. , . ; . j .r ' " - . . . . .4.,1 , , . . . , , I .t V ( t. f ) ' ,1 . I , 1' _ _ THE OMAHA DAiLY BEE : SUNDAY , FEIRtTARY 17 , 1 895. 1 t : CONDITION OF OillAIIA TRADE But Little Change in the Locat ' Jobbing Eitna. ion , COUNTRY COLLECTIONS RATtlER SLOW Cold 'rnlher In Had R UI > r Ale , lfcc Upon JI llrA" . Irrllll' I'Rrmeu Rt 1010 IUI tlool" Upon the Hhovr"-N"tc : , ff TrRdo - - Tc continued coh weather has hnll n 'eslrnlnln ! erect upon busIness ! II nearly till llne. II the country the farmers have remained al home and the retail merchants haVe experienced n light trade ! Inl have not felt the n eeEsly of alllllA materially . to their stocks I ) ordering ( ron the cIty job. hers. The fact that the farmers have re- Jlllel ! lt home hns had the stl Curther . effect oC rcluclnl the reeehits of country ' produce and cutting down time How oC mOlc ) Ilto the countr from that 80urce. Long continued ttIn severe cold weather Is Invnrl. ably n hlnll'a nco to btmsinomn . but especially so this season . when there I ! ! 0 little Induce. nmcmmt for ' rush h IjusineSS . melt any one 10 try t ru IIISIICSI. lushleRS ullun the wholl his been Ilulet Ilurlll time IllKt % 'teiC . In fact twro Was no reason for expecting that I would be other- wiRe. OecISlonll ) ' a IwslneRs 111 Is f0111 who will stand Ull amid tell what n line trade he Is Imttving . but such cases tire rare , ILK the cUldltols prevallll In tie country are such that I would he u .IUlenl Inter for any one to ImuMlne thnt business could le very good. Country collections have not hnpro\'el any during the Ilst week 01' two II fact there ) I ! COmlelcll1 to he more complaint about slow coleclols titan was the case u month ago. In malY sections of the state the live ftock , which \us about alt that the farmers bnll to sell . hiatt been ' vehl cleaned Hel. hnl prel ) wel cleale UII and thel'e II very little money going Into tim country to luke colellull , good. Time grocery jobberit who have kept tip their courage exceedingly wel , time admitting - ting that bushles II quiet evcn In their . . 1 le. AR one oC them rUlarleet : ' : AleUt 11 . that We can expect to 110 II to Kit 10WI ( IUlct\ and try to keep out of trouhile " 'I'here I ! one feature of time slt1ilon which his a very material effect tmmm trade. eS\e. daily the grocery trlh' . that has not heel taken Into cOlsllemlon. tutu that Is thlt n great Inal ; ) ' peollle . have Iwen receiving Hoods through charity , instead oC through store Ustmai. According ton the , , , . country . . , , . , . , ns , , uSIII. , < lnl , . h. . "nr. .f tim . qtiitn Iotor 'nm m..1 ni. there - were receivoti , front ' January ' 7 ' to . ; ; i : rual' 1 306 cars cnll uf EUI'\le ! for the \ destitute of the Rtnte. In Ihllon to the car lots there was an hn1em < e amount of stuff sent Into the stlte anti 11strlbulcll througim private channels. A large proportion \ - ton of tin' oontrlhutons cOIRlstcII oC Various urlclel tl fool which COme within the range of the grocery hushmm's8. , 'I'he extent of these contributions wi give I01e Ilej oC the loss of business thnt Is resulting to the grocery tralle from the routh. In ordinary years the 11eople oC the state would have con- Illmell just aR mmmcii or even more , with timis .IIerence , that timey wou"l have had the money alI W0111 Imveurclmle these m4tlppiieH from the mnerchammts. KII\lel hardware Ino business Is also 111 , 111 80 Itim' this 11 ! been about lS " the trade ittis icnowtm quiet a l.'ebruury rum trale his Icown In some time. What little trade thC'e I ! Is ; oC the imammtl-to.mnotmtim ( elmaracter amid In fact that II about the only lehul of trade that Jobber care to see at time present time. I I man were to attempt to mintlch- hate his Wants to nuy immaterial extent he woul soon Inl Ihlt his credit was being Icrtnlzcll very cio.ely.'lmilc business II ( Itmiet . I him no more so thal Is to be ox- Ilectcl uUller the circtmmnstminccs. , DHY GOOnS ' 1IADI FAI1L ' Time dl'y goods proimle report a very fair trade 'l'rvelng \ men on the road arc giving I good account of timcmmmselvea and there hlvo also hecl FOIC country bu'crs In I would seem that the steady and extreme cold weather of time past month 1Ust have made consllcrblo , Inroads Into retail stocles. Prices lines country retul 11'lcc ! on most lnes . . , oC ' dry goods are very low , In fact so low gf that eastern commission mll and 1anu- factrors are complain , The New York Dry Goods Record says that while the whole trel1 of affairs Is' toward conRervntve trading , the actual requlre- mentl oC the trade In sight Is keeping many of them on the jump In order to' ' secure the desired quantities of many desirable - slrblo goodS. And thl feature extends to It greater'varlety or fubricl thnn Is gen- eraly conceded . mind has bepn ImpI'elRed very marl < edl ) ' upon visiting bU'el'l this weel when maUuA ! Inquiries for many cotton . ton and wool ! cOd8 to learn that no goods I were In stock , and that the output was , - 10 oversell as to precl1Io the acceptance oC order for reasonably lenr delivery. Under the weather condItions that have prevailed retailers' smiles hl vo been com- Dosed very largely oC goods suitable for current wants , tnmd their stocks have been diminishing very rapidiy All such hap- 11enlngl ) are to the helelt oC deniers through converting ussetl Into cush. FUO : TIlE IU S''NI'OI T , Local Trude Light mimi no Ucnson to Ex- Ilect JI"h Ilprovemolt Soon. Speaking oC commerclul maters for the 1 : eele. the local manager of the mercantile , - agency of n. G. Dun & Co. says : "Nobody expected the Ilst' bond proposition - than to carry him congress and many people who arc not In Iloltcs wonder why the administration chose to face Inevitable ' de- feat. Perhaps I was for the purpose oC - shifting at least a part oC the responslblt ) . . Jowever , conresslonal acton had been dlscountell and no one antclpatell al ) ' dlC- terent result .and the agitation cause not 10 much us 0 ripple ullon the surface ot American comimmnerciai imrosperlty. Time $100 - .merican oon\nerclal plsperly. 0.0 reserve IR provided for. Congress $10\- \ I adjourn within three weltl all perhnps whn the apeechmalcng imnd I wire puling I ! ended the country man ) ' huve n chance to recovcr. "The coh wenther has caused n vast CII- Ing off 11 stock Ihlnnentl , but Ilockmel and packers mety the welther Is not half IS unfavorable 18 the ( lemalmd. Beef I ! not ' /utec and 110rlt IR very , very low The 11uses are la'llg In a Itoclt of Ilolle for future deimmmindn. One house at Soulh Omnhu will lay ciT Ifty 1el this week because of the weak d01und for beef. , " 'n ' job"lnl circles thim , e. \el ( lies been Ilulet. I II between seasons for Rome lines antI very cul for al except cenlels In ab. solute mmecessithes . . anti the traveling men Stir the latter are ly mme means onthusiumitic. No branch nf ( ratio 111 shoWI nov vim ( lurlngUilli clt : < .n 'e\e-IC , ; ' iii ( luring time \'mmek. . Time severe weather did 30t Itmulato al.thlll but coal buying , Ind the .lemlll Cor this eSlenlnl to wlntor comfort his not been brisk l'noujh to cause tiny Ilh'llce In imrices. In fmmct. the an- 3mommncemeimt IR 1ulle Ihut the chleC corporation - tlon Iii the soft coal trade hns urmuserl Sot a Ilterlnl cut hum price. I Is un I wind that . hlowl no one good , anti the mid weath..1 haR hcllCII many n poor mun to pull throurh wlhout mud 111 has at the IUUI' tme leeu u protection to hits coal IUI1lI , ) ' , " 'h. ! annouuc(1ent that fillmore & ltmmiul I , time lenllhl wholeanle clothinG dealers 1n thll sectiomi . 111 the only one In Ornaimmi . comnhileted . theIr nrrmumgemnentmi to Jlu\e cIII.letell arrUle1enls reo move to Ht LouIs Is received wlh very , ' ( nerl regret Amt'rlcnn houses In this dne are nol common and AmerIcan hOIe8 Ihle to con uct their trnde wihout borrow- log mone Ire CKpecllly rare. fluitnore& : lhl hlve been not enl , ) ' successful imere hut ' thc ) ' mire perlonll ) ' IIOllllr , Inll I Is )10t surlrlslnl ther.fol'e thnt 1 ( ol1lleo front time ( omlcloll climb coiled to re- monltrula wlh them for tithing their large cltallshment clslwhel' . The gentlemen explalu. however , that It Is not front walt tmr coimildenco In Ommtaimmm . but becatmso tf conl eneo Olnhl. hecnule they feel their ( lplul anll energy cnn bl used 10 better advantage In a larger lehl , that they hnvo relucllntl' decl ell to ntandon Ollhl , ICer eigimt years at exeptonulh' HIceKsful expcrlenco here e'onsllerlnl al time conditions. In St. l.olll the ) ' CUl en- gage In mauufalurlng 1ore prolllly11 ! ! hero and I'un reueh I .whle terrier ) ' , anti lost ! fw , IC ammy . oC their proRlt customers . 'rho good wishes oC the trade go with re- gretu lit timely .Ieplrture. Whnt EO Omaha's : loss . I lit. Louis' .lstnt gal I. " I The iImf tltU"tUI , From Jnnlur ) 1 imp to the Iwesl.nt date thieve has been a ccel''nRe In tim receipts or cattle nt South Ollhl oC 2.619 head its with the corm'esmommiihimg . I'erlod Il compared < wih ( Or'C/IIOI.ll ( If last ( ) 'ear. Hucl n helclccreusu ut IL market thut hiss leOI steadily growIng ' 11 past yelr would "II'lulnl " 11 for aim exptammatioim. Time short corl crop , anti In cOlsequonce the fewer ( IUlo tllcl back Into tie country to 10 Placed on . reed lust fall , mnlghmt IccoUlt for n Il0I.ton oC the IhOrlagc , so far us this murket II COl' ( 'erle lt leasl. I II n ( act , however , that otlur' larketH aim welt mire expert- iigimt of beer cattle . onellg U lght run cut te. 1hls ell time CI O. time on\ conCu810nosslhle tinder Ilrelont (011t011 I ! that the \ sU\\I ) ' mir Ilrketllllo beet eutto Is Inusully Ilht 11 the I'olntn' ( or thIs seen : of time ) ' ' 11. ' 1hls'Irualy Iii the cOIClslol I 1lu'hc.1 \ ) ' t1o ChIcago Drovers' Journnl. 1 l'ecOG11hetl : Iullorl ) ' . _ which cOlmelts its follows 01 time 6lunton : "Thal there hi 1 , lcl'ldt'llhortacc oC markctublu cntte itt t the cotimmhry , us IOmltl'c.1 wllh Ilre\'loUI n'nf II ertuIiu , 'lhls fllct Is not only uvl- tl'let'l 1) ' the reports Of Itoelolen In \url. 111 leltlnt , but ly the 1lul imroliortion of cltlc 1'01111 to mnrl.ct. colmtimared with cOl1ure wih other Htoelt. 