. . r II - 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE oMAhA \ flATLY lJTJ : ! : SFN DAY , PEBRUA1IY 17 , 18m'i. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 101l0wl'd declared that Mr. 11 was merely threshln oh ) straw. 'ho present time wal ho dl'clared , Inappropriate for such a resolu- tion. coming 01 the very hlls of the mon- Itrous attack which the prl'sllent had mall" upon the currency and credit of the United . StRte In his bargain to lel our homls ( abroal on such terms as ho hnd made with the European bRnkers. This acton he pronounced the most dlsnstrols usauU upon the coun- try'l Onanela ) system which had ever been made , and the worst feature or the whole wretche buslnesl , ho paid , with growing . earnestness , "I that the nttek Is made : ) br the man who becau of his position IhOII ) have stood the foremost In our defense. 01' lest hns been befouled by the man whI Bhoull ) have atocd ( for our credit " Mr. Wolcott crlclse ( ) the recent contract * made Wolcot Mlo of the bonds In Blropo , He ( Iki ) not hel eve the bankers through . whom the .Ieal haul been made would , evcl' . r031iz0 upon ) the advance ) more than 10 per cent or the amount of the honlls sold ) 01 , account of the advance In theIr prIce lie hal ) been assure < 1 that In New York alone 112 , hall been tendered for $1OOOOOOO I worth or bOllll. ( ! antI Rhl Iw 11all thc nuthior- ; it ) or coo of the leading bankers In New I York for the stntlment that within sixty .laY8 the whole ISluo woulll bo worth 120. . "If , " ho lald , Ipenln , directly to the reso- ' luton and the deslro lxpresse(1 ( hy It to 11" - hold our national crllt , "there were eve ho\l consider. any mcn who were not entitled to . , nton , I Is the Hothschlcs anti the Ilreshlont , ' lecnto " nllY have SCJh to blacken our . credit. , J creII. aSferte(1 the resolution and speech or le . 11111cro In the same direction a8 nil other efforts mad" , to discredit slver , and then munched , out Into a defense or the silver ' nd\ ' catl3 , declaring they did not Idvoeat : this course because they were Inpatrlotc or because o { ! selflh purposes , but helmso : they woull relCe the slrferll II the cintry , . and they did not believe this was Possible or nccomplshnlnt , until the double stallar\ Iholll he re.estabhiued. There could ho no prosperous times with wheat nt ! 0 cents a bushel . busht. le rcerrel , to thin proceedings In the Ger. , man Hclehstap of Ylslertllr cone rlng slvel : 18 an Indicaton that there wa' to ho I change In the Interest of silver.Vo ate working towall I , " he concllled , "but If any act could serve to llralyzc progress In that . . direction , I Is the Ilsgrcefll nlll dishonor- ' ' nhlo dicker or the Ilresident with tim Hot ls , - " chills. . CONGHFSS SIOULU CLAm ITSFI. Mr. Lodge , republican or Massachusetts. said the substantial ald Important part of u the resolution was the last hal of It , de. daring the right of the holder to receive Ills nay In the best money. He would push , all the other declarations or nle resolution : aside as Immaterial and let this "tnnd lie ( ; , dill not regard It as necessary to define the rearl : . question as to who was a bimotahhlst. or tu pronounce for the parity or all kinds or money n8 the latter declaraton was nlready : to be found embolle(1 In our statutes. The Ic . poInt was In neIther or these directions , hut In the sustenance of the credit of the coun- . i try. Ito helevcll that the holler of a gay- ernmcnt bond should be able to ask for IIy- . ment In the best mouicy all In gold I that , . were the best nod he believed that to he the Position or the republican Ilartr. lie agreed : with Mr. 'Volcott that the prcsldent had assailed - sailed the credit or the countr ) ' . but assorted " , sorted that they had made the nt3elc hy hIs assault upon our coin bonds. For that 1 rcason because or t'iis alack , he thought l that congress shoull declare itself without equivocation or reservation. Reverting to the contract ho said lnt the ' profits allowed , the fluropean bankers "were enormous glgntc , " and characterized the , t contract as the blackest ever made by an : administration . In dclh11 with American se- , curiies. Hut thIs fact Mr. Lodge added only renders - . . , ders It more Important that the go\rnment ' . should mall good Its promises. I was . not n question or blmetalsl ali or mono t , , metalsm , but of the good faith or the coun- try. That credit hall been Impeached all attacked hy these who should have dsfended , - and I therefore bhiov d congrss to come , . to the rcscue. Ho hoped n vote would be reached not only on thIs resolution. hut , i on the entire financial question. helevlng the country hind a right to know whether - the senate was n free coinage body or a body ; opposel to that volley. Mr Stewart of Nevada opposed the huh r resolution as n snrrendcr or silver and Hi - binding the gold fetters on the peopl" ri- WERE SILVEll lONOM 1TAI.LISTS. Mr. 11 was , again OP , his fcet as soon 01 , as Mr. Stewart closed. ' ! At least this dot j , f bate has cleared tim atmosphere , " said Mr. : ' , c Hull. "Tho true purpose of these professed : ' . ' - frIends or silver hits been lid b3rc. It was 'I . that they Intended to pay our government ob" ih' ligations In .siiver coin. no maier how degraded - graded , how depreciated that metal might be. I was for the purpose of securing this. ; . disclosure that the resolution was presented I was brought forward to have senators - , dIsclose their polIcy and to present n different - ont policy. To the fling or the senator from - Colorado that I am a blmetanst on a gold o ' basis. I answer he Is a blmetanst on a sl- ' vor basIs. It " * I was n mere play of words , d : said Mr. 11111. "Such . Jr. 11. men were not for bI- . metalsm at all ; they were for silver , and . . . silver only. " , ' , Mr. JI turned to attacks being made on I t Ic , the president I was not for him ( Hill ) I to express approval or the contract with ; . foreign banllers. But the President had wih . been free 10 act as ho desired. 10 haul been , bound hand and foot hy the present law. t : This democratic congress had refused to help t him him.Mr. . Gray or DelawareDo you mean to Bay this senate Is at present democratic ? ; , L , "No , " said Mr. 11. "Wo no long'r have , the majority , but while we had It we put 01 ! : action and procrastinated unta pOWlr passed out of our IInds. "Tho s.nator from Colorado can arraign , thIs administration because I has contracted , - wIth the Hothschlds , but In tbls emergency . where viiI you leek for vast sums or money ? 4 . Wi you get It from the miners or Colorado ? " . Mr. 'olcott quickly responded : "No , not , from the miners or' Colorado , as they have been ruined by the legllaton ! c thc senator from New Yorhc lInt there were plenty of , i AmerIcans realy ( to take the bonds had they r the chance " . . Mr . 11 , declared . the only way to a cure such a vast sum was In going to the money , t ; Icings of the world , Republican administra- ' ' tons had aplealed to the Hothschlds , so I was useless to raise a party cry against th . aduuuinstratlon's course In go'nl t foreJn ! , . blnllers. At this Jlolnt Mr. 11 took n slip elil of valr from his tabl . . SU.EH : AGTATION IN .GEmIANY. - , , .t have here an announcement that I have read with joy. I Is nn Associated vress . cable from Berlin prlS ' , Berln announcIng the Helchstag . hal directed the renewal Dr efforts tD secure : "an International monetary conrerence. " . - ' Mr. UI read the Assoc'ated vreas cable : In detail and .Iulllel : "I rejoice preS < thIs news as much as the senator , . from Colorado ; perhaps more I sin- - . cerlly believe an international agreement Is posslblo , for bimetalitsip. This resolution , . annOUncing the policy or this country for I . . : ' bimetail'sai wouhl be the answer or the ( . , United Stales to the aclcn or German ) . . . Mr. lull hcped the response might go to flerhin ! Herln t. r today , nnll that thin world mIght know the ' . credit of the United States was to bo at all tInes maintained . al : At 2 o'cloclt the agricultural appropriation , : agrleulural bill was taken up , but the fuanclal sentl- llnt was too strong to give way te agriculture - ture , and Mr. Teller returned to the 11111 4 resolutIon , lie eald It was the most remarkable - ' t. able laller he hall f\'er aeen tie would try Y to not GO outside parliamentary usages. , This Interest of the ( senator frm New York . ' , for sliver hy offerIng a resoluton for go'd showed his regard for blnietallism. Mr ' Teller declared that for the last ninety lays . a prearranged effort hall been made to put e .4 the cQuntry on a gold basis ; It couh not get , - away from I. The senator from New York , ; . . ' hail taken Ilart In that effort. lie declared : . this effort had been In the direction of directon putting gold to a premium. There had \ ' ir- . . % tualy been a conspiracy to this end , and t : 'ih this arcomlllshed the Illan would b fr to require payment nlono In that money. Indeed , as a nuatter of maler ract gold was even now at 1premium. . . for It hd appreciated l\'en , when everything else had depreciated . Of . , course the silver dollar wouhl depreciate . 