' - - - ' - - - - - ; ; ; ; - ; ; - - ; : - ; = - - - - - - - - - - - - - r- - - - - - y . s- , , - - - - - - _ . _ THE OMAHA DA.TLY BEE. . ; _ OMAHAiDA.ILY . . . - . ' - . , , ES'rAu.aSn JUNE 19 ! , 871. OlfAILUONDAY : l\OUNING i , FEnUU.AUY 18 , 1895. SINGT.Jg CODY JnV.lD omx'rs. _ _ _ _ - _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i IREFERRED ) ) DEATH ) TO [ DEFEAT Mmra1 Ting nUll ( Two Other Ohinoso Naval : Officers Commit Suicide , TERMS OF TilE WEf.\lAI.WEI \ SURRENDER . Jnllf\mso : lllllry Authnrlh' Officially Au- u JIII'O tw Clllh'lo Unut Ir the JIII : ) ' nil I.nllllnci SIIL-lo. tnl ur the .lllr , YOKOHAMA , I.'eb li-n official dispatch - latch from Wfl.lal.Wel b2arlng date of l"ebruary 13 was received hert H slates thai In response to the offer made by Admfral Ting . the ChInese naval commanler to surrender , his vessels I ccnlUlons of nm- 3est ) . were glJntet , \dmlral ( Ho , commander t of the Japanese forei , deaanded : thai the taval stees be thrown over \\edneslay ujiarning. 'fhe Chinese mcs&enger who eOI- vtyed this demand returned to Admiral Ho and Informed him that Admiral Ting had comm tted suicide on the Ilght of February ' 12 , and thai his rEsponslhllty had . been .1 transferred to Captain McClure , crmerly the master of n Britsh merchant vessel who ) had heen appointed hy the Chlno.e government lS assistant to Admiral 'f.ng. Admiral Ho at the time the dhl'ltch was sent was conferring w th Captain McClur A dispatch dated February II 1 , [ 101 Field Marshal Oyama , who Is In command of the JaPanese military forces at Wel.lal-Wel. an- nonnees the complete surrender of the Japanese on land and sea. lie annolnc s that Admiral 'ring enl two other oUccrs committed siIcide ! after addressing a letter from the Ch nese 1laghlpe , accepting the Japanese Iemand . The Chinese soldiers garrisoning the forts on the Island of 111' Klng-Too. the last ] of the deenc of We I- Iol-Wc 10 hold out against the Japanese , and the saior ! of the Chinese fleet , were 10 be taken ] beyond the Japanese lines and liberated , while the captured officers and the fareigners wilt , ho conveyed away by ship I bcCoro they are glvcn their liberty. A dispatch from General Nodsl , corn- ' mender of the first Japanese army In Manchuria - chula , .tcd February ii , says that 16,000 Chinese wIth twelve guns attacked hal- 'Chrng from the La-Yang , New-Chang and Jlnkao r' ad ! . They were relJhml , leaving over 100 dead. The Japanese loss was f\'e ; killed or \\'oundc 1IIOH1'AN'f Plln M SOLVED. . WAShINGTON , Peb. 17.-The Japanese seemed to have solve for themselves the ! ! question as to the relative merits of the battle shIp and thi' cruIser which Is now ag- iatng congress In conncclon wIth the I'rop- ' osiion to provide for the construction of three . . batlo ships. Whie their cruisers , : owIug 10 superior strategy In their management - mont 111 great wariness In attack , supple- ' m nted hy the Indlspenslble tOledo boat fleet , have managed to obtain vIctories over the Chinese fleet In two cases , the bate shIps of the Chinese eve I with inferior man- agmcnt and personnel have glvel , such a good account of themselves ns to male I apparent to thc Japanese that IC ever they hope 10 meet another naval combat wIth chance of success they must themselves pos- cess some of the great bale ships. I Is re- I ' garded as a foregone conclusion that they will acquIre the Chinese battle ships Chel- Ynen and Tlng-Yuel , If thc latter can he raIsed , by cOllluest. Dut the JalneSe ) government Is not content . tent , to rest there , for advice receIved by the navy department show that they have Placed contracts for buildIng two great ships that wt exceed the best of the United States shll In offensive and defensive V.- IJower. The batte ship will he of 12.2GO r. ton IIsplacem nt.0 : feet long hy 7 feel beam ; an armor bell 18 Inches thick wl extend - tend for 220 feel along the shies over the vials of the ship , whIch wIll be propelled hy Inglnes of 11,000 horse power ali carry each two 12-lnch guns ten O.lnch guns and a great iitiiiber of smaler mschlue guns. I wi require fully 6,000 tons ( of nIckel steel harveylzed armor for these 81111)3. These last requirements by the Japanese gO\- ern men I IndIcate how qUickly their nuva1 olcers profit hy and adopt the very latest discoveries In naval cruistructlon. for It Is only very recently that Hie United States developed - veloped this process of treating armor so as to adl110 per cent to its resistIng IJOwer. The secretary of the navy today received Ihe followIng , dIspatch from A < mlrl Carpenter - ter , commanding the Asiatic squadron : CII-FOO. Ieh. 10.-'he ChInese feet and the Chluese Isluml forts at \Vct-llal- 'V.I , ClIflhl. have surrendered. 'fho Chi- neso mlmlllR ali the Chinese genells COflnlttOll etlicltle. Have lent the United Sttitei ship Charleston to watch the move- Chulleston Stntel Ihl ments. ( CAHPl'NT : . . I. _ _ _ _ - CAUSING 'l'IWUIHI MAhIOMIIASS IAHOgUss , Alnuull HIIJrl1 frol CaIro In to hue ! 1 { Ii , ' , itvli,4 F"eln ; .4. LONDON , Feb. 17.-The correspondent ' of the TlmeL at Cairo says there Is reason to believe that the khedive Is determined to get rId of the ministry of Nubar pashn ali to render ImposI.le any minIstry simIlarly inclIned to work amIcably and loyally with the British representatIves. AlellJts are being made to stnliato ant-Europc:1 : feelIngs - tugs among the Mhaniinedans.Vurnings : have been reeeivell even from natve sources by various Europeans that trouble Is brewing and the month of Iamaden , beginning next week I , Is anticIpated with rJplrehlenslon.Viien the aUthors of InHamJatory artIcles are constantly seen hauntng this Ihedlve's ante- chamber , the Ignorance of the orIental masses naturnly aUumes that they have assurances of omclal luncton for words and deeds eC violence. Commentng on tim . foreign situation , time Times In a leader warns the khed'e thai such Intrigues cannot safely he carrIed beyond . yond a certa'n point , , especially when they arc aecomp1nlell hy Prelnonl tory symptoms : of disturbances which a f.w years ago brought Egpt to the verge of ruin 1.1 JUNO C1I.tU'S . I\'I ) INTS : , Atltr n Cunf"r'llu with Ihu ICing lie Wil l'a'oe"1 tip 1oIn . " , ' tl Ilh. LONDON , lreb 17.-A dispatch to the Times from 'h'ieui-Tsin says that 11 1111 Chang . who has been appointed 1 peace envoy - voy to Japan , wIll go to Peking on February 21 to confer wih time elperor , lie wi re turn to Tlen-'faln II two weeks , and wi then 11rQecel to Kohe. Alvlces from Seoll pro 10 time LreCt that time king has refused to accept time reSI1I1IOls of the mInisters . I \ reported thot the nutl.couformlsts arc In- stgatng another aUellt ) to assassinate l'rlnce 101 ( . A I:11ANS : 1 ; :1XtCU : : t'I.ISBU. . lolur4 : IOWI ) I ho 1"111 ; llhler ut time tin I I ni ! Iah' 4 . \\II..lalec. I CITY OP MEXICO , Feh. 17-I \r'body hero , especially Amcllc.ls , are highly pleaeJ at time honor .howl to the dead AmerIcan mililter hy : Iexlan omclals alJ citzen' . There I absolutely nothIng to report In reiard to thl Melco.Ouatemala negotiations . General Antonio Izeta Is going to , \capulco to meet hil fatally , which is I coming from Sal- \'allor. itop'rts that he was t serve In time , Mexican arm ) arc untrue. " " 1111,1 herr " ' ' 1 l.o'Ir t\ LONtO. Fob , 18.