Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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I -
- _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ - - _ _ _ TilE OMAITA DAILY - - - BEE - : WENESflAY - - _ _ _ , _ FEBUUARY 1fJ - - - - , - - - I 1 - Rn - - : . - - _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ : - . - - n -
. -
COUNOUJ itruiis. .
OFFICE , . - NO. 12 PEAnL STnEET. '
Delh'crcd 1 tarrlr to nny ftt of the city.
n. " . ' . TILTON , Lcsee.
'TLJONESnuelnul OmfP. No. 4 : nIght
lor , No. Z3.
- .
" - -
,1 I.'un MlNT1ON. : '
Grand 1teI . Council Duts , reopened Oct. 1.
Morr Real 1st810 agency 639 J3roathvay.
O. n. Markeson of South Omaha- and Belle
URn of IvlnJston , Mo. . were married by
. 4b Juslce Cook yeslerday.
' A Northwestern switchman named 1ult
had one hnnel badly crushet between the
bumrers 2lonllay nIght.
Mrs. arnte's attorneys yesterday nlell a
motion for a new trial of the case she prose-
culel nJalust Jacob Nemna'er.
Mcmber of Bluffs dhvlshon Uniform nank
nlchts of 1)'Lhla ! , work II SIr Knight : rank
this evenln ! Full attendance desired.
O. 13. McColm oC Pcrsla , In. . was brought
In last evening by Deputy UnlNl States I
Marshal Ilweg charged with violating the
internal revenue laws.
A musicale w\ be given 'fhurslay , even-
log aL the residence of J. Mueller . 722 Wilow
aveuue. for the benefit oC the Ladles' Ahl society -
cloty of the Congregational church.
Mal Morrissey . who threaten to carve
8&verl Inmates ot 137 Pierce street with a
shoe knife Monday night ; . was fined $16.30 In
police court yesterday morning. 10 paid the
fine oml was releucl1
The wi ot Wilam Ballard. who died recently -
cenly at the Woman's Christian association
hospital . has been med for probate In the
olce or the county clerll. A. Louie Is made
oxtcutor . without bonds.
Elder Iucl , the alleged faith healer who
was unceremoniously fired out of Overton's
mission n couple of weeks ago , Is making
efforts through his fiends to secure another
place to hold his meetings.
On account or death In one of the families
ot Sl. John's Englsh Lutheran church the
Utile Dulcl society ot that church has postponed -
poned for two weeks an entertainment that
WRS announced for the coming Friday night
The Ministerial association held a meeting
yesterday afternoon nt Dr. Phelps' study and
discussed the Chautauqua project again. Col-
end Reed's ' proposition Is not definite enough
yet , and the meeting adjourned until he
could bQ seen ngaln.
Wnde Ioper Is confnod to his home at the
corner or Avenue A and Eighth street as the
result at a fall. lie was going down an out-
Ilde cellar stairway when his toot slipped.
In striking the ground ho broke two ribs and
Injured his spine bndly.
Chief Nicholson ot the fire department has
had hIs buggy equipped with 1 full set ot
rubber tires without expense to the city.
They avoid a gcod deal ot jolting In passing
over tim rough pavements . and corners are
turned without so much danger of slipping.
U. H. Field and L. E. Irldensteln are the
memberB of the school board whose terms or
" . - ofce' expire next month. Each says he has
had enough at serving the people without
pay , and Is . willing to yield the place to .some
other patriot No applications have as yet
been filed .
EmU I.ererts died ycst3rday morning at
4:30 : o'eloek at heart trouble nt the age of
60 years at his resIdence , 326 Eleventh
avenue. Ito was a tinnerand . , a member ot
the 1asol1c order" , the Danish Brotherhood
and the English Lutheran church Funeral I
notice will be given later.
Charles Schulheiss was very much excited -
cited yesterday o'er what he 'ermed the em-
I bezzlcment or George Potter . who had ben
solIciting orders for a baling pan. : The
! rount in controversy was $ 29. Schulheiss
swore out a warrant for Potter's arrest and
the case wl be tried tomorrow morning at
9 o'cloce in l Justice Cook's court. I Is said
k. the case has already been compromls ,
? ' . Jhn Sandal the patrol driver has had a !
trap set to catch a wolf that makes its home
beneath the patrol house. Yesterday after-
' noon ho saw the wolf just as I entered the
hddo and maldng a quick grab he caught I
by the taiL He was.atrald to pull very hard
for fear that the wolf would come put so he
eomPomlset matters with . the animal by
chopping off about six Inches of the tail.
The pIece Is now on exhibition at the police
" Iraenlus Duncan , the young man who has
been-ck nearly all the time since Theresa
p. . . Reed - fed an information against him chargIng -
lag hln wlh being the father of her child .
was on hand In Justice 'Valker's court yes-
: terday afternoon for a preliminary hearing
but the prpsecutng witness had met a
change of heart and did not appear A
number of young follows were also there , ex-
pectlng to tel what they know but their Information -
formation charged was not needed Duncan was dis-
- The truEtces of the free library have decided -
oWed to present the old papers and maga-
h zines to the various charitable institutions
ot the city Thos3 for January were appor-
toned In the following why : Woman's
Christian association hospital 155 : . jai , 12 :
Christian home ali St. Dernard's hospital
'lG ' each. A copy of the library catalogue Is
to be placed In each ot the school buildings
In order that the pupils may have ready ac-
cess t.o It and may leave the bneflt of the
prlnclpnl's advice Is to selection of books to
read .
The janitor of the Thirty-seconli street
school was hit by a meter train last evening
and quite . severely , bruised lie was crossing
the tracks at Thirty-fourth street and observed -
served the street car coming only a short
distance away. While In the middle or the
track and attempting to Increase his speed he
slipped and toll , and before he could get off
, the track thl front plalform of the motor
struck him In the face and side of the hend.
The motor POPlO carrle.d him to his' , home
and sent for a physlclnn. Ills Injuries were
painful but not ot a BerlQus nature.
Wo have over $ 300,000to - IIan , upon 1m-
Iroved ) Iowa farms Farmers desiring loans
cat lave money by dealing . direct with us .
thereby saving agent.s commission We do
Jot loan 'on wild lands. nor In Nebrask3.
Lue & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
IieauUlu1 Linen "tusln Underwear nt Your
O\n 1'rlct.
Ladles' white skirts , 50c : corset covers ,
. 10 ; chemise , 33c : corsets , 35c ; lallel' hand-
kerchiefs , 3c ; dote veiling . 5c : crinoline ,
50 ; Saxony yarn , all at 4c.
That potpie dinner at the Pearl Chop house
for 150nover anything leo I.
1'1fItSO..tI4 J'13Cli1f.1PII.
J. T. Tldd Is confined to his home with the
grip .
Miss Sue Ellis . formerly employed as book- ,
ceeper with David Bradley & Co. of this cIty , I
returns today from a visIt with her parents '
a\ \ Little Sioux Ia . to accept a similar posi-
ton with Keys Bros.
- . Deputy Sheriffs Et Anderson and W. II.
