Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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TIlE OMAhA \ DAILY fl EEPUESDAY . , U'EBRUATt : 12 , 180 ; ; .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ H _ _ _ _ _ . . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
: known French resorl , the guests In the
. " . . . Untng , room anti the corrhlorB poke of noth
- InFt else Some of La Onseolno's pas-
sengr ! wer e known to many of them. Two
ot thorn , M. Havlero and 1 tbon , were
. guests of the hotel two year ago anti are
welt remembered by It I trequenters.
Thl ulVaylng statcnnt from the lps of
all wns : "Wo "mew the Oacogno would " at-
rive safely ; we never gave up hope.
QUAHANTINt'1 Feb. L-\Vhen the M'
. loclatell lrrt dlepatc at J-Wlen : . frt nn-
nouncell that JJ1 OacolTo wt Ilghtoll oft
, Fire hlnnl nngs Irovlously agreed upon as
. " "tnal were hoIsted on the ofce of the
French lIne . upon the Worh buIldIng , and
' over 11 omees of all the A soclatCl Press
newspaper joyfully announcing to New
York anl through the wire of thin Associated
, press to the UnIted States and Canada that
e te ) long overdue steamer was aafe. TIn
tle Green , and
- followed a mall rush for Bowling
by 1lO : the ofces of the rencb lIne were
packed with excltcd people havIng , relatives
. disabled steamshIp
1 or frIends on hoard the
. so anxIously expected , for eight days pal
. ; anll almost given up for lost.
, A. For"et , the agent of the life , WR
hfiiged l , punche ant slapped , yes. and
actually kissed , by those whet joyful feelIngs -
Ings overcame them. One old gentleman who
hall Ihrtf daughters aboard the Gaco"ne
anti who had lost a dearly beloved child only
- - a month ago , wept al I his heart would
break and many others hall hiandktrchilefs 10
lhHr CC5. lut lhe Mern.racell ( , blacl-
. beardoi agent hind not a moment to hose
¶ Iwo ' tugs , chartered htforehfltl& were
tUI 10 forCD their
' promptly ordered to gel really
'i way through tim Ice ! and down the bay . The
fIrst tug . thc LouIs IAulver. carried 1. 1 ! Forget -
, . get anll three Infufntal mcmhers ot the
Frcnch colony down to Sandy Hook. The
l'rcnch lecol11 boat the Edwin 1 1IarJ , whIch
kit New York al 8 p. m. , was placed 01
tIle dlspoal oC the press by the , French line
t and carried down to Quarantn about fry
newsp per me to add 10 the fly already
there , backIng lp fry others who were on
IJOUII tugs cruisIng about among the Ice foes
, ot the lower bay
The trIp down to Quarantine In tim moon
light , crashing through the Ice bulretng
. Into the arctic wind blowing , was a ( leliglit-
fully bracing experlenc'ln spite of the cold .
One and nil seemed to feel the excitement
or the moment the joy tel on the receipt
1 ot the news telling ot the rescue. apparently
; tom a terrIble calamity . ot about 450 'souh
( and a splendid ocean steamship valuad at .
I about , $1,000.000 , and having on board n
I " cargo valued at abilt $500,000. Therefore
'hat mattered It It the Interior ot the little
. tug's pl t house was like an Ice chest and
that opo's breath froze all , over hIs lace. . In
" icebound Quarantine , which van l ot Staten
ti , Island wjis hemmed In by an apparently Im-
penetrnbla Leo field , all was light and
joUt } . . The new and handsome build-
. Ing devoted to the use or the
¶ AssocIated press ship news omce . and
the office ot the healh ofcer at , the port ot
'Now York Was blazIng with electric lights
and alive with newspaper men who carried
their enthusiasm to the extent of gathering
on the pier head to the number ot say 100
and sInging mom or less melodolly [ :
' . "Nearer : y God to Thee. " I was quite
touchln , EO much so that two boat captains
, and four deck hands were converted on the spot
I dad joined In the singing with fen'or. ,
Pickets were posted on every lull ant close
watch was kept on the telegraph ofce and
trlephone room , for with all the enthusiasm
- the gentlemen ot the press were on the
watch fpr the slghtet crumb ot news. One
' light 10wn the bay was watched with anxIous
! Intcrst. Every rumor was carefully sifted
and chronicled ; every echo 01 n report was
. Investigated and little more could be
} gathered than the dull fact that away off
. . Fire Island n steamer , apparently disabled
was slowly painfully threading her way to
port , ant under her own steam at that. Tit
was the milk in [ the cocoanut. ' nut one
rumor had It that she was being towed In by
3 two ocean steamers ; another had her In tow
, ot one steamer onl' , and 1 third would insist
that It was not rtnnly [ Ll Gacogne LIt-
, tIe by little the good newn ' beamed out
brightly from the mists 'ot uncertainty and
. nearer and nearer came the gallant steam-
. ship with 'Its ha'ppy human trelght.
The first Ihd only real break In the monot- '
coy of the \Ight ' s. cold wateh on tM..snow , :
, ' clad shores of Staten Island , on that Ice-
, " : covered pier , by those floe-laden waters was
: ; the , sigtlng. [ coming around ' Fort Wads\'orth.
' " ' lf the Iblvl , Captain [ Baxter , from Mctl-
' erraneanportz. ; It was believed she bath '
, . ' passed near La G scogne. In tact some of I
the rumor mongers had It that she had been I
: towing the disabled French steamer Hence I
4 there was n wIld desire [ upon the put of I
everybody to board her and get the latest
f : nDWS. I was not an easy job. The Ice r
here was almost sold , buta tug cruised its
: way slowly along tIle steamer and Captain [
- Dnxtcr was [ ntervlcwet as he was
" .
, ' r , [ 'Iet go his anchor. CaptaIn Dax-
ter and. h's ' chief officer toll turns at watchIng -
, Ing La Gacoge closely through a powerful
f\ ; m-rlne glass and they came to the conclusIon
\hat her machinery was disabled. Pilot Nlch
si . . elsa Reach also took a Equlnt at the slowly
' moving craft . and the pinion was expressed
" , , the she was down by ster and It was judged
: that eIther her propeller shal or rudder , or
, ' . ' both were dIsabled.
Ths , OmCer ] ot La Gascogne arc :
. Daudelon , commander ; lanqule , second cap-
.c , fain ; Gentler. first officer : Plou , second of-
.1' . , cer : I.andegren , third efcer ; Martin . chIef
, t engIneer : Lcbars second engineer : Gouverne ,
j' : third engheer : Ilamnlau . fourth engineer ;
. Ja het. pUrer ; Daralte u. assistant Purser ;
' 1 Oervai. . . doctor. I
. _ La Oaseoglo Is a two-mastell steel screw
i IteamE' ' : built In 1886 at Lazyno . France .
' 1 by Forge . & ChanUers , She registered 4,331
' \ tons net and 7,290 tOlls gROSS. Ier dlmen-
ions era 480 feet length , 62.3 feet beam and
: 1\ \ ' ' H.I feet depth ot bold. She , vas last sur-
, eyed "n Now York In February , , 18H. !
" _ _ Febr.ary
j . ' . : . . No iuw from i.n.t Ifhihiirnpi. . ,
' i ' " : EW YORK , Feb I.-Afel lavlng been
Ilspenlet for several days by reason of the
, _ storm and Ice , communication [ . wIth Swln-
. burn Island was resumell today. Nothing
; t , "has IJel seen or heard on the NothinG
; . . . the four lshermcn belonging to the
, IchQuncr 1mma . which drfed [ ashore on
' the ice [ on the west hank on the night or
T l ebrull' " 7. The remaining members or
" : the cllooner's crew after a terrible ex-
" ) perience . Inannged to reach the lighthouse
. r , eepe"1 11wcllnJ at Fort ' 'omplins lghthouse
exhausted conthitton.
' - i cCllton. _ _ _
'h' : P4'sr4 . fur I , 'iliithiig .t'IlflhI'r.
, , NEW YORK , Feb. 11-Considerable nnx-
: : ' " ' .
. ' fety la"tdt IiI this et ) and Jacksonyle for
. ' \I ! af.ty ot the steamer City ot St. Augus
; tine . Since she sailed from Jnclsonvle on
" Jnnuary :0 no word hIlts been received ahout
" . her She should make tIm Voyage In from
? . tour tp live days lne ts now consequently
Ibout seven days overdue . bier crew num-
, , , be r ( OtlitSon men.
. Jers tUI'leon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' ( , ; . i"IrlrRn ( ' sill iiu thlulrrl ' lb. 1111 % gail , .
' IALU'AX. N. S. , Fcb. 11.-A dllpatch
t . rom Liverpool [ N. S" , lays t whole feet
it Amerk'uu . fIshing fchoonera Ire at that
* . ) ort more or lefS ( inmagetl.
