Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1895, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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8 - Tn1L ; ! owi DAILY DEE : S1J1NDAY , 11EflfltAflY 10 , 180 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
, .
Any Lady's ' Winter Jacket in the Store Half
Price This Week.
Twenty I'er Ce-nt Taken Off Winter t1nc1er-
, wenT ThiN 'Ve-I'k-\Ie-II'N : White Shlrls ,
. .
' UnIRulldere-11 , lIlIc-Ure s Goods
ltemllRllts 2ontI.ty.
, I having complett'fl our annual Inventory we
find that our stock ot
11 entirely to large , and In order to make
. room for spring garments , we have decided
. . to gtve
On all our .
Every Illdies' \vlnter jacket In lIn house al
jusl halt Price for this one weelt.
We aho find our stock of
Entirely too large. We have concluded to
, duplicate for one week our
Olter of lasl month ,
. . On m n's allll boys' shlrla and drawers.
Men's union suits ,
, Men's cashmere hosiery ,
Women's and children's vests and pants ,
'Vomen's and children's union suIts
ES'1uestrlenne ' tights ,
'Vomen's antI children's cashmere hosiery.
Remnants wlllch accumulated during our
fire sale of dress goods 1111I1 silks will be
placed on our counters Monday morning al
prices , without regard to cost.
: AT r.on
: 125 110zen men's " ' ; hlt - nlaunderel1 shirts ,
. made from best quality standard brand
, "Wamsulta" muslin , with pure linen bosoms
z nllll cult balllls , double back and front ,
every shirt full size and perfect titling.
Without exception \ the lies FOe shirt overproduced
produced , nil sizes of neck bands and length
ot sleeves , nt 50c.
. AT 71.1C.
lliO dozen men ' S fine quality white nun-
. laflndorell shirts , made from very best so-
looted New York mills muslin , with pure
Irish linen bosoms and wrist bands , double
' back and front , with patent continuous
facings , hand made button holes , every shirt
cut 36 Inches long. We guarantee 11 perfect
I fit on every shirt. We carry them In all
L sIzes and length of sleeves , nt 75c.
. $1.00--We call special attention to our 1101-
- lar laundered and unlaundered dress shirts ,
, made from very best quality standard muslins -
J t - line , pure Irish linen bosom allli wrist bands ,
reinforced back and front Material , fit amI
t , finish equal too any shirt made to order , all
- sizes , laundered 01' unlaundered , nt $1.00
AT 49C.
, 90 dozen men's fancy trimmed night robes ,
good quality night gown muslin , nicely
trimmed , all colors fast , full sizes , 60 Inches
long , at 49c each.NEW
/ 'Wo show for the first time Monday many
new goods , among which are :
: New wash slllts.
New gauUro crep s.
. New plain and figure taffeta slllcs.
New printed silks.
New black ercpons.
NeW novelty dress goods.
, New printed and woven dllclts.
. Now Scotch ginghams.
; New percales and lInvns.
Now French eha1lles.
Cor. .Farnam and 15th st.
Flru110. .
We have adjusted our losses and sold our
lease to 16th and Douglas street ; must move
' to our new location February 14th ; before
; that date will close out UOOO worth ( slightly
! . dam ged by smoke only ) fine perfumes , cut
, : , , glass bottles , nutomlzors combs , brushes
_ soaps , patent medicines , toilet art.lcles , etc" ,
. by private , sahe
We carried the finest line of goods In
, Omaha We move nothing but the fountain
- . . find fixtures.
'L Prices lower than department stores
t .clarge for cheap trash.
' N. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas St.
: - p
A. F. 1\1\(1 , \ . M.
i- ; An members ot Saint John's lodge , No. 25 ,
_ A. F. and A. M. , are requested to meet at
. : Freemasons hall at one o'clocle p. m. , Sun
, day , February 10th , to attend the funeral
_ . - of our late brother Alfred Viney. .
WILtAM W. KEYSOR . , Mnster.
- - - -
: 111 W. or - A. Omlhl\ - ClOmp 120.
- NeIghbors , you are requested to attend the
_ . ' funeral of AUrcd Viney. You will meet at
_ . 1 bali , 15th and Douglas , at 1 o'clock p. m.
_ _ _ _ , Funeral leaves residence , No , 920 North 16th ,
_ _ _
_ _ _
' 10th.
111,2 o'cloclt Sunday afternoon , February
_ _ _ .y All camps In city are invited to nllend. '
_ : I' ' o. _ _ D. RICE , Clerk.
Sani' ! Durns' IG per cent discount sale was
; . great success , and consequence of the
, storm last week will continue It all this week.
. t . .of' : . .
. . Events Which At'o l'I\ 8ed end Those Which !
' Are to OOllle. . '
, 4- The small boy had hll $ ; Innlngs.Frlday after-
: ' noon , when Captain I\oyle , U. S. A. , re.
. '
_ , counted experiences on' the frontier In the
4. . early 70s that would \ teem ! Incredible to
those untnmlllar with the big things cf the
: early days , Captain byte held their rapt
_ attention to the last moment.
_ ' Mr. R. D. Howell tells ! the lads about hifq
In the na'y ' next. Friday nt 4 o'clock.
1 ThIs afternoon a Sioux Indian speaks on
, "Christianity Among the RO'l Men on thl1
, Flo.'n8. ' " Rev. Charles W. Sterling , formerly
_ _ B missionary am. ; ng the Sioux , will also
_ IIpeale. Mr. A. LansIng will sing. I
_ _ _ w 11ev. W. P. Murray , H. II. Daldrlge , and !
r" Mr E. D. Henderson speak to meting fat
men nt 4 o'clock this afternoon.
