Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1895, Part I, Page 1, Image 1

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rZ"t . . . . . . MH + io + + + + H + i'M ; THE OMAHA $ ! : . UNDAY . BE'E rm HM ; : = + 7 ; . ; -1 t
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I ] S'l AU.JSJJ D JUNE If , 1871 OMAILA , SUNDAY OHNlG , J-EBUUAUY : 17 , 18f - , , ] : rl'Y ' PAGES. SINGLE OOL"Y FIVE . .
Roseber's ' Government HM Two 1onths of
Power Practically Assured .
Ealfour HM Prom ed him Nothing in Re-
turn for Possible Assistance ,
Probability of Their Enrly Pardon is Strong
Just at Pretont ,
CIance'M SitU for , \t"rl" ) " ' 110 1M tl Urho
the UIIIIJlllor ) Into Jl I 1-
rlllh'y 1111 Oul I of t I' itrIIt iitcnt-
, btlr 'lr"M or luigluiiitl. : .
Cnp'rlg1ute < , l : , by lrC9 I ubflslulng Company , )
LONDON , 1cb. IG-New ( York Worlt Ca-
begraun-SuecIaI Telegrani.-Rosebery's ) gO\-
crlmenl has now surmounte(1 ( the Initial
11rls the session , and , barring accidents ,
the mmlslers are now safe 10 survive the
spring. 'he unionists committed a bat blunI I
dci' In Joining hands with letmonI ( , ns the :
hnpres lon baa heen created In the country
that a secret treaty exIst between him anti
the unionIst leaders. 'hls , however , Is not
so , and t Hedmonl brings the unionists
back to Ilower they wi return absolutely
unplctgel to any reform for Ireland , .Dalfour
has even reused to entertain the 11roposal
to promise to not revive coercion If ho gets
back 10 ) ower. The lrOrtS of the Itedinond-
1es to defeat the government are purely fac-
tous , as Itedmontlwill lose three or his own
seats at the next election all wi bring only
' Elx len hack to parlianuent.
' The early Ibaton of the dynamite Prisoners -
oners has been appreclahly promoted ( by the
debate on the address to the queen In reply
to the speech frol thJ throne. I showed
that a large contingent of radicals are favorable -
able 10 amnesty , and 'great importance Is
" I.I , attached to the admission of the home secre-
tary that the Irish dynamiers should have
bean trIed and sentencet' for treason , a
felony whIch enabled the judge to give them
life ImprIsonment , whereas the later were
sentenced under the explosive act , under
which the maximum ) cnaly was twenty
'ers. I the IrIsh dynamiters had been
sentenced under the same act they would
all have been liberated In two or three ycars
" : and It Is eXllected that that course will be
' now followed , At the amo time , If thc
Hedmondles had not made the detention of
those men a subject of menace to the gov-
ermnent , most of them would have been free
era this.
The biter relations between the two sec-
tons of the McCarthylles were illustrated by
the suIt brought hy Chance against Wiiam
O'Brleu this week. ne was a member of the
party until n few months ago , having done
, , . . ' a large part of Its legal business. He aeted
- as attorney for O'Brien In his acton agaInst ,
Lord Salisbury and sued for HOO balance of '
' costs In that suit. Chance Is one of Ilealy's
most intimate polItical ales , and the result I
of t l nut wi bo that O'Orlen will he
obliged tq leave Parliament , as ho wIlt be
made bankrupt , whereby his scat will bo va.
cated. O'hlricn's plea , which Is known .by all
his friends to be perfectly just , Is that the
costs should be Paid by the arty , as these
' , stills were undertaken for political purposes ,
end It Is only the deleted state of the party
treasury that prevented them from being
paId before. O'BrIen says that t ho acknowl-
edged liability In this case ho would sImply
, bo givIng Invitation to all other persons ' uav-
- lug claims Jointy against tIme party to pro-
ceel ! against him Therefore ho will not pay
and has declined to allow a subscription 10
bo raised to provIde time money Chance hal
expressed his resolve to proceed against him
for the recovery of time money with the Ul-
most dispatch , so he wi probablY be made
bankrupt In a few weeks amI wi be inehigi-
tile for re-election at dissolutIon ,
The report was revlvcd this weel that ? ! r.
W. , V. Aster 'Ias not only placed his Pul
Mail Gazeto on time market , but was also
about to dispose of CHveten when ho can get ,
a pnrcha6er. That wi not 10 easy , as there I
Is 1 glut of great houses 'for sale at l1resent. I
lie Is said to attribute time beginning of his
wire's fatal Iness to tIme rehlxlng atmos-
Ilhere of time Thames valley , ant he has
consequenty taken an antpathy to time place
TIle members of the Pal Mail star profess
to have nl Imowledro of t'IO impending salt .
of time paper , though It Is Imown that the
Dulgct , I weelly pIctorIal publcaton , Is to
be stopped In three months. Mr. Astor haa
IvCl In strict seclusion since his return and
practcaly sees no one ,
The prince of Wales' set has been greatly
Illate1 this week by time reuaal of Marlborough -
borough club to elect : r. Hell , time Soulh
African mllonalro amI partner of Hholel
In the lie Beers mine Thil Is time favorite
club of time 11rlnce and no candidate Is pro-
IOsed for electon until It has been ascer-
talnld whether time prince has an ) ' objection :
to him , : . lelt was 11roposed by time duke :
vf Fife and his election was considered a
mater of course , but time , balot revealed an
nnusual number of black bails , which , ac-
4 cording to cub gossip were cast not fO
much against : r. Bolt as against his pro
110ser. Time uleo has PUt on great airs since
hIs marrlagc , amid Is consequently the revere -
verse vf popular. When the Ilrlhco heart of
the affair he offered to have Mr. Belt noni-
Inatell again Immediately , but time later
"IHly declined U repetition of time ordeal .
ISTifli'T IN SoUTh , \'HI\ .
IITe.lmclt FoYer Huns Illh II Iolcon , by 1Vuiie'.i
I.ONDON , lb , IG-Speclal.-For ( ) several
weeks the South AfrIcan colonization and In-
\'estment fevr has been running high. The
climax was probably reached lat week , when
- time lmrimmco of Wiles came from Sandrlnghlm
10 gIve his en.lcrsement mind preside at a
lecture by Dr. Jameson , on South AfrIca ,
lt the Imllelsl ) Insttut , I.ooklng at this !