'ih this discrimination against deprecate . ; . \unc a cant the assertion or Interest la malntallhil the Ilrly and pnYlng "the . t best dohlar" "The bet dollar they want Is. " he asserted , "tbe dollar S 8sertel dolar which it will , . & take mol sweat antI blood to get " Referring - . , - ' ring to :1' , 11111's 11rofeulons of bhiueaihisuu ( , . # Mr. TIter said Mr , lull would be welcomed : to the ranks when b should show himself _ . to be honestly In favor of bhuetalhm , hhn.el , . be adlel\ \ "if thIs resolution cnllns his . aentment , he will bu or no aulstanCI to its ; : or to the world , Mr. 11 II noted for his courage . hut It take a higher degree cf , courage thin ho has shown In anything else , to sla'I ' ) out In defance of a transaction wllt puts our securIties at a lower rate than those or Egypt , nnd when \1 says that no senator can decently crllcls the trans- acton I want to ray that hIs Idea and mine differ a to what dEcenCY Is . " Mr. Hl interrupted to repeat what he hal said , whereupon Mr. Teler sid : "Tho senator - ator has n right to make any statement ho lees 01" To which Mr. Hi replel : "hic 'Ial ' no right to Put words lnto my mouth that I did not uler , " GROUND FOR ChARGING DS10 EST\ . 1tir Teller declared that Contnuing. Tellr declrel as a senator ho construed ( I to be his duty to protect - tect the reputation anti the interest or tl United States anti he declared ho would not ho frightened out ot hula policy of hulLIng the bond transaction hrfore the country In its true light. lie dpclarcll I was the most scandalous transactIon ho hal over known olnco hula entry Into public life , and said : "It 19 the first ( line In the 'Istory of thl adlln- Istration'n affairs the 11ec\e ! have had ground for charging alolute dIshonesty " lie said , howe\'er , that ho did not charge that thl Iresldent or the secretary of the treasury hail \oOed 11cclnlarly ; by the transaction. lie could not however , conceive what hal influence theIr cmree cxcjt en Un . chute desIre to acquire authority Cor gold booths. lie thought that probably ( lucy had iopctl ) to rrlghtcn ! congress , Mr. Toiler bitterly arraigned the Ilrlshlent for dealing wIth foreign h3nllers. The price pnhl rcr these honls showed the bankers had n pledge that they would ho paid In gold , and yet the lmlnlstrlton gave the banking Byndlclte 1 bonus or 1 per ccnt to take the bOluls. "Ther wi be 1 brealclr.g 10wn anti breaking tip or this condition , or things , " declared Mr. Teler , Impressively , "an(1 when that time comes silver will have its Innings. " Mr. Vlbs give notee that on Monday ho W0111 address the cenato on lie financial sltualon , The consideration of the agricultural bill vas then resumed , The committee amont , mont for ni inspection or hive cal { the meat of which , ( reals . salted , canned p3eked ete . Is to bo exported , was agreed to The ngrlculural bill was laid aside wIth- out final actIon . and ( the senate , nt 5:20 : , went Into executIve session , after which It ad- Jon rued. lRut.t'I'C os NIW Still'S. SI1"lt ' \I'Irolrlllol 11 Occuplcd the hiiy II Cite hlutiqo . WASHINGTON ! ( , Feb 1G-The house today concluded the general debate on hue naval appropriation bill , The Inerease or the navy authorized In the bill ( consIstng of three battle shIps and twelve torpedo boats ) , was supported hy Messrs. Adams ( rep. ) or Pennsylvania - sy1'anla , Mlltn ( rep ) or MaIne , Bartlett ( dem , ) of Now York , Coombs ( dom ) or New ' York , and Tnbott ( dem ) or Maryland , and was opposed by Mr. Washington ( dem ) of Tenncss The house agreed to the senate amendments - month for the sale of Isolated tracts of pub- Ic lands , reducing the minImum Prices for such lands from $20 to $1.25 par acre The twelve pensIon bills reported nt last nlght's session , were paosed as was also a bill to place Warren C. Beach on the retired list as a captain. The remainder or the day was devoted to eulogies on ( lie lIfe and char- actor oZ the hate Senator Colllultt or Geor- I gia.The : The senate amendments to the Joint resolu- ' ( ion suggesting arbitration for the settle- lon suggestng arhlraton sette- meat or the boundary lute dispute bctWCCl British h 'Guinea and Venezuela was agreed to. The pensIon bls favorably reported from the cilmlleo or lie ( whole at last nlghl's l s lon , twelve In number. IncludIng one to Increase the 11enslon oC Major General Julius H. Stnhl , hungarian nobleman , were passed , after which tina house went Into coin- mlUee or thc whole and resumed conslder- lon or the naval approprl.lon bills. Mr. 'Vashlugton , democrat or Tenneosee . argued that I was bad policy for the Amen- can republic to attempt to construct and maintaIn an Imlen3e n'\'al lqulpment , Mr. Adams , republican or Pem1tlvanla. reproached - preached Washington fan his aenthinents. theist from the He had never expecthl to hear theI lIps Qr a iran bearIng the name cf Washing- ton. H the Monroe doctrne : was to be nre- served , a navy was absolutely lsaental , t1r. Bartlett , democrat or New York , spa1t- log for the metropolis , allpelled to his demo. cratc colleagues not to abandon : the policy first advocated by ' .llam C. Whitney In 1885 when he was made secretary or the navy. After some rurther dEbate In favor or the bull , Mr. Tnlbot. In charge or the bill , closed with a general argument adduced In favor of the increase or the navy. Thin senate bIll was passed , grantIng two condemn cannon to the Iowa historical society at Des ' Moines. The senate amendments to the postomco appropriation . bills were disagreed te , and the bill sent to conrerence At 2 o'clook under a special order , further busIness of the house was suspended and the remaInder or the day was devoted to eulogies on the life and public services or the late Senator Colquitt or Georgia JUI.lJNU sllis I. un : 0111(5 . En Innd 111 l'r.ulco 'ako . the American I'lot ( 'rititert I . 11t.clmi's. WASHINGTON. Feb IG.-The British and French have taken alarm at the splendid per- fomacce or cur two t 81 tip e strew cruiser lie Columbia and the MlnneapoUs. For a long ( line this great departure In naval en- glnecrlng so successfully practiced by En- gtneer-tn-Chler Melville , was lolted upon with suspicion by foreign powers , and In- dccii there were many crItics In our own navy who predicted the failure of the vessels . but now all opposition seems to have dls31 pcaret ] , anti both Great Britain and France are about to pay us tie complIment or buit- Inl vets cIs or this typo and even endeavoring to Improve upon the originals. The BritIsh naval program ror this year Includes the construction - struction or four Improved Benhelms , the Blenhclm being a sister ship to the armored cruiser lihahie . which took part In our naval revIew In 189 The French naval authorities are ale about to build two "crolseurs cor- salre , " These are Intended aB answers to the AmerIcan "pirates " as vessels of the Columbia chaos have come to be known In spIte or the efforts of the Navy department to pre\'ent the names front stIcking. The French vessels are to hav/ trIple screws , to he of a displacement or from 8,500 to 8,800 tons with 2G.000-horse power , which . It Is estimated. will give them a speed of twenty- three knots , which Is about tIme maximum attained by the American commerce destroy- ers. The British vssels will be smaller than time French craft , about twenty-six feet shorter and with 1.000 less horse power and the calculated speed or twenty.two knots. flue BritIsh newspapers , however , arc call- tog attentIon to tim fact that this Is I knot less speed than the American vessels urgIng , that It bo Increasell , as the BrItsh craft cannot - i not afford to be outcoted even Ir the foreIgn vessels are owned by a power with whIch Great Britain 18 never likely to be at war. I COattIlTIEh A . I1'1Ci ( DaOI l\'nON. " 'himit Funds 11101(111 to l'lcllo honda Are Nnw Iii Iho Trrllury. I WASHINGTON , I eb , lG.