Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1895, Part III, Page 19, Image 19

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_ I rPIIE : OMAhA DAILY nEE : SUN DAY , FltillnlfAUY 17 , l89. ! 10
lnmblc3 il rorcsfnml Field with Red , DcS
and Gun ,
! nl , , , lh Iho Jor r1n.-\nllr" : ut the
{ : Jnll Hln ( llt nOi ( ( I.rnl ,
1tIU10 ) lt 1.1(11 Slurt-
111 Mtttrri.
Caplaln 10gmlus : Is alive nnll well al
1"lncolu , III. The report of his 11ealh nt'
Lithia Sllrlngs , Ga. , Was I mistake. I. S ,
10gardus of I.os AngeIe , Cal"'as the man
who Was brought down Iher by dealh's shot ,
Irovlous 10 the present wintry spell we
cnjoyell a monlh's ) Interval of Inprecellenl-
1ly mild weather. 10ue end store doors
'ere kept who open IhrouJh the day , the
trees anti shruhbery ) bUlls began to swel ,
honey hces and flies emerged from hibernatIon -
tIon , and the general conlion ot Ihlngs
" : S Ille the oll"llng ot 1 very warm spring
Some ge1 hag' ot geese were made along
tha Plat : , and , n few mallards were received
In time Inerke I saw Jay hlrls , on IY way
cown town every morning , nnll several days
before Iho storm I heart R robIn chirping
11clulenly In the bll ; Irees In Senator Thurs-
ton's ) 'anl Blue Jay. , I timitik , remain here's
more or Jl ss all wlnler for It must he re-
mcmbered wo have hal three very cell snaIlS
out here , In one of whlc:1 : the mercury fell
26 dcgrec3 below.
During the late unpleasant : weather more
anew felt In certain sections of the state than
Is gcucrly sul > posel , an,1 , all over the western
region the beautiful covers the earth to a
depth of everl Inches. This , with what Is
cerlalnly yet to come In future storms , or
snow or rain , whit certainly once more fill
up our lallC all marshes , Anyway , time
wl(1 ( fowl cnthuslasls are counting on this ,
anti are correspondingly happy , for 'plenly of
wnlcr 1 ais 111l1ty of shootIng In time spring
The rabbit hunlers nil over the state have
been Industrlomly at worll since tim snow
roll , judging fram tIme FIles of jacks a 01
cotlonlals that adorn the sidewalk along
t commlsplon house row. On Friday on" firm
roctveml a consignment of 600 jacks ant 202
cottontails. Nebrasll Is a great stale for
rabbi . but what becomes of . all that are
shipped Into thIs Is a mystery. They
are certainly not cOIlet here , however ,
I know t't stewed and bal.ed1Jack rabbi
i D common dish among time : oor. Jacks ,
retail at frim 10 10 1211 cents : anl , cottons
S tails ns low ns 6 cents , A nd sized jack
will provide a good , substantial meal for live
or six persons , and I Imow of no other meat
' ns cheap tn tIe marllet Still , If everybody
in the lown smmbslsted on sack rabbit 1 don'l
bhheve they could get away whim thc carloads
loads that come In here with every cbll
John 1.lnllucst , one of The ne buIlding
. ' janllor ' , au'l ' who resdes ! Rt HI Gnst" street
caught a magnificent specimen of the brown
' aunk ( ulorhls vlzon ) In his hennery last
( raids had bean
Sunday evning , Frequent hal
made of late upn Mr. Ilnqu st's egg Producers .
1nale nn,1 , from the cvkltmmce left behind he
know that thc llpredator was fonr-legg.I , so
Snntay evening last he ret a steel trap fr lie ( ,
visitor , with time above resnlt 'fhe mmmlnk h a
line one , In fullest fur and measurc twenty-
three Inches fro : tip ta tp , 1 was pre ,
renlcll 10 N. 1 I el , hulne manager of
Time Dee , who Is Imvng : It mounted .t Gilbert
Dros' . taxdermlst ! apartments emi South Six-
teenlh street.
J. " ' . Den of Arapahee , one af the beat ant I
most favorably known sportsmen \1 \ the otat ,
forwarded the sporting editor $100 last 'fueD
day 10 mal , : a lOG live bird match with J. C.
Read , In accordance wIth his renewed chal-
lengo to .hoot : IY man In the state on the
same terms ho Ehot J. J. Innln and Jahn
Nicolai Mr. Del waived el r'ghts-was ,
fecty willing 10 siiot on the terms mpecIflce1
by the p1umber , but ho ( ldn't ! get the latch ,
When Mr. Head nld he was about
. ' : - to leave for Davenport for a couple oC weeks
nnd couki 19t lake any shooting arrangements -
ments until hi ! relurn.
- " - -
The etatemcnt t that time bill 'moklng dogs
personal property In this slnto had pam&m1
WIS erroneous. 1 simply passed In the h ; use
noel iS ! now before the senate. 1 Is the earn-
eat desire : howe\"e of sportlmen , ID.Y . men
and citizens generally to see the bill locces.-
tul , . mind p3ttons ! arc being gotten up praying
the senate Ie 10 the right Ihlng
Mal nUmer ! , time genial banker sportsman , ,
) 1as added a handsome hammerlMs Parker 10 ;
Irs armory . ordered especially for him by
.v A. 'I'cwnond of the Crass Gun company.
Matt sap he \\1 now shaw a few oC Omaha's :
field EhetD just what a real hunter looks 11.0.
M. C. Peters of the Bemis nag company \
mourns the los of a vluable l nplsh setter , ,
stolen from h's ' premises &ome len lays since .
The enterprIsIng mpartsmen of Chalron lmavc .
just ' perfected the organization ef a ports-
men's rlub the Elkhor , Valley Gun club
whIch prollses 10 become one of the most
Jromlnent 'nll Influential associations In Ihe : ;
Itole , Thc membership will be limited , but L I
U 10 dehled 10 accept I representatvc or
two from the leading metropolitan cities ef I
the state , In order that hearty and ereetve ;
coopcraton In the wcrk oC protecting our :
fsh and glme may bo guarntcel , A Imlul-
some r1uh house will be erected on 10rsshoe
lalle. I famous ducking grounds north of
Irwin. at a coat oC something Ile $5,000 or ,
6000. I wl be a meller structure de- :
B'cntd for the accmmel3t Dn of c'ub , S
and timalr families , In or out of eeason. A 1
club warden will b2 appointed , with a june - ,
'dicton over much ef the attractive . northwesl '
territory , anti It will be h's duty to ceo thai
the ganH' antI Ish laws an- observed to the
letter. Mr. T. L Cainph.jl ! 1 of Chatron Is one
oC time movlnl { spiris , and he Informs me thlt
the sporlhl ; editor Df The Bee I" t' b eleclell
to honrary membership The olclal roHer
I : Mr. Jlanners , 11nslenl ! : Tobias Thomp-
Bon or Hay Springs , vice president ; W I 1
\Vrlght Urer , secretary , ant A , C. Putual , tre2-
The following Is from my old sheotug host ,
Ed lY. ll3nmlitomm . al 1.1\et : , Neb :
PA\\14iT , Feb. 1 i.-lr1eneI Sandy : I wish
to Inform you that the % are oil Ilnl up [
tmst. Wo ar : havIng lots c sno\\ and wimmil
'rhernoh from five 10 six feet deep In
rushes all over Goose lalle , and there Is aI _
rely , PlentY of water o hand , all around the
Island whr re i WHie h3(1 ( his lire. Time fee ii
I geol , wild Ind.11 corn and celery. The
water dil nt1 ret too low untIl In Seillember ,
when the feed had maturell.