1 tim very 111lkubio < that . dressed beef men aN able to hold prices down In time face of n reasonably good out- let throu.h Ihlppers und exporters. < Time l rrIHt."tor IUHPI(8 Ire being grathmaiiy fuceIf an" 1 al alKa tou't a1ntlual rai ) , . d market will tnk" n riky-rocket boom some oC thl o ( ia'M. There If certainly nothing to make the market any worse , anti many timIngs which ought to make I hotter. " From New York comM the statement that I'nckers of melts , Ief In pnrteulnr , are more or less seriously hampered for want oC tock , /UPllle ! oC the latter lmav- Inl heen greatly re < nc"1 during time pnst week , while the qunntty oC the cnnnNI ar- tide on hanll Is re\reentel ns being below the normal , owing \ to more or less re uc. ton In operations of large packers during thr Into nutmn and winter months. The information glen hy New York representatives . atvs oC the prollnent houses woulll load to the Impression that AUPllle ! oC canned beef are unusully low mind thnt some cause exists for apprehension nbout Ilnl orlerl In fimhi Iii the immediate future. 3im. liar conlllon ! have heen outlnel n the cause for an advance In \rlcl'l. hut "we Cnl to reell n time " says time Journal of Corn- merce , "wlll ) there ts'as not enough beef 10O around In this country flnrl the in- dustr \ecar ! n Ilrorinent one. 'fhe packers - ers hn"o mlrkerl imp thclr Ilrlce considerably ' ably wihin a /hort tIme , all , to say the leat. It look n ! tholgh the weather and the nlegell Ihortage In the cltle BUppl' PreviouslY hnve been turnetl to the can- I IwrA' advantnso ! far as clrcllstnlce ! wIll Imermit. I may bo , ho\ovor , thnt the rise Is justnell hy tie relation oC slpply amid , lellwl nt the preent time. " Aecorllnl to the report of time bureau of statistics . the exporlR of council bee last year Irounl(1 to 52,62ThI $ Ilouml ) . nAllnst 1.l,71O,139 pounl , In 1S93 'rime falll off wa remalkahl ) ' larle II the Fhhunents to the Unltell Xingmiomn. Time qllntty sent to I"ronce on the other imand . shows I comisid- ernble Itmcrcns ! \ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HUCIUHCI . \ CO.'S \ 'IiVS. : Felrn > lry In1 Icol Even Morn Deli Thnl 1"1 II-Tho ( ) imtlonic. Unlnnll. The local m'uperlmmtenlrmmt for Hnow , Churh & ' . CO.R.MI'canlle agency says : "A , dnl monlh generally . February of this year has "een 'uleler than Umiummi In inmInes circles. Helllers have . In It nmcaqtmre nntclpalll Ihl8 eonlllon of affairs I . and they were 101. timere. fore . , 'el' Ileh .111111.010Ie < . hut even after the cull Raal' the p'enMnl ' wl'alher of the iiast week .lli 10t revive "lRlne II time exlenl tmt might otimerwiuuu have been n"'el.l. \elier In most In s are makln exceptionable efforts 10 force trmuie. The .In' goHim len mire l > slnf : "uslness unit nnmormg retail hOOt an,1 sIl miertiems lucre reai > . nmonl < . .Ims II h" l lm"ettol n. II wh ( , eli re.immce hmriCes time mo . Never iefore Ilrh.1hh ha" I lieen , Ilo"lhle 10 Illrd" : " . . weltlol 11'I"U' ( I of ni ilc'rtutjons II Ilwer tigures thai selmms , 10 be rllltln" th'rCS 1m R.'IS time emisat this timume. "In whule"llu el'ces there eel" 10 he no increased - creased I cll I ' , 1)1 It I" hl\l ' 10 he exp"cle.1 UII twre wi h. until time "prilg Benson Ilen _ 111.lnh'I' Ihl'lllhout the country ) ' mime very ) titmhl , , - ' . ' dlnlo 1111d In,1 11' Ilrcl.ln ! only for 111 ( tieii . . Never I'Clf. was U imi' nllproleh of warmer \\"lhpl wnlehe.1 wlh 1111' Inxlel ' Ihal II I. nuw. by all cF ls of 1' 01,11. I is I hOI,1 that wlh time la'gtmmnlmig of EIUln 1lsI , weather wi set In. In order that Iher uuhI uromlso of a ! I"I crop. ortel' . "Niitwitlmtnmmiling , Ihls apparent stagnation . tnntll ! Ilparolt Iaglntoo. which Iy , Iho wa . Is not cnrmttnei 10 Omnha all Xebrskl hul which Irevnls conlle I < Ireal"I' " or im'ss extent Ihroulhrml time country . Ihoro las heen much activity nl\l Iotof'rlse ) II cerlnin llrec- lon8 , 'Ihe IIOI'Olllon , 10 erect a lermlnal station .It this Iolnt Is .sumlng definite emmape nnt olher uirJects. lieu have for a iommg 11" he'n mummer eommsIlermmtiomm ' he ! fruition. Vimile . enn"ltrton. seem 10 nearing frulloo. Wile. timerifore. business I. , Ieln""ell. there Is much 10 1"ll fnrwar,1 , 10 In tIme WI ) of Imumlirovernents. , C""Iss nell I"ololn ! cII 1 prlses nl\l 1.18' : peels of I luoll fuii I crop I e time 10"11 eooIUons , I10n " m hloh hinge I he huslnt' ' Ilro.lerll ) ' of title sectiOn of time CIUltl' ) ' , 'rhe generl Iln"llee Is not so encouralln anti seems nn nenr'r I Hell tiomm Ihun II any times since time .Iepres.lou com. 101 ) lme meneel. , Time lrnctlcnI tlofcnl of the currency 'Jho l'acleal iromosi I lonmi of Ih , ' ulmimlmmistration In,1 time f'elP 111110.11011 nlhnlnl.lralol . IS8ue of hiotids . which wi only , I IA heiievol . ) 11'1 temmiporary m eiief . does not toad 10 strengilen cOlfhlelce In the Innnelal status of time cOlnlr ' . I Is . timemefome. II present lucre 10 local titan 'enerll cau"es 111 time merchanls In Ihls I'r- rllory tiona . " must 1001. for Improvelell In trade conll- lon3. . Factory Fmicls. The onsolhlate Coffee company his completed time repairs on Its buiding , which was 11111SCt by lIre some weeles 'aHo. ' the commence ago. Yesterday company nmovimig In Its stock and In the course of a lay ! two time Proimrietors wi be settled once more In timeim' old quarters. ' 1ho Davll & Cowgi Iron Works made final ' ' 'ester ' for ar'anrements yesterday opening a branch lchlno sho\ und Iron fommndry In South Omaha. Time plant will be locate at Halrol avenue and I. street. Time buldlnlvl < II 40xSJ Ccet. with the proper n ILons required by the ' business . - - < < The packing houses and other establish- meats at South Omaha require nn Immense amdunt ot 1achlne work. and thousands of olnls have gone out ot , South Omaha every year for that pUlpOS ! Some of It hUl come to Omaha but u great deal hUl gone 'to eastern clte ! Davis & Cowgi Iron Works now propose to pluce them- lelves In hape to do all this work , and by locating a . plant In South Omaha wi give tmt city the benefit oC time work that belongs there. _ - - - lU//ltN ThISTLE CO.lEIWSCI : HocommondlUols for Jxlermlm.Ung time 1'et. S' . PAUL. Minn. , Feb. 16.-The Russian thistle Interstate convention passed n series oC proposals of laws In time Intereste states as follows : 1. A special law relating to the RussIan thistle alone should he passe . 2. 'lhls weed should le declared n public nuisance and every plant should be destroyed - stroyed . before It matures its neemi 3. OWlors of Innl shoul le compelled to destroy time weed on their own iaumds and care should be taken to Hive dime and complete r.ot'ce to nonresident land owners , also raiway anti other corpor tons should le compelell to destroy time thistes on I their own Innds and right oC way . and to I take all other precautionary measures to prevent Its further spread . 4. Provisions should be nmade for the do- structton oC nil these II , tds on alt highways . ways and other state 18 ds. school lands and the federal all lanmimi government. the titie H. which Is stIll In c ; . All Ilreciutonary measures to cause Its destruction and prevent its further should bo passed and rigidly enforced - forced every precaution being taken to Secure . cure the right oC citizens to see thut all thistes shall bo destroyed whenever they may le discovered 6. No apeclul sot of oOcers should b. cro- ated or perhlps a state board oC thlsto commissioners , but the destruction of this weed should be enforced through the dunn- nel oC time luthorltes now existing , such its county commissioners. towlShl\1 and road supervisors , street com miss \ oners. weed agents and polIo oOcors or other I11eclnel olilcermi. 7. The county commissioners township mtnd road stmpcrvtsors street commuissioners . weed aglnls om' othel' Speelle olcera mon- toned shll Inspect . all Ilble al1 prlvute landl In their jurlsllcton at least once - In each month Crom July to November -In - cluslvo. and destroy . or cause time destruc- ton of all RussIan thlsLes found . 8. An earnest appenl Ihould be made 10 the federal government by concurrent re- olutons to secure a liberal appropriation to Isslat thoao sectonl of our common wllh where It hus become a scourge be- the control oC its citizens. leon Delegate Valentno of North Dakota was appointed to call time attention or South Da- kotl omellls to the action or time conference that state not l.nvlnl . been represented CUT LUUSE Fl:1 CUt "J.U'IJ , Senator "elt "aJI lie 111 Come to the 1'lrUnl or tile S'ays. ' ST. LOUIS I eb. IG.-A special to I local 10cul paper from Nevada , Mo , says : V. P. Thorpe , collector of Vernon county , Is In receipt of the following letter from United States Senator , Vest Senltor George , upon the Inlnclal question : "In IY Judgment . the only hope for time .mocrntc Illrt ) In time future Is to stun Innly by the doctrine ot bimetaliism. The relllblcun party Is irrevocably pledged to the single gold standard and to the na- tonal Ianle ! . I belovo that nn Immense majority oC the PeoPle ot time United StUtCI favor 1 larger use oC silver as money , anti ' It deimmoermits svlii ' stand 'I demoeltl wi only square and decidedly for the ancient doctrine of our party , gold and silver , we wi lehleve u great victory In 18. I Is Impo.sllie for us to go any Carther with Mr. Cleveland In his Issue oC gold bonds and the ierletmmatiomm Iler. tuaton oC the national banking s'stem. As I said In the senntl' , we 11ve come to the parting oC time vays and I do not propose to go any Carlher wih him In the direction ! has " tuken , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ! 1"lunlrlc lelcl0ll ly time ch"rl"'lol , WASHINGTON , Feb. IG.-Tho Navy de. purtmont has hear front Admiral eur- llnter , under even date , Crom Chee.Foo , to time effect that time Charleston hud or- rln1 there tutor havlnS rescued fourteen mnissiommarlos . and that ho hat directed the Yorktown to go to time south coast oC Shun ' 'unl China , to the assistance ot missIon' aries thuro. lie also stated that time Chinese still hold time island forum ut Wel-lul-Wol. ' 1he commallng olcer oC the Atlanta . Cliltain Croummweii . reports from Colon , mmimder date oC February H. that time rebel- lon In Colomlin Is considered at aim end , thus conlrmlng the nlvlee8 receIved by the Stlte del'urtment Crom . lUnllter McKlnno ) ' , IllrolI' RullI for lour luldred Thou.IUII , Ch1ARllSTON , B. C" Feb. la.