Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    . _ _ _ . . , . . . , . ' - - - - . . - - . - ; - - . - - 'TVV' ' W'j , " . , , , _ - -
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, . ' ,
John H1 Powers and Joseph A , Edgerton
Given Places Under Holcomb
. .
JJI Tnhlll"lon fhn" Imt the ) I''M' t'nll
' 'Vcr , Ully 03 I''r Crlt Ir the t'rem-
IUI , CIlctelI 1)tarIiig 110 I
- C"plol ute ,
LtNCO.N , I eb. 12.-SpeclaI.-Governor ( )
. lolcomh to\ly made two more nppolntment
John II. Powcr was appointed to be deputy
labor c mml8loner , vice J. B. Exlo.n1 and
J , A. IIKerton I receh'ed the appointment or
clerk In the ntt oflice. : lr. Power I t well
, , known throughout the state In , Inltll ! lent
Ilollcal circles lie wu n call1hlate for
governor on the populst Iclet : In 1890. Mr.
Eligerton 1 Is ns well known nlmost as Mr.
. Power anti I the present secretary or the
hHlenel1ent state central commIttee. Wllh
nclther of these . wo nppolnlmenls ) has the
senate nnythll ; to ilo. Powers appoint-
ment takes place March 1 : : 1 IKerton's , I eb. ,
ruary 1& ; .
Auditor or Public Accounts Eugene Moore
tclay completed a statcment Ihowln ! the
, cOlhlUons ot insurance Imeluess hi lm slate
for the year endlnl December 31 , 1891 , ns
folows : Risks written . $1059 .28:109 : ;
premiums Ilall ; , $1S0O,1T7.13 ; lessen Ineurrell ,
$1,142,872.10 : losses pall , $1ItI,378.13. The '
, . average loss ratio to premiums ibid Is 63.5
Per cent The iwerage loss ratio to Nemlums )
pll on foreign buslnes Is G6S per cent
The Stleoml of 1'rnnlortntlon ( today
fOI Its nplle,1 In error from the 0' Nel ills- ,
& trlct court In the supreme court The case ,
In Ilolnt Involv03 the constItutionality of' I
the lw rCfulrhll Intersecting ralw3 to put
In conneetnl swltciio . The case was b2gun
nt O' Nell ! at the October term of the dis.
trlct cOllrl. An alcrnal\'c writ or iuan
demos was prayed for by the Bc'rt 01
Transportation lo COIIIOI the Sioux City ,
O'Nei & Wester .airoad and the 1.'remonl ,
I lkhor & Missouri Vnlpy rnlro\1 to Ilul II
I cOlneclhll swItch at ( ) Nel and lo estah.
. Ish nnt hUt II force I joint sche.lulc . to
rates for freIght In Cl lots from everr' polnl
on one lIne lo Dvel'yolnt on the olher 'he
case , by stipulatIon , was heard by Judge
Chapman of Cas county , Instead or by
Judge IClnleead 'o the npplcalon delend-
alibI Ilemurrell , alleging In additIon to the (
S usual Ilolnts ot a general demurcr tll the
pretenllell act of the legislature tinder which
the acton was brought was unconsti-
the that It la-
tutlonal ali void , for reason I
prlved Ileendanls of their properly without
duo Ilrocess of law anti , IlenlCI dcentanl !
, equal protection ot law. The demurrer was
elual Ilrolecton temurrer
r Eustalmd ly Judge Chapman ant the case
dismissed. To decide the consttlltonsll ) '
of the law the Stale loard or Transportation
. now comes lo the supreme court.
: Judge Marshal has fet his opinIon with
. Attorney General Churchill In the Schuyler
, transfer switch ca e. 'I'hls ( ono EmbJtlos all
, the poInts covered by Judge Chapman la-
Kethel' wllh n great mIY : olhers. Judge
N Mar3h covers In his opinion , the whole
; grounJ , constutonal ! and slatntor Sub-
Ilanlaly It agrees with lho ( ruling of Judge
. . Cilapmnn. Doth judges hold that section
fG2 or the ( consllllon ( merely gin's one new
raIlway the right to cross aitotiie , nud Is
not mandatory In the way of forcing un old
road to buIld transfer wltehes. Secretary
Diworth of the Board of Transportation
say that an effort will I : made lo aJ\nc
' court
the O'Nei case on thu suprme
, , / . _ " LI : QLN m nmEI .
( . . Today. ! Chief . CooV r , CaNaln Ireland and
Ofcer Green mell ' , their Ins \er In , l e & an1
. age suit brought by Fred Martin for fal82
L Imprl'cnment : . Last , , Deccmber Marln ran
over _ 'll sorlomlr. Injured Mrs. Minnie Daw-
soil nl Twelfth mid 0 'striets. Ms. ' D wson'
frIends sell wOrl to tie pdllco station that
the Injured lady IVS lIkely to die , nnJ
t. larlns ( , ; arrest followed at about midnight.
In the , UtIlnr ho was released on bal and
his hearing contnlle \ to await the result oft
MI' . Daw50u's Injuries. " Later Mrs. Daw-
t :
; ' sell's husband , who hall sworn out a complaint -
plaint , refused to proseculo Marln , Cht2f l
v Cooper says , he tried ' lo do his duty In nr-
: ' resting Marln , when Il was deinanid : In a
, case likely lo cud ! In tcnth , luII further avers
that rfrln was at the time or the accident
upon c street crossIng : , contrary to ordinance.
, I Is e\1lcut ! that Green & Van Dlyn have
gIven . .p ! II ! ope5of securing _ th\ , $5.GOO
- . , rerullnr UOlls ef tile city or Llpcoln. Tiey
; , bavl Ilreseutll their 1)111 ) . Intlc.lug that their
services are aecoinpIlsltE'd. I reads as ' follows :
' 'Ve ' herewith submit our claim for nego-
tinting thin ' Hale of E3lf1) } 1.lncoln refunding
bnds 1 ler 01' contract wlth'lhe ( city anti
wile thllqhe InLine be nttowett . IS we have
fully ltolJ C01011ht411 of ' said wIth agreemenl. all the tiins and Cal'
- Then follows 1 claim for $13,3GO.50 for
slrvlctJ rendered and moneys expended In
negotiating the sale of $33400 refunding
bond at 2 PCt cent commission.
"la'l I\NH NI' 1.\S'In ' . .
01111 Ollel MeoUng ! or the Stto Grand
A tiny .r the rpl > thlC.
r HASTINGS , Feb " 12.-Spcclnl ( Tclesram.- )
The grand , open meetIng of the slate Grand
4 Army of the Republic encamiluent was held
. this evenIng In tbe court house II 8 o'clock.
.5 General Bowen at thIs city preslllc over lie
i1l4Otliig. The chaIrman introduced Mayor
Mcmhilne ) who delivered thl alldre.s 01
. welcome , and In n fej brIef words turned the
. city eve to the vIsitors to do wIth I as
. they saW fit. COl mamIeI , lowe being eome.
t what IUdlspC3Cda' unable lo attend ant re-
l 4. Iponll to the addrNS of welcome In behalf of
; the Grand Army of the Repubiic . Iloii. T. J.
i' . : Majors was called UJOU by the chairman anl :
responded In a very elolluenl manner. He
was followed by II. C. ltusehl of Coitax who
made I short but IIcIntNI ulech.
( Mrs. Gertrude Council of Grand I 1:1 : t ,
; state Ilresl.ell of the W mn'K Helef corps ,
$ made a short speech In behalf or the Ltdies'
to auxilIary. Mrs : Mary Morgan or Alms , put :
department commalller ef the \'oman's RelIef -
- le corps , read a long 11\1 most interestIng
paller on the "Relief Ccrps ant What I las
_ AccoiuiIlIIshetl. " Te ; remaInder of the e\en'
; lug was passell with mu.o , ant short speeches .
Many peollle eII" : In on the night trains , and
cly. tomorrow llromlsC to b" n big day In this
: ( ll\UIOS NIHJ : ' 'I Hl'JUSI 3.
