* , . Wk1.i . JR _ - - _ . RVLW V . _ 4 r- V if V V VVV V . V V , . . 12 r.I.'llE 01\r.AIIA ] ) AllJY JjnJ : HUN DAY , lrE1Ut.UAUY 17 , 181m. if V - - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ I- ! . mm OMuiA SUNDAY Bi E&- IV . - . : : AT , , : > - . _ _ . . - - = ' " - - - = - - - : - = : : = - V r1jIJbtii1iiV ; tVI tW : : tonm o. ' , T lUU.tmgU _ _ 'u , U _ _ _ TImMS OF' HtjflsCRtprIO ; . BUISCITION. Il , neo ( Wlthoul Sun ( AY ) , One yenr..S 8 ( Pat TJ4' ' nnd Ihmdfly. One year. . . . . . . 100 Six IN' , . . . . . ! . . udn . . . . . Onl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 to Three Mnnth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I to lonlhs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 HundAY 1kp. Onn y/r. . . . . . . . . . . . I. . / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 V atUriUy flee . One Ycar . . . . . . . . . . . V faturllny Uce , One Yenr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OI'F1CCS. Omnhn. 'rite flr flufl4lng. 'Ile n. 111,1nl. futh Ornh ? . 8Ingr lUk. . ( om.r N ant' 4h StD Council IUuff , . 12 1'arl ItreI. Counciufs. , 317 l/rl of CnmnHce. New " Olce ' . lomR 1 thnmbr 1 I : . Trlbule flWg. Wuhlngton , IQ7 } ' Itreet ( , N. ' V. V COflItII'ONZCCT. : . contmONtNC . MI conuntinlcatIoni rdntlng tn W' nn edl. tonal commlnlcntons rllntlnJ : To the I1Itor. mller 8"OUt < , V 1iUStNS3 l.gTInS , V * Mt 1iulne 1USINI nml r.mltnnce ? hould , ho .ddt Al ' eJ . to Irlen Ice I'uI1Uhfl COlP' . ) . . or.len to Otnrtia ) rnrts . , ch.ckl nntl l'O.tolcO OFt , . tn the ' of the compnny b mnde tinb1c . O'tl.r 'riIi Ji11 VWUHII1NU COMPANY. TJ 1m l'UILISJNU . = - - - = = = - - - - - - - STAT1MtNT Ol CI1tCUI.AT1O. OerJO STATImNT I chlck. ecretlry of The flee rub. 1IihIng comJ"I ) ' , beIng duly , nvofll _ 81)1 that the hctlnl number of full hnd cotuplOte copIes of the IMly Jornln . IHnlnK flfl(1 < sun.lay 1te . V I'tlnlell dutlnlr the month of JnnUnl 189j , WORe a 1. folow . . . . II . . . . . io 17 . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . 20fli JR . . . . . . . . I"I ' Z. . 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZOil . . . . . 19.1.9 2. . . . . . . , % .1:7 : . 19 . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . . 1'.612 20 . . . . . . . . . 20I O . 5 . . . . . . . . . 194D0 21. ! 1 . . . . . . . . 2o.93 f 6 . . . . ZOt,9. 22 . . . . . . . 19,94 . . 22. . . 19,9n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,911 . . 7. . . . . . . . 1'i'3 23 . . . . . . . 8. . . . . . . . . . 19tr 2. . . . . . . . . . , 9. . . . . . . . . 1't21 2. . . . . . . . . . :0,2.7 . 10. . . . . . . . . U,70 26 . . . . . . . . . 20,199 I. . . . . . . . . U,3t .27. . . . . . . . . 21.10 . 12. . . . . . . . . 19,47g 28. . . . . . . . . :0Z79 11 . . . . 20,3:0 29 . . . . . . . . . . , .1. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , : 30. . . . . . . . . 1',9. 19 . . . . . . . . . 1'.GI I. . . . . . . . . 20,6 : V 16. . . . . . . , . . . 19,313 Tntal . . " , . . . . . . , 19,31 . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ,61,6" J.e " uno'lll ! end rcturne . . . . . . . . . 6.27 V 'rotal . Mle" . . retured . , . , . . . , coplci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G11,275 ! tlly h\.elO. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1',719 ! V EO1tfl17 10. TZiC1tUC1. mmnOp T7RCIUCI\ . Rwor In . .roro me nnt R"hocrlh.1 In my pre. ence this 2 (109 ' 'If l elrllr\ ' , 15 : . . N 1' . 1'11. . Notary Public. - I I I look nl If Ow 1110 "CtVC14' IV Wlll' goll 10 chug to the leIH le of bOltbl. I < i V : 11 tht Illll\hlo ' 1111 ( hm't Hnj'llg n wm'll Oi thl' slhjecl of 1011 hOllls 01 goll hOII ( h. . - - - - 'rhl' 111g of the wi of :11.t XolHon 11 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a l'e Ill itili'i' thnl t I I he Ilj'slclj' H1'I'OI111- 111g IlPr t1Isaipeai'it1it'i ' hi Ii1I UUSOIVP(1. 11g hll' II t 1 JJ I'l Il 1'l' HII 11So1'lll cli I C8g'S ) I t. ill JO' : I' Ilstotce ) hllhl. 4 11g wi I hI' ) IH'I'lllell ) ( II I l'OIII'JOI ) V with tile 1tlglh of life of olllllu'j' tel' 1.1 1)ot ) ' aI'.v stlll1lt. I 'I'hl qlIo8t iou Ii hot SI hll I I l'llglon nlil - chllillt ; hi' taxed ? hii ) Hhal clhlOlS he I fO'lld 10 lIllY t'ollll ) olj' ( IIX1'S for 111' fHJlO' ) of Hecllllln l'elglol 111 111- j "lte challllt 'rhe Ise of 1 Im111 lew ! lin hj' l the Il'lthlenl Iii slgnilg ! 1'\'ll'j' Ilw of eihll' V laltnal 01' local ) 11110I'lllce ) IR al cx- tl'I'lgnIClhlch congI'I'SI ? sholid PVO11IPIIY l'el'o\'I ) : . , , 'rhe Incomc * tax collector has : hell ) of- t lclal ' althollzl'tl : to 11'Cellt Ilj'mtlt of taXes heforc III ' are ( hue. This Is nu I nccolllla ( 10u which the llble wi cL'ln thy UIIIH'lcn tc. - 'rhe little cloud hetwccn ) Mexico lud ; Gua IClnla 11llu hceu dIRllulel ) , the _ . llhlc ) 1H ' oucc mO'e give ItS tiiidl- } yllll IlelUol 10 the Ungcrlng liostlil- , ties lit the ylculy of China 111 Japall. : 'he IJ'ohahl ! cfecls of ? : \L. Hcctls nt- ttmlc on flue hond IILIlloRlton ou hll : 1toslt Ion us I lfl'OSllL'lItlill ( Ilosslhlly ) . to ho his tiouttocruttic ud- 'Ire1 ' hI l lkilg delocmte - : - mh'cLs 10Le uncomfortable than any ; one else t k I : 1' nluouucl'l that one of the raIl- ; c roads luUug [ W'youniitg coal has l- : ilticeti . , Its tariff ou coal fhplents ! 7 : edits a tou. 'l'lie hlllol'tant , lllJHtOU IH , j ; ; Do thc consumers or the dealers ! get the bCLelt of the reducloL ' I Is to he uotccd ) Ihat the fact that judicial Incomes ale Huhjcct to the Iro- I ylsloUH of the new Income taX law hits I .h111 uo nllJ'ecllblc ) elect lu tilinhitish- 'JV ' , lug the Iulher of cUllhllh's for the e federal jlllgeshils recently created by - net of coligresM. -1 'hpu the Ulltcd States bought RiYe' 1 ly weight mile' the Shm'mnu s\\'m' p1'- chlle Ilw the metal WII slIIlUel1 lu - : silver bars. Iu ' ' ' V Ia's. bUj'lug gold hj' weight V I woull ( he ) just us nllll'olHlnle ) ) 10 uecellt V . ell hI : . I I the gold Is only to he - (1i'nwn oui uguln for cXlortltou It 11 ! Q Imuuttcrlnl ; whelher I Is In the 1O'm of ! colp or not. V : " ' 1 I' ' l'elhlcals ) 111 the IIOIIIHIt I [ , ' : have the SlUute uow , iuuuil they Ilst I tal" the l'OUHI'IICICI' ( : , " saYH ; U sl11wh t [ V SUI)15)t'tCi' of the Cleyclull deloele ' . I , How eager thc tleinoerats IC 10 gel rid ! t of the l'IHllnslhlt ) ' which they so 'lou < ly wllcoIll1 ( hot mluy mouths ago ! I i And , hy the t .WIY , UIIOU ) whom hitS that , responsibilIty