Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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F y I ,
: ! 8 TJIE ! ) OMAhA \ DAILY . nEE ANrl1RDA , 'EnRUARY 10 , 189. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- -
: -
Sa.tnrday'a Many Inducement Arc Told of
: , Rore-Tho Style and Qna1ity Superb
, ,
: . .Rck Urcn Ooo"s Wilt Uo J'lRcecl on /JRlo /
'I { bRturdR-IIRII : Orders Will 110
' : 1'lIIecl With 1IIsp\Ich-Scnd ! .
1 . I > UB'oun. .
i -
Saturday will be the big day for silk waIst
- ginghams. I
One lot of oM patterns $2.1J. !
One case new patterns $2.D3. : ;
One case new Patterns $3.76.
One case new patterns $1O.
J These are the choicest goods In the market ,
and are Just half last year's prIces.
Bargains to close out winter stock.
One lot of lal1les' cloube ] weIght Jersey
jackets , $1.4 worth from $ ii.OO to $11.00.
One lot of 1 atJles' and misses' ulsters , me-
I 11Ium weight at $1.19. worth from $7.00 to
( Keep your eye on our bargain counter. )
Values never offerell by any house In
America bcfore.
34.lnch lllack fancies , worth 2iic , for 12I ½ C.
38.lnch black herringbone cashmere , long
Sebaslallol velour ] , frosted hcngallne , 2iic.
40.lnch , all wool , extra heavy IIUalll , German -
man hcnrleHa , 39c
40.lnch all wool figured liatiste fine lIual-
fly , worth GJc ! , our price 31c. :
: 38-lnch pure mohair , figured , 3iic.
46.lnch Frederick Arnohl's best grade Ger.
man henrlelll : , $1.00 lIuallty , &Oc.
40-lnch all wool fancies , the $1.25 quality ,
special , 6Gc ; ( ten patterns to select from )
40.lnch extr.1 quality black aapacca ] , worth
50c our Price 29c.
40.lnch all wool fancies made on a granite
cloth , Mc.
q 46.htch all wool srgo extra weight and
1 Duality. 3Jc. !
rIeep ( ( your eye on our harlaln counters )
HAYDEN nnos.
10 gross ! iSo combo at Sc each.
Ii gross 15c corset steels , 5e each.
100 : Ilozen 2iic linen handlerchlefs , 15c cach
300dozen 16c lace ctJged handkerchiefs , 6c
J each ,
, IiOO dozen Cic and lOc corded hanl1lterchlefs ,
3e each.
; New Chrd cases , Cic.
New hair receivers , 6c. ,
New cinb and brush cases , 10e.
{ New photo cases , 10c. .
' New wall pockets , 16c.
Special bargains ! In remnants of laces and
Machine thread : only 2c per spool , full 200
, . yards warranted perfect or money refunlled.
A few or those can't open money banks
h only 6e each.CHEAP
. & 2 ! J packages : eve lopes for 6c. I
Large tablets , lc.
l' Dlaclt ink , 2 ½ c. I
New papHrles , Gc.
1 New books , iic.
II1YDlN nnos.
: . Via Hock hlllllll , Shortest Line and 'nsteJt
. \ 1'0 all points In Kansas Oklahoma , Indian
Territory Texas : and all points In southern
California. Only one nIght out to all points
In Texas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Omaha
at 5:16 : a. m. dally except Sunday landing
, passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In
advance of all other ItnE's. Through tourist
- cars via Ft. Worth and El Pac to Los An-
celes. For full particulars , maps , folden
n etc. , call at or address nock 1land ticket
I chico IG02 Farnnm St.
) CIIAS. ENNEDY. 0. N ; , W. P. A.
No l'e rAbOllt UnitS [ : ( 'sor\'e.
' In the Black HIlls-The output of . ! 'old and
. .j sliver from the mines or the Black hills In
ISJ3 ! Is as follows : Gold 221G76,8ii8 ounces ,
wIth a coinage value or ,11J,083.27 ! ; sliver ,
. 137J15.20 ! ounces with a coinage value of
, $ 6.540.61. Tim output for 189 Is placed by
" - conservative mining men at : Gold , 413,351,716
, ounces ; coinage value $8,238,166.64. Sliver ,
172.3J ! ounces ; coinage value , $120,676.80.
The Northwestern line , Fremont , Elkhorn
. . & Missouri Valley railroad , Is the most direct
' : from Omaha , and Its through trains are :
equipped with Wagner palace sleepers and
free reclining chair cars. Passengers for the
Keystone and holy ] Terror distrIct buy to
_ _
_ _
_ , . . Hermosa ; those for Green Mountain . district
_ _ _ _
b\1y \ to Deadwood
. Ticket ofilco 1401 Farnam st. Depot 16th
and Webster sts. J. n. BUChANAN ,
General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb.
. . -
hotter Every 1el\r. :
I' Time was when the "glorious climate or I
_ Calirornla" did not attract tourists. But year
after year the time of travel sets In stronger
. and stronger every fall and winter toward
this favored region. There Is no climate like
- ' It on thlG continent for a winter resort , and
the usual line service on the Union Pacillc
- system has this season been brought to a
_ _ _ _ degree of perfection which leaves nothing tl'
4 bo desired.