-Mr. Camlnet of California today IntroducCI a resolution In I time house calling upon the secretary of the treasury , the attorney general and thin commissioner - missioner of railways for the folowlnt ; In- formaton respecting PaclOc railways : First. 'fho amount now doposllll In the Unlcl Slates treasury hy various bond nitleii railroads , with the ICCUlullUon ap- plclble to the redemption of outstanltng 1onts Illpl' lie 'fhnrman act. 8eonl. The amount now 11 the respectIve - 1'u funds oC sai'l cOIInl s allpUcalJ / ) to the payment oC unit anti second mortgages tlsle < 1 by saId companleim . ! ! Third . The Ilount due now from the 1nll,1 State's to eachu or said tollulnlcl 11\1 etc. for the Ilnsportntun \ of snaIls . troops etc.Fourth. , The amount of time unit anti aeo- omid rortJa e bontha IlsIwII by saId coin- ont < fall 001' panlo ha'nhlo In the years Ib'5 1\1 Ib' , wlh the date on whIch each Installment wait made Pn'ahhe. ) Fifth , 1rom wlmt fUI } was the first In- stnhlinent . tutu Jlnuary 1. 1$5. on hon,11 I- suet hy the Central I'stciihc railroad , paid 1y the United States TrUltl . In thu Churns WASHINGTON , Feb. 1G-Mc. Satol has been notified that a committee wIll v'it blm ( rent Chicago ncerlng serious dlWcultes In time affaIrs of St. Hedwig's cburch. The represntalons are that the ( actions are so biter that bloodshed may occur unless a ( he. te- cuba Is son reached. Time archbIshop has closed the church ami A facton ! hiss appealed to tha ely council , Time women of the church appear to be very promInent In the connlct. The committee has not yet pre seated Its statement to Mgi' Batohhl . I'rllt ; li'l. I iia I I (0 1 I t.sloii. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Fob . 16.-Special ( Ttlegram.-I"clton ) M. l'rlnk was today commissioned postmaster at hanson , tcb. APPRO > IUA TES SIX nLLlNS Last of the Monaural for Running the Gov- erment Completed in Oommittee . GENERAL OEFCIEtCY - BILL . RtPORTO ( Together , , lh Whnt lisa lrrnly Ictl l'ulel Upon I ho Tolnl Hclclclc ) . \ tllro' Ilrlnllnul fur the Seslolmoult to eurly Nine Millions . WASHINGTON ! , I eb. 16.-Ths house com- mltle on pensions today reported , the gen- lrat deficIency bill , the last regular nppro- prlaton bill of this congress. The huh ap- pro\rlates ' 6181 or which the prlnclllal appropriations ' are ns follows : Tieastiry .lepnrtment . . . . . . . . . . . . . I iiO,1i3 5'ar lllllrlment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29rO Navy .lei'rtment. . " . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1QI,2S3 tepnrllenl t o [ Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , Gt.130 Po.tolce ' Ju.tce. . . . . . . . . . . . 1S2,1' ( \ ' telNlttmpnl 0(11cC ( . . . . . . . . . . 400,40) Uo'crrenIlrlntno ole. Juigmnnt , of the court or . chaltits. . . . . . 7lG.on ' Jolomrnl .lhlt , < claIms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3TQG In addition to tht sum recommended In this bill . appropriations have been made lurIng ( the present session or cpngrcss to sup- ply deficiencies In appropriations for time sup- portof the gD\ernment during the current and hither fiscal years , as follows : Iee. 21 , hSSt I , Printing..I 100.0 lIce. 21. 1S91 $ , eleventh e-nsos , . ' .Ie. . . . . 40.0 .Ian :5 , 19 : , uent t'ncene ) . . . . . . ISGI.UI The total amount or defciency npproprla- tons for this season Is . thererore $ $8,882,89 The recommendaton or Secretary Gresham for an allproprlaton or $125,000 for the valmont ' - lent or nIl claims by Great Britain growing out of the seizure of fur selngessel In Berln 1 sea was called up In the commitee for the first lme , and ( lie members declined to ( rccmmehl any acton upon It because they had not been able to look Into lie mat- ten sulclent ) . to take acton upon It liii- mediately. Mr. BreeklnrllJe was authorized to offer an amcndment In the house for the payment or these claIms without any recom- menlaton of the commIttee far or against it . and the membcrs reserved l the right to vote ns they may sea fit upon the queston , No acton was taken by hue ( till committee upon the subcommIttee's recommendaton that $200,000 be approprIated for a government exhibit at the Tennesse exposition or 189G , but the Item will be taken UP In commlteo Monday , atmd I npproved will be embodied In a separate bill. Under the Department of State Is a clause " ( hint hun disburmemuemits made to members and attaches or the Bering sea tribunal or arbitration at Paris by Major E. W lhlford anti John W. Foster . disbursing olcrs of saId ccmmlsson ! under the authority and with the approval of the secretary of state cut or moneys heretofore appropriated shall be allowed by the comptroller or the lreas- ury " which seles a controversy between the department and the accountng officer of the treasur ) ' . For the cemmerc\al \ bureau 'of American republics thee Is an Item ef $8,000 ; for the enforcemmt or the ( Chinese exclusion act , $5,000. The followIng ruins are pro\lle for cm- pletnr Public buldlns already under way : Fort I DOge , 11. . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.OJ Paris. 1ln. . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 ) Itichnmomiti , K ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 5111nll.II Ichmoll , Mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,00 For coleclng the Internal revemlP. Inc1U1- hog expenses under the oleomargarine act . and for the Inpecl'n ' or tobacco exported , i5OOO Is allotted and for the customs service $600,000. The office of the eleventh census , I Is provided , shal bt abolshld cn March 4 , 1895. and the terms or alt employes cease \th time exception or a force necesary to complete the work under dlrecfon of the secretary or the Interior. The deficiency ap- prcpratons : for the courts are made each year. The principal lem'5 tl thIs bill are : 19 , 1554. Marshals' fees. . . . . . . . . . . . $ i S : m i urshal'8 xpenscs. . . . . . . . . . HO.OOO . . . . Fee of jtui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l .O . . : . . I'"res of.wItnssc'S. . . . . . . . . . . . i56.000 . 7.,01 ituport cC risoners. . . . . . . . . M.O\J 6OO prisners. \ IU ! ulIorl 1"lf 0 [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,0) . . . . . 'Fees or 'lslrlct court atthtneys. . 1J.OH ) 54,000 'FecI Fets of cIerk . _ .r . . . . latbrners. . . . . . . . . . 1:0.0 : . 54,00 . . . Fees . or commissioners. . . . . . . . 187,204 40,151 The fees for marshals In 1893 amounted to only $28,159. The principal item under the POtomc de- parlnlnt Is $935,000 . for interest and mal transportation by railroad routes , exclusIve or the Pacific railroads. TO SUI\JY ) FlAC'110N\L - TOWNSnJP5. - InterIor Department tlsfem'a . 11. to Sur veyor General luJht8 of South DI\kota. WAShINGTON Feb lG.-Speclal ( Tcll- gram.