Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    . . . ,1 .
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In many Instances funds belonging to the
state , which were heJeI by county treasurers
penllln utllemcnt with the state treasurer :
Il III to collect these the attorney general
will brig : suit against the several ; counties
There Is some doubt as to whether the
. , counties will bo liable to the state for money
lost to the county treasurers hy reason of the
fallllro of the depository bankR. If the state
secures a judgment the taxpayer of the
county will have 10 pay their taxes twice. If
the slab doeR noL win the cases , the sllIte
will bo out the amount lIuspendell In the
broken banks
The amount of [ county funds suspended , In
" the lrJ.en ! blinks Is oxh blted In the following :
statement :
tl ' lienrnwy . eommercllli and Ravings
hank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; tl ) ) 00
Cretr , Alnlp. flanof NchrAsk1. . . . . . . . 2.3e 81
f Hprlng\'I"v , Rank ot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.r.,901 , ;
"Innvorlh , .HAnk of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,9x3 y1
I \Vshrx , . Shdr flank ( or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2..1 . ,8
IIlt ere"II , I.'orml'rll' and Mercnns'
tonnk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.MS 01
. Ogainlin Iielth County .L. , link. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/,3'2 ' U
. Jlralrkr , . \merlcan bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1..03' .
r 8hul'PlI ' : 1'1\11111'1' and l .1trchanl bank III r. . :
Jo'mnkltn , 8hdn Hanll nr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,27233
11..1 Cloud , 1.'nrmNs' and Merchans' .
Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. 6
O'Nrnl 11011 ( 'ounl ) ' Lama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.M226
Jtusll\'llIe. IIAnl ; of.,1..r.r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,010cl
"ml1I , IIAnl1 or. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0) < J 0 0
'ocInlt'III ; , Commercial l'Anll. . . . . . . , 617 3.
1Ineoln ( 11)111111 ) National : hank. . . . . . . . . . . r.1.2.1 0\ \
JI en IIi c' " , Nebraska National . . . . . . . . . . . . 21ll ! a1
Kemney : , lIurrlllo County National. . . . . . II.M 01
J'eArnry : 1.'ltRt Nallnnlll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2510'J
1rarney. Ienrne NAtlon11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,01) I p ) < )
flrnnt Fires Nntlonal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h.tll IX
'Vi-pinynler ! : . e0l11mcrcl,11 bank , . . . . . . 617 ! 3.
Trenton , hank nf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t.loo 02
Totals l91.8000 : ;
There Is no method of arriving at the exact
proportion of this amount which belongs to
the state. 'fho amount , however. Is large , 80
large that withIn the past six months the
temporary school fund lies 1II\llergolio a
shrinkage ! In round figures of $100,000.
The depository act has been In force scarcely .
Iy three years and tile losses already amount
j to 191.805 In connly funds nlone. The loss
of slate flllllls Is $241,3Gl , and the grand total
I Is S133lliG.
NA1'WS BIG PAY llOT. [ . .
\ The senate pay roll Is still large .enough.
An examlnntlon of tile voucher book shows
that during the month of January the senate
1111 : Its OmCEl' ! nnll elllllloyes Sir.9G . No elll'
r ploye ' received pay for sovlces Ierformell later
I than 'l February I , and many of them dill not
draw pay for the full 1110nth. And yet they
cost the state 1,59G-very nearly one tidul !
of the total amount paid < hy thin senate two
years ago It Is not to the credit of the re-
I publican majority In the senate that for the
I month of .Ianuary the louse /11111 / Its cm-
1 ployes hut $2,3G7 , practically one-halt of the
1 amount paid hy the senale. The senators
will ho considerably surprised at the end , of
the session to learn that their pompous prau
lees of rotrenchmcnt have been discounted hy
t , . thO"ccld ' o.'c of the figures from the and It. r's
I books. At the rate paid during ! the month of
i i January : , the senate pay roll for the month
I of February I will amount to nearly $6,000-
I and If Senator Caldwell . chaIrman of the engrossing .
grossIng committee , Ieells his word this
amount will ho largely Increased , for Iw
stated In open sCllllte last week that he still
I needed more help ] ! In his ottlco mitt would
materially Increase Ills force within ten days.
In the meantime there Is much speculation
ns to the future course of Auditor Moore
with reference . to the lIIegllly appointed em-
I Vloye.'I Iti' the senate lie gave notice on
F , bruary. 1 that he would refuse payment to
I more than seventy-four when the second
) monthts pay roll comes to hint Some sen-
ntors arrogantly defy tine auditor \0 \ do hIs
worst ; hot none of them will dare to call
the auditor Into the ( supreme court for U
, " final \ adjustmEnt of the controversy along
linen laid down by the constItution and the
statute : . The auditor has the whip If he
cares .to use It.
