r , " . . , . , " : . . . . ' " " " " . " " " " ' ' ' ' ' , . . , . , _ _ " , , , , , . . . . . . . . . - . . : : _ ' , , . . _ J , , . ; , - . ( . ' " . . i ' I' . , . : : .f . ' I 1 I 1P t ( ) r :4 : : " r't A. J 1 1 . t J . - " - , . , . - . " . " , - . . . - - . . . - , - . - ' - . I 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAJLi'i I ' DAILY . . nnE ! THUIISDAY . , InDnlUJ Any 14 , 18f . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . itIAtIon nnll ( not confine the Instiuton to the meager Imonnl to he tlsell by the beggarly - gatly one.clhth of ! 1 mill levy , the general fund was drawn upon nlnost wlllut limit , - eon3lderlulg the aile and Importance of the conslderlnJ , The Icglslature has alnce the Instuton Inntlutton Wl authorized appropriated the following Autn : , folowing . . . . . . alns . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . S 7D9t ; lt.s9 . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! .r 2 1.\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,971' 1S3. 1\9. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 7r.10 An analyslf of ! 'omo of ! these appropria- 3 tfons will reveal I sonio startling fncts. Lot 4 . tons reader , II ? P3YS taxes hear In mlnl that nt no time In Its history has this institUtion cared for 1 many RS 200 Inmles : nt one . ' ' has been much less than time. The iverago G-even lower ! than : ( lint. The following , tabulated statement will Bho\ how the money r has been eXl1tllptl ( by this Institution In nn l'ver.lncreulnR ! ratio. The frt column of I figures ntcr ! the years tleslnateshfW , the amount 111prottriatel for the maintenance . nnll ! emplo'es' \lges ; the seeolll % for furl- lure nnll hetllllg , ; the third for Cue I nlll p hihits , anti the last for salaries : lghts . ? taIuitte. l'titn.&tl 01 1.'url&I. Hlrlr Mllnt..r. . H s7 . . . . . t2 .I" . 1'UI.f1 O S 3. " 1 I 9.41 ' - j , 'v.4).i' ) . . . . ' ) ) 2. ( ) ) 1.o ! , 1 S'ol ) ; , 1'9\ \ . . . . . 4 . .1) ) 3.000 In.oJ ) ) ) 12 -1) ) , . ,1..3. ! . . . . . . 4fJI 2.01 ) 12t tP ' , ) 1.1' ' ) r . "I" , ; , . . , . IyH " I r. ; O ' . I 1.0) 16. lU ' , ' AkeI for IhlA ) 'pr. . I 1. BXTn\\IANCI IN I : VI ltl.tNI' : . I . , the The institution has been hamlleret by fact that I ha' neVlr been able to have alY- , fct . thlnl : : lone righuL , For I instance It has spent bore money for water Slpply ) ) than the aver- no town II NebrI'i 01 r.00 Inhabitants complete system of J t. ' ouhl expnt for n ) water worl , . I has silent moro fur elec- . trio lights titan wouulti llUll1 a plant for n . : gooti slzel ! town. I hns pent lore for Inlndry appJralUS than 10ul he required to equip one "f the largest commercial latin- dries In Olnh , while Its expehltncl for cDoltn a pparatls wUllII ralso the Jlrcha > - Inr agent oC a trnlsataltc liner to .tanl orhas . In heer aihuutiratlun. 'fhe seslul , or 18Si gave the InsttltJI I.ZOO for laundry : . lachlner ! ) ' . II ISS9 the legislature n t ! ell . $ ; 0 to this stun. II ISHI the athlton was . GOO. Two years ago Ihe Ilstllton was shut oft with hut $ liO worth or laundry 1 ma- chinery. ThIs year the lulerlltellent ] modest ) . submits that about $1,0001 fIx his laundry all right ! for another two yetrs. H has been the same way with the water : suppl The institution started cit wih an a\lproprlatol \ or only $ . 11 188 : ) It hail nt yet leareJ the poulllltes oC a strong lul on the le/Islnture. anti , only IsIeJ and ecurcd 300. In ] 1&9 the legislature nIl- proprlatet $3.500 for 1 vaLer slpply , and : this year the sUperintendent agrees to try : unit got along with $5WO for water Ep ! . 'rim ! legislature of lS89 equ111eJ , the kitchen with cooking apparatus , at a cost of $1.200. The next session added $300 , the nlxt $100 and this ye.ir only $ :0 : worth of cok Inal11uatls FeelTS to 1 dcunainiod. : In blx years the Institution Epcnt $ : , COO ; for Ic,1clnl , , $1.300 for paints $2.300 for olco supplIes , $2,000 for incidentata . $2S80 ) fOl' Carm hnlliementl ) ! with which to farl rGO acrc.s of land. and $1,075 for horses and cow ) . , Hut It Is In tl Purchase oC coal that the , institution really excels. lee are copies ' cit a low of the vouchers for coil ' supplied to this institution during the past two 'enrs. I.'rum. Tuns. Prier. Augtint 9 to , \IAu-t 27. In . . . . . . . 61 s1tii ; : , } ugut aa to SPIttflhiier : : . . . . . . . 5 : 172.03 COjiteIflIer 27 tn Octohrr 7. . . . . . . . Cr 19.iS . . I..t r 9 2 OtoOer 21 . . . . . . . . . . 101 311.05 . lcl" ( ) . rO hi Odolor Nu\cmhc , ' : 3 . . . . . . . . Ir 4:0.:1 : : , : No\'emher 23 tn lecllIer 21 . . . . . . 151 t ( n J ) oieflIer 23 : : , 153. tu .I.nuary " 6. 1I. . . 2'0 ' ; 7:1)9 .Ioua"y : JIIUar ) ' 8 to I.'dman' 2. ! . . . . . . . . : :3 : f,71.U . 1".2.1 ti , ri itch 21 . . . . . . . . 17. ! 421 . IS auiti ' 'ui 21 tlInl I I . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1 ; 4r.I ! . \ prII 9 to April . 2S . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 IO'i.21 ' : \11rl : to I 'I.rl , : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 279.0' lny 28 tn June ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 273.1 .1uti " 2 ; tn , Iu28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10i , 211 9 .Tuly 28 10IAI > t 18 . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 , ; :1 : AU1".t :1 1 to lertc""er 2. ! ! . . . . . . . Ii 13'18 ' H"lllclher 2 : tu Oetuh"r I . . . . . . . . 45 12.0. ) . ( elt I' 8 tl Oetulel' 20 . . . . . . . . . .10 2J7.o Oo'ioher 2j 10 No\'cmhor 21 I . . " . . . . 213 Gi 51 ? No\'cmb" 6 to Deccmhcr' . . . . . . . 2Si 76.S : ' . . ONLY AS AN ILLUSTRATION. ; : These figures are given , not for the purpose at establishing fraud or colusion , but simply - to shOw the jaxpaycra oC Nebraska how theIr , . jisoiley , II spent : , under a sstem of establish- )1" hull malntalnln ! state luistitutions. They \ shshov infnbeTs 'of the legislature ! can be , : Ird 'Inlo\ extravagant appropriations. This in- : . . htItt1on' Is hot as Illight 10 slPpore , one ; the largest of the stat.e's thirteen. I Is , ( 'i )1)(7 ) contrary , one oC ' thor .malest : and yet : ; tlPpreent legislature Is asked to appropriate for Its , ISO IG1.450. ( nearly as much ns the . . , State Hospial for the Insane ask . In'cl\1ng . a $60.000 bulding. , ! I Is an . amount $6,000 i larner than 13 asked for the maintenance of ? "the State Asylum for the Chronic Ilsane nt 5 HasIuiga ( , the largest and most expenslvo In- . . s.ttutlO managed by Nebrasla. : t . IAIt.IEIt.3 : HAi - ) ItELhIF' Cft8. - Fifty Kearney Connty tltlz'iii : Coilelo wit h - the I'ollee " 'hll Tn king 1joiI. 7 - KEA1Nl Y. Feb. 13.-Spclal ( legrm.- ) ? : Consderablo ! excitement was c3ured hero this . . , afternoon b ) about fifty farmers , w'th hl . is ; many teams , coming In from Kearney cOlnly ) for relief 8U1)hhleS. ) They brolte Into a : ' car ' on thc Union Pacific trc ] . . and com- . Ihenceol helping thuoniselwes. The county : coin- mlssicoers tried to stop them but could not - and after they started : to drive away they were brought back by the police. I Is re- P portul tha sixty teams arc on their way hero from Custer county for relief supplie3. "onl IUvnr : oulll J > vcnt. ; WOOD RIVER , Neb. , I fb. 13.-Speclal.