-Tho ) secretary or the InterIor has transferred to time surveyor general or the state of South Dakota all applications for the contract for surveying the fractional town- ships between Nebraska and South Dakota for recommendation as to the award. recommendaton A surveyor the Fort Randall mltar ) ' reservation In South Dakota Is to be made and as Nebraska has no surveyor general , It has been deemed wIse by the Interior depart- ment to place In the hands or lon , Richard D. Hughes , South Daleota's surveyor general the duty of awardIng the contract for the survey of the Nebraska fractional townships . whIch are situated on the boundary lIne be ( steen ito two states and adjacent to the Fort Randall reservation . I Is expected that ( the recommendations or Surveyor Gen- lral Hughe stIll bo Hcelved at tIme depart- ment In 1 short tIme. For rear that the contract for thE survey of the fractional town- ships should be awarded to the ( same bidder , who gets the work for the reservation the Nebraska delegation today wIred to Surveyor General Hughes at Huron . reeommendlnr the award to Gumaer and Harvey of St. Paul , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ - Tlm.\SUJY CmTlll TI S. TnckCt on a8 aim ; mludmcnt to lie Sundry- ( " ' 1 Appropriation 111. \'ASiiINGTON , I eb. lG.-The subcommlt- tee or the senate committee . which has charge of tIme sundry civi appropriation bill , con- eluded Is labors hate today amid sent the bill to the puhlc printer In order to have It ready for the full committee , whIch will met Mon- day The bill , as I will go to the full com- milce , wi contain an amendment providing fOr the Issuance of tune certificates or In- debtellnl1 to lie amount of $100,000,000 , to draw 3 per cent Interest and to run for three years , I Is distInctly understood that these are to bo use only for the purpose of mect- hog time treasury deficit and are not to be of a character to bo used as bank reserves . There Is some difference of opInion In the full committee as to whether the ful commilee whltler secretary or the has treasury sufficiently Indlctc that the certificates are leecld , but there Is " 'cr lIttle doubt the full commilee will accept the recommendaton of tIme suhcoimimnitee . I Is belIeved the full commitee will dIspose of lie bill at one sitting . Tn Ui1lTI0tTB 'L'llhi bl , \r.s. OIlier Countries to 10 Ilvlod to 1"11 < Out " hint Cnl ito UOII. WAShINGTON , Feb , lG.-lmportant ( ac- ton Ullon the seal fsheries of the cUring sea . was taken tOday by time house commi- too on ways and mea lS. I was agreed to authorize the pesIdent to Invite the govern- monts or Great Briain , Russia and Japan to unIte with the United Stales ( II seldlng a Joint commission to investigate the seal fisheries of the North PacIfic and Bering sems The president still bo authorIzed ( to arrange a modus vl\endl wIth these powers for the protection or the seals , until the report of the commissIon has been mnde and acted upon . UJOI. Time secretary or the treasury wi he em- powered to take steps to kIll the seals under the terms of the DIngley bill In case these nations reuse to JoIn wRit the United States In an investigation. lulored NUlcuur hurllr.l Hatolti . WAShINGTON . Feb. I6.-Mgr. Sat01 was much surprised to lunar from Rome that ho i would become nuncio at Lisbon prIor to I elovaton to the cardlnalate. There Is no lnfor- I unatlon at the dalegate's residence concern- I lug the reported move , and It Is regarded as general speculation. I Is saId there Is no vacancy In the nuncio lIsts , and no proba- biiy or I change there within the resent I year. Should the present nuncio bo elevated ' to the cardinalate , It would not occur beforetime ' the net papal consistory , and thin conrerr- Ing of ( lie red lat would b3 at the subsequent consistory many months ahead. TherUI no. . Information tia\ the nlnclo will b thus ele- \te < I , hit ' l/ should , It Is apparent that ho would . ' rjtaIr5 ' ' ' his Ilresent posllon for sometime . ' " 'I WII'U - - ttunOI - th' CIN'tNTI0N , Jnrjf n'l\"fr. " . \llrt ! l folvercd It 1 ( "tcrtll ) " " / e'ssion . ' WASm iTqN , Feb. I 1G-Tho greater portion of , mTq session of Iho ( convention - tion or WiiiLellbboner3 consumed In ton oI was consumld n discussion .M , 10 what the special needs of the WomaI1' , ChrlsUnl Temperance minion In tIme national . capItal and bow these needs may be mne . , I I Mrs. Sarlh nI.a ; Petra or this ely oplnc the remarks vim the subject nl1 was followed by Miss Wehghman district corresponding secretary ; Mrs. Jar Iaslup of Maryland ; Mrs lInker , naHonal ! eanlrer or the Women's Christian Temperance union ; Jrs , Clara C. Herman or Mitsourl . and others. The discussion was folowll by a de\otonl service conducted by Mrs. J. Plwler Willing . naUonal c\'a .relht. After a noontdo prayer nt 12 o'clock adjournment was taken to 2 o'clock this afternoon . Time afternoon session was presldld over by Irs. L. 1. N. Stevens and a number or In- terlstnl sieaches svei'o delivered. Irs. Frances l nsl/ , the national orJnl : lr , toll about young womeum's work In the 'omen's Christian Temnperance union , and Miss ShmaTer ( . from the Carlisle Illan cImool . spoke or work aimioumg the Indian girls there . The work oC the l.yal Temperance Legion was spoken or by Miss Anna A , Gordon anti Miss mien A. Blair. Athre3ses store delivered by Miss Belle Kearney or Mississippi . Miss Elizabeth N Yates ,1earttlnt , lecturer ; HepresentaU\e gljah Morse nnd ex-Hclire- slntat\.o J , T. Ta'lor. 'ho ses.lon closed with an adllrlss by Miss Julia I. a\cns or Ciilcago Dress . on "PhysIcl Culture and Artistic Only I fair attendance marllCl the closing session or the day at the Metrolloltan church , Mrs. Car C. Holman delIvered sum address on the lebUon or the Womcn's Christian Temperllee mutton to time church , as also did Mrs. Catherine Stevemms. The former Ilro- dueel great enthusiasm hy reading n tele- ( ( corresnomitilnuc secretary of gram roam the corresnomlng lime Women's ChrIstian "Temp 'ance uimoa : of Mlssonrl , stating that the house ant senate committee or the legislature or that state had rlportell ( II woman'8 suffrage bill . Mrs. Elzabeth Yates spolle of woman In pollcs , TIme relation or the 'omen's Cnrlstl Tem- eranCD unIon to the home was dlscussell by Hon , helen M. Baker anti Dr. Heagh John- Eon , lmastor or the Metropolitan church , do- livened tlio closing addrcsa. 1\'ercd allrcsl. ' , rnl\SH' S"SATIHb AIU IUJaY 1tnndeunn Inl und . \I"1 n.'Knlutlnn. OtTer l'otlthons , hIlls WAShINGTON , Feb. lG.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Senator ) 1anderson today presented a petition signed by President G. A. Chris- tophel' and other officers of Cigarmaker's union No. 9 or Omaha , praying for Ito enactment - actment ot a law for protecton of AmerIcan scaimien . Senator llanderson today Introduced a bi to remove the charge or desertion now stand- lag against the military record ot " ' . 1 lam McCormick or Tekamah , Burt coumity . and dIrecting tht"secretary or war to grant him an honorable dlscIirgo from No\ember. 1861. Senator Ale tbay offered an amendment to the slnlr civil bIll , appropriating $25,000 for gauging ' the streams and determining , the water sUpply or the United States , In- I clndlnl an Investgaton or undergrouUl cur- rents and artesian wells In arId and seml- arid sections . . : 'W ' for the , " ' nay. WASHINctro , Feb. 1G.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-FIrsi Lieutenant Brad P. Schienle Ninth infantry , Is granted leave for fifteen da's. Second LIestenont George T. T.anghore Is transferred from I troop H 1 to troop I. . and Second Licimemmant Andrew E.'iliiamns . Secol1 Lcutenaht F Wllnm ! Croon L , to trnOn 1 'hlr,1 .tva1rv. Seconl1LI l"ien " nCnj ( inl ln'L , Duls" ( Twenty-frst' Infnlry , still report for' dimly wih commdhdln . general Department uf the commlhdln/ / The followIng transfer In the Seventh Infantry - fantry are 'nl ! Captain Constant " ' 1- , hams . cOlp'l " D to company I ; Captain Edward E. Hardtn , company I to company - pany D. Tie following transfers In the Twentv- third infantry are made : Captain Calvin I ) . Cowles , company G to company N ; Captain EdwIn B. Dalton , company K to eOn1pan G ; Second Lieutenant Charles B. Hngadorn , company H to company I : Lieutenant Henry G. Cole , company 1 to company H. T IUII ( ontractl Settled WASHINGTON , Feb. 1G-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-The secretary of the Interior today rendered decisions In the folowing land contests , on uppel ! from decision of the commllsloncrs of the general hand office : Nebraska-Ericic J. Flood against Oscar n. Dowmnn , Nelgh dIstrict , decision aml'med and contest dlsmlsld ; Herbert Balter n"alnst Charles H. Combs , Grnl 1llnl1 , dIstrict teclrlon afrmed amid land awardPI to Combs. South Dnlcota-Wlhilaumm 11. Slinsu against Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Halway company , Chamberlain district , case remanded to local officers for actlomi . In accorllance with prcsldent's ploclama- thou . declaring lands on line of this rail- stay forfeited , for non-complIance with terms oC net or 1891 , and patent to issue to Sims. _ _ _ _ Hilt \'n I I 1 'iotign the l'ottton. $ WAShINGTON , Pith 1G.