The railroads : of Nebraska have up to today
, been resting easy , under the assumption that
. they would not be the object of hostile legls-
- t Tattoo nt the present session. Senator Calcl
, I well of Hall county today ended the railroad
. sltslenSe by Introducing an apparently harm-
less and ancIent looking bill , entitled "An
act to establish a uniform rate per mile on
, freight rates on each class tit freIght , to
prohlhlt the giving of rebates and to punish
: , tine violation ot the ) . same. : : Theobject oJ the
x , till as gathered from Its perusal , Is 10 re-
; r _ quire all railroads doIng business In Nebraska
"j i d' to kayo 'a' ' unlfcrm ; 9'p. ' lflcatlon , aM' to
, Charge n , ! ) uniform iale , . , .per mile ppr 100
. pounds , too or carload , 'rho bill , It It should <
" . ' become n law . would make trouble. If the
, 7 ' rate should happen to be 1 cent per ton per
. m . mile on freight In a given classificatIon on
, .v nil roads , the road havIng the shortest line
, JiJ , . betrveeti any two competing points would
. t ; . llllYO n decIded advantage ever the other
: ' The road having the long haul \\ouldl be
t' : prohibited from glvln rebate , and If the
i proposed law should be strictly observed
9 some railroads : would have an Immense ad-
II vantage ! over others
. '
t Commlttf'o IIf the tthulo Itnsy ! UlscIIsslnl
Two Mlnll MCllonr" .
! LiNCOLN , I eb. -Speclal.-The ( ) house
, worked Industriously all day , although results
I were small. The mornIng was consumed inspirited
spirited . discusslon of Judd's pec'al sees grain
I noto" ! bill : 'which ' ' was recommended for pas-
Hage , and the hours of the afternoon wore
away to the monotony of a rather sleepy debate .
bate of Darry's measure to supply free libraries -
rles to public school dlstrlcl : :
The spccal : seed grain note bill , recommended .
. . mended ' tor , passage this mornIng In committee -
" 'tPe' or Ihe whole , excited quite an animated
dlstuwlon. : The bill provides for a tlegollRLb
mote to be given for seed grain , whIch shall
. become n lien on the crop ' It mUst also be
recorded , with the county clerk , the same as 'I
' I"C1litt l ' mortgage \ , and , UpOn payment , must
be rclea cll. If the crop falls to satisfy the
. note the maltr Is held for the resldu There
H , lWaa"an attempt made to mend.the measure
by making ho I note cover grain for feeling
purposes , but It was voted down hr a large
, " " majority .
The two junketing committees on finance ,
ways and means , and on 11\IlJllc lands and
buildings , are not IIIlely 10 report within several -
oral days , J1\rns of Lancaster says that his
committee missed malting conllectlons with
Nebraska City . Beatrice and Peru entirely
, r There ore signs of disintegration of the
strong combine which existed a week age , : for
pjloprllllon8. ; : The h'nck CO gIven line State
university bill doubtless In a great measure
accounts for the sudden depletion In the
ranks " " ' '
of 'upproprlators 'l'ho university
e bal.mlll [ lax was the keystone to the appropriation .
prlatlon are.h , ahd It has fallen. It Is not a
long shot to say that not one of the lIumor-
s" OilS bills for bUlllllng appropriations for atale
. Institutions will over reach Governor 1101-
i comb. III this conlloctlon attention Is dl- / ,
\ rected to tine hili of Merrlcl . house roll No.
: " 451 , ' Which n asks for $50,000 for new buildings /
for the Instltullon for Feeble , fhlllell Youth at
f Deatrleo. ' Il IIIJpears from Ito hill that pro-
11'minary j Tans and specifications have already . I
ready been drawn old are now on the In tine I
otllco of tea' commission of public lands anti
buildings for a hospital and custodial / do-
partment "Illcluding boiler house and bailers ,
engine room , laundry , elc. , as per general
. plan adopled.I' Front ! this text It hi ovldent
that this general plan Las been incubating , :
for some time , though when It was "adoptell"
.I 1s not Ileflnltet- known , nor by whom ,
I Chapman , In explaining the object of his
resolution , IntrOlluced today and adopted , says
that the committee on accounts onel 'expendl-
tune justly complalllllll ( at tile delay In
fcelvlnu ! the bIlls for legislative supplies
That there Is an eye.opener In store for the
< (
. people of Nebraska when ex.Seeretary of
State Allen's bills come pouring In , Is admitted -
mitted on all II Id l'Ii. The scandalous details
t must all Cone out , and II ! Is the purpose of
Chapman to taro Allen's recllless extravaano ! ;
IjhPWU UII nt an early day , not hater than the
f , 20th Ins I. . anti Including all su II n plies fur- f
nlshod prIor 10 February 9.
FollowIng Is Iho resolution reported by the ,
committee appointed yesterday : , and adopted
. this morning 1.1) the house :
Whel''ns , Death hall visited the home of
our speaker Hon. C. L. lIIchllrds , IUIiI hUH
taken front the care or loving purOlll1l a
baby hey , whose living snub was 10 lhem
UIO sunlhltt : of Qxlsteneo ; thel'ofm'o bo It
Hl'solve'I , That tills house hall 11"1I1'uoc1
with 1rofoulnd sorrow of the great lunlen
, . C1t grief 110 recently lalll upon the heart
ot our speaker and the shl"uro b\ hlphlby
of his fellow JnUlllhllrli III hurny ief'llorc.1
111m III the hope that It m'l ) ' svrvt rIJ II.S-
IIn&IO ; his tiorroW' ; and bo It lurther
Ueso\\'ell \ , 'J'hat' ' the chief clerk ot this
bonnie bo and Is hereby dh'cctOII to hl0
" these l'lJsohatlonll n\lprOIrlntely \ , engrossed ,
and a copy presentotl to our speaker. (
\ \ " . 11. UAHnI80S.