Darker of Woodhury county were In the city
on their way home to Sioux City [ rom
b' Clarinda , where they had taken an Insane
patent named Bureau
1r , and Mrs. Francis Murphy have ben
holding temperance meetings In Pltsburg ,
Pa , and Lisbon , 0. , recently , which have
ben very successful The newspapers or the
two placl speak In flattering terms 01 1lrs ,
Murphy who has developed Into qulle a
publc speaker and does almost S8 much work
among this mono the Illlcl lS her hULblnd does among
Harry Curtis , secretary of the Young Men's
Christian association . left last evening for
Olaloosa and Ottuinwa. At the later place
bo 'il attend the me , ting oC secretaries
from all over tim state and will investigate
thu gymnasium all bath room equipment of
the association , with a view to getting some
Ideas which will be ot use to him In fitting
up the new headquarters here. lie wil return -
turn Monday. and before that time the com-
mite which has the responsibility of se-
' I tni I location bores to have made Its
choice and gotten the work of making alter-
' aliens well under way ,
' ,
. 1Iarr"iC Lteonoe
The following marriage Iceles wre .s-
sue ly the Cunty clerk yesterday : .
Name and Address Age '
O. 1. Murkeson South Omaha. . . . . . . . 31
Hele Hall , Livingston , Mo . . . . . . . . 2
Charles E. Morrow , Harrison count ) " In 23
1).te M9rtn , Council nlufs. . . . . . . 2
Davis sels drugs . . paint and glass cheap :
, I NeAtest drug store Taylor'l , Orand hotel. ,
' : wJ
I ;
Ji D. Et1muldson Wins His Snit Against
the Swiss Muse Box Makera.
Alornl)1 Conh1 Not Agree and the Trinh
, - Inter-
Wl Ito SI'lln\tc-Sc-emt
cstng ltnth'T Uoekltlt for
1m Jluly hearIng'
Tile case nf .1. n. Edmundson against
Baker & Co. of Ocuus'a . Switzerland , over a '
$ lee mUsic box came 10 an unexpected ell
yesterday morning In the district court. At
the conclusion of the testimony 1dmundson's '
attorney mel a motion asking that Il be
taken front the jury. 'fhe motion was or-
guell and slstnlnell bY' Judge Thornehl . and
a verdict of $193 with Interest was rendered
In Etiniundson's favor , by the direction ot
the court . The Interest brings the total
JUdgment up Lo $210.9 The music box ,
which Is i now stored In a music house In
t1 J cty : , \ \ 11 i I IloubLeEs : to [ e1e1 on execution
anll l llmulllson and the manufacturers whit
have n chance to bill upon It. The market
for $400 music boxes In this vicinity Is nol
lively , and the chances are that they wl
have the sale all to Lhemselves.
A disagreement between the attorneys In
the three law stilts against H. Iotholz ot ,
Neolu prevented them from all being tried
at once . and the first one In the batch to be
put on trIal was that In which Kirkendal ,
Jones & Co ot Omaha were plain lls. L. A.
Goldsmith , FL Ninth street , loon Keeper 1
Omaha was the principal witness liming the
afternoon , Rnll the way In which he set court
records nt naught was rather amusing. Roth-
oi ? soul out to Goldsmith , ant the former's
creditors garnIsheed Goldsmith , In the Omaha
records for some money belonging to noth-
olt2 . On that occasion a long series of questions -
tions were Iropoundell , to Goldsmith and his
answers were taken down In shorthand by
the court reporLer. The bulky document thus
made was noshed upon him wnen ho mounted -
late witness box yesterday and read tu
him. I contained numerous damaging all.
missIons , the princiPal one being that he ,
knew notholz was Insolvent when he bought :
him out. As one question and answer after
another was roall to him he denied them
all , thus indicating that some one had led
about it . or that the court reporter had a
lively imagination. The court reporter who
made the record will bo put upon the stand
this morning
According to the assignment made by
JUdge Thornel a day or two ago , the case
of L. C. Dufy of Creston against Colonel F.
C. Heed of Mnnawa will bo tried todn ) ' .
Duly sues for damages for a bullet which
ho caught In the neck from n fancy shootst
last summer nt Manawa. The old case of
Dxby against the Omaha & Council Bluffs
Bridge company Involving th right or the
company to run Its cars along South First
street Is set for a hearing next Monday.
That ot DnmUz against Dauerkemper , In
which the plaintiff accuses the defendant of
beIng the father of her fatherless babe will
be tried the following day. 'Vashlngton's
birthday Is set for hearing the case of Evans
against the city . Involving the collection ot
taxes for paving West DroadwnYi ; the CII-
zone bank against the city In which thai
bank wants Its afsessmnt reduced , and Coyle
against tne city.
Our Stock of Sheets aiaci 1 I'IIIow Cases at
Loss Titan the I'rlce or the I1u8 tn.
8-4. 9-4 and 10-4 hemmed sheets , Fruit
of the Loom und Lockwood sheeting . worth
from 69c 10 90c each , to close at 49c each.
42 and 45-lnch plow cases , worth 22c and
25c each to go at 19c each
Fowler Dick & Walker
Council Bluffs . 10.
Stl Wrecking Ills Fortune. .
Frank Naprovenek . r : wlo Jest , a wife and
$65 at the same time. Is sUI earnestly en-
gage In drowning his sorrows and the flowing -
Ing bowl Is In active operation. Monday
afternoon he drew a check on the local bank
which contains a part of his wealth
and gave It to his friend , Sely laugh to be
cashed. Sely got the cash and immediately
froze to Nnprovenek with such a wealth ot
affection as would have ben affecting 10 , a :
man with n smaller jag than Naprovenek
had with him. They went to Omaha and
came back on the. last motor after bunting
closely for the bottom of several growlers , and
succeeding In each case. They spent the
night at n house on Pierce street , the doting
ex-husband footing the bills , at course DurIng -
log the afternoon the report had been In
circulation that he hat $ 2OOO In cash hidden
away In his trunk In the she shop. Some
one broke a hole I In the back window , forced ,
open the lid of the trunk , and made a thor-
ough search of its contents , white its owner
was wasting his substance. Alt he found was'
$10 , however the remainder being the fig-
ment at some one's imagination. Naprovenek
Is salt 10 be well fixed financially. His
home surrounding would never Indicate I ;
for a nlhler apartment would be hard to
find on Droadway. He rmerly lived In
Omaha , where , It Is Bal , he has a divorced
wlte and several children. Hu always was
noted for being a mIser , and thiS qua1y at
his was the cause of the separation between !
him and his wife , He also lived at one time
In Plattsrncuth . where he Is reported to have
several thousand dollars In a bank
Yesterday , he announced through a lively
shower of tpsy tears . that all he wanted was
his } vlfo : that If she would come back all
would be forgiven , but I not ho would have
to go on with his mourning until . his money
was all gone or all the whisky In town tranK
where the
up. Chief Scanlan says he knows
woman is . and If he wants her she can be
brought to view at any time. But he Is
somewhat puzzled to know what Naprovenele
would do It he had her , Inasmuch as there \
some doubt as to whether a woman can steal
from her husband any more than from her-
self . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dr. V. I. Treynor receIved yesteriy from
the Underwriters' Mutual Accident usr.ela- .
ton of Des Moines ( till settlement ot his
claIm on account ot Injuries received by a
recent ncchlent. The Underwriters has n
large membership In CouncIl Bluffs. the re-
suIt of a visit tram. General Agent J. E.
Newman amI Hiram Woolworth last ) year
and has gained an enviable reputation for
fair and prompt settlement or claims.
