Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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2 TilE O1TIi DAILY ] 3JI : FRIDAY , 1'EBRUARY ! : I 5 , 189i. ;
_ _ - . . , 1
. within sIx month. The I1revlouR opQrattons
of the Ireauy ( hll resul ! " , he MId In the
United States exchanging Its own bonlh for
its own gold. and now Secrclay Carlslo Ila\
doD what Secretary Sherman dll time Inll (
ngaln when he was refunding the puhlc
lebt-ho hAd purchased gold I other mar- .
Itets than our own.
Ngfm O A aoi.D ftERVh1
Mr. Wilson contrasted the sltuntlon at
the trcasury In 1892 wIth Is IluAlon now
In regard to the burden 10 be borne hy the
, ! oh . reserve. Tht no greenbacks were he-
Ing preentc.l for redemption nnd the re-
serve was only nctsiry for practical pure
POSC to support the outstandIng shIver ,
amounting 10 but $200,000.000. ' Today I
sUllported ( the entire currnc ) ' fabric , ' 500-
000.000 at oUllandlng legal lenders and
Ireasury notes , $500.000.000 at over.valuel
SIlver etanthing. and all the national bank notes out-
" \01 ollmlt , " interrupted Mr. Dngley ot
' " & at have been
Molm' , "Ihat $ t1I&OO.OOO gohl
Ilrchasel to maintain the gel reserve how
. did the Irea8ry obtaIn the money 10 meet
the deficiency In the revenues ot $109.000.0001"
. Mr.Vhleoim rOIII.l thlt , as he h.1 ! tate
on n former occasion , It was I'arty true that
hy the operatIons of the endless chain pro-
cess by which the gold wn Ilra'nel ' from
the treamry , some of the money ohtalmd
; from the sale or bonds hiiiI : . bern transferred
to other accounts nnll hOl ! heen used to defray -
. fray current exhiei1s. le called : Ir. Dlnl' )
. ley's attention to the fct that IIHler tile
national bank : act at ISH , tIme hank ] notea ,
: being rlleelallo by the treasury , could hot
t , t Useil 1 hy converiiun to draIn < the. treasury or
I . Jil , an well ns the legal ( tenllers.
: r r. Dnglo ) ' , however . 11.rslstell upon a
' more speclfo answer tu his original question
and : Ir. Wison fnaly nlmlte ! < that a Inrr !
, mnuunt ot Iold ( received from the sale or
hunds hail beau usell to meet defclencles In
. the revenues.
' TI.en : 'r. Dnley , rHurr'nc to Mr. \ I on s
. former stalemcnt about the transfer of tl
hal I : tramt funl to tha available assets of the
. trcn'Jry ' , declared not one dollar of thatt
tumid had been used to defray curret ex-
' . "To difference between your methOls and
ours , " rfpll 11 Mr. WISOI , amll a burst oC
, comoer tic PIJP' Ulo , " 8 tint ' \Ion we neded
: money we borrowed it. When you leeded It
. you horrulc1 , ! It from a trust fund. "
Mr. Dingley ) Insisted that that font ! was
lot used In 1893. whereupon Mr. Wison cited
. j him Secretary Wludom's report , stating that
' bl September 10. 18GO. tt only a\'llahle
. cn'h In the treasury was the amount ot the
trl\'t fUll turned over t that account In the i
' preceding July. This clled the fencing he-
: , twoen the opposing leaders , and Mr. Wison L
continued his nrgumeUt whrre I had heen I
' . broken off hy Mr. Dnley's InterruptIon.
FO.I.OWlm Slnm IAN'S LgAD.
Scretnry CarlIsle. In borrowing thin gold
had only done what Mr. Sherman hail done ,
10 hall sell 4 IJer cent thIrty year bonus at
the rate or Ion ! wIth the right to subsluto I
: at par 3 per cent gold hOllls , 1 lie govern
ment contnuell to maIntain Its trullonal
polIcy the four per cent bonds would he i
virtually payable In gallI , because the Iover-
ment wan bound tu maintaIn all Its ourroncy
on a pal ) ' . As the gold bonus wIll he paid I
In gold It was the souse of the ways anl , I
means commIttee that there ought 10 be ] 0
. hoslatol lu making these bonds payable In I
gold and saving the iovernment Interest L
charges amounting to over $16,000,000. TIn
contract Is already ] ) lare by whIch the gold I
Is being put Into the treasury and ( placed 01 I
; vessels for shipment to thIs canutry. I can
' not be set aulde. I was lade under nlple II
provIsion .
ot law. The Iuestcn presentell I
, hero Is whether we wi substItute for a 4 PCII
. cent coin thirty year bond a 3 per cent gold I
bonll. Mr. Wison asserted that for twenty
Live years the gold standard had been th 1
, practcal money hasls In tub : country ; that
gentlemen confused the stnndnrd ot pa'ment
with the currency or payment. 'wo experiments -
, ments had failed to give relief , and now the
; treasury hnd been obliged to resort. as I tI
had under Secretary Sherman , to a specIal I
; contract.
Mr. lcUn ot Tennessee asked I I I
. woul not be possible to raId the gold re -
I serve In the future as I has In the past
Mr. WIlson replied tt , lIas undoubtedly been
posstble sInce the .frst 1ay or tle ) resumpton
. .of specie paytnenta. but ! saId It would aCt be
: iuono itVC can m lntnln confllence that our
: ; currency wi bs ns good ns gold. ,
f Mr. 10pldns of' IllInoiS said the resoluton
, . . .wns whether the government at this late
, ; day should , hy the extraordinary methods.ot
' Jn'sldent Cleveland and hIs secretary at th !
, ' treasury , change Its established polcy ) under
' . thlrty-flvo years of republican rule anti malte
' I . .Its bonds payable In gold. Why dtd not the
, presldent he asked , cal the attentIon a.
these foreign capItalIsts to the fact this
' country hall a settled policy. ( Applause ) . I I
; i the statement Mr. Wison made had bee
3 ! true , that colim was really ns good as got
, i 4 and meant the lame thIng why had tbe :
; pre hlent not told the capItalists so
' "I OPPOSe thIs resolution , " he Continued I. ,
' "hecause It 11 , In my Judgmnemmt . destroy
? the credit or ho United States. " In the tu- I
- ture It wuuld he necessary to put the word ;
gold In every bond. TIme bondholder was
: ' , directly Interested In drIving this country to I
t ' n silver basis and sending gold to n promlmin
The Iothschlds by this means could douhle ;
the value of theIr holdings. Secretary olger 'r '
hail extended the vast sum at $300.000.000 of
' 4 per cent bonds at 3 per cent In the open
' sunlight before the American people. ( He- i
i publican applause. ) Even the leans or this
"I adminIstraton had before been made In the :
l . open market wIth the AmerIcan people In th 0
c. light of day ; they had been made for ten !
. ' years at less than 3 per cent. Now there
' hail been made n Contract with I torelgn
syndicate : by which the government receive il
' $9,500 less than rccelvel
$1. sImIlar bonls were sehiln g
for In the open market on the very day the
' President had sent his contract to congress :
wih the brlhe , or $10,000,000 to get its cam I-
j ? sent. A secret loan was negotIated tor
! i higher rats than
! any other government wa 15
l paying on debts , cheaper than banks can
' - buy them.
"The president , " Bald the speaker "penued
: this melsage not tram patrloto purposes hut
i : for polItIcs , and that alone. He wanted to I
throw time responsibilIty on congress at mak-
' 1 Imig thIs lUau , negotiated by his former law
't partrmer. " ( Applalse ) .
' "
"I say for one. " he asserted , "and I hope
& I speak tor time entire
ii entre republican part nlll
time great imlr.i's of the denlocratlc
, ! mr democratc party , that
I cannot be i imiAdo
11110 partolps criminis to this
t' attempt of the president to
aten1t plsldelt prostItute the
. , flnnncial standing or thl8 kreat country. "
" .
! r. Cox or Temmnessee-ifow does It
, . Tenlllee-lol happen
. that hy this contract thla n'llleate vl II
' have an option on future Imul Issues by wi
government 1
, . Mr. 10pklns-Noboiy hut this syndlcato :
t ; aol ! the president can
arrange that. ( Loud
: applause. )
Mr. I'owern ot Vermont sent to the clerk ' 5
: ' desk < to bl read un amendment proViding that
. ' nothing In tima resolutol shuult he construed
. ? . DS chJnglng the avowed policy or the goveri II-
melt to pay al Its outstandIng bonds In
c gohl.
I Mr. 10pltlns then yielded ] to Mr. Cannen
, ot illinois. lIe . sketched \ \ Ith liltIng sar-
. cum the abortive :
' abortve athmpt lallo to 1181S
; legislaton for the reltr at th treasury ,
' - saying tht Imreshtlemmt's ) last message was re-
' ' 8p"ns.lbI0 for the Sl1rlner "second birth , , ;
' !