--\ dispatch from It'I'- 111 10 time Slanall SIL'S that II view oC the adoption b ) Iho lelchltag o the mmw- tel sl\lnl In.rclliell dlKclpllarj power to the presldelt over thai boly , miltrimig tIme umlttlngs : . hI.nr \ 'Ol1 1.eVItaoy ) 111'lnl to retain It'rr01 thl / levlo\ , : decided Tn 1""Ijj ; ( lame . _ . , 1.0NDON , Fob. 1S- , \ < llltcl to the , Btnullnrll troll Athens says Ihat thu L')1- ; mltel 01 the revival or th" OInDI:1 ptmes Int(1111 to Invite the chief corporate fnmel or Fiurope ) nn.1 Anprlca to witness or pnrtnke In the gaines of l$3. The heremi. Inry prince of Snxe.llelnencen : will attend numb offer n IJrlze. - - IN Ih1lIr.i' 0 ( A IAWAU.N nmUI , 1lnrtl : letn Mitdt,1'rcvc nt the Jxccu- thin % % ' , T. Sewn r ii. PITSIUHG , l'eb. 17.-Accormilng to Judge J. F' . Slgle of the Aleghany county bench , the United States government has taken n hand In the Intended executIon ofV. . T. Seward , time AmerIcan Implicated In time hawaIian revolutIon. Slagle and Seward are brothers-In-law. The former returned from Washlnton today , where he went to interest Secretary Gresham In the case After Ilear- lug Single ] , the secretary telegraphed a maca- sago to Vancouver to catch the steamer leav- lug that place for Honolulu. 10 thou Informed - formed JUiA Siagle that If Seward Is nol xecutell h2ore the steamer arrives President - dent Dole wi order a stay of time execution untl the case can be mor fnlj' investigated. JIIIe Slagle salll : " 1n [ 3Ilton to calling on Secretary Gresham anti Minister Tlrston I saw Senators Hawlej' Alison , Platl of Con- necticmmt. I'orklns ant ilutier Inwley was Major Sewnrd's chief of staff and Is glad : to ali him ) ) . "n address to President Del was prepared and slgnCI bj' the United States senators. I am satsfNI It wl have consid- erablo weIght , as the Hawalnn government wants the good will of the AmerIcan IJeO- pie. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CUSlO 'UIIUSI UI'I"II\I,5. 'hoy h'reIarn r. t ieerEXptsulitlUa ; or time , \ IIIIInlrnclll. ' . LONDON , Fcb. li.-A dispatch to the ' that the ConstantInople Standard : trom Constontnoille says Tnlllsh oicials will present to the Armenian that the storIes of commitee n declaration ] time recent outrages are exaggerted. The milspatclm adds that the declaration was signed by Ignorant Armcnlan refugees , who were Informed that It was a petItIon to the sultan enforcing time Iluarantne regulatIons against cholera. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ More Hnllr time mmmqunircc. ! II BEHII , Feb. 17.-PrInce Bsmarek hal heen elected an honorary memhel of the iherilli Acamlemny of Fine Arts. BCllncatem LONDON. 1.'eh. . 17.-A Berlin dispatch to the tanllall a.t that 2mluimicim. Bavaria , anl scvcmmty-iive . townH In SaXOly will con- fur ! their [ I.tCllol on Prln'e Dlmll'ck on the occasion oC time coming Inllversn' ' or hIs birth. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ birth.vIII'1 m . \nlrl'IU " I I " 111 Cmit t to. PAHIS , Feb . li.-The Hel1blqlo Fran- cais , the organ oC M. ldln , leader of the French protectionIsts , reenlng to the efforts - [ Ol.tl to facilitate time catty of American mentt Into Ft'LLHCC. urges that Immelato , slep be tnlen to prevent the Importation of American lead cattle. "IIUlhl" ; Ii U ' cr1 lit " 'oIJI. LONDON Feb. 18.- ' mliepatch to the Times from Paris says that an opera hOlfe hy Dlzzet , enllcl "Don l'rocoplo " has been discovered among the manuscripts left by Aubr . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'1'/ II'alh I hnpr\'lng. i nOIE. Feh. 17.-The health of the pope shows no ill)1)lOVCmlCllt. Today , his holnes ! received - tOO ItalIan pilgrims and spoke to Iaeh oC thou ) . The ncevton : lasted nn hour. . N1 > ; l'OIK i'oi.iricr.s . COSJEU. . ( nucslloa nr Ctty l'mmtronmgo : InterestIng . : lmy or tin J.el.I"r , . NEW YO1t1 Feh. 17.-A conference was heldn \ cx-Senor Piatt's room at the Fifth avenue hotel today hy that gentle- man , Senator Lexlw , Chnlrman Edward 1auterbach oC the republican county com- mi tce and othel' ! of Mr. I'Imttt's frIends. Time direct object of the conference was to map out a plan of eampalgn res/lcclng / ) the city legislation . and to paSH the o his now pendIng which are desired by Mayor . Strong antI lho conllltteo oC se\'enl : I. . Plat assured those who spoke on the sub- jecl al the close of the conference that no 'lolnlo ' acton had heen tulen. That there was a strong dIfference of opinion CXIrCSScml , lt the conCel'once was generally - ally tmflderstood. 'rho disturbing Icment wa generally understood to be Edward Lull tal'hmachm. The 1III0sitons he offered wore retal- atory measures In the shale , of a power of removal bill for the state , whIch would enable Governor Morton to appoint repub- Icall to olces now hell by .lemocl'ats. ' 1hls was said to be time method proposed to lot off Mayor Stlonls appointment of Dloolteld to bo eommlsqlonel of Imhle , wOIIq In this city. Laulel'haeh , however . declined to 11 quoted beyond the fact that nothing In the way of retaliatory leslsla- ton had been agl'eel . upon . . .IWIWJS 7'UI' LlSOUWI . O\'crlowor I : IR.uurl Sllrll III 1 II I . , , . Colored WUo Ilnrdnrm' KINGSTON. :10" , Feh. 17.-Aboul 2 o'clock this mob of ! o'cock morning n masked men , SUPl10sed to he negroes from IhmTmmliton. surrounded - rounded the sheriff's house and jail here , caught and bound Sheriff Goidsmvorthy whose deputy was away took the keys away ( Coma him and gained entrance to the jaIl corridor , with the avowed Iurpose , oC taldns out miami , hanging ( Ueore 'l'rnoy. a ne1 who shot mind killed his wife lit 11am- ilton . In this county , on the mornIng of January - nary 30. On the Inside the mob were unable to set Into the steel cel In which ho was can- lined , with two other negro convicts. Tracy cfLwled under hts bl I und . the mob began shooting through time bars oC the cell door ntl 11ceeelloI , In putting six huletR Into his body. 1llnJ him Instnnl ) ' . ' 1hehellff Inde nil the resistance he could , hut was over1welbd. 'rhe two prisoners In the coil wih True eSCnlJel1 Uflimurt. 'l'racy was a bal character nli hld lately served a jai Aentenco here ror shootn1 a negro man. lie hal , some years age lost both hIs legs lust iebnw the Imel's , being run over hy a trail ) which he was tryIng to board to es- cape some Kansas otilcers. ' l'I.r , ] USIW UIW.lOSI. frhh mit Iimn'mi l"lurulnn t I . \ d opt He : mm- lulJUI IIIL I.hl In : uw Vorlc. NEW YOtK , Fei 17.-At a meeting ot the Irish National federatIon hell In the city resolutions were flolJte,1 IIJholdlng the llohiC' oC the liberal party of Great BritaIn lul IJle'hln1 atendust SUIJpor to time IrIsh pnrlamentarj' IJar ' In,1 OnlemnlnH the eonservntves anml John g Helmon,1 , Ind his followers UI enemies oC IrelaUI. : lchaol I"encl ) ' Presided. OnmltnH the Iesolutrnt to the lmOUc he su /mltnH / II time future the f' < elton wouhl Ignore Hpllmond nail his followers anll cilst them wih time Orlgemen , who uh\'a't opposed the natonll aspirations oC Irelamul . TJIEl CIIJHJ' . SlJFOt.ITIU ) . Fire nt 1.\ltUI , 101. . t'nlIMC ' Ullcr II 1:1 : t"lnll" ' I'iihIv. OItAYI41NO , Michi. . lel l7.