- ( ) I The residence of ! r. and Mrs. It. We3COtt ' , . wa ! the scene oC 1 pleasant surprie party' ; . lat evening , It being their forty-fifth wedding - ding annivoreary. Ablt 7:30 : the guests iigau arriving. and soon the heuse wai fled with a Jolly crowd The following were present - cut : Mr. and Mrs. S.V. . Wilson . Mr , and \ . W. . arni Mrs. . Mltchieli.Mr. J. Bowen , trl \Yv. ltchel. lt nnlllrs. u _ _ n" , _ . . " _ n'n Un ; . . . I0110 4ira. N. 1. OiCi..iFY . air. t . nn4 Mr.o. ' . J. Parker , Mr. all ! t. Jam , Jackson , Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Jewett . : ' . L all lrs' . O. W. I ] ton , Mr. and , Mrs. \V. L. . Spratue , Mr. and ! rE' , S. N. Taylor , Mr. and . ! rl. S. J. henry . ) r. and Mrs. J. N. \Vea. ΒΆ coat. Mr. ant Mri. W. L. Randall , Miss Eva L \'esco.l. ) rs. Carrie Itoynolds . Mrs. ItO. MaLdock ant Mr. Ii. D. I Wrroal. : After several hours passed pleasanty In various Idll or games. a bounteous supper . was IIJrtaken of . after which a beautiful set , . of bronze lshes ! was I'epented the happy . couple James Jackson muldng the presenta- ton 61leech. ) which was touchingly respondtd , . to by the groom. Poultry IUAI..8 "t , .sIilnuid ASm.AND , Neb . Feb. 13-Speclal.-The ( ) Chicken business Is becoming quite an Indus. try Lt this 111.ce. J. W. Moon shhilled 1 car- load to J. O. laeschln oC Kearney , from whert they wi be shipped to San Francisco , % antI George Hofmln & Co. arc buying a car- load for shipment to Now York. A carload of chlclienl contains about 6.00 birds. They t are lilacEl In 1 car that Is orrnnC1 so they can \0 flHI antI watered , anti It requires nbont t ten days to tralsllorl them to their ilestina- , ticil. anll In this tmo they consume about 100 bushels of corii . Strange as It mlY seem . the r bug I'ldo does wIthout doubt agree with them. ; 'l'hcro I I mo\'e on fet In the city coon- cl by which the city Is to hut In $ new lte , ) \'IIlii through ' ( lie .ndnehs portion of the city 0 either planl 01' ) cement. 'i'Iuo mayor 1 I 10 investigate the cost of ( tn , two different 1.1Rtel'lat alt report . ' 'ho ml'or. In I inesage to the c nncl % last Wet'i . set out clearly lie 1'lan ( of the official for the coming summer In the way oC 1m- 1IrO\'cments oC slrcel . grades etc. . ' 1,1 , I ItUI nt tc.ii ' rice , \10 . Feb , J-Spcclal I ( Telegram.- ) A two-story hOlst' In South Sixth street oc- cUlllel1 b ) 'hOIIS hall all owned hy ex- 1'o10lal Jaelon c.uught tire this morn- log from defective flue and , 1 ,1eCccl\'e luo unl vas lal3gel to the Imolnt oC $300. A lot of household Urcts. owned 1) ' Jackson autO stored In the attic . vere ole deslrotl. The building Is , mutsitho the fire liutuIts and ' , . ollahle lre Inlts , nulIS caved : through , , , the efforts oC iiahliiitd life fleigbbors . 'J'hl'r ( ' .ioniy Mull's 1I.n. 1lFiUtON' . Neb. . Feb 13.-Siieclit.--14 ( ) . 'F . i Calll ; _ has : purchasl'd the Thayer County r ' ! . Thl Mall has bell run In the Interest I Qf 1m Iopuld Party for the east four ycirs. , : 'fhe Iew : I'aller wi lt called the lelrol ICIJbl C : I , 111t'lly ' the paper wi he strIctly l'epubUeon. ta'ldns Is a IIuorctugii U , Ielulaper man. thorGurh . . . 1".rlllt- I ) itii l I I - II 0111" I . , , , : 1/\1TINOTON , : eb. , l"ob. l.-Stedta1 ( : . Telegrll.-Worl ) ! s just receIved ! tM lthht- I ard l'entacotf. r7centiy frrni thh ) place was ' ruin over and kilrd .b' p. I.Ina 1 rln OVfr MIl JIlr - ) a 1.ln-I\,1 IUln : qaunty II Ohio. , Ills i'areut ' , \ at S' . J.ll j. ties . _ - - WHIPPLE \ \ IS NOT. SCARED Abscnling CMlter of the Crwforl Bank- big Oompnny Not Par from Home CAS ! A CHECK SINCE THE TROUBLE - Wlh10 TholllH1 . 1''tnl Cattle I" Clrcn- JnUl1 1"'rlhlnl 11 Criunt. hull HTer- 111 I 1\"lr.1 for 11rn. . t. lie ii I Not . tlariietl , . L0NC014 Feb. tIl.-Speclal.-Tliere ( ) are cttaln indications In the air that Albert WIuippic the absconding cahier of the Craw- forth Bank'ag ' c0lp1ny. I still hovering In the VicInity of his disastrous financial manlll- ulathons . Dreely after this levantng oC Whlfple from the town cf Crawford . DetectIve Inlone of Lincoln caused 2.00 pastal er- cnlars to I struck off and distributed among .aU the Ilolce headquarters of the United States. ' They contained a full tle ' criplol 01 the' ( nllssln Inn , together with n history of his crime. I 13 sale to assume that 'soxo of them reaehNI the police headquarters of St. Iall , Minn. Yet Balk I xamiler Brink to- day related the following ! story , which goes to show that the elusive \hllllle line unt'l quite recently appeared In that city and transacted - acted n little blslness on hIs own account. Brink says that January 20. 1806 , the l"lrst National Uanl , or St. Paul cashed I draft for I $ IGO , drawn to the order of Whlpll1e , and endorsed only by hIm. This implies cOllllete Ilentncalun oC the nuin The palJer cashed wail a ( Jolted States IU3rtfrla ler'l check drawn In payment of supplies furnished for Fort Hoblnson. J Is Itown that Whhlple was n large contractor fcc furnishing supplies to this lort. The check was drawn against the United Stales depacitory at Omaha. . All thIs occurred several weelts suhsequent to hue elrculat'on ' oC the postal cards Iy Dc- tecl\'e Malone and when It was supposed , that a nllnher oC very adroIt detect\'ls were on Albart Whlpple's trail. . The armres' bank or " 'ceplngVater has been luthorlz"d to C0111ce bllne 5 en March 1. wIth a capital of $10.000. The hanl' board has also 1351ell a c rUfeale of authority to lie Saline County l.o.1 anil I BUlh1ng ns- sedation to begin business Inlnelate I , ! . CAPTUI D A IIUIlGLAR. ] Henry E. Smih , recpnl ) ' released front the asylul , appears to have developed Into an accol111shell crook. Last nlhl ho entered the resiIence or Ezra S. hiiwiey ] . 135 M street about Iltlnlght , 0111 awakened 2drs. ( ilawicy hy passing a ! lloroorled hIIHI , r. chief ever her f.lco. At th sauna tune h tried to relove her 11alonl1 earrings . The lady screauneul . und her IIS"311. although I an elderly man , grappled with the burglar. ' The latter slppell ) away 111 bolted through a door , vhiIchu fortunate' ) ' . led Into a el03ct. Here hI was cornered , and Hawley heat hll Into sulmlsslon with a chili. Pie po1e were notified . and Smith lodged blhlnd the grt- Ings. ills arrest led to the discovery or a second burglary that he hd commllC ear- ler In the ovenlng. While the famIly or J. J. Mead or 1526 0 street were nt supper I sneak thief stole an overcoat and a Illush eloal Ulml learn- log today of Smlth's arrest lie wenl to the station and found his coat which Smith was wearing at the tune oC his arrest. The plush cloak hall been disposed oC ly the "Insane lJlentO lately turned loose on so- cety by tim aslul cihlcials . and has not yet been located. Smith's mother says he has been out of the asylum but two da and that sue blames herself for not InsistIng - tug on his staying there. She was very Ilch surprised when Chief Cooper informed her that Sheri Kyd of Gage county had arrived this morning with a warrant for her son . who Is badly wanted at Wyneci-e for horse stealing. Ills mother \ they could not try her son for lhat ; as he had been ad- 'judged ' , Insane since the commission of the crime . but SherIff 1)'d said they would ' tile their chances on that. : sMrt lme' before noon today Mrs. SOlmoa Schwnb called ' nt