- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ : _ _ , ; ; ; _ . - . r ' -i * - " . I. " ' - . - - - - - - . - - - : - - - ; : - . . . : ; ; , . , " . . . . : . ; : " . - - ' , ' . - . - . . . . . ' - , " " " " ' * " ' ' ' ' ' - ' .P" - _ - - , ' - _ " ' - . . , . - . L--- ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. I : : . i DA.LY . I . . , { ; . - . - ES'IAIILlSIIED , JNE 19 , 1871 OMAhA , FHIDAY MORNINGiFEfl1WARY ; 1 , 18fl. ( SINGLE . COpy J-IVm CEN'l'S. - - - , WItL \ VISIT TIE VILLAGES - ' Armenian Oommhsion Will Not Be Satiefed with Hearing Evidence - EXAMINATION 07 liE SCENES PROPOSED AI Soon ns the Testmoloy , % ot " .lnrpscs Is I Taken 1m Inquiry at the HOles of tile ( ltr'd II to 10 IIftI. CONSTANTINOPL.1 . Fob. 14.-The Tnr klsh commission which Is makIng an Inquiry nt Moosh Into the alleged massacres Dr Ar- , menlans held twelve Ittlngs. has alreally hel " sltlns. As soon as the commission has finished the examination Dr witnesses It will visit the vilages In the SaEsoun district whore the atrocities are Fnll to have occurred nnd make ns rigid nn inquiry as pssible Into the charge3. The work oC the comllsson ( Cannot . not be terminated for some months. Authon. tic news has been receIved nt the Drltsh cmhassy here that 01 the Armenians trlCl al Erslnjan anti against whom judgment was t given on the lth ) 01 November. twenty were lentenced 10 death sIx to ImlHlsonment for ICe and twenty-one to various terms of 1m Vrlsontnont. 'rho court bas Ilveu auur- nnces to the Urltsh government that before these sentences are carrIed out It will have n careful investigation ' oC all proceedings In the case mndo'in order that lul ( justice shall be done the convicted prtsoners. The judgment gh'en In these cases at Er- slnjan wIl be confrmed by the court of cas- saton at Constantinople on February 2G. BOSTON , I eb. H.-Word has been received - ceIved In Boston from rzeroum , the ely from which thu Eurollenn delegation has re- rnUy set out for thin scene 01 the late massacre In the Sassoun distrIct , that the delegates wer not allowed by the Turkish government to take Armenian Interpreters with them. The Sassoo Armenians know only Kurdish and a little Armenian , hut no Turkish. I wi be Impossible for these delegates to obtain any definite information from them through nn ofcIal TurkIsh interpreter - terpreter whose Iloes not understand theIr language. The delegation thus equipped has gone to 110 its work. CONSTANTINOPI.E , Feb. H.-Detween - the 6th and 12th Inst. there were sixty-one cases or choler hero and twenty-nine deaths from the disease. CANAl. \NU CABI IN TIlE C\DIOS . British tiovermimnontQttcstiommed These Two : . EumterprIs. LONDON , Feb. H.-DurIng time sessIon oC the House of Commons this afternoon Sir Edward - ward Harland , conservative , nkeI whether the goverment was aware that Mr. Morgan's NIcaraguan canal hi had passed the United States senate and was now before the house of representatives , and that Mr. Morgan had stated In debate that no foreign government objected to the bill . und whether In view of the Importance of the canal to British ship owners , the goverment would malte urgent . . , . representations to time government or time , United States against provIsions In Ir , Mor- gan's bill detrimental to the Interests of BritIsh shIpping. Sir Edward also asked whether time government would consider the propriety 01 urging upon the government of time United Slates the importance oC the crea- ton or a British and American : commission to deal with time question of the construction of the cal : and Its status when built. Sir Edward Ore , parliamentary secretary' for the foreign office . replel that It was not usual for the government to make any rep- rcsentatIcns against bills before foreign legislatures - 'k latures The government , he added , consIdered ' _ ) s that such I canal as I was proposed to construct - slruct through Nicaragua should be under International control , and whatever steps It * may deem desirable will be taken by the gv - ernment to advance this view He , however sa\v no reason to suppose that the United Slates government would not maIntain its treaty enlagement , Sir George Daden Powell , conservative , questioned time government In regard to the proposed Pacific cable Mr Sydney I3uxton , parlamentary secretary of time colonIal office , In response said that negotiations relative to the construction of I cable were proceeding . but that It would not be to the public Interest to enter Into a detailed statement of theIr status. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0' 1111 N'S 1,1 W\I I'S FEES. Ills Suit AgmiImit Lord Smthlbitry mitid the Ils .uit AJnhut ( ntSII . hlrl RIII ' ' . . I 111.1 h'arty'M 1'11.1" LONDON , Feb H.-The trIal has begun In London or I suit brought by I solicitor agaInst William O'Drlen , the wel known mebor of Parliament , to recover a balance or ! 407 which the plaintiff claims Is duo ' him for expense In curred' by him while act- Ins on Mr. O'Urlen's side In the late famous suit against Lord Salisbury. Correspondence produced at the trial contained : letter from Mr. O'Urlen tn which he saul that his , action against Lord Snlhbury was taken on the advice - vice of Mr. Ienly and upon Mrs. Parnehi's SJro\lso ) that the costs should bo paid out of ' the party funds. Mr. O'Drlen's communica- ton also saId that he regretted that the ParIs fund of time Irish party was not available for the pUrlJOso. Time case was concluded thlo aferoon , when . verdict was given In favor of the plaintI. TIWII . . ; O w-\n , I Mexico Ild Ouat'mahrrlvo . ft In it mien- I liltgrcemiii.imt . CITY OF MEXICO , Feb. H.-Mexlco's conditions have been accepted by Ouatemiiala . who guarantees their fuifihinmemit. The con- ditons will bo published ofcIaly next wcelc. - Iloth sides have made concessIons anl- the Guntemalan lueston Is at lust amicably set- ( led upon an equitable basis between the two republics. 'lime boundary line between the two countries wi 10 definitely deter- mlnetl upon anti war Indemnity la accepted by Ountemala , who wi also pay IlamagC for Mexican property Ilestroyed. ( ilmatemnala's olclnl acceptance or Mexico's conditions wl arrlvo here next wrde and will be Imme- diately Ilullshed In ito Dlaro Official 01 time MexIcan goVet'nhlent. Thla wi permanenly terminate thin famous imbroglio between Mexico and Guatcmala. . ' /nrl'Cllcr Ulolnly I OOllrm.(1 wASIIINaTON . Fcb li.-Secrqtnry Greshnm hits received the folowln cable rrom United Staten Minister nun at 'foklo under late or February ii , 189 : ) " % VEI.itAI-\VflI , Feb . 12.-Admiral Ito re- porl thnt a Chinese gumihmoat. H'lng 1 white hug. bl'lllhtdmlrl 'ln's message pro- . Pommtnmr the IUTt'ldcr oC shmiis forts and i IJollnl1 arms. II'vhlng the lives ot crows. soldiers mind torellmers were secured . Formal sur- render Is belll : iirrammgcmi . DUN " " 'c'rtfrlhl of tIm . Ilr1h'll.s , DEHIIN I eD. 1l-Sommmo criticisms Imv- Ins been mllio II vat bus Cunrtel's of the acton oC the Jovelnment In ordering the withdrawal or the t 001111 mnmmn.ot.wai' I I ullu Crom Samua , the North Uurmln Ga- cotta today oxiilair.m ! limo cause orhe , Issu- log of the ormier . I says It was due en- trely to tl Llammgem' which the o\'erlment felt woull bo Inclrrel lit lelvlng a smal , 'ctmimel II thObU wlters during the hUrtcano I'crlod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Juatun'ct 1.1 Inl : t 1111" 1"100 : 1''III'r. , ' 'IN-"SI : , 1'oh. 1 i-'l'imo cmperor has re- V. . \ ' . stored tl 1.1 liming Clans the yellow Jacket ' pesccclc reA 'lor amid other honors : , lIe wl Do .ummtlh (1 IIlme\lately tl Peking. where ho will bo ctven an oudlenco by the empcror. Thence he wl 11roceed to JPUI 10 arrange terms of peaec. Viceroy WangVcmi Sao wl take teIIJorar ) ' charCI ot I'alang. . Vim imiesu ( 'UIII1UII'r. I t , is ; stilt miil rI.Ic. SUANGU.