hepl shifted , the 1llb. ! ) Icnus or the IHIlllsls ) ? ; , 'ho latest tuck of Ihe rulh'Intls 11 . ' couneclol wih lie t IJollg bill IH to flsSOlt that Illy n ypl'y HmlIII0'lol of : ; the IIIHII'I' UI he ) affected hy such nn itIittOttliilOitt to the Iits' ' : ' . ' ' ' i nnllHlll'nt Ilw nlj'\lj' 'rhiey Ol fVt' eXI"'I't ) Oplliol that of t7OOOOOOO ( l'nle ollj' u t \'lllhth I (11 he lOht'(1. ) ( V 'l'hlH l'gUlllt , lio'ever . Is tvo-elged. , - I the IHltl' 1 : HO IlhlIO'tlll ! , vhy ' , Inl.o HO Ilch 1110 ( about 1' , , , - 'l'hie II0Hll01 ) tnl" " by , COIgI'I'HHIII ' Bym'I'lt that the itgo of Wi' Is past 11ll V V the t'l or 11llIhlu ngi't'oiiient Ill'tWI'1 . lilt tnl' Ii hl'I'I' , ant 1.1 I/ the t OXII'llUhl'o i ofV 1)111)110 ) ) Iiltilt'y ) 11101 tStlyVltrshihhs : ( xt'IYII git lit luXury , , W0111 have hl'l'l h > 111111111111 10 the echo II 11j Ilh'cl'/ml / 1)I'1710 tiityt'iitIoii , tint lit a eoI1grtss 4 , IHIUo ! hil II I COI/I'ISS which 11 Illost 4111j eltOlllhl'll wlh , ' t'XLt'i'hiieitH ( II wl'fl'o Ilon/ Its uiioiut- hers V It j huye I ( cannot Iltlo II1h : : 1111'1'11101. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : . , \Ve WOllh'l' whnl hits het'oli of thc , rlio fOI' < ( ocl.lltlO 111'JeH of cohlgrt'ss- : ! . IWI fur the t hate that thl' ' are not lit 4 nth'llllll'l t t 1111 ihiu thy lIHlolH I of the t I i , . hOI81' . Not having hlll'll ! IIY recent k \ eoInllnhlltH ) of thin hll'lllhlps I 1111'IH V we tnlI that II Ii 10 lonrel' ore , lomlll1j' OhI'I'\'I'II. Last WIIIII' I HI11 , stun WIS wlhhlll (1'01 the slhl'll'l of r COt'tithlI uiteiubers vhio ' ' ' ' ' Cl'l'tlln lelhel'r wlo leII'11 tn IHI'JII'e I' thiitisoIvt's 111 SWII' tll tlny were II'psll1 ) itt all thlll I'Xl'l'pt Whl'l ox- 1H\II. All of It , If 10t Ih'I'llj : IIIWI ; wlll'qhlhly ho IIJWI hefolt' ) : llrch 4. : ' 'l'ho toInlorai'y UlfOl'COIWlt of ihl iloek- , V , big rule Wil nothing but a lIttle Illec\ of ' , , gallery 1)lttY. ) I 4 I' ; _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V . . . , , - ; _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PAC/"C nAt10AD SfTTI.E.mNT ; Arcortll to :11 William fl. Curln , who Is tusiunhly wcl Ilfolmelt upon RtlelC ! or } eudllg Ic lsllon nt Wnlhllutol , nnother nUellt wi be made to } ass n bill In the houRe for the setclrlt or the Pacific railroad bOlll . 'flw or COlllhlICfltIOtl9b ) 'rIl representatives the rlhynj'n have mlde I propollon ; to both tll senlto anti house cOlmlteel which Ii htfletICflllY I the sonic ns that suhlited lit the fO'm nf nn IIClh1ent by Mr. BontlC' of Louisiana . , when the settemcnt bill was \ulel' consideration In the house. I Is practically that the hohlerHlof the tlst ! 1ollJ ( e 10111 ) all the locl.hoh1el's of the Ioads wi Ilnj' the Ilrllcpul or Ihe JO\'erllelt hOIHII ll''hlotl'olJreRI ( colselt 10 wll"e the nCCllulntel1 htuterest. This woull bring about . $75,000,000 cash Ilto the h'enIT t i , Iml I 11 11'obahl ' n larger SII Ihll the gO\'ti'llullOIlt ? could realize fl'OI Ilj' lit Ign thou that might he In- iiutgtirnleil for the collection of he I debt. t II the 1)111 ) of those ! who Illyolate this method of Sltl'lllt 10 nUnch n II'O\'IHlol ) to 011 of the nllll'oll'lllol ) ) bills Iii the Rt1111' nUlhollzllg tlc I 11'el' ll&'itt tl Ill'tlll ' . sueh I cOIIH'omIHI' . 'I'hls II i virtually n II'Oposllol 10 ' . lhe Putelfic ' ilrotd debt cnnl1'ollse ( ) Ilellc l'alloHI : < I > ' UecellnA tll' 11Intpal of the lecoltl ( 10'1 lge hen ( is 1111 leleuHllg lie ( Il I' llunll ! fl'OI tl IHj'n1nt ) or the Intcl'eHt which 1 : now 11 ilofitult. lroiui " ii , ) ' ' ' bttshuies 1"101 I 1I\'I'lj' bnslllHS IllHlllolnl of I l'I'I'lltO' IHlldlg Hlltll111 wih nit iilSOlVt'llt tli'lutur whoe have becit InHoh'lt tllhlnr : I Hlls \ bell hnlallll1 ) this 11'ollSltol wOl1ll COl' 1\1\1 Itself Ii Illchlltlr 10le Halh ; - mnetoi'y , 1111 safe , thul the exlo\ol ! Hchele elhollet Itt the Iely bill . ! UlleL' the Heiy hi ! the debt , 11'llelHI lnt Interest , wonhl bl' S\lll'IIIIIOI : the lflti'tIiH ) of the I'onll , nld the exorbitant txet chllgci 1111 COIRllllllt ) ( 01111'eRsh'l\ ) toll wouhl be 11letuullll ) for several geiieratlouus , w'hihlu the stockhioltiers gcllmtonHhle tle stocldllh'I' : W0111 eOll'lblte lolhln ! oul of tlell own . 10cl'IH tOWt'd iuaylttg off the colossal ! debt ! created by the Could , Hlalfol'lls , HUltlgloml 11 < ethel dj'- itast los lint t have : controlled 111 cx- lloiteil tin' laellc 1011 , lit othl'l' wOI'dl , the wholl' hl'lln of IHlj'hlA several hula- ll'et 11101 : of 11IIcillI all Illellst \0111 fiI UpOI thc IH'OlllclIs who are Illhutllr to these roads. " "OIHO than all . the t Ilflllnbi woulll hayc ott- ahlcd all t'ulRl'onlneltallll'l to adjust their rates on the haHIH of the schedules of lhc { 1101 H11 Central Pacific , with their capitalization fixed at $100,000 Je' ) I I e. Thl' 11'\1:11 lI'olositloltVotIltl COllICl the stocidioltiers 10 conti'lbtite the ' stocldlltlll's cOltllhute 10Wj' to 11 ' off the ecoll 10rlgn e .aul thls'II oul the walm' which now COllltllel UO per cent of ls face. 'I'hat : would make the stock Illl'CRel t nn hones11'I'St1lUt , tutu ! whie tlc hOlll'd ) ( debt ' represented 1)y the first IHJ'lgagc woult contInue , the coml11ny w0111 bc In condlol to carryon bust- ness at rlaROllhlo ra Ie ! There should , hiowt'vcr. be I lmiaton to tle stock Issue Iii order to 11'cycnt I relwtlon of stock walcrilg , Othelwlse there Is no lelng how much stock Ihe reorrmlze : cOlllny would teat anl whnt the elllHalzlton would be IHcl' the settle- lenf wih tle goveruuuient. I. how- ever , thc Hchc1o contemplntls that the seeonll lltortgage debt bc mel ed with the first 10ltgage Into n blnnl.el mort- gage , that wi Incude both , 1111 the IRslumce of thc new honds to the stockholders . holders that advance tile 10nej' , then the capItalIzation would still remaIn nt $100,000 per Ilc and no relief fl'OI the gLllng tolls coull be hoped fOL' On the contrary , tolls would not only be levied to meet fixed chtiii-ge a to iay Interest - h'l'OSt 01 the bllnket 10rtguge and sinking fluid to pay Off the 1llcllal , ' hut ) the stock which Is 'no\ selling lt { cents the dollar , would be booitted Cluts . 