Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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New Bout : Imlo Being MaTkt. ( in Lontl ti
nt a Neat Advauco.
Thuo 1xt.i1e'i , for Mlkll" 1ncofl1 TRI
JelltIM-Hxh'lllel 1)IiscUAtiIfl If Ihl' l'ru"
. ' . . , I'o.tnl Cnrs-
Ilu.,1 : for 1'lchn" " uf
I UCII,1 Nuw llu'gcll fur , ' 'hml.
WASI aTO : Feb. l-Thp scnale be- . I
jan Its slsslon 10llay ( with 1 splrllCll dls. I
cusHion of the fnancIal quelon , but soon .
tume , Its alenton 10 the Ilostofce flpFO
Itrlaton bi , und sponl the remainder 01 I
the caon the propusilen to hn\'o the '
government own raiway pnbtal cars.
Mr. V11a3 of % 'IsconIn hrolGht ) on the
Vias .
fnancIal IIcllulon ' by oferlnJ I bill grantIng
Ing tu the Iresilent the authority he had
rcqUcsto 1 In his rcnt menlRe , fur tS3ulng
3 : per cent bonds , payable In guhl.
Mr. Shrrll OlHCI 1 substitute to the
silver bUt tl10rted yesterday , Ilrovhlng lor
gIIt ' { bands : and temporal ) Gold eertfct s.
Thl two Colorado cnturs , Mr. Teller and
Mr. Wolcll calc attention to tile fact
that thl H'ndlcato of bankerA . who had HI-
eurell control of these bond were now InI
Iletng them In London at 121 , maldlg a
net Ilrolt et 8 per celt at the oul et. The
dehalu brought out frequent [ rcferenco 10
the contract belnen the Treasury department -
ment and the banker null a/ a result Mr.
MJrIch offert a resolution calling on the
president for : copy ot the conlrcl ,
I was agreed to take the vote on thc
1 Jenlug [ : l1enlllent as to railway iiotaI
m'rvlco ' ut 3 o'cloell lomorrow. The sIKll I I
agreed to the house resolution , ext ldlng
the time for mailing returns on the Income
tax until Apri Ii next.
A Inanclll * bill on the lines of the presl-
lenl'l last messagu to conres9 waR presented
tu the bcnale today by :11 VlaR , 11I1crt ]
.0 f \I consln , Its reading was folocl with
Hutch Inlerest and It brought out 1 brlcf ,
but ! ltlrlcll Ilbale ,
The measure Is entitled , "A Di lo Save
the Alerican People , $ i6I7I.7O. " I recites
the 1 > reaident'a statement that he lied , ngrre,1
to the Issue of $ r2.400.000 hOII . Ia'nblo In
"coin" lt In Interest equivalent 10 :1 per
cent. hut hol retained the right to isane
bonds payable In gold al : per cent If
\ congress grntell the lulhorlt ) ' . The bill
states that this difference In Inleret amounts
to $5:19,159 : IJer year 01 $1lT Ino In the
thirty years during which the bonus wi
run I Is provided that the secretary of the
treasury shall ba authorle,1 , to issUu $65,000.
000 ot honds nl 3 lIeI cent Interest payahle
In gold In thirty 'ears. The bonds arc to bo
- . ( used In redeeming legal tenders and ore to
be exempt front lux.
Mr. Hoar , republican of Masachiisetts . rose
as Mon as the reading oC the hi closed and.
addressing himself to Mr. Vias , said : "Will
the senator tel us as to the authority for
the great savings ho sets forth ! \Vho arc
' , the persons with whom these arrangements
. for buyIng the bents have been made ? Wheri
Is the contract ? Wo oughl to be fully In-
Cormell. "
"I am not the keeper of CXEcut.o IOCU- ]
ments " responded Mr. Vilas. "The president -
lent has given us his views In his message . "
"But , " Insisted Mr. hoar. "we should ,
havetlio details. \0 have only a statement .
ot certain facts anl ( conclu810ns' the president -
dent but there Is al Nltro absence of do-
. "
tnI3. ,
, ,
"r have no more details than any other
senator . " s"ald Mr. Vilas.
Mr. \Volcott republican of Colorado gave
a new turn to the discussIon.
' "Tho mornIng reports tel us . " said he ,
"Uul these bonds arc being taken lu Lon-
' - don at 12 % . and by this means the syndicate -
cato of Jewish bankers who hare taken the
bouds arc now mailng 'a profit of 8 pir
ceut , ' . Iroft
; M , yus salt there was an additional
. , ' reison why a new form of b3ud should be
\ authorized.
. \ Mr. Teler . said the president had given
" \ no details as to the contract with the h.lilers.
' . \ Tim ways antl . means committee of the house
1 _ , had been trying to get lt the fects. hut hal
' . ' not yet faun cut the names of all the parties
Interested , In the bond contract. A few
' . I months ago our bonds soh easily at less than
I 3 per cent l'terest , I could not bo possi- )
' I blo said Mr. 'feller. thaI the utter lack of
tact ot tlic ; Treasury departlent had forced
up the rate of Interest from Icss than 3 per
cent to 3 % per cent Inlerest. when thE last
bonds aro' much superior to the former ones
I these bonds were selling lt such a halll-
. some "rofl In London Il showed the credit
of the United States had net been so serious
. ' a the president tried to malIc the country
At this point Mr. Sherman of Ohio came
forward with another financial measure. lIe
offered It as a substitute to the bi for un-
limited slIver coinage reported ] from the
t finance committee yesterday. Mr. Sherman's
rJI Is similar to the one Introduced some
time ago although he now gets It directly
before the senate , It provides for bonds al 3
per cent . payable In gold coin and for the
Issue or gold coins.
Doth lhe bills of Mr. Vias and Mr. HIH'r-
man went to the table. Thereupon - r.iii ,
democrat of New York rallell lhe PabSt that
they ought to go on the calendar . where they
could ( be got at. and would have the sale al-
vantages as the silver bi reported yester-
day. There was a spirited colloquy . but the
bills were left on the lable.
Mr. Aldrich republican of ! hole , Iland ,
had suggested during the debate that If thc
senate wanted more details IS to the bone
contracts between the treasury and bankers
the best thing to 10 was to cal for the con-
tract. lIe now Introduced a resolutIon 10
this effect . I calls on the pre11dent to semI
the senate I not Incompulable with public
Interest a copy of the contract between the
treasury all certain bankers for the purpose
of bonds Mr. Aldrich sought to have the
resolution Imuwlately considered . but Mr.
Vest objected and H went over. With this
financial prelude ended . the senate turned to
Ieneral business.
Mr. Morgan of Alubama secured the pas-
rle or 1 Joint resolution In accordance with
t.IO president's annual message concerning the
Venezueia-IirItlsh.Gulann boula ] 1.
Tbe house resolution was passe,1 , extending
the time for making returns on the Income
tax from the first Monday In March to Apri
" 15 next
The senate then resumed consideration of
the 110stolco appropriation bill . Mr. Chan&l-
leI or New hampshire mlle n sharp urralgn-
ment of the provision giving the Ilustlaster
' general discretion over expending time $3,200- :
\ 000 for railroad lJstal , roules. I gave u do-
signing lal an opportunity to "sQuee e"
railroads by lhreatenlng to limit them on the
rack If they wished to have their compensation -
Ion Increase for postal service. "Anll the
great politIcal committees . also seek varIous
means of raising money . . said Mr. Chandler.
" 1hoy seek money from all available sources .
They lke It In lange sums , an,1 , 1'/0) ' preerit
mono large corporatIons rather titan In smal
subscriptIon frol IndivIduals. "
Mr. Oormau at one tIme chairman or time
' democratIc national commIttee , contended , Mn
Chandler's Ideas uf politIcal Influence
Chanller's Ileas Ilolleal InOlenco were
Mr.'Ilss , who was Ilostm8stor general In
2tr. Cleveland's first cabinet , supported the
amendment The raiway postal service was
being run at a loss ut $11,000,000 annually ,
. although . . lallo len would contract to run
' I without 1 dollar's deficiency If they could
llave reasonable laws and regulatIons
! I. Vlal offered , an alel'lnenl ' to the
pending bill Ilru\lllng for the luncimaso
ownership and lanagcmcnt of the
necessary raIlway pOltal cars by the
Iovernment , and lro'IlIng an all-
Ilropriaton of $50a.000 therefor. Mr.
