Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1895, Image 1

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srl'Anr.JISJIED .JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAhA , S.iVL'UUDAY MoRNiNG , . JJ"EBUUAHY 10t 1S95. . SIXGf.Ji1 COpy FIVE OBNr.L'S. ,
) - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, Claims She Ual1 No Intimation of the Oon-
templated Upri3ing.
IclI'f the ) Right 01 the Court to Try 11cr-
" , 'rolrt .I Unll ) ' I'rl)1)lI111-NIlIe
.I tin I'brll } ' , ' \
1xcctitctl. : !
I -
UONOLtJLU . Feb 8-Vla ( Slenmslp Ia-
rlposn 10 San rnnclsco , Feb. IG-There ) )
- hove heE no executions as ) 'et. The ex-
IIUln's trial Is I still on The charge against
her Is mlslrlslon 01 treason. William I rancl
chargell with contplraey , Is the only man
who 13 ! to IX leporlcl on the Mariposa. On
the AUttrnla leaving February 23 a number
of others wi be teportel ( , Incluiing Peterson
nHI ( Creighton , ex-cabinet officers , and \ -
l"nhurger , I'ostmacter General Ashtord anti
John P. Boyler have been found guilty of
mlpprlslon of treason. The government , just
Ilrlor to the sailing of the Mariposa , deckled
to banish Carl Wildemann , convicted of trea-
son lie Is n son ot Judge WIHemonn , one
ot ton. the ex'queen's commissioners Washing- -
ton.1lrs. . Lluokalanl Domlnls. ex-queen ot
HawaI , was arralgiicd the Gth Inst. on a
charge of misprision of treason. The orIginal
charge was treason She Is represented by
Paul Neumann 'rho first lay was frittered
away by the argument ot eounel , who ob-
jcctet to the court at every tur Ills objec-
tons were overruled In every hlstance
After the char , was read the mater went
over for a day. The case was called , again
the lay before 'estenlny. The deposed mon-
arch refused to plead : , so a plea of not guilty
was enter.d. The work of eXlmlnlng wine
neses was gone on wln ant enough evidence -
dence secured to prove to In Impartial ob-
server that she was Iwaro the rebellion was
to bo started The most tamlglng evidence
that Is to be brought against tier will bo her
personal diary , which was fount ! In her residence -
dence after her arrst. Whether this Is In-
trOluced and mate public at her trial depends -
ponds very much upon the course pursued
by her counsel In derlntlng her case. The
ex-queen reeordcl her thoughts , desires Inll
Impreslons freely In her diary . Among tha
entries made during last summer was one
statng ; "J. 0. Carter caled today and te-
lverCI Preshlont Cleveland's present to
J . " What this present was Is not stated.
lIP to the time of the return of the special
commission , which went \'ashington to
Interview President Cleveland , the ex-queen
records herself as favoring a waitng policy ,
confident that the American administrton
would Interfere In her behalf. After President -
dent Cleveland's answer to the commission
she became more aggressive and began to
ii listen with growing Favor to those urging an
uprising on the part ot the nat\es , Iudolph
Sprecltles called to see her oren and Is represented -
resented as ad\lslng her to fight I out. She
( lid not agree with hIm until during his last
stay In honolulu , he indicated that she could
get plenty ot money ii ! San Francisco to buy
arms and carry out a suecessfut rebellion.
Ho Is also reprcselted as I willing agent to
her Iltyshlp ,
The last entry ot the diary was mate De-
cemb 28 , 1891 , and closed with ; "Signed
eleven commIssions today "
These were tire commissions for the ciii-
cers of the new government referred to In
tire testimony of her prh'ato secretary. The
J dOcuments have been canceled or destroyet ,
and her attorney has entea\oret to prove
that they never existed.
The Wnrlmoo's departure for VictorIa was
delayed for two hours to gIve Johnstone ,
Muler and Craunstone. the banished men "
In opportunity to see their respectve coun-
fels , Johnstone talked to British Commissioner -
stoner Iawe : , after which he stated he was
satisfied 10 go Craunstone saw Minister
Willis , who Ilrotested to the go\ernment.
cleamlng I hat no right to send , men out of
, , ' the country without first giving them a trIal
Tire German consul also objected In tire els
of Muller. After the steamer salted MinIster -
ter Wils boarded the PhIladelphia ant had
I conference wih Admiral Beanhlee 'h
. movements of Wils are watched anxiously
- anti It Is salt the government fears ho wil
cal the forces of tire Phiadelphia to his aid
In case tine government decides to hieing'il -
lard Seward , one ot the men contemned by
the military court.
Tire Advertiser recently publIshed an editorial -
tonal about the American minister's course
which brought tire following ;
I AmS , hONOLULU . , 1. I" , I'cb , 5. 189-
Dear Sir ; I mayo noticed In this mornln 's
Issue of tire Pacifc Commercial AdvertIser
un edItorial cOlmentng unfavorably UI
the action of tire American minister In re-
laton to the deportation ot Mr. Craunstone
I desire to call your attention In this connec-
ton to tine fact ot our friendly relatIons to
tire go\erment of tire United States and
' that therefore It Is desirable that caution he
exercised In commentIng upon the olel.11
conduct ot its representatives here , to re-
Ifln from harsh and unfriendly crIticIsm ,
nod especIally so when reference Is made to
, the nets ot the Illeshlent of that country
I have tire honor 10 be , dear sir your obedient -
dient ser\ant. FltANCS n , I Arl
"Minister of l of'In Alnlrs , "
"To Wnlaee n. Farrington , esq" , EdItor
11110 Commercial AdvertIser , 10nolulu , "
I Is understood thaI the foregoing was
sent to forestalL any objectIon thatIr ,
WIIII mlcht mall
Since last advices the military court has
tried native rebels , V Vsh -
ford , John Cummins John Wise alll Call-
tnln lavics CUlmlns 111 navies both
pleallell guity ' to a charge of treason 'he
latter wus : roaster of tine stenmer that landed
/rms for tire rebel The government bas
liberated John H. \Vrilker. Thomas Hawlns
nod Henry S. Winton on their own recog-
117leeS , The unto are charged with con-
splrney , I Is I nnderslood thaI a number of
prisoners who have been convIcted wi bo
lIberated after the departure ot the Inrl-
Ilosa. A welt defined , rumor says Admlr.\ \
Iearllsleo has In6tructons to raIse the lag
of tine Unied States over Pearlubor. . I
Is hllcatell thaI the UnIted States go\er
lent will tale ( posesion ot the harbor under
JnarlnteCI treaties , ant pobablY Ileclare a
l1rotectorate over the Islands. :11 Beardsleo
Is i saul to be vrtcd wih the n\lthorly \ neces.
Iary to carry oul the lrogral ,
0 , e. Moreno , who takes I lIvely Interest In
HawaiIan affaIr . , recent ) ' wrote to Hobert
W'ilcox , ono of the eOllne,1 rebels , saying
ashmrmeti Senator lIavlc ain't ,
Inc hlll been as by lawle ) :
other Ilroinenten that Presilent Cleve'
land anti , MInIster WillIs WHe both really to
recognize the rdlels I they vera slccessful ,
Whie the trial of the ex.queen vas In
) ) regress ) 'eelenlay , bile was Illaced on the
Btnnll In her own behalf . Tlw dIrect fa/
111t01 WI conlne,1 to nn nlegel CU1\'lra-
tel hoh\e D her arid Charles Clurlt , who tes-
titled that hI IIfol1'll her at the JroJosetl
rebelilomr . She del led any Eneh cOlveraton
took 1'1111 ' After her exomlnston was con.
cluteJ a Jtat melt by her was tiled . I c'm-
nh'lcel wIth n hlslor ) ' sInce the tIme ehe was
leJusel1 amid roes on to Ea ) ' ; "The
monlelt underlahen by the la" I
i . wIIIIIS last lolth was absolutely cairn-
mut'nnrril without m ) lowlet.e. ; sanction ,
e mmcciii 1'1 asbistance , directly or Indlrect ,
suit this fact Is l II truth known to Ilse who
took I'art In It , I receiveu 10 Inlorm ton
Ilm any one In regent to uml winch were
tu bo , rrcernrptl nor uf any men \ he were
11111el to Jour In such uprising. i do lt
110\\ ' why tints Informaton Inould have been
wlthhh"11 fol inc unless It was wIth a view
tl mnny IJenonal safely or 18 a precautIonary
, 1) )
, . mneaetnrc . 1 woulJ not have rceelnd mrmy
kennel on emil 1 can assure tine gentemrn ot
IrIs e0lmt610n that hall Ilmown I of any such
Illenlr I would mare Ill uaded ) IJro-
SCtWI tror such p. yentur , . flub 1 wi Illd
that hail I kncwn , their secrets would have
been mIne anti Inviolately preserved .
