- , - .J . . . . . . . . . . - . , - - . , " : ' - - - - - - - ' - - - - - ; - - - ; - - - - S - ; : - 55 ' : r--- > " " ' - ' - 0 . Tn OJIIA DAILY ) Y FEHUU.ARY : IC 1895. 4 TUE OJ\ \IIA J3EE1' ; , 1 , , - : - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i3Ei1rATU11TAY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - - . , , Tn .m ; OMAHA DAILY BEE , . - . _ - - - - . _ . - - - - - - - = . c. noH1\vATin. rAltor. S - = - . : > - - : . : - - - - . ' = l'unL1SUm r.cly ) IOn INO. = . = . : : = - - = - - : 'i'1mM 01 SUISCll'IO . Daily nco tVitIioit unllIY ) . OO ! ur..S 5 M D31r IWltho1l . . . . . . . . 10M . . nIIy ) Rnll Iltflt&y. One Year . . . . . JAI HI' Ill l r fIx ; MonhtiR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 to . . > f .hlo ! Jitont1ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ro . tindaV fle . Oi , YAI . . . . . . . . . . . 2M ( . . . . . .1Inll. 1 1je OUI . One yPlr. Ynr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ( S \Veekly Allrdny Ip . One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ( W .ICES. Omnhn . Iii. ' fl ! fliildlng. ) 'h" S louth ( ) mh . 1. lnlcr ! 1Ihlo nll ! . Corer N Ind 21h ( StF. rotincit ultirn , . 12 Penrl $ ttPe ( . ouncl 111TI. C1iIcjuo 01T1cc . : 17 Chamber or Cotntt'T. Now Yorl Olcl. . l'lols ' :1 13. 1 hnd IS , Tribune 1Itd. S Wahngton. ! 110 1 8treet. N. w. conn ESIOmmN ( $ . I All cr.rnniunlentbn ' reinting 10 new nn,1 edl. tonal ecmmunlrnt'mn Wller a11U1,1 b relntnl < es.c 'ro the EUtOt. + L1TTUItS. uHUmSI 1.JTTUIS. All hUalnl' . ktter ant , rtnlttflh1Ce nhoul bo rnIarttz'1 ! leter ( lee retnlnlcel lu"\.hll COtfltflY. OmahA. Dhiitli. checks rind posIoUco ordars 10 b lda "n'nl1. " 111r tt the nrlpr ot the ( IO\"ny. ' riii 1itn 1'UIjI . 1i3111Nc ' IPAN1L. S 'rll . 1m l'll.ISllNl . ( = = = = - = = - - ST.\TlnmNT O1 ' ClCU\TIO . S OMrlN n. ' : ochucl ; , " . "cretnr ' ot 'rho Uep Puh UMllnCOII'"ny. . being duly "worn. olya thlt \ha nctunl nuintcr or full nn,1 , cOlpl.IO copies or the DilIy nlllar ! . TrenInC nlli llnJ"y UN Dnlv \nlnl tlntpl Iurinl the month or Janunr 3SJ. WAS .s toltowR . tolows. 1. . . . . . . . . U:3 : 11. . . . . . . . . 1.20t Z. . . . . . . . : n . 711 18. . . . . . . . . . 19.18 . . 3. . . . . . . . . . :0.71 . 1. . . . . . . . . . 1'.17 4. . . . . . . . . . 19,613 . : o . . . . . . . . . . . 20.180 G. 1 . . . . . . . . 19.4'0 21. . . . . . . . . . :0,913 S .6. . . . . . . . . :0. : 9 : : . . . . . . . . . 1'3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19sII 1. . . . . . . . 19,793 23. . . . . . . 19.81 8. . . . . . . . . . 19CC' : $ . . . . . . . . . : O , : O 9. . . . . . . . . 11.(2I 25 . . . . . . . . . :0.1 S 10 . . . . . . . . . . 1.621 . :6. . . . . . . . . 2,1.191 1. . . . . . . . . 19.:1 ) . 27 . . . . . . . . . 21.10 1. . . . . . . . . 19.478 28. . . . . . . . . :0,29 .1. . . . . . . . . . 20.3 : T. . . . . . . . . . :0.213 2. . . . . . . . 1'.464 30. . . . . . . . . 19.93 1 : : ; . . . . . . . . . ii.ci ) :1. . . . . . . . . 233 S 10. . . . . . . . . . 19,318 : Tntnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C1. & " , Le"n1 I,1 , nnl , retumNI copTe . . . . . . . . 6,271 Totll MI. ) " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61.Z : , J ' )111 n \'rja. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'.79 OEfl1UI fl. TCItUCK. 'ZRCIICK. 1. OFn\G Awor to I..toro tim nn,1 , " 1lscrlhr,1 , In 0) ' preSence ' cnea Ihl" 2,1 day 'It I'ehrlnn' . 1\9 : . N. 1. F't. . Notary Publie. L. " _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ 'hl' ' hOlehlll1 ( of ex.'I'cnS1C' ' : Hi are not I 'II" ItVOI'I. . " 'olll.e' ( If I Dlhs wOlll ( hn\e . olll fliT m4 cnsly ns Ilil 1tlllnl under Rlllnl S clrctiiiist :1 : IIC(5 ? I clCl 1llS I Tim Sll'I'CIIIC' ! of " 'l'I.Unl.'el : hns : : bccl ollnly ! cOIIlll'l ( lk'foie It IH rCNtm'pel to n 11cncl' footlJ ! It sho11t he ) COUlllleel ) ( to t ( halW ; Is I I lOt llt ( . S , Six Inws II thirty ellYs Is I not such 1 hlel Iccolll feH 1 Ip lslutlll ! when we taki' Inlo COISIIet'ttiOhl t ha t tlii' ' tpr tflInlo l'onsllemton ) tl gL'lttr ) lllhl'l' ) of Ihosl six laws are 1)e'vfectly ) S. hI'lllss. : . Aflr sigliltig the Chicago 1)OStofllre ) IJltll hi Plcsllenl C1'Iitiitl can S haVe 10 lXl'l e fO' wlhholln" IIIH ns- S sent to the South Olaha Illstulce ) op- plollla tloii. . I legIIls ) 10 look ns If tl ncxl great - enterprise 10 Iench fllllon wi hI ) 1 Atllelllols unlol tlepot , loca : 1lll ( oil the & 011) 111111 nnel ( nccl'sslhle 4II ( ' -II. COIlS - S , 8nml11101 tlc\'ott ) to he wlshpIl ( r : I Is 10 Ie nolell that . the Ilwl ) up- polnlet oI'nnmt 111.ccol of the S Ulion Padlc tildit't have to talm utile to cOlsllll' the qle ton whelh or not S . hc shonll ) nccllt the 11'0Iclcel 1)111CC. . 4. . Chicago . Is to have a teIIO' : ' POHt- olce dl.ll" the Inten'11 of erecting her " $ new building. For cOlycnlcncc nn(1 clii- "i , celcy Iii thc way of teIIIO'I' ' 110Ht- S olccs Oitiaha.'s Ih-t Ios'tolllcc In A. D. . .i ones' hut has lot yet hCll ) 1IIIrO\'e on. : " 'uHhllgton't hlltllu ) ( ' will pi 03011t . another - other . 011111tmll ) for lele\'lng the ( ircs- 8nre of Ilentlll oratory Illm' which AO muny . All'lcun stalesmcn are IlhO'ln" ) . ; If. It wel'c not for these Intermeelnte' occasions - I caslonN for 110wln" HIIch the nnnnal , nnte-election flood . . of' tnlt wpull itititi- dnte the country. . , Senator Maittlerson's - good fortune 1 S still atllls Iiiiii. Few lel can look back 1101 ) cOI1uelt so easily won ald : . sneeess so eefty cOIJulell ( With ) . I Is .1 plclsl'e to his ole ( frlcles Iltl iielglibors to know that the SlltOI' .4 Is I , soon to rlHlle his lle'11Uent ) Icsl- t : delcc II Nebraska. . L I only the delocl'lls hlt heel IC- , cOI'eld ( Oi the vote 01 the hOll ( resolu- : tlon In the house 'i'tIIIri4dljV the Ieslit , wOlil have heel Its ecfl'at ( Just thc snme 1)3 " SO agaInst PS. Yet we will _ : 8001 hll'l ! tle dClocmte OlalH ( ! llttFg- ; II the l'IHhlc/1 ) ) : , conI'pSHICI wih the responsibility for tw t.iiitire of tile preStheilt's ( gold hond ) Ilia ) : I. - , 'j'hc city - tC0l11tllm' hills ( liscovercul thlt the city hIlls belm ) plylIig : for thh' t tcen llolle 1111111)5V111t11 ) hl\\ hover S ' been legally ordeted. 