' . African business from n vureiy ! disintereted
Ilolnt or vtew-eiitlrciy free from time 01)11.
mlsto Jingoisni of time "lug Enllander" or
the Ileslmlitc Inll-emplre-foundlng "Little
Iumgiaumder"-time star ) of the iohitico-flnanc'al
'lleculalon8 of Ceci J , I hO and isis
friends In the dark continent reads more like
a romauce Ihan a recital of facts I is I
made more Im'cturcue because It ha heaved
Ii too ruclnallng 1 la'le for making some-
thing \ut of nothing to even deter Princes of
the blooll from bwommmiumg active 11rcmoten
&ld irely using their Uluuel Ild InUuence
alike In the financial anti political market to
s cure investors or to acquire rights and
chartered privileges . Whatever become of
the shower of gold which the greed . driven
victims have la'd at the feel of thtso gi-
glnto sPeculators ant royal decoys , those
who have parted 'llh their money may cn-
sole themrlve with the thought that Il was
charmed from . them by one of the IOt
IngenIous worlled.up schemes ever con-
ceh'e1 to line the pocket of promoters ; that
this Ingenuiy was supplemented by RIHlaclty
which scarcely stopped short of the throne
itself In promoting a vast scll : O ch.ely
consisting of mountains of paper , n eontnent
of land , clay and barrn rocllE" and stagger-
lag promises of "future lroflts. "
In this partcular entlrprlso the imnpcrial
swagger anti bounce at time leading actor , anti
London's hero of the hour , has literally swept
everything before imimmi. Ills services have
been rewarded by the prime mlnlstershlp of
these unpopulatEd rqlons , I seat In the
privy eoulcl , anti the lmrimce of Walcs' son-
In-law , In a public speech rEcenty compared
this company pronsoter-gigantic to the father
of the republic-George Wmmslmington . Mr { .
Hhodes wil return to the wills anti deserts
of Africa \ s Rim 1 JIngo anthem , led by the
heir nppareut , and a shower of 1011 from
gullible investors dazzled by royal promoler ,
enthused by the annexation of new territory
to the empire , and beguied by the promise
of fortunes at no labor or risk Time center
of this Africa investment epidemic Is regarded -
garded In time Ilht of I conquering hero ,
Ito has been feted and dined by royalty amid
glorified In time most fulsome manner In
speeches , not only as I have shown , by the
duke of Fife . hut by the prince of Wales and '
other royal personages , who have been taken
In on thl ground hoar of these stupendous 1
operatons , Time newspapers , with a few con- ,
splcnou9 excellt0ns ( Trnth and the Daily
Chronicle , for example ) , have jolmll In sing-
Ing his praIses : nnJ ] even tll London TImes
comlare3 him to Lord Chive , the founder of
the Indian empire The so-caiietl "amivance"
Into Africa and inevitable entel with Loban.
guia Is magnifed Into I mlghtr war , calcu-
late ! 10 work up time Imglnlons of time 11CO-
plo and give tIme "Little lngiand" bplrll a
blow from which It wi not Ighly reeo\'er.
In time midst of all this reckless struggle
for rIches and addiional territory It Is refreshing -
freshing to Inform you at least one hard-
headed , sensible man of influence In England
has been found to give this stupendous specu-
laton to ' make money for promoters its rIght
name. I refer to Mr. A. J. 13. WIlson , who U
year or so ago startled the world with his
exposure of some of the methods of the Bank
of England which led to a general slinking
of that institution and a change In Its man-
agement. In a conversation wlh Mr. \Vil-
son a few days ago I asked him what he
really thought of Mr. Hhodes and his Im-
penal schemes. "Oh . hIs plot Is big enough
to have IIeaEel ! the first Bonaparte In his
younger days. I do not thInk It a thing for
investors to meddle with , and when the admiring -
miring young bloods of the home press cry
'Ave. Caesar ! ' and bIdS fall do\n ant wor- i
shll this nEW hero In buckram , let investors
and taxpayers , and all good citizens button
up their pockets.
"It the scheme Is not likely to succeed how
do iou , account for royal dukes ' as ofcers
and the prince of Wales' endorsement ? "
" : oney has bean made out of Il for the
promoters. The operation of this nhodeslan
story of tfo 'golden fleece' would fill a vol-
ume , and r m brief recital of them would weary
you. These who seek to bolster up thIs com-
pany compar It to the East India company ,
but for my part , even If time comparIson was
a happy one , I see no analogy . A company
that fell heir to a rIch and , In Its way , highly
civilized empire , swarmIng with population ,
Is very different from a company whose only
possession Is uncultvated wastes , a few wIld
cattle and 'mineraI rights. . ' A charter hath
charms to turn the gold from John Bull's
pocle t. Mr. Rhodes and his friends knew
that gold there was In London , however they
mhht feel about Its presence In the African
territory The . secretary of state for the
colonies was approached for a charter In
1889 , I tlmink. . ' '
"Dut how could England give a charter for
land which It did not own ? "
"That Is easy enouglm 'fig Englanders'
never stop at trifles of that sort when dealing
with little fellows lIke Klug Lobengula. Amid
thce men were as near the throne as possible
with two noble prInces as flgureheads. In
drawing ill this charter they Included a
country nearly as large as Drlt'sh India-a
great waste bearIng a few biackarnoors. "
"Is there no wealth In thIs vast territory ? "
"There It no wealth In the Chartered com-
psny or In Its territory , except the wealh
which men must tel and sweat for , and
hlch , for generations , mostly costs In time
getting as mueh as It Is worth , Out the
men to toil are not yet on the ground , nor
likely to bc. A land where almost the air
breathed Is for sale cr hIre , where enter
prlfI Is stifled ant Is built hy props of waste
paler ) , Is uot a land destined to he the hems
or our ) 'outh , But time cnnning projectors
and builders of empIres wih rhetorIcal foam
for mortar have only to keep calling out
'gold l gold 1' antI II emes to timeni . " i .
