Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUB : O [ AIIA DAILY BEE : "rnDNESDAY , FEURUARY 13 , 1805. _ _ _ _ _ _
Quarrel in the Courts with the Wnror Works
. Company is Now On ,
: omclnl Ol'clnro that The , . Will Sho" Ihnt
, the \rnlnr SVnrk Comp : , " , Jlnl rnllell
to 1,1"0 VI to the Terml
of Its tontrnet. :
. The bills of the Omaha Wnter Works com-
pany agaInst the city for hYllrnnt ) rentals
: have nt last gone Into court anI the pro.
10nltcl contest that has occurred at. Intervals
In the city council during the past six months
promises to bo brought to n legal Issue. He-
, celver Ulerbower of the water works company -
pany has obtalnell nn order from Judge
nundy directing the mayor , the city comptroller -
. trollcr , the city treasurer and the members
of the council to appear and show cause
. why the bills of the company have not been
paid. The order Is returnable February I 22.
The action of the water works company
In appealing to the courts Is entirely MtlS-
factory to Ito mayor and the members of
the council who have supported hIm In his
repeated vetoes of the water IJl1Is. They are
as anxious as anyone to 11I9cover just how
far the contract between ito city and the
water company Is binding In view of the : .
alleged ! failure of the company to supply
' , the fire protection that It promlsell and
they arc confident that. their position will
bo sustained.
The bills In controversy represent the
clnlms of the compnny Which hnv" ' been , l11ell
since last July. antI they amount to $42.-
462.01. The position of tile mayor which has
been sustained by lie council , Is that tile
water company has failed to fulfil the terms
of its contraetln which It guaranteed furnish
ample tire protection , and that , therefore the
bills shoulll bo reduced In proportion
The mayor snlJmltted his veto of the bills for
the reasons suggested In his messae. ! lie estl-
matell the amount expended by the city on
account of the failure of the water company
to furnish fire protection at $3066.20. and
; therefore recommenllC't1 that the balance of
l1G05.8'1 be 11ald. After It i long debate the
veto was mstalned : : by a veto of 8 to 9.
PrevIous to thIs ! the city attorney had been
I Instructed by resolution to take such legal
steps as would establish the rights of the
, city In the premises and whether the company -
pony was fulfilling Its contract from a legal
standpoint. No action has been taken by
. . the city attorney for reasons which were
, ' stated to the council at the time. \Ir. ! Connell
believed that the city would be In a far batter
ICSitiOfl to make a light 111 the courts If the
water works company was compelled to take
the Inltlatlv Consequently no suit was be-
gun untIl the company was forced to go Into
court of Its own volition.
\Ir. ! Ulerbo\\'er sal that the company lUll
. brought the suit as a last resort and simply
. to settle the question ( on a definite basis. If
they were wrong ! they wanted to know It , and
. If they were right ! they wanted their money.
This money constitutEd a fund upon which
the company was largely dependent the
Improvements that were contemplated In the
spring ( ! , and If they could not collect It the
. . company would be embarrarsed In that re-
Epect. lie added . however that the company :
proposed to make some extensive improvements -
. ments In any event , but left the impression
that the payment cf the bills would affect In
. soma degree the extent of the Improvements
1'ho Modern Invnlltl.
: . Has tastes medicinally In keeping with other
c luxuries. A remedy must be pleasantly acceptable -
.ceptable In form , purely wholesome In compe
. slUon truly beneficial In effect and entirely
- . . free from every objectionable quality. If
really III ho consults a physician : If consti-
, pated he uses the gentle family laxative , I
: of Figs
Syrup - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
: 'JlILLU"S . .nUGR JSr.ANu'- XJunSlON
. Through 'l'ourbt Sleeping Car to SUI 'rl\u-
r cisco amid Los Angeles.
. . - . VIa Chicago , Rock bland & Pacific railway
: ' leaves Omaha every FrIday at 1:10 : p. m. .
- - . vIa Denver , Colorado Springs Pueblo Salt
. Lake , Ogden. Also through tourist sleep
. , to Los Angeles every Wednesday on our
. - southern route via Fort Worth and EI Paso.
: _ Tickets . and sleeping car reservations can be
secured nt the "Rock Island" ticket office
; ; ' For full Informat ell call on or alldess
CHARLES KENNEDY , 1602 Farnam St. ,
; . G. N. W. P. A.
f. i .
: . ; To time PacIfic Coat ; anti Votorm ) 1' . > lnt. . .
, Via the UnIon Pacific , the World's Pic-
lorlal Llno Head time limo. To Same Fran-
- r cIsco from Omaha , 67Y. , hours : to Portland
t from Omaha , 65 * hours. First class through
Pullman cars. DInIng car service unsur-
.t e passed. Free reclining ! chair car : ! . Uphol-
stored Pullman Colonist sleepers dally between -
tween Council fluffs , .Omaha and San Fran-
, , - cisco , via C. & N. W. and Union Pacific sys-
tern without chang . con en cling nt Cheyenne
{ with similar cars for Portland : also dally
I between Kansas City and Portland , connect-
Ing at Cheyenne with similar cars for San
Corresponding limo ( and service to Colorado -
' rado , Utah. Wyoming , Idaho and Montana
i points hARRY P. DEUEL ,
City Ticket Agent. 1302 Farnam street.