"That I Intentell to change my cabinet and
to appoint certain officers of the kingdom , In
the event of I restoration , I wIll admIt , but
that I , or any enl kncwn to me , hal In part
or In whole establ9hell a new government 1
nol Irue Detore the 24h of Jnnnary , IS95 ,
the day upon which I formally abdicated anti
called upon lY people to recognize the replb ,
lie ot hawaII as the only lawful government
ot thee Islands ant to support thr.t glvern-
mont , I claim that I had I right to select I
cabInet In antlclpat'on ot I possIbility . anti
tine best theory of other governments support
this right. I was not IntimIdated Into abdi- ,
eatIng , but followed the counsel at able anti
genuous trlends anti well wishers who advlgeI
Ol that such In act would restore peace and
good will alOIK lY Ileoille. I acted on my
own free wIll anti wsh : the worM to know
I have no immunIty or favor myself nor pleal ,
toy alblcnton , a a petitIon for mercy I mlAt
deny your right to try le In the manU and
by the court which you have called tegether
for this purpose. "
The military court will probably bring In a
verdIct at gu Iy In the cue of tine eX'lueen ,
notwlhstalulng her tenlal Sentence w ! he
IJsseI ) , , but wIlt bo allowed freedom on her
own reeonlzanees.
Tire next case to he tried , wilt he thnt of
Jonah lCnnionaole . lie was prince under the
Icnarehy 111 was 10 0 kIng In case the
reh lon was successful Tire queen was to
abdicate In his favor , In uter to Itecp
Princess Knunlana from the throne Tine tact I
I wel Imown by the English residents. .
P. D. I Walker has lodged a protest wIth the I
Britsh commssloner ! 'nlker Is the owner
of tine schooner Norman that arrl\et recently
from Victoria with a cargo or almon. The
authorities believe she method I load or opum :
on one of the IslalHh 'rhe ) refuse to allow
Walker to leave tine country
A number of prominent natives and halt
castes are making arrangements to form
Iloltcnl clubs all over the Islant9 , Annexa-
tioni Is the object The government Is collecting -
lectng eVltence against nUlolph SIJreckeh ,
hut no mo\e wIll ho mnte In his case until
the amnthorlties , certain he
authorites are ab9Jhltel was
mlxet tip In the reb llon ,
A rumer was started today to the erect
that Carl Widdennan . Wlllm Greig ant
Thomas Marsina . three men convicted ! , of treason -
son , werl to be deported today along wlh a
number of others When told of the rumor
a cabinet ofeer stated there was no truth In
tine star ) ' , lie says the government hat no
Iltenton ot tr1\lng the men awa ) ' , At the
bst nnoment howeVr , It was techletl to send
Wlllleman away . arid ho was \ut aboard the
larlposa for San Francisco wih another man
mnannetlVIIIIa 1 I rance.
01 the steamer Australia , lea\lnt hero on
the 23 Ins ! . a number ot men now under
arrest will be allowed to iave I the country .
wth : the understanding they cannot retur
without permlslon of the overnment In
the meantme , nn act will bo Ila set to cover
these cnses Among the mien who wl be al-
iCed I to leave will be : James Drown. 1'ret
Wundenberg , George Hlman , John Whie ,
Charle Creighton , g. H. Thomas and P. II. : .
itedward.'inite nlhl Hlman made tIne
dynaml sinIls that were to bJ nell b ) the
rebels. Peterson and , Creighton were both
cabinet ofcers nt one tme , Wuntnnberg
was formerl postmaster ! eneral , From a
government source It Is learned that both
John p , Dowllr and V V. Ashrort have : been
fount guiy cf misprision of treason UII to
this date the milItary court has disposed , of
elxty-flve cases They con\lcted sixty-two
intent acquitted two , and one case , that of the
queen , Is pendIng
- -
NOIANU lnOI'S'Tl' . R ItR ( ) W.
Wi Act wIth : lnloD118 In IRwnl to
Secure re Fnlr Trial ; for Ilck"rd ,
LONDON , Feb 15-Slr ftwart Gray , In
response to an InquIry In the House ot Com-
mens as to the condition of affairs In HawaiI ,
said that : Ir , Hawes , the Drltsh commissioner -
sioner , has been instructed by cable to nsk
for the delay of the execution ot the EnglIshman -
man , Heknrt , who marl been condemned to I '
death b ) the court martal , I ho had been eon-
\lctet of compl'city only In the rising or
actual putclt1aton , wihout havIng bat a
fair and open trial wlh fun opportnnly to
defend hlmset against the accusatIons mate
agaInst hIm. In eiher case the evidence on
whleh the sentenee of Helmrd Is based Is to
b& sent home ant Mr Hawes hag boon dl-
rectell to act In concert wih his UnIted States
colleague , who has receh'C1 simiar Instruc-
tons from his government In the case of tine
American to death , , Seward , who was also contemned
: WUTlMlW7'.1 LEHSLIT1'E/WUTl'/ .
CIUCA , orllllell " 'lorn the State IA Inler-
cAIOI (1"1 I'rcrercncc
1I lt , S , D . Feb IG-Speclnl ( Telo-
grani-Aplin's ) bi , gl\lng preCcrence to
cnRCS of appeal where tire state Is n part ,
Illssed , air dId Bo'ce's bill covering tax
tItles , hair's bill lxlnt terms oC court In
iitntte county and Borcc's bIll lxlng sal-
arIes of city olces In citIes ot the first
cin.In I
In the house a sharp altercation till oC
virulent personaltes took place over the
hilt 10 establish n court of conciliation , 'I'he
hlW ) ers of the house , IncludIng tine speaker
nnd 1I'811'S , Baron und Glass , ItlllCltel1
the pOIII ts. Dowdel and Col\ln , wlh ins-
IICI'lt , all the latter retured 18 goon as
they l'el'el'el. , 'l'hls bill lied been consld-
( rtll dead , hut lfer the delnate which
Itra ted , hnlf I an hOUl' , the bIll mtttssetl hy a '
\'ote of r9 to 10 IUS
Petton8 wcre Introduced In the house
uml senate niIcIiig that the houndarlel he-
twecn NehrHI < a anti South Dakota , lluy
' . he Ietermnnlmned h ' '
count determlnel by commlsslunel'l
flom time tWo tatel A trill Ilsse,1 the
honse rreatng a Ninth judicial circuIt out
of the Third anti 1.'ICh dIstrlct . 'l'iie sen-
ate nlOUfl'tt until : IOulu ) ' . 10 \erml the
comnmittr'tt to wOllt on bllK , 1)owniehl , offered
I resoluton , which wal laSsetl , callIng upon
tine sUllrCnl court to know IC It II neces-
Il I' ) ' tn take a epnsnl this year
In the Icnate Elliott's bill for the aboli-
lon of thc IlelHllel u ulnlt eOlmen'Jul
agenel's , which inns hUll rther u rclt ) '
cornice tJurlng the brat few weel.I ilnaliy
Irasseit wIth hut one dlK8entn vote 'hll
I'ell'uls tine hlWI Ira5etI In 1890 , requlrlll
111'uclll Ilte those of Dnn'l nail itind-
street's to deposit $ WO wih thc state
trNIKurer ins a gunmntee oC the correetnl'SI
oC theIr H'llorts On thc IlsHage of the
hill liradslmcot'ri hnmeltalel } ' withdrew
( rout thl' state IUII refusPII to make reports
on I , 'rtvt 'earl ago the deposIt WUI cut
Ilown to $10,0. but even this tilt ) not secure -
cure 1IIIsll't'l I i rettnmn Having I Illssell
thl' 'nate : Iw Iuch U 'oto . theme II little I
dOlht that tine mealure wIll gO throlgh' '
the inotise , Fvery I ltoIlist , voted for It. :
loJorrals SwItched ' 'heir \'ntl.
R.\I.I'f , Ore " , Fcb i5-Tine only cimitinge-
In the lnntollul joint halot tod:1 was tire
Iwlch oC tine dCl0erale vote from
\'ratla'noir1 to J. H. Hlh ! , ' 1h" vote
SIOOIol'h , 41 I ; hare , 10 ; Italtly , 7 : \ -
iiamnrs , 10 ; \ Lord , 7 : Lowell , 12 ; ! Weathcr-
( ell , I ; Ahsent , 2.