JOhIA A. lIA\'mS
. ImG\H hlOW.tRlS.
ROUTINE 01 'fH1 wOIm : .
Chalrmnll . It the Judiciary committee Mlln-
ger . called tine house to order tilt morning
111 the a1.lsbllco of Speaker Itlchards It was
a 11101'1I1111 of resofuttons. ( There was u bunch
of Ihel1ou tine clerk'lI desk Tine one first
referred to 'the ! coillUllttue UII tClUtlOH:1 ' \ : will
4 .
noblnMn'R , provle11nc that : 300 copies of [ the
blue book ] of 1891i be IIlstrlbuted among mem-
bets of the llOuS ( !
Knup sent up n resolution , which was
adopted on suspension of [ the rules , thanking
the donators of sUPlllles for the needy front
other stntes. Another resolution waR re-
erred to the committee en finance ways
and means , providing that the elghl or ten
bodies of union veterans now In the potter's
field of the lIos11l1nl for the Insane at 1.ln-
coIn be removed to \\'ukn cemetery , at a
cost not to exceed \ $100 Chapman lead the
following \ resolution on the desk , whle/ / , on
snslrenslon of the rules , wa adopted :
lIu/lol\'ell , That nil \ claims for luJplles
furnl8hl'II Ihl ! leltlslntlH'u previous to Pl'h-
r1l1l\'Y 9. lbf' : , . he submitted 10 the com-
mltteo on accounts ! 111111 opnlItur" of tills
Inousfion or before , I"ebrllary 20. 1835 , or the
same he cOlllpell",1 to await 1\I'l\on \ until
the assembling of the TWl'lItylIC1h se8"lolI
of the ehrlllka ! state ] cI : laturc.
The house then went Into committee of [
line whole to consider bonito roll \ No. 287.
.JurlI'8 ( seed grain solo / ) bill , with Brady III
the chair. The entire morning , : was passed
In the Illsl'lIFSloli of this measure , with the
, result that the bill Was recolllmendell for
pastago ns amended
The homo took n recess until 2 p. m.
IInmedlatey ] 011 reassembling \ the house
went Into committee of the whole on bills
on general file , with Van 1I0llsell In the
chal : .
The cOl11mltteo's substitute for louse roll
No. 210 , by harry , provlJlng for the maintenance -
tenanco of pUblic libraries In school districts ,
was reeolJlmenlle I for passage.
House roll No 132 : : . by Munger relating to
the assessments or lAnds ( and lots by county
commissioners sitting ! as hoards of equalization -
tion , was 01l\11Iel1llel1 for IJnSage
The c01\1l11lttce of the whole ] ties rosa and
reported { to the hous" , which report was
adopted. The house then adjourned
SBTJ : - : : UN nOU1'INEvolcl ( .
Four nt 'nt"on's Stills CIIIHhlerOt ! aunt
ltceouuttmudrd " for 1"IR".Ir.
LINCOLN Feb lli.-Speclat.-Toda ( ) was
n field day In the senate for Senator Watson
Pour of his bills were considered In C01\1-
millee of the whole , recommended fer passage -
sage and ordered engrossed for third read-
tng. After accomplishing this much the
senate at noon adjourned until Monday afternoon -
1Inmeellately after the reading of the jour-
nal a lIumher or new hills were Introduced ,
bringing the total up to 290. The hl's : Introduced -
troduced last week were taken up , read the
second time and referred to appropriate com-
The senate then went Into committee of
tine whole with Pope In the chair , to con-
sider bills on general file The first bill
taken UI was senate file No. 11. hy Watson ,
a joint resolution sUlJmlttlng to the voters
of Nebraska a proposItion to call n conven-
tion for the purpose of revising the cons1l-
tullon. The bill was recommended for pas-
Senate ale No 41. by Watson was also
recommended ! for passage It Is a bill pro-
viding that nil county jails III counties of this
state havIng more than 25,000 Inhabitants
that are so constructed that tine lIoors of thE
cells are below the surface or the ground are
to be dechred a ntnlsnnce anti the bill makes
It the duty or the county hoards to raise
tine doers or such jails : so that they shall heat
at least ont foot above the surface of the
ground. In case the jail Is not EO constructed .
structed as to permit the raising of the
Heor the county hoard Is directed to build
a inn v jall. The bill only I affects alee county ,
where the present jail will become a nuisance
If the measure becomes a law.
Senate file No. H , by Watson , was also
recommended for passnge. It repeals the
present law requiring railroad companies
olllg business In this state 10 equip theIr
cars with tomatlc couplers and substItutes
the national law , which Is not to go Into
effect until on and after January 1. 1808.
