Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1895, Part III, Page 18, Image 18

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IBoys ¶ arid Gil1s. .
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lIyJlIl'1 (21tiidlcr Iltlrrl ,
- lCOI.'rllthtelt. ( 1S3. ) )
Tm TgHltllH.g HonSE.
When Tlekle.lly-To's : hall tel ahout how
Ncuell : the baker an,1 , h s wife were with
Sparkle Spry he Imusell and , looked 1 at
V Chlckam Crony Crow , as I ho expected she
would beckon him away. nut , Instead ct
that , she F11'1 :
"Why , that isn't all . "
"SVehl , Il's enough , I hope , " rrplel Tickle-
"No , " 8\ll \ :118. Mcallcws. " ! 's not
enough I Ihere's any more. Why , so far II's
the hest of all the stories It's new to me.
I had an Idea that I hail hearth all the stories ,
but thIs one Is a pole over my 110rslmmon , as
V wo used to ! Y In the cClntry next door. "
- "I don't l'ke ' to tel storle , " Ilrotestel
TckIe-My-Toci ! , puckering his raCi In a com-
V tcl way : "It's too eonnnn : "
"Nonscneet" exclaImed ! Mr. RabbIt . "It's
tlm : you were s ttlng down Whal ) , ' 11 you
look like a year or two from now I yeu
keel on cutting 111 ' your caller ? "
'flckle-ly-Toes caught hoof ! thin corner
: ! ho\
of Chlckamy ( Crany Crow's apron , antI , thus ,
V fortned , resumed his story :
"Wel , the haIler and his wife promlsc
V Sparkle Spry they would have hIm a big
' weoden horse made . and they were as good
V us their ' 10111. Thty sent right oil that very
V day for a carpenter soil joiner , nn,1 , when he
, care Sllarkle SIr showrd the m1n what
ho wantell lie 5all the horse mUEt he as
much 10 a real horse as could b malic
out 0 wood , and three times as hi ! ; ,
"The man asked the baller's wife what the
V brat wanted wih such n machine : as thaI ,
allthl3 I made the good woman iiiad.
, , ! mal .
V " 'lie's 10 brat I can tel you that. ! abe
exclaimed 'anti Ir ho wnlts n play horse as
big : as a whale and the sonic shape he hll
lllVO It. Now , I you wanl to make his ply
, horse , gct to work and malI it. t not . I'l
get someh (13 ) else to male I . '
V "Dut the mal declared he meant no harm
and said he wag glad to get the work , Su
he got the lumber , amI In a row days being
V I very clever workman , he hail Imbued time
wooden horse. lie made I Just as Sparkle
I Silry wanted him to. lie put big hlnge3 ! at
the joints at time legs cut a window In each
I side at the body made the cars and the nos-
i almost took his Ilreat away , - .
9 "A furwc wih a small bake oven had
been flttesh nil un,1 , there wa : also a supply
of lour , coal anti woocl. The lue tram the
furaco ran In time Inside of the horse's mieclc ,
flailing u \ 'emmt for time smoke ut limo ears.
, On all aides were to le seen the tools and
. furnlturo of u balley , and there were Illace
: hen the little men might stow themselves
' Iway when they were not on dill ) ' , amid then
, , WaS u special ulldrlmelt for Ibm King of the
Clinkers .
'In 1 lIttle white the whole Interior of the
hO\o swarmed wih time followers or the King
of the Clinkers who stood
Clnkerl , /tooll counting them as
, they , Omo II ,
, " 'AU Ilre , ' he said , waving his little
Jker . . 'Now get to bed and rest your.
ech'es" 'our-I
" "he ) ' mpled so prompl ) ' that they
, Beemod to disappear as I ly mn3glc. The
: torch beaten lall thrown their torches In
V the furnace , anti 11 wood limed mtlrL'amly ! he'n ,
V placed there a lire was SUOI kindled.
V " 'Now , ' said the King of the Clinkers ,
hosing ) tie dr uIo'l let i Wlrl ul 1 ,
- -
little , and sea I the carpenter has done his
work well. '
"Thereupon lie hulled n cord that seemed :
to ho tell to n hell , and , In n little while . ,
Sparilo Spry felt that the horse was In mno
lion . He hardly knew what to make of It.
lie went to the window and peered out , and
the Ightb In the lluses leomell to be all
going to the rear. Uccaslonlly a crolllnl
goln/ soune was heard , and sometmes ho commit !
feel n jar or Jolt In the horso'A frame
" 'Arc we flying ? ' he nskell , turnIng to the
iCIng of the Clinkers ,
KlnJ , ' Nothing the sort. Don't you :
'I'lyln/1 /
feel time jaI / when the horse lifts lp n foot
and puts I down ngaln I'm mighty glad I
Is a Ilac'n ' horse. I II wms n trotting horse
I woull ehl110 Ii all to imleces. '
. 'Whel'c arc wo goIng ? ' Inlulrell Sparkle
. 'Following the army-followIng time amy , ' ,
reple.1 the King or the Clinkers. 'Thrre's !
going to be I bl bate not far frem here ,
and wo may \ 'mli ! a hand In It , The king
of this country laa fat old rHcal , who Isn't
very roil titotigftt of by the rest at the
iCIngs , who are his cousIn. but I hive her
nll lIe has n \r bothred me. Con ! ' luelty
I don'l mind helping hIm out In a Pincim. '
" allow far ,10I" , ; hare to go ' nsllell Slar-
Ile Spry , whJ hall no great relih for war !
If It was ns hart ! ns he hall heard It was
" 'Oh . n r oed many miles , ' replIed tie King
of the Clinkers : , 'and wo nro not getting ou
at ni Ther's not ehough muton suet on
the knee hinges to suit me. '
"So saying , he struck the boil twlc , and
Instantly Sparkle Spry could feel that the
wooden , horse was going factor.
" ' 1)'s . the horse go by the real er through
tht fields ? ' n"\ell \ ; Sparkle : Slr ) ' .
" 'Oh , we take slort cuts when necessary . '
answHcII the King o the Ciinker. 'Wo have
no tme to0 'round by the road. I hope
you arc not ocareti. '
, searet.
" 'No . not scaPII , ' replied Sparkle Spry
somewhat .JOUhUII ) 'but It II\es me feel
queer to he trvelng through the country In
a svntien imorse. '
"Notllng more was Fall for sOle home .
and S\3rllo Spry mmmurt hn"e dropped 01 to
slolll , for sullouly ho was aroused I ) the
out imvoice : of time' King 01 the Clnler who coiled
, , .
" 'Iiero we are ! act mum ! Stir about !