\I , I"ch. H.-.l Is i relortoll that Adlmrll 'ring . the t ( hlnelo naval com- , t niander and the general ( 'oU1IanI111 the Chinese Con'us emi the land ot 1.leubklou 1Ufll 'fao. In the hllbor of Wcl-1II\\'cl. ( & ; vo cmmited , ulcllo & - ' ' tNorII1ifl : ! 4110 II FOIl IFUM.tN.'i UJ'FJf.f U A.UTIIWMWI . 'UI I'U.1.INlUnt.Wn lofollton In that Line Ucconfhlerelln the SOlth IRkotl 1''II Itlrf. pmnHE , S. D. . Feb H.-Speclal ( T01c. gram.-Today ) the woman suffrage reso- luton came up again In the house on OoM's motion to reconsider Durk moved to lay on the tabie. Hol cul resulted In :9 yeas and 39 IHI'S. The question then I recurrell upon ) the motion to reconsider which was carried by n vote of 40 to 38. Perrin amid Hesln having changed from 'cterdny's Vote and several being absent. I being evident that the opponents of the measure hind failed to hell their majority nail that the advocates of It hind secured n majority In its favor. the motion to fJJRIIIOH ultl lext 'uellny.WI" carrIed I with practically no opposition. Ily that time the IIent ! memlers , . three . .of whom aver tC lll , are eXI.ectell . to roturn. 1n time IIIto n moat intcrestimm event Intoreslll oCcurred. I\'cr since thin capitol light or 1800 I I l'on haS bten ambitious to inverse the deCIRlon then arrived at , and . each session han Ieen 1 capitol removal bilL ' 011) ' Scnatol' . \pln Intrllucci I hi I'e- mo\'ln the capitol from Pierre to Huron amid made I stl'oug tIght for I , or at least for Is l'onsllcr lon. St'nntor Uen- net of Hughcs moved . to Inllelnltely IOSt- hone without roCcrence to n commIttee , tce multi afer n Ilehate In which : lnssrs McGee - Gee , itoyce . Dornl mind Belnett Cavorell the motion alll Alum OPIIosCl I , It carried antI the hi waR klell by a vote of 29 to 10. 'ruts senate hii Increasing salaries of jIllgcm4 hy . ' ; I ) ) each WIR reported favorably ' ably by n commitee , amid time report was adOIlell h h ' a vute of 2 to 20. Senalor hloiv.il' joint resolution : prohlh- Itl10nOlole8 mUlti trusts In the state pmtssed. 10th houses havllg agreed to the house bill I 1 0 Wil/ count commlsslonelR ! to buy seell Hrall for farmers In heed , time lull went to the governor. i 'mmmv , by a 1.01 oC all the republicans In the ) louRe eXCllJt seven , a reRoluton endorsing - dorKln/ Senator l'ettigrew'im slanll for free sliver colJn/e was beaten without 11ebate. On Saturday / the house received n telegram from letlgrew congl'utuiltng It on the l'assaKc of the memollnl , which was afterward - ward killed , amid which advocated the free coan/o ! , pC sl 'c ! , . . A motion at runt time to senll an nc- lenowlellJnent to the telegram was heaten. Today Co'ln , populist , Introducell a reso- htition , aeklowlell/Inl time telegram , approving - proving Pettigm ow's course upon / the silver fUeRlon and plell/Ing time memhers to "SIPpO't him In / future efforts for the good of thin common people. " As son as this resolution was caled up Herrlcle , ono oC the republican icamlers . moved to table I. and time motion carried hy I vote of G : to 21. This Is here re- gardell ag a direct and Intentional slap at the senator \ , who wnH unlulnously re- elected three Weeks ago , and was due to his desertion of his party colleagues on the Huwalan matter. II.I NTOI' StILLS HUT NO TDIE. 'yomlng Legislature Drl\ml to a Close wih IRI ) ' Ic"snrr. I'OIilInr. CHEYENNE Feb. lt.-Specinl ( Telegram. ) -Two more days remain ot the sessIon of the third state legislature of W'omlng. There are many measures pending , but busl- miems Is beIng rushed through ' ' ' throu/h very rpldl ) and Ils now believed that al the Important bills will be disposed of before the hour of adjournment arrives A bill creating 1 state board of arbitration has passed both houses and wi no donut bo approved b ) ' the governor. The principal bills yet to be considered mire the appropriation Ils for the support or slate Insttutons and the general expenses oC Ow state government. There Is 1 disposition to retrench In the expense oC every department. Bls were passed today reducing the salarIes of 1 number oC state olclail who are appointed by the governor. Ilstrlcloll tn Yule for Foreclosure JEFFERSON CITY , ! o. , Feb. H.-Ir. Julan presented a resolution today which the house adopted , calling on the Missouri enntcrs I and congressmen to vote for foreclosure of the government mortgage on the Union Pa- chic railway and operate It at cost. 1o lltorlnl Clnlg& In ( roon. I SALEM , Ore. , Feb. H.-Thero was no I material change In the ballot for United States senator today . the vote standing : Dolph , 39 ; Hare , 'VeatherCord , 7 ; Wil- lams , 1 ; Lord - , s ; Lowell - , 9 ; absent Wi- . 1lnho Selltor8hll > II Stilt flno. fno. BOISE , Idaho , .Feb. . I I.-The thlrt-tourth ballot , was taken today for United States nenator without change. Time result was : Shoup , 20 : Sweet , 19 : . Claggett , 15. MJST1IKfl OF OUI'n ) 11 IT : JINa. Love LRIS a Wlo to Ahumlon Her Ins- hld : fur tier Slstor'A. . BUFFALO , W'o. , Feb I1.-Special.-In. ( ) formation from Great Fals , Mont. , that Mrs. Leolie Simmons , lately resident of this city . has left her husband , and Is now hiving with her brother-In-law. William I Fenn. The later was postmaster here under PresIdent - Ident Harrison , and for a long time held the position of city clerk. A few weeks ago he left BufCalo with his wlte and chiid . enroute to Great Falls , where he had arranged to go Into business with Hon ; Steve Farwell , Farwol late state superintendent ot schools of 'V'o- mlmmg. Mrs. Simmons who Is a sistemof Mrs. Fenn . accompanied the party with her three clmiidren. Mr. Simmons has been In Great Fals for about two months. He Is one ot the oldest residents of Buffalo. On the way to Great Falls Mrs. Fenn was t.llten sick at Sheridan , Inll gave birth to 1 chIld. which has since died. Shortly afterward - Shorty ward Mr. Fenmi pleallnJ business necessi- ties starto for Oreat I"lls to meet Mr. I ar- well , leavlnS his wife at Sheridan. Mrs. Simmons - mona and her three children took Ulvantage of his escort to rejoin her hiushmand but on I arrIving at theIr destination and being met by her husband Informed him that she would no longer live with him , end would live with Fenn , whom she loved. In spite ot I this unblushln avowal Mr. Simmons Im- plored her to reconsider her decision blt I she l'eCusell. lie then left her and. taking the three chlhlren. let for Denver with ! r. I Steve Fmurweli. The latter Is understood to have let Penn to his own resources , which arc of the noorest. CII YENNE. W'o. . Pcb. 11.