Senate file No. 259 , by Watson , Introduced
last week ] . was advanced to the head of the
general file . recommended for passage and
ordered to n third readlnl It Is Imo\\11 as
the halt county bill and will enable the state
to transfer the cases against the alleged
'ynchers ' of Dntrelt Scott from Holt count
: ' to some other CQuhty. It provIdes that all
crlminaL cases shall lie tried In the county
' where the offense was committed , unless It
shall appear to the court on affidavits that a
fair and Impartial trIal cannot be hill thcre-
'tn : III such case the court may direct the
accused to be tried In some other county ,
upon application of the attorney general.
The commltteo then rose . and the several
reports were approved.
When senate file No 11 , providing for a
constitutional convention , was up In committee -
tee of the whole Graham Succeeded without
any difficulty In making a radical amendment.
The bill as It was Introduced authorIzed the
governor 10 designate one weekly newspaper
In each county In which the proclamation
submitting the proposition for a convention
sbould bl printed Graham's amendment pro-
vided that tits newspapers should he desIgnated -
Ignated by the secretary of state. When the
coml1ltte reported the bill back to the sen
ale iproeher : : endeavored < 10 knock out Ora-
ham's amendmont. In discussIng the pro-
posal Caldwell admitted' ' that the object of
Graham's' amendment was to prevent pop-
ullst newspapers from obtaining even n slllall
slice of state patron ago. The senate adopted
the report of the committee , IncludIng Gra-
ham's amendment
Crane presented a petition from cItizens of
Molt county asking , : the legislature to make
an approprIation with which to rosecule the
trial of the cases against the alleged yncher I .
of Darrelt Scott The petltloll was referred to
the con1lnilloo on finance , ways and means.
The senate then , on motion of Senator :
Sloan , adjourned unlll Monday ! \ afternoon at
2 o'cloelt.
Sour milk should never be used with baitIng -
lag powder Dr. Price's males rood light
and sweet.
sweet..WITH .
.Ix IlIdll'tlllfllts Itotnrnod ' .
Yo'tot'day-.h- :
olher."II' Routon I'rob..hl"
Yesterday afternoon the grand jurors returned -
turned six Indictments 10 Judge Scott. They
also reported that they had failed to find
truo' hills against Charles Smith , who was
charged with robbery , and Calvin H. Spriggs
who was charged with embezzling $ GO from
tine Progress. These prisoners were ordered
releasOlI. The fumy also fails d to find an in- :
IIlctment IIgnlllst Charles Lee , who Is III jail ;
for stealln , : an overcoat from Germallia hall ,
but ns ho hal already been arraigned , Judge , .
Scott held that lie would < 1 have to stand trill
The jllry then adjourned to meet Monday afternoon .
ernoon nt 2 o'clocl .
Just before reporting the jury waa . cousid-
erlllg the case of Vaughn lIazen , who Is III
jail on tine emerge of picking pockets
The probability Is that thogrand jurors will
remain In session during next week All of
the matters that County Attorney Daldrle , :
wished to bring to their attention , with tine
exception of one small case weN
brought to an end yesterday , But rumors
In regard ; to other thinGs have come to tllo
ears of the members of tine jury , and from
this tire on until tile close of. their sitting
they will consider these matten. What
these matters are ts n secret burled deep In
the earls of the members , but II Is salll
that one ll ! them Is tine alleged corruption of
the ponce I department ef the city , It Is
thought that Currier's lIema",1 , for an In\'Osll-
atlon , : of the reasons which led ] to his discharge .
charge front the county store will also be
given consideration
Inquiry nil to gambling In South Omaha
was IInlslcd : yesterday Among line I\'ltnetises
called < < was Thomas hooter , treacurer of South
I\l'u \'I'\I'\c'"II : \ New 1..1111111.
Friends of Miss Stncla Crowley In Omaha
have Just received word that rho hall lIken !
Chicago In onu of tine hl'h ! schools of
Ch cagO at salary or $1.IXoO per yel\l' Out
of 00 : apl'\lculltli \ tpr high ; school Cl'I'lI\kntol \ :
yltiENpbleb That I our wondrrful , uskea gr.rtfrth : r.I I may S
b6 within ten rurh "r I'llvo III\YU rrduerd the
\11'lc8 10 ilL" Ilall.r 1"1' wille. lIe\TAra or
frauds , ouulltor.II. . . , . .I .ub.t1tL'tcJ.
1'AKU NOTItINO UUT . . . _ .
. . . 501.15111' ALL IUUGGi6Te. . . .
t7Wrlt. for task" TO UOTnEKs" : matial < I
tr.t > . TIlE111laprIEl.111nE1iUA'PoiICo. ' : ( ! .
I ' .lIol..I'aprhtor. . AI 11o..h. . Ila.
* lM * ] ifil1 ] JdJ 1UL *
M1sA Crowley wa ! ' ! one out of twelve who
pMsel1 the exnmlnatlon. Sh" the
snme work there that she haeI In the High
school here.
iriiiris JIdUif 111.1 F..IST llU.Y.