Via saId that whIle he was at time head of
the Ioltolce department he ( had lalle care-
ful inquIrIes showll ! thaI the total vllu' of
, '
' " railway postal cars was .GOOOOO , although
'I congress appropriated $2.000.000 for the an-
tual rent of these cars , besIdes Ila'lng by
'eigh for the mal they curled lie also
.resented tgur a Just prepared by time rati-
_ way mali bureau showIng a total of itO raIlway -
, way pstal cars . worth at an average of
/ $3.50. maltng a total Investment of $2,590-
000. Tbo maintenance ot these 70 cars COlt
$822.3&0. l rol this Mr. Via drew the con-
elusion the government ' was paying aufllcient
.t hntal annually for tIme Iluilal cars to buy .
. ,
- - cl- - '
' I
theta outrIght ansi maintain them lie took
up Ipeclnc routes between New Vork CIsI-
cage , St Luis , cincInnatI and Pltsblrg. Gi-
lag thA figures by which he claimed the rent
Inll raIlroadS WAS greater than the cost of
the cars.
. , out that the law was
lr. Allison 110lnte thlt Ilw WIse
so ( ranted that the amount pall for rent for
car was In Part for transportation , so the
figures WEe erroneous tn sho"'lng exorbitant
rentals , The Vias amendment proposed to
rt\oluUoulze the postal system , whIch should
not be undertaken wIthout InvestigatIon.
Mr. 10ar asked U time adoption of the proPosed
Posed , change would not lmlnlsh the number ,
of postal ears , the speed and rapId time
schedule. lie saId word reached him from
buslneln men , without reGarll to politIcs . that
they vera very apprehenstve about the
change' .
chanle. .
Mi' . VIIas repllcmt that the postmaster gsa-
: i' Vla ! rtplelthat tle
oral will oerclso I wise discretion and not ,
I cripple the service I
crlpllo : . Aldrich spoke against the extensive
. and
changes as conGress was about to expire
ambled : "I vant tl say to the gentleman
frent Marylammd ( Mr. Gorman ) , who has given
lor\11 .
notice of 1 o'clock sessions . amI the gentle- .
man . from Hentucky ( Blackburn ) , who ap.
II't 80 anlOl1 to eXI1dte appropriation .
In attaching gems-
bills , that I thy persist
bills they
oral legislation to appropriatIon bis
vill not lalle much progrc
wi !
"Do 1 tmnlc'rstand , the senator to make
I a threl , " soul Mr. Blackburn , "that U
mcndmrmts . . which - do not , , suit - - - his , , . . - hypo- -
critical taste are aileron no Inu II" u - .
soelates will not allow these appropriation
his to be pn"II ? "
"Not ol all , " said Mr. AldrIch "but I
this process Is \CI'slsl ! } In the gentleman
\roce \
shoull understand that there Is great danger
of an extra sc.lnn . "
It was agreed tbbt the vote on the railway -
way postal car amendment should bo taken
:1 3 p. as. tOlol row. There was I hot cx-
. Cimammdier amiLl Mr. Bcrry
change between Mr. Chandle alll
of Arllalt ! ! ! . whel the later complaIned
against an ohj"ctol which Clt him oft from [
securing the passage of n land bill .
Mr. Challler \a made n poilt of order against
slch "scolding. "
" ' ' ' what I conceive to he
"I Propose ' 10 Pi ) concel'o
right " salll Mr. henry , "and I do not pro-
1)o ) to let time senator ( Chandler ) Interfere
wih that right. "
Mr. Chaudler sal'l : ' Mr. Berry had certainly
been scolding.
Mt. Dery finally conchl1el with the remark -
mark : "I was about to express an opinion
of tIme senator , which wOII,1 , not be proper
to xprcs Oi the floor . "
Time senate then , al 5:3 : p. 1. , hell a
brief executive session and adjounmied.
HY J'OI IIS'I'IIC' l51hL' ; .
Hnuol1 abet Early : , tn 'I'nko lip the
= 1\11 . A p ti rep na LI on.
WASlIGTO . I eb. 13.-The house devoted -
voted the dab' to business relating to the
District of ColumbIa , cml , with but one ex-
cepton , was f'aturele 3. During time debate
: II Van orh's ' of New York secured the
hoar and introduced , a resolution calling upon
the committee on ways rind means to furnish
II" , hnnon tin nnntri't 11 tIp r"r"nl hn"1 " tin-
. , _ _ _ . . . . _ w _ _ _ . . _ .un _ _ . _ _ u _
otatons anil such other Informaton as
the secretary ef the treasury had communicated -
cated to _ the committee Mr. WIlson 1m-
ledlately informed the house the ma-
jorly report upJn the Joint resoll-
ton providing for 3 per cent gold
bond9 which had been favorably acted upon
by the committee . woul,1 , contain a copy of
the mich desIred contmrt. The mInority of
tIns committee was granted leave tu file n
report aalnst time Joint reolntol and hare It
printed for tIme usa oC the members tomorrow
it being the understanding that Mr. Wilson
would ! cal up the resolution nt that time.
On motion of Mr. Talbot of Maryland , who
desired to cal 111 the naval aproprlalon bill
toniorrow It was agreed that the house
should meet tomorrow at 1 o'clock. The
hoase nonconcurred In the senate amend-
meats tu the bill for the examination : and
classIfication of certain mineral lands In
Montana and Idaho and ordered a conference.
Mr. Heard .of MIssourI , chairman of the ,
District of Columbia commitee , then claimed
time remainder of the day . and the house en-
teed upon the consideration of District bus-
Iness. During the debate upon the district
bill Mr. Van Voorhis of New York obtained
the floor and read a resolution calling on time .
secretary of the troemry for information con-
corning the bond contract which he said he
would push ns soon as ho possibly could be
recognIze to 10 so.
Thereupon : . Wilson said : " 1 have n
copy of the . " contract and will Include I In
my report.
TIme resolution was :
' 'hereas. On Friday last the prasident
entered Into I Private contrcl In writing
wllh certain persons to borrow $52,000.0' ; '
of gold upon .1 per cent thlrty-el' bonl ,
of the United States al 1 rte equivalent
o t' 1 per cent Jremlum : nut !
Whereas . Bonds exacty' shnl'lr ' Issue'l
clghtecil a 'eam ago and having unly twelve
elhteon . rln were selling on the New York
ml'llels un SaturiaV at I premium of l .
mr cent n\I nt that rte , these thirty-
year bomls are worth 19hnl \ ;
\\'lmoreas . A cabll'grm from l.ollon
\\hereas. 1rglsh capitalIsts are remly to
PY I premium of 12 1Ie1 cent on salll
bOI19 ; anti '
" ] 'her\ns unt , 'fhe ways amid means committee
ot this \ lioue not complcholJln time rea-
lon which actuated the executve In soln
so many mllon of bonus at 1 premium ot
II ! per Cllt when I plemlUI of 12 per
. cent could be nne much more ought to be.
obtnlned , on yesterday hall the secretary ot
the treasury beforl II amid exnmlnel , him
nt1 r.htalned u ' ot
In relation thereto COIl )
said written contract antI nil Informallon
which write pecrctnl' of the treasury COUlll
give on the subJect : nail
" 'herel. 'rhe Inforllton thus obtained
hal not been communlcate to this house :
" " "hereal. At this stage of thlR congress It I
Is a nsntter of such momentcua.imnpomtatmce
H Is mater . anti , the right ot this house
to know what information the ways amid
means commitee has received In relation
to this loan ,
HOROlvc , . That the committee on ways
and means ot this house report Immediately !
mill the testhnon . evidence anti statements
furnished to It ) by the secretary ot time
treasury In relation to thaI loan , Including
trenllry contrct mal ( wills any 11erson or per-
lens concerning the same.
Almost Immelialely after Mr. Van Voorhis'
resolutIon had booms ream 1 MrVIlson . chairman -
man of the ways and means comnmmmittee . pro
sentel the report on tIme resolulol for 3 per
cent bonds ] and with It time contract real , by
Secretary Carlisle. The minoriy were given
leave to fo u miloriy report at any time.
several bills tIme house adjourned -
After pasting ! bis al-
journel until tomorrow at 1 o'clock
WU.r. 1lt.l.TIIE . IX I'C = SIN flh.L.
