Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1895, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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_ .1 t' r :1JF.'r : r I ' 't' S
. 1 o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIE OMAhA DAILY 13EE : S1 DAY , FnnltJARY 10 , 18f . _ _ _
I COUNCU , n l ' S.
I -
Delivered by carrier to Iny pnrt of the cIty'
: ii. W. TILTON , Lem
TELFrtrNfSJuBlnc 1 ofcr , No . 41 ; nIght
eior , No. 2.
- . .
. , .UI.\'UI .1l..TIU. . -
: Grand 'hte1 , Council Dluls , reopened Oct. 1
r. . Mayi , Real Estate agency , 639 Droadway.
The monthly meeln , of the clanyrnedo .
Whlel club wi ho heM ned Monday even
J Ing.
Ing.A entertainment will be
A Shakesperean wi ' .
. Wednesday even' '
given at 1.lberty hal next
, Ilv for the beneft of the Pecple's church , by
- ' - John J. ralney ,
Recent fgure d City Engineer Enyre
Bluffs has nineteen mtIe3
show that Council Duls hI mie
of putn " . of which 2.4 miles are of stone ,
, 1164 of cedar block and 6.13 of brIck.
: At the 4 o'clock service at St. pRul's church
, this afternoon the choir wi sing the " lg-
. nifleat" and "Nunc DlmmltUs" In F , by Garret -
rot and "Como Unto Me , Yo Weary , " by
- ' FlorIo.
t - The Ladles' Hellf corps will give 1 hard
: times sociable at Grand Army of the Hepub-
' lie ball Monday evening , for the benefit at
the hal fund Supper will bo Included In
the program.
4. - The caee of Grate against Neumayer was
. : finished antI given to the jury In tim district I
court last eenlng , just before adjournment , :
with instructions to bring In a scaled ver-
diet Judge Thornel left for his homo In
Sidney on the evening train
k Pat Moran , a Crescent farmer , left his
- team standln on Upper Droadway yesterday
, I afternoon. I ! became frightened and ran ,
down Broadway , colliding wltn a here near
: ' the corner of Parlt avenue and knocking I
down. No serious damage was done.
, Frank Nelson , charged with larceny from
' a building In the day . tinu' , pleaded guilty In
the district court yesterday ali was sen-
, tencell to , pay a fine of ' 25 ali spend sev'
F enty.fve days In . the county jail. James
- Morris , rank Kelley and Frank Llbbby ,
' charged with the offense . pleaded guity ,
p and were given the same fine and a sentence
; of sixty days.
, , . , . . A petition was filed In the ofco of ! the
cle'rl cf the district court last evening by N.
. C. Peterson agaInst ! James A. Bonhiam , asking
: the court to compel a specific performance
' of a contract for this sale of an elghteen-acro
, I' tract of farm land wheh ) : Donham Is unwilling
. . to sell. The petitioner alleges that Bonham Is
A putting his property out of his hands In crder
. to evade making the sale as agreed upon.
Owing to the great size of the auditorium
- ' of the Broadway Methodist Episcopal -
l pal church It has been very hard
Il- ' to heat It comfortably during the severe
- - cell weather and the regular services today
ali each Sabbath until It becomes warmer
' will be heM In the Sunday school room. This
, Is a move , not only of economy , but In the
: 4nterest of the comfort of those who attend.
Frank Kline , who stole Landlord Duwo's
, coat and vest at the Revere house and sev-
: : oral other articles of clothhig at various
places was given a hearing In police court
yesterday morning. The two main ! facts
c brought out were that he was guilty as
. , charged , and that ho was a conscienceless ,
. - though not an acomplshed liar. Ho was
- , - bound over to the grand jury and sent tO the
tI county Jai In default of n bond of $ 2OO.
, . - A fro service souvenir Is to bo Issued by
- tim Sunshine Publishing company , giving a
- - history of the Council Bluffs fro department
I from the days of leather buckets to the pres-
: ent. A list of the past and present officers
- lst past ofcers
; , will be given. The proceeds from the bok
: arc to be devoted to the work of the Fire-
, . men's ' Relief association . which was organ-
ci : Iced five years ago and has spent $700 In sick
and funeral benefits. Qnly members of the
' : ? Volunteer Firemen's association or members
4 of the paid department of live years standing
are eligible t : membership In the association - :
I tion . a fee of $1 per annum beIng required '
- tram each one.
: , - r Ed James has pending against him a case
- ln which ho Is charged with burglary. Hs
- , - brother Is now serving a term at Fort Mttd-
I , Ison for breaking , Into two shoe store on
f South Main street and stealing a lot ot shoes
. ' Ed ' vas Indicted with him , but has been
- ! I missing even since. His sister called at
- ' , , the ofco of the sheriff a few days ago and
. wanted to know how much his bond would
bo In case ' he came back , and upon being In-
_ & fprmd , went away. Yesterday she came
, back and Ed was with her. They furnished
- A- ; the bond I Is saId that ho wl not be
\ , , prosecuted , but the Indictment will bo kept
I IS a club over him to Insure , his good be-
. . havior" - and continued from term to term as
. long a I may bo found necessary .
- ; 4r We have over $300.000 to loan upon Improved -
, . . proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans
0' can save money by dealing . direct with us .
thereby saving agent.s commission. 'Ve do
- I 10t loan on wild lands. nor In Nebraska.
S Lulc & Towle , 236 Pearl street
PL1fSONAL ' , '
" , . l'ElSONJlL 1'"IAGIlU'US.
. _ 5 -
, George F. Wright Is In the wet on minIng -
lag business.
C Miss Delia Robinson Is ill with scarlet fever
at her hOt ! 408 Droadway.
I . Mr. C. M. Scanlan and son Matt will ar-
, ' rIve In the city tOday from Wheeling . W :
S , , Dr. J. H. Cole of Thurman 0. , Is the
II guest of his college classmate , Dr. V. L.
* 1. Treynor '
t Judge Deemer of the suprerio court was
In the city yest rday on his way to his home
' I 'S JI Red , Oak ;
, : ' . John ' Mergon , jr , Is recovering from an
.t , atack of pneumonia , which has kept him In
S bed for some time.
) .or
. : , Rov. ILV. . Alien has returned from a trIp
. to Missouri anti will hold services at the
Christian tabernacle today.
: - : . , Ed A. Hoagland , superintendent of the
-5- factory of the Peru Plow and Wheel company -
' pony at Peru Ind. . arrive In the city Yes-
fI terday anti will remain here over Sunday
, S : visiting with his many rrlln s. . '
I Colonel Adolphus Hooker returned yester-
'S day from Fort Madison , where he wit-
q d nes d the execution of J. U : . Cumberland
the murderer lie was accompanied by Br
-i J.v . Cook of Harlan the physIcian who
pronounced Cumbrland , dead.
' .7 5"\0 Your Money .