. ' , . IAI.J'AX. N. 1llluSed. 11.-The Amer- [
' " cal Ichoonr MaUll Is ashore and likely
total loss nt .
" \0 prove n , Arlcltnl
' .
, ? ' , " _ . ' II'hl.h Htc'I/Hr : Unkpi . I'orl.
, NEW' YORK , Feb. 11-The British line
. . j .teame Lhaitdaf City , from Swansea Jflll-
; ' uary 2. Wil slghtetl off Handy Hook light-
, ahlp shoi'tiy before 1 o'clccl Ight-
Ihollyeforu this afternoon .
_ _ . _ _ afernoon.
! Use but hal as much ot Dr. Price's as of
' , , ' , pure teny . . other bakinG lewder . U's absolutely
luro. .
, - .
" . .
: " ' FelcQr' ( ) 'uI , Cun'CAl .
, t The FOpeel's' club eave an exhlbltun and
'F onlest IUlt night nt fill rooms In the Hum"e
t blocl . Thc hal wnl hilled to Its callacly
' k . by the trhnlt n Sue chIll , who liptiareritly
' ' , . nJon.l lh' clterlulnlent to 1 high dIHrf .
, ; leveval ecphIitetl contests wen' hUll
. "c\'clal pl'leconte5ts ' nll 10
- little i.hhII wn 1IIIOWO by the iUPiIS anti
lte IIII ! thown nli
i mel\cr , , 't'Ilu l'oad 8\\01 \ coiitet / \ -
\wecn Jr lespechcr antI Prof. Uenlt was
evenly CQlh'QIII. but linally tOli h ) ) ' Dr.
evnl' ( lut \
" . lslwchN' . Tilr . C n. tnnlh'01 , 1r.
! 1 A. Kimbal contfltI wIth lhu ( oils : Ion
- . tile Ipt ! Ivl pIlntl. AIKK Kimball wlnnln
by \ ' .oro ft to : : 'fhe houhl list tween
' Irut . ( hatllall , Illl ( 11' , I' : . I' . \ hilen . auth
1)s- 1)eiecher and 1'r'f. Chatelall ' .luc
the 10lt iatere'ttng . f - the . vvcIIng.
, I 'thrown r"11 1 cite .
I ) . C. Smih , Ih'lnl nt :21 Sewnul Itroel ,
while out his way home last nlHht "hout
G o'clolk , tel from 1 street car lt Blxtl'coth
, . . 11.1 C'ttmlng streets ustiti IC'L'iveti .
' - ( umllf 111 'f'I'et 1 slight [ ;
cnCltsll1 OIl Ihe tIght " 1' pt the heath .
which CittisetI 1 hit'morrhnge ur the right
'e car. noWI [ talulll 01 the hihatfonin or
. the car as I was rullnK the .lnlful'm tiu.l
, , SIte car . givIng n IIIl.ln . lurehi ho was
thrown heavily tt tie Iavrl'nt : % , hits was
1 WU1
carried Into the . ' ' '
: thl ) near 1)'hcru
. bo Hlall.dICCItItu fur " ha\r \ hour ,
Front there ito was mov..1 to hits hll
, . nn' l l'hlo'al ' $ tIttititDnt'tl . The Injullel
alI not cunsllcl'edau&ervu :
J , '
- ; . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
4h.w" L' " , 'J'
Field llotds of the Rmnt Survey red at
; lonllrnt Htonr 1'nerll [ Every halt : lto
' 'hrolhont the 1)Iatalee-Coutllcetknts ,
, tnncr-COllrtclt'
Ulnntln of J"I'o Thtotuittitti : to
Urolth 5ulltt'rcnt 1)ueilne'il.
LINCOLN , Feb. H.-Speclal.-The ( ) feM
notes at the recent survey ot the northern
boundary or the state were fled today with
the commissioner of publc lands and
buildings. The notes were approved by this
department at Washington II December , ISI ,
The boundary line from the initial point on
the leya Pahn river was run to the
Wyoming boundary , 221 mIles 12 chains 13
links . The line from the InItIal point east
to the Missouri river vas resurvcyel , being
practically a new line , and Is fifty-seven
mlos se\nty.three chaIns long , or n total
length or about 282 miles. This new survey
ot the line from the Keya laha river cast
will enable the unorganized townships on the
northern boundary ot the state to complete
their organization. The monument stones
placed on this line from Missouri to the
Keya Paha river arc elaborate affairs . being
made of quartzite. or Sioux Falls granite.
The halr.mle monuments are six feet long
and three feet squae , sunk three feet In the I
ground. The tulle mbnuments arc sevel feet i
long , same diameter , and sunk the same
Sheriff Auhl ot Marshall . Kan. , was In con-
sulaton today with Governor Iolcomb In
regard to the extradition ot Grant 'Vloughby ,
now lying In the county Jai ot Lallcaster
county. The sheriff was given time to corn-
plete the requisition Papers which were
defective , upon which being done
Wioughby will be taken back to the
scene or his alleged crime , Marshall . Kan
He Is charged with having burned n barn
and other valuable property during the sum-
'mer ' at 1894.
To Connecticut's generous offer ot a donation -
nation ot $ & ,000 for Nebraska sufferers the
governor repl d by thanking the slate and
declinIng the offer on the ground that the
Nebraska legislature and the supplies now
on hand with amply ore for them.
lon , Lawson Sheldon ot Neha.vka Cass
county , called today on his old friend , Alex
Schlyal 01 the land commlssoner's [ t1flco. Mr.
Sheldon settled at Nehawlm in [ 185G and was a
member ot the territorIal anti state legisla-
tare from his county several terms
The twelfth annual convention of the
'Vomel's Iele corps department or Ne-
braslm , wi meet at Hastings 'Vcdnesday.
The most prominent candidate for president
is [ Mrs. Julia S. Dowen , thin present secretary ,
who has done much to relieve dIstress among
tile corps In the drouth districts.
The medical practitioners of Lincoln arc
making Wr upon a firm of hlopaths located
at 190 : P street. Today Dr. GrImes ot the
Lancaster County Medical association mate
complaint against them before Justice Spencer -
cer , claiming that they were practicing wih-
out a permit from the medical beard. The
names mentioned In the complaint are John
Shelby Emma Haztn . Minnie Andrew and
William Sawyer. The "doctors , " . It [ Is
claim cd. are simply graduates ot the bopath [
college In Omaha. Hundreds ot students
have been sent out al over this stale and
others to teach ant practice their system ,
which Is called anti-medical , since It opposes
tile practices of the regular school. From
Plsburg over 800 students had Sofa out on
their mission to combat the princIples ot
medical science , According to the statement -
mont ot the landlady of these blopaths they
do not claim to bo doctors bat simplY give
vapor ant electrIc trat.ment anti ! n other
ways , asist , nature. ; 1 woi.ild , appear. how-
ever , from a line In heavy , bold face type at
the foot ot the first page ot the Dopathle
Health Journal that nrs. Shelby' and Hazen
have : ( dv rtlsed themselves as doctors , not-
\lthstandh1g' Mrs Ful on's assertIon to the
This , afternoon Sheriff Miller returned from
Texas with the alleged seducer ot DaIsy
Schultz of University Place Complaint had
been made by Dalsy"s adopted father who
had heard of Shumate's hideout in [ Texas.
The ease , It Is said , wi be settled out ot
court oy Shumate making the amende hon-
orable .
At 9 o'clock tomorrow nIght at the LIncoln
hotel will bo held the annual banquet ot the
Young Men's Republican cub , Covers will
be lad [ for 150 1gnets. Among those Invited
to sllenk arc : lion. Church Howe , Senator I
Watson , Speaker Richards , lIon. G. M.
bcrtson , F. M. Tyrell . E. J. J3urkett E. P.
Drown , A. S. Bxby and James J. Roherts F. Clark , president ot the club , will
ofcl\to as toast master. The new president
of the club , Hon. Fritz 'Veslerman , will be
Instalell at the conclusion of the banquet.
February 12 Is the anniversary of Abraham
Lincoln's birth , and hereafter the club will
holt its banquet on each returning blrthqy
of the martyr presldont.
UulnJs tt Schuyter
SCHUYLER Neb : Feb. . .
, , 11.-Special.- ( )
Longln Folda rf Linwood was with Schuyler
friends all the weele. '
John E. Arnold ' went to Dodge , 'Neb. , and
instituted an Odd ' .elows lodge.
James Hughes . ant wife ! rs. Frank E.
Mqor antI MTS George E. Rand the , later of
Cedar Creek. Neb : , attended the funeral of
day the late Mrs. 'N. . n. 11core , at Howels , Thur
Perch'al True , who has been In his tather'b
dry goods store during the winter , bas gone
to Lawrence Mass . to accept 1 position.
George Wlch and ,1. F. Wiburn and tam
Ies started to Arkansas during the week
expecting . to make that their bome.