-Special ( Tel- cgram-A telegram just r/eelv/d from Portland nnnounces that " " . E. Eilsworth . formerly editor or the Tribune nt Casper , this state , hns been placed under arrest on the charge of having poisoned his wire. ! rs : Elsworth died very suddenly on the 10th Inst. . and an autopsy developed that she had been poisoned . In telegrams to frIends In ' 7yomimig 1 lsworth protests his Inno- cence People from Casper who know the family Intma teh' believe his statements I Is said they Ivell haplly together. Mr. and Mrs. Elsworlh left Casper In ptemher to go to Portland . where :1 r. Elsworth accepted - cepted 1 position - on an . evening pnper. IIIiIPI'11) INTO U\'OO.SOWUSNJ.'S. ! I'acnltyof a CoIormulncademny , \rroltml I for , \s ullr. DENVER , Feb. H.-On comnlalnt or tIme 15-year-ohl Ron of Frank P. Arbuckie . receiver - coh'er or the federal land olce , and Floyd Goshen , aged 1 years , son or a prominent citizen : of Colorado Springs , Hev. Frank Spalding' , I.rlnclpal . ot the Jnlvls Stall Miii- tan' academy , and ProCR. D'lelhy , Stone , Ilurt Sacr all Clarke were l'I'catet on the charge of assault. For some act or InsuIordlnnton thin two cadeti . Arhucltlo Inll loshiemi were as customary In such cases , ordered to wnlk n heat all ulay restelln ) ' , They refused and for this He\ sir. Spallln . It ) Is ahiego5 . after taking off , their coats. Insholl them with n knotted rope untl $ they tcl down uncolsclous , the rOIJO ' membcr ! or the faculty . It Is clalmell. h011nl time boys whie the prln- ( lml nllmlnlsterell the pmmnlsimment. Mem- items oC the faeulv Rahl that time boys placed gunpowder In the unllon's room nnll ntem/Jted to blow up the imistittitiomi . Mr. SIJllng / intimates that the IJunlsh- ment was Inllctell after conferring with the llo'o' IJaren ts. , , .nrl 11 IreA J'o"u : ' ( flor _ . ChICAGO. I.'cb. H.-'fhe boar.1 o dl- rectors o the Associated press met touhay and unanlmousl oleeteL time Colowlnl 01 _ cots : l'rcahtent. Victor P. 1.W60n , ( 'hi- cage Hccort nn.l Chleao Daily News ; fIrst vIcef'sllllnt , hlorau'e White , New Yorle llvc'msiimg Post : lI''Omiti vice 11resldent. John It. Mel.ean , Clnlllnot glc/llrer ; gilcrl ' lalJcr anti bercttIY. Melville / I' : , Stone ; upslstnnt glntrlma" n : er nnll n slstn1t sce relumry I ; Charles S. nlchl ; treasurer George Schneider oC Chleu . ' . Gecrse Collnel lelo oC ( al\lton declll't re-eloc- ton 10 the Jeroll vhIrisIJnl' ) ' ou mmci- count ( ff ill health. Time \ boar'S . . after dh - tl:1111 or n number of routl' math'rl 111- jommrneml subject to emtll. Nearly al the east- mmnmmmbera lft for their liommies this ' frn Illbcl' " I"C thel' hOI\8 cv cmi- 11mg. A hargi' nllILr ( r " , ter nn.l south- ern ml'llwrs ot Iho Ilsollnton I\e also gone cast tl I\tl\l time mnoeting nt the Nn- meltnl tonal I'mmbllsiierms IIorJalon. which OCIUI'I , II New YOrk CIty 1 : Q few d.fB. HARRY IIAY\VARD'S \ ' DEFENSE . Sti Oheerful anti Evidently Has HOpES ef Securing nn Acquittal . TESTIMONY AGAINST II M IS ALL IN I Opening Statement ot Ills Counsol-No Theory Atismsmmccth-itsSr3's Story tl Uo SI"llon hy 1 "I'lrt lviIcmico- : l'rlsoimcr Wil T'Atf ) ' , MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. H.-I was the dc- fense's turn In the hayward murder trIal today , the prosecution having closed Its case last night aud there was eager curIosity to learn what tack Attorney Erwin and his as slstants would pursu . The deCendant's dc- men nor upon entering time court room was IJosltvely jubilant. lie nodded to some lady friends In time front row , amid then , s\ylll his mother , went up to her and said : "Oood morning , little niothier . " and kissed her tip- turned lips . When John Day Smith arose to address the jury In his deliberate fashion , hInrr' faced squarely around to the ( jury and scannell their faces as the words fell from the lips of his counsel. Before the court opened he found ( tine to tel the reporters that the , report In a morning paper that he had remarked - ' marked : "They are going to hang me , " was unlualfefly false , and that he had never given uterance to any such slntement. " Attorney Smith , In addresslnl the jury , called attention to I number of things the state had promised at the outset to prove and which , he said , It had not p oved. It had not shown that Hayward hall securetl all of Miss Ging's money , as she had a balance - alice In bank at her death ; It had not shown that ho lied gone riding wIth her the Wednes- day and Saturday cvenlng before the umumr- tier as promised. Mr. Smih dcclared that the Insurance transactions , the acquiring oC an Insurable Interest , and time walvure of the assnult clause , oC which much had been made by the state , were all In the ordinary course of buslncss anti not In nny way unusual The sweat box method of wringing so-called conCessions from Dlxt and Adry hayward was referred to In denunciatory torms. The defense ndmlte that Harry was n gambler and deplored thin fact . but asserted that he was not on trial for gambling , but for mur- der. "Gentlemen or the jury , " exclaimed the attorney , "the mute Corm 01 Catherine Gng lying at the county morgue gives the lie to Claus A. mlxt. Time evidence presented by I , the defense will fairly prove to you that Claus A. Ilxt pounded that woman's head almost to : jelly before he fired the shot and then only fred It when ho thought she was not dead. "When Dlxt came to the stand his honor. ex-Mayor Eustis . stepped up to him and shook hands wIth him wIth I smiling faCe. "I could not help but think that I was to give him character before this jur ) ' , I confess yon coud : 10t have touched the booded : hands or the murderer for 1 large sum of money. I bleve In the religion of Jesus Christ , who has promised to forgive sIns , but has not promised to remove time scars. Such actions as those of nlxt arA I tra\'esty. "Thero Is nnother witness wlt whom we are confronted here who Is peculiar In many ' respects We will show you that 'he has led l 1 shIftless life. He was involved In this case at the begInning and was put through the 'sweat process' anti showed the proverbial jealousy or the elder brother You wi remember . L that L _ . ' 19 . tIme _ u. _ beginning u , . , of . hIs testimony 10 100Keu wln pity on aim urOller and said : 'I do not blame him for making time best defense ho can. ' You will remember - ber how , later. when his mother was sIt- ting yonder , that mother who had borne him and watched over him with tender so- hicitude . be told of a Quarrel he had had with her and other members or the Camly , and had said to that mother : 'Why did you raise such n litter or pups ? ' " 110 was a peculiar man In many respects : and had a diathesis from whIch he could not separate himself. There have been experts here both for the state and the defense and they ( vl be examined on that point. There have 'en no less than six members or the . - . , . , . . . . family connne mine aSYlum uecause they were Inmne. Yo claim hat ! Harry Is much more sane than his brother Adry. "Now you wIll doubtless want to know what Is the theory or the deCense. Gentlemen , we have no theory. TheorIes have hanged many a man You must be convinced of time gui or the defendant beyond 1 reascnble douht. Wo wIll also establish I complete alibi for Harry It time time he was said to have been at the Kenwood boulevard givIng Dlxt derec- . tions. "Wo shall brIng out some of the testimony which has lain Imurc In the county ator- ney's office . ant Ilal show that there was a suspicIous character In the city