S d Dy investing In the stock of the Savings
Loan and Building association of Council
, S Bluffs. Incorporated In 1877. Counci
: monte of ' 100 per share . netting the Investor
I about 10 per cent interest . Ten series already -
I S ready paid out which fully demonstrates
. the ability of the association to mature Its
stock In about eeventy-flvo monthly pay
ments. No loanl made utslde of Council
. _ Bluffs. and all applications Counci
t' passed upon by a majority ot the board of
.i. directors Good loans wanted Full Informa-
- ton cal be obtained at the office of D. W.
Otis ; secretary , 10 MaIn street , or any of the
- S , following dlrec9rs : H , W. Ilazelton . Frank
. Grass , John Brown A. S. Hazelton , I. C. ;
I Deebe , A. D. Walker , E. E. Hart , F. C.
Lougee S. S. Leonard.
. Almoa . TrMle ( 1'
. The wetbund fast mal on the Burlington
S rod came very near playing have with
: a wagon and three boys yesterday after-
S 100n at 2 o'elock at tile corner of Eleventh
avenue and tim Seventh street bridge. The
' team was coming UII Seventh str et , and the
S I boys did not see the train until a girl who
I WI passing warne theni The train was
, fortunately not late , and was not funning
' , It a high rate of speed The boys clambered
out In a hurry , and the horses passed the
- - track In safety . The engine caught tbl
r , 'agol and 8n3shed It to IIeces ! , tearing , It
; . loose from the horses.
The young ladies of O. G. Saunders' class
; . 'S will give an "at hcme" February 1. 8 to 10
S. p. m. , at Broadway church Very Interesting i
S program . Al Invited . I
- S Neatest drug store Taylor's , Grand betel
S 1lurlM6o LiOrllRC $ .
; - The following marriage licenses were Is-
-S sued by the county clerk yesterday :
S . Name all Address. Age.
. 13. 1. , Adams . Lincoln . Neb. . " " " . . " " . :6
- lulde Collins , Lincoln , Neb . . " . . . " . , . 24
I Peter Nelson , Fremont , Neb. . . " " . . " " . 36
57 , Nina 'Holmstrom , Fremont Neb. . . . . . . 2
Gas heating sto\'el for rent and for sale : t
pouncl Uuls G colpanY'1 omce.
: . That Iltlllo dinner at the enl Chop huso
- . . for 15o-nevor anything like it.
I. I . Davis lola drugs , paInt and Slul cbea :
: - :
. -
Award of Damages to Property Owners
Along Union Avenue
Non.flciidtnt Owners U'lCqulre Eight :
1\ 'cek Notice Before the \mrd Can lie
COII > Itt-OnullJ Wi Com-
Ilence Tuesday lorlllg.
After twelve days of work at $12 a day'
the jurors made a report to the sheriff yes-
terday or tile amount of damages to be paid
by the Omaha Dr.dge and Terminal Railway
company for the alleged Injury to property
done by tim railway iinowhlch , It Is proposed
to lay along Union ave ue. As was easily
imagined beforehand , the damages were tint
very extensive. The sum of $ apiece was
awarded to Joseph Schlitz , K. N Slyter ,
Mary Mclendry , H. J. Cory , L. 1erlt . A. ,
W. ticekilof ? , C. D. Palmer (2 ( lots ) , n. Mc- :
Kenzl , F. J. Day , E. E. Sehurz , O. A.
Shelhorn , \ V.V. . Cones James and O. I' .
Wickham (3 ( lots ) . Agnes Folsom (3 ( lots ) . C.
T. omcer . J. C. Da'ley ) , E. E. Hart and Addison .
dlson Cochran A hike amount , pins the cot
of the grading already done , was awarded to
I" A. Sacket and T. J. Carrothers the
former's b:1 : being 5.33 and the latter's
$24.79. The above list Include all the resi-
dent property owners. A notice of eight
weeks had to given nonresidents , and when
the time shaJ have elapsed the jury will
get together again and finish the job. The
nonresident property owners , I Is thought ,
will requlro about tile snle length of time .
The jury spent a great deal of time \sten-
Ini to property owners who were afraid the
earth would not be theirs when the tIme
came for final recllonlng. One man . who
owns a house just west of the electric light
power ilOuse thought his place was worth
$ ,000. and the damage to his pro erty from
the railway track would be at least hal that
amount. A glance at the rEcords showed the
jury that his property was assessed at $200.
Mther man had a lot at the bottom of a
deep halo and thought It was worth $1,000.
but the nssessor's books showed that ho had
been paying taxes on I at the valuation of
$115. These were but specimens of the
grabbers that presented tilemselves but the (
jury was too convenient to the county records
to be taken In for any great length of time.
There will no doubt bo n great deal of dls-
satisfactIon with the decision of tile jury , but
whether the owners of the property affected
care enough about It to appeal to the district
court as they have the rIght to do remains
to be seen.
To much of the property there Is no doubt
that the plan of the Terminal company If
carrie out , will b a positive benefIt. The
street wi bo brought to grade and this
will require In some cases a fill of six feet
and through the entire length of the street
so great a fill that the city could never order
property. It don without confiscating the abutting
Superintendent Harris of the Terminal I
company will be here Monday , and the Cay ,
engineer will set stakes so that thc work :
of grading may be begun Tuesday morning.
Only Counci Bluffs laborers arc to be em-
ployed. Twenty cents a yard will bo paid
the haulers and tickets will be Issued In I
payment , which Ire to be cashed Saturday
night. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Special Bargains 11001RY _
' $2.00 dress patterns for $ 1.00. .
60 pieces hal wool novelty dress goods
Jacquard effects . 7 yards to each pattern ,
entire dress pattern Monday $1.00. . " Don't
miss this bargain. -
1.000 yards , of dark strlp outing flannel
MondaY 40 yard
60 pieces 36-lnch unblelched LL muslin ,
30 yard. ' . .
25 pieces Turkey red , figured- ' calico , Mon-
day 2c yard.
6 bales of cotton bolts , Monday 3c roll.
250 all wool white flannel , Monday 19c
yard. ,
50 dozen all linen Huck hem towels fancy
borders , size 20x36 , Monday 16c each
10 pieces dote curtain Swiss , 16c yard
New spring goods arriving daily.
- Don't spend a dollar ' until you get our
prices. Come In Mon'day. -
I . Council Bluffs.
3tsttors lInt Served to Keep Out the Cold
latell , Last " 'c.k.
The pleasant homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. O.
Geason on park avenue was the scone of I
, brliant social event last Wednesday evening .
the marrlago of their daughter , Grace to
Edward C. Shepard of this city. The families
(1 the bride and groom together with n few
Inthnlto friends , Including the members of
'tho " 0. D. A. , " a society of young ladies , to
which the bride belonged , werl all who were
present to witness the ceremony " The bridal
couple . accompanied by Miss Gerrudo ! Glen-
son as bridesmaid and Mr. Thomas D. Metcal
as best man , entered the parlor to the wed-
ding march , played by Miss Helen Shepard ,
tile sister of the groom , and there , at 8:30 :
o'clock , the ceremony was performed by
Rector E. J. Babcock of St. Paul's church
Tile bride wore a heavy white duchess satin
dress en traino the bridal veil being festooned -
tooned with a diamond crescent , a gif of
the groom and carried an ivory prayer book.