Harry P. Deue ] , City Ticket Agent ,
1 . . ' llO2Farnarn street
I'1eaqitnt : to Take
The Northwestern line fast vestlbued ] Chicago -
cage train that , ; lId s east from the Union
\ Dtpot every afternoon at Iilii : and Into
Chicago al 8:45 : next morning with supper
b and Is carte breakfast Every part or the
4 train Is HlGlI'l'
Other eastern trains at 11:05 : a. m. and -I
p. ' m. dally-good. too
1 , , City ticket omce , 1401 Farnam street
. -
-s ! . ; Recorll of U"ttlu8 Uulnr : Fought " In till'
. i I.ol"trllll& .
The suit or the Nebraska Telephone corn-
plny : against Samuel Jacobs , Henry A. Darrow
, and William H. Johnson Is on before Judge
. Keysor anJ a Jury. On or about October I ,
nn , water connections were being put Into
. 4 the store at 1201 Farnain street from the alley
. In the rear. Tile eubway containing pipes and
. cables of the telephone company was reached
, and It Is claimed that some of the cables were
Injured until they became useless The telephonE -
, phonE ! company : figures lip the loss caused :
thereby ut $20 : ; 'rhe defendants In the suit
the of the store ,
are - , owners . . . , - . . . . ,
.J.-no arguments 11110 l'OIlSIl cnurell case
were Ilnll'hell late yesterday afternoon , 'l'he
t case has lasted ten days ! anll during that time
some forty witnesses were called. Judge Aiii-
, . bl'ose will deliver the olllnon : next weel
, In the case of ( the National Wall Paper
. company aGainst the estate of George n.
IJeanl Judge Ferguson instructed the jury to
- find a verdict for the Illalntllt. The suit was
for three claims against the estate almregut-
In72Q ! \ , O , with interest t from the limE ! thE !
) fJh ! were Incurrell
Papers ) were flIed yesterday In the suit
growing out of the attaching of liquors In the
, orrest saloon on Farnain street Frank J.
UrJfen. who w:18 appointed receiver reports
. that he has Eitl the stock of fixtures for $600 ,
In answer to the claim oC Ida L. D. l"orrest ,
that she Is the 8Jle owner at the property and
shoulll he hilt In possession , Riley Uros : allege
, that they have \ a first lien , as they have : ob-
. tamed n jUllsment of $1J9 ! against the goolh.
. ' . la'id l Van Etten Is seeking to set aside the
alleged satisfaction of the jllllgment wh'ch he
obtained from n. C l'atteraon Van Rtten
, clalmll that while lie was sick his attorney In '
, the case effected a mllr"mhe without author- !
lIy. The amount Invel\'ed Is a little over $100.
1 What Is i the foremost baking powder III the
worlll ? Ur. ) Prlc'II , as It'll absolutely pure ,
110111111111111I ilvslgiis .
t After fourteen years of hard labor In the
, religious lIel\ , \ among the Swedish ieople ] of
this city Hev. J. A. lIultman has resigned ,
/ Ilelng n great ; 10vcl' of music hl'l did much to
educate himself , IInd has ! had calls fern all
over thu United States to give church can-
, - cons . 110 has : done as much as be could to
) fulfill these engagements , but his time has
been too limited IIIIlI his work too much to be
, alwoys In good voice Ho has decided ] to
r make Chicago ! : , from whence he came. his
headquarters Ills brother 11ev. F. O.
Hullman , \\'ho ' bas been paslor at Sioux
, City , h. , during the last ten yours , hll been
SCLUed to the church iu this cll ) .
Beginning of Our Great Pant Sa.lo . from the
Oook Stook Saturday . ,
lInrl'nlll In nutter , hecAt' : , Meats : nncl
JnrcA-lfnny ] : Money : " " i \I'rA III the
NoUolI t'l'utlllt'llt : for
Sattirilay. ;
Tomorrow we place on sale the M. H Cook
bankrupt pants stock at SOc on the dollar and
$1.50 pants at 75c.
$3.00 pants at $1.50.
$5,00 antI $ G.OO pants at $2.1i0.
Men's $1.00 jeans pants : at SOc
\Ien's : $1.60 jeans pants at 7Sc.
1I0)'s' and children's clothing for Saturday
almo.t ] given awny.
All M. : \ 11. Cook's $3.00 ho's' suits at $1.60.
All \1. : H. Cook's $5.00 Mys' slllts at $2.GO.
All \1. : \ II. Cook's $7.60 bo ) ' ! ! ' suits at $3.i ,
All \1. : \ 11 . Cook's $1.50 chlJct's suits at 75c.
All \1. : \ 11. Cook's $3.00 chilli's suits at $1.IiO.
All \1. : \ 11. Cook's $ G.OO chllc1's suIts nt 250.
\Ien's : suits al less than half Cook's pr'ce.
? : \1 & n'f1 all wool clay worsted suIts , sack ] or
frock styles , Cool's $10.00 suits cur price
$1.75. : ;
All M. 11. Cool's $8.50 to $12.50 cheviot and
casslmero sack suits go at $1.26.
We must sell 2GO men's overcoats and
IIlster ! to male room for spring goolls.
All $10.00 and $12,00 Cook's overcoats and
ulsters for $5.00.