about whom the county attorney was told , but he did not use the information. Yo expect to compel time bloody clothes found on the shores of I.3lte Calhoun to Ie brought Into court. The defendant will take the stand In his own be- half , and that's all there ts In this case " "Harry Hayward comes Into court , , con- eluded ! r. SmIth "confronted by the test- mony of a brother whose hert Is fled with deadly enmity , and Blxt , who with perjUred tongue has sought to conceal and shIeld his real confederate All wo nk Is that the sun- light of God's truth shall bo let In on this most remarkable case. " John Walsh leper . or the morgue , was the fIrst witness . and he deserlbed the Incidents connected with the brInging of Miss Ging's body to the morgue. He undressed and washed the body Immediately , and In answer to Mr. ErwIn's questions described mInutely I the clothing found on the body the wounds and where blood was found. Terrence Connehiy . jr. , an undertaker was called and produced the clothing which haul been turnell over to him by Welsim I Ilevel- oped , much to the astonishment omitS Indigna- ton of Mr. Erwin ( hunt thin sealsltn sacfue haul been cleaned The lining , Imowever stl showed some stains of blooll. The knotted blue veil whlcb had been pinned In the hat was torn and clotted with blood The jury and the attorneys examined all the clothing carefuly for blood stains The entire afternoon was given up to time oxamlnaton of police officers , who examined he ) iocnitty wlmere . Miss Glng's hp'lr was round , In nn effort to Prove an alIbi . Tomorrow - submmmittcd morrow evIdence to Impeach Dlxt wIll be . - 111'Ii ON TII HT.ISJ ) . Unlllo to I"pliin : UUI10 . Maim Ills Large l'r ' 118. PITTSDUHO , Feb. H.-In the trIal today of George M. Irwin , the discretionary pool operator , Mr. Irwin was cale.l and . told how he went to Cimicmugo beeame 1 member oC the Board of 'rrnd , his ventures there and Bubseluent ( allure. lie afterward returned to IIUbur < und stlrted In the pool huslnl'ss In 1 smal way . Increasln/ his clients every mnOumtlm ) " " During the "run" he pulll out In the four days I lasted over $157.OJ. lie \\'al advised to quit. lie culled at th bank to mIca how lie stood Ills account Wl8 slim , 10 he concluded to go no further. More than 10eoille orerel ! him money aCer he eloct1 cosed htmshmiess ! , but he dll not take it. On erosi. eXlmlnaton witness lahl he ( limit the Irokcr- crost- age uuslness for the pool business because the former was dull. lie wits a hanker II the ( sense that lie took care oC time Ilopl 's mone ) ' . Winess could not tel how lie made 2G per cent In August , because he dhl not hewn his 1100ks. This was his Inswer to' ' simiar questions about eoch mnonthi'm3 busl- hers. Adjourned until . tomorrow 1.11l11 for le"I"I Open II bUid" , . NI \ \ ' YOHK , Feb. 14-eorle F. Slos- lon amid Clmrlel lammacblr , manager for Maurice Daly whose bllaril halls were 111(1 01 Sunday , 1.'ebrull'y 3 , were found guilty nail fined ) $10 cach In the court of special .esolons tOllay. Justices Slogan . Meade Intl H'ln decided the bllnni hell were lJuble phaeta p Ullnll I' mmmugglrr trreste'mI . 10ITI.AND. Om'cs. . I.'eb. H.-Perry Gibson Dr Seattle . arrested for smugglIng opium , 'va's sent to Jai today . In default of ball \ Wlwn arrested iifty-thmrce PoUnds of opiuimm was found II his ossession . ollul - ifOSIItlfl'.S OSTIUVT ( U s ' -.IUI. Contnslon ot tIme t'enitentInryTanusgomeiit WOr" Confotmntlc3l. LINCOLN , Feb. 14-Speci'ai ( I 'Telcsram.- ) The opinion to be given by Atlmey ! General Curchl tomorrow to thb special committee nppolntell by time house Inst' week to consider the penitentiary contract , promises to create something akin to n sensation. The opinion Is n very elaborate one and recites the complete history of the pententnry con tract from its inception down through its career of vicissitudes to the time when I Iassed' ) Into time hnnch of V. ' . II. Dorgan In brier , time attorney general Is 01 the opinion that the contract Is valid , and morn than thnt , that Mosher's bondsmen umler under the contract have been releasemi . amt that the state has ubsolutely no protection 'agaimmat any fraud that tIme present contractor many elect ta perpetrate The attorney general Rives I as his opInion that tie legislature hall the undoubted right to mnke the contract , and that havln bus so It cannot pass I law nullh'ln that con- tract le Is Clrther 01 the olllnlon that tht ' bond given hy Mosher for the Cllthlli per- Cormnnco of his part of the contract Is worthi less. less.le arrives nt this opinion by reasonlnl thnt the lIve men who signed Iosher's bond 1111 not bind themsol'es to Protect the state against any loss or breach oC ntract on time pHI oC Dorn. Time acton oC the Hoard ! of Plble 1.nd3 all 1u111n13 In consenting to and Indorsing time transfer tm the contract Crom losher to Dorgan releases the bonds- macn The attorney general , , hcwever , po'nts out a simple remedy for the present unpro- tectetl condition or the state. Dorgan hohls the contract , but has ntver furnished the state any bond for its faithful perCormance. Time ICllslature can , If It desires to break the contract , pass I resoluton directng Doran - gan to file t Ioctl and sufelelt bOIl within thIrty days. I he falD to do so , then legal proceedings could be Instituted against him h ) the attorney general to annul the contract ' Time attorney bases his opInion on federal decisIons - cisIons , Inasmuch as ho hells that any at- tempI to annul time contract under existing conditions would entitle Dorgnn to I trial of time issue In the federal court The original prison contract was let to ( pIson : W. H. B. Stout on September 22. lsn , by the Board or Publc Lands and liumihilinge , for six yeus. : Time legislature of 18i9 passed a law extending Stout's contract for six years ( roam October I , 1893 , ondltcnl upon the constrlct'on ' by Stout oC 240 tone cells , free of expense to the state. In 1883 the legis\- tlre passed another law , gIving time prison contractom' unt October , 18S. to construct time 240 cells , provIde that at least lGO 01 them should be Inlshell by , Octcher , 1883 , In 1887 the legislature dabbled In the contract business a little more , by fnating a law whIch transferred the contract to C.V. . Mosher , and extending It ten fears. On February - mary 1. 1892 , Iosher transferred the contract ' to W. H. Dorgan , and time Hoard of PublIc Land and Buildings recognized Dorgn as the contractor , to the extent that It has paId him the warrants that would be due to Mosher every quarter. Th warrants ha\'e always beE drawn In ! osh r's name. The stone cells have been placed iii I the coil house but recently , and It Is now amerted that they will scon be ready for . occupaJ cy. TnU.T FROZEN ' 7O IMTIC ( Two Boys 'Vho WOlt tn' ' Skito 'When They Should 1Ive Gonetdtieimmoi . JOHNSTOWN , Pa. , Feb. . 4A telegram received here states that thl bodIes of two boys were found along the P nnsyivania railroad - Ptnnsylvanll road at I point In Westlorcand county They were frozen to death. .t The identIty . of the bodIes has not yet been 'Ibed. : but the ) ' are supposed to bo those oC , the two sons oC Jobn Caulfeld of this city. " Time lads , aged 10 and 12were \ sent to school yesterday , but Instead' going to the buiding went skating and afterwards con- cluded to take n tramp , fearing to return homo after playing trunnt. : Ir , Caulfeld searched yesterday and thIs morning for his missing sons , but had ben unable to find them , and It seems very probable that the corpses are those o tJo runaway children. Helvlest Snow l vcr' , Ilnown II Tcxa AUSTIN , Tex . , Feb. H.