Settlers 01 Omssabaitit'l 'Vllneh 110 r.lulh
' ' for helr l'urclmmsmcs .
111 t l'ln ! 1'lrcJ.
WASHINGTON , Feb , 13.-Speclal ( Tele-
comumisi.loner of Indian allaire
gram.-The ) commlsiione alalr
has sent a communicaton to the senate eem-
mile on Indian affairs . maskIng a reqomumea-
daton adverse to time bill Introduced In the
senate by Senator Manderc antI In the house
by Congressman Meiklejoimmm . exlendlnl the
time for )1yment 10 purchasers of lands of
the Omaha miamI , Wlnnehago ) lllans In No-
braska Time letter etates that time time should
not he oxtelled without the consent of time
Intliamms all that time Indians with one cx- I
celmtiomi . are c'ppooed to the propositon , A
measure haS already become a law making ,
the exteniOn provldell time consent of the
Indians can he obialned . I Is not Ilrobabl6
that even a favorable repcrt will be obtained
ems the pending bill . In view ot the ftatement
male by the conlnlas'oner ' of Indian affairs .
Congressman Pckler : receIved Informaton
from the Indian clUes today that there will be
Issuance or the proclamation -
an early Isuanco Ilroclalaton opems-
lag the Yanlltoa Indian reservatIon , on April
I. The president's 11roclamatcn must be Issued .
sued al least thirty days In advance ' ot the
sue )
opening , and Major Iellier : has been urging
upon the Indian bureau the necessity of maIlIng -
lag the 11ruclamaton b fore the ht of March.
limihimun % ItIuitlumi p cmii llommie .
WAShINGTON , Feb. 13.-The Sac and
Fox Indian delegatIon healll1 by Chief
eokuk l have returned their reservation In
Indian Territory . They came hlre several
weeks ago to uliscuss certain reservation
maters , antI becsme stralHled In the city .
They wallet ! here several lays for funds to
secure their transportatIon home , and time
government finally advanced them their ox-
pel&el frol a tumid due them
( icirmit , 11. . ) . J Il.rnvlll.
WAShINGTON , F'eb . 13.-0eneral I3ussey
Is reported much improved at the emergency
hospital today. lie wIll not , how.ver , be ra-
moved t. his bome ton a few days .
Army -1'11101'11'1101 unit uigimeii.
WASINGTON , 1'eb. 13-Th Ilrelident
has signed the army approprIation bIll and
time act authorizing the appustimuemIt ot
cadets at the naval aplltlenL )
_ _ _ _ ( ContInued from First Pe )
part per month consent , minless thereto. time ; ; of ' tIme second
(2. ( ) All deliveries hnl he mRtli nt nay ot
the sUhtreAsurles or at any other legal do-
poslon' of the United Stntes. '
(3. ( ) All gout cell del\'erCI shall he secured .
cured on thp hasl1 ot 25.S grains of stnnlar,1 ,
gold per dollar , It within lmit ot tolerance.
(4. ) honda 11elverc under this contract
( to he ( lehi'erel \llor accrued Inter.
( 'at . which Is to he assumed nlul ! paid hy
the Ilarlel ot the secon,1 , part nt the time
of their delivery to them
Seconll-Shonhl ' the secretary of the treasury -
ury uleslre to Offer or sell any of the bond
ot the United States on or before the 1st
of October 1S95 . he shall first offer the
Ramo to the Imrles of the secolul hart :
hut thereafter he shal be free from every
such oblIgation to the Parties or the second
' ot the treasur '
ThIrd-The secretary )
hereby reserves the rIght within ten da's
from time date . tn case he Rhnl reeeivo mum-
thoIl ) ' fl'om congress therefor to Issue I any
bonds , ) of the UnHfl ! States bearing : : her
cent Iiiterest of which the Ilrlnelpll nail
Interest ! bal be specifically payable \ In
Unltl States gall cola of tIC present
wplht oust , ! lIminess . for the 10111 herein
nllllll , to : such : per cent hOluls to he ac- ,
cepteti bY time parties of the fecoll part ,
cefted I . t S1S.GOtfl ; lien ounce of Atnnlart , IArl ' ,
CAlIT.\.lS1S 1A Y gXlENSI S.
Fourlh- hOllls shah be delivered to
time vartles of the second imrt or either ot
partes lart
tistifli . except . in paxml . for coin _ . ! _ II time _
to name reeel'el nereum000r . vImerem1umii time
secretary of the treasury shall anti will Ile-
liver the bonus < ns hereIn pr\ldl,1 , ! nt such
Places 11 hal be desigmiatcil hy the pam'ties
of the accent ! IJrl Any ; expense of dcliv-
C' ' enl of the 1nle,1 "IAtIS sh:1 be as-
sume,1 , and luuhil by the Parties of the see-
, ! .
oft llrt.
Fifh-II consIderatIon or the 11rehnse of
such COll , the IJrle ; 'l the second , fart
nn,1 , their 1..oelates hereul1ler nSSlme Iml
wIll hear all time expenses lul Illvlahle
loss of bringing Jell from elrop ! herrlller. ,
111 , as far ns lies In their t'wlr. will exert
nIl financIal Inluence timid wi mnlle nil
legitImate eforts to protect the treasury of
the Unltll , States lJallst Irotecl wlthlrwnll , of
gnu this ! contract umemuling the conJlete IlcrfollllCe uf
11 wlllC9S whereof time Parties hereto
have herlulto set their ! utsmuiq , In Ivu Parts
this Sth day ' of l ebrlarY , 1I5 :
) J. O. CAItL1SI.E
Seoretarv of the Treasl' ) ' .
On behalf of lesRr ! N. 1 Hothchlhs &
Sons Lomidomi . amid Them"eh'ps.
j. P. MOitIAN & CO .
On Hehnlf of ! r , .T , : 5. Morgan & Co. .
London , . amid Timeunselvi's.
Attest : W , E. CIH'rIS ,
ly some members of the ways and means
commite I Is held this Is an opton In favor
of the homl syimulicate whie others claIm
the provision Is jusl and merely HIves time
present plehasers of time bonls an oPllor-
tunly to maintain thc price lt which the
present issue was sold mind not allow a end
at n much more favorable ! Ilrlcl to be hut
on the market to time letrlmenl of the bonds
already purchased by the syndicate. There
Is notiming . I Is dammed . in the ( conlrct
to prevent time treasury from rejlctng ot-
fore of the syndicate and lallng bond sales
eleewimere nor Is It forcea 10 sell entirely
to the synlcate If It chooses to sell elsewhere -
where . but It Is said by this very provision
the o\'ernment Is assnrel II cnn dIspose
of future bond Issues on equally favorable
terms to HseH. Members of time commitee
favorable to time bond resoluton declared
there Is nothing In the contract that Is not
right and pruper , while those opposed to
IL say It should never have been made.
- -
WOUI.U Gin : 'lf : SILVtn COIN.\GI
Sdlmo tn 11\0 aleNheluli , UuHnrs Iccolucd
Inlo , \ Iwrlcnl JouoY ,
WAShINGTON l eb. 13.-An old law has
been discovered upon the statute books by
free silver men which they declare gives
them ground to hope that they can bring
ubont the coinage of silver In an Indirect
way through the use of Mexican 10lars , The
law was passe In 1857 and Is section 3,5G7 of
time Revised Slatutes. I Is us folows :
"Tho pieces commonly known as the
quarter eighth and sixteenth of the Spanish
dollar and of the Mexian dolar shal be
receivable at he treasury of time United
States and its several offices . and at several
p05tofces and laud omces . nt the rates of
I valualon following :
"The fourth or a dollar . or piece ot two'
reals lt 20 cents ; the eighth ot a dollar . or
piece or one real at 10 cents , at ) the slx-
teentb of a dollar . or hal real , at [ edits "
The section folowllg provides that these
coins shnl not be reissued Irom the treasury
but shah b. recolnc.1 Into Unlte Stutes
coins. This law IH never been repealed and
, silvqr men In congress assert that It Is possible -
sible to send the metal to Mexico for coin-
ago . relmpurt I Ito the Ulltel States and
present It 01 the treasury. They assert that
time validity ot the law Is beyond queston
und point to the statute resurrected by Secre
tory Carlisle . which practically comlels time
treasury to redeem national bank notes In
Gold as evidence thaI there are more Intricacies -
tricacies In the monetary system than have
been real el. Time Brat step the silver men
say , Is to secure n construction of time low
by some compelent aUlhorlty. They tear that
Attorney General Oney would rule agaInst
them and are trying to devise a plan to
secure an opinion from time judiciary com-
mloe ot the hous .
