Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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, - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . - 'l'TIE ! OMAhA DAILY BEE : \h1tTIlDAY , nn.UAnY 16 , 1896. . - _
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110ntttf Polyglot Petition from Womrds
OLratian TemperlTcl Union
trlc llt 1'11' uist ltltlll. ! lnclol or
JtltOlllol Jn Uelovrlt front the I
I.hlu"r 'rrs , UI a alt I'rohlhllry , 1:11lh"t JI teltt ,
WASINOTO : Feb. ir.-Thc MetropII.
tn Metholllst gllscopal ( church was bcorn-
Ingly decorated In honor of the convlnton
or whlrlhbon ! rs. A geol attendance greeted
the opening se810n , which began with the
Iln/'II ' of h'mns , followed by an ndllrcu of
welome by rrs. M. E. Urlmth , president of
the IthtrIctVornena Christian Temperance
Inlon , to which Mrs. Clara C. hoffman , the
recorllng F1rctary : of they National union ,
tl'SPOIUlrt. 'I'hen came a ' prayer and conse-
$ . ; rnton meeting , conducted by Mrs. Katherine
ntotson ot In by other
fohon Chicago , IlartcllHllt.
11romlnenl01 hers ] In lho cause of tLmhCr-
alice. Irs. rlmth cOluluctell n noontde
prayer which btgan nt 12 o'clock.
nev. 1)r. Lunn of England , a Ilrominent I ,
temperance worker announced upon the platform -
form llat MIsS Wlar,1 , and Lady : Henry
Somerset wcro unable 10 be present , being
. detnlnc In Boston.
'fho 11rlnclcnl , topic of the gathering Is to
cl to the attention at congress and the
president , ns strongly ] lS possible , the 1m-
nlenso polyglot petition , which lu , arrived
In W/hlngton after a journey around the
\orhl , anti now I Is nuerted , bears the sig- I
natures at more than : ,000,000 11(11110 or all
iiathonahlllea. 'hls monsler Ilctlton Is ns fol.
" 1"01 God , and Home and Native Land
Polyglot Petlons or the \Vorhil's Women's
Christian 'empernnco Union , Addressto to the
Governments ot the Worl : Honorell Rulers
81HI HepresentalvE-We. your rettoners , al-
though belonging to the \hyslcaly weaker
sex , are strong vt heart to love our homes ,
our native lath and the world's faintly of
iinthoiisVe know I that clear brains and pure
, hearts make ] honest Ins and happy homes
and thaI by these the nations prosper and
the tme Is brought nearer when the world
Ihal ho nt peace.
" \V'o know 1 that Indulgence In alcohol nlHI
OplUI , and In other vices whIch disgrace our
social life , makes mlery for all time world
and m08t or all for us and for our chlhlren.
"We. know that stimulants anl1 opiates are
pohl 111er legal guaranties . which makes th8
governments partnerJ In the traffic . hy accept-
tlr as revenue a Portion or the pronu , and
wo hnov wlh shame that they arc often
force by treaty upon populations , either 1g.
nornnt or unwilling. and 11'l know that much
might be daM thaI Is \ left undone to
rnlso the moral tone or society and render
vice difficult.
" \Vo have no power to prevent thee great
Iniquities . beneath which the world staggers .
gers . but ycu have power to redeem the
honor of tIme nations from nn indefensible
" \\1 , therefore come to you with the
unlEl1 voice or representative women of every
'and heEeechln YOU to raise the standard or
* the laws to that of Chrlstlnn morals , to
, strip away the safeguards and sanctions or
the stale from the drink traffic and the opium
tTtl" . and to protect our homes by the total
prohibition ot the curse of civilization
throughout all time territory over which your
. "
f governmcnt , extends.
' Devotional services conducted by Mrs.
lichen ' M. Barker , the national treasurer of
; the Womcn's Christian Temperance union
were held at the opening or the afternoon
session , when the attendance was ag11n
] nrge. Three addresses were delv'rell. the
' first by Mrs. Margaret D. PlaIt or WashIngton -
- ' Ington Dn "TheVDmen's Christian 'emper-
alice Union Has AttaIned Her Majority ; Is
Se Worthy et Citizenship ? " Next , Mrs.
lmly , L. McLaughlin of Massachusetts '
spolo ! ' op niorJI and pohlticalrcforni In large I
- {
clles- . 01 . rfatlda' D. Cirse of Chicago
' : Wt a retrospect of the 'omen's Christian
Temperance union , and made a strong np-
IJeal for bends li assist In ] ) ldlnl the pro-
poach new temperance temple In Chicago.
Convention hal was crowded by 3,000 Per-
eons at the evening session over which
Mrs. I , . M. N. Stevens presided. After de-
' , votonnl cxorcises conducted by Mrs. Kather- :
InC Lente Stevenson Miss : Anna Gordon read
Miss Frances Willard's address the hatter
IDt helng { resent. Doth she and Lady
: Somerset were detained in Boston by nn
attack or the grip , but are expected tDmor-
At the clDslng of the reading or Miss
' Willard's address , Miss Dele Coney de-
tvered ' nn address to men Sh . was followed -
lowed 4by Dr. Lunn oC London and Mrs.
DaileI , tile nalonnl treasurer or time nnlon.
The latter held that man hind no right to
mark out wman's sphere In the w'irld.
' "Adam was asleep when Eve wni 1.11e. . "
saId she , "amId hInd not thought to wake hIm
UII to take his advice In the matter. "
Telegrams of regret were read from many
persons who were unable to be present , und
the proceeings closed with an address by
- Mrs. Clara hoffman.
1100Ut UI'S zee nl L1 1' .
Court UOrU"I" , 10 Urant nn injunction no-
Ilrnlllll than l'Iloelon or Ilello Tax.
'WASING10N. Feb. 15.-'imo court of apPeals -
Peals of the District or Columbia today nC-
frmed time jutgmncnt of the lower court re-
I fusing to grant John G. Moore of New
Yorlt an Injuncton to restrain Internal Hov-
I enuo CommissIoner Miller from pro eedlng to
collect tim Income tax from complainant.