( : IIIo l.lkely In rdaho.
nOISI' , Idaho , Pcb , 15.-Theme was one
pair In tIne JoInt IeiinrlatI'o , eOllenlol
today , , anti ) the ballot I'esultd ns rolowl :
ShOIP , 19 ; Sweet , IS : Ciniggott , J5 There
nine now IHtealonl of I change II tine
1'11' futul'e , but It Is dllenlt to forecast
whu t It wi he.
r - -
tOl.InUn JITI .1 II1W/i.
! . ' Iul frIhrs , Intn I Irol < cl Hnnl
I'rollht Train ,
ItI1INECLIFI" , N y" , Feb 15-The
freight trin Imown lS time ' 1'1'0) ' Illclt.ul
bouull north , plrted about I mil and a
hulf monk of Hhlneclf itt 3 o'clock this
morilng , Tire dlrhlell parts camc together
ali live cars \\'ro telescoped . 'I'hoTe.'lt
hlndl.1 Inc Ilown t rack . emit before I ilan-
"CI" 81nll 'uuhl b tllepinyt'tl tine south-
boulll test lal fI unto ( tine wreck , Ihl'
vingliie unnil thrco ' uf tIme
'ngilo ulll express can ( fl t
Irall jumping tine track 'fho 10colol\Q
\1nt unto tine rl\cr. can''lug wih It inn- J
glnmeirn' Jennies D , Ionohuc nun Iflr'mnl
lo' , ' ' . 'he ) ' were cXlrhulel } hy tire crow
or tine train ,
l ngllc"I' 1onulnl died a ( ew houll miter '
th , ' aevltieiit . Flremal itecti Is ( nrel'
jurcll. 'I'ho wreck cal1ht lire soon uftcr
tine tollisloni.
( ) ur'al Unhtry Urns Hllllrl ,
I.ONnON , Fob l5-The TImes special
( morn Kcbe states that tie Corean ministry
bane resigned ,
German Firm Dctected Sup lying ! the
Samoan Rebels with Gnus '
Isllml \ ' lsltcI by u 111(10 Whl'h Ils ] , llt
UI' lu.t uf the Inrt'l1 1'sll'lt"
null : tl\ , ) " Niitleti-lnitL I > cc-
UUI" Nnw II I'rogrcss.
APIA , SmOa , Jam . 30.-Correspondence ( of
tine AEsocate,1 , Press , per Steamer Mariposa ,
Feb. lG.-The ) great scandal during the past
month has been the discovery thn Prlngs &
Spatz , a large German firm here , inns been
importIng antI selling the rebls rifles anti
amnirnunnltlon . For some tme Past I has been
known that munitons of war had beel SUII-
piled to the rebel party , and that thereby
they were enabled , to maintain an armed op-
positon to th laletoa government. I was
swspeetell ) that the ofenters In this respect
were Germans , and not much surprIse was
felt when no Ilroper efforts were made to
bring thcm to justice. One ot the local
papers Inns been very keen In endea\'orlug to
trace the offense home to the guiy persons ,
alit , ) early this year founl Its opportunity.
By some means It acquired Inrormnton In
regard to this contraband trade , anti the next
Issue or the lerahl contaIned nn artIcle
which forced tine authorites to take such
acton that the whole disgraceful business was
exposed. Tine riles liar been Imllorted trom
Germany , paekOI In cases labeled tools , Ind
owing to the Imlerreet custom nrraugements
had got Into Samoa , 'hls first Instalment
% vas ' but Iart of an Immense quantty now
stored In Sydney by the frm tn queston , and
which they have lmltet were Intemled to
be IntrOlueed Into Samoa , I wIll scarcely
bo belIeved that for such a heinous offense , In
direct contraventon of the BerlIn treaty the
Germnn eonsil here has sin1'y fined the two
partners or the frm $ )750 each Great In-
dlgnalon has been expressed , together wIth
I certaIn amount of satisfaction , that at last
the Infamous perpetrators of this outrage ot ;
supplying the natives wIth the menus or
shnetlthiing each other's bloOI have boSri discovered -
covered , , and neither British nor Amerteans
lre II\ol\et.
Samoa has been \lsle,1 , by n plague In the
form of the dengue fever , which has laid UII
almost every foreign resident anti most of the
natives. At pre . ent Consul General Mulligan
Is severely alacl\t , Manny deaths have re-
stilted ant although the fever his \eall
abated In Upolu I Is ragIng fercely In the
other Islnnts ,
The Drltsh consul , Cusaelt Smith , has left
for gnglall Ills successor Is : Ir. WooMord
his action In regard to exposing the hull. '
\Idlals who have supplied guns flint ) cart-
Is much condemnell ,
ridges to the natIves
The BrItish warship Walaroo loft for New
Zealaml on the Gth Instant , so that the only
vessel nt present In the narbor Is the Ger-
mann ship I almo ,
The biennIal municipal electIons are at
present In full swung . ama ) ns usual tine con-
test has become an International onto . as he-
tween Germans flirt ) BrItsh ant AmerIcans
The fght for the positons promises to be a
very hot one
Tine land commission has finally concluded :
Its labors , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :
Throng of English Nnlnb1es A880mhlo "t
St JI11e. ' 1'"laee ,
LONDON , Feb. 1G-The 11rlnce of Wales
held hil first levee of the seascn at St JamEs's
palace this evening Notwithstanding the
weather was Intensely cold and a slight snow
storm prevailed the levee was largely at-
tented , The usual crowds ot sightsEers as-
semblet In Pal Mal to witness the arrival
of tine throng arid to see the prince ot Wales
drIve In state from Marlborough house , hs !
London residence , to the palace , His royal
highness was Cccrted by the Second Lire
Guards , who wore polshe helmets with
white Illumes and long red cloalts. Among
those luesent at the levee were Mr Thomas
F. Dayanl , the United States ambassador ;
Major William l.mUow , the mIlItary ntache
of the embassy , and Lieutenant Commaner
William S. Cowles , the naval atache , Among
those presented to the prince In the tlplomatc
circle was Mr Davlt D , Wells , the seccnt
secretary of the embas3Y. William C. Ihlstm
of San Francisco was presented to his royal
highness In the general circle ,
MEXtCtNS uo nONOH TO 014V.
. \1 l'ln/s Ordered at HuH last Untl tie
lem,11 Cross Iho ( roi t" : 1
CITY OP MEXICO , I eb , 15.-Unttenl , States
Minister Grny's hotly leaves tomorrow at 9
a. m" , via tIne Mexican Central , on a special
train for his IndianapolIs home , nccompa-
nlet by Mrs. Gray ant layart Gray I'resi- .
dent Diaz will accompany the body with I I
hrlgade of soldiers to tine train A general I
order inns been leaned by President Diaz that
all the national flags throughout the republe
'of Mexico shall remlin nt hal mast until
tire bony hus crossed tire Ho Grande river ,
The presIdent persomnaily patti a visit of condo-
leneo to tine legaton this morning lrs , Dlaz
called . this aferoon , on Mrs. Gray
Tine German minIster has nslled his colleagues -
leagues to let their flags remain at hat mast
nintH tire body has crossed the fronntler. The
cIty Is In mourning totay ,
OI JM\Nlbn IN 1'f.\NU.
Uorr "on l'oeler Sits UO\VI urn I 1'ractious
1'ulhl lelll ) ' ,
Bgnl.IN , I'eb 1G-ln tine lower house of
tine Prusslan Diet today Herr Von Itoeler ,
minister of the Interior , refused cn1hatcaly
to entertain a temall made by the Polsh
, Ieputes that the go\ernment shoull Inter-
veno agalnt the work ot tIre Society for the
I'romnotion of Germanism In tine easter provinces -
vinces of Prussia. herr Von Itoeler delarot
that the nlms of the society were not nnggres-
sl\ , whereas tire Polish press was always
strring up I feeling against tine Oern1ns ,
Such an attack Ullon tine German element he
delaret , required to be 'frmly repelet , Na-
tonal undo commanded every German to lID
what was best tu promote German Interests
In the eastern Ilro\'lnces. herr Von loellr
concluded iris remarks by advising the Poles
to Inlo wih tine Germans In peaceful work
for the cOllon good. S
10UI lt\S tlSISt' : OI'i'ttlSSI(1N ,
\011 Czechs In tire Unnllrlul : Hlo't1 ,
inmost 11 Ily to i.yuncii thl Uovtrnior.
