dotsch and his son , pending , ex-
amlnlon or the case by the supreme court ,
which remanded the case upon error for re-
trial , At the last session oC the court the
case was heard again . Peter Dotsch alone
being tried , and the Jury's verdict was as-
sault and balery , Jutge Marshall fined the
defendant umamemi $50. This amnount . together
with the costs will amount 10 a very large
sum for Mr. Botsch 10 pay , and there will be
yet the expense oC the trial of his son.
1'"rlwrs In.ltlie CIorsl .
FREMONT , Fcb. 17.-Speciai-Time ( ) Dodge
County Farmers Institute closed Inst evening
after a series of interesting meetings. Prof.
Taylor ot the Slate university on Friday
night gave nn Illustrated lecture on Mexico.
The views were shown by a stereopticon , and
were male from photographs taken by time
proCessor during ( two trIps la that country
Time exposition of the primitive met'ldR ot
Mexican farmers was a source or considerable
amusement and comment
The sugar beet queston was presented
yesterday In ! valuable paper by H. M.
Alen or Ames , who ( rout his successful ox-
perlence Is an aclmo\ledged authority on time
A resolution was passed commending the
hil now before the legislature regarding time
manufActure and sale or olooniargtmriume . .
"Dairy Farming and flutter Mallug" was
time subject or a paper by F' , II , Vaughan ,
which called out an Interesting discussion
Prlnlt Whltmoro ream ) n paper telng or his
experience with sugar beets , and the discus.
slon whlc' , followed brought out many In-
terestn 1,0lnts
At ! Saturday evening session Mrs. A. Id.
Edwards read a paper on "Tho nest HOI to
Dreell. " Mrs gdwards Is n successful stock
raiser , and her opinions are received' with
favor , This question brought out a vaulable
discussion There were musical and literary
features during time closing session , and asocial
social talk amen ! tIme ( arumiors .
The Catholc fall which has booms In pro-
gross nt Masoulc Temple hal for the past
week closed last night , I was under time
mauagement or the I"lmilimttrmiionic guild , I
church society and was a Very successful af-
rail _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l'r"IUI'a 1'11118(1 Hle.lrl 1IIIt , 1hUI ,
FItEMONT . Feb. 19-Speci.ii-Time ( ) ques.
ton that has bcen agitating the mln1 of time
average citizen of Fremont for everal days
evident determlnallon of the city
Is the clr au-
thorlt s to construct an electric light plant
and operate It In connection wIth city water
works for the lighting of the streets of the city ,
By a careful administraton of city affairs
over ' 18,000 has aceumulated , amid this money
It Is 11roposoII to approprlalc ) tor the lectrlc
plan A peltlon signed by over 800 voters
has been Ilre1ented , asking time council to
al1prnprlale time money and construct the
planl , and this Is over a majority or the
voters. The council accordingly iassed an
ordinance , and Iroposes to go ahead wih timework
The project Is , ot course , opposed by the
I relent Oas and Electric 1lght company aol
Its friends. Title company has been receiving
a considerable revenue . trom the city for furnishing -
nlshlng lghts , amid naturally objtls to the
plan Proposed The contract for street light-
imig with the compan expires next fall , and
It bias ben the purlose , ot the city authori-
ties for sonic years II make sonic different
pry\'lslol for street lighting when the eon-
tracts In existence expire.
The mater has been sublltel to the various -
rlous council commitees a to location of
the plant and arc lights , and examinaton ot
I the engineer's plans , to report at a special
meeting ' Tuesday evening and It II probable
Ihat bIds for supplies , and construction wi
be advertised for soon
, - '
" .li'
Annual FOtT Days Meeting to Ba ReId nt
' 11 , j ; .1 I Baltirnoro.
" , ,
. , ,
fu- I
First 1Oloy''i\ ' One ThOIA" ! < ' UolnrA
lul CIl' 11'rlzC1 1Ho 11111-
S0101 . I'reseimts for time
, 1. , Iicicy 'I hooter .
BALTIMORE , Pcb. 17-The trap shooters
oC the country ha\e decided to hold annualy
near tills city I four days' tournament beginning -
ginnIng this y nr , It Is proposed 10 hn\'e
live Illgeol and clay target shooting slmul-
taleous ! , The first prIze Is to he UOOO
cash H there shonl be any surplus irons
nterles for the second the surillus wilt be
added to the guaranteed stakes , The match
will be a hnmlcall ot irons twent-slx to
thlrly-lhro yards open to the vorid Each
sholer Is to fro at fifty live birds .
Anolher fixed match will he n target con-
test for teams or five men cads . bona tide
members or the club entering. TIme prIze Is
a carload or 100,000 artificial targets.
An hulvldual chnn110nshll ) prize for the
shooter maltng the hlgheRt score during thc
tournament will I ! a dlAmoml ring. The
rest or times tournament Is to consist oC reu-
lar sweepstakes , ' time entrances ta which are
to bo from $3 upwards.
I. A. \ CUN\ NTIU I TOU.\\
aiauiy Stales , \nxlll to Invo Iho ext An-
11m' ' .I leettiug.
NEW YORK Feb. ] 7.'here1'1 almost
as much leibyimig and interviewing and
buttonholing In the 11Ariors anti corridors
or time Orlnd Union hotel lS might bo wit-
nessed In an ) poltcal gathering ( luring the
busy hours preceding a cotmvemmtion . The
lobby Is over the delegates to the annual
meetns ot the League of Amerlcal Wheel-
men , which com'cnes tomorrow. They ha\'e
Some minor differences . but the ndl'ancement
of c3'clng Is their chle cone er. Between
; lassAchusels unI New Jersey there Is a
wide dierence , Each wants the next amimiuai ]
meelng , and the I'cpresentatves or each
state Bro stll'lng by every melns In theIr
power to secure I Massachusetts Is wi-
lag to conccdc and give ( everytimimmg amid nn-
thing swap or trade , any all\antlgu or power
which time ) ' may ha\e , for the prlrlego of
Imoidimmg time next annual meet under their
ilUsliiCeS New Jersey Is anxious to do as
luch and more Ir posslhle. to
Agents from other states are not safe from
the arguments of tim huslng representatives
of Massachuselts anlt NIl Jersey. The
: Iasrchusets men have Ilhotographs or the
principal polnls or Intcrest In antI arounil
< <
Doslon In their hetel parlors and the west
amid SouUlI'est must stan . \Iew al ] admire .