-Snow began falling - Ing here last evenIng ' and Is still failing. I Is six Inches deep 'on a' level , with bad drllts. Railroad travel Is impeded and street car traffic almost suspended The snow storm Is t\ worst ever experIenced here. FORT \VOltTII , Feb. H-The second snow of the year fell' hero yesterday and last night The snow Is four Inches deep and the storm was general over norther Texas Cattle men expect heavy losses on the rangcs. GALVESTON Fel , . 11-Snow hogan failing . Ing early this morning. At 12 o'clock It was twelve Inches deep Oi a level and still fall- lag the heaviest In the history of southern Texas. Tribune dlstHtches report snow all over the state the heaviest In the southern portIon. porton. SAN ANTONIO Tex. , Feb. H.-The henv- lest fall of snow ever known here Is on thc ground . It being over six Inches deep and still falling. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nnrlul" ! "eu : " the Clhl 1111) ' , DENVER , Feb. 14-Coniderable stock has already perished on time ranges of Colorado inconsequence I consequence of time cold and It Is feared timeless loss wi he heavy unless a change takes place soon. Many seters 'n ' easter Colorado are sufferIng from colt anti hunger. Jules- burg reports extreme weather has been recorded - corded for twenty.slx days past , the thermometer - mometer ranging 'Crom 10 ; to 30 degrees be- low zero during time recent , bUzzard. Millions Dr snow birds and rabbits lave been frozen to 'death. Denver Is about the center of the re- glen affected by the present cell wave , which seems to bo breaking up against the Rocky mountains all the way from Cheyenne , 'Vyo. , to EI Paso , Tex Nile % IICh"8 , ff ! 101 nt : fW ( rloanf NIV ORLEANS , I eb. H.-For more than twelve hours past snow has fallen lucre steadily . ant tonllht the city Is wl'appet In 1 mantle oC sueh white mix she has never were before. At ! o'luck tomitght nine Inches Qt snow hat ( alien nnll the stOJ'1 contnuet several hour" later. Today's fail Wil by three Inches the 1111'le/t In thin clt"s hIKton' 1 IK still fallIng at all points thromigimotmt time state Three Ioro Jo.lc81hell , \shlro. LIVEnpOOL , Feb. H.-Three more bodies were washed ashore , yesterday Cram the , Gloucester schoner Clara i- , rlend , which went to pieces on I aster heall on FrIday la5t. The bodies have not been idemmtified. Snow 1"lllng In Nri ; orleans. . NEW OI.EANS , Feb'lt-Snow , has been falling steadily since 11 a. ' in. . covering the ground to time depth of about an Inch-a sight not witnessed hero for nearly twenty years. ( rmlil TRlll Itotildr , \ shore. DALTIlOI , Feb. I 14.-TIme German tank steamer Blso Mary from Hamburg , January 22. Charles for . Dallnore , to load , Is ashore off Cape . IIIJnllc I l ( f I tsr tCrl iii r' . SAN FRANCISCO . I eb , H.-Mrs. Mary Meyers , an net cook , 1Iaced mirsemmie In tIme hour barrel or her emplorer. RepentIng , she told her mistress ur the poison , but the latiy. not believing that the old woman hall really done al ! Said , use ( } some oC the arsenic tainted hour In iiread. 'fhe entire 10ur entre Call ) ' was IIoIEOI < , and its memlel's nearly lost their hIves. The , old cook was arrested for the poleonln . but her conrcs , slon to hel' mnlstres . saved . her from IJrOSe- cumtion . cuton. . - "lll' liuueks IntllJ Ioumi SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. H.-The Evening Ibuhhetimm says that 1 ronwlalnt will IJe forwarded - warded to Governor Iluthd . aleging .hat the large dock owne \ ( ) ' the.tate anti \ leased to the I'ac'ific Mull ; lteamshlji eonmany II gradually - ual ) ' rotting Ieamshll company lease requires thu company to , maintain tHe ( locl 10ck In comidliomm. ( 'fime Buletn says It t\e pro- Posed the uttomney general be directed to sue the company lor $6,0 and make the I necessary repairs. , - 1s-limv : 'rilor fjllsIY ( Illrfvlu EIKhiAltT Ill. . Feb I1 JG'Jvernor , Oglcsby Is steariihy Implo".nIII them soon' Ii e\'er. reason to btll YO ho wIll be wcl SALOONS RAIED BY WOMEN \ Crusade Against Vic in sioux City Develops - velops n Curious Phase , ONE HUNDRED LADES : V.SI liE JOINTS - IrutnlT Treated IT R i'roprletor ot R Llllor 101 II the l'r unel of a l'olcllll : , " 'ln SIded \ wih Ito 111001 iliac . I SIOUX CITY , I eb. 14.-Special ( Teleram. ) -Memmubers 01 time \'omen's Christan Tum- Ileranco unIon to the number 100 assembled quIetly this afernoon at the \Vimitfiettl Methmo- ( list church , of which Hev. J. W. : lahool , the Sioux City Parkhur . Is pastor , nlHI about 4 o'clode m'trchmed down town In a bed ) ' and p:4-eG4 _ to I 10ln tour of the city alcons. They startell with the avowed In- tenton oC vIsiting every saloon In the cIty , but soon Couli the atempl too laborious. For several days It has been known that the ladles were contemplntng luch I move. Mahocd's Investgaton of the Faloons amid houses of prostitution hns aroused the ( en- thuslnsm pf tIme Cemnle portion of his comm- gregaton . till the ( women were ready for almost - most nn.thlng. Time raIding or the saloons , however was total ) ' unexpected. The ladies marched donmi to the business seclon ly twos headed b ) Irs. II. C. Joimmisoum . and Mrs. Ii. H. lathlwn ) ' , officers of the so- clety . At the first saloon tIme Icallers asked for the proprietor who presented hlmseH , while the others of the invading party poured tn nt the door till the room was filled to overlowlng anti many were tumble to enter. Mrs. Johnson had In her hand I cop of the Martin liquor law , which she offered to the prorpletor to reall I he desired. MUST OBSgIlVI TIE LAW. lIe declnetl anti she saId : "Unless wo find this place complying wIth every rcqulrement or this law by next Monday morning we shall take steps to hl\e It closed. I the pro- visions of this law were enforced there would not be half as many saloons In this city today. \\'e have waited long enough for the men to enforce the laws they have made. The women now propose to take a hand and see what they can do. 