the police station and identified Smith . polce staten hientled Smlh as a man who had tried to enter her. home yesterday - day afternoon. She had met him nt the door nnt dennnded to know what he rep1yin. wanted but the man sneaked away without FOR STEALING 1 LETTER. Cameron Doatnter , arrested by Detective Malone on the charge oC robbing the malls . I was this afternoon bound over to the next term oC the United States district court In the I sum cf $ . January .IG DOitatcr took a letter from the postofco addressed to J. A. Pardoe , containing a draft for $2.00. Dostaler admis that one Wilam , Jones took him to Brown's restaurant aDd Identified him os Paltoe In order to get the draft cashe" Jones Is a hotel runner' recently bound over to the district court for holding up Chris She1y and Hess P'le of Preeton. Dostater's father went on his bond and his Inc son was released - leased from cuslody. George Washington Davis , the colored man charged with wreckln the Rock Ilaml train last August ! In which eleven people were killed , Is bocomlng exceedingly restive. lie Is I loud II his demands for an Immediate trial or a release from the county jail. At present It. I Is stated by the county attorney that his trial Is likely to take place within two weeks. Time State Board or Pharmacy met today at the Grand hote for the purpose of regis- terlng aplcants for the pOillons of Ilharma- clsts. There were present nt the board meetIng - log : W. D. HaIler , Blair ; C. It ! . Clark . Frierd . Orlf J. Evans Haslngs ; It ! . E. Shultz . Beatrice , and A. W. I3uchueit. Grand Isha uud. QUESTION OF JURISDICTION. Sheriff Miler has a ease on his hands which raises n singular point oC jurisdiction . TOday ho rec2ived a new boarder In the per- son of ! 1yndon George who was sentenced for assault on n htaif-witted girl from , time 1ome for the Friendless . about one year ago. After sentence was pronounced , It was sus- pelllell to alow the derens 10 carry the case before the supreme court. A day or two since It vas discovered that the case hall hover been carrlcll up Sheriff Miller Immediately - diately sent out to Union cOlego alHI landed the young man once more In the cell room At this juncture It Is not known what . will be done with tIme prisoner , one year having gone by since ho was sentenced. , There Is n large delegation oC Grand Army 10n anti Ilrominent 1.lllolnlcs now ilL Uast- liege , S'IUads oC them hlvlnE loC the city yesterday cued tOllay. 'ho publcly avowed nine and Intent of these patriotic pcople Is to brllg the 10cHIon or the nnnuil encamplent to Liuucohum. r successful hue encalilment wi be II.hl nt Ilncoln parI . There In : a new aspirant for. the possessIon of lie caravansary prlvliges of the 1.lncoln hotel. His lalO Is I W. ii. Dldlne. wel known to Nebraska's traveling public as a forl11er ProPrietor of the Iostwlcl , lintel Hast- Ings. lie Is now In the city negotiating for I lease of the property. All hearties to the suit nol Ilenln , ! It Is understood tire wllnl to egrets to 5010 sort 'J 1 compromise alHI the hotel COlllalY 11 considerably reduce the t rental to Mr. Dllne If 10 can come to , terms \ \ Ith ItIr . Shears on the purchase of the furumituro. ThIs Is estimated to be worth 30000. HeClotlry 1\11el of nlc State Relief Commission - mission bums rrmovell the office of Ihat luutiti. hUlon from tlo Imee block tu thl IOOI occJsfonnly occuupk'l hr the Stale n.nrd of Agriculture In hue state capitol biuiIlIui. . AFTER A DW..U ! n. This morning Deputy United Stales Mar' shal 1nbbl1 left for J.ewiston I'.i. , to hiring back W . \ . Gilneore . dtfaulln l\crtmasler I at Broken loHI Is rale. : whIt ha\- I liii- ! : emhfzilel , $ t,70IJ.'JT of ( ! o\'lrnmcnt ( tunic , . HI. relatives live nt 1. < llulol , Lnt : his where- Ihuts were dteceyecd hy ICpl'll1 , ' a watch cn their mo\'elenta , Next Frilay . Fehrutr.ry 16 , Is ChllrtC D3y at lice State unlvcrsl ) . , arid I : Is to be che. I bralel , with unlslal lcla ! . On Thll'iday evenln Ilr re'llg. the jun10ra. \ \ II .13ncc at the I II1oll hotel , while tlc ! Jllpl'al etiuuhc'umts wi fleet 1lrl"I ' : . the armory under the "USllcc ol the YOUIj \ \ ' oue1eimL anti Yonng Meu's Christian aisc'cllon ' , Thl buIldings and "olll& , of the ( unh'crlt ) " wi bo trl\l QI.cn at : p. m. 1.'I"J ) ' to tIme ictibhic . anti : I Is pecled IUII the lesls- Inturl will "tjolr tl be treelt Itt ( lie reo ctpton ( rout I to G. In Ihf 'culng the closing ext'rtirs wl .o be held ut 1,0 ( , I.anllnl. I ho ur.llunelug delIvered by lr\slltlt , HarmonJ of . Unloulcoliege . New Yor : : UII \ i01. . : . I MIU : "ch" Feb. 13-Spcciai.-'rwo ) young ! > , struck ( his place list I nlcht and applied for aid to help them to their home In the far wcst. Whie some of tbe god people were husln to take UI I collection to help the boys a telegram came from . flagon In Harlan cOlnty , sayimug 'hat the hays live there and asking the officers to hell them till they conll come after them from Itagan. Miss H , J. Evans , n lady 63 years of ago. who hal been In the millInery boslneS here a numher oC ) 'elrs. was ajlulgetl ] Insane to- day and commited to the hospital for In- Mnlty. She tried to tale her own life a few days ago hut timely aid saved her from what would have been I fatal resutt 1'lmrrY % 'CDltNti .Vt' . trro : : tMI Hello Wltenherg RIII1 : : \rloo , "r ' .iirrteui. rnhen ! " 1'llAhnrJlrrloll. SUTTON Neb. . Peb. 13.-Slteclal ( Teho- grUl.- ) lss Bele , the eldest daughter of Mr. and Jrs. t Witenberg. pioneers or Sutton . wns marrlelt last evening wih great ceremony to Mnlrlce Iletuben n wealthy merchant or Pltshng , Pn. I took llaco ] at the Oakland hotel In the reselco of n brilliant comllany of friends amid . rela. tvs to tie numher cf seventy-live. TIme by flibbl Prankhlum I ceremony was IlcrCormttl R1Ihl rankln of Omaha , nnd was conducted In hebrew anl , Dnghlahi. An elaborate spread Col owed the c2reunny . prepared hy the hotel management , , anti nt Its close over eighty cnpr3tlbtory telegr31u were received , Crom Creml : abroad. A cablegram was received from an nude nt Strnsburg , Gerimeany which was five anll a half hours In coming. The affair eluled In 1 hOIJ at time opera house. The costlmes of all preselt were ex- ccetlngly elaborate and beautiful , Ilamomh being plentlnlY worn ns ornaments , Th brhle's girs were UIUSl31y costy nnl beau. I Lit uI. 'rhe chleC actors In this by all odds . the tonlet wedding that over occurred In this . e\er city , were : Master or ceremony , lingo Ash . Denver : fewer girls Sophy autO Ester , sIsters oC the bride ; hriihesrnalds . Misses Jennie Hose. Kans:1 city : Carrie Loch , Hastngs ; Venda Soloman , Geneva ; seln Anlenger , Denver ; groonsmeue . Messrs. I\ohn , Hastbls ; Posen. stein , Geneva : Louis Loch , Hastings ; Spear . Crete : malel 01 honor , Nanette " 'Ilenberg , Sutton : best man , Louis Soloman , Geneva. 1lOFF.1tN 11\ \ SUB : J'OI IAU\GI : S. hits . \lhlavll ( .hlcklog Ht' hiM Stntomclt Cnncernlng 1" I hI ) ' . . CLEVELAND , 0. , Feb. 13.