-The Charleston , SUlter & Northern railroad was sold ly decree oC court yesterday. The buyer was l'residont F. F. ) Elliott oC tie Wlmlnglon ! Columbia & Augusta railroad , but the . \dulte Coast lute s'stel 11- conies time real owner , Time II rico paid was 110,0 lMERCIAt AND FiNANCIAL Wheat Buts Placed Their Faith in Small rainors' Stocks , CORN IS COMING IN TOO FREELY Tlmt Cereal Urolll.1 Into Its Nntural Secondary [ ' 'AIlon suit nllmo Weak In Symmmprithiy , lh WheRt- SYI\nth : Stocks amI 10nls. , CHICAGO , Feb. IG.-The markets were weak . wheat more cSlleclul\ ! 0. Corn- Pared wih the closing rates of yesterday , wheal Is about Ie lower , cor 'e lower , oats 'c lower ant provisions tOe down. Time faith of the wheat huls rested Ulon n Coundnton oC trust In the estimates oC slal reserves In farmers' lmammds. amid the . present rate oC receipts tending to unlcr. mine time belief caused the 6ellng of 10nH wheat which II clllltetl < to.la"s decline . Corn I ! coming In too freely for the amount wanlell for Bhllplug 111'lloseB. and provisions are Ceelng the effect of the heavy receipts oC hogs. At time opening the wheat market tratict's ! looked for about 2.0 , O hu. In receipts , but It quickly faced ahout and became weale. May wheat opened with buyers at t3'e all some mules . itt the same time at & 3)5e. BcCoro Cert ) . five minutes oC the session hnll gone hy I wal down to & 210. 'rhe WeultoSI wus the outcOIO oC the Increase In the receipt lt \lrllnr \ ) ' mlrketl thll tveek leading to the belief that the IH'cvlous ! llng 01 In time mlrleet was onll'el ) ' the result oC time Ke- yore veathmer immmd not of ni ) ' scarcity 11 IrRt hnnllK. ' 1he 101el n marleets tem'e about Rtel\I ) ' . Ielhll'l time IncrlJslng prl- ml\ ) ' market receipts . the quite moderate export clearances were likewise a mater oC discotlragomemmt . lirmtthmitreet'mI stltementR of weeklY clcarlccR oC wheat IIHI lour front both coalts : showed I total oC r 7 .0 hu. tils w..k. of which 1l5tOJO bu. went front the 11110 flle. Time weHter Ilrl- mar ) ' IltleetR ' received I total oC 307,0 hU. , a/lllst : moJ bu. on time eOITelpOllu Iluy 01' last ) 'ear. Export clearances Irom time Atlnntc lelboa'll for time twent-foul' lmotmrs In whent ammtl 110th' ' hourl 11t 10ul together "el'o : .O bu 'rime Ceatule of time tr.\111 WIR the free om uC the sel I I " . 1.onA wheat I'mo out first In Ilrgo lot . timid that en- courarell the Rcal11lnr crowd to alil to . their oifemimmgs . thul S\eilng the quantity for _ sale . _ _ to . 11 extemit " which . IUlCI I ftmr- lU" Ulell < 14 < - A lie tatter price was touched about ten minutes front the close all Wil < vIrtualy unrecovered from the latest tm'adlng helll nt 52c. Corn dropped Into its Iltural secondary positon tOla ) ' anti beclme weak In s'm- path ) ' with \\helt. There were reason other thul the drin In wimeat im0vever. for ' cur selling down. Time movement from country points Is IncrcaFe mind of the re- celpls now arriving here < I considerable proportion Is bought to go to store , the Ihlpplnl deman 10t being lull'lcnt to absorb It nil. 111) ' , which closed 3'sterday al from 4Fhc to Ic , opened this mornln at IH c anti lit once began to drop off more ecldedl ) ' . I sold down to 4e \ anti some oC I at , I l-16c. Pm'imnm'y market recelltl were 315.0 hu. . nlalnRt 30,0 : mm. on the corresponding mlay oC the year before. At the decline shorts were said to be buyers Ind the lon"s were selling. . Oats were qUlo active and met with a very good salc for Slturda < . The feeling was easy Inluenced entirely I ) the acton oC corn. The carl ) ' market coul be called 11mm. have quite Irm. Ulllko was reported . to bought free ' short sales. quite freely . covering salel. May started at 201. sold off to 28c . amid closed at that price bid. The provision market was steady at the opening , but weakened later In sympathy with thc wealmess of the grain marleets. 1011. and lard were relatively weaker than rlh . and the price began to give way , porle closing wih a net decline oC lOc , lard ic and ribs off only 2mAc. lo" receipts were 22.0 today and the total receipts for the week were 26.0 head. The receipts - ceilts In the similar week a year ago were 130.500 head. . . . _ _ _ . . . u 1sumaleu recCpts lor mOlmy : wneat , I carR : corn 326 cars ; oats , 21 cars ; imogs 42.0 head. , The leading futures ranged as follows : -Ari 1 : i Opmmt. I I h. I Lv. , I Cion - - - - - - - WhealNo:2 Feb. . . . . . . ( : @lO' ! . ( Q ' . , ,4H' ! 40H May . . . . . 1:1 : a33 : S2 @ A2 ; Jul ) . . . . . M3. "HI ! 13 ! . 1211 ( : Cor No. 2. . Feb. . . . . 42H 42 42H 42U May. . . . . HU 4U 44 f@ 41 Jtmic' : . . . . 44 44 H 44t44t Oats No. 2. . . . Hi Fob . . . . . 27 ( 27" 27 2n IOay . . . . 21 20 2SH 25t Jimmie . . . . 281 :8H 28.t 28H Pork pet' bbl : ay. POl . . . . 10 22 10 25 10 OS 10 oa LauJ.IOO lbs May. . . . . . U 6214 a a2 a $21 $ ! 0 S ( 81111 lUbe- . May I . . . . 5 326 l 32I. ( 25 I 27 Cash quotations were ns foilos's : Iuolllon < folows Ft.OUlt-i'zmteummmi , $ L50t12.63 : winter straights. $2.OOu72 50 : eiring patents t3.0Oi3.2 : ; al.er& , $1.7' @ 2.10. ! WII gAT-No. 2 sprla 52 ; Ie ; No. I spllll. , aomlnnl : No. 2 med. 49) ; 50 % c. ' < ; CORN-No. 2. 42e : No.3 yellow. 40'IU'c. ' OAT-No.2. ISo ; No.2 whIte . 31G22. ; No. 3 wlmite . 30@llc. whll. 3131e. Hyg-No. 2. 2lc. ltAitL1Y-No. . 2. we : No. 3. 53ijic ; No.4 , 5'0. FIAX Fmrm-No. 1. $1.40. TIMOTHY Hlli-1'nime , $5.5S. PHOVISIONS-Me.s I'orll. per l1bl. , hmO.O0Jl0.l0. IM'rd. per 1 lb. . $6.W. Short ribs. sides. looso. $3.i0@5.i5. Dry sale shouhler. boxed . $ t.G2\H \ 4.75 ; short clear sldcs. boxed , $ S.40@5.4. WHISKY-\Istler' fnishe goods , per mu. . $ .2. The following were the receipts and ahlpmenls Ic1ay : Arttcies. Itleclpls. Shlpmenta. - - - - - - - - - - F10nr. bbls. . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 12,000 Wheat.ln. . . . . . . . . . . . B.OGO : .000 . : Cormm . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,000 50.000 Oals bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lI.OOO 1111,000 Iye.bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , OOO ) 11.000 . Harley , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . .13.000 O.OIU I On the l > ro'luo3 e1elanro tothay time butter lar- , kot was sleady : creatmmory . 19im93c : dairy , 0 0200. Eggs . Irm : 2312.23.miC. } ' NEW YORK UyNta , L itL.iltICilT. Closing Quolltlons on the I'rioeilial Commi- modltol IU.t Slnpl" NEW YOItIC I"el. lG.-FI.OUn-necelpla. 13,500 bbls . ; exports 30 hbls. : sales . 4IOQ plecs. ; dul and lower 10 sl ; ely mi 11alenls. 14.0O@4.15 : ciy mi clears . $3.35 : Minnesota balero. $2.01 3.0 ; spring low grades . $1.0 : Fprhl extra $1.55 f2.3 ; wilIeI patents . $2.S0wr3.l ; winter straigumme $2,35@2.75 : wlnllr emtra , $ i.90if2.2) : wlllcr low grades . $ l.SOti2.25. Soulh.r dour , dUl ' common to fair extra . $1.S < 2.H : good 10 choke ! extra . 13.10Z12.fiS. Ih'o dour , < ul : stiles 30 bbis : Muper- line , 12.SStJl.50 : fune ) ' , $2.70@3.0. Uueltwh.al hour . dull . $1.G57l,75 . JICK WI I IJA 1-Nnmlnal. COHN aliA1-ltm1i ; western , dull ; yellow MI'J.U.-Dul dul 'elow w..tcr. $ l.OStjilO : Urn.I'wlne. $2. 1n -lull ; ear lols. tIc : bat loads 5 Co. IOAltiAY-Negiecteth : No.2 ! llvallee , CI6e : two.rowll. slnll' . Gle : Canal1nn. 70i2ic. { UAIU.IY lii AIi1'-Nommminnl ; weslom. 70Uj5e ; slx'IIV'd. 7ltfllc. WJUJA'-Hecelpls. 3,5 lu , ; exporis ! . 32,100 1w. : sales 1.450.0 hu. futures , lbs hu. bOot Spot weaker : No. 3 red . In store anti eiei'ntor. 56Vc ; afloat . 57te : f. o. b. . 5T'Yc : No.1 nortimermm . GGIe , dl'lh'ere : No. I hard . G7'o delivered. Optons opeitml I shote slla"ler on time f0).000.hmm . In. crease In time w..I . I'xporls. but ) ell oCt 8uh sequclty toiler active 1lullaton. closing Weak lt If@ o net loss. x"urlers tilt n moderate bU81ness In cash whpuI : No. 3 red. I.hruar ) ' . closed II 5Cc : MII'oh. 5Gi.Gj5Gc , . closed 5."e : May . 57 1l.1GctJ1c. e08ed 57e : .immn closed & 7g57c : Juiy . M 3.IGrCac. closed 581.e : August . SS1159c. closed 58"1 : teptember clo"et 581'e : Dee.mlr closed GI'I. COItN-Iteceipts. 1. : bu. ; exports . none : smiles , 170.000 hu. fUlures uo.1 10.00 imu spol. HI"II weak ; No. 2 , 180 Inelenlor : sleamer mlud. 4Hac In .le\'llor mini , 4810 del\'l'lc.I , Options folowell , whcal closely nod clo..1 nt ' 10 net 10SH. UII i esUmales for 1010rrnw else help..1 Iho smehiiimg ; February cosel lit lie ; 2lay , 4S'.f4tSc , selll ' nt 4' c ; uJh' 4 .f1ge. clnscd at 4S c ; OIIIH"epIs ! , 31,5 1m. ; exports , ' 2 lu. ; sales 20.0 1m. futures nnl . 21.0 1mllot. . . / Hpol dub : No. 2. 22c ; No. : del\.rtt. 3He : No 3. 3ei ; No. 3 wimlte . 37r31e , ; No , 3 wimite , ZGHc , track . whie , 38112e. ) uitions quiet amid welller : ClOtted , ' &I te net deelle ; February clo.d nl 33tc al : : c. March closed ut 33c ; MIY. 3'3 : . . clo'tI 1A Y-ulet ; bhll'l'lng , 45U50c ; good 10 choice . . 5I 70. 1OISSleady : state common 10 choice , old , 3iHe 8 1'le. ; new , GGle : l'aciiic coast , old , Io1p ; ; mmcmv . 111FS-Sleall"L wet salted . New Orleans , se. lecle" 45 to 6 Is. , t\Hte \ ; Tt'xas dry , Z to 3) I Ib" . 7q7\c . LI ATIJ I-Qulel ; sole , nu.nc'res , light 10 h.Ulle. ' . WOOI.luleq ; domnestic' , 16t128c' puileti . 191121e. i'ltO\'iItiONH-Iieef. alow : fanmliy \ I , SO.OJ'J.o : extra IIK _ . n58.0 : beef rmm , ii ? : l'aclI , $ S.0Oq0.O0 : city In.la les , U6.0tl.0. $7 Cut mPII. Irm ; Jlok.1 ) bele $ .5iG.o ; pIckled simouiders. $ .7 : pickled ham. $50001.50. I'ork . fahl' active : le \ omess. $1.23fi2.QOi ; fumimii' , U1lm2O : short Ilear , $ l3.O@ji5.00. ) 13U'i'Tiit-Virm western dairy , lOtilSu IlI"IJI-I"lrm : w..ter 10tl i 'Halern creamer ) ' . \le : w.ler factor & 1.Ulc ; 1'lgll. 21c : hnlaton creamery 10'ISc : state dairy 10ftle : state cresmnery. l3iulOc I . (1'm -Qulel ; larce. tiijil.ie' small . 9I11 ; part skiimms . 3t8'e : ful skinms , \ l'Amt24c. ' ! LUUItlcdy ; Ilate anti lcln.h'anla. 3Gc ice houle. 121 ' western freMh , : :50J251zc : \ . aouth. crn. t'3',4ttiVec ; reCeipts . 