1 F ) . W , IAMI.TON.
J'I'rMulelur thn I \ , i ' . Ii 1"111. )
I any of the local fais ere alywls' appre-
lenslve that Omaha \\1 hot b ) able 10 hold
UII her e'I'1 ' on the dhlllond ; the comllg seasn
the quicker ! the ) ' disabuse their mlnts or tim 0
Idea the better . W.thoul any eaggeraton
the algregalon : oC players Matmagerim Howe
8n(1 ( 1e\\Ue ! ! ha'o . ecure.1 10 rprsent tie
Gate City this ycaiIs far fUllerlor 10 aim .
that hn alllllret hH' ) sInce 1890 , I It Is ne )
the qual of oven this tamDus outflt. Of
COlr , ) ) there Is a good , deal lt young bled In I
the present array c talent . but I : s ) oung
blood tit2t Is doing ni the Bnitonal 'var Ic
nowathayc . al the of the ( bIg ICgte
Ihuwo , ' 'he old , vet l . have about \lantl Ih I _ '
Itrlng out . cud \ there will he more \ olJ.tmlT :
relegatl.l to private life during the IJreU'nt
) eor than ever btom Brcry Ih'l and latch i-
genl m'lller II the country recgnlz th s
fact I , aol there hiss been I general Icr3nble
bc ) ' 01111 ' Illa'eri of ability , That oil the
good 111ar" & were nlol'"d 1 ) 'I"tT ago I on :
( time fallacies that can no longer 13 II'
dul.ed h" " Th game ba ad\'iICed In sclen-
tile Ilesl > and ' clear , ) 'ounl huds ore the
On13 to lore Ihlrougbl' grasp the alualol : ,
inl ( the old sellg IllAler playIng on Ib i
' Jrlg fC Pristine CalO lau but little Iut
, york tber : bluff ueceffuly , So far Omlha (
111 _ , iteen inca en her pay roll , and out of
thia whole lulber theN Is but a snitm ! nt-
ere , and that It Jo " \ .llh , and I he h Ibl L'
to get him loYlh'nI ' lke . lila form b
good for much I.rll nnt WCIII yet Joe Is a
rl\'orl. her , mid , Icund In body and 1mb. 1
Cn 11af I gmoth ( bal tea he tr , I could. I apl
' oinewlmat doubtful 1l'ulf abul 1 N < ) very
pI bla cflwled ' knee , but hOllo that ; l ter
. _ c ; , , . - , -
on this score are grounlleu ant that we will I
once more be afforded ao opportunIty of se1ng
th e lad with the ulldlecolored curls cavort
an d carneolo over the ma/Ic diamond with
al l hIs earlier ginger and / aclvll' . Pinch
and lulchlon come next on tie list cC veterD
ans , The has had
Grasshopper I varied ca-
veye er all considerable experlenclj still he Is
) 'et I ) 'OUnl player whose best days are evi-
denty befoN hll , "Old Hutch" Is a mIsnomer.
AI yet hI lias not hal , an adequate show 10
display hIs talenl. At the cloe of last e'ason
dIba was putting up the best and , moat regular
bal Of any man on time leam lie Is steady
n'11 reliable . mind with the company he \ I
be In this year I expect to are hIm develop
Inlo a really craclcerjack ! player. "Noasy"
inS I reoleraccerJacl p\yer. "Noasy"w
Sher r Is undoubtedly a cmer , lie Is a
fat fielder , smart as mlltard _ on the Inl3
nnd a coacher of rare lulfcalon" If a
.nuslcal . jaw mind acrohalc wonler In the
h ) : n are 10 be rated among the effective at-
Ir'bules of this sort of nn anlnll , Another
ming , Shaerer , like the whie wings of lyric
fame , never grows wea ' . lie Is In the game
from time mCltnt the "empre" ! belches "Play
bfo all" unl I ! announces "Out" for the fift3Pon
fourth mll In time contest. lie adminIsters
h'llollermlc h InjectIons to the laggIng and
w eak , and '
enl Infuses gr'l and bommyancy even
Into time Ivclest on the corps Pitchers fear
hlo lIttle club , and the man with the register
crInges before hl ! fuiminatory admonitions
anr shrinks from time fazhes of his eagle cp-
t ' o. Miles. : second ( ( must he Paddy , ) , Is a
b ran nw one , but "they siy" ho Is nil right ,
anr what "Ihey S1Y" Is g-nerJly Irue. Slagl
come1 from the aslern leauo an'l ' Is pro
nouncer by the best Jldgcs ! hI n good onc.
Ho Is one of limo moat unerring calchr In
tl i imliminess . runs lute a deer and Uses his
hea1 at alt stages of time game. rter luln , who
\:3 signed Welntra ) ! uarleJ third for the
sirn , Western league team lt Mlnnea\ols
119t l ) 'ear , lie Ii an artist on the third corth
ner , and , II Intoubtcl a "aluable accession
to t time Wnlsh faimmihy. Whalen , time catcher , Is
aN husky ) 'Olnl felow , who comes from timeV
Northweern ) league lie Is a giant In stnt-
tl re . Immense with the club and n brIck wall
helni h time plate I.obmnn , another catcher ,
I i lore of a veteran lie halls from Miwau-
ko i and has done great work In baUm the Na-
lonal t and \'esLern leagues. In Limo piching
( leputment i Omaha Is certainly very slrong
here Is George Darby , whom all the local
cranks 110w , all who wIll Ilossibly ' pose as
imo rtar that Is , hnywa , unll after the ( bal-
aneo of time eomhlnaton elonslrte what Is
In I them Carrih was wIth Jacksonville hut
season , and won time only game that Jakey
Slrauso' howlng dervishes tonic on the Gate
Ciy grounds during the season , lie let the
Hourkea I down wIth six little hits. lie resem-
bIen "Kid" Nichols Chic 11rollrletor of
th'j ( \ 'illago of Boson , anti Is a
Iln u who wi have the eyes Of the big leagua
( Inn ; ) him from the Jump Unlerwood was
wIth time lroolyn Bridegrooms last season
a 11 has n high raln . The leaguers did
10t give him bal a chance , amid , fearIng a
rep2tton oC Ihl ; treatment this year ha
s otmghmt amid got his reloase. determluel to
III l In aie more reason ut least In a minor
class beCore aspiring for further faie with
the hlgh-mucl.-a-muclls oC Uncle Nicodemus'
( amp lolz wait 'wlh I.lncoln I while last
f ail. lie dlt not distInguIsh imimsolf In any
cxtrorllnary es way , htmL Manager : lcVltle
sa'u hc commies hlghl rcconmmemmded from all
) recommendel
the players who
) know him. 1)onmmeliy was
Qulley's twirler all , WU' good enolgh Wil
for 0111 Papa Anso 10 chose . hut very sensibly
ho l Ilreferred another seasomm's training wIth
the t minors wih
J'all\r wih Ihn Ial m'iyer.
Now 1 Is reported that GI llatflelmj's
father has gone and dod and , left him a fortuna -
tuna of $7.000-wllh the three Os left off , Is
the probable size oC It. Anywa , Gilbert has
l' nt his contract 10 Louisville , and wi play
thl season for scmethlnl like $1,500
St. . Joe thinks he has the boss first hase-
man i In time hu lnes8 In b'l George McVey
\'el , he Is a good one nil rIght enough , and
will pull out many R game for Manager Gale-
woo ml.