Valuable ltRCI1r tlrol'l Dead nt the land : or 1\
'I' " . " . III11 pole nt 1111" II\.trlct \ ,
SAN FRANCISCO , l eb IG.-The first 2-
'I'artolt ! race of the year waR run today
ninth ! 'elght likely looking ! youngsters ! facct !
line starter , Although he did ! not win , Ed
Corrll'an's ! Derochment colt , which has
been named o\\'alslli. seemed to he the
best ! of the lot , hut ho wits not up to n
race. In thc last race , White Cloud n
hea [ ' lly I I played favorite lit 2 to I , mn away
two mines ! sad dropped dead lIe was
owned 11) J. 1 ! : . } ing. ! ' : SumnHlr :
First race , five ! furlongs ! ' : , selling : Motto ,
93 ! . Grll1ln (1 ( to 1) ) , won ; Ite \ seater 103 , Bel'-
gen (6 ( to 1) ) , second ! : Cntch 'I' : m , 9 h. Cockran
( I to 1) ) , third. TIllie : 1074. : Sir Heglllnlcl ,
1 Flastnl , : , Jennie Deane nlHI Charles Quick
also ran.
Second race , halt mile , 2'ear-ollls : Sister
to Ruth \ H'lln , gelding 1 < ; , 116 > > . Orll1ln (3 ( to 1) ) .
won ; Deroehment , coil , IH Bergen ! ( G 10 1) ) ,
second ; \\'llIlnm Pinkerton , 116 . Heinrichs
(10 ( to 1) I ) , third , Time : O:5l : ! 4' Don Carllo ,
hey el BanllldOl' . \\"a\\'onn lilly , and ! Jose.
11hlne also ] rail
' 'hlrll ] race , seven furlongs ! : Finsldigkt .
97 , Cocllran (13 ( to 5) . ) wonI.s ; : \ \ Ruth , l2. !
180m (8 10 r.I ) , second ! ! ; Arunde ] , 101 , Orl1Hu
(244 ( to 1) ) , thlrl 'rhno : ltO : % . \\'lIrra'o ! ; ,
True Briton and Nxperltneut gelding also ]
ran. .
Fourth race , six furlongs ! ; ! , selllnl ! : Braw
Scot , 107 , Carr (2 ( to 5) ) , won ; Ike I" , 87 ,
Coclran 18 ( to 1) , ! second : Carnneh 1n ) , GrlOln
(20 ( to 1) ) . third ! , Time ] : 1:231 : TnlbQt Clifton
lon Sir Richard and Bmllross of Norfolk
also rlln.
1'IUh race five furlonnn : Vulcan , 102. Hill
(15 ( 10 1) ) , won ; SteR\lfnst. 101 , Heinrichs (6 (
to 1) ) , seemed : Solollall , 101 , 'l'.uher"lIIe ( I to
1) . thin ! , 'flme : 1:03 : ; . Mount : Carlos Arctic -
tic JJellrlnR'cl' . Seal Brown , Pronto , 'lIdl !
and \Vlnlle Cloud also rnn.
- -
'Ionlo /tt.ltl tlulnrtIu11us tIIIII\Ilnn hll"
MONTH ! ! CARLO , Feb -'l'he l shooting In
the fifth triennial ehamplonshfJ shooting
contest for IiOOO francs and , a uecdal which
began ! here mnVednesdny ( ! , was ended to-
day. HolJerts IUIIIlllll1etto : ench killed
twenty-four out of twent-slx hlrds. Petit
men missed their twenty.seventh al1l1 killed
their twcnt-ell'hth. ! Then Hoberts missed
hIs t\\'onl.nlllth , leaving ! Mlllnello champion -
pion , with n score of t went "Rlx Itlllell ont
of twenly-nlno. Roberts , who killed \ twenty-
live out oC twenty-nine. secured second
prize. Fred Iloey . the American who took
part In the contest for tine championship ,
fled tine
Called to secure 11lrlze. \ .
- - - - -
" ' 11\ \ I'IIIY hose hy I'nhlo.
NEW YanK , Feb 15W. Stelnltz. tine
chess expert , will mall n letter on Tuesday
to Gunsherg , In which he will ask the London -
< < Ion player to emdenvor to get Blackburn ,
Mason , hacker and Telehmnnn to join him
In the play , of ten game ! oC chess with
Slelnltz , the moves to he recorded by cable ,
the Ion James 10 he played ] on len suC'ces-
save Satnrdnys. The British chess club of
London and the Mnllhattan chess club of
this city have now agr ell on nil terms oC
the proposed match to he played ] on ten
boards hy cable , Mnrch 9. and each club
Is trying ! hnrll to get the best possible
team for the contest.
\ Vork'u : inn . NII'ol l'I"n ! : : : 'nac" .
NEW YORK , Feb IG.-One or the most
interesting pigeon shoots oC the season tool
place today at the grounds of the Larch
mont Yacht club ] between George Work ]
and I. . g Davenport , they shooting' al 100)
birds each , thirty 'urds' rise , under the
novel conditions that the first string tlf
fifty birds should be shot by the gun with .
one hand enl ) ' . fork not only won the i
match with ell'hty-Ove ! kills , against elghty-
two , hut also defeated leis rival at his own
came , with forty JIllls out t of Ilfty birds
shot nt one-banded , against : Davenport'fI
thh.t-elght kills.