. . .
Large / Inereno In tlio Crop of Jce-Cutlluj
: ; . . Still loot ( lii .
. t Ice cutting still goes merrily on ; notwlth-
i ; : Itandlng the fact that there Is already In
* - (
: the warehouses more Ice than was stored
. ) durIng time whole of last season Yet . time
; P ; weather permitting ! . the harvest will continue
! ; . Etill anolber week The crop will there-
. tore be fully 2& per cent larger than the pre-
" vlons one. TIme Omaha companies , however
: do not fear an overstock for last year they
fan out of ice In July and were compelled to
. rely entirely upon the South Omaha Ice com-
p0111 whose contract with _ Swift & Co. enabled - I
abled them ( to supply nil demands. As
; nearly as can be ascertained at this time
time amount stored will reach 75,000 tons
' , Time Arctic Ice company , which draws its
1 : supply tram the reservoirs nt Florence and
t Walnut lilli , has tlnlsbell storing ! 20,000 tons
In the houses nt Fifth 111111 Jones streets and
. 'Iorenco ( anti Walnut 11111.
Cotton when finished , will ha\'o 10,000 tons
. ; train Cut err lake and time rIver stored on
, , the lake beach and nt the foot of Webter
, ; atreet.
; . lamorfau'C : nros. calculate upon 10,000 tons
. provided the weather continues co\ll. \
: Sautter & lUng will 11robably store IiOOO
- Ions lit Cul.OfT lake .
9 ' The Kimball Ice company Is cutting at then
n , lower reservoir and Cut-Oft lake , and wJII )
. ' - II\\'e : at least 17.000 tomms This company
\ : . has tht' house formerly \ used by time Crystal
Ice company , I1nll another nt the lower reser-
4 TIme West Omaha Ice company has a house
In the rIver and at the crossing of the nell line
L end Lea\'el1werlh streets It wll\ \ : toro
. . 1 > bout 2QOO tons ,
Sf This year Dr. : 'lIl1er l"'Iten ' the field for
. r tIme first time Ito has an artificial lake at
; , I Boymour park . which Is supplied by live
. artesian wells. From this ho will cut about
, 10.000 ( emil .
'Che total amount of Ice consumell In
: . Omaba ! per year II about 100J00 ( tons , 'Chis
may hs called an outside ( figure. Of this
. , limo South Omaba Ice C mlIRny lat year SUI1'
pIled over 31,000 tons , and as It will this year
get Its Ire from artEsian water the proprietors
: - think that ( they will \ dispose of that amount.
- : It not mimoro during ! the coining summer.
Outside of Omaha Swift & Co. at Ashland
are the moll important In time fleid Swift
. & Co. have no limit but will go on cutting
. .t lOll litorlng ns long al ( ho weather permits.
. When theIr two Immense houses lire full they
, will pile up the lee outside and ship It out
; IB soon as possible , They will put UI at
' 't least 100.000 tens
r Two competitors have practically \ dropped
. f out this \ year In Omaha. \11 : The Crystal
; ice ( Company ( amul the Omaha company , but
their places are more thall filled by Dr.
Miller with his artltlchl lake.
. Time cutting and storln ! C\f ice , comIng nl
It does In the depth of winter ts n fortunate
Dne for the inhering clan thrown out of
. , other lines \ of work at this 6eason. Nearly
i time whole COlt Of Ice II made UI' of wages
, palll for labor. This amounts to about 1i0
. cents per ton by the time 11 Is tlltell up In
; the ' arehous . gIvIng rise to time llhtrlhll-
, c lJ. , . u of oyer $ JS.QQa to Ulan most In lIeed of It-
JIu.tU'.s tIlCOS.
Over Three Thonsnn\ l'leeel of Silk , All
New Spring ; UOOl14. Now on Sale
nt 11"1,11'11 I1r08. .
Our New York buyer bought an Immense
quantity of new silks last week nt the
peremptory trade Bale of Schwazenbach
lIuber company and they arc now arriving
dally by express , We have placed our new
spring stock of silks just opened up on the
same low scale of prices and now offer to the
ladies of Omaha a grand opportunity to pur-
chase new and stylish silks at lower prices
than old goods ! can bo bought clsewhere.
Wo quote a few of the many attractions we
have to orrer.
Changeable glace silks , 20 Inches wIde
Striped Japanese wash silk only 25c yard
Chanltcable glace silks 24 Inches wide ,
39c yard
Check and plaids In wash silks only 39c
Cable cord wash silks , new goods , 3ge
White Jap wash silk , 20 Inches wide 29c
yard ,
Changeable taffeta and sumh silks 49c
Colored Iros grains all colors 6Oc yard
CrepG de s'1enes , nil colors 49c yarll
Printed ChIna silks new styles , 25c ynrd.
Cheney Uros ' printed India silks , 49c
Small check taffeta silks new 49c yard
Swivel silks 130 designs 30 Inches wide .
4ge ;
49c.Gros mb Ie J.onl1r.s . : In dark and evening '
shades Gge yard.
Satin duchesso , nil new colors , only 7&c
Satin damas broches , evenIng shades , 76c
Colored I'eilin satin stripes only bOc yard.