11 F. Johnson formerly of Leigh , has
opened n real estate CiRce.
I. C. Wright , who has been In Schuyler
twenty years or more , has disposed .ot his
grain business and will ! locate elsewhere
Agent E. I. Phelps attended the weddIng
of his brother , O. N. Phelps , In Lincoln , last
A resolution was passed by the city council
at Its last meeting instructing the chief of
police to lcc'vp I ' the saloons cl"cd on Sundays
and the mayor has made order accordingly
An ( lort wi he made to Increase the elec.
trle light funll ; 1.000 ; also to repeal the oc-
cupatlon tax uppn home employments anti In
crease It non ( foreign fIrms.
District court wal In session durIng the
week , Judge William Iar.hal ( .n thl bench ,
The cstly cast tried wal lust of the slate
against Peter Botsch Mr. 10tch Is one et
the six men implicated In the hanging 01
Derrd Zllug [ In 'Vlmn prrc'Jlct aOIt years
since Alt were sentenced 10 terms In lll'
penitentiary , but stay of s2ntenco upon Dotsch
and hie can was obtained , the case bell ; reo
viewed later by the supreme c'urtll re
minded , for retrial The jury'l finding was
anal1 ant battery.
Tim Uorcas locllty's charity ball wa a
success Inancaly ! , having netted $75.
Uno of tile UII,1 , 1'lk" . . .
PENDm , Neb . Fob , 11.-Spceial--Tho ( ) ,
following utpeareil In yesterday lnornliig's
Worll.lerld frol thl , 1laI' , . bran.11 "spe-
vial dispatch , " which demonErate , ono of
two tnga. [ namely : Ellher that the Inhen
was grossly lliitosrtl I uon by nn irresponsi-
blo . \'rrcfllondcnl. or , that sliest wIllfully
CIPlo's tcrlbbler to fend In altos and 11 .
leulhll : 1Hler :
Pender ts to have
! IllII a nMmal and hlKlncl
college . 1 flty-acu U'alt ur hand 'Ia'In ,
been Itlciie'l ; , ' br O smndIcte of capitalists
" 01.111thll , IV. . 1':11. } r. 'tS' . A. Hewitt '
Wiiam Forbes. this itiate , and Luther N :
ShqHr son of Craig. Prof. W. n. Carey of
Florence , Cole " nUb bel 1 s-o'urell to luPIrh" -
tell the IlueatulIII : , : hitatitnie. anti II cx-
1) ? ( tCd to nf'h'B within u . few ilays [ . lie viii
1)0 assisleti II Proto Arthur Shepal dson wi
thll , 1111cl. 'l'hll wi lita big \ thllg ror
J'niIer 111 , 1 lively buist In real astute II
antclpalelt in [ Ihu 611rll ) lIt COIHlqueIW < ' or
the revival pC the rolell rC\'c , ' \\'hh'h ) raged
hiert' 10mI thrll' veal's ago rur 1 whll. hit I I
Inal } ' KILs"lr.1 after 1 futile effort 10 secure
lots at n l'asQnahll price.
A lUtISt thorough II\st"atoI1 fails to reo
veal the tact that I ffyuelt tract Dr lanll
Ms beet , PtlI'CutsLOd , cr soil ref 1 ( p\eI cr
Y ctbt'r IUrpbse. and there lute enl been a
word It'jltone < of an ) such enterprise 10 lie (
knowledge ot In ) ot l'eldrra leading busl.
lea : men , t majority ot whom ha\1 beets In
ten'lowe sinee tl appelrauco ot the above
bo : the \-l. Neither ot te men named
. , . : - . " . 1
have any means , Me-nrs. I wlt ant Ellis
being engaged lt thus present tIme In hauling
cholera hogs to I Sioux City soap factor1
whIle Carey , who Is spoken of as "Pror. , " Is [
a bankrupt Unhor gambler , whole well
known ) educational deficiencIes lend the only
feature of merit possessed by the Item . which
merit must then bo based upon Its absurdity.
. Anulal Con\Cnton or tile A . ollaton % to
Ito Iollin J.lnroll Net " 'rok ,
LINCOLN , Feb. 1t.-Speclal.-The ( ) an-
nual session cf the Improved Stock Breeders'
soclaton wIll convene In Lincoln Febru-
any 20. The meeting will continue three
layt C. It. Scene Is president and , T. J.
Iliths sccrelar ' .
IUla secretary.
rendered The following : ! Inteestng program wi be
WEDNESDAY , 8:00 : 1' . M. '
Muslo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:0 . . . . . 1. . . . .
Alhlres or 'Velcome..Mayor Weir
lteIrnnse..J . Y. 'Vole
prelldent's Atidrols..C . H. Slrle. Edgar '
Report ot Secretnl-treaurer. . . . . . . .
Other hiusiness. . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bovine Tubercultsiq . . . } . A. T. Petcrs.
State University. illustrated with
Stnte ) (
. 8tele0l11cc1 Unl\erl\ . ) Iustratell . . . . . . . .
ThURSDAY , 9:00 : A. M. :
: luslo . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 9:0 . . . 1 . . . . . .
Nee,1 of Ilprved Dairy Cattle. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . S. C. liassett , Gibbon
The Balance Ration. . . . . . HI\ssel . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . % . M. ' 'r'OI Lincoln
Nebr.lm Live Stock Statisthcs. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. U. flrion , Omnha
'PIIUHSDAY . 2:0 : P. M.
Nebraska Pnstures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . : . J. 11. Dhllmore , Sutton
Sheep anti Alfalfa. . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . Sulon . .
. . . . . . . . c. ii. Halinger , Lexington ,
THURSDAY , 8:0 : P. M. ,
Music ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'rhe HcrePnt , Present and Irutnrr. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . A. IJ. Sullivan , Lincoln
The Year or 1routh and Its Lesson to
Nebrnsltl Farmers. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . \v G. Whitnoore'ahiey
( Perhaps I will turn out n long
Perhaps turn out I sermon. )
FRIDAY , 9:00 : A. M.
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hocm for the 1)ur.c Jerse ) . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . C . II. Chandler , South Omaha
Poland-Chlnns and Pollcs. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . S. McKelvte , Fairfield
Swine at the Fnir . . . . lcKelic . . . . . . Fllrlell . .
. . . . . . . : . . M : . H. 'Veslcott , Malcolm '
FRIDAY , 2:0 : P. Itt.
Herefor Cattle. . . . . . : . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . C. 11. Eltncndort Turln lon
Tc ' Jersey Cow . . F . H , Vaughn , Fremont
Election of Oihicers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Banquet In the Evening. . . . . . . . . . . . '
- -
IHtTVtlm 'rug "nUNu MAN.
Ahllld Iru , Clerk Tnke a lrmv Shots at
. Night i'rowhers.
AShLAND , Neb. , Feb. 11.-Special.- ( )
About 1 o'clock last night "Huck" Cleric ,
"Soily" Wakefeld and John Moshier , con-
eluding to have some fun , put a tic ¼ -tack on
the window of a drug store In which a clerk
was seeplng. [ When he awoke ho turned
on tim burglar alum , which , failed to raise
any assistance on the outside [ , because oC the
lateness or the hour. Then he opened the
door and stepped out and fred three shots
at the receding figures In the shade at a
building , but missed the. marl fly this
time the night police had arrived , and the
two succeeded In rounding up the supposed
The funeral ot Grandma Hunter occurred
yesterday afternoon . with a large attend-
ane ! Before death claImed leer she requested -
quested that they take her body to the cemetery -
etery In a spring / wagon , and not to take
her to any church whate\er. _ The requests
were duly carried out.
The work at Swl and . Company's
ice plant was stopped today about
thi middle ofthe afternoon be-
fore the house was entirely full to
avert th trouble anticipated between the
two factions employed there , as th feeling
between the AmerIcans and Swedes wa ot
the bitterest kind ard would have nded In' '
serious trouble had the work continbed muh
contnlel Uu
longt .
There , wi bo two oratorical contests In' '
Ashland In March , the first beIng a juvenile ,
iii which no one can take .nrt who has enr
eltereel a contest ber re. . There are three
prizes to be given , $10 , $5 and. $3 , worth ot
books. The . ecqnd Is the city contest , , for
the honor or representing Aslliand .L , tiw district -
trict contest , to bo , beld in [ .Plals nolth'
April 5. , There Wi also be three prizes , , ( ;
this , besides the deJeg1te . An 1nterotngi
ontest Is [ , xpecteu3 , a's , "shlsnd las.won' :
stats prizes , two _ years I ! succession 0 ; ,
Alleged r.yncherA of Ihllrett Scott Prefer
nn Early Tral. [ :
O'NELL. Neb. , Feb H.-CSp'ecl1 ( ! Tel - . -
gram.-Elott ) Harris and Roy appeared In'
court teday. The prisoners' attorneys wanted
to get to trial Wednesday , but Attorney Mur-
phy said they , could ' not get ready for h
couple ot weplls. The date ot the trial [ waD'
then set for February 25. I Is thought that
It will take at least ten days to get a Jury
to try thin cas . lulhan did not appear
todsy . being unable to leave home on account
c'l sIckness.