Athletic Exhlll\t11l1l \ at tt'lIl11.hurr
STHO\ISBUnO : , Neb. . Feb. 15.-Speclal (
Telegram.-The ) fourth annual midwinter
entertainment of the Siromsburg Athletic I
club wall given , : here last night ! to an audience - !
ence that packed thc opera loouse and left
only stanlllng room for late comers. Tine
program lasted for over three hours and
was replete with good things. 'J'he minstrel -
stl'el and specIally parts were sUPlllmnentell
by an exhibition oC mesmerism and hypnotism -
( , ult'nhu ! " ; : Ilaeknrr ' ' Flnctl
JERSEY CITY N. J. . Feb 15.-Dennls
McLauhlln ! , Gottfried \\"allhaum , NIcholas
Croslus and John C : Car , convIcted QC run-
ning' a''tttsorderly ' ' .1iouse 10' 'malntc lnlng , the
Guttenonrg race track ; were today con-
demnod to one yenr's Imprisonment In the
county Jail and to pay I\ line o.C $500 each.
\\111 Ile II WillI Haec.
NEW YORK , Feb. ti.-A ; race for $1,000 a
side has been arranged hatween the steam
yachts Vamoose , owned by W. J. Arkell ,
and Judge owned by Frank T. Morrll The : '
course will be 100 miles on Long island
sounll. Tine race will be steamed early In
J\JcIJlIIlIIIII trnsn loco (0 the Jllry.
SAN' FRANCISCO , Feb 15.-ln the trial
or n. H. McDonalll , In connection with the
Pacific hank statements , the closIng address
was made by the distrIct attorney this
aflel'noon. The cast lhell wen to tine
JUl' ) ' .
Introd\totionr'tf:1impe\ : : : Testimony in
'Uid1Jln.yward Oaso
Lack : or n l 1' fitlltb Theory Not tll lie Tllkcn
liS 1111 't 11I1I ( , II"n lit \\0I11II1C8S-
\\'on/ I't' ! ! ldnt ; SIIII\'clllrs
htlllthb Prisoner .
MINNIMl'OLIS , Feb. l . ' : "The defense lhls
morning In the , I1nywnr.1 murder < trial resumed -
sumell Its coITorts to Impeach the testimony cf
Claus A. DtIot : , the particular IJolnt of attack
being ! ; against ! ; the story Bllxt told 011 the
stand of havlnft gone to see some ncqualnt-
ances In South Minneapolis ImmediatelY after
line commissIon of the crime. The evidence <
of Ole Thorsen , ' into wife , anti ( Mary Larsen
establish at least a doubt that Blixt visited
the house on Twelfth avenue south which
he claimed to haye visited that night
Harry said this morning that the absence
of allY distinct line of defense In the opening
speech ot John Day SmIth yesterday was hy
no means an Indication of wealllless , ns the
public seethed td t thllllt.
"tJo you meat by that to Indicate that
there Is ensatlol1al evidence 10 come ? "
"That Is just what I mean , " rellc'J \ . the accused -
"There may be facts brought out that may
astonish people , "
Tine crowds In attendance ! have dlmlnlsh11
somewhat III size , but are made UI of tine
usual proportion or tvenlei , ; -.hc exhibit the
most morblcl curiosity and even srmpathy for
the handsome prlsonr. ! Some or the IJetticont
contingent will go to almost any It'ngth to !
get n word with him or an autograph or ;
other souvenir '
M. I ) . \\'lIson testified that he hind ' 1lIIown
Miss OIug for several years and that on the
might or the mllrder ho saw her driving out
In I.yl\lalo ( aVenue In n bl\3gy. He Identified
Harry Hayward ns the man who accompanied .
nled her
Miss Mabel Dnrttctson testified that harry
Hayward went to the theater with her She
was wIth him from 8 to 11 o'clocl p. 111.
A given quantity of Dr. Prlc 's Baking
Powder will \ do twice as much work as a
lIIe quanllty of any other powder.
. .
Orllnd Jurv ' After lIuutlnllln.
SAN FRANCISCO . Feh. -The : tnvestl-
gatlon of the alleged violation oC line Interstate -
state COllllllerce law by C. 1' . hluntington
president of the Southern PacIfic Comlmn .
In Issuing 11 pass to Frank 111. Stone : , II
politician \ and attorlle , from San Pran-
cisco toHhlancI , 01'1' , Is now In the Imlllls
of the Unllell States dlilrlct : attorney
Ullltet States . .Iullgelorrow : ompanellcll a
new grand jury , which was changed to In-
pure ( Into the alleged pass ns testified to
hr Stone , and also 10 Investlgale the gen !
cml pas system oC the S01l1he1'1I Pacilic.
Time al'rnnImie ) ilttmtt : or America
Our represenlalve ! recently visited the
wholesale house or plarshall , Field & Co , In
Chicago , and mas much Impressed wllh the
Immensity of Ihti basiness. One Is Prepared
to believe that. . the sales of this house during
1891 have reached over $35,000,000 after a visIt
to the several depal'lmems. It Is a surprise
to many old e3sthrt houses to learn that this
concern sends forth every week an average
or nearly $700,000 worth oC msrehnanci ' se . This
requIres an.arlnyol ! ! , ucarly 2,000 men in ( the
mala wholesal/ / . binding ) , which has thirty-
eIght departments dll eIght floors-maltIng a
total oC nearly CjvVV ] ! acres of fleer space ! , anj ,
Chlcago - . \I ; , stem frle.nd ° claim thai
It exceeds In side and value of'stock any other
mercantile bulld'r ( rn lIln the worlel. In acldl-
than to the nosh ! . . t ldlng ! In , ? felt the open
stocks arc ice qt. ! there arc two buildIngs of
lIearly equal d1 .ljnej1 ) ! ; IIS used fer' ' warehouses
-Ollp f1ve.gtor ai i1 ( : ' ' basement building 180x
200 , . Alnat } was . HnlielJy used , as n part of the
old , vl\olesalo \ 4aPartnientL and another six
, story and "basa n'nt. . , building , : . .GOxlGO - feet.