'Vo warn you that every saloon that does not comply with cv- cry detail or time requirements or the law wIll be chosod , and the strongest measures used agaInst those guilty 01 violatng time law " At two or three places the women were received courteously but when they reached John Mamidersehield's saloon , all the long line oC women began to pour itself Inside , Manllerscheld came forward , and , seizing Mrs. Johmon by time arm , exclaimed , "Here , you can't do this sort of thing lucre. " At this moment , a newspaper . man who lad forced hIs way tn , with the women stepped forward to Interfere with Manderscheid , who Instanty struck him In the Cace. PROTECTING TIE SALOONIST. An officer who was In the saloon at the time . came forward and declared thaI the proprietor could refuse admission to the women If he desired. At this Mamiderzchmeid ! aided by another man In the place , began tu push the women violenty out of the place wih oaths and abuse. Several mcn J d crowded In and attempted to protect the women. I was impossible however. to force , their way Inside , anti they were compelled to , 'retire. . One . . of 1ho Ld leaders , " . _ _ started _ , _ _ a 'n ! hymn .0 , amt In hair a minute Ul 1"n' I" . . . nu standing on the walk In front of the saloon sInging himstily. Nothing daunted the women pressed on and went through the next saloon without opposition - tion . Dy this time their trluml.11 march dow tIme main street of the city had at- trcted an Immense crowd , and they were surroulled by a mob of time curious. At two or three places they were refused admittance , time doors being locleed. At the others they served their notice and went on. After about an hour from the tme Aler they had started In , tIme party quietly disbanded , wIth the understanding that they would meet again tomorrow to contnue theh worlc. Ther Is no doubt the women can compel the enforcement of the law In all par tlculars , and that I they do so It will compel many saloons to close. I Is not generaly b2- Sieved thin crusade wIll haveserlous results. Icvell women say they will also close tIme houses of prostitution. . "laI2'I.H ; 7'II IUl.l.ll TllSTLB , StRte IIHI NationaL Aid , 'fllell . to External- nato thin I..t. ST. PAUL , Feb. H.-Tho Interstate Bus- sian thistle conference calCI by the gov- ernor of Minnesota to devise ways and means for the suppression of that weed met at the capitol today. ( Commissioners were present from Minnesota , Iowa , Wisconsin , Nebraska . and North Daltota and for the United States Agricultural department. Resolutions which were presented this evening and adopted clothe thin marvelous spread or the thlsto , and con- tinue : tnuo , It has already deltroyet ( arms ruined himunes Irlven citizens Into exile nna ! greatly le seled thin products oC our fIelds. grcaty by miions or 1101arl. It Is urged oltmltell legislatures ot time several states thO mshmahl adopt joint resolutons , to Ie forwarded - warded to the governors of all states of the iimmton imrglmig concerted acton upon tIme lines of urllnK destructon anti preventing thin .ls- lnes trihiutioui or salll thistle . I was further trlbutol ' Hesolvell , 'Flint all owners or I'cal'prop- orty ho required to dear their own promIses - Ises oC this weeth ' 'hcro lueh undertale- imig sluumhi become ot such magnitude and cost as to be be'onl thin financIal capacIty of such owners of real estate then thin appropriiitiomi of public rllls to IRslst II such immmmlertmthiiuig Is ilstlcll umul I requln'd. / Hesoh'el' , further , That In our opinion the conlltons prevailIng In Rome oC the states aihhicted mire such that thin la tonal govermi- uncut must mender direct alslstllcO to the lol.le . Ilst connecton renler with thl.\ state gO\- ) ' Ir 'rnments hy IPIJrOlu'latnJ public money decisive hiattie Is to he elel to this common - mon hatto material production. p Jrlllr'll ' hut , bsm'lltof Election. ST JOSEI'II , 10. Feb. 1I-'rimu general council or tIme Fraternal Aid associatIon close n three duys' session todny after eleethJ he rolowlng officers tIen : for the t'nsullmmg tWO years : uelernl prC51lenl. . 'nSllnl 'r.W'aiher. I\lnRIH CIty Kami . ; general PaSt presllent , J. I Frederick , Orange . Cal : general vIce pmesitlent . ill . 1' . Slllrel' . Abllene , l\an. : gonerll mtecre- tar ) ' , gll ltousel Lns'remmce icami. : Jcnerl treasurer , I. C Bttnci Ottawa . 111. ; med- leal examiner , Levi hionier , Klduro , 0km. " 0 ol ' mug to IL Ioo I 'rim mit Is tnt ! l'Iell. I SAN mANCISCO , Feb. Il-J. Q. A. Henry , pastor oC the First Baptist church , leader oC tIme American ProtectIve Ilsocla- tiomi movement In San Francisco anuS prom- Ilent ton worker for municipal reform his accepted thin cal by the J.u Sale Balllst church oC Chicago. I has hcen annolnce.1 . that he would decline the cal hu his reuuigmmntlon was read It tIme mneetiulg oC thin congregation , and lS soon US Dr. lenn' re- I covers to from Chicago. his l\relent illness he wi remove - ill 'H. MIIAnl t a. I MI"1traclnn. I I . SAN FRANCISCO , Felt I.-I.ollsD li. : n. Matson , who gnlnell much unenviable notoriety - torlet hy the recent dlseovery oC her sex after she hnll Impersonated a mln Cor m- teen years , la now one of the attractions In a dime . museum. The proprlet ot the show hus sued I rival showmun Cor $ ro dam- ages , alleging that hc Is exhibiing a bogus Miss ilatepui. . "rtlIU'IU Co iii mime imveI h I ill 1'Jnn" , ' I I ' 1' ' SAN I IANCISCO , Feb. 11.-Testimony In tIme trial of n. Ii. lcnonuld , jr. . charged with perjury In connection with the pacllc bank statements. was closed today 'fhe district nU'rncy made the openIng argument for the lmrosecutlon. S ( nOallllull1 I I I I C'IH'nlol I It t I 1 oil . . . TOPliICA , Kal , . h ° eii. 11.-Senator ni- lufls joint resolute recomlcnlln a con- sttutonal conventon came U ( Cor action In thin honRe today ' anl after 1 bug discussion - cussion I was delted ty 1 vote oC r yeas to Cl nl'I Is.I.IU I' ( flC.tl' 1m.ln. ; 1Il.sIsr1ifl 18.1.1 . OU.Il . . . \r1lollt the CItyofilixicu UleolAololS and lm'or hiahtIeuI. CITY OP MEXICO , Fob H.-VI ( Laredo. ) -Minister lemon P. Gray dlell at iO : this evening , without regaining consciousness. CITY OP MEXICO , I eb. 11.-Ummiteub States Minister Gray nrrl.Cl this morning via time Mexican Nntonal railway with a severe case of pneumonIa. T1e 1ulmnn car conductor Couml llm unconscious at 2 o'clocle this Inornlng. lie was carried Crom the train emi n stretcher to time American hos pltal. lr. Ur Is In attemm.lance. Ir. lirny ) . InCorme Mrs. Gray that lie wommiti not live thin day out. Commsiml General CrttCn11Cii ! ! withi hmimmi. 110 is iimicomiscloims anti nas urea ever since Imis arrival , anti rccogmiizes mme ouie. lie huns beemi sick all ( ho Way down frommu St. Lottie. INDIANAPOLIS , Feb. 1 1.-Isaac Ptisey Gray was bormi in Chester county , i'cmimisyl- vammia in 1828. lIe was time son of John llaumnahm Gray. Ills ancestors all belonCed to time Society of Priemids , ImIs great grnmiilfathmer huavitig emumlgratetl ( roam Eimghauid with \'Il- llani l'emmmi mmml settled in Chester coimmit ) ' . Ismnc : Gruiy receiveti a commimnon school cmiii- cation , She vas nuntmltlotms amid of sttmulioimuu hiahilts , aumil early emmteretl tmpumm till ? study of law. I us poverty , Imoivever , commipelleil hmini to accept. a clerkship him a unercamitihe lmotmse at Nem' Matllsomi. In a few years lie becammmo sole hiroprletor lii the estahillshmmiiemit. Iii 1S55 lie remnoveul imis fatally to Ummion City , had. , anti soon thereafter emitereti tmimi time Practice of iai' . Mr. Gray vas colomiel of tIme Fourth hiithiammtm. cavalry in time civil war. lie outdo a gootl record amid remaimmed until dlsclmuirgetl on accouimmt of lil-Imealtlm. lie retummnetl hmomno anti rcgalmieil his wimsteul emmer- gies ammul recruited the Oime hmunulretl amid forty-seventh intilamma immfauitr ) ' . In 1SGG lie was it cammuiitlato for comigmess agaimist time lIen. George tV. Jtmhinii who had long rcprc- sented that district in time house of represen- tatives , After a chose contest mie was uc- feated by muboumt 300 votes. Two years hater lie ivums elected to time state semiate. .1mm July , 1870 , hue 'ns temitlered time consulate at St. TlmommmasVest hmmtiies , but dcchlmicmh , As a young luau hue was a mm'memmmber of the m'imIg party , but acted with tIme