'l'hiis IH ' ) lecn n1) eHlm'ell .hls ll'obahl ) net the Ohii ' leak In the . , ell lCII. lulng of city S t . bills. . I the 1\I'cnchlwlt tHlk I'CRUlS lU.l olhllII'e thnl . n little extra ylgi- S lance 011 the part of the ' lacc , 01 city otcals : It wi 10t hHYC hel1 ) Ilogcthl' II 'YUII , : . 'hu . 1)llllHt 11lhm's ! of cOlgrss 0\1. . dOlt Jot wlll ( of the tl'cHI'lee . ' . . qltlres by their free sliver ! ( lelocltc ( . nssoclatcs Ill by taking tl ! ( I ' the _ forelock llle stolcl I little march Hlel c Issucl 1Itlel'l'IH ( or their own first. S " 'rile Ilolllst mallfelio II good free sil- : VO' Ilonll'C , hut I Is lot tile 11'I'cllc ) 1.111 ( I hl t the ( 11cmocl'n COIII'CSllel c woull like 10 HtlsCl'lhc to. , 'j'ho cOllltceshldl hl\e Just hCll ) lukll I lour of tile state hlIst It ul Ions are 1C15)t'tCl to ho Oil the ( wloll 11- I. ( u\O'lhl ) Ilsllsel ( tn\nltl 11'OI'OSI'tl ' IllS ) . ' S II'OPI'lltols ) fOl' ICW 111ll s. I Is to tc bo h01111 l that this V11)OltIiI ) 11'\0 correct. 'l'tio tluto h4 hot ill a ( 'OhIllitloll S to 811111 ( n ! 11g11 tlolnl' OIl 11 ' state iii- S ttltOI that I . IH not I h oul'I : ' II C5sslh1' , to mnllllll It Ill n l'ISUliio ) Hlnucltl ( of etcele ) Alhltols III UlW hUlil , tugs are llllll ' out ) of the qnostloii. . S IetrlnChltlt mllt 10 callell from the : ' bottom to the tl ) ) ' . , The l4'Crttll' ) of tile I'CHSl' ) ought to . ' bo lit hljh esteem Wltl the olcllls of tile OCll1 Htellshlll comllule9. Ills lnulclnl llolc ) ' hlH lt'ouight Ihem n S Ulost 1110ltlhlo itistnes. 'l'ho Hl'crehl' ' S hus hul lip tile 111'111uI ) to' ho 1111lCl I k IWI ) ' to ltll'O1)O l little by little , earl ) , slllllt nettng the eltrrylag vt'HseI a neat sum lu tile wn ) ' of errllgo Cilltrgeh. , Now the l'Oltltols of tile IlhOltl Is. IUO lIre that lt lcaHt OIO.hllf the ell S iecelu'eol II 111)'lclt tlll lu tlWI , from Uhl'OII , IUII tile HIl I 0 shll wi ho kept 1)118) . ' fol SOIO tulle 11'111111 Jstclc is the exportell gold nt ' ' ' ' ' OXlll.I gull very rl'uluwl'ut\O : * ated. 'j'hll cunnot wel ho lWllt ) 111 ill- 1 detnlel ) hut tile sleumshl * cnmllnict : , - are nUl.111 lilly while the StIll shlncH S. Tilt l'MTW'S SrI WNGIWtD. The scech of exSlloaltcr Hecd In the house of ' ' 'J'hurslln 1'llrcsoltnth'cl 01 ) WIS nn ChIllIest 111cll for the conscl'n- tel oC thc nltolnl credit. lie bl/11 ) hy ( lPII'ecalll , the lllrlt oC Se'tolll 1 which hnlmnl'ltcel , the uUl'rnncc" oC thc header oC 1m t 0111lSII01 to thc Pi'OPOSILI to mnlt the new ISIC oC the bOlll oC the C'cI'llcnt liflYRbic Ill gold , nll whn he snil 11 this rp/I'tl oughl to be tnkel into sCllous cOI lleltll ) by ) thc PeoPle of the whole cOlntl ) I'he talk : . oC a 1110n holwl'CI the ROlth Ilel ( the II. vest n nllHt the other cCtolR oC thc COIihltI' , . Rhoull ( he rCllrohateel ) ( by c\'er ' ctzCI who has the llnst pntrlotl feel- lug. Its tenllclc ' Is to the InNt ilegree II chlf\ou . nll ( IC its nel\ocnteR coulll ha\o their \n ' the con eqlclcp woull be llsnstrouls. Blt nR wnR saul hr :1' . Hecd , the ( doctrlnc oC 1 ullol IC the RoUlh Itel * west hns het1 n fnlhl'e anl 11\'I'S wi he II fluhiure. lie ( I'clm'ee i ( that not olly 110 ( thc ( people of the cast semi theIr 11'01IcI'ly ) ) ' VeSt , hii their cliii- eh'cl nlso 'hlhi(1 10 mll who crosses fl'ol COSt to vest Inl Cal to . he Itrlct ty tile fact Ihlt thcre Is I iufter nil n Ull of Slltlllt hetwcel tl tWO Recton ! of ( lie cnlnl' ' hint no Inlgll e wi ever blot out Ot' 11Ist.o ( _ ' . " Whoc\'c. ( ! hal lit- Il'lllt II (1O'MIrY this tlly ( IC sent I- . 11It Ills hllslf II a 1)oMit ) loll to oit' , 5'iV ( lie t cOltlmlt ! , If not the ( eXel'la tul , of his felow , COlltl 'ml. II deciut'llig thnt " 1 Intol' ! cretlt II I 111 I st rongliohti" 1' i . Helll sintcel 11 11' I 111'l' ) lnhI ! 1)t'OPOMIlOII. ) ( \\'llittit'CI' hhliiy hlll\CI ) the 111101'111 t I iiiiig II to 110' SI'I'\'O Ihl' Cllclt or Ihe nnlol , nltl If that he ) tlolb I lICO\I' ) cnn recover fl'OI nH olhlI' oiisisters. : 1"0' n ellnrtm' of a o'eiituii'y the ITllcl ( Slllcs his eiljoyedl thc lilgilest CI'Cllt 11 Its hIstory. . UntIl 111' its iuo'CtIl'itit's SllCl' leSlllltol hiavo' stlOt lS wll 11 tile Iltrwt ] hIS 11 c of nl ' other IIUOI , : llhel I hlcmnc ) IICIS nl ' to sell hOltlH ) ( a year ngo thl , ' flHlll ready tnlwls 11101 tel'IS IS CI\Olll' us It woull hll\'O beclo < : lhle for II , ' other gO\II'llllt to hlegot late a 1(11111. But today thc CI'Cllt of tile gO\'l'I'lll'l1 Set'iltS to lIe h1111'll1 ) : 'l'llOSe who ire : wlfl ! tu Ilnl It mOlcy lll'O 10t sntltell to 110 SU 1111 ) tile sale : IlllS ( nt \hlch It wnl fo'll'lly tulle to hOI'I'o'lc flglPe- Illt of thc ! o'l'I'llClt to jiny ill cell IH : hel'llotm'e ICNI ncccpll'cl ( ns a Illl'lllc ) to pay 11 gold . hit this COlthi- tlplCC , Il I nlllllH'H. itO 101gc' CX huts. 'l'h08I' ) who II\e ! ) Il to Illtl 11lIil thnt the ! O\'I'lllnt Rhal Slllcllcnly ) cOlt'nd to ICII ' gold or that they Hhnl rei'elve 1 liberal cOIsllclllol for thc risk of ha\ll ; to nl'cpllt ) IHI 'lrlt Ill sOllll'tiiilig else thnl ! ell 'i'iley re- Illh'e ( 1 dlm'elcl or : : \11' i ) edIt Ill the Il'l'cst 111t0 : I hetween ) Ixcll goltl a11 ( con t I "el t sliver 1)ilYhllehlt. I Is mlcss to nlue Hint In this lat : : 1m' tlc foreigit nnll ( 110lCStC ballwt's hay talwl : u1'unla e of the ncccssiics or the goverhitllehlt. Allmlt that they huye. It still lelullS nil unll ! oC l)1hlC- tcal hURlneRH. I tlit're were no sl\C' questlol thc go\'ernJcnt could borrow Itt home 01 ahlolul : : t 3 lll cent , : \11 1)rolalIY ) lCHs. lint that questIon Is , still leln" ) a lutl'd , and , ho\eycl' rcmotc the dlngC' or the free sliver } ell ' ll'c\'al- hug . It ls ; enl ' nnturl thut the } ) 08slllt ) of Its tIlt Ilu I e : iloton ) sho\ld ( hI t ulwl : Into account by those who give 0l for the honels ) 01 the gOvetilIlleilt. The 111- deiiet' Is that COlsllcItOIS respl'Ctlilg thc iintioii's credit ole lot have any weight with the Ill'OCtteS of. slh'C' 'i'lhL'.S' hIVe IH'lllrml ) to see this ' hl11h'lll to ni ) extent rather than s\1lulel il ; single 1101lt of their 110lc ' , 71 USUU'A7'1) IX J'kNIISSF. 