01 dolnl' heeled hy IU\.llclll wrlmg out oC the Imt'ols or the road. , Such I tettement would bc but n very slJht IllrO\'I'lelt on the Reilly re- flmUug schieuuue. I cC'tnlllj' would not he 18 deslmhlo for the people or the l'nn mlsHol'l i'egiout IS would be the foreclosure tinder first mortgage and the cnillnlzatol of the roads upon 11 nc- toni vahui hnsls. Such n sottheinettt 1111llne u..L' _ . . _ . . . " .n . . . _ . < . . tcttement \ vouult1 itttortl the most effective ' - \\0Il1 nloL't1 loSt ofectye lnr- uitty or relief fml excessive rates lul 11 1 repetitIon or the collapse that culm tmtct In bankruptcy.Vltht ' six trulk hues to the Pacific coast there Is 10 II'OSlcct ) thnt any of these roads wIll 1.ttt.il enough to ' interest anti IU"I- 'IU'I clolh II Iltm'cst Ild " - tllds on I caillnlzntou of more tlU : mooo 1 mio , eveit If the re/ol ( which they traverse 11'ORpl'l beyond ! all IH'ece- le ! t. SOU7'1 D.UWT.1 ii'OM1IN SUFPIA GISTS 'Phie vote of the lever house of the South Dulwtn leglHlat10 to rlCOIHhlel' the motel h ) , ' which the Il'Olosul ) [ for the suhmlsHlol of n woman suffrage uloutlmlni to the state cOlstlulou WIS host ! IICCR the Ilestol agaIn Iii the balniuce uuittli next ' ' ' . ' ' bailuco ult IlXt 'rucslllj' 'Ihc 111UU' lit which the 11j'llg fO'luUl'H of that 10'IIWlt wele thus I'esclet ee' tnlll ' 11HOlosls SOIO shii'evih PII'II' uneittitu-y ' ' . hut it - meulll.r inahit'uvcrs I nlHo shows the wellwess of thc cause. Shoulll tile Ictmlulol 1111y 1)1158 It wi not he because the iuienibers of the legislature 11l0 hccl l'OIYel'lell 10 the SIIIII't of WOIIU Hlffl'lgl' , hut hI'IIRO n few of 11m hiiuvo hll'l cajoled luII tiirenteneil t Ilto cl'putng a thlvorgeiuee between theIr yotcs Iltl their convlctloiis. Whn makes the t WOIU1 HIII'aglst ! t'Sl)0C'IithI ) iuiixlous to huyo 111011' ' I'HIIlcluly ulxlolS twl' 11'0' II0HI'l ( olHtulolll ImCulmolt sub- mlted ut the 11'llclt lme II the fnet Ihlt t1 legislature hns nl'pull > ' yolell fet restubiutissloit of the ' ' ' l't'tuhIIHSlol II'ohlhlol'j' 1 clnuise. 'i'he % ' have lnrsuiilded thieuit- I ! 1 1hl' , huIH'I'SIII'd tll' st'hves thut the t ' 1)roilIbItioltlsts SP1'I'1 11'ohlhlloulslt nud tll' womal sulr1glstH ciuit he forced to Imlw conuiiuon iHtl' II the IIXt ciuti- 1aug11 , and tll'Y thihiik that u junction ot forces welil ( ( IlUI Ilhlell Hh'ougth for each. 01 this poilt tlll' Is Ioom for cOllllolbln IUf'I'I'I'"ce of 01111101 , although 1 IH 10t to ho IUI'SIOICl that such uu ltviauigt'iiit'iit woull 11'oye highly 11' lllhlo to the iitoft'ssloiiitl agl- tiltr14 In both ' , If I tnlol'/ 11 I'l llIS womnl suf- ( lgl 1\1 II'ohlhltol ( ni 01113lie htunchell UpOI ) the poolieolulo of South Dnkoht lt ole llo 111t stub to wi he 1 I 1 CI Il h'lj' 11'lltfol11 Into 1 :111(1 1 (01' nil thic shiotutIii ' I tie 11 tl thoutlr womcl altl exboL'I' lug mel hit the couutry. : Woman tufrnso was declined with , . . . . - - - - - . ' " ' " ' " " ' _ ' n" . thanks 11 the New York clstutonnl cOlvellon last RUller and wl dcci- RI'elr voted cown h ) thc 1IlOII1\ of Inn ' Sits nt the InRt eieCtiOfl. In both of these states its alleged merits were h'el a thorough a iud care fiul 11'1ljnton , 'l'hieit , IR whatever wh ' South 'l'hel't 10 Ill11 \ vliy Dakota Roull be Ilt to thin CXIIlnSe oC nHcerlnlnlng the sentlcni 01 I 11'0110' sl\on that hM , wih 010 ex cept Ion , beel ullYerRnlj' Ilcctcd b , ' the iii the ) > intelligent lcoille ) II other couniuonweaithus. South oDulwtn Is about ready to give UII ) her oxperl- ment wih Pi'ohuihltion ns n hah ) ( nnd eXlleLsl\'o jou. Lot hN' tloclne the ox- lelllent wih womnn suffrage until she shall have leco"cl'ell fl'om the bUldel1 or the II'ohlhl Ion IneuhuR 1'I-S Foil > Xl'f : ' ' li'ITXISSflS. Can I witness IJ compelled to give testmolY UA 11 expert , ulil If SO , 11 ho entitled to Ilylhllg 10le than the IlJu , Ilr wlhleRs fee ? 'l'hll Is n question which wi II'olmhlj' collie UII soon for Judicial tlccRlol lit Illinois . its the re- stilt of little ' sliot't of I 1 I cIIIHOle hnl.tlj' : ! hell I SllKUtol that occurred lii one of the circuit coml If hint state last weel. A leading Ihysldnn ) of Hll'llgfthllnlCI 10 give eyltllce 11 / ch'l stilt for t111' IglH hloughlugall1 I mlh'othl IIfUR1'tl to testify UH nit CXII'\ ) ulleRs promised nit I'Xtll Cullillt'ilNlttiOul , II ! refusal WIH lt'OillItlY ) ) l1t hj the judge with a lleclltol I thul t lie t vIt ness Atool ill contllll of 101'1 11ln ( hue of $ : O. Al alllllnl huts hlll tnl.ll In Ihl contempt case 10 the Slll'lme eoml Iii the Italic of ! lcUIIIJ 11 luthollath'e II'ecetllt for this luch''CXlll questIon. Untle' the 1re'iihemlt II'nctct ! or the courts lXIlll1 ) tl'RthuOIY Is l'eltlc n ! ni eltllly dIstinct sllcell : of evidence. I " "hlo 1 WlllR ! eal oe forced 10 ; answer all ( lilest louis of fuict aimless with- . Iin his conslutolal Ilrh'llgc , his 01111' Ion of the fuetH 111 tlll meaning II nRlmltl to be his own ( . II lllnt of thlcot'y the ollllion or the jury Ii whlt ol/hl to gO\l'I'n the decIsIon. hullt huts hlcome thc Clstol 10 Pl'I'I11 . thl' jury to 1"11 Itself of such expert advice as unity he olTerll1 Time Ilsull hns hecn , lucre us cl l\\'hel'o , nit IhuHl oC U wehi- Ilanhlg iltitOVtttIOti. gXIert ) testimony ll bought 1111 solt , without 11'ClSSarlj' InvolvIng its character us c\'IIIIICO In ' ' ' ' , whereas If the ally : disrepute whl'I'as samc IwlhOlH were U tl'lpll'll with winesses 10 thc fuict thc t'redlbiUty ! of the wlues3 woull bo ImmcIUalelj' tiuuclet-imuiiioth. I Is ; sellom clllmel that eXllrls sell their tcsllnol ) ' , hut they ttI1HI pay- lent for theh' time anti nlh'lcc just as t lucy wOlllln 1111\ltl' consuhtnt Ion. Time best expert leltmon ' I ! tlie'rofore the mosl costly . all It Is to hc had onlj' bj' ltgaltl who lre wealthy enolgh to sccure it at the Ilrl.e price. 01 the other hmutud , If the busiest Ilhj'slclun anl the most renowlel lhemlst wcre to he comlclml ) to give their ollllolR In court for time ulUl1 WllcsS fce. whcle\lL de- laHlel bj' the parties . , thcj' would have little time for Ulj.thlng else. Two l'cuwlUes hln'I' helm 94111r1r5t.d. flIStV till ! . . u _ _ _ . _ _ _ wm . . , _ abolition of expert tcstmony ulogcthcr , nitth , secold , the cI'ealol of 1 board of experts allolntlll ( hj' the court nut paid for out of thc publc fuutds. The former ' woull Ie IIOL'ole actlout. 