Counscl for Mr. Moore tmmedlately noted an
appeal 10 the Unled States supreme court
amid tile matter robably will be brought to
m the attention of lho court of 'last resort as
J00n as II reconevnes next month.
Chle Justice Alwoy . who delivered tile
opinion of the court of appeals today , took
notice of a Htalemont b ) counsel made dur-
Ing the hoarhlj that an early decision was
desired In order to get 0 final judicial do-
tormlnaton at this term of the United Slates
lupremo court , and sall :
" \'itii that object In view there Is no good
, ' reason or useful purpose subservo(1 by any
elaborate eonsldorton by this court on the
questions presented by the bI and demurrer.
"Somo ot the fluostons presented ! nJY well
admit ot grave and carernl consideration If .
11r/8ente1 under Ilroporo coniltons , but In .
this case and as now Prosemlt ti. we do not
perceive that there Is any good ground or :
cause shown for an InjunctDn to restrain the
commlsslonor oC internal revenue from pro-
clellng with the work or his bureau { In
respect to the assessment and colcton of
the income tax utler ! the act or congress of
1894. The court Is asked to take cognizance
of und deal with time case before the facts are
brought Into existence to constitute the
toundaton for the exercise of jurisdIction ,
) even SUlllJslng the court con\elont to ox-
tonll relief hy tnjunclon , notwithstanding the !
Positive prohibitory terms of the statute emI I
bolo , < lln eclon 3,224 or the Hovlsed Statutes
of the United States , which declares that 'no
suit for time purpose of restraIning the as-
sos6ment or colccton oC any tax shall bo
Jlllntalml ! In any court. '
" 'ho learno,1 , justice bolo\I' has considered
thIs case at largo and has decllll,1 , all the
questons attempted to he raised by I , anil !
lIe has reachel ! time conclusion that there was
110 lunclent crounll presentol ! 10 justify the
txerclso of the restraining ewer of n court
of equity In In ) ' aspect ot the case And ,
wltuut conshlerlng amid decIding time main
( IUeatons 11resentcII by time bill , we concur In
time conclusion reached h ) time justice bohow !
tlt there Is no sl11clent cause alleged or
.hown for the extraordinary remedy by in-
3uncton , anll threCoro time decree dismissing
the bill " should bo anrmed , anti I I so or-
Oered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l"pellnl t" . 1II'.1.nll , Ullorlnlh.l.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 15.-The senate
fnance cmmllee ha agreed to report favor.
ably the bill rellealng the one-tenth of I cent
- discrimInatng duly on .ugar Imprte Cram
b untprcuclng coontrles.
. Tile decision to report the bi was reached
' wlhoul u roil call . Senator Aldrich , bow.
o\'er. made I vigorous protest agalnat the
uleaaure. lie expressed lhe oillmllon that
Gormuany's decslon ! to discrimInate
I against American beet had been the
result of our repeal oC the reel.
roclty law and the consequent
abrogation oC our commercial Igresmenl wih
that country , and he contended that the best
I' , way to remedy the trouble would b3 through
_ te fe-enaclmeot ot the reciprocity provision
, * A9
- -
of the McKinley 1aw . lie gave notIce of a
motion In tile sen.Ho to rcomml the b1 to
the comomittee , with Instructions on the line
eommltep Instructons 01 Ino
of hIs tuggesthona.
SUU\ 551 f.LM ll'OJ tEl u.
AldrIch OtTers nn Amrndn"t Je torlnJ
hit IrdproclJ 1.1\ ' .
WAShINGTON , 'eb. 15.-Mr. 11. demo-
crat of Now York , a'd Mr. hale , republican
of Maine , had n little tilt In the senate today.
) Ir. Hill cmplalnNI of the slowness oC the
District of Columbia commiteD In acting
upon a suburbnn railway bil , In which Nol
York men arc Interested .
Mr. harris , of time finance committee , re-
ported favorably the bi repealing the one-
tenth of 1 cent differential on sugar from
hounl.paylnj countries.
Mr. Aldrich , republican of lholo , Island
In behalf of time republican members at the
senate , preslnlel , a resolution providing for
time rO.lnactment of tim reciprocIty reatnro of
the tariff act of 18:0. providing for the
bounty emi Iomestc ! sugnr nlHI providing for
defciencies In revenue resullnl from time re-
Iovnl of time duty from sugar , wool , etc. The
report wllt to time calendar.
Mr. hltither. democrat of South Carolna ,
then spoke ] nt lenglh In support of the railroad .
road , pooling liil.
Mr. Butler saul the hcalM , 10 Mr. Chamni-
ler's speech In the congressional record rerer.
ring to a "gigantic pooling partnership" was
lelmlnl wIth Muncimausemmism Mr Chandler's
gigantic 11rtnethll was In truth 0 "gI-
gnnlo : huabco. " Mr. Butler offered the
ollllions or experts showing that out or $100.
000.000 of ralroall trame only tOOOOOOO
\oull bo pooled If this bill pnssed.
Time Bulor resolution was laid asIde anti ,
the Ilostolco apPropriation bill taken ] up ,
Several nmel\lments were presented and defeated .
reatNl , Mr. Prlco sought to have the subsidy
of $19G.000 now given to the easter fast :
111. north and south , dIvided wIth a slmlnr
fnst line lu the west , running through 'Ohio ,
Kentucky Tennessee . Georgia MissIssippI
1.0ulslano amid Texas Mr. Cal added 1"10-
ritla Both amendments were laid on the
tnble3 to 2:1. :
The \ostonce appropriation hi was then
passed wltholt opposition. Time agrlculurnl
appropriation bill was taken up. Secretary
Morton came on the floor whIle the bill was
being discussed. 'fhe proposed nmenllment to
the meat inspection law occasioned some dls-
cusdon Mr. Call said the present Inspecton
laws were in'ing evaded. Unscrupulous deal-
ers were sending meat abroad Ilbeled as hnv- ,
Ing passed goverment Inspection , when no
such inspection had occurred. Mr. Platt dc-
clnrel1 lhl was a covert plan to make a
wholesale extension ot the meal inspection
system , and , It conhl nol be justified as a
means or conclatnj Germany. "U Germany
wants to retalIate " said imo "she should
know II Is a game two could play nt. "
Mr. Chandler said the change would stop
the shlpmenl of the Ilresent stock or canned , !
meats , as there las no menns or inspecting
the cattle slaughleNd. I would also give
the big slaughter houses of Chicago , Kansas
City n\1 Omaha a corer on the canned ment
business for the next two 'ears.
lit : . Vest said thaI time chalge was In be-
I half of health and life , and not to benefit
packing houses. ! , _ , , . . , ,
Mr. Culom "hI It was imperative In get-
ting Amerlcnn . meats Into foreign mnrltets.