'hcIs 10t a. relsolnhle ) built that henry Clay B\\s , the rel1hlcal Cliii- 11elute for jOYC'IO' of 'renncssec ut tile electIon last Novehnbers't4 : eleced , This . wes clearly shown 01 the face of the returns as olclnly cam'usscll , 1ll It hlH hecl Itlllted by sonic or the 10Ht prolllillent delocI'u ts Ill 11elocl'u tic 11O\V$1)1t 1)01'S ) II the Rtnle. But 1 call of Crnud In thc rchl'IR was l'ullel11 1)y ) thc 11eloclts , und thc le lslutt'e of thc slate , hell II cOlll1 oC that party , ? : ilr. 'I't1i'ilet' , tlc elelocrtc c:11ll110 for goverliorVI1S seulce , 11esilic the CUI' Ilst II'olestH ( oC the ( lellhlcalH ) that the consttullon of the Htntn was . Hills ' ' . On " ' (1 ( AIr . Evitits OU 1'1 glll Flh1111'Y ( : i. g\'ltR took the oath 01' . oll'e 11 11'10I II order to AlllpO.t ) 1111 ( Hlsllln the t replli- ) llcl llSllol. ( 1\1 01 the sonIc elate the Itglsluhl'l ! nlilloiltltl ) UI Iii'cstIgttt- lug ( olniuittee. Of course this committee - tee IR eotlloslll ( 11111 ' ot detocl'n 1 : nnel these ll'csllnll ) ' fl'leuels of thc Isllllng gO'erilQt' . hut NO conlllcut are thc rCllhlcUIH tjlt theh' cnURU II just thnl tl ' expect to he Ihle to cOlyluco C'l'U heir ( OllOIClts ) thOU the relul- ) lcnn cUlllllul' WUH fairly elected Iml ought to tul.o the Olile. A few Mr. Evihils Illeol ills es' Ilnys ago ) :1' \ 'lnHlel nnHWI' to tht petto1 ! of ( iOv'rllor ' 1m' . I' ) In the el'ctrm ( ) iltt'St , Inlll/ out , n HI'OI'Itl' . ' 1he 11t'nlnls of the demo- oCltcnll'gatols ) of 1luel ( on time 11011 I 1 of . time rl'lhlcUII ! ) 1'0 of 1 nllm'l ( 10 CUI.tT ' ' ( 'Ol\.tcton , Inll CSIH'clul'I m" . 0'IS'111 stll.II" Is Iho relntuton of thu chnrle that l'vllh1s } elCOI'llell ( , 11 tel of thin t ( ! l'ctol In WS. Iteft'rrimmg to tubs i11lHV'r , time ChltllHgl1 nnl ' 'l'i IIS , n Il'IHII'UtC ! t 1111 ) ( . whllh fIP' 110'1111 ' 1I'IIY , , 11ll'III'pH ( ( It I tl t hl I hi' . Iljhly exhimitisb bye , 111 HIYS : "We hu. It1l , unll WI ! hl\ ' ( clone ( whut WI l'IUll ( to Husl111 ! Ihlt ln'lIot' , that . l' , g\'UIH WUH ful'ly eleetisi ly I lujl.I . of Ihe \ltll'S of time stnte amid thnt t mllcl' time COlIlStlttlt bOil hc \IS ( 'utlc'l to ho i4ellteh. ( 'l'hio hlws were not halide fO' i IlclOCltH 111) ' ! UI'e thun they ( wCle I nettle fO' II'lllhlcllN. 111 IN Oil lmoii- est ' ) ) ' , rt'preiueiit lug fnh' elt 1)\IIIIl'I l'llHlSeltl/ imlbilleOh. ( hUlst 101Ittlelc ' , \0 cOl11 lot hllm'o & lie t l\lltolll ! ' ( ) rOee'd. hugs Illolltl'el ( imy tw IIIJel'I ' of the lt'gii4hitttire 10 ( iejl'I'O ) 1' I 11\11 of his CohlstltlmtiOiiitl t I l'IHht. " OtlCI' 11cmoctc ) ' $ tttik Ill Shilliiar ' ' . lll'ers tli. II U 61111'1) ' 1'hu : COIIESO of Mr. ivitns itmul the colO l. 1\\s 1111 ra ) I lllnnl ) Helel'lly hlt hl'll Huch itS to l'olllnltl ulh"el'sn I l'ollleltln 101. 'j'hcl'o hll heel 10 . deimmoiist : rat tel I' tiit''itt ohm their Part of I l'O"olutoUI' Iltituire . hut tiVOl'y Mtl'll tll.PI has hl'll him dIrect ICcol'llalce wih the mlglmts Jlu'alh'l'll by the coiistltutloii. :1' . 1\1I eOlll not llle Ilouo ICI thnu . ho bus done , 11 the Chltanoo1 'I'Irnes , sliTs , wihout having sUrrcudel ! ll hIs llllLllhi000i nnd his rIghts as nn Amcrlcan CItizell. No clearer case of 19111t. 101 of ofco has hCNI Imo\1 Ill Ol' hltor ' thnn thnt or the seatIng of letl'r 'l'urney lS 0\'l'1110r of 'rellesRc . Iu order to ole this I was ueccssnry . not only to 11Hl'egnrll the ciec- 101 lctl'U ( ! hut nllo to override the COlHtltol nml the 1nvs. ' [ 'lie coflt'se Ill'sllll ) Is n l'eIH'ol1h to the 'reiltIesset' elcmocl'nc , Iltl whie It lois gIven the laItY ) I II'lelt ) nel\llhl c cannot fail to operlc to Its future luJur nou.Yl ' ] IN.t SQU.tl 101,1 : . 'rhe al11wlutlelt of .101m II. Powers as COIUlls810ICI' of hither wIll hc I I.etl 11RII111Iutmeut to ot'giuiilzed labor II . general 1111(1 ( worklimgnmen of time ) ) olllJ 111"llslou . lu )1 I ( 11111 I' . The l181t01 of labor CoillilliSSIOllL'r hiit'i' heeli Ilbot. cOlllRlouel 1ny hU\1 heel cl'enlcl I ! I Rllecl'e , hit its scope of usefuluess nmlgimt have hcel extelllel ( nltl ellll tel fl'OI yettr to 'ell ult ( It hecnle fill 1111lleuble nl1ulct of the ( executive ( hellilrtlileiit . TIle Inhol coni- IlsHlolCI 8hou11 ( 1) rights come flo1 the rulul of IlhO' Inl hc II close ci- ] owsllll ( wih vot'kIiiginen. Ic Hhoull he , whoe ' ho Ihl' ( riiitks U 111 ! l'nllhl/ rlits of thc toilers lu 11 01 flll' ' Hhoulll lukl him CiiV1S11h1t ulel ll'olcleut 11 11enll wih thl' Ilhor 11'\hlcl frol tie 11llcal : Stliilimbiit. ( ) ( lie shou11 he ) hit l\slou ) to 1''lreseilt the lhol : Illl'l'est lu cOI'o\'eIHles helwell cIJlo ) 'I'I' 1111 vage workers , 1111 whl'l'c\'el Ii0sHlhle hrlu" nhout cOlcllton through itllt- ) tI'atioil. t Au I these qualities : [ 1. P\\PI'S 1111s 111llllhl ! ) ' . Ie IH lilt hnlest 1U 1111 n 1111 who ( his ) the t courage of hll COl' victiohii4. which IIC often quite ecccI' trlc , but he his no tolccllol of the feeiillgs seutlelts nlel gle\llles of Ihe lelho tel II shOll 111 ( tlllorll ! . J\el that Is w'hiy hc filly received 1OO ) . votes fet ' O\'I'IOI In Douglas l'oI1t hit 18IO , 'hel'c hm'c t were iiiore ( hail 10,000 ! llllll'U wih Votes to gIve to ( Ito cllel\lltl' of tht'll cholcl' :1' . Powers touhteHs his earned 1 110llol at time hllls of his party ' , hit lS lahol ) eOl\llslolel' he1 hl ) 1 rOlll io'g II n sCllu'e hole. Ills 111Jnllllwlt ) Is I hllllel ! fl'OI the Sllllllnilt of lefm'1 , nnelore thal ( I hlllell'l , ns In lilvest- IIIl lu 11111Ht ) futures. 'rhe I4ilmerai I 1 league ! of Iowa his ont- Ihwd Its 11\1111 ago bimst n : 1ll01lscil ) cOIsttutolaltelllIWtt ( : alul the iro- ithiItOt'y : llIU11 la\s IOW II force II thl t sll tc. 'rIl . lext hegisiature t wi con hlll. : ( llllt ) (11 rcJec thl' ( proposal of time rlelnl re oluton of Ihe Issllhl ' which COhltt'ililiflteS the siiimiiilsshomi to : : Vote of time IHOllll' 01 I ( 'onHllutonll alClllcnl Jlohlhlll theRe :11 ( Inh' of intoxicating Ilipuot's. " 'hatl'\'I' ( iro- hlhltou . tilert' hOlly hIt ? In town I ; . ; Iio\s. 111cl HtatutolT Cilnet- : 111t 'l'le : lirclosltk ii 10 hc Irnee ni Issue Is for constlutolnl 11lohlhl iou. 