Miss Gertrude Gleason . the bridesmaid , wore
a , dress . , .of whl.t . swiss . organdie ! . . with pink !
satin rlb n , Ina carrlea roe Drlue's Douquet.
After the wedding supper had been served
and the warmest congratulation or the friends
extended Mr. and Mrs. Shepard drove to
Omaha and there took the Burlington train
for the south. They will spend a week vlslty
Ing In New Orleans and Galveston On their
return they will rsido at 109 I > ark av nu&
and will bo at home to their friends after
February 16. Mc Shepard has a responsible
position with Van Brunt and Waite , and beta
he and his bride are wel known and deservedly -
edly popular In social clrctes. The following
guests witnessed tile marriage : Messrs. and
Mesdames rank Shepard W H. Shepard ,
Nat Shepard , Wallace Shepard , Dartow ,
nrlton , F. Drlon , Spooner , Millard , Nichols
E. II. Lougeo , Wood Allen and Crockwel :
Mesdames Lizie Uleason . Rose Patterson and
Swectng of Chicago : MIsses Bennett , Zur-
muehlen , Patterson , Foster Morgan , Pulleys ,
Cavin , Oliver : Millard . Hansen and Sheparil :
Menrs. Zurmueblen Guy Shepard , Paul
Shepard and Tom Metcalr.
Mrs. N p _ Dodge gave a pleasant high
five party Thursday night at her residence ,
220 South Sixth treet Those present were :
Messrs. and Metdames H. C. Cory , C. A.
Saunders . F. B. Pusey , 11. E. Alyeswortb
W. \v . Loomis . D. D. Daley , C. B. Leferts ,
J , N. Baldwin , F. M. Loomis" . J. N. Vos-
winkle , W. E. Maurer , B.V. . Bushnell , J.
T. Stewprt . J. I , . Stewart , C. T. Stewart , ' V.
F . Sapp Samuel lines . I. M. Treynor , Tyler ,
A. T. Elweli . Gratian . Babcock and Camp
bell : Mesdames Everett , Darby of St. Joseph ,
Waddel of Kansas City , Key , Montgomery ,
Chapman Lyman Davenport McCu" and
fleming : Misses Hawke8 of St. Joseph , Cory ,
Reynolds . Key , Alworth , Clark , Doming and :
Stewart , Meur8. l'exton Dawson , George
Wright layne , L. Everett _ E. Everett and
If. A. Wodbury.
Mr. and Mrs I. M. Trtynor entertained a
party of friends at duplicate whist Wedne-
day e\enlng at their home on First avenue.
Refre8hments WHO served and the evening
spent In playing the favorite game. Those
present were : Messrs. and Mesdames
Charles E. Lellrts and W. W. Loomis ; Mesdames -
dames Everett , Waddel of Kansas City ,
Darby of St. Joseph , N. P , Doge , Key ,
Uavearort' and Chapman : Misses Hawkes of
St. Joseph and Mary Key : Mesns. Leonard
and Ned Everett , George Mayne and H. E.
Mrs. N. P. Dodge entertained a table full
of guests lt dinner lat Monday noon /t her
residence on South Sixth atreet ha honor
of her cousin , Mrs. Doth of Omaha , wife of
Captain Booth of the , United States ann ) I
The tCoratons of plni and white cnraa-
tons were simple but artistic . The guests
were : Mesdames Everett , Darby of st
Joseph , Dooth of Omaha . , Waddell of Kansas
City , Davenport , Ste".art. J. L. Stewart ,
Montgomery F. S. Pusey , J. N. Baldwin .
U. C. Cory , Ellmunlson and E. E. hart :
Miss Hnwkes of St. Joseph and Miss Cory.
Last Tuesday evening the young men and
women employed In John Den & Company's
store surprised Charles A. Deno by trooping
In upon him at his home , armed with re-
freshmtnts and whatever else was neceay
to pass , an enjoyable evening. Mr. Deno his
been confn d to his home by illness for a
nUmb or weeks pat , but Is now recover-
Ing , antI was able to enjoy the festivities of
the cccasion as wel as the healthiest of them.
Wednesday afternoon Mre Charles Saunders -
dora entertained a party of friends at her
residence on First avenue . at n kensington
lef The following were present : Itstlacs
Everett , Walhel of Kansas City , Darby of
st. Joseph . M. E , Smith and Arthur Sllh of
Omaha , C. E. Lererts , W. W. Loomis . JI , W.
hart . E. E. hart , J. D. I Edmundeon U. E.
nebblngton , Heed , II. C. hianchett , J , A.
Carlisle , E. F. Smith , H. W. Saunders , 11. C.
Cry . Babecek . Test . Titon , Darnard and
Demln ; Mines Dr. Smith , Iawkts of St
Joseph , Doming and Cory.
The Literary club , consisting of the Jelly
Sixteen of Omaha , surprised Miss Dell Marks
Thursday evening at her home , 719 Fourth
etreet. Refreshments and cards served to
make the evening pass away all too quickly.
FrIends of Mr. anti 'Zdrs Howard HaUen-
hatter are In receipt : of "at home" cards , an-
ncunclng TUlsday and Thursday as reception
days ( after April 2. at the Grand.
The wedding Wednesday night of Orville
C. Drown and Miss Leona Talbot was a pleas-
ant affair. Relatives and close perMnal
friends of the contracting parties alone were
present Doth bride and groom are well
known In Council Bluffs.
The Oakland Avenue Reading club met
Friday afternoon with Mica Clara Evans.
Pe,31 Swanson was given . a surprise party
! Iary
-ednesday evening at the ( home of her father ,
" ' . S. Swanson , 213 Harmony street , In
honor of her 10th birthday .
A charity bal will bo given under the
auspIces of the ladles of St. Ann's society
In Chanber'c hal Monday evening February
26. TIckets will bl $2 per couple , Including
The Pilgrim Sisters w'll give a charity
bal next Saturday evening In the Royal .
Arcanum hall.
Mrs. J. II. Strock entertained her claes In
the Congregational Sunday school yesterday
afternoon at her home , 920 Eighth avenue.
Amusements ot various kinds were enjoyed ,
after which supper was ' served The guests ,
the ' Misses Katherine Ogden , Lulu Smith ,
Dole Snyder May Bryant and May Secly .
presented their teacher a handsome token of
affection before leaving.
Letba , the 11-year-old daughter of Court
Reporter 'V. E. Butler , entertainej
Duter entertaine l num-
per or her young friends yesterday afternoon
lt street. a birthday party at her home 21 Frank
Cold WeRthor largBlns
All winter goods must go. i
Prices made to close out.
750 quality henrletas and serges , to close
at 390 a yard. coso
76c and $1.00 novelty goods . reduced to 60c
. a yard.
All remnants must go. Big reductions.
890 blankets reduced to 58c a pair : UOO
blankets reduced to 760 a pair
heavy gray blankets , regular $2.25 quality .
reduced to $ .
$5,00 all wool blankets now $2.98.
$1.60 quality ladles' wool skirts , now 76c
760 quality ladles' wool skirts to close SOc ;
each. I
Ladles' all wool knit underwear , worth 89c ,
reduced tD SOc each.