-Senator Gray Is engaged In circulating In the senate n rec- ommendaton to the president that Senator Hansom ot North Carolina be appointed minIster - Ister to Mexico to succeed Hon I. P. Gray. lie has so fur presented It only to the demo- critta. All of those to whom It has been shown have signed It except Senator 11111 . and ho has asked ) 'to be excused on the ground not or opposition to Iur. Hansom , but because he says he 18 not making reo ommendaUons to the presldenl. Many of the republicans have expressed a desire to republcans sign the document amid It will be presented when the demccrtc members shal ha\'c been canvassed - on1pbcdiy. - Thnl.lnn ( :01811"t : wih ( ' shinto. WASHINGTON , Feb. lG-Mr. Th\rston , time Hawaiian minister , had a long Interview with Secretary Gresham ted ! ) I Is surmised - mised that he wa" consultng the secretary relatve to the applIcation ludo by Unite Stul 3 MinIster WIllIs to the Iawalan ! ov- erment for a stay or sentence and copies or the records or the miiary commlsston In thc cases of Gnlclt and other alleged AmerIcan citzens who wera lentenceJ to death for pr- tclpatng In the rebelon , ' Jr"t1 UIOI , Chit. " " " 01.,1 , t 1.luls liii' . WASHINGTON , l eh. 16.-The senate and , house conference on the bill rOI' the cxam- Inaton and cuasltapton oC unmoral Ian ( In In the states of Montana and Idaho have reached In ugrlement , plctclly on Ow basis of the bIll 11 It paalell ' lie Renate. 'rho huh wal T'porte.1 . to the senate today , amendments accepted , timid the bill pascul. , I II * un.lorstoJ'L ' tUllt I like action still he taken In thQ 'luse on Alontlay ! Jho hi has been befnt - congress for the vast ) four cars. bef.r' ( . _ " I ' ' ' tnii.rs ' ' t hthimtCd. , ' WJtSIIINGTON Il eb. W.-Special ( Telo- ! ram.-I'ostmaslen ) were ullolntO1 today as follows : Nesnisalca-Amsigo \ , Richardson count , JllUBIJI > } . , vice e. I Schaerrcr , resgned ! , IowaUllklton , Dubuque county , Nlcholnl I"crrln . . vlco Michael l"t'rrimg , . dcnd ; Lean Uipgld ' county , M , L. I'rrlnJ. , , vice D , C. M'llt're. realJncll ; Olympus , Harrison couihty ' 'ohn Htronsben ; , vice W. I. MorroW .resigned To i''u 'IINHt' ' 'It'I' ' : ' ' . U"lrnli r.1111s , W ASING'f ffcb. ; 10.-Mr. Camlnctl oC California 1\\rBqucell \ \ n resolutIon toulmty calling upon Hi f'etary of the ( interior to suspend lelOQllpolJ all 1 lectons fled hy land grant ralipo , , lf for lands In CalIfornia uuitIl rall1 1S9 . unless legIslatIon providing - viding f'r thme5itim1natlon of minerai IUIUl8 wihin the IIU ! ef'iualtl selectIons shal bo enacted Ilre"lou t that date 'Irivj'eiislen Elutiiiliiors . WAShINGTON , Inch , 15.-Rpeclal ( Tele- gramn.-Timo followIng examining surgeons for time Ionsloh bureau were appointed to- day : Nebraska-Ur. J , II. Kcncstrlck anti BUlor Cooper , leaw'r City : Dr. A. I. Muller Trenton ; Dr. D. 10swel , Imperial ; Ur. I ! hllp Motz , Columbus Iowa-Dr. William Costello , Aauquol.etl. E.Chlrf ( a.rlc $ nf Mitts UII"1rlltlt : ne"l. WAShINGTON , I eh. 16.-Hevclhon A. Brown , for many years chief cleric ot the State department ant wel Imown to publu men and to dIplomatIc representatives . tlell here thIs utornoon of pneumonia. lie haul been In limo real estate business for several years Illt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ui pee Ia I Ull. I I , . . . 'Ic , i I I . rut ny . 5 l'I'lluled. ' I WASIIlGTON , Feb. IG.-The attorney General has oppolntet J. E. Carland of Sioux Falls , H. 1) . , a special assistant UnIted States atorey tar the distrIct of South Dakuta now TAYLOR'S ' MONEY WENT \ Soverl Thousand of it Sunk in Orpplo Oroek ProperLy CIRLEY \ M COY GIVtS TST.M . ThY Icll NI to Tel J\IthtlJ of l'nrUculnr In' tetest Uttoro the In'cl/ItIJ Ctm- , lull.O fur I"olr tt 1111111 , Ills 'Ctlont'A" CI O , PlflilltR , S. D. . Feb. I lG.-Speclnl ( Tele. gramn.-Cliarhey ) McCoy , about whom so much has been said lately In connlc\on wlh time . Taylor tefalcaUon , has returned to time elt ) . nnll today ho implicated before lie investigating - gating conl1lleo , The commlteo oxam- Incd him closely about Tnylor's hl\'lst1enl In Cripple Creek and lellld that tIme ex- treasurer hail three lots there nml ( Ito builul' logs worth from $20 to 4000. McCoy fIrst knew that Taylor was short late In No- vemher , whe Taylor came tn him anti said that he was hwlng 1 s'ery har(1 ( hum to atraighmten up his affairs. lie was con\'llced lint Taylor did overythllg ho coull to 1Ike a Uement , but could mint get enough cosh. lie easy him last In Chlcalo Jnnuarr 2 , when McCoy Ie ! for this state. lie wns asked several other qumestlonut . host reused to Inswer 01 the grould that ho would Prejudice lie Interesls or his clent When asked who his cllnt was he near ! Imucke(1 the commiteD off their chairs hr saying ' "Ta'lor " Asked ) Ir he store 11 nt- torney ho replet ' 'Yes . " ant slated that he had beel lmltell to time bar May G , ISS ? . lie also stated hint on ( hue W edneslar before Christmas ho lund slatCI to Senator Pcttgrew that Taylor was l\vlll n despernte lmo In settling. PIWIBTI G Plmm I.'IGITING , In the house , 1)owiiehl's bill prohlhltnr Irlzo flhthlJ ami Imposing a Ilenaly or ton years In tIme penlteltary for the lmrimm- clpals alt rrom $100 to $ :00 for accessorIes amid oumo limmprlsonimmrumt , for anl ole year hnprisoll'nt canoe up Ilassage. The cOllltoo rClortel1 In favor of cutting down the penalties to practcaly 10thlnl. but Dowdel rnde a stiff fight on thin floor and carrIed the bill by nn o\'er. whelming mmmajonity. A long petlol was Ilresentel front Sioux 1 Falls protesting against time dl\orco bill. ' Time bill fxing salarIes or officers In first- I class cities passed , The bill nbolshlnl the : boards of trustees of ( ducatonal Insltu- ' lens was killed , Time bill setting nsile ; 40,000 acres or lantl for lie proposed Hell- ' field Insane asylum passed as dil the bill asllnl congreSs to allow settlers 01 the Yantton ] reservaton to provo up under the homestead law. The railroad commitee held a meeting this e\'ellnl to determine an acton on ( lie I big rlroal bill which has been pomlng sInce tIme openIng of the session anti which has heel the cause of the great fight be- twecn the roads al1 the Sioux Falls Jobbers. The commUtee decided to report , recommending - mending that the bi bo referred to lie ju- < lclary commlteo to determine several cOn- sttntonnl poInts In case this does IOt 1"1 the measure they wIll probably report ( list the bIll do not pass. I Is estimated that It cannot IYSS the house. WYOMIU l.gUISI.\TUE : AIOUl . , \hout Two lullrl',1oaRurcf , SubmItted 10 ' , . the Uo\'rrnor. ChEYENNE . Fcb. 1G.-Speciah ( Telegram ) -The se3slon or the third state legIslature ot Wyoming expired by constitutional lmita- ton at midnight. At time hour or adjourn- ment over 200 acts , some or them of vital importation to tlo people of ' \'omlng. had been del\crel to the go\eror. and about one-half of them have been approved alread ' . " , . , , , , , - . , , . . , . I. , , . .nn' bOln . appro\ed ' . ' T' ) . . , u bU' , a "u , , n n < n. 4 " UUbWC . . , u. It ID the judgment or every one that this leglla- turo has aceomplhhed more practical results than any or Its successors. LegIslaton has been . enacted reducing general expenses or tile stnto'government , for ' ( lie next two years nearly $25.000 This has ben done without crlppllg any instItution , but . on time other hand , appropriations have been made to carryon the work or constructIng ! the several charItable and penal instItutIons now In course or erection . loAth ( ) ' , SI N\'nU\ bTUVUGJ.I Fith 'eok of Balloting : Closed with I'rac- tk'ally 11 tl. Chango. BOISE , Idaho , Feb. lG-Speclal ( Tele grano.