Such words of warnIng as these are
drowned In time cry of ' ' 1.Hto Engiander. . " ,
Time taiic of Mr. nhOdei and Dr Jame&n of ,
I new empire of 1,200 miles by 600 , splen-
Idly "mineralized , " , nil awaiting to welcome
Bnglshmen , amid provde ! ' "happy homes" anti
"remunerative emlo'ment" ' for n "wholo na-
ton of Englshmen , " and "rich and expand-
Ing marlcets" fer time "unemployel inanuutac-
turers" at home , has arousC1 the Idngdo ,
As a resul , money la beIng poured like water
Into the wildest kinds or African schemes ,
whie Investment8 In elvlizet countrIes , with
a fair hope or success and reasonable return ,
are not consideretl This African eompany
furore I really worth Etudylng , but In a
brIer letter It I impossible to do more than
roughly bkctch Its strlk'ng features What.
ever time culcome may he for the small In-
vestors-and there are nearly 9,000 sharc
holders In time British South African .
pan-those who have exploited It have :
lde ) stupendous rortunes. So far they have '
the gold , and other small Investou have an
Interest In the "future profits . " which ma ) '
or may not materIalze this generation ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H. P , P.
St mug hid for hut 1'lr".r ' , itm' .
NEYOitiC , Fob . t6.-A special to the
1 \nlng 10It from Montreal says : In view
or the al1proachlng election , time DominIon
goverment , to secure the farmers' vcte , has
guaranteet to buy ' all winter made butter ,
for \1 hch ! I w1 PlY 20 ' cents per pound , and
aLe the expense of 'ahlllpng : It 10 'Oreat
Britain . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I.Iekl.o or Elite III lteu'.rol.
I.ONnON , Feb 16-A packet containing
for.slx letters , which was dispatched from
B.emen by the lest steamshll Elbe , has
been Illeked UI ) from the water lear Deal
The letters were addressed to persons living
York In various , places In time vicinity of New
German Rcichsta3 Tokc3 Up the Question of
Silver Oonge ; ,
Oals for an IntoraticDl CongrJ3S to Dif-
CUS the Qmsticn ,
.grrirn Demands for the White Metal
Ikving Their Efect ,
11tI1Uon thlt Uull SlullIrtl :111 Iur
time Coiift'remice In Iho lul' or , \n
Ad\r o UeelKlun that " ' 1
Sheho thin Question.
( Copyrighted , 1S93 , 1) ' time , \.eocnlc , ! Press . )
IJEItLIN , Feb IG-Tho silver question In'
the Unied States and Europe has heen the
subject with which time poltcul and . tnanclal
\\orld In Berln have been chiefly occupied
during time past week The tnanelal Iroubles
In time Unied States arc folowed with the
elo Est nlenton atI the Natonal Zeltun ,
Klein's Joural and other newspapers have
Comm menteml at various longtIme upon the sit-
uaton at "m\'asiuimmgtoui. Wednesday night
during time subscrlplon hal at the noral
Opera house the ellleror showed the Inlerest
he fel In the mnattem' hy engaging In a
lergthy ccnversaton wih Mr. Hnn11n , the
Amerlean amhassalor ( , on the American
fnancial affairs. 'he conversaton touched
on time la1ll and political questons , hnt his
majesty asked to be Informed more especially
about the financial crisis , time coinage
troubles anti gold reserve In the natonal
treasury On receiving time Informaton that
he sought , the emperor added some remarks ,
Inclutlng an expression of his hope that
financial mutters In : r. Hun yon's country
\Iould he soon strllhtenel out agaIn. Ho
also took occasion 10 refer to time close com-
merelal relations between Germany and the
Unied States.
An'lmportant phase of the silver question
was reachell today when the Hclchstag declare -
clare In favor of time resolution bubmlled
yesterday by Count yon lrbach , an
agrarIan leader , summoning another inter-
nalonal conference on the currency queston , :
Miriach's resolution instructed the federal
gonrment to Issue the invitations for an
Internatonal umionetam'y congress to tulle ac-
ton for the rehabilitation of silver as a cir-
culatng medium. Previous to Its adoptGn
Count vonPosadowsky-Wegner , secretary of
state for the Imperial treasury , In behalf cf
the government , declared its sympathy with
the object aimed at by the resolution. The
motion which was submitted to the nelchs-
tag by Mlrbach had received the signatures
national liberals , ulramontanes and mem-
hus of that body , comprisIng conservatives ,
national liberals . ulramontalnes and mem-
hers of other partes , Among the signers
were to be found not only the names of pro-
fessed bimetalists , but other members 'who
ha\'e heretofore maintained 1 more or less I
neutral attitude on the question of bImetal-
lisni . One of the sIgners was tIme son of
Prince Hohenlohe , tIme Imperial Cimancelior.
The bimetalsts who signed the motion
want nothing more or less thln bimnetaihisni.
Out for the time being they have been prevented -
vented from formulating a motion to that
erect by the opposition of their own moderate -
ate colleagues , who do not desire an alteration
of time gold currenc There Is a susplelon
afloat that the support of the later Is not
entirely genuine , hut has as its motive a de-
sir to bring about an International conference -
once , whose decision they believe , will he !
adverse to the reInstatement of silver , and
thus sette the question for some tune to
'orne. The result of the debate was foreshadowed -
shadowed yesterday _ when PrInce Hohenloho
Indicted the attitude of the goverment In a
carefuly worded declaration which he read ,
RS follows :
"Wihout prejudicimmg out Imperial currency ,
oao must confess that the difference In time
value of gold and silver continues to react
upon our commercial life . Following , there-
fore time tendencies whIch led to time ap-
polntment of a silver commissIon , I am
wllnl to conshler , In conjuncton wih the
federal governments , whether we cannot :
enter upon a friendly Interehange or opInion I
as to common remedial measures with tho' '
other states which are chiefly Interested In '
maintaining the value of silver. . "
When Mirbacim's motion came up In tIme
nelehstag this afternoon In Its regular order
the dlbeusslon was resumed by Siegel , a an-
tonll lberal , lie opposed the resolution and
urged that the Ilpresdon shoull not ho cre-
ated abroad that the Helehstag considered the
existing monetary syster unsuited to the
Interests of Germany , Ho was convinced
that Great Britain would take no put In any
international agreement for the introduction
or a double standard
Leuschner of the rlebparlo declared that
he was In favor of nn Interatonal conference -
enc , which ho was fully persuaded would
adopt the principles of hhnetallsr ,
lehter of time people's party said that
Hohenlohe was temporizing. Ils attitude Indicated -
dicated a desire on the part of time 10Vern-
ment to bow low before the agrarIans
( Lauglmter ) The vacillation was a danger
In such an important matter. Time Iresenl
resolution was an agrarian Intermezzo pre.
ceding the principal act-the protectionist
resolution or Count von Kanitz. I they
got nothing , the agrarians would stir up
such discontent as woul(1 ( no he allayed by
tenant revoluton bills. ( Cheers by time radIcals -
heals ) .