No final action was taken on the change
In mca t Inspection or other Hems of the bi ,
antI It was lahl aside.
Tim senate bill was passed concerning time
plans and drawings of tile bridge heretofore
authorl7el ! over the Missouri river at Lexington . -
Ington , Mo. ; also the bill compensntng
Northrup & Chick for supplies furnished time
Pottawattamnie IJ1nns ; also a bill to author-
tZD the Oklahoma Central railroad to con-
slruct a railroad lhrough time Indian and
Oklahoma territories.
The senate at 5:50 : lmehth , 1 brief executive
session and then adjourned.
CO'4S1II.RII ! ) itALAt'i'1tO1'ItItTIONS.
Cb Ilrman InYlr Jh.kes a Fight on l'ro-
\'Islon. for New MIifL )
WASHINGTON , FLb. 16.-The hous met nt
10 o'cleck loday. A bi was passe by unn1-
mcus consent Cer an additional judge In the i
Ninth ( the Pacific slope ) judicial district.
Mr Bellhoover 'r Pennsylvania , member
DC commitee on war clams ! , attempted to
claim the day under the rule for the consideration - '
alan of bills on the private calendar , but he
was antagonized by Mr. Talbot of the naval
committee , who desire to cal up the naval
approprlaten bill.
Mr. Delzhoo\'er finally gave way and the
house went Into committee or the whole , Mr.
O'Nel ot Massachusets In the chair , on the
naval allproprlaton bill. The bill carrle
$31,801.01 and contains provision for three
uo\ battle ships and twelve torpedo boats.
Chairman Sayer of the apprcprlalon com-
rnittoc' opened the debate and It was evident
at once that he intended to fight vigorously
against time proposed increase of the navy.
Mr. Dolvcr oC Iowa continued time debate
In support of the proposito for building new
51111)9. Ho believed the development of a
navy and a merchant marine should go band
In hanl
Mr. Hal ot MissourI opposed the Increase
of the navy. He cale attention to the fact
that of tIme 123 commanders In the American
navy but twent-seven vera performing sea
Mr. Money ot Mississippi , a member ot the
naval committee made a strong plea for the
\ simip . saying that they were absolutely
necssary for the defense of our co sls.
: Ir. gverett of MassnchuseUs took the { -
slion that with the resent and prospective'
demands on tile treasury costly warships
were extravagant luxuries. In a glowing
peroration tbat riveted time attention of the
house Mr. Everett declared war was of the
past n relic of an effete civilization . For
, time future tbore was Ieace and the country
that would carry Its Issues to time nrblrament
oC _ arms would be branded with the mark of
Messrs. Weadock and Meyer closed time de-
bate for the day In favor of the appropria-
ton for the new ships
Tile house disagreed to tIme senate amend.
ments 'o extend the tmo for making Income
tax returns and set II to cDnterence.
A bill wns passed to authorize the con-
structlon at a wagon bridge across the Yellowstone -
lowstone river In Derby county , Montana
At 6 o'clock the house tODlt a recess until
8 o'clock , the evenIng session to be devoted
to the consideration of private pensIon bills.
nYl.mUJI INTlmtT&U IN NtUH"'ll/ ,
tier MiniSter ' XpDOIS to Make a Perdoa"l
leI Inv"lttRton This ! IrlnG
WAShINGTON , Feb. 15.-(8pecla1 ( Tele-
gram.-Hon. ) A\ro Le Ohall , envoy extra-
ordinary and mnlster ! plenipotentiary ! to the
United Stnta from Belgium , proposes to make
a visit to the state of Nebraska acme time
during the comhlj spring , to make an Inves-
tgaton and report to time Belgian govern-
ment on time resources or 'he Nebraska com-
mormwealtlm. lie has written to Senator Man-
dlton and members or the Nebrlka dele-
gnton In time housl , adtnj for lntcrrnat'on
which wi aid him In bh lroiect
Senator ManderFon has called the attentIon
of time Indian once to the request or the
reimrosemmtatives of the Unlun Stock yards of
South Omaba , that slockmen be allowed to
open UII a drive way lhrugh the Hosebud
Indian reservatIon In South Iakota
A ravorablo report was today maliI on the
sonata 111 IntroducEd by Senator Kyla of
Soulh Dakota appropriating $300,000 to be
uled b ) the Ncretary ot agriculture for the
IlurJso of sinking artesian wells In tIme arid
Ilslrlcls at Nebraska , Scuth Dakota and
ICansas . An amendment was made In the
commlte : , Including the slate of North
Daltota In time list .
I'oe Not 1:11110 Thri tl I'endonl.
W ASINOTON , Feb. 15.-Representative
Sickels of New York has Introduced 0 bill
\ time house provllng that mllary organi-
zatons furnished by l'enmtsylvaola under the
Ilresident's cal of June 15 , 1863 , which ren-
doted actual mllary service , shal be con-
sldered to have formed a 11af oC the miiary
elablshment of the United States The
secretary of war Is authorlzel , to Issue cere
tiflcates at discharge tD all honDrably discharged -
charge members ot time oranlatons reo
Cerred to . but no person Is to receive any pay ,
pension , bounty or other allowance by reason
of Ibis act. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lount "eruun htmerracks .