8eYI'r.II , 1.IIo 1'letrles lv"hlll n 10l\ )
Outlay to it' 1 : I.iicitIctI ' 1 here ,
-t CIAnHON , Neb , I eb. 12.-(8peclal ( Tile-
grain.-TIie ) several factories for which Chad-
ron has been laboring for the past blx mClth
' arc now a thing of certnlnt ) ' . The enler-
prlzl'l consist of a beet sugar factory with
n capacIty of 2&0 tons of beets , chicory factory -
tory , glucose anti starch factory , the total
: , outlay of which will mean al outlay or over
$1,000.000 the bonus . consistIng of 10,000
, . acres oC lanll aQII $50,0 < 0 II cash : , having been
raIsed . The & citIzens' cc'mmltee , lellutzeJ
A. U. Putnam and J. S. Homln , two or the
- main Ilromolol's or the enterprise , to go to
Chlca to tnlsh the detalie. Tonhhl n tela-
Iram : - WIS rceel\eJ from lutlni titattlig .
that the factories were Issurell , /lr II colt-
seCUenCl the whistles all over Ito city , the
z bells , alt everything that can make I 101.1
' are In full opernlon , I Is tint ted letter
t night or thl city , li the donated land wi
bo colonized ! 1) ' tie 1)'nllcnlo or which Dr.
Ilnh or Chicago Is ! esilelt , by a most II-
dlstrlols rinse or fiirliiers Work wi CI'
mence al once Iml the prosperlt .f lie
. ) .
j . cIty Is /OW astiret1. The entre Ilollulaee
. . seeing to bo 01 the 1 streets , elcll IIel801 sea-
lug who , cal outhO\ I the other ,
- - - -
' To 1'11'.101 \ allot Tr. ( , ) ' .
I UION , Ntb. , F'eb . 12.-Speclni ( Tele-
( ram-C ) M , W\liS started for LI\coll \ with
r I petition l'gatt by IGOO residents 'r Thayer
t county askliig Ucnruor hlohcomb to
aklni 10icolb I'ar-
lon Waler Tracy , who was convIcted at the
1 October term cf the olptrlcl ( court for at-
temptng to tt bodIly blu : to one Van
k DU'lf -
- le'ltrh.o " 011'1 hiijui'rt.
r4 DEATHW , Fcb. : - ( lelal : T'II.r"I )
- -A rUllway bore l'n Fifth street , hllafer-
: 101 collided with c.lrrlJIO In ! whIch ) ,
r Alfred , lulet ' \'UI seriteil. throhll her to
t the IllVlmelt 011 1'HUng $ her /ho\ldcr
'i ala otherwise brulsln ! h ' r.
! . , . " . ' S . - ' -
vF ! u.IIs 1T II.I. ' . SOT SUWlJr
I'cciIIr 1.lnrl tnrtuolull ! the Ilnlh
or 1 homn : 10nnl,01 scar , \ hlnnd
ASI.AND. Neb" , I eb. 12.-Speclal.--'Flie ( )
parlculars connected with the supposell sul-
clde of Thomas Donahon , northwest of this '
cIty , Saturday night , put I very different
lIght on the maUer. The partIes who were
first at the scene or the tragedy state that (
Donalson was found In 1 half sittIng position
on I lounge , wIth his left hand across his
stomach , and the right hanll on his right
1neo. : The weapon was found lying party
under his let [ arm , as I to tlre\'ent its falling
to the floor , The bullet had taken effect
just over his right eye , anti ( there was not
n partIcle or pOider or smoke on his lace , at
or near the wound , that would indicate that
the deadly work had been tone al hort
ranKe. Contrary ll the report that the dead
nun had liurchasetl , the revolver hImself
while In town Saturday , It was learned that
hIs wire hat bought It over n ) ' 1:1 ago , The
trouble between the couple some ( line ago
c"use,1 , Irs. Donalon to rent her farm , on
which they lIved , to another lan for this
year , and the jiartleslio holt claims against
his propert ( say they hall no Intenton or
1\'lnJ him nn ) ' trouble whatever , as he had
sold n hunch of hogs last Salun\ay \ whIle In
town amid was to delver them on Monday ,
and the proceeds were to lIquidate time In-
cuthrnco on the Ilropert
'fho sheriff went up Monday to levy on
the mortgaged property , anti : was met Iy )
the witlow. who smlel very pleasanth' until
she ' learned that h2 hail : come lo take the
properly , consistng of team , wagon anti
harness , when she seemed very much grieved <
and broke d011 timid wellt hlHerly.
The coroner's jury Nllrne,1 a verdict ot
le2th by his own hiand " Around Ashland
thIs verdict seems to be very unsatisfactory ,
because nil who Imew the mal teem to thInk
'he was not at all disheartened by the outlook -
look , lint r.llh.r seemed to bD n hiart1vorking. .
industrious man , ant always In the best of
slitrits. _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _
: IA\ u , tua : . StiIl' $ .
Iresent 1erl or.rc ) ( ' .llly Illrh't
C n\J't " 'Il le 111'I''slll ,
YDU' , Neh" , Pcb 12.-peciai.-The ( ) dis-
net court of York county will COI\'eno Ion-
they , with Jwlgo Edgar Bllrs vreshln ! . This
term Is looked forward to wllh n great le.\1
of InlHest , lS there arc many interesting
e\ses oil the docleel D,11ge suits are In
the majorly this term , Iomo of which ore
very Intereilng : , The last term of district
court dlt not nccon\lsh luch , owing lo tIme
fact that the case of the state agailot ;
Flcleinger took 111 so much of the time. 'he
law'crs of tInt city are all now busy 1001:11S
over papers ant consuling ( wIth clients , In
oxpoctatloii ot the cOlllg term.
ex\eclalol . . I 01 e ) " ur North York II very ill nt
the present tme with lung trouble.
Miss 1 lcl\ngel who has for some time
been visiting with her sister , 1tlrs . ' \ ' . 1' .
WillIams. left for Shenandoah la.
Ite1. . I. . Felman left yesterday for
Slrolsburg , Polk county , ant will assist In
revival meetngs at Lcldc , 1 few miles
from that 1)IC.
J. D. Dryan. a man about 55 years of ago ,
, \ . , nt tlts nln " on Slndav afternoon. Be
Jmad been ' slehc " a - abort ( line. lie leaves a
wife to survIve him. The funeral services
will be hell at this place loday.
Miss Maggie Darts of Denver , who has
for some ( line been \fsiing ( her sister Mrs.
C. N. Carpenter of his pl.ce , left for Fails
City yesterday . at whIch place she will \Isl
hEr ) slslH Irs. Charles DorIc.
11ev. Mr. Slewart Colonel D. F. Crabb
and Judge A. C. Montgomery addressed the
sllienta lt the Central 11:1 school building
today , wIth nubjecls perlllnllg to the late
civil war. All of the addresses were very In-
lerealng and Instructive.
Hess ant , I young man of this place Is
very ill with rheumatsm ) of the heul. Deal
was during the late Cmllalll president of
the Republican : Flambeaux club. and was well
lCIIn Hie' can1algn ot this coYnty. lie
' medicine In
has for some tIme been stn'lylng mellclno
the otlica at , lion. J. B. Canaway now
reprcleulnt OtC3 this county 'n the : enra"lca
state hrgtla ure. Ills coidttiofl iB polonnced !
crltcal : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iuirral : . or . Jatltn4 U. : ! ' tllSOht.
LYONS , Neb. , I eb. 12.-Spechal.-James ( )
G. Mansen , vlise ' death was mentioned In
Suntnys nab , was ' burled te : Y. Mr. Man.
son was born In New York City and was 51
years old. lie came lo Nebralm In 185G ; en-
listed In company G or the First Nebraska
Infnlr June 30 , 1861 , \.intlr \ Captain John
1c1onhle , and re-enlIsted September , 18G3 ,
under Captain T. \Veatimerwax. . le served
five years In th regular army In the Twelfth
Infanlry. lie was sergeant major of the
Second Nebraska National Guards al the
ETit ! ( ' or his death For several years hB has
been ' an active member or the Grand Army I
ci the Heplblc , of the IntepEndent Order of
OJd Fellows , alt of the Ancient Order of ,
United Workmen. He has lived In Lyons
abtiut fIve years , where he waS engaged In the
IcrehandLe busaes ! Mr. Mamo WS gener-
ous-berle to all . ant honest and uprIght In
all his dealings. His funeral visa under the
order cf thl Odd Fellows , the services being
hehl nt lhE lrebhyterlan church ' He\ 'r. C.
Websler or the Methodist church preached
lot funeral sermon . He wnD buried 1n the
cemetery at this place.
XViii . \ 1IU18 ; to ( ; et home.