Count von Poadowslly.'Vegner , who rol-
lower I cuter , said that the ever-falling price
of silver was prejudicial to Intustry and to
the Gerr3n silver mines , Consequently , the
decline would tend to deprive a large body
or workingmen of their means of subsistence .
Even monometalsts adrlted that the de
precaton In time prIce cf silver was harmrul ,
" 'he Ilremier amid mlnlsler of fnance of
France I had ltated that France must revert
to time double Itandard and that Germany was
reponilhle , because I first began the use or
the gold standard The rural ) opulaton be-
leved that the fall In the price of silver was
answerable for the drain In the 'alne of the
produets. This opinion was shared , more-
over , by many manufacturers. Therefore , I
was the duty of the government 10 return
a bene'olent Inswer to the question when It
had ben put before the Hcchstag. ! "
This uterance wa greeted wih much
conservative cheering , Yon 1ardof. I well
known ehamplon of the law , descrlbel ! bl-
lelll < r as a protection to the German
peasant class , a I sure , tlwark against
socialism , ThIs remark wa greeted with
derisive laughter on the Eociahlst henchmen' .
The chief oppos'ton against a double st:1HI. :
mini came irons privy councior In the mln-
leterlal dEpartments.
Count Wegntr her arese from his et ant
declared that the chief of the departments
were responsIble for time . ' 110ley ! of the de-
partrnents .
After n speech by Meyer ! whleh elicited
a rellly fromn Von Kmmrdoil , the 10ton of
lrbaeh was put to the hOU9 mind carried
amid 10lH1 applau from tIme members or time
right. Tin mot'on was erle by the united
votes of the conservatives anti centrists , and
with n few Ixeeptol the national lhherais.
Time newly rormOl Genun 1lmeta1c !
league will meet on the 19th met Speech
wl be ,1lvere(1 before time league by Ven
lmirdoft , Count von llrblch , Aremmulet , and
two well known manufacturers , ' 'uellng amid
Acehen < orlC
Time passage of time a'nti-m'evolutionary bill
hy limo Helehstag seems now to be asauc11 ,
the neotatons between tIme government ali
the leaders of the center arty , especially
Lieber and Graber , having at length resulted
In an alreement that tome amcndments shal
bo Incorporatc'd In time bill In order to enable
the membcrs of the center ) art ) . to claim that
their votes are , : I\n for tile meusure for the
Sake of religion anl moral- ' . The majority
of time Catholcs , however , r'gard the acton
of the centrists In agreeing to sUPIOrt time bill
as 1 desertion of party prllclples , and declare
that It will be condemned by the majority of
the Catholics of Germany. Dy winning over
time followers of Ileber nnt.i Graeber , who
number between thirty amI forty , the govern-
ment Is sure 10 SEcure 210 \'olC for the measure - ,
mire , and this will give them I safe m3jorl )
What bargain the centrists have made with
the goverment remnlns unlmown
Invitations wi bo IssuoJ b ) the government
to all maritme powers of urope and AmerIca -
ion to semi warhlns to take rart In the naval
_ _ . _ . _ o . _ o _
1IFllhl ) ' an(1 ( time fetes which " 1 take place
on the opening of time Baltic and North sea
canal on time 8th of Junc. I Is nnJer-
stood that President Faur. will accept time
Inviaton to he sent to I rnce , The emperor
Is taIlng a keen Interest In the , 'rentng of the
new canal. I Is expected I will serve 10
bring back time waning ) rosperly of 1.lbecl ( ,
Dantzlc , Stetln and other German ports
The fetes will he on a grand scale , anJ will
last five ( das
'fhe emperor was slightly Indisposed today ,
hut his trouble Is nOlhlng more tln a cold
ne , however , felt It neeesEary to cancel an
aulence ! which ito had arranged to give today -
day to a deputalon oC the agrlculurl ts' i
union , :
Prof. Erst Curlus , LL.D. . the wel known '
archaeologist , has been run over by a sleigh
and suslulned severe , Jnjurles. As Prof.
Curtus Is past 80 years of ge fears are entertained -
tertained that ho may not survive his In-
juries. The emperor has had frequent Inquires -
quires made as to his coatiltion .
Herr Aler , who was im6 commercial al-
\'Iser or the German consulate at ChIcago :
after time World's fall 1iad'been.ebml'mviij , ! :
shorty visit Germany and aarscs
In time larger cites emi time subject : "How to '
Amerld . '
Incr se Export to
A monster concert will take place next
Saturday In the colonnade of time Reichstag
building for the benefit of the relatives of
time persons who lost their lives by the slnl.-
lag of tIme Ebe , The royal orchestra will
take part In the performance.
Infuenza has secured u held In Berlin.
ana of the last persons seized with the dis-
ease was Herbert G. Squires , the second secretary -
retary of time American embassy.
The American residents of Berlin ha\o arranged -
ranged to celebrate 'ashlnslon's birthday by
a concert , address and bal at time Helehshof.
Ambassador Hunyon will presIde and wi
also , on the same day , from 3 to r o'clock In
time afternoon , hold a recption at his resi-
A decision of the government has been jmb-
Ished by which canned' corned beef and other
canned meats will hereafter pay a duty of
20 marks per 100 kilos , Instead of 17 marks
as the "favored nai on clause" In time treatIes -
lea between time United States and Germany
woull seem 10 require
cz Utl WlrCI , IS SI n\VSIY 1M.
Grand UuC ! George Suffering from a
1)angorout l'ulnHlnU'y Aftuleticti , .
LONDON , Feb. 16.-A dlspalch from St
Ietcrsburg publshe(1 ( this afternoon says
that grave news has been received again as
to time healh of the czareydtclJ , Grand Dull
George , brother of tn " , ' present Czar NIcholas
and seeon(1 ( son of time late Czar Alexander
In. Time czarewleh , who b suffering from
pulmonary trouble Is liasslnr the winter at
the Imperial residence at LI'ala ( In the
CrImea ! , his physicians ' having deemed I
Imposslblo for him to t stant the rigorous
weather of norther nl ! sla. Time extremely I
low lemperture that has prevailed throughout -
out Europe this wluter , however , has extended -
tended to the usually genial clmate "r' '
I'I'ala , amI reports hlve no\ been rcelvel
that time czarewlch has been affected hy
the cold weather. I Is mid that he Is
expectoralng blood and his condlion Is
regarded as already ( dangerous
Grand Duke George was bor April 17 ,
1871. ills healh was never robust ant he
has several Imc been , seriously II , causIng
great anxiety to his . parents.