Ill'l'O I Cu"ty to "ftu IOlcA I : '
KEARNEY , Feb. 11.---Speciah.-A ( [ ) 'pet-
ton Is being cIrculate and numerously
signed , asking the board ot supervisors to
cal a sp cal [ election In this county upon
the question of issuing [ $50.000 In , bonds for
the purpose of buying seed and feed to , supply
the de.tute and dependent farmers , In this
county for the yur 1895.
Mrs. Ayres wife or C. D. Ayres died FrIday -
day night , and was buried yesterday arEr-
noon. She leaves two small children , the
youngest but 2 days old.
St. Valentine's day wIll be celebrated In
Kearney th's by a couple of very
: year 1 very pleas-
ant socIal events. One wi be a prJate mas-
Iueradc ball by tile members or the Dutalo
club , and the other a socIal gathering and
bali at the armory by the members ot company -
pany 'A , Nebraska National Guard.
J. L. Drown , sEcretary ( t the Buffalo
County Agricultural rclety , gives canto very
geed advIce to farmers , and says : 'I one
has only seed enough to plant ten acres , plant
thin ten acres properly , and don't try 10
spread the seed over fifteen or tw.enty. " lie
has tried the later way w/en / seed grain
was scarce or high In prIce , and the results
have never been satisfactory.
C. E. Main , who for some time past has
been agent ot the Pacific Express company
at th's place . has been transferred to
Omaha , and A. J. . Livingston formerly ct
Omaha , has been appoInted here In his pbce.
Senatcr Joseph Black of Kearney Is recelv-
lag [ many comlments In this county for
his lionet and manly stand In refusing pay
for mileage. on the ground that ho didn't
have to pay his railroad tare teem Kearney
to Lincoln Tile enator Is not In politics for
the money he can maIm out ot it.
Y. I' . I. C' . I' . 'Olvrntol. ,
PAPl.LlN. Neb I.'eb. 11-Speciul.-- ( )
The first. coeivention ot the '
' frt. conventon Young People's
Society ot Christian l nde8or for Sarpy
county was held in [ the Presbyterian church
at this ( , place Saturday and Sunday. The con-
venton was very ably addrsed by Hev. , S.
B. McCormlclt or the First Presbyterian
church cf Omaha Saturday night , and Sun-
day by Dr. J. IC. Mclean , an able foreign
rnisslornry . The convention was a success
all the societies II thin county being [ repre
a n ted.
gllor ( Howard , S"rpy county's representa-
live In thin slate legislature , Is spending
the v'eek with his family owing to the week'a
Ilourllent , of that be-dy.
Mrs. WiIam Eaton , who his been con-
fitted tu her home for lhl ( last few days with
nn attack of Illness . Is reported [ as recovering
SlQtr1) ' . tier brother , henry Iheeniine , ot lie (
Stale uliverly , WR called home , owing 10
her serious illness. ,
1 > 11111on now has a high five club conslal-
ilig of twentytour memhers , which Ileels
\'eIY Tuesday night , The frt meeting oc-
curs thb Tuesday night 11 the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clarke
Il'lallo s are out announcing a grand
ball to lie given hy the Modern Woodmen
of America February - 22 ot the opera house.
'fhl" " " I" I 111 I l'Ir"I"'lt $ ; nlll. I
PENJhR. Neb , Feb. 1 1.-l3pecIaI.-lIer. ( )
lash Werueile , a young 111 ot 26. from
Ltt-Csuic-do-F'onds . County Newcastle , Swlz-
erhand , who hIas beeii boarding all winter
erllnd haeel al at
Mustard's restaurant itt this place believe .
that he has Invented rerpelual motion . lie
hn : been working at I for several months
anti while a great many ct his friends 'hero
laulh nt him , ho his just received a'ery
fJlorllS $ ; reports front rclentfo men In Eu.
rope , whittier s model ct hIs mlchlne was
< clt'eril weehce ago , Mr. Wermele I a
walchlak r by trade and Is wel eJucste
II his 0\1 llgua ge , ald cal ale talk
a . . J
. .
EnglIsh vct'1 Ito II very posItive In
his belief thpt hi I , will HC long be rolling In
\'ealh as t1t ' . It ot his inventive genius ,
anti there aU nt ( n few who are inclined to
believe hIm , as ho explains his scheme and
describes every part nnll parcel ot the ma-
chino and its means ot constant motIon .
M os. 1\ h\'rll nt J"fD10nl ,
VlEMONT , Nb. . Feb. 11.-Special.- ( )
Mrs. C. M. Woodward , national superln.
tentent or the Wpm an's Christian Temperance
unIon departmint of railroad work , has just
closed a series ot meetings hell under the
nUpcel ! of the Y.nng Men's Christian ass '
elation and " Voan's ChrIstan Temperance
union or thl't city. She gave foUr earnest ,
thoughtful aim electve addresses amI won
for herself AfJ * IfeD In the regard ot
our lJople. MretOflI ! Mrs. C. It. neverllge ,
ot whose vell-desorred national reputation
1 temperance singers Fremonters arc proud .
alernatey touched and convulsed the atidi.
ences with their songs Mrs. Woodward spoke
before the Woman's lub on Saturday afternoon .
noon , arousing great Interest and receivIng
'nn enthusiastic e of thanks and today
addressed lhe students ot the business college -
lei and Norml school . by sPecial n
ot L'rot. . all Mrs. W . O. Clemmons.
\11 ' lu""r'u < llhll : nt l'Inree. .
PIRCE , Neb. . PI ) . 11- ( Spec Ial.-A )
topic which Is end lies for some tIme been
discussed in [ this city Is. whethel or not the
gambling dell must go. While thin subject
Is not 'beln , ; voiced on the streets al1 pub-
lcly , still quite a number ot Influential
citizens are of the opinion that the mater
shoulll be loolletl Into. There are several
Joint In the t6\\'h runnIng without a license.
I comes from I reliable source that several
young Inca melee a habit or going to these
joints regularly and "dropping their wail . "
The authorities will look Into thin mater
and close the joints tIp 01 male them 'ilay
a snug little Ic.ehso for the privilege.
; \'ello" nt " 'nliey.
VALLEY , Neb . Feb 11.-Special.-Thie ( )
marriage ceremony which made Miss
Melissa Orowcocl and Mr. William DuboIs
man and wife was performed last
evening at G o'clock at thin home
ot the brlde's parents In thIs city.
Time ceremony Was performed by 11ev J. I' .
Yost ot the MethodIst . Episcopal church.
Mr. Dubois ' Is' one of Valley's prominent
business men . and the bride Is the beautIful
anti accomplished daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
Robert orowco anti Is I leader In society.
' - \eCktUln l'aSil the ( JoMts.
IA'STINGS , ] ei.I ! . - { Speclal Telegram. )
. -Tbo case of 'tho city ot lulngs against
John Beckman for ceiling diseased meat
came up today , and ' the defendant paid the
costs and was dismissed.
- -
. "ink of Superior ClostIti
SUPEnOn , Neb. , " ' l rb. 11.-Special ( Tel * -
gram.-Thio ) Bank of SUPrlor ' failed to. open
its doors this morning , 'and I tn the hands of
Stare Dank 'Examiner McGrew. I Is now
tel ved that dOpositors wl be paid In full.
' 8m11 IIsRthIlaq.
HASTINGS Feb. IL-Speclai ( Telegram.- )
The house of'Iiity ; ' MIlls , on , South Delvue
avenue , was ' , Ithithy l ' damage by fire flits
evening. . _ , -
. .
No wine has l 1cIcarr { : boquet than Coole's
Extra Dry ImpiaI Champagne. ' It Is the
punt juice otr rt h ; . peseriented. , . ,
. : . [ , . -
Mournful ' .I- l'nlntcr ttitd lilt
l'ost\ner y. nnt
Huddled arpuiid . , a cook stove , which bat
long .slnc ser'vedits : usefulness , and which.
gave out rnectnlee than heat , sat J. E.
Jacobs and hl : ! lgdren of 1505 South Fo.ur-
teenth street'1Jnstprday. while on I (1apl-
date looklng'/bed lay the dead body or. the
wife , and mothr.Jl ! ' . . . : "
J : 'ts Is a1fi"iher , who , hal htt' out ot
work for neaTy1 a : ) year , and 'b sickness ot ,
his , wife ; whi lasf suffering from cOlsump-
tion1 , has used lP 1thelr smal savings , until
now they hnvanothlng to. . eat , . wear or keep
warm vwith. \ f : ' " ± , ' , . I
,1.FIve lUeqchlen , ' tha "cdelt aged , 9
year , fend : Jtht yOungest 8 months , otvcre
' , crying as ftlrr"hcrts''oh brealqu1vhte :
tint . bereaved : dlsbant tried to minister to
their" wantstnrdJ console thelr"grlef . 'I
Too proud to make known his needs tMr.