3715 I.kga. ' 'AI.I.OW-III ; city . Hie : eoummtry , 4c. TtJlti'I2NTINI-F'irtn at 31(3I c Hll'IJ-Sleadn < OIUtc , tall to e.tra , 4O Gc : mmpan . 4'U4c. MOLASHI5-itea4y I : New Orleans , open keto tie. mod 10 choice. 33t138c. OIANOCNomlnlli 'Iorlda , 12.00111.50 ; olhen , $ : aI3. OfUO 1'TltOLEUM-Nomlmmai ; United closed at U.O\t \ . . I 11 ; \S'hingten , " " ' 'J $ &tf07.t0t btmlic $ ! < : refined Ne , York , 11.0. . , ; $ : hlu.lell.hln nnlt 1"1- timnore , $6 ; l'hlRlelllhln and Julmole , litmik .0 : . It lUPlN-i'lrm ; BlrnlnI , &mnmon to good . $ .3Hi fjl 1:1 + . (1 JI I''I.ll iron . qujletjicotchm . $ i9.0)tlS.O ) : American . $9.rfI2M , ' teleh. t ; brnkc , price i'ummlnc. , " market .i5. l.enui " "eak. . .le , ; litokers' u'nlce. $3.O2Yt. ( OT Sl5EI \ Ot.Ineth' ( at mIMlh' uoonnl"1 : 1res ; 1111"allle , 221122L5c : tiff crumb , , 2Eicliic ' , butter ( ( \142 e ; prime Inln'or ) elow buter IrI , : : U2 ; prime wbiU'fJ3ic , - . O , ' I\\ UhiNEltAb .iAhIKi1'V. -II Condition "f Trndo "IUII " Qmmotatlonm fn 'llplo nli Ethic ? ' l'rOluco. iiUTTflit-Cumlied stock , So ; common to fnlr 1le : tall to good cuhll' ( 1IIie ! : choIce to faimey , ISUICe : gathered 'hl'nmery , ISo ; separator erml"f' 19f:0. " lfi(1-5trIctiy fresim laid . 224721c. Lt'1I : I'Ot'i.TitY-Chickens. S'.UGI : .Iuek . Gel . turllpR , Ce : imeivv mimic I , Sc' geese , Ceo liIm9i5u 1 10'ITIY-ChekIM. ! fair CIGe : ( holle large , rttie : eholec MIII , 'SI : tumruteys . foil 10 gi. RfSi ! ( : clle ' heavy , SIH19c : choice AmnI , 10fOI ( I' ; durk . fair II gel , 7HTS. : fnle ) ' , foil dreseil , fIO ; geesm' " . fair to good , 71f8e : fancy , full .lr".CI. PIIOc. ( AJIIII wing tlnl , 1'11 iloC. . ' i.5)I.73 : 1.5)(1 green tulmig teal , her , ln1. $ i.25t01.tsI : : , lurlus. "iol in initced . l'er . lo . , . * 1.00071.25 ; co $ 1 musiOtk'm 'I.Nf 5.00 : Illnhlq nol ret Imeumd. . $ ! . i ; : small ribits rids . fOe . 7leG1i.00 ) : Jack rabbits . li.Aijl.0 : Aqulr- \ I.Cholcl fat . 70 10 10 lbs. . are quoted nl Cub ; , Intlp autO coarse . lii Ic. . " 'ii iiuh-'iecnmicumm : ful crcam , YoUng A. 13. : ttvitme . l2tte ; X.brHlm imimi . Iowa , ful rr."m. lie : Xlbm.kl nl,1 11"1 " ,11 sklm . HIRe : Itimi' lounger No 1. lie : brick . No. I. tic ; Swls8. Xo. . I. I. . . lIA'i'-t'utlnnl , holy . $9 : 1111111. $8.50 : inwlmmumd . , IS ; rye umtimmw $ G. Color IlakeR mime prIce elm Ill ; ) ' . , l.lglmt RhnlleR nel the II.I , Oul lOll Irdes bring top l.rlllo. l'ItiiONs-OId lrls. 1,01 'loz. . 7 eIS.0. \1.l.JT : . HI.IS. loin. l'OT.TOr.s-\'estern iOc stock , car lots , Cc : olal Ol\ hllNiO-llaimth.dcIted . n\ ' ) ' . $ ' ) Q.OJ : 1.111 Imeane ' . her Ih. , ! I. ONIOXS-On orders , 1l.OZil.l0 ; yen hbl. , $2.iS (03.00. CAllilAfll7-On o.l.rs. : c. It'On CIIIY-Per mloz. , 531163e ; Catiformmta . DIeGO $1.OI , SWlmT : IOTATOBS-oo,1 stock $2.50 : Ian- . , . . 555. $2.0002.25. , mJI."S-lc. hiti. . $1.5. ( 'AltltOT4-t'er hhl. . $2. CAt'hlFl.O'glt-I'er crate of a thoz. ammO halter or two do1. $2 : . ! . oul tOI . : utAlIsuIl'er lb. . GIjie. l'Alt5N1l'-i'er bbl. . $ : . ltt"i'Ait.ta\b'-l'er lb. . lmC. It''At\G.\H-ler HSI.l'J\-ler 1101. 1 b\hphe" ( . lie. 'FltltNl i'S-l'cr ill. . $1.50. Si'INACII-l'er bLI. . $ :011.0. J'IId 1'1N'f-I'er . doz. . .01' , FltL'lT. PflAltS-\'intpr XII _ . hone. A I 'I ' 1 , Fmu-rtmolce : sttcic $ t.1 f1i ; . lt,1'iS-coumeomui. : 10nl ; Malagne per 65 10 GIAII'S-Cnnroll. . . _ I\'n. . lLUOPIO.CO. ! ( . _ tCI u _ _ _ : u _ _ l'eI 111. , \ NI1 IUtl8-Jel se ) ' . . fancy , 1.Unfl.r. TltOi'tC.1 , rltI'lvg. OIlNOig-Flo,4,1as ; . l'e box $ .ir 10 ; Call- forla na'els. $1.50 : slc\Og . 57. IIANANAIt-'tmalce stuck . 12.00(02,50 Icr bmmncim. 1.1' : IONH-le"olnaH. sixes 300 10 Sf0 . cimoice $ 5 : fancy , 13.50114.00. JISCILIAXlOlH. OH\TrnS-l.lum. Ier can . Ire : honeshooR , : ; extra olanlnrd2te : exll selects . 2e : COl- lmmnl' "elecls. 2Cc : New York counts :00 ; bulks . standard per gal. . $ .00. r"J\ 1"IS-Ixlr fammey . IGc : fammcy , He ; choice . i2GflIe : Cahifimrnia . hugs , 7c. 10NHY-New < . . lie ; dark . H@Ic ; Cmmhi- formmia ICe : strained . 4 10 10.lh. cans . per Ih. lO' . M.\ PI.t SY1tl'l'-Gallon jUI' , I.er ler < 07. . $12 ; htixhy . 5-gal. cans . $3. NITT-Aimmmonele. lIe : lnciislm wnlrmtmts . soft- shell < . 1:1 ; mmtammianls. lie ; filberts . 8119o ; ltzl nmltim . 8e. HAlI : : NRAl'T-rimolce : mimlte . I'er bbi. . $ : Of 5.00 : her hal bm'l. . $2.5Oir25 ; MINtI.J I . \ - I.'anehalf lilils. . per II , . ol.e ; IOIal kegs . Gc : condensed . Iel case of 3 1\07 uiltgs. $251. - - - CIIJFII-l'ure juice , ,6r html. , $ : : halC Ihl. $3. " . . . . 11ms AXI'\I.I.O\ lilnEg-No. 1 green lmidealG01e ; No 2 green 31itlc hd" ; . 30 : No I green snllll hIdes , Se : No. 2 Iren sal.1 imbles . 4'c ; NI1 Ilecn < salted . hhles. 27 : to 40 Ibs. . le ; No.2 C1P1 salted hitli'S. 2 : 10 < 40 Ibim , 41c : No. I "eal.r.IC.-S 10 1 : lbs. . 8e : No. 3 nul atlf . 8 10 15 Ibs. ) 5 : lXo , I dry fet liimles. CI : No. Z , II' fn hldlo'60 : No. 1 dry sailed imides . 5e : ltr cured . hlt s tiC I'cr I . less tItan fully cured. . 1w ' cu.l. I'r ian fUll' HIrI t IT-Green . catted . eaclm 2'GOc : green stilted shearlnl" ( sh"1 woolct early sklos ) each , 5115 : dry : sheaI1InJs-short ( woolo,1 Imh' skIns . . . . . a. ) . \ No. . , . I . . eict , , , . ) . " ' W - ; ; } r'on1 ! ! " .4 . . . . ( slmort ,1T . , . . , . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . a .j. " ' ' . " 3 .e.e "H'U'3 . . KIIs's soil NpIrska bltcher wool lwlts . per iii. . actual "elht. &liSiTIljY : mot Kansas oral . ii , . actual Nebraska murrin eolt1 \ xiOlis IJer . weglmt . H16e : < 1) ' hInt ' L'0I'ora1o , hUleher wool POl" . 'pe'r lb. . actual mveigjit. 4GI.c : dry flint Culo\ < o murrl1 ) Yll i'eI4 ' ! per lb. , aelual weIght . H 60. 1'AI.LO'AND GHE\SCTnlo\ . I , 3c ; lalow. 1'AI.LO\ . 2 . Zc : grmnme.Cwlmita A. 3(04te , ; grease . while I. Ze : IreaS . " yelloW . 3. ; gmeumse . .Ini IC . 2mGm3c \ : old butter . : G2Ye ; beeswax . prime , IWO : rough InJlow , 2e. FUllS. FL'ItS-flear , black No. I large , $50 0 > 12i.0 : No 1 nmellm.mnm. , $10 : No. t smmmali. ' .OnlO.O ; hOJr. hlack. ycamlinge. Nu. 1 large. $1.OOyI5.0 ; No. I nmediunm HO : No. I " mmall . $ : bear black ctmi's . No. 1 larl" . $6.0Mi8. ( ) ; No. 1 meiiiumn . 5.tO(06.C0 ) : No.1 smmmail . ; I : boar hlaek. 110nlann In,1 , Hoc ' " "ulloin. No. 1 large . $18.(0200 ; Xn. 1 m.t urn . $14 ; No. I smmmall , $10 : bear , black . 1ont.1la year- 111 : " . No. I lalge , $12 : No.1 mmmeltunm. $8 ; No. 1 rmumll . $7 : tear . black. Montana cuhs. No. 1 large. $ $ ' 150 : No. 1 mmediummm $1.00 ; No. 1 smal , $3 ; bear , sl\l tip . No. 1 large $20 ; No 1 medium , $12 : No. 1 srnaii . II : b ar. sliver tip . yearlings . No. I large , ' 1 : No. 1 meilluma. IS : No. 1 mmmcli. I : ; heal' . slt'er tIp , cubs , No. I large $6 : No. I rneiliunm , . $ t.50 : No. 1 email. $3 : bear . brown , No. I larg t20.Otf2i.00 ; No. 1 ' ineiliunm , . $16 : Nn. 1 snail , $12 : bear , brown . 'enr- hogs. No. 1 large . ' 10.001112.00 ; No.1 mClu0. $8 ; IS. . I " 0nl. $6 ; bear brown cults No. 1 iare . 17 : No.1 medlumim. $ : : No. 1 8mal. 1 ; La"Jcr. Xo. I lunge. * 1.00111.50 ; No. 1 nieditmfli. fOe : No. 1 anmall. toe ; flalmer . No limirge . 50 : No. I mnedlummm . f6 : No. 1 small . $1 : fox eiiv&'r. I 10 color. ac- conln 10 lauly. Nm. 1 large . Uo ; No. 1 nmediutmm . $ CO ; No. 1 minmall. $ :0 : fox shier Imle. according / to heaut ) . . No. I lange . $ ,0 ; No. 1 modiunm. $3 : No. 1 email . $20 ; Cox , crosm . No. I large $7 ; No. 1 medium , $3 : No. 1 small . $2 ; fox 1 No. 1 large. H.r. ; No. 1 tnedium . $ .2 > ; No.1 emnall. II ; fox gray . No. I hmige . 7c : Xo. 1 111111 , Wo : No.1 small . 40e : fox lulls . No. 1 immmge. Sic : No.1 medium . 40e : No. I small . lOc : lyimx. No. 1 large. $ : No. 1 mnoltum $ : No I siminii . $1.10 ; lurlen , No.1 large , $2 ; No. 1 me. dhmm. $ I.CO ; No. t email . $1 : mimink . No. I lar/ " . f0(0Cic : No. 1 nmeiliummm . 400 : No. 1 mmmii . 35c ; nmtnlt . dtmrlc , No.1 large , Cc ; No.1 mnemiitmmn . . 400 : No. I smmmnli . lIe : lounlall lion , , PICeel he,1 I unit feet No. I large . S.OiOO : imperfect 81.lu8. $ G.001j7.0O : No 1 small , $ ; otter . vale. No.1 , large . 1 : No. 1 me"llm. $ : ; No. 1 somali . $ ; raccoon No. 1 large G0(0lOe : No. I le.lul , 501 ; Nu. 1 smmmaui . 3 : : raccoon . black . na 10 I"nut ) , No. I Inrge , & of'200 : lcummlc blick. cased . narrow . - row Itrllod. No. I larle. SIc : No. I metliuun . 40c ; No. 1 smum'mli . 2ic : RIII ; . hloa,1 , stripc'ii . No. 1 iargc' . :11c : : wOh''llno. No I laigi' . $1 : No.1 le,1 ! I I. $3 : No. I emnohi . $2 : wolf . 1\lnllll. No. 1 la'I" . 1.1 ; No. 1 maedimmmmm . $2 : Xo. 1 snmaii . 150 : wolf , lmraiiie . No. 1 lmmrgc' . 654(1Cc : No. 1 mneiliummi. Gee : No. 1 emaIl . 400 : bc'am'em' . per " 1.11 , No. 1 iaigc' . $5.OOGmG.OI : No. I melul. $1.50 : No 1 lalll. Plu12 : heaver III . No I lame. $2 ; No.1 IC' illuirm. ' 150 : No.1 somalI . lIe : lusloals , wintem' . No. t lamg' I . S(0ioe ; No I le.JUI. Do : No. I smumall . 7e : ! 1\ltr"ls. fail , No. I large. 4dc ; No , 51nl. I 1 I'llu 1. 71 ; No 1 summulh . Gc ; mtislrai.'m . hits . 2G33c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Coffee tlnrlmmt. ' CoClo 11lr'ct. NgW YOIIK. Fol 11.-COFF157I'-Options dull al nomlna\y uluhanged 10 10 Ilont ! declIne : JICI excl'lllonnl \ ) ' dull 0111 f'a 1 , closs. No speculation whalenr : closed dull and featureless ' . 10 5 net advance ; at nommminrmiiy ulehal.d lllls nd\nce 10mlnnl . ' . . ! ] Ma . $24.S spot ummies Li ) tm.mgs Inelutln : Slimy $1.Li ; " " coffee . lUl. duNn ; , 7. ! SiC : 11,1. , quiet and steady ; eordov3. $ 18.75(013,50 : miICB . none. \Vnre houl dcltt'cm'ies frol New York ) "ft'nla ) ' . 7.3S. bags : New York sloelt lotu ) ' . 201,507 btmgsi I UIH ; , > Hales stock. 210,053 bags : nl0nl Cor time UnlP States 21G.0 ' lags , ; total visible suplly for time United States , 410,913 hags , Oglllsl 47U,221 bmigs last year. hlls 11. HAN'rOS Feli. 16.-Morleet Jrm ; geol average Stmntos hacs. . $0 ; receipts 12,003 bags ; 810clc" . ' 2.0 hacs.IAJIIIG. . 1"eb. 16.-Slaticet steady ai un IAJIIIG. 16.-1lalllt nlt chango,1 10 ' 4 . I.II . d'elol ; , sales . O.OJ "as. 1.VHJ , V.0. . iG.