Ladles' heavy ribbed vests , 9c each , worth
1ge. ,
Men's heavy all wool shirts , were $100.
now 89c eech.
39c heavy winter underwear . reduced to 25c
each . SOc a suit. , " - ;
Council Bluffs , Ia
Numerous nec's ' Visited but No
Numerus .1"o's' Vllled Great
Amount ObtaIned.
The gang of burglars that Infested Council
' Blurs a short time ago has returned tram'
two weeks' vacation greatly refreshed , and
Is buckling down to work with renewed
zeal. At ' an early hour yesterday mornrng
an attempt was made to enter the house of
Dr. C. Deetken on Washington avenue , near
the corner of Scott street. The end of a
file was use In the effort to rise two of
the windows but they were fastened down
so securely that the fellow was unable to get
In. Ho crossed the yard leaped the fence ,
and tried the residence of Mrs. W. H. Cop-
son , where ho was more successful. Mrs.
Copson heard a suspicious sound , but was
too frightened even to scream Frank Sha- i
for , a young liveryman who has a room at
the Copsom mansion heard the fellow mov-
lag abut his room and got up and spoke to
him. But his visitor did not care to strike
up an acquaintance . and grabbing Shatter's
trousers which lay on the mantel conveniently -
venienty , ho made a brealc out or the house ,
with Shafer after him armed with a chair.
In his flght he dropped the trousers on a
snowdrift , but not until ho had robbed the
po'ckets bf $25 In cash which they contained.
In his haste ho overlooked two silver quar-
ters In one of the pockets. A small auto-
graph album was also found lying In the
snow , the burglar having picked It up , ap-
parenty thinking I was a pocketbook.
The residence of H. S. Jones , 216 Frank
street , was also entered. An open window ,
discovered In the morning , was the first
inkling that anything was wrong , and It
was followed up by the finding .of a pocket-
book on the front porch . -from which $10 In
money had been abstracted and the papers
It ; contained had been cast to the four winds.
A couple o ( dollars In loose change was over-
looked , and It Is supposed that the fellow
vas frightened off before he had finished the
, Job.
Dean Fener , who resides at 7H Mill
street , was awakened by a noise , and found
a burglar In his closet ransacking his
trousers The burglar found him about the
same time , and It was a mater or consider-
able uncertainty which was the worst fright-
cacti Fenner declares that as the burglar
went down stairs his foot steps sounded \t
the "rr-rr-r-r- the snare drum
and when ho struck the floor It wa like the
answering "rum-b m" of the bass drum just
before the band begins to play. , The burglar
dropped the trousers and shot Into the street
with no more booty than a 20-cent cap pistol
which he picked up from a chatr. Mr. Fen-
ner's yells for help aroused Deputy United
States Marshal O. H. Bradley , ) ls next door
neighbor who valiantly shot I revolver ol
In the air once or twice and then went back
tD bed , On looking around tracks were
found wilich Indicated that the pants spe-
cIalst had tried to enter Dradley's house
and that of John L. Smith two doors awe ) .
but In each case ho had been alked by
the unwillingness of the windows to yield
to the entreaty of a rat-tal file ,
The man who didthe work Is described
as a good-sized one , Mr. Copson estimating
him at about the size of - a large elephant
He wore an ulster and a-cap. and this Is
really all that Is known about his looks , so
that there Is very little danger of anything
happening to him of an unpleasant nature.
' 'Vher Pews Are lree. .
larry Curtis will Ifad l a sons and test-
many servIce for men at the old Young
Men's Christian association ball , corner Mall
street and Broadway , at 4 o'clock Subject ;
"What Is a Soul Worth ! "
Church ot Jesus Christ or Later Day
Saints , Huntington , hal , 104 Broadway-Sun-
day school at , I p. m , Regular services at
2:30 : and 7:30 : p , m.
George R , Lunn of Bellevue college , of
Bellevue Neb. , will preach at the Second
Presbyterian church corner of harmony and
Logan streets , at 10:30 : and 7:30. :
Reorganized Church of Jesus Cirist of
Latter Day Saints , on Pierce street , three
doors west of Gen avenuePreaching at
10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. I. by PresIdent
Joseph Smith Sunday school at 12 m. Z.
R. L. society at 6 p. m. I'resldent Smith
and his brother , A. n. Smih , will occupy ( hi .
pulpll each evening during the weff , T. W.
Williams .
Broadway Methodist Episcopal church ; Rev
1 ; . .1l
I. I > . Dudley . pastoZVeaehing at 10:30 : I.
m. and 7:30 p. m. O1'lhneetng and SUIIIY
school at 12 m , EiWt5fkh League at 630 ;
p. m. 11 " 1' '
Congregational , DH ! J dhn Askin , pator
Morning subject : " ' ' hebrew Boadicca. , "
Evening : "Felix : 'mtldy. "
St. John's English Tm/eran / church , James
hall . .1 Pearl streeVt , "ev. G. W , Snyder ,
utor-Servlcs at t 'it ' m. and 7:30 : p. m.
Sunday school at \:4&8. : ' on. Young People's
meeting at 6:30 : p. m11 I
First Prcsbyterlan" chlreh , corner of Willow -
low avenue anti SO\'ehtJ treet , Rev Stephen
Phelps , pastor-I'redhh1j'as usual at 10:30 :
a. m. and 7:30 : p. ' hhll'as "
Grace , corner Pler ! 'nd Union Btreet-
Morning services at 1oko : n. m. , conducted
by Mr. Daly of Omana. Evening prayer at
4 p. m. , conducted by Mr. Chamberln of
Omaha. Sunday 'school' at 3i , . m.
unit I'rlcn Art tnl ! .
Commencing Monday we will ' sell all our
art goods , pictures , frames . moullngs sail .
easels at just hal pl e. Our stock Is very
large ant you will bave the opportunity for
splendid selections . Come Monday and get
your pictures frame .for half the marked
price H. I. Smith & Co. , 45 Main street.
A few fancy art valentines , select , new anti
very beautiful , art needle work stamping and
enibroidery at Misses Clark & Wetzel 337
Valentines-Lace and Celluloid , Silk anti
Satin , dainty and beautiful , at Dallavens .
Lectures tu ur4es.
! : Ure
DurIng the week the following physicians
dente a ccursc of lectures at the hours of
1 to 12 a. m. at the ( Women's Christan hos-
pitl : February 11 , 'Dr. Parsons , "Anatomy : "
February 12 , Dr. Tre.nor , "Physiology : " February -
ruary 14 , Dr. Macrca . "Surgical Nursing ; "
February 15 , Dr ! Lacy , "Surgical Work "
Nurses or those wishing to study for nursing
may , by paying 25 cents per lecture , have the
benefit or thesa . InstrucUel . The fee Is
charged to enable the association to buy
medical works for the benefit of nurses.
Yes the Eagle laundry Is "lhat good
laundry , " and Is located at 724 Droadway.
I In doubt about tills try I and be convinced
' . Tel. .
Don't forget name and number. 167.