Colored molres , all \ silk only r.9c yard
Damas s\\'I\'Ols. newest gootls out , 49c yard
flack China silks 21 Inches wide 2&c } 'ard ,
Blacle Inllla sllle , 27 Inches widq \ , 3ge yard
Black taffeta silk 20 Inches wide 49c yar.l
, hack lining silks 20 Inches wide 29c yarll ,
Black satin duchesso 22 Inches wide 69c
flInch satin de Lyon , 20 Inches wide , 89c
Black satin regenee 2-1 Inches wlde,9Sc
) 'ard.Ulac1e
Ulac1e satin mcvelhieux 21 Inches wide SOc
yard.fllack .
Dlack royal venetlerre , 21 Inches wide , 98e
yard :
Black moire silk all sill . & 9c yard
Yard wide black satIn only 59c yard.
Yard wIde black lora'e silk 69o yard.
Yard wide black India sl1le. & 9c 'ard.
This is . thin Inr..t , , n,1 mnd nllrn..tI..n
offering of ; silk ; i b'e ; ; - made ; In 1 ' Omaha.
It consists excluslvcly of new and fresh
goods manufactured for this scason's trade
and Includes large varieties II complete range
of grades of the newest weaves and styles.
Values never offered by any house In
34-lnch black fancies worth 25c. for 12Y.c.
3S-lnch black herring bone cashmere tong
Sebastapol velour frosted bengaline , 25c.
40.lnch all wool henrletta 25c.
46.lnch nil \,001 extra heavy quality Ger-
mlln hcnrletta , 39c.
40-lnch nil wool figured batiste , fine qualIty ,
worth 6Gc , our price 35c.
3S.lnch pnre mohair ( figured ) . 35c.
46.lnch Frederick Arnold's best grade
German henrietta , $1.00 quallly , 50c.
40.lnch all wool fancies , the $1.2 ; ) qualIty ,
special , 65c (10 ( patterns 10 select from ) .
40.lnch extra quality black alapacca , worth
&Oc : our Jrlce 29c.
40.lnch nil wool fancies made on II granite
cloth . &Oc. .
46-tnch nil wool serge extra weigh and
qualIty aPe
One day amid one dress sale , 60 pieces
India twill full 40.lnch wIde , worth 25c : our
special 10c.
The 1\1. II. Cook Clothing Co's creditors'
sale sllll on.
All of Cook's Mackintosh coats with capes
nt $4.00 , $5,00 and $6.00 : Just one-halt prIcE
AU Cook's leather coats at one-bait price
$ 2.7& and $3.00.
AI ! Ceok's rubber coats , $2.00 and $2.50 ,
one-half price
All Cook's satchels and traveling bags , one-
hal prlco.
More attractive than ever New bargains
added every day to keep the Interest up.
It will pay everyone to keep , postedon
our low prices for aU thO' standard arid ' most
reliable goods. Bargains are the order of
the l1ay. Bargains tn sateens bargains In
fine ginghams bargains In fine wash dress
goods ! , bargains In muslins , bargains In linens ,
bargains : In biankets . In fact there are bargains -
gains all along the line.
This stock contain ! the largest and most
bewilderIng variety at exquisite styles In domestic -
mestic and French satcens and every other
fabrIc In the wash dress goods line
Plt'uqant Tulto
The Northwestern line cast. Vestibuled
Chicago train that glides east from the union
depot every afternoon at 6:4& : and Into i
Chicago at 8:46 : next morning with supper
and la carte breakfast. Every part at the
train Is RIGHT.
Our east tIl traIns at 11:05 a. m. and 4
p. m. dallr-good. too.
CIty tlcleet office , 1401 Farnam street.
. -
lIom'seeker lxeurHlon. :
On February 12 , 1895. the Union Pacific
will sell tickets from Nebraska and Kansas
points to nil points In Kansas Nebraska ,
Wyoming Colorado , Utah and Idaho , at rate
of one far for the round trip plus $ 2.0O.
Tickets good for twenty days Stopovers al-
See your nearest Union Pacific agent.
E. mCKINSON. Gon'l \Ianagel' ! \
E. L Lm.IAX , G. P. & Tltt. Agt.
- -
I(1)llEEIICI : : : HxcvnSl0NS.
South VIII limo \\'lIhuh ilmiliroati
On February 5 and 12. March 6. April 2
and 30. For rates or further InformatIon
and a copy of the Homeseeleers' Guide call
at the New Wabash office UI5 Farnam
street , or write G. N. CLAYTON
N. W. P. Agent , Omaha , Neb
IHI.I ) .
FOnl\IAN-Chn E. . only son of 1\1' and
Mrs. Alfred Formnan , at their residence
No. 1320' South 32(1 ( avenue . lit 4 o'clock
1. m. . February 12th , IIled 18 yenr 3
months , 12 dn 's. Funeral lIotlco later ,
Chlcllgo. St. Louis amid Denver Impers
Please copy
MOHIUSON-Mrs. Mar ) ' , February 11. age
bO years 2 months and 8 days . lit the
home at her < daughter 1\1rs Mortensen ,
near Coftnian Neh. Funeral tram the
Danish Lutheran church , 'rwentr-secOIul
nOli rea\'enworth streets , 'l'hursda ) ' . Feb-
CllIlry 11. 1 1 o'clocl p , m. Interment lit
I'rospect 11111. Friends cordially lmmvlteti
Outting Prices on Silks nud Dress Goods
Worse Than Ever
Time Tlnwnro antI time Cloaks Oct n Terrible
Cut In l'rtel's TOl1lnrrn' - BeG
Fifth l'ngo-Tells You
All About It.