-2.lmu'kst openoll dull ao,1n. , . ohlnlr : closed dull ut ' H decline ; total sales . 5,000 bags. I " 5,0 HI bals. t/.J , JNliiitO , 14e1cilt.-Mamltm't frm : No. 7. $15.3S : exchange . 0310 , : ' receimts 6.0)0 1lsl cleared for time United Status , 4.0 bags : cleared for Ilurola' , 4SOlbmmgs . ; - imlock . - li8.00 bag . I' h ladul I' I ilil' l u rkot" 111.AD IPIA , IebjjIG.Vi'II A1-Aprl unit JI ' deliveries . (0Dfl. lower : No. 2 1"11. 1'.ruRr ) ' . 57MGH.u : \ JImh , 5'1@0ic , ; April , 57Hlt8 ) 1 11) ' . 57(0y,5mp , . . . , . t'titN'-fe loweI : t'am.t.2 nmixeml FellIR ! , 4G\hlc : llrh. 4GIHHle . : Apt Il , . .IWH\"c . \ ; Slay , 4StlGfltte. ! . . _ . nlfi\.r. O.-llel , lower ; " : 2 wimitr' . " 11 lar ) ' , 35',1(43Gc 3G'4Gj aTe. : ; Slimrch . 5GiZGlmt ! ; 11111. ZG't3C e : lay , nt"j1'UR-puIh mind r 'jpt'er : fmmnc' tm'estermm U"I'I'J-Dul nl.1 l . \lr flnc wesler Clllmcr ' . Z , fancy I' . yivunia iirimmtmi . Zic ; . fale ) ' Jobhtmmg 2S,3Ir. ' 'lCGfll4-St.ad' 1 . 21ft . : fresh'I ! tw' IJ ) ' , 25C , fresh wesl- en. : 'md , . , ciIllttF-Finn. ; : . t CllmHI' StGhtS-y ! , la'INI HUO.\IS-a 'rAI.l.oW-Duii. uimchmnnic-tI. ImCIJIITB-1"lor. $ . . : . , 5.0) Racks ; wheii. I.O ' ) lw : corn , 3'1.0) ' liii . ; Oats SO ) 1,0. SiiII'SliNT-Witeat , 10.0 bU ; corn none ; cats , > bu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UI 1111rlwt. SA y\NN\I Fim. IG.-nOSIN-I"hl : window whIte $3 ; wiltol hass . 12.53 : IC N" ' : .70 , lii. , 'UO ; K. , $2. : : I. , 1 : N. , SIO : C. , $ .U : 1" " $1.35 none. : 13. , $ : J ; D. $1.03 ; C. , U , enl A. , . $ : sales . H IHUTSI"/rm. / * 2.22 ! , .bi.l : ' sImi . U.b3jZ.SO\ I . eUAICdlON , 2'eb. 1-itOSlN-I"lrnm , $ I.001J 9'j'iti'i1NTINi3..3 $ ' . I TIIII'NTINIc. . WI.MINOTON , Feb. 1G.-ROBIN - 1"111 : btraineil. , * 1.07 : < rlnlr ) $ .11) . HiJ ltlT-Notiiing doing . . 'I'Alt-Qulet. $1. 'l.l-ulel. $ . ' ; immmmml $1.10 $ : soft , $ lS3 : 'Irgln ) U.7. $ _ _ _ _ _ _ . btmgitr lmirket . bUllr Mlrkl.t. N1IW YOItSC. 1..1. IG.-LO H-ILtW , . 110 : fair r.nOhlg , : 11.1Cc : t'emmtrifugmml. ! test 31 : a I t. . 1.763 bags molasses sugar , just IrrlveI , ut : 7.16. ex.ahll mind Ill bMs. MUlco\'odo. 89 lest , < 11 at Z 1.16 "x'lhll' . just ulrl1 ; relined . quiet : No.6. % f3 HC , No.7. 3 &IG03Ie ; No.8. a 3.ICii3C ; No. o. 3$4t3 /-IC ; No. 10. 3 1.16t 31U1IC 110 , No. 1. 303 2-iCc ; No U , 2 U.IGf3 I-IC : No. 1 3 1,160 ; off A. "J.IGoi ; mould A. 'l 3.JGo ; _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ .4. _ . - . Bllndant 313-1Ce : eontectiont'rs' A. 3.03 13.tGe ; ( nit 1 0 . . 'tU 9.16e : eru < ho < . 4'ifl P.16e ; u'w- ' . 4 3.i.e grantilmuted 3J3 lS . lfe eumhx's , < : v1:16 ; : ; . 3-lr. ; gnllaU < . 363IG.IC ; clb. . IANlON . I"oh. lG.-'lOAn-Rn quiet ; oth' ing mlolrmg : centrifugal , JI.1 1 , ; Jtloo\nto. Cnlt refining , OR STUCI.S A I JUS LS. lUring the Two Illr" If IIAlnt Trailing flits I rrralin 1 XIOI : , I"ob. 16.-The sleek market during Ihs two hour of business today ) ' was 'ery It' . regular in its inot'enmemmts , hut In time nmatn in. ilinNi towani Imigimer prices , this tendency being due to time closing out of simort contracts over Smmnia5' . At time opening ppectmiatlomm wits strong in tone , a fm'ncllonal iuivant'e beIng rrc'orii'd , Time irmmprovemmment was hot , Itoiveter , mnnintnineil br long. a lank of im ier vent in Nstlommai l.eail catmsimmg a symnptmtbmetic temmctiomm In time emmerai mmtmket. New .lenmey Central was also nttaeked uumii imrokt. 2. . per cent. Ilefore ii tlm teimmlit'r (1t Slieetllmlttofl ilmiuI unilergone a cimuruge for time list. ten , 1.'al lining reentered l er cemt. Net , .ierme' & 'entl'ai milIeu lI. iCr cent on coverbnut ( if short Coflttncts. mmmii liii' lest of the list mlmveil tml ) under slmnlhumn immlltiemmees. Alkimit II :30 : lucre i tic a piigimt memmcttomm iut In t lmC limmol ti'alitmm : timmi Immmlm itt 1 Was fltimm altmi closed Cli giit tone. time greater Part of time mhmmites , leult 1mm h''ing mtG0l per vomit imighmt'r elm hit. mlfl % ' . b'lwctmimmtbomm mvne lc5lrlett'ii In time earlher hart 'if time m'eek , mum limit little lul'i' it as ( ittt'rtclnal of congressional relict tim tIme Itimaimnial ci tunt him , ammil time tih'mmt of I ime bond bill mmb'mely nililal siiglmily to e'cisummig ile. himescion. Ammotlmer fnctor of wenlumerme w mmmi time him tavnt ahl report mm of rum Iim'oad earnltmgs , imototily of time gm aim gem' menus. Time 1,01,1 ieml bit of termmmc of svhmiclm time go'rrnmiment lame sulil its .1 imer ct'lmt boumilmi I 0 tlm I lhmimont. Marco mi synil It'iite lind a gmmoti effect , The reiutmirements wlimclm ptovlIcii fit t itt' I mnpOrtatlon of grid ( rein i'mmrolie amid that ivlmlehm loUimi , the CDmmillC'ate to muse its lied elm. , ie.'t'oms tim uirem'emmt wltlmiirawimis of golti frIom tInt ti e.'t.MmI'y were loiki'ii tmu'omm as tmmost fmit'mrnhl. ' tmi time future ( it the nmmtrkei , 1101,13 11mg ItS it iloet tlmt eoimtloi of tim , ' forvmn t'xeiiumrmge ham het seas as to keel , rates ieitmu' t Ime gulti pimllililmmg point. The beams nttemmmlmtel to extiggeralt' the liimltir- tnmmee of time mitml'cimimtrs of some gull 1mm timO tilien nmmrket , tim" limm ers litI'immg mm couumtmmlrsloim of 'lOt ' 'a her clot to limmll 10mm brokers , I lii t I Ime effort to crt'atm' mm. semite cii time grit lmrernitmam tlmeom i mule , lmmeiTectivt' . Nom thmwestermm was it fenttmr , ' iii t lii' share e'mecmmIatimimm liii ntiglnmimt t mi' . m cek mmmii suff'r1 frumim lmeumm'y 1 lqmmlIumtlomm. Tihomecim m mm'e fem red down Tl , ' , 1cr cciii iii SI. Time lii him , y catmee tmf time hr'itk was the eminm'i'imt mum mmmmm' to tim , ' effeet that an butler vat reiiing time steit. lim tIle bitter hart of the w't'clC them , ' \m'Ci C ei'il'mmees at lmmslde iitmying , vilclm m'esui ted 1mm a rali' of 4'i per cemmt. Street gossip to tIme effect that tar affairs iii timc tlnltc'.I iOtatem t'onil.mge comumpammy memmuiti mom le trtmumsterrvil to time emure tiC receivers rem'mmi ttt tim a simmnmi , I mm lii , ' stocks. 'l'ime vlosutmg ( if the week mhiseiuscd a , lemmmmoil for tim' mmm1 ttmey acre tmmitrketl up to 4'k Icr cent , 6s icr cemmt Oflil lltmt Per Cent , resliecilmell' . , tim , ' mmci losses ieiimg oumly l1.l , hter cemmt fe ; time cmu1molm and per em'mmt fmir trim mamonteel , Sugar , ivim lie mmmost. Prtmmmmlimemmt iii time tattling. mmmoveil vi Ilium coimmlemratl'ell' hal iOW I hulls. I mm IL mmmmmjom Ill' , mt lmmsttmmcem I lie hid llgmmres of tIme v ( cit or , ' ia'iimv tlmose of the ircc'hing we'lt. Time tm.ggregmttt' males of tbe veck mm'cie SOO,3el shmtm es ' .i'ite iiouid moat ket timlimy wmts mInim limit .iuli , tIme mialem. nggregatltmg $ l00miO. ) l'mmloum l'a- , 'iite I ) , 'flt''C & , ( liii f let s it ro mlown 2 ncr edt. 'I'lie tmamliumg 'luring tIme mt'ck W8i1 L'xtremmmeiy immmatimetto mmmii tutminteremiting. save in IL few tim- mtctl'e iimonlgimgee . ' 1'ii Itosi sii'mi are for tire nmost part lelow tIme figures trem'imillng it week ago. ago.Governoment ljoumiit mmlmoweil more activity limit for siimmte I ltmmo li.ust , tue cemmmliimmt'ti no leg a mating $530.01) ) . 'l'lie Is slmow atm itihoaci' if % icr cemmt tmnil tiii' 45 of pem. cent , m'lticlt is dime to tlm , ' hmtghm lihl for tie new 4 per celmt itmtmm token by the syimdicate. Tim , ? foiiowiimg ivere tIme closing quotntions on time leadlmmg stocks of the New voric exchange today : MchmlBomm. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Nortlaveetenim. . . . . till . Ataitmi4 : xlmrese 14 1 N. IV. . . . . . . . . . . , Altoim. 'F. 11 . . . . . . . 113 N. Y. t't'mmtrtl. : . . . . . mi'mI Aiim , lxmmm'eMit. . . . . . 1 10 N , 'i' . & N. 1 , . . , . , . iitltlimmoro : & 01mb. (11 t4 ( immtnrlo & \ \ ' . . . . . . . Imi ( cmmmnml : 't l'aci tie. , . . 'ISts Ort'gomm limmlm. . . . . . . . Ii (7ttimalt ( Sommllmi'rii. , 4mi Oreotm am' . . . . . . . . 114 C'mttntl ; l'acttto. . . . 12I 0. 14. 1 , . & 11 , ' 0. . . . Clips. .t 01mb. . . . . . . Ii 1'.mcifle Mall. . . . . . . 22 ( Jimimmtgo Aitomm. . . . . 141' . 1' . P. & 11. . . . . . . . . . r : . . Ii. . ( .1. . . . . . . . . . iimi. ( Pimtmmbmmrg. . . . . . . . . . 134 Ciilcmgo ( itR. : . . . . . . 72 4 l'mmllmmmmmm : I'almce. : . I 34 eommsolidatoi Gas. l271ij lteadhimg. . . . . . . . . . . . lii 0. . Ii. . C. , , ; St. I , . . , . .10 II. CV. . . . . . . . . . . . . I m3i Cob , Coil & Iromm. . ii ii , 0. \ ' . 1.1,1. . . . . . . 4:1 : Colloit Oil Ct'rt. . . , Im4G itock limlimtit. : . . . . . . tii ( leItwaru& : limitl , 127h1 St. 1'miml : . . . . . . . . . . . 5514 Del. , f'ack. . . SV , I3S .Iu tfd. . . . . . . . . . . . 11Ut p. , ¼ it. 0. 1d. . . . . 3311 St. 1' . & Oummumima. , . . p. & c. F. Co. . . . . . . 1411 do Prim . . . . . . . . . . . hIll trio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ills Sommtimerim l'achik' , 1730 do imftt . . . . . . . . . . i ) Sugni' lleiiumery. . , , 11211 Fom'tVmymio. : . . . . . . . lId 'rcmmmm. Comi : .t Iron 1330 G. Nortliermm prO. , 1011 Texa'm l'oclhlc 810 C. & Ii. I. mmfd. . . . . . 'JO T. .lt 0 Cemmt. mild. , 7tlts llocliimmg Vaiioy. , , Ill tlmmiorm l'achhlc. . . . . lilimoium Ceimtrai , 8(1 U. S. 1xim'.msum 14 St. P. & ldmmltmtim . , 2(1V. ( . St. 1. . & 1' . . . . . . IC. & 'P. tmftl. . . . . . . . 2210 do 1tl. . . . . . . . . . . . 1230 T..l , , , r.mn ( . 1L tVnIi , , 100 do lftl. . . . . . . . . . . . ( fl1 ( lVei.tern iJmmiomm 87DG f.km .Simoro. . . . . . . . 1:0710 : Wimeelummg & L. 11 10,0 feait 'rrmmst. . . . . . . . 2714 do pfti. . . . . . . . . . . 37 Lotmimivillo & N 52mi St. & St. I . . . . . . . . . . 2310 r.&NA. . . . . . . . . . ii t15.O. . . . . . . . . liLt Mommimattarm comm. . , , 30fl3 0. iS , ? ilomntmimtmm&C , 10. N. 1. . . , . ; . , , . . . . . . , , liltclmtgamm Cutmt. , , tm : , C. F. & I . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Miasouri l'aciilc1 , 20 do orm.1. . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Nobllo iOmlO } 15 If. &P. C. . . . . . . . . . 2t NnimlmvjiloClzat , , , UI T. A. A. & N. St 1 Nmttommat ; Coriago 41,0 ' 1' . St. L. & IC.C . . 1 tioptti. . . . . . . . . . . ( I1 doptil. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 N.J. Commtr1. . . . . . 