Alothor tlY
Finds us still selling frames and pIctures
at hal price. Today we will Increase our
line or mouldings and we cannot fail now to
please you. Remember they all go for just
half the market price. Open every ev nlng.
H. W. SMITH & CO. . 4. Main Si
Attempted Burglary .
An attempt was made by a burglar to
enter the house ot George Smith , on ynster
street Mar Scott , a night or two ago. ! rs.
Smith was occupying i lounge In the parlor
when sle "yal awakened by a ound from tlae
bay window on the west fldo ot the house.
She sat upright and could see a man trying
to push the window up She called to her
husband In an adjoining rom , but the fellow -
low evidently did not hear her for he got
halt his body Inside the room before her sec-
end series or screams frightened him away
lie dropped the window and walked leisurely
down Mynster street. The moon was shin-
Ing brIghtly . and she Got a god look at the burglar She describes him as a
tall man ot medium build. smooth face , and
wearing a black uilter with a cape
To any charitable organization or to any
IJerson for charitable purposes we will furnish -
nlsh groceries anal proVisions at actual cost ,
aad'delver same 1 any part of the city.
7H Broadway
Gas beating slaves for rent and for sale : t
'Counci Iuts Oas company's olhice.
Omdl'f 11111 Work.
Tie Graders commenced work on Union av-
enue' ) eierday morning . During the day
about arty ( teams were employed In hauling
dirt. and tile work was finished almost a far
as Ninth street , a fill of anywhere tram six
incItes to two feet being required . Only
two sbovelers were employed al day so that
It has I't t been suede manifest just what
benefit this Improvement Is to be to the per
people who do tot havu teams . Quite a
, , . . " , . . . _ . _ _ . . . > . , . " ,
o " - - -
number at workingmen gathered at
the place where the work was to be commenced -
menced , armed with shovels , and some ot
them loitered about all day , hoping that
more shovelers would 0 put on But ter
werl doomed to 111sappolnLmenl This
leaves the poorest ot the per In l bad shape
08 they were before although those who arc
fortunate enough to b able to beg or borrow
teams have a chance to lake anywhere from
$2 to $4 I day , according Lo thl size and
number $ loads they can haul. Most of the
dirt Is brought tram the bill just east ot
Oakland avenue owned by J. N Casady and
O. Straub. These gentlemen keep several
shovelers al work 10adln ' the wagons. A
go deal of llealstacton ! was expressed
by the men who have been looking for a
chance to earn 1 little money but the two
shovelers who worked yesterday afternoon
seemed to do all that the forty teams re-
qulrell , and there Is no immediate prospect
of any increase.
Today Is Valentine day and the fact that It
Is to receive unusual attention was forcibly
Impressed upon a Dee reporter 'e3terdRY
when he s\ppell In al lirackett's . There
never was such 4 magnificent array ot valentines -
tines seen In this country everything from
lc up to beautiful . creations costing mnny
dollars . I.s worth n visit just to see them
and watch the eager crowd of buyers.
The latest report says the blznrll : Is corn-
hag So Is the grand musical and concert at
Trinity Methodlst ! church on Friday n'ght.
Be sure and como. The best talent 11 the
city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "Lhat good I
laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway.
I In doubt abolt this , try I and be convinced.
Don't forget name and nutnbet. Tel. 157.
. -
Measures that Amily I'rotectelt Government
Intcrest itt L'acilio hands.
I'resldent Cark ot the UnIon Pacific came
In Monday night front St. Louis The president
Is looking much better than when last In
Oliahn , his trip , as he says , to the east hav-
1.nfi greatly benefited alum , although the
work that he accomplished lay be regnrded
IS somewhat of a failure In view of the
acton congress took upon the nelly bill.
Speaking generally of the situation and the
many cOlplcntons surrounding the Union
Paclnc , Mr. Cark said :
"Under the Hely bill there never was a
better or faIrer ploposlton lade to congress
I meant giving the government a first mort-
gage on all the 1ropeity. principal and interest -
terest , on a basis of 3 per cent. I Is pcr-
fecty plaIn to b seen that under this propo-
sitioii the government wuuld b amply secured -
cured , but there were conditions confronting
the bill that at the time of its Intro cton
were hardly dreamed of.
"I am not advised as to the proposition
which Mr. Bolssevaln and : r. Anderson of
the reorganization committee made yesterday -
day to the committee on Pacifc roads except
what I see In the newspapers. I Is a clear
cut way ot disposing or a serious problem.
As I underHand It the government gets
the entire principal of Its claim In cash and
the bondholders take the 'property , In that
light I has merit I was not talked or be-
tore I went away , and the vote on the Reiy
bill was taken after I reached St. Louis.
"Should congress fail tl pass any favorable
legislation looking to the relief or he Union
Pacific , foreclosure wli undoubtedly be
pushed to a final conclusion In which event
the government interests would be somewhat
jeopardized. I
RelatiVe to the construction of a union da-
pot In whch ! the city or Omaha Is vitally interested -
terested just now : r. Clark , when asked as'
10 the posItion the receivers ot the Union
Pacific railroad would take In regard to the
matter , said : "The Union Pacific will enter
the union depot at the tot or Farnnm street
upon anything like favorable terms I have
seen the plan of the proposed depot , and so
far as I can see there wi be no trouble In
Its building. There Is not a single grade
crossing on the plan proposed : nobody approaching -
preaching It has to cross any trncks. TraIn
front the north cross the streets overhead ,
there being an overhead elevation at Leaven-
worth street while trains from the south will
come directly Into the depot. I can be 'used
as a pocket or a through station , and In that
way It wi be made accessIble to all lines. !
The 11sourl Pacific would run through It ,
coming over the tnlon PacifIc tracks to'thelr
shops In , the north put of the city white
, trans ! going south , woutd run the , same way
The Hock Island , Milwaukee and Union Pa-
elSie would use It as a pocket staten , cross
the brIdge ! and back In and head out The
Elkhcrn would have the benefit of their own
tracks and that of the Terminal company's
tracks The St. Louis plan has a tourteen-
degree curve approaching the staten : the
curvature as I remember the plan for the
proposed depot would not exceed len degrees.
The St. Louis staten Is a pocket staten for
all lines : this propose depot at tie rot ot
Fnrnam street could be used as a through or
pocket staten , and I understand there Is a '
very favorable plan proposed for letting the
Burlington Into the depot. For the Inter-
eats of Omaha I believe the depot should be
built at the tot of Faram street. I would
have the advantage of plenty of room : there
would be no grade crossings and all lines
could use It most advanlageously. Should
the depot be built and acton taken by which
the dIfferences between the city at Omaha and
the Union Pacific could be adjusted the receivers -
ceivers would go Into court and ask to bl
permitted to run their trains Into the new
depot at Ninth and Faram streets "
Of a successor to Mr. Thurston Mr. Carl ,
would not say anything , except that Mr ,
Waggener' was not a candidate for the posl-
As to becoming a member of the wester
trunk line committee . Mr. ClerIc said :
"The Union Pacific will Join the associa-
ton upon 'terms ot equality wIth all other
hints parties to it. The Union Pacific Is
favorable to the maintenance ot rates and
the conservation ot revenue.Vo are en-
titled . however to the consideration from
other roads. "
To Oregol-I'cronllly-Conlinetell.