: . lie denounced time
contract made by the secretary -
; ' retary 01 lime treasury , and when he expre8ell
I , , the opinion that hall a republican secretnrr
t : or the treasury lad the contract this 'lame a-
l. era til house would have Impeached him the (
r ; republican duo gave hIm round after rem iii
' . . , at ! applause Dler
' , , : Mr. . Crosvenor or Ohio , member of U me
l ' ways and meall committee , opposell ) the
reoiimtIon. Addressing imitnsif
to the
. re.oluton. Alldn'ullg hlnsl'lt charse
thaI tlmos * who . ,
: tlOSt Were thlE resoluton
' Were alllg 10 destroy the honor , credit and
. ' Integrity or time govrment , he pointed oul
' that u \hout ( : olsulatol with congress the
secretary ot the treasury had .1
' IJrl"
. iii . entered Into PI'I. .
vltely cntet'd a contract wi '
the Hothsehlds ot BurCpe amid the
L Iorgans hert to purchase goll with ( II he I
. ' coin bOlds ut the government , at a rate ot
ii i , # Interest /lmest 1 11er cent higher luau the last
t . ' Qd issue 1 and now gave congress : the eplon
d ot substltiitlmmg for these coin
, suh8tlntu houds0 hI
I honda lt :1 : Iler ceut. The ommly alternative /0 if .
/ ! fered conS'nns to 1:0 : 1icl , on I Iou
cslJblshed % ) lrpc deut of the goverlimnent am id !
jonrulont aul
authorize gold instead Cr'oln bonus. Nellrr
' tile honof , credit nor Integrity of the no v-
t1'nmCt was luvolv l. TimIs ws an atemp
S (0 ( force n revoluton In cur financIal polc ) ' .
I gaul bOllls were Issuell at time d land of
; I.obanl slreet never woul another 1) ) ln
. . houl ! h3 lssud by the gvermmimlent. Theil
, whnt was to hecome at the milons ot coin
. Jand 5lld ( 10 our own peole 'rb lr val 00
woll"l depreciate. TimId wu I rCloluton to
1 . collrecbte them Inl h I 1 would nr\'or Vttl
tar It. ( ( eublcn appI3ure )
Mr Uanlels ot New York II I three-minute
, - Illeoch arui'I In
' orGI"l support at the resoluttomm .
Mr. Coombl ot Nf01'1 al.u favored the I
c .
rc soimmtion. Ito lid not know whether limo
secretnry or the treasury had made time het
p08lblo bargain , but' ho mIld know the neces-
siy which throve him to obtain gold was Im-
im erative. lal gold not hem arranged for
the treasury woull hnve been stripped 10
Is last gold dollar before next Snturlay ,
Unller such extraordinary conditIons nn ex-
traorllnnry contract hal , been malIc.
IfOII.I : : .
Mr. Ir'an was then recognized ! to control
nn hour's time In oppositon to the resolutIon .
le yielded fifteen mInutes to Mr. lcln
or f Tennessee , who gave his reasons why he
referred < 1 nt this tIme to forego time opporlim
t unity to save the people $500.000 a year inof
te rest chores. To do so wouhl bo to discriminate -
criminate against those of our own people ,
w iici. . In the dnrl hour of the country's dIe- <
tress , took time go\nment'l bllls and kpt
the govermmmnent's obligation lS good ns gohl
These IJOOllle , or others Ite them , will con-
tnue to 1l11 their oountr's credit god , nml
01 time pOWtS of earth or bell Clnlot prevent
it . ( , \pliumae. , )
Mr. Livingston or California created an
In1sll ! diversIon by seldlng to the clerk's
desk antI baring menu nl"l roar or laughter
SOIO extracts frol hood's Iemmis I :
" "ho golden , n ! " nr golllen hut ,
WIS I lglsh John with his pOlltets full.
Th1 lt Wil' h land coil wield' .
Whie beef lull ) Inltol ami other meat ,
\ 'cre nlmut II tenr 1' money to cat.
AmI fiirmimerim hnl'VCt3 of
4 whclt f/rllerl : renllor golden ! o
. \ tIme Lord l no\\1 what IIUI' quartel' "
All conclllng with the well known lnes
ef the 10rnl heJlnnlng :
" Cold , gold . gold ,
JrlJht ih i amt yellow hnrd and colil.
101\ ' ) ' to get nnl light to hell
10ar I < ciI nnd I hnrtel'ot , ho ugh t 1\1 Hold. "
\ . Simpson opposed the resolution In I
short peech.
After some further remorls hyessrs. .
lulck h o Dub. Wheeler of Alabama ] and
Northwo of Ohio ognlnst the bill , Mr Bland ,
the nlh'er advocate took the floor . amid In
rlnHlng sentences appealed to the house not
to surrender to the geld Itn ! . I this rose-
lulon l "asRed Mr. Band declre" that the
government would forfeIt its rlr'lt to coIn
s ilver.
Mr. Springer insisted that the only questIon
at Issue was whelhlr congress would save to
the taxpa'er 16000000.
Mr. Turner ot Ucorgia . n member of the
ways end means connmiittee. In tme yielded
hy Mr HCOl , male a strong speech In favor
of the resolution . the burden at which was. I
was the duty at the roverment under its
plghtEll faIth nt whatever cost 10 maintain
time 11rly of all Its currenc )
: Ir. Hatch of lssourl , In n flve.minute
speech , aroused Lie opponents of the resoiti-
thou to great euthu lasm. He had hut lte
thmo . ho said to eXlllalu why he was to be a
pallbearer at this financIal tuneml. In"
word It was because the p18salO ot thIs
resolutou woutd maIm every debtor In the
Unied States pay hIs debt In gold. lie read ,
amid much demonstration . a letter addressed !
by eGocrnor Proctor Knol of KentueltY
to Senator Uacldmrn of Kentucky tn which
Mr. Knott characterIzed the p2ndlng propo :
silon nn "the last Insolent demall of the
goltiltes. "
"They do not seem to want to leave us a
hereafter. 1Iene\'er the government agrees
to pay gold silver Is doomel for oil eternIty.
As old Judge orbls said to Johnny Moore :
'Goodhy , world : howdy , hel ' ' ( Laughter and
applause. ) ,
The speaker then calell Ul10n the afllrmrt-
tve side to cccnpy some of their time. No
one arooe anti for an Instant It looked ] as Ir
the advocates ! at the resolution were ex-
hausted. But Mr. Cooper of F10rlla tool the
floor and In fervId tones denounced those who
were "tryIng to scuttle the ship of slalo ' '
Ir. "nyne of New York said It seemed
hint ( nothing had been ler out or the bond
contract that was possible to put In I to
oppress , the people.
W. A. Stone or Pennsylvania saId he could
not see why republicans should not vote for
the resolution . although they were not to
blame for the bd management that hrought
about the difficulty. To refu3e to make the
bonds payable In gohl would be to spIte the
country. The president had ! twice appealed
to the patriotIsm or the republican party and
that appeal had never been made In vatn.
They shoull respond agaIn.
Mr. Hepburn or Iowa said the gentleman
tram Pennsylvania proposed to g bade un
tIle whole policy at his party that had always
pledged Itself to maIntain gold and silver at
1 parHy. The secretary or the treasury was
reported to have said to the committee on
ways and means that Ir the gold proviso was '
put Into this issue or bonds ! It must go Into
every future Issue. "Do you propose to do
that ? " lie asked and there were cries of
"No. No "
After reading the plank of the last na-
tonal democratic platform for blmetahllsm . '
he said : " : Ir. Speaitci'-i cnn Imagine that
your OWl heart has been \ armed many times I
by that rInging sentence " whereat there I
was great applause and Inuhtr.
After readIng the plank at the republican
platorm for bimetalism he declared that
there was no difference between moral and L
legal declarations ; there was not n debt of
the government that cOlld not honesty he I
paid In sliver.
Mr. Bryan or Nehraska made a halt hour
specch against the resolution . the passage or
which . ho hogan by saying , would withdrw
$65.000,000 from circulation. "The president
or the United States " ho contInued , "Is a
'numan being. "
ehusets "Oh . no , . " shou ted Mr. " 'alIer or Mansa-
"Time . president 18 therefore lIable to err , "
added Mr. Bryan not heedIng the InterrUI '
thou. "Ho has erred and the democratc
party owes him nothing. ( ( emocrto applause :
plause ) . I owes him only the gratitude It :
would owe the guardian who has nllu1nderell
n rich estate. He seeks to Inocculate hIm
party witt republican vIrus that Ils party
may tile ot blood poisoning. ( Democrato
plnuse ) . Hut he has yet one attrIbute ot
sovereIgnty " coutnued Mr. Bryan. "Ue
chasteneth whom he lovethm. " ( Laughter ) .
TurnIng to the question nt . issue Mr. BryalI m
asserted It was I question ! In which was tound
up the welfare or manltO1 Pass thIs resoimi -
lion. he saId . and $16.000.000 would be savcl
to the people In thIrty ) 'eat. Pass It and tley rp
would he robbed or IGOOOOOO In n third or
t'lat time hy the men In whole Interest I I
was Ila sed.