Dutterlek's patterns , Delneators ! and fash-
Ion sheets for Iarch are now ready.
We give you 40-lnch novelty goods , worth
76e. for 43c tomorrow
The $1.50 H.lnch mohair novelUe9 go for
The 52-Inch black broadcloth that we used
to sell for $1.2& goes tomorrow for 73c.
The regular price or our I\-Inch ; \ diagonal
chevIots was $2.26 $ a yard . Your choice now
uutlerlck's Patterns. Dellneaters and fashIon -
Ion sheets for March arc now ready
All the 40 to 52-Inch hops3cklngs. serltes ,
henrlelta , checks plaIds anti noveltlcs that
were never less than 65e. and most or them
$1.2& a yard will go tomorrow at 29c.
All the 46.lnch wool anti silk plaids , the
regular ! $2.0 quality , will be yours tomorrow
at G9c.
The $1.0 a yard plaids In wool and sub \ ,
46 Inches wldt' are cut tomorrow lo 39c.
Uutterlclt.s l'atterns Delineator and fashIon -
Ion sheets for March are now ready .
'Ve have 8 plecoo of plaId l surahs , In lark
colors , tIme regular ! prIce of which was $1.00
a yard , and the ) ' are worlh every cent of It ,
but we are cloeng ! ! them omit tomorrow at 49c.
All the $1.0 24-lnch l'eaumlgnons will go
tomorrow at 85e.
Then there's a lot or black brocaded satin ,
noman stripe surahs and novelties that we
never sold less than $1.50. and many pieces at
$2.50. must be cleared oul of time way at 95c.
We have Just a few of those COo to 75c
colored Mllns left to close out at 25e.
Dutlerlck's Patterns , Delineator \ and fash-
Ion sheets for \larch ! \ are now ready.
All the 8-lnch $2.0 gloves are $1.75.
Ladles' 4-button $2.00 gloves ! , $1.43.
Ladles' Fanchen $2.25 Ittoves. 8-lnch lenltth.
- - "
Ladles' Fanchon $1.75 gloves , 4-button $1.25.
All the $1.iO ( and $1.75 gloves for 7&c.
Dutterlclc's l'alterns , Delineator and fash-
Ion sheets for March are now ready.
Doings of the Imtylmm null bellt the
( ( flirts .
Judge Ambrose Is stlll hearing testimony In
the l'o\lsh \ church case , which Is not much
nearer time end than at the beginning ! of the :
term. Several members of the congregation
of the church are on the stand every day.
An IndIctment has been returned against
Harry Coode for embezzling $5,000 from tIme
Heyn Photo Supply company Coode Is now
In the county jail , having been arrested on
the charge some time ago.
Monday and yesterday the grand jury had
wttnesses givIng testimony In the South .
Omaha gambling cases. There will be more
than twenty addltlonal witnesses heard be-
for thin Investigation Is closed. The time
yesterday was taken lip listening
to the testimony of reporters who had
brought to bight \ the facts In the case. This
mornIng ex-Detectlve Shoup , vas closeted
with Limo jury for two hours and I a. half.
After he had given hIs testimnony Attorney
MonllOmerv. the nartner of Attorney Doud.
was called ; ' and remaIned -In. the room until
noon. " , " ,
A motion for ' a new trial In the case of
Palll Horbach against John A Smiley has
been overruled Time contest was o\'ernotes :
nglregatlng- value $22,500. "a verdict being
brought In by the jury In favor of ' the plain-
tIff , .
S. D. McIntyre who sued the Union Pacific
for $1,500 , the value of a blooded horse whIch
he claim ! was killed by the negligence of the
company and who was defeated , has flied a
motion for a new trIal on the grounds of ,
Mao ! \ C. Dell has applied for a receiver to
take charge of certain property of whIch she
Is the morlgagee. She claims that Check 11"
Toncray who gave the mortgage , has failed ,
to pay tIme taxes on the property , and lint In
consequence , the amount of the tax and her
I own claims are more than the property Is
Before Judge Scott James Brennan a solder -
der ! , Is beIng trIed for assaulting a girl
named Selma E. Johnson The state Is trying
to prove that several people were summoned
I to the scene of time crime by the cries at the
girl and that they recognized time fendant.
The defense claIms to bo able to prove an
Time Omaha Driving Park association de-
nies lhat It owes Patrick H Kinney $38 for
hay and other articles On the other hand
It claIms that It rented some buildings to
KInney at an rental of $900 a year and when
It wanted Kinney to vacate ho refuseti to do
so. : ! Time association was thereby Injured
and damaged to the amount of $1.000 and prays
for II judgment for that amount. I
In n supplemental petition H. H. Grotte a
former liquor \ dealer of this city denies that ,
he ever owed $7,500 to Nalle ; & nrecher for !
merchandise de\lvered. \ The case was In the
court some time agO and a. receiver was appointed -
pointed to take charge of Grotle's slocl A
writ of attachment , vns issued In favor of
Nitgle & Drech and the stock was Ieied 1
on by the simeriff Now Grolte claims thut
ho was not Indebted to the firm anti that
consequently time writ of attachment was
void Ho prays for any relief that the
court may give him
Eva C. Thompson has commenced suit In
the dIstrict court against D. C. Daily John
Bailey and John A. Johnson. She claims
that sue Is the owner of a piano that Is
worth $175 anti thnt time defendants had re-
talnell time Instrument for more than thirty
days prior to September 22 , 1893 She thinks
that as a solace to her during her weary
hours the harmeny at time pIano was worth
fully $1 II day anti consequently desires the
court to cOlllpel time defendants to retmmrn
time Instrument or its value to her antI $1
for each and every day that It remained In
the-Ir possession.