All $ lCi.OO and $18.00 Cook's overcoats and
ulsters for $7.r.0.
nUTTlm , ChEESE , MEATS : \ AND I.AnD.
We will state hero In as few words as
possible the great advantage Is to you to
note the prices we are now malting on above
Separator creamery butter , the finest made ,
for 20c ; country butter 7c. Jc ! , 11c and 121-c. !
Remember 20e for the best butter mallE !
C1ITmSE DEPAHT\mroT. : \ :
Young America : full cream cheese , 8c.
\VconsIn ! cream cheee , lic , 71hc and lOc
BrIck cheese , lOc , 12e and Hc.
J.lmberger cheese , 10c , 12c and He.
Swiss cheese , lOc , 121hc , He and 1ic. (
\mATS : \ AND : LAHD.
Sugar cured No. 1 hams only Sllc } ; sugar
cured bacon , 9c ; California \ ! hams , 6c ; sail
per ] , . Ge ; Pickle ) pork , 71/ic ; corned baef . 3c. :
3.)10111111 ) cans best hard 240.
Ci'llollnd cans best lard , 3Jc. !
10.llollnll cans best lard , 76e.
Call at our cracker and fish counter for
anythIng you \ ant In that line.
Hcclllction 1in4io III HOA : frolll Certain :
\ \\.lImlnl I'otnt IIAtw"rll.
Since Monday the Union Pacific has been
hauling coal from Its Hock Springs and
Hanna mInes for 7Ci cents less a ton than the
rates previously Irevaillng. ThIs reduction ,
according to the statement of officials at
headuarters , was decided upon last week ,
when It was ascertained how much coal was
In storage , and ] , ather than carry It over the
summer It was decided to gIve to con-
sllmers the benefit of a i5.cent reduction on
each ton. The Interstate Commerce corn-
missIon was notllled of the change In rates ,
as provided by law , and on Monday : \ the new
tariff went Into effect all dEalers ! being !
notified to give the consumers the benefit of
the new rate.
General Sales Agent Chllburg of
the Union Paclllc stated that there
were very few people throughout the state
who could pay $7 for coal per ton . and ,
realizing that the farming communities were
pretty hard hit , the company had decided to
reduce freight rates that consumers shoulll
get the benefit of the reduction.
But there Is thought to be another reason
back or all this , although the officIals at
headquarters stoutly deny any Intention to
Inaugurate a war on coal rates In this sec-
For some time past the Sheridan Coal company -
pony has been pushing Wyoming coal In
this market pretty effectually , to audi an extent -
tent , at least. that the Hock Springs and .
Henna coals have shown considerable reduc- :
tion In the number of cars handled In Omaha
by the various dealers representing the Union
Pacillo Coal company. The Sheridan people
have expressed the Intention or Introducing
their coal In this market even If they woul1
have to cut the rates materially and as the
Burlington Is Interested In the Sheridan
mines and a war would 1Iely ] Increase the
number or cars handled lIfey have quietly
stood back and watched developments. Tired '
or having the nock Springs coal set aside for
the Sheridan coal the Union Pacific struck a
body blow by reducIng the rates on car.load
lots from the mines to Omaha.
'fhls rate " said \Ir. : \ Chuiberg "Is not
temf-orary by any means. II will bo kept In
operation unlll June at least , and then If
there are Indications of good crops the old
rate will ba restored This rate Is not a
declaration of war by any means. Our people
arc not In a position to pay the former price
or coal under the present depression , and
therefore wo have decided to' ' help them tide
ever ; the Iresent strlngenc There 15 no
other meaning ! In the present rata on coal
from our mines. "
Speaking generally of the coal question Mr.
Ch'lberg made the startling statement that
between Kearney and Omaha five cars of coal
were lost to the company dally anti that at
Valley , a coaling station on the Union Pacific
and ] containing at least 200 souls , but five cars
or coal were retailed last season and yet
everybody kept warm and md ] coal In his
bins. Coming east the other evening frem
Julesburg thirteen wagons loaded with coal
were counted In a distance of twenty.two
miles , these wagons being loaded with coal
which hall been thrown of cars while In
transit between Juesburg ] and Brule. In fact
this coal stealing has became a business and
so expert have the rustlers grown [
that a conviction Is next to impossi-
ble. A rustler gets on a coal train , say at
Jule burg , and luring the night throws art
coal along the road which Is picked up by
teams between certain stations agreed IIpon.
The trainmen make .but , little objection to a
rustler throwing otr coal even shoulll they
catch him In the act , for they realize that
many a family Is Ielll frcm freezing by the
coal plced ] up along the . roadway ] .
'orld's talr experts ( ound on analysts ] Dr.
Price's Baking Powder abolutely llure.
Storl,8 * frolil Chic Station ,
Officer Storey bas reported to the duet or
pollco that lIE ! finds It nearly impossible ] to get
the county physician to attend to the sick
)001' PeoPle who are on his beat lIe Is pa-
trollng Twelth ( and Thirteenth streets In tile
vicinity at the Union Pacific shops.