'rhe ISBuo has come " said Mr . flryan In
conclusion. "You have got t meet this prop ,
osition . On these questIons we Ind th ! demo
crats at the east and time repuhlcans ot f
the cast lock arms nnd proceed to carry nuV
their policy without reference to time rest of
the country Dut , Mr Speaker , If they do
that they must expect thnt on time IJrlnclpl S
of leH-11reservaton the rest ot the country
wIll drop part hues and Ille to preberve
their homes and welfare , " ( Applause ) ,
The demand or our eastern brethren both :
republicans and ' democrats , Is for n steadiy
apprecIating standard ot value. They Rre
the creditors ; they hold our bonds and our
lortga/c . amid as the dollars come Ul1 hero
anti time debts increase , they [ thern unearned -
earned IncI'ement. And ( the tme will come
In this country when the unjust exactIon CS
and the oppressIve demands or our ea 1er
friends Ihal heal the dl\llons In the west
and south and In the end restore thai doctrIne -
trIne ot Jefferson , that every l/n Is the
equal ot every oIlier miian and baa an elual
right to the conslleratou or the government
( Irolongel appI3Ise. )
M : . Hell arose . Instanty' the hum 01 f
nol cs ceased . and a hush tell on the house.
NO 100:1 Volt S1iCTiONAL1SM I.
" Ir. Speaker , " he began , "I hat doctrine
of the union ot the south amid west has bCn
prcached before amid by prophet whose In"
81111dlon lasted longer than that ot tIme gee
lem\ : from Nebraska . ( MI' IrYin ) .
( .auhter. ) But It bas been a faIlure. I
always wIll he n faliure.'o mInt only ace I
our property \ \ cst , hut WI semi our ehldrn
there , neil no man who crossed trol cat to
wesL can fail to he struck \ ) ' the fact that t
there II alter alt an unity or senthmnt be -
tween the two sections ot the country that 10
language wi c\'er blot out or delro ) ' , 'ru to
souther munch northern democrats may not '
h : able to live together , I 1m glad they are
net able to lIve togcthmt'r. Uut I say to ye' ' U
time rellublcl111 of tha cast and ot the west t
mUlti I or the north and south have Ilis far
full sOle Inetholl ot 1\'lng together , Oil ci
timey will In' tiio futul'c. , \
twy wi ! futul'c.pplauio ( on the
r.'publcan side. ) Now , let tl' address lY'
saiL 10 the ' '
lel ' COlfllatHI' smal mater 01 1
Immimuch ( auahtel' ) I hare wlnenell perloda
at great cmtton , nod I had noticed that It I t
very often hmmippen 1/ the hl60ry of thl. (
Imouae anll of this country that events which
SNm 10 0"ery ! lrlng ) . . trltll ! and td
Portend I treml'lllous future are nut though
much ot a fortnight otter theIr cecurrenc ' . ,
/dml , hO\cv'r , tie h/pOrllne ; , In Iln > '
of ho ' at tlmI ,
ways IJrcC"llogs hlusi ut timI a
tm . I wish the recoils \\Iru 10t a fore
gone ! l'nclualoo. \\'lb I there wa Iulsthlg
mare th/n 11\UIjt : left to UI today ,
' , : .
( L1ughter , ) nut that being all here ( really
Is at stake ns the matter will turn out , as the
gentemen know , It seem 10 me'ery 1m.
prtant that whatever we say lucre wi have
a tendency to strengthen the credit at the
gOI'Erment.0 are not through our dim-
cu it3P . We have long lonths In front oC .US
be fore the pr101 of recurera lon sets In , We
ouht not 10 say anythIng , or 110 anything
whloh wIll lake thlt perIod ot revIval longer
In coming than It ought 10 M. r therefOre
fet coiled upon tar my part to rNnlorco the
remnrks 1 ably lal0 by my friend , the
genlemnn from IllInois ( Cannon ) , as to what
the government has lone < In thl past wih Its
bon < 3. Its bonds today ought 10 stand In
the front ranI of national booths It honesty
or effort In payment of time BOne ! cuhl count
ror anything II the history or time country.
"Gentlemen say we are at lberty to pay
lu cia bends In something ele beilde the
' qul\lent of gold . Whether we are or not ,
the fact remains that , urged on hy Inexorable
la w , we u Ilavl Illume tar 11,111 In ! cli , or Its
equivalent , neil every icon lu thIs house b-
le\'es we shl do so In the : future. ( .p-
pl aumse. ) This does not In any way militate
agaIn ! In'b"s belet as to hlmetnlmn ,
whether InternatIonal or uaten31. For len
who are In favor or free coinage ot shiver
ore so becnuse they hel'e\1 ' free elnage of
si Ih'cr , oull bring : silver to n Ilnrlt with
golel ' Therefore all aides or ths ! hou31
II parties whIch are recognlztl In the g ver-
melt or the country- ( ughter ) ore agreed
as to the result. Anti . we
res ll. It Is : great piy vmm
shoul1 he In a conchiton ! . r anybody oul
imi nice ] any other charge. hut dlSES lurk
ready to attack n system which has been
wastel hy other dlseapo or hy cohl or ex-
Irn smmre. Now , the trouble of our sltuntoln Is
tI mid cur body politic , our government , has
betn SI reduced by two years or llrty rule
or such a character that our expenses are
not p.ll hy our Income , that Limo government
of time United States Is for the time being
runnIng beh'nel.
" % 'hiatevem ' \'erlty of criticism Is bestowed
mi port the Ilresent sttmatiomm . n greater severity
or criticism Is to be iistoweul , upon the
li ast. and Ih's ' agre211nt , present here for
the i InSIIctou at the houe . Is In accord , I
eeelw to me : , wih the government or this
country for the last two ) 'ears. . I may he
that I judge ha hh' . I may bo that ) this
olrerment Is lImo result Cr the unrortunate
condIton In which the government found.
I In ) bo no gull atache ! to this except
so far as It Is the result of causes whelm never
ought to have been set tim mmmotion. Iow\'tr ,
It is . that cOntrct Is not presented to ua for
d isapproval .
"I Is proposed " contnued Mr. Heed , "to
relllCo the rate or Interest provide In this
contract , on coudlton we make the hands
sohl payable In gold . That word Is 11racl-
cal ) there now ns everyone agrees. This
r esolution domt ! not Involve
resoluton ! In\'ol'e the establishmmnent
of a polIcy It Is
polcy ; slmpl an acton on a sln-
, Ie b transacton of time government ' ' Some
tel us I would govern all future transac-
ti ons . but he Heed did
( ) not believe the secretory -
tory t or the treasury would malte another
such alemllt after hIs eXllerlenca wIth thIs.
" Tue policy at redeeming our outstanding
ohlgatons In .sold was established hy q
democrtc millnminlstratton. TIme bends Isued I
uuder the contract made by Secretary Car-
lsle were to procure gold. Does anyone
Imagine I that gold will hI ! retused when they
arc redeemed ( 1 When Secretary Sherman 15-
suell hands for gel he announced that being
Issued i for gold they would he redeemed In
g ob ] . The trouble se med to ba many did
not understand thIs. They did not treat the
m atter fairly when they spoke or It as ar-
fectlng monometnlsm or hlmtalsl. A
n ation could not be sued. nut 1,1 I gentleman -
man , It had Its honors to preserve. I could ,
not act diehionorably. < "
Mr. Reed called attention to the tact that
on June 25. 1800 , Messrs. " 'Ison. flynumu
T urner . Montgomery amId Tarsney ( all ot
whom would be found voting for the bill )
hall voted for the free colnug of sliver. A
grcat laugh convulsed th house as Mr. Heed
prodnced the record. The gentleman from
Maine frowned hwover and 11selalme < 1 any
Intenton I of raising a laugh. "I simply men-
ton t tills " he shd "t " show the oalstraln-
tng i influence < t those In hewer , " ( Laughter. )
"And everyone who Is now voting the
other .way has been retIred to private lIfe , '
shouted Mr. Wheeler or , labamna. ( Renewed
laughter. l ) . V
"A nation's credit Is Its stronghold , " con- ,
cuded ! r. need. "Dlbasters may h/ppen- ,
a democratIc admInIstration may occur-
nythmimig In short , may happen but the :
meat Important timing always Is to pre erve
the nation's credit and therefore we should
not let our Indlgnnton at the terms of this
contract swerve us from our duty "
Mr. Uynum of Indlanl combated , the statp-
mcn m hy : Ir. Bryan that the resolution would L
retre $65.000.000 in greenbacks , and said the
democratic administration would be nus-
t amed . however - fiercely the wlves beat
against It.
'rhe debate WIS closed by : tr. Wilson . who
admItted the contract mllle by the secretary
or the treasury contained very hard terms I
for the government , hut he believed those
terms were the best that could be obtained ,
Dut congress could hy gIvIng the secretary .
or the treasury authorIty to write In the
bond whnt the contracting parties thought
should he timero although all agreed the
bonds would be redeemed In gold , save to I
time taxpayers' $500,000 I year. ;
In conclusion Mr. Wilson said no mater
hew members might differ as to the fnnl-
clnl opinions and acts of the secretary , no I
one In the house who bad known hIm would
dare to questIon his Integrlt ThIs state
ment m was heart ) ' applauded.