WASHINGTON , 'eb. 16.-Tho houle mnili-
tary commitee has reported 0 bill granting
time Mouut Vernon Barracks military reservation -
ton to Alabama for publIc purposes . This
reservatIon Is about twenly.elght miles north
of Mobile , embraces about 1.000 acres of
sterile land , which supports A spars growth
at Umber and I of very little value. Aha-
bam's heglsiature has asked the cessIon of
this property and the committee unanimously
recommends that this bo done. For several
years the Apache Indian prisoners of war
were confined nt the Mount Vernon barracks ,
but they were removed last fall and In No-
\mber the garrison \vas withdrawn and the
pos permanently
SIN\TI : : WILl. NO'r lI.t''I TO "OTI
Defeat of the , nOII II In limo InnJo .
IIRke Further Titik I'ull.
\VASIIINGTON . Feb. 15.-0plnlons In the
senate vary ns to the influence of the result
of the vote In the house upon the bond bill
upon the future course ot the senate on
the financial ciuestlon. The most generally
expressed opinion on the republican side Is
that the effort wi be 10 render unnecessary
and futile any effort to take up the nnnnclni
question , while democrats ! generally express
the belief that the action of the house will
not control the movements ot the senate In
any way Senator Jones Is outspoken In
ahnounclng his Intent to mO\e to the thlrl
readIng his unrestricted coinage bill before
final atljournniont . but will not undertake to
say just when he wIll make the move lie
has reIterated , however thnt the ant.slver
men wIll have either to allow tim question l
he considered or nlbuster against it . I
appears probable ! In view of the expressions
of some of the morl radical bond allocntes
among the republIcan senators tht
the latter course will be resorted
to tt necessary to prevent a vote.
The silver senators on both sides ot the
chamber proCess to be entirely wiing to test
the strength oC time silver queston on the
Jones bill , bul there are hulctons that
some or them mlghl have opposed 1 vote lad
the result In the house been the other way
Time talk of Thnreday Cor a two Ib's' debate
next week and a vole on Tuesday has been
kelll In abeyance anti II Is safe to say lhat
the project will nol be revived and thaI I
any Vote Is obtained I will only be upon
some mmmovemnenL hike thnt suggested by
Senator Jones amid not hy unnnimous con-
sent , as was nt first hoped. The probabilities
are , theretore. that some means will be
ronnd during the next two weeks and prob-
ably early next week to debate the fnanclul
question . hnt thnt mme vote will be reacimed
The bend men say almost wIthout exception
that In view or time acton oC time hou80 II Is
piaimm that no bon1 legislation Is probable
and that actIon bv the senate would he I
meaningless amid a loss of tlmne. They agree '
that there will bo mme revival at the effort 10
authorlzo time Issuance of bonds
It may bo almost authoritatively stated.
however , that It Secretary CarlIsle desires n
temporary expedient to provide for the Immediate -
mediate wants or time treasury It will bo
granted In the shnpe ot nn amendment to tile
sundry civil bill , providing for short time
certificates or Indebtedness ThIs Is the
utmost In time way or financial legislatIon that
the senate will agree to.
Members of the 1111 e I'rerer to Urluv
Cmisha 'hon I'uper 11,1 l'emg.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 16.-SDme interesting
evidences of the nmounl or stationery con-
grlssmen draw out oC tlm&r legal allowances
Is shown by the session accounts thaI are
now being fed In lho clerk's office of the
house or reireseritatives. Each representative
and delegate Is entitled to $125 worlh oC pa-
per , pens , Ink , pencils , etc. , every 8 S,1 ! or
congress , nnd If he does not nval hlno.r cf
time full extent oC his privilege he cn 'w'
time balance In casim ThIs congress member3
have been unusually fortunate , as there have
ben three separate sessions. entitling them
to an aggregate stationery account of $315.
Not a baker's dozen have taken out their full
quota of stntenery and the great majority
have drawn but n few dollars worlh. One oC
the accounts recently fed showed that he had
drawn but 3 cents worth ot stationery during
the sessIon , another was for 53 cents while
quite a number were from between $1 and
$10. Each committee at the house Is entitled I
to a certain nmcunt ct pens , ink . paper , etc. ,
every season ' and members avail themselves
freely or tills In preference to the troublesome
and more expensive method at keeping a ' 11-
veto s'upply. _ _ _ _
FIticSLD1NT . ' ' .
10 lal lade II FInal 1 lort for l'lnsn-
dil 1.tllsllton.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 15.-There eems lit-
the doubt that yesterday's fght was the final
rally In the campaign or the administration
democrats for financial legislation by this con-
gres Members who are supposed to know
the mind ot the president say that he reccg-
nlzes that It la futile to attempt to secure
any sort of legislation for the treasury , and
they assert unhesitatingly that he will not
again recommend congressional acton ot any
sort U01 the finances. These democrat
are dispoSed to put upon the republicans the
blame for the failure et the resolution to-
ported by the ways and means committee .
For their part many republicans who say
they would not have opposed the gold pro
vision In a bond Issue had the proposition been
unencumbered by other factors cat their
negatvo votes by saying that. they could net
assent to a contract made with private par-
ties for time government bonds , when they be-
leved the Isue could have been advan-
tageoushy In this country. disposed of by public competition
JISI'TKlt GiA 1' , UE.\TIL
Imalmmmma 1emb-r or COIGrln Express I'rr
. .1.1 Jorrow ut Ills Denilse .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 15.-uch sorrow
was expressed by the Indiana members of
congress at the news of the death of Mlnls-
ter Gray at time City of Mexico Dut a few
days ag he was on the floor at time house ,
seemingly In the best of health lie told his
friends here that he was pleased wIth his
new line of public work and had plans for
strenKlhenlng the friendly relations between
the United States and Mexico. Ho felt con-
ndent the din tes between Mexico anti
Ouatemala would be adjusted wihout resort
to arms. _ _ _ _ _ _
I''ym"nt of Aoerloll l'emmiiomms.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 15.-0wlng to ambI-
gites In the present laws relating to the
payment at accrued pensions and to the con-
Iclng constructions bearing on themim . the
Interior deartment a year or more ago en-
tlrely suspended acton In such cases . A bill
on the subject was prepared lt the depart-
mont and sent to both honses of congress.