-Threo chi- dren , Ised 9 , 0 anilI years respecIl'ely. lost their lives 11 a tire al lewlsloI last nigimt . Time chittircu bind , been , chidren Ilut to bed while their rathel' , ElI Sej'lour , un,1 wife at- telled 1 Iaecnbees dance . \\'hen the ) ' returned - turned the house wus In Ilamnes'iemm the lre ha,1 hel'l IUICleltcxtl uIHhe.l to oilier the hOUSl ! time cimlidmen , \ s'tm'e founll micati sid bj' File In hed 'l'he \\le evl- dCltj' been suffocated Wlhvlt 1IIIIg been Iwaltened. . Time cause oC the lime It un- 4.- ( liii mmm Ill : II , "hll'o "r Ihn t 1'111 I 1.111. I : I N1'YOI1IC , Ib. I7.- , \ special to the World from halifax , N. S. , \0111 Illfax snl : SInce the dlsappearanpc of lime wi ( f the late Taml'8 O. I.'ulr of San FrancIsco , t'lat\'el living IJolh In I I SQU tim port end , ChliloletJ\I. I t Ivhl1 1. i ; . I. , h:1e : ought COlward their Clll18 10 n portIon ot the Cll1t. which he Ii'ft. lrs. John Stewurt , aim alt,1 , willow living nt Cross roads. near tommtlmport , Is : m flrm't 10uIIlort 1 ctmsIIl of the late f'nntor 1"air. their fathers being hr : timers. : laxwel henry. who remmiilt's nt ] { f/JIJCh , Is 1 Hlm.ln-Iaw ) \Ims. [ htcmlrt'iillnni / I Hash' mother was a sister 1 oC time etimutor's fnther , Then are . . I'SO ' . .Iat\.s IvllH In 1lulll. Fs I 'ml 111. lt Alrun , 0 I , \KHON . , 0. , Feb 17.-During the t'1011'19 of a small tire this 1 ' 1lns Fireneml G.'orge JUlOI , 1"lault Nletwanler nail , harry ' Tow""JI'el'c cuught by a ( ailing "hhller , The t\\"O first IUIItl ) faluJ IO 1.\(1) ' hun that t ! y wi lJrobabl' die. Cl\'et. 'I' ) \ \ 'mmilemld , was badly l bl'ulsll , Iu twi rc- MANY FAMOUS WOMEN \ \ MEET - . Second Triennial Session of the National Council of the United States. WILL OPEN AT WASIINGTON \ TODAY VarIous Organlrmmtions of Importaleo of \nrh > ! Orgnnlmtol ! time NILtlcm itcprcscmmtcmi by 1.emmiilmug : ll"llrr - V'I\llllnl " ' 11 COltlno Two " 'cck. , WASINGTON , I eb. 17.-TIme formal omermIng of time econll triennial session of time : at1on,1 Council of Women of the United , States will talte place In this e'y tomorrow morning. The council will hold three sese slon daIly for the next two weeks. Intro ductory relgious service , ' conducted by the 11ev. Annie lorl Eastman and the 11ev. Auna 10warI Shaw , were IIe11 thIs aferoon , whie nearly nil the leaders or the counci arc preaching or lecturing In the various c'y churches tonight. The followIng women are delegates to the council from the organl- zatcns namel : NatIonal AmerIcan \\'oman Suffrage asso- ciaton , Susan D. Antimcny Carrie Chapman Cal ; National Woman's Christan Temperance - once union , Frances E. " 'llar.I , Clara C. 10rman j National Free BaptIst Woman's Missionary socIety , Mary A. Davis EIlna : 13. Chene ; Illinois Iliustral : Scheol for Girls ( National Charter ) Irs. H. : . Wallace , Margaret Isabel Sanders ; NatIonal Woman's RelIef society , Zlnl n. I 11. Young , I melne II. Wells ; Wlmodaughsls , Huth U. D. Havens , Emma :1. Gillette ; Voting I.adles , National : lltl31 Improvement association , Emline S. 1'ay1r , : lnnle J. Snow ; National ChrIstian League for the Promotion of Social . PurIty , Elzaleth B. Grannis , Caroline D. Buel ; Universal Peace Union , lannah J. Ihley , Belva A. Lockwood : International Kismdergarten Ufflon Sarah A. Stuart , Vir- ginia E. Graer : Woman's RelJhlcan asso- elation of the United States , J. Ellen Foster ; NatIonal Association of Loyal Women of American LIberty , lrs. I. C. Manchester , Sarah D. LaetraVoman's : Foreign : lsslon- ary Union of Friends Eliza C. Armnrtrong . I Hannah J. halley ; Woman's Helef ! Corps , auxiliary to the Grand Army of the He- public , Emma H. Wallace , Kate Brownlee Sherwod : National Association of Women Stencgraphers , Nela S. V1ghln. harriet A. Shin : National Council of Jewish Women , Mrs. II. Solomon , Salle Emerlcan : American Anti-VIvasecting soc ety , Caroline E. White , Mary P. Lovell. The following are the permanent omeers : ray \\'rlght Sewal , president ; Mary E. Eastman , honorary vice president ; Frances E. lageley , vIce presIdent : Rachel Foster ivery , corresponding secretary : Lillian : I Stephens treasurer ; Isabella C. DavIs , recording - cording secretary. Mrs. hornet Ta'lcr Is 'I ' time press commHtEe of one. I SINA'UIS ' : . lO UI.SY , -enrs lltornlne.1 that So'eralpprOIrtIL - tOI thus " 'mh1 Id I to 1'.8. WAShINGTON , Feb. 17.-There Is beIng some uneasiness exhibited on tIme democratIc side oC the senate that some of the appro- priaton his may fail. There remains only twelve more working days of the session , und four of time most Important of these bills are still entirely unconsidered In the senate. These arc the Indian , the sundry civil , the leglslatvc and the general deficIency bIlls. I each of them being considered as being moro likely to afford ground for debate than any of time approprIatIon bills which have already rEceIved attention. The anxiety Is not yet , however , very pronounced. I would ba more marked but for the tact It Is generally thought time republicans are sincere In their ' protestations that they 10 not desIre to pro- the debate to the fall- Ions sulelenly cause [ al- ore oC any of the bis , and therely render themselves amenable to the clarge of making an extra session necessary. The democratic managers expect to gain considerable tIme hy moving at an early day for an 1 o'clocl session , and following this session hy prohonging ' time daily sessIons Into the night. They had not Intended to press the question oC 1 o'clock sessions until the sundry civil bill should be taken up , but when they reachclI that decIsIon they had supposed that thc ) would be able to dispose of the 110stofce , the IndIan and the agrIcultrl his lost week. Instead they succeeded only In passIng the IJOstofce bill and In having the agrIcul- tural bill still only party considered and the Indian bill untouched. I Il becomes IP , parent that the Indian h:1 : wi require time proportionate to that put ill on the postolce or DistrIct oC Columbia bill the motion for early meetings , which Is already pending , will be press , early In the wee Ie. The agricultural bill will be disposed of early in the weelt and after that Is out of the W\Y ' the sundry civil bill will he taken up. The sundry civil hi has not yet been reported from committee , but II Is hoped It will be reported tomorrow , certainly II will be beforetime the Indian bill can be gotten out of the way so that there Is no pr0llect of the senate finding itself without un appropriation measure - ore to proceed wIth. There Is very little prospect for the consideration - sideraton of any subject and the prospects for any general legislation , such as that proposed In the poolimg. territorial admis- Von , Pacific railroad and bankruptcy bills , are growing smaller and smaller . smaler all snuler every Iay. There will b' a strong effort to gel up and dispose of the pooling bill , hut there will he determined opposItion and some of Its best friends are growng : discouraged over time lmrospect ' 10 prohahlites for the week also Include n enrsorj" discussion of the territorial bills. hut time prospects are agaInst their passage. There are several financial his anll resolu- tons which may he called up and time rules of time senate permit sueh latude of debate that n Inanclal sp.cech may be injected at any time , and regarless of the measure In hmamul . There Is still occasional reference to the agreement which came so near being com. pletef } last Thurslay for a two days' debate nt the beglling of tlO week for nIl Jones bill , for a vote at the close and the mater may he revIved wih or wlhout unanimous conaeimL Jones still Insists that either his bill shul be consileretl on Its meris or that Its oonents shall show their Indisposiion to consider It hy Ilhusterlng against it. Senator . ntor Vias has also given notice of his Inten- ton to cal up his gold bond bill tomorrow and hil doing so Is liable to precipitate u Inanclal discussion at the heglnnlng of time weelt's work . Alcget1er the outlook Is for a busy week In time senate ' \11.