'rhe llauc : I : 10111U'lls:1 ) ; nle Reeks 10 enlIst lthl'lells or all lolIt- leO ( hi'lSbo1iS In its efforts to efl'ectunhiy nle In:1y settle I qUCRtol ( hat hl mcltcl ( that great state for the 11lst le- cmlc. 'rhe 11'OSIICCtUS of thc lea"\t 11h"ocatc : the adoptIon of a relisoilalllo license law. such lS has pl\"CI HO sue- cesfnl IIIl satisfactory In NehlHlm lue other HinteR In lie ( 11111011. Judged . by thc telpcI' of thc people of Iowa ns : shown In recent electols , there cln he hut i little douht thlt the Rlatstcs : nail . lirgulnietits which are at the cOlnulll or the lea ue1 hye toilIng elel'l ullon the voters of that slate. With the exlmllle which Xoblaslm Imreselits of thc elclc ' mil wlslol of a lIcense systelli the league ought to hI ahle : ) to convince the majority of thc cn'ol's of the llast.and that ( tIe time 11 rill for I reversal of polIcy with respect to the . . lilU01' tramc. ' .he Chicago Rccol Inl.s IL comparIson - son . of the tefnlcatons of the late trIH- : t.Cl of Ilnois 1\1 the alscoleln/ trcaRI'Cl of South Dnlmtn. I coils at- tcnBon to the fact thnt hy I c\rlonf co- llcilence tIe Imount of public 10ne ' tnl.en Is Ill the one ease hut n few hiuumi- el'el dolhu's mO'C thnl In thc othc Both thc state treasurers ClljOyel ( geli- ell connecncl mll ICSllCCt luring 10st of the ( line of thel' lleCtllhltbohlS. In hoth cnseH the nlne ' secls to have hlen frlttei'ed llW'113' In Coles of RIH'cull' ton t nnel Ipcl.lcHs CXieilditlit'e. ! 'hrc Is one 1Il10ltnnt ) t111erenco. howevcl' , that shol11 hot Ic oVllloo.PI1 ] That II the atttude of time honeHlen ) ( tOV1irl the puhlc ) whol tIey hnl' ulu'nnteecl against loss h ) ' the faithless olilclnis. In IllInois the h011slln 1111 good the 11efnlclton Ii'OililtlY ) and wlholt lu10.1 In South Dnlwta I IH 10uhlfnl whelhel time h011Hlel 1'1 Oe for tw nlountl for which they , hOll ( ! unlllel ! In thc hOllnne they are takimmg nllvlntlge of every 1001)holo alc stllnln eveiy hegiil technlcnl ' 10 eScnll ! liabilIty. 'j'lw pcol of Ilnois arc hot ' affected ( l' the tlshoncHty of their late 'Hlate treusmiro'r , whle tIe Iwollle ) ) .of South Dnkota hn\'o good 11'oHIfcls ) of hlnlln" the t greater pnlt of the loss timeillSo'iVeS. I1x.RlcI'clu'r 01 State Alon Is tryhimg to 11tIHh [ ) ! time claim of GO\'m'll : ( ii'ouuiist' that the 101'e econollcni 11(1. mlllslmtol ( of thc state Iiustltumt bus Illln ( thl t last two t , 'enl's I : euc 10 time cl'I'11 of the lo\'m'nO' In ( lint dIrection. : f' . iiio'ii IISIIIH thnt whtevcl' saving hnl heen ) elflctltl ( hr ) Iwle' 1lI1Ili or Inlllgelcnt IllSl'1 l'xehllh'II ' fll hc tevotol 01 ! the Vlti'bOllH state hOlx'lll , to their iliit . ies. amid thl ( credIt fc. ' this he lil)010'Stl3' tmmkt'14 Ill0n ) imhuimselt' . 'lhlt Is of COI'IC ( a Iluestol for ? 1' I . Abio'ii to settu wIth CxUIH'm'nOI C 1 Ii m ! Bnt tal.111 Ilto ' l'olHhlcrtol tll ! whole 01. dnll'II'l'm' : of the . laHt Hel'I'I'hl' ' of HtUI Hltl lltOl'O 111.tcnlnl'I t ) ' hIs outragnls ( wnHlo 01' imlohIty on h'JIHllth'u HIIIIIS ) just II'o\'loIH to hit exit from oleu , the peolll1 wlnt HO\cthll1 ( mol thun : ' . Ueui's w'ot'd to con\llcc tl\ of tIle great . ohlg1 ton to hltl I C' which thc ) ' rest. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A cOl'eslonelent ! nt San DeJoTICR 'I'hie Bee to WII'n our pCOlllo itgaiuist any llw ( hint would enuhlo cnlllllllK to 1)111 ( up multi mulillin . \010)01) or wltm' Imlllll 'J'hel'o t.o hll : \ 1)0. tore time legislature which COi tCl)11 te Just . Imch ) I wltel' 10nool . ' itS that now exIstIng In certain ) OI.tOUi or Cmill. ( orimba . A 111'ou or The lIce lt GCI - . . - - lug , Scotf 1lu ( county , recently Aom11et ttI ( note or wnrlng. I mildly 1e nectlltrll ) ( ns nu Ilnlera1le ! fact . thnt the state , the ( count ' or thc city ' governtnen.n11'ut Oltlol 11 ( 'hlliliS and O\'t'nll'n'I 11Ignllg < ! , dfl's , else thc interests of time people caiuluot he ) protecteh. ( Mo- IlI1101 ' In nn ) Inttal resource or sup- 111) Is reiulgmmmmt. to nI ! men 111 IURt not 1e ) ct'mltcel ( II Nebraska Onr ntcftol has Iclm 11h-ctNl ( to oue serious o1istnhe that wou11 ( he Ill then ( f o Iln"II ( thc prollRcd audI- tOI'htl on tw state fair I'1111s n snc- cess , . aut that Is the wnlt oC accessi- hll . Ou this ( llolnt we concellc thm' Is very grave doubt of thc II'nctclhll ) ' of the IH'oject.u nUt10rhlu ou the ( mile gluutls would he ) al\ost euth'II ' Oult of reach ttlll ouchnll of the year , nUll It 111wonIl ( be of easy , nccss CXClllt 11m'lu/ the Cnh' ' 10 lu- RI'C Its SuCCeSS It IURt he cuntll ' located , lt fOle 11Int whel'e nil tht ( street ' ' lInes ' ' . Time ! I'cet l'alwl C01'cl'"e. trouble wih time Colseu\ has been Unit I Ii lot In le I'enchell ( except 1 ' oue Ile of AI'eet enlS , 111 hl'ln" ) WIlY ou I of tht 110lln [ ) lon ( cehlter Is wi 11111 'ilS , . ' s'iilkIiig iilstmmimce foi ' ' ' ' Ins wnlll elsluuec OIIIII'nth'pl ) fe\ pe'ollie. A fl'IUIC hlllll ) OIl the flh'10111s woult 1e 1\llahle emily ill' ; IL ' ' ' . I t Voiiil lthTOI'l lS KtlUlI' 11\101. I wOIII ( uleJl Iootl shelm' fl'ol Illn : ld vliul . hut w01111 wlntcI' , hc I lll'fee Ice hOlsc In 1111(1- 'l'hc nll11lullHlt of Icuatol' ? dhIuiuii0L- ( sou 1114 Jlt'lal oICIO' of the B. & : [ . m'ntlrolui wi i'eIiiO'L' thc t lc"nl depart- , leut of the road f\l rlucnll to I ( ) timahia. I wi 11\'e I tlltllley to ( I st1tVV ( ' out time coutnleut of imtungers-oit thlt : for 'l'I'H hn\e Infeslet the ohilco' of the nlO'IIY of the real : itt the state t'itiitlti. TIme gaig of into years hc- came sOlewhnl ulltlr , If not eklnnl , its I"alist \i h' . I iohit'eges 11clltlon. Int WIS wonl to 1'11 tl ( polics of time slate of LlnciHlcl : after theIr own no- tonN of tiibmigs. "Iwlhel time law de- paltlent , uhimleI SeiittorIitiileFSOil , wi Ilahhle Iii politIcs to any consblern- lle extent leluins 10 be c0lslle\-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - A 1'uhl. 1".1 I I 1 'rivit to Snul Chicago 'rmrnes. A IJblc hOl11 ( Issle ought to be a tlhlc ) boml hutle 1\1 n private snal ought to be a private 50111) . This Is i not only n colnhi- lon hut also a theory t which confrolt ! us. . ' li I1ittcVII,4 or \cmlrncy. Ballmorr lemlll ( , hem. ) . I Is a bitter humiliation 10 Americans