'he Ipeakcrn gavel dropped , The hour or r
5 have arrived , and under the special order ,
time clerk proceeded to cal the roil on order
Ing the resolution to Its third readIng.
The third reading ot tIle resolution was re-
fused 120 to 167 , as follows :
A.I\1" ( Peon. ) . leldpr , . Pendleton
Allrieh. 1'Ormiui ( W. Taj ) ,
" , Iey. Geary l'igott
Idl'olt. Ucl..nhalner. POI" .
Ijaidwin Gilet ( N. Y. ) . 1rlcl.
Jal'ne . GI.1 ( : ass. ) , Quigg .
Imauthoidt . Gohl11"r. . !
1I'wlg. , ( ormrman . iteei ,
! lchner . ( I matuaimm . H'II ly .
lelzhuov"r. 1 ( Iresham. Ir'IJr.
II'rr ) ' . BrUUn IMicim. ( > . Jchart (0. ( ) .
Ireellnrldge arout. Hoblo" , ( I'a. ) ,
lii lcmitmel' . I mInes.
Ihlcltwl' lalnes. ituuuuoml ( Conn. ) ,
1181us. I tall ( Miami . ) . HUbel 1lan. :
1)'nu0. la0mond. I fCh"nnerhor.
Catlu . lan leon i4lckle .
CI1n"b'I. lur , ' . . I ) . .
Ca"ulh , 11'ldrlx. im'erry '
Cllchlng3. henry Smirluuger
CIU8" ' ) ' . iCribba . Stevens
ClliCltrlflg Liuiimam Stone ( C. V. ) ,
Clanc ) ' . Ierevr" . Hone ( W , A. ) ,
( ( .ia. ) . J.ockwood . Stone ( Ky. ) .
Cobb (510. ( ) . I.'neh , Hlorer , (
11\0 : , , ( ( ) . l4tra us .
(1)Opel'Ia. ( . ) . Martin ( N. "dl . 'Jar""ey ,
Cooper ( ( . ) . JeCral' ( Ky.Tracey ) ,
l'0118h. .icGann . Turner ( Ga. ) .
( 'O\rl. McKaig , 'l'tmflijn .
( 'raIn , Meyer . Updegratf .
CurtIs ( N. Y. ) , II0nllumer . ViuJsworhm ( .
i.uimieie , 4 Morol' . ) WI.worll.
Ua\'y. Mutchie'r. Warner.
tie 10..1. O'Neil lulchler. UII' ( . ) , \'arer. W".hllglon.
111111) O' NII (10. ( ! ) . \Vuilhiu .
111,0r ) , IUgl ; Wison ( W Va. )
Ulnn , Iaoohnl , \Vlae .
1)um'borrow. J'mttersoumVnlvcrton .
\ \1101.
i'mmKilbim : ( Cnl. ) . 1'1)11. 'oomner .
1'llnal. i'earson . Wrlght-IO.
Bveuett : .
Adonis ( ( < ) ' . ) , Orael ) " . 10n , , .
, \ I t lcim , GrUl1'IH. ( . ) . 11"lkl it'Julin ,
-"leI801. nl'8renor. amerccr
, \Iexlnler , O.OW. : Mereuiithm .
Alu , lulr. 101' ' ) ' ,
Arnold . Illnl" . Moore .
Avery III I Mo. ( ) . 11. . . .
lale I ) ' . lnn' , A ( l' ,
laker ( Kaim. ) . larrb , Neil .
lakl ( N. n. ) . Ilrlmun , Norhw/ ,
111 ( 'Io. ) . Inlll , OII'n. / )
lel Tex. ( ) . I iLlllgelm , Irnl' " ,
I tunic lmeal , . 11"11 I , I ' , 'niJ ietomm ( Tex , )
Ilcl , ( Oa. t ) , I I enthtre-n ( ( I. ) ) Perlhu.
IlIatr . luJI , ol ( a. ) , i'lcklep , . ,
111" m . 11'llul. I Ilnllll I , ,
Ih'dll"r. I iermuann . Hch'.ol ( Michi. ) ) .
( lch
111"n , mUtt. ltlli'soui t'i'enn.
111. Hrh'Hol )
lower8 ( l'al ) . ilooic."r UI'IM ' ) , ItliClilt' . ( Ienn.
n'tIZ. I ' lolkln I I (11.1. ( I I toljttims .
l.od"llrk. lopllu t. ( a. ) , , 10wrlaon ( La . ) ,
him'unmw.iI. hiulsoum . , ' (
iluiu'il .
( Ud. .
Irul1. lu.1801. Jub'l )
I liu'olti.tuirp. ' lulll I I ; , l'I ) , 'r" .
Jro\n , I ul. I"II' ,
Itrycum . hunter , 511011 .
Ittuii'l ) ' , 1111he30n. HI I.y.
lunn , jimirt . Hlmp"a ,
( ' niniittt. hldr. Smittu .
( " 1111 ( ( 'at. ) , Jthnsun ( N. U.I.flodKrs. ) Hmlh.
I ' .1101 ( ii I. ) , " .1. Stall I ngp .
t ' " prIl ril. IC I lefer 11"Ih.nlln ,
( ' 1111 ; ( Mo , ) , Kyle , Htorktlzmie .
l"ub" ( Ala ) . Lace ) , Strait .
lorlr.I , lul' ) Ilf"I" ,
( 'irtit'en , , Iatlmvr , 1""I.I.
( 'uitt'i , i.itm"un , 'nlb'rt ( H. C. ) ,
(001'1'1. ' ( . . ) . 1.a5tcrn Tate .
Lx. . 1",1. . Tawmu'y .
L'rguwfont . LilmIon . T'lyiuur nd. .
Crlwrorl. 1.lllon. 0)111' ( )
Curtl . ( ( < Jn , ) . Little . ' 'IT ) ' , (
lal'18 , 1.1\' Tlu0a8.
1"\rmonl. 1.11 % , ' ) ler.
Iens'mm . L.outlemmsugeraimVoorhhs :
f 18'J.
. I"uacrulnorhla
Iln.mor. I.UdflA. ( N. ' 1. . )
l''ker ) ' , : . . .llox.'IYnol.l. . (0. ( ) ' .
Dol\lr , Meguire I . Walker .
numl'll. , Station , WluJh ,
10111. ! lalurr , W"aIIOII.
1'llul.I. lanh , , \\.h..ler ( Ata ) .
' :1. ( ( , ) ) , Mcl'leurr ( Mlnn.\\'heeler ( ( . ) ,
: " / .
El lis ( Ore ) yc'tihloeb V'hitinr
11 O fer'll , Wblln .
1 : nmoe , 1 'lflMttn , WIllIams (1 ( ) ,
II' ( ' 1I < elllln , Wllam ( Min. ) ,
Il Ieher , M\I.urn , Wilson (0. ( ) .
1'1 Ik , lrlln. " 'lMnn.h. . )
1''ln , ateNagnyitT. .
Uu iinlg1mt . ,
A cheer JMq from the OIInent ; bf the
resolutol ns the result was announced , Mr
Bl and mO\11 to reconsider anti lay that mo-
ton on time IUIk which was carried wIthout
division , andhmep , , on emotion at Mr WISOI ,
at 5:40 : p. I"10 \ \ Ilouso adjourned until ta
morrow at 11 a clock.
:0 CIANUIS : IN ' ( ' , \ SEIIVICIC. >
Selnto011" II.mvn1 of the l'ro)10aIHI )
I innnmtt louts .
wAsmNq:9. , Feb. H.-The senate voted
to days to Illc no chnnges In the present
rnll\'n ) ' mall system . . The subject has been
the chief point of contenton ot the pstofce
npproprlnlon bill . Thl bill os reporlel gave
to the postmaster general complete discretIon
In expending $3,200.000 for time postal cars
anll cut oft the present fast mal line from
north to ! south 111e proposed ? changes have
crentell n lively discussion , lasting several
d ays . ns they embraced I complete revolution
In tile Present l s'slem. All at time amenl-
lents were defeated , however , hy decisive i
v otes . By similar vetO the senate sustnlne11
the prtsent fast mal flume tram New l ngllHI
to tile south. After n sharp dehate the sen.
ate declned to extend tin hualley 1 for subsidt
Izing fast mal lines , 'fho postofco n\llro-
)1rlatol ) was not huassid Ul1 to the time at
adjournment. lurln the day the senate re
ceh'ed the lengthy letter of Secretarr Carlisle
conveying the Informaton ns to the conlllon
ct the treasury , In response to n resolution
of f the senate.
Mr. Platt , repuhlcnn or ConnectIcut , presented -
sented n petition and gave draummittic details
gvo ramltc detnls
concerning barbarous excoulons In the Choctaw -
taw t terrier ) ' . Ho eaRl the facts If known ,
woull shock the civilized world as they pre
lentel barbarities unparnlelell In this coun.
t ry. The 11llon urged that n law bo passed
giving an nllpcnl to lllal courts. Mr. Plat
sll aid the tme hail been reached whn suoh a
II\ was Inlleratve In order to end this
s hmockimmg cOllton of affairs .