'fho hatter in- " 01'18 n11Y 111cuiteR of detai that' have uot heel c01lletely worked out I the Co I t. 11 the east Lefel'ed to , shoull decIde thnt expl' wlncsses can he COlllc < to testify under existing slailte without extra c01lensaton ) , the adoption of ROle legislative remedy for the thl'catenell ( ubuse of the s'slem wIth be lclllj' forced u101 us. J'ROTECTON Oz' VOiBST UEH.1"ES , , ' 'hl'o 1111elrS to Ic very Itlo IH'oh ability of nn 'thlnJ being lone bj' this congI'oss for the :1lequlle : ( IH'olectol of the 17.000,000 UCL'CI of land set aside bj the go\'ellmlut n forest resen'e 'l'he ' of the Imitet-hor Is scerell Illm'lol clmrgcd wih the duty of ' protecting these reserves - serves , but he his 'no wuty 01 IlalS to curry the Iuw Into elect lie has asked eOlgL'CHS for the required loglslatol , dutloulyhmlg ) In I hi what he dcemed to be ueCCSRal . ' . 'l'he house lssed I menHUle multi scut It to thc senutte . The commltco 01 nuhlc ) ) Inuds of the hmttei ; - hodj ) has reported nut entirely tUITelcut huh , dL1 wu by Senator Toiler , n ! 1 sub- ltute for the 011 passed by the houRe. This substitute II'o\'ldls thut 10 forest lesll'yntons shah be established except 10 Imll'O\'e ) uudll'otec ) the forest wIthIn the reservuttiomi , for the ' of IISlL'\'Utol 01 Pl'llose ) ) "ec\'II ! fInora hie COUltOIS of wiier flow nld to secure 1 coUtlUOIS supply I of timber for the people of time states wherein such forest ICHel'\'atonH nro 10' cntet : hut It Is not thc pmui'uose or the nct to a.ulhollze the Inct'lol wlhll the reservatIons of lundl mOI'e \nluahlc for time thither thcreol I' for umgrhcui- tlli Iml'lISlS tml for thither. It mu- lhollzls the seci'otutm3' of the lutC'lm' to miim rcguhimtlomis for the II'olletol of the forest ! fl'om lire 1\1 Ilnplldltol amid lhel' oeclpllc ' mind UHU 1111el such rules lS wl IISI'e time ohjlcts for which they were cL'lnlell , I Is I 11111'U- hmuletl Ihlt the ! 1'I'/lllntol ) of n lew mlLl1'e II this hate < 1j Iii time session mCllS Ihut 10thhlg wi he ( lone . A 10110't luulo to the HClnle Hhowct that itt ele\'cl 'elu's' time 0\1'1' 5l)0O- ( , ' 000 ( ) worlh of thller ) WItS siulel from these l'Ole'yntols , while I Is estiutlatt'ml tmt 1 much Illgel Imoult 11 ynlw of tmber hits brel desti'oyed hy forest 11'11 , the result llrclj of WUltol curl Il'SSIWSS ultl which II/ht he to 1 large I'X tel t IrOVOittt'tl ) liv II'OIIC' . I'I/ull UOIS that could hI' onforcc(1. ( lvem'yholy ) ( who has tll.lu nl ' lulclct him Ihls mater ad- mis thut twro Ihoultl he such 1'gIII' UOIS , hit owllg to the cOlfctlg ylewt mimi Iltcrests thin efforts to get ' ' for them which hueemm IH'O\'lslou hlre heel luule II COUgI'IHS for Yll'l hnn failed . Of course , tilose who 11'01 hj' the existing , ing CIIUtol of nlnh's , thin despoilers ) of the forests , to 10t wnlt any , chnlgo lu the tl'celol of sh'lch'l' regulntolH , 111 It woull si'emuu thlt they are not without lullllel' , hut Ilt'hullS ) i tint chief ohslncle to time Illlh'I'11 Il'gIHlltou IH the dcsllo ( of the l'I'lH'I'llulutys of tim states wherein the forest l'SII'\'ntols ( utt'e 10' cntltl to iia'n the l'eulltuls Ileml IHllHh to suit theh' eouHtlluts who Wllt to cut tmhN' from the lhlc muds. 'l'hls mltel hums 1"1'1 so long discussed imt congress wih sleh IIHltl' nctory rcsul8 ns to ulmost tllcour .e J thin hOllo ) hint l ( hdnUol for the nde- qUlto 1it'oteIIoii of the forest reserves will . ever beurcd , but e\'cr1 'er's record of tn.lho ! dlstrlcton nllis ( to the force of tha tel 1 It for better nUll IO'e 11'11J'\Ht \ ,1Clflrl , of protection. glrolllnl mtllol'lllce Iltl 11'tctce have uleuuuolmstrnt&(1 ! hint \ hiy IH'oIIC' regulatlomis forests Ct1 'H.L'cs(1'ed nld increased 11 , 'nll ! and thNe Cll he 10 doubt lhls ' coti'k ' ' ' fohiow the oM cOlllr 10\(1 , h'oltlhl folow world ( eXlllll , . sz'zi7t'ur,1i I U niz'on . . i : . 11 the exithit iou of J0.111gOlel Inrchlng frd\1 \ puie nloo\ to 110thlr itt SIOUX ' ple the ' ' or CIty to Hotfy Il'olH'letols ) ) 11'01)SlII11 ) ( lllton \'Iolitol of the IluO' haws \0 \ " have l\olhel IhlI'ntol If Rlllllalulnl lefol\ that nccollll"heR Ilch hnl'l 1111te OOII I Ilj' liI hnlls In' admitted that the InwR regutimit- 11 the Hll' If lntnxht'ntimug Iqlor 111 Inl strictly IlfUICell II Iowa Ultl'r the pu'ohiihhtiomi regime they were not t'ufotci'tl thl'l' nt all. I It Ilulo 1105- Ihll' Ihat n ! they 1lnll tommy ther can- IOt hl\ ) ( O\pll'll\j' ( \ ( lfol'CI'd ( , alt lioulgit If tile Illll' Is liIaI lIp Iii 1 sllflhle \nr cOlshlll'nh1' ) IiflitOVclltelt I toyer Ixlstll ! i lethlHIH1 ( 1gb 1. he hl\1 But 10 Possiiiht' good c\ : 10\0 fl'OI nightly visits of II'Sl11't'llhle0111 to HnloolH 11t 11'l . Hllh I pt'rfotillitllco It no IUIIt ) of Inl ! I ll'nlcl' u'efot'mmi. It I tOll 10t hllng tIme 1'ohl'l of .t hI' : ' . 1quol' 1'111' 011' H11'11 llt'uim'Ot' its olu- tiomu. Quite Ihl' cOlt'I'j' , It lusl telll 10 ( nlllltl' n 1'llSI of Hj'111Ithlzl'I'Sho fomiuierhy r'gamlei the refoiitiou'8 us Colt- fl'\1'llj' J'gll'I111 ( ( 10fOlml'l'H IH COl' Slll'lllous ( 111,1 .lellllA 1111 to th'l I the 11' : 1011' hl'lllr n l'uIHI the . II'ohlhllol I fn 11 tC I I : " ' 0111ho Ill r - tlllmte In SUI'I al I'XIlIUlol ) must hl\'o 1 lax CUI'l'I1ol uf self-respect. I I the 1'ulll law Is largely a tl.\1 : hotter It IR Illause It It wily n 111'lnl : Iellenl of . Ihl I10hlh101'\ 1 I I I ' Htnlull' , 'I'he In\ Ii not Hntslllolj' to the Iwoph' ) of Iowa \11 voted 10 repudiate Il'ollhllon 1111 go11 l'etm'l 1 COlilsle palll\oll. of IllolgI'ul les.'hueii Iowa filially nllolltR n mlolal high license IIW Hlmill In genllll fl'atull : to t thnt II force II Xc- hllHlm 11 Illhorllel wi lie In 1 has- ! 101 10 nlllill to cutt'r3alIt its every hm'OVISRul. " ' . II this 1111llI011 j'lllll greater l'ctUII : thal Ilj' amount of spectacular lefO'1 lW petluttetlc -omuieui. 'I'he Itl' of .Tut e Clhl\c1 of the Unled States circuit comt Iltmnlng that lie \1 10t lWl'mlt the lxlcuton of 1 .llglcnt lilt gllnlRlllelt 1'OClelln R 1gllut Inj' alto elllo 'ell 11111 m-cceiv- ers nlllolntl ) ) , hy his coml , wi , If the sale : CoUrse , Is ; 111'slel gllorlly bj' flllll'nl jlulgl . EITlclun1j' Jnt ) a stol to It -I 1 Ul'IIltS to ' , olcet ) debts ill this war fi'olen WO'kilg for the railroads Oil' lrltng h. fCllltoIRhlps. 'l'hl real te- stilt of this : declsiolt Will he 10 cxemllt from the Ol ! 