Time New Jersey men are dee In the photo-
graphic business ulso. The ) ' have a thonsnnd
\Io\s of thH" . ninny pretty spots In their
state , but t4pir partcular argument Is that
Asbury Plr "js. ylthln a few mies of New
Yorl. Asbur l'l\rk \ presents another strong
clalnm In tim t ? S'iIPLPO ( oC a petition signed by
200 \el Icowl , racing mmmcmi ranging )
merit and dhbU" from Zimmerman down.
Some tmqgo " j hooked as I there might
bo man ) ' ca'ndlda\es \ for the different office
of time league , ' Now , however , the result or
the election js , re'mmled ' as a foregone conclu-
sioum Time tlelHi or Archie C , Wiison of
CUmheraIHI ] , ' Jd say that ho cannot be
beaten for tIme ! presldenc , A. E. Morgan-
tuber or Ohli fs 'the ' only candidate for the
trcnsuryshllJJIU felt , and George D. Gideon -
eon or Phiadelphia , It 15 believed . wl be
the next chalrmat oC the racing boal
Of all the anndlents \ to the cosmstitution .
the most 1mprtant that will be proposed
will be that.barlng { colored mon from the
lengue Thlf laro .amendments by the score ,
but , none 80)I terostng us this
The ieagu9 fjaB at least two days' hard
work before I I will be la session tomorrow -
row morning and afternoon and Tuesday
10rnlng. afternoon and evening The dde'
gates to the convention 'lave nearly ] all ar-
rived and arc quartered within easy rang
of the place of meeln !
ooven ' 11ndrcd amid Slxt ' -Onc 10r es Nnl" <
for 'cn I "ools ,
ST LOUIS , Feb. 17.-The entries for the
ten stale events of the spring meeting of
the SI Louis Fall association were matI
public today , and show that all have tilled
remarkably wel , promising a meeting
the like of which has not been had In St.
Louis for many years The total number
of entries for the ten events ts 7G1 , IncludIng -
Inl some of the best anlmlis on the Ineut- .
The Inaugural tulle handicap , sweep-
stakes for I-yenr-olds und upward guar.
antced value $ : .0OO , has eighty-five entries ,
IncludIng Simmon , Dr. Rice El UO ) ' , Yo
Tuenbien Maid Marian , Handspun , Ohio
Bele , Chant BulWI , Ethel Gray , San
BIas Lampllhter , Clifford Libertine , Fura-
days Buckrcne Cadmus , ifnda . Sport Ajax ,
Digga , Senator Irb . Ducat and Dr HaR-
brool Debutante . Ivo furlongs , for 2-year-
ole Iles , foals or 183. guaranteed value
$2,500. eighty-two entriEs : Kindergarten ,
five furlongs , for 2-yeur-old colts amid geldings -
Ings , foals or 1893. guaranteed value $2,5.
elcht-one entries : Mound City handicap
seven Iud one-half furiouiga sweepstules ,
for 3-year-obds and upward , guaranteed
value $2.00. seventy-four entries ; 2-year-old
championship stakes , I1'e and one-half furlongs -
longs , for 2-year-olds. foals or ] 893. guaranteed -
anlped value $3.5 128 entries : Street Railway -
way stakes mile and seventy ) 'arls. handi-
cap sweepstakes , for 3-'ear-olls. foals or
1892 , , narlnleed vnlue $2.0 forty entries -
tries : Memorial handicap , sweepstakes , one
mile and one-elhth , for 3-year-ohhs and
. upward , guaranteed $ .r. forl-slx entries -
tries : Club Members handkap , mile anti a
quarter , for 3-year-olths anti ' upwnrd , guar-
nnteet value $ S,000 , sixty-live emitries Inelud-
log : Slmmon8. Dr Hlce , Cimlmneit , \0 Tum-
bien , Prince Carl , Tiny S. Cimant Lamp-
ilgimtc'r , Plutus , Clifford , Jlhertne. fda
Pickt'icbc Faraday , Bncltrene , Cud mus ,
I.hula , , Commuter 'euor , Diggim , Senator I rhy ,
W'ekota. Clrlsbad , ChlRwlck antI Dr Hus-
brook : Brewcrs' stakes , siX murlomigs handl-
CUll , swcepstake . for 2-year-olds , foals of
1893. guarammtet'ti $2.0. sevent-slx entries :
Mississippi Valley stakes , mile , selling .
sweepslules for 3-a'ear-oldmm anti upward ,
guaranteed ! \aile $2,0 elghl-four ontrie.
The stahles represcntel , Include : Fred
Foster , the Kendall , Barney Sehrelher , C.
Ii. Smith. J. n , Patton . Wnldhlum , JV. . ;
Itogermt , n , I , . Rose , J , J. McCaferl ) ' . A. n.
Spreclcls , the Charter Oal. the Oswel ,
Heell Bros . C. " "eatlerrord. Jacob nUlpcrl ,
Ir. , lanltnH & Johnson , E. Corrigmmmm , \ . P.
MeCrano and sunny olhers. The 3.year-ohls
and upward nHntonel In the ] nllgurl anti
Club memhurH summnrlel are also Includel ,
In the principal entrIes In the olher 3-year-
old races. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( , -
Uverthrowor or , Mummy (11111'101 111ucl
Uvorlhrnn'n ly " , 'I.r ( ) s timmusui.