Marshall , l reIJ'v& . Co have their ( own cloak
factory In II part of the old . wliolgsale build-
ing and also a shirt factory , located I at Fend
du Lao , \Vls. They also control the entire
output If ? some leading western manufacturers
There , Is a spirIt of enth\l.3la m among all
hands , from the executive heads , tIght down
'through line buyers and general salesmen ! ,
with their as.9lstants 10 ( the ushers and messengers -
songers ; and even the rUhlng.crowd of cus
tomers seel1S : to partake cf it . The held
cln'elly ' covered by this vast buslnes3 Is the
west to the PacIfic _ coast , and the south to
the Gulf. Truly Durfeastern wholesalahou3es
have a noble compelltor In this mercantile
giant or the west.-Nw ! York Retailer and
Jobber , Jan. 15.
- - ,
- . -
'J n
; . GOOD "fAtUI
44) ) '
' -7
. '
% J/
IT isn't much trouble for a really
. healthy man to be good humored.
Jollity and ] exhuberant health are a
proverbial comUination , The hearty
man who is always laughing doesn't have any trouble with his digestion.
It has been said that laughing makes people healthy. 'rhe truth is that
health makes people laugh
There isn't any other thing so essential to health as regularity in
the action of the bowels. Most all sickness start with some derange-
ment of the digestive functions. Good digestion means good , pure blood ,
and that means strength Once let the bowels become clogged with
refuse matter , and the whole system is detinged : eIlilpurc , poisonous
matter gets into the blood and plants the seeds fogJ1orts ; , of sickness
\Vhcnever there is a stoppage of the intestinal t } .ti.o\i \ , help should be
given immediately Usually a mild , gentle laxative ; Jall that is neces-
sary A violent , wrenching , griping cathartic is'lndver needed Dr
Pierce Pleasant Pellets are the most pleasant audt : Ajlessful remedy for
occasional or chronic constipation , or costiveness ' ' 1Shoy' are tiny , sugar-
coated anti-bilious granules that even the smallest iiJ1 can easily take
They act in perfect accord with nature and produoo au : > griping or other
disagreeable fceling. They should be taken at thcqmt ; indication of digestive - '
gestive trouble. They stop sour stomach , belching „ ) ' IH art.burn , " flatulence -
lence and sick headache They cure constipatiotHpormm1ent1y. You
can stop taking them after the bowel' are thoroug1\ \ fcgulatcd. Their
help /rsls. You do not become a slave to their u ' r t\j ! with other pills
Dt' . Pierce's Pleasant Pellets-it's an easy flame r mel1lber. Don't
let a designing druggist talk you into "sonnetliU1gJI : } t as good " He
makes more money on the /I just as good" kind b'llu1's ! ' why he would
rather sell them . 1'hat's why you had better not take ithenl .
For a free sample package of 4 to 7 doses , addrcss I\VQRrD'S DIsprm- :
SARV MnmCAI AssocIATION , No. 663 Main Street > tfalo , N. Y.
- - .
- - - - -
. N
QArIUL . ( .I IJ rJ U'T 11'.Ll1 I II bJlng usol 1 by thollm : < ll of ladleti monthly . H Is the
lI . ; . "llrrlol L'wy's ; triund / < if Irru nhtr from any cause . it b bate
. . . lull/rhJ fl .
. , l1 ( cals. I
: m.llclall'.I'J\\r lama . guarauton with entry inutile ) Inr (0 a .1) ' . \ ; [ 'Ida \u"lclnu hi t.r Kuperlor 10
idles nun . ; "I.ry . 1111" nsau.ded aU mover losai its 11' ' " lh. 3JI'j : " .111".IJll' \ 11"1111' . 11'leo. t IJ.UL
' ' " . . t" ; ,
! 'r b.\t. ifyurdr'IllytdueSoutnavultamhlal.Udatl WU \ \ 1 rOrl\.lr I ' )01 I o t or < ' 'J -'lt
Oi lrQLE JlIIPEH 00 ,
'vwttrn Ollee ( ) Omaha ; \bl'i ka.
The True Cure f t ,
Of all a
Nervous Troubles 1i 1 i
. Is Found in
' . ' . . ' y . . - . "o , 1 {
,0 . F'jJRE , t \ . . ) " ' . , . < . ' , ' . J . 1
Because upon the purity of ing , and you arc in thc concH- P
the Bood depends the IHalth of lion which invites disease. I
every organ and tissue of the the Blood is pure and healthy ,
Body. I thc Blood is thin and you have sweet sleep , nerve
impure there is weakness , strength , mental vigor good
Nervousness , That Tired reel- appetite , and perfect digestion. .