'n t I of state law ni Pe" sons who hmfpeu ) to have 1'lllloyment wih the Hluclllj' fn\'O'cl ( cO'lortonR , They whit he l : an advantage over em- ployes of Rol\ent \ : : ( OUCC'ns , nll that ud- \mlnge wi hl\'o\Ylug to COIHltloUR over which they ' 'led l control , There are , of course ; , two hlls to the question oC lttlmiSii1t1Om1tOf ; ) yageH . which hn\'e been ! nlnllhleutIr , tlscuslel tllU.111 } , time u lln. But whatever s-low II tnketu , there Is no rca- Hon whj' excelllonl should he made for HIlclal claRss of worluueii. I the cia- ploj'e or 1 bankrupt rull'o\1 : Is 10 be front iurot'eethimugs ( , excmllt frol glrnlshment II'0'CeI1ng8 so ougltt the olllloye of eveiy sound and soh'cnt corhioratioiL We fear greaty tm/ the monster petition - tton IHcSelted to President Cleyeland by that ladies of the \Vounnmt'u4 Christan Temperance unlol , craving hii assist ance II the movement to uPln'ess the : tlrhmtk trle , wi 10t have the desired effect. One ' rl'all { r4awlei- , when for- leL'I' n cal1Udntc for the position of 1ostmlstol lt ChlclgO , tried the e\clc ) ' or n lmitess lJtton on the occupant of the white house , but the fact that ho Is sti 1lnln : . Lawler goes to argue - guc that the Iletllol Is not the wuiy to a1llloleh time II'eHhlcntnl ) ear. Even more receutthy . tile llt tel 1IOCCSS was locnl oihice seeker with ntemlled hr n olle Heclwl ! ) OstluSleIHhll uRllh'ntolR , hut wih no lltlL' SUCCCR It Is h'le that lit runt- lhel' ease welc there alythll hIke IOCO.OCO ( ) nlllS 01 the rnpels 1tewnted I , Imt elIcit Inle : WIS Hlllpolel ) ) to carry wlh It the welbt 0 : 1lj' IlIOFO. Pm'hnlls It Is not uuitogetimor imnpertl- lelt to slest that the Itlolley . gel' ell I ! nol the ultmate nlthoLt upon ito [ validity of Ow lellcltll' ) ' cOlllet IHstnctol Without io milfuerciuco. MinneapolIs Timne. Rufus Rame . the dead treasurer of illifloluu , was :3GJO shot In his account Iiilnois all South Daltota eln now weep Ilnois . It amounLs to the Ianl timing to/ether. your treasurer Is a llell ( short treasurer or an absconding short treaKurer. 1realuror -S l'nym'nt lit " ' 11. . , Denver New. It thin governmenL mal'es a cash Ketto' ment with the Union Pacile thc terms ought wih bo paymcnt In ( tilt of principal and interest . 'rho muhroom ) fortune's or the lug four were not honestly mallo I the monopolstl wish to relnln thin roads let them pay up , If not let them get out. . V V o 11'lurrcctol 'rimoro , 1o ; N&w .Worl. " 'orh ) , The Rely bill having been killed shouM stay ( ead 'rhe only thing this congress oUJht < 10 tlo with reference to the mater Is to pass a ' uIunple resolution roqulllng the attorney ' 'Jlmplo ' to proceed against Huntington antI the Stanfor.I , Crocker and Hopkins estutn for the l'ICOYOry of . the money they owe time government. , . _ S ( vl1mlll ! If the Inlll ! V (1lob.Democrat , Dr. Charles Montezuma a ful blooded Apacho. says that ) the only way to civilize the Indians IK"to " piece them In direct con- tact with time whies anti compel them 10 cain their Ivln hy theIr own luhur. This Is the vIew of' all' men who have made a practical study of the mater amid who Jlraetcal know by Personal observation hOlY mlscr- ably the Inesent 1\91cy \ has fulled. 4 , 'II flaclll Evil. t1lago lemlJ , Do.nothlng sessions are the bane of congress nnd the state leglslutures How not 10 do anthlng upenrs to be the proh. lem of each hour. -llwre are a multitude or causes lor the evil , the principal If which Is the ( allure of the Ileople to talII their representliLves 1y tie Icruff of their necks and knocle their heads tOlether until they acquire a diigent tente of public duLy. _ _ _ . _ _ _ 1)ou't Ito . \hulcd. New York 'urili. I Is not true thai a ( allure to act al this session vihi imperil any govenment Inter- est. I Is not true that there Is danger of foreclosure ! ) ' itrst mortgage bondholders thus dell riving the governmenL of its second lien. There II ample money In the sinking fUld to meet every first mortgage uhlGa- tion thufals due tills year or next as ton wail fully Ihown dUMng time recent debate II the huuse. 'ritere II 10 occasion tor hurl - l rlel ICtOl , SIWtutn shOTS - AX 2'flICI'tILl'lT. Janus City Journl : Tim Portand mln- Isler who turned bank robber made a rlovoue mitake lie should have confined himself to an occasional extra rush of the contribution box . Chicago Times : American priests may rile , the bicycle with the full consent of th vatican . na Mgr. Sat 01 I hna officially announced - flounced , anti 80 anD mora vexed question or theology vanishes Into thin air. The ablogno qualifies his statement with the advice that the bIcycle must not bo ridden after I fashion calculated to bring scandal or contumely upon time clmurciu but after all , that only means that thin reverend clergy will not give public exhibitions until they know how , JRnsns City Star : It was wrong for the Oakland minister to take walzln steps In his PulPit because lie thereby Infringed on the rights of the dancing master and tIme theory of Ibis ! ret republic Is to hive and let live. Hut If time reverend genleman I determlnd 10 transform his pulpit Into a dancing school let him devote himsel to the twostep. Ior there Is 1011 rejoicing Over time one man who thinks ho cannot dance time two-step and can , Ihln over the ninety anti nile who arc positive thcy COO , nnll Conimot. Inlanlpols Journal : Dshop l alows of Chlcao has started } 1 home saloon for nib > 11091 of Indlcln those who Ire In the , habit ot Mlnklng Intoxicants to satisfy their appetites wih "soft" drllls , which wilt be sold for I cents each , with a lunch for nn extra imhckel . 1lshol ) 1 llews has engaged n German chemist. who t9 an eXllert brewer , to comlolnl a drink of mal nod hops charged wlb carbonic acid gas . whIch wi look , taste all foam hike beer but wi not Intoxlcnte. I tIme bIshop lies a chemist whe can Produce slch a drink cheaper than ordinary becr he has a very gooti thing In more ways than one. . V OUT 01 'l1 UIIJS.lr. Decp sea sOlndlnrs at 4,500 athoms were 1 taken en the coast of Alaska In 1893 I : Time Swiss rovernment made a Ilroft ef about $1,000,000 last year on its monopoly In ' spirits. The ground has only been lightly covered with snow at Mobile . Ala. , fIve tmes during the last seventy-five 'cars. China exports $ , worth of hlman hall ever ) 'ear. I comes mostly from the heads of criminals , paupers amid dead pclle , Iand In New York City has been sold at a Price equal to $8.000,000 per nere The highest In London at $5,000,000 PCI acre. James Chandler of Lyon county , Ken- tuck ) ' , who Is 79 years ohIo has forty.se\'cn grand chIldren anti thirty-eight greatgrand - chlhlrcl , Electric Ighl cause a bright radiance aroull the carriage of the Emperor Gel- imiammy. They shine from the polE on the collar - lara of the horses , amid at the sldl and rear of thc vehlcll Time electric