Cnllnll loyntul lp l. . I"HIOllel' .
I.ONDON , I.'eb. IG..JI I/e court of hllh
Justce today Captaln Paul Boynton , the
jwlmmer , appeared aim po-respondent lu a
divorce case The charges . were preferred
by a man named Dea1 , .t\C \ proprietor of a
restatmrant An award or ! 7fO damages was
rendlred against Do'nton 11(1 ( time divorce
was granted The derendnl ' , Imma ileale ,
was formerly elplO'ed' Denton al u
swimmer II an exhlbltjon ) which he gave
In hungi tmil . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jy.tleolols Inenr.oundlnlll , '
S' JOiiN'S , N , 1"I"qb. . IG-The gov-
ermeut bas issued writs , provIding for the
holding of by-electiomma , at St , John , west ,
Harbor Grace and Day Deverde , Their candidates -
dldates are Receiver G nfrll Sct , Executive
Chancelor Morris , PreuierVimlteway ' , : and
ChaIrman or the Board or Works Dawc and
Surveyor General Woods , The polling will
take place lareh 9 ,
e hurr" Inl , timt.s' 'Hi ) ol,11 : One.
PARIS , Feb 16Durlng time session or
time Chamber of D llule hunt afternoon M I.
Faure I sUbmlled a motion for mime Hparaton
of church antI stute. M. Ihot , the prime
Ilnlter , siuCke In OIJIO I\lon \ to the moton ,
lie d.clarll the adopton of such \ measure
would break the peaCe of the country , The
moUon was rejected .
\n'hdu , , \hrelclt act.urtod UII !
VmNNA , Feb , G.-A dispatch from
Arc ; In South Tyrol , says thai Archduke
Albrlchl , who Is suffering from cnge toner
or the lungs , hi sinking rallldly and 118
death Is
hourly expected .
Don h1sol Smith Sends a Rlport of Ills
African Explorations ,
- -
.byssinlon Ohief Has Killed or Mode
Saves of the Natives
Their riehh Are How for the Most Part
Uncnlivatcd , '
DI cl'erc.1 R Uelnllul CI"'ern W lucre I'
Jher had Cut Its WiY 'hrungh I
Mnuntlll-Sllrlnl out I
, l.ul/ , Juurll'Y'
( COlrrl"hlll , IS9j , by I time Associated l'm'ss. )
NE\1 YOItIC , I eb. ] G-Thl Associated
Ircss has recel'ell time following letter from
Dr. A. Donaldson Smith of Philadelphia , In
which newB vr the Lake ludolpl , eater I
Africa , expediton Is given up 10 D cmher , '
14 , IS91. The letter Is dtNI from time She-
be1 river , near Somoland , He relates time
details of his encounter with DOIJ.\s Wad
GrubbrJ , an Ab'ss'nlan ruler , who haul ex-
termlnate1 or ensbllved time native Galas
nnd who preventeJ Dr. Smith and his Party
from proceed In . The doctor wries :
"Doiljas. Wada Gubhr pro\'el him-
self to be one of the tunnlest
amid wItest ell men Imaginable
Ills wife and daughter and present female
slaves had their eye brows removed and large
crescents latooed In blue Ink over their eyes.
The ) ' do not cook their mcat , but lat It tm-
medately ! the animal Is Icilied. They always
conceal Ihelr faces when eating or drimihimig ,
and the sight of a lot or Ah's6)nlans squatted
about a dead bullock wIth their cloaks thrown
comllletely over their hcalls Is very amusing
They lave man ) ' curIous CUstOI , Such a
thing as immorality Is unlmowu amen timeuim
They seem to delight In cruelly trealng their
slaves , I have frequentr seen 'ouug girls
kicked anti beten for quite trifling offenses.
" \ \ made n rich discovery ou our war
south. 1 had heard of a river that ran mm-
del a mountaIn where the great god of the
Galas , Waco , had carved a plco for hlm-
self. As we were not far from It , Mr. Giet
ant I made an excuse that we whhed to shoot
I' !
elephants which abounded there. Wo made
a hard push , and to our surprise discovered
the most beaulful subterranean passage It
woul ] be possible to imnagire. A large tribu-
tory of the river Juba had carved a way for
itself a mile In length under a mountain. On
either side of time stream were great vaulted
chambers from 1 twenty-five to 1i0 feet high
"nd"u porledon-m4salvo columns. The-col.-
ums were most prnately carved by the
waters and many would form long arched
passagos. Time mountain was holowed a
great distance on the other side of the
stream. I have named them the caves of
"The greater part of our jourey has been
through the richest country , from an agri-
cultural poInt of view , I have ever seen , and !
the climate would suit an European farmer I
exactly . There are sIgns of much previous
cultivation . but little land Is cultivated at
present. Time owners have been Idled oft , as
Is evident by the human skeletons lying
ahout. For every "Jag that Is inhabited
there at least six that without
are are wlhout own-
ers. All about these vIllages there are large
areas that were highly cultivated five years
ago , and even more recently before the
Alyssynlans grabbed time land and slaughtered
the natives. We have a long journey before
us and It will probably be several months
before we reach Lake nudolph.
LOOKING VI' IYA b' It con )
I'i > slblly that hiotiuss 11,10 Away with
Two Olhlr 1'lole.
TOItONTO Ont. , I eb. 16.-Detectives male
a thorough search or the cellar of the warc-
house where young Wells \Ias kied and
found a chisel ant hammer , hoth blood-
stained. They will bo mused as evidence In
time murder charges against the Hyams. The
prisoners at the Jai occupy separate cells .
and , In order to prevent their communication
wih each other , have been assigned to ,
beparle corridors About twelve ) 'earl ago
Harry II'ams run an auction room at St.