Alfred Jones , a colored man living on
Boulevard street near Twentieth reported to
tIm Police that a woman namell Mrs. Holder ]
entered his house on Thursday morning and
stele a stoVE ! . lIe sail that ho hall
built a hot fire and went out of doors , When
ho returned tIme stove was gone and ho
thought that It was taken by the w'oinan
Bogart Rhodes an alleged prize lighter
was fined $10 and costs yesterday on the
charge of carrying concealed weapons. When
at the station a letter was found In his poct- ]
eta from I" . II , Murray oC 414 South Thirteenth -
teenth street. Murray wanted Hhodes to
como to this city and IIx UI a rake prize fight
In order to blllt the sporting public out of ( Its
mone ) ' . .
' 1 ho Ullrll"Jtol1 HOllio Clnngi 'hum .
Important changes In the llurllnglon's
service to Chicago Sl. Louis and ! Kansas
City are made imy the fchellule effective !
\\'edneaday February 13.
See time tables In another column , or call
at time city ticket office. 1:2 : : Fariianm lit. , and
get full Informallon.
- - -
( hildren Cry faf
Pitcher's Castorla
Children Cry fo !
S'itchef's Castarla.
Children CrIutm ;
Cry-- ' : ; '
itcher' : & Castorla. i
The Morse Dry Goods 00. Goes Out of Busi- n
nes Saturday Night tc
Saturday 18 tie Urnncl Unl" lay for IInr- m
gains at Ilof'lle'A-lInrl"ln8 : : or tie nll-
geAt IUnll - U"nth ntllIIo : , t Any
'rlco- huts tim I.nst V.I ) ' .
Just Saturday and then all Is over. Then
the time Is past when yon can gel the most
for your money that ever hallpenetl In this \ '
western country. They have been giving
bargains at Morses all along , but this Saturday -
day , tile last day , will as far outstrip theIr
previous efforts as the sun outshines tIme
The prices that will be made this their posl-
tlvey ] last day , woulll seem unreal if I quoted
In type , besides this Is no time to particu-
larize , no matter what It Is , be It In
The dresagootla or the silks
The carpets of the curtains ,
Time crockery or the glassware ! ,
The notions or the corsets
The hosiery or underwear ,
The cloaks or calicos ,
The muslins or sheeting !
Time Price Is cut and cut so terribly that
there Is no price left to spook of
II Is a. farewell day allli nlght-anll such a
farewell. \\'hy. oven If you have no use
for time goods now , It will pay you to buy
them to hay aside for a year or more . Thero's
not a slngo ] thing from a button up but
that has almost lost Its price.
It's done to get rid of as many goods In
this one day and nlght-Satunay-as ] Posh-
be. ] Prices are no longer nn object. :
The Morse Dry Goods Co wIshes to thank
their friends and others who have so gener-
ollly assisted them In reducing this 1m.
mense stock and this their farewell solo Is
really and truly Intended to how their _ ap-
predation of It more titan anything else. But
bo that as It may , the fact remaIns that
Saturday Is posItively the last day and that
a little money never has nor never wilt buy
as much an'where as It will ot Iorse's
Saturda ' .
) _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
UoctorA' I/SOl18810n / nt the Current Topic
CI tub.
At the Current Topic club meeting Thursday -
day night the subject under discussion was
tIme clt.s health
Dr. Somers divided the history of medicine
Into four periods. The first was tIme primitive
period In which the methods were those of
time wizard and the mnglclan and the use of
drugs was practically unmown. ] The next
pello:1 : brought some knowledge of chemistI'
and "lth It the search for some mysterious .
elixir that would be a panacea for all ills .
Then came the search for speclllcs allll then
the present perIod or preventative l1Ielllclne
This last , In his opinion , had a glorious
future. II was attacking the very source of
dIsease and the speaker ] affinned that within
the lives of many present many of time
diseases that now I'.1rrlp,1 ncr 'hplr finn,1. ,
annually - would " bO- ' practically - - aumimihilated. ' ;
lIe cited the years IS92 and 18J3 ! , when the
henlth department of New York City saved
the country from an epidemic or AsIatic
ehoJHa. \\'ho could estimate what such an
epidemic unrestrained by the efforts or tIle
health department , would have cost In lives
and mone ) ' . Time city or Hamburg stamped j
out an eldemlc , ) , already In progress , by
cleaning UI ) the city and causing the drlnle-
Ing water to bo boiled
Time speaker then went Into n detallell
history of the progress that had been made
In staying the ravages or t'phold fever ,
smallpox scarlet fever , dIphtheria and a
dozen other dIseases , and cited numerous
statistics In support or his position. Coming
at last to Omaha , he remarked ] that her nat-
ural advantages should make her the health-
iest , city In the country. Continuing , ho re-
mar'd ] that the local health department
could accomplish but little so long as Il was
used as a political ] foot ball. Time office of
food Inspector was largely ] a farce , and should
be abolished. This work was good so far as
It went , but the average citizen was not In
the habit of buying decayed meat and vege-
tables. It would be far more Important
to know something of the purity of spices , ,
baking powder and a long list or articles In I
dally : use , than that a car load or rotten
potatoes should bo occasionally condemned
Dr. Saville agreed In many Instances with
the position taken by Dr. Somers , and stated
that the public , which was not conversant
with the work being done hy the Board of
Health , and which was not apparent to a
casual observer , could not appreciate what
was beIng accolllpllshed by the board In the
matter of sewer and plumbing Immspectioem
'fho department of time city which should have
received the full appropriation , which was
asked for to carryon tIme necessary work ,
was the one to receive the heaviest ] cut In
Its working rorce. He said that he believed
a competent force should be employed and
that a chemIst should be employed In the
health department.