1INNE\POtTS1 Feb 17.-Joimn S. JOl-
son , the hrenker10r ulnumherod records ,
was con1clell to t lowcr his colors ut Nor
manna rimmk tlay \ to Peter Ostunt , time
champion of lItmrope , In I race or lW
meters , or lcJO''Ards. . A RtunllnS stArt
west made lnd' ' ohnson led Inll wihin
t went rods of the Inlsh , when Oslul11
made ) wonderful burlt ot speed miami won
by less than tWO feet , In 2:5. : I-lr. TIme Ice
was In bath cpllllton , owing to the mid
weather and t.m ( calling snow , consclllell )
the thne WIS ' twemty-four anti one-rourth
tle Rlo\c l tlal time best recorl , for
secontH , 'which ' made b Ostitmmuh
this dIstance waH mlde by Ostlld
at Ilamer , Norway . In Fehlunr ) ' , 1891. Time
I'ace was , nen'rtleles. 1 IlrelY one from
start to Inl 11 ismtl watt holy contesled.
Johnson did mme Jeem 10 bo In the best
( orumi . lie holds l ieem \ ' rlcord for one
sidle and hns"hlw ' been a great Inlsher ,
but on this dqslon 03tun,1 , displayed by
fur time heat Rlu'lnl qualities , anti his
friends cia 111 thut ho eoulll have widened ,
time distance between himself and Johnson
at time close had he so de lrcll.
"Irinla , l tie it ey l:111 ( I'Plln !
WASHINGTON , Feb 17.-Seerctary 1ulh
P. McIntyre ot the YlrglnlL Joelcey climb ,
which conltlcts Its meetings lt the St
J\snllh race track , announces thut I has
determined to comnl'nco the sllrlng meetIng -
Ing on Monday , 1larch 18. TIme original In-
teimtion vas 10 commence on imitorcim 4 ,
lenten \IS larch
but the recent heavy 110\1' Htol'ml necessl-
tatet } 1poSlponement. . 'l'he club will race
under t license from the Jockey club . A
number or tIme most 11romlnent stalles In
the country have already elguged 8Laii.
hlsmdlsmg Il'h'IU liutilymsum .
NEVCAS'I'LFI . Eng. , Feb 17-The Icul-
lime unhitch between Churles \ Harding
and Thomas Sullivan took place on the
River Tyume yeslcrda I was ( or a
PUfSO or $1.000 und the s'portsmnmon's challenge
Jurse 'he race was regarded with specIal
Interest ut this jUlclul" , 11 It was uuder-
stood If Hnrllln IhOII\ ' \11 It ho wOlhl
challenge Jake Onlllnlr , HArlln WOI the
toss for Ilolllon and hose the north sl11
of the river . The start was 11"le nt 6
o'clock anti was n good one. At Hedh\Rh
hrllgo Sullivan was ! two lengths almond ot
HarHnl lie AIQwl Incrtlsell IsiS loath Intl
ho WAS four Icngthsln al\lance. wham tArl- ,
Ins Illrtel , and oVII11\I'd him. tnrdlng
le\'er lost his loath thereafter , anti Wa four
lengths nhlnd oC 8111\'al when lie crossed ,
the winning line. Tlmo : 21 miluics and 15
Secoultis 1111111 II I 1.0lBlonor , anti was
\toUlht tns 1 'rhmnmnes waterman amid ,
since 181 t\ ho deClnte,1 , George Uubonl' ,
his len the glgllh Chltplol , The race
was Irst Ixell to take place on Monday ,
Inst but had to be losl\One,1 ; , nil account oC
the Ice In the river. Time usunl Tyne course
was rowed , starting from the : llnslon
house , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jolllllk OlcUmtflrltumnckt.i . : ( nl.
NEW Y01 , Felt. 17Tue'orhl tomor-
will ' Iomtmimshck " ' , the
row wi mmayI : Domlllel ( McCafer )
IHlgHlst who WIS Ightl with illchel nll\
Sullivan n few 'cnrs ago . has Imc n crown-
imig hit of bad 1'cnT alo. Se\erl Weeks ago II
rotting out or hits hath tub he IcrO\td the
skIms off his Instep. He thou"ht nothll
nlolt I for n fw \ IlnI , when his foOt be-
cnme po swollen thAt ) cnlhl not IHlt 01
his she ! 1 got wouc and WOTI until
nt last he was 111nlll ) ' Ihreatllell wih
blood \olonln . On Frlll ) ' hc was ntl'ieth
10 gis \ to lell\'ue hmospitni . nmt there he
wcnt , nod Is 10W occupying n beth In tmt
institumliomi. Time s\'Jlonl think thl ) ' emma
save the foot , but at trst I WitS 10ultful
1 will bc sOs'erah weeks nt least before he
cnn get mtroummtl .
, \nt-Ollhlll I I I 1.1110 I , Ihrl'llll. I
JONDOi Feb. 17.-Time case of the Aul-
Oamhlng 111ue Ilalnst the Jockey club
at Nellarltt l'eslll'(1 11 favor of time chtmlm .
Time 111IRt1te hlfore whom the case vrts
helrtl , declletl the ( ' \hlllce Rlbmlted I ) '
the league WIS hot slleent to wnrrult I
prosecuton , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
\llnt. In h.t ( nt 11,11 ( I ,
Fred Stout ReIl ! word to The Bee that
he wi I II to stop O'Nel In fOlr roulds
for $ .O n side , or he will light 10 I tnlsh
for frol $ \0 to $ a side the 1IIIce to
be agreed ulln Illcr , DCll ' J1111h ) ' says
ho his the mOley to back stout .
I.orrlilmtrmi Iny Il ( ' " In imigiiemmuI.
NE' YORK , l cb. 17.-1 WIS learned
today that Is Is moore than Ilrobnhle that
Ilcrre 101rlar,1 will lend a Rhort ftrln
of horses to ] n"llll this III'II , to compete -
Pete for some of time . l uglsh islums.