A ) OYB' - lirigiido.
There are about fifty boys In the Bloomer
school who are enthusiastically planning to
organize a military company , and who arc
daily pleadIng with parents and friends for
the needl financial and moral support es-
pecialy the financial. The organ ' zaton of
bo.s' brigade . In other cites Is catching , and
the boys hero are now inspired to step to the
rub-a-dub.dub. They , propose to be company
4 , had hopo- the movement \ result In
other companies organizing , so that there
may bo a brigade In the city
Aug st Grove will give a calico bal F b-
ruary 22 In Woodmen's hall . Each lady will
' 'bring ' a necktie like her dress , enclosed In en-
Tickets 25 cents.
Motor t'oniplllIy OmciIaIs.
The annual meeting of the Omaha & Cun-
ci Bluffs Drldgo and Railway company was
held Friday aflernoon. , Guy C. Barton the
retiring president , declined re-eleoUon. . on
the ground that he was to be away much of
his time ' during the . coming year , and , N. W.
\Vells 'f Schuyler Neb.I'was ' elected to succeed -
cecil him. C. T. Stwart' and' J. H. ' Millard
were re-elected to the positions at Becretary
and treasurer respeotlvel ' .
' . ' ' ' IN COUIfI'
lC"TF'Gll'W'lUG.GY - :
AdlY n"yvard't Testimony Expected to
I'rove UeretJnry luanity.
MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. I 9.-The buggy In
which Kate Gng took hr fatal ride , the lap ,
robe deeply stJncl with her life
blood , was displayed In the court
room at the Hayward trial this
morning. A curious I crwd tried to
get nearer to tne guesome souvenir of the (
tragedy and It was 'with the greatest dim-
culty that deputiesEsuceeded in . protecting
the precincts sacretloJho press and bar.
Emil ' Ferrant , WIp ocpuples rooms In the
Ozar , t"'Va " , leflrstvitness. ; ' , , , : We fet-
many was ' cdptivA of tIte CC ! trences In
the fhts aftr the n'ws of Miss Gihg's vlblent
deathlt'h been 'recelv d arid ot Ilari'y HaY-I
ward'sl beh vlor at . the , tme. Iar ' ]
During Ferrant.s testimony there was a
significant colloquy between counsel. County !
Attorney Nye sid that ho had expected to :
put A'dry Hayward , the onfesslg brother . I
on the stand totay , but that. Adry was not I
present as yet. Mr. Erwin sid that be
should object to Adry testifying today , as ho
wanted to have insanity experts present when
the brother gave his testimony. This state-
meat Is believed to Indicate not only a pur-
pose on the part of the defense to claim that
Adry has hereditary insanity . but also possibly -
sibly a purse In part of Adry to give his
testimony In' ' such a manner as shan lead to
that conclusion In this way he' can tell
h4s story a ho has' already told It to the
state , and yet give his brother a chance to es-
cape the gallows.
Ex-Mayor WIlliam H. Eusts was then
called to the stand and testified to having
obtained from Harry Hayward while the
latter was under polled surveillance ; some
letters . telegrams , and a statement from
Miss Glng ti Harry's relative as to some
business relations between the two. Mr. '
Erwin at once asked that ho might cross-
examine the witness to ascertain whether
these papers 'were obtained "mder duress
and In spite of -tho slake's objection was
permitted , to do , so by the court.
Mr. Eustis . said that with the police of-
cals he had subjected Hayward to an ex-
aminaton lasting some fourteen \ours : Then
Harry was released , . but , the , police Jtept
track of his viereaboutq. The next morning
after his arrest HarIY , had come Into the
mayors : office voluntariy and talked over
the crime. He told of Miss Ging's gambling
propensities and said he had some letters
and telegrams showing it . The mayor drove
with him to his apartments , where Harry
voluntarily handed over the documents
These were then offered In evldenc'e. The
telegrams were those passing between Harry
and Miss Ong when the former was gam-
blng In Chicago with her money The first
two announced winnings of $300 and $800 ,
and the third said : 'We hav lost , all . "
The statement read : "This Is to certify that
I have given Harry P. Hayward $375 to
gamble wIth , win or lose. Kate Ging. "
Then the mayor said ho went aCer Adry
Hayward and drove to the trust company ,
where out of Adry's box were secured the
notes Miss cling had sIgned. Harry did not
want to give them up but the mayor In-
slated and finally took them away with
him. The party next went to the Ilaywards'
office. to secure the life insurance policies and
other documents. While at the Ozark , Hay-
ward bad showed the qtflcers his revolver and
pointed out that It , vas' tuated all around
and was very clean. , fonrt then adjourned
'i" '
until Monday < .
Answer Fled to "lVlr ! Uopklnl' SuIt for
ChICAGO , Feb. 9-Joiin R. Tanner , chair-
man of the republican state committee . ' sue
, by , Mayor Hopkins fr nlefamaton of char-
actor , has thrown down.\ho gauntlet of bat-
tie. I Is let up tlat"'the mayor , October
31 last , through the p6fce force , did extort
and receive from dhe I'lzzlo Manning tiie
sum of $5 , In conldethUon of which she
was allowed to maiilflid a certain room or
place to be use fwo1nlawful purpose , con-
trary to the laws , Jlinois and the ordinances -
dinances of the city.ryfIhilcago . This declaration -
aton Is repeated niy.even times . and the
names of ninety-sJ4.q ' persons from whom
money Is said to ljl' r been collected are
given r ' ,
. ,1 .
Stuck In Ttveiltf ' .oet of Snol
St JOSEPh , Michi , 'eb. 9.-The Chicago
& . West Michigan Is , entrely blockade by
tiip blzzard , hardly a wheel ! having moved
for nearly twentyto\r hours The mal
train which left hero for Chicago yesterday
Is still stalled In the snow one mile south ,
with snow walls from fifteen to twenty feet
high 01 each side A snow Illow , with four
locomotives aUached , was sent to dig the
train out , but . could not get within half a
mile of I , The passengers were brought to
st Jo.eph. Drifts near Holland prevent the
passage of any trains at that point The
] g Four and Vandala lines are blocked.
New ( JIunilu-Tezal Uato buspended .
ST. I.UIS. Feb. D.-At tie meeting Df
the executive boar of the Southwestern
' 1te assciaton to y In the mater of
dlvlson8 or through rates between Omaha
and Omaha territory anti 'l'jxal pints , an
agreement was reached suspending the
acton on freight COinluittee. taken at the
January meetIng unt such tme as the
action can ugain bo consIdered by that as-
Icton . aJatn ! u-
Union County Republicans Take to
the End of Naming 1 Governor , .
That 1:11 : of the State 11 NOH'r Inlt , aJov-
unor , but (110 New Orgltniantlon lii-
telll It Shall lh\o tIle
Net One .
CRESTON , Ia. , I eb. 9.-pecIR Tele
gram.-The ) republicans of Unlcn county arc
bound tD make a candidate fpr governor of
J. n. Harsh. Ills first determination was
not to bo 1 candidate tinder any orcuni-
stances , and ho will not enter Into a per-
sonl contest for the ( place , therefcro his
friends have taken the mater In band. A
strong club 'vas organlzel here this afternoon -
noon called the Harsh Union County lcpub-
Ican club. The officers arc : lIon. W. V. ' .