The second personally conducted excursIon
10 Orgon will leave Omaha Thursday Feb-
ruary 1 at 4:35 : p. m.
Only $35 to Tacoma Portland , Salem or
For further information call on or address
M. J. Dowhing . city passenger agent l3urllng-
ton route , 1324 Faram street Omaha , Neb
JEITll J .
Illr , vtl orthwest Ulnds l'romlsed for
Neiraetmn .
WASHINGTON , 1'eb. 12.-'rhe forecast
Wednesday Is :
For Nebraska , Missouri , Iowa and Knn-
ens-Fair : northwest winds
For South Dakota-Fair : slightly colder
In the central and l0rthwest portions .
I.oc,1 : hit'cortl.
OMAHA , Feb. 12.-Omaha record or temper-
perature anal rainfall . compared with the
corresponding day ot the past tour year :
1895. 18H. ! 1893. 1892.
Maximum temperature . , . 18 21 41 43
Minimum temperature. , . : 1 4 2 16
Average temper ture. . . 1 12 30 30
lreclptaton \ . , . , . . . . . . .01 .0 .OJ .0
Condition ot temperature and precipitaton
nt Omaha for thu day and since March I ,
1891 :
Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Deilciency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Normal precipitation . . . . . . . . . .03 Inch
nendency for the lay. . . . . . . . ,021ncl .
Total precipitation since March 110 l5 Inches !
Defclmcy precpiaton March I. . . . 10.10 Inches
Uelorts fruits Other 6tatOi .It I 1' . -
' .
> 2
. -
( , .
8 "a : : WIATUI.
i : & P
: .1 .
- - - - - - . - - - -
Omaha. . . . . . . . 1 18 . .0Cear. .
Norlh I'lale. . . . I : JI .00 Clear.
Vaienttmao , . . . . . . I : I : .uu Cloudy.
Chicago . . . . . . . 14 1 1' . Cloudy
! I. Lnls. . . . . . . IH : O .01 Cloudy
SI.1unl. . . . , . . . :1 : : ? T. Snowing.
Davenporl. . . . . . I : IH T. 510whll.
Italll" City . . . . 11 20 .01 1leur. :
Delver. * . . . . . . . . I : 1 .OU l'aricioudy
SaIl Lake CiI ) . . . . . 20 24 .02 SnowJnV .
Cly. : :4 : lowlnl.
Itapltlotty . . . . . . I 1 : .UU Plrlcloudy.
Ilelena . . . . . . . 'u I ( I .00 Clear.
1amark. . . . . . , . 10 I : UO ( Cloudy.
Vlncenl . . . . I : it .UO Cloudy .
CIeyeamne . . . . . . " 4 I : .00 ) Clear .
Mlel 'ly. . . . . . " 10 ' 1 .00 Clear.
( : . . . . . . : I 30 .00 l'arl cloudy.
S below zer
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
I. . A. W JLSI. Observer .
The Burlington Route Chaugo. Time
Important changes In the Burlington's
service to Chicago , St . Luis and Kansas
City are made by the schedule effective
Wednesday . bruary 13.
See time tables In another column or call
at the city ticket office , 1324 FarDnl st. , and
get full Inormaton.
Most of the Money Was Lost in th9 Lebmou :
Bank FaUuWI ; (
- )1 r
-1 :
Ex-Stato Treasurer . 'Vho/Ulrll . , Suddenly
Three Mlnth" Ago VA14enrly Uil
I lUton hIchihanl-Iiiitotuls -
'lien Vile CI ,
Iln 110 H \ , \ .
. ,
-.1 "
CARIJYLE Ill. . Feb. # -\Vhen RuCus
Ramsey , who died smllel11 : lhreo months
ago . supposedly of hEart dlsnse . went into
( tie . state treasury two year ago ho was
thought to bo the richest man In southern
Illinois . Within a week over $500,000 In
claims against his estate have been flied ,
but the most startling 18 that of the fire Chi-
cage bankers who were his surety as state
trrasurer. When henry Wolff succeedeJ
the dead lan ho fOlnd a shortage ot $ 363-
539.62. which he communicated to his bonds-
men , who have EO Car UIII\resset It In the
hope of reimbursement out of the estate ' of [
Lhe dead man Now F. M. Blount . cashier
of the Chicago National bank of which John
n. Walsh , a bondEmnn , Is president and
Carl lol , cashIer of the Illinois National
bank of Chicago , ot which John J. Mitchell ,
another bondsman Is president , have fell In
the county conrt claims for the full amount
of the shorlage.
In the claims fed by Messrs. Dount and
101 I Is specifically alleged that the shortage
was of the amount named , that the bondsmen .
men made It good amid that the claims are
fed for the reimbursement of the bondsmen
When the bondsmen fell their claim In the
county court for $363,539.52 the amount was
so stupendous Judge Jesse Jones reused to
allow It until further proof oC its correctness
was filed. This was done on February 9 ,
when an itemized statement or the amounts
abstracted by Ramsey Cram the state treas-
ury was put In the hands of the court. I
showed that Iamey had begun taml1erlng
with state funds seven days after takIng
office . Ho was sworn In January 3 , and on
January 11 , 1893 , ho helped himself to $25-
000. One foran ' or his embezzlement waD to
take the cash from the state funls and turn
In a personal duo bHl having I char d
up as cash , all others being much the mme.
On January 19 he took 15.000 : January 24. 'n '
$20,000 : March 4. 5.000 : May 10. 13OOO :
June 6. $5,600 : June 21. 5.000 : JUly 21 , $12-
000 , and EO on down the yenr. His last withdrawal -
drnwal 11 1893 was November 1. when he
tool $4,761. For a whole year then there
was n total Intermission , so far as the Item-
Ized statement of the bondsmen shows , ant
then there comes one more the laEt , \0.000. .
takenNove.mber 8. the day upon which Mr.
Ramsey tool to his bed.
The claim of the bondsmen on the bond ,
which was ned In the county court Is very
simple In language and reads as follows :
"Estato of Rufus N. Ramsey to John H.
Wlbeclt et al . dr. , to cash palll by them as
bondsmen for Rufus N. Ramsey , late treas-
urer or the slate of Illinois . to Elijah p.
Ramsey his successor to make good the
tormer's deficit as such state treasurer , $ 363-
539.52. I
This sum will have to e'Ild before any
other sums Oln be satisfied , , It was what
'Is known as the slxth-clasi' satsfed ! s't funds whie
depositors' claims are In' the , "seventh clnss
Together with the claim 'wa'a paper con-
fleeting Ramsey with Henry' Selter . the
Lebanon Ill. . banker , 'who. tnled so dlsus-
trolqly just after nami y's denth. This
paper shows that the banking : firm or Henry
Suitor & Co. owed Ramsey . personally the
sum ot $243,778,62. The frst note was drawn
September 5 , 1893 , for $ Bl,278.62. I ' was
the largest gne drawn. : Fhe1tlaers : _ ranged
tram $ 3OOO to $16QOO Jn ji'an0tnt. The last
one was drawn October 31iSi4 . and was tor
$3.400. The first . Is' wrltQn in the regular
form , of a note butthebthidrc' : are In the
Corm of due bills with no date or maturity.