III 1893 Joseph A. Cavanaugh anti Octave
1I0uscaren gave , a prDllllssory note to V. ' . 11.
. _ - - - - - - - - - . - . . - - , - . - - - - - - - - - - - . - -
Almost Give11 Avay.
Cob t red igte Pastel 11 ! 39c
Choice of .gilt , ivory or wlllt and gilt patcerns
Aitist Genuine I Etching $119'
Proof I
In exquisite up to date frames complete.
Gemdiiel Hand Painted 'Water ' I Colors
Parlor size , in handsome frames I $1 98
Ready to hang complete _
. .
1 Tp ' making ft.UUOS to orlci' . ' than '
ai'o ( ohco.pol' you can
\Iv \ buy the \Uollltllng PI'orosslunuls and nmolo\1l'1 : should .
got OUI' JlI'lcus un palnt3 , hl'Uihos ! , cunvus and all artist
matol'lnl. Deulors "hOlll have OUl' \\'holol:1lo ; catalogues ,
Retell 1613 Douglas Streot.
_ A Hospe Jr
o wholesolo 1614 l7.nrd Street
. - _ . - -
- -
turnetL The note''I1Ia % not paid when It ma-
tured , and flurnettacommenceti suit In the
district court against Cavanaugh and nails-
eaten The jury ntnned a verdict [ let his
favor In the sum dtJ$325. Cavanaugh filed a
motion for a new strial . which waR granted ! .
and the case Is saw- being retried before
Judge Keysor. Cannaush claims that ho
signed \ the note as'urety for Bouscaren. lie
also claims that onragnement was made that
nOUBcaren should bIrn- over a number of so-
cured notes from aitimird ! party to an agfrnt
of Burnett ns securities for the note In
question lila plea ISlthat the notes that 110ul-
caren gave were not secured and not walth
119 much ns the collateral securities that the
plaintiff released In'return.
Whole81\Io Clothing ! ltrm Will ) Uo to Another .
other elt , . .
Gilmore & nuh ! . the Omaha jobbers of
clothing . have decided to mo"e their business
to St. Louis where they will \ continue In time
MillO line. The two members of the firm
visited that city last week and 'Ir. Huhl has
just returned frolll there while his partner
lisa gone on rost. Mr. Huhl says that : they
determined ! U(1on ( making time move largely !
because they wIshed to open up In connection -
Hon with their wholesale business a factory
for the manufacture of the better grades of
clothing , mind that such a business could be
carried on to better advantage In .a larger !
city where there was plenty of factory hell
to bo lmad They expect to move In May or
June or In lime to handle time fall trade
from their new location
Till I : UumCT bOU'l'IIEltS nOUTI
Vims It"elc 181111\11 , Bhortet LInD anti .utOJt
1'lmt' ,
To all points In Kamisas Oklahoma IndIan
Territory Texas and all points tn southern
California Only one night ! Jut to all points
In Texas. The "Texas Lhnttell" leaves Omaha
at 5:15 a. m. dally except 5umlllY. landing
passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours tn
nd\'anco nil other lines Tbrough tourist
cars vIa Ft Worth and EI Paso to Los An-
gehes For full particulars , maps folders ,
etc. . call at or address Rock Island ticket
office , 1602 Farnnm St.
For the " 'orkin ! ; Girls home .
A literary nllli musical entertainment will
be given at Y. 1\1. C. A. hall on Thursday
evenln ! for the bemiefit l of tIme Working Girls
home at 1720 Case street.
Opening nd < lr ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rush !
l-'hllharmonlo Quartet..lie Chnpel
Jallles Hush , JohnBrnan , Charles Iorlar-
ity , James Swift. .
Vocal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Croft
Thy Eyes Will Tell . . . . . . . . Miss : Jennie Croft
Guilty 01' Not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DeFsle Daly
The Dohemlan Glrl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .
Misses Clara , Emma anti Master John
Vocal Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John B. l\cCosvllle
Silvery , yll.vEs..B sslo Daley .
'Tis No Drenm..lIInrltarct Cosf'rove
Bitldy's ' 1'ooth , . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . .Amand Benson !
The Dying Orphan's Prayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1\lrs. \ l\Imr.4e 1'hompfOn anti Merle \ Thompson -
son , accompllnled by May ! Quinn.
Recltallon..J. P. Donell
Song. . . . . . " ' 111 You Love Me When I'm Old
' : \ illss Ella McIntire.
The Hohln's Hetllrn..Bes . Daley
Accompanylst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\lIs \ ! ! Swift
The 1'lnt'At Crenmcry Jlutter 20c.