Representative nartman of Montana has
introduced a resolution Intended to bring
the mater of the old Mexican silver law
to the attention of the house and serve us
: \ opening wedge In the dlscns lon of the
question. I not reported from a cImmltee
within six days the resolution wIll be Urlvl-
lege and can 0 called up at any tm . I
calls on the secretary of time treasury to
Inform time house what proportIon at the
receIpts of the government since February
1 , 18:5. have been pall In time coins men-
toned In time law and which provided for
their reception at the treasury.
Very blmlnr 10 Site One Iltroduccd hy thus
WASHINGTON , Feb. 13.-The substItute
for the Jones unrcstrlctel coInage bill , reported -
ported from time fnance commitee yesterday ,
whIch Sonalor Sherman today proposed , Ii
In most respects a copy of the bIll Introduced
by him on the 17th multlnmo. I Is chunKed ,
however , so as to permit tIme Issuance or 3
lIeI cent gold bonds payable In five years . for
the purpose solely or maintaining the gold reserve -
serve amid not to meet current deficiencies , as
In time original bill. The certificates of In.
debtedness authorized by time orIgInal bill are
connnod 10 meeting time treasury defclencle :
"now existIng or which lay hereafter occur "
They are to bo lade p1yalle In lawful money
of time United States IIHl time amount to ha
Issued Is ' . ) ft ( to the discreton of the secre.
tary. No lmiaton of ( limits Is fixed Ullon the
certIfIcates .
8tll1 MOYUll ' un Flnmuuut'tu 'I hut " 'ccic
WAShINGTON , Fob 13-A movement
was sot on foot In the senate today to secure -
cure 1 vote on the 11110lnl queston this
\\'ecl 'fho plnn Is to devote Monday anti
'rmieniiay to the tiscuslion mind ohtnln nasal-
IOU8 consent 10 lull n Vote at the chose of
I cole
the day 'ruesdu , ' 1he proll081ton has met
wIth considerable fnvor. 'fhelO Is some
h'slnlon on the hurt o the present man-
ngor of the ullprollrllton hills tn give the
necessary time to time iieiiat In,1 , there are
several senators who immure nol hetn seen .
fomo or whom many object ) the scheme
succeeds the proeeelln/s wil bo on the
insets ot the Jones unletrlele,1 , colnlJo huh ,
wIth votes lteI time various ImelHlments
und substItutes Ilv been paBsel u\on.
Iris . 1''lul.r I 1.1118.
NEW YORK ) eb. 13.-At time regular
n1etnl of the . New York Hoard or Trade
and 'rransportatlon today time to- !
lowing wa adopted l : That lit the
of time \ boarti nil .
senlo \oln al govenmi-
menl loans should , In thl future be
male to time people In umuunta suItable
to theIr SaVings , at 3 per cent or less.
prilclpal and Intertst tu be panllle In
gold , and , the Ionress : he requIred \ to enact
laws to curry this : Into effect
Inl out , IIIY rnr U.hale ,
WASHNO'rON , FCI ) . 13.-'he house \11. . .
lerot6 Its attention tomorrow to the bout !
rO'luUon reported from the was and
melns commitee anti Spealler CrsI ) lald (
time ) ' wl Irobabl' reach I vote tomorrow
'ght. Time ( ommltee on rules wi meet
In the morning and will rllor a rule al.
lowinG Irllin number ot hours for de-
hate awl 1 Ixlrs u tme for a vote late In time
a ft em'nooum. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l'nl < lluI "r iii. . Tr""ry ,
" 'ABlINGTON. Feb. 13.-Tcda"e state-
ment or the eonllton of the treasury IhoWI :
AvaIlable cash balance , $ lU , 2H5 : gold re-
serve. $ l2,215tiSt.
Work ot t'"Mlon ltvt,1 loard ,
WASHINGTON , PeL. 13.-RespondIng to a
resolution of the senate , the secretary oC
the Interior today sent to the senate n tnte-
meat showIng the work of the board oC
Innl review ot thelllnlon olte from the
beginnIng 'of the , llrrnent ! fiscal year to
January 1 The stttlent shows that for
this Ileriod tn.ola c4ns ' were received by
the hearth or which G.012 were RlmIU11
nimd , ] & ,3/ rljcctll II the others being
returned to the varl0Y1 divisions 'II remain-
lag unncted upon.
! lUUI.U = u1 II : itii'ii.Et. : :
lx.Commumuitiomier : suHblR l. ! rr . \ntnonh.e !
ClO Uocknrr 1itepotumnicuuilttloii. , :
WASINOTON , t1b , 13.-The recomn-
menllaton of the Iocicry joint commission
that time secon,1 , sectoi\ ( \ of the act 01 May H ,
t880. relating to lo\u\ \ \ 'cbntesls , be repealed ,
Is vigorously IntagonliNI by S. : I. Stock-
singer , ormerl ) tlt 'tonunlssloner ' of the
general land office . 1 'IU has issued n pans-
phlet giving his reasons for pposlng time re-
peal of time section . , The law , says the ox-
commissioner , has been In force nearly fit-
teen ) 'ear Its 11rposo was to give to the
individual who [ urnlshfl to Limo goverment
the Informaton In a gIven case that time law
was being complCl wIth and paid the expenses -
penses of eSllblshlng that fact and procur-
Ing a cancelaton of time entry . a Ilreerrell [
right for thirty days after time aGreement of
cancelaton to institute a claim to the lanl. ,
The contests . he says were permited beforetime
the enactment of time low and woull bt still
If Il were retmenied . In all time ( line
the law lIas beets tn force nocommlsloner
of the general land olco and no secretary of
time Interior has suggested its repeal Mr.
Stockslager says he Is satisfied the esti-
! satsfol est-
mated Increase In time expenses subnul ( hy
the experts or time cOlmlsIOn as due to the
act Is great ) . In excess of the actual aldd
eXl1lnSes on account thereof . In conclul-
Ing his nrGument he pays : "if Mr. Timiler
was righmt when be decIded the congress hail ,
In various ways Invled and encouraged per-
sons to Inlorm against those who arc emitieav- I
orlng to acquire title 10 the public land fraud-
uIEt ) . or leb"ly lS time only mlelluatr
means of protletng the United , Stoles , and
Secretaries Vias , 1.1mal' . Noble and Smith
[ wore right In liberally eoustrulng the act to
further this purpose , all _ congres has legis-
ltel for years with this 110wledgn before
It . then we Inslsl this repeal wouJ bl a
complete reversal of time policy of the gas'-
ernment Ul10n this subject and that too
without amsy recommenlalon from lie ( laud
department. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"OlI ll JIJBC'IU : ,
! ClltO Takes ' \CUII aim a = ulhor nr l'rc81.
o"llnl Aimpoitmtnmeluts .
' .ASIIOTON. l.'eb. 13.-The senate In
executive session rejected the nominaton of
A. Augustus heal ) ' of New , York to be collector -
lector oC Inleral revenue for the First district
of New York , to succeed Ernest Natimaim resigned -
signed . Although the olcial reports state th1t
Mr. Iealy was rejected It Is learned from
other sources thaI the nominaton started
some IHht discussion and that on the moton
of : lr.Hllt was passed over. The nominaton
oC William M. Campbel to he Unied Slates
marshat for .Mlmmmiesota ummmolilciahhy
: lnnesota was Inolclaly re-
Imorted reports. as rejlcted , but not so given [ In fcal :
'fe following confrmatons were announced :
Postmasters-Iowa-\\ . Porter , m Dorado ;
A. Ncunmami Aciller ; D. O. Stomme Hawarden ;
T. F. Ianaimer Forest City ; C. L. Price
Wapelo : J , F. Huntngton , Oaklaumtl South
Dakota : G. C. lhldlobrool . Millbanks. Cal-
Ifornla-I. Yele . Palo Alto.