DEATHCE , Neb" , l eb , 12.-Spclal ( Tell-
r ram.-J. ) } . Dreps of Centrahia . Mo" , or-
I' rivet ! In Beatrice last night In search of his
17-year-old sm , who ran away from home
about two years ago. Slnc leaving home the
) (
lat has hat a pretty rough time of It work-
lug on a cattle ranch In Lincoln cunly , ant
a few weeks ago coining to lleatr'ce and gel-
tng a place a8 bell boy at the Paddock
holel. A few days ago the lad saw In a St.
Louis paper al account of a fire at his old
home , anll becoming homesick , wrote his
father he was ready to come home I he
wanld him to. The father Ipon rec31pt of
time letter caml to this city , but In the mean-
( line the lat hat lost hh place at the hotel I
anl no ole knew anything or his where-
abouts. When the father hal about given
lp In te.palr him Eon calt at the poslomce
ant was ' informed [ by an atchl where he
could tnl lll father. The ' meetIng was one
of mUlual rejoicing , and' the pall let this' '
ennlng for Centralia.
- -
- - - -
Pmt54oLtlIauiEittislty ihurt.
SPlNOVIW , Neb" , Feb. 12-Speclal.- ( )
C. Worley cf Basset wns pulling clown an old
house near this Illnco one day recently when
the roof gavl way , Illnnlnr hIm lo the ground ,
brealtlns his upper jaw anti nose . The wound
Is serious amid he will probably die.
1 ! , J. SkInner let Monday ns a delegate to
thl state encampment of ( lie Grand Army of [
the Republic , which Is being heM at las lngs
this weele.
Ke'a Pahn cOlnty hall two carloads cf
ahl cOle In last week one from the Slate ! .
Relief commission amid one from Cherokee
county , Iowa ! , _ _ _ _ _ _
( lld'llt ' l.rs8 U"Ir"s lomt.
OAIn.ANI Neb. , I eb. 12.-Slleclal- ( )
The Olcanl Horse Guards COlllany , an
organization composed of leading farmer for
lany mlcs about lhls place , lel In nnnual :
session here Saturday anti elected new of-
tcers , etc. This assocIation WI organized
htre In lhl Illoneer days , when Il was hardly
1101slble for n farmer to keep good horses on
nccont , ! oC.thlens. . , . , Since that tIme thieving ! itt
lime tine or horses hiSS ulen our , 11U : now , \\'lle
there Is no Ilallcular Deed of the society , It
I nevertheless kept organized In memory
of votitlon the &ot It has tone ant for n sure pre-
J. l.hulel'l barn burned very mysteriously
Salurby. 1.01 $100 : laurence , $ 50.
Andrew Saluelon , a Pioneer or this sec-
ton , died In Ils bed SundaY night. tIe was
subject In one. to Oe amid ' Is sUllllosel to have died
. I'll' nt " 'tII ]
SI I.UNeb. . , l eb. 12-Special-'Fhme ( )
buildings owned by Mat Linden , a tank
maker , wne totaly . deslroyed by fIre last
night. When the alarm was tI'en at 12 I
o'claclt time carpenter shop was \ a\lazt ant '
the tire hall spread to the tiwehlltig. A brisk
northwest wind was bllwlnA and had not the
this fire oompan made : such determined cf-
forts the row of ndjarent homes wouH
have burned 'rbe cause of the fire b tin-
known. The shop Wil Insured. '
Iltl".t by aim 1 Jlto\tl : 14.iimp.
CHETE , Neb" , Feb. 1-dllec1al ( Tell
gm.-hlutIEr ) GC'rge I.3lmer was se\'lrcly
scalded ( lila mornIng by time eXlllolhm of a
KuoHne bml , with which 1i ra tbIVllg :
! ut frozen water J11re
. , . , - - -
Defense Attempts to Show n Motive for the
Witnesl Confession ,
Charges UnIt lcn l'ndoIhut ' hIm ly
His Jlther .n" Urother- 8010
, tecllJ II the U\I
lurdur Truth ,
'INNEAlOLIS , I eb. 12.-Tho crosS ex-
: \nlnaton or Atry hayward In the lurder
fDrth a
trial this moring brought
rerful condition oC affairs In lie ,
hayward finally In their domestic re-
lotions . Alry Is evidently Indignant lt thq
course being pursued by the derense. lie
answers all fluestons with n cynIcism and
air of gratification. The brothers are c\'I-
denty rOHesset or vIolent hat t of each
other at long standlug. The scone In court
yesterday between the mother and her twe
sons hat e\hlenly hal a great elect on
Adry , and hat mate his night sleepless. ills
eyes were dull amid heavy this morning.
grwln began his questioning roughly , antI
asked Atr ) about the trouble there Was between -
tween him and his father ant Harry.
"Were you not crazy on October 7' ? " bo
"Wel ' , : S to that , " replied Atry , "Im not
In a lsllon ( to nnswer , " anll he laughed as
the court ruled the queston nut.
WIli regard to the charge that he lied
embczzlet money from his father , Adry ad .
\llel lint he hail bcen charged with crimes
by both harry ant his lather , but ho
charged at thD ( him that the money hall
beets blolen from his tat for the Ilurloso or
maIling domestic trouble. On October 7 , he
hat been requested by his mother lo go to
her aparlments nnll lalk the mnter over.
The Iiitetviewins a storuimy Olie. Harry '
Hayward hall cOllnual ) saul ) : "Why don't
you give father back the money ? "
. dry claimed that the hooks were straight
ant that larry hat the mlssllgoney. .
Irs. hayward became Ilcensed at her elder
SOl , all he tlrl d to her with the retort ;
Iuther , Ir you think I'm lshonesl , why
tld you raise nlch a hitter of plpS ? " Thou
came threats from larry that If Adr ' 1111
he would Imlfe him.
nol go ell at OICO woull
Later Harry had told the witness that his
father was carryllA a revolver ant would
shoot hIm 01 sight
"Tht was all that over mnt0 trouble between -
lweel my mother all myself . " salt Adry.
"Don't shale your hent , mother ! he atted , I
looking straight at Irs. In'wnrt who sat. .
beside Harry. It's all true and you Imow It
' "
I'm telling the truth !
"Tell It ; tel It all ! " cried the mother.
"Leave ell nothing ! "
Mr. Erwin asked a number of fueslols
which were ruled out by the court. Among
lhmn were the following :
"Did you toll your father ant mother thJt
you werD being sliadowed't"
"Dil you not tel them that folks were
peering Ilto your windows constantly , anti
the next one who did W llt get tIme contents
of your revolver ? "
"Dt you tel your father that you met ' n
man 01 your fshll ! trIp who toll you that
you hat hat trouble and would have more ,
anti that you were so Impress wIth I
that you hat your life insured
"Did you oren threaten to rob street ears ? "
One ImpechCI question which was nlawet
was this : "Now you told us yesterday that
when you were In the Jai harry said : 'They
are pressing I3hlxt rather chose. ' '
IrcsslnA Blxt close.
"I don't remember whether . salt so or
Harry diti We were both of us reading
lie Papers. Then Harry salt : "Im not
afraid about his sticking. , What I nm
afraid of Is'-lpplng' ' da ' . the . . , shoulder- .
' ' . ' ' . . "
'wlat you m 'say : , ,
"Now , tontl , you Icow"tlatlh papers had
nothIng II them about Dlxt that day ? '
"I Ilon't lrow anything about , It. I know
Wi road It.
"Dd you not say In tll office to your
father on October 7. . 'i've got to have money
SounD way. I I don.t get Il Il rob 1 street
car or holt up a train , or do something. I
know a scheme to fix harry , and Il do It ,
see I I don't. ' .
"I did not , . saId Atr ) " .
" dl ' to Stewart with
"Now , why you go Stlwart
thIs I"
"I thought he was 1 friend. ' Father
would nol listen to me. Harry saId that he
could sent mo to Stillwater. lie ant father
had the money ant lhey could send me to
Sllwatel any ) tmo they wanted to I toM
Harry that I could send him. Father
wanted to know what I meant by that. I
told htm I could , just be same. I went to
"lder Stewart that annie day ant told him
all about It. "
"Ha,1 , not your father had trouble with
Elder Stewart ?
" 'Yel he had some trouble for I know
father had not been tolng the elder's business -
ness for about three months. He had gone
there right along however , and they were
on reasonably good terms. "
goot terms.
"Now , why did you . lo him when yoU
knew he w.s an enemy ? "
"Ho was not an enemy : he was a friend.