824 S. It. It. . . . . . . . . . . . . N&W.pfd. . . . . . . . 121 . tlopfd. . . . . . . . . . . . 3114 North Aiim. . . . . ( Aiim. 'rob. Co. . . . . . . 1111,0 Nortlmermm i'acltlc : i ito pftl. . . . . . . . . . . . 105 No.1'to , pfii. . . . . . . 1551 St. 1' . , N. & 51 . . . , 105 LI. 1' . . 1. ) . &O . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Time tolnl smiles of stocks 1oi1a' were 79,741 lmnres , inelumlimig : American 'l'obneco , 3.100 ; Macrican b'tmgumr , 26,900 ; Burlington , 4,20) ; Clii- eagmi ( las , SSaO : Natlonat Lead. 4.400 ; Now .Icrsey Cetmtroi , 8,100 ; Norllmwestern , 7.700 ; tOt. Paul , 3,403. Non'ric .tluicmy .tliirker. NgS. YOltic , Feb. 16.-StONIlY ON CAl.- . Iasv at 1,4 11cr cent all nmornlng. l'IIIMII AIIII1CAN11'li.ld 1'A1'l1lt-iGOS14 tie" Cent. STII1I.1N0 EXCIIANO1I-Dull nail steatly. mvltlm mietinl busint'ss in bn'mkeimm' hills at 14.6514 014 $ St for demand anti $ i.57001.87t1 for 60 mIa.'s ; hosted rates , I4.WtGll.S9 and $ l.$9iui.b9i. Corn- mmmerciat lulls , $4.66. 141 lXl1t ct1tT1FICATlS.-59)0JG0c ; 1mG sales , It/mit HlbVl'11-S'i71e. SIUXICAN I'Ol.lAIIS-46e. GOVICIINItI iN'l' lIONlS-Strong and higher , State bonds , dull , limiliroad Lommds , 0mm. I.ipmm.ioim 14 lock ( , tm ul mmtloti. LONDON , Fob. 10.-a p. mim.clo'iimmg : Caim. l'cille . . . . . . . 31)30 St. 11ad coimm . . . . . . 5014 lrle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1l ( $ ( N. Y. Central. . . . . . 1(11,4 ( Erlo'2m1'i. . . . . . . . . . . . 1:014 : l'eummmeylvatmia . . . . . I I I. Cetmtrml. : . . . . . . . . 814 jti'uii : big. . . . . . . . . . . 514 Slexicmmmmurdlmmarlr 17 Mex. Cc'im.tiow 4s DbmL flAil StI.'FIt-CT ' 5-lGtl imor oz. 3ION0i\'li per Cent , Time tame of mllscotmmmt In time open nmanicet for short and tlmreo maontlms' bills is l1imer cent. Flimimimciimt Notes. IIOSTON , Feb. 1G.-Clearings , $ i3,26,094 ; for atmces. $1,616,150 ; tim tIme week , clcunlmmgs , $76- 787,251 : bmlaimces , 19.526,750. NI1YOilI. . Feb. 16.-ClearIngs , $8,208.4OI ; baiammcem. , $ SIt'l9S6' for tIme week , cieuuings , $457- 502,22) ) ; iiimhimnoes , $31,158,267. 11A11F1 MOltl , F'ehm. 16.-Clearings , $2,031,915 ; l'ahmmimces , $223,912 ; for time week , cim'tmnitmgs , thU.- SIliS9 ; hmilunct's , $1,165,555. . 1'l I I IAhlili'1I IA. Feii. l6-Cleam'lngmm , $10,171- .715 ; imaiaimcemm , 8i,50S,7)fortlimm ; _ _ week , cleam lags , 157,972,942 ; iiumllmtmct's , $9G1S,57T , ST. IOUIH , F.b. 16.-Clearings. $2.Dul,506 ; for time m'eeiC. $21,312 145 ; inmltmncemi , $131,635 : for tue week , $3,020,761. Money , lIDS iter cent , flxcimange on Now Yin IC , SOc uir'mnitmmmm. CHICAGO , Feii , IG.-Cjennings , $11,610,000 ; for time w'elc , $72,223,000. Money. 4114 % imer cent on titll , 5036 mwr cent oim time. New Yoric excimammge , 4311 ISo orenmlum. Sterling , conmmmerciai , $ i,5G'4 10 4. 67 ' 4. NI1'OltiC , Feb. 16.-Tue exports of specie front limo lion of New I'omit for time week itrmitmtmnteil to 863,256 in golti mmmi $570,613 in siiv' r. 'Fimo limmporta for liii' tt'eelC Lu Ct e : Gold , 1217,601 : sliver. 88,2)3 : mlry goods , $2,074,652 ; general time- chiatmtilse , $ l,218'Jii , iiflitilN' , Feli , l6-iixnimatmgo on London. 8 mlumymm ' sight , 3) ummarks 4514 umfm , I'A1t114 , Fch , . 16.-Timree per cent retmtes , IflIf 47140 ( or time uccoutit. Iixclmatmgu mm 1.ondomm , 23t 210 for checks. I.ONiON , Feb. 16.-Gold is quole'I today at Iltmemmcmmi Ayres at 20 ; SlamimId. boo ; LIsbon , 2J.25' % ; St. I'ctclLliurg. SO ; Athens , fl ; Itoimme , 101,55 ; Vlemmna , 103. ltmlutit ' . 'imiott 3liriot , , 1)ULUTIf , ICei. . 16.-WIIIIAT-No. I Imarml cashm mmmii i"cbrmiar' , 57e ; Stay. 57e ; July , & 'J"c ; No. 1 nortimerim. east ! and 0"ehiruimn' , 15'4c ; Slay , & 7c ; July , SS'o ; No. I nortimenim , cumsim , S2e ; No. 3 , 4'J3c ; m'i'Jected , 46c ; to arrive , No , I hmard , ISe ; No. 1 northern , 1614c. SluimmoapoiiI % 'imeumt ! ilmtrkot. 51 1 NN1IAI'OlllI. Fb. 1G.-Wii EA'l'-'iVt'ak ; l'ciim uimry , 5514e ; Slay , ISIOc ; July , ( % : on trmn'ic. No. 1 iimm'ii , 1714t. : No , 1 Imol t Imermi , 51314e , Nmm. 2 nortimerim , G4e. 1"iour , ( mu ) ' utt Utwimmtrit'U inices , . . 4 CTIOS ii It1tX'J1I ) J"Ofl 101 OT. 3lcimibor of Lottie Coliiiit' , Coimpiiy tltist ( hi hack to .ttucori. iAVANA1l , On. , Feb. 1G.-Time cimlef of umohlco of Nacon anti ilavannai , , time deputy niarsimni of Ilibim county and ( otur city tie- tecdves yesterday boarded the train front Jacksommvllie , Fin , , aumml riluced ummder armested Fred Hoioinomm , Sot Ololomnon , John i'm'oos , J , P. Currum , am Marion , henry Hayes , Fm'armkVnrd and tIme Moors brotim- ens , cimargc'd with rlot amid \ViIi 'oomI , lereil Oiimeiiiii'rd , .Johmn bogg almd Mmtmmutiem' Coomicy , tIme bmilmitmanmt of Lottie Coililmim , orm clmni'gcs of tlixorticnls' condtiet. Time arrests wem'o mnmlmm on boItCit ivarramuts issued om , Iui- ( llCttiieiltS tounti by tile gi'alill jury at Macoil , 'fime actorS offered no l'em4itance. 'I'iiey tm'ero lmmtmrclietl , guarded by titu 1,011cc outed's , to time 11011cc bmmrm-ackm , where timc'y m'ore li'lti for six Imourmi. 'i'iie deputy mar- mimi insisted on taiflimg timoit , intclc to Macon toimlght to sleuth trial on Slommmlay urmies a real estate bommil for I2.0Q0 was given , Just before tium tune for time lion. formnulmcu totmigimt Lottio Coiliims gave so- cui'lty to protect Manager Joilimmsolm of time theater , who time ! , gave bommd for tlmt , actors' ahmlmearatlco Monday. .t time satne tIme suf- Ilcient Imloiley wits turned over to Macon's chief of umolico to cover mttmy lines timat mu ) ' be impoUed in time p I ce coui'twimore mill fourteen mviii apimear .5ioiida' , ' .i'clt of them go from timore to time state court for trial on time elmargu of riot. Mamaugee Coommey is commlidezmt of the acquittal of all. , - - . _ s. ' . , - . * La ' oi\IAII : \ A 11VE STOCK 1AllKETS Deinanti Was Gooa anti the Offering3 Were AU Oleaneci Up. PROPORTION OF LIGHT HOGS UIRGE itlmrket. , Wim l'itiriy .tctlt'o itt aim /tilvmmumcti of Fime Ccntc 0 % er Erlllum3's l'nices -July Two ( mmrs ( it Sim't.p ileceti cii , SATtJhtiA' , Fob , 10. Time receipts today m'ero 1,130 cattle , 4,1)G Imogs anti 837 Imileel ) , us ngnummst 2,113 cattle , 7l3 hogs nlmd t,3 ? milmeep otm Sattmrtlmay of last tveek , 'i'hme receipts ( mum .lmtumuar ) ' I to timtto show a iss if 23.SS2 cattle mutmul 23,16) sumeel ) and a gniim of &l,30t hogs , its cotmiumareth wlthm time minnie Period inst yemui' . . . . w.lligi , % itl'l1li'Ti4. COtile. hogs. Smec7i ! , 1tem'eliit hue mucek . . . . . . . . . 7,761 50.542 l,7,7 ltedeilits last metric . . . . . . . . . 11,076 22,004 1mG ? m4aimm. w.-i'it lSql . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,140 23,4 l lOTd Sommu'meelc iSmt : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,75.5 22,961 9 Di , ( 'ATT1.l3-'I'Imcre ts'ere forty fresim loads of cattle itt tiut' ' omtls all told ) : , ntmtl time imroumr- hell of steers miumiommg time oftcruimgs was , if nim'tlmimmg , a little larger timutum tmsmmnl. ! I'ime delmmnnml vas good nmmtl tile offerings % m'ere abotit nil clemummemi tmp early ill time tiny. Smmie of time cattle 'ere umrett1' good , 811th ItS imigh ns $1.85 mm'as imumimi for otme lmmilit'hi , Prices thu lint simoim' lulticim change ( roam yesterday , time lmlutm'kct boltig stemimiy to strolmg , Over olmo- imutif of time cffenitmgs bromighmt $1 or above. 'l'imere s'cre tuhiotit fqili'tCeti lotds : of com' stthfE ilt time ynntimi , mimmtl time mmmmrket : en timtmt tiummus of cattle vmms stl'olmg nnmi netive , l'erytimimig s'mmmi soul in ommI 50060mm. 'l'lmcre Wei'o It few Imetmmi of coim's good elmomigim to hiring $3.35 , hmtmt lime great titlik of tii umumies rammgetl lmetvem , $2 mmlmti $ .i. Qmlitt a btlmmclm of imeifors iwitl as high as $3.70. Ilulls nnml rommgit stock mmtet with ready miol itt. fmmlly iuteumtly lmrhcc , . 'cuml calves % 'ere hot 'er3' Imielity immmti time mumurket vmu ; , Ilrmmm iii time fitce of a good tienmaimmi , 'l'hiero were umo stockers nnmi feeders nmnotmg time fresh receipts to ittmiotmmmt to auts'thmiimg. ttmmd time demmmmtmmmi mtt the leamime thimme mvttu. . lighmt its mtstmmti omm a b'attmrmitty. iteimresemtuttivo , sales : Iilll : STIii'l15 , No. Av , , I'r , No , Am' . Pr , No. A % ' . I'r. l..lla ; $2 .10 2. . . .1037 $3 70 20..1162 Sm io 7..1027 C Si ) 1. . . . $00 I 77 2sl.liSo 4 10 I. . , . flu 3 00 1I..lflb7 I Ct ) 'ma' .t i 3. . . . 513 3 15 Ill ? 1 Si 47..ih2O I 2) 7. . .1I'JI 3 40 2l.,1002 3 57 Ci , , , .1310 4 2) ) 1..lhOi ) : : Ce ) til.ilST I (0 2..1i'O I 27 iO.IOGS 3 55 2..l390 4 It ) m..i470 I 27 2h..lO4 3 (0 13..li:0 4 0) 24..lIii 427 101 ? 3 6. 21..ilTi 4 05 3S..i42 , 4 87 I2..9S3 370 cO'vfi 3..1026 I 80 i.10.10 0' ) l..ltiO 253 I. . . . limo 1) 1..103) _ oil 8. . . . 176 2 f 0 I. . . . 70) 10 l..l230 Oil :1. : . . . 903 " ri ) 5. . , . lCd Ci 1. . . . 910 tO ) 7. . . . , $91 2 55 $53 . . 63 1. , . . 600 0. . . . . . 921 . 17 11..2 6' ; 2. . . . 111 0) 6. . . . Si GO 1..lOlO 77 1.mCfl ) Ii 8. , . . GIll . fl : m. . . . 0.53 77 7 , . . , :147 : 17 7 , . . . $6 ? 2 6. . . . 236 75 2. . . . $00 15 Itt 2 70 1. , . . lila 7i 1. . . . 970 25 1.l27O 2 77 4..lOOl 7 : ; 2. . . . $33 27 22. . . . 5)3 . 03 6. . . . 713 1 75 4. . . . 192 ; . 3m ) I . . . . . . .5) 3 01 S. . . . 57 : ; 73 4. . . . 513 4(3 ( II. . . . ICJ 3 DO 16. . . , ItS ) 5' ' ) Ii. . . . 530 10 2..lliO 30) 1..l030 Si 2. . . .lO25 40 2. . . lOst 300 2..11S5 Di ) 2. . . , 750 10 I..l0CO : 1. . . . lOjO 01) 5. . . . .SI 10 _ . . . . . ,05 3 10 6. . . . 1476 01 Ti. . . . hf. ) " 3m 1. . . . 97t ) 3 25 18. . . . 927 0' ) Ci ) , . . . 1'23 fi. . . . . . Ito 3 25 3. . ' . .153 Ii ) 3. . . , 601 54. . . . . . li 3 35 I..1021) 01 2. . . . 501 5i ) 9. . , . 9J 3 5 3. . . . 1,50 00 5. . . . 820 5' ' ) llglViItS. S. . . . 253 1 6' ' ) 8. . . , 57,1 , 2 0' ' ) 1. . . , 620 2 73 I. . . . 566 1 03 1. . . . $51) 2 50 1. . . . 070 277 I. . . . 470 m 7 I . . . . . . . .1 Oil 1 , , . . 'J5 3 40 8 , . . , 175 2 0) ii. . . . 646 2 23 63. . , . SI ? 3 70 C. . . . 500 2 00 19. . . . 7(0 2 50 . liIlI.LS. - 1..liO' ) 1 10 i..1170 2 25 1 . . . . . . .0) 250 1.lilO . I 73 1..lOS ) 2 23 . . . . . ) 210 I . . . . . .i3O 2 mi ) l..lso0 2 2.5 1 . . . . . .10 211) 2..1133 2 0' ) 1..llGt ) 2 Ii 1.l3iO 277 1..1450 2 ( i3 1..157u ) 2 27 1 . . . . . .6) 2 73 I..iGe ) 2 22 1.IitO 2 Ci ) 1.itO ) S 03 CAL\'lS. 4. . . . 