. Last Friday evening ; the now northwes
, branch was opened , with enthusiastic services
lit the Baptist church ot Central Park. Revs
--It . Johnson and Ely , Secretary Ober and lIIr.
_ _ _ JIemlerson spolte. Mr. J. 11. Parry , the new
chairman of the branch , IJrlislded. After the ,
_ _ _ _ .
services the large audience attended '
; n I'ecep-
_ _ _ lion , which crowded the new rom on Fortieth
I. street Itetreshments
, were served by the
Indies Educalonal ! und gymnasUQ classes
- . wIll be conducted , and reading room will
- be kept open evenings
. Monday evening 1111' T. R. Roberson gives
, the fourth lumber In the association course
: Admission free to membors. lie will use 150
splendid views : and speak of "Japan and the
_ _ _ ,4 Japanese . "
Tuesday evening Iax O'Relll , the fnmul
n lecturer and writer , speaks on "lieI' Royal
' .L JI1nlmess , Woman , "
.1 ; Judge Scott speaks at the Current TopIc
club Wednesday evening , Qn "Crime and llu
4 Effects on SocIety. "
Steps are being taken to organize several
teams for Association tool ball , the old.fash.
loned runnIng flint kicking game
. 'fhe managers ct the Young Men's ChrIstian
j\880elatlon Pant have reduced the price of
, ' admission to 10 cents 5 cents for boys undel'
14 rears of age.
_ _ . _ _
: Midway Tuesday nIght , Feb. 12th , nt Ar.
lnorl ,
_ 4 lIolUc.eekcl'A' l-acunlon.
On February 12 , .1895 , the Union Pacific
'Will ' sell tickets from Nebraska and Kansas
' . points to all points In Kansas , Nebraska ,
Wyoming , Colorado , Utah and Idaho nt rate
, of one Zero for the round trip , plus $2.00.
, Tickets good for twenty da'a. Stopovers al-
lowed ,
See your nearest Union Paclfio agent.
, L E. DtoKINSON. Gen'l Manager
: E. L. LOMAX O. P. & Tkt. Agt
. _ . . _ _
Jotter Every veer
c Time was when the "glorlolls climate of
. C3l1fornla" did nol attract tourlsta. Dut year '
, J after year the time of travel sell In stronger
arid stronger every fall and , winter toward
this favored region. There II no climate like
It on this continent for a winter resort , and
tbs usual fine service on the Union Pacific
e'l stem 1111' tide eason been brought o , a
r degree of perfection which leaves nothlqr
110 de.lrell ,
Harry P. Iheuel City Ticket Agert
, c I' 1302 Farnam atreet.
' > :1 ,
:1Lot. . of fuu at " 'Mtt1w&1 . "
A Big Saturday to Be Followed by a Bigger
Eighteen DoU"t' Snits for Nlno-TvtlIlLy.To
Dollar uiti for "ell-T'YCllt7 Jol-
tar Suits far Telve-ThaL's
the WRY Wo Uo it ; .
Time pbenmennl bargains that \\0 ' \ have
been - giving the male population lately are
making for us a name never tobo , forgotten.
FIrst we came on with one of the grandest
overcoat sales ever conceived , and followed It
In 8ult9.
up with a slashIng Saturday
People paid their money and tok their
choice , and got better suits for less money
than ever happened In Omnhn. ot course , wo
don't claim that we are making any money
on these sales , but there Is a good deal of
satisfaction ! In doing business al\l ( meeting
people , throngs ct them , such as have jammed
our store from the first stroke of 8 In the
morning till after 10 at night.
We continuo the suit sale for Monday , and
will add thereto many broken lots , made S6
by yesterdny's enormous business , placing
them In lower priced lts I than you saw them
Ladlewho were not supplied yesterday
with boys' suits will find that we have added
n number at line knee pants suits that we unfortunately -
fortunately overlooked when we marked down
for yesterdny's ale. 13oys' suits that you
used to buy of us are cut. In two _ torntrEow ,
and go on sale at $1.00 , $1.liO , $2.00 aM 2.60. .
They embrace all the nobby and school long.
wearing suits In the > house , and It's a. little
pleasure party wo've arranged especIally for
you al these prices , $1.00 , $1.60 , $2.00 and
$2.GO , $3.50 and $5.
As to the men , their Bulls start In at $5
and end at 18 , for the finest thing In the
house. Saclts , single and double-breasted ) ,
Ing cut c\ttaways \ , regent cut , Prince AI. .
berts every suit In the house , of whatsoever
descrIption , Is Included In this , the greatest
markdown suit sale of the age. Not a suit
Is reserved Even those fine black clay
worsted dIagonal dress Bulls are In with
the rest. It's not a. broken lot sale , but n
whole lot . plenty ot everything to g > 'round.
$5 , $6 , $0 ! I , $11 , $12 , $14 , $16 , and $18 , none
higher for suIts worth up to $28 , and sold for
thaI rIght along until this time.
All the men's and boys' overcoats and ul. ,
sters , left over from last Saturday , go In I
at a weqk ago last Saturday's prices , which
were less than 'balf price.
You never got so much for your money
before , anti ( take our word for it you never
will again.
Dig Monday after a big Saturday.
- -
Plel\Sllllt to Take
The Northwestern line east. Vestibuled
Chicago train that glides east from the union
depot every afterllcOn at 5145 : and Into
Chicago al 8:45 : next morning with supper
and la carte breakfast. Every part or the
train Is RlOHT.