\1 J.o H.\I.HU.\U 1.\ S / ( hlttN'I''I. ' Secretary uf tlB interior SllllS tn time house "UIO Inlereslng ' lal'L ' , W\SIINGTON , I eb. 17.-The seeretsry oC the Inter'cr has transmItted to the hous an answer from the commissIoner of the general land office to a resaiuton ! rCuestn ! information hy land diE' trlctl a ! to what lands have ben IJatentel to land grant railroads since May :0 , 1&91 , what meals were taken to discover their non.mlneral character and whether any lands so patented were before or have since been claimed as mineral hnls ; and ale a rst at pending selectIons awaiting apprcvah 'fhe commluloner submits n shellule Ehollnt lands patented by acres since May 20. UiI. : as ( allows : Idaho , 91.422 ; Montana , 303,201 ; Oregon 229,913 ; Calforia , 93,2GO. 'hD cemmunlcaton says that prior to JUly 9 , I SJI , there were no specIfic regula- tons for determining the non-minerai ' character of lands listed and selected by land grant roads . The lands were Ir9 examIned - amIned In connect.n with the tract books of the land ofce by Ihe ; raIlroad grant d"- " \.IOn and bucb are found free fr-m adverse claims were lsted anti referr.1 to the .mlneral dIvision , whIch 1a4 an exam ! - nation as to their mIneral cHlrActer , and thereafter the lands showf b1 the ) records to be clEar were made up Into a list and submitted - mlte to the department with n recorn- menllalon that time same be proved fer patent. latent. Since July 9 , IS9 I , the same examinations have been made and In additIon thereto other mnemns have been token tD glard against patenting mineral lands under these grants. The commlnlcnton then details nt len th the regulatIons enforc to this end. I Is statEd that I woul bt Impractcable to furnish a list of pen ln ( selecton ! awaitIng approval on account of the magnltlde ef the Inlertaklng. The comlhlnlcaton con- eludes wth : the , sltemenl that no further lsts containIng lands In the I mineral states named above will bo submite to the department - p3tment for IPllrO\'al for IJtlmt until llrec- tons from the department shal be recel\el\ allAN ! ) Husn IN TtJ ' tOUSI : . Every % lnuto or time Clnslul In8 lu Great letimmmui.l ) Iy ( ' oilgrossImlemm. \\'AsmGTON , leb . 17-The rush of the closing lays , of time session begIns tomorrow. In the hOlse for time past week members have heen crowding for the consllernton of bills by unanimous consent. This week time rlsh wIll be more apparent whene , 'er time regular appropriation hills , conferimo reports a \1 other privieged maters are up before the imolise. Hut two uIJllrOIJrlnton bills are yet tirnilsposed oC b ) the housEnaval all general - oral Ilelclenc ) The former has been con- shlerell for two days , Tuesday and Wednes- mlay ( tomorrow , under the rules being sus- IJenslon dll ) ' . ) . The general defciency bill , which will follow - low , wi take up two tiays Conference reports - ports will conslme the rest or tie week un- 1 another 011(0rtunly Is given to secure the vote on the Clndlng bill , which was again reported favorably with nil \ nmnendmmment In the shape of a proposltol for thc Union 1lclfc to settle with time government by a payment of the principal dIme. Among the , bills upon which acton \yl bt Iked In suspension of the rules tomorrow , Is a bill reported from the commitee on pensions to equalize the pay of Mexican veterans. ON A 1"UIIIU : TOUH. Argentine Minister Zolmlo , 1011e8 that Ho Slims U""I Hocalca WAShINGTON , "Feb. 17.-Tonlght In speaking oC time report thai he was abotmt to leave the country , Minister Zebalos of the Argentine Republc Mid that the state- mont that he hall been reCalled was tn- correct. lie had , imowever arranged t leave Washington soon after the adjournment of congress , and In April wcull start on a European trip of n year's' dlmration. Al the end of that time he might or mIght not return . turn to this country. No new , minister would he appolntel , durIng his Ibs < nee , the duties of the minister being dlscharge.1 ) by lieuten- ant Juan St. Clair Atwell , n . secretary of the legation , who wou11 beeoml charge d'affaires. . ; 1'ntouml for " 'etit'u-n . I'nlell" 'Mern Invlnlnr WASHINGTON Feb. . . 17.-Speclal.-Pat- ( ) ents have been Issued as followsNebrftska -George C. Ferguson ] , assignor one.half to : I Oswahl , Odell . hootjacl ; Samuel S. Ger- rishm \\I son vI I. corn cultvator : Nathaniel P. HarrIs Omaha , 'necl'j'ole center. South ' Dakota-Godfrieml , Lammhe . Huron , assignor one-half to J. H'mans. Del Hlo. Tex. , vehicle - hide wheel : Delbert l McOaJ ! . Vermi- lon , thl cotmpiing. lowa-Merrick E. Chids , West Liberty , apparatus for cutting J.lcture . mats wIth cIrcular openln19 or holes : Edwin \V. Crairme. MissourI Valley , rein protector ; WIllIam E. Elilott . MarIon , button atnehlnl maehlne ; Charles 'r. How- arti Simennndoaim wire stretcher or staple puller : llrenus F. 1arsh. Des Moines. hand screw clamp ; George \Y. Leuty Percy , fence post : John D. 1onOghan. Vinton , slide for tonguelet cultIvator : WillIam J. Pugh , Klnross , shingle plnnlpg mill. I TO IlEOIll"ISIZI' TIE IIJSln' TitlisT. 1111 I'rop08N hy Htfckholdors Looking tu nn Inrly iett1enirmt. CHICAGO . Feh. 17.-I 11 stated here that plans for getting the 'hlsly trust on its feet have been practIcally agreCI upon b ) the stockholders' reorganization commit- tee. Every effort Is being male to keep the terms secret until ali address to time shareholders can bo prepared. Three mem- hers of the reorganizatIon committee-fl. D. Hartshoro and S. D. Rice ot New York and \V. D. Hutton of Clncmnmlatl-are In conference with Receivers 1cNulta , Mitch- oil and Lawrence. I Is said the concern Is In excellent condition all 'no ' dleuly wIll bo experienced In raising the , moner neces- Rary to get It out oC the receivers haimds. Insteal of a pressing Indebtcdness of $1O'JU- l or 10le , as JIIIe UrosseuJ was led to belIeve existed , the reeelvers discovered that the company owed only a Ito more than $ GO. { In time form of rebate vouchers , anti $10.0 or these hav4 been forfeitemi. , 'rhe remalnll1 $ IGOCo Is not dlo In IL lump but matureR In small amoUnts from tiny to day all cnn readily he met wihout sac- rleing any of the URsets of time company. It was discovered that the trust had almost - most $20.0 cash In bank , which could he used for time pay men t of llehts. 'rhe Imsl- ness , however , requires n reserve caplnl of that amount , ( or In lIvely times from $8,0 to $0,0 n day Is paid to the Interal rove- nuo collector In getting spirits out of bond. 