107 1 00 2. . . . Iii 2 50 1 , , . . 210 400 I. . . . 201) 1 25 1. . . . 221 2 75 1. . . . 200 4 0) 2. . . , 67 2 00 1. . . . 10) 3 50 1. . . . 220 4 00 I. . . . 130 2 23 1. . . . 110 3 10 1. . , . 120 4 50 4. . . . 112 225 152 373 STOCKIIItS AND FgED1fl. 1. . . . 900 2 04) 1. . . . 510 2 6' ' ) 3. . , . 6(6 2 SI ) 2. . . . Gil ) 2 Ii ) 1. . . , 753 2 63 4. . . 52) 2 90 1. . . . 40' ' ) : i oo 1. . . . GO ) 2 7i )2 , . . . 750 2 9) : t. . . s'uo ' 2 15 2. . . . 15) ) 2 70 1. . , . 870 3 0) 6. . . . 576 2 S3 1. . . . ISO 2 75 . 3. . . . 89.1 : i Di ) 1. . . . 60) 2 50 2. , . , 795 2 75 10. . . . InS 3 10 1. , . . 740 2 5' ) 5. . . . 502 2 73 2..1025 3 2) 62. . . . 837 2 50 1. . . . 550 2 tO IG..10T2 3 10 wllsTl:1Ns. C. lmrynnt. No. A. Pr. No. Av Pr. 12 mmtoers..1303 , 14 2h M1LiUItS AND Si'itiNGIlltS. 1 . . . . . . . . . . $ 0) 1 c anil . . . . . . . . . . $ 01 1 0 atut C. . . . . . . . . . . 2' ' ) 0) 1 C and c. . . . . . . . . . 20 01 icarahe. . . . . . . . . . . 2700 hOGS-There vtms a fair run of Image for a Sit. unlay , tlmero lielumg sixty freslm iamis reponiel iii , Time lirommortion of light Imogs was large mini tlmer mvuil mmoililng aim good ns tim top load > 'estertlay , 'rime market wait fmmlm 15' actIve at mut nilvammce 0 Sc over yesterday's prices. The local Packers mm'er" go'.l buyers amid mlie ofteriimgs wcre nil t.mkeum In goad season , 'rime light Image averaging from ISO to 11)0 ) lbs. went at frommi $ I.m3) ) to $3.50. Metiimnm , weigimtm nimil tmmlxei lomiils averaging ( room 20 , ) to 250 his. imotmghmt front $3.83 to $31.3 , while two lomiuls of pretty faIr hmemtm'y hogs touched $1 , witbolm \viis ( lie t op lined limliti. A I tIme opening of i ime , o'eek time best Imogum lii time ynrils said ut 57.9' ' ) . On 'i'ut'mmday time top price advanced to * 4,05. unil \Vetlmmemiulay 84.10 was nt'imcieti. , After titmit time mimarlcet diopped back ammO $4 wamm time imigliemit price atd on time last thmret' clays of tue week , Time lmmlk of iii I time hogs l't t lie 'artlme bib v sold at frtmmn 57.70 to $3.55 , as ngaitmst from $1.67 ta $3.60 yesertia ) ' numil ( room $3.80 t $4 mmt tia , ciomme of last week , Representative soles : No Av. Slm , I'r leo As' . Sii. Pr. . . . . . . . . 40 $3 6' ) . . . . . . . . ) 4' ' ) $1 51) ' ; . . . . . . . . . . . 67 - . . . . . . . . 121) 3 110 . . . . . . . . 41) Ui 27 , . . . . . . .222 8' ' ) 3 50 17 , . . . . . . .162 50 67 . . . . . . . . ? . . . 3 60 Ill.,1) , , , 71) ' . . . . . . . . . 1Cm ) 3 1' ' ) 71) 162 8) 70 ' . . . . . . . . . . . I 51) . . . . . . . . . . . 70 67..224 II ) I II ) 71 . . . , . . , .1'J . . , Ti ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 ( ) . . . . . . . . 1 , . . 71) " . . . . . . . . . 40 3 50 . . . . . . . . . . . 7(1 ( . . . . . . . . ) . . , S WI . . . . . . . . . . , 7' ' ) . . . . . . . . 41) .3 50 16. . . . . . . . 175 . . . 71) . . . . . . . . 124) 3 81) . . . . . . . . 110 3 ii ) 7)1..2)2 ) ) . . . : itt ) , . . . . . . . ) 8) 71) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . 73 75 . , . , , . . , 1(5 12/ ) 6' ' ) . . . . . . . . , . . 75 SI . . , . , . , , 213 80 82i/i 72 . . . . , . . , 106 12) 75 . . . . . . . . . .214 . . , 55 79..171) , . . 75 lIT . . . . , , , . 221 . . . 117 $7 . . . . . . .183 . . . 75 Ii.2)9 ) , . , 57 $1 . , , , . , . .l' .5) 16) 75 . . . . . . . . . . , , 57 11)3..173 , 75 SI . . . . . . . .211 6' ' ) 83 40.i : ; Si ) 73 Cl..2)2 4' ' ) 65 ) . . . . . . . . 12' ' ) sr , , .271 50 63 . . . . . . . . 4) 7 : ; . . . . . . . . III ) 87 . . . . . . . . 40 7. ' . . . . . . . . ' ) SO 57 II . . . . . . . .ISO 51) 3 7' ' , 72..222 , . . Si 63 . . . . . . .197 . 50 7 : . ; . . . . . . . . . , . . , $7 8 ) . . . . . . . . . ,9 . . . . . , , f,9..3 . 12' ) li ) 92..202 8) . 77'4 ' i'm.:2 ; . . . Ii ) . . . . . . . . 10 6' ) . . . . . . . . 51) ii' ) ' . . . . . . . . iS ) 6) II . . . . . . . .217 16) 'JO . . . . . . . . 51) . . . . . . . . 4) 57 13..21)6 ) . . . lii ' 76 , . , , . . , , Cli . , . 4 0) ) 73..203 iC ) 8' ' ) . . . . . . . . 210 4 0' ) Dl . . . . . . . .203 , . , Ill HKII'd AND flUI.LS , . . . . . . . . . , , 2 51) 7..2(5 ( . . . 2 75 . . . . . . . . ) . . . 2 ii P1(10. 42. . . . . . . . 64) . , . : i 0' ' ) 8. . . . . . . . l7 . . , IT. . . . . . . . 77 . . . 3 01) . . . . . . . . . , . 3 fl ) . . . . . . . . . . . a 25 . . . . . . . . . . . : t ri ) 42 , . . . . . , . 115 . . . 3 4' ' ) ii . . . . . . . .108 , . . 311) . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4) ) 30. . . . . . . . ill . , . : t so ) . . . . . . . . , . . 3 41) . . . . . . . . . , , 3 63 . . . . . . . . . . . 345 8lIil1I'-Timero were ( ilil ) ' too ears here lndy , wimiclm south at abcelt stcaAy iiric'ee. l"air to climb' . , tmutlm'cs are , muiitiiiilti lit fnimnm $2.75 to 13.60. fmtir to good a'emitc'rns itt trn , 12.6' ) In $3.6' ) , cminnan nfl stoclc m'lmeep froni $1.50 to $2.25. gael to choiCe 41) mc I(0.Ib. ( lainhis ( mmmi 12,5) to $110. Itepre. mmentativa sales : No. low , l'r. 1511 native mnixiMi , , . . , , . . , , . , , , , , , , , . . , . , Fi ) $3 10 52 mmalii'e mtmla.ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 3 75 hi , 1.ommlc l.li'u Stock Mmirkct , ST. 11)1518 , Ft'lm. lC.-YA'll'iAT-iteeeilits. 500 imeaui ; sumlptnemml ii , 1,000 hmemel ; inc ritet dull , mit ( ally itt last qmiotiitlons , ilOfiil-Iteeeipts , 2,000 iieaii ; siilimmetmlii , 5,00) lead : mmmmmrket strong and lIe higher ; good iii'itm'y , 4,0it04.10 ; gmieiii Immik'il emil rncdiummm , 13.95(01,05 ; gonil light , $3.5Ij 1.00. 141 1 i1ii'-1t'e4mts , 1,50) heal ; , 'ltImimmenis. 100 head ; mimarket quIet , teudy at yesterday's ligurus , CI1ICAa ( ( ) J.lViS S.0016 , Tetmilency of i'rlecc is lit Sellers' Ettt'o , ' itt l'rcstitit , ChICAGO , Feb. 16-The day's 1'eell'ts ' of cattle were estiinatol itt 1,00' ) hicatI , maIming 13 , . 324 lieaml for time week , imgltmmmt 40,4)1 im'ail for tlio lir..m'Iuus aveelt , 61,53 ? tm year ago and 69,213 two years tmgo , 8liliiinent for the week mire about 13,000 , against 22,437 a year ago. Thm"re were liuyers at liteimtl ) ' pricts for time offerings , dressed beef uumiI shippIng steets selling cii mm lamisis f froumi $3 43 to * 5.5' ' ) . coWs ammO bulls fanm 11,40 to $4 , unmi 'nm xas cattle at t'unm * 2 to $1.40. Contlnueul moderate receipts ore io.4med for uitmI thin tendency 'if lirices is lii m.ciieis' favor. hog receipts acre ahitiut 22,00 imeaii , niaklnz 235.00' ) imemul for time m'eei ; , or 57,01) ) Jim 'rim than far lust tyctit and 106,000 ln"io timim'm mm ) 'ear ago. The mrmmirkt't was rong unk.r gonil iiu'Iimg ( or imiemmi mmii shmlpplimg micetiunt. It tiul'tmnm3Cll Ge Ut lime start , aimd timat himiprem'eiimerit mm'.ts mmot lost. Corn. Iimotm to irhine iuemivy Imogs sold mit freni * 3.51' ) iii $4.35 , mini comnirmon to choirs light hirumlgim % fm'onm $3.11 to $4.13. Froim II It. 1425 iiougumt the ci cmmtt'r iiart of time hogs. 1' , Icea Lit C It uihmad loner I man the ioso of inst ycek , There was ti fairly staily umimurket for tiiCf' axm'i iambs at ( romn * 2,33 to $1.23 for slicer. mimml at front $3.25 to $5.40 for time latter Commmnmon iiil , nmedium grade. are lower than thme' wtro n mveek ego , Receipts for today wcre estitmiated lit 3,500 - . . . ' - , . . . - h0flii , tasking 67.312 imsoil for thmh week , against 61.479 ltm"t tm'ck anil M.cD ) n year age. lteeeiptr : ( 'nttl , 1,00) iitntl hinge , 22,00) imitmj $ Puieei' , 1,100 beul. l6mcit , , ( 'lty 1.lvo Stoei. i.is.ts CITY , Feb. lS-'ATT1l'3-fleeei51ts , 4.00) ieal , , ; ithmililml0ltie , lftOi ) hmeaii ; mimtket stning to lOc' Iulghmc'r' TOLac sIt-crc , $3,0)4tI.l5 ; Texas ' _ _ _ _ _ ( 'tiws. ll.SOtl2.7. . ; ; ( 'ohoraull ) steers , 57.151)1,10 ; lg'eC steers. S1.25lt5.00 ; native eotts , 11.2240,90 ; stockerS and feeders , 57,25104.00 ; hulls , 12.73(13.55. ltO(114-.llr'ceipts. 6.503 heal ; slmiptmmetmt , 1,100 lieu ! ; mmmarket RVISc hmlgimer1 hulk of salee , $3 70(1 3.90 ; imemmm'les , $3 73114.0) ; i'aekCrs , 1)708)4.0) ' mixed , 13.00111,55 ; lights , $3.65t13.73 ; Yorkers , $3.51 (13.75 : itgs. 57.201:1.63. 14111:1:1'ltt'eeltih' : , 1,100 licuttl ; elmipimments , 2,100 head ; mmmarket Pt'iuI ) ' , Nvtv 'irk iry ( ltmimi Market. Nl4 % ' 't'Olti'1 , Feb. l6-c tmsmril , en S'tttmrL'iy then' itmis t'een it very quiet ticimmand for , lry goods , A Immoileralt. quoia of orders went' rim. cetm'i'il tiy immahi amid telngroimi , limit time spot ile. limanii mmmiii timmeveim nnml mitmlst , Timers was a good Omotcimmeimt mmli nm''imint i I' , : , orders. 'l'imn ommtiti.mk ftc n'Clct'iril by tImm' iii rloe'qt totht'it % m itim Coi- Miimm't'mI Ic m''hl'uipmmteli as mriimmkimug mit it sm'asolm' ml limtslimi ut gie.l mmmci imge. I 'riimt I mg nlollm'i , ilimlOl. mmii Ill 1mm nt 2 9.lOt , 14ies for time u , 'ek , t.2l,0. ) Imie't.s , of tuimici , 110.1510 web 61 aluames. Stiit'lt In Shgiil , iteeori or reccll'hs mit tin' ftr lmrhimclutah mmmar- ket for $ , itmiiii iy , l"ebrtmmmmy ill , ISoS : ( 'imtli , liege. htiiec'p. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ , itiilm Oimmahi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,01 , ) 22mUi ) 1,1,1111 ( 'hmiumgm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii30 4,5)1 33 ? l1mmimsnii I'll ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Im0) ) 6,50) 1,4) ) _ _ _ _ St. l.oimai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s , , 1,00) 50) Totoi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,19) ) 10,0)0 3.730 _ _ _ I lii ¶ 1,11 .tluri.i'i. _ _ _ _ _ , ttflt'srA , i'd , . IG.-'O'li'N-.Qtmlct antI _ _ _ sit'tmiii' , ; iimhliiluimg , i4e ; iou' mumilliimmg , Sc ; hot me- vel it m' , 131 liii hi's : gr.m , 134 iii lee ; m'lmlimmmieim is , .I laheq. simles , 177 liimlei. ; sloclu , ? m,5i itmles , 8.t'ANN\ I i , I't'i , . lG-l'm'll'JN Htt'aii ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mmililifl hug , 5m ; iomm' mimiilthhh ng , 4 1 I 'If. ' : gomel 'mali. _ _ _ _ _ tilt , 5' , 1'4e ; Imet ttmmii gross m'eceiimls , 2'JT lemiest _ _ _ _ _ e Paris , lii t lie ( ' & , mmt himemmt. ( :112 limIt , ; ci.mmtw lime , _ _ _ _ _ 2,221 iumhes ; sales , 23) lout's ; tock , SmCi iiiii im , N I h\V 0 I I I .11 , ' , N14 , i"'l' . 