Our eastern trains at 11:05 : a. m. and 4
p. m. ' dally-good , too.
City tlcleet office , 1401 Farnam slreet.
. .
Uomc eekcrs' xcur loll. .
On February 12 the 1\l\ssourl \ PacIfic rail-
way. will sell round trip tickets to points In I
Kansas Texas , Oklahoma . and Indian TerrItories - I
tories , Arkansas etc. , at one fare , plus $2
for the round trIp. Stop ovens allowed. For
further Information call at depot , Fifteenth
and Webster , 01' city offices N. E. corner
Thirteenth and Farnam streets , Omaha ,
Passenger and Ticket Agent.
J. O. PHILLIPPI , A. O. 1 : ' . and p. A.
Look for Midway In amusement column.
To thll.rJ\cI Cot aild.\Vestern Points.
Via the Union Pacific , the Wcrld's. Pictorial -
tonal Line. Read the time. To Salt Fran-
cisco' JrDm ,0inAha. , 7i . Jioura ; .to-Portland
from Omaha , 65 * hours. ' First class through
Pullman cnrs. Dining car servIce unsur
passed. Free reclining chair cars. . Upholstered -
stered Pullman Colonist sleepers dally boo
tween Council Dlulls Omaha and San Fran-
cisco , via C. & N. W. and Union Pacific sys-
tem , without change , conenpUng at Cheyenne
with similar cars for Portland : also dally.
between Kansas City and Portland , connecting -
Ing nt Cheyenne with similar cars for San
Corresponding time and servIce to Colorado -
rado Utah , Wyoming , Idaho and Montana
points. HARRY P. DEUEL ,
City Ticket Agent. S 1302 . Farnam street.
Attenc1 the grand military ball _ ot Dlv. 7 ,
A. O. H. , the boys In blue Wednesday eve ,
Feb. 13 , at Palterson's hall , 17th and Douglas
ate A good time assured all Tickets fjOc-
Including ladles.
TilE DlltitOT IdUU'l'UEltS ltOU'l'E
Via nock island , Shortat Line and Flutolt
, Time
To all points In Kansas , Oklamoma , IndlnlJ !
Territory , Texas and all Points In southerd
California Only one night out to alt poInts
In Texas. The "Texas Llmlled" leaves Omaha
at 6'16 a. m. dally except , Sunday , landing
' iasngers ! ' at : alt poInts In Texas 12 hours In
advance of -1\11 other lines. Through tourist
cars via FE. ( Worth and EI Paso to Los An-
geles. Fpr full .partleulars , .maps , folders
etc. , call at 01' addres2 . Rock. Island ticket
office , 1602 Farnam St. .
CHAS. KENNEDY . , O. N. W. P. A.
Uellof In the interest . ot the Deserving !
Paul' or Om 11m.
Amount formerly acknowledged , $6H : Ne-
brnskn National bank , $100 : Commercial National -
tional bank , $75 : United States National
bank , $ : > 0 : Omaha SavInGs batik $50 ; Ne- ,
braska Clothing company , $50 : L. Carter ,
$ : > Oi ; Truman Duck , $11i : All Saints' church ,
per F. W. Bryant , $16.25 : A. W. Phelps &
Son , $1i [ : employes or G. Brandenburg & Co. ,
U.75 : employes or . Union Pacific headquarters -
tcrs , $9.1 : emplo.ell of the Ii' . E. Sanllorn
company , $7 ; employes of the city clerk'lI
olllee , $6.25 : employes of C. S. Raymond , $6'
John Webster , $10 : John I ) . howe ( second
donation ) , $10 : A. Burley , $10 : Mrs. J. II.
\lcConnell , $10 : John Steel , $10 : hamilton
HI'os'i $10 : the F. B Sonllorn company $10 :
E. Zi. ! Morllemnn , G.liO : A. C. i'oweif { , f5 ;
Cash C. $5 : 'VnJ'ncr Hros . : , 35 ; D. P. Marsh ,
1-5 : J. M. Baldridge , fJi ! Caleb T. Morris $5 :
1J. : . Ielsey$5 : ; S. 'v. Niles , $5 : A. . Miles :
$ oj : G. W. holbrook \ $5Irs. : ! . Mary Grarr. $5 ;
John ' I. , Carey $ . , ; sums under $5 , $18.70.
'Further donations or money , fuel , clothing ,
unttprovisions very urgently needed Send
them without delay The demands upon UII
lire double what they were last winter , and
dnlly Increa/llns Oil ( to meet them at least
$5 , 00. \ ) Is required. Telephone 1t6. ( ;
JOhN , LAUOIflSAND Secretary.
807 Howard street.
, For the t'lIko of Charity.
Yesterday F. Rajemlel : : , employed by G.
Brandenburg & Co. , addressed the following
letter to the employeR of the firm , and as 1\
result the following nnmell sums were con-
trillutell 10 the Associated Charities :
"As seen from reports of the papers , the
number of unemployed peollle In Omaha ts
great : , and who , consequently , are victims of
bitter destitution and the Intensely cold
weather we now have has greatly increased
their sutrerlnlf1 Inasmuch ns we are
fortunate enough permanently to retain our
IJoslllons , therefore let us open our hearts
and contribute to the funds or the Associ-
ated Charities of Olllaha as generously as
IIIIY one of us can , and I assure you that
the sallie will bo much appreciated by above
n soelatlon , to whose disposal same will be .
given for distribution among the povert'
stricken leoiIe Ii' Hajemlez , $5 : 11. E.