'VhJ ever heard Of such a thing , when
every one ts selling butter at 25c , 30c and
35e. Hayden Dro . will gIve all a chance tu
buy the finest made for 20c Remember nu
highmer and this Is the Separator butter , and
It Is foolish to say that there Is any better
made. Good country butter 7c , 9c and 11e.
Extra fine country butter for 12y"c. Now
take advantage of this amid put tn a. supply ct i
lard at the same time. I
3-pound cans best lard . 24c. '
5-pound cans best lard 3ge.
10.pound cans best lard 76c I
, As alwa.ys"we ; are leader ! In low prleos.
, , HAYDEN 111(05.
- _ ' , 'MS = -
r DRO'P'S Purely [ !
UlllAJ Vegetable .
Prepared from the rlglnal f.J mulllo r rte
rel'VcJ.ln the Ar'hl"er c'f Silo L ely ( .n.Uf1.luw
lg : un authentic hlstery dating bn& OOO'eal'8
- - - -
Co : uU StomJh , Kidney : nr.d Bowel
troubles , especially
Price 50 oc'atrSold by r.ll drug'ibta
\:9 Fra'.lcJs\ \ Remedy Co. ,
'S1 ' V } " "IRZ-I \ ' . . IJUlC'\QO XI2 .
. . -Jr. . .
Va' 1 sal Uj Kuu : & Cn. , IMi l & Dng1s
. .
Defendants Much Disnppointcd ! nt the
Sudten ! Turn of Affairs
Jdllgo (1ro'flcul' t'OfltlOIICI ! time COIl lltmt'Y
Vases for Thtrtt'en " 'l'ek -Jllrorll
Conjmtulnte tIme l'rIRoncr-\
Urnllllltlc Seello In Cutlet
CIIICAQO Feb. 12.-Jut1e ! Orosscup has
postponed ! ' Ito Debs trial until tile first Mon-
day In May. Ho discharged the jury to-
day on account of time serious Illness of
Juror Coe and a neW jury will be summonell
when tIme case Is again put on trial
A dramatic scene followed the decslon ! of
Judge Grosscup In dlschnrglng time jury Time
jurymen left their seats and while some
stopped to shake JUdge Grosscup's hand the
majority of them hurried to where the pris-
oners were sitting amid surrounded Debs They
slapped him on the back shoal hands with
him again ! anti agaimi and cXllressl profound
admiration for his bearing during the trial
"nebs , " said Juror Baird "when this trial
Olenell J was In favor of giving ! you a fi\'t' )
year sentence , but llUW I111I anxious to see
you free. "
Similar expressions were heard from the
other jurors , -allli It was evident that the case
woulll have resulted In an nCllulltal hall It
not ellllNI In a 1I1lstrlal. Time attorneys for
tIme defense were crestfallen at the sudden endIng -
Ing ! of the case all expressing the opinion that
victor was In sight for the defellliants when
Juror Coo's Illness stolipemi the proceedings
Time defenllantD were Equally sorry that the
trial coulll not proceed nebs expressed him-
seas confident that he and his associates
would have been acquitted. The continuance
of the case leaves time American Hallway
unon ! directors free temporarily , but under
two ball bonds each.
Time appeal from the contempt sentences Is
still pending In tIme supreme commrt where each
defendant Is under bond ! , and the ball In the
present or conspiracy case will stand until
the trial Is resumed next 1\1ay.
Captain Sweeney U. S. A. . San DIego ,
Cal. . says : "Shlloh's Catarrh Hemedy Is time
first medicine I hn\'o ever round that would
do cue any good " Price 50c.
Compr" of Colored lIen : 18 to noormetl
-Ye mtcrliy's ; ExammihimtIon' .
The Board of FIre and Police ComI1lIFson- !
ers helll a protracted session yesterd3Y aft-
ernoon for the purpose of appointing several
new men to places In the tire departm llt.
Each commissioner had prepared : list of applicants -
plicants whom he favored , and out of nbout
300 names forty were selected and given to
ChIef nedell. The chief was authorized to
i make a personal selection of fifteen men for
regular duty ana ten for tIme reserve force.
Time applicants arc to go before the chief of
the department today and ' those who are se-
lectell will have to Ita through n physical
examination. Each man wilt be given sixty
da's' trial In the departmmient after whIch
those who develop Into good Ilremen will \ be
given permanent positions CommissIoner
Strickler Introduced n resolution , which was
adopted , to time effect that not less than four
colored men bo appointed by tIme chief and a
colored company be organIzed at once. Time !
names ' of the successful applicants will prob-
ably bo made known at a. special meeting of
thus \ ( commissioners In the next few days.
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ @
@ t . I . O1d'aid.- I . @
@ .r. I r- . d , - -iItJ @
r . ; '
, : J' ' .Ii _ 1) ) Young @
\ " I f " I ,
. 1.f 1. suffer alike from General Debil-
( : ' , 1 ' . It is dis-
@ t ; ity. a very common - @
I ,
@ . 1' : order , and results from a variety @
@ ( , \ - of causes. It should not be @
@ confounded with fatigue , which @
@ ' is transitory. In General De- @
® tItl II ,
, It bility , the weakness , unless arrested .