Why Is PrIce's Badng ] Powder the most
economical ? Because It's absolutely pure.
Fllneral ot D. C. Smith /
The funeral of the late. D. C. Smith will be
held from the family residence , 220J ! Seward
street Sunday mornIng at 10 o'clock 11ev
John Williams will officiate and time services
will be under the auspices or the Grand Army
or the Republic , of which order lIIr. SmIth
was a member. The Interment will bo at
Forest Lawn cemetery.
Taking } ) OWI1 the W1I118.
Workmen have commenced removing the
third , fourth and fifth stories Of time Hellman
building at 'fhlrteenth and Farnam strebts ! .
Time building IHIII been condemned by time
Board of Inspection.
Must Make TIon1sehH Acquainted with
UlIlIlllnjts In ThelbRlllpectho Ulstrlct .
While the appllettbms of 100 or so
ambItious cItizens hol'woulcl like to wear
the uniform of the fire department are under
consideration the addition to the force Is not
the only reform thah hi , In prospect. One of
these Is n change In' time gradation \ of the
men so that a lieutenant In each company
will be added to tlmeoiflcers ) of the Iepart- ]
ment. ThIs Is renrJered necessary by time
plans of the chief inrgard to the Inspection
of the territory In each district by the
captains of eonmpanles On tIme hydrant maps
which are now nehrly completed \ , time city
wilt be divided Into as many districts as
there are companies and the captain of each
company will be expected to make himself
thoroughly familiar with every feature of his
district As It Is reasonably to be expected
that his company will be the first to lay In
at a fire In that district his familiarity with
the bulllllngs , and with the hydrants and
mains In that vicinity will liii n material
advantage In getting held of the blaze at the
start The captain Is expected to not only
thoroughly acquaint himself with the location -
tion , , size and condition 01 hydrants and
maIns , but to be famltlar with every materIal
feature or the buildings In that territory.
lie must male a thorough Inspection of
every large building antI note the location ]
and character of all ' stairways , elevators and
other opcnlngs. 'fho thickness and condition
of the walts must be otte1 down aumtl remembered -
membered , as well as the location of any
openings that might furnish aim avenue for
the flames According to the present system
the company would be left without a head
while the cnptaln was absent on hIs trips of
Inspection and conselluentlr one memlJer of
each company will be promoted to tile position -
tion of lieutenant nnd will have commllntJ of
the company durinI the absence of the
captain ) These appolnlments will be made
lit an early date.
Chief Hedell will soon give some of hIs
allentlon to time mailer or fire tJrllls In time
public schools At present there Is no regu-
iar rule for these drills. In some of the
schools the princIpals drill the pupils occa-
slonally In malng ] a quick exit from the
building , but In most of tIme schools the
drills are so seldom that they are of but
little benellt. It Is the opinIon of the chief
that there should he a regular fire drill In
each school at least once or twice a , week .
This should be Insisted on . so that time pupils
may become so fnlllllar ! with It that hwy
will go through It mechanIcally lit a given
signal , no matter IIIIIer ] what circumstances
time signal may be given.
A change ! Is also contemplated In time
present arrangement of tIme alarm boxes.
The system ha becn gradually enlarged to
meet the relJulrements of the service and
thue Is but little regularity In the location
of the boxes Par Instance , box 27 Is at
Twentieth and Cass streets , box 28 Is at
Sixteenth and Vimitoum or In an exactly up-
Posite direction from the center of the city.
It may easily happen that when an alllr/ll
Is turned In , the man emi the floor or an
engine house may not bo Julte. certain
whether time gong struck. 2i or 28. As they
are In an opposite direction the company
would be materially embarrassed and they
must eIther lose tlame waiting to uscertaiil
the right box or run'lIn even chance of going
In the wrong dIrection. H the baxes were
numbered In a regular order , according to
location , there would be no such dhhilctmlty !
says the chief.
II Is not unlikely tllat there will also bo
some changes In tha.rulmlng card. The 1m.
mediate central part of the city Is guarded
by time chemical , hose , and hook ] anti ladder at
Engine house No.3 , at Eighteenth and
Ilarney streEts ; two , steamers and the water
tower at No. 13 , at Fouteemmtii and Howard ,
and No. 2 hose comppny at Tenth and
1)ouglas. ] It may occur that both 28 and 3s
will be called out 05 , tIme business district by
/In nlarmmm This would leave this territory
only protected by the engines and , the water
tower , and In the abscncc or tIme lmoo corn-
paroles thlQ apparatus would.tio like an un
loaded musket , ony/-IIt' ] , to look ' at . They
would haye to walt until hose arrived from
lghth and Pierce or the 'j'wenfy.slxth and
Leavenworth engine houses before they could
turn a stream on the fire To obviate tllis
objection It will bo necessary either to
change the.arrangement of the I'I111ne houses
so that one of the hose COUlpanles will Lo
established at No. 13's house or to change
time running card so that 2s and 3s will
nenr leave tIme business district at time same
One Idea was adopted this week ] , and this '
It Is expected , will make a material differ-
ence In the gas bills of the departmmiemmt
Heretofore the gas company has been In the
habit of sending In Its bills . for each engine
house once a month and time captain at tIme
house hall no means of knowing how much
gao : they were btmrnimig Chief HedeH has
given the captains orders to take the read-
Ings cf the meter each month and send them
In to the central 0111cc Then when the gas
bills come 'In they will bo compared with
the figures submitted by the departmEnt ! amid
any overcharge will be Immediately detected
This system will also have the advantage of
showing any useless burning or gas at any
or the houses.