ViENNA , I'eb 15.AIolent scene 01
common In the Bohemian Diet at Irngue ,
Herr Gregr , a ) 'OUI& Czech , complained that
the go\ernment was suppressIng the Bohemians -
hemians wih such brutal force that It Was
driving their pOllulaton to anarchy 1111 rctvo-
lutlorn . Count You Thun , governor of
Bohemia , started to reply , but was assailed
fr"m all attics , The noisy Interruptons con-
tnued throughout the speech , ' bun declarell
Ihat but for the Immunl ) ' enjoyell hy the
members of the met Grlr's language wOlld
constitute high treason , The go\'ernleni
\oull ne\er relax Its suppression of plottIng
anti anarchism , /n Inleserlbahlo , tumult fol ,
10rll tIne speech , The Czechs seemed ready
to Inch ) Count Yon 1hun on the spot , )
" Jtlhiiln : Wil 1ut Stto I".r 'l'rm4.
I.ONUO , Feb 15.-The Derln corrcspoll ,
emit 't the Stantnrd telegraphs that ho Is
Informed that Japan declnes to formulate
term ot peace , She has hl\'led the powers
to discover the amount of Intemnly China
Is wilng to ira' ' and the territory she will
lie willing to'cele ,
Nltlul Urn\ I 1111OrUn In , Jrnvt. .
IA'rA YIA , Feb. l , -A 1110t ot the nath'cs
11\01'11" murder bus been discovered II line
Tjnl1len Ilstrlcl , In the assistant residency
of Dhlen ol , on the Iland or Jaa. I was
the Intenton ot the Illoter to murder all
the uropeans and ChInese In tine dIstrict I
possible. All the chIef movers In the plot
alHI fifty of their followers hare been ar-
rested and placed " In prison .
sl.\n AtJiTtTlN IN (1mitHAY : .
He oluton for I Momnetlnry ( 'onnicrence rn-
Iruducrd II I the ltetcinstnig.
flElil.IN , Feb , 15.-COunt Yon : trbach ,
German conservatIve , Introtuccl , n resoluton
In tIne lelchstag today , Instructing the fed-
oral go"ernment ot Germany to Issue In-
\latons for an internatIonal monetary con- '
terence to take measures to bring about tine
rehabiltnton at sliver as a cIrculatIng me-
11UI. : trbach said that the moment hnl
now arrived for Germany to take the In-
Itatve In settling limit luQlton , which Is
ot great hnllortanee. tiimnnetnillamn\ would
cause the raIse ot all prices In gold , whln
gel was the currency. Agrlcullo would
b3 rUllnel1 It the present E'stem was main-
talnet , \merlc would eIther absorb Ger-
Inany' gold or allollt a pure silver standard
anti capture tI ( ' whole ( aster trade ,
Oher SUIIJ0rters ot the r soluton Illorsel
tIne I oslton that Germnn hind taken nt the
Paris monetary conference In 1883 , namely
that she regarded nn Internntonll agreement
slrable Ipon n rte betwcn gold ant silver as lIe
Dr. TheoJoro Darlh , GHman radical Inlon-
1t. snll tine Brussels conference mad pro\e.
a flsco , nll tIre conference In Gerllny In
l83 was frtnitless . There wins little or no
eonnectol between the depression In hus-
I bandry ant tire Introduction of the gold
slanlanl , ,
Count Herbert Bsmarclt said the rsluro ot
the Brusselg conference wa jJrl ) ' due to thc
absentee ot nn entente between tine powers
which took hart In it. The Dertn conference
or JSi8 arrIved at a resul , because Great
Brlldn rind Russia hall prevIously reached n
) reacll
basic for nn agreement. \n Internatonal
entente upon tine curenI ) question would
ho err i'eut at In tht eourst er time , anti , In
tl case of Great Brllln , the feelIng was
growing In favor or bImetalsm , In conclusion -
sion Vaunt Herbert said : "n gives le great
pleasure to see low warl ! my frlenl , , Bal-
fou . : . inns taken lp the caust In that coun-
. .
Herr Schoenlank , social democrat con-
telle that the introduction of hlmetalsm
woull lead to n fall In tie value .or cur-
ncnmcy nnl would premise nothing but a
hopeless future to the workingman .
D. Lleber of the center party , saId the
centrists willingly supported trio measure , be-
cameo the ' saw In the Ilroposea conference
nun attempt to remo\e dllctltes In regard to
Iw monetlr ) studard- ! question which was
ol personal hnportnncc to commerce ,
Chancellor Van Iohenloho 1declarel ? that he
\a Incliner ) to U fttvorableconeidcratIonm for
t proposal for an Interchange or \'lews on
the subject with those states wblch were eon-
corned In the slver queston , 'he debate
was then aljonret ,
cn lalithiioLAlN ( " ' \lISunl : NT.
JJIJte ! rAul"t Iii the , Cmnilou9 Oi the
leply 10 tlo ( imerit' trc.l.
LONDON , Feb. lOn the resumption of
debate on the a < tress In reply to the queen's
speech , opening the session In thc house of
Commons tqtlay . Joseph ginamberlalnt offered
an amentment declaring It was contrary t"
tine IJblc Interest for the time of parlamenl
.to be occupIed In the dIscussIon of mensures
Whl'.I , according to the mlfl131er's own state
nicntts hat no prospect of passage Into law
whie proposals In\ol\lng'grve.constllQcal
changes hal been annoanc rl on which the
julgment or ' Parlament shoUldito taken
wihout Ilela ) ' , In speaking to his ameml-
ment , Air. Chamberlain salt the unionIsts In
the house desired to Infl\gn lie latest elec-
torah le\lce , consistng of wasting the time
of the House In the tlseus lon of measurc
which were not expected lo pass , but 'Id
been Introducell In order to confuse the Issue
now before the people and destroy the In-
cvlnble condemnaton which awaited the
primary policy ot the goverment. The re-
fusal of the o\ernment. to Ilsclo : ; tine terms
of their proposed resolution aGainst thc 10us
of Lords was disrespectful o the 10nse , Tine '
government was tottering and could no longe I
represent the Interests of Great BrItain In
tine councils of Iurope , Neither could I enact
measlres for the enforcement of its tomcslc
11011) ' ,
Hcrberl Asquith sahl It would not be th"
go\'ernment's fault bunt that of tIne House of
Lords If the measure dir ) not become I law
Henry Labouchere said his party was die-
satIsfied because I leder , Lord Hosebery ,
who was a member ot the house or Lords ,
hal ) been planl.e,1 , upon tinttnn lo blamet
Lord Hosebery for pallerlng to the "Jingo"
pnrty 'hero' hal undoubtedly been a change
of the atUute of liberal officials since the
retrement of Mr Gladstone . - both In regard tu
'momma ruin and the nn.llon .nn . tIn , T In . . , , nr
Lords . ' Tine u iiliiie ' , v'dii -i the iri i ; n ; ,
of Lord Hosebery Mr Labouchere warned
tine roverment the country hal , not chnaumgcr'i
its \Iew of the questIon , but demalded the
abolition of the Hal so of orda , lIe urge
the government J10t to Iords course which
would surely lead to disaster
Sl'NII 1tJ'EiLs l'LOOiED ,
i'rovijiccs or lurel" nun AIelltc IRrl"ly 11,1 , ( rl.t IRII.e nOle.
MADRiD , Feb 15.-Tij } , river Segura , which
news through tine provlncc ot MurcIa and
Alcante Into the Mediterranean , mae over-
iowell Ia banks and conzirerable damage has
been done al man ) places A portion of the
city ot Orlhuela In Are Je Is ! nuntnted and
the railway from there \0 \ hie City of Aibeante .
tine capital of the proviimce . Is subnmrret1
There Is also a serious flood In tine Guatul-
( ulnr ( river ant Tr'anl , a sublrb of SevIlle , Is l
under water The river Tagus Is I also rIsIng
nnl the town or Aranjuez , about three mle3
utheast of Madrid , where there Is n royal :
palace , Is threatened wlh Inuntatlon , The
royal residence itself Is II danger of being
reached by the water.
SIUI : h IC 0 1' ' ii lit Ice in lIe tin rmnq.