Jacobs has , nutered poverty In silence , 'and
his family hasdone' without the actual neces-
sites ofiifo. The dreateddlseas ' , consump
tion . was steadlY'mallng ' Ihroads upon the I
health ot his wIfe . and he coif\ . hardly buy !
medIcine for her , Yesterday , .thlwoman
was attacked by a , severe hemorrhage 'bf the
lungs , and shorty" 'afterward death 'ended
her sufferings.
The little cIldlen who had gathered about
the bed to witness ther ! ' mother breathe her
last werE distracted 'wilen they leared that
their best friend had gone' Nm them forever
One ot the ItU girls ranout ot the house
sobbing and the attention of a kind neighbor
was .attrac ed. 'Ihenthe true state ot , alalrs
b'me Imown and the little ones were rem -
m9yed to more.c wtotable quarters , while
the . .ulhorltesyere , noJlfed to prepare the
remains for Interment
'In telling this sad story to reporters ' yes-
terday Mr Jacob3 could not , repress his
sorrow , but he bravely bore up under his
affliction . HI ald ! , that he came to Omaha
two year ago Irem Lexington [ , Neb. He so-
cured' work at Ills 'trade ' until hard times
came and then' ' Ill wife becam afflicted with
lung trouble which resulted In her dm1111 .
He had saved some money , but the expenses
ot Ivng' [ ' and maintaining [ a large family soon
deplete the . small treasury and now he was
absolutely without means or the' necessities
uC life. , 'He said that It he could raise [ enough
money , he would snd , his children to a more
fortunate brother , las be could not bear the
thought of having. his little ones dependent
upon the chariy , of strangers . A number of
persons have Interested themselves In behalf
of the family arid arQ . providing for their 11-
mediate wants but ! .they.wl need more assistance -
sistance , - ,
- -
Lecture on thin Ant 'gollst8 of China Lest
Evenln ! t
Last night Frank R. Roberson delivered a
somewhat ranmbhini . but In altogether inter-
estnG-Iecture' on "Jo'pannd the Japanese"
before a good audience lt the Young Me.n's
Christian association buhiding. Mr. Hoberson
has a pleasant aId an entertainIngly con-
vcrltbnal manner ot delivery . and the sudden -
den transitions from point to point invariable
Ilways II nn illustrated lecture , dd [ not de.
tract , from its interest. Thin lecture was
lu8tr tt with ; a1 , large lumber pf atereop-
ticon the entertainment views , whIch , . ' ndded _ conilderably to
Mr. Hobersn IS.j'ld nty In love with the
Japauiese thicbigiis ( ( and thin scenery of
their country , . 1ol ygave a pclurc ! of them
trom his poIntof.vJv in [ last Ilgh l's lecture
lIe calls Japnnll " 131'lilIhofly" ! ot beuuty. lie
wan high In pJM ot thl politeness and
cleanhines'i ot the IJopIO. but the (
chle part er.lo lecluro , was taken
up with 111"I1tons anti deEcrlptons
01 the beautlfuh' Ecel'ry ot the caun-
try and ths sns.q of . . cue belutul that the
peple display in 11l i lr clothing and' In the
rranec'ment of tlMr surroundings. . lie considered -
slder"j hat ( thiP pdiiseseed more or the Idea
of tile beaut hii'ili any ether natIon . Of
the practical sIde [ . ? ht tt their nature he did not
think so much q1 said that although , they
are lrOgreBIV m.uEcment and enjoYI.nt
give way lo b' ' ! 1r tn , . in , titir lives .
:1 Irnrt'4'nIler 1IIIu' .
( I. E. Coop 'lal'1 ' w' D. Dunham were
fined $ : Inll CstsCyestcrlny for thisoi-derly
conlluct. Iui'a.
Wllinm P. fli : 'I:11 ot Walnut , Ia. , has
wnnllertl away from home anti his friends
have naked thu Omaha IIO\'CC ' to look him
UI ) , as he Is bmiievo.i , to be partially de-
meat ed. hlev'J ,
A bundle of clothing ant } a tine sniolclng
jacket wn Couno by the poleo In the
lear or 221 Chicago street yesterday ufr-
noon. . Two POCl ! I ! tboolls which had been
rlfecl were nlo found near by , a 111 the
polIo believe they have a clew to some
ot the recent burglaries.
Fred ibivera WI . arrestcil lat night on a
complaint charging hIm wih the theft ot
a waon and hUr\8 from Gore Mitchell .
nven5 : claims to have busht thin wagon
und harness on time end watt nol to 1)53' tlr
them Until some futurJ dat ? . Rivers old
the articles In dlsluIl anti . this not beIng
satisfactory to M\ch 1 h3 . 1\ora Olt U
complaint nuln t ltivers. .
1"111) ' I.c' " r"l te Iulur
I has bIen c cllle.1 by the wholesale
bread dealers c lhy ciy : to mik 1 the lichen
fifty 10/\8 for II'htot changes In the
be ; > riees 6eel. of,1 lh11 mtV ; : . 1lke ( 11 yet to
wTh _ , ' = _ . ' -
Measuos Decidel ou at n Mass Meeting of
Oitizens Yctenlay Aftornoon.
One Thol8nnd , AIc.l tn nlY : lrmhrlhl"
ut 1'1'0 H"II,1 1"'h-Cl 'rl ) " , 11.ln" 9
Jlt'n ] 11,1 " 'IK" I11tritrvs tl en"hn. [ to
Furitleht Succor fur the 118trt' .
The mass leetnl held ! nl the C'ornn'.erciat
club yesterday afternoon In behnlt or Omaha's '
destitute reE'tellln a jont : otauhaton'o [ th3
clergy , busIness men , wage camels , ch.urch
women and citizens In general to raise a
Inl1 of $5,000 to maIntain thin Astolaled :
Charites through the winter.
The pIn was to find 1.000 men : end women
In Omaha who would form n cih ns' relIef
auxiliary to the Associated , ( JhnIties , and buy
membershIps at $5 $ cclt. IJdlvhhal : Slt.O . 1- .
tons for a less amount or 10n:1tJns : cf any
klntl wIll also bo recevell ! by Secretary
IJ11shlanii of the Associated Charities . J
one mal wants to buy ten . ur IIY nlmher ot
memberhhl ! , In the rescue cllb he can dose
so , anti there Is no limit 10 contributions less
than $ 5. This was thought to be the most
feasible mauner In which to raise
a popular subscriptIon 10 I'avo tle
Associatcil Chad ti es from I rn / ) elldill I
dissoluton. Committees of three will be op-
pointed In each chlurchl the Cemmerclal anti
Omaha clubs among the busIness men , all
various charitable and benevolent organizations -
tons , secret societies , and nmong occupants
ot large buildings whine employes want to
form I club nail buy memberships In this
army of 1.000 o'Uzens , good and true , who
propose to fght poverty and 'protect ' the poor
of the city from distress.
Next Sunday sormona will be delivered by I
pastors ot this cIty appealing for help and
urging each congregation to respond to the
needs 01 the penniless anti htingry The
county funds for charity arc being exhausted
nt the rate o $ ,000 per week and thl Aso-
elated Charities Is elmply dragging along
with an cccasional handout from some good-
hearted citizen 10 hell It along. hence the
epeakt'ro yesterday urged Immedlato action
to raise the amount or $5,000 askEd for by
SecretlY Lughland to bridge the organization
over until spring
Many sat cases of destitution . temporarily
relieved b\ church societies and the Asoci-
atell Charities , were reported ycsterday and
after listening to speeches from Rov. Dr.
Helings , Secretary ' Laughlnml , County Com-
.mlssloner Jenkins . T. L. l1nbal , , 11ev. Leo
M. Franklin . Rev John Williams . Revs. Dr-
ant and Butler , John Rush , Alderman Prince
il'd others the fleeting was thoroughly
aroused with sympathy and a , resolution .
which embodied tim sentiment mentioned ,
was unanImously ndoptrd.
Mayor Dems [ presIded and Secretory
Laughland recorded the proceedings' . There
was a good attendance and It was generally
conceded that If the people of Omaha would [
now come 10 the front and respond to an om-
clal appeal for help , to be issued by the ' oi-
cers ot the AssocIated Charities and Mayor
hernia , the deserving poor would be provided
for and , lives will be 0 saved.
The Geld Metal was awarded Dr. I'rlce's
Baking [ powd\r at the Midwinter fair , ' be-
cause It's absolutely pure. '
JlllNa SE.i DuUWuNrs.