CatherIne's , ant Whie there lie paid at-
tenton to a 'oung lady named Miss 'mvii-
lams and afterward married her. Her fnther
was weulhv amf soon after the weddlnI
died suddenly , leaving a conslderablo Portion
of his wealth to his daughter , Harry liyanis'
wie , Nothing was Ihought of time death at
time tme , but recent developments have
accused susplelon , A few years after \1 _
limimumu' death , uld lyams aferwall marrIed
lyams , tiled , and Hyams afterward married
Welis' sister , as prevIously stated.
iii tiN IrOlt . \ I'CH'IUUI.I .
Irll.her 1'I/urIIJ on I aoulo 10 Touch I
Only 01 Irllh Sol I ,
OTTAWA , Ommt , I eb. IG-Tho analysis ,
which was made hy Sanford 1"lellng " , of
tenders received for the construction of the
Pacific cable , has been sent to tile different
colonIal goverments , For route No. I ,
which seems to be the one which will have to
be adopted In the evnt of arrangements
tailing through whim hawaii for a landing
imiace on time HawaIan archipelago , the lowest
offer , Inclulng ! time maintenance for three
years , Is U,517.000 , This Is for a speed
capacity or twelve words per minute Time
route In queton 18 entirely wIthin Orltsh
territory and would run from Vancouver
Island to annlng I Island , Fiji , Norfolk Island ,
whim branches from Norfolk Island to Nel
Ze land and New South Wales For time
adjustment or details : lr. I lellng suggest
that a Joint commission he appointed to as-
semhle In London , commeisting of three com-
nmiesioners , to represent Canada ( and one to
represent Australia arid New Zealand con-
joimmtiy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Unlo.1 nfuutes liotm'Is mit n l'rOIIII. ,
LONDON , I.'eb. 16-In its tnanclll article
today time 'rummies ! IYs that American bonds
were yedterday frFely dealt In and prices at
or.e time touched 1 % premniummi At time close
the premium was 1 3j .
. Jfllf t.m.rlrll , : Iu.lcl , ml .
VINNA \ , Feb I . IG-The .ociety or rlends I
or Music today elected Anlo'l Dvrak , director .
rector of the National Conservatory of
Iuslo or New York , 01 an honorary meher.
1''n.II" : lurle(1 ly 11 , ' vii imi rich o.
VINNA , Yeh tlJ-An a"llanche burled
several peasants at 10rzescow. Galicia . All
were suffocated .
Weather 1."r..n t for Ollhl anti \'iclnlt'-
Pair ; Continued \ 'amnmer'ctetly ; WIndS. !
' ,
I'R/l' $
I , lo..hJr ) ' e-ttfui : Until Itlrln/ i.cmm'tt .
Ulrm II " usmut . lh'cr Ucun teroluce .
Strullo , l'IOt1tO i'nttiuil II Atm'lei .
"I'r Come UII II time tIII
\lllml Illelllo ) . \ 1'lri'rlU ) , " 11111 .
nOI 'l'I'tor' " ' 1111M W.'rn tursrcleti .
UIUro tci't 'II ' nt'"le i'ctto " 1,11 ,
3. IlwI t II 1 11011 hIce.
: ,11' 1tII'II.I"ro L'roimoied.
ocl,1 ! 011 tc , at Itestrice .
HOYty imijuys Imo I Cold W"lthcr.
. . I..t \ ook In Ioc"t " Simelety ,
n. I"IIM : for I' ow , \ tImIc't to ( Immi , .
itatrim \\'Ihl' , Iuslt t'tmtt ,
: I.\l ( thr ; " 1.1 1"111
Ilrlll'ul' t"IIIIllt II I I lit \,1 II.
1.I'ollcl UhllA ) imitter .
, \lltt" itt Soulh , 0111" : ,
7. iitiiTti Icu lull's Nc'xt \llt Wc.l.
Ilell , lt Iii thu Ilo Ir iti'muimuyi ,
em. Comm mm ty Cc"uII".lonl' tutu Slll\le .
1HOl'le IMIIII ! 1.11. : . . . Bolln )
On Ohl OCl'II ! 11'ln/ us Ii liszt . ,
11. " ' 0111 m Ih'r I "n ) N 1111 1"1'1111. I , .
t 2. 1\1111:1 I : I I 1111 Co an in elm C ,
I 3. G nit' rim mm , cut COlt'II I Ir ' [ 'ci eg ra Pit ,
Cnlrlhl. i fl I the Io her Ionlr.t. I !
1010 I 1l11"11' ' I imimmq not / \ rm'.l Ii gi'ti.
A Iprll.emoll ' 1011111. . \ rn ICIIICCII ,
II. "lnl : tile ChlrohoM ol the Ch ) ' ,
I a . Couch it lout , or Onmh I I' . , Juhlln/ 'm'rmm tie ,
( : IIII'IIlllt InIlelil I t : e US.
1'ciitureM or Iho Iho hlool Market .
II ( iOt'ut " 'mmsiiiigtott's Several l'ortrmults.
tic , " 't8 , \0 n I'cotmui-mtcr. (
I 7. l'orell Strikes 1 nerOIm . ( ttit.
IN tiuys' nll ( i1rs' : Iel.tlclt. :
I u. Wm'ld Olllt or Sl1rtlll ( osmp.
20. < hrollc"H : or COlnt . \llnnlo-l\ , ' .
.s.l\ . i'.I J1 1'.lS1i.\(1IIt JI'ltCKIP.
mnhor or I'crsoiusuiujmmrmitl ! hit No Uno
m ' i I tcd.
IIT'SBUIG , Kan. , Feh IG-Tho regular
Santa Fe assenger train was wrecked ! just
outside time city lmits this evenIng , and
several of the passengers Injured. None of
them , It Is thought , will die. After bllug removed -
moved from the wreck , the Injured passengers -
gers were ! lstrlbuted over the city , malcng
It Imllosslble to get un accurate list of those
hurt As far as obtainable ! the list Is as
follows :
Conductor Hamsa , internally Injured.
George Davis , 1 boy , leg mashel.
Miss Dertha Garver , side puncturCl by
brollen tmber amI otherwise badly Injured
Under Sheriff 11 Adsi , both logs broken , ,
arm located , cut about the face.
Irs. Dr. M. Ii. Johnson , leg broken , face
and body bamhiy cuI.
Son of Mrs Johnson , Injured immternally .
body mashed anti car cut or
Joe Ennis , leg broken cut about time face
and appears to h Injurel internumily.