A favorable report was male hy a special
commitee allowing $115,000 to the wllow3
a 11 chlhlren or those kIlled at the Ford
thenter llsster In Woshlngton.
: Ir. Lodge republcan ot Massachusetts , of-
ferell n resohtlon , which was agreed to , asic-
Ing i the secretary at the treasury for Inforla-
ton as to the returns trol dlstlel sl11rlth
and what reduction would occur tram the
p respective close of the distilleries.
Mr. Cal , dplocrot ot Florida , then hrouht
f orward liii resolution for a selate Immrestlga.
tun at the londuras Lottery company's opel
utons In controlh1g Florida electiunla.
Mr. Iocthurn ] sought to cut It off hy mo\
Ing l to refer It to the committee on privileges
anll electons , nnll t.lis caust I hot debatt
for a time . during which Mr. Morgamm denmo'i
rat ot Alobama , Bharl11y critIcized the course
of Mr. Call . % vho . Mr. Morgan saId , was seekN
Inl 1 to take the advIce nll asslstnnce or IJo1.
tclans anxious to thrust n federal Inquiry Into
the State affaIrs of Florida : Ir. Baclhur
then moved to take up the postofce aplroprl-
atlon bill.
The commitee alenlment to the post-
omce appropriation bill providing thtat the
amount for Postal car service should be ex-
penlld by the postmaster general was
made time subject or n point or order .
- orler.
an-d hy yeas and Lays It was ruled out . 3G
to 17.
Mr. Vlias' proposition for government pur-
chasJ and operation ot raIlway 10stal cars
was laId on 1he table by Inc decIsIve vote
of f St tu 10. '
, Mr. Backbur's ) proposition for I 10 per
c ent redtmctlonoim'present railway postal rates
was halt emi tile table , yeas 42 ; nays 19.
This dlsposed' , all the proposed changt In
the raIlway postal Isystem.
Dscussion .was resumed on the two 1m.
portant ansemldmeents Irst , to give the post-
master i general creUon over the $3.200,00
f or raIlway pwta\ carl ; and second for the
purchase amid maintenance hy the go\rnment
ot all postal oar. I
The presldJlg , omcor Intervened 1t this
paint to present the response or Secretary
C llslo to th , colprehenstve resolution pre-
sente hy Mr'fQprmnn for information as to I
t e condIton gt . the trensur ) ' . Its elaborate I
detaIl of fgu , waa followed wIth close pt- I
tenUpn t by " ? 4r j Gorman , Mr. Cockrel coso Jt-I
i 1 ' : Allison . altlugh I was too statstcal I
to engage general attention . Before Its read-
Ing l ended . Mr. Gorman proposed It would b
desirable : to have It In pamphlet form ready
for use tomorrow and thIs wan done.
As on yesterday , < the amendment wan gen-
eraly discussed Messrn. Vias , Teller , Platt ,
Carey and others participating.
The votes On the varIous railway mal I
amendments were taken at 3 o'clock and de- '
eatell. Tile amendment at Mr. Daclbur
prposing a 10 per cent reducton In postal
car rates was laid on the table , 42 to 19.
Mr. Vias offered an amendment fixing the
pay at railway mal clerics as follows : FIrst
class not exceeding $800 ; second class
$1.00 : third class $1.200 ; fourth class
$1.300 ; fifth class . $1.500 ; sixth class , $1,600 ;
seventh class $1S00---ruied out of order
Mr. Davis ot Minnesota offered an amendment -
mont thnt railway mal clerics herenfer ap.
pointed to. shal reside on theIr routes-agreed
The credentials or Augustus O. Bacon as
senator tram Georgia for the term beginnIng
March 4 next were presented by Mr. Wllsh
or Georgia.
Mr. Butler gave nolce that he would tomorrow -
morrow cl Ul1 his resolution ndvancng the
pooling bill.
A bill was passed for I public building nt
South Omaha . Neb. , not exceed In ! $100,000.
The house bIll was passed for the sale at
isolated tracts at public lands ut n minimum
or $1.25 per ncre.
Time senate bill was passed granting certain
lands In the abandoned military reservation
at Fort loKlnney , Johnson county Wyo. ,
to the state \Vyoming . for public purposes I
At 6:15 : P. m. Ihe ( senate held I brief executive - I
tve session and adjourned.
' 1'lken UIJ ut W/shlngton by time Iltrlct
Court of AI/penIs.
WAShINGTON Feh. H.-The case or John
G. lore , the New York broker who instituted -
Itltuted suit against the commissioner or internal -
teral revenue , to test the constitutionality
or the Incole lax Inw , came up on appeal
before the district court at appeals today.
The points discussed la the hearing were
mainly reiteratons at those raised In the
equity court several weeks ago . The lower
court bad erred , It was claImed , In holding
the act Imposing the tax was consttutonal :
that time double taxatons , al In the case at
the oomplalnant , were unlawful and that the
Income tax was I direct tax , though net apportioned -
portioned nlong the several states ,
alt provided II h ) ) ' the constitution. Ex-
Senator dmunds I ot Vermont , who
made the argument for ! r. More ,
Iought to show that tIme tax was I direct
one , and timat'0ven ' Ir It were an IndIrect
tax It was jmot ! levied consttutonaly , In
that It makes al arbitrary distinction between
classes at Individuals , ana thererorecls
ummitormity . hiP ulso upheld the legal right
at the petitioner .to bring the suit In Its
present rorm. .d I I
Assistant Attorney General Whitney who
followed , held there was no round for the
equity Ilroeelngs In the case , and reiterated
his former ccntlntons as to the consttuton-
aly ot the tax , He vanted , bo . said , to oor-
rect I general jilsthen Impression about the
tax . The $4.000 lsgl'en , he declared , does .
not apply to corP ratons , and the tax ap.
jules to their nL ' profits . not to time dIvIdends.
Mr. rmunds made a short closing argument -
ment , and the count took the case under ad-
\'Isement. . 1) .
( ) mme JU'u' l'ostmmmutster ,
\VASliiNGTQ . Feh. H.-The president
ASINGTq senate the nomination or
Sololon I F' . } ernlngt ' for Iostmasler ) at
Shelcn , Neh.
Other /aminatons were :
, Wnr-Lleutenant Colonel Edmund C. Daln-
bridge , Third artillery , to be colonel : Major
Bdard hi. Wiiston , Third artillery , to he
leutenant colonel ; Captain John I. ! ylck ,
Third arttlierui to le major ; First LIeutenant
Wilam Everett . Fourth artiery , and Henry
C , 1anes , Third artillery , to he captaIns ; ,
Second .I.leutenantl E. T. \\lson. FIrst ar-
tlery , and M. G. ' ZalhnkI . Second artIllery ,
to he frst lieutenants . .
Navy-To Ue Assistant Naval Constructors :
-Wahlnb-on I. . Capps or Virginia ; J'rank
W. Gbb ; or MInnesota , H. 1' . lebaon of Ala.
bama , Thomas F. Huhm ot ' 'elnelse II. G.
Smih ot Ohio , John D , Uueret of Michigan ,
Hohert Stocker at MInnesota Elliott Snow of
Utah , George H. Hock or MIchigan , Lawrence '
Spear ot Ohio Ii. G , Gimore ot Wisconsin ,
John 1 : . McDonald or Illinois aDd , lomer L.
Ferguson ot North Carolina. ,
. . . - -
' - ,
- ' i _
OarHsto Reples t the Inquiries Made by
the Senate ,
1"lllrM thnllnt UnI the Reserve In thl
Trcd8lr , WIll lhnlnhhet and Whnt
J'nrUnn % 'cnt " 'o\vRrl COl'
current l'SIcldturC :
WASINOTON , Feb. H.-Seoretary Car-
lsII today Bent to the senate his reply to a
resoluton recently Iltrolluced b ) Senator Gor.
mnn oseing l among other tImings for Informa-
lon ns to what portion at the gold reserve
In the lrosurr on January 1. 18D3 , hall been
uSC1 for concurrent expenditures , mind how
much bf tIme fund realized from the recent
ale at bands hunch been so used aOl time
mount required to Ilace tIme 10ney so u c.
Time secretary , In the course of his answer ,
la's that the original reserve , nugmentel by
the gold llroceeds or the sales ot bonds , was
diminIshed lurlng the perIod at twenh..fve
months to the extmt of $172,674,315 , , of which
$105,002,143 was dlrect ) . or indirectly 11e.