IAnnl. I'eb -Ianuel htuleeorllla ,
tim notetl Spanish republfcn , who , for about
ten years has lived II England , Framnee and
Swizerland , nrrlvctl ' at Dacelona today on
his return to pa'ln having accepted the
terms of the amnesty'nmct-reerntly JIsee,1 , hy
the Cortes 'here Is tl gretest exelemont
among all rflJbleans pa , Seal on account of
the rlturn of Zorla , especaly at Barcelona ,
wlere Irrangemenls for atllnloslnj , recep-
ton to him have beed iiipde . The autlorl-
ties of the city tear thnat,1 ntietrnrbances will
atenll tine denmonistmatlozm' oft the republIcans
all have arranged ferro rIgorous ! suppression
of any trouble that iymy I cocor .
( UII"llh , I" ! tt 1,1Iu g for 'lIme
CITY 01 ImXJc , Beh , 16-Don Ignaelu
: lnllseal , minister or' foreign relatIons In the
Mexican cabinet , states that tlcsplto reports
to tine eonlrar time end oflhe Guatemalan
lueston Is not yet Ir sight The secretary
Intlcated thnt tine nelglnboring republic Is
still at its tactics ot C'lllg the real ques-
tOls In the dlsjlto witin 'i1oxIco nnd cn.
tel\'orlng to gaIn all tire ( tine posRlble
1'1"111 lie " 'IY for : 't.ull'l I'rumnlnl.
ROME , Feb , ) ( -It 'Is reported In semi-
ofclal VatIcan circles 'hat In order that there
shnl be no departure frQm the usual custom
In the promoton ot apostolIc delegates abroad
Mgr b'atohil , the teleKaU to the Ullell
States , wil be appolntfl nuncio at Ilbbo !
inner to being crenttl a cnnm'tinal.
hmnicirin , Cold lm'vvnrlls ] .
Illrl. . .hi 1'1"111 II Europe
LONION. ) Feb I , 15- d Ic01 I omit the COIt- :
nelt show that the cold weather prevaIls In
tire whole 01 central Europe , The Ihlne anti
all Its tributaries are frozen from ( ologlo
ant Munmirirn.s A terrIble sorm II ralng I
II tine Atrlatc , Many peoll13 have been i
frozrn 10 death In Bavaria .
l'rllchI'lclllloll , " ' 1'11' Silver.
PAIS , I'eb , 15.-'he Society of I"rench
. \grleulurI8t yesterday decided to support
bimetallsm and urge the rench govern-
lent to negotlte with the ( JaIled : States ,
Great Prltaimi. ( flermon . holland anti countries -
tries In the fatn unIon with a vIew 10 the
relaLltaton ot 1Hr.
Heaviest Snow Storm Since Mr. Ogoltholo
Crime t the Country '
_ ; _ _ _ ,
Nine Tmiclnen . "I tire le.\lttuln\ . \llntn-
IiniFilmi'iIt , ! 1""lollrol1 ( it ( 'r tine
! tlt" nli I.rl ) ' "rjcllbllf
HI'ol I ) ' I"rcrzl'rllhrr ,
ATLANTA , Ga" , Fob , IG-The worst snow
slorm In tIne memory ot the Present gemnera-
ton Is now prevaIlIng throuhout GeorgIa
In Atlanta I has talen hen\'ly sInce early
mornln , anti the grounll Is now co\ered
with five Inches of fresh snow on four Inches
ot the frozen remains ot Suntay night's
storm The trolley sstem Is parl'zCl , and
mimetically no business Is helng lransacted ,
The streets are gl\'en to Inlro\lsell sleighs
and merr snow balling partIes , enjoying
the unnecustomc , sport , Hosl Coghlnn's
mutnee at the Granll opera mouse hat to be
At DarIen , on the coast , the grounll Is
eo\ore,1 , whIm snow four Inches oleel1. This
Is the first tmo In the history or this ancient
town that this thins has happenell , Twent ) '
years ago there was a fall of snow , but I
was gene In two hours , There has meyer
been such a severe spel at eather ns has
been experlencell for the last few weells , A I
the orange trees nll early vegetables are
killeri . At Thomns\le. the rnmous wInter
retort , there vas a three-Inch fall 01 snow
last night , anti IElgh bells are ringing In
tine streets for the \rst iliac In tine history of
tine city. At Qulman the first snow that has
falen since 18iO fell last nhht. I I bernl nt
j o'cloclt , anal contnued for two hour , mnk- '
Ing Ihout three and a half Inches The sight
Is a novel one to Qultman , anti business Is
suspended , whie everybody Is enjoying snow
balling. At Buehlnan the snow and sleet
Iau stoPlled all eanntiiis , caching and other
public works of tine country 1 ' lrlers are
behind with their work ant everything Is lt
a standslll , In Telfair eounty tine hea\'lest
snot , ' ever Imown In this secton f 1
last night , to tIne deptin of three Inches. amid
turnel , Into iinte sleet .
a fne this moring. Cattle
on tl range Ire dying rrom the effects of
the 11rotraeted colt reatinrrr
At Augusti two ehlren , one white , aged
{ 10nths. anti one colorcd , aged 9 months ,
died last nIght from c'xposure
Specials to the Journal from South Geon'-
gIrt report unIlreceteltell SiO\ storms In
this secton , Fruit 1\1 vegetahles Ire
killed . amilintais fl'
Itlet. anlnals arc freezing to Ileath nrnntl
the people surprlng 'J'he storm Is Unt1rece-
denlell for years , ennui tin somc Iectons the
worst that hos ever 1'en expericmteci )
At Thoml vlil' . the grout ' 'a Inter resort , "
sleighs arc out for the Irst tme inn time his-
tory of time elt ) ' .
Sa\annah UI\I Darlon have the worst
storms evel' Itlown ,
Dowl to tine Flollln lIne al fruit Is
kilell ) and cattle ore lyll from the colt
In extreme south Geo\la the snow II three
Inches deep. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
sl,1tl. 1,0MB O\'EHUUE ,
' Owners or tine ' rfr" Are Not WorryIng
- , \hllt 'lii i'iin.
NEW YORK Fcb -ThG few craft
now belated In this port are not cnuslng their
ownefR or agelts any great degree of un-
oaslness. The St Augustine has reached
ber fourteenth ilay out on her passage from
JacksonvIlle , Fin , and It bas been ten days
slnco she was last slghtet , The ngent In
tints city , however , still adheres to the theory
that she must have been blown far to thc
eastward , and being short ot coal , Is trying
to nmlte port unifier sail The Briish stenm-
Shill ) , Salisbury , from 1letlerranean ports ,
with 36.000 bxes of fruit arid sninli
wlh : nnt a smal ! en-
oral cargo , Is also overdue here In ordinary -
dinary weather she would have arrived In
this city on I.'ebruary 6 , but her agents state
that they are not surprised that she Is late
In view of the heavy storms recenty , The
Standard Oil comllany's barge , which was
abandoned by the steamer , Maverick , during
tine gall last Friday , Is sti out
Ildles 01 frother 111 SIster l'Ollt 1,0clC1
Inn Each Other' itrrnrs.
PARSONS , 'V Va. , I eb , 1 , -Wort hns
reached here that two school chIldren , brother
and sister , aged 10 and 12 years , were frozE
to death In Clover district , this county. They
were fount locked In each other's arms ant
the brother had wrpped his sIster In his coat.
Foot or Il" ' nut GII".loo.
DALLAS , Tex" , Fel 15.-Iteporta from
'ellnesda"s storm ( mont all over tIne state
clint It Ifl wlbout parallel In tine hIstory
of the state Two Incites II the Imalest
nmnti fourteen Inl'hel the ! reltest dlpth reported -
, Snow fell In ' count ' '
ported fel In'ery coummty relOrtell
from 'rexarlmna 10 south at time Hlo Grntll
ninth from New Mexico to Sahlne paps. the
whole surfoce of the stale Wil robed In
whie , 'rhese lines mire , generly sllenl.lng ,
1,000 miles euch In lelgth , A most flngular
fact Is that tIme deepest snow fell In time
gulf cOln tes , Thorc was fourteen Inches
ut Oul'p3ton all twelve Inches In ( foitind .
whIle In north 'rexns lIve Inches wal the
uverlge , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lIlies , rl IClml lw"ll mind Sholhonl ,
hELENA . , ! ont. , I'cb -News has
reached here or the total exterminatIon of a
baud ct 2,500 sheep belonging to Helena len
anti tine death or Eugene \'atts. one of the
herders , In I blizzard near Oklahoma , a few
days ago , The weather hat been warmer In
the afernoon amid the blIzzard btruck tlem
wihout ten minutes varnIngVntts was
near a sited , ant It he had hal , ten minutes '
ho could have been saved with the other
herd era.
Soin t I i en'in ( nut I ho 1)'IIt I ) or ( 'o1c.