that . whlc Briish .consols are selling on a 2 Y per cenl tI1503 ) . our national ! credit should suffer this Hhameful degradation to a 3 * pel' cenl Imsls. : _ ) ) ' . - 1 111 Irln for ObLinacy. : Courier Journal. The "coin" bonds ) will bc redeemed In gold. Ami 'rt rathel' 111 ( authorize the formality of ! exp"ssly Iayln ! so on their ( face congress will malt the taxpayers of thc country pay ! l extra 31G.Oo In Interest - est on the new ( bloclt of bonds. " . Good )1tt. ) ) fUr Evorybody. New York TrIbune. Trilun. . Now Is the t1rito for u1 well-to-do and fortunate . to . help the Poor and miserable. It has been' honIr slnc so many and such urgent delTunds were made upon the charitable nlll 'phianthropic societies. "Lend a hand" ' 11 a good mete for thIs wcather. w I1eI'ofIim'lqhg - - . n.r'n. " ! . ' 9' - ! ' 1 ' 'cul h- InterO I. Prcsent' Clc\el \ll ( has maIe the cleanest - ' cean- est SWeel ever malic In the 'consular ferv- , Ice. He has removed 209 consuls anll re- talne thlrl . -two , most of the tater being his own alPolntmeats la his first tern Scores of thee men removed were classed as nonpart nns. Time pressurc of party has been so great that he has removed many emclent men ful ' equipped for service and allpolnte to pllces , han ers-on whose only Ilness was that they were democrats and had a pull. _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ , \mcrl-n's Fhnmch.1 I'olc ) Joston Giobe. BImetalsm Is unquestonahly the fnan- cial doctrine of the American people as n whole. The great political parties have declared - dared themselVes again and again for "gold hnd sl\'er. the money of the const- tuttoli. " I there Is a strong movement today In certain quarters to establish n silver standard In this country I Is duo chiefly to resentment at sliver demonetiza- chlely slver emonelza- tion . amid to the fear. however baseless It may he that our government may he llr- suaded . on sonIc specious pretext. to attempt - tempt to enthrone gold monometalism In free America. An International me'lolary conference called hy thc president of the United States , with the avowti hope that It might pro- mote the Rood cause of hlmetatsm here and throughout the world-what far-reach- Ing results mlht It not accomplsh for good l _ _ _ _ _ _ . The UIl3'svard Tamgody Discounls Fiction. I Ulynart , lI"dy leton' Chlc"p Tlme9. Were such a story as this one now being told with fulness and picturesqueness put between covers and Issued as a novel how the critics would rail at It ! I made Into a melodrama amid 8ta01. what a volley of ridicule would b dlscharged upon II I woutl he 11sml set1 ns improbable , Inos- slide utterly untrue to nature , without parallel In fact The realists and thc I parlel would execrate It as It wild flight , of romantic folly . 'hie the romanticists would dismiss It as too improbable to he real and too ugly to he romantic. Yet It UAly has nil hnr'penet ' or I ! happening In Minne- npohis today . Iml whIle the trial of Hay- ward contInues reader of the trial neel never regret that the enterprising Dime Novel Beadle and his Imaginative asso- elate Ned hhuntiille . have gone where hymn books - lake . . the , _ place _ . _ _ of . _ detective _ _ , . _ . , r. stories _ _ . _ next. anti " notning . 1 > ever . tU"LIU\U H UU Lt O.SCOGYE. WashIngton News : La Gazcgn's ICe re- turn to the American chore only strengthens the b ! lef that there Is alter all a wonderful lot of safety on hoard the modern steel ves- sels notwlthslandlng their p\\erCul maChlHr : Day sometmcs hcome , crippied. ChIcago Trlbjne : Out ) time result coull not have been other than , I Counlerlng or the V09 eel wIth the los Qt eli on board hal nol time best or good ee9ndnphp ! and good eneralshlp been eean Ihrlgh the whole tmo oC trial and lscrtonLtemp red with courage. Philadelphia l rne' : This touch of nature w111ch makes t" jyllolo ; world kin made time whole world anxlou.lfor time urety of the 1131 i eengen anti crew ' La Gascogne as though every imperiled ' ; } xlull had been a brother or sister and Ih ! iI ; ] ng over her safe arrival wi bo universa'h.1 ! New York \ ) illl ; The problem , oC sea- worthiness Is c3tiptiy ) ! ) solved. The moern ship ! will float io ) . platter what storms chic may immeet hIe' 1)0 /pphlnery may break down so that she shal / lJrung , overdue , hut lit time end she sails Into port t. So long as site keep off a hostile simdIeguards , against fro and Is not In coiiis'on , he' pjaan steamer of our tme 18 safe beycnl ajieraj1venture. New York Tlnll.l.HThf most obvious lesson Is how saC aol r"Olar transatlantIc travel has become wie' tb& detention at a ilner for a week has'fc'oiie " 1 topic at time first Importance ant urgency , Long aCer the 11 troductlon oC steali , eVen twenty year ago , ncthlng wouid Ila\'o bien thought oC such a detention In face oC luch exceptional conditions conditons of weather as have prevaIled since the Oaa. cogna sled. VT1JIi T.dNIS TItAN ( ) UIt. VTum rI ] Tl.o ( UlS. Lord nosebery elms determined to 110ld on to that pat oC hil program which proposcs time dlseslablshment ot the church In \Veles. In this mater there b ul10ubiEdly 1 very strong force ot public sentiment behind th government , buL slnco the opening ot the qtmestion there ha been a change In the char- actor ot that sentiment. AlhouRh the church Wales Is almost certain 10 be 11lstlablshed , thee Is a feeling II sonu quarters thal tt sholll not be disentloweti ! ] Some c its most Influential members have prepare,1 , n new bi , which Is ( all to bc satisfactory 10 oiisenters. , Its chleC features are disestablishment wllh- : . omit 11senlowmenl , a fairer dIstribution oC cx- htng endowments , time grant to time laity oC 1 larger share In church management , and time erection 0 [ Wales Into an Independent ecclelastcal provhuice , under its own arch- blshcp. Such a measure I. In time lne of re- form whie It 10 also a concession 10 the na- tonl spirit . which Is nowhere stronger In any part oC the Unlcl , Kingdom than It Is In \Vaies. I Ioull be slrnngo It Welsh liOn- conformists shouhl protest against 11sendow- fluent and It would bo curious 10 watch the attitude oC the I nslsh