\otel to current expenses amid $67,672,172
which had been converted Into note by the
P recess of redemption was still on hand
"I Is proper to state In this connecton , "
sa's the secretary , "that when Unltell States
notes h or treasury notes at 1S911 were reo
de med In gaul they were received Into amid
hell as part , r the general cash asats In the
treasnr ) ' , the same oa any other mane ' he
l onging to the \crlm'nt. mind under the
acts at May 31 , 1878 , ali .11117 H , 1890. they
are haiti out when necessary to defray the
publc eXlOtmSeS. \Vhene\'er I has been pos&l-
blo to 10 so . the redeemell notes have been
used to procure gold coin hy exchange with
hanls nnd other financial instItutions . all In
this wa ) a large amount of gold was restored
to the gold reserve flumid . during the summer
or 18G. and some since that timmie. "
A table suhmlted shows the total assets In
the treasury In excess at certificates and
treasury t arIes outstnlllng on July I , 189.
were lGO.450.G81 , and on January 1. 1895.
$133,2D7,27. Of the first amount $ G5. 84.413
was ! old and of the second $80.8DI,600. The
cash balance In the treasury Dec mher 31 ,
18D4 , available for tile current expenses of the
sonrnment , but not including the sold reo
serve fund , Is given ns talows ;
S liver 1111"r , anti \llon. . . . . . . . . . $ 7,050.000
lrllonnl .11'11 colli. . . . . . . . . . . . . H.4S3,63
i 'miIteuh SIII" lot" , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3t.OhimOT
Tr""sIIT unites oC 189) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S.36 1.9Q
Nllonal tutiilc 1 101" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,759,072
: lllor coIns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.104,185 In bnnks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,081.21
b ends anl Inlen't pah. . . . . . . . . _ . . 12.:1
Total ( cents omlle'\ ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . $ IO.3ji. jlO
The acual amount or gold In the treasury on
JUly 1. 18G4 , was $61,873,021 , and on January
I , 18G I , $80.8nGOO.
The amount of gold received from the sale
or United States hOlds from January I , 1894 ,
on December ) 31 , 1894. was $8G.211H
rime amouat or treasury notes and United
States lotes redeemed In gold before the
s sam dates was as talows :
Tn'lsu ' notes..I 1.801,02i
lnlcl States 10Ie" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.91.0:9
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ UI. 71.101
Time cash balance ot gold on this account
or December 31. 1891. was $86,244,445.
The amount or Unltet States notes and
treasury notes In the treasury January I ,
18G4. exclusive ot United States notes hell
for the redemption or currency certificates
outstanding was $3.289.086. Adding to thIs
$141,745,104 , the RmOUnt at such notes redeemed -
deemed to December 31. 1894 , ns above
stated , and $45,17.738. the amount or like
redemltons during the following montime
gives I total ot lD3.151.D28 or such notes
avalahle durIng the wlole perIod , exclusive
or ordinary receipts. The amount of these
notes remaining In the Ireasur on January
31. 185. tHe - date or the resolution , was
$85.627.989. showll that at n total or $186.-
862,842 : deemed 'in gold from January - 1 .
1894. there has been paId out the sum at
$107. 23.93G. , aDd there was rematnlng In time
treasury n balance at $7D.338.D03.
Ot the amount paid out $67.5.453 was for
current expenses and $39.538.486 was In exchange -
change for other kInds of money Including
gold. The report also shows that on July 1.
1894 , the unexpended balances or approprIa-
tons aggregated $78.291.105. and tile total
amount available for expenditures on that
date was $36t.61G.41 maltng the total available -
able appropriation July 1. 18G4 , t42.G07,520.
The expenditures durIng the six months
ended December 31. 18D4. amounted to $186-
952.480 , leaving an unexpended balance on
January 1 , 1895 , ot $ 5.955.039. .
! lde No Difference to Him UIt IIulster -
lUoant/ht Erroti.
WAShINGTON Feb. H.-The entire dlplo-
0110 correspondence between the govern-
ments of time UnIted States anti BolivIa host
year was made up of a rather commmicai little
Incident whmlchm orignated In putting our mm-
later to Bolivia , Mr. Moonlight , cc time peel-
tent form for violatlcn of tile laws of the
United States , It apprrs timat It Is tile cue-
torn in tilat country for an army omcer to receive -
ceive a foreIgn nmlneter ! and escort hIm across
tile difficult mountain assemm lying between
the coast and time capital and do everything
necessary to secure him a comfortable trIp and
proper receptton. All tills was done tcr Mr.
Moonlight by Major li'ortumm of the Boliviams
army. In acknowledgeniemit of time kindness
received Mr. Moonllghmt addressed a letter to
time Bolivian minister of forc-Ign affairs requesting -
questing that if coimsistent with the views of
time government and time custom In like cases
Major Fortum be promoted to the rank of
comumnandant. All timis , It seems , was in Coil-
formity with custom and the Bolivian govern.
tent Immediately took pleasure in grantIng
Mr. Moonlight's request and the major was
dimly promoted. But when thus IncIdent came
to time notice of time State dejmmtrtmemmt Secretory -
tory Greelmam wrote tIme minIster that no matter -
ter imow usual such proceeding miglmt be in
Bolivia it was entirely contrary to section
1571 , revised statutes , whmicim in terms forbids -
bids any United States diplomnatic oillcer to
request any appolntmnent trod any fore'gmt no-
then. So imir , Moonligimt contssed ime hail overlooked -
looked tile Btatute , expressed his regret and
addressed a note to time ilohivtan , nhmmister of
foreign affairs explaining imis mistake and
asking that his former note ho regarded as
nullity , The correspondence , however , does
not show timat time army oihicer loot his promo-
lion In consequence.
1'0I'UL1S'is1SSUJ0 A4itliIIlS3.
Congressmen Urge the Eoilowor to Be
doubieui Etfort3 for Silver ,
WAShINGTON , Fob , 14-Tin' populist
nmemmmbors of time sonata otmml house whose
imaunes are attached , besides time others whose
aigimatures are gtvemm , have leaded time follow-
immg address :
'l'o tIme Zdomnbera of tile People's Party :
aroctimmg-As wtrly us 1805.6 it consimiracy
evils emitereti into between lImo 140111 gun-
bierms of 1'uropo mend AmerIca to meccomn-
imlituim limo toiiowiiug lmUrPoimn 'l'o tntetm
tmpon the people of thm'ts Uniteul States tin'
burdens of perpetemal debt ; to tlentrOy the
grecimliacks which lImed brought us safely ,
oimruugle limo leriis of wrsr ; tO strIke dowmm
sliver nit me money metai , anmi to deny thmo
people the use of federal maloney , tuft two
iimulepe'nuient soulces of mommey supply
gtiarunteed by' tile constitution : to fmlm4teil
ulmon time country time single golul standard
of Great Britain rInd to delegate to timoti-
sands of banking corporations organised for
lurivato gaIn time sovereigim control for all
llrnu over time Issues ntm,1 volume of all
tcuhplonmcimtui paper ctirm-ency , 'i'huio they
doubled time cleniands for gold forceul Upoum
tima country' aim appreciatIng money stand-
mti'd , entailing nit litdetiimitu perioul of ( mdi-
hmIg IfliCes , robbeui enterprlmttm or its just
hironts , condeinneti labor to luiieimeuus armul
conhicUteiI time property of debtors , For
nearly thirty years these cotmepiratormi have
lcit tile 1)001110 uuulrrehin over less him-
lioltant mnmttorum , while' timey have pursucul
with uumtecittitmg zeal thtelr one ceimtrut Imur-
11050. At time present umiotmient. evut'y devIce -
vIce of treachery' , every resource of statecraft -
craft and every artlilce known to thu se-
eret cutsala of time InternatIonal gold rliuc
are behmmg mnmule use of to deal a Humid
deatim blow to the prosperIty of time country -
try mind time ilnioneinl und conimnerciiii In-
dcpemmdenco of this country. They scale to
necompilaim their ( eli ptmrpose before time
iiiow can be averted thiroughi time ballot.
Their pious imave been long matured aimd
timeir line of aetion 1mm fully ciloserm , They
addres8 themselves to ( ito otme subject-
time money tiuesltou-tn alt Of its breadtim
, . , , . , . - . , -
and magnitude. This brings time commotry'
taeo to face Witim a lmeriiotms Issmmo wiuicim
calls for Iunmediueto amid emnltotl action on
time tart of tIme 1koPle. lvery beimest of
lrntriotism m-eqmlires timat we uimitii let Once
Imuect time Iselme neil accept the chmnhlemmgo
510 deflnmmtiy offered.
To ( niter mmccv Im to itmvlto tilsastrotme fall-
tire. \ e earmiestly' urge ( ito ; ) oIummhIsts
thmrommglmotmt time enimmutry to coumeemitrate their
entire force amid etmergy' upon time treimmen-
deus eommtention hreentel1 , numul thins meet
time onemnp miomm imis chosen iimie of luattle ,
Invite time nict and co'operatlomi of nil hoer.
soims Wimo favor time imumumedhae ( free coiminge
of silver itt time rietie , of 16 to 1 , the lsthe of
nh paper immommey' by time general g vermmumient
wltimotmt time intervention of bmtmmks of is.'nme
amid vhmo are oiqoseul to time Issue of ituter-
est-beariimg govermimnent bommils Imi timmiO of
nence. itt a Word , to extemmul time hmntiul of
fellowalmip to all wimo ngree w'itim yomm upon
time mmmolmey' qtiestioum , wimich is certntmmiy lime
mightIest and moat ftmmuiaumieutnl contro-
Versy' evolved titmilmig ( ito lrerent centtmry ,
SIuzned iv tue felloe hug : lnft' l'elmce , 0.