Morrow of Ahon , president : Dr. S. Ii. King-
'erey , Creston , secretary , and lion. C. II.
Thomas treasurer : executive committee , Dr.
D. N. Terry , ex-Mayor A. E. Keith , Ed A.
Aldrich of Crcston , Willis St. John of ACon
and Dr. D. M. Reed of Cromwell. They are
all active republicans . of statewide ! acquaint-
nncesliip and meali business. Southwestern
Iowa has never had a goveror , and the re
publicans arc confident that In Senator harsh
they have the right man for the right place
Should ho decide to bo a candidate ho will
go Into the convention with ! strong follow-
Ing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Thieves Hold VI a Jeweler lut Secure Sev-
erll Ihlllrcd I 01 I rl.
RED OAK l ! . . Peb. 9.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-ThIB ) ! city was arouted last evening
about 7 o'clock by several shots . fired In
rapid succession. A crowd Immediately col-
lecte In front of L. H. Tonner's jewelry
store where the proprietor tried to explain
to them that he had been r.obbed. 119 store
Is located just off the pUblt ! square Ho was
sitting by the stove reading , when two men
came in . One had a mask on his face. The
masked man presented a revolver , and demanded -
manded that Tonner throw up his Ilands. He
complied with the request His revolver was
bn the safe wIthin a few fet or his hands ,
and ho made a alight move as If to get it .
but was told to keep still or he would have
his head blown oft.
While the .maslted robber was holding Ton-
ncr In this position his' comrade stepped behind
tile counter and proceeded to help himself . to
the extent of about $250.
The robbery was the wcrk of tramps. They
passed several trays of gold watches and took
eight or ten slverlno watches , some chains
and a lot of rings. They backed out of the
store and ran down the alley. Tanner ran
out and fred his revolver' and gave the alarrp
Within a few minutes the officers had
searched In every direction , but wltheut
a\al. This afternoon . however , the poHce !
received word that ono of the rings was
found on the dept platform at Shenandoah
The robbers must have taken the 8 o'clock
freight train In that diroction. The boldness
cf the robbery Is astounding , from the fact
that the streets were filled with people at
that time In the evening.
Important lo\n Deolion.
DES MOINES , Ia. , Feb. 9.-Speclal ( Tele
gram.-Thrc ) Important decisions were
handed down by the supreme court today.
One of thee decisions establishes a new rule
of law In Iowa , that recovery of damages
may be had for mental anguish where there
Is no phY/lcl pain or financial lose. Only
four or five stale In the union have set up
this rule and It Is expected by lawyers that
It wIll lead to 1 great deal of litigation. '
, This paso Is one against ( lie Western
Union Telegraph company' a case of gross
negligence . but juries have ben Instructed
to bring In a verdict for the' defense In stml-
lar cases In the state before The facts are
fully set forth In the synopsis of the opinion.
Judge Kinne dissented.
The second case also opens up a fruitful
field for litigation and will cause trouble for
debtors who have hope they had outlived
their creditors' persistence The deslslon ,
from which Judge Robinson dissents , extends
the life of all . judgments In courts of record
from twenty to thirty-five , years. The hold-
lag Is that the statute of limitations against
suits t revive judgments doe not begin to
run until fifteen years after the judgment
, has been rendered . the time when the law
allows such suits to be commenced.
This decision will hve a very
far-reaching effect. The other decision Is
against four salon keepers only one of
whom appealed. I Is under one of thin
strong provisions of the prohibitory law that
permit recovery of the seller of intoxicating
liquor for any damage that may result t the
purchaser from the use thereof. In this case
a man became intoxicated was thrown out
of a wagon and killed . His wife recovers
heavy damages from the men who sold him
the liquor , though site had never warned
them not to sell him liquor , nor had any
other person forbidden them to do 50.
DES MOINES . Feb. 9.-Specfal ( Tele-
gram.-Supreme ) , court decisions : J. D. Ment-
zer against the Western Union Telegraph
company , appellant . Linn district , affirmed :
Fannie Weirur : , administratrix estate , of
Welser , deceased , appellant . against J. S.
McDowell , Franklin district . reversed i Ver-
tura Miller against Henry Hammers , appel- , '
la'l. Mills district , affirmed .
State FCIMtor IRldlu Dead
, DUBUQUE Feb. 9.-Speclal ( Telegram.- )
State Senator I. W. Baldwin died itt his
home In Cacade tOday or dropsy , aged 68.
Uo was until 1 year ago owner and editor of
the Cascade Pioneer , a forcible writer and a
power In politics .
Miss Deslo Fuller of Cedar Rapids died
, today from burns received whla trying tu
light a fro with kgrosene.
Joseph Lledy of Dubuque Cabinet Makers'
I association was fatally Injured by' a flying
board striking 'him In the abdomen.
- Superintendent HarrIman ot , the Illin6ie
Central railway met wIth a serious accident
today by failing through a trap door He
will bo laid up for some time .
I'are ntletiisr lallds.
CEDAR RAPIDS , ha . Feb. 9.-Speclal (
Teiegrarn-The ) fine barn of Jeff Phillips , on
the outskirts of the city , was totally destroyed - ; '
stroyed by fire tonight , causing a loss of'
$6.000 : insurance 3500. One horse and other
property , valued at U.OOO , were burned
' nlUsbmao Work Ulm.eU Into Ito Con-
t fdenco of 'Frlscu ) OliS and 'Decamp. ' .
, SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 9.-A handsome
Englshman named A. Harcourt has sUddenly
disappeared from this city carrying with him
H.OOO worth of dIamonds from two trusting
jewelry firma . Ho also forged several
checks He recently .amo from NeW York
with strong letters of recommendation ! from
easter houses and secured a position with
ito ( Hall , sao and Lock company , le was
successful as a salesman , 'and on his letters
secured two lots of diamonds from different
jewelry houses to carry as a side line . With
these , valued at H.OOO , )10 ) has disappeared
and detectives are looking for him every- '
where ,
No One Unowl Anlthlnl About it , I
ATLANTA , Ca . Feb. 9.-Tho grand jury I
of Brooks county , the scene of the recent I
alleged race troubles , has been investigating
that disturbance this week but without
effect . Many witnesses were examined , but
none were found who were In the mob or \ho
could identify any members of It. 'he jury
recomlended that tIm county commissioners
offer a reward of $200 each for any persons
connected with the riot and that the goVernor - !
ernor be asked to supplement the reward
with a similar sum .
Two Noted I'relcher neRd ,
NEW YORK Feb D.-Rev , Dr. William
Marltergo Taylor , pastor emeritus of the
Broadway tabernacle . Is dead lie had a
stroke of parahj'sls three years ago and had
been nn invalid since that time.
NAShVILLE . l eb. V-hiiformation was
received today of the death of Hev. V. ' . I' .