'lime trust owes only a small nmount , aa the managers had paId casi for all Aupples hough ' 1he plan whIch It Is saul , will probably he . Ilopted ) Is to force a judIcial menlo oC the property and hny II in I'ls Ihought thut stoelhohlels favor the plan because I \vould get time company away rrom the receivers - eelvel's and restore It to mnnagels frIendly to those hohlns its securitIes. One ren- lre of the piln Is said to bo to dispense wIth Gm'eeisimumt 11. lult hole would not talk about the Intentions oC the company further than to Any that any plan that might he adopted would Inclllo the re- ! emI1ton ! oC $ JO.Co In hands now out- tmtammtiing . ' 1hese wore SQII at [ ) cents ems 1 iso mlolimm r. I If said tonight thai whatever the roe stilt oC the case now Pentilnuf before the Ilnoll state supreme 1'ollnl the stoelt- hohlels wIll , lee lte to ulrendel' the IH'esenl cimmtrter 'l'hoy wIll then Immedlatelj' IPply fem n chllter 11101' time laws of Now Jersey. 'l'hls granted . time company wi lroCeei to reorganize under its lrovlslols , , heaving Plesllent Greenhlt nail his ( chow ollicems mitranmietl . the managers or I corporatIon - ratIon that hnl ceused to JIIVO a conlomte existence . I II reported that the ahillil- , elton for I new charter \n \ Now Jersey If likely to he mantle . , . ' ' IIel ) wltimim I weel 1he mitockhohilermt' ] , commitee will hOd ! a Inal consulaton with time recctvcll Wcducs- day nex t. " , , ' i 'J1NTJI IM 1' AIJ'E.\'TJiTH , - t 'D\'r1 Now holempttiCrniniycstern IsRtos /\lmtl"llu I Ih. I Uenlr411 I ( Ilf"rolco. BATTIg ChEEK , Mich. , leh. 17.-Al to- dly'l session of the Seventh' 1)11) ' AdventIsts - Ists general conference uvermtl new delegates - liVel1 gates were received from . wester states. A commlteu of five was dppolnted to ar- mn\u for the sale ] oC the rmlsslonary ship I'ltcaum'im and provide ror a larger vessel. Iror , Prescot , elucatonn' Keelulurr , read his report. ' 1 he denomltolal schools hOW number hive cOlleses , ' live academies al,1 , twenly lreparatory : chmoois wllh 'n totll enrolment or 3,0:0 : st louts ' 1hu Ir"t meotllJ of th Intern1 Tract ammmi Missionary society wa ; held this after- ' 110011. The report sho\(1 hat over 10titKJ- 0\ lanes , oC lIterature hll , oem n lhtl'I"ute , tree ( morn the central eli alone , l.eshlll limo IUlg ! amount sold , " 1 elo were . 2.10 SallIlh Echools , with a to I membership of 48.0W. ( ' , . "I V.llH ) UJ .1 < IJI"I . .j' llMll , \ut : ( .ummimmtiIy or -Ol" " ) no I.umher : nlc'd II tIme , \ t'ii'ntle , NEW YORK , Fob. h7.-Caaiis ggGet oC the BrItsh shill Con9tanuD which arrived here totlay , from Dunkirk ( , jtnd which was ( ohilged to take a southell l i course on ac- . count of a luccclslon of ht \ ) sales , re- ports that on 10111) last. whcn : about 22 miles southeast of Suamly hook , hl vessel passed , Cor several hours through arm isa- menso quantity of yellow lime lummsber , ap- IJurenl ) ' the deck load or IQmo . vessel 'l'hme umuel' carrying steamshlJI'I ) Ir St. Au- ustine , whkh 18 more thai ) ten days o'er. tll mitme at thlH 'ort ( from JacksonvIlle , OWI- . , 1118 not yet hcen heard ( roam , the hi coin- manlt.1 by uptain F I ; . GaEJtl and carries a a CI'CW of fourteen mems . SANTA FE TRAINS COLLIDE Two of the Craw KOI ana Many ( Trnin- mon Injued , COME TOGETHER ON'A SHORT CURVE Htsul or 1I : hte'r Cmril'S h1ilt'iur's Mis- tlko ns to Wh..to the Tmlns " ' .re to J'ns1 Co.t Jlm Ills l.e , - , OUTlmm , Okl. , Fob 17.-The Texas express . press and n through h cattle train on the Santa Fo colllleJ ) In De31 Mnn's cut , five mies south of imere , at mIdnight Saturday ' nIght. The freIght was coming around n short curve , so near their headlghts eouhl not be seen uut within thirty feet of each other. The I IJassenger engineer jumpel , and saved his life , nll as did relghl I EngIneer : Charles : Uilleb ) " , but his hoall sUruek the rocky sile of the ctmt all he was 1,1 el. Pasenger Fireman Patrick ColMon was caught In the cab , and scalded so hall ) he died this morn- lug. Both engines , baggage and mal cars anti hal n dozen freight ears were lemolshe,1 Seventj' head of stock were killed. 1 The pas- senger coaches did nol leave the track and no passengers were badly Injured. Time Injurl arc : James Moorman , freight conductor , left arm broken. Edward 1.ltehen , passenger conductor , hall mashel and body bally bruised. Messenger . n. D. Dengle , body badly bruised . Dnggageman George Nevie , eraided Mal Cleric hilmtchllns heal cut Road Master cKlnncy , hrulsed. E. Drhlgeman , John J. Englsh and I. A. Sprow , belies lacerated. Harry Trower Kansas City stock yards , cut In the Ieclt anti [ ace. A. Hahn , Ireman on Crelght , leg mssasimed. A. J. Graves , freight brleman. sprained arm I , . D. Weitienimaimer , cuts ems face all body. The _ wreck wi nol he cleaned so trains can go through untIl tomorrow. The wreck \\'ns cause by the error of the freight engineer - gineer , who thought hc was to pass the pas- Fenger at Guthrie , Instead of Seward . two mies south of the wreclt. TROLLEY CAH lUUIIUU ; TO r'iieis. tss 'lnn Husno ' IUlc.1 II . n CollIsIon lt l'ltslmrg. PITTSnURG , Feb. 17.-A wreck occurred oceurrel tonight al 10 o'cloelt at Rank'n crossing be- tween the eastern express emi the Daiimore & Ohio ali a trolley car on the Dralord & tankln branch of the Second avenu lIne . whIch resulted In the death oC Miss Anna Ktsne and the severe 'Injury of Wiiam Jones , both passengers en the electric car. The Dalimore & OhIo train was an hour late and was coming al a high rate of speed just as the trolley car approached the cross- Ing. When tle motorman and conductor saw time colls'Qn was inevitable thej' told the passengers to jump for their lives. There were twelve passenger . al of whom sue- ceedel In gettIng elf except Miss KUlme. She could not understand English and did not know the danger Jhe was In. The car was struck fairly In the center and was redue to kindling wood. Miss Kusne's heal was cut entirely off all her body imorribhy mutilated. Wl'am Jones had his aria crmmlmet1 and head badly cut. All the other lassengers were bruised or slghty cut by flying pieces of the wrcked car. G F.JUISIlU ) S1'lJ lWS SUit ILIs' ! ) L'it. FIght or Empty Stnmachs : , \g'Lllst ' Cntlnl II Irnnkl,1 nt aim ' ; 11. BROOKLYN Feb. 17.-In calling oft the stllke cf time Brooklyn Helg"lts and the D oak- lyn , Queen's County & SulJlhan railways , distrIct assemhly No. 7 [ Issued the [ olowlng address : To the PublIc : Acting In behalf of their employcs ) we presentetu to the olilcials of the Brooklyn ! Jle lellhts anl olclals ) 'n , Que.en's county & HUburhan Hallway com- IJnCS , certain requeats for Implovelf eOII- lens of labor on their roads for the year 16 5. Subsequently these requests , which were le\'er other thln of time most Ieason- aisle nature. \CI'O molled so us to leave tm companies no exeuso for I failure to come to an Igreement wIth their em- ployes. \ \ have exhausted every honorable meals 10 effect a friendly settement , hut the trolley oleinia nlHumcl l most In- eompromlslng attitude and refused 10 malt a sllrlo concession In rcsponsu to our rea- fonahlo l'equesta. ' 1he ) ' ' went further , und so far front Improvllg time condilonf or their emsmployea they insisted upon terms lest flvorble than thej" 1111 ml.le without protest In 1891 amid Iii IH'evloul j'cars. ' 1helr actons forced thel' emlloyet to suspend I labor on JIII ) ' 1 inst. Since then there hat not been a day on whleh the len have not been wiling to so more than halC way In In endeavor to adjust I dllcultr that entailed , hUldshlps on the employes as well us ( Incalculable lost Ind IleOn\'enlence wel time PublIc. The companies have not had the same eonsilieralon for tile 11hlc , the Slle spirit oC Coiflhl'omise. 