"Spartdo Spry Jumped to his feet and
looked from the wimmmios' . Day wns just
mlavnl rig , a mid on the 1IIIIn I be fore hll I hD saw
hlllrods of twlnllil/ lights , lS t a shower
orslnl stars Ilcl fmilcn to time ground during
_ 3I - ,
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oyes. tells h : 10w. and fixed Pieces of glass for the
"Tho carpenter seemed to enjoy hIs work ,
too , for every time he went alP n lIttle ( ls-
tnce to see how his work looked he laughed
as hard as he could. When he was nearly
done ho asked Sparkle Spry If he wanted
the roof shingled.
" 'Why , no . ' repled ! the boy. 'There's no
V roof there. nesldes , horses don'l have shin-
gle3 on them. '
" 'That's so . ' the carpenter assented , 'but
this hone has a good many . things about
him that other horses haven.t got. '
. , got.
" 'Yes ' slid Sparkle Spry . 'but after you'
get oft. ' , through with hll ho Is to be plshed
"So , when the carpenter was through with
w the horse , n leather finisher was sent for , and
4' he covered the horse with time hides of cos .
tanned with the hall emi , and fixed a cow'a
tall where the horso's tall should haN been.
"Tho bailer grumbled a little at this extra
OXIJenCC anti said he was afraid Sparkle
Spry lied straIned his hcad the nlght he
baked 10 much brc-d , But the baker's wife
V said she would II to have a whole house
ful of crazy children If Sparkle Spry was
, crazy.
V "When the wooden hone was finished
V Sparkle Spry walled until Limo baker and hIs
wife had Gene to bed , and then ho tallped
V on the oven and wimlstlemi. Presently the
ICIng of the Clinkers eelled I out to see what
the matter was. lie eam out from behind
time oven cautiously until he found that
I Sparkle Spry W. alone , and then ho came
forth " ' .
I . br"I )
" 'Tho horse Is ready " said Sparkle Spry
, V " 'Heud ) ' ! ' exclalnwd the King ot the
Ciinkera. 'Wel , I think It Is high time. My
workmen could have built II In a night-and
here Ivo been waiing and waiting for I
don't know how long. '
, , long.
" 'I hope you'l like It , ' Sparlle Spry &ug-
I gested.
V " 'Llkmm I ! ' crIed the KIng of time Clnkers ,
'Wh ) ' , or course I'l like It. I havcn't en-
V joye n ride In so bug that I'm not likely to
quarrel with the horEo that curries moe. '
" 'nut this Is " wooden horse , ' remarllel
Sparkle Spry.
. ' 1 Ihouh hope So'e8 , Illced ! ' grunte
, tim King of the Clinkers. 'I 11\0 been rlJ
o tog wooden horses as long ns I can remem
bet They mny bo n little ciunisy . but thc )
, eull mime ' .
" 'nut this horse has no rockers , ' persisted
ed , , Sllarlde Spry. 'IL Is as . solid , n house. '
" '
'Much you know about wooden horses. '
said the King of time Clnkers , "Walt-I'l
call my torch bearers. . '
"le tappel on the oven wlh his tin )
pker , and Immedlalely u company of little
men filet ! out tram behlnll It. As they
, . , passed the furnce door they lit their torehe
' at / 1\0 coal and marchel out to the wooden
horse , followed by the King of time Clinkers
" anti Sparkle . Spry ,
V ' 'lhe lall' . hall ! reason to bo very much
astonIshed at what ho saw then and after.
, ward . 'fhe torch b ner led the way to
lImo left foreleg of time wooden horse , alIened
/ door and flied UII a spiral stairway , the
V t ICing of the Clulera followIng after Sparkle
, , Spry clmhed up by meal i of I step Idller
, , . . - . . -'that time callnter hall ! uHed When he
, cr : tied through time window In the sldo of
. .thewool\.1 ' \ here he saw that a great trans.
formatoii ha,1 taken \laee , and the sight ot
- -
tIme night. Doing somewhat dazed by his cx-
perlenees ho asked what they were.
" 'Camp fires , ' replied the King of the
Clnl ; rs , 'Tlw army that we are going to
attack ] Is camped further away but I you
wi lift your eyes a little you will see . their
camp fires. '
" 'Do we . attack them by ourselves ? ' Spar-
Ide Spry aslled.
" 'Of couue ! ' the ICing of the Clinkers answered -
swered 'I never did like tee much company ,
besides I want you to gel limo credit of It. '
" 'Now Id rather be certain "t a whole
skin than to have any credit , ' protested Spar-
kle Spry.
"nut the King of the Clinkers pa'd no at-
tenton to his protests. lie gave his orders
to his little mcii and'strutted about with an
all of Importance that Sparkle Spry would
have thought comical Ir he had not been
thinking of the batle , .
"Daylight came on and drowned out the
camp fires . leaving only thin columns ot
blue snioke to mark theni Time wooden horse
moved nearer and nearer to the army di-
recty In front of them , and finally came close
to the lmeadquarter3 of time
headluarter commanding gen-
oral , who sent out a solder ! to inquire the
meaning at the apparition . Finally the gen-
oral came himself , accompanied by hli staff ,
ancl to him Sparkle Spry ropeateti what the
King of the Clnker had toll hIm to say .
The general pulled his moustache and Imltell
his hrow mlghly , antI ! finally he said ! :
" 'I'm cblecl to you for coming. You'l
have to do the best you can. I never have
. commanded a wooden horse and IC I were
.to tel you what to do I mlht get you Into
trouble Il just fel1 worth . along the line
that the woolen , horse Is on our side end
you'l have to do the best you can. '
"As he said , HO he did The army . son
knew tlut a big wooden horse hat come to
helll I. and when the queer-looking maehln
moved to the front the soMlers got out or the I
way as fast as they could , amid Il 10 of them
forgot 10 carry their arms with them hut
ardor was soon restored , Incl presently It wa1
seen that Ihe ( opposing army was marching
forward to begin the bat le.
"Tho King of the Clinkers waied until
the hue was formed , and thou ho sounllecl the
little lieu. Time horse started of . The bell
s unded twice and the horse went faster.
Sparilo Spry , looking ( rein time window , could
, eo that he was going nt a tremendous rate.
The horle went cose to tIme opposing army
; \11 then turned and went down time line 10
Limo left. Tuning I care up time line ,
this time wry close. Turing again , I enme
back , und time . sellers ! In the front lute wor
compelled t. scamper out of time way Whlt
this was Iolng ; on the other army came UII ,
but by the tme I arrlvoll on the batt\
tlonnd there was nothllH to figimt.
" 'ho wooden hone hail stalpedOJ the
enemy's arm . and the &oldlers hlll ni run
away , leavllg their arms , their tents and
their bread wagons to hf captured
"Tho commanllnJ Reneral of the victorIous
army Ihankec Sparllo Spry very lmeartlly .