Harrison at Columbus Ga. Dr. Harrison
was about 78 years or age lie was for
IOY years stationed at Nashville II the -
book editor and editor of a quarterly review
of the etholzt Episcopal church , south , I
_ u-S - , ' :
Dra , Copolnnd and Shopnrtl Extending n Helping hand to All Who Apply- ,
Pure Medicines Free to All Pattonts-Nominal Charge
for Full Course ,
I you are declining under nny chronic In-
flrmlty . fmm neglect or medical care . call n halt
-al R halt . nnw-nct ! nhoul nB you would Ir
your hOURI Wfl5 on frel Anlfrnr , no more
1nto' h1 . Under the Copelnnti4liiepnr.i sys-
'rm tile cure I , the great matter-tile rco IB the
small . niatter . Under the . . . . .
Bmll .n\trr. COllcIAn.I.RrPArl eu-
tern the cost of Ie best antI most effective help
IontO' nominal-all melielne" , Inelu.ICI. ereeU\'e But
sickness anti nrc are emergent IhlnRo-not to
he a hal put , oft now even I from today until tomorrw t Call
TO TilE l'HNT ,
FollowIng ter Fnthor' Statement , lh. I
May ilili , lhsnglllor or Ctuntr tnlCrln-1
Illil . Publicly l ilersC lre. Copoiand nncl ,
Mien May 31111 . 2311 Fnrnam street , an estiniq. :
hIe an.1 Popular young laly , , IAUlhlcr or uln" .
stIll . Superintendent of ! ublc ( fn treton for I
Douglas county , makes hue personal ulalcment :
, _ J , I' ,
. . - _
' : : - : * s"
! _ _ _
- f c'
"I tie not care to co Into the detaIls concerning -
InK lY recent Ill IlealtIl . hut wi < say that I
sulerc.1 Ilch ror R number or years ( rein Ilc-
rnngcmenla or my digestIve system with catarrh
or the nose anti tilmat . 1) . stomach and liver
Boeme4 al first 10 be lie senIor the trouble.
Biious symptoms were ncnlly constant with ,
drendCt hea/laches anti . 1 form or nervous pros-
tratlon . nleclng I ) memory n interferIng
with clearness of thought . My ailments , in
short , made me practtcntiy an invalid , for I was
In a condition of 'half sicitnees' all ( ho time ,
being able to attend school but ery little.
"After Dr. Shepard had done so much for my
father I began Ills treatment for myself. The
doctor stated my case to be one of local and
ConstItutIonal caIro-rh , and began treating me
along tlit line. in a shrt tilno my sufferings ,
severe headache and deep Internal troubles , die-
appearocj- and I am now entirely well. Dr.
Shepard's treatment was a complete success in
my case , "
Lady Patients in ICitiias , Iowa , South Die
kotIS and tobraskieiVrlto how Nicely They
, ro Doing let home UntierMicit Treatment
The following letters are reproduced from
Inst week's mail by permission of the writ-
MRS. MARY F. hOLLAND , FrIend , Neb , ,
writes :
"Express package came duly to hand. Thank
you. Began your treatment one week ago last
night. I am very much betten already. Since
Monday I have enjoyed more good feeling than I
have before for several months. Such a change In
so short atime is simply wonderful , lily bron.
chills and chest paIns rapidly Improve. Yesterday
I walked down town and back without being ut-
tony exhausted on reaching home , Your treat.
meat , or else my faith in your' treatment , has
wrought the charm. "
MRS. MAGGIE CASTLE13URy , Fort Scott ,
Kan. , writes :
"Au say present supply Is about gone , I will
order for another month. I hnye realized a greet
t'eneflt , ami I think Oil silouid send the same kind
again , but I leave thnt , of course , to you. You
are reaching every Point In my case , and the old
In.toms ste getting ilghtcr every Ony. My
11011,1 , stomach anti nerves are vonderfliIly bet-
icr. "
LOUISA DAWSON , Ira , Iowa ,
"Por twelve years I hat'e bcei a great sufferer
frotit ronlpltealetl affection of the Ileitrt , stomach
anti back , My nervous system s'emcti nil given
nut. As man ' six -
) as lilu-sicinne attentleit me at
% arioti tiliie , and while some at Ihent diii ln.
good , I tnIlett to i'cnliee ralicnl l'eneflts untIl I
to.lp your treatment through the malls. . The
results have been li'ghiiy ' satisfactory. Oily health
11115 Pupa practically restored. I Wotliti urge wo.
men with climate troubles to consult Bra. Cops.
land am ! Shepard. "
( JUtClc flp5flr
Tile Melt Trentnscitt Cures It Suiroror l.lrIltE
Far .twIly troll ) Olnililie. '
Sirs. It. C ; , liolan , fidgemoat , . D. , is a lady
Iligilli' lespeeteil by the whole community wliero
elm lives. For her own comfort anti said > ' , 55
tech as for the nko of tier family. she desired
gooti hinlth. Regarding thil slip wrote to Br ,
Sheparti under date of December 28 , 15911
_ _
L , :
rw i : :
, ' I . 'fi-
i _ .
MRS. II , 0. nOLAN , Edgemont , S. Xi.
"I became totally unfit for doing anything
on account of terrible headaches that scarcely
ever left rue for a moment. Ileavy anti plereinr
pains in the forehead , teInpIes , top of the head
and neck , 1-etlilceil Inc to the condition of an
Invalid. This agony prevented nearly nil natural
sleep and developed a liervotle state tttat becalm
Intolerable. Gradunhi > ' my stontacit became in-
volveti enti I ate so little that far months I
was wretchedly venk in mInd and body. A. Ca-
tarchial affection of the kIdneys and other or-
guns became a later fentui-e , causing a number
of distressing SYIilt.tOflhiI. Lesidcs a good deal of
vcrr > ' , for I did not think I could survIve these
serlotIs aIlments of such iniportnnt organs.
"As I stnted above. I wrote for your questIon
blank for women and it seemed just fitted to my
case. I bega'i treatment at once , and during the
tlTst luontli I found wonderful ease from the ( or-
turO that lInd been slowly killing me. During tue
second month of treatment my stomach anti kId-
ney. troubles disappeared and I felt nearly veII ,
altilotigli still weak. TIi thlrl , month's supply
brought me an entirevurO for I found my health
excellent in every respect. Tue freedom from
pain , the return of appetite , itleep and bodily
strength , the absence of nervous pi-ostrntion and
kIdney , lerangoments , alt these mark a new era
in my life. Any wonton who desirca may write
me for a verilication of this statement. "
Office Hours-i to 11 a. m. ; 2 to 5 p. m.
Evenings-Wednesdays and Saturdays only ,
C to 8. Sunday , 10 to 12 m.
. - j
Church : : : : ' : : : : : Parlor : I
Socials soclalsandhoins.Sciit Pastimes :
I Hom3 Entertainment h , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Irregular Proceedings Connected with ( Ito
% VhlIelcy Trust Moceivershlp.