In the Chicago university bal team wi
bo two Omaha boys this reason , Harry
Clarke and Ecol 1Irovmm . In ea1dng of the
prscnn:1 of the leam , Monday , the Trlbun
had this to say of the Nebraeln :
Chrke. the man who. In ccman witim
"Teddy" Lew's ' , did the twining ; for Wiiams wih
last year , Is a strong pitcher. In the c\nt
oC Nichols' relremenl , he will b2 the man \ ! -
stay at time 'Vanimity pitchIng taltimi. Drown
Is aieo acing well In the "cage. " lEa throws
two varieties : oC Ire , curves " , which may
prove effective In the sprIng. In the Chicago-
: lhinesMa bamo last -year 'Drown pitched a
brilliant gme , only two' or three hils being
recorded against him : Clarke and Drown
plye on the Omaha High School team a few
years ago. Clarke ' also pla'ot on time Fresh-
lan alld Sophomore teanis at Willianis . and
last year played In the New England Colee
league , compCse \VI'ams. . Amherst and
Darlmouth. At the clo of time season lviit
Hams and Amher were tIed ! for first place
In time Wlhilamna-Yale game Clarke was pItted l
against the mlghly Carter , Yale winning , 9 to
1 , Clarke throws all the curves , Is accurate ,
and plays with hIs
head quito as much as
with his han s. ills effectiveness Is Irength-
enet hy change In speed , Jones who caught
last year for HlchlDnd clee. Is another
new mnn. Ho wi backstop for Cbrke. Jones
Is 26 years old , six feet one and on -hal
Inches tall , and weighs 172 pounds. lie Is
mmmtisculam' amid angular , catches wIth ease , and
i ! an accurate and 5wlft base thrower , I > je
wi 11rehlbly catch Brown , In his pract'ce
work Plce Is rapidly Improving. ProC. Stagg
has schedulell games wIth the Uchlgan , Wls-
cousin ant Northwesler unlvers'Ii , mind
whim Oherln , Lake Forest , lewa State Unl-
veraly , Iowa College . Minnesota , Albion Col-
lepe , HUEh MedIcal , and the Omaha All-Uni-
versity club
Frank nalle , the popular proprietor of the
haRe bal cIgar store headquarters , leaves for
a visIt 10 his folks In Ca1orla thIs mor-
Ing Whie on Limo coast 'Kelley" w1 keep
his weathiem' ) open for a couple of good
len fur Omaha
Darby and Inlln arc In Calernla , They
have beeu huntng for the market all winter
anti , are bolh In fIlms c'ndltol , Mallgor Ic-
\'ittle forwarded
"lle each man a century Thurs-
day Irimit a 11 they will put In tIle balance
of the lme , before reporting here , playing
hal In 'I rlsco.
"Olti Hutch" 11 tollIng away In the railroad -
road shops at Sacrmminento. Cal. . whie Picher
lalz Is a deputy In time counly sherIffs olee
at the ( Eame pluce
'ho Omaha team have nil been notified 10
report here on Apri 1.
1111 : Hourlo has [ OlO to noomlnston Ill " ,
10 aSjumo 11 nmaimagmimmeimt of time tcam tmcre , .
Time Western nssoclaton has select.1 time
nnlCorms for lime I dlforent cluba nimd imo two
wl ba ale , The Omaha ant will he
white , with red calls nnd lrlmmlngs , stoel-
I"s i anti letters.
The Western assocIation season will Ollen
Thursday May 2.
There wIll bo no gentlemen allowed In Iho m
ruetve,1 , department itt time ; Chnrles Street ;
hark ] this reason unl.s accompanIed by
Sir Thomas Gilbert Yleltry could hnvo
heen added to Omaha's hItchIng coips . but L
Ollha didn't want hl1 , lie has signed with
flu ( C a to.
There are now but two teams Ip tIme Wllt-
er asoolalol that hia' a thRnCQ for secon(1
111.lce-Omaha anti Ihocktcmd . '
anl I clitI. 'fho other six
teams have already won Ihe pennant.
10nry I Cha1lwlks thlnles--an,1 , there la
nothln wonderful about that for ho thlnlls
correctly-that foul tipi caught hy the catc : e : ;
might off the bal should be out ,
" \'idto IVimigs" Tcbeau his been trun h .
his brotimer , Patsy lolvar , of the Cle\cland ) I
Sam I.aroquo once short stall . fr Iho
Iltslurg , bus Jelled time Yellow 10)'s < over ,
II ulney. By thus \\'IY , are Ihese country :
guys ! olnp 10 be alo\\ ! \ < to wear times
canary suIts aEaln heat sCol7
l'ollodoro TwItltell jls. sIgned Good -
enough , the man who killed the 'l'enll street
barber II lsa by bcalug him un time head
With a sponge , for hits : lllulee terriers ,
The Omimaimas' exhibiIon schedule will open
with 1 came Saturday , April G , with the
players th ned arrayed , lgalubt each othmcr
Theta wIll b enough for Iwo tel I ! They
wi ale Illay 8ullay , the 7th. Thcn come 8
Kunss Cit ) three games ; tt , Jo" , thre , and
Lincoln for lwo. 'i'imeu time team goes 10
Kluu : CIty for return sa1t8 , also tD SI ; .
Joe an" 1.lnc"ln '
Manager Mc'ite II lu reeelpl of a l"Uer
from Alex VhmItehmIll , who ' "I
Whiehi says : Ihluk
) have a 'heaul' In Carrlsh , ald Donnely ;
wIlt oerlalul' % lufprlso the country , hint ( I If I
hIs arm Is oil O. 1\ . mind I think I Is. Ater
y-ii lee Slo 1 you will realIze whet klnl at
au eye I have for outileiders Mlr' 18 ala 0
1 po,1 , one. I old luleh does 101 like fire t
' i'avo imafftr who I.
you hao Shalcr , a crackerJack on
that bag I sw him play the position at
AloOI , and I tell you , even Jake Beckley ,
hi mself , could not give him any olnls. "
Connie Strothers , yawp nerve and all , will
manage Dclrolt this season. lie ho slcurel
Deacon \VlmItehIIl .
eacon Whllehl for one of his picher.
Joe Neal , who developed a glass arm here
last summer , wIll try It on again for Grand
Inphls this season
Ihl luln , the third baseman just signed
Is one of the hitters of time day. WIth 1
cl ese score las season at 1lnue31)0Is opposing -
posing pichers always preferrell to let him
" vahlc" rather Ihan give him a swat at the '
b ali.
1.lncoln has signed Chaunce Fisher , who
was tried In time box by both Clnclnnal and
Clcveland last season .
Tro\rc , I'iacpre 1111 1tlnrr .
The London Sporting L'fe , In c mlenLng en
the Invasion of Englnd by Iw'er-Croker
h oriae , says : "It Is just sixteen years . since
thc Yankees rent us a latch oC IhDrJughbrell ,
whose mmch'eveinents wIll long hive In time mem-
orl.s of those who wItnessed their dtIs : on
tim e 11rereni race courses of Englaml. The
frst to claim ' the attention of the English
sporlng men was time hrwn ceLlng Parole ,
who carried time cherry mind black of Plerrc
l.orlarl , This little 6-year-old animal wen
Ihree of time principal handicap event of 18i9.
They were the City and Suburb3n , when clr-
rylnr eight stone seven pounlh ; the New-
marlcet Ianclcap , carrying eight tone tour
11Dunds ; ; the Great Melropolan , car'lng
elht stone twelve II unJs , and time Cll : cup at
E lEDifl. The year afterward ( In 1880) ) time
AmerIcan 2-year-ohl. Iroquo's , allll'ared on time
cr one and carrlel , off the Chesterfield Stakes
This an mal was also time property oC Piere
I.Drl"ml. I was al 3 3-'el-old. however ,
that IroquoIs shone so hrllanl ) ' . During time
season ef 1881 the American won the leby )
at SI. heger lie also WOI the Prnc : of
\V ale' stake al Amcot with nine stone five
IloumI up. I wns In time same year that the
whie amid blue spots of James I Keene wac
seen on time gnglsh lurf 1 : " imorse , Poxhal1 ,
as I 3'year-olmi , won the Ce3arewlch , wa
scven slone twelve poulh 'In the s1ddl ' lie
arried two lOiiflds In the Cammmbr'dgo-
carrlet 110 p moore Calbr'dg -
shIre ntl wen. The Grand Prix de Paris I
ant 11
' also h ' Foxiiali I , and In 1832
\\'as ! captured by oxhal
.s a , I-ycar-ohl. he carried oil the gold cup at I
Ascot , with nine slant on hhi ! b3clc. Tilts
presentment ought to ccn\/ce ngl9hmen
111 time Yankees never snml , a horse 10 this
counlry unless they are moraly sure that they '
have h a geol oneor what they term n world
bealer. The consignment of twtnty-one hermes
which Hchard Creker and Mchael ! 1 , ' Iwye
have h sent us may not I b2 champ'ons , but It
Is only fair to presume that there 19 I Parole ,
a Foxhal or an IroquoIs among lime parcel. I "
Morris J. JtJe < says : "The tIme for ea"1-
palgnloc the trotter must be extended , " and
.M r. Jones put his words In acton by bidding
Ihe t hIghest of any assoelaLcn for this He-
\'Iew stakes. Time result Is that the $10,000
prize for 2:0 : troter" w I conic oft over the
new track at Hell Oak the last week II Jnne I
und likewise time $ : ,000 stales for 225 : pacere. I
This Is time earliest dab ever Imown for b'g I
slakes to be contested for , ant II cmens ex-
Ided seasons for the harness horse here1fer. :
Paclolus I 11ark will open wih a grand series
d claf ! and stake races bestes : the above
menlon d. mind wi IJeral.1 the openIng ! of timm
\ Vc'stmmrn Grand circuit , which now Inclulos
Iha following cities In order named : 1t1' '
Oak , 1lnncJpols , L : Crosse , Janesvle , I ree-
i ) ort ant Jolet ,
Tii . publIc sale at LexIngton was wel al-
t ended the past wcek , and prIces were quie
sat taet ry to slers , Wion , 2l9fj : , sold
for $12,000. goIng to Ohio parte , Scounine .