' ( 'I lenten your gnome In my report to time
Iln . ' he said 'nut I harly know what to
say about time affaIr. You wouldn't cal this
I , battCIouhl ) 'Ol ? '
" ' ' . '
'No , replied 8parlle Spry. 'I saw no
signs of a battle wheo I went along , '
" 'It Is wry curious , ' /all the general. 'I'
lon'l know what1'0 are coining to. A Ireat
victory takemi ' , but nobody killed arid no Ilris lers
"Then ho went off to wrIte his report , anll
some time ncl'warc the icing sent for
Sparkle Spry al11 ! gave him lands ; n'I ' houies
antI money , anti made him change . hIs every- 1
day name for A' very high soumUng one ,
And the baler and lila wife came to live near
hIm , alit ! time King of the Clinkers used to
como at n\hl with all hi little men , and
they had a \ 'ery good time after all , In spite
ot the high soumUng namc. "
Wllh ! this ' ' , . '
1'lclle.-Toes turned and ran
away as hard as ho could , whereupon Mr.
It3bbl opened lila e'cs nnd ! asked In the
mot bolrmn way :
"Is there a woolen bore after him r I
wlbh ) ou'd look . "
( To ho ContnuN , )
The Jte1r' " I'urlo ,
fmIPror Wiiam has ben oblIged to IUS-
lIe 111 al the utenslre building operations
which 1:0 : bed undcrlaken In connection wlh
the new palace sit Ilerlu , The estmates at
Coun Architect Iluo are now Ihqwu to hayo
. . . . .
- - - -
- - - - - - " . - ' - . - - - - - - -
- - - -
- - - - -
bean exccelltl by several mIllions of larl < s.
This state of affairs Is not so much due to
the Incompetence of that functionary as to
the emperor's mania for decreeing costly ai- !
leralon ! all the time , his purse hieing hy
no means comm nsur3le with his extravagant
notons of 1IIIendor nnl magnificence , anti
the conselnenc I that hIs personal finances
arc In a mich more critical condition than nt
any tuna silica he ascended the throne ,
A 1'IOU' , JV.\I' ,
( corgo VmthtIngtntm Won the "III lollly :
nnc Inrrlllrfl , 11(1 II 11'1 Love ,
George 'Vlshlngtou was a wonderful
jumper , Thacller.1 In "The Vlrglnllns"
gives him the lagnlfcent escort ! of twenty-
two feet three Inches for a rUlnlng broati .
Young harry Warnmmgton ! writIng homo from
l nglald a description of I jUIIln/ match
In which bo covered twenty-one feet three
Inches , therehy beating his competior , Lord
Mardi , gore on to sa ) ' : "I then toM them
that there was I gentleman nl home who
couhl heat me hy a good toot : and when
they asked who Il was I saId Colonel G.
Wlshlngtol of 1olnternonns you know
he can , nl11 he's time only man In this country -
try or mine that can clD It. " So If Thadl-
cray Is to be believed George stands the
champion breath juniper of his tmo : Inlcel {
UII to ISS9 he couhl easily have won \ Inter-
collegiate ehamplonshltl \\letlons amid
\ \
mCt of the natIonals. What Ihi agile ) 'ollg
paler patrla might have neccmplshe,1 , with
111e.1 shoes , a cinder path , anti n nice
Illanll "tallo off , " mme one can say , but IL Is
not Improbable that ho would uow stnnll not
emily : first In peace first In war , anti first In
the la'arts of his fellow countrymen , but first
on the list or running broad jumpers as rell.
I la rather unfortunate that time details
of this relarllable jump arc not to be tounll ,
hut I have dlscoverll a vcr ) ' pretty little
story which HII' s hll n recoll emily two
Inches short of that given him by young
Wamnlngton .
In a pretty little village In Virginia there
lived . In 177 . a rich anti eccentric old farmer
whose daughter wait deelarCI to ho the lo\'e-
hiet lalden In all the country mmmd , The
10.utul Icct Anneto vas 1S years of age , amid or
course . , had lany su\ rs for her hand anti
heart S0l0 orerell lmtr wealh , some posi-
tiomi . others nothlnrJllo \ \ and labor . imtmt .
obedIent to her father' wtches , she cncolr-
aecl 'nJlO of them. _ V V . _
On her J911 hlrtlJay time 011 lan 1I i I
"led all the ) 'omitht ot the vIllage to n grand
haYlaldnJ frolic . nnll they 011e. nm nr
them a dozen handsome ) 'oln. 1lnws who I
1010 Ilown to still retnll a tender regard I
for the lair girl whcse natal day they had
ccme to celebrate
The 101lnl IJssed In mery lahor ny
noel the hars were fled with the fragrant
for tIme feast of good
hay , anti all weri ready or
things that had been spread under the shady
branchos. .
' 'Now , my lads , " sad : ! 'time ohl mnn , after
time hmHllol was celtic time over , "i'v' got
lo , It ecOmmms that a
Eomethlng to say YOI I seelR I
good many or you have bach casting shcell's
eyes on my 4'tmmimctte. Now , boys I don't carr
anylhlng about money or talents hook larl-
lug or soldier laming I can do ns well by
lY ! Girl ns any man In time country . hut I
want hcr to marry a mal of my own grit
Now , perhaps you Iwow I. nut ! Ilcrhaps you
ilomm't but when I was a youngster I could
beat anyone In all Virginia lu the way of
leaplug Look here ! "
lIe held up as he spoke three handsome
medals , V
"AIHI alt at them won In fair fight . " he
went on . ' 'baides which I _ ' got my old womal
h ) ' beating time smartest lan on the eastern
shoro. Now , listen ; Ive taken an oath that
no lan hnl marry my daughter without
Jumplug for I , There you have I. boys ;
yommder's time green. amid here's AnneU The
nno1 ho jumrs farthest cn a , dead level
slH\1 marl her thts very evening. "
' received with
ThIs peculiar address was wih
great applause and more than one 'outh ,
as ho bounlell away for the arena of trIal ,
cast a glance of anticipated victory ' upon the
lovely prIze , a she stood blushing beside hel I
. Dropping their various amusements the
entire party wende their way , laughing artd
singing toward the village Inn before whIch
spread limo green. In the center or this plot
the groun . was bare and admirably culed
to exercises at the sort In wllch they were
about to engae. Soon all was In readiness
for the contest. The signal was gIven and
tIme young compettors , stripped of theIr
coats steppe forward.
"Edwin Grayson , seventeen feet ! " cried
one of time ju ges , Time youth had done his
utmost but It was clear by the look on his
face that ho had little hope. With a longing
glance at the prlz he could not win he left
time srounds
"Dick JouMen , nineteen feet ! " Dick V .
with 1 little laugh or satisfaction ! , replaced
his coat and joined tQe onlookers.
"Unrry Preston nIneteen feet three
Inches ! "
inchesVehl done , harry ! " shcute the spectators
tors "You tried bar for the acres and the
home tead. " Harry , who was a ' rattle-brained
sort of fellow , laughingly voWed he only
jumped for the f9rpf I tVl1C , tIling. I was
thought , however , that , , lp would not have
said so Ir he had tel sure ot winnIng.