'l'hey started out to starve their employes Into suhmll- 810n , timid they have 1IIIy mIlieceedeti . It hams been a light of dolal.t against eml1ty atomachs , stud lt WUI to have heen cx- peetel , , the ( Iolul have won n victory , though a dear omse Our people , alter he- role resistance , have at ILlt Cuhmlltl ) to time Immovitoble . 'J'lmo civic , mlltalY , anl In. . some Inltances the judIcIal powers have all heen used to coerce them \'o cesl'u 10 return our most sincere thnnls to time onallzutons and inmiivhdtmals Indlvlluala who hlve In amsy way aided otmr people durIng time Itll111 hope ' our olr symllnthl - UI'S may never heel the power of corporate oppression. Many of our peoplu still need afslstnnce to Ieel the wolf si hunKeI train theh' doors. A little from lists many will miutilce . und Iny citizen , society malY 01' newspaper thlt wi hcp ] our men In this respect will receive the best thanks or nil wih the hope that the time wIll yet como when equal IIhts1 he accorded to nih . special privileges to noime ald that nil most will /talli lesl1eeluly qunl , to the law , \U lemull al , MARTIN ] J. CONNELY , .JOiiN ( ii huN , . JOlN O B.IN 1' . J. COLLlNti ] W. L. I JAI.COIJ. ANH W J ) . I : S' This actIon on time part of district assembly ] No. i6 wIll permit the strikers of these roads to return to work , or al least allply to ba taken back Time strike against Iresllent Norton of tIme AtlantIc avenue lne Is still on Iresllent bowls oC the 1100klj'n Ihhhts Halroud company maui tonIght that mltir.tg , the duy about & 0 oC the old mel hac ! plell ( for worl ( . A numher of them , lie udled , , hall heen received hack Into time service anti others 1111 their lames pul emi thc eiiglbie limit. lIe fully , elglhlo lst. le fuly epeetl,1 that the remalmlel or the strlEIH would IJ on hllll In the moring lookIng for their old imosithons. ( Muster Workman CannaIs reported at Canna\ lt his heme us IIPllg very 111 ( . time result of the labors \hleh ho has umlervone during tilt IJast live weeks us euder ] of the strike , 'l'lme strike , which IUllel1 thlrt-rour slrle , has cost In enormous amount oC moult ) ' . Three milon dolbarA Is considered hy those Invol'ell a , mO'l'rato ' t'stmlte , 'hen the strike started It \11 stated that dIstrict Its. semll ) ' No 73 bind from $ .O.03'J to 1 ! .OJ In Its Irealul'j' . About $1JtW'IS luhsCrlued by sj'mpathlzers All this huts been spent nail , I the $3WO ) wages the men woull hlVn * Ilrned hiss b'en lo ' t. ' 1ho 1100klj'n Heights company was time heaviest loser ansong the rOluls. I Is estlimsateii , 10 hln'f . nmon\ estmatel lost dIrectly $ G.O. Time othel' systems have lost clone to f3o.oJ. Time cost to thl city and stnte for troops Is uxpet'led to exceed - coed t O.o. 'l'ho damage ' : IU by cars : ' Ilnn"1 inexperienced 1(1 Is Illn,1 at UO.O Inert' . 1111 thl losi I 11 cnl'n ' Ca- \Inclt' \ bj' tile mliia ilui'immg . thllr Itn\ ' In flroolclyms ' II ( stnat,1 lt $20,0OO. 'Iterl , were lan ) ' other loSses to 1\1 the nmoult , 11 1111ton tn time 111'Onvmlpnco nlll stIffer- Ing calse,1 , by time big strike. JSLS.V1'S .SlCOX1) . S co.Tisso.\ : Snl.1 to ni" " Indo n 1lnte1lnt th"t Wi ( : III/ : . time 'i'm ibm . Case . : nNNEAIO.IS , Fob 17.-Miss Wnchtel , the stenographer , was seems tonight , anJ from her the fact was elicited that Blxt ma,1e nn- other confessIon , which changes the whole ecurse of events , If It Is allowed , In the trial of Inrr ) ' Ia'warlSho claims that 11xt stated to imer In answer to a question from his atorey , that AMy Ha'wor.1 Illt him till to the job of mlllcrllg Miss Glmmg. 1 was plannell irc'Iotmsly to the tragedy , nml all time details agreed 11101 , almost exactly as stated hy Blxl on the stand , cxceptn ( that the nmo of Atry shell be Ebsttlt1 for thai of Harry In time confcss10n. Tomorrow morning several surprises are ex- pectell In the Iawar,1 tria ] . The defense has been lnms3' today In colectnl mater , and will be prepared to go along hantl ) with the casc. Miss Wachter wIll he 1laecII on I the stonll , and Mr. grwln wi argue whim . the cOlrt ns to whether or not she can tea- t ) as to what Ilxl saId whie she was tallnl his statcimment. I the cOlrl hohs wih him It wi create a rule wlureby ! stcn- ogr31Jher clplocd by attorneys wi have to be Iept In thO dark ns regards all state- \ents between attorneys amid cliemmt. H appears - pears thai time statutes have not been altered - terel since the stenogrllher "eame a nec- essarj' aljunct to an : Htofle a omee , and there Is no pro\'lslon for their Prtcctioms . On Saturday Judge Smih was quIte certain thai the Inlent of the law was hot slch that she could test [ ) In ndllton to lhls , there will be souse evidence In regard to those "bloody clotimes . . which Il has always been slated were oun,1 out ncar Lae ] Calimomin. I now develops thai Ege dhl not fml the clothing al 11 , hut thai the discovery was made by Daniel P. Darling , who wIll he lJlaeet on tIme stauI --5- . . PUlTI1'IllS.t.'IJ ICE lr.1 fl I ) . II mIce Coma vi mm leti Wil I I i'miy tim mt . \lnull for S Ime A o preim emmal Ins " C Iii Im . r. KANSAS CITY , Feb. 17.-Forty thousand dollars is time reward offered for tIme mum- lmreimemssioms of Dr. Geom'ge ldm.mthcr. 'l'hmo offer i shade by time instmrancc comapammies whelm issued 1)OliCiCC on Ir. ldraltcm"s life. W'hcn the confession of Jtmdgmmsemmt vas tnlcems In tue femleral court hiatt . ' , iommtiay us tlse case brnugimt to collect time $ I0OiJO in- stmmt'ammce , It mvns ; agreed Iii time sthlmulatbotm tiled at tIme timmmo that time imsatmi sulmi simould hot lie paul untIl time expiratIon of mmlx mommtims. 'limere was no remsoms gIven by time hmmsuranco solheitor for timhs clause amid isemso was reqmilred , btmt it wits tmmbcm'- stood that It was sumsiply one of business Cliii tlmlt It was in good faith. Nott' , however , it Is icarised that the companies hmavc joIned 1mm lssmmlmmg a clrcu. mr to thmcir agemits offerlmsg m0,00i for Fm- ker'ti recovery within time six mmmommtlms' stay before time lmaynscnt of time money. 'l'ime nmmnmier ( If ugemstm employed by time 'mn- itmmmles mtmmsommmmts to mi small nrmny. muid In- citmdes ot'ei'y city , village , anti imamniot him thse lammtj. its addition time offer han bceis mmmtidc to every reputable detective agemicy In time coummtry. ' 0- . To RECO l.Ei : iJ'l' 0.111 .V ( 'S VU.vis. Legis'mutmiro himstruct' . time ttt.vney GeimcrmuI to Iiocln Stilt , t glilum4t i ime iX-Tremt.imrt'r. , ChEYENNE , Feb. 17.-Speciai ( Tele- gramn.-Just ) before time legislature ad. jotmrmed slime die at 5 o'clock this mnormmlng a rcoltmtIomm was iistrodueed and unmmmml inotmsly adolted uimstm'uctimmg the attorney general of . \r.otnimig to at once begIn proccedimmgs against the bondsmen of Otto Omninimi , cx- State trcastmrcr , and time assignee ot' time T. A. lCemmt iammlc , to recover 5t,000 of state funds , which time treasurer lost cit aecount of time failure of the banlc in Jtmly , 1503. Graunmu failed to reimburse time state wimeim ime turned over time 0111cc to his stmcccssor us Jammuar ) ' . Time only important measure vetoed by Governor - ernor Ithchimti'tia was the act creatimsg mt State board of ai'liitrmstloms. 