Presldcnt Scitii . B Untch of i'apors nnl
Icpurll to tilt Senate.
WASHNGTON , Fe' 1. - The president
sent the tolowlng message to congress on thc
Bering sea question.
To the SenateOn the 8tb day 01 January
I received I copy of the followIng senate
resolution :
"Rocoived That the president be required ,
if [ not'lncompa'lh - wihthe public IlIter'et $ ,
'to communicate to the senate all reports ,
documents and other .
. papers Including logs
of vessels , relating to the enforcement of the
regulations respecting fur seals adopted by
the governments ot the - United States and
Great Britain In accordance with tie tribunal
ot arbitration convened at Paris and the
reguiatione under which said reports are required -
quired" be made , as wel as , relatng to the
number ct seals taken durIng the' season at
1894 by pelagic hunters , and by the Ilsses
ot the Prlbylor and Commander Islands [ ; also
relating to the steps which may have been
taken to extend thin said regulations to the
Asiatic Islands ot the north Pacific ocean and
Bering sea and to secure the concurrence
of other naton : In said regulations ; and
further , & 1 papers not hertoforo published .
Including communications [ oC the agent ot the
United States before said tribunal at Paris
relating to the claims of the British govern-
ment on account of the seizure ot sailing
vessels In the Bering sea. "
In compliance , with' said request J here-
with transmit sundry papers , documents and
reports which have been returned to me by
thin secretary ot state , tim secretary ot the
treasury and the secretary ot the navy , to
whom sat [ reolulol was referred. I am
not In possession of 'any further information
touching the varIous subjects embodied In
such resolution. I will b seen from a let-
ter from the secretary ot the navy acc m-
panylng the papers and documents sent from
his department that It Is Impossible [ to fur-
nisht at this time the complete log books of
some of the naval vessel referred to In the
resolution , but I venture to express the hope
that the reports ot the commanders ot such
vessels herewith submitted , will be found to
contain in [ 'mbstanco so much or the maters
recorded II said log books as arc important
answering the inquiries [ addressed to me
by the senatc.
Executive Mansion , February 11 , 1895.
The message Is accompanied by a letter
from the secretary ot the treasury who puts
the number of seals lilId , by pelagic hunt-
ers In tile Northern Pacific and Bering [ sea
In 194 at 12.00 , and says ot this number
about GO.OOO were kiUmh In Bering sea and on
the AmerIcan side ot the North I'acific.
He also states 16.033 seals were taken on the
Prlhylol Islands hY the North American Corn-
merclal company Tha unofficial figures
111ace thin number killed on the Commander ,
Islands at 27.285. The secretary also trans. ,
huLa the logs of the Hush , Bear anti Corwin
In relation to the enforcement of the Paris
tribunal regulatalons and closes with the
statement that tile paper forwarded "con-
slute all the reports and documents In the ,
dEpartment which It Is deemed compatible
with , the Interests 01 tile government tl' '
transmit to congress at this time. "
The correspondenc Includes 129 letters and
telegralfls . In a letter ot January 23 to Sir
Julan Patlncefoto . after referrIng to the seal
killing of the year , which was , he says . unprecedented -
precedented In tile history of pelagic sealing ,
Secretary Greshaln aaysi
"It would appear the vessels engaged in
Bering sea , although one-third of the total
number employel In thin North Pacific , in
four or five weeks killed 3i,5S5 seals , not only
8,000 more tiiai were killed In BerIng sea in
1891 ( thin last year tite sea was oien ) , but
oven more titan thte total number killed thur.
lug the four lllontlls on the American side of
the North Pacific ocear. this season ,
"Tills startling increase In the pelagic
slaugittt'r on both the American and-Asiatic
herds hiss convinced the president and esulnot
tall to convl't e I or suae ty's goonrnent ( list
the regulations enacted by the Paris tribunal
have not eperated to protect thin seal herds
from ( lint destruction which they were do.
sIgned to prevent , antI that unless a speedy
change in the regulations be brought cx-
terlnillathon of the herds must follow. Such
a deplorable result must , if pozsbio , h
averted , "
ThOM ,
Mr. G'resham suggests ( list In order to add
to our scientific knowledge a comtnitte be
ahiPointed , c9nslsting of one or ntore Iqeli , to
investigate , lie would have thin men vIsit
the AsIatic side of tim North l'acitic and pass
amongothior things upon the proper nieas-
uros to protect tile berth from tlestructcn and
allow its increase In such numbers as to per-
cnanctntiy furnish an linnual supply of skins.
Ito adds that he is directed by the President
to propose such a commission , and be also
submits terms of a tllOdUa vivendi' to be ob.
served during the committee's deliberations
as follow's ; "That ( lie regulations In force be
extended along thin Une of the thirty-fifth do-
gren of aQTth latitude front the American to
--a'L : .
' c'W -
- - ' - - - ' ' - -
the Asiatid shore , anti bci enforced tluning the
coming season in fito whole of tile Pacific
ocean anti waters north of that line. Forth-
ermoro , that sealing in flering sea ho abso-
bItchy prohibited pending the report of such
COlnlnisShon. " lie suggests the tiecesslty of
speedy action.
l.eRvrR trout the Ibipertenco tut tile UhtIct
I uthinbit ti * 11.
That venerable and veracious character ,
tile oldest lllhlttbitnflt , gives the St. Louis
Globe-Democrat a few chapters on former
cold s'pehhs. 1,1st to itis tale :
In the year 401 the Iflack sea was frozen
over for twenty tlays , anti nsen crossed
from AsIa Mlncr to the Crimea ,
Ill 761 the hiinck sea was ti-ozell to a diii-
Place of fifty miles front shoe , " . The Ilehles-
Pont flflui lardallehies 'ent , frozen , anti ( lie
sea of Marmora was pnssaile fin' ca'airy.
In l0il the river Thames was frozen over
for fotirteeti Weeks. All tUe rl'ers of the
cotithIselit vere frozen , and even south of
Slit' i\hhts the I'o anti niaty other strealns
were lilockeil with ice.
In 1291 thin Cattegat was covered with ice
l'CVCU feet thick. flatteries of artillery were
mowed to and fm on the strait.
Iii 132.3 thu hlaltic sea , was IroZell over
and tinning three niotiths travelers Passeti
front tile contInent to Sweden oIl the ice.
llea'y vagon. ( mills were tibstitiltctl for
the traiStig vessels.
In 143.1 ( lie ThialUCS anti all other rivers of
England filth So'lsllti froze over ; the Seine ,
Ititille itliti lantiba vet'e ciol4etl to llitVign-
thou early in lecember. 'rho lardniinhlos
nnd lieliospont froze , as did illany bays
ahlti Inlets of the Meilhterrtttlenll , Ice forlned
in Algiert , anti the Strait of Gibraltar vao3
almost itnpar.sibie frotn drift Ice ,
In 1164) ) the lialtic again froze over so as
to Permit travel on the ice. In Gernialt3'
deer souizlit tile towns for refuge ( rout
wolves. l'ncks of' wolvea caune Into tile
cities baid tuttaciceti the pcoi'io in the
lii 1514 ( lieu cold was so severe in iboliftIlti
that vine was cut in blocies anh sold by
Iii 1591 nIh the rivers of North Eurolie
were frozen before Ciinistman. 'rite Catte-
gat froze , together with a. large litrt of the
Baltic , 'i'he sea. at Venice 1'roz so that
during three s'ecle no boats could be ilsed ,
'fite Tihier froze at home and men crossed
it on : thi ice , tt thing never kutown before ,
nor sitice.
lit 1658 the bays auiil inlets of Northu Eu-
1'oho froze over early in Decetuber. Charles
x of Sweden crossed the strult to Dent-
mark withu Ills whole army including the
artillery , baggage and provisIon trains ,
In 1618 thue 'FIln.lnes was covered with ice
over a foot ( hide. llootius were erected for
a. fair , which was Ilelil OIl tile river.
Coaches Plied to anti fro on the lea as en
dry hand. All the F'rencht lorts were closed
for three or four weeks , tue harbors being
frozen over.
In 1COI th cold was so severe in eastern
Europe that vacles of starving wolves en-
tereti Vienna and attacked lflOfl flfltI % VOlllell
in the'iitreets. . .Ahi the canals of Venice
were frozen , and the iinincinah mouth of the
Nile was blocked vitiu lImiting ice for a
week ,
In 1710 the Thames was frozen for eleven
weeks , Forest birds almost nh perished ,
allth trees vere split by the frost , rho liar-
bar of Barcelona t'rOZ Over , amid navigation
was stiependeti In the' Greek Archipelago 011
account of tile danger from heatIng' ice ,
Tii whiter of 1812-13 was one of the hard-
eat ever knowiu in Europe. The Tllutnes
froze from tIm source to tile 500 , the Soille ,
thin Ilhihue , tile Danube , the l'o and tIle
Gautlahqtilver were nil covered with Ice.