Judhciar-J. C. McNally . to b Judge of the
probatt court In time county ' of Salt Lake
Utah ; Ilemmry Shields . to be judge 01 probate
In the court of pro\t cf Summmnmhtt . Utah :
Isaac K. Wright to bfr judge of probate In
the county of Ce'ler , Ubh ; John T. Lazenby
to be judge oC probate In the county of
WnynE. Utah ; F. ) \ ; . aPPlI , to be judge of
probate In time county of Juab , Utah.
11' 1 ; U' riD - ; l'UihL1C' , LtUS1NIS.
Ilynl 1'1 time lelltnllR letw"cl Clove-
11111 amid : lnrtl' , \ .
WASIIINGTON . l el" " " , 13.-Specl1 ( Tele-
grauu.-mi ) connection , with the charges made
by ex-Gorernol DOr aialnst Secretary Mor-
ton Congressman lran said :
"Ther Is no reasol1'"Vly our people should
be concerned about .itllo { personal relatons ,
past or hmrqsenL . 'exiting between President
Cleveland and Secretary Morton. I makes
no difference whether they have been unfriendly -
friendly In the past or not. I Secretary
10rton ever entertained toward time presIdent
such feelings net are attrIbuted to him by
Governor Boyd . It Is not surprising that
he should have expressed himsel In a char-
acteritcly vigorous manner. The people
or Nebraska mny complenmis . and a majorlr
of them do commdemmmn time gold standard
policy of President Cleveland , and thi gente-
man whom hI selected for the position of
secretary of agriculture In his cabinet. Secretary -
retary Morton was the only prominent gold
standard mn construclvely un agriculturist
whom Presldent-I locl Cleveland could find
to asslEt him 1 : changing the ngrlcnlural
ccmmunlc of the west from bimetalIsm to
a geld standard. Ho undoubtedlr knew the
personal feelngs of Mr. Morton al the timmme .
and since their reconciliation Is commmplete . I
thlnl that we should be charitable and not
undertake to disturb these relatiotma . "
.01.DI O TiE bUSUUY CIVIL 1511.1 .
1'oo1hiilly 1110 l'llnuch.1 lUcnsurl 1r" , no
WASHINGTON Feb. 13-Senator Coele- '
nell , chairman of the Ipproprlalon commlt-
tee , has been hopeul he woull be able to re-
port the sundry civil bill by today but 1 has
not yet been put in . and there Is a possibility
I will 10t be ready for time senate during the
present weole The cause of the delay Is
round In the tact the commlteo Is yet uncertain -
alms ( about what course It may bo desirable
to pursue towarl meetlg the treasury tie-
ficit. I Is learned today lhnt Secretary Car-
lisle was al time sonata enl of the capitol for
some lme yesterday , and that most of the
time was consumed In consululon with Senator -
alor German In regard to the advisability of
Inconumoratlng the short ( hue loan In tJ sundry -
dry civil bi , Senator Gorman la understool
to be of the ( opinion prorllon should bo mal\
for $100,000,0000ftime _ t _ proposed certificates.
LOIt amid Short II.ul ( lauRie TOlllrurly
WAShINGTON . Feb. 13.-Upon application
of the Chicago & Northwestern and other
ralwuys , the ( Interstate Commerce Comniis-
Don has suspemlcl time long / and short haul
clause of the interstate comloreo law , so as
to enable railways that IleslrB to do so to
carry lt cheaper rates to lenger distance
Ilolnts In the braslla region of the erop
failure . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Letter Carriers and ' 1 heir Uay' " 'orl ( .
WAShINGTON . Fei ) . 13-Flrst Assistant
Postmasler General Jones has Issued a cir-
cular to pcmtmmmastere It tree delvery offices
holding that "imereafter- letter carrier who
Is a member of thBjlocal board of examiner
shal receIve full imay , for each lay h ! Is en-
gagell with the ( other Inembrs of the board
In conductIng cl'l service exatnlaatlomis . ant
the substitute carrier who serves his route ,
on such days slush be PRil at the rate or the I
cOlpensalon ot the Ut r carrier.
'fhe orders of Iltlr fxing anti , tie' ]
Onlng the dulevof letter carriers shah not
affect a leter carrier ems time days he Is
actually emploel I n m ! lber of the local
board of examiners CQn'tjeug a civIl service
oxamlnaton , Time elghthour law , however ,
must be strictly coml1led wlh , and under
no circumstances should a letter carrier 1 ,
permltel to eonsumo rpore than eight hours
I per lay as member , ufime , % loal board of ex-
ammainers. " I .
'fo In\'e"trllif , t , . ; t" , , mlle ( 11 I 10 I ii s.
W ASlINGTON I , Ve1. 12.-Semmator 111.
Itlns ot California today Introduced a l
11ro\'ldlng for the appointment ot I non.
Ilrlsan c0lml8110n' to collect information
anti to consider 1111 rueonlnene legllla lento
to meN time Ilroblem8 l1rielte,1 , h ) ' labor
agrleulur and capital . 'nle i.resident Is
to alptIult the mllh rl of time l'umI18810n ,
which Ii to be complsed equally o tima
representatves ot labor , or agriculture , anti
ot the business Interelts or the country.
- -
I In"lo i'rcim.cutluui - (1"11.
! . cutu"
W\8IUNOTON. l'.eb. 11.-Time lmrosscu-
ton Its time Iowgale case lused its case
this arernoon anti Howgnte' " counsel wi
begin 'their defense 10morNw ,
CnllllY I fTc rumS mu I' 'tll.rorllo.
" 'ASIUNOTO" Feb. 13.-At the confer-
coca this IrUrnoon between hlrd Vice
Presllent Baldwin of the louthl'r rail-
- - - - , - '
Ihttcrlc1"s L'nttcrlt5 ' flItttenlc's L'nttci'it [ I
'ntcrl ! nuterlct.'s 'ntcrls
The Oelnentor MoREs Time Deilmientor
M 0 RS E'S Oelncntor
nud Fusloloft l'lntcs , nul Fnshlon Pintos
for Inrch now II for March tOW In I-
Pure Silk Velvets $2.50
Worth ' 5 , { n yat"h , , 4'
In nil the tlch , 1I' ! lrhlc slintle'g- .the (
I'd's iliic.'st . quality ( ' \ ' ( ' ? 111111'Iltt. lilly
thl'l ( o. IW Hlec\ I-llthllJ J'O\
coull get woul\ bc ulcer (01' flltll .
Silk Velvet" , " . . . " . ' 99c
' .
$10 to $15 lualt ) . -
Male : Iirt'tt3' sIee's nllt Wl't1 Ilch
sought whel lye llccll tm $1.01) , $ I. i
nll Ito" $1 O I yard. ! 'heJ' II'I ell ' : , ! c
Triu1Uitg Velvets 5ge
Worth $1.76 .
$ ; n ) nrl.
Wo hl\1 1 1 I ' , ' hntlloll S13'itH left
1111 I t t hI l'lCC ' , mil they at't' its bIg
I bargain Its Wl' can oO'N' , which I !
HHrll/ good tieai. ,
Black Silk Velvets 950
Worth t2.r1 a yur , !
'l'liem' , nrl 2fl Itsehut's whl' . anti In hlll I
olIJ' , but . they ItO wotth $2JO I J'll'll ,
mil lo.c too.
Col'd Suruh Si Its , 4ge
Worth 75c I yard.
'l'hl'J' itt' ( ' bclthtiftul Joel : ind Ill' hunk
II I qUll' m I I I meiI tin tltth II until ! g IX111.t bur- )
' m'ho ' ' ' 7c , but
11' : whl wluhl wIIUjI l1lr c
' .
" ' _ .
theJ"I'l' 'iIt ) '
Silk Crepes . . . . . . 58e
Worlh 1.ti5 n 'arI , ,
, ' hlIl CllolS yet , the gOIHI Hrc
1 IldlH \'hle . Itl 1'l I SUIH'I'h hil
gliu lt iSl'
Black Moire Siks , 800
Worth $1.25 1 ynrtl .
'l'iuis 1 : 010. ' of 01' 1111 hl lgl 11-1 I'
t limit you wl alwlJ's hI Hltsllll wih.