"Charlie Slmn'ti . fifteen feet and a half ! "
"Hocray for Charle ! Charlie wins ! " cried
the crowd , with goq l1pi4urti ! srpaimn. Cha-
lie grinned , threw off' )1s dsappolntment ! with
a slight uplr ! of his shoulders , and was soon
creating roars of laughter with Ills wit , wimich
creatn by ! way , waifar . , , mpre.iu3til ! ) than lila
legs. 'I V ,
There was now but one leaper left , for
several hall become discouraged and retired
train the contest. .
"Now for larry Carrol" ! shouted the
spectators , nr ! Harry stepped d forwar.1 amid
great applause Carrel was the nthlete 01
time village , and he " 'as o general a favorite
that everyone wished , as w.1 as nntCpate : :
his cu000Mi. Moreover ho mas ii , , hand ! me
youth , and It was wel known that between
him and time beautfulnnette : there existed
: strong mutual attachment larry cast s
swift glance at hl3 sweetheart and at the
villagers . and then with a gieammm or triumph
In his eye he bounded forward
"Twenty-one fee and a hai ; A magnll-
cent leap I" cried the judge. "Uooray for
harry Carroll . larry wins ! "
hands hats and handlerchlels were waved
wildly by time delighted vihimmis . nnll the
eyes of tIme happy Annette parkled Ilh
joy.Now just before larry bad leaped and
whlo every anD's attention was fixed upon
huh bad enl the throng un-
him. 1 straJlgtr entqtc \
' '
IJareelnI , lie was a Inl , 'sehUemanly ) 'oung
man In I mIlitary untess ' frock coat . . who
hall nt that moment 'arrlvell on horseback
before time Inn 10 wa just In lIme to wlt-
ne.S Carroll's great icli ! '
Time first burt of nlplaulo over , the apecta-
tons awoke to time stranger's vresence Time
muam'g hAIHIEole face tint ! els ) adllress ! at
once atractell time eyes or the imialdens whla
his manly and slnellY frame , In which ! were
happiy mumbled symmctry and strength , called
forth time admiration of the young mmmcii
"Mayhnll , sir stranger , you think you can
heat that , " ' said Chsrl ! Simms , rcmarlling
tile manner In which the newcomer Ecnned
time arena . "If you can outeap harry Car-
roll you beat limo best man In the colonleJ. "
"Is It lor R nufemtnt you arc pursuIng
Ibis pastmc , " Inquired time youthrul stranger ,
"or Is thEe a prize for the whiner ? "
" 'ho sweetest Ilrlzo man ever strove for , "
answered one of the judges "Yonder she
stands "
Time stranger cast . a respectful glaneJ at the
hlushlng maiden , and hIs eyes hooked adml-
"Are the lsts open to all ? " ho asked.
"All yeung , sir , " replied Aiinette' father ,
wih Intereat , his youthful ardor rising as he
surveyed the proportons of Ihl straight-
Ihnbed young stranger , "If you will Iry
you arc free to 110 10 here Is my daughter ,
sir ; look at her and dechie : "
WIth a smie the newcomer threw off his
coat , drew lila sash tighter around h's wait ,
ald ) stepped forward Annette lolled anx-
bushy at Ihrr ) who Itoll near , with troubled
brow and angry eyet all thel she cat upon
the stranger a glance or pIteous entreaty. All
hearts sloe stIll a the young man bounded
forward ,
"Twenty.two feet and an Inch ! " The
judge's womds were reerived with murmurs
of surrlst and wommder Not wihout a feel-
hag of pity for poor larry , all crowdth 'r lnd
the new victor , offering hIm their eongut-
uiations . The old tanner approaphmed , and
gr.upng the young man's hand exultingly
cdlell him his lon , and MIl ho felt prouder
ot him than I he were a prince . To the old
athlete the true patents of nobility were
physeal ! strrn/th and activity .
Hesumln/ his coat the stranger sought
with hIs eye the fall pize he hII : , although
nln1eles anti unknown eo fairly won She
leanOl tressell IPOI her fnther's arm , hale anti dls-
Pear Harry Carrel stood aloof , gloomy anti
mortfell , admiring the stranger for his
ability , hut hating him for his success ,
"Alnett m ) ' PrettY prize , " sail the vic-
tor ( , tnllng her Passive hand , "I have won
you fnlrl. . .
, 'mnflette's cheek becnme paler than mnr-
ble , she t relllJl1 n 111 chiI closer o her
father . while her drooping eye sotigtmt the
form cf her loser , At time words of the
stronger termlltl , Carroll's - face grew dark and dc-
t'l have won ) ' 01. my pretty fewer , to .
Inko you Il hrltrelblo , not s violently
-I mean not 1\yseH \ ! , howe\er Ilrotll I might
be , " he ndllelpwlth gallantry , "to \Iear M
fair n Rem next iY , heart , I think there I
n fa\'ored youth mnong thc competitors who
has n higher chn \ than Iln [ Young sir , "
ho continued tlrnln , to the Ilrprlsecl larry ,
"methlnlcs ) ou1llel0 the victor In the lsts
before meI tro\'b not for the 1111 en.
though one could not well strive for n fairer
hit frol love bf tte manly sport In which
I snw rOi engar\d , ' YOI mire the victor , Inll
lS such , with the jCllsslon of this worthy
assembly , you receive from iY hnnd the
prlzo ) ' 01 have so well amid honorably well"
The youth siirang forward and graspeml the
! nnl Irasllcl
stranger's spran\ : \ th Iratllle , , ancl next
moment Annet was wcelfng from Illre joy
lon his breast The Ilte rln ; wll the !
occal1tons ) ot' ' thic delghtEl1 Imeopie amid
amid the excitement the ' withdrew
exclemrrt lP" CJmer wih-
drew reniouiimted his horse anti rode
remolnted hl. , anl rol ! briskly
omit or the \'llng. ,
Timt : imigimi minI , Amimmette '
Thl larry Anntle were 'nr-
ned nut ! durng : the feII\lles man ) ' and
many n hll\rr \ \ 'as rull < to the health of
the 1 ) 'ster : u9 amid mioble-hmam'ted elranger.
Passing on e\'eril years we find that Harry
Carrel has become ( conel larry C.rol of
the revolllcnlry nrl ) One cycling thc
eolenel , af 'r just r'tlmrning train a hard
calpalgn , was ! ! tint ! ; wlh his famy ! on Cle
piazza d his han.lsome : country hOI ' . when
an advammee coarler : rOb imp nlll Innoule11
the npproaeh If CPlerJI ; Washlnl tel anti
suite , . who wOllcl ! crave the colonel's h05pl-
tolt ) for tIme nlRht The necessary dlrctirmme
In reference to houshold IJreparat OilS bmmg !
givemi , the colonel orderecl his horse amid rode
rorw,1rt to leet the Ilslngulhed nll guest ,
whol : he het ! never yet spomi , though sen'lng
II the ( SJle widely extended arm ) ' .