The Baltic froze for many miles froln land.
and thin Ikagerack and the Cattegat wei'e
both frozen over , The Adsiatic at Venice
svas frozen , so was the sea. of Mnninera ,
while the hiellospont and tile Darthrtnehies
were huhochtod with ice nlii , the Archipelago
was impassable. Tile Tiber was higilely
coated , and thin Straits of iIessina were
covered wiLls ice. Snow fell all over North
Africa , ailti thrift ice appeared in the Nile.
'J'hi's was thin whIter of Napoleon's retreat
froth Moscow when 400,000 mcii perished ,
luostly of cold and hunger. Tile men froze
l death iii battalions , and no lieu-sos were
left eltiler for thin artillery or cavalry.
QuIcksilver froze thui wliite
In 1849 the cold in Swrden , Nor-tray alid
itussia was 'so severe that great numbers of
perrons were frozen to death in all those
In 1863-4 a severe cohti wave swept over
tile Whole of North America. The flier-
monleter went to 60 below zero in the north-
vest. 'rile MiSSSshhpl river was blocleeth
with ice in a Slllgie nigllt. and in twelve
Ilours froze from St. Paul to Cairo.
Use less of Dr. Price's Baking Powder than
of any other , because it's absolutely pure.
RiJ2S .S1'OIL 2IIE 1'ifdC1C 40.IJY.
Racing ut stay iJl'iiriot Forceti on to tile
lip tititi IJOWll It Iii Curst , Once % iorp.
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 11.-A heavy rain
caused tue regular trahk 'to be abantluned ,
but racing wis done on tIle up and down
hill course today. Favorites were rowhtero ,
Donna Fulano being the only one to win.
Summary :
First race , five and a halt furlongs , selling -
ing , maidens : Finesse , 83 , Cleary (12 ( to 1) ) ,
von ; Braira , 89 , IsoIn (5 ( to i ) . elconti ;
McFanlane 91. Heinrichs ( S to Ii ) , third.
'rime : 1b81. : Julia Pnrhin , filly , Lizzie
Hampton , colt , Wilda , Lady Emily anti
Ontario also ran.
Second race , about six furlongs , selling :
Donna Fulano , 106. Carr (0 ( to 5) ) , syoll ;
Quarterstaff , 102 , Slonue (6 ( to 1) ) , , seconti ;
alias Bucleley , 18 , IsOin (41,4 ( , to I ) , third.
Time : 1:2114 : , J00 Cotton , Eliza and ncr-
nardo aim ran ,
Third race , one mile , selling : Jlolhle ICing ,
78. , Frawley (2 ( to 1) ) , von : Ltonvihie , 101 ,
diem (2's ( to 1) ) . second : Booze , 107 , Cnrr
(2 ( to 5) ) , third. Time : 1:5P. Warham also
Fourth race. five and a half furlongs :
Boretis , 102 , CIlorn (10 ( to 1) ) , sven ; Miss
Ruth , ioi : , Llovti (10 ( to 1) ) , second ; Nebu-
cafitlezzar 114 , som ( P4 to 1) ) , tllirci. Time :
1:17 : % . chkuito ; Dick Behan , lice L , Kitty
L and Ilarcaidine also mr. . ,
Fifth race , about six furlongs , selling :
.bennle Deane , Ci. F'iynn (6 ( to 1) , sven ;
Mutineer 9. Livermore (9 ( to 1) , second :
Prince , 9 ; . h-Ieinnichs (3 ( to 1) , third , Time :
li5Vt. Ravine , Cilemuille and Valparaiso
also ran.
NEW ORLEANS , Feb. 11.-Track heavy.
Results :
First macer six furlongs : Hodson (5 to 2) )
von. Merritt (3 ( to 1) ) seconti , Eiberon (7 to
' 1) ) third. Time 1:25 ½ .
Second race , three furlongs : Rags (7 ( to 2) )
lyon , Uncle Lew (2 to 1) ecend Inspector
lItInt (3 ( to 1) ) third , Time : 0:4l : , .
Third race , six furlongs : Royal Prince (5
to 1) ) won , Cerro ' lordo (9 ( to 5) ) ccond ,
Layou (8 ( to 5) ) thrd. 'rime : 1:25)1. : )
Fourth race , six furlongs : Oh , No (10 ( to
1) ) won , John P (20 ( to 1) ) second , No Remarks -
marks (5 ( tO 2) ) thIrd , Time : 1:264. :
Fifth race , seveit furlongs : Beatiflee
( even ) won , Thppecanoo (8 ( to 1) ) second ,
Viola C (25 ( tel ) third. Time : 1:45. :
VIhh ituli Chit , I lip latoiulor ,
NE\V YORK , Feb. 11.-An evening paper
says : The old sea. sharp , Captain Terry , has
been engaged to sail tile CU defender of
1895. It is said that in many i'eSilects he is
tile superior of Ciuptain lhiuiiSoli , who stilled
the \'gilant. Ills superiority at the tiller
is admitted lint ! lIe is considCred ii great
judge of V1eld unti knows better when' to
luring tile yacht about , than atiy othnr
yacittuitnan. lie is also without a Ieer as
a trimmer of saIls ,
hl'Jf.i TJJJCJI J'OJt1fUlST ,
lt'JlOiV Jiurrics Iii ( lie 151 itritllig Pohloived lay
Fair U'ciut tier.
WAShINGTON , Feb. 11.-The forecast for
'l'uestluy is :
For Nebraska , South Dakota , ICansas anti
Iowa-Snow hurries in tue pang meriting ,
followed by ( alt' : north winds.
For ! uiisitoUlt'-HnoW flurries , followed 'by
( air in thin southieriL portIon ; northuu'c'utt
winds ,
Iucttl itecord ,
OltiAliA , Feii , 11.-Ontiuhia record of torn-
hterature aild raitftuii , cornipalvi , su'itht tile
carrtspolithing ilay of tii ilast ( ott , ' yeai's :
1833. 1S9. ISPI. 1892.
? uiaxiiuiutfl temperature , I'J Ii 18 22
MillieflUlil teltienuure. , ( , . , 4 2 12 7
Avelago teitilegitturti . . . . . fl I 2'l ' 14
l'ret'ipltation . , , , , . , , , , , , . . , T , ( .7 'I' 'L'
Comuiition of tenllierilture and lirceinhtittioti
at Omaha. ( ci' thu lift ) ' ittlut inc Litrc'ii 1 ,
1191 ;
Normal temperatura . , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
leilcionhy for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Normal precihuitation , . , . . , . , , . , . , , , , , , 01 iitr'ii .
lcfleicllcy for the tIny . . . . . . . . . . . . .inch
Total precipitutinhi ituce Mulch I hI' . . I inhtes .
leilchellCY 5111CC March 1 , , . . . , lt.09 111011e14
Btptirt5 1ulil ( ) Lhior 8tiutii * $ 1C H 1' . .11.
I4TATIOxS. i F wrATs or
: P
; 'i
Omaha . , . . , , , , , , , , , , iii I U ' 1' . ( iotithi ,
North l'iatte . , . , , . , 10 1t 'I' . Siiew'Iu , ,
Vaiittiiie. , , . , . , , 14 lii T. Clotitiy.
Chicago . . . , , , . , . . , 10 HI ( itt Vlc'.ur.
SL LotiI , . , , , , , , , . , it 18 , lli ) l'btt' : ,
Si , h'atii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 iii ' 1' . Chtntuiy ,
V4V0000ri , . . . . , , 1 l'i .Otifltar. ,
Hltlitlittt City . . . . . , . , ill Is 'r.elouitly : ,
beaver..I ) U
taht Lake City , , . . . , 10 ju .111 Ciotuir ,
hiapid City , . , , , , , , , , 4 5 .1111 Ii rt ciotitly ,
hieiia . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5 Ii ' 1' , Clear.
. . . . . . . . . . . . 32 'L'.Isilowiiia' .
tilsiilarck..8 12 .ttI 'Cltnt' ' .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C .011 Citair.
Miles Lilly.2 . . Ii .I ) ) Citeir ,
uiit'eetoit ; . . . . . . . . . .s 40 .114 Clear.
. h.chow zero.
' -r" ia'iicates trace of precipitation ,
It , 'u'iLiili , Oh.'ssivsr
OvorlaiulViI1in to Join an .ttosooiatio
Where it Vi11 Receive raft Treatment ,
Ciiairiiuiiu ( iallw'u'll to 'lsIt Ouihiit Tothiy
Ct ) Confer with thIn ltutrlliigtoti auth
. Ijiilttii i'at'ltlt , l'itoiignr .tgt'itt
5)11 I hIll Sit utiut 11,11.