Il'll'l look at It tomolow , while rou'l'e
lit the itl'l .
42 inch Diagonals 58e
Woth H.2 n yard.
'YI intil mutt IUlilus { ( lhlItiit lt. ' of thlse
$1 : l ; : ; dingohimti tt't'it . gOII : If tUt humum- !
u't helu the c8si' . time Ilullt1 for tlm
wouhl hn\'l' elllucl them t out bug \ ago.
Checks and Stripes 6ge
Worth $1.50 1 ymurd.
These nrl ' i : incIses whlc , hlne ; and
gush ) ' . ehcl'ltH'uud . stt'hiu's , hunt wc usell
tl get $1.51) for , UlW IJte. )
Sil g Wool Plaids , 690
\01:11 : $2,50 a ) 'n\l
All tltu' silt mutIti wOII Illall from thc
tl aul
$1.0 ; . ( ) aut : : : : .iO ( ) a J'at11 gl'ltlls have leeu
hilt lu omit' lot to sell at me. )
I3nglisli Serges. , . . . 650
\-orth $1.25 1 } 'unl
'I'hee mime hue goml , IG luches . wlc )
In ' , ' . ht.owu , ' ' ,
anl cOle navJ gi'eous gl'I : ;
Ite , I close 1I'Ice would ll $1 , but we ! .
Hhn"c It to Uic.
Heiiriettas . . . , . . " . 49
\\'orth . yard.
$1.00 1 } 'arl.
.W ' wldc ! mill wool , ( ' '
IIChl aIR al lucy at1
lu all colors mil WI have 80ld them ai
Ilw lS Sc , but we beat that now nt
.11)0. )
Dress Goods . . . . . . 2ge
Worth $1 , ; a } 'arl.
A whole table of .10 Ilch serges heml-
cHas : : lt 11\'clteH. such . nH 'ou'\'e of-
h'n Ilhl us Ic ( to $1.2i tot. , are how tc
Dress Trimmings
TIme VLT fulst itch . 11110111(1 ( vsn-
IL'utlllH. OIIlelts. jets IhlllS , etc. .
haYI ulln left at otlglull 1IlIccs amid
to ( lul1fr maters are hclug sold nt
half 11'lel.
Child's Hoods----- 5e
Worth 5 cen ts _
A lot of WItI. winter woolen heels
t Il t WC1'C foriuuem'iy sold at 50c ' we have
cut own to 5e u 'hooll
Ladies Underwear 33c
Worth 65 cents.
wool undm'\'ct , ' lit-
Natural \ ! : jersey l-
tiug . that wc have ul\\J's sold at Gc ,
go now at :3ac. : !
Cashmere Hose. . . 25c
" . . .
Worth $1.00.
" ' ' that ' ' ' to
fhlll'eu'H hOHI wcrc ImIO'tc (
still lt jie to $1 wi all le limit In one
lot tOIOlOW at : c.
Mcii's Fur1 ish iugs-
Ien's 2c seamless , double toot
: hose . ; . . . . . . . . . 101bl . . . . . . 2ViC !
Mcmm's $1.60 nnd $2.00 ilmmest Llnml
wool sox Ila\hterell. $2,0 InoHt . . . . . . . . 50c
' foumr-imi.imnttd 2 Iou'
Mcmi's stilt teel mmumd fOll-ln.humI2
len's . former price bOc. . . , . , . . . 75c
' tes. ties former price 2c. at. . . 15c
Mcii's heavy vlcumma hose furmer- fUI'
llen'l I 8011 for 75c. \tcuna . . . . . . . . . . . 1,11
Meum's lmeavy natural hmose for-3 fur
llen'l lerly hen\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00
, Mcmi's black and tan cottomm h09u 2 for
' llen'l double Ind . . coton . . . . . . . . . 25c
.1 fIl'
I' 4-ply lnen coars. . . . . . . . . . 25c
2 per
Linen culls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
Ladies' Hosiery-
Ladles' fine woolen hose wIth
ribbed top the 35c kind for. . . 1Sc
Ladies' All Silk thack and Colored
hose In All Sizes. .
Our $1.25 silk for. . . . . . . . . . . . 770
Our $1.50 chic for. . . . . . . . . . . . USc I
Our $2,2 colored silk for. . . . . . 130
Our $2,0 colored elk for. . . . . . . . 1 3U
Our $2,0 and $2.2 black for. . . . . 1.77
Ladles' beautiful opera , extra
heavy weight silk hose , , for-
merly sold for $5.0. selng ont
at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,10
Also $2.0) Qpem hose. . . . . . . . . . 131
Our elegant heavy black silk $1.00
hose for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,00
Our $ [ sl ( hose tor. . . . . . . . 163
Our $3.0 elk hose for. . . . . . . . . .00
Our $2.7,5 silk hose for. . . . . . . . . . 171
Our $2.50 p11 hose for. . . . . . . . . 1.60
Our $1.00 silk hose for. . . . . . . . . 7le
Our DOe and 75e lsle hose for . . 100
Our $5.0 Uslo hose , elegant colors , IO
road and time commlteo of employes , the I
former pre onted I new wale anti tune :
i'cimeduie which , while not restoring Ihe
wages of 1891 , removes some inequalities
and Idd somewhat to the umount the
men Ire al presenl mIlking. The employeJ
took the schedule undcr udvlsem nt.
It'\ Nournl h'ostuummitit cr.
WASINGTON , Feb. 13-Speclal ( Tele- ;
grm."ebrska ) postmasters were imp-
polntod today ns follows : Ganilehd . Incoln
count , A. P. Carl ( . vIce W. I ) . Campbell ,
resigned ; Mitchell . Scots Buff count . H.
10. fluitaehl . vice J. 13. OOlbe ) ' . resigned :
I'.kimm , Keya ] lha county , Marthn S. puw-
eli , < vice C. J. Call1 , renigmmc'mi [ : Scimmmaedt
Stanton county. H. A. Sicker . vice F. ] Mul-
Sllnton . ) ; Scotsvle , Hell coumity J. L
Ilitimilo BIFnel , C. n. l'nrker resigned ; \'In-
BIUe , Knox county , Seth Jones , vice J. D.
Sherhlook , resigned.
, \ Iprnvll II Ulrht IIV"y lUl ,
ASHINGTON , Feim 13-The president
approved the act grantnl right ot way to
the Forest City & Sioux City Railroad com-
imany throuGh the Sioux Inllln reservation.
- p
iII.l'II ' I.UH .f .ICMUTIU ,
loclnrcd that the Strike limimi UCtU Cor-
rll.ty Sottted.
COLUMBUS. 0. Feb. 13.-1n the national
conventon today ot the Unle,1 Mine Workers
of Amel'lca I letter was read , writen hy A.
Amhmiflmi . presIdent ot time Ohio contingent
of the nllonni organizmttIomi . ehlmlng In !
generl terms that the strike or last sUm-
mel' imnd been corrply settled . Messrs.
i'emmtmn , Crawford , 'S'ebi'iisoum . Cnmeron.
Ie 11
Miller amid Patrlcl McUrhe ! , who effected
: ller
the lelUement , lejlr,1 A < ams' chune amid
tiemanded ] time mmpeciiicatlons . Thus bal Is or
( lie slecllcatons el , ni ailegetl by Isir. , \lllms ,
, II thlt time selemenl Wl8 contrary to In.
u4truciuuia ( of a miners' cOlvenlon hell ( nt
Itructuns , to gIve , lrecton In the Ilter
anti which said It lust he 69 Ind 7a ) celts
or 10thlng. hut the commlltee commiprounhtioti
for less muommey.
air , Admumna saul hue lurid lmeeui ' 'offereti
$ lOC ) to abide by ( lie settiemncxut. " anti hail
beeuh ( oh ! the "utimem' fohlomes were lookIng
out ( or thmemnmielveit , " immtlnmatlng ( limit this
was true. lie related an Immcliieumt to show
that lie believed lie was to have. been
pohtummmed by Lu Mr. lmracken , a m'ery rehmuta-
tile labor ictimier in Colummibue. Mr. Bracken
dec'iareti In time conveuitiout with eummplmasis
( limit ime miever heuunil of the immch'ient ' , mmmiii
mmrommoummcctl Mr. Atianami citimer ineammu or it
l'Immg scoummtirel , 'I'hme onatter Itt to come up
agaIn tomorrow.