I hd known him for twenty-five years. . "
"Dlii you wear the same shoes the night
of the murder that you have on now ? "
'Yes. sir ; I thInk I did. I hind two pairs
of tan colored shoes down staIrs tht were
more painted than these , " said Adry.
"Very well , I offer the shoes. You need
not take them off , " said ErwIn.
Alry held the shoe up with outstretched
foot for the jury to look at.
"Did you have a friend named Frank who
Imew Dlx "
Erwin then asked Atry If he had gone out
lo Kenwood boulevard with Bhlxt. I he
hat gone out with Dlxt to n place beyond
Lake Calhoun and selected the place where
Miss Gng was lo be murdered , ant whether
he hall nol salt lo Dlxt , "I ranlt will protect
you If there Is any ( rouhtie , "
Adry denied ever knowing . Dlxt to any extent - , .
tent , ant I\all not walked a block on the
street wIth him.
These questions on the hart of the defense
Indicate 1 Ilossiblo purpose oC setting up I
lint It was Atry ant not Harry who con-
spired lo commit the murder with nlxt , and ,
that the much talked oC Ilolnted shoe tracks
at the scene or the murder were mate by
The cross.examlnnlon of AM hayward
was concluded n little later In the morning.
lie declared he hind received no promlae of
protection from hmo state and that he hall told
hil btory upon the advice of Elder : Stewart ,
who was his friend ant his attorney . lie
hat eletet ( to stay II jai most of the time
sluice the arrest or larry upon Stewart's
advice ant lo save hlmaet nnnoynnce from
reporters ant others. lie hat not been
unter arrest , but could core ant go freely
I ho wanted . lie lat no feeling agailst
lilt brother but what ho was daily over-
coming. Ito pitied him and would do any-
tlting lo help him out of hIs trouble This
thinA hel
last answer was stricken out
John Ialton and 1 , ' . E. Dodge , Insurance
agents testified to conversatons they hat
had with Harry abut In8uru. on a lady's
life ant how such policIes could be assigned
to him as security for I loan
- - -
( : rolglitomm lal Thmeat rtctitii. 0
The Emerald Dramutlo company 1n
merall Dramato
"Shiaun Aroon" WUK the attraction which
filled Crelghlun College hnl to overflowing
butt nIght. ' 'hl play itt I \ ' ( ' ) ' mitch , like Jo-
sephi AIurhill"u well Imown .Iraras . , although -
though clearly showing un amateurs IU ,
thuorslmip . ' 1hA cast of chul'act\rH was ad-
uimlrubll' " 'el chctcn , IS shown \ hy the ( oh.
lowlll lrratK IIr"Onne : Joselh I.
Grad1 Shaul A:1 "uII ) ' Cllltured the
audience from the start with hits happy-go-
1\11' airs antI lght heart , while Miss Ottr.e-
\Ic\e ( I'oc Ilvldlll hunor with hll ice
MaggIe . time 1010 , Mire C'rof dllo won
great ctpjiitcuse In thD Interval between the
Hut mind Ieroml uctit , when site Ianl ' 'fhlne
Fyes WIll 'rehi" wIth such erect ns to elicit
an enrort , tem which she replied with "iCil-
'lame , " John \ Clark was clever ' In th\
dual role of Lord l erne ) ' , dIsguised In the
lrst two nchl as Had Asmtiy. 'rime part or
Han O'Urlen was feelIngly lwrtrayetl I ) "
Wlliln J. Hele ) ' , Molie 0' Urtln , thl
tanler'l .Inuhtel' , wa' InterpretPd skill-
fully by Miss Ella Croft , who also Itllghttd
those ' itrehent wlh a pretty rtndcredocal
solo , "EI , en Amooui . ' which was encored.
This other actors tlc,1 In 101t Iceellta ! ,
notably Matthew Walkln ps l ' - rUI Hor-
dan , the rascally landlord and the howlng\
( unity comedy llal t of I'otrtcl , . ( lie ler'nt ,
taken b ) ' Thomas O'ConmmoiOrchestral Interludes -
terludes with Miss Maggie Swift al the
1/1110 cnhanced th eveaiag'mi enjoyment
' . ' . ,
: : lIt t - '
ConflIctIng ( ) plton' ' ! . \hout Ju Origin nnl
Op'l0n .
The mld.mnnnered calm precedIng the re-
cent arctIc / ' ( throughout the eastern
halt or the continent was coincident with a
series of articles on storms In general antI
the blzzarruln ( partculr , I was boldly
claimed thatlil . ) . lzzard was n native or an.1
confined to \ hecest. , , Like the cyclones or
summer , Wh \ . lie easter pro\'lncnl press
delght to confine to Ifansas , the blizzard
knows no section lines. lie "wrastles" with
the easterner wlh all the gayety of an ell
and frequent visItor and yet the later denies
the aequniltnn ! ' I'rof Inzen recently assorted .
sorted that LIII \ { blizzard Is unknown outside
or the Unllell States , ant Insinuates that its
area Is contnc to the western 9lalns . In
other words , I level country furnIshes the
germs death , of blizzard lIfe anti mountains are their
The lazen view tO\etall wIth the theories
cf this easterner , who are for the moment discussing -
cussing the weather with congealed breath.
The theory which meets general approval Is
advanced by the 1Ittsburg Times. "Tbe cold ,
wave or blIzzard . " gnys the Times , "are
American , anti , at best , or worst , known only
In tuG west. The Allegheny mountains are a
, !
harrier to both , "
The only Ilfculr wih the Pltshurg theory
Is that It wi nol tt the facts. Perhnl the
Alleghenies have resigned the Post of blizzard
buffer. Local , papers agree lint tne section
of the Alleghenies have hal something of a
storm with zerolc weather In copious closes .
The PhldtelJhln Hecorl refers to last I rl.
dny's blast as equal to " ( lie memorable blz-
Zrd or 1888 , " alt the wind attained 1 velocity -
Ity or forty mils nn hour
Mark the , vorl blizzard and the Epeel\
The 1hlllellhln Press plays havoc with the
cherished theory by Irolouncln ! the storm
n blizzard and jiving its origin as Texas.
Texas Is not usually classed as a western
New York anti Buffalo ppers cal n biiz-
zard a blizzard , nli care nol whence It
caine Most Interesthg oC all Is the report
or the Dos ton Globe , charming II Its slm-
Illclty and cotlsltcnc ) It quotes Hazen's
noton In support of the statement that "we
In the cast don'l know what a blizzard Is , "
A blizzard is I politely transformed Into I cold
wave whE1 It reaches that section . Accord-
lug to thD Golu ; n blizzard Is n fierce , cold
tornndo , with snow all low temperature.
That which tIme Oobe describes Is classed as
n "cold snap , " Which sent the lercury frol
30 degrees to sevcdl points below zero. There
was evidently sOle snow 01 the ' frlnes of
" " the Globe incidemitahly i
the "cohl snap . for Gobe 'Incltenlalr
lentons blockades and delays In tralc , with
the harbor so choked wlh ( Ice ns to render
navIgaton hierilolte. I there was n gale with
the "cold sap' ' It would be mistaken for n
blizzard. 01 lhls point the Globe Is prD\ole-
Ingly silent , but It presents I pletlre of
: ! llot lhlhole surrounded b ) loullallols
whitecaps ant clouds of spray dashing against
the reliector. I Is more ImJress'e than
words. Perhaps the watery commotion was
calsel by n subterranean eruptlofi.
Iii view ) of these diverse views and opInions
the denizens of the eastern blizzard belt
Ehoulll get togelher amid thaw out nn harmonious -
ous theor ) ' . _ _ _ _ p _ _ _
ThuG , 1..1 J'OIITI ; . Oil . ? 01 11 Jn wo.
Talent Gole a Slight Show for 1s Coin at
lihi' ; pl ! trlct Tmolc.
SAN F\NctSCO. ( Feb 12.-I a\'orles (
won the nrli t\"o races today , but failed
lo show aferi t at. In the thIrd race , Imp.
I'mph'e : br tlcs ,10)n. Slimmer ) " :
First racqfltf ) , furlongs , Kelng : hoes
r , Isom (2 ( to 1) ) , won ; Sam Drown , 101.
Chol (5 ( to ,1) ) , : lsccont ; I.lzzle Hampton ,
colt , 99. Durls (2 ( to 1) ) . thlrll. Time : 'lIO' : ,
' Emma Mack . j3ancroft ,
'Temietltm . ltrIc'iI gmma Dnnclort
BlIss . Soletlid , : , condor , Nipper 11 Sissy
< !
also .