Hm .IJ , 01 IIlll'S (1' . " ' .
htL'mtL'mmiiilmmmmco or11101 Irynt : to ii Jls
ROlrl llrllorer lII.ln/ ) Ill Trnlhl' ,
S' ' JOSIIPII , ) o. , Feb. 17.-Spccial.- ( )
\'nhlor Ir'llt , a ) 'otummg mll with It broad
scar emi his forehead 111 Inothel out his
left arIa . his beel In jai In this city SO\-
oral days , heW emi SISIliciol of belnl Jllr-
derer . ' 'holls Harris , wnntod 11 AtchIson
count ) for the 11'ler or Johl McDowel
se\'CI yours ago. Hu wan arrested at
SIrlnlIe1l , amid brolght hero by Sherif
Shacl.lcort of Atchison count ) That
COUlt ) " his 10 jail . ami Its pris-
oners I.ept here. Iim''mtmmt
arc ) BI''llt mtmi-
11\'el'01 time dCHCI'111t01 or the mmitmrderer ,
In every ImrUcIII' , e\ol 10 time Sllrs
hits stud forehead. Saveral
emi ! arm alli Serl mel
from Atchison cOlnt ) ' who had Imo\l
Harris ' time ' ' . saiti
saw lu'lsonC' amid Rall the
right mll had hcel nrl'e8ted. 11rris was
unlcr MOltcnce of death when ho escapeti
and I looked \en' much lS Ir the ) 'olng
who aummuvcred imis ' , woimlti
mami Ilswel'ed dcscm'iption
mal ! \
have 10 pay the death penl t ) . Ho did
not heeomo alarmed until the father oC
HlrrlH lame OWI from Atchison county
anti imlentiiled him his .
anI Identiul as SOl.
Bryant said his llrents asmd brother
l\ed It Santa Rosa , Cnl. , but there was
no answer sent to the mllress ho gave.
Tie declare trt he had hecn arre"tu
hofore 01 the sale charge , encl lt Sherl-
than , , " ' ) ' 0. , Ild olce lt Little Hocl , Ar ] ( . ,
hut ho hat fOlgotton the name of the
sheriff of Atchison count who went after
him amid found thlt he was not the right
. Ho remembered the ' . ' '
mll. year hOI\'e\'er.
and described the simeriff.Vihllamim Turmmer .
who 10W lives In Hed Willow COUlty , Ne-
bpl&I' : , was sherif of that ollty lt thaI
time , 11 lie cume lC it. , osolln to save
the 3'oung nmn's lfe , Tnler recognized
the pmisomiem' at Olce , anti saId he was not
the mum'dercr or McDowell.
Br'ant' statemelt that ho had been
twice al'restel before thIs time ems account
of his resemblance to time fugitive wns
conlrmed by the sheriff. When Turncr
cl0 he brought with him a mlnu'e do-
Hcrlplol of harris made while the mur-
derer was 1 prisoner 11 his charge , and ,
called attention to I scar 01 time left atm-
kle , which could not be found In HI'Ylmt.
lie said time resemblance between the two
mel was pe'feet. with this excelmtiomi. The
absence of thnt Belr 01 time allo has
prohabl- been the mcarl of saving Bryant
from being executed for another maui's
crime. Nothing has been heard from his
Parents at Santa liosa and the prIsoner
thlnls , It Is probable that they ha\o moved
'homas harris , the man wanted for the
murder , was 19 years old when time crime
was committed. In company with Arthur
Blake 1 youth about his own ago , he
met John McDowell In the woods near
nocl\ Port amid shot him to death. They
hid the hotly II the brush , and I was not
fould until 1 month IntoI Blake comi-
fesseml . and they were under sentence of
sleuth when they escaped from the Savan-
nlh jail. _ _ _ . _ _ _
J ) , lTI UF USIAIL C /'UJ.LEr ,
One of tIme Chnrt.rlelber of Ta\ItI '
l'jisic ItmYay
JgFFEnSONVH.Lg , lad , Fob 17.-Os-
wall Clinton \Volo ) ' , ex-mnyor of this city .
I Is dead at the age of 8S Mr. \Vollcy served
I thrice ns the clt8 chief executive and
several terms us councilman . He was born
11 New York , was quite 1 factor In pol-
Itcs amid was one of time first members of
time Tamanv society. Ho Joimied the organ-
izatiomi in 12h ! antI remained it member until
1811 , While a member of Tamumnany lie par-
ticipateti in time snomorabbe amid imlittorical
fights which restmited in time founding of tim
hranchi of time democratic imarty known as
the loco-focomu.
BLOOM INGTON , Iii. , Feb. 17.-David
WetzeiI , one of time most distinguisimed
ministers of tIme Christian church , tiled in
San Francisco last night. I-fe had been
Pastor In several points in Illinois , at
hlutchminson , iCun , , and Oakland , Cal.
211i11' XLVkIf 11ff Jt.SSUMIJ ) .
Debt Timinles time Coimmmpiracy Case V. IU Not
hit , Cnuletm ftmiium ,
TERRE hAUTE , md. , Feb. 17.-"Time ad.
jotmrnetl conspiracy trial mit Chmicago will
never be restmmed ; it will die out , " said
Eugene Debmi , president of time Anmenicami
Itailway union , last night , "I xviii never
be hut 00 time stand again in timat case , I
want a trial , but tue General Managers
associatlomi hiatt connived to imave it kiliemh ,
Mu' , Wickes went to Europe to escape tIme
trial. I will teil time imeopie of Cimicmtgo a
few timimmgs on Timurthmmy ovemming , Febmmtunry
28 , which I xviii siieak at the auditomitmns on
'Wimo Are time Coumsimiraturs ? ' A series of
sensations viii be sprung regarchimmg time
G etmernl Mnnagem's nssoclmttion , wimichi would
have come out In the trial if It imad bcelm
comi tinued , " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.1 IlJtI "i'OJSO TO JUWEI IJi ( hf. I 1.'S IIIV ,
Fumioral of time himimmnter 1'lll lie lioki Yri-
dy at. I mmd Iammmipoi Is.