2 :23 : % . fetched $5,600 , and was \urchascl by
New York partlee. DJn Cupid , 2:09' : . fetcheJ
$5.600 , also gong to the EmpIre state.
Time perforlarce of the black 3-year-o'd
Directly lt Fresno last week puts him In line
for f time coming champlen of the slde.wheel
11'IsloI of haress horses. The report nil
agrec that time track was from three to four
s colh slow , and the time made by the other
pel formers of the day would ImIcate as
much. m Directly redlcall hh record from
:07t : to 2:07 : % , giving the black meteor the i
champlenshlp for both 2 all 3-year-011 pcrs : ,
Alx could not Ihow better than 2:08 : over
the course , and Robert J lowered his coors !
to Joe Patchen In 2:0SV : ! 2:12' : . 2:0G : Hob rt
J coult net have ben hImself 10 have been
leCealet In this tme , but I brings . to mind
the old adage of time " that was sent
10 the well too oHm " Hob rt J his been :
going. fast mlos ever since early last sllrng :
ant Is descrying I not needy oC a let-up.
The northwest will be merry this season , ,
anl II wi make a great boom In goat stock , , .
fr f they will have an opportunIty to race from I
early sprIng unU late In the fall cnll wih' '
one-haIr time expense for shipping that they
have h hertofore had 10 eland.
Monroe Salsbury ! , the famous Calornll
t rotting horseman was In the city last
Welnfay enroute from Kentucky to the
coast. Mr. Salisbury stopped oft here espe- :
daily for the purpose eC making arrangements
with Clnton 11. Driggs for hIs celebrated
stallIon Alamlo , 2:13 : % The contract was
successfully operated and BrIggs' pride wi ]
b3 clmpalgned this season by the Californian ,
: [ r. SaJsbury said he thought Alamlto one DC l I
time greatest race horses of the age , and thai
he l , xpeclel to lalt the stud record with hIm
befora fall. Alamlo wl be shIpped west
early In March , and . Mr. DrIggs Is to be con
gralulaled emi the fact that Iho splendid fellow . :
low Is under the , able management of the
owner at Directly and Ahix.
That genial mnnager and relnsman J. D ,
ChRndler wi have a formIdable stable of ]
trotters and pacers to plet the route this I
campalI He will have all of Clint I. .
Brlms' horses save Alamlb , who goes to !
Salisbury In California. These that Chandler
will hanllD Include a promising 2-year-old
Alomlo colt , Charlie Dogs , Falrywoot ,
Kale Carrey and Nellie Cobb In adltDn ,
ho wIll have Prince Stewart , by Egotist . dam
by Dclatorj ; The Corporal , 2:28 : % . by Ilmble-
Ionian l'nlnce owned by C Ii. Gardner of
Leon , la. ; Dele hawley by Harry Hawley ,
son of Vatican and dam by George Wilkes ,
owned by JcKelth , North Platte ; Dessle
Wilis (2) ( ) , 2:23m4 : , by son of Sherman , by
George Wilkes ; Edith Wikes ; sIster to
Bessie ; Martin n. 2:30 : by Alvaralloj ; Hal
Cloull , 2:27 : % , by Herschel , owned by James
\\'ll Des Jolnes , II , : Happy Jm . . by Robe
Mcmlium ounami by Galucher Dros. , Premont ,
Nch ; "Pamieroskl , " by Barney Wilkes , owneC
hy N. J , 10nln , Fremont , Neb , j owner ,
2:20 : by Egotist , 2:2Y : : lrlnc'te. hy Egotist ,
2:22 : ' ; Virginia llY ggotst , 2:22 : % ; 1osset ,
hyigotImmt , 2224 : ; Geam , hy Egotht. 2:22H : ;
Normandy , hy Egotist , 2:22Vi : j Atosahino. by
\'oe < lne , 2:19 : ; Slelacotlne , by Wood
ibis , and Riley S. 2:21 : % , by RIley 1elllm ,
how Is that for I list of flyers , all of
w\leh : mire now under J. B's specIal super
vision nt Wichia , Kal , ? Mr. Challer's
retInue consists oC
retnuo Shcrldan Gllnmoro . hoer :
11. D. luJheG , Vern Maulsby drivers , nnll
Walt Sanford , Joe Davis , M. Galigher , WI
No\\oln , Caesar Crabtree Deacol' ' Jayeye-
seD DII.o Hawldns , caretakers.
George 1 Sigwart , Ihoel known stone
all alt 'rounll troltng horeman , has been
hlgilly rccomnnmenmled , for the
recom1enled position of general -
oral manager of time park and affaIrs oC tim C
Omaha Fall ant DrIvIng Park ossociatloim
Q'llslle time state fair races. lily Swigart I
capable and energetic and will lake a good
lal for limo IJlace , .
li(1111 , Iiiih'n AnlnH I'acclol.
At time meelng of time Omaha Kennel club
held at Dr , Wtsimimmery's office last Tueslay ,
evnln ( ofcers for the current year were
'elected aa follows : President , Dr J , C. '
Whinnery ; vloe : president , J. H. McTage : ;
secretory , C. 1" Mlrton ; fInancial secrelary
Chance Prenzer : trcanrer , ! 'relerlck Halt :
board of dIrectors , Messl , Whlnner , Hall
Tasue , lmtarston . Evans . Ccologan and Peter
I"renzcr. Id , U. Cryer of Phiadelphia was
elected delegate 10 represent the club at the
annual leelng at time Natonol Kennel cluh
to bo hell In New York In April. '
The ' laler of holdIng I bench show In I
September was exhaustively discussed , the i
umianhimmoims verdict being In favor of the
nllnlnolR verllct lelnll ex-
hlbllon , Many letters of Inquiry were read
tram doggy men lt Topeka , St , Joe , Kanus
Cly , Lincoln , Fremont ammO other cites , and
nil evinced I decldCI desire thll time club
should give a bench show In the fail . Many
of the men have dogs 10 enter , and time Ilroa-
peets for a pr05Perous year for the canlno
IU\rl could not bo better .