The senate In August last passed the bIll and
I was lent 10 the house commite 01
Invnld pensions. That commitee , however ,
regarded Its language as somewhat Involved
and has decided to report n luhstlute , which ,
though different In form from the senate bill .
alms at subatanlaly the same objecl.
T\YI nays to 1"llto time CIUI"I liii ) .
WAShINGTON , Feb lG.-The petition
which Messrs. Geary and Camlnett of Cal-
forum have circulated In the house asking
the commitee on rules to give two days tar
debate on the NIcaragua canal bill was pro. '
sented 10 the speaker ) yesterday I had more
titan 200 sIgnatures and the nnmes of time
majoriy of tIme democrats were upon It.
Intl.I""ld In \.hlltol.
WAShINGTON , Feb. 15.-Severah Indian
agents have reached the City to conrer } vlh
the InterIor Jepnrtment on reservalol mal.
tore. Time agents are Captain John L. Uulls ,
Pueblo and Jlcarta agemmcy . New Mexico ;
Thomas T. D. Teller , Fort Hal agency ,
Idaho , amId Lewis T. grwln , Yakima agency , ,
Washington. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Excnrmml.mmm Steaimer ' liurnemi .
WAShINGTON , Feb. 16.-The Lady of the
Lake , one of time oldest ! steamers on the
Potomac , burned to the water's edge early
this morning at her wharf In limit city , The
vessel was time property of the Ieople'l
Transportation tompny , a negro excursIon
organlzatiomm. I.oa $30,000.
novohliou tn Colcm'1" 1"lel.
WAShINGTON ! , Feb. 15.-The State de-
artment today received a , meBsa@o from
MInister McKenna at 10/lt , dated today ,
as follows : "The minister DC foreIgn affairs
requests us to say tmt the rc\oluton Is
practcal ) ' ended anti there II no fear etUI
' further troubles have this
any Ha\e published
In the interests ot commerce. "
111In ( 'oimimmmsIoners ' \llllolnlrt.
WASh ! INOTON , Feb. ,
WASlNGTON 15'he Ilresident
hal appointed Ht HeBsho1 ! Henry n :
Whipple oC Ilnnesola a member at the
Board oC Indian Commnlssiommers.
Melvin n. HalIwil of Duluth , Minn. . has
been appointed 1 commlsiioner to negotiate
, - - - - - - - -
't I -
S Liii - > . .
R - - - - - - - - - < - - - - - -
, J I'
turday I , is Positively the Last Day
+ 1tt4 I _
; AT- '
, .
- -
Th , MORSI3 Goods Co.'s
, ThcMORSE : : , Dry Co.s
Everything in the store marked down lower than ever before to sell as much QS we can
in this one last day-Saturday. Prices put on the goods that you yourself . would not
dare nan1e. .
. The Dress Goods and the Silks .
' ' : ' , ' The Carpets and the Curtains ' . " -
' '
: : , . The Crockery and Glassware .
, ' I : 4' The Notions and the Corsets'
' The and Underwear
. . . Hosiery . . '
. , . - The Cloaks and the Calc ' ,
' ' : , The Muslins and Sheetngs . .
In all 9f them we give you a fare\vel bargain suh as you have never thought " possible.
Its possible with us only that we don't care what \ve get , just so \ve get rid of the
goods . n this our one last day-Saturday-never mind' the prices-you'l find \ve've
made them right when you come , . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, - , - .
We thank our many frends who helped Last and only - urgenty desire your atendance
iii us to rcdJce our stock to the required on this our last day-Saturday-that
4 amount ' , but we feel sure that we have Day you may secure one of the ! thousands of 4
. ' . . . the most genuine bargains ever given J
I given - bargains such as no living man Saturday.a.nd that l we may express our gratifica-
ever sasv ' before hon 1 something better than words
. .
, ,
" ' . i
.n.nYi 1 < - -
- - - - - - -
, f
with the Chlppewu Illans In Mlnncsota.
wlh : . Daldwln designated chairman ot the
commissIon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IIscmst'ed .lmem1t , 1pl'mlmectloml.
VASIIGTON , . FIQ , 5-Speclal Tele-
granm.-flie agricturmi aproprlaton bIll
was taken UI for conshleroton In the sen-
ate amid Secretary ot Agriculture Morton
wail present during the greater part oC the
afternoon , an attentive lstener 10 the dls-
cimasion. One of the Items considered dur-
log the day was an amendment to the bill
propositmfr an cxtenslon of the meat In-
specton proposing . This Ilrolloslton provoked
IconBllerble discussion by senators oh both i
sides oC time cham her , but no filial ncton :
was taken on the umemlment Senator
Plot of Connecticut anti Senator Challer
ot Now Hampshire declared that time roo-
sition Is a covert effort to give thereat
slaughler houses n corner on the canned
meat huslness
'nlthrew I'reeMIumlc I.Cmit Clalm
\VASHINGTON. Feb. 15.-Speclal ( Tele-
grom.-Senator ) Petb'eW oC South Dakota -
lttn today offered un amendment to the
Indian appropriation bill , appropriating $300
to pay N. J. Crmer oC Yankton. that sum
having been paid by him as stumpage for
.100 cords ot wood , furnished to time govern-
mont at Fort Bennett , S. D . In 187.
Time report oC the senate commIttee on
postoiitces and Post reads recommending
time rejectIon of time nomination ot A. D.
'flnsloy to be postmls1er at Sioux Falls . S.
I ) . . has not yet ben submIted to the sen-
ate In executive session I Is probable that
this cne will be consldred nt the next
executive session.
P"hl limo Ilcomo TaX.
WAShINGTON , Pcb. 15.-Collectors ot
Internal revenue thlughout the conntry
have already begun to recolvo returns
under time Income tax law . und In a num-
ber ot Instances time cash lIne accompanied
the , roturn. . , . Inasmuch _ _ . , . _ us _ the . . tax . . ts "M" not
rcqul'el to uo pum oelru July " " " ' ,
several collectors have asked to bo In-
slructed us to whether they could ! accept
pa'ment at thll time. To these inquiries
Commll loner Miller has rcplell thut the
tax mnlght ho received at any lmo { -
vhtlwl time collector Is satisfied thut time return -
turn II correct
New ( hlneAO Itogillatloims.