Caninichiach $2 : Joseph lO'assaelt , 25 cents :
I. Stuhl. $5 : Charles Hnthazel fjQ cents : J.
I. . Krage , $2 : total I , 1475. . " "
, . -
110 for OkhiholUa.
OMAHA , IO'eb. 1-1'0 the Editor of The
Ihee'iii : you klnlll answer In The Dee
the folowlng questions :
In what year and month was Oklahoma
opened for settlement" ?
In llbout what length of time could one
drivefron \ Omaha to Oklahoma
Is there anything excepting newspaper
accounts published relative to the opening
or Oklahumn.T h. II.
Oklahoma was opened fcc settlement In .
April : 1889.
AIJrll would take from two to four weeks to
drive from Omaha to Oklahoma , Judging \
by the- distance .
'fher are omdol reports of the openIng !
at thl8 territory
. .
Ride the camel at Midway ,
, " , '
26 Oases Wrecked Merchandise Bought from
Railroad Company at Fearful Sncrifico.
Although Thl'sc Goods 'Vera III nnllroRll
Wreck They Arc III Almost l'ct'fect
Condition 1\1111 Wilt no Sold lit
Olle-'ollrth : "l\llIe ,
Thousands of yards nil sllle veilings , In
pc.lka spots , silk nets and fancy bordered
novelties , In all colors. go at lc yartl.
500 pieces double and single width veilings ,
In all silk mnllnes , tissues , bruHsells nets ,
fancy jets , and many other styles , worth up
to Mc a yard , go nt 6c.
liC AHD.
3,000 yards black and all color narrow
gulmps , braids and imported dress trim.
timings , worth 25c a yard , go at lc.
2l'00 yards of dress trImmings , Including
silk gulmps , feather edge braids , In all
colors , and Hercules braid , fancy jets , etc'l
worth 50c a yard , go at. 2'hc. '
HIghest cost and finest grade Imported
dress trimmings In fancy jets 5 Inches wltle.
sliver braids , ornaments and gold anti silver
braids , nil go at 6c a ynrtl.
One case hemstitched stamped linens ,
drawn work doylles , art squares , center
pIeces , tray cloths , biscuit cloths and table
covers , worth up to $1.00 each . , go nt Ge ,
10c. IGc , 25c anti 35c.
_ . One . case stamped linens ot all kinds.
1"lI1est uresser scnres , worth from The 10
$1.GO each , go at 3ge.
25c sheer linen doylles , 21hc. .
12c pure linen glass toweling , Gc yard.
20 < ; : linen twill crash toweling , 7'c YOI'd.
20c linen hock towels , 9c each.
250 knotted fringe damask towels , iSo
each. -
35c Turkey red table linen , iSo ynrl ! .
SOc Imported Scotch table damask , 25r.
3lio red bordered extra heavy unbleached
Scotch damaska 18c yard
All the 72lnch best grade blenched satin
fInish damask and finest Imported Turkey
red table damask , worth $125 a yard , go at
Finest German and Irish shrunk finished
$1.76 table damasks , all new and handsome
patterns , Sic 0 ynrd.
100 dozen full * size $1.75 dinner napkins ,
7.8 size heavy twilled napkins , worth $3.50 ,
go at $2.26.
$ b25 large sIze bed spreads , COo each.
Heavy crochet Marseilles pattern quilts ,
worth $2.00 each go at 98c.
N. W. Cor. l6th and _ Douglas streets.
. -
While nntes Arc Cheap Vi's I'nnt ' ! Ft'
Tuesday , February 12th Is excursion .dny.
Fat : Information relative to rates and routes
to nil points In the south and southwest call
on or address E. L. Palmer , P. A. , Santa Fe
Route , room 1" First National bank bldg. . ,
Omahn. _ _ _ p _ _ _
Midway. Admission 25c ; children 15c.
Via Chicago ' , Uoclc Island 8 l'l\clnc.
February 12 tickets will be sold nt one fare'
for the round trIp , pIus $2.00 , to all points In
Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian TerrItory and
Texas. Tickets good for return passage 20
days from date of sale > , with stopover privI-
leges. The Texas Express makes 12 hours
better Ume to all Texas pointS ! than can be
made by any other line. For full Information -
tion , folders , descriptive circulllrs , etc. , .call
nt Rock Island ticket office , 1602 Farno"
General N W. ' P. . A.
Low Rates to Southern IndVc8tern , ' 0Int8
Via -BurllDglon route , Tueaday " , . February I
12. Tickets and full information at 1324
Farnam street.
- . .
Sam'l. Burns Is going east and will bo glad
to get any matchlngs at dinner sets , toilet
sets , etc. , for any who may need them.
South Via the tVnbash"Raihroad ! .
'On February 6 and 12 , March 6 , April 2
and 30. For rates 01' further Information
and a copy ot the Homesoelters' Guide call
at the New Wabash office 145 Farnam
street , or write O. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. Agent Omaha Neb.
Two Days In Which to Exchange the Edu-
c"UolI,1 IlIeR8. <
The Educational Asoclatlol or Eastern
Nebraska will have its midwInter conven-
ton In this ! city on February 22 and 23. This
meeting wi cal together some 20 of the
teachers ot the pUllllc schools , In addition
to thos employed In this clt ) ' . The sea'
slon . will bo held In the flIght scho01 . build-
ing.The program Is 1' follows :
Friday Afernoon , February' 22-1 :0.
music : Invocation : ' address of welcome ,
Mayor Demls. 2O : ) buutness , organization.