. .
Wimy are sunbeams like PrIce's Cream
Baking Powder ? Because both are absolutely ]
] aIrs Not8un' " Will 1.11011.
The will or mIssing Ida H. Notsbn was flied
In the county court yesterday by her step-
motimer 1\Irs. Cook. The will was executed
March , 1SJ3. ! The proceeds of two life In-
surance policies , aggregating $3.000 , are be-
lIueathed to her two cimiidren John Hush Is
named as executor. There will be a light
over the will , as It will bo necessary to prove
positively that lIIrs. Notson , her two children
amid her father are dead , before time policies !
will be paId.
_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
- -
Only 25c for a. box of Stearn's Electric
Paste to rid your house of vermIn.
_ _
¶ ADAM' AND Eves
occurred over what they ate. Modern house-
wives , take warning. Don't listen to tempting
voices-use your own judgment - choose for
yourself and husband the proper . food
is the wisest choice , for mary reasons . In the
first place , it is pure-perfectly pure-J pee to
you if you find that it is not. A piic/fi1 ! has
power enough 10 do a pound of leaVC1liul
In point of price it certainly will suitty.ou.
. _ . _ . . , . , _ Ii. ) e _ . .II J
- -
10lollcr. . No . 'ileom . No HI/vlncer.
. / heat. ! Power for Curio amid } t'eellllIlIl . limiting !
, . - - hay , ltuummitmg Creameries , Sepllrlltor8 , : .
' - -
- -
- ' or Portable.
ltoi2Ohi.l' ] . 8tol0iIP.
. . - Send for r.ttalourI'rkl'll , etc. , describtmm ; worl' to bol1ono.
v TIIEOTTOCASEIICINEWORK& a1 : & " ' "Iuut Htll.l'III1AUJ I.l'lIl\.l'A.
ChiCIIItO , u Lake St. , OIUhIl , 3:11 : So 15th St.
Property hYIUlf'II lImtllnlr : to Secure R
Street 1tnUwR JtrnAI"n. :
While the residents of the southwestern
portions of the city arc delighted ! \ In knowIng -
Ing that the state fair grounds have been
located on the lands of time DrIving Park
association In the vicInity of Elmwooll park ,
they have thrown down the glove and have
entered the lists In a fight to secure an extension -
tension of one of the street car lines.
It Is a foregone conclusion that the Omaha
Street Hallway company will extend either
the West Leavenworth street , or the Park
A venue line to the fair gronnt1s. Which hue
w'lI be pusherl out to the objective point has
not yet been cletermlnt'll upon by tIme corn-
pany , nor will It be until after the directors
can hold a meeting , whIch will be seine time
In the near future. In the meanthl10 rest-
dents and Property owners along both routes
are making life mlserablc for the olllcers
at time rapid transit company , as they meet
these gentlemen upon tile' streets at their
homes amid In their offices , always present-
Ing arguments to show that the route which
they represent Is the one whIch shoulll be fol-
ltmweml Both of the proposell extenslonD are
of about the same length , being about two
nlHl one.half miles each
Shoulll tIme company decide upon tl\klng the
West Leavenworth street route , It will mean
an extension of the line whIch now runs out
on I.eavenworth to Fortieth street Time
extension woulll bEglu ! at the tracks ] of time
I Bell line , running west Ilast tIme Holy Sepulcher -
, ulcher cemetery , anti thence on to the east
line of Ehnwooll park , where It would ] ! turn
ami run due south to the grouncIs. If the
other extension Is cIerltecI ] upon , the lIne will
start from tIme southwest corner of Hanscom
park antI follow out all Center street , touchIng -
Ing the fair grounds at the southeast corner ,
hoar time main entrance. No matter which
route Is selected ] , the coml1any will IlIIt In
a. double track anti Ilut on a first class service
cIurlng the summer months , as well as cIurlng
the time of hodlng ] of the fair , thus 11Ivlc1lng
the traiilc which bas heretofore gone to
liamiscom pa rk.
Time hark commIssioners arc more than
pleased with the decision IIpon the part of
the street railway peollle , as they feel that
It will at once bring mmwoocI Into proml-
ncnco as an outing place , and at the same
time relieve Hanscom Park to a great ex-
tent.Olllccrs of the compan have been over
the proposed extensIons ancI fluid some oh-
jectlons to both , On time West Leavcnworth
route there Is an unusually heavy grade
In the vicinity of the ccmetery. This woulcI
have to be rellucecI In order to successfully
handle heavy loads , hut liS an offset there
is n large ttlement along the entire street ,
nlmost to the park. ) ) own on the Center
street hue , residents are fewer , but tIme gracIe
Is conslderablo easier Alonl\ both lines time
Ilrollerty owners have waived cIamalles , and
have agreed that the COIl1Iany ) shall not be
compelled to pave' between . the tracks ] of Its
lines _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _
80llth Via Ilia I WllhAh IIIII/ruul. / :
On February ii and 12. March 6 , April 2
anti 30. For rates or further Information
and a copy of tIme 1I0meseekers' Guide call
at time New Wabash office , 1415 Farnamn
street or write G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. Agent , Omaha , Neb.