1' . B. Ilainea of I'enumaylvammia offered a
reetmiution vimmiiicutlng ( ito natlmmai oiliconsm
and extetidiimg miyrmiliathmy to Adams. whmo
was acting oum lila owum convietiumma. As time
rehom't of the cpmnmttee ( on crctiemmtials shiuw.
lag who were eumtitled to volt-H seas not
complete , the Vote 00 the resolution mvemmt
over untIl tomnorrow ,
- p
IVIihiv , Trust i.I Co Si ( they.
CIlICJtfiO , Feim , 13.-Judge Orosecub today
issued aim onmier auliorizimmg time receivers
of the WiiIslcy trust to borrow $50,003 for
imimmety days , 'rime receivers , in askimmg for
time autimorit' , salt ! timat a batik imohilin
( untIe of ( liii trust immuti chmtrgeti $15.0.
against its deliosits Ott accuuumt of a note
tmmit ) imutii fallen due , 'Vhme result was to
crIpple the timmummciai operations ( if time re-
celvers. IL mvas meported timat time recels'enmi
mini ! time juige ( were 1mm commmUltmitloit ovem' time
imuuminesmi of tIme trust , which was melmrc-
seuitetl I ) ) ' time recels'ttrs to ito us losing In.
stead of a i'a'ing one , as atumiomumic1 mit time
tiumme of their appointment. Concernhuug time
coimferemmee on ( limit poimmt Judge Gruascup
would micithuer deny nor aihirmmu ( lie report.
rmsui l'iay lhiiiimmrml on Itcuitity ,
NE\S' YORIC , Feb. 13.-The bililarti aumd
pool room proprietors of New York won a
The 1e011c who
hae shown so much
kindness to us may
rest issuied that they
shall have the very
best of everything
it's possibie to provide -
vide at this , our
grand final closing
sale. We give you
ceitainly the best bargains -
gains tomorTowi of
any time during this
successful sale.
victory today vlmen Justice Ingraimarn in
the court of over limit ! termmiiner discimargai ,
frouim custotiy liobert Keumumy , who ummui beema
auu'esteti for lceemiumg isis poe1 room opemm iaitt
Smmnday. .lustice Ingrnhmnmmm ruled that PlYing -
ing bhihiam'ds on Smmnday , unaccnmlmanieml imy
bettiumg , is not In violatlomm of time criuumluial
code. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lecture anti Souugs of 5leur , lrhmmumerty aimmi
liitmrhmhy 1.iist Fveuuluir.
"The Story amid time Songs of Ireland , " the
story by John F. Finuierty , and time sommgs by
M. J. Murimimy , were recited at lloyd's ' time-
ater last evemming , 0mm time stage were Colonel
Stantoum , Dr. IV. .7. McCrarmmm , T , J. Fitzmmmornis
and A. S. liargluummu ,
Dr. W. .1 , McCrann of South Ommiaima prc-
sided and immtrodumceti time lectuurer amid time
chaser , wimo were hero uumder the ausiicoe of
limo Voting Men's instItute.
Mr. Fimmmierty's lecture myims an eloquent review -
view of the hmistory of tIme lammd of the "ohil
sod. "
Its expressing his praise of tluo acimles'e-
mnents of Irish leaders , Mr. Finnerty referred
to Cimarles Stewart Parumeli , amid time' mmmemutiomm
of that name was time signal for applause
warmmmly bestowed.
Mr. Flmmmmerty said Ins belIeved tiuat jealousy
WitS the greatest foe of Ireland , tint ! ( lust if
umo jealousies bad existed auumouug lnisiimmiemm
Emmgiammti would umever imave been able to comm-
ouer time Emumerald Isle ,
Mr. Fimmmmcrty's graceful tribute to Irish
wommutumimood , mvltim Its characteristics of bray-
cry , virtue , imeroisni ammd loyalty , smas omme of
time best received cliuimmmxes of tIme evcmmimmg ,
Air. M , J. Mmmnimily'B baritommo solos smore nil
well received and formed a lieasamtt ) feature
of time qrogrammm ,
At time conclusIon of time imrosramn an infor-
nmai receptiomi suami held omm time stage , where
Mesara , Flnmmerty mind I'humrpimy simook hands
with a numumber of Onmahmatms ,
' , m I . 'mu m I ummi Eu I . ' rm iii ii In a mm t ,
A. valentine emmtertalnnmcmit wlli be given
tiuis evening at S o'clock at time resltiemmce
of Mr. mmumd Mrs. Carroll Ii , Montgomery ,
502 South 'rimltt.Iixtim m4tmeet , timmder time
ituspices of time 'lush i ( i'urrett. circle" cit
Au Saints' chum cii. 'i'imers mviii mi a ( eimcing
bout mtmml , italmit ties imrmmmiu4 hietweeui Miss
1.label l'imlmall timid Alias Nimims tlmimsimnii of
the Fencers' climb , Al r. Adelnmnmumi wilt
pia' elm ( hits violin , a tins' inimmim will dancim a
siately mmilrmmmet ; some sohugs aumtl mnualt' , mmttem'
wim I elm it itostoihlee mvll I lie nim ! uieti msmmd ( um mlii
will deliver 'mtlentimmeu4 , A t tin' 'nmuc'iumsiurm
of tIme mmrorammm uttu'simmncmmts will be serm'ed ,
A comthial imivitatioms is extemideti ,
CamllwmthI iimaituIr N' ) m'rmmrcNs ,
hEN\'Eit , Fcb , 13.-'ll'ime commferer.ce be-
twecmm Cimairmaum C4mhtlsveii , Mn , Loummax of
tue lliulomm Pacihic , amid li' , Smmsitlm of ( im
iiuniimmgtoms bert' today resulted 1mm airnoht
r pregrvss toward a uiettienmc'flt of time
differenmes ) mCtssemi lbs Ilock 'Imianii , time
Burlington mind time llm eli I'acltie , 1(0(1 ( time
JIb ( Irande W'c'stemmm and ( hue ihimiomi l'acihio
no.1 time mumeeting still h comutirmued tumor-
row. 'l'hmoae in ntteuitiamice would rcveai
nothing that occurred ,
I [ mu iii mu roil 'I'iim im lut , , I ii I I iii gi ; rIms ,
BERliN , Feb. 13.-A report Is current
here that i'nltmca Ferdluuand of Bulgaria use
beams c'xtmohleti ( rota that country cud imas
lie' ! for Itoumumatilim , ! uiqtiiries mantle lit van-
cue qummnters : 1mm timlmi city have titus far failed
to coumhirrmi time rummier ,
l'nince irem-tiiumammmi Is the yoummgest eon of
time late l'mtumctm Augustus , duke of Saxe.
Coburg ammd i'ninccsw Cheunentimue of itour-
bomm-rleamms , daughter of 1Ing LouIs l'imii'
llpe. ito was boris February 26 , 1fi , was
, .
V dtSa.J 'V
Fhie Corsets , . . . . . 7r'
Woith $3.50. ' -p A. d
'I'Ite' P. 1) . , 1 , 0. nusti other best Illilkes
of ( ia :2 : , : ' .2rO , , $3 muiti 1.5O gt'mtilesm , in
iii'/.t'it 2fl , 21 , S , 21) ) niutt 80 0111 , ' . ' , wIll be
lii ouie lot toitioi'i'ow at tiTe.
1-lavilajid Cltiiia
at 1cis hiatt t'oist to Imitport ;
I nd ad I og
1)iuie' sets anti t'a itetit. , V
l'lslu itt'li ; amid isimi
i'lmittei's nub ! Pitchiel's. ,
Single li't'it ) , itmillti dIshes.
I i&'l'u'y 1115110 $ , iimttlce dls1io ,
\'u'getmuble IIlsilo $ . 1,10 , lmlateit.
II mit lesit tlimuiu cast to linlmoi't , 'l'lue dim
sIgns mtme lomuithftii , , hut to close 1110111
titlt 'e'il isumskt' ) 'mutl milisiost tuuy mIce.
Cliaiiibci' Sets
halt l'rlcc.