'i'imo govoimmor's rca- Son for time veto was that time act comm. Ilicteti withm time state coimatitutiorm , w'imicim provides that time deeisiomm of time atbitmators m4hmahi be huh mtiiti t'old tiniess hmtis imam'tIeA to time contrcmversy vohuntat-ily ngreeii In advance - vance to hit ! bounti timerchy. The imili passed ii ) ' time legisiatmire atitimorizeti eltimer party to commipel a imeimring wIthout tIme consent of tIme otimers amid therefore conflicts with time constItutIon. CO2VULULI1CI ) TO ENI ) TiliClit LIV. N. Yotmumg I I tislam mmii Shu cot s I I Is Chti I tI 'i'I ( a in1 tab I v mmmi ml % 'oii mm ciii 1 I I unmet I' . ST. LOUIS , Feb. 17-At time female lmos- pital of timimi city today dine W. Cnmneron , It 'Otmtlm of 18 , made a desperate nttemnpt to emsd time lives of bus girl wife , Mamolc , aged 17 , amid hminmself. 'J'imroimgim a succession of misfortunes time coupie imati iseconsci ummaiie to inalce a llvimmg , Mrs. Cameron was tnlems with an attack of malarial fever amsil me- moved to tile cIty institutIon for treatment. Cameron , still out of work , cttiieti to see lmltl mvle today. 'l'imey talked earnestly tom' seine time , wimen sudiiemmly Cameron drew a cimemlil revolver numd tired otme milmot at his wife , immilicthmig a lmroiJaiiI ) ' fatal votmmmmi ims time side mmear thm lmeart. lie then tmirneml time m'eapon on imimnmsel ( , but intilcted emily it siiglmt scalp woumid beom'O ime was seized. Ills wife will prohably die , S. . 11.0 111,1) . 'Vt 'J' 1'OLICId rn JHiOIhiltS , State Soumator Newsumm of Tt'umrmt'sqeo W'Iii Not rprm'im vI I im l mm , , 4 t itumit hi ii 1ii rm ; a I ii NAShVILLE' , Feb. 17.-Semmatom' A. 11. Newmsom : semmt in imlmi m'eaigmmatlomm to Gos'ermior Turimey today as senator ( moms ) ttsc 1"our- teeimthm district , Governor 'rumney iii mmut ims time city nnti has not acted on .thmo rosigna- lIon , Senator Newson gives as his scummuim for resigning time extrlmm'smgoItcc of time ieghmt- immttmru In fom'climg tmpn conmmnitleemi smppuiimtctj to visIt state lmmmttitu'Li3ims multi eomti nmtimrs mmcrgeammts.mm t-mmrrns , lelmortermi tmimd chimer Ott. tmmcmhmes at $ i Per tiny antI cxpcrses who vlli tb notimlmsg hIlt mii'tv ; srtlmmrics. , 'J'ime resigema- tiomm created mmoincwhmnt of a nemssntioim , JIUSTOX'S UJ'.ITO. ' To hOOT ! ! , Commu , ummirmder o t t lie ' mti v.il I oi . 's riumy ( I I veil a ( I i'i tm d I ti'et , m t I lii , BOSTON. Feb. 17.-General Booth , coin- imianmier in cimit'f of time h3itlvmtthun aminy , mmi- dressed three big amass mmmeettmmgs at time Me- cimaimics buulihlng today , 'l'imla e'tilmiflg time hmaii ss'amm erowdemi to its utmsiommt ealmat'ity imimi it Is estimated ( lint his Imeameis mmumnberetl at least 25,000 1)001110 dtmriiig time ilay. 'i'Ito usual exmtimusiummmm wimicim hams fuiioweml imls apImcam'mtimcc cvem'ymm'ierc' cis hmimi ( gill across time cotmnti'y mum Icemi today's mimeetimigs. 'rime iemmemalm'mmms titteimmied Imy imis staff omi'l tiso iiover of hme local b'alvatbon nrimmy corps. JIC'i'Jt ( ) 1 1' .S.I JO.'N ( ' 1,051.1) , C Isle I'.ti t rmul I nim Eum f.rt'c t I m ti S mm ii iimy I mi mm amid Z.lllmium It'mmtcms t III ht.mliIlmit. DE'l'JtOhT , Micim. , Feb. 17.-OwIng chieuiy to time elfortmt of time CIvIc fcdei'atlorm me- cently organized 1mm ilmimi city , ithi time Crd'oms ' in ttme cIty imsve iieem rtbeoltmteiy clostmt.i mimi t3mmnmiay aimoi totiuy. At mm immrge ymmeetlml of time Liquor Ieaiers aSEoeintiOlm totla ) ' Im. was decided to urmdem take mmomio retaliatory emelloim. , Auithor ineetimg is calioti ( or 'i'ues- tlmty , at mvimicim a d efttmi t u 1115mm of eauisj aigim svhli be theclmteml ulmon. I I is lOlieVdmi thmmmt the saloon IceelmerS will attesnpt to have time "blue laws" enforced , p I uchi t.mmtw on ilumiio-t umst rimtmm Idroumi LONDON , Feb. 17-A tiispatchm to time Stammdmtr,1 ( rein Omiessa says timid fearful sooty mmtorlmsm4 itre prevaIling along the Russo. Austrlars frontIer , TIme ruilrommmlmm ama iitl'r- ) iuimttai and misally deutims imayc bcwm caused by time extrcmmse cold , - ' sriii SIIOUL1) ) TAKE ITS O\VN \ Oouclusions of Hon. William Loose in Connection with Moshor'a Gontract , ILLEGALLY MADE AT TIlE BEGINNING I.egl1mtturo iittl No htighit to eluml ( hue ' 4 Sttimt 'm't'rumm-\Vtmmi.l hIm't . 'r Cimmumpel liturgimuu It , htrhimg Smmlt if .tmmy lie ilrotugimt. Time hmotmso cotmsmitto eu lemsitentlar' of time semsioms of 1S93 msas comahicacti ofV. . J , trtvhmi , cimairimmams ; C. I ) . Casper , C.V. . Heal ammtlV. . 1) . Ilaller. To thmat cemmiimsittee was referred time prlsems commtract between time etmite amid \I , II. Iorgan and C. W' . Mosimer. Time commimlttee emmmployeml ibis. \\mmi , Loose mis cotmmmsel , tilmol ) tm'hmoso iiutlimmgs mmmlii cItations time commm. mmsittee rccomnmmmcmmtleti timat time Prleoit contract be dcchmirctl imimil mmmiii 'oti nail ( limit time state - take charge of time piammt , llrisoml multi groummmtis. Time wrlttemm elimmimmm of comiimsel is mIS tel- lows : OPINION Nl ) Ci'I'A'I'1O'S 01"'hL - LI . ? it lKlSi' . 4 'i't time I Iomsormlmic Commmmmmittce on i'emmitrns- t imtm' ' ( ; t I i'mmsemm-I ccci of : cmi - it in I mm m lmt ytitir commI mistimmi ( 'mu I 10mm iii ) foi low's : ' ' 'l'iio cuimsimm I t tco omm Imelmi I emm t bit my ml cmii rca its mmttorimey to look tIll time law mtnml time fac ts an ml lit formii t ii o commsmmmi t I i'o t'hmc timer I mm ii Is 011111 10mm t im so.cmii ltl comm t mmt c I i let myceit time stmmttt of Neimrasktt mummilV. . I I. lh. Stout itimicu itsmmtgimemi to ommo C.V. . tluslmer , mmmlii i- , hmi in Slttti to lie mm mmsigimcti to omit' 1)or- gmmmm , is mmow it gtoi commtrmtct nnil imimRilmmg oil time state Of Ncbrmti'ica , itimti wimmtt stops tIre mmoisecessary to tm tmmkeim to mtmmimlil smtll eoiltt'miet Pi'uvltit'tl it is simowim that t ito 51)111 t Itimli I hOt' isiommim of ttti : ti colt I tact 111'O beIng violatel by tlmosa itoiihlmmg time souse , mmr tvimt'timur oi mmot i.mthd commtrmtet im4 ml. vmtlld t'ontrmtct. ' ' 1mm iunsmvcr timereto 1 hmmt'o time lmomor to stmhimmsit us follows : First. 'i'hmmmt umlimier } mc''tloms 19 at' um'thcie v , oh' time coiistittitimsil , time hitmmti'ti of l'mmbiie 1..itimmit ; nmmii 1 imilitllmigs Is gbvemt time gcmmt'rmti m3tmpert'Immitmim it mmd cc mm t rob of mm I I tim e tmu i iti- logs , grommmmtis Ltimi Ittttis of tise state multi state Pi'isomm , timid be stmbjcct to stmcim mImics mtitii m'egtilatiomms us mmma' tmu provIded by law. 'I'Imnt for time Immmm'imoo of cmmi'myurmg mimto of. feet time above commmmtittmtioimmti Imruvisiomm , time iegimtiattit'e , by ins mtct mipprot'ctl Februitiry 13 , 1577 , ImasSed lii ) act , cimtttl'li mmim umet "cmi- ( mm iii isimlmm g mm Iloit rti of 1 'tmbl I e I _ mt mstls mu mitt hitiiitliisgs of time mttmm te of Ncbrmtmilca , mtnd tieiimmimlg thmeir tihmties. ' ' I mm St''t it ) mm iT o f mimu ill at' i , provisiomms w't'me mimmttie for saId boam-il to mmilvem'tise for ealeml hmm'oiOSals for time lemtsiimg of time Iieimitemm- timt1) ' , ht'mmi I tim I lit i'y gmlm ntis mumtl eoimvict latter. ( SeIiOms lmtmvit of 1577 , page itS , ) Secunti. him hltii'ittiitlit't ) of saId net the 110mm rti 0 f I 'Imiji I c I .mtmmtl s 1111,1 , i immiitl Iisgs , after 111mb ) ' amivcrtisiimg for sucim Healed 1)10- hiOsilis , thiti ( ill Chic 22d , hmt' of Selmtumsmber , 11m77 , nwmmm'd toV. . I I. B , h5iottt time state 1101 mi t em m ti ary , mlimll ni I time gm is LI imtis , ymi nut , mtimohmi ummti oiithnmlililngs colmimecteti wIth time imamime , ttimti iii I ilm'Otem'tY thmeretm mm to belommg. 