AliilI'hilS , Feb. 15.-Reports from all
sectons of the south indicate the snow
storm hal hteonm more extcn'lv than ever ho-
fore known , At Birmingham some two feet
had fallen ii nil ( rom two to thlrtel'n incites
thrdlgho Texac ! , At Wlnol n , 118S" , I mIl
nller 'l'hollPon'IS frozen to dn'utin
wlhln half a mule of n honpe where ho
hlli Itoppc to wa 1'1 , , \ Ilrllnlhnl luch
sniferlmmg Iii rPllorted
sufering II among poor People on
account of thc contuuel cell spell , Cattle $ '
arc reporled d'lng In great miminbers. catle'l
, \mrrleln Blrlc " 'reekpch
SAN 1"lANCISCO , I'el. 12-Tine Man-I-
p011 hrought newl of the wrelt of the
\mcrlcan Imrlt OphnIm' during I hunlcano
nt FIJI on December 6 , 'rho erow were all
saved , hut hall I Inl'OW scnpe CIPtuin
'niter 1"'J'fulon , fonnerly on the Mont-
Iel'nt , wits tn comnHuul , 'I'ho Ophlr was
ownoll hy Ferglton nlHI other Situ 1"11'
cilco lersomns. ' Hhort ' miller tIme wreck
sine was .oll for $ HIJ , rent ) whlt rNnalnl1
of hcr CO' ) tons of copra WeS Hohl for
about 1- : , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TWI I"I'OZCI In 1II1h In New % lo xlcn.
AI.UQUmQU N , M" , I'ch , 15-Joso
Can buJal and his son Juan have IJeen fouli
frozen to dentin on time mesa crust of tItle
el ) ' . 'rhey ¶ left hero W'etlnestlay ulght
wih . Ole BuppllK ii , luring the hill umnl In mc
storm , trail wcnt Into calll , where tine
bodIes were frozen Itf
Fruit oC Hnnw II I ' < lh ( : nroln I : : ,
COIVII\ , C. , Feb. 15-About six
Inches of snow WIS on the grount tins
morning , when Inother snow storm crime
nil ) , 1 his been ruining , electIng 01" Enow-
Int ever Hlnce 'Time pro IJets nine tire
groummd will Ire covered to I depth of more
than I foot by imaornnlntg.
flnrm 11 timer Iut 1 0101 ( 'onitlmnumis ,
DENVER , Fob I , -The weather cOltlU S
extremely cold , but It II no longer slormlng ,
Thermcmeter : regbteret 12 degrees helow
zero II Delnr at midnight ant al G a. m C
below.'I' J
' 1mm u 1'011 nlU1rd for 111\a. I
WASIINGTON. I"eh , 15-1he president
sent ate : the Colowlnl 10mllllons to tIns 6.1.
.iustlce-Jjemnry 13. F'oote 0' CalIfornia , tl
be n Iorne ) ' for the UnlCI States for the
Muthern II"ttlt oC CalifornIa ; Hehard 'r.
( Collor oC : lhIPOII , to be marphal oC
sota. the Uinltetl States for the district oC Mlnmne-
l'ostrnnatcrs-Chmnrlcs love Garner In
- ( ! , , :
James ' { itt.
gmer , leosnulla , II
- - -
( J.t Iz.viszI.11lm'soricpriwrI . - . i'ic.
lnlllo1r : "r Ierrh'rr h"t heeds's' 'lllr
l'At In I'crsnii .
ST LOUIS , Feb , ll-lnlCI States Circuit
JUdge henry C. Callwcl Inns ' recent ) ' heen
asked mnny quesllons ns to' the alllle cf
the court In tine Inler or gnrnlhment suls
brought agnlnst receIvers or tine Santa I'e
anti , 'I'rlseo roads , to ccuro tine ( ina'mnmenmt of
debts owed b ) enmployes Totimny he placr\l on
mo In tine elerk's omce a letter which Is In-
tellet to bo an answer to cover mill such
qmrerles. The letter Is . lS follows :
"YCI wi not he In 'conlelllt' or any cOlrt
over which I preile by sllnt omit n writ or
garnishment to garnlsheo the wagr of an
emlllo'c of tine receivers of the Atcimlsonm
Topeka & Santa Pe Railway compn ) limit
Ir yonu get judgment against the receivers ! ns
gnrnlshfes , you cannel levy Ipon the proper ! ) '
In their IJ1scssion : as receivers , or otherwlsc
conmnpel them to IJay II \y army Ilrocess
Issned trol the court rellerln tine larnlshee
jlllgmenl , The receivers are fl rbIlcn : , I ) ' an
order ot the court to lmay any judgment , ex-
cElt UPOn the eider ot the court Ippolntng
thel , tint , ) the mimic Is not to 113) amy nmttrmn-
ton to the garishment or tIne mouthl' w.tges
of lhl [ 11)loes cf the reeel\ers beynmuti a me-
spectful notce to the Illalntr 111 the eOlrt
In which tire garishee proccel , mugs are taken
lmt the wnge or the emplo'e9 will be paid
to them In person In 11lrSUance uf the orders
or this ,
"Tho reeelverR a til tine men em-
Illoyed by IIm are emllloes of
tIne court The wages of emntpioyes of tine
govemnnnment. nmntnst ito pain ) to tlnennn. Oflicers ,
cierknm nina ) e\ery agemmt amid emmnploye of every
departnnmernt of time govemnmmntenut , jurors mntl
\vltncsers , criers amntl baiiiffs , irnul every ennm-
ithOyO of a eonnrt , tnnclmntllnmg Its rccels'ers ann'J
tineir enuploycir , are onmtitlcd Ity Ia' to have
their salaries , fees anmtl vxmges Patti to tineinm
personally , or to such ngermt as tlncy irnIl
flmtlOlnmt. NeIther tire govermnimnenmt , imor any of
I ts d epa r t mime mite , Immch inn ) Ing tIne j titi I c ltd. cant
be garnnisineetl for tIne salaries , wtges or fees
of its officers , agemmlnt or onnnltloyes. hiy ann
orion' of tine comnrt tins rule Is applier ) to tire
emnmployes of tue cotnrt lit time service of Its
reccivera , anti 1 nmitnst dechinme to sar ) ' It to
mincct youmr case. Tine emnnphoyes of tine eotnrt
immit'o tine smmmnno right to tineIr nmmonmthnly wages
tlintt tine jumdge of tine conmrt has to his nnmontimiy :
salary , anti for tine canine reasomn.
'Phno cotnrt will muot pay' tine vages
of the enupinyc to ninny onto but time einmlmloye
htinn eel t , in or wil I I t sent toni cc in I inn t 0 d haunt Issal
front service , as yeti sniggest nut ) recornnmnmenntl ,
If he does mutt pay mis debts. It is iald that
soinmo of tire enuphoycs fall to paY tineir tlchnts
vhmo are able to do so , anti that they at least
sinoinit ) be disnmiisseil. Time ammswer to this sumg-
gostlonn Is-first , tirat tire court Inns nmo air-
thrority to Inimnlttln intent for nnot taylng their
debts ; ninth , CeCofli , tinat to tletemnnlne whnetiner
tIme ennmphoye wits tune to pay lila debts wotnlri
Inivolvo ant lmtqtniry Into mis lmrlvate affrtlrs
ammil tine trial of ann issnno wlnlcin tIre court has
nneltiner time power mnor tire lnmchlnnatlonn to umn-
dertake. "
Occnnprtnt3 of us lioar.llnmg iloumo ihrnmnt'n
froimi Inch of Iriro.
Time brick fiat at 15)5 Domnglas street , occmm-
ited by Mrs. A. N. Butier as a boardIng
Imouse , caugint fire tints ittomning at 1 O'clock.