lght which Is to be erected on Fire island , on the New Yerk coast , will give nn ilitlumlimmfltiOml of about iuminaton 250.0000,000- candle Ilower. It Is expected to bo visible 120 mies out to sea Mrs Newel Case of Battle Creek , Mlch" , has a new pall of twil babies born on dllerelt days of the Veek . different months anti different years : one Just before ali one just after time New Year midnight Time mixture ef cotton and wool In the manufacture of coth bas bee learned so thoroughly that feeling wi not detect the presence of cotton . A piece of the goods boiled II a solution of causlc ootaslm I wIll leave only the cotton fiber Intact. Mrs Charity Green celebrated her 103d birthday In the Home for Aged Colored Wo- mIl In Boston the other day. Mrs Green was born a slave In Portsmouth , Va . and came to Massachusetts In 1853 , having descended - scended through four generations as . an heirloom - loom A curious cutom still prevails at time coal lIlts on Ilogmanay . In SCGlan < , ThE first man La come II' the pit aCer his work Is over Is received wih a shovclul of hot ashmes which , beIng prepared for , he doge as best lie ' can . while the last man gets a bucketful of cold water thrown at him The fads of.colect rs are beginning to fig- ure I toe science or n3t0nal Unance. .g- little republic of San Marino needed $75,000 for a new pUblic building. and , Instead of levying a tax struck or 700,000 commemora- ton stamps of three denominatons , from 5 edits to twenty cents. Collectors have taken nine-tenths of the whole Issue , and San Ma- rino has the $75,000 desired In the treasury. The state of Pennsylvania Is about to pub- lsh an Iustrated book of 1.000 pages on I the birds and mammals of the state , at a 1 cost of about $30,000 for 24,000 copies A copy wi be placed In every school and other library , and the remaIning volumes will bo distributed where they wi be likely to prove most userul In educating the people to discriminate - criminate In favor ot the many useful animas ! now hunted down to the nearly point of ex- termInation. . l'EUI'LU 1\ ) TIl.GS. Events tend to prove that Cleveland prefers , a foreign syndicate on his Ilands. No objection h3s been raised In any quar- ter against the European gold wave heading this way. Treasurer Ramsey of Ilnois was a demo- crat Taylor of South Dakota a republican. Party honors are even. hut Cook got forty.fve years In the cast and his captors got 15000. Alt William are satsfed wRit the divvy. A revision of the marriage servleo Is pro- posed In South Dakota , te cOrreSIonl with the exuieditlous ' divorce laws of tIme stale "Give me the distribution of the pie , " ex- claimed the secretary of agriculture "aimul I care not whe Indulges In the Interviews , " Fnnvprnnr l'n.ir invlno nnnirnI n - . - - , - , . . - _ . , . , - . . . . . . . " . . . reasonable share of fame , proposes to fupple- ment It with wealth. He Is foatng a patent medicine. One of Yale's brightest foot bal experts tackled John narleycor during the late blizzard and precipitated a funeral John and Jack fatally spiked imlm The fourth generation of tIme Carnet family of France has entered upon Public life In the person of M. Ernest Carnet , second son of the late president. Ho Is 28 years of age Count de Castohiane . who , hal espoused a slxlh 01 Jay OGuld's fortune , Is said te belong . long to "one of the oldest famiies In France " As the Ooulds belong to one of the newest families of America , the average Is about right. The celebration of Samuel J. ThIden's birthday - day by eastern democrats suggests the possi- biiy of Clevelad being honored In that manner In the near tuture In that event some spicy Interviews of this young year will give a patrIotic cclat to the proceedings Alderman audel Phiips of Iondon recently - conty rpetratod an cplgram al Lord Hose- \ery that won't lose its sting for a long tulle. In his speech before a recent meetng of the London common council ho quoted In I.atl time criticism ' ef 'acltus upon the Eiii- peror Galua , Then he . translated I Into English I amid applel ) it to Lord Hosebery , as lolo"le : would have been universally consldercl ( as qualIfied to rule had he never attempted to govern " _ . -a- toellnl the lJnisttuilntmimlo. Baltimore Sun , 'hat we waut more than the yellow melal In the treasury Is the finer and purer gold of Jtrlolsm In our repleleltatves , If the members of the senate and the I houle were inspired with a genuine , Slllrlt of mrntriotisfli , wih an honest and earnest del \ ru for the welfalo of the counll'y , they could 1111 a proper currency bill In two tlays , But what they eout do and what they wi do are decidedly < tlerent mat. leIs , cld It Is to bu feared thnt we cannot expect eiher from this O' the uext con- gross any ttrlklnl exhlhllon at patriotsm , End or I he Irnlllyn Strike. Citicag" 'lmeH. The emI of the Brootyn strike Is time same as the end of mOlt strikes , aud It ought to Ihow organized labor the absolute ( utility or this olsoleto and blthlrous method or settling a dispute between employel' and employed , The skilled mechanlc ot this emlloyet countlY have votes enouJh to force arbitru. tlon upon the statute hooks , and untl ar- bltrntiomm Is a.zmtl Lmr-s we will have again and again just such 1lsheurtenlnJ and ruinous episodes Its the strike on the trolley systems of Brook'I , The Irrl.lltlblo liruimmmjer , , Sioux city Tlibune. Time signing , on MOlta ) ' . ly time president of the bill authorIzIng the railroads of the country bi issue a 5.0 mie tnterchango. able mileage book marks the 01111 of one mieage ent stage at Illaton , which , In a quiet way , has hcen going on for ) 'ear8. The commer- clll travelers are entted 10 time credit for its passage and will real the greatest bene- m. They have never wearIed In removing obstacle after obstacle wimicim ofen al excuses - cuses , have been lot up by the railroads. : VV4-V. V 11WlST : - NO , 'lCI.rIIC. A new mctho" ot lctlng thiuimontls In cut- tng tools , A tlmree.fllamont incandescent electric lamp , ted by Ihree wires carryIng three-phase currents - three'Jhase clr- rents , with 1 common rettmrmi A process or Ilnufaclurln gas which eon- IS sistI In Illssln , Ullerlleatcll , all under ) e& sura through Incandescent fuel , A process of manufacturing , hollow Ills- ware , In which time molen glass Is presHd through the wire netting Into a hiollosfor.'n . . . A IrforatN } , 'Jbraln , rim for banjos , of hess diameter than the heat of Ihe Instrument , and securcd to the Interln hoop by bole , A metloll of making a lolthptecl on cig- arelc hy folding over the end ef the clar- cie paler one or more timmies before making the cigarette . tmes A rim for Ilcumnlo tires , In which hollow holow ! u1n rubber balls form the tire , whlo Ihe t rim Is mAllo with ( wih cups or sockets Into hleh the bails are cClentcll , An appliance Into which poisoned food may bo placed for destroying , \ , sparrows er other aiiIimlahs hit Which Is s arrammoti tiunt arrnnl)11 tlnt larger nllmAts or birds cal1ot see or obtain the poI30n)1 m.Hellll. A roller blind shllor for IIHlorrllhlc ! cameras conslstlg of two blhlls , whIch may . be used for rapid or long exposurc . all which Is capable of working close Ul tn time < nl sensitive surface of time . pInto. ll..IST.1'lW.U 11.I.U' . ' IIOJIX. A lazy lan loses heart every lml he looks at the cocl , . Tim best mlverlsemenl for a revival Is the revival Isel Controversy In rclgllus matters ua's no spiritual dl\llen s , I we Imow hew to ohn , the bigger the I giant the better tIme mark . The Inl gains nothing who hoses his character - actor and saves his mmlomuey A soummmding bras may malt men ShOlt , but 1 can hover make _ them weep. S- ' : lie n"t11 Illrljr. :111"1 I , > 19 "lilule. The outlle of holdIng the fast mol train from the east In ChIcago untl : o'clock In time 10ring when It could just its wel start lt 1 o'elocl" , lust be retnethielL 'fho run- nllg tune of the train hal recell ! heel shortened to elevcn hours , which Is well . but such expeltol , docs not In the least I justify or miIgate time wrong uf tInnece- 1111) ' holdllg I at the Chicago , statIon. 'J'he train Is imelti for the sole purpose oC nccom. pllIOSe 10Iulng the Chicago lmewsumpcrs . Thcl'e Is Ito objection to the Chleuu uiesvpummers ! neWFI11lerR SeI1Ig out their Ilpers : at :1 : o'cloclt II the morln/ but they should seld Ihem emu rpt'- cia I , ' ' - tmlns 1he ! onhweltcl'n dailies do not feal' the competton of the Chlcalo slH ts , hut do object to their heng ! u\shlzed hy the govemmcnt. I they desire II 3 ocloek a. 1 , train to dlstrlbut their editions timrouglmout the northwest , the ) ' should he cOlllele < to pity for It out of their own tOcketi4. As 1 Is now , the goverlent luts pa)1 Cor the train , and thus practIces unfair Ils- criminaton In fa\'ol of the ChIcago IHpell. 'rhe Imt > ltonce of the fast mal tmln Ics In making 'ulclt eomlunieatlon betwem the east and the west In the mater oC letter eorrep000encc. Time $ leCllY rCl'clpt of let- ters Is a great advantage . , hut the gain of a few hours In the receipt of Chlca o or other eastern newspapers Is oC no ndvantagc to the 11eople ht this region. Our own hews- pupell eontnln lull the teleglphlc news that appears In the ChIcago IIPerl of the ! Ilne date and more. 'rhe 11Inneal > Is anti St. Paul paper cover the news of time naton ; 1111 ( oC foreign lalls quite its commmrehemu- sively as 110 ChlcaJo palel'S 'he I'ecelpt of these ) papers therefore , at : o'eloclt In the aCel'leon of the ( hay of 11hlcaton , seven ur eight hours after the local IHIeIS containing the same amId even later news have heen dlslrlhuted Is of no advantage to the people oC this section. But If the fast mol train could he alowed to leave ChIcago two hours earlier amId get hell at 12 o'eloele instead of 2 , that two hours gained In the receipt of letters would be oC inestimable benent to our buslnrss mcn The Chlcngo ncwspaper have been too long unlust ) . favored I ) ' the Postal tiepart- ment The ) ' have been favored to the loss and injury of thc buslncss men or the north- west and even oC their own city : . for the two hours gaIned In the transmission of let- ters . would be 01mntuch , advantage to the business men or Llllea o as 01 our own H tIme fast mal train were to leave Chicago at I a. m" , all the huslness .eorresponllence of the prevIous day would he embraced . In its mal : I would be received here at noon . Ult could he answered the same tluw . anti thus twermty-four hours often styed In the dis- patch of business The fame saving wOuld be effected In tmnsactons with New York and othel' eastern poInts , The busIness men and tlt business organ- Izatons of the northwest should never rest unti the unjust and unralr discrimination In favor of the Chmicngo neWSIJl\ers. to the injury of the general business public , Is done away with. . I C'rllc.1 ) c."r\I' ' Wnslmington Star. Criticism of President Cleveland's latest financial message and at the polC' which I outlines and represents Is easy enough to those who arc bound to find fault with everythIng the Idmlnlstrlon docs , but the calm busIness mind does not dIscover imow In the absence of legislative action , the presIdent could do otherwise than he has done and Is doing lor the preservation of the nation's credit The Inability of con- gress to tall acton was evident to the civilized worlel : somelhlng hod to he h done and tIle one thing possible 10 tIme executive branch' of the government was just the thing that the president hns done. I his procedure hilts been 111 Is improper It Is In the power of congress to make statu- tory declaration to that effect but congress - gross has Insistenty refrained from glvln expression to Its views-If It hnl any. In- stead of making a target of President Cleveland for aUlhorlzlng bond < 1 Issues he should be credited with having done the only tIling hme is euniowered to tb In soclm a situation as now exists : if he Is in any sense blamewortily it is becatmse the bond issues Imave not been large emiougim. tiL,1 : Vrflu i.oNu .8ICRMOSS. . ' - " ( luilvetomi M19'hfl The tmnifish rnortal nhnyui keCimS some good resoltitioiis for othera. - eu % . York ltc'cortherl "hots' did Apsley geL such n. reputation for truthm-tclllmmg"l lie is tIme i'Iggest liar nit enrtlu , " "l'asy elmotighl , 'rolls ever' young soluuusl1 ho sees 110w gooti lookllug hiu is , " Ci-einnth I'ltmin 1)c'nlcr : ' 4thi' rcmnnrlcotl Mr. Qiulip , "litit Wolliell imnveitt tIme imlaco c1 of himielioct that lumen eulJoy"No , of 00111-so hot " SflitllmNi Mrs , Qtutip ; "uro- mutt's intellect Worku. " DetroIt Trlbunet "lhmt , vaPn. " pleaded tue ilflimflPMlOllCl iflttlllell , ' 'hO lit tue only 111011 1 lotol" ' 'T1mmtt' righut , " replied time imrmltal ohil lilall , ' ' 1 ani glad tlmnt a datlglu. icr of iliiilO tioCs hot lo'e nuoro timnit ollo t niaui mit it time. " _ Truth : Lnw'yer-You say thin Itrisommer stole youm' vatelm. \\'bat ( iiRtIm1tmiSimillg j feature vns ( hole ahotmt time tt'ateim ? 