These notes and dUQ bls'er ' tn the treasury -
ury , together with his 'O I'llq ' , bills . repre-
canting c'ash. There wrr , aisq / due . bIlls for
the Napa Laud copanyamqyulng to . $409.
The three La\d made uP'tbe'sum total
which tlni bondsmen ware . obliged ! to make
good. . . . , .
In addition to the clainaoT $363,539.52 $ made
by the bondsmen , claltf of merchants and
farmers of Carlyle and Iron counties have
been fed In tha county court , the. entire
Indebtedness 1P to date nmountng to $468.-
278.85. while the estate probably not worth
over $200,000. Including the assets of Seier
which can be held
W. H. Curtin . a close friend or Rufus Ram-
soy the deceased state treasurer of IllInois .
had this to say of his ' affairs : "No better
.m&n than Rufus Ramsey ever lived. and' ' had
he lived every dollar ofl his Indebtedness
would haav& been paid and his family left
with S50.0. Hall lot Henry Seiter failed
everything . - - would have been all right. Seiter
borrowed over $240,000 from the Union Trust
company of Chicago and gave security on
2,900 acres of land near Lebanon This
money came out of the staLe treasury the
trust company acting ns 'a go-between. When
ho failed his assignee met a motion to set
aside the conveyance of this property , and
the bondsmen , rather than accept security
over which there was liable to be litigation .
fed a claim against the stato. This property
Is worth In ordinary times , over 200000. J
don't know that It WQuld bring that now ;
but It was worth that at the tme I was
accepted , and Ramsey hat a right to do as
ho did. The law allows a state treasurer to
usa money as he pleases. All hc has to do
19 10 put It back . This has' been done and
everything : Is all straight , "
SpmNO IELD , Ill. , Feb. 12.-Trensurer
Wut was seen today and had little to say
when confronted with the developments at
Carlyle. Ho sold Rmsey's son had accounted -
counted to him for everything. I there , was
n shortage Ramsey's bondsmen made I good
before he ( Wul ) took the ofilce. Wnll had
no other course than to receipt for every-
thing . as the funds In the ofco were as
they ! should te.
0' -
FllTY J'U.LtUW. .UlNI D.
further Atrocities IclrcII from . \rmenln
Throuh1enm ,
VIENNA , Feb 12.-Accordlng Lo advices
[ rom Armenian sources at Constantinople
outrages by the Turks In addition to those
reported daub time ago have been committed
The advices besides
In Armenia advles say that
the outrages In the Sassoun district outrages
at a similar character occurred about the
snme time In the province ot Harsen. Between -
tween forty and fifty villages In the province
are said to have been burned and entirely
destroyed and all the flocks of the people
stolen or dispersed.
The people who composd , fhe residents at
the villages have made ro effort to rebuild
them but have gone to othjeaLportions ! of the
provlnc . I
p I. . I
: o Fears.haaat ( Mkt .I cservo .
In the Back hh1lhs-TIae5 ma(1ut ( of gold and
silver frOm the mines of : 1tio \ mack hIlls In
1893 Is as follows : Gold . 2 f ; 75,858 ounces , ,
with a coinage value , or $ ,3,083,27 , ; silver .
137,915. ounces , with' a chago l value of
$96,540.64. Time output tor' f\4 \ Is placed by
conservative mining men a1 : Gold ' , 443,351,716
ounces : coinage value , $8J38:60.54 Silver ,
172.394 ounces : coInage "rlu' /'fI20,675.80. ' $
The Northwestern line , J Frjmont , Elehorn
& Missouri Valley railroad is 'the most direct
from Omaha and Its ttarouIhl trains are
equipped with Wagner plact ! sleepers and
free reclining chair cars. IlaingeiS for the
Keystone and Holy Terror district buy to
Hermosa : those for Green , Mountain district
buy to Deadwood t' , 1
Ticket ofce 101 Farnnm I st. Depot 16th
and Webster stB. J. n. . DUCHANAN ,
General Passenger Agent , Omaha Neb
. -
Farmer IUted by Ilurgiaria.
PHOENIX , Ariz. , Feb. 12.-Frank Smith ,
a prosperous farmer was murdered at mid-
night at his own door , lu and his wife
were aroused by two mep entering their
room . Smith jumped up , grasped a chair
and had drIven the burglars to the porch ,
when one of them drew a revolver and fired.
The bullet penetrated Smlth' heart and he
tel back In his wIfe's arms ahead Den
Earle , A. Johnson and Tom McDonald . three
tramps , are under arrest suspected of the
IH..trous l'ol1pr I'1 Esplo'dofl ' .
COLUMBUS 0. , Feb 12.-A disastrous
ripe ? 11 explosion Is reported from Ken-
ton 1 , O.
n . _ _ _
l.lllt . , . ' .11) ( I1t.hI' 11M.
EI4st : ( CHImI , I.'cb. 11-Tn the Editor ot
The BeeVill yen kIndly 11bl h In your
next editIon hiou'e ' roll No.1. or the lull
just lnssN by the legislature authorizing I
counties to issue bonds for the IHlrchn l'f
seed anll fl'el for the fni'meruu 'fhere
seems to b\ n great difference of opinion
In regard to its cotitentr.
P. II. P.\tSWOHTl.
A lull for an aetto authorize county
boards to Issue the bonds of their re-
Sl1eclve counties for the pui'pnse of 11rocur-
intl seed and feed for tClms cased In ejihti-
vaUI the land on which the secli Is
1)lnnlell : to provide for the sale ot the came ,
nnll to punish the violation at the lro"lslons )
of this act Introduced bY .lohii * J. Lal'
born of Hell Wiow county .
Bc I enacted by the legislature ot thc
state of Nebraska : Seton 1. 'hnt the
e lnty boar or nn ) ' count ) of this state
shal have the nuthorlty to leslie the bonds
. <
ot such count ) . to an amount not to eJcPclt
5 per . cent of the assessed , 'allntiol of the
count , for the 'enl 1891 , but lot to exeeell
the sum of $5.0. for the 1111110e ot rats-
lag money to llreure seed to b ( planted
and sown Ilulnl the year IM3. natal teed for
teams Ised In Ilhltnl anli sowing snll
sccd : provided , n specIal election shall be
called at which the question ot bonding the
counts' shnl he submitted to the IIEul11e ns
Provkhed herein. .
lrovl 2. I 'the People of an ) ' eOllt ) In the
ftate of Nehraslla shall be In 1 destLlle
and dependent condition on account ot tlts
( allaire or crops from MOlth or other
causes over which they have no cOIIlol. n ,
Petitloll settng forth fact that the heple -
of elicit coUnty . fit' a large number of thwni .
cit account ot failure of crops In said county .
are In n desttule and dL'henileflt , ponditiolt .
anal stating the cause ot the failure of crops
slatnH .
anal the amount of tamale which will he re-
qlired to Slpply such people wih Reell nml
feetl1 signed hy nt least one-hfthi ! . of the
feelll be
resident electors of said county . may
fhlml with the county cleric pra'ing the
county board to cal n BIclnl election to
vote tlOfl the question or ISMlln the IJIII
( ,
or the county to raise slch fUl lIs. Whereupon -
upon said bonrll Rhnl cnl an election aM
Irayell for In said petition . and the county
cluk for such countY shall Rive notice of .