\VA81INGTON , Feb. 15.-'ho secretary
of the treasury bns revised existing Chinese
regulations 10 IS to require Chlnoso labor-
to customs omcers
erg making application omcO's
of mmueim la-
nearest the place or residence luch -
horors for ccrtliicatlon , of their Identlca-
ton ImuPers. to state the place In the
United States Crom which they arc to :
make tholr exit from this country . Time I
coloctors or other customs oleerK certify-
Ing the application oC ChlneKo htlorer are
requIred to transmit such nllplcntol to
time customs olcer at time place of exit
6plrltUlrayn nt thl Old Rate
WASHINGTON , Feb. IG.-'ho secretary
ot the treasury boat forwarded to the senate -
ate 0 slatemont matl ! by the Internal ro\
onuo commlsslonor of Iho number ot alIens -
Ions of wimisky etb ( : . taken out of bond
each day for the sixty days prior to Au-
CUlt 2 last , anti thl ) umount uf Intornnl
revenue tax palt , nm , ; \11 aK the locality of !
all warehouses troni 'wimicim time spirits were I
taken 'fho Itnllmlnt 'shows fruIt brndies
withdrawn 10 tIme "mount oC 5S3O1 gallons .
producing a revenue pf $524 749 : distIlled
spirits , 40.770i25 gaijops , yielding $ ti6Gt)3l72. )
I'imstmit ( .
I'OAIIP Ihlll" '
WAShINGTON , nb. 16.-Speclal ( Telc.
grnm.-Cimristlan ) \ . "nothmar'as today
commlsbloned lmostmimastr ! itt Claytuem , . und
Bertha Augenstine t ) nebron , In.
\ erthuugenstno
l'oslmasters were It ) lo'nted ' toiay as fol-
Iowa : Nebrslm-Naltu8kel. lurllo county ,
Fh. M. ' \ellan "tl 0. S. Wootlrow . re-
slnell ' Plum \ahly . Inox county , Lucy
Cornia ! I. vice Jose 1' , 1Ien8man , resigned ;
Ruby , Seward , count\ ; , 11. D. Hunllermaun ,
vice A. Y. Sklmnli " resigned. lowa-Imm-
vlncton. Kossulh county C. J. Dutton , vice
F. M. Clark , tCZflOVt1r I
'I m .
I'erklnl Arbllr.Hlon IIilt.
W ASIUNG'ON , l ob. lG-Sonotor Por-
IdnK , tram the committee on education and
labor today reported \ hIl bill fur the cree
ulon oC an Inlustrafummlsslon ! ( of twon-
t-ono persons which 19 InlerJol1 to urbl-
Irate labor tiifcuitios. The commlteo pre.
sonls a written report In which It estimates
the aggregate lOls tu nIl eoncerne.1 on ao.
count of strIkes during the vast six years
at $9 , c6,6 _ _
I..vr for , \rl ) OlIlcors.
WAShINGTON , Feb. 15.-(8peclal ( Tee- !
grammm.-Lieutenant ) Colonel Edgar n. Iel.
logg 'fenth Intnntn' , Is grfnled one month
extended heave ; Seoud Lieutenant V.
Chnrles Miller , Eleventh Infanlry four
monlhs ; Second reutennnt . .wls S. Sarley ,
Sixteenth Infantry , opim month extended
Inll.rli , fUn Jill Irolh(1 le , tlm .
W ASINGTON , Feb. 15.-Speciai ( Tele-
gram.-I. . A , Williams "r Scribner , whose
hrOthier Frank M. Wilams , lost his life
In time I ord'l theter disaster , will reclyo
$ : ( ) as the legal heir of the deceased.
Brooklyn Grana Jury Takes a Hand in the
Trolley Oar Strike ,
I'rcshlent and SUorlnlllllent of n DrooklYI
Troll'Y CnllllY tn Uo 111110 Re-
slonslblo for time "Iolnton of
thc Ten-Uour Lmimm'
BROOKLYN , Feb 15.-The grand jury this
morning presented Inlictments against Benjamin -
jamin NDrton , president of the Atlantic Railway -
way company , and Superintendent Daniel
J. Quinn , charging them with a violation oC
the ten-hour law.
Time Indictments were found .upon the testimony -
mony of James Dwyer and Jeremiah Des-
mend , both conductors , who allege thaI two
days prior to the beginning of the strike thc i
had ben oblgo to work more than ten
hours within the twelve hours as specified by
the law Judge Moore Insisted that the defendants -
fendants should be resent and adJourned the
matter at fixing bail until tomorrow at 10
o'clock , when counsel was noUtd : to have
both Mr. Norton and Quinn : cDurt. Time ot-
tense with which they are cnargod Is punishable -
able with n fume of $ GOO , 010 year's Imprison-
ment or both.
Time grand jury also found Indictments
against twenty-so\'en persons for felony all
riotous conduct during time strike Time prls-
oners wien arraigned pleaded not guilty and I
were remanded for trial.
lt'IfltDE % % 'A1f1's I XONIUtA TION.
I Not hntlled with 11 Neutral nOllort 01
Shirk Wid' " itllogmmtiomm .
COLUMBUS , 0. , Feb. 5.-The chief mat-
ter 01 Interest In the miners' convention today
was time report of the commitee of fifteen
to the effect thaI it. had
erect It not found sufficient
eyitimmce to justify the allegation of Mark
Wild that ho had been given money cor-
ruply by John McBride to pull out as lender
of the Debs men In time Hocltng Valley
strike. This report was not satisfactory to
Mr. McBride and his friends. They said It
was equivalent to a Scotch verdict , "Guilty ,
bat nol proven , " and Insisted upon , anti
finally carried their point to hnvo the report
recommItted , with instructions to the coin-
mlttee to make an effort to settle time matter
definitely one way or time other The com-
mlteo will meet this evening In the mean-
tme the regular proceedings of the convene
tloim will commtinue . The commitee Is composed -
posed oC men chosen from time respectIve
delegates , each man by his own delegation .