-C. A. 110ff- man , the Grarl Island , "cb. . survivor or the Rube disaster , who arrl\el here yesterday - day , visited the county commlssloner's office today In compan , ' with Commissioner John Vevera and both men were nt once sur- rounded 11 n deep ; ! Inlerestel1 crolel ] 1 conyersaton with a reporter Mr. Holman made public 1 sensational &tatemenl signd b ) Eugene Schhegel one tf the three male IJSsengers who escaped Crom the Wbe. Mr. Schl gel swears that about 6 o'clock on the day of the shipwreck ho saw I unllormell officer of the steamship take IloiTumman's son I from n lehoat In which thc boy had been 111acet hy his father The boy was placed on the deck or the rsseh all wen . town with it. Mr. Scimiegel malc 01 ti ( heat he believes ( heat the officer who tool the boy : out oC thmc hOlt was . \ . Neimesci . chief ellne r ' or the steamer who vas Line of the slxteel sailors to esealle. Schhegei charges Nlussel wih having murdered the ( boy. Asked as to whether he Intendell to bring suit for damages against the North German 1.lo . ' . Mr. Iloffumman said he could Lloyd compan ! r. Herman slc coull not decide the matter until he had seen his attorney. "As soon as I nrrlve huonee . " he saul ] , "I will go heloro an atorey and male out a deposition setlu forth all I Imow about the accident and the . ' conduct or the officers and crew. " lolman Ie ! for his honq In Grand .Isl- and at noon , via the Nitke1 Pinto road. Sending lor el rn Olin tout ) , . VALLEY Neb. . I'eb. 13.-Speclal.-A ( ) car- load of hones ( twenty' In 1lller ) ) wore shipped from this place this morln ! by J. II. Ingram and Edward Hudsplth' to Columbia Teleutu Among the nuimiber arc some ) 'er ) ' flume trotters , , draft horles and ; t4liers , whIch the gentemen thlnl' wl lrlug a good price dow , In , the s % utlein countr . Messrs. Ingi ! m alld Ildsplh itconijjnled' ' thc < stck ali wIll -be absent about three weeks. ) the first trIp Is Profitable the gentlemen will , go Into thc huslnes extens'elY. Mr. and Mrs. Charles CampbIh hiving north ef town were surprised last evening by a ' ' number oC t ! narrled pe ple of 'thl9 ( e'ty : stepping In on thenl for a social surprise party. Time jolly party took with them I good supply of osteri. and a pheasant ) evening was the rCiiit. " Mrs. James Mlch \ and soum . James , of Perry la. . arrived In the city yestrdar and are the guests or the family oC J. J. Miller . Mrs. Mitchell 10 Mrs. Miller's immother. The young men cr the Methodist EII'scopal church will give a supper at , the ludsplth hotel building on the eYenln of February 19. The state Sunday school convention of the SwedIsh Baptist church closed a three daya' session In thIs place Monday ereueng Nearly , every county was repreaented . and many prominent ministers were la alendanc . nenth or . Jucopu ! Iruhl. ) ? PLATTSMOUTII. Neb. . Feb. 13.-Special ( Tehegramn.-InforinatLomt ) reached this city to- day oC the death of Joseph Druhl at the Lln- . coIn Insnne asylum . where he has ben con- I fumed for the Past year. Prior to the loss oC' ' hula mind \ . Druid resided In this city for some twelve years. lie was In the employ of the Durlngton read lS an engineer anti was Imoln ns on exemplary cltlzeuu. His widow journeyed to 1.Icoln this morning and wi return tomorrow with the remains. Puneral services wi be held In the aternoon at the let otlst _ Episcopal church ! under . .th auspices or tie Ancien urler or uJel : \Vorlmlen , oC which order the deceased was a uumember. District Judge Chapman returned last evea- hug from hi trip to Kansas and resumed his duties on the bench this uumorning. Judge Dume of Omaha , who served for two das luring , the ormer'D nbsencc' , retlrnell to Omaha lost evening Ills stay In this cIty was short , but the membel's of thin Cass cOlnt bar founll In him a companlonah1e genteman ) a 111 were well III easEd with his manner oC presidiuug. " : uHlhnJ,1 i t : nn,1 JCthheiI. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. . Pcb. 13-Speciah. ( ) -George Wlnn ol this city was Fandbagged last night just after ho had crossed an alley between Second nll Third ] strects. Just Ilrlor to heaving his residence he lund been countIng out money to 113Y rent and othet hills al a window facing tIme street ( lie curtain being up. Wlnn was In the oct of going to the resllence of A. I. Baker , Ivln a few hlocl'l away , to pay lie rent Whell foun" " 'Inn was lying face downward on time ground In an unconscIous commdltion. When ho recovered tIme money ' 10 hUll eounte" out IHI put In his imochoet was gone and ho hal , eIther In falling ! or othuerwise received a broken rum 'Flue amount tile robbers secured was $11. There Is no clue to the perpetrators. . Wlnn hd other money anti : watch In other ' pockets , but this was not talen. Exiuti . Nntol uncut ( I'orsunahi. : EXErFl ; { , "eb. , I.'eb. ] 3.-Speclal-F. ( ) C. Curls was Ilown to arrmount Saturday Dii Illnlcl , anti ) wlro came up rrcm Lincoln - cola Sltnnluy to visit a wcel with the lat- ter's ( pU lnts. Mr. and Mrs. John I.ooloy. Sherin : Ii. G. lul'lor was In town 01 busi- nes 1"rlI ) Mrs. IthciggI I' SUntan .Hell Satunlay. She evils buried Monday . the services beliug at ) ! the ( house anti conlhloted by ltov . C. II. lursts ur time Cotugregatloumat church , of which sue "lS on honored member. Site lelvcs it iiiusleauuui . al Infalt bab3 and aim Ise" f"tht ind mother TIl 1 ll\'rth leaglt or the Methotlit church will glu'o I 110UIHI social at the ( resl. uichmee oC J. 1 Kelewel Friuhay e\'onilg. ( 'n ' , hh'r lux Mlrrlol' , ' . \.Am. : { eh. , I'eb. 13.-Speclal.-W. ( ) F. Cox , callier fur the l"remolt , Clthor & Missouri 'nley ralrolli nt this 111000 wal marllcJ last I c\enlng to Miss Layton 11. Smih , Ilauhtel' of George Smlh of this ; t'Hr. Mr. orl Itlu's. Cox tale 1 short trip cast to .Itl : the ! hUle of Mr. Cox when they wi rClurn aunt commcnce Ieeilng 10u : ( _ _ _ _ _ _ II..h nl I .5 u.l . i'ui rep' . litE.vciN , r , I'eh , . 13.-Sleclnl.-Joel ( [ ) Par- cel , SO yeal c.f age , died at his home II this ely today . 'fhl' funeral services will bo held touu'Grrow at o'clocl . The deceased has re- sl Jut hum timle city many years. lie was a I falhful memher of time Methodist 1 IJllcopal church , sued wart 1Iihly : , respect by emil who Imc\\ lime , . O \ IAIA ANIT1IE.ENCA1PIENT 7 'Dt _ _ _ Coso of thp Annual Convention ! of the < : A. R. nt Hnstinge. lION. C. r. : ELEC1EO COMMANDER lAMS ' j.eli ) - . III Selection " 1nllo h1'111" " t Inn- no. Iortl ur the \RrlolS om.rrl hulcnto tIm Orfllhmtcl , : tn lie 11:1 : - ) : : I1.ilit . \ " ( ' ; ' CnnclUun. , ' " ( to ' T , . HASTINGS , Feb.13-Speeal ( Telegram.