, ,
From the Thioment
of Birth use
It is not only the purest , sweetest ,
and most refreshing of nursery soaps
but it contains delicate emollielt ;
properties which purify and beautify
the skin , and prevent skin blemishes ,
occasioned by imperfect cleansing at
birth , and the use of impure soapS
Guaranteed absolutely pure byanalyt- t
ical chemists of the highest standing.
Sold throughout the world. Price 2SC. POTTeR
Dp'c ; AIIP Ciimu.u . . CIIHr. , . . SO' " Prop'In' / ' . n. Mo'
"All "hour I" . " " . C ' ; " ' " ' " '
Our record ot actual anti undeniable cures oC
BYI'UIIIS Is phenomenn' ' 'Vo tllrnlsh nil med-
Iclnes fl'co nlld eradicate the polson from time
system In DO days. Cure mtarnnteed. .
Hours , 9:30 tJ ' 1.30 ; Wednesdays and Satur-
clays. D. P. m.
812 New York Life Oml1ha , Neb.
= .rKE.-
DROPS Purely
IHIUI Vegetable .
Prepuired from the original (0 mtmhz Jrll :
I cl'ved In the AI'clllve ! ot 1110 Uol.V LnUtllIlAv
log Ull authentic hlEtery dating ! boe4000yeal'IJ
fo : all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Price 50 cemits Sol by all Ilrulrgists.
'rhe Fra'.1cisan , : Remedy Co. '
131 V1. ! ' : URE.f 8'1' . IJHIOAOO , XU
furC1r'tiiarer1 : 1m m.tmqtam3CIen"
For sale bj Kuhn & Co . t5t Dmglas
' ' '
Teeth Without Plates
, I sr.
P \Ilr \ ? : : \tarlla n 311
1'01 , JS , .
l'imll 1 Set Teeth..t 5.00 lh'CI' 1'1I1111s ; , ' l.G . )
host 'l't ! 'th , . . . 7M I'UIO 00111 ( Flllln\s : thO ! }
1'IIIn l'lat" . . . . . . . 10. ( } ) 11 Gold L'rowns,2k 0,0\ \
' ' IIl'JclglllUUllItooth 0,00
l'lIlnlcs i'vtrac'mm Sue ihuitigmi
Teeth Out In Mornl' 'g ' ,
New Teeth same day
We have prepared
- I a Little Book \
/ Q which , if you are suffering
I from Consumption , or any
# . - . wasting disease , will \ interest
/ you . It can b had for the
- f/ askillg. Send us your name
-Ti ' - - , / , on a postal card and one of
, _ 11't _ . , Uncle Sam's lettcr-carricrs will
, ; . 1 bring the booklet to your door
' / It will tell you all about the '
I f 6/ \ry ryIa 1 cst discovey in i ! medical I
' 1 ; : \ sClcnce- vhat It IS , . and why
% f and how It cures dIsease i of ,
the success it has met with in Europe , and the good it is doing in ,
this country. This preparation is known as ' 7
It is composed of Ozone , Guaiacol and Cod Liver Oil. Ozone '
and Guaiacol are the most valuable life-giving and germ-dcstroy-
ing agents in nature Cod Liver Oil is thc prince of flesh-makcrs
and tissue-builders. These three ingredicnts have becn prcscribed
separately for thc cure of disease for years , but no successful attempt -
tempt has ever before been made to combine them ill a single
remedy. This is why
Ozo1ll11lsiol1 is Coieis . Coughs , Consumption and
. I all Pulmonary Troubles ; Scrofula ,
Prescribed . . FOR { Genernl Debility Loss of Flesh
by PI1YS1C1811S ( AnICmia and nil Wasting Discnscs.
- - - - - - - -
Manufactured by T. A.SLOCUMCO.,183 Pearl St. , Itew York.
r"L..r1-.rr..rJ. .1j'
KUHN & CO. , 15th and Douglas Streets , Omrtha.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - . - - - " - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ -
I , : "
CUPIDEfiE" I , , " , . , , .
Wn seal tim' ' marelom . . . French
. . , ' . . . . .
Cure'm time effects t 01 I , _ ' .
. legtui guarmmmteo ' Ihllt l.t.mmOs us III
self.abuse , excesses , 1'1'111' 1 1I1..horae..t- CmI..lnne : .
- " ' emIssions : : ! impotency I ( t'll : ' : . . . . . " ' , , ' . . . . " . .rl.oedo I
' ' . ' : umIIU"o1'UItI : t..1 \ imr.'r .
' I' I' r. . < > r.
. 5 _ vnricocelc I amid eonst I ' \ " 1 \ ( - { 'u it alld foCI"Jctis rd.
[ ) nation One 1I0llar a I " . . . . . MOFIL .
' : A.II. ,
/ , 1EE : 4 box , six for t5. For . I 'l 'tl'- ' 1M. Armon , Agrnu , UndDD.II , ( mhl . . .