7d. Kern , 'ii. .1. 1 luulsoimVihiinumm ilmiheerVIi. .
'utmmm A. AicI'eImzhiiui'lihinmmm V. Album. .loluui
Davis V. A. llnmmie .lerry Simpson , J. C' .
Deli , i. I I. leyie , 11. l. iloi'mm , 11. i. Tmltmlon-
eck , .1 , ii. Turner , .5. Ii. h\'enver.
SOUTh ( ) ltilA's o iiVi' 1'OST ( ) i'i'iCE.
uhihi 15 Iuiroiirmntiimg 5l tO,000 ) for It Fi-ec-
I Ituum I 'a'It : t ii Ii $ ( ! lIfl t I' ,
\'AShiING'iON , Feb. 11.-Spccial ( Telo-
gramn.-Tlme ) semmate today passed tIn' house
bill appropriatimmg $100,000 , ( or a public build-
limit at Sotmtim Omimahma , TIme fact that tiiis bill
vas reported froni the commmmittc mommd lassel
by the semmato so slmortiy after Its liassigo in
time imouse is due to time diligent work of time
Nebraska delegation , Time mnensmmro now goes
to time President for itIs shgmmature , cmiii will
utlmlolibtetlly recelvo his approval ,
Time sommato commmmnitteo omm comimommerce by'
tmmlanimmmoims 'Oto today decideti to Illauce a
favorable report on the bIll of Sommator Allen
tot' time commstructlomm of it wagomm bridge over
thmo Missouri river between i3olmtil Sioux City' ,
Neb. , 1111(1 SIoux City , Ia , Tills actiomm as
stlres tile passage of time bill in time semmate
ammd Its ctmactmnemmt Iumto law. A licnrlmmg was
lucId before time cotumnittee tiuls nmornlmmg at
which time followIng were Imrrsemmt cmiii shiolce
him advocacy of a , favorable report : b'eimatoi-
A I I en , Smmator Mammilersomm , Commgrcssmcmm
Meikiejoimu , Mercer , Ilithtmer neil Ihryan of Na.
broska , ammul Senator , \lltsomm amiil Collgrcasmmman
l'erkhns of iowa : muse Cnmlgresstlmall-eiect
Amnlrews of ilastimmgs. A shmumliar bill itas been
Passeil him tile house , The speech mlmauie be
lore tIme comimmimittee hiy' Senator ithiemm vns a
stromlg argummlemmt. cmlii time Nchmraslcnns of time
imouse comigratuhitted Imimmi ammtl tiiammkcd 1li1l
for time effort. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MANI)11itSIN ) TtmtCs TIlE I'iC12.
Ito tccolmm5 limo tppoiiitmmmt'uit at ( lemuermul
Soilcitot hf thin It. & 01.
WAShINGTON , Feb. 14.-Special ( Tele-
graimm.-lmi ) 51)1(0 ( of imls dcimial of time state-
lmmeflt in Time lleo of a week ago that lIe had
beomm temmdered and accepted tIme position
of gemmernl solicitor of limo B. & I't. ' railroad ,
Semiator Cimaries F. Mandersomi ihi slmcceed
the late T. ill. Mlurqltotte. 'l'otlay he ac-
itmiowiedged that 110 Imad nccrpted time Iloab
tiolmi , and said :
"Tilo pOaltioli of gemmeral solicItor of time
llumrllmlgton road west of tile Missouri river
was tendered mime soimmo titne ago amId came
with netmerous other vroposltiotis In the
Ilno of imw profession , sonic of
thmem fromn Nebraska and others fromn
other sectiomls of time country. I took some
tlmne to tlelibct'ato over them. My tmiltmil , however -
ever , was fully nmado up to accept no employ-
imment or position that vou1d take me out of
time state of Nebraska , In which are all my
nmaterinl Immterests and where I expect to 11301(0
Immy home for the balance of my life. A few
days ago tile matter was closed between Sir.
Perktlma amid myself , and I have accepted tue
positioll miammied. My dutIes will commence elm
time 1st of April next. Tile position of attorney -
ney of time receivers of the Union Pacific railway -
way was not sought for by me , aimd I have miot
been an applicant for professional emmiploy-
macnt anywimere , eIther directly or indirectly' . "
114NUI500K'O Oh' TImE IiEi'IJI5IlCS.
Ciiimtotm 1urblslu Ftmrimhites the , tnumtmai lie.
Port 011 the Vrlc , ( of ills fltiraum :
WAShINGTON , Feb. ' 14.-The anntmal re-
i mort of Clinton Fmmrbisim , director of tile
bureau of AmerIcan republics , lies been iaid
before cotmgrcss. Since the date of time last
report the bureau has issued handbooks for
tIme Argentine Republic , Ecmmador , Hay'tl ,
Nicaragua and Santo Domingo , twelve
mOntllly bulletins and time first voltmme of time
code of cammmmercial mlolnenciaturo is also iii
print. The lesue of the above , tile report
says , will complete the serIes of imimndboolce
at the republics for time intermoational union ,
and time bureau Is tilUS left wltit better op.
portunity for tile discharge of- ' duties that
imavo devolved upon it by time dlssemlnatlomm
of more specific informattoml i'egarditmg tIme
different countrIes.
lflvo X'icbrmukmt i'ostnimistcr lii , '
1"ortuiiimeto ( Ones.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 14.-Time' senate Iii
executive session today conhlrmned time following -
ing appointments : Brigadier General Thmomas
Howard Ruger , to be nmajor gemmerah , February ,
1895 , vce SchofIeld , appointed hietmt mmant gen-
Positmasters : Coloradc-Ilarm'y Schiffer , flu-
range ; Jefferson U. Adams , Itico. ICansas-
L. A. Saunders , Mackate ; Johmn Ii. Cox , El.
lIe ; Johln Schuyler , hays ; James A. Jackson ,
Howard. Nebraska-Asa F , Hohienbaugum ,
Falls City ; August KicineVest Point ; Ar-
titur L Morse , Atlcitmsomm ; Janc'a I ) . Lemmaing ,
Broken Bow ; Thomas R. Egan , Crawford.
'Veteran , 'of limo Itito Var iicmioimmberecl by
iii , , ( Seumermit Gosormmniruit.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 14.-Speciai.-Pen- ( )
iomis granted , Issue of Febrtmary I , were :
Nebraska : OrIghmmai-George Ilneftnc'r , Tal.
ninge , Otoc.
Iowa : Original-George W. Carmmaimaim ,
Guiesburg , Jasper ; Kirk IC , Parnienter , Beti-
ford , Taylor ; Jeremimlim Williams , I'ercivai ,
Frealont. iteissue-Join Admema , Jverly' ,
Clay ; Alfred C. Cunsalus , West Union , Fay-
otte ; Martin II. Fitch , Decoraim'lnnesiulek ,
OrigInal wliiow , etc-Mlmry 10 , 'l'rimide ,
1-Imtrvmird , Wayime ; animmors of Chiaricie Cox ,
Daimburu. Woodhury ; Lucinia , savls. jib-
inglon , iefterson ; nmmnors of Georre H. Trhmo ,
l'em'ry , Dallas. Mexicumm wet' survlvom-Imm.
crease ) DitvIS Hart , Itenwick , I I utmmiioiui 1.
Colorado : Origlumul-Giegllrlo Lohato , Ba.
glmlichme , Suguacite : hietsey 1' . ColIlmis ( nurse ) ,
'i'chiurlde , i3an Miguel.
cui un I , I ri vi ml mrs IOu's mu t m renm.m C dIn ii , , mu ii cod
WASHINGTON , Feb. ih.-Spec'ial ( Telm-
grmmm-itetlremmit'nt ) from actIve service of
Colonel Lmmrhett b. Iivlngstomm , 'thud mirth-
107. lou announced.
( .oloimel Jittmivs M , Moore , nmesisutnumt ( itmar-
ternmmtster genermel , will Iroened ( ruin New
Yoric City (0 ( Chminsviiic' , 'lI'17x. ' Oil ohiiciiti
business 1meitaimhng to illSIeCtfOfl anti tlmi'
livery by hue contractor of itomses ( or tile
Department of Cohormmtio.
Hecotmti Iieuteummtmut dough Ovemton , Fourth
cavalry , is grjlimted otme itmontim cxteimded
Captain Ilmirry C , Cutul'mlng , 1"otirtim nrtil-
iery , hivIng beemm examined by it ioarmi of cOil-
cers for time IuulrIose of mlelermlniimg time epics.
thou of ills lbttmesmt for promotion , mmii having
been ( ouimul pimysicaily dlsqtimthifieui ( or , Imi-
tIes of a nmaJur , by reason of dioabillty Iiml-
deimt to servIce , is retired from active cers'-
ice ale a mmujor.