J VOl all t111'lbr 'j hur'I"T Y\'ln ,
The great exhmIbIt1n balk lie blhilar
exhlhiin ! biiard
match between Napoleon Frank ives and
Wizard Jake Schaerer comes off In the ha
above 1..emmta & Williams' saloon
Lnlz Wllams' , HIS learasi I mm
slreel , mmoXt Thursday e\nll , 'rime arnal very
best accommodatioim , will be afforde.i
accommodatonJ wl b II0rde those' '
desirIng to wItness the game und there la
I little 10 doubt . but that the hal wilt bo flIle itt
R are Worth oml Characteristics of the
Trincl ! scotch Oolc ,
'Thn ) i hull loJ hm I ICII , hotter Thnn 10 I
JonI'olntcr \ Ilt Sllcr Are the
Inlusrlnu \ 111 ! or .i imierims
nl\l Most \ 'milmiabio ,
I ti
( Ccpynighiu'i Ic.l 1 i1 , ' ' ' . : , lcClur.\
This week New % 'ork1caumgs ! rounll again '
to the annual tlog show. anti for three or
four days most of the smart '
ra's IDst slarl'lleOIJII wIll be
poslnl i ns great dog fan' lers : The Infuenee
or the clog show on , , quality of time
dogs Is not entirely for . ) " , I encourages
10 t sonic extent mimerely fnc ) ' bmrcemlimmg and
cspeclnl ) . , helps on the dl llsllon , always
strong cnouh , 10 vain " 1uhm ! " antI "tashlons"
In 1 dogs. Thus the St le ; ll Is Just now
the favorite , but the Hus1ln wolf hounll will
be the favorite In time early future. A few
y ears ago In thIs country 'anll In England l
the collie , er sheep 110g , ' mv 'a the favorite In
Ihe bench shows , anl hi thin drawing rooms
lS wcll Now the collie Is more rlstnct ) . a
' ; oriciug dog than any other n laborer wlh
a record so honoralle that hIs Ilrales have
heen sung b ) ahuol every Scottsh Poet frol
lurns i down , Wrltug of his own cole ,
Lualh , Burns salt :
ills Irtsat was . whIte , his towie hacle
" 'ctl clad vt' COt 0' giasy hlar ] ;
Ills Iawelo filth , wi' UllWul c-ri ,
Hung o'cr his hunlts wi' I Iwurl ,
The stanlard as leclarml and dennell by
Iho AmerIcan Collie club takes Issue wllh time
11 < In 01:0 : regard all say lat a collie's tall
should nol cmmrl though It should , hang o'cr
the hurdles wRIt a swnrl Time swurl we see
Is i all right , but the curl Is alt \ vrommg. Prob.
ah ! Burns mutt not know as 1uch about the
matter as time genlelcn who 1alle the rule
for the shows In the Mallson Square ! arrel ,
however thIs may be t'no hurll of fURhlo
hnu b not Improved the uscful cole , thonRh In
the hlghlanrs of Scotland , wherc without hIs
nll Sheep fal"mlng would be nllost Ilpossl-
hIe , ho Is probah ns gael as ever. Anti lu
other Parts of the world he Is also servhlt
the useful purpose for which nalure Intended ,
l mimii.
Darwin S1YS or t'I sheep dog In South
Alerica that "wimeim rimling It Is a COllon
thing to meet a large flock oC sheep guarded
b ) one or two dos at n dlslnca DC SOli
I1e3 i from ammy housc or man " Amid on
i Inqulr bum learne,1 the lethod hy which Ihb
friendship helween dog all sheep had
heen i cSlablshet , The dog when a lJPP ) '
Is removet from its mother amid Is
no longer allowed . , to " "olato wih other
dogs or even with the children or the fanmily.
1 Is kept In tIme sheep pn anti suckled h ) a
ewe Gencraly also I I castrated amid Ihus
has little or no communl - of fCllng wih
its Idnd. Drought up nl\ng the sheep , It
shows mme Icslre to leave the 10ck , but as-
sUles the poallcn or leadcr "It Is amusIng -
Ing , " h3 writes , "to oben'e when approach-
lug a flock how the dog Immcllately advances -
vances barking and the sheep all close In
his roar as I round time oldest ram " I
COle ' hOle lal ) ' for food on receipt of
which It returns 10 the 10cl. , nnl this I Is
tauht to bring home In the evenlng-
The wolf-like allpearance. tha erect or semi- .
erect ears , lhD pointed nose and shaggy CO\-
enlng of the collIe ha\e Il same naturalsts ,
nufen among them to regard , hIm ns Ihe
nearest approach 10 the primitive type of any
of time 10molc 10gs , Other mOle recent
authorities . however , hold that It Is more .
reasonable to suppos that Ihese points only
indicate Imrly of breed , unalloyed by ulllx-
lure with other varl'les , The fact that his
Ifo Is led almost entirely out of doors a.l
that he has l1b or no opportunity of Ilxll ! ; !
with dogs other Luau his own kind , would
tend to preserve unlormly In external appearance -
pe3ranee , whIle his hlUh cerebral development -
mont amid Intelgencerov . , beyoJI a 10ubt
that the brec of collies is I one of the most
highly improved and In tita . . respect remotest
from the primitive type".hera , he Is kepI
exclusively as a working ' /og his whole In-
telect Is devoted to thc one 'duty oC tending
his master's flocks and In the performance
of thIs hO Is equaly sagacious , vigilant and
In this counlr the collie Is not much
more lhan n show dog , anfl a Indy's com-
pammion but there arc ' l rvertheles some
very splendid speclme of the type
here as the principal breeders are mm oC
means and Inleligence ndl they arc every
year bringing from England and Seotanl
time best dogs that cnmm"be purchased and
Ihese are used not only for exhIbiton , but
for brcedlng. I
The most notahle of the collie breeders
and exhibitors al preselt'ls 'J. Pierpont Mor-
gao , the wealhy New York banker ant
flumamicier. ITo has his kominmils at his country -
try place on the ludson rIver near West
PoInt , where he has had the satisfaction of ;
breedIng ant rearing some " of time flest
- -
specimens ever exhlblell In Am rlca , MrP
loT on leeeps nnll breeds time cole entrely
for his own pleasure , and , though ho pays
big prices for any dog ho fancies he doom t
not eh1 the of hIs bItches ,
offspring hiches preferring -
ferring to give Iho puppies ho tIres not wish
to keep 10 his frIends I Mr Morgan wonll
go a step further In Improving the cole he
woull be regarlled as even a better frIend
of the Iype U he shoull have all of his
young doss traIned to henl and drIve sheep ,
then the Intellect of his dogs would not go
10 waste , but would Improve In time sale pro
portIon as the conformation ,
The Cox terrier Is an extremely ntractve
and companionable dog , and the most gentle
manlke of hIs kind , Ills good qualities hlve
made hll very popular , and al time dog
shows his class Is always quite large , whit e ,
time competition for prizes Is very keen , le I
Is thought to have originated by crossIng Ihe
I nglsb terrIer with the Italian greyhound , !
but there are dog fanciers In plenty who 10' ; '
not assent to this lie was originally brie 0
and kept as sit addilon lo every pack of
fox hounds , being qulelt enough 10 be UI In i :
I very few mnutes : lfe a fox hall been
run 10 ground Then the terrIer would go
10 sround. ali by lila peulslent snapping
start time fox , so that tie ( chaso'could be re
, -
, . _ - - . ' . ' I ! ,
_ . ? i-
, , '
- ) f Jp..e : - , Iit " /
( } ri
j . _ _ , - 4
'l ( :
O4kld ' \
fru''r ' '
I' ' , i4)a1i1c4j
-4- - -
sumed , Recently , Iiowevem time ( ox hmound 1mm Is
become so fast that time fox terrier canni ) t
keep up mithm a pack , aud therefore lie hi ml
to be carried by a grooemm on horseback ,
In this country , 'there teal fox buntIng i in
the English cross country fnshon : amounts to
next to nothing , the fox terrier does not
serTe e\n this pimtpose. nut hil 10(1 ( Ilal-
Itt8- entlllY , cl'ernes. . amlbly , fllr ghl-
L ! and ' '
1ness bra\'er-make him very eeePIII'hle
19 I dog 10 enjoy time privileges of tIme house
Rnll tIme frlenl'shlp of the fanmii' . As an
exlermlnlor of 'crmln he hiss no superior In
et tUlerlor
the terrier group. lImit nOM eve a good
anll handlcnu' dog of his class 19 worthy toe
b e kept , so I describe hIs pJ'nls
He should , have a lint leal , , narrow be-
twecn time eyes , bil wider between the car ;
these shoull bo set rlher back , but be cl'se
10 the cheek and IhOlhl he small anl , thin.