' ubhicatlon In two consecutive
such election by puLlcaton COl.
secutive Issues of one or more weekly pn-
yore liuabhihotl l\d of general circulation In
IHblshcl1 \
tich county , and by posting I notiCe nt
flch postnH
the tiohling places In each \"eClncl. nll If
n majority or the votes legally cast at l\ch
cietloit dm11 hc In favor of the 11 111" ot
ell'cton ! hnl . then the county boarll hal
issue the bonds or the county , IH'nble In
ten 'years with the option of the cOlnt ) to
I'cars opton thuereof after the
pay the whole or any 11rt th afer
expiration of five years from the date
expiraton . interest nt 7 per cent per an-
num which aid interest 8hnl bc IIyable
annually. Sec. 3. I any county of thh state shall
isetie htia bonds tinder this act the honrd of
cnmoaiisioiterS proviuled for In secton one
commllloners of provlled conBttuton or the
'artcle vl natal
state of Nebraska are hereby directed
Ilate ' be their duly to invest any part of
I Ihnl' available In
school fainais
thp permlnelt _ . , ' . . nt flnlls nvnlnble . if I
claRa ' - UV"U . . . . " . , - _ . .
'll <
ofrered to them by the proper omcers : lIra-
. that the otlicer of the
vlaleal . however. thc olcer
vlled. ' countIes issuing bonds under this
coutttv or
lIsuhH Ilcer
act shall negotiate said b0111 nt the bight-
est obtainable price not less thnn par vnlue.
Sec. 4. The r'olmty board , shall Invest the
proceeds or yaid bonus , or BO much thereof
be necessary , In procuring sIeaI anal
us may
fred for team . ns provided 11 section 1
of this net. anal shall sell the same to uch
persons onlY ns are engnged In agriculture .
at n uniform prke to eneh anal every purchaser -
chaser : and htnll take therefor such form
of security for the payment of such purchase -
will In their jtidtinaent . be
chase price as . .1111ment.
and best protect the Interest of the
just county. Provkheal that the whole ot saId
and payable
price shall he
purchase on or the first day of Tttnrcii. .1890 .
with interest frst nt the rte of 10 pel'
wih ( until palal. -
cent per annum unt pnl1
Sec 5. No party shall be permited
seeai or feed
nurchne anY of Fall ! eec fileal with the
mnde anal
first \lb
shall have all nedlb
shnl . board un nfilalavlt Ihlwlnl ( that he
count al11avlt
In farming : that
he Is l1as actually no seeal engaged or feed for his team , and Is
Fnm . or H
to purchase the snnle.
without means
he hl any . stating the quantity hnR thereof rentell ,
of aicres he owns or
the number Icrts acres he Intends to put
anal the
that he
for the season , anal
Into crops
will use than RI that sued provIded and teed for for In no this other nct.
purpoRt of two
He shall also furnll11 the aldavls
Ihnl anal of hIs
credible resIdentS of S'Oil ' county
reslcents the cffect that he Is a reputable -
neigh t efect .
utable ctlzm of Iald count and that they
behave that the statements con-
veriy In his affidavit are true' and . upon
tamed lfdavlt ! filed . the
made am
aflialavit being an fe.
afdavl belll In the office or the
to preserved olce
clerk , the county bonrd may el
such amount of seed or feeal.
to Inld party . the said board , shnl
or bdth , I they blrd
01 , and : '
deem just proper.
, . prper who , after having cb
Sec 6. Any person afcr
talnell feed or seed , M herein provldl shall
Jn . maTifler dispose
transfer or inanY manner
trnsfer Is contemplated -
feed otherwise than contlm-
seed or
plated fee . act , shal be deemed guilty
of n mlsllemeanor and shall on convicton
thereof be lIneal In any sum not exceeding
$100 . or be fnell Imprlsocl In the county jail
$10. .
not exceeding three months.
exceellnthree . . lawful for the county
Sr. I Rhal the
boaral to drslgnate some person to sell
bonrl dCllnate to
uader their direction ,
saW bonds , and directon
unler nnd
the proceeds thereof In seed
' the same as 'provided for In
feed' anal iaell 'rovlied
this act which said party RO designated
shall give a bond for the faithful performance -
ance of hIs ditty . whIch bond shall rot be
less than double the par value of the lends
to be negotIated . for the purchasing of
negtated. selling the same as
and feed
Reed anI feel Ielng
herein provide , and the person who shall
ehl saId bonds and purchase ant sell raid
seed and feed shall make a full exhibit
see ' board on
and settlement with the count o
n' . 10h rlnv of June. 1893.
"se . " 8. If - any person entrusted with tM
selling ot said lJnds or the procurnA and
sellIng or sahl "eed and feell shall fail to
account for and Bottle In full for the money ,
Reed or teed placed In or comIng Lnto his
hands or shall convert any part thereof
to his nwn shal , lie shall be deemed guilty of
embezzlement and upon conviction thereof
mihiatll be punishtetl nccorahingly.
shul . 9. fhp county balId at any county
Issuing bonds under the provisIons of this
act shaH levy a tax for the payment of interest -
terest on said bonds as I becomes due :
provided. that nn additional amount shal
be levied anal coleeted sufclent to pay the
principal of said bonds lt maturity : pro-
vided , further , that not more than 20 per
cent of the principal of said bonds shall
be levied anal coJected In any one year.
Sec. 10. I any persn shall swear falsely
In the nfihdavitl4 provided for In this act
he shall hu ( lOomed guilty or perjury anti
shah upon conviction thereof be subjected
to the legal penalty.
Sec. 11. \Vhereas. an emergency exists
this act 1 , shal be In fuel force and take . et-
feet from and after p its paesage.
Dll : 'I.UrEl 1fItJ'Tfl DEH ) .
Fnmon Insurance Case Settled Out . 01
Coal rt-'I'lin t moan t I'uld.
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 12.-Tho suit ot the
heirs at Dr. G. W Fraker or Excelsior
Springs for $41,000 life insurance was settled
out of court todayl the life Insurance companies -
nies virtually admitting that after alt the
missing doctor Is realty dead. The amount
the heirs will receive under th compromlo
Is 39018. This goes to ! rs. C. I. Hatncld
and Mrs. N. J. Magruder ot Macon county ,
Missouri sisters ot the dead man. and the
five 'erphan chltren at G. W. Fraker the
uncle ot Dr. Fralwr , who are living at Sent-
the . Wash. The remainder Is to bo divided
equally among the seven heirs when the
children become of age.
chidren age.S
Five 11lrdrrcrs " "ntelced , In as Ituneb .
JEFFERSON CITY ! o. , Fob 12.-The
supreme court today sentenced five murderers
to be hanged March 21. They are : Wit-
b . Taylor James Muray , Edward Murray -
ray , Luke G. O'Reilly of St. Luis and
James Crisp of Wright county I
Pilot flout Came In Cafe .
CAPE MAY , N. J. , Feb 12.-The pilot
boat F. C. KnIght , abut which so much
anxiety has been felt since she put to sea
Thursday reached Cape lay at noon today
All on board were well , but have experienced
terrible weather
Itotnorate Led to Saulciule.
NEW ORLEANS , Feb. 12.-Salvator de La
Heron , a Spaniard of noble birth from Se-
vilie , Spain , commlied suicide last night by
vile himself through the head His
prodigality bad turned to remorse .