@ rested , will gradually increase @
@ - ( 1 , -tj and finally become permanent. @
@ For , this reason great care must @
@ be exercised in the use of the proper remedy. What is wanted , @
is somethillg that will restore the lost energy and build up the sys-
@ tern This can be had in @ I
i Ozomplsion I
@ a scientific preparation of Ozone , Guaiacol and Cod Liver Oil. It @
@ renews the appetite , restores the nerve tone , and enriches the irn-
@ poverished blood. It is a food as well as a medicine ) and supplies @
@ the nourishment necessary to enable the organs of the body to @
@ properly perform their functions-which means perfect health @
I Ozoiiiiz1sion is tIle kind Physicians Prescribe . i
@ for Colds , Coughs , Consumption and all Pulmonary @
. Troubles ; Scrofula , General Debility , Iosa Flesh , @
Amcntia and aU Wasting J Disenacs.
@ ! . : : @
@ Han somc IIIcstrated Pamphlet Free , T. A. SLOCUM CO. . 183 Pearl St" , New York. @
@ @ @ @ @ @ $ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
KUHN & OtY : 15th and Douglas Sts" , Omaha ,
No lioiier No 8h'IUIi. No uJIIIt't'r.
DES' ' I'O\'E1t ror Corn amid Feed MIIIH , lIallu/ /
I1(1) ' , HUllulng Separators Croumerles , & : c.
, .
Stationary or Portable.
. 1 t 120 II , P. 8 to so II. 1' ,
. % . # 1 - tend for CntllloJue , l'rlcCI ! . etc. . describing work 10 bo Ltone.
Chicago , 24 SLake st. w THE OTTO CAS EN CINE WORKS
Omaha , 321 So , IStl1St. : JlttVnlullt : lit . , I'lllLU1mLI'1hIA. l'A.
A mnia's fOll\OwGnary \ [ ,
1I1'on31 : < < 'Qut're gent 1M KerTous or Ec\
U.aI.he. lisle 1.lkBu.tinn , I'leepl.u ,
I "pod,1 ( or ; lenoral ) euralsaio ) for ! It .
B In& Gout , HIJue hiior e" , Ad . ; l' .
l' < l > ala , Al1Ic.iu. Ant dolt for A . . . .11 , .
nntl . othem . .ee. . " " , , 1'1100,10. lAsnU : : ; tar. : .
UeTl'o..n : ! .
Hit \nlra ! f.ruc : CIiiCi' } ;
For sale by all drugillll , QA1h1 .
Teeth Without Plates
paxion 111k.
: lkarlla'n \
itithi amid \arlla'n 511
'j'ol : , ios ,
1.'ul1 Set Teeth. . . ! Ii.OJ % . ltllnllll 1 . . . .II.OJ ]
Iiet \ 'l'uttim . . . . 7./iJ I Purl fIoll ! Vihiimmgs : : : .OJ
Thin 1'1:11e. : . . . . . , 10.03 \ ( loitl 1 Ol'oWI1B,2Jk _ 'JUl
I'allllc H\ruc'u We 1I1'ld/u / toeUlot (1\11 ( \ 1.0.
T .eth Out In Mornl"'q' ' ,
I New Teeth same da
HOUSE , , )
. _ . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . .J . I
t .
Do without Pants
till Sat1.trday.
Then we'rc going to sell pants for less lImn
you ever heard of pants being scld for before
SAP ' 0L50 I
KI : f--- . ' ' ' ' _ = , ' ' ' h' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'i ' ' > . II'J. ; : : \ : . ; U = ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - _ - - :
"TIle 8111t1l/t'st / IJh..f seeks 'I nest of Its OIt'II , "
Yonng Man Take a Hi11t.
- - . - - - - - - - - - - ' . '
Don' ho aCl'aid to start in at the
think 3 'ou must have everything "splt and span"whon
ri 'ou marry amid settle down.Vu elln give / : you a
- . - . . , : snug little Housokcopiug' Outfit for \'OI'y small umoun
-1I11 thicnwo on't want the money either , You can
. ' S it-4 jiny foe' it gradually.'lth a little homo , IHtt'tly filled
nnd im , lllt\o \ wHo well wllle , " you tU'O on time high
til road to SUCCCS ! !
= = . : _ _ -
A Secret t. !
. Between Mrs. A and vlrs. B.
MI's. \-Oh , what ; a lovely hOII1' : you have I 'Ilml'oully surprised
to see you are so bcaulifullv fUl'Uishod.
MrF. . - Y CSt \\0 have a very nice home , ullll arc OVOI' 50 happy ) now
that \\0 nm'e houEOkceping and so comfortably situate .
. Mt's. A.-liow could you alTot'd to fUI'nlsh so luxul'lousl when your
husband makes only about huH as munch salary as my husu:1.n : I can't
afford It -
1\Irs. B.-1 know my husband makes Vot' ' little salary ) but wo have
learned IL secret
1\1I's. A.-What ! A Secl'ct' ? Pray , tell It to mo , us I am anxious to _
learll anything to bettor our aut'roundtmigs and furnish what wo need to
complete out' homo. '
Mrs. B.-The Sccret is this : 'Vo hUll our \ entire house lUl'nhh'3 on -
the Now PUI'Unl Payment plan by TUB PEOPl.b'S Furniture & CUl'uot .