That evening lt the table Annette , 101
time dignhfle1 matroily anti , still hlnlsole
: Irs , Carrel , eOI\1 not keep her o'es frol
the face ot her lustrlols visitor. gVel'Y
moment 01' two sue 101111 steal a Ince mit
hla i commi iii amid i n C rptlr" " nnll hnllnlhth" m I I ! ! .m ! lt
hal-assurcllU ; 11ii l ; " - Imeami ' ; i--a "I C-l
again , to be still immure puzzled , Her abence
or mind and embarrissmclt : , II last brc'mrne
ovhlcnt tn hpr hl5bnncl , who Inllled uftec-
tlonately If she were Ill. "I stv4Imect . colonel , "
saul the general . who had bcen sOle time ,
with n quIet ! . leanlng smile , observing the
hily's clrlols anti plzzlell scrutny of his
features , "that : Irs , Carrel thinks she rec-
ognize In mo an old acquaIntance. : " And he
smied with a mysterious air , as he gazcd
upon both aiterimately.
The colonel stared and a faint memory of
the Past seemed to bo revl'ell ns he gaell
while . the lad ) ' rose impulsively from lie , '
chair amid belllng eagerly forward over the
tea tmrmm . with clasped hands amid an eye ol
iiiteiia . eager InquIry fixed full upon him.
stood for 1 tQmpntllh her lips partet tE
If shc would speak.
"Panlon moo . my dear nUll'1m- ' ( ! nlon me ,
colonel-1 must put an end to thIs ! 5cen . I
hove boconic ly .1nt of CmJ fare mil hard !
1\ge , too Umm\u'imhmly ! to leap again twcnty-two
fet one iiicii . even for so faim' a bride lS one
. ' ' ,
r wet of.
George . \'nshln ton was indeed ( thc hianmi.
some 'oun athlete whdso terlous
young ! so mytorhomms ap-
Ilearance aUIIIISJpearance ! In the natIve vii-
logo of the lovers Is still tradltonar ) ' . ant
whose claim to a substantal body ot hOl3
fle nesh and blood was stoutly contested hy
lImo village story tellers until the happy denouement -
nouement which took ! place nt the hospitable
mansion of Colonel Carroll .
utJOHGIJ i W.SUI U'X.S OlmfltIENCE ' .
UI' the Aimmorlctmm : " , 'riiiy Lost 1 I'luo 1',111
" .t I , ) r.tV
A winter' ve iIni ! In the year of our Lord
IS09 , nt m ) grand3tlwrfs house on , lus-
Idngam river iiI major told thIs story :
"it hal1pened thlsl way . . he hegan "I was
sent by VashIngton" on a foraging eXedllon ,
I was before the battle nt Yorktown " The
major's eagle eYf smmmned , , the face or his attentive -
tentve Istenef/ ; / )
Everyone of 4m4 ! I company hal been olcPr
In General Washln"pn's , army Together the ) '
had fought In ey.rYt , batte from lnnlrr 111
to thh cJpture cf . Clrnwals at Yorktown I
can see thcm nllv-streng of feature brave
er learimmg . their snow ' white cues faling on
velvet collars. I'hllo ruffles at their wrlbts , I
knee breeches leggIngs and the Inalnt buck I
shoes or colonial times.
There was blur old Rufus Putnam wh03
engineering ! )1 on Dorchester Heights enable -
bled Washington / drive tIme British from
Boston ; brave little Commodere Whlpllle. who birth to time American navy 1) offering
time first ileilance. tt Engaml : on the sea . and
the eommandlnJ figure ot Robert OlIver . who
erected the first 'aw and grist 11 In Ohio ,
together with Jonathnn Devol one of the
fIrst ship builders In the western eountr ) ' .
But ! how did all theo famcls warriors
find their way to the beautiful Ohio valley ,
you may ask ? Peace restored their country
had no mere use for Ightn soltlerl , war had
robbed them ot their tortunes , nut they were
; , . , rr-z
I ' 1
_ _ . _
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
ullaunto.1 amid tocethel' they hOlrde1 ! time
Ma'llowcr-a hootIng bargeand made their
way Into the Ohio vale ) 'l'mero ! the ) ' laid out
farms at Beepre , Wnterferl anti Amestowi.
lImo earliest seUJemcnt In time vlclnl ) ' ef :1011.
eta , At eventide they were wont to float
down the calm basammi of time rl'er. and at time
peril of the lurilng redman's tomlhawk , mtcr I
their sl.lta at my grnndtatiitr's door. Once i
In the glow of tho' pine knots , heallc,1 high
on tto open hearlh , these scarred veteran
revive I In story their country's struggle for
Striking , even In. this dlDtngulshe : gather-
lug was tIme 1'J'r lIe WS a lineal 1 110-
scendnnt of Gcenmmor nradrord of colonial .
Musaaclmummctts , Jlestqcmb : high In Wlshlng-
ton's esteem allll dbarel the frlendshlJ of
Latmiyette. , lie nnJrl failed to hold lila uudl-
Once , , , ancll lie hail , It . Iew ,
"We were reconnnlerlnl 1n Westmoreland
county \'irgimmlafj he contInued , "I chanced
upon / tIne tcaoJof horses hltchel ) to a \low ,
They were qrln ) IY n burlY el ve. Finer
animals I had ne'fr seen When my eyes
hall feasted on 'heir beauty , I cried to the
driver 'hlehlob I go\felow , I IUSt have YJur
imorses. They mire \t \ tme \ very animals I have
been looking for ' LThmo black man showed
his teeth and rolled up the whites at his
eyes whie ho put the lash to the horses'
lanllsnll % turned UII another furrow In the
rich & 01 I walb3unt ! : he had fnlhell the
rol then I threw back 1) cavalier cloak ,
"Tho ensign of' ' 1) rank was not lost upon
the slave , ,
, ,
" 'helter see nIisIs . Better see minis , ' he
cried , Ila\'ln/ his hand to the sOlth , where
belt cedar &ro\lh rose Iho towers of 1
fine ell Virginia mansion I tlrNl up the
carriage road RIII soon IY hl11 was on the
brass knocker , Instnnty tIme door swung
back on its ponderous hinges anti the ma-
jostle form of I woman filled tIme empty
" 'Mmulamn { , ' said I , dropping my hat ant
\Islhly overcomt . . by her dignity , 'I have
come to claim your hones In the name of the
government , ' ' : ly horses ? ' she bent upn
I me eyes born to conimimimmimi .
'a 'Sir , you cannot have them : my crops are
out amid I need time horses In the fehl '
" ' 1'1 sorry , ' soul , I , 'but such are tht
orders or m ) chIef '
'a 'Your chltf Who Is ) ' 011 chief she tie-
manll11 , with restralntl wimrrnthm
" 'Tho coninmaniler-in-chief of the American
nrm-General George W.1hlngton , ' I was
nol my tlrn 10 IX grnnclos [ I pllarect my
shoulders , while a smlo of trlnmph soft-
enoll the sternness of her hanlsome face
'Tall George 'oshlnglon , ' she said , 'thal
his mother slld he could nol have her
horses '
"llimmnbied to time dust , ' ' lalghell the major ,
"I turned away , convinced thal 1 had dls-
covered the source of 1) ' chief's decision anti
seH'commal\l. .