INDIANAPOLIS , Feb. 17-Arramigements
( or time funeral of Minister Gray were
completed toumlgimt , The s'enmahsms are cx-
pecteil Tlmtmrsdu ) ' afternoon , anti If they
nrnivo svlil ho met at time station by time
city aiim ] state officials and militiet. Time
hotly will be taken to time state house ,
vimero it. wilt lie in mttttte until 9 o'clock
Friday mnorsiing. qimo body will be tukeum
to Union City ( or bunimil ,
Lilila Tuft's 1)oms'stic Trolmbimui ,
CIIAM IIERLAI N , S. 1) , , Fob , l7.-Spe- (
ciai-Thme ireseumt sensation In lImbs section
Is time nnnntmmicemnent timat a divorce bias
lmeefl grmmnteml Lilhia 'I'aft froni bier imtmmtinnml , ,
Btlson hi. 'I'mmft ' , proprietor of time imotel bmere ,
wbmicim Iii well kmiovmm to time tvus'eiiumg immmb.
lie. 'fimo couple were marnieml itt Chicago
1mm 1882 , time 1mm ide being a Buffalo imolte or
irtmminont famIly. him iier counplnint , filemI
501010 s'eeks ego , but nouv nmniht hiublie for
time first time , Mrs. Taft alleges extreumme
crtmelty on time inrt of her imummibanti , nmmd
this iii attid to immmve conmlnezmced SOOti Imiler
their mnam'rlago. Mrs. Taft , necompnmmieml by
tier motimer , has returmmed to Buffalo , where
umime lmas proimerty to the amnousit o ( about
$20 00 ! ) .
lintel ( , iLspiiyxlmiteil.
BROOKLYN , Feb. 17.-Henry ICmmoke amid
henry Semis of hboboken , about 20 years of
age , were found death In hmlilier's hotel to.
dmi' , They engaged a room last nigimt and
failed to make Cli ) ' remhOnSe wbmemi called
timiim mnormiimmg. Time door svmums hmrokemm down
aumtl it was ( oumid thmmmt they Imemfi been its.
mhyximmtetl iy gas , It is believed that it imumh
beemi accidentally turmieti omm.
hhtiumthiig time IPuiiiiiy of ( I , It , tinrtomi ,
lENVEI1 , Feb. 17-Cbmlef of Police Arm.
strong is making a searcim ( or time wife unch
two children of 0 , K. Morton , who coumi.
mittod suicide atS'Imitimmg , lad. , Fehiruary
10 , Information wimicim the nian had dropped
in conversation causes the belief that his
famIly is here ,
Surveying a Now Itod to 1)cnvs'r ,
GUTIIRIE , Oki. , Fobs , 17-A corps of
Choctaw surveyors have started west from
. -
Fort lieno to ruin a line for tlm C'lmoctaw
& ( Itmit' road siortimwemut timrougim time ( ' 110)-
comic resem's'ation , pmtnhmammthle of Texas , bless-
'er county , amid osm to 1)ommver ,
1.i TlLitTlU : , ( ir UIW , ) JiIdl.\.SON ,
Itrokema tim llcmiitlt hteTakeq Ills i.tfo In a
Srmm it t imimh : ' mm ii ii er.
1)ENVIIfl , Feb. 17-Mehanchiohin and con.
stmlnhmtiotm ilmipehleil George \'IlkInsomm to
Icili imiuimselt in us Imathietic mttmd aensatlomitul
maumimer this ttfternoon , while caihimig mmpon
time young lath ) ' to vimon lie was emigaged ,
Miss Oii'e Potter , lie tireu' a revolver , tumid ,
ntter smm'ing ( hint ins s'as comivitmeeti timat
recover ) ' Wits iniposmuilmle , utttCmiiimted to kill
liitmmsc'if , 'lime ) 'oumug tvoummmtmi by force lmrL'-
'eiitctl imi carryimmg oust hiS dtslgmi , mtmitl ,
thinking to nibs ) ' imis icitett contlitloum , sumS-
gemutotl that time ) ' go for a % 'nilc , tO which
\ \ ilkinomi ngreetl , l'mussimmg time hmoumse
\s'lmcrc' time ) 'Otlmmg moan lamnrtlesh , lie excmmsod
iminmacif to rtmn iii amid got ummi ovemvomut , iemuv-
log Miss h'otter at time gate. ltrnclmhmmg ilium
roommi , hm itelit it btmiiet ei'aumhmlmmg tlmrotgim )
it is hn'aimi ,
Ills swcetiic'art , hearing time report nt time
plmuttil , meneheil imitmi jtmst as lie wmts dyhmmm.c. '
\\'Iiitirtsomm eammme to Iemmver for his hmealtim
fronm C'ieveiammtl , 0. , 'hmore his mother multi
brother l'etuide , nluotmt iiVt' years mugo. I ie
wmus 27 3'onrS of' mmcc anti was soon tO lmmmve
la'cmm miumrrieti. ilotimVilkimiumomm atiti Ithis
Potter stood vehl iii socimul cIrcles.
itI.'I'EU Jlt ( LtYIJtIilfTII1Ii 'lt.
l.itlgutlot-m , lmitltimteti itt. imtimmt it 'lmichs
I ' room i ' n s" , ' mm sit I mmimti I ) r'ui . 'pmmmrmm t ' ,
Dt'IA"I'II , Feb. 17.-A suit vhicim lirosn-
ises umeumsatlommmul devclolmmutilmtmm lmns hecmm ha'-
SLums iii time dimitmict cotmrt , rcsultimmg Inommi (1st' (
iummhlctmiietmttu at ( irammd htmmpitls of George
l4'imtck , Time sumit Is time llrmut of it series
tumvolvimig a theft of 2i00,0O0 feet of thlmmhier ,
SthplOsei to Imave been stolemm frommu goverum-
miieumt munmi mei'cm''ntiuii lnmmthum 1mm time liust two
years. Lytlmmm.'k mudmmmitum Ihmmit lie limos ties-
Imitummueth omm ( hum lnmmth for mm year auth us half.
listrlm't Attormmey Stm'yker lmns iseli vomlt-
log on time Omiso for mtlmout timrti' ! mmmommtliiu. 'i'lme
mmmmmmmter of dcfmimlitmmt , lie says , is mit lni
tiiitmm 800 , limmt time ) . ' mtimmmost witimotmt exceptinmi
vere vom'k I mmg iii time imuterestum of imIg 1mm mnimer-
I mig corpo rim t iomm , meim 1dm really mu no I lie liii 0-
cipals , nmmmh mwihl receive time uttito'mi attemmtkmmm
'hmeum time defemithmimits exphimin time umitummitinlm
nuimh give time mmmsinemu of time usartics fom' whmnmmi
time ) ' were working. Time ummimmmmt to be re-
covereti is over $ i0,000 , used it is to ha' time
ittrgemut stilt of the kirmti evcm. ummtlsrtakemi by
time Ititlerni atmtimorities ,
I'IXIBIII Vii iSI.l. IC1 lLIiI ) .