The eyes should be smal RII keemm ; iioo
black : shoulders straIght-but 101 too wil 'I
chest full amid rommimd . limit not deep ; : neck
lghl l anti coinIng gracefully omit of the shoul.
Iler ; hack powerful , anti timtgms wel bent antI
slrong : leg anll feet slTI1h amid strong.
coot cs tle , limit har.1 al,1 sl1Y , This weIght
shouM not exceed slxtcen 1111ds , Ston'1-
henJe says , but tIme American standard plc's
Iho laxlmum at four pullls hIgher. Wlile
shonll predomlnale In tIme color , with black
and Ian luarklns nboul time he311 Several
rears ago 1 saw In time menagerie II Central
p ark one of t'lese heaulful I I a beasts
! ' " . \ ' ' 1
. ; 4 - ; . 1) )
lHZ 10Nnm , TEMPEST.
chalnel II tim o &Une coin us rt mu emit wlh I t an
i nmense elephant. They were evlcll ) ' ! cot
friends In gelerl , but time elellhnnt , with aim
allparcnl sense of launor , kept dropping straw
al the buick of time tcrrler. At last limo tinge
tcmper was Irous ll , all he rushed II lila
complion : lS theugh he would cOt "Ilm Ull lt
once. The elephanl got back ns far lS he
coulll In the corer or the comllartment and
seemell trying to lale himself as sm,1 am
possible. Time dog tugged at his chain and
growled angrl ) ' . , I fanJled that I S1W a very
bread 8mle on tim elephant' face , and I am
sure hO winked. , 'erfalnIY ; there was hUlor
enough II the attu2.tqnt0 malc any llng nol
II&elsato h laugh 1Ienrt )
The fox terrier toes not know what fear
Is I , amid this IncII lt Is mcntonct mercly
ts an lustrtol : of his great conrg : " A
timid fa : terrJCI' Is of mme eartlly Iceount
anti should bo eslrO'cr as soon as his lack
of courage Is tlemommatratetl. There Is a
ready sale for fox ( ierrers ! , and professional
deg ( dealers , have Jhcm ut various lales ,
limit these dealers are not over Itce In
scrullles and 1\0 purchaser wlo gets a good
coo from such a 501rc : al a reasonahle price
mummy he cOln tell os ver ) ' lucle } ' . I Is much
safer 10 buy directy from time hreeders man )
o' whon\ are gentemen , amid In every way
beyond reproach.
Th : bull dog Is tinier the pOlllal' ban
anti man ) ' persons regard him as the most
abJectonolle of his rce , lie Is salt to
have little intelligence and no aftectlomi . amid
so Ilstngnlshel , an authority as Frederick
Courier asserts Ihls. Jolm Gibson also
' -
adopts this vIew. He Is essentially a fight-
Immg dog , ant was CormCly bred for time
brutal sport of bull baiing , In which hIs
terrible obstinacy usually gave him the
vIctor . lie differs from other dogs In givInG -
InG 10 warning of hIs attack by prelImInary
barldnG , and when ho has once fixed his
teeth 11 tIme object of his attack no amount
of torture will cane him 10 relax his hDld.
Colonel lamlon Smith says thai he has
seen I bull tog pIn down an American
bison , and hold , his nose to the ground till
the aulmal brought , forward ' his hlhl feet
.1d crushIng time dog to death tore hIs mnuz-
zlo out ot tIme flng !
Many dog fancIers maintain that the bulldog
dog Is much wronged not only ly scientfc
authorities , but b'coiumnIon' " report. One of
them says ho Ii lS Intel'ent ' lS other dogs ,
but has been perllle,1 to 10 wihout educa-
ton for 50 hang that he does not lear
quickly A16tncr"ays "hat the bull dog I i
blamed for al the wicked things which the
mncmngrels In which the bull prellcmlnales ,
'havo lane , Another. 1 II. Kendal of I.ow-
eli , Mas" says ; "The true bull doE Is the
kindest and mnqt truitvorthy of frltnls , arid
companion for h'ldren Is without
as a wlhoul an
equal , Where I Is ImpOilhle to keep a
mlslr he Is the best possible walch dog ,
Few I persons wish to keep I dog of such
hasty temller that he wil bile I Itranger
without provocation , but everyone can feel
that no 11er9on wih a guilty conscience will
intrude , where time forblrdlng face of our
friend , time bull dog warns 111m 10 beware .
As an exerler oC moral influence he Is without
an equal In the canlno worhl . " J8me3 Mor-
timer , manager of time Weslmlnster Kennel
club bcnch shows , takes Mr ICentlail's view ,
and , wih both of thesC Sllnehenge agrees ,
Nolwlhslantllg thIs authoratve testimony ,
I fancy the bul dog will alwa's he regarded
as an ugly fellow , ant fit companion rather
for prize lighters mind ruffians than for mOtes !
and gentlemen. 'fhe bul terrer ! , a cross be-
tween time bull dOl ali time English terrier ,
ID rather an amiable animal , hut the fact
that hc was orIgInallY tired amid kept for
fightIng has given him a lasting dlnepule ,
luG 1)005.
SportIng togs , such as pointers and set-
termi , are those which are most generally
employed In this country In actual worlc ;
1nd Ihero Is not a neighborhood In aIr the
land In which several of thew intelligent
animals are not 10 bo found , nli therefore
moore luau any other breeds . Ihese Iwo are
valuable for the actull services performed ,
Time \olnler Is related to the hound , anti Is
supposed to be derived from an olti Sllanlsh
breet , lie owes his name to ' the ( habit of
standing fixed at time Sclt of ! Iame , and
thus like the crouching of the setter , whether
tluo to long contInued training alone or to
the modlfealon and exaggeration by man
oC the Jnstruclve alert of surprIse cOlmon
to all dogs when first aware of their prey
Is now Inherlel , the puppy plnlng before
his traInIng has begun
'fhe strength of this pointing propensiy
was never moro signally shown than In the
case told by Daniel of two polnlers ! which
stood Immovable as statues durIng the hour'
anti a quarter occuplell In skelchlng Ihem ,
Many sportsmen prefer the setter to the
loIntee 1 for work In the neIl , lie takes his
nnle from the crouching attitude 110 assumes
when he has scented game Darwin suggests
that timId habit Is "merely the exaggerated
pause ot an animal about to spring upon his
prey , " Slonehenge however , says that time
setter orIginated before shootIng on the wing i
became COlmon , and the crouohlng aliude
was taught , to him by hunters , smite throw a
hot over time covey the dog had loummd.
nut now Ihal IhDotng I general , thl
crouching or "setting" Is not considered the '
best method to be taught , lS often the dog I
lost 10 the sight of the gunner , Setters , ,
; "imichm . . belong to tmo SpanIsh group lit Courl- :
. . .s lubllvllpl of time canine race . are of t
three klnd -the gnglsh , Irish and Gordon
There la really lIttle ID chose betsveemm them , , t
but It wuuld be Impolslhle to get In ezitbusi. .
. , . . ,
- - - - - ' - - -
- - - - - - ' _
- - - - - I
Yes , We Have Everything
SPCrl ) ! Bnl' , llns for ThIs Week
Wu h\o IHt liii' i'oonm : ( - I to I --h ( \ eutmubiit '
( j" ) nsstli'o 'Ol tIl' t t 1I'Ice 1III11olel1H wol
j ; : _ . .t\ C \1111 lolhlu II Iwlrl otTul'cll.