So It Is not In any sense what Is called
'fhe situation In the convention , ! lenl1ng
tIme Mclrho ! Incident , was hike this. Mr.
Damn , chairman of the commitee , explained
that time commltlee was unanimously or time
opinion that John McBride was nol guilty
of any corruption In time mater , but thaI time
report . " was put Intho . . form sla elldso tlat ! !
It mlgll not preJuulc3 any investigation that
mlJht bo Instulerl by the AmerIcan Railway
union or other organlzatiomms .
McBride saId < 1 he "wDuld rather have a report -
port of guilty tha\ such u rai riding verdict
as hall been brought In. Time lanunge , " he
said "Is mlleallng and unfair 1 am either
guilty or tot guilty . I I am guilty , I am
unfit to stan before you hcro today or to
occupy the poslion I hell , In organIzed , labor
In view of the place 1 occupy ( president of
the American Federation of Labor ) you carl-
not aror,1 to do any whiewashing or accept
any such report a this Unless a satisfactory
settoment Is reached In lhls mater by time
committee , I shal Inblst on the convention
going Into a commitee at time whole and I'l
give you all the partIculars oC the affair and
the nales of the men who contributed time
money. "
Time commIttee on time main set oC resolu.
tons reported , but acton was postponed . :
One resolution was adopted , after strong
oppositon , and as a compromise asking mIn.
era to wltlmdraw from tIme mIlitIa. 'ho other
resolutons adopted were to submit to vote
time maler or a benevolent feature ; to html
time Mine Worker' Journal In dIfferent lan-
cusgu ; to give co-operation to the anthraclo
mlnera In the correctIon oC alleged evils tD
labor timere _ _ _ _ _ _ _
heckled 10 leJeet time " ' 1 I 0 Scheltulo.
WASh INOTON , l eb. 15-Thl representa.
lives of the eml1loes of the Southern raU.
. .
- - - - - - ' - ' -
rand have decided to reject time wage schedule
offered to them by time company , and Will
make 0 counter roposlton to vice ! Presi-
dent Baldwin within a few dn's.
Independent l\nllhtA of Labor Jlnlorllly
Chl"lo the I're"ont's or tire Or < " .
COLUMBUS , Feb. 15.-The committee preparing -
paring the consttuton for the Independent
Order of the Knights of Labor has completed
its work. A large part of the old commatitu-
ton Is elmlnnted , so ns to give local and
district Issembles contrDlln the mnnngement
of their own affairs. The authority of the
geheral executive board to expel members
and nssembles without the formality of a
trial Is abrogated Time commIttee on credentials -
dentals will be appointed by the general
assembl , Instead at by the master work-
man. A new basis of representation In time
general alsemby ] Is adopted similar to that
In the United Mine Workers , one delegate
for every 10 members or majority traction
thereof Trade district assembles are to
ha\'e full power to manage their own affaIrs
without Interference from general officers.
A general nssembly wIll be called not later
than January I , 189G.
Legislative Commlllc Commcnces Its
'ork In I5rooktymm.
BROOKLYN , N. Y. , Feb. IG.-The legls-
tvo commitee appointed to investigate the
cause of the trolley railroad strUm began Its
labors today. M. J. Connely , time manager
of the strike , started time case for the opera.
tves , Mr. Connely said ho did not consider
that time employee had struck but "Iat time
Situation had been forced upon them by time
acton of the eompanlrs In the locking out ot
betweerm 201 In(1 ( :10 : at limo electrical worlterl
upon their Incs upon their refusal to take
the Illaces of the motormen Inll commductora ,
Another causa was thlt the cOlp1nles wished
to Increase time number of "trippers , " paying
by time trIp , whereby the men would he
obliged to ho In attelHlance from ten to four
teen hours a day mind would ( bo unnblo tl
earn more than 10 cepts to 85 cents a dny.
TIme reason the compnes ! hnd given for a
refusal to comply wih their demands was
lbat lhey could not afford It.
\lnnr.lelurer WIl Not /rbltrlie.
HI VEIUlL , Mass. , I eb. 15.-'ho state !
board o arbirton has been here vIsiting I
the vnrlous shol manuracturcrs affected by
time strike , but all efforts to Induce them to
submit time dlMculties to arbltratiozm were
lubmlt dlmculles arbitraton un-
The condemning o alum as an unwholesome -
wholesome IngredIent In ballng powders by
the goverment authoriIes , as well as by
Ilhysicians generally , bas not deterred manu.
facturers of such powders tram foIsting them
on an unsuspcctag public. I/Dlowlnj Is a
partial stores : list of the nlum pwdet found In time
"Calumel , " "Cimlcago Yeast , " " Kenton , "
"Grant's Bon Bon , " "Hotel , " "Taylor's Ono
" " " " ' " " '
Spoon , "Clmax , "SnDw l'imff . "Snow
" ' " " " " " "
ilal I 'rOlant
lal , n t , "Mik , "Crown , "ln-
rivaled < I , " "Slver Star , " "navis' O. K. . .
"Forat . City , " "Monarch , " "K ! . C. . . 'Loyal "
' 'mtammhmattarm " " " "Halchet " " "
"Mnnhatan , "Crystal , , "Home ,
"gcho " " ' " " " "
, 'l'erfectiomm. "Hocllet , "Town
Talk , " "Viennahlte Hose , " etc.
I Is lao to reject all' brands sold ! with a
prize . All powder sold at 2G cents or less
n . pound are sure 10 bo made or embuom. Tr ,
Wiey , the government ! chemls ! , In his oncla !
examinaton of baking powllcrs at the
World's rail , threw out all "alum powders , "
classing them as unwimoieionne . .
JlfFF.l.llUll IIJ.lJ .tUl/m.