Jupe Ilso rqn.
Second rate 4' ; furlongs , soIling : Rear
Guard 10 , 1110 ' ! 1 ' (1 ( to 5) ) , won ; San Lucas
10. Sione ( ! ( ( t. 1. ) Second ; Repeater , 06 ,
Coclernn (3tt ( 1)1 ) third. Time : 1:25. : Idaho
Chief , Lanlo' 13 , " ' Tigress ant Crawford
also rnn. nil t ,
' , Third race1 ( x : Curlongs. selling : Hoot-
luuu . 10 . CIT1 : l ItP } ) , won ; .Iohnny 1uyne ,
l7 . Spence ( i4t&1) , second ; Talbot Clifton ,
] Helnhll ) ( : to 1) ) , thlrt , Time : 1:26 - : ; . .
lellrlnger \ , 01vl \ Uoeder , King , , , Sam . , _ and , 'r
. , ' - .
ltointum ! : alsolrhl : :
Fourth ; 'tlti.i muG and , a haf , hunle :
Hed Pat 124 Hennee (2' ( to 1) ) , won ;
ler. 135 . Ambrose. (31 ( to 1) ) . second ; Meg-
: 13.
tor 10" Swift (20 ( to 1) ) . ' third . Time : 3:37. :
Three ran. Forks " , lutpeeanl Empire also
Fifth raw . fIx CI\longs : Miss Ruth 90.
isom (4 ( to . 1) ) . won : Grind Lll' , 102. Client
hem 1) . ! second ; Fhasitllglit . 99. Cockrn (6
lo 1) ) . third. , Time : 1:24\ : \ " . San Luis Hey. , ,
FlrNla , Quirt , Hobin Hood 1 cutti Carmel
also ran.
NEW ORI.l ANS. Feb 12-FlrRt race .
one mile : Itoert Vila (3 ( to 1) ) won henry
6wsley ( : :0 : to 1) ) second , Miss ( llamtc (1 ( to
2) ) thIrd. Tlm : 2:00. :
Second rnce five furlongs : Le Banjo ( G
to 1) ) won Hollywood (3 ( to 1) ) second , Black
Jack (8 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:13 : , .
Third race 81) furlorg" : Haneocas (7 ( to
1) won . Bill White (2 ( , to 1) ) second , Satellite
(8 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:27 : ½ .
Fourth race . handIcap. lIve furlongs :
Black Bali (4 . lo 1) ) won lint Catchier (4 ( to
] ) send , Trlxll (7 ( to 2) ) third. ' .me :
1:20' , .
Fifth race six furlongs : Cave Spring
(2 ( to 1 won Pirate (3 to 1) second , JOD
(4 ( to 1) third . Timue : 13O.
Jflftccmi Ilres IJvhl"d the Pot.
MONTE CARI.O , Feb. 12.-The International -
tonal plgcn shooting contest was con-
tnue hEre today. For the Irlx de Ceres
there were lify-ttmree enlrles. The frt
prize amounting to 2,9S frwIs. WIS dl-
vlded by Messrtt. Gafon and itiva . each oC
whom hlc fIfteen birds. Mr. LevI , nn
Americn shooter , has G arlved ! here.
LOO.IL Iltn'1'lRS.
The funeral or Charles E. Formnami will be
held at St. Malhlas' Episcopal church , on
South Tenth street , tomorrow afternoon at 2
' .
An enjoyable party was given last night at
Chambers' academy , Paterson blok , under
the auspIces of the halcyon club. The member -
bets attended enmnSfue , nail many novel
ant beautiful costumes wcre worn.
The members oC the Builders and Traders .
exchange will hold 'a business meeting at the
rooms In the New York Life buIlding nt 1
o'eloclt this morning. I.18ch ant other
refreshments will b lervc nt noon
Charles E. Forman , the young mal who
was severely burned last Wednesdny by the
bursting of 1 steam pipe , died al lho real-
denco of his parents , Mr ant Mrs. Alfred
Forman , 1820 South Thlrly-second street. sl
4 o'clock yesterday morning . Death resulted
from the shock which young Fermium received
nt the time of the accident
Mary Dradshaw , colored , ant Mrs. Singer ,
whIte , had 1 brief but lively light yesterday
over the possession or a pillow , .olh of
them were arrested and fined for disorderly
conduct. Mary has been rooming wIth Mrs.
Singer at 709 Douglas street and when she
started lo move away a dispute arose over
the ownership of the piow ,
On Thursday evening of this welt a val-
cnlne enlertnlmEnt wi be given unler the
ausplcDS of 81. p lherlne's guild or S ( . John's
church In thf assembly room of the paro- I
dual school , Twenty.slxth and ranldln
slreets. Tmq program Includes shadow
scones , T\q music , etc.-a delectable
distribution ' } versltet delights .
lerman U'.1'lqr ' ' oC 101 North Eleventh
street tell 8 . cOmplaint In the police court
yesterday a plnz , . Constable Snussay , charging
him wlh IrtSP' i. I Is claimed that
Sua8ny bUI\.jttachmenl \ . papers for a trunk
elonglng t .Ierthn . itlnkle . who Is rooming
nt RIchter's10 The constable Is alleged to
have taken tvg ( ) trunks belonging to Itichiter.
The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
company hnsh been granted a permit to tear
down the two , upper stories of the Helman
building , at 'hlrleenth and 1 lral slreels.
The ( hires rmatlng stories wi be roofed
over ant ISo for store and cities purposes.
The change II mantle . al tIme Instance of the
members of the Board or Building examiners -
acre , hy whom lie building was condemned !
soma tmo ago.
The flag was hoisted on lie city hal yesterday -
aY morning 1/ boner of the blrtllay pftbra. .
\ the
ham Lincoln alt CIty Clerk IKby got
handsome bik bnner of the hamilton club
out or the vault and draped It over his desk. I
There was no attempt at an observance of
the day In the schools , although son\ of the
teachers improved the occasIon to Include ;
brier discussion of LIncoln and his history \
In the regular curriculum.
TIme large 'room at the high school building
has been given over to County Superintendent
11 for what II expected to 10 one of [ lie (
larges gatherings of school teachers that
has been hmti In Omaha , I Is the plan of'
the superintendent ( to organize all tIme teach-
era of the eastern counties Into an asro l- l '
lon for mutual beneft , and assurances have
been received that over 500 teachers will at-
leach. This meetn ! will be held on the
evening cf Wnshititon's ! birthday ,
South Dakota olon8 Determinel ( t Re-
move All Potible Obstcles
Its t'ay W1 lIe ( trn'd h ) the folth3' , hut
IlshI' " ' 1h\1 Hohnrt I litre II l
W'urklmig wIth ii \1 AJlln ' t
Its urthrr 1'rtgrr ' ,
PlmnE , S. D. , Feb 12.-Speclnl ( Tele-
Rram-The ) divorce bill , which Ilassell the
senate today , brought to the city BIshop ' .
hare oC the Episcopal church , who two years
ago mcurell the repeal at the easy divorce
law , and who Is strenuously opposed to re-
habitatng the dIvorce busines here. Dshop
larD has addressed nn . open letter to the
newspapers , asking a number or questons ,
The first Inquiry 19 It Il Is true that n bIll
10 penlln" to permi strangers to conic Items
and institute proceetlngs at once rind obtain
n decree nt the end or six months : the econd
inquires It lie Inw'ers , hotel men and others
have subscribed n large Bum tl maintain I
ilbb3' hero to 119h tIle bill through : the
third Inquires If the reporters have tacItly '
agreed to keep quiet about the matter In
order that the bill may slip through before
the public becoll aroused The first two (
questions may be answered In the affirmative ,
the last In the miegative.'ide publicIty line
been given to the maHer.
The lawyers , hotel men ant \erehants In
Sioux Falls ant other cIties n month ago
: raIsed a large fU11 amid pul Il In the handset
ot one or the most skillful lobbyists In tIme
state , all the passage of the bill Is tIme re-
suit. There Is In the city n strong lobby In-
terestel In this bill , ant Il has wqrleed very
elcverl ) ' . 111shop hare , however , Is con-
tient that he can defeat the bill.