3:00 : , mm c. 8:15 : , " 1he \ Value or the Noral
School to the Teachers " S. E. . Clark , sup r-
Inlendent of Sounders count ) .
Fndny ! Eventnl- : : . music ; address :
"ilerbartainisni In the Public Schools , " \V.
A. Clark : music : reeepton.
Saturday Morning , J. eblury 22.-9:0 : open.
Ing exercises. 9:15 : , "How to Make Pupils
Ambitiously Disconteqted " W- . N. Halsey ,
ptattsmouth. Case county. 10:0 : debate ,
"Reeolved , 'that the Support of Higher { Ed.
ueaton by the State Is an Injustice to the
Taxpayer' atllrmatitre , 11' . Alien or
Omaha , .1. A. Collins of Fremont , Dodge
county : negative , F. E Morrow or I.ouls-
vle , Case county , G. , \V. . Fox or Spring-
held county.
\ sllurday Afternoo-1' : ) ; music. 2:15 : , "HoW
to Interest Pupils In Good Books , " D. D.
Smith Craig , Burt . county. 2:30 : , "Principles
and 1 tethods of Control . and Discipline , ' G.
\V. Rice , Herman 'ushlngton county. 3:15 : ,
model recitation In primary reading . , Celleln
Schaler , Douglas county
Ample time will be given after cacti sub-
ject for g-enerl dlscll lon.
MUFlc furnished lIy Miss Towne of Omaha
and Miss Mullen o South Omoh Ever
one Interested In education . Is invited to at.
Spclal rates on the different railroads are
expected to be secufed.
JIIrovllll In health .
News received from Dr. Duryen Is to the
effect that he Is greatly improved In health .
Ue Is now In NeW Jersey , and the letter
received by friends In this city Indicates
that ere many weeks he wi lie able to reo
turn to this city and resume his work
AU.ACE-The body of Mrs. Id. C. Wab-
lace will lie taken tram 12 South
, Ighteenth street to the cathedral Ninth
street where services wIll be imeid { at 9
o'clock' a , m. , Momla , Firuary 11. In.
ternent at Holy Sepulehll cemetery
PJUI - lrl. , February 8 IU 7 a. Hi. , mothef
of Mrs. Agnes Ncti Funeri ut : p. in ,
: Monday , from resIdence , 212 Clark street ,
. ' -
Hacking ' .
Cough -
Is the worst kind at 1 coUgh , for you sa
it tioes'imt bother you very much , but , sr
lure you hnv saId enough 14 ( rlppe
Cough Cure Is what you iweii . I will cure
that hnck , and remember that the hacking
cousll Is hike the smouldering \reth3
mosl dangerous one after all . LI\ Grippe
Cough Cure Is for all klndt or I\ cough ,
and YOU do nut have to wait for results .
for the first dose relieves
i'nice ISo and SOc per botfle .
Mluurlcturr of Pond Lily Crcaw .
1613 Dodge Street.
2nd door WeSt of Poet OI c l
LADIS' ' $15. $ - ( CLOAKS $198 $
Boston Store Buys ' 24O Ladics' Conks ,
Jaoket3 , Capes frmBiroad Oompany.
Tomorrow 'the nOltoan Store ( liters the
Grandest \ IInll lIoIIHQrlnlslng ! Ullgnlns ,
In Clol\lts lu-er Shown In the " 'orll -
They Arc All Now Fresh ( lootl8.
This lot of elegant cloaks was bought tram
the railroad company They were caught
In a railroad smashup , and nlhough the
cases were badly damaged , the cloaks were
only slightly mussed , and only n very few
of them became soiled . The majority ot
them are all sound and perfect but the railroad - ,
road company sold them to us nt the greatest -
est sacrifice ever made. I Is trimly the 10St
wonderful bargain that wo ever bought. To
chose them out Quickly we wi sell them to'
morrow In three lots.
All the ladies' capes , jackets , nowmarkets
anti plush jackets , In all sizes and all styles ,
worth up to $ G.OO , go at $1.98.
LADIES' $17.50 CLOAKS , $2.98.
Ladies' elegant high cost garments In capes
and Jackets , In light and dark colors , plain
and fancy mnterlal , worth up to $17.60 , go
nl $2.98.
$25.00 CAPES AND JACKETS , $4.98.
All the finest and highest grade Indies'
capes anti jackets and seal plush sacques
from this stock , worth up to $25.00 , go nt
All small sizes children's underwear , 6c.
' ' . .
Doys' and ilrls' ulldcrwear. iSo
Me'n's $1.00 . underwear , 26c :
Ladles' heavy SOc underwear , 121hc.
Ladles' 76c heavy camels hair underwear ,
For Monday we will offer the greatest
millinery bargains over heard of.
Fancy birds and feathers , worth 36c , go
nt Ie.
French dress shapes , In all colors , hnvo
been sold for $1.00 , go nt Gc.
All trimmed hats worth $6.00 , go at $2.00.
Flats , worth $1.00 , go at 69c.
These-bargains ore for Monday only.
. Fine moynne gunpowder , 20c antI 2Gc.
Fancy hand rolled moynno gunpowder ,
38c.Fancy Splderleg Japan , 380 and 48c.
English breakfast , 30c and 45c.
N. V. " . Cor 161h and Douglas sts.
lie May l'ut' on the ahoe8 Which Major
iaddook 'Voro.