"Dl. ! you report to Wlshlngtol ? " asked n
hero oC hirandywimie ( .
"Ycs paid tIme m3jor ,
" ' , "
"What did he sn ) ' ?
"With one of hIs rare smiles , the father of
his eOlntry reverent ) ' bOII'tll his head , "
I.IDA nOSg M'CAiLlI. !
J'ITTII ( I " 1'11 > } ' ( ) ti.\U . "III1.4.
A Ilrely and tnlnt\'e Ito girl , evidently
her mother's Ilct , was riding In n Sixth
avenue "I ' train the other nHernoou , a's
the New York lerall leI mother accom-
panlerl her , Time chlhl orcn set tIme PasseR-
gtrs laughlhr nl her droll anJ Inenlols ( re-
mmianlcs . Presently a remm humbly fat China-
iimaim In full Chinese eostume , enlere.1 smith
sat opposite the chilI ,
She ! loolled nt him II allparent nmazement ,
anti then I , tlrnlng to her 10ther. with an all
that Dholl"e.1 . she had "glvcn It miii . " asked :
' 'Mamma . what's that orloslte ? "
"Shl I That' a Chlnamnn , m ) ' dear " an-
swerml her mother In a low tone ,
'ho sale kind of Chinaman paJa says the
Ja\anese mare kiing ? "
"Yes , my drar Don't talk so 101d . "
The chid meditated a moment , amid then
said :
" % 'ell I Ion't hlame ' "
\11. 'em I" !
C m\lalnL was hrougl to Colonel FIzzle-
top that his hay Johlny had attacked mind
bemtemm on , Dallas boulevard , a much smaler
i)03 ' that b\u/sl. says Texas Sllngs , The
colon 1 tOQll Johnny aside and had n private
con\'crsal011 , \yJth imini II which joint dls-
l'lESlon : ltrall pla'ed nn luporlnnl put
"Il teach you to strike a smaller boy than
yourself. "
"That's so , " snbbd Johmmmny "That's just
wijat t 'pl , are Ilolng , "
" " 'hat do )01 macaim ) 'ou young scamp ? "
shouted the enraged fnther.
"I macaim 11 : , 3'OU taught me to whlJ Iltt
boys Y\1 mite , bigger thnn I am anti have
been \'llpl11ng ) 10 ever since 1 can remember -
ber , so I tholght I was all right for me to
whlJ boys littler than mysel , "
The tdeher'as tr'lng to explain some
abstract th olts' to a class of half-grown
bo 's.
"Non' , Charles Smith . " she said "whnt
Is the hl/hpst expression oC force under the
control or Inteiligminee ? "
1 was a Joser for Charles , and he looked
at her In duml stupl ! ) but a brIght-faced
bo ) ' next to him didn't.
"I kmiov . " h1 said eagerly.
, , . \,1. " said the teacher , "what Is It ? "
" [ 's what mother says to pop when he
comes In abOut : o'clocl In the morning. "
"I have told you I Is wrong to quarrel .
Johnn ) . . . , sal ! , his mother , wiping the dirt
Ind tears from his face "You should have
rememhercd that n soft answe turns away
' '
" . " salt ! JobnnS' } examInIng
"I dimi mI1Ia. Rall Joiln .
with critical eye a Fcratch on the lIst , "and
It dldu't do no goo < , When he called me a
laml"s ' darhimi' I dhln't say anythln All
I dome : \Ins to Junch 'Im In the face kind l o'
easy like Iyllh a b11 0' mmmutl. lie got mad
It , timat an' of course 1 hind to let him have
It. "
I. . . -
" ' ' '
6io' ; : : a. m-Tommy arises ,
6:35-lie : comlllains of a iteadachie.
7-Qulte sIck , bnt Iblo to cat a hearty
breal\ast ,
7 :30-Gettimig : wore very rapidly.
S-lie develops signs of fever.
8:15-Comnplicatiomis : or toothache ! and sore
8:45-lie : fears h1 wi die.
9 ( school tlmime-HIgh ) fever , aches all over ,
and Dobblt with pain
9:15-Little : Tommy Is out In the yard
wrestng . merrily with ( the neighbor's bo ) ' .
11B : VIUC,1 VEt' UP ILl TTLI. .
Joaquin Mliier .
Time hrvest h"tte that ever was rought ,
Shll I tel ) ' ln where lnt when ?
On the' mnps ) the world you'l timid It not ;
'Twas COlght b ) ' the mothel' of men.
Nay . not with cannon or hattie hot ,
\\'ithm ssvcrml cr nobler pen ;
NI ' . not with cou ] , ntQ'1 or thought
From mouth of wonderfut noon
Jut deep . In I WLlcd-UII woman's heart-
Of woman that would rot ) 'fcct ,
limit bravely , sienty bore lice part-
Lol ! there Is the battlelloimi.
No marshalng troop no bIvouac song ,
No hmmer to Rlmm nn,1 , ! wlve !
limit , ob thioltQiaUFS ! thmy lust 10 lons-
From ) ab'hool to , the grave !
. . EIUC.t'i'LV.lf. .
, , , nU.t1'I\tL.
'I" ' I 'i' ' ' 'I V V
'I" t 1 [ I"r " , -
I cost the state at New York $20.218.742
to maintain the public schools last year , anll
Pennsylvania paid out $1S,5S6,751 In like ex-
peI1ur . , "I.
! I. , J. S. urdon Sanllcr30n. who hiss been
nppolnte.1 reglus profeor of medicine In th1
University at Oxford Is n brother or the lord
chnncelor of Emigiamid
Hath houses of the Minnesota legislature
arD oielderlng u measure for selln apart
$ iO.OOO for Instructou In domestIc scIence In
cOlneeton wih the girls' department or time
, State Agricultural ; college.
Jam s Anthony Fromle 111 nol have a high
oJlnlo at English university methods In n
lettem' writen ut Oxford last Juno he sam :
"The leachIng business at Oxford goes on
at , , 'gh ' iirasammrn-imi Itself utterly absurd
I clucalon ( , bike eo much else In thew thays
has gone mimumb and has turned Into a lere
exan1haton , mmmli I . "
A ccomrceponilemmt of a ChIcago newspaper
sa's that he boulht a posltol as a toachrr
In anD or time city night schools , but \I'a ,
notified \ imjittlmere ivere "no vacnncle. " lie
nolfedh t tlere wer "acancls. le
ieaniieii . loI'\cr. ! } : that over twenty teachers
In night schools , have reluneratvo occupa-
tions during the day , thus earning douhlo
salaries. , 'rimis was not the worst or I. Most
of Ihem are city or county emuIio'es Ind one
Is u Iounty mmlsstoner whose salary Is
$3.00Q a rear.