This measure was Introduce II Senator
Aldrich or Miner county and tetay passed
tIm senate by a vote of 2G to 13 after I sharp
debate. TIe ; bill provides thal no decree for
bl povltes tecrco
Ilvorc' shall bo Issued untIl the applicant
has been a bona tde ' rehlent or the state for
at least six months. Its purposl Is to allow
outsiders to cOle here and begin suit al
once , but six months' delay will ensue before , ,
the decree Is granted. At present six months'
residence Is necessary before the suit Is begun
and from nluo to twelve months before the tc
eros Is Issued. Should the propMet law pass
South Daleota will have n mol ! liberal divorce
law than any other state In the union
The friends or the measure advocate It
solely emi ( ha ground that It will brIng a
large sum of \one ) Into the state. Dshop
Hare has orgnlzel , the clergy ant other
church people against \ A strong fight will
be mate upon t In the house but the prospects -
peels are that \ will become I law. nshop
Hare not emily lies a very lage prestige nmong
Episcopalans , but Is I very shrewt and
popular man , ant Is n't n novice In matters
of legislation. lie has returned to Sioux
Falls , but It Is expected that he will come
back ant organIze the fight later on.
Legislature l'rovldes Ilelu , by Which the
Stlto Arlel Llh May lie Uttilzod.
CHEYENNE , Feb. -peclnl ( Tele-
gram.-Thie ) senate ot the Wyoming legislature -
lature today passed the hO\se bill prvid-
lug for the acceptance and reclamation of
l million .acrca Of arid hand donated to
tie state under the provcsloms of the Carey
bill. There Is no question about the bIll
l. queston b\
receIving the go\'ernor's approval. Sev-
ural large constrcton companies Ire \ey
to eater Into contracts wHh the state under
the new law fol the constructIon of l1rle
Irlgaton worles along the large streams t
the northen and central portions oC
Wyoming . where there are magnificent vnl-
leys of fertile agricultural lanlls. I Is e-
peele that there will be n rapid develop-
ment of t19 agricultural Interests of the
slate on account of the passage of this
Governor Richards today RPnt a Ipeclal ,
message to the leg slature urging the passage - .
sage oC I hl ! to provile for the orh'nlzatol
of a. county composed oC the famous tract
of country ylng ! eat of the Yellowstone ,
park nut ! known as the Big ! o\I basin I
Is believed that the Burlington rnlrmul intends - ,
tends buildIng Into that section dUlng the
Present year. _ _ _ _ _ _
111118 C.llot Control Ills Friends.
WILMINGTON , Del. . Feb. 12.-I Is said
there Is I possibilIty of Senator Higgins'
wlhlrnwnl from the senatorlll contest on
March 1. anti turing his voles over to Edward -
ward G. Bradford . The story was men-
toned to a friend of Mr. Hhmlnl tonight
anl ho replIed : "Senator higgIns cannot
control a single vole which Is beIng cast
for him. \Ve are voting for him volun-
tarl ) ' . I he Ihould ask me to vote for
Mr. Bradford I would refuse to do so. "
to so.
IIJhleeu Ballots mcmiii No ChoIce.
SALEM , Ore" , Feu. 12.-The elghteenlh
Joint ballot for United States senator was
( alien today wIth. the followIng rCul :
Dolph , 39 ; has-c . \Veathertord : , 7 : 'VI-
Iams , 1 ; Ion 7 : 1.wel. 10 ; absent , G.
Object to ii Now Itvnrco Lutty.
SIOUX FALLS , S. p" , Feb. 12-Speeial (
Toegrant.-Ths ! ) Mlnlsterlnl asaclatloum of
ths city passe resolutions cwtlcrslmtg the
efforts of Uhop Hare to prevent the
change of the divorce law of this state
( 'II.hlal.1I lollll : Their OWI ,
10SI . Idaho , Fob . 12.-'rhe vote for
United States senator today was without
change. Shioup,19 : Sweet , 18 : Clngget , lG
Urlutoc' ' , UI\'olum II Ue'1nvnro.
DOVER , 1)eh , Feb. 12-1'here Is no
change II tie senatorial deudlocle. Another
bahiotwasjukdntoday _ . without result. _
} 'III"II , to Testify .
CHICAGO , Feb. 12.-Proof of the attitude
of George M. Pullman toward tie United
States distrIct court will be hear II chum-
her by Judge GroKSLlp tomorrow mornIng .
Mr. Iu\mln uppenre.1 . In thc udgc'mt room
this morning I . Robert ! L. LIncoln ,
his leiaI 1 itdvissr , made a state-
moult tor Mr. PUlman relative to his
Innocence of any Intentonll contempt of
cuurt. lie snhl his client was In Auburn ,
N. Y. at the time Deputy Marshal JOlel
was looking for him with _ the subpoena ,
and ( hat the first 110tee he hind that he
wits wanted was hy reading lie account In
the neWFplpe ( lie at once hastened to reo
turn , multi reached the city Monday morning.
lie was realY ! itt any tme to appear all
answer the orders of thc court.
21 Quaker
l OATS I ,
Cook your Ouaker Oats II
v thoroughly madam I Then V
M see how many saucers your
( \ boy will eat for breal < fast.
' { ' , Sold only In 2 lb. Packages.
_ _ 4 -0 .
"hEft RUitl. Il1J1I.'I.'l , IlO.lhtX ' "
"ll llOJ.I. 1111:1 . , ' 0.1 ,
I was I lecture nudlence peculiarly that
greeted M. mouet ( Max O'UII ) last night nt
Young Meti's ChrIstian associatIon hal , anti
nn atmdlemice , too , entirely In touch wih the
tecturer nail . the stibject. "hier Royal highness -
ness , Wornn , " was the being heM II' to
the allrlrlnR gaze or several hUllred people ,
anti lh deft touches , the bright bits or satire ,
tht clever exploiting of her foibles , her maIn-
eerIly , were all hanlC1 wllh that delightful
finesse which his mlde Max O'Hel the prInce
of rnconteur anti fetmliieoumists. lie Is unlIke
any othe\ lecturer who comes to our 8hore8.
A thorough gentleman , I wll , I scholar anti
n tralnNI observer or n nation's 11cularltes ,
ho has the woulrous faculty or hohlu ! ulI to
Ilublc gaze the failings oC tIme race , anti yet
" down In
"nothln" uteluate nor Aught act
malice , " " 'olnn could IOt han . more de
voted chlpion than lho wit ) l rlIChlnn , ;
' last he
Max O'Hel , who IIClonslrate < night
had son the hesl creation of the Master tinder
lie sliest advantageous clrcuIltances Ilossl-
ble Ills bits ot ! teller pathos , followIng
closely upon comae brightly thtl story , gave a
charmit to the evening , anti his tribute to
Jacqtiellume , the Freticli peasant wontan , whIch
lie used as a type , was full of deep rooted ad-
unlratlon for tlmose who were ( ho Italic of
F'rauico totia ) ' , as they hail ever beeti hut ( lie
troublomus ( hues of lien greatly ecaimictl his-
tory. Much Cl ( lie immattcr introtltmcetl was old
to tliosei who have beemi close readers of the
Freticli Mark Twaiti , sonic of it hew , antI ,
therefore , doubly ititcrestlmmg , All , however ,
was ivell cotisitleretl amid cleverly nrticmmlatetl ,
making on evemtlng Iii every vay Worthm ) ' ( lie
world-wide faint , which M. lhlouct hiatt womi as
I. critic ctmict a keen observer of racial elmer-
acerisics ,
Sadie Martlnot and Max Figman , in timeir
sticccssful coined ) ' , ' 'Time l'assport. " vll1 be
seen at ( lie lloyd tomnorrow evetiIumg amid for
thto two nights following.
Miss Z'tlartlnot's excellent abilitIes to imor-
tray girlish sweetness antI high class counetly
hiavo beets full ) ' exoniplifletl again anti agitimi
iti the most dlfllctmlt roles. anti , with ( lie 'ery
best of attraetioims. Mr. Max Figmnan'a abih'
itles as a stage tulanager and skIll as ami
actor are also well defimied , Time ) ' coniO slip-
iortetl by a capable ccntpamm3' of high elites
comedians , and Miss MarInot will Ito seen In
several very hmuntisoune and costly gowmus
from Felix anti \Vorthu.
'l'iio play , "Tint i'assport , ' ' is by Steplieim-
son and Yartlley , authors of "Time Noniiiteo"
and mmiamiy other successes. TInt piece lies
becomiie Instantly itoinmiar amid line proved a
tutost enjoynlile vehicle for tim totmr of Mar-
( loot and Flgunami. Time sale of seats will
ohiemi ( his niornliig at 9 o'clock.