'Wit- i1os-It lmati lli sweotlleart'it ImIctiure lit it. hnwycm-Aim i I see. A woinmtui iii tile ease , Atlamutut Journal : "I smtts' Do Castro , time mulllgiclltmu , IllakO It $0 golti piece tltsaplienr Ill three milmutemi. " ' "I'hiat' . . lwlIlIml ( , , Totu ought to see tmy s'ife vItim a $ ' 0 biilmttmt clitlmch tmaznrtm' , " Atlnuitut ( "ommstitutioui : ' 'Anti , mpn' trlurmt ditl grammdfmttlmor do iouhis coulitry ? " ' 'Notimiumg tvlmuttever , 'lily SOil , tic was a uluelmiber of coimgm'cits. " Now York flecorder : Time slumike is grace- full emmougim ; wlmnt hmo lacks Is lmlou-mtl u-c- sPnimsitiliitY , like so nmtiity goott-lookimug umleli _ IlOstOll Tuanscm'IptFioorVnliierllow : lilitlIVOiull'li (10 VOtI sIlitimOllO thmeu have " V becil totlay to look at our bttrgutlmms ? tIn- Perilltemltleimt-l low shmotlid I kimow ? I ama ulot it baugaihm counter. ' Detloit 1mibummie : Time boy tooti OIl time Itumittlmg deck , anti , mimi hmcroio expression wore lie , Ittit time rest of time crew took 4 a. vci-y swift utnealt itmiti heft Imini alone in his glory. _ l'imilndelpimia Rcolthi A jovini South- wnrk umman rejoices iml time mmaimuu of ' 'Mer- m'iil F. Itotlalomug , " New York Press : Time I'aet-To time iuiteh- i'CttiLth mmiamu there iii a solace c'mmm lit unv- ' ' orty. 'rime Siareliullt'otl timiimk eo ? 'rime 't V l'-Ves. Time fuit ( lint lie \VVitlmntmt food ( em' his body gives him foxi fur thought. ihiffnlo Commrlcr : Sliuce time ( air sex took to wt'nuing bell's ilimlmarel tile mivt'ragt V lm'Otlmei' 1111(1 sluter botlIld ' ( nrc togetlmem' by a good nlrtimy ties. hlu'colrlya lute : First 'rlmeatricni itlan- ager-Uuimig to have mm. ttlmlk imm your Ilieco tii itt sctu'omi 7 Secommd Timentricai tlauiumger ( eimtlmmmsiastieutliy-Evcry mmmzmn iii umy commi- ififiy is mm talmic. PlmiindelplmIa I'ress : Old aemlt-'l'oung mmmttll , t'I1't1 I WflS your migo I tllotigimt it - ' lmorite & 'a I' ltI'il ti , ' gnotl eimomm ghm fn r nme , \'omithi ( ailglmtitmg fmomll imnimsommm-hltit ) youm \vere umevet' tue emily son of a richm father om you \votuhit imot have tmtkell sticlm visIts. l'iiiiatieiplmla ' [ 'hues : "Tell umlo , Imoulestly , " SUitI the mmovei meittiem' to time Imovet 'iiter , ' ' , IliI you evei see a ' , 'Oiitttll wimo stoott ttiid tmm ppe'h tIme iloor I iflliit tleit.tlY w' I tim her tOO for several mtioiileltm4 , as yotu describe ? ' ' "Yes , ' ' t-lts time' timougimtfimi mely. did OIICC. " " \'ilO was lmo " ' tllmo wmms a clog' ( IltilCOm' . ' Atlaulta Constitmitloim Don't growl b ! ' 1 cause time uomm is huh , utitti tIme s'eumtimem's out VIV V ( If tumme' : don't sigim aumd bawl , for you'll ' lma\'o all tile Still you want uiext Jtmmle. Tl1I I'OET ANDTIiF CL1ItLS. Atlanta Journal. V Unto 1mm' brlgimt and golden curls lie miang his songs : W'lmilo alme eachm evenimlg twisted timcmn ' With Iromu toumg's. V V To wavy tresses , : eimhmyr hissed , lb tilbtmte patti , ' Nor dm-eanied each bomlny ringlet was f Kid roller made. a , , , TilE .SOMI ( fl ltUIUfl New vorm Sun. 0. it's hurry , Hurry , llurmyi and it's horr3' all you can ! Yeti ve got to tIed ) a hiorrying , and hustle lika a mall , The easy vay of goillg is a relic of the - , 'V 1ast , - ' And iow it's Iltmrr9' ! Iturry-upt Now , lIurr9' ! Ilorry ( ant ! ) ' It's very sure if you don't run the other fellow svlll , And so YOU Wutilt to hmorry , and then hurry Imarder still. V If some otlo's tound to beat you you can b pass Imtnm. iii a wink If you but keel ) a huru'y oem , and never stop to think. Thmero mmty be time to catch youlm' breath V whlen you immtve caught your car ; But sixty socontts to the mninUte'im all of V tlmem there are ; Ttmere are but sixty minutes out of every houm' of those , V Anti whieti you ilgi.mre very fast , it's awful f how It goes ! And don't forget you've got to get tlmero ullighty quick , because You've got to get away agahml and snatch it front time jaws. Whose jaws they ate don't out time Ice , nor what you're goluig to snatch ; You can't be too particular in such S simootltmg match. You needn't atoll to fix your feet and try , , to walk a crack , For though its tough a-getting tlmore , its tougimor getting back. V There's little tune to linger On tIme groony , grassy lawtl , Whomi lomlg befome you've gotten there you otiglit to tlmemi be gone. So keep et-Ilumlling , humping , nosy , and V jolly right aiomig , Witlm imere a Iimmrr ) ' ! there a Hurry ; timen ml Hmmm-ry ! atmong. If yotm htit keep your imurr } ' Oil , and hurr' , hturry fast , It's ten to otme you're on tile run , and may get back at last. _ _ _ - - - - 04fllNc.Krn , ' ' 1tELIABLE CLOTI1IERb - Your Moirey'sVortii or Your Mouiy iLti ( , V I ' , 1 "Out of a Job"- In view of the fact that a dollar now looks as big _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as thuc bottom of a btucicot , and thiust , Ilvo ( if thcmn moire a buluo1 of unonoy , we have de eidc to stam't thue spm'imlg am'hgiit ly , soiling thin new i 1 sprIng block of thio ' 'Stetson ' ' Speehah , " tim best $5 lint on V 1c ; , V fiiV.V I m,1 _ eaitii , fot' $ I,50-thils fom' the ( J . Stctsoii Fedat'aa , too , It takVs : html I.50 to got the spu'lng itt ttiuutpo "Jim'owmi I n g - IC I xi g . - - - _ s " hunt to thin -cj Oqlltd : : : * . SpecIal , a : - - iCSt , aifti who timat Is hitched \ ' u/- : by our gtiamnntco for quality aiid went' . It It doesn't wear I , _ _ . tmlil give as good sutlsfttctlon I ' ' ' * - ( as any hint OIl thuo ( mice of the 4--- ' - ; ) I cam'thi ive uvihl m'cphmtco It tvlthi I - _ another hint.Vo will also make soiuic extra cuts on fmlrnishuimug goods this week , suehi as thit'tio hnit8 of him SeimmIhlosa socks for 25o , 'I1su'o putirs of special tail oclcu tot' 25o. Natural mnoi'liio tiox , 2Se , om' six hrtlrs ) tar $1.85 , Cotswoid mnomino genuine Shiaw-huuit socks 40e grade , foi' 25u , Otir t-ogulam $1 unhauimdorcd svhuito dm'oss I'llirts , 76e , AllU.'l'icafl Hosiery Co's umuderweam' , regular 5 grade , for $3.50 ibm' suuit. Ainem'Ican Iloslcu'y Co's fine ribbed foi'un fitting 81,00 grade tot' 83,00 , Besides , otim' 15th street window vitoto thucso woilderful bai'gutiris aio dIsllnycd shtouitl becarofuily watched this week. BROWNING , IING & CO. , Behimmble Clothiers , N , V. Cur , 15th timid Ioumhuis , , _ _ _ V * _ VVV V'I kV V