> ; , 5sale by TilE : GOOD. I . . . . . . _ _
_ _
- - - - - - -
- - - - -
. . . . _ , . . . , . . , . . . . ,
, .
" - - - ! ' "
" ' ; ) ----,1J > ; O. ; : ' ' ' ' ' lmlrIIL.'G. 'l I1f' ' ' =
I Yes , We Have Everything I . :
Spechl ! Bargains for Tilis Week.
\Ve have not time i'oommi to show cutsbut ,
CJ ) nssUl'O . you thc 111'ico mentioned ill : \\011 double tIme IH'icc oiTci'etl
. ' C1 > A $ lfi CholTonler COl' . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.00
S : : I A * 9 Upholstered Patcnt Rock-
- . . _ . Cl' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50
. - : : I A $5 II1I'dwood IJcdstcfill ' . . 2.00
I -t - t CD A $20 hm'd\\'ood Bedroommi suit , 14,50
I -B _ s A si : Hungiug- Lump fot' . , . . . . . 95 :
I A $2 High clink' COl' . . . . . . . . . 980
-k--l ; . Orj . . . . A $50 Pm'lol' Suit tom' . . . . . . . . . 29.00
i C/q ( A The ; . Decorated Cuspidor Cot' . 340
A pait'ofNottimighiamn ) lace curt -
' , -t thins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950
- h C1 > A g'lJod Smyrna Rug COl' . . . . . . 750
- %
: - p. 4 A good mantel [ . 'olding l3cUfor 11.50
\Vo have u Cow of these C.dC-
: : nillo Couch loft which wo ,
- ? o . J will closc ont nt $6.48 achj ; :
: : : r t'cgoula1' 1)mico , $11.0. I
_ _
i E : : . TIcmcmbct.0 give you time . best of
I . ' cvol'ythinlr-
t ) nEST Ju vliic. nEST its ervice.
I BEST iu ternms
t en )
I , : : : r Also I'cmombm' that grods \\0\0 \ novae \
so CngAP as NOW , amid that they
. , . cannot possibly bo cheapcl' .
a. ' n )
- ! : c
I _ . , og
I- g Our Tert11s--Cash , or
' I I . ' ' P7 : ilJlv'rtlo : : r : "tl m , SlllOr\Veele ;
. ; HI' 81 Ilcr , , mmomthi .
825 worth or gonh S1./i0 / 1"1' 1V""lc ,
, tlr 811.00 11 " 4mIumI
see worth 01 ,001111. . $5 : p..r ' \ \\01'/ /
( h' I'iIII 1)0 " ) mm . 1II01i1h. .
' 87li worth ot . 8il : / ) mvm'ie , .
With wide Rille bands , Rille plpln , sprlnl I ( geol ! , 1. Wi' Ie. .
ctlgcs mill rouimclmtru soiling ike hot cmmkus ! , Ur 8.10 llur 101i1h.
edsesI roundlrn selin" IIC CI\S , . . . .
and well limy may. Aside trol 110 9100 worth oI gouIe I.\ 1"1' w..lq , ;
imbovo they'ro heavily fri JcIl mmro Oil- ) tlr Pm I : I'"I 1\111' I
IIO\'O ' Irl 111- , . , ,
: 6125 worth or . P3.SOO ' ' '
holstered wth : best steel 'lelpel'cl good 1.50 1"1' wrl'lc
, amid aitogotimer time most ( 't' N I 'I Imor ' lolth
mire 11.11'
sprlls Ild , ,
luxurols pleceR Ire nltojether for 121 10 SlliO worth or gootle " . ' 111 WO"1 ' ;
oihoucul ] . Oum , , Or $ I 43 iler iio. mmtli
(1111 lIeI
over . l"nll
On'C'CI OUI $ . 45 . , .
rIco timis iveok , Ilrglln$12 8:00 worth or good . ir ' ' 1 WI'I'Ie ;
price 1 . . . . . tlls . . . . . . wee . . . . " . . . . \ . u\'or . . . . . . , /00. HI , 15 : IIU' ) month
' f5200 worth orgomIId 35(1 ( ' wookl
' G''II' lmr ;
Saummu C'otmlm covemcdImm ' 61 '
: COlch - II 48 . 1'1'
tapestry-bargain lrieo . . . . . . $648 t : 1$23 I'UI' mOlth :
, Scud 10. for OU1" 11ulmoth : Ilustl ltcd Catlioguc. ;
OJ'eu Sa1rdaJ hVC/ilgs Untt ro O'clock. .
, _ . _ _ .
- - -
: : , . - -
. . - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ 'H _ _ -
_ _ _
_ _ iETJI bbiLiiriii-i
D 0
o D
U Si-iccess 11 Life LI
D depends on little things. A Ripans I
o Tabule is a little thing , but taking 0
D 0
o one occasionally gives good djges 0
o tion , and that means good blood , El [ 1 1
B and that means good brain and I
Li brawn , and that means success , Q
E lpanl Tabulrl Fold 1) druGslt. or by mall 0
D It time lines < : rcnts 1 box > II .rnL t" ' . I-
. ' , , . ,
Ito. 10 N
mane ( 'herntii'l ' Cnmmmny t5prmts & ; o. V.
ii : : _ ODe _ _ _ _ _
I 2 I lOjillCLIDLi l