Mr. W'ihhiamn J. Fielding , agent of "Off ( lie
Earth" counpany , arrivetl fnouut St. PattI this
nionmilng amid reports lila company as doing
big busIness in tIme ( wimi cities of ( lie "frozen
north. ' ' Ecitlie It'oy amid the big Amnerican
Travesty coiilltiuiy are breakiuig records
wherever they go In " 01 ! ( lie Earth , " and
Mr. Fielding , when ( old that hitmslmtess
hail not been up to ( lie average In Omaha recently -
cently , 5aid that lie hind no fears that Fey
and his retlummie of merry uutakers would not
fall to wake things up in , Omaha just the
sumac as he lmatl beau doIng elsewhere. The
engagement- "Off the Earth" opeuts Suit-
day evening at ( lie Boyd for four uilghits.
"Uncle Toni's CabIn , " with Its realistic
scenes of life in the sunny otithi in ante
belhtmm days , is the attraction a the Empire
( lila afternoon , whiout the usmial ladies' and
chmIhdreut's matinee will be given at 2:30 : , at
whelm performnauico any seat Iii ( he hiouso
may Ito obtained for 25 cemma.
Fittiter of lllt Cotmtitra'
General preparations are being mantle for the
observance of ( his aniitversary \Vasiiing- -
toit's bIrthday , which occiurs next Fnidmy.
The JunIor Order of Amnerican Mechanics will
celebrate ( lie occasIon witlm an. appropriate
program at the Wcmemi's club roommis F'riday
evening and on Thursday eveniumg ( lie I'atrl-
otlc Order ot the Sons of tIme ltevolutloui vill
give a similar entertainment at Grand Army
of ( lie Republic hall on Fifteenth street.
State Superintendent Corbett has sent out
bulletins 't'q all hih ichoola im ( lie state , offer-
log suggestion for the ob'sevancD of' ( be day
auid niore or less elaborate programs wilt be
given In each of ( be Omaha sclioolmi.
fleathi 01 C eyons Lad ) ' .
LYONS , Neb. , Feb. 12.-Spcclal.-Mrs. ( )
Tlmeotiore Kelly , an old settler of Burt county ,
died yesterday. Funeral wiJI be held to.
morrow at the P'resbyteritimi church , conducted -
ducted by Rev. Mr.Findley.
, /
\ ' , ' & .d : ; ' )
. . ' , . d
Mrs. A. C. Jifcdloclt'
Orleans , IntL
Good Reason for Faith
Cured ot Scrofula by Hood's
ScmefuIa permeates humanity. It Is thoroughly
Infused imito Ute blood. Scarcely a mnamt Is
free ( morn It , In outoform oranothier. hood's
Sarsaparilha cures scrofula itFomnpthy , surely ,
permanently. Tliommsactds of PeoPle say en
For Instamice , read title
I U I ama justified iii thimiking flood's Barsaparlil. ,
a splendid iiiccllciiio by own expec'leitco i 1Cm
It , I iva a greateufferer front scrofula , hia-
lug dreadful sores in rr.y ears amul nit lii ) '
hmeaii , sometimes 111cc barge ltoil discltarglit
id I the ( luau , Idy hmmislianti insstcth that
take hood's Barsaporihla. Of ( Ito first bottle
My Appetite Improved ,
mid I feltaomewhatbeter. So I boughitanothmer
bottle , auth by the time it was half gocia tIme
scrofula hiatt entirely disappeared. I nun
stow entirely free from acrofula anti was
never In better health. hood's Barsaparitla
also cmtretl me of a terrible palms in may side ,
etiutsoti by utouralgia of the heart , " Mitmi , A ,
C. ItlliiL.OCK , Orleans , Indiana.
Hood'B PillS euro liver ilH , constipation ,
biliousness , jaundice , sick headache , IndigestIon.
juIuI : ) PAY
S IOU 10 8,000 rAIIINIB'
' 4 : WrIte forBaniL References ,
xMluATloU FREE ,
No Operation. Ito Detention from Busthess.
THE 0. E. MILLER Co. ,
307-308 , " 1. LIfe lhidg , , OMAhA , { EB.
Our record of actual anti undenIable cureS of
tlYPlihIIS I. plmeaomenal. We furnish till metS-
moines free antI eradicate thd poIson Stole this
system in 90 day. . Cur. guaranteed.
ifour. , dO t. ' 1.10 ; Wednesdays sn Satur'
day , . 5. p. m.
New York Life , Omaha , Neb.
Ono Must Think Quiokly and
Keep His Wits.
Floroo Compotitlon Urges MOn
and Women to Their Utmost.
Neives i.nd Braiii frg Give Way Unor thi
Torriflo Strain ,
Men dla Itt tue bIg cities like trees , begin-
utluig at the top.
It , is apoplexy , hicart faIlure , nervous
( ration , shock , congestion of the braims amid
sttlchle that characterIzes tIme tiiortnhlty lists
in tint great centers of PoPulation ,
A cIty teaches one to think qmilckly , to l > a
always 0mm time alert amitl quick to avoid dati'
ger , as ivell as to see the lucky chiutmices , II
is Imnitossihmie to go slowly even if one haS no
Presein mieetl for hurry , Time rush Is coil. ' 1 ,
tagious. Otto ilmicla hmiutisclt drawn doug by
tIme rapltlly moorIng erowtls nuid is sooui hurry-
itig with tIme rest. it Is imntlcuhtetliy trite
( hint two-timirtls of all the mucus amid vounemi
otie sees tearing through time streets are 1mm
tie atmeb actual haste. They are merely vIe-
tItus of this fearful habit of hurry.
lint whether tIme fearful rush is essential or _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1101 , ( ito result Is ( hue saimme. Nerves anti
braimis are eximamueteml , muiemi anti ivomnen grow
Prcunatmtrcly aged , tImes of depression foi- '
loi' the high-strung comiclitlon , Time euttlro _ _ _ _
miervotis systemit smitmst be rapidly amid fully
tiotmrlshtetl to lreveuit titter Ilrcistratloii cmiitl
collapse. It Is estimimntetl by htld'slciamis that _ _ _ _ _
i'aIuio' color ) ' compomtntl nilmiuttlll' sni'ee thou- '
samitls upon tlmotmsamitls of muon amid liv-
ittg Iii cities frouut breaking clown imuider thuds
work. It buIlds till ( lie sultstmnce of tint
tierves niitl brain faster ( hunts it is torn ilown
by evems suichs prodigal waste. it csmres Per-
muiancmttll' all iveaicmtess of this stomach , liver
niitl kltliieys , anti takes away amiy tontloitcy
of these vital orgatis' to disease.
. '
s the Great Life Giver.
I , f'NE bnlltla us
. refreitimes , Iits'igorntee nil
exhmmmuste'd orgiuma of tiio
both > ' . It is the great
egetahtio vitalizer that
. deetros tim gormntm of
thittt iitmttthioU thicmvtma . 31
ishiheit lttti it'itSteti tInt
- strcuigthi of osmr > ouug
mcii ,
'I'hiere are imssmmtirctls of
. ) .ilt ) it g amid niItiiho iiged
ltlt'mi 'whttsti , nerve force
are dccilntiig who suitTer IrtliLt tleltilltatImjg
dreams until tioCo ills is'ltirhi ftdlou a train cx-
cesses mind over icidtihgtmtcci Imi early life.
( IJPIIINE will give ynmi bnk ' omur life.
Yomi will ho ice iiiverfuiil strong miuier'its tsso as
' oak , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
you are itois' iturioutly
Are you iut a iremnturo con- _ _ _
dltIon ( I1I'11)LiNIwill _ _ _ _
' stun thIs WILCIC iii a Lots.ilcht or
, thr'eo ivoeltS.
Impotency sterIlIty , inemitat
-S , Isicici'utm'itlcS tint qttttkly cured
. nuid m. eutlily ic-
- i1iOi'et ity mhu'usC
. of CU1'hlINE.
. ( U1'JliSi
citrus lost Mitmi-
hunoti , las' of hmnimimi l'ower , Comi-
lcUunttltii of ( lie lImits litareises ) ,
Shi'eltlOiiiCi.S l.iutk of l'ou'er , this.
zluii'st 1'iiiis lit the Iltichi. Xeu'i'otis
I'motrauioui , Zervouie Iebhhilv
\'utrlcncele , Cotismipuition mtutl ivli (
surely br1u bactlmo1ost Imvce
uf inca.