The blaze vas'flrst discovered by time girls
wino occumpy tire baaenmenmt as sleeping apart.
merits , nnd tire aiarni s'as given to tIre ocu-
pants of tIre hrnnllding by tinemnn. Thn fire orig.
mated in a closet under tine stairway , and before -
fore tine fire dcpartmcntt arrlvenl tire fire had
extennierl up tire stairway to tire first floor.
cutting cff tine cacapo of thn roonmmers of time
nipper part of tine house. 'l'hne winohe Inside
of tine house stenned to be on fire , and a great
deal of nmpprehnension sas felt for tIne safety
of a nunnrber of those who had beenm sinunt off
by tIre forums. Ladders wore eoonm mum UI )
to thno wiimdows at tIme fronnt nnnd back mart of
tIme bnctmse , anntt tine pcmmnneth up neolnie isere
taken ( remit tine winidows annd carried to tire
Mrs. Ihenison , a rommner on tine first floor ,
was smut off ( roan nmaklnng her escape front tine
room virIcln sire occupIed , as tire only door
openmed into tine mall , whIch was all ablaze
nrnmd filled sltin antoke , SIne trieti to make Item
escape timronmgin tine door , but mhnen it was
opener ) tire unities tirove liar back frito mar
room , Sine bectmnnme badly frlgintemmed miller
inavlimg her mrtnlr PartlY hurried off , amid jumped
thnromrgmm tine back window , escaping wltmnonnt
serious Inmjury. Mrs. Butler's little boy was
dropped fronn.thio tinlrd story of tine bullthing ,
but was caught by ronnie of time nmcrm , wino
were as'attintg iiis' fall , and Inc lauded . all
right , none tine worse for tine droji , Sonic of
the boarders enicapid through tine wIndows ont
tine first floor , nrot stopining to nase tineimn , bnnt
iclcketh out tIne wimnilows ,
TIne firennmcni clint excelienmi vork , anti tine
flannes were soon tnnmnher control. TIne dannmage
to tine imiillthfnmg was 5OO , annni to tine tmnrmnltura
about $200 , fully Insured , Tints is tine seconmil
tlnmme this building hiss been on fire this veeIc ,
find both tunics tine fire starter ) in time sante
hart of time bullthlng.
IIC'IC : IU I'ELLIWC 1)l.I I ) ,
( Jul 'rhino ( ireninbtmclccr mimI l.nmhi'r I.trultrn
1xplrgs nIt ibm-nIt.
DETROIT , Felt , 15.-CaptaIn fllciramni
Trevehiick , tine ivell Jcrmossmm labor ativocate
and poilticlamn , died nit Iris home lit thnls city
toay of paralysIs , mngenl U5 , CaptaIn
Trevehllek assIsted In tIne lormnnatiorn of savemnul
halter orgmmmnizatlonns of nt natIonal cinaracter
alit ) s'as cue of tine fommirilers of tine grcentbrncic
party , preslrllnig over tire mnationnal comnvenmtlon
of that bonhy Inn 1880.
mi i i i lonitul n-n .1 nnilgo io ; r I mu , t in , ( I i I ii.
SC1tAN'i'ON , Pa , , Feb. 15.-Ex.Jnmtlgo
ihormdley , onne of tire ntiost Inronfliflent rcsldennts
of I4ackntwanmrna county , niled ycstedny , after
heing Iii for' omno mnnoirtir wIth tire grip , lie
was a mmnillionnairo , mmiii ) served mm ten-nm unit tire
benrchn as judge of tints ceunnty.
A et o r tiitm ; rnmt4 % S' maim I I m.i gin II em ml ,
NEW YORK , Fob , 15-Cinailes Vinetmt-
ieltdm , ( or nievcnitcenm years mast it mnmennnber
of Atnguatlrn 1)aly'nr stocic connmpny , rind onno
of tire oitiest actors tim tinis connmntry , nhlerh of
ahtoplexy last night at iris resldeince 1mm tints
city , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, lnmtlgo I , , , Irnurl ,
SCRANTON , Pa. , Felt. 15--J , a. hand-
Ic ) ' , lute pm'esitiling judge of tine F'oi-ty-iltin
i'enmnnsylvaimlu niinntn'Jct , riltni lonhay , ruged 61.
Jmrtige llandley lert'enm ant eatnite 'ainieni at
ireverti mnlilton dollars , located lame mind at
\ Vlncimeetcrrt. .
1,1 1. .Ini inn r It tel ma rdsmnn ilvnud ,
LONDON , Feb 1f.-Sir Jennies i'iroinpaoim
Stewart iticinardserm , secretary of tine Ornher of
tine Tinltle , Is dear ] , lie ss'as bonn in lecenn. )
her , 1840 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
dtmndrcsv ltlnry i'mncemred ilyricg ,
NI'iW YOIIK , Foic. 15.-Theme Is a murnor
tititt Connmntissiomnt'r Annirewin may snnr'cecrl
ilyrnes inn aupcrlnttentlent of police. Mayor
Strong says ire anpiolmnted % i nijom' Ammtl rots's
a comrtninlnnnriomnttr binentuso lie thought ire
ss'nns a iroOni muan for time inlare , ntmih met
s'Itim it s'it'ts' of Imitmorinneing un ) mnillitujy
femiture Into tine mtalice tln'pniitnnnent ,
- -
Ilinycimicimis of Snnumo hue % 'i".rimlm , Felt I 1 $ .
it New 'York-4 mnived-iannie , (0mm iln-e-
llouhogino-A rIvenA mmtmrter'clnnmn , from
Neit ' 'tmnic , for Itotteiilammn.
At Stint Viamneihco-A in lteni-.tiimrniposiu ,
( mom iiommoltnlir , Syrhmmey ntnnd ipiu
At iiotteriiamn-Am iVd-Aiimbti'hiilfl , ( noon
Nttst York.
,4\ t1 Nunitts-4\ veni'el'ra , front s ow
. _ . _ ) , Ii omit New
linrltlmoreArmivetiMemnamntic , ( mini
Lomnmhomn emil Hss'rtnrnea
At New \'oik Am'rlvenl ihiiltniniilc , frommi
LIvem irool ,
At Queommmstoan-AlnittnU-Adniatn ( , ( iommr
Nest' Von-Ic.
No Matter How the Penitentiary Contract
is Sett1et lie Will Win ,
h.ngllaInrtm l'lmnl limit that I lit' Sittt o iloimli
time hInt lmnti : of time , l'nkmr.Somnmn
h'Inn mm i'rmlIirm'l f or Set I I in g
tint ) llnmtter.
LINCOLN , Feb. 15.-Spechmml.--Thmat ( ) tinre
Is a mmnnrltoso on foot to relieve \ \ ' . II. lrganm
fronmm tine respommeibti I ties I mmtlO5ti trmtcnm mutt
l ) ) tine lirlsont conmtract is nmot to tnt" dennbted ,
It Is also a signmuflcaint. fact tinat two fnmctloima
are working to aecommnplhsli a couinnuron Itnmrhrose.
mtltlronngln fromni enmttrely dlfferenmt mmnoties Ins
time first place , there is it strommg semmilmmuent
itimmoumg mnmanmy mnnrmnnbers of time hnonms ( averting
t in a ann nimnllnmm elm I of t In t' hrisomm c mm I rae : , for tine
reasonn that as tine nntattcr etnmnnths nut oresentt
tine strmte Inns nbsoltntt'iy mm vrotrctieim against
enmy irregnminrity eu tine Part of tine lrresenmt
conitracter.V. . II. lorgain Is tinnier no obhi-
guttont to tire state of Nelirasica. lie imnm
givenm no bound , Threre is mnotinlnig to ltrevenmt
mint frcnnn tinrous lag tip tine commtmntct tnt nnmy
nnnoumtent ho mntay mice fit. Aitiionngin hm' ' mimetic-
cesior , C. 'V. Masher , smite tnnmnier bontl : to
commatrunet eighty cells free of expoinse to tine
state , lorgan inns rioter botminri Inimmtself to
CoitIthCtC' them. Tine state hiss mat a scrntchn
front lorgamn's itenm to sInew that lint recegmmlzes
alt ) ' obilgationt to' the state , It Is ( runs that
Mosiner nrigmueti tine eonmtract over to tIne state ;
hint iorg.umn din mnot sign tine tramnefer , agree-
lag to ablnIe by tine comntract Event ' It
Moodier's heath was tccinnntcnliy ntiil good , It
is hmractlcall' wortinlesa , It is siguned by live
huersoims , amid tinremr of tincrin , C.V. . Mealier , It.
C. Onnictlt anti I ) . C. Meelner , pro bmmkrtnpt. :
On thno other irnumni , iorgan's frieinriti lna'o
vithniit time Pant lets days begtnnn to non
surmilry hurts to tine effect that It' tine state
tlt'sires to annul tire conttrruct it Cain tb so
\sitiromnt opposItIon , Itrovitleti It nngrezrs to
Inmnrclnaso tine htraperty that mae nncrtimiitiiatett
onm tire inrieonn comntr.tct. it is Iimtlmnmnteti tinat
time Itronert cnmnn be ltnnrcmnaseil you ) cheaply ,
ttitni , inn fart , Ion ahmmnost inclining.