'rho announcement was recent ) mnlo that
It any of Limo Ilrlnclpals , of t he public schools
of Phlalelphla carell ' to toile the tme 1111
trouble the Unied States weather ervlce
would fnrnlHh the material smith Instrnct them
In time work of iredlctlmig' the weather. Miss
Mary n , Carolanll , mmmmporm'iaing Jrlnclral of
the Central Cqniblimd Girls' school . on Center -
ter stm'eet Germalto" n , who 13 recognized
mms among the most jmogressivo teachers or
lS that tectiori . expressed a wlnnglesi to be.
com1 nClu11nte ecton. with the mysteries of the
weathe service , alit ! . accordingly , a few days ,
visit to time school 1
paimh a \
aJ Sergeant Dey pall 1'Islt
In ; Germantown and Inltalel her In the work.
' ' school opem'd , the
Iast ' 'hUrlb ) , as coon as .
Btorm flag was ' hoisted upon time school hag-
pole. .
" 7799
\'Il "hr "I , tip" , "tubh'lrl Cold that
" . . "
:11 : ; ' mmmi
Ir. hlumimmImrcy 'specimic " 1" I. I lrtWenUI'o
Illt 1r. curt ' , A nnal 1 tJIU" ot l'r".nnl ! l'eliPts ills
your 1kN. tiultI by , UGGI.t or . .nt on rec"lpl
luhl I
le111" ) , 2t' , or I\ fur 1.0. hlt'Mm'ILIIEY'iI
MlIl1h'i : \ CO" , cor Wllail and John ala
: } ork
$ $ $ $ $ $ * * $ $ * * * * * $ * $ V 4 :
, . - , "r , . , " . , , i
i . ' I [ "
f t ) iW I : \\Cheii \ \ Sptttng ConIes ' V
: , ; , , } . . . ! : !
1 . I
I .
I , ( < r ' \ = - Excliiiiis hId' , . ,
. { . Excaims > Coimstinmptve ,
. t , I COlslmllv.
rt" I JI . n . ( , , % I I I . . CI I wi be better ' , " . Thc . season . j '
( . . " I 1 \ C I lange Spring with I its I genial t t ,
* , , ! ; : . f I j : \ , I - .f warmth arrives , The patent $
$ ' ' J 1 ! ' iniag'iimcs all , , but *
- ? - " / . imagincn imprvemcnt
* r ) . Jlrl , 'II/ ! , t1 l'l J I as the weeks wear away , i *
eEL ii 11 . / / / I proves only transiory , The i'
1' : " ' ; : tr- .11/// II ! . hacking cough still continues , t VI
f : : J II l d lit the pains in the chest bcconie t m'
" , . : . . a , more severe , the night sweats '
1 ; $ , ! i. Ij V i
" ' ; 1 ifl - , . [ more exhaustng , The terrible *
'I ' . !
. 'i { , - - ; disease is steadily drifting to- tt , '
f , ward a fatal termination , mit its progress elm be s/a'M / *
* *
i ' zomulsion . i
, will give that relief which Spring could uot bring. I wi do more *
. than that I wi cure the disease It acts on 5ccntfc princples , r"
t1 : , I first destroys the poisonous germs whih caused the disease , and *
i' then providcs the nouishment whih brings the patent l'ck to *
( ) perfec health , I doc this because i contains Ozone and Guico1 ei"
) Thee kill the germs and lke appetite . The Cod Liver \ Oil r
, ' ' makes the tiesli and ' . { ,
, supple the 10uishment which teh strength.
' ,
1' ) OZOlUISll IS - the t I Remedy Physicians Pi'escribe !
& for Colds , Cougims , Consumpton and all Pulmonary 1 " f V
* Troubles ; Scrofula , General Debity , Loss of 1lcsh , ; J
l't ' : , Anlmla and nil Wastinl Diseases . ' J ,
J" : Handsome Illustrated Pamphlet Free : T. A. SLOCm1 CO" , 183 Pearl St. , New York .
* v * v . . . & v & . & . * . _ & . 4 . ' _ 4& . _ & _ & . & _ & . v & . * - & . & . & . , .
KUHN & CO : 15th and Douglas Sts" , OJuaha.
" ' ; } : : ' 1' - - ' I/f .
l'O' sale by all First Class Dealers. : llllrlCLI'cl by the
I'iLCtO1'y , Nu. au ( ! , St. rDLI : i : , Io
- - -
I DS ; For Every CorrectAnswer to the Folowing Rebus. ' -
k + s GET . & : @ P'
" 'GUESJ WG ' - I :
Wonrodetrmlnedto gnln tlmouanntls DC now sub Ibnt Sorleo , lousehold Pcraitntcmits , l'ahlonsle V
eerlbcratoourgrezmt familypapcr , and o. ft special l hHul Mboelnny , cc" . wo rll nlonl to spenll money .
Inducement to &reut fnmly submcrlbo popel now , manlmo 1 tho' tmms Wil ) ' to Ooli , Wu ; cimti : : time mrme , , exactmy , t , c.I , : , mr'r.
. ? . r . , . 01,101 , , < thO eimnr"gimmarormlor. ' , , ' IU'I' die ntpotqrk ,
fommovmngnnpanamlcmea otTer. { Every who seiid , ! , .
tolowlngunl.arnlrlctorer.I. > < .olwhosolto on each loiter eontammmgig comm ect ono"cl .eoclved
u. by regular mall , before March 501mm , i805 . correct , , . rOllnllll1 , ' . piouimi to mmrt
rClulBr mBI : : by " ' it t" 0 or mOle (0 BI.wns.loulllo lnt
ons\erlo limo obovo ltebuq , wilti 80 cClb In olh'cr , or rooelvorly J ii' , lcnrlg le .nme In..nnrk dol. the
otnlro ( orG mflOiltiS ( or 01) wlh for ono ) 'olr'sl Fill I. wo.1 ) 1'1171 hcnrlll 10 1.0 ( , llnI1' . .1.1.1 . botwel'n limo
sorlnton to our Cleat " miamctmzmne . 'VItO CIUI\ " " , t'niera , In.1 . so on wi wih .hofmafrr prlrL . No mater ) .
iimsmmmip iLii'Tnili rrrelvo 0 prize . ) mtt4t ) . whether yea lIve In Moilo or' , New York Dr
: it ' : , ' I cnh ' , : wmmm , ) ttii.mmt t , " : ) given c.i , for ror tue Uio I ' ' mm'eonlm must , cornet * ! a.OO answer iisi. Sir VJ. imved Cmmronnha. mu I ' il ; iirmvn , vmo limo ' imnme samno omormmInmmy nnl ' , nddr'en , n of mr m
I , Ihlrlr . , , , , , ) . , , , ' . or tvltnera or . . lii ho im-imitril , . ii , I I , , ' G1ii"I' iCIer
he i a Iclltfll "Ik 11. " 1'llerllo I I wllncrs prmzca wil lrlllo.111 . tl : , nler
Iho next Sm . sommim GeM O..ul"o liiminoi iOns to , late clvcn pize. Al aay the Cur.1 t "Incnlil wel.
ca'moftmtonemt'25. antrorevryotiercorroctnnuver "om" ad Iho early 11111 . rot II i' I , , n , ' nl the b.t
. ofho l2. nnilor.Ylry . , . , , n , , , : , Ilt'iilSOllEIt lhnt roe
n ilcnitIm'ui und VuIail . t'rcoeit. .n,11 you can rnlqly mo\azh.opubtshed 11 t1tn:1 .
l.nllful .