' could get relief Irons
BEFOR a hundreds disease most horrible , I land 01 do1tar blood spent
trying various remedies and physicians. My
flatgcraaiisCame oiTanaitny iaatrcameoUt , leay-
lag mc perfectly bald. I then went to
but very soon became disgusted , and decided to
Icy 8.8.8. The effect was truly wonderful. L
cotnmeucedto recover after taking the first bat.
tie , anal by the time ! hadtakcn twelve boltlesI
was entIrely cured-
cured byBJi.S. wheat the
wortdi'enowoed lie t
HpriiJga 1usd tailed.
Shreveport , La.
Our bookon theDisease and iti treatment mailed frc
Io&aay&ddreu. 8WlL BPEOWIO CO.Atiaats , Os ,
Sons of Promhhnt : Quaker ranilucs Expelled - i
polled from Penii Oollogo ,
Roland hunt , aiiah W' . I' . Smith of the Sophie- I
snore Clue , S&'lc'ta'tl as Tliulaer front
'iaIchu lxaaIaulihes Shioulul
lIe hlmaalo ,
OShALOOSA , Ia. , Feb , 12-Special ( Tele-
grauit-A ) series of htractical jokes , whIch
hare been carrieal on for several itiontlis by
soano of the venturesome students at Peitn
college , ctlhrniltatett in the expulsion of Ito-
lanai hunt nitalV , P. Sntith , both nteanbers
of ( ho sophomore class , The lust , joke which
brougltt alown a stornt of facitlty 'ratlt was
filling ( lie chapel with gas. Both ouitg
men coitto front gooal Quaker faitilhies , young
hltatut beIng ( ho son of Superintenalent Ihuittt
of the Oskaloosa Gas contpany. The college
students are vretty will divialeal iii sentimitont
for altal against the stualeatts expelled , while
the factilty was umuaniunous in votitig to eXItCI
the practical jokers
Ilslocatcd IllS iLl1i ,
Uniteal States Marshal Dsmond ot Climt-
toll was seriously iaijazral at Iubuaple lit
stepping off a street ear. lie rang the bell
to stolu the car , but it passeal hale crossing ,
anal ito steppeal off. Ito tell heavily , bait laid
still , groaning bait unable to ntovo. lie was
talacit up , anal acranteal with pain. It waS
necessary to give hiatt ether to proceeal with
any olteration for lila relief , Ills right hip
ras founal to be dislocated , natal lie received
otizer injuries beside it. It will itois' be a
long time before hue will be able to heave his
roont at the hotel Julen. !
ECiit't1 the t'ciil Tiauo
OTTUMWA , ha. , F'eb , 12.-Spcclal ( Tole-
grant-Edward ) Walton , on second trial fertile
tile naurder of Meliatala Antehia Cook of Ed-
alyvlllo by a criattinal operatloat , was no-
qtaltteal after the jury was out six htoars. lie
was tried two years ago and convicteal , atial
has servcal one and a half years in tim
penitemttiary at Fort Madisoit.
i.aokiaig for a Caunventloat ,
Sioux City Tintes : Woulal it not be possi-
tale for Sioux City to get eIther the republican
or the democratic data convention this year ?
It has been some time since either party
held a convention here , and It siil be re-
memutbered that ( hue nominees nauneal here
were all elected , democrats amid republicans.
, -
01110 REI'UflTW.IN CL fIR.
State Lcncuo 5ect at ClncinntL anal
l'raamNaIcts ( to atitan IlatNtIics.
CINCINNATI , Feb. 12.-The Ohio League
of State Republican Clubs assonibleal here today -
day , with 500 delegates. President Woodman-
see's annual address revIewed the banner republican -
publican state work of the Itast year. See-
retary Miller reported eighty-three clubs in
gcod standing anal Treasurer Beach a balance
of $96 in ( lie treasury. Tue constitution i'as
amended ao au to give cacti ciub ten instead of
fire delegates in thie state conveittion , The
antendanent to reduce the dues from 5 to $2
was defeated.
The aisual committees were appointed and
an executive board selected of ninety mern-
bore , two each from Hamilton and Cuyahoga
counties and one each from the other eighty-
hx counties.
DcIiai Itroclclairlilge Collecting Ineomo Tax
LEXINGTON , Ky. , Feb. 12.-Deshia Brook-
inridge , son of Congressman W. C. P. Breck-
inrldgo , has been appointed income tax cot-
hector of tltis district by Collector Shelby ,
father of Colonel' Breckinridge's law partner ,
Wontat % Sttffraigo Victory In Caclifornlat
SACRAMENTO , Feb. 12.-Women cut-
fragists have won a victory in the assemn-
bly. An amendment to kill thie Speatcer
bill providing for woman suffrage was ale-
featod by a vote of 48 to 23.
' Vouitau Suffrage in irlzonmi ,
PHOENIX , ArIz. , Feb. 12.-The house has
passed the right of woman suffrage in
Arizona. _ _ _ _ p _ _ _
Jo0 Dusty's Sentence Confirmed ,
ST. JOSEPH , Feb. 12.-A special to the
Daily News from Jefferson City says the
supreme court has nmrmed the decision of
the lower court In the case of J00 Dusty ,
anal lie has been sentenced to bo hanged
March 21. Dusty was convicted of rape in
the courts here and escaped ( roan jail while
his case was pending in the supreme court.
He was captured come days ago , however ,
and will be hanged on the date named unless
nardoneal by the governor ,
JEFFIRSON CITY , Mo. , Feb. 12.-Gov-
orator Steno today refused to interfere In thze
case of Philip Martin , sentenced to ha haangeal
Friday at Kansas City for the murder of
Eu Stillwell.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Troaiblo for the I'Inntber.
ARAPAHOB , Feb. 10.-To the Sporting
Editor of The Bee : I see by the press that
J. C. Reed is looking for more trouble in
another match at live bIrds. Enclosed please
find draft for $100 for a race of 100 live
birds each , American association rules to
govern , matcht to be shot at Omaha at any
elate lie mnay mention. Loser to pay for
birds , etc. You to act as1 atakehiolder ,
'ours respcctfuhhy.-J. W , Den ,
P. S. Match to be for $100 a side.
' SVarhtouso lIre mit hlufTaiio ,
BUFFALO , Fob , 12.-Fire In the Dormer
warehouse today caused a loss of $50,000.
$3U0.OO for a , ' Idan5
This is the biggest price ever offered for a
atch hina or heading for an advertisement ,
Hayden Bros. will give a choice of several
first class pianos worth $300.00 each for the
head line adopted and in addition will give
orders oat their music department for $50.00
worth of music for the next five best ideas ,
according to merit.
To secure an absolutely impartial decision
applicants are requested to sign In number
only anal to mail corresponding number with
name 'tad address to The Bee ofllce , where It
will rtmnain until after the award is ntacle ,
The right is reserved to use any head line
This following are the facts to be adver-
( tbcd : Hayden Bros. of Omaha aa the only
firm in the world showing a coe.ulete line of
the instruments manufactured by ( ho five
most renowned piano makers on earth , hlmiy.
den Bros. are not tied up with red tape restric.
tions like regular selling agents , but are free
to make the lowest prices ever nearci of.