-Today closes than fIfth week of bal- lotng by the Idaho legislature for senator Shoup for re-election , received twenty votes , and Congressn Swect nlncteen. Shoup's vote represents all dark horses and Includes two democrats A combInaton has been formed to break down the sold nlnteen. Sweet's n'neteen Is composed of repnblcns who have voted for hIm from time first balot , 'he contest Is now a deadlock , the populsts haulIng the key to the sItuation. I ts not believed ( lie seat In the senate will be left vc3nt. There Is no bItterness between the r publcan faction . VIe Dlrbower , formerly or Nebraska , \ a state smator , and wcrklnl for Shoup. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'ro Invo.tlnto 1lullclla' Carruptuon. SACRAMENTO , Cab . . Feb. 1G.-'ho assembly - sembly Judiciary commitee today reported 1 substtuto for tIme attorney general's bill providing for a drag net Investigation oC alleged municipal corruptIon tn San Framicisco. The substitute measure pro- vlipa for 1 committee of three , one member to ho appointed by the governor and one each by the president ot the sonnte and the speaker of the nSemll ) ' . The com- mitee Is authorized to sit not longer than until the convenll of tIme next leJlala- ( tire , and hns Ilower to aend for persons and papers and take testimony. No Srnalorlli ( 'holrn 11 Iclawarl. DOVER , Del . Fob , 1G.-Two ballots were taken In the 'Unled States senatorial fight today ( , resulting us folows : higgIns , ro- pulJlcln , 7 ; Aduhiclts rplblcan. 4 ; Massey , republican , 4 : 'alcott , Itemocrt , 1 ; Con- /ressnln / John \ , ( 'utusey , 4. /rlltnrhtl 11101 In Ur" ol. SALEM , Ore " Feb lG.-The senltorlal ballot today stood : 1011h. 35 ; hare . 10 : Haley , 6' 'Ycatherford , I ; " 'llams , 21 I ; absent , 1. . llrUonHhl . hiiry t"ulr(1 tntrc. . ' . SAN FRANCISCO , Fib , 1a.-'rho jurors In the case oC H. I. McDonll , Qn trial for perjury In tonnecton with a atule- uncut slged hy him ns vIce IJreahlent oC th collapsed Parilo hunk , reported to the court today that ( they were unable to agree Ultout a verdict , Thuo3' stood seven for con- vlm'tIon auiuh five for ncqtilttah , multI isero dlschiargeii iuy Judge MUrmhmy , It is slmutoth thmat thin chiisi'go upon wimtchm time trial was basesi devebohiel ttme iutnimngomst es'idence ugmtinst thai tlcfeiidant In Limo poseuilomt of the orosecutlomi , It iii mmot generally h'e. lieved Mchoumabul still iso convIcted uuous surly cimargo in coumnoction with ( lie .i'aciile bauilt , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'nlcroc ! 7. i ) tilti lnteniaiim , The rutockhuohdors soil employcs 01' ( lie l'okrohc 'Zapa lu gave ii. private entertain- snout inst night itt National ball , for tIme enjoyment of their ( ailolilea uluid irnnmedlato friends. A muslenl jmrogrnun of lets nuin- ( 'era wait itrranteul for the occasion , nimil wait rcntit'reil hi > ' time ( ohhowiimg peritomis : Messrs. Muc'lher , Ihrazmla , Chvla , Bvohioiha , ietovskv aimui time l'okrolc.mtpadui Royal band. Tue mmltmuulcimi prograun ivan fohloweil tmv a dauice , Time cononmittee hissing cbiutrgtu of time entertutilmment coinprlsel L. B. lon- grea , It. V , Mlehmicoviuky mmd it , 'iV. limirtos , Nosy 1'vhdricn 4trflips't ; ( lit , Strnmgier. , IEN\'Illt , ( 'ohm. 16.-Itichiard 1)omnatly , the Frenchmmail cimurgeul s Ith thin murder of Louis Tapper , hits mistress , ss'iio was atramigieit to death last October , items re- airesteii today. homiuly was inthicteil by limo grand jury sonic hunt' ago , butt uvaus released on S3OJ ) boiitiui , It ii said now evidonee hiatt bceui fotinii ngutlnuut him. 'I ho stranglIng of l.emma ' 1'apmcr svga the first of time three murders cotimmitted by that innaitie on Market street , svhlchm onuluseil srcttt excItement In time half-wend or Deli- von , _ p- ltniorcd itiilmgrhiitcniIerit ainrlmie. BOSTON , Feb. lO.-Ahtmert 1' . Marble , su- Porlfltcflmietit of 8chmooba at Omnumhua , Nob. , was today elected aim honorary member of time Massaehmusotts ilchiool macterms' club , tiupenlmmteumtlcn ( Marble was for twenty-live years ( lie head of the schools at Worcester , Mass. iihovriileiit $ of Scuigi , lie % 'cssels , l'b. I It. At Now -i\rnl'eti-iiOstOn City , from Bristol , via. Hwauuaea ; 'l'rmnltlad , ( romum 11cr. ilmxla. Lls'erpool-Arrlved-Adriatlc , ( morn Ntw _ - , from hlustomu , - . - , - 1VES AGAINST SCHAEFFEI , Masters of the Cum.mCcrtrdn to I'lay In Omusliuu 'I iinrsslmmy. All ( ho local hos'ers of time gentleman's game are countIng 00 a rare treat on next Tbmtireday evenhmig , svhmen Frank Ives , the chfllflfllofl of Llmtv worhul , amid Jake llcbmnaffer , ( ho ox'chimtniplomi , meet tim a mnatehu gaimme of lnlk line bllhimsriiss 1cm tIme hinit nh.ove Lentz'Ibhlntns' popular eunhooui , illS Pitt- nam street , 'fhe report was etirrent on the street yesterday that Napoleon I'es 55'flS bylumg slmmuigerously sick at I iot iipnlimgs immid that mm game ss'oumhuh ho Illayeth hmere 'i'hurstlay , but Inst evening tIme iltumnutisiek. linhkeCohlentlt'ucoimihiutimy or thil cIty me- ct'lveul time following telegram , which vtits all .iomibt . nit time' ipuestlon nt rest : 'CiIICAGO , Ill. , l"eh , . F-'ro time Imrmir.s. svlclc-iinlko-rollt'uither C'oimipamiy , Omaha : l'es nOit Scimmuefl'cr lilayei aim exhibition 1mm SI , Louis Inst imtghmt. 't'otm s'Ill tmiuultmubt- Cill ) ' rico thmeimi in Ononhmmt alive auth out ( into. " This cffectmmnhly quiets all fenres , amid tIme tsso great iilihinm'tlimuts stIll ce.ituitmmhl' lie lucre on ( limit ? . 'Fite match , no t'xiilbitioum , lout for island all time saint' , Is 500 huolults tilt , four- tccim.Iumch balk Ilime. LeimtzS'llhinuniu have misdo ehaliorntlweunrntloms ; : unit it large ci'osvd is expected to be tim itttuititl- unce , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lt.tVTIlOltll . % 'le4 TIlE ilANhI1'AI' , tOurney SniirIrher's ( lid Skate l'sdhi OF ? a iiOOt ) t'turso at tIny htstnii't , SAN FItANCISCO , Feb. i6.-'l'hie Burns hmmsmmulicup , tithe nail a quarter , ssmus mint off ( oilily , nimul liarnoy Scimiieber's alit horse , hlmisvtliorimt' , bmumitittl tIme ? S,00t ) hri'l.C. Time race ss'as outhy interestIng emi utecotumut of time big mumomicy hmuimg miii , ( or lhmtsvthmorimo bmtt tie trouihie sviiuiiliig. lie wits it hmemtvlly hoackcsl favorIte , Suinmimarles : First race , about six filtiomigs , sehhiumg : hell lUnget' , 103 , itergeim (7 ( to 1) ) , womm ; l'ilimce , 100 , llehiinlchms ( u to 1) ) , seconui ; .uImonietmm , 00 , Cochran (3 to I ) , tlmlith. 'i'ltmie : I :21. : You- gusdu.'ne , Cumireimcy , l.itthuo Totughm uuimtl Stettl- : fust smIte maim , b'ecomuml iaee , five fsmnbeimgs , seihlmmg : Coumulee , 103 , Carr ( S to 5) ) , ssoum : Graimdoc , 100. ( rliiln ( :1 : to 11 , secommd ; Johmnii } ' l'ayne , 03 , Coeimramm ( S to 1) ) , thIrst. Time : 1:00. : Roblii hood I ansI Shigo ulso maim , 'l'hiirl rim on. n bout ci x fuirloumgs , hmmimi tllc'a p Robin Boost ii , 01. Griillmt (3 ( to I ) , svoim CIrce , :12 : , Cocuuran (13 ( to 5) ) , seon.t ; Itenhiza- ii , , , , 1(17 1lv , , , , t7 in ii , , , 'ru , , , . t .ic l."ernler , Cimmtm'lems A usmiti Otusude ttl ran. Fourth risen , hums imatm'licnhi , nub ntmti n qtiaiter : Ilnwthiorume , 118. Ciirr (3 to 1) ) . ss'omi ; l.ovcilaic , ill , Grhuhuim (8 ( to 1) ) , seconuh ; 'l'hinrn- huh , ii. ' , Ilemgcmt ( S to 1) ) , timlnh , 'I'hiime : 2.17. tilleliul , Chmnimnion. Artictiui , Malor McLauihm. Ilim , .hini FloOd , MmirI' S anti San 1.uis Itey also ran. FIfth race , iuteeplccbiase , nsibe amid a hmmtlf : Tyro , 130Vlthmers (3 ( to 1) ) , svoui ; Eli icenuhig , 130 , lilalcoly (5 to 1) ) . secoumtl ; 'l'emnpiemmiortu , 155 , Ilnrrlms (3 ( to 1) ) timlrd. 