CHICAGO , Feb. 9.-Judge Grosscup today
removed the names of Heinscbelmer and
Wormeer of New York from the list of corn-
plainants in the original Whisky trust receivership -
ceivership and entered a rule upon President
Greenhut to show cause why he should not
be punished for contempt of court in affix-
lag the names to the petition without author-
ity. A large number of affidavits were read
in Bupport of the claim of the two men that
tileir names were used without their consent.
or tllo consent. of their employer. At ( lie
conclusion of the arguments the court ordered
the names removed from ( ho petition and.
made the contempt rule returnable February -
ruary 18.
In discussing the matter before the court ,
Attorney Levi. Miller called tim conduct of
Greenhut a "Mosaic of duplicity , " aqd cx-
Judge Moron characterized Greenhut's conduct -
duct as a villainous , malicious and infamous
contmpt of Court , "
The proceedings began on a motion of
Julian MacIc , attorney for Heinshelmer anti
Wormeer , withdraw their names from the
bill. Heinsheimer's affidavit said that lie
owned no stock in the trust , and tIme use of
his name was without his authority , and ever
since he had beard of the unwarranted use
of his name he hind been oekinzc to have
It witlldrawn. He had written to Runnelis
and Burr , attorneys for Greenhut , who had
made use of the names , setting forth the
fitcts and demanding that his name be with-
drawn. His name was withdrawn , His
name was on record vs a holder of stock ,
but he was not a stockholder at tile time
the case was called , Ho had gone to the
office of the Central Trust company of Now
York January 31 to ascertain whether his
name was on record as a stockholder of
stock , and if Sydney Ii. Wormeer was 59 on
record , hle found time record and so reported -
ported to Mr. 0000hiart , Sydney L. Worm.
set presented a famIliar aflldavit. Albert H.
Goodhart also presented an alildavit declar-
lag that ito llatl not authorized the use of
tile names , as alleged by Greenilut. After
tile reading of other affidavits , the court
ordered ( lie names removed from the list
of complainants and entered ( lie contempt
rule ,
COOJ'JtIt4Ott ) I'OUKS it UIL'i'RI ) ,
Jflrcrueit $ uffer frolti tile Coil In au All-
NiglIt 13'igllt evitii tile ihiitiieu ,
JERSEY CITY , N. J , , Fob , 9.-Fre broke
out shortly before midnlgiit in tile cooperage
works of J , and iT. J , Matthiieson anti burned
until dayligilt. title morning , Tile firemen
suffered Intensely from exposure and were
handicapped hiy some of the hydrants being
frozen , The works consisted of a four-
story brick building. This svas totally tie-
stroyed , ( lie walls being blown over early
title morning by tile force of ( lie gale , The
total loss on BtOCk , building and madilinery
is estimated at about $125,000 , There Is
about $75,000 insurance.
Fire In IS Chicago Lusts Duiiihiiig.
CHICAGO , Feb. 9-The fashionable fiat
building at 512 LaSailo avenue took fire this
afternoon , Augusla Corriot , maid of Leopold
I'roater , was prpbabiy fatally Injured by
jumping frorts a second story wndow , Tile
building was a handsome tour-story structure.
It. was occupied by about fprty families ,
Many of the tenants lied narrow escapes , ccv-
eral women being iescued by ( lie firemen , but
none vere dangerously hurt except Miss Cor-
riot , The fire was got under control with a
ltes of $25,000. $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lowest l'uIii Eyer 'rouched.
COLUMBIA , S. C. , Fob. 0.-Tile mercury
stood at 8 tcday , the lowest point since rec-
ods have been kept in Columbia.
- , , ) . -
' - - - - - - ' - - '
Special Nolices-Oouncil Oluffs
Etll3urke , at W. B. homer's , ZIS Broadway ,
court house. Apply at lice oflice , Council Bluff. .
oral housework ; best of references , Address ' 15
6 , lIce 0111cc ,
Jacob SIms , 316 O'Iatner street.
Ilouse fOr man on farm ; no olijection to no
child , Address 1. . . lleveii , ltlOstliavcnue , Cfl.
for two genilelnen ; nicely furnished ; steam
heat. 13 56 , lice office.
Minnceot t'lrm Controls All lhio Avieilitb& .
Supply ,
CHICAGO , Feb. 9.-fl , A. Foster of
Winona , Minn. , has just cornered the egg
maclost of tile United States and the coider
the weatiier grows alill thio longer the cold
spell lasts the greater the profits lie will
reap , "Eggs are 35 cents a dozen in No
'York ' , " lie said , "Beforo another sun goes
dowa I may raise it hi 40 cents or I may
stop their supply altogether and compel ( liens
to eat Canadian limed eggs that 'were laid
before tile McKinley bill became a bow. "
Mr. Foster Is tue principal in the firm ot
H. A. Foster & Co , of Winona , Minn , , the
most extensive egg shippers west of Ciii-
cage , Minnesota , Wisconsin anil tile
Dakotas filrnlshh the markets on willch ( lie
firm depends for its supply , During last
spring when prices were low the firm
gatllereci in all tile eggs it could and stored
(11cm in cold storage in Chicago , The Foster
company was appealed to wllen there vas a
big demand for eggs to break into the reserve -
servo , It always declined to do so.
Says Foster : "Vhen I was satisfied ( ho
cold weather had conic to stay I divided my
stock into three ports. One part I sent to
New York , one to Boston and one was kept
hero , As there cati bo no fresh supplies ; ts
long as the present weather continues and
as there are mitt holdings to speak of outside
of mine I practically control ( lie marketS , "
- -S
Actor Vro.i > .orrilllle ColyilIdell ,
INDIANAPOLIS , Feb. 9-Fred Lorraine.
an actor , was cowhided In one of the news-
pauter offices of this city by Mrs. North , a
resident of one of ( lie suburbs. Lorraine
tried to marry Miss North , 18 years of age ,
who was a member of his company last sum-
oner , anti Mrs. North discovered , It is alleged ,
that Ini lied a wife and CillId living in this
city , Lorraine was for three years a member -
ber of time Margaret Mather company , and
( ito last two years lIe has been playiag in
small stock companies. Ills real name Is
William 'reuey , , and lie is the oldest son of a
wealthy brewer of Leeds , England , who baa
been raised to tue peerage ,
Alisenteea Cansu the ( July Citteuge.
SALEM , Ore , , Fob , 9-In time joint ballot
today for United States senator , ( Ito following
vote was cast , representing no cilange from '
( lIst of yesterday : Dolph , 20 ; Hare , 10 ;
Weatherford , 4 ; Williams , 9 ; Lord , 5 ; Lowell ,
8 ; absent , 21.'S
Nw York i'cekly hunk mtatement.
NJ3V YOIilC , Feb. L-Thie weekly bank stale ,
meat .11051 ltio following chanesi fleserye ,
decree. , , Ja$15,2U1 loan. , decrease , $ G,2-15SOo ;
specie , increase , 1Ol,4idJ ( teal tende . , decrease.
16.146,500 ; deposit. , decrease , flJt&0U'jo ; clecuis.
lion. increase , * 233.400.
Tile banks oow hold $33,760,223 In In excess ci
the requirement. of the 25 per cent rule ,
. . . t '
r ) v' - - ' ' "
- i : '