Iorgamn's friemnnhs eonnphnlmm over seternuh acts
of inoatilo Irgishattorn onm tIre hart of thn login-
iatnnro two ycare ego , anti ) onm tire lma't of tire
ltrcscnit scssicnn. 'lIne Iran-ole law , wiremm in
lunhl orcrationn , tsill very nnnaterlnmlly redunco
tine force of commvlct laborers t'httso work
goes to ilnmo tine hmoehicts of tine ltrisonm Comm.
tractor. 'I'ire hill already nasseti by the inouso
rcchmmirimmg mill convIct iniarhe goods to bo so
branmied Is annotlmcr nimeammure crrlhinig forth
bitter connnmnennt frommn tIne conntractor ,
E\'Elt'm'TIlING BELONGS 't'O IfltL. .
11 tIne state thnouiti lie ertlheti tmponm to ammnui
tine eerntract it wotmltl flint ) itcelf inn ant cmi-
banaseinmg imosition tmnmless it connelnntleti to
nnnrclnaso tine itroperty clainimeti lmy Dorgnmnt.
As a rnnntter of fact , tIne ritato owns time
bare walls anmni cells of tine peimitenmtiary.
Iorganm antl thn subcontractors ownn every-
thnlitg else. Iorgamm owims tine tater minilthmly ,
lie owns tine iotver anid higintlumg lmlannts. Tine
imnaelmirmory inn tine several woricshnops is owneti
eltlner by Dorgamn or the stnbconntractors. Time
state Is nmactically at tine nmnercy ot tine
shrewd Mr. Don-gain.
Tire nnppolrntnnmenut of time comnrnitte by time
hnonmso to InvestIgate tire legal statmra of the
mnrisonn conntract Inn tue bcglrmnninmg of tIne final
contest slnlchn ts'ill either mnnaice or break Contractor -
tractor Dorgamn. This conmmnItte urns evoked
fronin tIre attomnney general ann opInion that
sinews tire heglnniatmnre Iii svorde trio mnlatfl to
be nnnlsummrlerstoorl every lninase of tire adviun- '
tage hick ) by lorganm. Tine nnext step Inn tIre
carefully haitI plait will ho tine inmtrorhuctiomn
of it bill appropriating a stniliclonnt anniount
for tine imtmrchnase of tine PropertY nit tine ponl-
tcnttiary belonmginig to , or at least daunted by.
1)organn. Attucineth to tints bill stilt be a
t'isl n directing tire heart ] of h'mmbhic Lamnds
rtnnti Bmnllnhtmngnt to ( alto control of tine imennlten-
tiaiy amid lease tine convict labor to suchu
nartles assiil bId tIne inlgircst for its coim-
hot. Tine pannnnnrgo of such a bill will bin
eagerly nmrged by tine friends of 1)orgrnn , wino
tvlll ininniself keep discreetly iii tIne back-
grousimni. if it cant be Passed tIre State Board
of l'mniillc Lands nmnmd lnullriimmgs wIll be imer
nmnitterl to nmnanmage tine ItoimitemntintrY tintil its
Inmtlhvlrhtmah mniennmbers are cannvinncerl tlnnut tine
lmnterests of tine state wIll be best conserved
by rehetttnng tire comntract to rn inert conmpany :
onn a new hash. 'l'henn Mr. Dongamn will mint-
mirahly conmo forward with a lirouiosltlonm to
again asstnnmno tire responsibIlIties of tire coin-
tract. Dy this procedure Iorgann wIll have
relIeved hniriieif ) f , amity posslblo necessity of
comtneummig Line eignnuy coins , nio semi mtnive tin-
ldauied tmtonm tine tnte innanmy Linoumsamntls of tiol-
hams wortln of mmnacinlnery amid will lie nnble to
operate tIne contract nninomr s'ci'y unnnncir mnnoro
favorable clrctrinmstmnmnces.
Tine statement telegraphned Tine B'e iast
might to tine effect tinrnt tine mew celIa were
nrnmctlcahiy connnpictcd proves to ire erronneous.
Tint. , trttennnenmt vann Jnnatnt to TIne lheo by a
state olhicem' , bunt wino Inert minisunttlcrmtou1 tine
Dan ii.Vineehem stan down Iromni Oinmnha
toihay , to mnrrmningo for mu meaning before tire
Serrate conummntlttee Din nnmmnmniclpal affaIrs entire
tire Onnnahna dinner , Sentator i innlnnn , cinnimnnan
of tinnit commmmnittee , agreed to gmannt nnncin a
Incoming cnn mnext Frhrlay afternoon , I t lie ex-
itecteni that a large rlelegutlonm of Omaha cltl-
zenns wIll he presenmt , .ummtl tine nnnintl : excitIng
I lmnmu Iii looked for ,
ArchItect iiiennrlorft' of Oimrnhna wa at tIne
stale Inonnso today , btmttonnhnntlimng innennthars cnn
tIne Onnmnima charter , i le is ouiosimtg tire
Iteflhh I in g nmmnn eintl nnment id a cintg t hr e lam II nI I in g In-
eiectiomn iheitrnrtrnnent tmmmder tine corntrol of tire
new iioarnh of Public \Voris. lie umammts tire
oflhco of hnnnilding Inspector metainenl , arid , Inn
adtiltlonm , Ino smennte tine leglniatume io no
a mnmennd thr e clue rt em t liii t t lie mm i lii I nig m inspector'
will have ito limterlorenrco un hIs dinette front
tine city councIl , Inn otinem womiini , Inc desires
tnt take front thro coummcul any power or au-
iinority It amity 'ossess ' to envermmnle or set
aainlct may act of tire Inspector , lie cited as
a sanmpio ctiEO tine refusal of innspectc.rVlnlt -
lock to grnrnt it Imerimnit nnnntnny years ago for
tire cmectlonm of two nmthtiltionnil stoner. em tIne
I I ci I inn ann itiocic. 'ri ci ty cotr mmcii took nip tine
' anntl bottling inside t Ire '
mmratten' , , lrnaittctor's tie-
ctsiann , grairted tine nmtntnurity ) ilentrenl , Now
tine extra stories Wi tire ilelhinnant iniock mayo
been conrniemnmred , arid will In.rve to connie
CurtIs Tumnner , Jr. , was also rhoen Cr , nn the
metropolis torlay , hieing caiied mere Iny a report -
port tinat mis goon ) roania bill , which inns
already iteemn favorably uhmorteni tin tire s'nate ,
wnrinltl be reconnminittr'd to tine coinmimnitico on
hIghways , bridges anti form cc , No actiomm
Scant taken by tine sennate , inowes'er Sennater
Ncye.s will , svIrent tire proper linac omnmen , nnnova
to inntye tine bill reconnmmnitteti inn errier that
a delegation of fnnrmnemnn ( remit iougltna county
muntry ophmear aimth argmia against tire Inrovibion
or tine bill winch reqtnires tine roach lax to be
patti In cash.
'fire aintt.ohc'omaargarinme bill inn lln mouse Is
chose to tire top of tire general file , timere belmig
but eiglnt bills ainean ) of It , it will corns
enrly meet 'week.
TIne hioinse coimnmnrlttt'e on ways amnil umnoans
main next week inn winch to cnminple'te' 11 labors
amnil jireseint tine apprvnriatiorn mlii to time
Inotnac. Tine introduction 01 tIne bills swill pre-
cpttate a met light , for the frientis of imnany
state InstItutions are iihnciy to Imnaibt upon a
immure generous nilvy of tine state ftmmnds than
tire coinnniittee Is 111101) to immalce
iIltiNOS OtJ'L' A NE' l'OiN'i' .
Attorney ( lenierel Cinurchnill is Irrelmarlng
tire Itainers for in rominntl rhozemu suits , witicin tvlll
be conmninenicetl wltirlnm a less sveics agaInst as
mnaity counntes , to recover mnitnnny ineionrgtnig
to tire etato trcasmnry , but tied tip Iii iiroken
bammics that IrrevioUs to suspensIon inati been
nieslginated tie depositories by eounmnty ennmnnis-
mitonrers. Tinse stilts raise a nets' amid most
imituortant legal irotnt in comninectionn with tins
depository law i'roirabhy cnehmnrlf of tins
counties In tine rtate 'are tmorlc nig umnther tire
depnsitory law , Mamny of lirece countIes tire
.nm a sen ins lirrdie'arnr nt because m ( tire fail.
urt' of 1unnly nicIrnatery banks No unmly are
funndo beionmglnig to tine ccunnty tied up , but
. _