nonconformIsts on the question. Lord Hosebcry has ready har n taste ot their opposItIon. . Alhough barely ten years have elapsed since Germany set about the national work of colony btmilthing . her progress In this re- sllect has been altogether phenomcnal. Thc Teutol lag foals over territory surpassIng five tunes In superfcies that of the Plther- land and thin rowth oC that colonial cm- plre which Prince Blmarck Inaugurated In 1881 can only bo comlnred to that of Jonnh's gourd. I remains 10 bo seen whelhcr this mlonlshlng development wi pro\o Clhcmeral ) or hasting. One slgnllcant fact however Is that after thl eXIerlenco oC ten years the Ocrmans are as united ! In their beleC as 10 the wisdom of possessing colonlcs nnd their value lS they werc nt time oulet. This Is nil tl more noteworthy since not one of these dependencies has lS yet b m to pay Its way , hut sti contnues n serious charge upon the Imperlli ex- chequer. Nor are time colonies as yet of oily great account conmlmlerciahiy . since the gross value oC Imports and exports of the German possefslons In Africa Iloes not exceed $8,000.00 per annum. Neither can time colo- nies bl considered oC mnch Inporlance to Germany as 1 home for her surplus popula- tion . since nccordlng to limo ofcial statistics just Issued nt Berln , time total number cf German subjects In German colonies after ten years of colonIzing does not exceed 2.000 : that Is. 10 say not so many as sometmes reach New York In the space oC one week from Bremen and hlammibmmrg. Far Crom being discouraged the Imperial governmcnt Is displaying much eucrgy and foresight In establishing lines of steamers to Asia Anwr- lea . amId Atmstrahasia making Germal Infu- dIce felt In 1)lace where a few years ago It was nn unlno\\'n quantity . and Is , more- over taking the lear oC all European powers In the construction of ralronds Inlo the Interior - tenor of Africa. This Is the key to the devel- olnnent oC the Dark Contlimeimt . and Germany deserves the good will anti jratude at trade nml commerce throughout time wont ! . . At a recent meetIng of the Charity Orgnlza- ton society In Lon cn. Mr. C. S. Loch read statistics to prove that there has been a ateady decrease oC pauperism In England dur- bag the last forty year According to his fig- urea In 1851 thc pauperism amountc to .1 per cent oC the population . In I8H to 2. per cent. During the same period the pauperism , ot old age ( ICrsCns over GO ) eereased from 21.5 to 13.7 per cent. The cot oC maintainIng - Ing time paupers It appears , var'es gcneraly with thl price of whcat. The cost par head was greatest In 1872 (7s ( * t1) ) : II then tell to about Gs , and has not decreased since. Vagrancy on time other hand which before 1872 had Increased and decreaser with the I Use and fail In pauperism since 1872 has Increased - creaser greatly In spIte ot the decrea9 of lauperism ln Shropshlro and Huntngdon- shire pauperism has diminished 53 and 66 per cent respectivehy. London , lIke Lancashire can only show a decrease of 3 per cent. sInce 1861 The numbers are 98.400 and 95,300. Mr. Loch concluded hIs statistics hy showing that between 1881 and 189 the volume or pauperism throughout the country lmln- isimech "probahly hy i about 140,000 In a single year" "The policy oC restricted relief to the able-bodied , coupled with marked economic has , " he progress , produced says , "an astonishing Improvement In the Independence - ence and self-relance ! ' oC the people. " . There Is at Ilres nt before the German Relchstag n bill for the reform oC crIminal procedure which Is meeting with much oppositiOn - slton from many or the mast eminent lawyers i In 1 [ the country. Judge Ashcro\ well 'known I ' In this country and Great BritaIn as an' . authority oa English law , has drawn up an alternative scheme ' \hlch has received the support or many leaders of the German bar. I provides for the substitution or Judges for Juries In many cases , the refer- ence of petty offenses to minor courts the declaration oc the camme of arrest In every warrant the protection of prisoners' rigimts and the slmplfcaton ! of ulcs of procedure. The fundamental features of the proposed reforms - forms laclude time participation of non.pro- fesslonal judges In the work of all penal courts and an Increase In the number or cases comIng - Ing under the jurisdiction or the district courts. Another important point Is the ahol- ton of the power oC indictment upon the mere Issuing oC a resolution . to open , proceel- Ings. Instead oC two grounds of arrest stated Ill the present regulations for procedure In criminal cases Dr Ashcrott suggests that It shouldbe lEn entirely to the conscientious discretion ot the judo 10 decide whether , incase case or strong suspicion of a crime or or grave misdemeanor , arrest Is necessary with a view to the proper carrying out of the crimInal - Inal procelure ; and points out that In England thIs has long been an uncontested rule. Another other point upon which he InsIsts Is that morc care should he exercised In prelminary pro ceedings , In which , under the present sys- rrgarded. tern personal rlghls arc oren practically dim- . . . Prince Assln .oC Egypt , who has been per- mited hy Queen Victoria to Join the Sevcnth Hussars at l3omnbay where he will have as one oC his fellow officers young Prince Alex- nnder oC Teck Is the same prince who about a year ago created such a scandal at lerln by deserting from tub reghnenl In which he was serving and takIng 10 flIght In order to escape the executon oC . a warrant for his arrest as a fugitive and a fraudulent deblor. lnmperor l WillIam , aCer having In vain rt monstratell wIth him on the score oC his extravagance , showed nellher consideraton nor mercy to him or tu his relatves when the crash came , for he permItted time official gazette of time empire lo puhlsh the notilica- ton of his dls\issal from the German army and Ikewlso a sum mOis to appear beforetime the tribunals oC the lrusslan metropolis . In order 10 submll 10 examination with rrgarJ 10 a numbr oC promissory noles , milieu which ho hr. ' ] raised money and which hal been dishonored . I was time first tm thai n notIfication of this