Sosumo Vctermm l'osll ( hiiiiCoK. :
WAShINGTON , Feb. 14.-Himeclal ( Tide.
grnnL-Time ) postOtlice at Clifton. Stmhiy
county , 13. P. , imas bc'emi dieeontiuitmeui. Mcmii
will go to Iewistoim.
l'ostniasters were copumnmisisommei , today an
follows : Nebraska-Chmtrles 1 thelma rmlt'oim ,
\S'ioner ; ? llmltmd Mitmick , Nemnmtiia : 'I'imuiimliit J ,
luloimier , Mirage , Iowa-LIzzie It. Gerimmun ,
Beacontulleid' Sara liaugimerm , Kiimi'ctt.
a , v. Durfamlul 'IVilil today uIIiolmltell ) pouut
muster at Jiainvhhie , J'ieree cotmilty' , Neb , ,
s'lce A. SI , Coison , removed.
( ' , d.m' . ( in mIt Esco Vumlu. ' ,
\rji5 IING'I'ON , Feb. 14.-'l'hme secretory'
of the treasury huw gtVelt itlstrUetIofmli that
United Oltateum gold coin imow below time hinilt
of tolerance iii weIght ammay be receIved at
time subtreaeUriCil at its ( ace 'aiue. ( ) imiy
foreign CoinS aimd liarS Will h u'eceived itt
tIme New York assay cithice , ovhicre Its value
will iso ascertained ,
Artimy uiuii Z'Imeo'y lecceptioum ,
WASIIINQTON , Ftiii. 14-The army anul
navy reception , tIme third of time OeituiOfl , at
( he wimite house , took place tonight. Time
crowd was ( lie gtetttest ( or yenta.
First imtmslimmeumtcir(3olgi , Itotuds Sold.
NESV YORK , I'eb , 14.-Tile Ilrmtt Install-
bent of gold bonds in the city of New
York will be sold hiy thu comptroller on
Tuesday , February 26 , at 2 o'clock p. rn
, . . , . 1. , . ,
Tou1a' Conmptrohier FItch invited bids for
$ .1,26i87.l3 of goiui huonds neil stocks , to be
soul on time tiate mmmcci , 'lIme interest In
Ilxti at 3 er cent , but time bonds are o -
enihit from taxatlomi ,
PIER .M1fN flUItl'l.V .1 CU.TdSZOX ,
Their Eemmps ti-mum lc'ritim , ' , Vam Ohiracmmlommu-
All % ViIl i'rotuaily hteeover ,
PITTSI1tII1G , Feb. 14.-Engines Nos , 6 antI
8 on time Castle Simmtnnon railroad collided
last evenlmmg In time tunnel near MOmmongiihei ,
causing one of time worst wrecks that hots
occtmrreul 0mm tue road In a numimber of years ,
Five men were hurt anti an engine anti
twemty-tivo cars doniohisimed , Time injureul
are :
JolmmmVaiker , cotm.iumctor ,
iietmry hillers , emigimmeer.
Frederick Ihisgar , emmgimmeer.
l'mmmtuiett I laimuiitomm , firc'nmuuu ,
Ummicnowmm mmmii.
Tite first uuiummvul were seriously lnjure&
but it is tlmouglmt nil will recover ,
Time locommmothvos mmict itl tIme center of time
ttmmmnei. In tile ermusim that followed tm )
lumen were buried in time debris mind their
Clicahle ( toni uleatil was little short of iumlracu.
iotmn , Trmohilc tvas delayed for several hours
lmy' tile nccidemmt.
, SQ11IX1I ) iiiie n.m izr Tel JI.1 ri , .
MOther lmmoglun'.t timuiCiuilmi % as lim 1)nmmger
uttmi 'Iricul 't'omi I Until t U i'uis'e It.
I1ASSAIC , N. J. , Feh , , 11.-Mrs. Slicimnel
\'eael of Welllulgtoml squeezed lmr 8-weeks-old
gIrl balmy' to tleath
last muiglmt vlmilo In an
itmeamie hit. Mrs W'escl vmms badly frigimteaeul
Saturday by' a clog , and sue has Imeen acting
strmitmgciy' ever siimce. Fimmaliy File vo1ee hoe
lmtmsiaulul ) cmlii screammmeil ium iiI ears timat *
big milan ttim iouig hair ae hmu thici rootmi
tryiimg to kIll the balmy' . She clutched tIme
chmlitl to lIar hiremmat. cmiii ran around time room
to euicai'ui fronm luer Iniaglimary imrsuer.'esoi
tried to control iuer , lint simo was too strong
for imlimi. lie called his hi-oIlier , auil tlue two
111dm imimul to struggle to imehti 11cr , amid loosen
thmo child frollm luer grasp , \'imen reicascit
it. as smmffocateul ,
11.11) .1 l'lJIl'I' LV I'IIIC HIfI'J' ,
itii Oiiio ; tIeimmimt'4 ( if I un l.uultio Cohiiull
Comim ihI mm ) ' , % ri-eel tul ,
SAVANNAh , Ga. , Feb. 11.-Time cimief of
iioilc recelsed iumsructiomms ( fronm Macon to
arrest all mmialo lnemnbcrs of Lottie Collins'
comimlmany 0mm theIr arrIval here. Last mml'gimt
two of time actors had a figimt llm tluc' depot
in Macaim over soimme mimemmmbers of time coumipaimy
in WhulCil time emitire party' becaimme involved.
All drew pistols , nmmd a mmlmlumlier of shots s'ere
Hi-oil , A bystatmiher was shmot itt tile ( hIgh
and several persons had narrow escapes.
Iemmieui Ftuu r ; ti otloum' , I iu it ii ii mmcli ,
Nfl\\ ' YORK , Feb. 14.-Judge Lacoimmbe In
tile Umilted States district court lmammtleul down
a decisiomm Oil aPPeal in time case of John C ,
, iIlceims , et iii , against time Colorado Irrigation
coimmimamuy , demmylmmg folmr mmiotiomms , 'iz : That at
mimics ii. lieluttlo to immtervemme as coimplain-
alit ; time nmotiomm to thismnlss tlmo stmR ; tlmo mo.
tioti to vacate time lnjummctiomm against time '
corporatiomm trammsrerriuig or seilltmg any of
Its stock , mmtl to vacate the appoiumtmcmmt of
a receivet' upon pay'mmment of fees.
V -
St. m.oiuts l'mipcr ChmiiuugO'i 1lmtmid
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 14-Time I'ost Dispatch
today aimnolmmmces tlmat Colommel Charles It. -
Jones , receimtly editor of tile Now York
\Vorld , and forimmerly holding tIme SUlilO 1)051-
tion upon the St. Louis Republic , umavlng
pimrchmaed aim Imitorest in time Post Disimatch
( rome Mr. Pulitzer , will , lit future , be editor
nmmd nmammagor of time Imaper , Colonel Jnee
took cimargo today and lila mmatnc replaced
hInt of Mr. Pulitzer at time hmead of time
editorIal .
page. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i I
Mmt3'ol' Stroim Ieuiio mime ( iimtm'gc ,
NEW "m'ORlC , Feb. 1.1-Mayor Strong
today denied that faltil hmad been broken wIth ' - '
Timomas C. PlaIt. "I hover made any prom.
lees to hini or to anybody else concerning
appoimmtnletmts , " said ( he lmiayor. "My only
promises vere contatumed ImI time letter I wrote
to tile Conlinittee of Seventy , ncceptin the
nommmhnatioum. No faith could , therefore , have
been broken. "
a- -
'I'iuey IiIew OtmI time ( las.
SPRINGFIELD , lit. , leeb. 14.-Carrie Gregory -
ory and George Ilarpoie of Fairfield , Iii. , were
folmnd dead in bed , at time Brunswick imotel to-
day. They blew out the gas.
A family of six can break-
1 fast and sup on Quaker gi
t 1 Oats for five cents a day.
x' Sold only In 2 lb. Packages ,
AMUcthErv1 ! 3NTS.
'OYD' ' TIIUIIS. , FR ! , and SAT.
, : a FEEl. 14 , 16 , 16 ,
America's Favoi'htc Comimcdicmine ,
6iJh'i'OIITED 1W
Zum H. C. Stephieimuuoii flout 'lYjum , % 'imtiiiey'uu Colmmedj' ,
Seats oil Halo SS't'dmieiiay mit tiaimal mi-lies.
" " ' FOUR NliUTS
B -"D'
'J I- Beghttilitig Snuday ,
- - . . AND
" Eddie Fey
In timi' Fantasia Operatic
e Extrmmvmlmmtumzo ,
- \ _ _
i : : YiPiRE : : j'Ol'lJIstll i'itlOJtS.
. , "
Tel. 5031
w , .1 , 1IUIIUESI.9 , Manager ,
' 1'ON1(1'1' , 8i15.
Grand productIon of , ,
At the Armory ,
18111 11111 Ceopltol Monoio ,
T' Petit feattlres of tIme Midway re.
procitmeed. floors open at S. ( irOnS ' -
Parade at U. AduumIIuu , 45 Cents
Cltlidromm1 1.0 cents.
. .
' a.4 ; : " '