'Finite : 8:2.S. : Mcmi. docimmo. Memutor , Voodford , Morn anti April also ran. Sixth race , about sIx funhonga , si'iihnr Ilyimman , 107 , lt'Omti (3 ( to 1) ) , % vomi Arne , Ci. Butler (5 ( to 1) ) , m.ecommd.miragasmu ; , 103 , hilt (10 to 1) ) , thmtrul , 'Flute : 1:2uJiA. : . Fly. Mtmtimtecr , St. Jacobs , Nicariuguma mumul 1tesnrs'e also rail. I' S 0)01 ii I I on l'mo S Ii iii : . Yesterday svas a giorbmms afternoon for amusoclatiomi foot hall , Thieue was a good ttmrmi out of time Y. M. C. A. Foot Bail climb for vractice out time conumer of Elghmteenthm unit Farnaimi stremts. The mcmi hummed up as toIlets's : East PositIon \Vest l'ickeu'lng. . . . . . . . . . . . Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nemmmo' limuglis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lincici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111101 Camneromi. . . . . . . . hIrthf backs . , . . , , Itelulltoger b'mnlthmson 1'ai'1er .lCsSOl ) . . . . . . . . . . . ltiglmt wIng . . . . . . . . .Crk'lu'lt Ihtmi'dlck. . . . . . . . . . . . Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ltilllii l'urshotne. . . . . . . . Left wing . . . . . . . . . . . h Iavei Davey. MeDoumakl They played halt na hour each way , nOul at ( hue end of ( lame no goals beimmg 4cmlrr'd they arraumgeul to vIal fifteen imilimutes lommger each way , auth time extomai'rm : Ui' tlirmc favored time westerners by one goal to iitthm- 1mw ; ( limit goal svas klcketh by Criehiet ( . 'l'imh , stan the most mmuccesssfmmi practice ( hunt liar been held hmy thiose svhio are Inereateti 1mm associatloum foot ball. For thin tslnners , iteddinger , Pamicer , Mc- Iomiaid and Crichmett iilal'ed very velh , For thme Icaci's. I'icleerlmmg , In goal , noted very cleverly ; itayles lint up a strong defeime , Jessop anti Davey swore time pick of ( lie for- vmiu'd PlitYOrs , antI Iturdlek lea'etl huimmiiueif tohe tIme lndefatlguable star of tue eastern side. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Griffiui l'ratses hiitgg4' Farni , Thomas Griilln , wimo has ieasetl Union I'ark , , Council Bluffs , for a rueries of yemurs , paid Clinton IL .Hm'lgga' Aismito tutochc farm v'est of time cIty a visIt yesterday after- l100Tm. Mr. Grliiin , svhio Is one of ( Ito beet known htgt hmtmnc'ss men In the coumitry , Swiss lawlaim Itt imls encorniuius for Ihnlggs' model place. Ii speakimog of hmls visit yes- terthay Mr. Griffin saul : " 1 regard lilt. Itrigga' place as one of time finest an,1 best appointed etochc ( arms Iii time ivhoho courn- try-nothIng soemmos to lie wanting. I have seen all thin famous Kemmtsmehcy and Call- forula places , but I mtmst say ( lust Mr. lorlggs' farm ramiks 'way up by conipmsrlson , Time arrangements are alt lhrst'charus , slid hIs alto ( or a goomi track Is uacxcelled. I do not imcsttatc to say , also , that time staimle of ( totters owned by your fellow townsman svouhd be hard to hmeat , ammd In time hanils of as gt'eat horsenmemi as Monroe SaIls- ifliry amui J , ii. Ciiauudler I expect to see theni mmoake a stIr In time world this seasoim. " Istult $ lit NOW Onlemiur' . NEW ORLEANS , Feb. 16.-Track very heasy. Itesults : F'irst race , five furlongs : Freedmami (2 ( to 1) ) svozm , Ammiia MeNalty (10 ( to 1) ) secontl , Black Jack (1 to 1) ) timird. Time : 1:13. : Second race. sevemi and a half fum'hongs : Dill 1Vhite (3 ( to 1) ) swoim , Le Graumila ( II to 1) ) second , Jim henry (8 to 5) third. 'Flume : 'TI'iriI race , six ( urhouigs : floyil Fm bce (2 ( to I ) womi , Cerro ( Jordu (2 to 1) ) emeconml , Chmlmes (12 to 1) ) third. Time : iS. Fourth race , hmmtmmdlcnp , live and a hmahf furlongs : Tom Kelly (9 ( to 2) ) stan , Furlomug (3 to 2) ) second , Trixto ( t to 1) ) thIrd. Tinme : 1:191' : . . Fifth race , one mile : Dave Pulsifer ( S to 5) woum , Churchill CItrIc (9 ( to 6) ) aecontl , Tippccunoe ( tO tO 1) ) third. Time : 2:02 : % , Iverhiiirt ( htmtfotmahts alc'arlhiy. pHlLADELPhhlA , Feb. IlL-Jack Ever. hart of New Orleans and Charles McCmmrthmy fought four rotmnds at the Southiwam'bc Atli. letic chub tommighmt , W'imlle a decision sync not givemi , It sinus plaIn to every one ( limit Ihverhinrt had tIme bcst of time hiomut , lie slid morn of the leading amid handed twice to liicCamthmy's alice. The first rotmtiul was a ( nIle tame Jhs'erimnrt owiilemmtly siziug up his mmiii. in time second roumish , imossever , thmny mixed It up aitul tIme New Orleans lhghtter shioweti superIority hothi at Iniljmhmt- lug mind it bug rammge. McCarthy stout bamily w'lndcd at tIme close of time fourthm rouuid , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O'NeIl Smi N it % t'n Gnimiilmn , OMAhA. Feb. 16.-To the SportIng Eul- Itor of ' ] 'he lIne ; I desIre to unity time sacnieimt made In 'lime lIeu thirst I inati tm fake light or i'iicelvtl any mmsoimey tot' ( hue samime. 1 svaut tint in coniitiouu , bust tiuliilc I put mip It goomh , strong llghit amid ( hunt time euportiiig imubhic got Its mooney's wo'tim. If yomu ( limit ( lucre stills any Inks nbotit tiii affair come and hook at my eve , F'htldlJ O'NEIb. Corbot 'ii' l.mhiI Up with Chic ( trIp. ChICAGO , Fohm , 16.-Pugilist Corumett , who was reported unhissiuig last nIght , left Chmictugo thus umiornliig for limo cast on ( hue Keystone exprel's. Com'bett thlachahunctl nil Intention of imitsyiimg time leiilhmig : male lim a .nysttmrloumms rlueuupeamatmce antI declared ( lint hmt , hail etlumiphv been detutlne'i by a inihit mU. tack of Liut gu Ip. 'rime actor.pU4iUSt svams mmot at all liuhipy over time publication of tile story timat lie stams mlsslimg , S F. j.tiI I 4 1' p i'i Ii mc .t 4's t I n in l'm'iiiihsPs % % ( 'ii , S'l' . LOUIS. Feb. la.-'rhie entries for time Lou etmike events of time sprIng mnectimig of tIme St. LouIs Fair assuc'lmttioii were soothe puhmiie touhmmy , imuiti hioss' ( hunt all have Ilihed monmaricably tvohh , promnilng it eneetiimg tim like of ti'iilch imiis rot boon hail In St. Louis for inimimy y'anii , IImo toiuml mmtmuntwr of ciiries ( or ( lie 1dm events is 761 , limehutl- hug some of time host nnlimiaumt on time turf. l'oi'er' I iii I' rf.'rosl my I I Ii ( Ii is 11 gist , CHICAGO , lrehm , 16.-Con 1)oybe of dm1. cage aumtl Billy Moore of Ietralt were to ihghmt in secret toumlghmt ( or a liurse or $100 aimul time svmto receIpts. 'I'iie vohice learned of tim affair mind tiItleil time ploce just its tIme vriilehimiils were pimIng ( ( on tm gloves. About 40 sports were tirremstetl. 8mmtdl.ui'I'i'ack ( Isiscil. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 10.-Learnhtig that ( lie townahilpis of Brooklyn nisil Venice hind iuamammtlne'i ' ngalumst Imladumsorm , ( lie man- tigers of tIme race track held a mneetllig today nim'h decitleti to dlscoumtlimue raoimmg for time ( tine helrmg , Time race track did riot ruim ( lila aftem000li , 'lure t'iysrs Sitil , PAIIIS , ICy. , Feb. 1G.-Colonel It , Cl , Stoner has soul to W. 13. MarbIti of Spnluig. field , Ill. , a 3-year.ohul colt , brother to Iimsron Crisp , 2:11 : , by Baron \'ilkes , dons Nathmuhie , for $3,000. Ioughi Timomnam. has golil to Edward - ward Millie of lioston a fast imacer by flour. bon-Itussel , ( Or $1,000 , To nimriiliilltt irmitv , GALVESTON , 'I'ox , , Feb. 1G.-Iletore a gooul milieti audience at 'l'remon ( opera Imouse tonIght MIckey Fiimn of St , I.ouis amid Bohu Aitemn of Galvestion ( ought a twemmty-lhve round draw. IL syuss omme of time moat scientitic fights ever seen here , . 