.t ; Is rumored nt the government building
that Euclid Martin Jla a cinch on the appointment -
pointment at government dlrectcr ot the
Union Pacific to succeed Major Paddock , de-
Regarding this matter'tho , Washington cor.
respondent at The rico says :
"It Is .generahiy beleyed In Washlngtpl
that Euclid Martin 'wllreeeive the appoint-
ment of government director ot tIme Union
Pacific. His ncmlnaton has not' ben sent
to the senate , andi Interior department of-
IIclals will give no 'delnle information upon
the sUbject. I Is generally known In Wash-
Ington , os In Omaha that - Martin Is the
choice ot Secretary'Norton , and that Is the
chief basis for the belef' that ho will receIve
this appointment. "
p .
Luck of Nun8papor Mun.
. Edga O. Snydel wl for a number at
years has been upon T Dee ns its railroad I
reporter , yesterday receIved time official '
Infqrmaton 4hat he = had appolnl "prl. ,
vate secretary.lo Seater , Thurston ; his com-
mlull . dating fronrMarch.4 olLho present
Should tthere' ( ' be , Jan ' extra sesion r0 : con-
gress , Mr . " Snyder will IJ to Washington
pier to time convening of that .sessiotm - , but
should there be none 11' . Snyder wi re-
main In Omaha until next December , when
he will take up his residence In the national
cpllal. _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _
150 peoplo' take part In Midway.
- - - - -
New Shoos from the Cook Stock at Hat
Price Monlay.
Jlgge-lt Jnrgnln ! III SIlOe-l You Have liver
Seen III Omnha All I\t lmnyiten'S
WOI\ertn11'rlce Cutting
Sale 1I01\I\Y \ ,
New shoes were never sold so cheap. Head
the prices. Mail orders filled .
lIIen's satin ' cal $2.0 shoe from Cook
Clothing Co. , 080 10nday , -
Men's electric calf taco $2.30 C. C . Co.s
shoes , $1.1G. .
! en's patrole heavy sale $2.8S C. C. Co.
'hoes $1.4.
! en's satin calf taco $3.GO C. C. Co. shoes
Men's satin cal double sale $3.GO C. C. Co.
shoes $1.7G.
! en's line cal Picattmliy toe lace $5.00
shoes , $2.liO.
! en's hand welt kangaroo $6.00 shoes
Ladles' 7Gc overgalel's 28c Monday ,
Lades' : fins dongoll $3.00 $ turn button shoes ,
SOc ; sizes 21h to 4.
Ladies' fine "Ludlow" $4.00 button , square
tip shoes $1.08 , all sizes and C to E width.
Ask to see the "Ludlow" shoes
Ladies' warm lined felt $1.50 shoes 6c.
Lndles' warm lined beaver $1.25 slippers
lsses' line grain solar lp ( $1,6 shoes 9Sc :
sizes 13 to 2.
Days' satin calf $1S0lace , shoes 98c : size
1 to 5.
Clmildren's fine grain solar tip $1.25 shoes
75c ; size 9 to 12.
S lng Cook p Clothing Co.s SliDes.
Leglahativo' Commital \l the Deaf and
lulnb 8chiuol.
The ways and means committee ot the
legislature , headed by Chairman Crow , visited
the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and
Dumb 'esterdny. They checked up the
record of supplies and books , Inspected the
sanitary condition of the building and inquired ,
qulred carefully Into the needs of the Insti-
tution. I Is probable that the committee
will recommend an appropriation sufficient to
make nn improvement on the present bad
sewerage condition of the building and to
have other needs remedied. The committeemen .
men were Interested spectators at several of
the class exercises and completed the tour
of inspection at 12 p'clock , when they returned -
turned to time city and heft for Norfolk nt
2:10 : o'clock In the afternoon. The sanitary
condition ot the building , while - no fault of
Superintendent Glesplo , was found to be
such as would justify extensive Improve-
mets to protect the health of the Inmntes.
Young Womian's 1000 l1eneftt .
Thursday evening nn entertainment will be
given nt the Young Men's Chrlstalll nssocla-
tlon hal for the benefit or the Young
Women's home' on Seventeenth street. The
program Is :
Opening Address . . . . . . .Hon. John Rush
Song-Silvery Waves..Miss Bessie Daily
Song--Thy Eye Will Tell. .Mlss Jennie Croft
Recitation-Guilty or Not Guilty. . . . . .
. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Dessle Dally
, The Bohemian Girl. . . . . .1lss . . . . . . . . . . .
I , Misses Clara Emma and Master John
Song-Selected..John E. lcCasvllle
' 'Tis - Drcam. . . . . . . .1argaret Cosgrove
Diddle's Toolh. . . . . . . , : . .Mandy Benson
'I Song-The Dying Orhnn's . Prayer. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . : , , . . Mrs. M. Thompson
.1lr. 11.
I Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Iss May Quinn
Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. P. DOllnely
Song-Will You Love Me When 1.m Old ?
Song-Wi . . . . . . . Lve . . . . .Ellen McIntire
. ne-Iubmtslollll North' Dakota.
BSMARCK , N. D. . Feb. 9.-The senate has
passed the bill for the resubmlsslon at the
constitutional amendment prohibIting the sale
of liquor to a vole of the people.
_ _ _ _ H _
Pictures .
. ; . : -
Almost Given AwaYe
Com1cIe Co1ored I Pastehl 39c
Choice of gilt , ivory or whIte and gilt patters.
Artist Genuine Etching $119 , .
_ In exquisite up to date frames complete , . .
. . . GeliurneWater : Colors 1
aut e d
Parlor size , in handsome frames $1' 98
" Ready to hang complete .