AA'\1 ) A $ lli Chol\nlll'r lot' , . . . . , . . , . $ 7.00
4 ; s- ' A ' U ) ' l'ntemmt
: Uphollol'cl Pntl'I1 n"lk- :
. CI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,50
. JHi 1ml011 : Hrlslclil fM" 2.00
: A $ :0 11'(1\0011 ( BI'lh'OUII , 14,50
A * :1 : lll/fij / 111 fOI' . . . 1,95
I A 2 Ilgh Chll. (0. . . . , . . ! !
t A $5 11'10" Sni rO. . . . , . . , . 29.00
. J\ CI' ' . ' ' , .
Cq'J Jilc pnl'of ] Notlughll 'alrl CmJlhl' f(1 CI'- ( 3"0
' Inlns . . . . . . . . . . . . , 950
, ( A goomi 81YI'11 HI ! liii' , . . . " . 750
0 A gtlud tantlohllg Bel fom' 1,50 g
: : i ; t t ; _ s4rt Wi , 111'0 a row of titon Cho-
, I" i _ . : 'iti ; ] ' - : : ? nil ho Couched left , which \ \ ' '
- ' t.I i m 0 ? will clu u ell III $6.48 teach ;
f j ( I4t _ V : 'cgulnl' . pdce , $11.50.
. . HC1thot' give j'Ol Iho beI of
' -1 ' '
' c\ol'j'thln
: t \ .
, ,
r 1 , BES' In0110 , nEST hi Met-vice
C nmrr In to"IH.
Also t'etom ol' tlm ! g'tdd \\'m'u no\'ol'
'i&f so CilEAim mJ NOW , 111 that thoj
_ cannut ' bo ' ,
n ) imosstb1' ChClPOl'
" o
Oiti Terms--Cash or
. ' Olr Ter11S--Cash ,
F 810 "nrlh Ir.1' , 81 liar "unll
4'- ! ? . Ii' tS 1 , , 'r 111'h ,
_ 1 1 ; "rlh I' ' gotHic , 05 1.:1 I "ri' w"ok
I ) r SmitH ) ii .miimi I ii .
I "Ulih.
tao \Ylr.h If IIJI , tti.i lI" rctrIct \
imp Otil OU a iimtiitii.
t UI
Wlhlle I elI Ic ban tie , e lk ol ii I ii e . sllrll I g O'1 wurlh II JuuII. . tit : : tit mi \ > " ' ' \ ' .
etigot4 11 I roum mm .1 , mirmm smil I I mig jllllllr. I I . cakes Or $ I tlur I nWI' h.
In,1 , wol I I limy I iii selllJ ml le Crl 110 I I S11 mme rt i t ue gum ' ) , . , : . . I'"r1'1' ( ;
1\0\0 Ihey'ro I iieav I ty Crt itrail urn ii p. II' t i 'C \llr \ II'HII I
hnlltere(1 , ( " : Ih he\ly blenlllJrcu ' 11'- 11:1 wurlh ue1111 - , S.II..r : . ' \\'I'\t , ' \ I
I , un tugs , a hit are mm I togot ime' r Ihn most _ tr ' ' i 1 I. . II1th
11XalI1S 1)II'cc If altofolhl'r fl'II'I'1 ' fur $21 mom SIrO wurth uf 10"11" , . 1 IIul' ( wui'imi . C
om'oi tilr'r'ml. Our tiargtimmZ4 : 4- Ur:11 I I \ l"I'h
1111cc I thIs I ol'lar"aln$12 WoVmm Or :3 pu' iv < 'mtk ;
I i : , . . . . . , . . . : . . , . ' . . . . : . . , . . . .11. I ii. $ tt ) l ) ° . i iimtlt
Stimuu : Couch - covered in mvcprthi of g < ) i'i. myeim4 ;
traposty-bmtrgmmlmu lmnico . . . . . . . . &P ° ' . titma , , 't' ittutitti ,
Sc2d 1Oe for 0 iii' i'tlamms muotli I I Itmmtr.atiod Citmtlogti : o.
oitfl Sa/urdity Eveif's Unlit a O'c/oc. ,
# /e1&hA2atak
tistlo ndmmilrer of chimer kInd to say as mucim.
All of these sporthmmg dogs nra valuable as
commmpanloims , as they Imave intehligemmce , beauty ,
aummiability and loyalty.
flimcstm'iiti iiiil . % mlswors ,
OMAHA , Feb. 14.-To time Sporting Editor
of Time Bee : In a game of four-hmandetl
cribbage , A and C are partners , D dealIng ;
A iminys time 7 , fl piays8 'with 15-2 ; C plays
9 ivltim a run of three , D tuinys a 7. What is
lie entitled to-Reader.
Ans.-FIm'e biohes.
SIOUX CITY , Feb. 9.-To the Sporting
Editor of The Bee : My pointer , and imo is
a fine one , too , roze his tail during time last
cold spell , It. will not. heal amid hmtcetis con-
stantly' . I do mitt wammt to cut oft time frozemi
menmber , for I do not 'ant to spoil hmimmi for
exhibItIon. Can you suggest a. remedy-L.
M. II.
Ans.-Try aim application of carbolic salve ,
wimicim you can procure at any drug store.
if It. is only tlmo tIp of hits tail that. may iso
taken off mvithmout ruiimiimg lila chancee on
the bench.
S1iFItIDAN , Wyo. , Feb. 11.-To thmo Sport-
lug Editor of Time flee : I beg y'omm to decitle
limo following : A amid 13 mire Playing a gaimmo
of pitch ( cards ) . A imas 7 poInts , B 9 , A imhds
I and makes high , low , gamime ; 11 makes time
Jack. Who is time wiimmmerl Who goes ommt
first , A or 1)7-Il. 11- , fly News Agent.
Ans.-They play It hero that time bimider
goes out , but that is not In strIct. imuterpreta-
then of time rules.
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 12.-Tn tii Sporting
Editor of The lIce : For thm benefit. of a
mmmnnber of sports down thIs way will you
oblige an old resident of Omomatma by giving time
bimtiupiace and ago of Pugihists Corbett ,
Jackson , Fitzshtnmncns , MeAuhiffo , Sullivan arid
Iixomi ) ? It. 14. Morris , time Midimtnti ,
A ne.-Corbett , San Francisco. September 1 ,
18CC' ; Jackson , time West Iimthie , 1861 ; Ieltzsim _
mans , hilaton , Cornwall , hing. , Juno 4 , 1862 ;
McAcmliffe , Carlo , irelaiimh , March 24 , ISGC ;
Suiiivamm , Boston , October 15 , 1858 ; Dixon ,
Halifax. N. S. , July 29 , 1870.
OMAhA. Neb. , Feb. 12.-To time Sporting
Editor of Time lice : l'leaso answer in Sun-
micy's lice If 1mm tIme game of high five tbme
, ioaicr can bid fifteen , mind it lie mmmalees four-
tccmm poimits Is ho all righmt , armmi also If time
imbayor who mmammies time trummmp has to iiiay a
tnmimnlm limit first play ?
Ans-i ( ) No. (2) ( ) No.
VALENTINE. Neb , , Fehi , 10.-To time Sport-
lug Editor of Time lice : I'hcase mention in
i3ummmiay's hoe whmmmt birds are demmommmlnmmted as
waders ? is a duck or goose a wader-
Sportsman ,
Asms-(1) ( ) IVamlers-GrahlalOrea of clentlsts
-lnclmide plovers , oyster-ctmtchtera , ttmmnstones ,
avocets , stilts , Cmiibct1 , phmelaropes , godwits ,
sammdpipers. vcothcocks , cmmnicwz , fuses. Imerommul ,
cranes , blttermis , cooLs and raIls. (2) ( ) No.
IlUiS ( 4X111'RUIOIIJJL.'i.