' q
Hood's . Sarsaparilla
Makes Pure Blood beer the weight of it . At first the change I I can't eat , I hate no appetite , " Is the
That is \'hy tine Cures hy Hoe ( ] , 8 for [ the better , l vas very gradual ; the pains complaint of man Y 1 nee p to l ttet now. This
, hat , ' ' coined lo be less frequent and the swell- b because tins blood is In a sluggish and
Sursnparilht are ' . 'L'hcy tlo
:1I',11anla I'O Je 'lllelt. dl lug In some of the Joints subsided after Impure condition . Vitalize and enrich
not rest n eel ' } sum ) tort of nfer
! ot urn ) ISCCI' 611POlt using about one bottle Then ImproveIt by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla , and you
tom ' '
u : , 01' l
tCIJOI'u'y l olti liel'VU
shltlalt . ICl\O . menu was mora rapid and one night she will soon bo hungry all the time because
Colmpultul , ! mL upon the solid founida- tme
? IJII IJ01 fotldn. ! surprised us greatly by telling us that we your blood { rill demand proper snBtt
tiell of vltrllized , enriched nail pttliticd )
tel Vltllzcd .cl'lchetald Hnled
. I need noL prop her up In bed os wo had nance from good food
blood. ( Read ] this :
, , ] U1S. . , done for several months , and next night Nervous Dyspepsia.
rho cure of ' Olive Carl by I Ilooci s \
? 1\'o ) lo t she surprised UB still more by rolling "I suffered with what tine doctors called
Sarsaparilla has few equals in nnedlcal ] : Itl roIlng Bufered wih whlt calcll
I IS oT. The testimonial eqt : lllel over across the bed. From that time on nervous d'lpepBIR. I could hardly walk
pttblislied ) I ) I ] two yells ago , 11.1 1 I late ) Improvement was Very Rapid and could . hardl ' keep anything on my
stomAeb. I doctored for six
letter flom her mother says Olive eon- and she soon began to creep about the but the orsevenycnt
, r , utthomcdichnesdinotdma
furies il goot health anti 1 "TC tire house and then to walk 01 crutches. Now dlerent medlcles .
any good and I grew steadily worse I
satisfied het' . lllmblo ) CUI by ehegenernllyuses but one crutch , the dlswonld steadly
' " would stave sick headache for three days
Hoo's ] 811'11111'111 Was permanentcase having let [ one leg crooked , andlfearnail hs\o
nights , causing me each agony thntit
Briefly stated the case was this : When I It will remain so. 'Va feel that to Hood Ilghl ( thatt
seemed as though I would rather die than
Olive was 8 years old she had the whoop- Sarsaparilla we owe our child's life . . than
chld'B live. '
lo. lve. I was told to try Hood's Sarsaparilla
Makes Pure am D od
Ing cough and measles , followed [ by In"I enclose the photograph of my daugh- and did so. When I had finished the third
tense palms lu every joint in her body , ter and I think It Is n picture oC perfect bottle I was BO much better that I could
like rliemnatistn. Physicians were puz- henlth. When I thInk how neal she was eat things that I bad not dared to cat be-
zled , but nfter n consultation , pronounced to denth's door I cannot feel thankful fore for years. I have taken six bottles
the disease seine form ot enough for her recovery. " Mlts. J. A. End feel like 1 dlferellt person " Mns. "
Oonsttutlonal ! Scrofuln. CARL , Reynolds\ie , Pennsylvania. SIMON DECKER , Ruggle3 , Pemeylvania . " _ .
"When wo began to usehood'sSarsnpaThegrcater lncludestholess. Suchncuro "Roreshlngsleep has been given me by
Alfa , she could not bo moved without as the above must convince ; you that Hood's Sarsaparilla and I now rest wol
crying out with pain , and wo were com- Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a wonderful blood and do not feel tired 11 the morning as I
polled to cut her hair , as she could not purifier. Give It a trial this spring . used to " JOHN CiAto , Somerville , MIB
. . . :
: , , , . . ' .
s w _
" .1
A Chance to Double Your Money.
Commencing Sa tU14day .
. .
' "
On tan - - which we w l cut up to .1 I
. . : , . ' _ ' .
. : . . . . , ' . your order at cost of cloth , and making. ' , " r I . . . . , .
AU the Ifods and , ends" that have accumulated ] during .
t Ze season-\vorth $7 -$9-$10-\vil be cut to your order at
$4.00 - $5OO and $6.00 for Pa11ts. Worth $25-35-and $ 40-
During this ' sae-$16--$20.--$25. ]
. \ " ' hy do you buy unsatisfactory readY-Inade ganncnts-thand.
n1e-downs-when you can have them made no order at the same pr i ?
. We guarantec . better fit-better . wear'-better - worklnanshi p- ,
and better satisfaction. All this wc guarantee-or your money back.
Better get your . order in "eary on Saturday-and take first pick.
Our Spring and SUI111er Styles ready on the 23d inst. . nr . ;
Between 207
FARNAl\ youth "
c'11id i
vaua aas. r 15t hSt.