.fl TE are miking frames to order cheaper than you cnn
jtl buy the moulding PI'oressionlls and amateurs should .
' S ' deos , brushes , canvas and all artist
. got OUI' prices on paInts CIIVUS an 11 I.tst
mnterill Dealers should have our wholesale catulo ucs.
A . Hospe ' Jr wholesale netal 1513 1614 Douglas Izard Street. Street.
MR $ . J. BENSoN.
. , '
+ Have You
. a ,
, , - - " ; si - Seen Our
Counter ? .
' 'Vc ' ' of
- ' are gl\lng part
- our profs to our CUR-
tOh1Ithi' instead ot to thc
Ncwspnpcl's for Ad\'cr-
. - . , tising . .
s:1 :
. you a ticket % V1CflOU : make a purchase ;
serditup with YGur money and the amount you
have 1ought will be stamped on it When it
amount to $5 , ( 0 you can choose a handsome
g.ft from at assortment of aboit fifty articles-
[ .t and
or you cin wait until you have traded more
have a c 0 ce o f higher priced articles.
- - . . _ . _ _ H _ , , _ . . _ . _
- -
WlI.COX I ilt.ti'ERS.
F brnlry lisle of l.llt'l Oxfords.
See our east window Monday morning ,
February 1th , those elegant $5.00 $ and $ G.o
oxfords , black , bronze , beaded tan , and drab
oozt. All go at $1.98.
. chance at a life time : for evening , for
house , for dancing , for street use.
mnck , bronze , beaded , tan , drab , Louis
Iv heels ,
Monday , and not a. pall Bold till Ihen.
These elegant oxfords
, For $1.98.
" a WILCOX & DnAl R ,
Fitters of I eet.
Who hero the largest store , the largest
stock and the lowest prices In Omaha ,
151G and 151 Douglas . st.
SUJ'l'LCWJ . SlUr ottrJsr8solr .
uRge Ninety Centanhozan 1\11 flutter 1
Uolt. I l'ounl. ,
LANCASTER , Pa" , Feb. 9.-There Is prac-
tlcally no change In time condition at the
railways hereabouts. The Pennsyl\'anla
managell to get two trnlns through from
lhlhldelphla : this morning , but the news cx.
press , which left Philadelphia at 4 , Is
stuck In a snow bank nt l'aohi.
The Quarryvlo railroad Is still closed and ,
will not bo open before Monday. The Lancaster .
caster & Rending railroad Is completely tied
tip by a. freight train just east of I'eters-
burg , where It. stuck In I thrift Thursday
night , anti which Is now almost burletl out
or sIgh by the drifting snow The trains
which heft Lebanon yesterday morning have
reached the freight , but as the road Is but a
Hlnglo track can get no further. The moln
line of the Pennsylvania road between hero
and ColumbIa Is In trouble and rapidly disappearing -
pearlng beneath falling snow. A passenger
train which left Philadelphia shortly after 4
o'clocl on the lennsylvanlo had a head col-
lision wIth a locomotive at Paoli , derangIng
the later and damaging tim engine haulIng
the train. \ Several passengers were hurt.
Only about n dozen market men reached ,
bore today and butter , which had been selling
at 26 cents , went up to $ a ( ount1. Ninety
cents Is asked for a dozen eggs.
. 'xtrrmlul\tllg thcClg'\cto Trl\IIp.
JEFFERSON CITY , Mo. , Feb. D.-The
senate has passed n bill Imposing n license
tax of $1,000 annually on dealers In cigarettes
and cigarette paper , and empowering cities
to levy n similar tnx.
The house passed n bill prohibiting all
pool selling and bookmaking , either on do-
mettle or foreign events under penalties or
i . n fine of from $1,000 to 10,00 and Imprison-
mont for one year.
11\Itmorn nurlll tim llontl.
BALTIMORE , Feb. 9.-Alexander Drown &
Sons at this city have accepted an bier from
the New York parties who negotiated the new
governmEnl loan to subscribe for I,2GOOOO of
the bonds. The prIce could not be learned.
This Is the largest sngle transaction In gov-
eminent bonds ever recorded In Daltlmore.
The offer was made through August Belmont
and was accepted tOa ) ' .
.s NebrnskR Gets O Porto II of i.
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 9.-The Live
Stock exchange has appropriated $2,500 for
destitute farmers , giving $1,000 to Kansans ,
and $250 each to Oklahoma and Nebraska
sufferers , and $1,000 for , home charities. The
money will be distributed p Immediately.
, IroOld3D htt'lkor indicted .
BROOKLYN , Feb. 9.-Tho 'Februnry
grand jury in the court at sessions . has
brought In twelve Indictments against
strikers and others who obstructed and IntErfered -
feted with the trolley cars and committed
acts of violence d\rlng the strike. , All
pleaded not guilty. . \ S
Judgment " , for FHteen Thou.lllld.
SPRINGFIELD . Ill. , Feb. 9.-In the United
States circuit court today James Converse of
San Antonio , Tex. , cured judgment agaInst
W. O. Langdon of this cIty for $15,807 on
promissory notes given In payment for nn interest -
terest In a store at Eagle Lake , Tex.
XIIPr Ir.4z'1'cD 'JIJhf .
They were all businEs men of unqulton $ , ' -
vernel ) . . They were sitting In the lobby 01
one of the princIpal hotels In this city trying
to keep warm at the expense ot limo pro-
prlelor. The wind was whistling arounit the
doors and gently Informed them of the frigidity -
ly ot the atmosphere every time I newcomer
"Must hero bc-en pretty loM Inlll night , "
, 'enture one of the group as ho . edged up to
the radiator.