Miss Laura James , leg and both arms
broken : ugly hole In her head.
The accIdent occurred just outside the city
limits , at the junction Pf time Santn Fe ,
. Missouri - . . . Pactc amI the Kunfas City , Mcmii-
phIs' & Gulf roads. A Missouri Pacific coal
train was swichIng , and the englnCr looked
back for signals , tailing to see time approaching -
preaching Santa Fe passenger going north.
The coal traIn struck the tender of the
Santn Fe . Ihrowlng time entire passenger
train except the engine to time bottoni of
a fifteen foot embanlunent. Every person on
time Santa Fe train was mere or less injured
and the wonder Is that nobody was killed.
The Injured wcro removed as quickly as
posslblo to time ' houses In the neighborhood
and cared for. Tim wrecked train was the
regular Santa Fe passenger , which arrives
hero at 5:05 : and returns to Girard. The
passenger list was fortunately ligimt . So far
as learned none of time crew wIth the excep-
ton of Conductor Ham SlY were Injured ,
Ooth crews put the responsibility for the
mishap on the other. I Is said the Mis-
sourl Paclte engneer : signaled for time cross-
lag before the Santa Fe train was wihin
the regulation - distance. .
ANXIO U : : FUl I'll. ,1l ,
( Julius endS liar l'orOlolt 'wu 1I : nllrlls
to 'l'rcl.t wih , Jnlli' .
CIEFOO , Feb 16-All the fOl'elgners who
wee serving with the Chinese forces at Wel-
hal-We-i except the Amerlcah John Wilde ,
alias Howle or Harvie , have been set free.
Wldo Is time man who was arrested hy the
Japanese at Kobe , aboard the French steamer
Sydney , with Cham T.I Moore , formerly interpreter -
lerpreter for the Chinese legaton at Wash-
Ington , and an Enllshman named Chameron
on a charge of being engaged In a Illot to destroy -
stroy Japanese warships by means of tor-
pedoesHo and hIs two comllanlons were released -
leased on taking oath to do nothing to as-
sist the Chinese durIng the pending war ,
I Is reported Ihat 1,1 lung Chang , enl of
time new Chinese IJCUCO envoys , Is 01 hla
way 10 Port Arthur , where imo Is to meet
envoys aJpoluted hy Jallan and nrrange for
the ceasaton of the war , I Is sold hero that
Russia amid England will offer 10 medIate a
Jeaco between China and JalJan A report
Is also In elrculaton here that the foreIgn
representatives at Pellng are again appre.
Iwnslvo of trouimie , and have ordered guards
to bo hrouht up from theIr respectIve war
ships at Tlen'sln for the 11rotecton of time
legaton . -
LONDON , Feb , 111-Timls attennoonm's Ial
Mal Gazette prints a dispatch from Chefoo
repeating the stutement that Admiral Tlng ,
the Chlneso : , avai commander : at \Vei.hiai-
Wel , has ronlulted suicide on account of
time reverses to the Chinese forces , Time dispatch -
patch adds that Commotoro Ilu anti Generl
Chang ha\o also taken Ihelr own lives for
time same reason ,
WEI-hiAi-W'iif , Fob . IG-'he Japanese
forces are now In complete occupation of time
Island of I.ln Ilng 'ao ; In time hay hero , time
forts on wllch were time last to hold out
against the victorious - - Japanese feets ,
JII'xlt1 I I I its COIC"llolt , l II 111 i : ,
CITY 01" MEXICO , Feb 16-Gmumitemmmalaum
Minister Do Leon h confined 10 his bed hy a
slght iilmmcss. 'fho negotiatIons between
Foreign Minister arlscal amid Gu lelalnn
! lnltter De I.eol contInue most slommly H
Is untrue Ihat they are dlscusMln time Ilnount
of Indemniy to be paid by Ouatemala amid
that Uualenlala concedes \hlt an Indelnl ) .
and apology Is duo fexlco : Mexico has not
receded ole Iota from her original demandp , a8
outlned by Diaz II his mestage ollenln" CVI-
gi ces . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ii m'ooimmst irk s trim In 1lllcl" : , Ar" Free
OTT\WA , Feb . IG-Th govrnment bu rt-
cel\'ed notice from the Treasury ) department
at Washington stating officially that bro l.
stIcks were on the Unied States free list. I
In view of the Un led Stat ! decisIon a rec
orrendatlj has gOlo to tie counci for the
adoption ! of reciprocity In this matter
Debate on His Resolution Consumed the
Day in the Senate
Dcnouno as a Dcoy Move of the Gold
Says Colorado Senators Would Reduce Us t
Silver Monolotalsl ,
Cllhu I s ' 1'll'rnI'n Orounl. I , l fnr l'hlrJlnJ
llslm emu est ) ' In I I ho lmi ! 'Irl"I.'llnn- I
I mmt'fl'c'et tin I 1lurl : 10 t 'llw1'
thic' , ' /rh'nl urt ll ,
WASINGTON , Peb. 10.-A storm of dana-
cal Ielnto ( swept over time Benalc loda , cx-
ceeltnl II Iltensl ) any ! ISCURSlol the II'POI
branch of COI\reSH \ has humid 11 many tlmmys
I was brought 01 by Mm' . liill'mm alh'ocey of
his resoluton , lelllll the 11011) of thin
' for iiiimictallismmi nmmtl fer lual'immt
govel'nment himetalism 1\1 111)'ln ! ;
lint oblgatons In the best mOle ) In nse.
'fhe New York selalor Sl111 with his usual
vIgor , tumid . was closely rolow\ll In his Ilro-
imosuti for 8u9I.I1ln [ ; the nltonal : ercll by
a leclaraton of ) elk ) to time wHit Ilt
Mr. 11111's RpeechI'IS merely time warning
nolo of the slorm , 10I'a ! folloivtti by Mr.
Wolcott of Colermutlo . Lodge of lass1'huset ! ,
amid later hmy Mr. Teller of Colorado . In time
most scathing ltnnnolatol nHI aralglmelt
of tIme mlmlllstratcn for Its rec-nl bond
contruct with time Holhschlhls 1\1 other
forelgl banlcers : tr. Wolott male 1 di-
root anti ersonal crllcism of the imre3hilenmt.