- ) The annual "esslol of tIme stale Grand Arm ) ' of the Iellublc elcan1ment opened hum den" earnest this morning. The weather was rather cool , with occasional furle3 oC snow The noble memlers of the Grand Arm ) ' of time Iepuhle were astir cerhy . and seeking out their comr.ltes . whd stood shoulder to Ihouhl r wllh them : on the field of battle . anxious to relate thrl'ng tales oC advemituiro anti , once morE shake them by the ham\ In the cor- rldors or the hotel the " ! oys" gatherelt anti relatel , reminiscences cued talll of the ( elec- lon of c lcls that was to alto ( IIce. lit the afernoon ' great crowd hall gathered In Crot oC the opeta 110use , and I ) mlstnlte tha doers were thro\'n' ' OllCI and thc nuLlorlm : . soon filled . but as It was 10 be a' strict ) clal11estne meetng orders were given for the hulllng to be vacated nnd guards 111acel nt every entrance , nlowln ! none to enter without - - out the couuuteusfgn. The seulol cJnwl 11 at 2 o'clock I' . m. , and was c.IIC1 to erul7r ! hy Commnnller Hawe. After prayer by ( 'h.ep'.ain : Martin of lelrn y the report of the ( IhIer- ent olcers of . the encalpmont were cahleti for These reports were all referred 10 the proper committees. The report oC the ( commitee cC ( hue Woman's Relief corps was received 511wlng the fn3n- elnl standllg oC lie corps. A commitee also of the 1.3lHes oC hue Grand Army of the ito- publc was rec''e" , and extel1ed to the lac1npment tin IIYlat'on to uumeet with them at a recellten tn ( .he held Thur lay evening , which was acceltted. Time question of the location of the next encmlent was " then talen tip , and an In- viaton extendEd "by the Ccmlercial club of Omah to meet In that city next year was Ilut to a vote and carried nlmc9 InJnlmolsl ) By unction the elect'on ' of 0lc2rs was made the specIal order oC business at 7:30 : this evening. Alter some routne huslnms the cue- CmpmEnt adjolrnot , tp leet at i :30. : The mee'lng' ' WIS called to order lS per alljoUlllent , and after some pithy ! and pointed spCches lion . C. g. Adams of Od Abc pc.t No. G5 oC Superior wan elected coin- land r by acclamation. J. H. Culver of : t ! Honl post No. Cr ; was elected setmior vice eouemnmander and J. II. Earhart or Stanton eras electell junior Yiee comm31ler , both ly acchamathoum O. R. Deeb oC 1lnlen was elected ehalllaln. ' The commitee oC nlmlnlstraton ( Is : Robert LaFouuumtalum . Omaha post No.1 : P. C. John I Eon. post No. 1) ) : : H. S. Wilcox oC Omaha , C. M. Parker post No. 25 : G. E. Whiney. OxCord. . I . , _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ 1 .1 1tETU1tjA't,1 . : , 'it ) TIII : L.tlmOIS. - - - - - - r.eglsIRtor. ( cmmthng Uncle rrom the Ylcn- . . ton fo r. Tnhl ) . t.essl ( flu. LINCOLN 1'cl. ' 13.-Speclal.-Thie ( ) members - bers of the ht'gftlature 1 1 \ arc returning to Lln- coIn after their week's ' \caton. many of I them comlngtll .dn the alteroon al1 evening - ing trains. "ll " prospects are for more In- terestng sestmuiu for the remaining weeks of the term. frIpi house has already sqrved thlrty.one dusabf Its aloted sentence and the senate d'l'b.9 days. In this tmo the . house has \lrt lrd' road for the first ( tine 41G bils and the Senate 290. The hOUse Is ahu'p1 i' far in advance of the 'trrate : . ; IS fii .1 ! ndlal work Is conc rned. ' ni Ids 'pi1 ' d : ; twepty-thured bills. o the hele bl , 1stl the senatf has passed ' ' six and' 'ha + been by and't1 na1e' already signed t1 ' the ' : g9cr ' : 9Th'O ; ' , bIll ! ! gnc' are the Y rele 'measures . th , IncIdental appropriation bIll to pay the salaries oC the members . of- ticers and emplQyes' time legislature and the three pro forma universIty ' bUls. ' The senate has accomplished hractlcahiy \ accomplshed IJrnctcaly nothing In the thIrty days I has been In es- slon I has passed ten or twel'e bills . none of tlem of 1 s perhlportnnt nature. Among time bills passed by the seumato In additon t these signed by the governor . are the ones fixing Iron chad regulations for the sale of oleomorngrlne , providing for a landlord's lien . anti regulatIng the practice ot deumtistry. ! The most Important bills passed by th senate - . ate Is time one reducing the rte or Inter st on atate warrants from 7 to 5 per cent. HOW MONEY FLIES. The homo commIttee on claims wi have Its hands full ot , Ihe ( very beglnnllg oC tIne second haH of thin sessIon. The bills for the Immense quantities of supples ordered by J. C. Allen on the eYe of his departure from time emU of secretary of state are beginning to arrive One firm In Lincoln this week sent In a bill for $6,000 worth oC stationery. Other bills for carpets wal paper , labor . ohm. , will come . In from IOW on with Increasing - creasing rapidity . and within the next two weeks I may be predicted that the com- mleo , \1 ba , entertaining claims for nearly $20,000 worth ot supplies Illegally ordered by the ox-secretary of state. A glance at the big bundle of reuisiions nlready led with the secretary of state for statoner ) will male thee average taxpayer open hit eyes In surprise AE an Instance I may be statel that every clerk of a taued- lug commltco In the house has usled for froni 500 to 1.000 letter heads wIth his , name printed therrn , with time necessary complement - plement oC cnvelope9. Every 1 junlor ant cuslOlan has asked for hIs slleclaly printed ! upIy of stationery. Stutlng commitees ha\ demanded ever'thJnr from roil top desks and letter presses down to cut ! laS Inkstnnds , whIle time secretary or state has refusell to honor requisiions for I number oC Webster's Unablldre dictIonaries. ltcqiuleitloims come In for mirrors , hairbrushes . lcqulltons brushes , combs Cashmere DOlquet soap , I towels typewriters , roil tOil ilesles . upholstered - stored chairs tel stools lamps , water htitcher8 . glases , toIlet paper , blunk heels antI artIcles entrely too numerols to men- ton. ( Secretary of Stal ( Piper has refused to honor requisiions for artcles antI sta- tonery which would have cost tle state $2,300 , nnt still the nmount actually fur- mulched has been excessive WmUmD A CLEVER TRICK. The history oC lie printing contract of two years ere has been told several ( hines . but lucre Is still ono or two features that yet remaIn to be told For imustance . the Irm oC Pace , Williams & North qnterei Into a contract to print the sennte auud house nnc hills for 81 'Milfsl per pase. The warrants for the payimetimt "or this worl were drawn auditor' udum ' vouchers which hy the audlolt'dn gave l'aco Wllani & , North , 95 cents per Ilage. The bills werd as' follows : Murch 23. iteIi juices hou30 rails at 53 eents . . . . . . .Ii..a. . " . . . . rol. . . . . . . . . : . $ S2j .to ? 'harcum 22. i,025-i'ctca ' senulu Imies at V larch . . . I.U2I'MCS . . . . . . . . . Ies . . . . . . : 1.516,00 " 11'1 8. 1"1 PiSt' . Mfuto tiles itt ill vents. In. : ' ) Apri 8. 11 1 pnSl.1 house 111. lt V : I''nil. 79. O An eX3mlnation .C the cntroct Ilroves that ( the nrmlllG eed to print the bills at 81 cents per pale , providing hat IltlJonal pales should 1iq . supplied at the rate of 7 eeuts 11cr image per 100 copIes 'fho contract - pa/o / tract called for..2OO copIes ur each bill . AI. though no ortkn.Jas made 10 ( that effect by the house altd .Ienalo , l'acoVhhiiaumis & North printed 500 I.wples/lof each ! bill end charge the state Hi ! ceJ / s per page There were a few bills orhiIchm 600 copies wet necC- san' . hut wltr \ 'tfew exceptions :00 copIes amid even :001 copies would have heen more than were neede The manner In which this nrr1 worltet Iho- ( state treasury for several - eral hundred dolars Is cOlslderel1 a piece cC pretty smooth worl , b ) tine fraternity In Muucolum . The only wonder Is why the en- lerprlslng printers dId not prInt GOO or 700 COidFs ! oC each bill whlo thy were rnnning ( their presses. 1he BalO nrl has hue contritet for printing ttlO hou\ ammO senate bis this session , alil It need ] \utlrlse no one IC the bills soar up Into the thousands of dollars . Two years ago this same firm collected - heeled $3,625.0 for 1lrhltn ! ordered by the house of representatIves , Thi amount does not , oC course . Include the printing of the house bIlls. The prInting at the prebent cession will . omount to at least $5,000. at the rate at. which ordel have been poured out ot lie ( ollices of the conslute aulhorl- ties . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ liemIt : rico ltlltll I t'is i t tn 'I'rlnl. I IM''II' . I eb. 13.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) The tnt jury trial for hue frclont term o district ( court was begun this morning . thee case being Ii. P. Cook agaInst Robert K'd , simeriff . slit for $0.000 11amae on Account of property wrongruly held under an attach- mcnt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I N" 10ncl tn Roy Seed iratu INnANO.A , Neb . Peb. 13.-Speclal ( Tele- grane-'Tiue ) county commissioners wi ad- jOlrn this eveulng. As the petition 11ra'ln ' for an electnn to rote bonds for seell and feed 11ht nct receive the requlrell number Of siguma- tures no electIon wi he called . The county fair for lS15 wIll be held nt In. dlnnola Selltemh 9 to ] 2. i , Mrs. [ Fred Duckworth died this . afternoon. IR"u:111 ) I'lro II : chr\'lm : ( : Itr. "EllASI , CITY . Peh. 13.-(8celnl ( Tel- egrammm.-Ammotheor ) bal fire broke out aboul II t 130 : tonight , a"l at this hour , 12:30 : , It Is still rglng. I. I.evl's large I\er : ) ' bar 19 tota1) ' host Al hcrses were relo\'eil safely. The Irln hcpo 10 cOlfuc the fire to the barum. I.OH t:110t be estlatell tonight , but wi be heavy , . J'/l l.t ( Ol , a 0/ 7'U.Ull.S. . I.nr/o ( Suit PilL In.1 , . the . Product l'uull 1"III 1 ) ' ! ll. , INNIIOI.IS , I ( ! n.-The Northwest- era : ller says : : IIllnllols mIllers laM creek 127,700 btttrcls oC flour , uigieiuest ! tlll 12j,70 blrrel ! oColr lnllst 10,30 : the weel , hiefore. This Is the largest oltpUt slnle the first weel , II Decembe. Dlrlng the present wee ] , mort mis are goiumg n' < the outllut Is likely to reach 15.01) hmarrelmt ' 1he IIerelFcil "ales COl' polled the mils to grimed hunt iitrongly. JI her wheat hn" hlllelelIlrces. / \ . 'rhe export trade WIS eonsll'I'lbh' better lust wlII { . . SOle films sellIng freely oC atents. FiXhtlit "hlllent" were :1.30 : ' barrels . I/nllll 21.3i : harels t\lul the week hefor 'l'hie 8nlllrlol-Uuluth t flu ( hint was 32 , t , bu'- : rll ! . ago I lIst fl ( I.to hat rids tIm e 11"'teelng wel'I / Irollloton will be II lar/\ : tiiA worll. ga"tell marlIts lure h11\0\,1 \ 1111 tonic 25072 hurrels : . c0llllrel1 wih 17Si the week earlier. 0001 trmIbrmll } vnu4 fOln,1 , l . barrels . Fixhicurt "hlpmenls were l7,9i harel" umgmmiumst 2.00 blrel the PrecetilmigectC. . MiltviiUkt'o miA made 37,30 ) barcl" . ajalnt Zl , GOO barrels the , ' wecl pre\'lous. Shll'lents u"lold ' w\re 70.70 ( banpl , nJllnst 1.700 har- rels IIt weele. In North Dakota the week sho\\'ell no 1111'0\'emNlt In Rale A few valley of the Ohio millers rcport n better umenukt't . h'lt mnny foun1 10 hnprn\'cmenl. At St. Lotus there was llrollueell 04,5th ) har- rl of ( hour . nn Increase of 12.r. bands , nlil Il11'C sales were mndo both ut hOle anti abroad. IW:7'1 U. ' ] ' .I/\t . ImTEICIISTS. - Vnn8tll ) ' lel"Y lVClelt or 10gH . Uurlng lie 1'tit \.0) ) ( . CINCINNATI , Feh. l3.-Special ( Tele- gmamn.-Toimmorrow'tt ) Price Current wi say : \'etlrn Ilacllll ; operatons have ahlorhel1 30.000 hogs the paMt week , COllllNl wih : n.o : the prceedlJ week . all 210.0 last yt'nr , maIlng n total or G.IG.O sInce " 0- , yemler I. lnlnst.20.0 n Vomit ' ngo. 1I'ollnent Places compnl'e a ! follows : l'lace 189:3. : 1891. Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \O.OO I.HO.I ) Klnls ! City . . . . . . . . . . 7jO.0 r0.OJ ( Omahl : CI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -6 . .0 : :21.0 : St. honk . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,00' . ; ' ) 210.0 ) Cincinnat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227,00(1 ( ) 10. ( ) Illlanallol : . . . . . . . . . . 277,018) 2i6,00) ) Ithilwntuhee . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.0 12.,0i10 1 Miwaukee " . . . . . . . . . 133.M 107.01) ' ) St. Jose1)hm. . ! . . . . . . . . . . . 121.000 ( l0,0)1 ( ) Slolx CIt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,0) 81.0 ( ) ttimumiwa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130,001) 87.0 Olumwtt . Ilul . . . . . . . . . p . . . . IISO 10.0 . C/.I..TUl.'S 11,1' UE1'UT.l TIOm. Denl\oll ( ' "pln Homelbm' hint Chlel ) I 1 Inn tlCrl h ) ' or CIullilCIIcll. : DEADWOOD , S. D. , Feh. 13.-Speelal ( Teleram.-J. ) C. Crametotmn . a nntulalzed glglshman who was deported from hawaii by the Hawnlnn government , Is wel Imotn In Deadwood leaving been one of Its cavil- est settlhrs. For a number of 'ear he wa in the cmploy of an Inluentll mining company anll aeted In mlny Instllces acm I' "professlonn1" witmmesu and wus employed - ployed to do other dirty worl Ills reletuta- ion In Dentwood 1 one whIch would not be envied by In honest man. lie was emmungei tn IJslness for n time at Seattle . ulfaed where he made cOlsllerabl ! money ant afterwards nled for 10nolull. The general - oral opinion of DeatwooII cItIzens Is that Cransloln richly deserved the punishment Inlicted upon him and all agree In saying thlt he Is n man who would do an'thlng for a dollar. t . IlwrllIM'1111 , I Iialh. 'The Ancient Ol'del' of Hlberueians . division - sion No. 7 , gave Its second nnnuul milItary 1 ball last night at Patelson hall. Division No. 7 Is nlmost entirely coucmpnsetl or soldiers - diers at Fort Omaha and the Inlted States army was well lepresent2 . 'he commIttees - tees ) haYing charge of the dlnce did their work wuhl timid the mln ' present were en- tertnlnet II t very agreefble manner. The program of t1irW numb l : was danced through to then tlmo or very good mlsle ' ' . At furnilhet by the Chambel' orches"11 midnight nn Intermission of thirty mlnlles 'was talcum to allow those In attendance to partake of an elegant supper which had been prepared for the occasion. Time members or the commitee having ehale of the dance comprse" D. J. O'Cal- lilian , .1. Comefonil . D. Dwyer ' 1' , Ilnll . A. D. O'Donnel. J. Glaiiintchc . Itt. J. Fox , \\'lIhlam 1cQulld , 1' . leGlolne , ' . Alien , B. J. Whelan C. C .Kl'lrey. ItT. leCor- 1 mack , D. J. O'Calhln. D. Dw'er. Itt. Fox , . . P. Convey ) . P. Nyhanl } . J. Comerford D. I CahIll. ItO. lcCormacl" , C. Cahill . D. Ca- Cahi. huh , P. Nvlamid . J. Fieueelng H. Burns . P. Comevry ' "ln1 , HutchhlHn , D. McGrth . Dalton. nnd F. G. Dalon. Jt rl. \"Irk. Craltfd R Ih'orcp. CHICAGO Feb. 12.-Mrs. Wlckes . wire of Thomas I.Vlckes , vice president of the Pulman Palace Car compan . was gmnh'el ( a dlyorce hy default today In Judge 'rut- lmiii's court. Mrs. \\'Icltes eharAed her Immus- band wih havlnl lelelted lice . throwing a glass or water nt leer striking her In the face nll throwing food at her. She also claimed thnt duin ! the last few yemums her husband laid deprlvcd her of the comforts ! ul.abtetgJ leer . condition ! ! ' h in I . , life . , .t that ne nau rel"IU . l ! ulyennl . . rll\ ' a l.imiumuur lalllnw , SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 13.-'hl steamer Colon , fu'oni Panama , hirouglmt a 8(01' ( > ' of a lunar raluebov ( heat vums evitmeessoil at Cohtjn elm thee 11th of January. At first a IIghmt clutud of vupom' nlpenretl , then time bow formed. Time colors were pecuuhiuu' aimtl start. hing. Thmis is tIme first evidenc , . of lueuinr ralmibows simece tIne six teenthe ccitt tiry. Vim1r' e.peelsl i'.dinh.iit ratorm ( 'oitmiuuid. , SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 13.