relitubhicaums titmrimmg thin var , Slmice IS1 , hue has beemu on active inenmber of thin democratic party. son'- ing as a mimemnber of the Iimdlaima delegatiomm to time lhheral republican coumvemmtlon lii 1872. lie was mmominatetl by acciamimatloim omm tIme democratic ticket for iheuteimamit governor , vuus elected to that hioiuorablo hiositiomi iii 1876 utnd was re-mmommmimmated for time sammie place In isso. Iii 1SSI Mr. Gray was elected governor of hmmuliana emu time uleimmocratlc ticket. After retinimug ( room that ofilce lie followed thin practice of Imis professlomu in timius city untIl lie was called to ( hue Mexican uumissiomu by l'rcsi- dent Cje'olammt1 about tuo years mmgo. In 1S30 hue mumarrieti Miss lIlian Jaqua of Darke COuumit ) ' , 01mb. Time ) ' have two children hls'Immg , PIerre , wimot is a lawyer in timis city , anti llnyarth , Wiio has been acting as his father's private secretary Iii Mexico. Mr. Gray vieldetl a large lntlumenco iii thin poll- tics of hmidiauma , had cxceliemmt juutigmneiit of men and thmimmgs , was well balammcetb Imy knowledge , and hind a hiammilsommie personal appearamico amid courteous address. -0' INJUJWI ) Jul. JL.ST. Ten Men Seriously IiuuvL in amu lillmmols Coal Mimic. OhIN , Ill. , Feb. 11.-A tremendous explo- muon of imowdom' and gas , caused by an overcharged - charged bhast , occurred in the coal maine here this afternoon. No nun was killed outright , but mmcverai vene sar- mushy injured and a umuniber quite badly hurt. The nmst severely wountled mire : 1. . Wingrtrdner. burned about time face amml , hotly , perhaps fataliyt Samuel Smitlm , badly burned uhmotmt face , .P ° ! ; ably lose his eyesight ; , mammies 'iauioca minim son hmtmrned aioUt thin face anti arnms semi. outsl ) ' ; ' George Ilalum , burned antI uilso injured by flyIng coal ; Albert Little , John Lucim amid John Chuamiubers , almost smmmuthmered to death ; a stranger , burned seriously lieu Hoyd , cut and bruised seriously ; Johumi ChrIstie , badly burnedu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ OL1)1EIIS ruie.v L1'XCIIIflS. incemisod at tIme Murumer of Ono of TiteIr CommstmmionN. , LEAVENWOI1TII , Feb. 11.-There was much excitement iii this city tommighit ever an attempt of about forty soldIers from Fort Leaveiiworthi to l'nchi a bartemimler namneti Harry Smith and a fast womami nanieil Alma Vaughan , 'whom they accuse of having caused time death of mu hmrlvate miol- dier miameul I'atrick 1' . Vogaim. The accLmscul persons emicapeil from a minloomi by a hnck door , amid by time timely arrival of all tile night polIce the soldiers vero held iii chiccIc for IL tiuume. Colonel Ila\vhCtnH vmus called upon and sent ho\vmi cavuuiry Iii . ' humry and the dlimttmrbors were hiumstlcui hack to thin fort. Private F'ogaui was foummul uleati this mnornlmig at the hottom of a coal shmaft , seventy-two ( cot dccl ) , ! Iliue amid Gray llammquit't 'together. CHICAGO. Feb. 14.-Time "Blue and the Gray" mingled tonight at a banquet at time Autlitorluni , given lmy Columbia post , Grand Army of time Republic. About 300 inca sat doWmi to the table , The bammmluct opened by 11eV. EmIl 0 , i-iirscim in praYer. Comamitlor Ii. 0. I'urintomi of Colummihmla iOSt introtluced time IilealtOrs and Coin. manmler C. 11. IutcComiiiel acted mis toamit. master. 'i'Imc list of toafits inclutled , 'lSGi- 18& ; , " Major \\'ihilnm Vi'arnor of Kmuumsaa City , liLSt. conimnumndor-IIi-tmhilet of time Gramimi Armny of thin itepublic ; "TIme Storms imi Their Courses , " Cleperal John ti. Black ; "rime hutlemi of I'ence , " St. Cialr ? uhcKelWrty of hhroolciymm ; ' 'A Now Nation , ' ' \Vlllimummm Ii. Masomm , ChIcago ; "I'hme Nois' Century , " Gnu- oral Johmlu Ii. Gordon of Georgia. . 'rIme members of tIme Ex-Comifetlemato no. socmation of Chicago were immvltcml as guests of tIme Columbia Post. 'Freumsmircr"i hermit ; Itiso Sham. 11h100KI4YN , Feb. 11.-More sensational developments in time $95,000 muhuortnge In time cotmnty treasurer's ollice were imm'oughmt to light today by time discovery thmat two of time bonthut of County Treuisimrer harry 11. Atlantis minim iuiisulnig ( Iota tIme county clerk's nllice , TIme hioiuuhi were fur $ l00,0O ) each , 'rhuey mire suuihOSCd to have beemm stolemi. Atlains took otiice iii August , 1583. According to tIme cx- pertH who examined Mr. Amiammu' ace Junts , time sumortmuge hogan dLmrimmg his accommil termmm and Imaus continued to immenease ever since , 'l'lie law ( hoes not abiow time preseuit bommuimi- mcmi to be used for guhmortmtgos lii oIlier terms of oiilce , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tmtthmoilc 1tmhP itmuiiqim.tui 111gm. miotohli , PIIILAIEI-d'IIIA , _ Fci , , 11-'rhme Catholic club of thmlus city celeimriuteui Its eighmteommtlm birthimlay tommighit with an elaborate ban- quIet to Mgr. Batohli , icmuitleH the guest of honor , there wemo piesent hum secretary , 11ev , Freulerick hooker , I ) , I ) . : lmimu uLtmmhltoi , Mgr. 13. Iharrntth ; Arrbbhmilmop itynul , hliuuhop Kemine , Ilimihmoli ilcFitUio of 'l'remmtomm , hiishmop Goruloim of Jamnaictu , hr. Ernest l.a 1'luici , Johimi B. hlopItIns mimI unaumy of thin cIty's Irommmimicmmt imien. igr. Butolli wami time chmie ( speaker. _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ Es 1)1 aglomi I mm mm Inml g.m lboumi , SAN F'IIANCISCO , Fehi. 14-Two mom- hers of thmo Bpnimmg'uhhoy honhgc of Good Templars vcmmt early to tIme lodge room to imreimiura for a mncetlnut , 'i'luimy mutruelt mm match iii thin miimto room , wbmicim s'ame ( mmli of gas ( mommm ii iemtlcImig clmandehicr , A tcrrilIc explosion ( olhnwetl , hmiowIng out thin sides nmmml ruut of thu hull , 'l'huu nuenu wem'u hat killed , miithiougim they wore seriously woummded , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S misum rmummce 'l'rnuitm cii ' ( ut Yet I-i' I I iei , SAN FIIANC'ISCO , Feb. 11.-Iimmitlmaiicn managers , s'hmo hmnivo iieei lmcuiding a con- fememico itt Moumtcroy , hmavn returned , with oijectioims to features of lImo now commmhiact commstltution still immimsettleul. F'oum' lumonmil- neat managers mdlii stummmd aloof fmomrm tIme comimuiet amid rate cmuttimmg still goes on ammmotug than ugemicicum. % lc a C Free on ii h'iu silty I ImI itmlm'umt , LOll ANGELES , Cal , , Feb. 11.-Omi a faulty imidletment , United States Judge itomix totiuiy dischmargetl thma tulisijit of Fm'esmmo county mmimd the juimler of Baum liermimirdlmmo coummty , IndIcted for niiuwlmmg lJmiited States imnI5OlmCmm (0 go free witimoUt legal hurocess. 