On tin' s-'nuth ( hoot' nrc tilstm a lhthhllIuc'L'
of Iluit' eltmuiuibet' sets Ihuisi m'e will let
, VOil Iuit'e fun' itt least half juIce.
Dress Goods Ieiiiuauts
1 ftet' hut' lushhimug btisluiosit m'u"'e iweut
tloiiug ( lit' Inst tro mm'echmt it lit hut mintuit'-
Imu tIii I s't' Silohti lin'e fill iit'u'iiitttlIittlol
( I f u'c hunt Il I -t'Ottl lilt lit S fionu ; otsd it I hut t
himimi itht't'ntly hoemi miimtu'kod toVll it ) Ihitif
Ihi'lL'O muuuh lesis ' 1il hi' cttt uhlotliol' 50
itt' , ( ' 0111 , w'lult'lm mIIl gl'e tlit'nu to you
mit nlmotit.
ti'Ilt'y ttl.t.s tile 'S'el'y luest goods in the
sltmt'k mulms'muymm , lut'cmuutse the lucitt goods go $
first a utd l'OiilLlSttite4 i'cStl ! ( .
Face hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11)0 sm
Oiycerimme , . , , . . . , . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . . . ' . . ' . . Sc ,
Cm'cnnm of Flomm'ers , , . , , . . , , . . . . . , - ' . - ' ' - fo
ilommzoimio Lotlomm . , , . . , . , , . . . . . . . . " ' ' ' .
Iloe Attes' . . . . . . , , . , . , . , . . . - ' - . ' - . ' . . ' ' ' : mJc S
'i'alctmun Powiiem' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . io
lhaiy I'om'der , , , , , . . . , , , , . . . . . . , . , , ' ' ' I Co
Silk Sluiehmis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7o
Silk Casimig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)c ( bolt ) 40
hilmidimsg ! libboim . . , , , . . . . . . , . . ( per bolt ) lo
SkIrt Yokes , , , . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JOc
Safety l'imms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4c nmmtl 6c
l'umitan Pimsa , . . , , , , . . , . . , . . , . , , . . . . , Oc'
Llumems 'l'hmrenti ( ho
1)elommg hook amid Eyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To
\'elvcteemi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rio
Cornet Cissp' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Sisotmhtier Supporters , , . . , . . , . . . , , . . . . . , 'ilo
lumittimig Cottomi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 C
lloolc amid Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Z1 hmkg5. halt' I'imms..b
I gloss immitials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Fimmisimimmg lirahtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .za ,
Itumbimer Commmbs..Ic , 12c , 23c amid SOc . ,
ltck-rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'it ,
Jtuvcnhle soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc
IScuizimimme coat ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Shaving soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13c
t3andie'ood soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tic
Tar soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Ic
Toilet Palme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t for 25c
Toilet i'ahmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 for 23c
\ViiiiC I3roomnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) tiimti lOc
Wlmite hose . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , ( ocr oz. ) 13c V
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( oz. ) 13c
May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( oz. ) ISc
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( oz , ) 13c
310cc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( oz. ) 13c
' Alemsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( oz. ) I3c
Crab Apple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( pcI' oz. ) lOc
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( oz. ) 13c
Oeeaui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( oz. ) 13c
Out' commiplete line of Ribbons at a soon-
flee. Satins. gros graIn amid moire ; best
Our Cc Itibbomi goes at. . . . . . . . . .
Our 7c stat ! Sc Itibbomi goes at. 'Ic
Our 12e lubboms goes mit. . . . . . . . . 7c
Otur lIc nimmhomm goes mu , , , , , . , . , ,
Our Ste Ribbon goes at. . . . . . . . . . I Ic
Our 20c Ribbon goes at. . . . . . . . . . 14c
Our 22c Ribbon goes at. . . . . . . . . .
Our 25c RIbhon goes at. . . . . . . . . . 17c
Our 27e Ribboum goes at. . . . . . . . . . lSc
Our SOc Ribbon goes at. . . . . . . . . . 2oc
elected pm'ince of Bulgaria hmy umuinni-
mnotumu vote of time imatlommmti assembly Jumly 7 ,
1857 , mmmiii mmmiammnmed time guvemmmlnemmt Augtmtt
Ii , 15S7 , in succession to Pniumee Alecammder , V
who abdicated tleptem ) ) m'7 , 1IS" .
Smsumtihimg Conmum.ittuos fin' NrxL SIx l5lomuiiu ,
- . % um iiI I , , um'or lie ol hi t I mimi 'I'abiumI , ,
AL time ummestimmg of Cemmtrai Labor union host
ovemming I'resideumt Scimupp annommmmcei. ! time ap-
ltolmttmmmetmt or time tohiowimmg commmuumittees to
terve for the mmext six mnommtlumm :
Legisiation-Ihenmnan Cohmemm , cimairmmmamm ; ft.
II , Jcmmness , 0. 'tV , Sabiume , J. L. ihaird amid
ft. ft. Overall ,
Orgammlzatiomm-SV , S. Seimning , clmalrmammumi ; C ,
Chiristensous amid J , M. Walters.
lixecimtivo liusiumcse-J , J. Kerrigami , chair- V
ummami ; lit. J , McCarthy omit ! J , 5 , YouumgqumIst.
hmmsecure iluilduumgs-aeorgc Clark , cimalr- S
ummamm ; J. IC. Tracy ammii George Steel ,
Arimitrntioui-Ammaust IleeruilaiuV lintrninn . C
Fretieniche Scimubelammd J. 11. Scimmipp.
lionme IumdumstmyK. S. Fisimer , clmairnan ;
Ermmest Lomighehmi anti A. Miller.
l'rcss-J. J , itubek , cimoinimmaum ; J. C , Ilogamm V
anti II , Ii , Ihoyles ,
A resolmmtlomt was amlcpictl agaimmst tIme amiti-
oieommmargarimme bill pending in thu iemislituue ,
A resohutiomm Iumtroduceml umroposimmg to ceo-
tmmre Governor hloicommib for mmumlmohmmtimmg Joimmu
II , I'owers mieuiuty. labor eomnmumleeiommer , was
laid impomm time ttmimle , Time parties wimo intro-
dmmceii the resolution svore thither the Imnpucs-
simm timat Powers was mmot mm muicnmlumr of crgmmum-
Iztuh haliom' , hut mm'hmcu Iolegttemm ) : Ieaver amid
Cohen cxpiaimmed ( lint Mr , I'owers hail bee'mm
a mmmenmber of lime iCumigitte of Laimor Ion ssverai
years time oppoeltiomu was atitleml ,
- V
IfJI.z ! IJI . 'U 1'fl.SIf gfJ.SO ! , lJL'1O1.'t , )
OMAhA , Fehi. ' 2-To time Editor of Time
lIeu : Time editorial csmtitled " % 1'ounmtum's
Logic" wimicim aimpeared 1mm thmls mmmormmirmg's
issue of Time lice was cvideumtly writtemu ummor
a mnlsappreimc'umslomm of time facts , The resolu-
tiomme you iiuoto have umovor been luresemmtod
to time \Vommman's club am ! It line never dims.
cussed "ecimoul flumances , " 'l'iie departmumeimt Gf
Imariiammlehmtany Imrmmctlco hmas usormmctimmmt'um lustre-
mluceil ii. mock debate liuto its session in
order timat its mmucmbers mumlgiit have practice
1mm hmanilimmmcntary usage , mmmi It is probable
timat ( imI cmmstommm is remmhmomisiimio for yommr
mistake , It 1mm quIte likely that 1mm is dumb of
600 iimtclllgammt svomimemm lucre are some mvhmo
hqld stremmg views cmi timi tiiheumtiOmm of uscimnol V
flm.aumcee , immut we hmrdfor that timeso views be
imubhicly cnitheisemi after we have publicly cx-
iressel ) , ( mcmii ; umot before ,
\u 1101)0 ) timereforo that. ynut still immako time
necessary eorrectlumm mmmmii relieve time astonish.
macmit of about 475 wonmemm who do not be.
iommg to time pariimmniemltmmry chasms , Yours
simicerely , FIIANCflS M , I'OilI ) ,
Preeltiemmt Omaha \Vounamm's Club ,
hi1dren Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castora.
Children Cryf13
11tc1 "s Castorla.
Pitcher's Castorla.
- V V V V LV V V V V