Ilayden Bras , put special streess on the
Steinway and Vose piammos because they have
a larger line in stock and can buy thiemn
cheaper tlaan any other makes of equal repu-
( alien , IJo not he misled by any one claim-
leg the cole agency , Hayden Bros. have
( bela direct from the factory as well as
from ( lie Max Meyer & lire , Co. stock , Music
trade papers are saying ianoa cannot be sold
in a deparimeitt store , but sensible people
who do not care to he hoodwinked by silly
frills are not so notIonal and t1a best proof
of this is that Hayden llros , sold fliers
pianos , organs and musical Instruatents in
one week thiab any live music stores west of
Chicago have sold in aix months. The music
trade papers say this innovation will b
watched with unusual interest an Ilayden
Bros. propose to keep them guessinx.
flogait-ilitig thin aur liseo'ery for Cites of
) ' , aitid Iait1igetioai.
ento veek ago the newspapers of the country -
try devoicul consialerable space to an account
) I an interesthaug discovery Iii ancaliclne which ,
it Is elsinted , wouhal cure nil locate of. tl'S-
ItOlisia nnal stoanmachi troubles. Since ( lint
tittia uutany experinteitte have been anualo
with the rentealy In oraler to alentonstrats
Just how ittucht real nuorit it possessed. The
results of these experiatuents have been all
thaid could be desired in fact , in iiinti' cases
( lie cures are very lithe shiou't of wonderful ,
The reattealy is preliareal itt haxcaigo or tab.
let fornt , huleasaatt to the taste nhiaI hiarntless
even for the stoittach of nit infant , lit fact ,
no secret Is imtaale of its ingredients , being
coaitpoSeal of vegetable essences , fruit salts.
ltairo Pelaimt aliul bisuitutht , They are sold
by alruggists tinaler the haute of Stuart's
Dyspepsima Tablets anti are unaloubteally the
safest dial most reliable reautedy to also when
thin stoattachi is week or any trouble whatever -
ever 'iIhu the aligestive orgaits.
Mr. C' , IheItsItuger , of tim firm of llensinger
& Co. , 5 and 7 Iey street , New York City ,
_ _ _
relates his experieitce briefly but izatmistak-
ably. lie 5R5i Sonic tlarre months ago
I llairClaflSed at a airaig store two boxes of ,
_ _ _ _
Sttaart's lyspepsia Tablets anal I tuke great
lllc'asaaro in stating that otter using about
himalf of one fifty-cent box I felt such ma won-
alcrlaal relief front thin d'speltsia I was nut- _ _ _ _
feriaug fromit ( lint I did tint itecal ( hue rest of _ _ _ _
( lao box. htmavitig itanny frieiialmu vlto were
equally troubled wIth semite form or oilier of
inaligestloai I suggested auth offered to thient _ _ _ _
count' of the tablets , anal ( lie verdict of alt
'hio have tnkeat them is ( lie canto , that , they
are w'onalerfail in their effect antI the best
thing of the kiatal. I lua'o tiothaing but the _ _ _ _ _
bc't 'islies for Stuart's Iyspepsia Tablets. _ _ _ _
Very traIl ) ' , _ _ _ _
C. BENSINGER , , _ _
5 anal 7 ley St. , New York. _ _ _
Thoughtful atteat anal wonton are cautious
regaralimig vaiemit anediclates onal very properly - _ _ _ _
erly so. Being secret preparations you caai-
not kuiow just what you are tnkimtg into
your stontacli. W'Itlu Stuart's lyspepsia
Tablets , cotutposcal as they are of Inare , fresh
lCPStlt , vegetable essences , ( mIt salts and
blsittuthi , no risk Ia incurred. The overWorked -
Worked , irritable stoattacla Is at once invig-
oratcd anal rested , andperfect digestion _ _ _ _
meatis strong nerves aaiial uttuscies , a clear
heath , eaierg' for mental or physical work
anal capacity to enjoy life.
All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab-
hetau. If yours aloes not happen to have _ _ _ _
theta Ito will get theta for you , as they are _ _ _
solal by all wholesalers.
; :
G. W. PTNGLE , 1D.
The Good $ euuzsrltnhi'fl *
Clean Sweep for the Blood !
The ( j'ooal Sitiuiariinat has bcctt a practitiotterOf
medicine 22 year8 natal has cured over a ttious-
No imeal of going to the Uot MprIlagR of
ArkahisaN or elsewhere when you can ho
cured at lionto of the Vorst Illooti 1'oIofl
man or wonton ever became a victim ofwlthoUt
the use of mercury , tarsento or any oilier mm.
oral poisoit. Seaiai V,00 by P.O. meticy order for
a bottle of luicahicinu. it only requires from 1
to :3 : bottleS to cairo a disease , from 1 reek to
10 years standing. Address.
G. I"ANGT.E , M.D. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
P.8.-A written gunruantee given each vur-
chiatsor to refund money unlums cured.
' ; 3 CIJO 1STH1I3EST.
- '
$3PPOUCE,35oLEs.,5 sg$2.WORKiNG ' -
' '
tW I
'w , LIt.DIJ .
Over One Mlilio'i People wear the
w. L. Douglas'$3 & $4 Shoes
All ourshoes arc equally satIsfactory
They give the best value for ilto money.
They cqianl cuatom shoes in style and lit.
Tliair wcerhig qualities are umisurparseuL
The prices are uallforan--.strnnped on role ,
" " 9i i - Vt , ' ; 'a'vvc.l over , ethr , riIca. ,
' - - -
A W ' 3 ) wmnC3.N- St.
C. J' Carison , 1218 N24th St
w. w , Fisher , Parker and
Leavenworth St.
J , Newman , 424 5 , 3th St.
KeIIev. Stie'er & Co. . Farnam
andl5th St.
T. S. Cressey , 2509 N St. , South
Omaha ,
President. Catchier.
First National Bank
Capititi , - . $1OOODc
Profits , . . - 12,000
On of the oldest banks In the state of Iowa.
We solicit your buslmtc'us sad collections. "IV.
pay 5 per cent on time deposits , We will be
pleased to sea anil serve you ,
tIFITQ , , flAIIIRPT1WP Attorneys-nt-Law
iJalzuj t 1JninIiiauuu1 l'raactico in tim State
zanal lealerial Oourtau. ltanuuuta 301-7.8-i ) , iliiu iar
hilock , Couaacal Isluar , low.i.
Special Nollcs-OouDciBIuff
ld Burke , at V , Ii. homer' . , 833 L'roaalway.
Court house , Apply act lice ttIce , CouncIl Bluff. .
oral housework ; beet of a'efcrenees. Addreu. II
6 , flea 0111cc ,
A GOOD lflTCiiCN 01111 , WANTCD BY MItU.
Jacob Sims , 316 J'Iataer Street ,
for two gvoaieanen ; nIcely furnished ; steam
heat. lI 96 , lice ulilce ,
- - : - - _ - - . COUNOIL BLUFFB
, . & / : I0I3.MACHIJJ..3 DYE WORK
, ,
I- cO FFS 1 , , ' a
, i
; 14 . , iLctcit
Ill 1 i1 'vJOR _ § , C ' '
. ' - ' . . .
- : : - - - ; - m o. i. MAOJIAZ'6
- " , ' . J'roprlotor :
liroa5way , near North-
' -U--- r t-- 1 , ' ' ' -