16 , . 'Ori't IN - llm tim _ _ _ _ _ . . ' III mnuihitlimig , r. hl.Ime ; ; lmmm' nmiilihiiimg. 4 lilfel go onlimimmry , 4i. ; mmcl t , 'cehiils , 5.16) liaht's : gr.iss r'r'iiits , 5,211 h'imlt s ; explim tim , I i ( Im't'iit imnllaimm , 4,70) ) tiuuit'm , ; to t li ccitt strut. SODS b.mlemi ; ( ' , mmst . , ts'lsd , 4,130 himmht'ui ; ttlt's , 45' ' ) unit's ; stunt , 2S2,263 Iimii'mi. ( Mi .tltlISTON , PcI , . lG.-C01"l'ON-OlraIy ; 'l mmmhliI I Immg , OtSe ; Imet nimil mines receipts. is ; lI's : om'lil ' tim. t"i.iimtiV imi , 2W hum it' . . , , ' S tiie' ' ( , I , OS 1 mmes. _ _ _ _ _ _ I It ) S'l'ON , Pt I i. iO.-CO't"l'ON---Ilmihl amid rummier : - mmmlililimig , & ' % , e : lcmmv immhililimmg , Sc ; giidi orhimmuimy , 4t.t' ; mmcl ri'cetmits , 274 iiuiles ; gross , hISS i'aiee. WI i.ItiNU'l\ , i'eb. mG.-co'rros-Sleaily ; tmmtiil I lii i , Sc ; I 'me , 4 9.1Cc ; art i ce hitS , I ) lmaies ; grors , it ) hales : slock , I2.116 hilt's , l'ilIi.Ailll.i'ili\ , . lm-coT'rON-l"nmmml ; ; iii liii him , f , I 1.tG' ; low immltillImig. I , 5-1 Cc ; good oi'illtmimt ' , I 9-iGe ; imet auth gro , i'cCiiiis , 31 hales ; ! , ltit It. II , I 1.1 t'imles. P Nl'VOIlE , PcI , . lG-COTTON-1)mill ; mmild- ill I mig , t13e ; lid re'ellts , mmomme ; gm tess , 24 ? iiaI.'sl I. % h.ml'l 5 , hi 1''mmmmce , , 1,11 , immlt'mi ; to tim , ' t'imntlumemt , I nucm iti lou ; foiwam tied , 2 , I lait's ; iemleim , III hiale'im ni I smitmmumci s ; tituiiC , 11 1 203 bai'mi , Total toiny iuitl eimimsollil.mtt'l : Net _ ! ' , 6,272 hales ; i'dmoIts. to I I remit I it , 2 501 bumit'im ; tm Fin Item' , mlii mimmics tim tit' : ( 't mmtlmmrimt. 12,10 ? l'.mlt's ; stock , ¶ 173,060 Imales , ( 'timmoltltti , , l : N't m'eceiuits , 6,1 11.156 llutlis ; ex lirts , to (3 rent 1 irilim I ii , 2,5l , 16) ) huh's ; tmi Fi'nimce , 620.1)32 Llimlt's ; Ii , the eoimtlimeOt , 1,720,073 Inies. N iIV Outi.iA NS. Feb. mU.-L'OVt'OS-'mmttires , sli'uiily ; sites , I 1 .110) ) iemies ; Fel.rtmar' , $5. 1 ( b'tl : Slumrci , $ i.2GOi.23 ; .urii. 17.23113.27 ; Al' , $5.52 $ 1.83 : .htimmt' , * i.3Mii.59 ; . .immli,44li5. . IS ; Augumet , $3. i'Jiui.rd ; Sejtt'ummber , 57.51(03.55 ; Uctoler , $1.57 ; Nom'i'umiier , , $5 61113.61 , 1.1 'fllti't1ll ( , , Fi li. 1C.O'1'1'ONl ° ' . quIet : linieps minim ; A imerk'aum , mmtilill iimg , lii. 'l'ime rules ut I It , ' this' mm''re 8,00) hmtlt'mi , mit w hi lilt 3,4,00 , Iemh's i'ere tom' m-iit't'imiat ium imimil e.pnrt atitl hid mmdtl 5,10) iiali'mi , \ mnrm'iczmmm. 1 teeeiiits , I 1,0) ) ijimlt's , mmii A immi'rl- calm. Fmm t U I i's oiit'mmeil mpm let thu cI cccii Ilu let immm t zmlt'immly mit I lie mmdm'imimet' . \ mmttirht'mmmm imm lilili I itg , 1. . SI. C , , F'e1iruir' , 2 60 61432 61-01,1 ; Feiirtuar' mmmit Siimi'clm. 2 61.64002 62-flit ; ahtiteli amid AprIl , 2 62.6 lii ; A lit .1 ii itil Mmiy , 2 G'J-Clci ; SI miS' niul .1 one 3 16 1.1 ; .1 mimic miii .1 iml ) ' . 3 1 .6 iItl 2-6 ll ; .1 uly ant , Amtgumt , 3 3-GIl ; Atigimsl mmml Septemmmhier. 3 1.018) 3 5.6lJ ; iicmtcimmber ammO Octiilii'r , 3 5.fl(03 6-flu ; Octobem' and Novemniier , 3 7-Chil , llm , ' ' , , , , , ii ' , , . ( ; . LIVIlil'OOL , Vet' . lG.-1:0 : p. mn.-WilaA'l'- 14'imi : , iti'mmill' ; ileimmommil hmoor ; N , , . 2 neil , uvinler , 45 G'tii : N , . 2 mc d , smm I rug , Is 3ttl ; Nim. 1 baird , Slmnitoiei , Si 1111 ; No. I Cmhiforumiut , , Iii 2.1. F'mm- ttmm rim Cloii''d , me'm'ly , mci tim 1"eIunmm ry nimil Slnm'eli liii ltover im imd othmer Immolmt himi tmmmeiiim ngt'tl , I timidness lie.mt'ii'mmt omm llimri in tiisl I ioimi , ; Fi'lum uutr' , 45 G5mi ; Sltimt'hm , 45 G1l : Amurli , 4s 7i ; Shumrclt , Os ? ' 4'l ' ; June , 14 7'il ; , lmmly , 4' , 511. COIIN-Siiut , hIram ; Aimierirami mimlxeil , mmcmv , Is % ul. Futuics ciomt'd , iirmmm , wIth imear lilttlttlimll 'jO higher immuil disuummu t lou t Ions ummeiman god to 14t1 higher , I liisltmt'miui lum'.mviemt on cam ly liosillmmns. Feimi mmary , 4mi itil ; Slum , elm timid Aprli , Is bit ; Stay , Jumme mitmil July , Os lit. l"I.OUII-Steatly : ilemand , mtodeamte ; St. Louis. l'ltOV1SlONS'-1lacon , , qtmietI tiemanci Imoor ; Ctmimmtietlind emit , 21 th 20 Ilium. . lOs Gil ; short rite , 26 lis , , , hOs ; long clear , higimt , IS to 43 lbs. ISmi Cd ; lommg clear , lmeav' , 35 ibm' . , 2'Js ; short clear backs ; lhgImm , 18 ilium. . aIim ; miliort cle.r immiddles , imep.vy , 55 lbs. , ISis Gil ; clear t'cllles , I I to 16 lbs. , 25s ; mitmouiilenmm , imuuin , ' . 12 to IS' Ilis , , lIe. Iliminmi , 'short emit. I t to lml lbs. , COts. hicef , extra lotuS mnt'ss , fis ; itnlmno Imtiiii , iiwss , liii. ' l'orlr , ma hue mess. ilmmi' mm'L'imtem'mm , Sis ; t'rhmmme ' mmmess , mmmcl lummm , ISui Id , ' . 1.mrd : , .itcaly ; irllmmo weumtermm , Its ; leilumed , In li.iuls. 3 is Gil. TAIlOW-Flmme N. A. , liomnimlnl. L'il iisul-Qiilet : ; mimrslerimte ttemnanil ; fimiest ' mmm.umicnmm . . . wlmlle , 40mm ' , ilimt'et Ammmei lcmm cmlored , 415. II..rl'l-Flmeet : ; UnIted States , 7km ; good. Slim. 'r 1 l t I ' 1N'i' : u N 1-smut : its , 21 s Gil. I ( OS I N-t.'omnmmm an , 4 , , . ( ' ( yr'roN sFloL ) Oll.-.Llverpooi refined , Ia Cd. 3.tNgillt ) O1I-22s. 1'fl'l'l&i)1iUlml-ltetlnetl. C'il ' , .0. I IIOFIIIO iIttA'ilOit lJh10L.C-Voreqtarters , 4ml ; hi iimlimmi it rti'i ii , lItml. 11Oi'13-At 1.00110mm ( Paclflc comist ) , 2 15mm. St. l.mmmimt ( iclirnilt 3limricot , ST. 1.05110 , Feb. 16.-I"I.OUR-Ieail , ( lull amid ' uimcimnmmgal. W'I1liA'i'-\tms hiermm'y , tvltim a selling pressure wimicim Pitt ttii' close Ic liciow yesterlmty , ; No. 2 teii , cash , 5014c ; July , iSle. C0ltN-F'olllmwLd melicat , closing % c off ; No. I omixed. cimstm. Ole ; 5ltt' , 4t'AOJdm4c ! ; July , 4ic. OATS-Dull ammd loiter ; No. 2 , .ommlm , 20'4c ; Stay , 29c. IIVO-No. 2 Cast chile , imelil at S7c aimd Sic him ) . lIAlti.h'Y-Uimchmangeil. liltAN-Sriirce ; 6Cc e.tst traek. sitcitetl. 1"l.AX h4ilfll--l.37. ( ILASH S11l1)-Umieliangtd except elmoicia clover , $5.10. 1 1 A Y.-Qmmiet atmi 11mm. 1mtITTl lt-Uimciiumtmgeii. 5G014-22c. p Iil.t I-57.0'Ac. sl'1i.'m'u'lL-$2.'J5. COHN ? , I11At-i.90l'JS , \S'iuhitlCY-l.22. COl 'i'ON 'riEH-GSc. IlAitlNG-4GO..Ic. l'1lO'iSiONS-I'otlm , snnlsnii mess. jobbing , 1.10.1214. Lmiiil , lirlimmi' stenhll , $6.11) ; cimolce. $ G.42'im. I Ira' i'iil I mnLuttii mm mmii limt'imm. U acimmi mm geil. lt0t'lM1"l'$1elour , 3.000 lihils. ; wheat , 7,0)0 iiml ) coi 0 , 24,0)0 limi. ; oats , 25,0)1 liii , u iou t i I'M ilN'i'I-Fiour , 77,00' ) hhiia. , : wimeumt , 16,600 liu. ; cumli , 24,00) hu. ; eatS , 12,0' ' ) ) ho. Ilmltlmmtmre 'tlirki't. llAITl 5101111 , ilm. 1C.-Fi.Ot.'lt-luhl : reccilits , 5,179 tuitls. ; sim Iimmmments , 151 lulIii. : ymmli' , ISO tilits , vui UA'F-\Veumlt ; , ihltt mmmtl mmmmmntim , 6Gyfv.6.4c ; u ? ilitrcim , CGGrilc ; Slimy , 5S0jiSle ; No , Creth , 0t'4 57'e ; ret'm'lmmts , 0,1.19 luu , ; mmli I rimmmtum Is , 47,04) ) liii , ; stck , , 731 , 1)3 liii , , ' iou tlmei ii t'imi' 1 , Ii ) ' .suilmlPht' , 5 iii Itt' ; iuou I liii n wimesmt , urm a'i .tiit , S I ' 'IS ! uP , ( ' , 'i. gr.x'l' , , . . . . . , , . . , . , , . , , , , . , , , , , m. _ AtVC'ei7r. , . Ltini , . C " 'I l6iiiUT ( . ! mIny.47'(0i8i.1btt'flmOu'nhIXh.4C'4C'I ) ; ( llii ; t i'L'eiptmi , 3,95' hu , ; g-iilliimmi'ntii , 27.714 tin. ; mmmck , 233,731 him. ; salem , , 31,0)0 liii. ; soutimern mt'iiitti. 4500i'Jc : ootliemfl yt'hlntv , 489ptIc , UA'l'-Qiiiet lint vet 9' stt'mily ; Nm , . 2 wlilt wt'slern , 3714Gi3614c' ; Nm , , 2 mmiixt'il , 3iGJIlSc ; no- ct'iiits , 3,9 II bin. ; simliimimemmm ii , 25,71 4 Ito , ; imtCk , 151,731 un. ltYi1-limictivo ; No. 2 , 5G(0ITc ; t'CCOilits , 711 bmi. ; .mt'ieit , 32.0 I I liii , iIA-i"lnum ; mccl to ( ' 1101cc tinmohlmy. * 13.5011. . 14 (11 , (1 I IA I N l"it I l (3 I ITS-lIglm t , h'immatmtl , 4. to 51(3 ( , % I t-Qti it't ii imd u nt'iium tmgeii. 1 ii 1i"i'i -iOlcitiiY iiimd umiclmimrmmiemi. ' ' itimil tinc'lmangt'tI , 1itiH-ti'imll ) Clili'.Sil-Umi'hmtmmgcil. ; 16 ii misums ( ii I 5' .I ii mU et ii ICAN\S C'1'i' ' , led1. l6.-VJIlA'l'-T'islcl' ; No. 2 haitI mmuiit No. 2 miii , & 2a ; fejeCled , 4211j'ISc' 0 miatimmuile salt'S. I' . i-i. hi. , Stississulill l'lcr , No. himui'i titmil nil , 1,6(076 , ' . ( ( JitN-.51t'e ' lotte , ' ; No , 2 mmmhxed , Cii6j29c ; No. S wlmlti' lIe. ll''ll-Flrim ; N" . 2. ICe. 'Ii I"I.AX suli-Firnm : lit * 1.50111.31 , liltADt'-luil itt 6110G6e , 1IAY-Sheauly emit ) unt'iiummigeil. lilJ'l"l'flhI-Flt Immer ; crenmmmer ) ' , l70J22e ; th.iir ) ' , It ( lilt' . ) ( l(3S-Steaily mimmil umm'imangt'd , ltECI1li"i'H-\'iicat , 1,000 itm. ; coIn , 27,000 bu. ; outs , 5.003 iitm , 4 SIihI'Sil'ru-None. - _ _ _ _ _ _ ti I I ts'tt ii It C , . , 31 mm nt ii t s , ' Ill t.'A i'Kli7 , Feli , 16.-l"l.OtCIl-flte'a'hy. ' v1ui7i'r-vciuc ; No. 2 siumhlig , 1Ic ; No , I Imli , I liii II , ( Cc ; Slay GV.5t. , COItN-l.mWCr iA1 , 3. 42 e , OA'rtO--Stt'attS' ; No. S tulmlte , lit' ; No , 3 white , 50'4m34e. llAIIl.iSY-h.ower ; No , 2 , 13c ; samaplt' , 5'JI. ( 4 f.ic , it'm'il'-Stt'mmilr ; No. 1 , 5314" , liitO'll(1b'H-.StCtm1iD' . Poill , $5.93. ltunii , $3 41) . I lltl)1 : ) t"j'H-dlour. 5,50) liiii , ; it imt'iat , 11,300 liii , ; Italic ) ' , 1lObU ( , i 'CII rhii ill mm rind s. l'bOItiA , Ieli. lC.-COltN-fltctimly ; note No. 2 1 43'4e ; new No. 3. 40t1e , jA'r14-i"iriim ; No. o tmhmitc , 50m103140 ; No , I tm'lilie. 25'tGj20c , JtYIC-Iicimr'e. nommilimumi. \VI IitOiCV-lli'liill' Oil liii ; ha.elmi of $ i,22 fii high' n'lat's. it1t'F-Stead8' . Niitv 'iirl ( t'c'itiy' itnimk $ immttiiicimt , Nii1)11K. . l'ehi. IG.-'fhio 'vDt'l.l ) ' bank stIle. mflt'lmt slioteit thai tollowbim ) : chimnuIttti : jteseni' , tie- CI ( im5C , $252 500 ; icaims. , tt''rt is' . Ii 501G0 ; imliecie , ilt't'm ( ' , ms' ' , 6.11 II 101 : I m'guml I , ' : i'ler ' , iii' m'is' : $41.6) ) ; cli 1,051 I s , 'led ( ' 1151' , $ ? ,12i1,00 ; ci I ( 'ti ii t tin , I , mm ( ii 110 , i4.40Q. 'fime inloi , mmcmv iglI $33ailII3 lim excc4 of tue I cmiolrclmmeimttt of ( lie 25 icr cent rule. A bPC7IALTY (3I1)A118 MLLET AND CANE CLOVEn. TIMOThY. J . cs- . lilt4'r4 tYniou Ave. . l.nsi cIty. 110. . nn'a - - ---nn - - - , , . -