Co. 'rho. greatest House Furnishers in time wcs. \1.0 pal . them $10,00
down mcnd It'om $1.00 to $250 ; pOI' week , us wo can oi1furd. 'l'hey do not
the ' 10wol' than wo clln buy olso-
charge us any inlercst , and prices are
whet'o. This is our Secret and the way wo accomplish what othcrwlso
would have been un impoEsi lhty. Go and ace for YOUl'sol ana bo con-
vlnee -
ncmombcr , Wo' give you the nEST or cVCl'ythlng- .
Best it1 va1ue. Best iu service. Best iti termsS
Also remember that goods \'foro never so CHEAP us NOW , and that
lieyeannot po&slbly bo chieaper
nailed doivn mire rlq follows , and it Is -ill 810 worth ot SOClI- , $1 IerVllck ,
. Ur 9-t "or 1I10nlh.
which adopt
time salllo tll us yon
only one timing be sure of , our f'UIIII 8ZIi , worth or gootl , 1II1/'iO ! / per weak
. ,
mire Itll \"I'rr.u.II. . . both aK to quality ur $11.00 IL mmumtjm
and vmtlue Our sllle'lIIenllro : courteuus. S oo worth IIf goods , $9 : per woeld , , , .
Ot ) mniith
, IInll ' Or 8K n
\lltlrllllltJe our shipments IA tlaurlllll'lIly are prom mthIrOCmIItCI pi your 67 worth or SOO" Sli 1 ! : lit mior \Vt"lc. "
\ , , Ur IIIHI ! ( pur littilit mm.
[ \
Elthor VJn OILY cash or IICCOpt our easy .
sloe worth or good14. 9:1 : 'II'r ' we"l"
paymclltlllIn :
paymcllt \ , ,
Ur It1t2 ! ! : per IIlIlIItli
S12G worth of gontl8. II\I./'ill ! \ : / . prr \\'e(1le
1'lltS'l'-Ullh Casim SlmO = 'IJ-tVUh ( 'r IGI.II"r ! . lI1"uth
stGO worth of got.tI' ' . t't-l ! Jlur'oelll
lI1outh. Or I'jlll ' Jlor " , uuth
111111 luueh )
part Cash so per
' , , ,
8:00Vortll : of goods , tIlt / " 'r w"'Ie ;
TIIUtU-U'Uh Ilrt : cash 1II11t 80 ( h'I'IlIlwr ' ; : aimouth
821HI worth or goml. . IIIU ! per . woolll
much Ier wool. - ! I. ' P.\III - \ : lIet. tiomithm
Send lOa for Our lUalllJlloth IlInsh."te Cltnloguc. :
Oeu Sat1tYday Evenings UuUI fO O'clo.k.
, _ _ _ ' _ . , . _ _ _ _ - - . , . . . , wI1- - -tJlTtIiII
4JI all 'I'hIs nervommi ' : t1"I _ . Wummim ' , tlmmmnry.jui.u ' I cures 1 / imralmi iormatmonthl l'owor . .
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lJeallaeue , \Vallcfltlnel _ . $ , Iu.t , Vltullty , 111uhlly . ' 011I11. '
! IOIII.ovll , dream . . . . . . , Iml.otcllc . . . . . . . . , . . UI"I waUllllldl.oll . . " eIlUI'
lonlnllll110 :
cd 111 1".I".t titer. " m' excesses
, , , . . , . . , . . , . .
" ' . olntel. [ lIB 11"(1 .Icllnll lu..1I htiIiici' Mnkc
" .
time palo anti rummy Mrollil nlem < 1 plllwl' . ! carrlellin
. \ . ' . (1 box 0 ror , ; ; . Jlymnlllrepn\llwlih \
\ \.A Ttlloclo : t. ( IleruoXI ; . .
. toeuroor nmnnoi'rOfImntIt'1VrItou' < .
Invrllt < .nJlllllrnntpo ,
, h /.l , , . , . . sealed ITrnl.per.wllh letI
, . " ' , . fret iitI plain wrapper .
. . . . . . . . . . . monlllis and tlnnnriul rorererCom' , No rllllTrot"remuulla'
, .
float . I. Jltuare , Dn oJ Io.b mllo'LLon IllS ' 7 . .oU Sold by our O' .DU. imont5 . cruthirtmss . lIu'vo Uecd C. . , 1oI1180ulo'1'ew.le.ChlcItICDo .
Sold III Omaha lIy Sherman & Mc-rnnell. KUlik & Co. Bull 11) Viokers 4 lJerclllll1l. Il'uI.I. ;
- - - - - -
0 . D
LJ Success In Life Li [
U g
g little A Ripans
LI depends on things. Li
o Tabtle { is a little thing , but taking
o [ _ 1
o occasionally gives good clig-es . 0
D tion , and that means good blood , R
B and that means good brain aJ19 tIe
o brawn , an d that means success , nJ
- . < 1:1
. . . . . . . LJ
nlla1J1 TuLulu ; Ii.hl ; - 'I' Mug , ' . ' . . or hI' mall. .
I D It lime irlce , (00 ( Utlill B Lox " ) I. COlIC to 'I'he Iti-
' 5.50 . $ Cimt'mmiit'iil Cumnmblmmm ) ' , 'O. 10 Spimmce 141. , . V.
bOCJo I : [ ; _ DI TJOOd
I I O _ _ _ _
. - 'I
- - - -