11mg , mom- time imorioti , lf .y emtm's frommm amId tmfter October 1 , 1S77 ; mt seliellmllo of mill mmmchm rem'sumimti pi'opcm'ty is omm Ilbo vItim the sccrctmtry of state. 0mm October 1 , iSi7. said Stout took umos- sessioms of mthl the it'OpCl'tS' ) of tile Stmtte , COmiflL'Ctcllvltim time pcmsitcimtimtry Iischumdiimg , a mmtiiimhcr of hmom'm4es , wagons , live stocic , vom'iciiig tools , coolcing tmtemtslimm ttmtd otimer property. All of tile personal prollerty wail tlmeis to be nplmmailed anti wits to be returmsed ill kInd to time state by Stotmt at time ter- mimlnation of thse six years' lease. 4 Otlmcrwise 110 vmui to Pay to limo state time mimprmtiSctl vaimme tlmereof. IJXTDNSIONS OF TI1i , LEASE. Third. 0mm Fobrunmy 20 , 1870 , tise logia- lattlre passed mtmi act cxemmmllimg ( time tlnia of expirmttiOmm of time nfom'esaid lease for a ftii'them mmoriod of sIx yemirs conmmmmomscimsg october 1 , 1553 , ammil terimmImmatiimg October 1 , 'Sb. 'Sb.Tlmmmt Os a comisitiemation fomstmcls oxton- sioim Stoumt mtgm'ecti Oit imis imtrt : to reduce time pt'ice uer cmtplta to lie paid by time state to szmltl Stommt ( remit 55 to 15 cemmtmm Imer tiny' for earls commvict for time lim'mmt timreo years. mirmil to 4Cm CentS hOt' tiii' for time second timreo ycam's of said extended lease. Stout mmiso thlem'ciml agm'eeti to elect at hmlm4 ' own oxlemlso 2i0 stone cells ifimil to turn -t time came ot'em to time stmttmi free o charge Oc'toier 1 , 1SSIL ( Sestmiomm lmtwmm of 1SS7 , page 114. ) On It'elmruary 27 , ISS3 , time time ( em' erect- imig 16) of time above maemmtlomioi mttmrmc cells wmtmm extcimdcti tmntil October 1 , 15S5. ( Laws ot 1883 , mmso 3l ) ) . It mniglmt be iilouer to state mIght imertm timmtt time viieIo ntmmiber of stommu eeli to lie erected imttve itot bceim built to thus ( lit ) ' , F'otii'tim. Oim ? iiarcim 2 , 1537 , time lcglsimmttmro agalim exteimmicil time lease commtmnct for a imeriomi of ten yenm-s froimi anti titter the 1st tiny of Octobei' , lShO , 'J'hmim3 extensiois was hot mtm1e to Stotmt , imilt to C.V. . alosimer , as th assig-mice of Stout , Imi anti tim tIme aforesaid lease con- tm'act , ? mloslmcr nmtreeimsg oim imlmi part to re- ccivc but -10 ccimts tier lilly for cads COO- vict in ( mill fom' lml commspemsation under stitl : coistmact. Timimm act provldeti for Mosimer to give lOmmml to time state us time atmmsi of i0J.uoo , to be nplrovei by tlO hoard of PmmbIie Lammdms nuti litmlldings. ( Law's of IbS7 , liSSU 662.0 662.0Oji August 1 , 1SS7 , time isomsd was given and lmpllrovC(1 ( by said beam ii. 'l'ime extunimlomi mvami mmmmmtitm nimd accepteti by Mommimer itlibject to all time coisditlormmt itimd provimmhomta t'olstalit'I 1mm tue em'Iginal Commtm'ttt't. ( ExImIbIt 11 hereto attmtcimed is a Colt ) ' timi'reof. ) 1"iftim. Febrtmai'y 8. 1S02 , it paper was tiled 1mm tue 0111cc of tint mmecrctam'y of state pmmr- llOI'tiilg to lie aim ttssigmmmimcmmt of time atom'o- said lease commtmact from C W' . Iorgaim , ( A. copy of said paimer is attached imereto cx- imilit C. ) C.Ii1ll \Ii1ll A 1 J4 UNCONS'l'I'rtJ'rION-A11. No bonti imas ever beems glvei , to tilts state by iom-gtmm mtnti imotmvi t immm t ilmm , I 1mm g tim u immm m- itOi'temi nssgmimmseimt amid tmnmmmmfer iii mantle imimmi ltCCeJmteti immibject to all time terms of Ri ) mtgm'eeimient bctmm'comm Sititi Imlmi'uieIl , of oven timito tlmerotvhtis , time mmaimi iaorgamm has imot signed lilmChi ti'ammmifem' , mmom is them-u aimy agt'ecimmeimt letms'eeim said parties attacimemi I 1) 01' itIcti tv Itim m ucim tmi I tmg cii a ssigis macmm I. 'i'iio imccl'titttm'y of mitato Immfom-nnm immo that t lie rig Ii ts el mm I loom I I to' ho rgmmmm u mmIcisue'im assigmmmmmcimt lmitvtt not imoomm m'cvogimizei by t lIe I 10mm 1,1 of I 'mmiih Ic Lt ii 11mm a liml I lou Imi I hg 14. Six t Im , 'l'im e fom't'go i Jig lilt II iCm'mm ) slot S or I it to m4imomv time limit , of ti'uimmtferu of time hrisoim cnist'oc't front time mjtmtte tiwmm to Ilorgan. m'im o clii I limit to Imu I ime p rt'scmm t o mm'iimn' of HitIti commtromct amid icimmo by vIm-time of mmforim- smihi t rmsmmsi'cr to imiimm ( mom thosimer , tm'imo him tlmrii claims timrougii time tissigmimnent of Stout 51)11 time ltC't ( It tlmtm elm 2 , Its ? . Seveim tIm , 'i'I I ore is im a ii oU ii t I is imsy emi ott imtmt mvhmat cmtt'im act of timu leglmmlattmru ox- teiimiiiig time POi'iOtI of titmmtm of tIme Icmlmte ( 'Omiti'lmt.'t It ) hhioimt nimmi to iml itsmilgmme 'lomtimer iimfringtmmm ( mis mmt''tbomm iS of mmrtlcim. , lii o ( time eommtmtittmtlomm of timi tmtmttt' , ScctIoim 15 imi'o'tties : ' "nb , begisin tore simmi I I m I o t hilmtmi ; I ocim 1 oi shtceImm 1 lots's iii mmms y of time folbowiisg emmia's : ' 'ci i't mm t I mmg to a mm V I mmii I 'it1 mini mtny it recinl em' ccltmmti'o ImrivIicge aimmi iii mm ii otimot- ( 'nluH : mvimom'o it gcii ci'im I itmv ( 'mu mm ha' i miti Ii ( I 111)111 k'ltbic , mme m.imceitm I lmty m-mlmal I I mj en- llc'Ic'-l. ' ' ' By time above laws extemiclitig time lmrisors colmtract to t4tolmt. null mmtisrsvti'l to : iitimcimci , sime'immi I'riVIlt'gCii ' imavtm itceit gI'tmit ( imt'mn tlmmtt hmavtm mmut imcii ttct'om'tieti to otimer citlzenmi of Iimi'i stmtte. 'fii Imi mvmmim mm ( it Itt ) i a t imu cml gl mum I Comm trmi ot , Stout ms'mumi mtwui ti d timut comiti-mmt-t. iii colim- ielitlomm whim time m'-'nt of limo citizoims ; mit I mm t he lit. tmi extol iii I ii t ; I lie t I mmmc uio oh lit , r t-'I tlxcrm mo II lii co m 0 hO I 0 for t iltm mmm vh leg ( I of lemusuim g time i memmi tum : timtm'y , om tI I u coimvl o I labor. 'fite itglmihmtturo in eff.'cL . imsatie sm coms- tract. SliC't'lmti iii its ummttmii' ' , uvitim hilotmt , em. 'miosimer mtlomR' , mmhmllo all otlmermi have ieemmxci mmii m'u I , I f timtt iegislitt ure imas time Power aimml ( lii timoi-i to tm mmdci' tim 0 ( 'Ui m 14 1 ItO I in im to sa mitt mt law ul.eltimmim'cIy icr time imt'lmoIit of iitotm I om. : tl r. Cd em. hum , amid exel mImIc it I I o I her ci It- zeims timei"m'ommi , tilt-u I t mm ci m I ml immtvm time Pov'i' flnl I mit m timori I - to I , ; tmmfl ft imtvi for I tm mt I temmcii t of iii I em tImer c I tlzuim it , amid cxci utlo Stout emmid : ii. 1biohimtmr I him efi-ommi , Sectioim 15 of zmrtlcbo ill , mlitiVt ) died , hiatt iim mmmy ( iliinlomm Imecim ltdOImtI'ml ( or time very I' ' II rIgmec I , t Ii'Ohllmi 1 I mmg atmoim leglsig t 101 i , No good auth valid I'Uitl4OIl ( ' 1(15 ho mm.l- vitmtcei Sil ) ' It gvimem'iil law ho ttgahim louse t Ito iiim I I on t is my himotmiti mm ut have it n vim. , IL , html giviimg to t'vem' ( mit izeji tt righmt to agaIn bid ( or Itucim a Ilrlvllego. \Vhm' was It tiittt I hmo oi'iginmti volmtmac't was mmci givcmm tet Mr. htcqit by aim act of I liii legls irtI it I' , , 2 \\'im ) ' lmsmss mt hmtsv i't'qmm I- Iimt-r n'lvem'tisensm'iits icr Hemtiemi lmroilolmahmm ? it iii because stcthomi 15 of artIcle Iii tie. miles the riglmt of i ho icisimtmmm'e tim enimfer i'l"tltti 01' cxci mmmii vcm un vi I otjes mm I 11111 s Itt- galms , yet I cammnot dinc'ovc'm' tIme i1ilfomi'ne btmtwt't'n sumvmu diimg thy um'ighmmmti couli macI to Mr. Stout fur mmlx years amid ( AI4'ndlitg limo roimlrimet nh altiiticmnml six ytmti's. Alt u'om'er is vinitel us tIme borisiat mire mm'iu'rc' it is not mtrleteti . , y time coismstittm. i Intl. , hmm imany of time oiml'r states it will b . 4.