13. I ) , Cahdwohl , thin sveil know'n citalrrnan
of the \\'esterll Trunk Line ilassenser COfl
illittee , whose italne lets ofteller , ( Ii tlto news.
Pallors of the west titan any other rallroati
1111111 , arrives in Omaha this muornhiig to itolti
It conference with Messrs. E , I. . Loullax , goli.
oral passenger agelit of ( lie Union l'aciflc , anti
.301111 FrancIs of the Burlington , wIth a view
of Ilatcitltig ill ) thin differellces betweoll ( lie
UnIon PacIfic 811(1 ( lie hhtbrliilgtoil , lloclc Is-
iaiiti anti Rio Grande W'esterit , After tita
tenitiination of thin coltference hero Mr , Cahil.
well will go OIl to 1)onver to reason with ,
Goneniul Passouigcr Agent Bennett over cnn-
tam features of ( ito agreenlont.vilicht Mr.
Bennett is iow objecting to ,
In an iiitcrvlow Itatl wIll , Mn , hoinax yes-
tortlcty Ito statetl to a hhee man thlat ( lie Union
Pacific itatl not chiatigeti in a sitigle tiogrco
froiti ( hue nosltioti ( hitch last lecelllbcr , IvItell
( ho dettillct 'i'rnnscoiltineittal association be.
gati thin itercuiealu effort of trying to rettulte
us ( ilsiulelnbereui nietnbers tinder a trttnk line
agreelilent , ' ' 4
"IVe have agreed to advance thin rates
Februlary 15 untier existIng coliditions , whIch
are lerfectly satIsfactory to the Union l's-
cific , but we , w'iIt joIn no association umiless
lulL tllO an equality vitit other lutes 1110111-
hers of the associatIon , Our position i
perfectly clear to all thin ltieltlbtrs , and it
seems the height of fohi' to reiterate It.
Witlu tin : ' MissourI , lCauisss & Texas , the Rho
Grande W'estern , tIle 1)enver & ltto Granda
and thin Missouri Pacific out of the associa-
tioll , I cannot see how the Union Pacific is
to be pulniahied it it Insists Open its right
to ( lie enjoylliellt. of all benefits rItichi are
prestilned to htiure as a result of stucht acm-
elation. As soon as the tiiffereaces betwenit
other hiiic are llarliieatzed , then I suppose tile
associatioii rill be ready to consIder the
answer of tile Ullion I'aciflc , that It , is wIlling
to become a lnernber of suclu association
upon ternis of equality wIth all other unem-
hers. "
CALh)1'1Lf COStING 1t'EST. ;
s'Ilt 3lhtn an EtTot't tti Effect flu ( Jailer- ' -
btttlllthulg ltntWpii 1'estorn ittathS.
CHICAGO , Feb. 11.-Chairman Caldwell , '
of tile \Veatern Trunk line comniittea rent
to Deliver tonight to confer with the lenvcr
& Rio ( irande and Rio Granule Western officials -
ficials regarihing the membership of these
two lines in the comnlittee. The chances
for a settlement are excellent , anti as tile )
chairman is a notorious peacamaker it is
hihghuiy lirobable that lie will secure tlio assent -
sent of both lines to the conlmltteo agree.
aleRt.Vltii tileln as members thin adhesion
of tile Missoilni l'acific and Unloit I'acillc
vihh follow closely.
Freight representatives of the Indiana
and Illinois reads , which have been engaged - , '
gaged for some ( line in a war ever soft coal j. '
rates , held a conference this afternoon and
decided to restore rates at once , '
ttctiioui ltecehvers ic'nv Seam ltnlllor. '
NEW YORK , Feb. I1.-Receivers 'Walker
and MeCook of the Atchison railway corn-
pany , who arrived on Sunday , after a trip
of inspection of the roach , report the ,
nh'sical condition of the IrpprtY na Ox- '
cehhent. They doily tile current rumor that
their visit Is on account of tile dhsaiprovnl
of certain fettttres : of the proposetl reorganization -
ization ilnn , anti dechare they are giving
their exclusive attEntion to the operation
of' tile Atchison nrolthities , and have no
knowledge of tii details of the plauof re-
organization. . . - .
On. nit a l.oitg Tutit'
Tile Gaiety Ginlcarnpany , thirty-one peo.
plo , vent thirotlghu Omaha yesterday , taking ' , .
No. I OIl ( lie Union PacIfic for San Fran- '
clsco. After a week in that 1)18Cc thin corn-
pany sails for Australia , going thence to
Itnilway I'4ntes.
J. It. I3ucllanan , general passenger and
ticket agent of the Eikitorn , has returlieti
from Qtiincy , Ill.
A call has been leauedfor the rate clerics
interested in all-year tourist tichtets and
round-trip rates to niee tpday iii ( lie Rookery
building to line up these rates.
A meeting of. the Denver Terminal lines
lies been called for Fehintiary 22 at Denver , to
arrange details for time National Eduleational r. '
assocatiClt , which' meets In the Colorado cap-
itai Jttly 5 to 12.
Tile 13. & M. has received notice that mail
between Englewoed anti Spearflshi , and Piunia
anti Lead will be weighed daily , for thirty
tlays , counmeuicing April 1. Tills weighting
of mali for' tile ( line siecified fixes tiio '
weight upon wilicit the contract Is let to tIle
iiurhingten for three years froni July 1 ,
The fire Is stIll burning in No , I coal mine
at Henna , but General Sales Agent Chihberg
expressed the hlope that the miners might be
able to commence fighting it next weelc ,
Coal , however , is being ( alien out of o , 3
lnlno , some twenty cars being siiippetl Satur-
( hay , and it is expected tiltt thirty cars 'syili
be the otutput of , today.
Thilciren Cryfol
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryf3
tche's Castoi'ia
Children Crz'&r !
Pitcher's Castoria5
Cii the female face , ,
out tile ulpor ill , , " . - . : - "
chill , ciiiteii5 , ( oi'C- ( i.- . -
heal , l'otween the ( L4" -
. 'yebrowe , OIl the a' ' s'
litmus , iirtns anti iJ' A'
breast ; ahee hair ) ll '
attn's cliesictu abmto
his bi'aid him , tie.
stioi'd ( clever , NI )
ittiifl 01' injury by , ' ,
' ,
'itEcTllIc :
EE1)LE. )
Titii is otis of lhi lilost Uliuttgiith ) ' hiem.
iiiles tied tiny rilliime,1 , % % ' ( .illlltl Cad be tiC.
It nit C sviui , , I C is sui e to 11111 aCt iuttentioa
a n.h to , 'xni it' Ci.lituiit'iii ,
iti.thati.rI' a , acids , 5 , WitS b1ock , , ,
tffiit'stIlit' , tue tlYf'ZCr $ , iICIitIi'il'5 anti i'itzr
all tiunite these littirs grow harsher , duiltar ,
c'arser. and itioto iiulnt'rDlis. 'l'ig , only
method I a I lit' l't'Oi'i'I by whiii tue hair can
I-in tithurao''tl ill I'y tiii
Electric Needle ,
W'e Iiau' haul yenis' esi.riene in fills
'ittlt tinti gtliulttni"e I , CUtU In every cii's ,
110 liiatter ht'w Itlil It logy lie , Mois.
Walls lVCiiC , liusS veins , Intl 1li$5 i'
ettirs auth nil it , ' , ii.i artovtiis dt'.itioyiii by
ilki , itieiiioi en I hi' , Ic llctl , t'iUculo Cu got ) .
A sidhici 0111,11 1 iiitYay5 illesefli , It.ur , , S
10 ' ; Huitudas , hO to 1. ' 1110
' ' ' ' ' '
CUR \ PA'I'll IC INS't'ITU'I'E ,
107 5 , 1711 * , iicarflocigo , ( lninhia
f , Ii , , is ens tiC Slum rno , (
4 * . skhlifui of ( 'hInt's , doe.
turs , because of his greet
kIltWhl'dgt' cud rules ,
, ' ' . .
' -1 ( lime lie tttidrrstenis , th.
t iitliilititut $ action of over
' f , tsu n'lnetlire , % 'itii fourteen -
teen ycurs of i's'uuvtieS ' and
/ foul' of Chat
' - ever 0081 $
, - ' ' * - I itn In tjiialia hue. given
frIifli4tttiUtiitUhackcd [
t'/:1. : . 'lIAltA"Tlfi clf siieenst' ,
witculter 11G1.NiO OP. O'flltIiiW'ii'IFI. ir , ( , ,
( lee Wa siinrante , a vur' In every caaa or tti.
money will hM r'fun'lel. ' ( 'oMUIttitiOU ( roe. uCnc1
a ta'Q.ccuit stulnp ( or book and qutlellof blanks ,
Da. ' . C. Gun. Vo. , bid NbCthi Hi. , ( hiulthiaNub '
. . f
, ' - - " ' . . , -4. . .
, - . : :