"CoM I WlI , I shoul say HO. You know '
that big thermometer ot mine. 1 registers
down to 20 degrees be-low. - I went out to . -
look at It about 8 o'clock , and found that ) all
the mercury - was down In tIm bulb , and I
couhln't tel how coM I wns nt all. "
"That's nothing , " chimed In time man nt his
right. "You know ' we have a. thrmometer
In our room nl home that. gives pretty necu-
rate information In ordinary times , I think
my wlto boughl I at some fancy goods store
anti sowell It on to a , picture rrmo just to
malt It ornamental as wel ns useful Well .
just before I went lo bed 1 thought I'd see
how coM It really was , and 1 set the thing
out on the wlntlosi. . I pulled It In In five
minutes , an.l . I'll bo blamed If the mercury
hnlln't all disappeared ! ' I look ten mlluies
over 1 gas jet to find a trace of it. "
"Oh . , 11sha\1 Yon fellows Iion't kuow how
to me a thermometerl" exclaimed No. 3 In
n disgusted tone "I keep mlnoo outdoors all
the time , screwed against the wIndow cuIng
all close to tim glass , so that I can sea It. ' . ,
Last nigh I was wakened out of n sound '
sleep by I sharp , loud report , anti when I ,
got up I found the window Ille cracltcd. I
supposed some ono hall thrown something
against it. I looked around for the stone 01' I
brickbat , but finding nothing . went back to
bed. In the morning r made I closer exnm-
Inntlon , and what do-you thlnlt I found ? Time
thermometer was smQshcII tD smithereens.
I must have been so cell that the mercury ,
In contracting , left n vacuum that the tube
was nol accustomed to and the Ilreuure ot the
air on the outsIde not only splintered the
glass but broke the window , too , by force ' ot
the eXllloslon.
"Coimie off , " came In n spontaneous chorus . ,
and the whole crowd ambled Invitation .
all lro\\'t away on 11\1-
the , Inner ' . the
tnton 10 forty man' agaInst thI
wintry elements. .
antro Wl no utter tim , , Ofliclais.
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 9.-Despite the
order ot Mayor Adolph Sutro the Market
street' railway , which Is oWlell by the South-
era Pacific , Is laying ncw tracks on Church
street , the franchise for which the mayor
claimed had expired. Twenty ot time work-
I men were arrested , but the mayor says ho
I wi swear out warrnlts against the reel
offenders , Si. E. lullngtol , C. E. Crocker
and Superlnteldent Wining , as officer of . time
company , for tearing UI the streets .
Fair Hclrs 11"0grccd. , .
SAN FRANCISCO , IO'ob. 9.-By an order
at court Mrs. Theresa Oelrlchs , daughter of
the late James G. Fair , was given posses-
slol at $1,500,000 left by her mother. The
money has been tied up pending dim appeal
by Chnrles L. Fair , her brother , to the
suprcme court , over his Interest In the
estate. Dy agreement the appeal was dismissed -
missed , evidencing on agreement among the
ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . tOe
, HAIR DRUSHESSold back ,
: I money all bristle . . . : . worth . . . . I. . double . . . . the25 . : . , .
. handle ported , . . all . . . . . bristle . . . . . . . : . . bone . . . . . t5e
. NAIL DI1USIIES-All bristle - , -
and of excellent quality. for-25n
- merly sold ot Coo to 7lic , now. . a -
Snow Lund & Ca.
St0W , , . ,
s. E. Cor. 16'th and Faruan. s .
, - ;
-f :
" .
, .
FEBRUARY 14th" .
: . . . ' , - An imposing .display-the 'choicest
. " - , . . ' , el ection from the best makers , J
, - ' / . ' - . , . - ' . . Prices like the weather , down
, . . . . , . . .
. ' . '
. " "
-r' . , to zero. We will be opdn T es-
\ d and .
day Wednesday evening.
The 99c Store , Farimm 1319 St - .
1418 Douglas St.
J . BEATS 121 % u5ISCOUNT"
Our prices for'this week beat any 20 per cent discount .
sale you ever attcnded The shoes are all desirable goods
and such as you find in any first cass shoe store. No old
goods-no old styles. These are put in to help along our great .
One entire lne of Ladies' Shoes-New York nnke--hand
sewed and hand turned soles--cloth top and leather top-
pointed toe and square toe-arc placed on sale this week at
bete , luau I. 20 per cciii. di.'COllt ,
A $5.00 extension solo ladlea' shoe , beats
per cent discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20$3 . 50
. A $5.00 turn solo lthhIes' l shoe bcats 20 pr ' . - .
cent dl . . , , , . , . . . . . . beats2OPer$3 . 50 ' '
count"'I' ' ' ' ' ' ( !
. , . . ' . ' ' , beats : . }
A $4,00 exten'slon sale lalles' 'shoe
per cent discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20$3 . 00
A $3.00 vlcl kid ladles' shoe , beats 20 . '
cent discount Itd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per$2 . 00 , -S
. . . , A ' 3.00 donsola kid ladles shoot beats 20 per ' ]
" . , . , . , . . , , , , . , , , , . $1 . 7 5
' cent discount . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . 1 ; ,
One Great Big Dollar '
. -
Buys anything that is left of those 63. . 64 and $5 ladies' shoes -
on the table. A big cut on all warm goods 25C buys 7.Sc.
worth : 50C buys 90C worth i 6jc buys $1.00 worth of warm 1
slippers at N0HRIe , DOVOLAS 1418 ST