'earn _ - _ ' iIAY OPEN TIlE SORE AGAIN ) Action of Manager Dodge of the Rio ) Gran1o Wcstm it Menace , 4' TRAsMs'oURI ; PEACE IS IN DANGER ' Ii thin Coloritsi , , lihagitmute himsislut on hloIsllii Out of I lit , ISnuc itgreeiiient Othg , to Oterimmiut Stsln Trhp There % 'uIh lie 'l'ruuibie , _ _ _ Late ycatertlay afternoon ( lie imufornmntion cauno frommu ieuiver ( lint General Mnmmumger I ) . C. hothgo ) of ( lie Rio Granule Weiterus Was In- ciined to take exeeptioum to General l'assenger Agent hloumnet's actioum lii agroeluig that ( lie thimhomm PacIfic tmiigimt give hde ( tills fromii Ogmitmu to Salt Lake emi nmmmiid ( mlii amid highest first class one way tickets , mmmiii tbmnt lie hiatt teiegremplmeti Mr. I.omax that lie wotihi hot sigmm tIme W'estern Truimk LIme mttrec'ummcmit with that r'rovlsIon Incorporated , When Mm' . Lomax was shown ( lie ( ciegrimimi imo seemmmt'd dazttl for a tmmonmcmmt , thioum waimteul to knots' whitt : Colomiel ladge sm'aus alluding to , The rcporter tins umot up In inn tecluumiqtmo of ralhroati lmmnmmagcmmieimt , aunt so himfornmeml Mr. iommax. : Time generil passemmger ngemmt of the hitiloum Pacific , after a ummommmemmt's lbmouigbmt , saul : " \'lmeum thin eoimerenco betwecum time transimmia- soon lines relmmtlvo to timc boycott ss'as immld. Mr. Caltiwell aketl itoh If ( lucre was nimythmiiig lso the Uiuiouu i'aciflo demmmnuimleti. I Infonimiemi btimi ( hero svmis tuatit I mmg , - 'rimeum lie mItt : ' You are remitly to sigmi i3n agreemumemme ? ' I told Imimut , , . , J ( ha Ummiomi l'tucillc iiati bremi rcauly to slgmu for "s' thin lmms ( six \t'ctl , em' six siuommtlms , ( lie iimoummemit limo boycott ts as lifted. A cii'ciilar iLtter to all lInes was tlin lurepareul ammti eigmmeti by thm . transmmmlm.soimrl iuies , ( hue lila Grmmuimio Western hm'in it mm'i'tt' 5,1 I bn , , , . , .n.n q'u , . . ctular Is riots' 1mm the mmmmmils. emS bias Imemi re- cnis'rd by mmummmmy rm'miils ' before tlmis. "tJiomm ( hue concliisiomu of tIme mmmeetlmufrebatls'o to time boycott 1 stout os'er to tue lila Oi'isumtlo Western's ohihcesvimore a mug talk eimsumed as to Utah busimmcs , commmnmisslotms that shommitl ho vaIl for bumsiumesmu for Saltair anti ( iarfleitl Beach , amId other immcitlemmts of time Utnhm shut- aton. ; The qimestioum of ldo trlis caimme up anti - I (01,1 , Mr. ilenmielt time Uniomm l'acitlc woultl do just exactly as the lila Graiiilo Western In the muiattor , If they siuuhtl abimsboim stop overs 55'O wotilti cut off side trips. In a worth , svould be gultletl entIrely by what they till. This imiat- ten does cot coimcenmm thin nssoclntlomm him ammy 'Val' ss'hmaes'er. I t is a immatter lmetweemm the UnIon Pacific : ummtl Itlo Gratitie'esern luumrcly. if the ItIo Granule''estenmi wammts to go back out swimat ts'as a ( aIm' lmropooltiomm ( lint is Its buslneea. We shah look to thmo association , of svimlch ste are mmmeumibers , for ( lie mmeccssary vrotecion ( , jumsl as tie would hmave tried to liro- toot ourselves hiatt we becim miSsIle ( lie asso- clatlomm , "For twenty years ( ho llumiomm Pacific has granted plibo trips to Salt Lake on tickets having a hmimiit simiflchemm ( to allow stmchi ii visIt. We are imot lIkely to cut it off mmow becatuso thio 1(10 ( .raimde Westcnmi refuses to grant us time equalIty we iuave lims1teul umpaum. There immust be sonme mmmlstahtc' , however , for ( lie tele- gramn of Colonel Iodge Is nmmihmlgtmous to say ( lie least. " At tIme mmieeirg of transummlsootmri hues in Iemus'er thmo subject of rates for ( lie National Eduicational ssolation , Jumly 5 to 12 , svas takes up , antI after commsirleratomm It tins dcclthetl to make a omme fare mate imiums 2 fur tIme round trip to tIme Colorado capital , tickets to go on sale Jsmhy 4 , 5 , 6 aiIm ] 7 , mliii a flmmah himimit for reum'n uctlh September 1. Time Colorado hines also made excordlmmgly bit rates for sIlo trips to all Colorado and Utahi iioints of Interest , and they are iuiamiy , as folders of the several roads Indicate. u..u1it.xuu teil. 00.-i iitl s4miiczigu - . . , . , . . get offices are tleligimte'tl wIth tIme itilssboimary work of CImalnmimaum Caldwiell 1mm ( lie svest. Ills stmccess wttlm the Union Pacific ammd time Rio Grande \\'esei'uu ( , followed ss"thi lila pfrstiaslon of' the Kansas City , Fort Scott & lilemmmplils , a lIce wimlclm has imever beau imersUaiied before - fore , Is gratifying to thin umiemimbers of ( lie commIttee. It is believed nuts' ( lint limo chairman still bring the MissourI Pacific anti time MissourI , Kansas & Texas Iumto itne and therefore ( lie conmnsittee will be practically complete , provlthlmmg ( imat ( lie Canadimmim PacIFic " has mmot jummiped the traces whIle thin chair- nian has hssen worltimmg iii thio svest. ItrIrted Out ( lii Sli ICC' Flee. CHICAGO , Feb. 16.-Eighteen yottng men mcTto's hail a harrow escape front beIng cari'lcd otm ( liito time ( iptimi hake on an Ice floe thmls suftc'rntmon. Tlmoy hail sicateil out (0 the fouim'-immtle cr11 , , anti Wimen they wera rotim'mmlumg tley foumud that the lee had vatted , : uimd tin' ) ' tt'ere cattIest out cmi the lake. Time crib keeper saw time trouble , anti at once teiephmomsc.i to thmo city for us tug , ri wimichi was instantly eturleil omit. Before It was omit of thin river , however , all of time eighmtecmi had imeen rescuesh by llemmrv Tagg , a. imiuntor , who was out In a small row boat , baitIng for tluck. Eqiiimtt Fi'Yt'Im I ii ii imm , , tY un cc. S1'itING VALLEY , III. , F'eii. 16.-JameS Connerton , a wenllhiy farmmier , hIvIng near Lafid , Ill. , stan found burled Iii a smiow Init between 1mb. lulmice smith Ilprirmg Valley totlay. 1 Ic' sync ( rozeul stiff , antI intil imeomi timero since Friday of last stock , at which ( hue lmIs ruu'h'len disrippearamico imm'stiIleti his family amid friends. Mmtrnhmmg.s l.teemst'us , Time following immarniago licenses were issued - sued by ( ho county clerk yesterday ; Name unit AtldrLss Age. , Tohmn Peterson , Ontmmiia..j . . . . . 23 AhvIluhn Inhih , Ommuimim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Damolel Strimpet , ( unaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4C UnnaIl I'lltchmell , Omnahims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Cim II rumimil by I i.e . Ss'umatr' . WASI1ING'I'ON , Feb. 16.-'rhme senate to. day contlu'mneil ( lie folhoss'ln ; ; mmonmlnationa l'ostmastcii4 : Iosva-F. A. l'cclc , Ilmiiuiboldt Nols IlerJngcr , Slieitomm , Isntmsan-M , F' Ahuherson , VIimchmuor. Moiitaimut-J , C. Curtin Iluiemmn. Ilarthiohoitiew ifeminculy , isurvoyoi of customims , Imort of Ie liloliics. iABY ONE SOLID ED T4ttermlhiy oil Fli'o with Fiozoma. crcam1zmg timid Clawing nil tlio 'l'hmnc. jtdtlod to thIs were Abscoasea anti uppiiriitIn. Emitircily Cured by Cutlcut-a , Now Stout auth hearty. Our 11(110 baby , uthmsmot 2 years old , was tkemi smith r.oaam forum E ) ! i'ceimiu : wbemm shin wail about three maummdms old , tier little body wao oats saud rc.l fromu thm I tolc of her foot to time crown . - , . ' of hier hieaml , iii she icetimeut J tolciiiemailyalhroacreamiuIug - ' arid ehnwtiig all thin ti xml a , c _ . Wimeit 'imo was about lire . ' . , mouth , culti , there tutu ambled \ . . D 'if iobmerailliciuimaiiscessesanth 5- , ' 1 Suihilurtitluuui ) , Vo trIed this 4-r j''r local lii. JJ.'s , auid seine other rs , ( , . S rrnicdics witlmniut any relict , .cF.J'0sd. ' I hail maul coasldcrabho about this t'L'a'IcVII.t himniiiuis : , ansi 000 0 ? our neighbors had uise..l Shout , iaiimmimm Limmtt ( lucy svesu a good as claiimietl , I conclude to try thmr'miiammd after thus use of tlircu or four tmoxmuof ( ltmricurm.t , anml about ono anti oiie.hmalt bottie of ( ho Ct j'ierimm.t 3tIsom.t'r..T : , ivilhi limo CtrrmcumL % SeAl' , omit little one ii now emmtlrehy ousted , armii Is mttn'mt ' aumtl heartY , Your CuTicoitA. lttimr.nims : art , all amid nirum ilman you ci.tiimi ( licut to imo , I shntys ; have a good uvuril to mimy friends had nci"lmbor fsmr ) ommr execil'rit remedies. C , 11. WOOl ) , Vhutto Cinuil , Mo , CUTICUFIA WORKS WONDERS { otimlng can be more cacoaragtng to dii- CO.mrsgo.i Patent. tlmmun mInt rcmumar'.aiiho cures daily elfecteit amnommg Iuaits : Anti cbilihrntm b the Ctrm'u'rmtA Jthasr.mor4. Cures 1mm cimildimoa mean a Ilmetlumme of freedommi from torturing , thttliguring , humiliatIng huiumor , . 1olmi throtumuhoet lop world , l'rlcc , Curmlcuni , SOC. , tti.ip,21c ; ItcsuLvaxTl. i'orrsa Dune s.D Cimasi , Coiur , , mole i'ropnltors , flostos , . -1low to Curs Skin liieascs , " mailed tree. flIrI1'I.E. , blaclJmcat. , red , rough , chsppd , nad run _ cIty okia uretl byCeiucem : hiom' . fi1' STOPS THE PAW. flackaciit'kldneyimaiuawcaknesi , I rhmeumnatisium , anti imtsivutaf l'Alui mc. lived in orme mInute by titus Ctat $ . curd Anti l'uslu ! bsstor , Q. (