TIlE \VIUTFI COMPANY , fly A. Conami
Doyle. Clcthm. 435 panes. harper & hires. ,
New York , From Megeatbm StatIonery Cu , ,
'fime tale of "TIme Wimite Company" Is as
nmuelm a departure from time usual detective
story of thmi lmcpuiar writer as time field
cimosen Is remote In years. Time doctor takes
time reader back Into time dark ages anti In-
( reduces iilmmm to time jolly monks , time lmraivi-
lag knlgimts , time llgumtlng yeonmeim arid. time
goodly lasses of ye goods old tymne , ripe to
overflow with harrowing adventure. albeit ( lie
dull , slow ( lays of a eleepy age , Ttmoae who
have adimmlreml ScOtt's "Ivanhoe" will follow
"The White Company" into time ware with no
lees relish and will feel ahipost as if tue rude
characters were old acquaintances.
'full 00141)lIN hIOUShI , ny Charles immtlley
Warner , Illustrated by W. T. i3mnetliey ,
Cloth , 346 images. harper & hiros. , New
York , Ieronm Megeath StatIonery Co. ,
Time story hua aiready appeared In eerhal
forum in Harper's , where it has won a high
place 1mm public estimmmaVon , it tleals witlu life
hum tue city of New Ycrk , a fleki that 4e cor-
talnly sufficiently manifold to Interest time
reader , whierever lie aiay be located , It Is
imnimmted in handsome octavo with uncut jmages
and gilt top.
bI'FEhtAltY AND 5001A14 ESSAYS , By
George Wihliammi Curtis. Cloth , 293 pages.
harper & DroL , New York. Front Megeath
Staticnery Co. , Omnaha ,
Tlm1s is a compilation of essays from the
Pen of Mr. Curtis , wrItten dunimmg various
Periodu In his evmmtfui career , ard eoiahmnlse ,
crItic cmiii of Emerson , hawthorne , I.ungfeb. :
low. Ilth1re. Vaihington Irving mind a ford ,
other mh.sttngulshmed characters.
In the Iianker3 Forum department of the
: : ' - : L : , . - - ; . . _ _ _
I ) ecrmmiinmr number of Time Baimkers Magazine
Mr. C. F' . Bentley , a Nebraska baimke , says
t Ime "ilsltimnorme iiamm" evidemitly cormtemmmplates
e ther iimilaticn or tIme dleimlmmceimient of the
greenback. lie opposea control of ciirrenc
l sstmes through other sources timamm thm gov-
c rnmtmit : : anti believes "time advantages of aimy
c hmange that contemnpiate an Increas.eJmm time
I mitereat cimarges of time nation vlhh have to ap-
tcar very plalmmly before time peolle % 1hi astont
t o It , "
Tim hlstcrlc landmarks of Lmition furnish . -
t he subject for an emitertaimming anmi Instrmmctlvo
article , time openhmig one iii the .iatmuary Issue
of Thme Chammtammquan. Time ihimmmmtratlons are
f rom plmotegraimhis and shmor lIme 'rower. Bridge ,
St. 1'aui's , All llzmhlows , Vestimminstor , thin
Tower ol Lomimlon , and other jilaces of miote.
Miss S. Moody Presents COIliC "Aspects of
Social Life iii time East ilmmd of Inmion , ' ' I'rot.
II.V. . Cornwall tells mis "Thin WonId'e Debt
to Chemistry , " Grammt Ahiemm comiciudmt "Evelyn
Mooro's I'oet" and mm host of others commtrhmmito
valuable peisers. Dr. T. L. Flood , Meati-
yule , Pa.
Witim time ceiehmralion Cf Its 100th annIrer- , )
sary by time S'hmlppimmg & Coimimmmerc'mmt List
and New York h'nlce Current of New 'York ,
time ceimtcnary of trade journalism in AmerIca
% % .lll have benim reached. This limhmer was
foimmimled by Jammies 0mm , a printer , 1mm 1795.
Aiimomug limo special featmmres of the paper Our-
Ing its cemmtenimiai year vhhI be the conmpiia-
lion of a directory of ccimminerifal lmousca in
Aimmerica that have been establisimed for fifty
years or immoro. Time limildlsimers hartictilurlY
request all such hmmmsiness houses to send tar
lnoniimation ! bhmmnic , wimich wIll be tcmrntsiiett
on apimilcation , Iii order that cnpietemmnes
rmnti accuracy mmmay ice smecurcd , Oilier special
features of limo paper wIll be mm cacbm issue a
resummie of time ' 'Notable Events One Ihtmimmlreti
Years Ago 'l'imle Week , " elcctclmes of "Old
Amnericami Iluitimiese houses" amiti time "history
of time Commmnmerce of New Yorlc , Ito 'Frade and
Mammufactures for One Ilundretl Years , ' '
We are miesemi to ucliion'ledgo : receipt of
Time Harvard University Catalogue , an extemi-
sivo volummic showing thmo ImrOnt status tiad
acoume of time ummlversity' 1mm all its lranchmes
and phases. Ams Idea of Its exteumt immay be
derived frcnm limo fact that It embodies over
600 pages of clomehy pritmteti ummatter , all or-
ranged anmi presommted In compact form.
'Fime lehmruary limtrper's will cpcmi wltim a
stirring tale of early Immerlcnim nmanithmne his-
tcry imtttlem1 "New York Colonial i'rivateers , "
by Mr. Timomame It. Janvier , with Ihiustratlonmi
by Mr. hlowmmre ) Pyle , one of wimlcii mviii be time
frontispiece to time number ,
Craiimmtomu & Curts , Cincinnati , 0 , , will pub-
flaim early iii tIme imew ) 'ear "lime Stcry of
iloimeimila , ' ' by Frances Gregor. Time bode will
ho a large l2mimc. of about 400 liages. Thicse
who bmiive seeim time MS. speak very hmigiily of
its hIstorical and literary imienits , it will be
fully and lseautuiiy illustrateml anti proinlets
to lie a immost attractive anti intcreetlrmg vol.
sell Publishing Counpammy , New York ,
WOMAN'S VORK. l'uhihi.siieml at Athens ,
( Is ,
htOMtmNCii. Roimuamice I'mmblishming Company ,
Astor Place , New York ,
'flild CIIUItCIL A'i' Ii0,1ii ANT ) AhlitO/ul ) ,
PresbyterIan Iboanml ct i'tmblicethun and I3ab.
Imatim School 'Work , Piulhtideililila.
TilE ii UMANITMLIAN , International News
Cormiimimny , , Now York.
TJiilES ) ilOimill COMi'ANION , Mast , Crow-
cli & lClrlepatnicio , Springfield , 0.
hOOTS , ANt ) flhlUll ( holIday number ) , M , '
'I , Itleimnrmlsoim Comnpamiy , 84 anti 8th ltcade - ' , , _ .
Street , New York , , ' . : .
TIlE IC1NIE1IGUt'rEN ) NR\'S , MIlton
liradhcy Comupamiy , Simringfleiti , Mass.
TIlE Ll'i'iiit/uItY iiitA , Porter & Coistes.
l'hi iiamhelphi ha.
1300K NE % 'S. John Waoamaker , Pimiladeh.
Var i'etcjmed ,
TIme lmhliadehihibm , Itecormi telimi of a large
maniifaeturimmg firm wimicim r cently seimt
orount ] a comimmummlcatlorm to all time peolmime
vitim whmommm timy hail deaiiimgs , % Oying I hmtm
because of time lmbeasammt rchmtbons : bstwgeq
timemu it svema time firm's Intcnliomm to PrQsOimt
each customer mvlthm a ditmimmond plo , as a
token of estecmn. Most of time lmeohmio iin-
med thu letter to bu a ( nice , whmilp others
waited ammxltmushy for Limo vithuahilo giCt to
arrive , Last weelc mm srmiait package arrived
through the mmmliii , anti when thie wrupper
was taken off a neat jeweler's b9x was
reaclmmid , The lmresemit imait itt last arrived ,
but witimlrm vero illecovereti a bnIgit new
tilme. imnml a brass pin , which time facetIous
thrum hued desIgnstei mmii a tunic cmiii hlmi , 'rho
remplcmi's are autiw womudering vhmal lmitlucem.1
iii' ' flnin to t'pumd so sammay dimmes to pp'-
Imetrate so smuahi a joke ,