-Judge Slack humus authou'izeil time Sieciutl admohumlstrators of Jaumies 0. Fair's estate to couetiimume time teeiium- ageunent at' lmis rancietta nni , busiueess rmrot- erty , mneicimmg meecessnu expeuedittures amid eoiethictuImmg tIme reciammecetlori of tIme water froumt lrohterty at Nortlu iieuclm , Semotiuer ) Si'Izmal for 1nucuiig Itrmn in Ihimesuemi SAN DIEGO , Cal. , Feb. 13.-Time scimoomeer liiclmehborg , Ceiptalut Itlarthue , 0mm arrival Lit tlmis Port toda > ' , SVLLS seized by Collector Fishier oum a chmiulge of imaviumg delivereti arias to time revolutIonists at the hliewcmhlutui islands , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c t u cit I , , ( I. . , iui mum. , I I mit , SALEM , Ore. , Fob , i3-TIuo house antI senate In joluet sessiout today uthoweti no change over yesterday , 'fhie vote was : Doiphe , 10 ; hare , \V'eatherforti ; , 17 : Wit- llamas , 10 Lord , 8 ; Lowehi , 10 ; absemit , 10. \VOIAN \ SUFFRAGE 1)EFEATED ) Result of a Bitter right in the South Dakota - kota Legislature , WILL BE RECONSIDERLD , hOWEVER , TODAY hlithirortu ) OIlclal lc'ehisre tiit . 'tiiy 1iotlie h.egiehit , Iou at l'reeent. % 'IlI force TI1'uii to S.mmpciu.I 1lslmv. , lii ( hut State. , i'iElLltD , S. 11. , Feb. 13.-Sheclal ( Tele. grammm-Thu.c ) biggest fight of ( hue session oc- curved today over ( lie woumlaim suffrage reso- hutioum , All other work was laiti aside , ameti for nearly three hioturs ( hue debate was tarume ameti at tlummes acriieioumious. Most of ( hue ad. dresses were nmauhe Iii favor of tIme rcsoltmthon , anti tlte case sns Presented with great streumgthi nuutl eloquuemice. TIme leatihieg spacchmes on ( hula slulo were umenulo by Itlesers , Iowuhell , Cindahh , lonohmtie , Itiiltiuemoro , i'arkcr , C. A. Vooti , I tohuuequhct , Gold ammul I lcutmy. Ome tIne other hnimd Speaker howard uemade. aim aimle amid forcible speech of great power severely critIcizing Mrs. Cranimmer nueti Mrs. Slumeneomis auuui other Iauhles vhuo iuavo beoum pushing ( lie bill , iuimui imleatiimmg for its rum- jectioim oum gemleral amid leant > ' lmrlnclplos. Other stromug simecchmes were unade.lmy ItI esirs , liumrke , Giummnersoue , htumsselt flied Ncisoue , Tiuc vote to itthopt tIme adverse report of ( lie coueumeultteo stood 45 to 86. Tine lmilh was thueui rejected by it vote of 42 to 89. Gold mmmovoti a recomushlera. tlomm of the qmiesthoum , and It will comueo tip agahim tomorrow , but. vihl imrobabl then be klhied , 'I'hio hhins couestltuthonal ommeemuuhrnemmt to shiner towueshmlps to lmoiuii to 10 per ceumt for Irrigatloue hmuurirnses was recommeidereti utile uieaulc a simedlal order for Fritla > ' , Time bIll grammtluig a bouuumty oue evolves e'its also recoee- siulereil , htmL time light against it was led by Colvium , anti Itvatt beateim. iii ( lie semeate a bill vas Iimtroiiuuceui b' 4 1)1 lie , suubun i tt lie g a coumeth tim tloieal numend- Immeumt ciunieging time caheitoi from Pierre to hliiroum on 1)ecommmher 20 , 1S911 , Time bill was mmot remuil , owiimg to tIme pressure of tuslueess , \\'liemm It coumies up tomorrow a meeothomm cr111 ho mumade to luedefinitehy postpouue It , umumui ( lie frieteils of Pierre arc comefluheumt that ( hue uno- tloum will carry by a two-thiiruls mumajorlty. Thu Taylor investlgotiouc couueuemlttee huati Exaimmirmer Myers on the stammul all ( hue uutonim- lag. Myers c'emet very full > ' into hits coueuiuct of ( lie olhhee , his examemlumatfeit of Taylor's accoummts , amid clahuuecd that hue timed emil till- ligermce to nsccrtalim the facts. It was ule. veioped thmat Myers was , at tIme time of ( lie uielnuult , amid is still a debtor to Taylor to time armmotuuet of $100. Thee Investigation couumuemlt- tee has immade a ( hiorouglm exaumeimeation of the couieneissloner's books amid accoumuets , amid to- umuorrow will begiuc examnhumhmeg wltucessea. Chief Clerk Dowuceaum will be the first eeemtmi on the staumd. This eveuulng flue railroad couemmlttee of ( hue senate aumd house held aimothuor umeeetimeg ouuul tue railroad. atorneys presented their case lie rebuttal of the arguummeuita ueeaule by ( hue job- bore two weeks ago. Mr. Ilurke bases hIs Idea for luiemutumeity ( noun hostile , ieglslatioue ome time fact whmlchu hue uleueeomistrates , ( lint ( lie rallroauis of tIme stae fuave thIs year lost uuiouiey. lie declared that ( lie discrimeihieations were ouely exceptionable , auul meet of wltle exteimt ; that time raIlroads promptly corrected errors whiemiever volutted out ; ( hint lim a large part of tIme state earuuhiegs hind fallen off so ( hat evemi operating expenses were meat paid ; that lmoatiio legIslation would crIpple , If umot haimkrupt thuo roads , nail so hurt tIme whole state hint tIne lOfldS amid stochc of thuo roads would be greatly Injiured In c'ahue , anti ( lint it would be impossible to secure any new capital for new lines hmould the heostile lcghs- hation be enacted. There Is little doubt ( hat ( hue railroad bIll cr111 bee reported adversely by time commeeltee limed killed by the house. 1j TIlE V.'YOMiNG LEU1SbtTlORl0. Governor nnd i5ecreary ot .Stitc fitttleti to ( lie. Itoard of Charities amid iteformu. CIIIiYENNE , Fob , 13.-Spcclal ( Tote- gram.-Thee leouse of thee W''oming legis- hatmre iassed time senate bIll adding ( lee governor and secrotnry of state to the State Ioard of CharIties and Reform. The board will now he composed of time state auditor , trcasuuree and superintoucdent of public instrucloui , iii addItion to governor auul secretary of state. TImIs hoard lenS the mecanagenment of all tiec chiurltnb'.e ' amid ional lnstliutions in tIme state. Time bill cu'ealuig ( a , State Board of Ralirond Conlneli4sioimeu5 fulled. to pass ( lie liotuse. Tue huoUe imasse.h a. memorial to congress , asking timat tiee tract of country lying southe of thee Tel- howstomme NatIonal park. amid htnowmm as time Jutchcson IloIc flied "l'etome country , lie ceded to the state \Vyomimmg , to he net arie aim a public it1)1C reserve. Tiuo goverumor lens atldressed a special message to ( lie legIslature urging time vaa- sage of ( lee bill provltliug for ( hue complete organizatlouc of lug horn county ( mum territory to he takete fromn thee counties of Fremont , Joliumsoum fluid Slucuiclaum omm time first Monday of January , 1897. The hIll proctdimig fuuctls to build thee State Agrlctml- tuum'al college Lit Lammuier was lndeuinitei > ' pOSIoflei ( In ( bit ? senate ( lets afternoon , The umgnicultiui'uil college wIll coumtlnue to be combIned w'Ithi time State university at Lamanlhe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ itmiipiuilcmlcui hofcuitcii flu Ourtli lutkota. DISMAItCK , N. I ) . , Feb. 15.- ) ) > ' a 'ote of twemety-iiVe to thIrty-six , after a bug par. hhimnmeimtavy struggle , ( lie question of resub- mIssion of the prohelliltory auucentluneumt was fInally ulefeateui today In ( hue Imouse. Rep- u'esentatlvL' Cooper made ( hue euusaIonimi chuamge ( hut ( lie resiibmnlsloieIH(5 hind neuut it committee to St. Paul unii Itliumnecuhiols to secure umlomicy from tIme wholonie llqumor uleuuleus ametl thee ruuuironds to carry rcmmtubnmts- sloil , I Ic ciunrgeii time railroads haiti been tlereatiueeti with ativemse legislatIon timeless ( lucy contrIbuted , Iteprescuetative I3inmpsoum deumle'h ' the stouy , cialunhleg mb umuommey of't'ereul amId none avaIlable. Tue next prrlieo. sltiome will hut' for $1,000 license for cities , leaviueg 1n'olelbltiolm elsewhere. aulumisters light tutu ilvorco 11111. l'IEItILII , S. I ) , , Feb. i3.