1tonetiy sn. nlor\n1l that vou mime not plra.d wlh 11 " ' , ' " 1 , . mind correct nn..r 10 Il'bu. you cet tmmme ox.
boncoly \ r. C we zIfJ' I ' ! IIJoc ' : : money. ceiment , ! n'ai'a.i' , ; ' , ° for aIx . nuntlts , uni ; ni'o a beautiful ,
. ; . , : , , ; , ,
' ' it I Ort Silt ItlO mmre
vo Iho I prmzrt tito .n,00 un' uIwt'r or. ' re Present tn [ : : w :
cclved 0111 n. "Bch prize gtreo nwfl3'naVerti'C Ilr , or nlC nr the hl , 1.1. . . Melfn tmmmpnmwr.'l'IreU . .
splcocimml Iustrated , IIIII.lno , "bleb contaIns DU VUIViOU smut mmmmom.a : , _ , . ' ' , VMc"ro,11
_ ,
- ; -
' 1boln mm'ol by tlioimsmmmtimm ; or ladlca mommtimhy. I It Is the
CA'IOJ' : : ririiii 1/ ; thol/\ul" 1 01 I
. . J t rUNIE1 \ larrh'lla : ; y'H friend It trroJmmlmm' : froJI lillY e , ! ' O , I If oarc
1111ltmlllIUler taut . gmimrammtee : wlh every lotm , ic . mim'mr. , 10IIY. : . ' 1'htl mmmcmi Id imo Ii lar atm merlor lO
Ils its Iver"v bottle ISr" IluJ IIdl07ur 10iei itt rlrJIlh Hlt : 'Jh by mill 1mm 1'11 tinimio.oist'm. 11'lel. $4,011
: :
pet' boUle. l ) ' 011 11'11.lst lols not /1,11' / . 1 8JIJ $ .Ull aIJU will torms'.tr.t you a ' bJllu by uKllrJS3
Webtu'n , ( Jihiec . Ownhn , Nobl'akn
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - -
I D ir0 _ : _ D [ ir D LJEEJE
o LI 0
LIU A eprleve of Tell Years. 0
U 0
Li o An average man's life can eas : R
ily be lengthened ten. years by
'J [ the occasional use of Ripans Tab- L _
Q ules. Do know who [ L
[ 1 tles. you anyone
1U wants those ten years. Dee Do I ,
D nllan3 'nlulcR : Soil hy ,1rtmmiitta , , or I ) ' mal It D
O lie l.r1e. . crd m i cram n nlllK I ) Is K'at 10 tilt ' 111,11
Chlml ul L'Iimmmtimm3' , Ntj. 10 kimtm um st. , r'w Ycnic ,
C _ _ _ _ _ 11
rTLEDr : iDroIfl i iEijD cuiii
0000 Al
EivJ vgelabIe ,
Prepared from the enlginah f ) ainba re'
rerveml In tim Aretmiverot the Uoly L.aimm , lia
agan imutbotlo history datimig bactC00yoara
10 : all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troublea , especially
Price 5t cemata , Sold by all tiniggists.
1ho Fraicisuan Remedy Co,1
[ 3 ! vr ' : uiti. 3 : . , cuicAoo , ILL.
fm ; ' Clrc'ia" s 7" mtmtratimtl Ctiead
For saLe by liuliti & C0 , , 15ti : & Duglas
- - - - - _ VV _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'rti i y , x 1 0 TJ1t.Jf iumxjr 1
Tammant's Extract of Cmi.
- lomis atu.l Cmm3.mmmjm , i m .ito ,
I/-i' mom talmm amid immmlck emmie ton
goroirimea mmmiii gleet mmnd Ii
tin cld.tmbl rumimetly fur nh
dumaseit of thu urinummy or.
asna , ( 'ummililmihmig iii a hilgimly
eflt'rnitm nit , ' .l tot mim time mmmc-
imlelnml i Iritmes of ctmtwbi
otmil capmmlba , 1mm' iortmmbm ,
Mmapr , fmec'dommm ( tOni lasts
emit vpedy ( cunimmimi In
im'i mimic tiimn , any , , lhmer ,
mrlm'ai litton ) Imma ke I I ' 1,1 I I
SItJHIS Vi. I,11 , % imLi ; KN\'N %
'a I tgam IIIYV 'l'tm I'm ti'vlit frmtu'I
see thimit cven ) ' picleamic lisa a let ! etmip Imcim'M Ilmu
fimea of lmbel , withi time smsmmutmmrmi o ( rarnmmnt , C
( 0. , 1.0. V. , tmm'un It , 1'It1t.'tO , * 1.W. Said by mmli
lie is one of lime afloat
simhliful of 'lmImmse due.
V (015 ( , 1i"cuite of imhi ideal
I imuwlvtlg , : itmiil cures.
Ilas'hmmic ) , ePim clmeimt cmiii
lii time immiliCai ctiios 01
Chmilma he un'Irmstmmn'a ' tim.
lmmiitthlO , , to mitt hurt f over
i'VQ' ) rctmedii.'ilh tour.
loCh years of hIVimCtICd mint !
riVer four ) VVitU mit tim'tt
limmit' in Umnaima Imas gltCa
tmlimm , ) rypUtimt lou backed
mm' t ) hhi'mu.ammtl * of losti- V
-imontal In curing EVIO1LY
ciIAml.'rIt , r dlsease ,
it imd'lmler Llhii.liL Oil oTIhlht'lhi. Dr , I
flc , ) Wo maiuronle's a cure him ufer ) ' ( t.mZu or time
money ivihi I. . . refimmmhid. Commm.UItiitId'mm free , gael
a two.cemit clamp for IAOk mmmii ! cauestlomm blanlte.
Ii. C. Goo. Vo , , fhIlOthi St. , OmmmihmmNub :
She yeatur'A Sat ! itomoy.
imiui hilewtstmshn IM ) p. i'oemc u ( mm ebuam , ,
, Julmi 55 , % V.modbur' . ZflW.t2dLfl. Y ,
iuvCWr u Wdbur's Fa1aI euv ;