elnl } , had ever been puh- Ishell conc rnllg n prince of a reigning ram- fly In any omclal palmer , anti It may bo hnag- Inell Ihat time maier created much commolun throughout I Enroot. Prince Aesin's mother has since pall oft Ihoso creditors who were In n pChllon 10 mnleo legal trouble Car hereon son , those who were not able to Inatlto criminal proceedings being left out In time cold Prince Assln Is a son oC that PrInce Hassan oC Egypt who commanded the 1 jYP- tan contngent ) during time war with Turkey 1111 Husla , smith who had n large number of Amerle3n ofcers under his orders In thc last Egyptan war with -a Ahysslnla. A Shot nt the 1.lmlt. aiobe.Demnocrat. The new bonds are to run thirty ) 'carl , which Is to say thnt they will mature long beCore anolher democratic Ilresl ont Is elecled. Highest of al in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't ' Report R V Baking e V USOWTELV PURE . . " ' 1.1 , Tl1 1.'wl.u.rUl1 - .ur1 Nebraska City News : Judge ] Scottln ( or- Inlnly , by his prcllnr rulIngs ns n juilgo disgraced the bench 111 8holh ho removed I nil Is true that Is charger against iilrn st . Pal Republican : Were I any ono but Hose water who made the charges the jnllgo nlll his friends might have cause for alarm , bilL with the members oC time present legl8ln. turn gooll time rccommnentiatlon joss' enmity Is . eqllvllcnt 10 1 pretty Sliver Creole Thnrs : Scott Is a disgrace to time Nebraska Jlrlclnl'Y nnll n ItSraCC the slale. t Is Imrprlsln lhat he Shiomhiti have shoull been so long tolerated . lie sholld he 1m peachet ! nt once nml IgnominIously fired ell oC ofce to stn ) ' . We have nlrcady had enough and [ too mich at lila Imlllodng ali oC his acts of tyranny. Lincoln News : I Is to bo regretteol that regretll the fact that Hoscwlter Is his enemy can be ullzcl1 for the protection ut Judge ] Scott ot Scol Omaha In his Icnlllnlols abuse of riutimortty . ills career a8 a jndge ot the district cOlrt has been ctsgraceul In the extreme nll ! to tolerate such InMuo assumptons of authority aUll abuses oC 1lower'Is to cndangcr the lIberty oC every mnn and woman wihIn his jurIs- dicton , antI a good many wlo arc noL law- CII ) ' so Nothing could so effectIvely bring courts Into contempt and disrepute a8 to have such jlical outrages as hI hns IJerpe- , tralcd. and bids faIr to continue perpetrating . ga unrebulcd , There can be no pnlrlotsm Iii sciking to contlue Ruch nn unrlasoua1lc jlJlclnl tyrant In office . and If he were nOl an nvowell cnemy oC Hose\uler heoul ] not bo tolerated ' for n momcnt. Hosowalcr's nntpathy alight not to serve to leeell him In olco If there Is any IIOI\'er thal can remimovo him. I will 11nlf ' time hench to hl\'o remo\o summariy froth . 111 time legislature ought to , forget Hoselater long emmotmgii to render the bar time bench nlll time state this sigimluicamit signifcant serv Icc. Tekamnh Burlonlan : The Inlk oC Impeachment - ment procecdlngs agaInst Judge C. U. Scott has naturll ' revived the record he mantle In Burt coulty as district jUllgo In thc Inlo or 1892. This Icrm of court was I contnuous rai exhibiton oC ill temuper . hnoranco nl11 rulanlsl on time part of time judge. lie abused the lawyers who IJractcel1 In his ! court nnd when they remonstrnted he Ihreat- cncd fines anti limmprisormimment In fact ho diti fine fl.V. . Pelerson $100 anti costs because Ir. Peterson was lot ready to try I case. Mr . I'etersomm was conlnltcll to Jai , butt released - leased n few moments hater Ipon n writ of hnlc s corpus Issued by County Judge C. T. iickinson. The outcome of his actions In Burt county was that the attorneys reCusclI 10 appear before iminm the court was ad- jourcll III In disgrace he let with thc tmnderstammtllimg ( ] that he wculd ' uncrslanlln never return to preside as jndge In lhls county . Ills career has at last brought him face ) 10 face witim Impeachmcnt proceedings , which he Is strenuously - uously trying . to thwart. Time lawyers of Burt count ) coniemlllltc ) a Icetng for the purlloso of urglnl his Impenchment. Time ) ' regard his removal ns necessary to " lpiiiqo time judiciary anti thc legal Imrofession - of time prof(8slon ( slain he lias put upon it. lila history Tli I nppearcl In The Bee lost Suntlay portrayeti pOltrayel from start to fnish the same Scott as IJrc- . sided over the Ilstrlct court or Burt county II time fail of 1892. A recent effort to IJIlce hlmsclf umler the Protection of thc A. p , A. promises to result In nn cxpose ) that will male iiis prellcament worsc. Some of the members of that honorahle llal organizaton have Ilhlcly lsclahlcd nil knowledge of its sympathy for him , whie others who arc veil acqualnled wIth the jtmtlge say they can read between the lines of time pelton purporting to come from Limo A. P. A. and sent to the lejlslature , anti that time judge hhnself was the writer and instigator of the whole timing Burt County herald : The Dee or Sunday gave a full image to the hlstor or Judge Scott. I Is a pit ) ' that his history could not ha\'e been known prier to his election and the disgraceful - graceful proceedings and injustices done In his court would never have occurred . I Is quite probable that Impeachment proceedings proceeings 'viIi ho instituted agalnsl ' 'him In anticipation - tea of this he or SOIO of his frlcnds have \ . Issued a cIrcular to time people of this ohltnict endeavoring to hIde the real Issue In a , tirade against Edward Rosewater. This circular purports to come from the American Protec- I tvo association . The Herald can speak from . the experience of Blrt county with this er- ratio Judge .nd say that It belIeves Scot ant ! his henchmen will find same one beSides Ed- ward Rosewater back of Rosewter Impeachment pro- cet'Jlngs sholid the ) ' ho started . The people of thIs dlslrlct are tired oC a clown and ! cir- cus court and the general feeling seems to be that life and properly are unsafe In his hands. I was here that Scott put his tragic comedy first on the boards le seemed to he pssesse of the Idea that all that was neces- sary to male hlmselr popular with the masses was to roast time attonmmeys . which ho at- lempled to do hy grand stand plays to