Survivor or the Elbe Surroummilc'i by ills
1flatv. . nt 11011 IIimmti. ,
GHAND ISrAND , NeI . Feim . 15.-U3peciah (
'feleuram.-Cnrl ) Hoffman , the Imu sur\'I.
vor , returned Iono lonlfht to the home
whIch lIe left with wife Inll chilI about
October 1 to enjoy 0 Illoasure trIp to gu.
rope Relatives who hld been ul\'lsed of
hlH coming kept time muter very quiet . anll
there weru hut few eoplo ! at tlmt , depot
He was met Ihere hy ills fulher.ln-Iaw.
Mr. 'flmpke , anll 1 few other relatives , AK
i3oi' steppell from lImo platform mm I , most
ulToctimmg leel6 ocel.rr"d. His aged ! athmor-
uroctUG ! anti Iris lost dauhtur'H hustJTc
clung to each ether liH ! ! for a moment
broke down Not a word was H\olten ummthl ,
noticing that lhoy were attracting 'aUeu. I
tion , other relatives led holh men to tIle
rear or the depot , and rapidly hurried ! to
11' , TImniike's \ 1010 U little over a mie
south oC the cty , letatl'CK hero will semite
to It thut Hotmnn wIll rest ( room his voy-
age before doing anYlhlng Whatever .
. .
I'ytlmlmmmms Mo" nt llmmstlmmgs.
UASTJNOS , l.'eb. 1G.-Speciab ! Telegram. )
- -
I I . 11 U ' TONIGhT
Last Two PerCol'mnlces of time
0mm om. c. Stoplmemisomm'ir amid ' , Vmmm. Yardlcy'a Commmetiy ,
"THE 'S'Spo T ;
11ATINB TODAY AT 2:30. :
Prlcos-Ph"st Floor . 500 . amid 75c ; Halcony5
, anl
2c Int 5c. ' I
Prlces-Flrst Floor SOc , 750 and $ t.00 :
Baleen , We and 7c.
' FOU" NIUH'rs
.L cgluultJ Sunday , .
The solo ot scats for time engagement aD
; OW tleEartl
DI'OIH Ihls I 0 rnll al ! o'clock
Night J'rices-F'irgt leer , $1,0 arid $1.60 :
lialcommy . . 7rc nod tOc
Matinee PI'lccs-FlrHt Floor , 750 and $1.09 ;
Dalcony , 750 amid &Oc.
EMPIRE i'Oi'tJi.tIt L'ItlsE'i. ;
Tel I. : .
W. J. imuitomsm : . Manager
' ' ' '
TONIGH' , 8:15 : ,
Orld Iro.luolol . of
Coming February 21-27-Pawn \ TIcket 210. .
At the Armory ,
18th aud Capitol Avenue.
' IWRltY IWlmlNO TiS 'VR IC.
I' nlst ( .allr' era Mhlway to-
Promilmeemb. IoorH tpemm sit H. ( rall
\lrOII'II. \ I
\ I'm , ratio nit u. Almliilon , : : coitus.
Chidren , , 1 : ccnlH.
-A district immeeting of time KnIghts of
Pythmhmms was imeiml 1mm timia city temmiglmt , timere
imeimmg about seventy-five ICnmhglmts from out.
of tIme city present. A grand bammquet fol.
loweci time mmueetirmg.
, ' ' ' ' ' ,
JWNI ) Sl'NIiIUd'J'h'M JI1'U1 T
Tcmm MIlhluims to Its Credit mit time New York
oilier. ,
NE'.V 'm'OItIC. Feb. 16-Timo total delmonmitne
of gold at time assay oitictm mtlmd hubtru'dury
Oh uccoummt of thu timmml emymmdicato imp to
thu close of hiutdmmuss today were l0C37,0O0.
lltmimsel b'ntge witlmmlrew $ i50,000 gold fromn time
suhitneasmiry today ntimtl derrnmmbted time mramu
with time Mercmtmmttlu halo Deposit commmlmnmmy ,
'I'lmo mitearnmtlmip L'mimiirla wIll take out 210-
lil otmimeeni ( it silver. 'i'ime dlrectora of tIme
Nutiummul Lead comnmlmmmny declared a tluar-
tom ly divldtmmmtl of Per cent 0mm tIme irro-
( erjel , stork , pnm'mmimie Mmmmcim 15.
N1I'Olth , Foim , 15-limiting , Magoun
& ( _ , o. depomlted this mmlomemlmmg $3T.0O)0 in
gold In time rulmtremmmlmmry orm account of time
bond syndicate. h3omu of time subscribers
to time symulicato , Immstcaml of witimdrawhmmg
gold fem time miuiiscriiitIons from time imarmke
witim whmlcim they do biummlness , immtve mnmade
imurchmflees ( room Imubhiomi brokers to time extent -
tent of' several imundrerl timotmsmmrmd dollars at
a Prememiimm of to m,1i imer cent.
(1I irriblim t Os Ci , r t lmo Jimmi meim I p.
wAHhllNQ'rON , Feim , 15.-'Fime principal
candIdates for time admhltiormal circuit judgeshIp -
shIp created 1mm time NInth or l'aciiio coast
circuit court bill , whmicim passed the lmouso
today , nmre Judge lIons , preirermt judge or
time somitimern Callomrmltt district , sYltim rest-
thence In Los Ammgelcs , nimil Jumige Wallace ,
lodge of time HUIriom' court of Hntmm Framm-
chico. mmml ex.jutlge of time superior court
of Californmimu. I3eimator Vhmite itt suimportlmg ,
Judge ibis. iJmmIted States llrrtrlct Judge
l'oihlnger of Oregon is umIo mnemmtloned ,
ftnmlsm ) ( 'oisut iI.'oogmlzed.
\VAS1 I I NUTON , Feb. 15.-The lreHldent
lmamt recogmmizmuh Mr. l'etermiorm arm commmmmml ( or
leemnnark at Cimleago for Ilhimmois , lmmdiammme ,
01mbVimmcormmmn , ! mllcmlmiganm , Iowa , No.
itramilcu , Ffurmmmmmmi. Missouri , Nortim lakuta1
South Dakota , \V'oOmtimm amid Utaim ,