Prostatitis cnrrie ofF our
. vommuig timid mititile-imetl at cii.
} mmlucugcd ltrtttmttO ghtmmitl aecd
a tUietltig yet Im'Urful remmme-
' - S dial agemit. emutIm Is ctii'i. " '
- Dhil. Use CU1'hIENEamol
. avoid a dtcmigerous opcratioii.
Guarauttee in wnititig given
unit usoney returuiCti it scr.
- ' fe' ninuesit ctmrols itot ciTectet3 by
1x boxes. Cumttrammtce soul
with snail orders just the
the minnie. fei.Il ) it box , U
bOXeR for S5. ( ) ( ) h.y jun11 , 6,000 TeatIme-
zilale. South for free circularseud tostiunoultite ,
Address cli mali orders to a
p. 0. florn 207 , ? hnmi FrnncIscoaI.
' -5' , tliF. ri-
GOODMAN DRUG CO. , Ui ) Farncto-iL &
"Howdy ,
Stranger ! "
Is the Texas Welcome
Texas will say "howdy" to you , If yoe " .11
down and gtve her hospitable citizens halt a
I chance to get acquaInted wills you.
I flesitles being 'i pleasant place to visit , it does
not take a back seat as a wonlths producer. On
the Gulf Coast of Texas easy 1)0 found big
I attractmona for hsomeeeekere ; 20 acres of hand ,
planted in pears , nets owner 15.000 yearly.
Cheap rates in etfect durIng wInter months ,
Now Is the tIme to go. Cell on or address Ii , I , ,
raInier , P. A. , Santa Fe route , Omaha , for cx-
cursion tates and tree copy of Coast Country
NE" FAflEV ALLMmOUTCIIANGINQ time Featuirotm isn't hiomov- . -
log Hiecuutt'boiIiu 154) p. book for a mtimiunp.
.1 , , Imim 11 , VottIir' , 127 W. 42t1 tlt.N , V. -
luveutor of Vootlbury'5 F'mtcial hloiw. .1
Leaves IILJLIL1NGTON & MO. nivlan.lArrlvcs
Oimiaiia Union Bepot , 10th & Mnsonmits.l Omaha
hQlOam.flerver : ' . . . . . . . . :
4 : aammui , silk. Il lila. Mtnt , . & I 'tuget hmith. sx. : 4 OtJittt
4:55pm : . , . . . . . . . . . . Denver naprees. . . . . . . . . . . . 4lOpmui :
6 : ttittsu. .Nt'irttkti 1.oetml ( ' 'cettt l-untltiy ; ) , , 7lttium :
8:15am. : , , Ltncola Local ( OXCCP1 Sunday ) , . , ithiamis :
2:4pm. : . , FaHcamaumcforLncolmtatmv. . . . . . . . . .
LeaSes it'lflCACO , siuJucLiNU'fON & QlArrlves
Omriahialtlnioa Depot , loch & Mason Sts.I Omuhs
: . . . . . . . . . . Vestlitule , , . . , . . . . , 5:50am :
5:50am : , , . , . , . . . . Cmmtcago Bxpresa. . . . . . . . . . . 4lpm ;
7:50uni. : . .Clmirmmt.'e tiiitl tt , Ltutn lxl'rss : , , , 5OO.iiut :
11:55am . , , , . , . .l' aciflo Junction Lecam , . . . . , , , 6:10pm :
l"usl Stittil . . . , , , . . . , . , . . 2lQi'iui :
Leaves hI'iilCAflO. hdui , & B' ! ' , l'AUI..lArrhvss
OinamialUniOn Depot , lOtle& Mason 13ta.lthuiall
6Oopni' : . . . . . . . . .Chicago Llmitmmei. . . . . . . . . . . 5:30am :
i1i0nm : , ( exSun. ) . . . . . 6Oopuui :
OmmuahtajUril9jePttt , 10th & ? dasonj3tajOmahs
h1Oauii : . . , , : , , , , , lastrrmt lIxprest , . . . . . . . . . . . 5fi0'mn
4Opmii : , , , . , . . , , . V.'stibuled Limited . . , , , . , , . , O:4Oaiut :
5:51am : , . , , , , . . . . 5,50. Valley Local , , , . , , , , . , , 10:30pm :
t1ipm ; . , . . . . . Otutatma Clmhcgo tIpectal , , . , , . , 2mipgmi ;
Leaves I ChiCAGO , It. t. & i'ACI1'iC. IJ7rtvos
OmuiahaiUaiOabepotlOLli&Masofl _ HtOnuaha -
iML' ,
31:0O.imAthiiatie : Ezttrem4l ( cx , Liunday ) , , . 6O' :
: . . . . . . . . . . . . Usprese , , , , , , , . , , , , 9:50am :
4alpm..ClilCaYQ : VestltJtited hlmtted , , , , 5Otpum :
u:1emtm.Okiatdo.jxp. . ( to C.1J. CLSin..11UPflI
- WEnT. . . _ _ _
f4hSani.Okmatmonia & Texas lix , ux. 5un.hl:3pmn :
: . . . . . . . . . . Liottled. . . . . . . . . . . 4Oipnm :
l.emVPI I C. , wr. 1' . , II. & 0. lArrives"
_ 9m1ttaL IJepot lCtti sad % 'ebstcr St. . .1 Onmahia
9:2'Satmt : ' , . , . . Nt'brnm.Ica l'jtitsenger ( daily ) , . , Si5pni :
4 : Somtin , . , $ ioux City Isutress ( cx. liuut , ) . , , mt :5'am
6:10pm. , . . . . . . . .gti'.mul ltm'aited , , . , . , , . , , . l0:0uum :
Leitlemi I 1" . , ri. & Ito. vAm.Tly. Arrive.
OntaltalflePOtlitIi end SVelsier hlts.J Omaha
2lOPmui : , , , , , . , l'im"t Mall anti fixprea. . , , , . , .
2lOpmex. : ( S'mt. ) 'm'/yo , Fix. ( cx. Clout. ) , , 4:15pm :
5OlamNvnfohk : Icxmtrele ( ex , :
: ' . . . . . . . . . . , l'aUl Cxmtreu..10:35am :
Least-i ( SiOUX CITY & I'ACIII'IC. [ Arriy.T
, Ornautal Depoi lithu and Webster iii. . J Omaha
: . . . . . . . . . . . . I'aul ftuuiIted..10:31am :
L'avee fflIOUx Cl-FT & 1'ACIFiC. iArrhve'
OimiahnlUnlcnUepot , 20th Se Mason litLiOntatma
Gtlam , , . , , . , , , l icux ( 'hiP i'mssertger , , , , , , , , . iO:36pa : *
5:33prn : . . . . . . , . . $ t. l'aul liuummted..l2:3 : > pmmi
Leaves I Uh'hON i'AZ'uFIC. lAttIces
_ C.notmail'UOfl ! iJrpot , 10th & Mason 515.1 Omutma
10:00am : . , , , , . , . . , , lfcsrnt'Y hxpress , , , , . , , , , , , Sllpni :
: . . . . . . . . . . . Flyer . , . , , . . . , . . 5:55pm :
zoopmn.lmeatrlca : & Strotnsb'g hx. jex , Run ) . 1:4Stma :
1:3Opni , , . . , . , , , . . . l'achtta hxpreIs , , , , , , , , , . . , 10:5iaurm :
: . . . . . . . . . . , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:10pm :
1eavCI I WABASh ! RAILWAY , lArrlves'
Otmmha't'OiOmm ' 1)et , 10th 5 . ! aors RtaJjmaha
3lZpm..I. : Louis Cannon Hail..12:35pm :
Leaves I K. C. . liT , 1. & Cli , ArrIves
OmmuttmaJUniOjePOt. 10th &fo1.5t.LJ.Omimatma !
5Slaun..1'Cansa ; City Pay Express , , , , , 5:10pm :
! i.ipmn.ic. s : , NImtmt hX. vIa tJ 1' . 'ruune.0:50&iii :
. . .
I'T'31ISSOUhti I'ACfFIC. TArmtv
Omaltal DePot isth anti Webster Sm. . 1 Ounelia
10:40am : , , , . . , , , . . , tt. ioui. 1'xmrt-js : , . . , . , , , . C:4O.iitm :
: . . . . . . . . . . . . Louts EzprmsS , . , . . . . ,
5l0pmnNebIatki& Local ( ux , hlumm. ) . , , , , bOQam : *