'S'hme Indictmnent set ( onthi time cscupu of ommhy ommu humironer. llioyummesmts of heuiuntmmg 'osseIs , Feb 1 1 , At Southmampton-Arrived-I'anIS , ( rein Neu York , At New York-Arrived-Normammnia , troums Genoa , At London-Arrived-Maine , foun Pimiladei. phmia. phmia.At At hlamburg-Arrlved-l5crsia , trcm New York , 'i . . BOND BILL DEFEATED House Gives a Decided Majority Against Issuing Gold Ponds , CRUIING : DEFEAT OF TIlE ADMINISTRATION Republican Support Not Enough to ave it froiji Its rridnds , NO RELIEF POSSIBLE TIllS ' SESSION Porty-Pivo Majority Agalirt the Third Rentling of the Bill , BRYAN'S COMPLIMENTS CLEVELAND 511)5 thmn 1)ciiuient'y ( ) ui''i % Ilium Notliimmg ill ore 'l'Imut mm I ut mum . . il liii must am I or VImi , I Imiul Sumimummmil erl ml a Ext at e-l'mu ny I .i tics hnuppvmh iii time hehmate. - W'ASIIINGTON' , Feb. 14-TIme titled at. . tCmiihmt by ( lie mitimmministratiomu mit this session to secure lcglshatiomm iooklmmg to thin relief of the treasmmry fnhled todimy. First tIme Carlisle bill for the reforuim of time curreumcy systemmi m'emmt dowmi ; mioxt time bill for tIme issue of 300,000O00 of gold boumtls amitl tIme rcthnemmiemmt. of tIme legal temmuicra , u'ecommimnemmuietl imi thu nresldemit's sneclal mimessamie. was defeated Inst rimulrstin ) ' byn mimajorlty ottwcmmty-seven , amid today time motuse , by mu mmmajorlty evemm larger , (17) ( ) refused to order to a tlulrtl reaulimig tIme ressiutioum by wimichm it was vropseti to authmor. . lze thmo issue of 65O00,000 of 3 per cciii gold ' iomids to imbstituto for time 1 tier cemit tlminty. yc.mr bontis olmi by Secretary Carlisle iimmiie time contract with tIme htothmsehuilul-Mongan syn. . dicate , Time action of lIme house today was LIme cumlmmuimuatiomi of the exciting events wlmlcim mave occurred simico the presithenmt semit hmis special message to congress , which restulteul lii time report ( noun time ways antI mumcamms comu mmiittee of time resolution to autlmorlze time issue of the gaul boumuhus. A spccial order was brought in as soomi as time house mmuet tlmis mmiormming to brimig tIme rca. olmmtion to a vote mit 5 o'clock tonight , Thin debate impomu tIme resolmmtiomm , vhmlcim lasted over five hours , was immtereeting amid at times inhlamnmnablo Iii cimaracter. 'l"uio galleries i'ere lunched , tumid thmero was mmmcii coumfimsion emi time hoer , but time iumtcreat cemmteretl iii tIme course whmicim time relmubhicaums wotmlul pursue , it beimmg concetled that time fate of time resohu' . tiomm rested wltim thicumi , 'h'hmcre vams omuch iumammeuveriumg anioumg thmcir headers. Time re- iitubiicamus west of tIme Ahieghanles , led by Messrs. llophlns anti Caimnon of Illinois , started oft with Immipetumoums speeches against a gold bond Issue that would tiiscrlmmmImmatu agaiumst time bomids already Issued. Mr. heed and his eastern friends sought lii private conference to rally nih to united action. His plait was to allow time resolution to go to a third reading auiti themi mnove to recommmnuit it : vitim instruction to recant back. a bill slmmmiiar to that \4miCii un offered mis a substitute ( or time bond bill last week , providing for 3 per cent coiui bonds. For a time tt seemed P05' . sibie that this arrangcunemmt would be agreed to , but after tIme stirrImmg speech of Mr. Hop- burn of Iowa the middle amid wcatermm re- lambhicamus broke away , determined to defeat time third reading of tIme rcsoltution lest by- sonmo cimance it mighmt carry if it passed this parliamentary stage , Time eastern repabhlcan thou decIded to support it. Time speeches of Mr. Wilsomi , Mr. Steed , Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Bryan were time features of tIme debate. Au ammahysis of tiuo vote m.lmowa that eigimty.mmmns democrats anti thirty-one republicans (120 ( tmi all ) voted in favor of time resolution , and nInety-eight miemmmocnats , sixty-two republicaom anti seven populists (167 ( in all ) agaimmat , SPECIAL ItULFI FOIL DEBATE. Although it was known that an nttemmmhmt would bo immade today to pass time u'esohtition zmuthuorizlmmg tIme issue of 3 per cent gold bonuls 1mm the house , the attendamice oui time floor was not large whiemi time' speaker cahicti time house to orde ! at 11. o'clock. 'rhmis was probably duo to tIme fact that uumammy mmiembers supposed time hmouso m'ould mmmeet at mmoomm , as usual. DespIte tIme immumahi attenulamuce , ( lucre was muiuchm excitemmient cmi the floor. As soon as time journal hail been read Mr. Cutehmlngs , from time rules conimittec , reported time jmcciai order under Wlmichu the house was to operate. It with as follows : "itesolverl , That immediatehy upon time adoption of thmls resolution thin house simahi proceed , as iii comnmumittce of thin whmolc , to consitiomatiomi of hmmmso resolution No. 255 ( the bontl resoiutiomm ) , timat at time lmoumr of S o'clock thIs day time previous question aimall be con- siuhered , as ordered on mtumitl resolution , anul ( lien , without interverming motion , votes shah be tmiltemi thereon immutil tIme same muimali have been fully dispo5efi of.P Mr. Catchilmigs promptly tbemandeti the Imrevlous qumestlomu as soon as ( ho resolution had beemi completed. 0mm a risimmg vote the prevIous iuestlon was ordered-56 to 11. Mr. Pickier , republican of South Dakota , unmade thmo polmmt of no quorum , hut wlthumlrcw It , cmiii before ( line for debate could he chaimmmetl umimuler time rule the vote rscmmrred on ( ho atlop. tlomm of time order. It resulted 66 to 17. Mr. Simpson of ICansas again made tIme point of muo quorum. Mr. Simmipson ammml Mr. ( jatclmimigs as tellers took their places and for over half nmm hour ( lucy waIted hmatmemmtly for thin belated arrIvals to mmiake imp the coveted quorum.Vithi time tmrrvai ! of mmiemmiera cammme a etreamn or visItors IiitO inc gamuermes ummu at. 11:52 : wheum Mr. Catclm'imgui ' relmorted a qumorunu time Imall of repremsammtatives Ircsemmte(1 ) amm armi. mnated appearance. 'rIme vote bind resulted 163 to 28 Ia favor of time special order , hi r. Simpson , wimo rennarlcetl sarcastIcally sotto voce that hue was tryirmg'to protect time president against time vindictive assaults of repumbllcamis , rcci'eamit democrats and ctuckeos , mantle no attemmmpt to get the yeas mmml nays mmmmd tIme special ardor was declared atloptemi. Before the debate hegan Uma spqaker mimi- mmourmeech that he would recagmmiza two members ( /f time committee on vays and means , Mr. \Vilson and Mm . Reed , In time aullrmative , amid Messrs. Jiolmlc'mms ' , repmmbhitan of illInois , smut hiryan , demtcrat of Nebramlia , imi time negative to control four imoilrmm of thm timmmo allotted for dehmate , the remumaimming imenmr to bo given , to de- bait' under time Ilva-umminimte numb. WILSON Ol'ENIII ) 'rim IEIIATII. MV.Vilsomi , cimairniummi of tIme ways and means comnmuiIttoe , wimo opened time debate , cautlorucul the Imoummo at tIme 'emy outset thmat umiheas time ( Itimate coumhil ho u'estrJetcti to thm rernlutiomm fronmi tiuo ivays mmml mneamie coin- mnittco to tht exchmmsioum of all partisuashmip , it. woultl be Imiiliussibie to vote lmutehiigemmtly 0mm time question at Its commchuslon. Mr.Vilson ( lien proccemleul to carefully rude ( hue case , covering time graund traversetl by hmis nc-port to thin hiommac ycstermlay. lie taluS thuero was no dearth of revemnues 1mm tIme tm'eaaUry. Today , lie discuvired there was aim avaliumhmlo cash hmal.mnee In time treasury of ld5OQ0O00 , a larger balammco thou 0mm Jnne O , 1892 , by $10,000,000 , whicmm it watt $129,001,000 , Inciuui. log tIme gaul rcserve , 'l'cdumy time gold me- serve stund at 42,2i3O00. Mm , Wilson rcvlouved the hIstory of time gold rcscrve , stabhlehietl to imPure the mc- umnlmtlon of specie hia'mnehits , 'limo reserve Imad not been thmreatenetl until the panic of 1890 , % ' ( hien In a slmmgio hmiQmitft ( Novemmmbor ) $24,000,000 cuf geld hued brim mvithmdrawhm. In time course of the paulo of 18)0 , ( liii $53,000- ,000 of bank trust imnmtls humid beemi pasacul to ( has avauiabie assets of tIme trc'ceumry , Since then bonds imad beemi solti three times to . reldefliab time 6old lii tiuc treasury , twlci . ' ' ' '