Mr. Lodge WIS 10re temperate , but quite U9
severe II his persolal murm'aigmumimoumt of the
Ilreshlent , declarllg the recent bon COI-
tract was time blackest ICt II time history
of Amerllln flmmammce. Mr. Teller mlle < to
the hood of crilc aim time recemmt acts of :
time admmmimmistrtmtiomi. Mr. 11111 replied imriefly
amid with simirit. lie uleciared tiumit a futile
effort was belmmg immde to arraigni tima iresi-
demmt's ndmmiinistration far its aumieal to the
ltothmseimlltls , wimlle as a nmmattcr of ftct , for-
immer repmmbliaamm admmmhnmlstrations hind sold
bommds to time sammme foreign flnmmmicicrs. : Mr.
hIll declared time liresitient mmmi time aecro-
tary of time treasury imad miccuum'ed time best.
ternmms possible. Time semmator closed imhs
speech by reading time Associatemi press cable
fromu Gcrmmmnny mmmmnouncimmg time proposition of
Germany to convene ammotimcr Imiterimatlonal
monetary conference. No actlomm was taken 4
0mm time Hill resolutiomm , amid a reimewal of the
financial discussloni is expected on Mommmiay ,
Mr. Vihas having already givemi notice of a
Time rest of tIme day was given tp time agrl-
cmmittmral appropriatioum bill.
Mr. Dubols , repubiicamm of Idalmo , presented
a telegram from l'lmoenix , Aria. , wimhchu attracted -
tracted attemutiomi In view of time effort about
to be made to secure time admmmisslon of
Arizonma anti New Mexico to statehood , it cc-
citetl timat at a nieetinmg of republicans of
Arizona it was tmmmamilmnotmsly resoivcui that the
rcpu lcii renitimneumt of time tmrrit ry waa "on-
equIvocally 1mm favor of time admimleslon of
Arizonma to stateiuood at time lmresemit sesmilon
of congress , " and reiutmblican semmators vcro
requmesteul to aitl time bill for amlnmmisskmmm. -
Mr. Alien , populist of Nebraska , presemite
a resolution wimicim was agreeti to , calling arm
time Secretary of time treasury for a list of
time national ianltmu which humid beoum depos-
itorles of public funds during time last ten
years , time inmtercst , ternis of contract , etc.
Mr. 11111's rcsolutlomi , which armnoumncems time
policy of time governmmicnt to be bhmmmetailism
amid tIme iiaynmment of gohul obllgatiumis In the
best nmommey avaIlable , timemi caine mmii.
Mr. Shuerumiami offered a suhistitmite , declarln
that time policy of time govermminent simouil be
toward rnaiumtalmmimig time parity between the
tvo mmmetais , so that every dollar should be
eqtmal to every other dollar , Should there
be any ulistmnmbanco mm time parity , tuenm bends
should ime haitI iii stammuiard gold coIn ,
Mr. Wolcott , repmmbllcamm of ohora'lo , mnoveu
to lay both time resolutioni and time ammbatitute
on time table.
Mr. huh replied to Mr.Voic tt 1mm anotluer
plea for imimu resolution. Iii closing lie tia2larecl
iminmiseif an earnest blmmietmmllinmt amd ; itolmeti to
mice time restoratiomi of silver smmeceed. lie was
rejoiced to remuti an Anusoclateti imresmi dispatch
just received froumi Berlin ummmmoummicimug that
actitunm Imad been taken iookinmg towmmrul time ro.
imaithiltatlon of silver.
Mr. lull was aceortloti close attemitlomi aim ito
prcceeded with great vigor nummul eamnenutmiess ,
"rimus uleciaratloim of time imlicy of time govern-
immermt milmoultl receive time suplmom-t of every
ntemimmtor , ' ' saiti Mr. 11111 , ' 'tmmmiesms tlmoro sits
about tluimi circle a gold iuionommuetttiiist or
silver mmionommmcttmlliumt. I huavo few m-om-clu for
timeni. limit assunmmimig that a senator ins for
binmetumiiismn , thmemm this declaratioum of policy
omumimodies his vieve , It Is a n'afe amuml a proper
solmmtiomi for time ireseimt elumergency. "
Mr. lull said tue rt'soimmtion first ummmmiounuceul
as time true policy at time governmmmommt that
our efforts simould be tmmriued toivarti time ac-
conmm idisim mum emmt of hI mum eta I I Iemmm ,
ALl4 i'AitTiES iiAVll I1NIOItSEi ) IT ,
' 'I neemi not remmmiimd botlm Imolitleal Parties
timmut timis is what they imrotess , " lie iro-
"It lit of sUprcmo mnonment , ' ' salul Mc , 11111 ,
"that we should declare to time country and
to time world timat IL iii not otmr policy to
iumaiimtain time simmglo iolti stammdarl or thus
eummglo etantlard of silver , "
Mr , hull mmlii on genmeral flimanelul ques.
tiomme congress was furtimer ulmamt mmow timant
It was six mmmontims aico , Time uiroliositiomm for
gold bommds on erie humid s'ami immet by time
imropoeitlolm for ummilunitomi silver coimmago on
tmo other lummimd , Vm'iiat haul becommmo of time
pmoioluition to redeenma time groenhumuckut nn
time tinaemciai plamis ? "limit imm time condition ct
Immumetlaim , " imroceedeti Mr. hUll , "coligremumi can
at least take this onmo step timut svill aesura
time worltl that aitimouglu we mumay have our
immmmmds tied eu these various nmieaetmrcs , our
huomitis immny be taken vitim full assunamuce that
they will be paid by time best mnomuey 1mm use , "
Mr. lull saitl there mas itrostlect of a
furtimer lesume of bommmls. "Let us timemi keep
tiomm'li time interest.'mimat could either party
galmm by Inaction oum thIs subject , by brimmgung
oem a panIc time coining sumnmuuer amuti bringing
comigreutmu back to Wasiuimmgtoim again for fur-
timer legislation ? "
Mr. hllil closed with mmmi eloquent imerocation ,
fur ma intal iii mug t ii e lint iomma I imoimctm ,
"At least we can say , " said me , 'that this
commgress is not comnimmitted to gold ; timmit wa
will proceed steadily toward time realization
of blnmmetaliismn ; that we will mnalatalum our-
imationmul imonor anmd credit by uaying our ob.
ligatlons in time best money in use. "
Mr. Wolcott , epubhican at Colorado , wi
_ .
-i .J -
- - - - -