the amidlenccm In the court room. lie was , however - ever , quickly checkmated by the Burt county bar , who broughl charges of insanity agaitmst him , and ho was clteJ to appear before the appar commissioners oC Insnnly for examination . Court adjourned shortly afterwards and time bar ? or the Fourth district appointed a committee - mittee to Investgato the case. They met here and took considerable testimony anti the necessary acton was about to be taken to institute Imprchment proceedings when At- lorey Wharton a counsel for Scott , made overtures to the Burt county bar agreeing that If time ) ' would let the mater rest Scott would. nol como back again . and ho never did. Many imere still thInk timat the diagnosis of time Scott malady by time Bunt county bar was nearly correct and his examination at that time before time comumissioners of insan. ity simouid have been inisted upon. - A Kick fromim Limamtmm , Lmncoln DaIly Nevmm. The directors of the Burlington rahlroath company imave elected Senator Mandersaa to succeed time late T. M. Marquett as general sailc toe of the roami in Nebraska. Time seaMer ' has accepted ( tie 0111cc , the proffer ot which was m'natio sonic ix weeks ego. although he Iimmilgnantly denleti cay smicim tlihimg ommiy a few days since. Just what actmmated the oil. rectors In making the meiectlon I not 'kimown , \ Mr. leweese is ii nuuch better lswyer nmmmi Is more In teach with weatern interests than Mantierson , and to pass over imlii ciarns to the e. ! UCCeslOn anti PIcic tip Maioieton wIll imot Impress those wimo know huh whim time wIsdom 't of the railroati ofliclais. It Maumderson was seiected becaumse of any smmppesed ooiitlcai influence - fluence he imossesses him N. brska a stIll greater mistnko imas been mimtie , ills iImfiiiclmce here is nil , ammoi it lie hail hind time tenuerlty to lmimvo tried for re-election as Senator this winter lie wommiti mmot have sectired a cerImorsi's guard of' smmpporters , Time asammnuptlon that perhaps the railroads neetieti mnoro senators to vote for the pooling bIll , wimbcim legalizes trusts for the lnmrpose of raIsing ratea , may not be so very vlohent , imiwevcras atflrst timougimt. 11IIrTI.Jfl.I TO A .z'or.vr. Ti'umtii : "Yes. ' ' remimmirked time egg , 'mmmy thmeatnicai venture Was it Imllo'cesmu. I was cast for time Viliaimm nmiti ummmttic a grettt hilt. " Utica Observer : There is imotimbng mmuoro attractive to a mmmamm wltim time toothache timrtrm a Imicturo of a imttmmthsommmoi set of store tectim. ' : Pimilatleipimia Ilc'enrdOiil Ltttly-W'imy are you two mmmcii immtlimg suo'im frlgimt flu Ian- gllago ? lingumon ' 1'mtttors-\'cii , hail ) ' , mule itmu' mae Pnn.i lbs to exohnmugo imo'tttett vortlmu fur ( yr keep vttrmmm , hot lmmtIn' no overcoats , Immohinnapolls Jotlrnal ' " 1' : 1 see , remnarketi Mr. 1)ismmmmol Iavsomm , ' 'thmnt a feller ihowmm In Mnssmmclmtiotts ha miramik Limirti'omu glmmsses of booze bet . ' ' umu a anmi It heilt imimim. "No vontier , " smmlim 'ui r. Evt'rett.'rest. . "Timlm'teemm iii it sure hmoumloo , lb imad orter flmmuie It fourteen. " Now York Record : " 0 , simawi Youm'ro ti'ylumg to nmnke a fool of lIme , mmow. " "iii- tiect , I nmmm mmot. I Immive etnmscientltmtis scruples wimlclm vrevommt mmmc froimi mtcccptimmj to simmomctmrou , " hhiht ciiTi hmmeIctmt'eeid3' . Shin muever slugs time old , old soumgmu Simo sit riekemi I n dmu vs ut you'o She mmn'er timulummlnd tlmo keylolmfll now' Until lien timulmibs mtro solo. Altmsl mmmoml time imtt'Rt grmtmmti , Silo mmevet mmioro'iii lIla ) ' Sime ( milled witim time Iimstutllnments , aiIm ] 'rhe"vo taken It 'awmt' . riti : sriaz'r.us New 'L'omk Stmum. Johmi G. Cnriisie , lie Says timerom's a surplus imm time Treasui. . Ammmi 1- Juimmm G. . S Carlisle , he Kmiovs ' a mmcnp amore than you or me. if Johim 0. Cmti'lisie , hue Sa's there's 0. stIrpItme in time Treastmreoi 'i'lmen , Joimim (1 , Carlisle , lb Ommgimt to set it out so's time folks can ace. Jtimml G , Carlisle , ime Is lilei"S right as lie can be. imimt , "ralmut that : To stanti pat. Joimui ougimt to say vimero time smmrplun s mit. . , $ yy7li : _ ' t 'S 4it- . owJ ENJQV l3oth the method and rcsmilts when Syrup of Figs is takcii ; it is JlCaSahlt amid refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet ; prohmiptly Oil time Kidneys , Liver and liowels , cleanses the sys. teIn effectually1 ( l1s1)cis colds , head. aches and fevers and cures Imabittual , Constipation. Syrup of Figs is hc only remedy of its kind ever dilcod , pleasing to the taste and uc. C01)talilC to the stoiimnclm , prohnlt in ith action 011(1 truly beneficial in 5t effects , Prelarcd only fi'om the most healthyand agreeable ubstanccs , itti IflhOfly excellent qualities comniciuj it to all aitd have made it the most 'i ' 1)optllnr remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for 'sale in o cent bottles by all lcadiimg drug. gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on llafl(1 will procure - cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FIMPb'CISCO CAL. LOUISVILLE. cF , SVEW YOR1 ( , MV. _ , ofluicjrI/yQ . , RELIABLE CLOTHIERS 0 . - . Yout-Moiray's Worth ot' Year Moncy ILt , Boys' Big Bargains-- We will waist your bDy tomorrow with Wilson LJyi Bro's celebrated waists , for loss money , G than you've been able to buy waists for : , a long time , For hail' a dollar we'll lot you have either a Frenoh Percale , t or Ponang waist , thaL you always pay \ $1.00 and $1.50 for. The flannel waists 't 'I" 01' the $1.00 , $1.50 and $2.O0 qualities , will be in one lot at $1.00 , We'll sell your boy a good cheviot suit for $2.50 that i worth $4 ; or you can have a $4.50 gray all wool cheviot suit for $3 , Black cheriot suits , $6 kind , for $4. These are all for ages 4 to 7 , and are of' our very bast quality. Gentlemen will be interested in knowing that we have received the now spring styles of the "Sletson Special , " the best and most popular hat on earth. All the now shapes in other spring hats are in , too. BROWNING , ICING & Co. , Reliable Chothiicri , N.V. . Cur. 15th and Joiuiits. . . . ? , . . - . , . " ' ' - - ' ' ' , . . . . J - - : ' .5'- S'tI ' - - - - ' - - - - - - -