Dr. Vm'mim. ( lotitrey' hya of ( 'lmk'itgo lce (
Sleuth timmtler mu Tmiumum.
C'iIICAGO , Feb. 17.-Dr. 'ilhiaumm Godfrey
lymtmm , ommim of Chmicmtgo's uiommeer PiiYsicimthms ,
was killeti by a Lake Shore passenger tralum
at the Sixt-mmimmtlm street cm'osstmmg tommlgimt.
Ir. 1)yns m'ami born in htmblimm iii 1807 ttmmd
graduated fm'ommi time iloyal College ot' Stir-
geusms 1mm 1830. lie caine to Ciemmgo early
1mm the Slim ; utmmd tvnum for muommme tiummt' editor
of time Cimiemigo l.ledlcuml , lournni. lIe alt-
erwitril resumnied active imnmtctiee 01.11(1 ( re-
tireth limit is almort timmie ago , hli was one
of time fotmimder ( it time \\'oimk'mm'S Medical
college uummd was for somnu t lame Its lineal-
, leumt. I Ic Was also eommmiumitimig plmyslciamm
for time \Vonmun nuid Chuiiremm's ansi time Cook
coulit ) ' imosimitais.
MITT1IEJJ'.S IFILJ. .O I' SUCIltlfl ) Gil.5 I'-
Iimmtiuimmn's ( iov'rumor % Vttititi Not Acc&'Imt the
Itlexdemmum ) mi'.itum ,
INDIANAPOLI S , Feb. 17.-in referrIng to
mhismtclmes semit. otmt last. mmlgimt timnt lie imad
hecmm oifcred tue ? , lexicaut mmmismibomm , Oo'-
em'nor Mattimes' said toumighit : ' 'Time story
is without fotmmmtlatiomi. I aiim not , ImiLve not
antI will imot ii an npplic'mtmit for the mtp-
lmOiimtmmielmt. ' No mimesstges : Imave pasmumed be-
tw'een the iii esidemmt multi myself commeemmiimig
time matter. Ivas ciecteti to serve as gut'-
oilier , ammil if life is m'pau'etl mmmc I hmoiiti to
liii time 0111cc to tIme mmml of mmi' tenmmm. I
believe tlmmtt Imir , Gm'a's successor simotilti
tie oncetIetl to Immdiamma , umimml 1 imoia' that
time 1nemiident mauL ) ' tllihOihmt sonic good mmmamm. "
Tomomtmm : ui tiiitci''i ( itioul I'ortmmmie.
TOPEKA , Feb. 17.-Ret' . , Dc harp-
part , pastor of the Metimodist chmurcim lii thimi
city , has received a letter fm'om his nmotimer
iii Pimiladehpltia statimmg timsit timt' American
hems of time olti Cimlm'alier de Hamhmiatt of
France were to receive mtn estate , amountIng -
Ing 5,000,000'frammcs. 'l'hmt're arc' fourteen heirs ,
Ir the IranimhiLmt's udmam'e will be abotlt $70-
000. Dr. Do hluuppaot cameihere two years
ago from McPhmeo'son.
Teirllmhe l'm.sstugim tiC time 'Vmrglmmta.
LONDON , Feb. iS-TIme British steauner
Virginia , from flostosm , February 2 , fom'
i.onmlofl , has arrived at Plymouth after a
terrible passage. She lost 500 head of
IOu : ltlmmzo lit Iiuifl'tio.
BUFFALO , Feb. 15.-FIre broke out in time
Mmmrch hail at 2 a. in. Time loss will probably -
ably be about $25,000.
Movemmmcimt of Occiumu Veels , Fob. 17.
At New York-Arrlved-Scammthia , from
Ilambum'g , via Havre.p
I'JflfSU. " . .1 J. , 1'AIf1 ( ; IiJ'1IS ,
N. D. Pbatt of Grand bland Is at tIme Ar-
n. , a French of ICearney is a Deliomme
A. W' AtkIns of Sidney was In Omaha yes-
terda ) ' .
J , It. Withers , flawhins , Wyo. , is at time
I'axtomm ,
Colonel W" , F. Coly is registered at time
\V. A. Page left last cvenimmg omm it busiumess
trip to ChIcago ,
Mrs. II. C. Pearce , Tabor , ha. , is a guent
at time Mercimants.
H. D. Watson amid W. S. Clapp of ICcarney
are I'axtoum gtiests.
ii' , G. Artlmur , Missouri Valley , Ia , , Is regis.
tered mit time Millard.
Jahmmm R. Brennan of Rapid City is regis-
tercd at the l'axtoum ,
J. C. Ryan , Spearfishm , S. I ) . , was a vIsitor
in Omaha yesterday.
Mr , ammtl Mrs , C , (1. Dallas , Creston , Ia. ,
are Merclmaumtmi gtmestmm.
C. E. Dodge of time Union Pacific , Rawlinmu ,
\'yo. , Is a I'axton guest.
'l'welve snenihiers of time "Off tlm Earth"
comnpaliy are at the Murray ,
JV. . Finkel and wIfe of Missouri Valley ,
In , , mire gmmcats sit time Muinmi ) ' .
F , iii , Frmmmise ammml C. C. hiartels ofVest
Point immure roommms at time Paxtomm.
Smmperintemmtiemmt llmmtimbtin of thu Imtissommri
Pacific tvtmm iii Ommmaima yesterday.