-SpecIal ( 'Vole- gnimni.-flisieop ) lucre uiied other mleumoueeina- thomiitl lcnuIer immure issijeil aim uiddmes3 to time pimhihie , inklieg strong grolmuemis agahiest limo divorce bIll umocv PeuuillimE urm,1 , culling on ( lee lt'OImlC to uurise 1mm their might and crush the meumsuure. SI ill lenullouke'i lii imelawar , ' , lOVflhl , Del. , Feb. 13.-One ballot cvas talceum ime joint sessioum of the leglslatuuc fur time selectiomi of a lJrite'i ' States senator. It resiulteti nit follows ; Iilgglmes , 5 ; Athdlcits , 6 ; Muisucey , 4 ( reunubhicuuesVulcott ) ; , 6 ; 11u3miid , 3 ( thelnoeratit ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It I I l'rca.'iu t amid ? o C Ii is mign I ii I tic. ft o. BOiSE , Iuiaiio , Fehu , 13.-Au tue ummenuhera were lmreselet today whmeui thee vote for Umilteil States senator cs'aim talceum , Time ye- stilt was : Shouit , 20 ; I3weci1 19 ; Claggett , 15. ri for infants and Children. . . - - - - - - - - ( I OLtoriic issoweiladapteti to chtliiircn heat Cai.toria cures Colic , ConstIpation , I u'ecomunead it. as superior tommy ' ' Sour fltAmmiochi , Iiamrlicsa , Iruet&loz' , known to inc. " II. A. Jiutcuicil , ii. I ) . , Kilts Womrns , glYeci iJeelu , and promotes dl lii So. Oxford EL , , 1)u'ooklya , N. Y , gestlome , Without lujuniotal medIcal lou , , - "The use of 'Caztorla Ia so unIversal and "For severai years I have recommend its merits so well k'uown that It smeuua a work your ' ( 'uustorin , ' and i.imuiI nimm'ays eontlnu ( C of supererogatIon to entiorJo It. Few arue ( lie tb so as It ha Imnoniatily benefletai latUigent families who da meu 1.eep Castorla results. " vikelie easy ocachi. " lomuu : F , 1'AnD ; M , Ic. , Cnws OLuirvy , I ) , f ) , , 12thi : ; Street and tli Ace , , ew York CItj Icon' York City , 'his Ceirricum Comrwv , 7 31t'nmtA' Srr.aia' , Ncw Yotuc Cmi's' . - - - - - - _ ! - - - - - w----- . . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = Papa's Pants I Would defer for Willie It they w'ore inuitle over and thyoti with iitlllIomlfl Iyes , ( hue gi'eult 1101110 ImlOhley- SI'el' : . ! l'hio t'Iulhdreiimt t'1otlmcm thuo 11111- eu ( 'lOilks'i'nlllot' (11' tll'tSS-t'utll 1)0 ) iIimho to look hike miew , at ut cost of tiiily It ) ( 'tflhts , mUlti lit ) exle'rklmce ) 114 imtmctltd , 1ThNhkS .1 ' ( ' 01111' Jit IilOt't thtitii It ) shiuuins. and time litttt lhliit'ktt , ' htt' fuist. llrecuiomt hook nied 40 ciutuiplom. of coloreut clot ! , , free.eils , hilehiarhson & Co. . lmtithiumgton Vt Ddway9s Il PiUs V Always Rellablo , Purely Vego1abl , l'erfectly tastt'hces , elegantly rotted , purge , . regulate. purify , cleanse ammO strenguimeme. hAt ) 'AY'S l'it.is fur ( tee euie of au , ilsorulems of time Stounsdiu , jlomrel , , iluthmmeya , iliauulsr ) , Zer- you ! Diseases , lilazuumesa , Vertigo , iloatlveflell. I'liei , SICK HEADACHE , FEMALE COMPLA NTS , e BILLIOUSNESS , INDICESTION , DYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION and All Disorders of thi Liver. Obervt , ( tie following symptoms , neetuitlng franc dlsease of thee dIgestive . 'rgumus : CouuMipuutlon , uI. evil , ii itn , I UI I&Ibfl Ut LJUUU 1110 IIVZILI , UCIU' Ill , of the stommuacli , ueausea , lucia thai ii , tleatit ) of frod. rulmness , of cveigiit or the eioiiaci , . sour erucintlonmm. etnithng or ulutierumiR of time heart , clicking or suffocating scnsumtiome , . wiicie In a tyimig oostuure , 1)imnieess of c'i8ion. dot , , or tyabs before the igiut , fever anti dull Pain in this hose , ilcuiclency of PersPiration , yeiiOWitie.4 of the skin nued ees , lenin lit. tiio SIue deceit , ltmeub , antI sutiden flueiues of heat , tuirzen in ulo , uieslu , A few , lou'es at ItADcVAT'le l'uhi.iS vmit free hue systoun of nit the above ulaneeti , ligori'mre. i'nicn eac A BOX , 501,1) ItT uituuaus'rs on smos'r iiy 3tm4Ih nena to Dli. I1AI\VAY ) & co. , Lock liox hh New York. for ISook of Aelvuce. THE GREAT r :6 : & * This extmonuiinnry Rejuvenator is tleo most wouuiiorfuml discovery of ( ito age , It hmmumbcea cuidorseti by time men oflurope Hudyanls . purely yoga- ' table. J * 1 - - l1udnn stops Pomatureness nfhmediscimarge ( 20 days. ' . . Cures aisronue 140 T Apr50. rIcoD' Constipation , Dlzzimie.S ' Fuelling Sensations , Nervous Twltclulimg of ( i'ioyes nied other parts. Strengthens , invlgorates itual tones the ontluo system , Iludyusu cures DebilIty , Nervousness , hmnieculons , and derciopes nut restores weak orgami4 , l'aiums in the back , bites by day 'oi ' nigletarobtopped quIckly , Over 2,000 Ixlvao ' Cu oreemnents. l'xernaturoumesscfleatis impotency In the first stage. I I. is a cymueptone of emmmiima1 weakuiess mcmiii lmarrcnmless. Itcautbe stopmeUiui20dayabytbO we of Itudyamm. TIme meew imlseovery was made by the Scclai1 isis oftleo old famous SI udson Medical iusti- tuta , It Is ( lie strongest vItalizer made. It is verypowcrimi , bitt hiarmiocs. 6olcl for 81.00 a ligeor ii packages for a.oo ( plain scaled iaC , Written gtmauameteO given or a cure. It youiuyuttx ) boxcimand are not entirely cured , tx more will boeemittoyoU free of aflchmcu'ges. Bead for circulars aued testimonIals , Address . 1EBCAL IHSTITUTE , 1032 MARKET ST. , .1 FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA. . _ _ _ _ --TH RASCAN F DROPS vegetable PLLVCt7 Prepared from 81cC cr1 inst f mmthzu , gre rerved In the Ar'imlverof ho ioiy ! Launi , hiii'i :110 urn authentic history duetimeg buick 600yoanis , POSITRIECURE foi' aU Stomach , Kidney and vowel troubles , cspcclnlly -HRONIC CONSTIPATION , I'rloe 110 cesets. Sold by all druggists. the Fraicistan Remedy Co. , ( lii vr 31' . , CJROAOO , zu 'ian Cii'emmhtcr . .e' , i him , eeu'.ted . O.lsnCe " For sale by 1(111111 ( & Co. , 15th & D11g1a3 % S'.msen4tludmcr.einu.FeoclI . hlcmeuiy CALTHOO rrer , suet , i ( E N legsi gtlarntiteo just U..L7lO4 ? ci Ill ( IITII' ii.bnpge. .t EutsIons , 'B ltJmui , , , , , . . OuI itgkrtiig l.oit Clor , f- ' tI : , anijavijsa1isjed. A4IrpI' . VON MOHL CO. , 'b- ' fol. Arisu Ao. , ii.elmti , OC2 _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .1 'UI , A Out' u , 'crI of actual anti tunuienlbl't GUi 0 $ Ut HYI'UILhS Ii itienomeflai. Vo fiimiuieim nil mcd' icllueu. tree auui er.edicate ( tie poison Croci liii 5)51cm In 50 day. . Cure mruarsnteeil , hours , t:30 : II I.I0 ; Wedoesdal's 11fli Batue" ays , 9. p. m. TIlE DINSMOOR REMEDY CO. . 812 New York Life , Omnahul. Nob. VISOR OF MEN Easily , Quickly , Permanently fle&tored. ' ? ( OrVOUCISCSS JOhiihity , mcliii lI thee tratis evils ( ruin early errors OP later oxcces the rcsultI 1k : overwork , tcSiues worry , e'cyii ctc , ullstremegtb , iiveL. - - ' . ' 'c c. ' ( i opusoutauud ( Quo given to t mmii ortlois cveryr ISiiu1i cmi&t- . urat mouotmoile ) , munetli. I - % : ! - - ms . t seen. . I I ( I 1.4 I ' itt I ! iote Improvsmemmt lure ImpossIble. 2.000 refeeflCcI. hook , ezpi&natio anti imrOefs mailed ( scaled ) free. ERIE MEDIOAL 60 , Buffalo , N.Y. . - - - - ' - " - - - - - ' - --------a----r