J. B. Eriamm , ex-tieptity labor coummunisidommer ,
caine 1mm froumo hAmmcohui last night.
W. 1) . Smith , imroprietor of time Sutton
Now's 1mm sIompimmg at time Mcrcimaumts ,
Thirty mmmemnhmers of Eclmiie Fey's "Off time
Earth" company are ciuartercd at time liariser.
Mrs. flesitoui T1uret of Limmccmlmm Is vlsitiumg
Mitts Grace Kcimmmedy , 2003 South Tlmirtcmimmthm
street ,
Fretl Etiwards , time stage Immammager of "Ott
time Earth , " accoumhiammied Ii ) ' his wife , is at
this Barker.
\v. A , Preston , Itt , M. White , S. St. John
amid Clyde Oimelt Of Limmcohim are regimitertd
at time Delhomme.
lb. E. Carter anmi wife anti P. 0. Armstrong
and wife are nmeiplmers of "Off Lime Barth' ' '
commmpmmmiy at time liarker.
( I. hut , Short of Nebraska City , A. C. Connor -
nor of Central City and Cimstrles C. lleghmol (
of Iboldrege are guests at the Iellone ,
Miss Fl. Liggott. Misses lii. ammo A. lhartley ,
Miss Mcflommaid , Miss Sadlein mmumf Mrs. Vile
of "Off the Eartbm" cuinpiny are at time
Barker ,
Sammi Fletcher , one of time oltiest mmcivmmmmce
agents on time roami atud business mmmmmmmager
for hlanlosm's "Fontasimma , " is atomplmmg at time
8. F. IdicCarter , prcsideimt of ( ho Pimilim.
mit'lpiiia Nonig.uge and Trimat conipan' sit h'hmiia-
delpimla , is lii time city at time Mhhiard , For
a umuummbcr of years Mr. MeCarter was time
private nmamiager for Jay Could ,
At time Merest : I. N. Groves , Chicago ; F
V. I"rhediuoit , New York ; C. J. Manim , Clii-
cage ; J. C. Wilson and wife , fica Idoimmemi ;
Mu's , 'mY. B. I'arker , Fort ltobhneoum ; II. l ,
hlartwick , Fort flohinson E , B. Carr ,
Aurora ; Fred Emimery , Chicago ; Ed Steveum.
soil and fanmily , Council Bluffs ; I. Emery ,
Molimme ; E. F. McKee. Cbmicaiio ,
A meeting of tIme Omsima View Itniirove'
mnent club vlhl be held thIs eve'mlumg at Twen-
ty.aixthm and Lake streets ,
Charles Straumgiand , a laborer and an area-
atonal apphicauit for lodglmmgs at time 1101100
statioo , ivas taken sick yesterday , uhf WOS
taken to the Methodist lmosbiitah ,
A small lire In time cottage of F. Prlhmor-
. sky , located at 1412 Canton street , dlii about
$50 daunage to time building end contents
last night , Time blaze was caused by time
expiotoim of aim oil lamp ,
: i\IIss \ IA1)CE ) YORKE 1(1LLED (
Olovor Member of tlio Baggage Chock Corn.
paiiy Murdcred in Philadelphia ,
Iorci's hlliii'ueit lumtt , tIme , Young Voimimmis'
Itmuitmu nummi Firc Timree SImm Is ltmto
11cr Hotly mmliii E5czil 05-
1raIotiy thin Caummue ,
PIll LA Dlil4Ph I IA , Fob. 17.-Matlge Yorke ,
a solmremmmo siumger ulthu time "Ilaggage Check"
vomnpamm55 shmot imtl alnmost. immatantly
kilheti toimlghit at time ehss betel of this cit ) ,
by Jammmes I' . ( houmtry , a coummctliamm of Collier's
"flack Nunuber" colmlilmimi ) ' . Gemitry escaped
nod sip to a late imotir has tuot captured.
'l'ime ' 'hhaggage Check' ' commipammy , which
opoims at time Emimpiro timeater tomimorrow night ,
mmrrhvod here cony tlmlm mmmornimmg frommm ( 'lies-
ten , l'a. , cmiii a ntmmmmbcr of time mmmeunbcra ,
iiiclmmiilmg * .Mis. 'orlmi , .rcgistemt'ti at the
elss hotel , Miss % 'orko tmmkimmg a thmirti story
Imack m'oommm , it Is said timat MIss Yonhce ,
tvimee Imommme is in Nemv York Cii ) ' , took mm
t:50 ) : train for that cii ) ' , but site rctumtmmetl to (
( Ito lmotcl abosmt C o'clock timis evening omttl
rcimmn I ii eti.
Aboumt I ) o'clock Commit ) ' talketi into time
hotel 0111cc mmml mislttitl to lie shmmmwmm to Miss
j'.orlto's rooimm , hieimmg umnh'mthm'mm to time at-
tncimc of time Imoimso ha' was told to valt a
fetu' ummimitmtes , A immcssage was timeum scud. to
tlme girl's roolmi , bmmt Gemmtry thu not wait ,
I to witiketi tUit imito time hmmuilmu'ay auth ascc'mmtied
il ) mmmenmms of time ittimirutay. Miss 't'orke amid
Miss Litha Clarlo , a mneimmtmer of time coiiiiamiy ,
vcre 1mm time fonmmmer's roommu luracticiumg umomigs
tvimemm ( icmmtry oIit'iietl time uloor nmmtl waikeul
I Ii U nan umoumim cod.
Miss Yorke ummanifcatetl tommie sumrimrise at
seelmmg imiimt nmmml immtr sluiced him to fiisa
Clarke. After hastily .tcimnowletigimig time In-
tromimmctiomm , Miss Ciarko says Gentry turumeti
to Miss VomIce ammtl him nmmgry tommes demmmaumded :
" \'Im ' tlitl ' ' ' '
) 'oum umot ummeot mmmc totha' ?
ShOT hIhiit iiEl'E.1'ElLV.
Before time thrl could mmmmswcr lie threw a
revolver [ rein hits pocket mind fired three
shots at her , each bullet takimmg effect , cue
over the right. eye , one lit tIme cemmtcr of tIme
forehead anti time tbmhrsl close to time loft
teummphe. Gentry lmmmimmethiatcly rushed front
the roommi tumtl nothing umiore was seems of
hmlimm. 'b'ime suihlhOitltlohm Is ( limit hits ran along
thmo hallway amid thesemimimieti by mmmeaums of time
fire escape at time back of time hioumse , mmmakiimg
good . imh eacmulie by oume of time imummmeromus
little alleys lit time rear.
'rime ithmoti.m uvere hoard thrommgliout time bmmiitl-
big. 'l'bme t'ict liii was taken in time patrol
wagomm to time l'eimmmsylvauiha imoshmitsi , about
two blocks tiistammt , mvhmere hm tiled imntmmedl-
ately tillOli her nrrlvab ,
Charles T. Bbayume ) ' , mmumtiior of time "Baggage
Cimeck , " ammtl Idammogt'r Cooper , said it was
generally miumdersiootl that Gemmtry anti tIme
girl were eimgmmgetl to ho married , ammf no
mimotit'e for time tiecti other timami a fit of Jeal.
oumsy cmiii lie tnmagiumed. Gentry hind aim'ays .
been regarded by hmi friends in time imnofes- '
sian as a timorotmgimly good fellow , while not a. 3
worth could be said cmgaltmat time girl.
Geumtr ) , It ha sniti , is onigiumahhy fromn Ricim-
mmmoumth , Vu. Ibis frieumtls him timimm city are of
time Ohuimmion timat lie will commmmmmlt suicide.
Time mmiimrdered girl was well Imimown In this
lirofession. During thmo seasoum of 1887-88 alma
uras a mmmeimmhmer of time New York Caslimo Opera
commipammy. Of bate years sue has been with
"Nammral ( Gas. " "humus and hess , " whmere she
first unet Gcmmtr ) ' , tumid a mmummmber of other
Imrommllnemmt commmiiatmhes. Sue was cuigaged by , .
time "Baggage Check" commupany last season
atmd imami mmmado stmcit a lilt that Bhimyney bias
tried to advammce lien position , amid to this entt
Was vrItlmmg for lair time part of an ohm-to-date
girl iii tIme "Chattel Mortgage , " which ha to
be protltmced in New York next inommth. Simo
tvamm a remmiarkably pretty girl , decidedly brunette -
nette , and about 22 years of age.
Gemmtry Is described as a tall , timin , sallow-
faced mmmaim of about 35 years of age anti is
saId to be a clever cimaracter comedian.
Miss Clarke was prostrated by time occurrence -
rence and coulti not be seen. Detectives
wore at ommce put on tIme case. t
NE\V S.'ORIC , Feb. 17-Manager . F.
Crosslc ) ' , hirohirhetor ot time "Baggage Cimeck"
conmpany , of which Madge Yorke , time deami
wonmamm , was a mimesmiber , calf ommiglmt : " 5hz
vceics ago I engaged Geumtry ammtb Madgo
Yorko for time 'Baggage Check" coaipan.
Slits played time hart of time Italian ommaiti.
Gentry and Yorke vero engaged to be , mar-
ned , but wheim Gentry left mmmy company ,
after lie immtd jollied it , tIme two hind a bitter
qtmarrel. Gentry left withi Willie Collier to
take a part 1mm time 'Back Number. I saw
Gentry omm Broadway at S o'clock this ( Sunday -
day ) afternooim. lie was wider time Influence
of hlqtmor aimd was tvailmimmg with Joe Coyn , the
commiedhan of tue "lltmsh City" conipammy , He
epoko to me and mentioned Madge Yorke ,
lIe said : 'My God , imow I love that girl. ' "
\.M's. \ aAFreeT"
Ivy Poisoning
lUght Ycars of Suffcrlng
Perfect Cure by Hood'G Sar3zuparllIa
"C , I. hlood&Cn. , Lowell , Mass. :
' 4 Pear Sirs-Wa ; have tried Hood's Saranpa.
lila remit dial it to lie all ) 'omm claim for it. Itly
tbfo was oisoumetl by ivy wlmemm mu yotmng wommmaum ,
.ini for iglit years ms'as troubled every season
ood's:1a : Cures
, vithm time lurcakiumg omit and terrIble itching amid
l'mmrmmtmmg. I thought liars vits atm bad a case mt
ammyummo 0' , Ct hind , Sue was to thml dhstresiimig
cnnthiUomm every year until site bcgamm to take
blued's Sarimalinelhia , svbmichm hums elfectod a per.
( i'et cute , svltliout leaving any sears , imd aba
has Itaf
IJo Sign of the Poison Since.
She ii tvchl mmud hearty , I have takesm hood's
tkmrsai'mrihia ' : after time iniim : tu itim 1ood results , anti
hiu'o : imls jveim it to our four clmiidreui , We are
dli vhctmmros of ler imoaltlm anti omre It to
ihmotl's , Rmmrmma'mirihlo ' , " J. C , 1rJ(1JslN , Vau.
timhimmjiiinuhu. :
decide t4a take 11004's Sarsapa. .
riila tie imot he immdmmccd to bmmy mmumy oilier humatcati ,
Hood'a Pills etc unmet mmmdim , arid icrcc $
to iroportion amid mmpliearalmco. SiSo , per box.
. -
Matinee Wednesday.
' 11111 1110 511(1W hliT 'P.M hAhn ,
--ANt ) TIIII-
in lhi 1'antabtto Operatic Extrat'msganza ,
o1T rffl 1ARTll
ficOltill ) A luG SCCCIISS LAST NlOhi'J.
lluerybody dehigimieti situ time bIg muimectacie.
Buy early it YOU Wauit to gel a cat.
t'rhces-Flrst limier , ISo. $1.03 arid 11.50 ; balcony ,
SOc amid 7&c. 440 jestS met SOc emicim.
Mmstlnv"-l'irst hoot , Dc , lSc amid $1.03 ; L'aicinmy ,
tOe mund 7k.